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NO. ISSN : 0852 257 X
By, Meidiwarman
Staf Pengajar Fakultas Pertanian UNRAM
Jln. Majapahit 62 Mataram
Tlp. (0370) 621435, Email :

The high price and limited stock of soybean not only showing the internal
phenomenon of Indonesian soybean but also showing that Indonesia is a food insufficient
country. Therefore, one strategy to overcome the problem is intensification and extensification
of dry land agriculture land resources. However, so far there is no variety of soybeans is
recommended resistant to pest insects and drought stresses.

The specific objectives of the study were (a) to screen, identify, and find some
genotypes of soybean for genetic material parents of pest insects and drought resistance, (b) to
create new segregated population for pest insects and drought resistance through single cross.
The study was designed in Completely Randomized Block Design (RCBD) with six
genotypes as treatments: Sinabung (G1), Kaba (G2), Panderman (G3), Argomulyo (G4),
Anjasmoro (G5) and Burangrang (G6). Each genotype of soybean was in three replicates.

Results of the study showed that: there was no variety among the tested varieties of
soybean resistant to pest insects and drought stresses under dryland ecosystem in West and
Central Lombok. While, in North Lombok and East Lombok, variety of Kaba, Panderman, and
Anjasmoro were considered as genetic parents for breeding new superior variety of soybean
for pest insects and drought resistance.
Keywords: breeding, superior variety, soybean, pest insects, dryland
1. Background of Study
Nowdays the rate of soybean productivity is only 1,3 ton/ha, with the range that still low
among the farmer, especially in Lombok Tengah. The rate is about 1.2 ton/ha (anonim,2004).
Meanwhile, the production rate in research level that was planted with tanam tugal by drill
planting in paddy fields is 2,3 tones /ha and 1.4 tones / ha for no-tillage (TOT) on dry land
(Arsyad, 2002). In addition to low production at the farm level due to widespread adoption of the
low technology and also limited development of planting in paddy fields with technical irrigation.
The ways to increase the soybean production are using intensification and extension programs.
Intensification can be done by imitating the pattern that was applied when the government boost
the rice production but ecologically beneficial
Extention program can be done by expanding the area to productive dry land. The
spesifications of dry land agroecosistem in NTB (Lombok and Sumbawa) have a dry climate that
categories as climate type D3 (3 to 4 months wet and 4-6 months dry), climate type D4 (3-4
months wet and dry more than 6 months), and climate type E3 (less than 3 months wet) (Oldeman,
1981). The organic content of dry land soil in Lombok island is relatively low, as required by the
resistant organic C content of some types of soil, they are Entisol (0.12%) - 1.76%), Inceptisol
(0.91% -2.11%), Andisol (2.0%), mollisol 2.62%, Alfisols (1.81%)) and Vertisol 0.66%. Entisols,
Inceptisols and andisols have unstable soil structure, while Alfisols, Vertisols and mollisols fairly
steady (Sukartono cit. Tarudi, 2004)
Considering the potential area of dry land in NTB, especially in Lombok island with
various specifications of the agro-ecosystem, it is necessary to use appropriate technology holistic
approach to manage the dry land, by extending the use of superior varieties of soybean that was
obtained through breeding activities / assembly of new superior varieties, resistant to drought and
resistent to pest. The targets of this study are expected to develop the dry land patterns in NTB,
used as an agenda of RENSTRA DAERAH and expected harmonious coordination between dry
land development sector with farming communities in the development of human resources

2. The Purpose of Study

a. To identify the source of genetical soybean that has a resistance to pest and dry land
b. To expand the basic and genetic diversity (genetic base) for soybean basic population through
in-vitro culture techniques and mutation techniques for pests and drought resistance,
c. To establish segregating populations for pests and drought resistance through a single cross
(persilangan tunggal).
To achieve that goal, a series of sub-studies will be held, include: (1) Evaluate the soybean genetic
resources for pests and drought resistance through multilocation trials that have been conducted in
the first year (2) Assemble soybean varieties that are resistant to pests and drought that will be
conducted in the second years.

3. Problems and problem-solving approach

Dry temperate lowland areas that have the potential for dryland crops spread mainly in
Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Java, and Sumatra, covering an area of 2.74 million ha. The problem
faced is the rainy season is too short and rocky soil in some places. The rain-fed agricultural land,
especially in the dry areas such as eastern Indonesia, is always threatened by the risk of water
shortages and Plant Pest Organisms attacks mainly pests. The way to solve the problem is to
improve the stability of the results with those two limiting factor through the improvement of plant
adaptation to drought stress and pest resistance, the improvement of yield potential of strains that
have broad adaptation. In this study, we will find that soybean resist to major pests on specific dry
land in Lombok, which will impact the economy and ecology, namely:,
- Its use can be practical and economically beneficial
- Target specific control
- The effectiveness of control are cumulative and persistent
- Compatibility with other components of Integrated Pest Management
- The negative impact on the environment is limited


This research is series of some comprehensive trial activity that was done for 3 years
(Figure 1.1: Flowchart of study) by using genetic resources and biotechnology in order to
improve the properties of soybean resistant to pests and drought, which obtained promising lines
or soybean varieties resistant to pests and drought.
The first year: a multi-location trials in 4 districts (West Lombok, Central Lombok, East
Lombok and North Lombok) that have different characteristics of dry land.

First Year
Experiment 2.1. Multilocation trial, to evaluate the robustness properties of soybean
genotypes to pests and drought

The Purpose. This experiment aims to get some genotypes of soybean resistance to pests and
drought. From the result of this selections, we will obtain soybean lines with different levels of
resistance to pests, biodiversity and abundance level that will be used as the basis population study
for the second experiment. Experiments designed by using Randomized Complete Block Design
(RCBD). Genotypes used is Sinabung genotypes (G1), Kaba (G2), panderman (G3), Argomulyo
(G4), Anjasmoro (G5) and varieties Burangrang (G6) . Each treatment was repeated for 3 times.
This study is a series of comprehensive experimental activities for three years by taking
advantage of local genetic resources and biotechnology in order to improve the properties of
soybean resistant to pests and drought, that will obtain a promising lines or varieties of soybean
that resistant to pests and drought.
The first year research: a multi-location trials in 4 districts (West Lombok, Central
Lombok, East Lombok and North Lombok) that have different characteristics of dry land.


1. The intensity of the attacks and the development of pest populations on Vegetative Phase of
From the observation of the intensity of pest attacks that was held since May to the end of
September 2014 on each location: study are listed in Table 1 below

Table 1. The attack intensity and the pest population development of soybean Vegetative Phase

Intensitas Serangan (%)

No. Varietas North West Central East Average
Lombok Lombok Lombok Lombok
1 Sinabung 9,04 12,33 8,42 19,91 12,42 a
2 Kaba 7,60 10,86 8,61 18,91 11,49 a
3 Panderman 8,22 12,57 8,86 19,87 12,38 a
4 Argomulyo 8,17 8,43 8,23 18,25 10,77 a
5 Anjasmoro 8,90 12,82 8,94 18,02 12,17 a
6 Burangrang 9,15 15,33 8,47 19,65 13,15 a
Average 8,51 11,89 8,59 19,10 12,02 a
From Table 1 above shows that the intensity of pest attack on soybean vegetative phase showed
no significant differences in the dryland agroecosystem. This means that the resistance between
varieties to pests same relative vegetative phase or varieties no significant effect on the intensity of
pest attacks in the vegetative phase dry land Lombok Island. But when seen from one location to
dry land then dryland agroecosystem East Lombok showed the highest intensity of an average of
19.10% and the lowest location of agroecosystem North Lombok (8.51%). Low attack on location
North Lombok allegedly caused by soy is a plant that has not been developed in North Lombok
for the development of a pest is strongly influenced by the existence of a previous host, especially
pests that are monofagus. The type and number of pests observations also less compared to other
locations such as shown in Table 2 below

Table 2. The average number of major pest population vegetative phase soybean crops in 4
locations of dryland agroecosystem on the island of Lombok

Type of pest
Location Spodoptera Phaedonia Valanga Melano- Lampro Agromyza
agromyza sema
North 2,00 a 2,25 a 1,12 a 4,37 a 2,25 a 3,40 a
West Lombok 3,25 a - 1,12 a 18,12 c 2,50 a 15,25 b
Central 3,12 a 1,25 a 2,25 a 6,20 a - 7,12 a
East Lombok 7,25 b 6,12 b 2,12a 10,12 b 5,37 b 18,37 c
Average 3,90 a 2,40 a 1,65 a 9,70 ab 2,53 b 11,03 b

From Table 2 above the highest pest populations in dryland agroecosystem Lombok Island
is a seed that flies 11.03, it is probably caused by planting time that was not done with insecticide
seed treatment (seed treatment) previously, and eventhough the intensity of the attack is still
relatively mild. The highest population is in the East Lombok dry land and the lowest is in North
Lombok dry land. For pest Spodoptera sp. (Armyworm) which is the most common pests that
cause damage to various types of plants because it has polyfag feature. the population is still
relatively low because it is still below the economic threshold (economic thresold). The highest
population is also found in soybean that grow in East Lombok, it is suspected because of planting
pattern applied by farmers of East Lombok dry land mostly rice and tobacco (which is a host
plants of Spodoptera sp.

2. The intensity of the attacks and the development of pest populations on Generative Phase of
The intensity of the attacks and the development of pest populations on Generative Phase of
Soybean that was observed after observation number 8 in the vegetative phase are listed in Table 3
Table 3. The intensity of the attacks and the development of pest populations on Generative
Phase of Soybean in 4 locations dryland Lombok

North West Lombok Central East Lombok Rata-rata

Varieties Lombok Lombok

Sinabung 28,57 5,33 79,10 13,33 57,50 9,66 16,67 4,33 45,46 8,16
Kaba 12,50 3,66 82,37 14,00 45,06 6,33 12,50 3,66 38,11 6,91
Panderman 25,00 4,00 79,47 12,66 49,36 7,00 60,00 10,66 53,46 8,58
Argomulyo 25,33 5,33 73,64 11,33 43,96 6,66 25,00 5,66 41,98 7,24
Anjasmoro 16,67 4,00 76,64 12,33 47,16 7,00 16,67 4,33 39,28 6,91
Burangrang 21,43 4,33 89,02 16,66 58,41 9,33 37,50 6,00 51,59 9,08
Average 21,58 4,44 80,04 13,38 50,24 7,66 28,05 5,77 44,98 7,81

From Table 3 above shows that highest intensity of pests on soybean vegetative phase
(attack / damage pods) in West Lombok dryland locations is 80.04% with an average population of
pests pod (Nezara viridula, Riptortus linearis and Etiella zinckinella) 13, 58 tail / clump. Likewise
for dryland locations in Central Lombok with the intensity of attack is 50.24% and population
about 7.66 fish / 5 clump. The high intensity of the attacks in West Lombok and Central Lombok
thought to be caused by the environment around the planting site that is widely provide host plants
such as corn, tomatoes, and string beans that are harvested at the time of soybean reach 2 month
old, beside the drought stress. As a result of the ponds attack / damage, it will greatly affect the
outcome / soybean production such as shown in Table 4 below.

Table 4. Soybean production for each side of dry land in Lombok Island

No. Vaeietas North West Central East prod (kw/ha)

Lombok Lombok Lombo Lombok
1. Sinabung 9,37 c 2,09 ab 4,18 b 7,50 5,78
2. Kaba 8,75 bc 1,59 b 5,23 a 10,23 b 6,45
3. Panderman 15,25 a 3,08 a 4,21 b 6,25 c 7,20
4. Argomulyo 7,50 bc 1,84 ab 5,35 a 9,22 bc 5,98
5. Anjasmoro 13,12 ac 3,04 a 4,50 ab 15,00 a 8,91
6. Burangrang 12,75 ac 1,43 b 4,15 8,25 bc 6,64
Average 11,12 abc 2,18 ab 4,60 ab 9,41 6,83
BNJ 0,05 4,21 1,46 0,92 3,24

From Table 4 above shows that in general, the average soybean production in dry land
of Lombok Island is still far from the expectations that is only 6.83 kw / ha. The highest
production of varieties produced by Anjasmoro (8.91 kw / ha) and the lowest produced by
Sinabung (5.78 kw / ha). However there are some varieties that have a relatively high yield
potential in specific agro-ecosystem of Lombok, for example padermanan, Anjasmoro and
Burangrang varieties that was planted on dry land in North Lombok and also Anjasmoro variety
that was planted on dry land in East Lombok. Those varieties have the potential to give above
average national production.
Table 5. Biodiversity level of predator and another insect in Lomboks dry land

Number of predators and another insect

LOCATION Predator Another insect

Fam Individu (H) Fam Individu (H)

NORTH 17 65 2,10 22 122 1,99
WEST 12 50 1,69 27 250 1,70
CENTRAL 15 104 1,47 25 254 1,57
EAST 18 117 1,67 23 138 1,96

From table 5, the number of predators caught for 9 times shows that the highest
observation in East Lombok dry land are 117 individuals and the lowest in West Lombok as
many as 50 people, but seen from the level of biodiversity (diversity), the highest is in North
Lombok with 2.10 average category, as well as for other insects highest biodiversity levels, so
that the dry land in North Lombok agroecosystem relatively more stable compared to other dry
land. This is why the intensity of soybean pests smaller than other dry land

1. Resistance of soybean varieties to pests and drought stress is relative different in each
2. On dry land location in West Lombok and Central Lombok none variety was resistant to
pests and drought. As for North Lombok (Kaba, Pandeman and Anjasamoro varieties) and for
East Lombok (Anjasmoro and Kaba varieties) can be considered as the base material for
soybean superior varieties breeding that resistant to pests and drought, especially in the second
type of dry land.
3. The highest level of biodiversity (diversity) and other insect predators can be found in the
dry lands of East Lombok
4. The highest biodiversity and other insect predators is in the dry land of North Lombok


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