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Lista 6

Para entregar em 25/5 (T5):

6.8, 6.12, 6.12, 6.13, 6.14, 6.15, 6.18, 6.22, 6.23, 6.28
276 Chapter 6 Magnetic Fields in Matter

Now, a rotating spherical shell, of uniform surface charge u, corresponds to a

surface current density

K = uv = uwR sinO~.
It follows, therefore, that the field of a uniformly magnetized sphere is identi-
cal to the field of a spinning spherical shell, with the identification u Rm ---+ M.
Referring back to Ex. 5.11, I conclude that
B = ""jJ.LoM, (6.16)

inside the sphere, while the field outside is the same as that of a perfect dipole,
4 3
3nR M.

Notice that the internal field is uniform, like the electric field inside a uniformly
polarized sphere (Eq. 4.14), although the actual formulas for the two cases are
curiously different(~ in place of -t). 6 The external fields are also analogous:
pure dipole in both instances.

Problem 6.7 An infinitely long circular cylinder carries a uniform magnetization

M parallel to its axis. Find the magnetic field (due to M) inside and outside the

Problem 6.8 A long circular cylinder of radius R carries a magnetization M =

ks 2 ~. where k is a constant, s is the distance from the axis, and ~ is the usual
azimuthal unit vector (Fig. 6.13). Find the magnetic field due to M, for points inside
and outside the cylinder.


6Itis no accident that the same factors appear in the "contact" term for the fields of electric and
magnetic dipoles (Eqs. 3.106 and 5.94). In fact, one good way to model a perfect dipole is to take the
limit (R ---+ 0) of a polarized/magnetized sphere.
282 Chapter 6 Magnetic Fields in Matter

electromagnet you run a certain (free) current through a coil. The current is the
thing you read on the dial, and this determines H (or at any rate, the line in-
tegral of H); B depends on the specific materials you used and even, if iron is
present, on the history of your magnet. On the other hand, if you want to set up
an electric field, you do not plaster a known free charge on the plates of a par-
allel plate capacitor; rather, you connect them to a battery of known voltage. It's
the potential difference you read on your dial, and that determines E (or rather,
the line integral of E); D depends on the details of the dielectric you're using. If
it were easy to measure charge, and hard to measure potential, then you'd find
experimentalists talking about D instead of E. So the relative familiarity of H,
as contrasted with D, derives from purely practical considerations; theoretically,
they're on an equal footing.
Many authors call H, not B, the "magnetic field." Then they have to invent a
new word forB: the "flux density," or magnetic "induction" (an absurd choice,
since that term already has at least two other meanings in electrodynamics). Any-
way, B is indisputably the fundamental quantity, so I shall continue to call it the
"magnetic field," as everyone does in the spoken language. H has no sensible
name: just call it "H."7

Problem 6.12 An infinitely long cylinder, of radius R, carries a "frozen-in" magne-

tization, parallel to the axis,

M = ksi,

where k is a constant and s is the distance from the axis; there is no free current
anywhere. Find the magnetic field inside and outside the cylinder by two different

(a) As in Sect. 6.2, locate all the bound currents, and calculate the field they

(b) Use Ampere's law (in the form of Eq. 6.20) to find D, and then get B from
Eq. 6.18. (Notice that the second method is much faster, and avoids any explicit
reference to the bound currents.)

Problem 6.13 Suppose the field inside a large piece of magnetic material is B 0 , so
that Do = (1/ JLo)B 0 - M, where M is a "frozen-in" magnetization.

(a) Now a small spherical cavity is hollowed out of the material (Fig. 6.21). Find
the field at the center of the cavity, in terms of B0 and M. Also find D at the
center of the cavity, in terms of D 0 and M.

(b) Do the same for a long needle-shaped cavity running parallel to M.

(c) Do the same for a thin wafer-shaped cavity perpendicular toM.

7 For those who disagree, I quote A. Sommerfeld's Electrodynamics (New York: Academic Press,
1952), p. 45: "The unhappy term 'magnetic field' for H should be avoided as far as possible. It seems
to us that this term has led into error none less than Maxwell himself ... "
6.3 The Auxiliary Field H 283

(a) Sphere (b) Needle (c) Wafer


Assume the cavities are small enough so M, B0 , and 8 0 are essentially constant.
Compare Prob. 4.16. [Hint: Carving out a cavity is the same as superimposing an
object of the same shape but opposite magnetization.]

6.3.2 A Deceptive Parallel

Equation 6.19 looks just like Ampere's original law (Eq. 5.56), except that the
total current is replaced by the free current, and B is replaced by tt 0 H. As in the
case of D, however, I must warn you against reading too much into this corre-
spondence. It does not say that ttoH is "just like B, only its source is J f instead of
J ." For the curl alone does not determine a vector field-you must also know the
divergence. And whereas V B = 0, the divergence of H is not, in general, zero.
In fact, from Eq. 6.18
VH=-VM. (6.23)
Only when the divergence of M vanishes is the parallel between B and ttoH
If you think I'm being pedantic, consider the example of the bar magnet-a
short cylinder of iron that carries a permanent uniform magnetization M parallel
to its axis. (See Probs. 6.9 and 6.14.) In this case there is no free current any-
where, and a naive application ofEq. 6.20 might lead you to suppose that H = 0,
and hence that B = ttoM inside the magnet and B = 0 outside, which is non-
sense. It is quite true that the curl of H vanishes everywhere, but the divergence
does not. (Can you see where V M f= 0?) Advice: When you are asked to find
B or H in a problem involving magnetic materials, first look for symmetry. If the
problem exhibits cylindrical, plane, solenoidal, or toroidal symmetry, then you
can get H directly from Eq. 6.20 by the usual Ampere's law methods. (Evidently,
in such cases V M is automatically zero, since the free current alone determines
the answer.) If the requisite symmetry is absent, you'll have to think of another
284 Chapter 6 Magnetic Fields in Matter

approach, and in particular you must not assume that H is zero just because there
is no free current in sight.

6.3.3 Boundary Conditions

The magnetostatic boundary conditions of Sect. 5.4.2 can be rewritten in terms of
Hand the free current. From Eq. 6.23 it follows that


while Eq. 6.19 says

H above- Hll K (6.25)
below = f X n.

In the presence of materials, these are sometimes more useful than the correspond-
ing boundary conditions on B (Eqs. 5.74 and 5.76):



B~bove - B~elow = /Lo(K X ii). (6.27)

You might want to check them, for Ex. 6.2 or Prob. 6.14.

Problem 6.14 For the bar magnet of Prob. 6.9, make careful sketches of M, B, and
H, assuming Lis about 2a. Compare Prob. 4.17.
Problem 6.15lf J1 = 0 everywhere, the curl ofH vanishes (Eq. 6.19), and we can
express H as the gradient of a scalar potential W:

According to Eq. 6.23, then,

soW obeys Poisson's equation, with V Mas the "source." This opens up all the
machinery of Chapter 3. As an example, find the field inside a uniformly magne-
tized sphere (Ex. 6.1) by separation of variables. [Hint: V M = 0 everywhere ex-
cept at the surface (r = R), so W satisfies Laplace's equation in the regions r < R
and r > R; use Eq. 3.65, and from Eq. 6.24 figure out the appropriate boundary
condition on W.]


6.4.1 Magnetic Susceptibility and Permeability

In paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials, the magnetization is sustained by the
field; when B is removed, M disappears. In fact, for most substances the mag-
netization is proportional to the field, provided the field is not too strong. For
6.4 Linear and Nonlinear Media 287

Gaussian pillbox

M=) - . ,
Vacuum 1


Incidentally, the volume bound current density in a homogeneous linear mate-

rial is proportional to the free current density:

Jb = V x M = V x (xmH) = XmJJ (6.33)

In particular, unless free current actually flows through the material, all bound
current will be at the surface.

Problem 6.16 A coaxial cable consists of two very long cylindrical tubes, separated
by linear insulating material of magnetic susceptibility Xm. A current I flows down
the inner conductor and returns along the outer one; in each case, the current dis-
tributes itself uniformly over the surface (Fig. 6.24). Find the magnetic field in the
region between the tubes. As a check, calculate the magnetization and the bound
currents, and confirm that (together, of course, with the free currents) they generate
the correct field.


Problem 6.17 A current I flows down a long straight wire of radius a. If the wire
is made of linear material (copper, say, or aluminum) with susceptibility Xm, and
the current is distributed uniformly, what is the magnetic field a distance s from the
axis? Find all the bound currents. What is the net bound current flowing down the

Problem 6.18 A sphere of linear magnetic material is placed in an otherwise uni-

form magnetic field B0 Find the new field inside the sphere. [Hint: See Prob. 6.15
or Prob. 4.23.]

Problem 6.19 On the basis of the na'ive model presented in Sect. 6.1.3, estimate
the magnetic susceptibility of a diamagnetic metal such as copper. Compare your
answer with the empirical value in Table 6.1, and comment on any discrepancy.
292 Chapter 6 Magnetic Fields in Matter


(b) Show that the interaction energy of two magnetic dipoles separated by a dis-
placement r is given by

u= /1-o _!_[mt . mz - 3(mt . r)(mz. r)]. (6.35)

4rr r 3
Compare Eq. 4.7.

(c) Express your answer to (b) in terms of the angles (}1 and (}2 in Fig. 6.30, and use
the result to find the stable configuration two dipoles would adopt if held a fixed
distance apart, but left free to rotate.

(d) Suppose you had a large collection of compass needles, mounted on pins at
regular intervals along a straight line. How would they point (assuming the
earth's magnetic field can be neglected)? [A rectangular array of compass nee-
dles aligns itself spontaneously, and this is sometimes used as a demonstration
of "ferromagnetic" behavior on a large scale. It's a bit of a fraud, however, since
the mechanism here is purely classical, and much weaker than the quantum me-
chanical exchange forces that are actually responsible for ferromagnetism. 13 ]

More Problems on Chapter 6

Problem 6.22 In Prob. 6.4, you calculated the force on a dipole by "brute force."
Here's a more elegant approach. First write B(r) as a Taylor expansion about the
center of the loop:
B(r) ~ B(r0 ) + [(r - ro) V o]B(ro),
where r 0 is the position of the dipole and V 0 denotes differentiation with respect to
r 0 . Put this into the Lorentz force law (Eq. 5.16) to obtain

F =If dl x [(r V )B(r 0 0 )].

Or, numbering the Cartesian coordinates from 1 to 3:

where Eijk is the Levi-Civita symbol (+1 if ijk = 123, 231, or 312; -1 if ijk =
132, 213, or 321; 0 otherwise), in terms of which the cross-product can be written
(Ax B); = L~,k=l EijkAjBk. Use Eq. 1.108 to evaluate the integral. Note that
L EijkEJjm = OiJOkm - O;mOkJ,

where oii is the Kronecker delta (Prob. 3.52).

13 For an intriguing exception, see B. Parks, Am. J. Phys. 74, 351 (2006), Section II.
6.4 Linear and Nonlinear Media 293

(a) (b)


Problem 6.23 A familiar toy consists of donut-shaped permanent magnets (magne-

tization parallel to the axis), which slide frictionlessly on a vertical rod (Fig. 6.31).
Treat the magnets as dipoles, with mass ma and dipole moment m.

(a) If you put two back-to-hack magnets on the rod, the upper one will "float"-the
magnetic force upward balancing the gravitational force downward. At what
height (z) does it float?

(b) If you now add a third magnet (parallel to the bottom one), what is the ratio of
the two heights? (Determine the actual number, to three significant digits.)
[Answer: (a) [3JL 0 m 2 j21l'mag] 114; (b) 0.8501]

Problem 6.24 Imagine two charged magnetic dipoles (charge q, dipole moment m),
constrained to move on the z axis (same as Problem 6.23(a), but without gravity).
Electrically they repel, but magnetically (if both m's point in the z direction) they

(a) Find the equilibrium separation distance.

(b) What is the equilibrium separation for two electrons in this orientation.
[Answer: 4.72 X w- 13 m.]

(c) Does there exist, then, a stable bound state of two electrons?

Problem 6.25 Notice the following parallel:

V D = 0, v X E = 0, EoE = D-P, (no free charge);

{ V B=O, v X H= 0, JLoH = B - JLoM, (no free current).

Thus, the transcription D ~ B, E ~ H, P ~ JLoM, Eo ~ J.Lo turns an electrostatic

problem into an analogous magnetostatic one. Use this, together with your knowl-
edge of the electrostatic results, to rederive

(a) the magnetic field inside a uniformly magnetized sphere (Eq. 6.16);

(b) the magnetic field inside a sphere of linear magnetic material in an otherwise
uniform magnetic field (Prob. 6.18);
294 Chapter 6 Magnetic Fields in Matter

(c) the average magnetic field over a sphere, due to steady currents within the
sphere (Eq. 5.93).

Problem 6.26 Compare Eqs. 2.15, 4.9, and 6.11. Notice that if p, P, and M are
uniform, the same integral is involved in all three:

!4 1
-;;; dr: .

Therefore, if you happen to know the electric field of a uniformly charged object,
you can immediately write down the scalar potential of a uniformly polarized ob-
ject, and the vector potential of a uniformly magnetized object, of the same shape.
Use this observation to obtain V inside and outside a uniformly polarized sphere
(Ex. 4.2), and A inside and outside a uniformly magnetized sphere (Ex. 6.1).


Problem 6.27 At the interface between one linear magnetic material and another,
the magnetic field lines bend (Fig. 6.32). Show that tan f)zj tan fh = t-L 2 / f:-Lt, assum-
ing there is no free current at the boundary. Compare Eq. 4.68.

Problem 6.28 A magnetic dipole m is imbedded at the center of a sphere (radius

R) oflinear magnetic material (permeability f:-L). Show that the magnetic field inside
the sphere (0 < r ~ R) is

_!!__ {_!_[3(m. r)r- m] + (/-Lo- t-L)m}.
4Jr r 3 (2/-Lo + t-L)R 3
What is the field outside the sphere?

Problem 6.29 You are asked to referee a grant application, which proposes to deter-
mine whether the magnetization of iron is due to "Ampere" dipoles (current loops)
or "Gilbert" dipoles (separated magnetic monopoles). The experiment will involve
a cylinder of iron (radius R and length L = lOR), uniformly magnetized along the
direction of its axis. If the dipoles are Ampere-type, the magnetization is equivalent
to a surface bound current Kb = M ~; if they are Gilbert-type, the magnetization is
equivalent to surface monopole densities ub = M at the two ends. Unfortunately,
these two configurations produce identical magnetic fields, at exterior points. How-
ever, the interior fields are radically different-in the first case B is in the same

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