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The nature of equilibrium
The phase rule: Duhems Theorem
VLE: Qualitative behavior
Simple models for vapor-liquid equilibrium
VLE by modified Raoults law
VLE from K-value correlations

The student should be able to:

1. Describe the behaviour of VLE and how to simplify the VLE problem.
2. Derive and simplify equations of VLE.
3. Apply simplified VLE equations to obtain data for P-XY, T-XY and X-Y
4. Apply Raoults law and Henrys law to solve simple thermodynamic
5. Carry out bubble and dew point calculations for a given mixture
6. Carry out flash calculation in order to determine the vapor/liquid
fraction as well as the mixture composition of each phase at
specified conditions using available K-Values etc.

The Nature of Equilibrium
is a static condition in
which no changes occurs in the
macroscopic properties of a system
with time.

Thetemperature, pressure and phase

compositions reach final values which
thereafter remain fixed.
Measures of Composition
Most common measures of composition are mass
fraction, mole fraction and molar concentration

Mass or mole fraction is defined as the ratio of mass

or number of moles of a particular chemical species
in a mixture or solution to the total mass or number
of moles of mixture or solution:

mi mi ni n i
xi xi
m n n

Molar concentration is defined as the ratio of mole
fraction of a particular chemical species in a mixture or
solution to molar volume of the mixture of solution
xi moles of i per
Ci unit volume
For flow process, gives the expression as a ratio of


where n is the molar flow rate of species i, and q is the volumetric flow rate.

The molar mass of a mixture or solution : mole
fraction-weighted sum of the molar masses of all
M xi M i

The Phase Rule: Duhems Theorem
The no. of variables that may be independently fixed in a
system at equilibrium is the difference between total no. of
phase-rule variables that characterize the intensive state of
the system and the no. of independent phase equilibrium
The intensive state of a PVT system containing N chemical
species and phases in equilibrium is characterized by the
intensive variables, temperature T, pressure P, and N1 mole
fractions for each phase.
No. of phase-rule variables : 2 + (N-1)()
masses of the phases are not phaserule variable (no influence on intensive state of system)
No. of independent phase equilibrium equations : (1)(N)
Degrees of freedom of the system, F
F = 2 + (N 1)() (1)(N)
Upon reduction, the phase rule becomes
F = 2 + N
Duhems theorem
It applies to closed systems at equilibrium for which the
extensive state as well as intensive state of the system is
Intensive phase rule variables : 2 + (N-1)
Extensive phase rule variable (masses or mole no. of the phases) :
Total number of variables : 2 + (N-1) + = 2 + N
If the system is closed and formed from specified amounts
of each species,
No. of independent equations: (1)(N)+N = N
The difference between the no. of variables and the no. of
2 + NN = 2

Duhems Theorem:
For any closed system formed initially from given masses of prescribed
chemical species, the equilibrium state is completely determined when
any two independent variables are fixed.

The two independent variables subject to specification may

in general be either intensive or extensive.

However, the number of independent intensive variables is

given by the phase rule.

When F = 1, at least one of the two variables must be

extensive, and when F = 0, both must be extensive.

VLE: Qualitative Behavior
VLE is the state of coexistence of liquid and vapor phases.

Consider a system comprising of two chemical species

(N=2), the phase rule becomes
F = 2- + N = 2- + 2 =4 -
Because there must at least one phase ( = 1),
maximum number of phase rule variables = 3
P, T, and one mole (or mass) fraction.

All equilibrium states of the system can be represented in

three-dimensional (3D) P-T-composition space.

Within this space, the states of pairs of phases coexisting at

equilibrium (F = 4 - 2 = 2) define surfaces.
3D diagram: surfaces for VLE

P-T-composition surfaces contain
the equi. states of sat. vapor and
sat. liquid for species 1 and 2 of a
binary system.

Species 1 is 'lighter' or more


Upper surface represents sat. liquid

states, i.e. PTx1 surface

Under surface represents sat. vapor

states, i.e. PTy1 surface

Surfaces intersect along the line

RKAC1 & UBHC2 : vapor P vs. T
curves for pure species 1 and 2 12
Rounded surfaces between C1 and C2:
critical locus points at which vapor
and liquid phases in equilibrium
become identical

Critical point: highest T & P where a

pure chemical species is observed to
exist in VLE

Subcooledliquid region above

upper surface
Superheated vapor region below
under surface

Interior space between two surfaces:

region of coexistence of both liquid
and vapor phase 13
If starts with liquid at F and reduce the P
at constant T and composition along FG
First bubble of vapor appears at point L:
upper surface: bubblepoint surface
The state of vapor bubble in equilibrium
with the liquid at L, is represented by a
point on the under surface at the T,P of
L : point V. Line LV is tie line.

As the pressure is further reduced,

more liquid is vaporized until at W, the
process is complete.
W : point where last drop of liquid
(dew) disappear: dewpoint;
Lower surface: dewpoint surface
Continued reduction of P leads into
superheated region.
Complexity of figure, the detailed characteristics of binary VLE
are usually depicted by 2D by cutting the 3D diagram.
Vertical plane perpendicular to T axis
The lines on this plane form P-x1-y1 phase
diagram at constant T
Horizontal lines ~ tie line connecting
the compositions of phases in
Tb and Td lie between two pure
species critical temperatures, Tc
identified by C1 and C2.
Horizontal plane perpendicular to P axis
The lines on this plane form T-x1-y1 phase
diagram at constant P
Pb ~ lies between the critical
pressures, Pc of two pure species at
point C1 and C2
Pd ~ above critical pressure, Pc of two
pure species
Vertical & perpendicular to
composition axis SLMN and Q
UC2 and RC1: vaporpressures
curves for the pure species

At point A & B , sat. liquid and

sat. vapor lines intersect
sat. liquid of one composition
and sat. vapor of another
composition have same T & P
and two phases are in

Tie line connecting A & B are

perpendicular to PT plane same
as tie line LV.
Critical point of a binary mixture
occurs where the nose of a loop is
tangent to the envelope curve, i.e.
critical locus

Location of the critical point on the

nose of the loop varies becomes
varies with composition

Under certain conditions, a

condensation process occurs as the
result of a reduction in pressure.

Fig. 10.4 shows the enlarged nose
section of a single PT loop
Critical point at C
Point of maximum pressure ~ Mp
Point of maximum temperature~ MT

Interior dashed curved ~ liquid

fraction in a two phase mixture

Pressure reduction along line BD ~

vaporization of liquid from
bubblepoint to dewpoint

Retrograde condensation: initial

point is at F (sat. vapor) reduction in
P causes liquefaction until max at G,
after that vaporization takes place
until dewpoint is reached at H
Retrograde condensation: Refer page 344 18
Fig. 10.5: PT diagram for typical mixtures
of nonpolar substances such as Fig. 10.6: yx diagram of ethane/n
hydrocarbon. The PT diagram for the heptane for several pressures
ethane/nheptane system.

Fig. 10.7: PT diagram a very different kind of system, methanol(1)/benzene(2).
The nature of the curves suggests the difficulties in predicting phase behavior for
species so dissimilar as methanol and benzene

Fig. 10.8 and Fig. 10.9: Display common types of Pxy and txy behavior at
condition well removed from the critical region Explanation: Refer page 345-347

Fig. 10.10: The y1x1 diagrams at constant P four systems

Simple Models for Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium
Goal thermodynamics applied in VLE: To find the
temperatures, pressures and compositions of phases in

Therefore, we need models for the behavior of systems in

vapor/liquid equilibrium

Two simplest:
Raoults Law
System at low to moderate pressures and only
for systems comprised of chemically similar
Henrys Law
For any species present at low concentration and
limited to systems at low to moderate pressures. 23
Raoults Law
The vapor phase is an ideal gas
It means can apply only for low to moderate
The liquid phase is an ideal solution
It have approximate validity when the species that
comprise the system are chemically similar
Mathematical expressions to Raoults Law:

yi P xi Pi sat (i 1,2,..., N ) Eq.10.1


x i liquid phase mole fraction

y i vapor phase mole fraction

Pi vapor phase pressure of pure species i at the temp. of the system
Dewpoint and Bubblepoint Calculations With Raoults Law
Because iyi = 1, Eq. (10.1) may be summed over all
species to yield
P xi Pi sat Eq. 10.2

This equation applied in bubblepoint calculations, where

the vapor-phase composition is unknown.

For a binary system with x2 = 1 x1,

P P2sat P1sat P2sat x1
sat sat
P x1 P1 x 2 P2
P vs. x1 at constant T straight line connecting
sat sat
P x1 P1 ( 1 x1 )P2 P2sat at x1=0 to P1sat at x1=1

P P2

Equation (10.1) may also be solved for xi and summed over
all species. With ixi = 1, this yield
P Eq. 10.3
i Pi sat

This equation applied in dewpoint calculations, where the

liquid-phase composition is unknown.

Pisat, or the vapor pressure of component i, is commonly

represented by Antoine Equation (Appendix B, Table B.2,
SVNA 7th ed.):
ln Pi sat ( kPa ) A
T (K ) Ci
Dew Point Pressure:
Given a vapor composition at a specified temperature,
find the composition of the liquid in equilibrium
Given T, y1, y2,... yn find P, x1, x2, ... xn
Dew Point Temperature:
Given a vapor composition at a specified pressure,
find the composition of the liquid in equilibrium
Given P, y1, y2,... yn find T, x1, x2, ... xn
Bubble Point Pressure:
Given a liquid composition at a specified temperature,
find the composition of the vapor in equilibrium
Given T, x1, x2, ... xn find P, y1, y2,... yn
Bubble Point Temperature:
Given a liquid composition at a specified pressure,
find the composition of the vapor in equilibrium
Given P, x1, x2, ... xn find T, y1, y2,... yn 27
Example 1

Binary system acetonitrile(1)/nitromethane(2) conforms

closely to Raoults law. Vapor pressures for the pure
species are given by the following Antoine equations:
2945 . 47
ln P1 sat 14 . 2724
T 49 . 15
2972 . 64
ln P2sat 14 . 2043
T 64 . 15

a) Prepare a graph showing P vs. x1 and P vs. y1 for a

temperature of 75oC (348.15K).

b) Prepare a graph showing t vs. x1 and t vs. y1 for a

pressure of 70kPa.

Solution (a)
BUBL P calculations

1) Calculate P1sat and P2sat using Antoine equations

At 384.15K (75oC), P1sat = 83.21kPa and P2sat = 41.98kPa
2) Calculate P using equation for binary system:

P P2sat P1sat P2sat x1
3) Lets x1 = 0.6,
P 41 .98 83 .21 41 .98 0.6 66 .72 kPa
4) Calculate value of y1 using Raoults Law expression:
x1 P1sat ( 0 .6 )( 83 .21)
y1 0 .7483
P 66 .72

It means that at 75C and 66.72 kPa, a liquid mixture of 60 mol%

acetonitrile and 40 mol% nitromethane is in equilibrium with a vapor
mixture of 74.83 mol% acetonitrile and 25.17 mol%
The results of calculations for 75oC (348.15K) at a number of values of x1:

States in calculation:
Two phase region: sat.liq & sat.
X1=0.6,P=66.72kPa, y1=0.7483
vapor coexist in equilibrium

Locus of bubblepoint

Bubblepoint x1 y1 P(kPa)
0.0 0.0000 41.98
0.1 0.1805 46.10
0.2 0.3313 50.23
States of sat. liquid
0.3 0.4593 54.35
0.4 0.5692 58.47
0.5 0.6647 62.60
States of sat. vapor Locus of dewpoint 0.6 0.7483 66.72
0.7 0.8222 70.84
0.8 0.8880 74.96
0.9 0.9469 79.09
1.0 1.0000 83.21

DEW P calculations

1) Calculate P using Eq. 10.3:

y1 P1sat y2 P2sat

2) Lets y1 = 0.6 (at point c) and T = 75 deg C, calculate P :

P 59.74kPa
0.6 83.21 0.4 41.98
3) Calculate value of x1 using Raoults Law expression:
y1 P ( 0 .6 )( 59 .74 ) Liquid phase
x1 sat
0 .4308 composition at point c
P1 83 .21

Solution (b)
1) Calculate T1sat and T2sat at the given pressure using Antoine
equations T i sat
A i ln P
For P = 70kPa, T1sat/ t1sat = 342.99K/69.84C and T2sat/ t2sat = 362.73K/89.58C

2) Select T1sat<T<T2sat, calculate P1sat and P2sat for these

temperature. For example take T = 78oC (351.15K),
At 351.15K (78oC), P1sat = 91.76kPa and P2sat = 46.84kPa

3) Lets evaluate x1 using equation for binary system:

P P2sat 70 46 . 84
x1 0 . 5156
P1 P2
sat sat
91 . 76 46 . 84
4) Calculate value of y1 using Raoults Law expression:
x1 P1sat ( 0 .5156 )( 91 .76 )
y1 0 .6759
P 70
The results of this and similar calculations for P = 70kPa are as follows:

x1 y1 t (C)
1.0000 1.0000 69.84 Two phase region: sat.liq & sat.
vapor coexist in equilibrium
0.8596 0.9247 72 States of sat. vapor

0.7378 0.8484 74
0.6233 0.7656 76
0.5156 0.6759 78
Locus of dewpoint
0.4142 0.5789 80
States of sat. liquid
0.3184 0.4742 82 Dewpoint

0.2280 0.3614 84
0.1424 0.2401 86
Locus of bubblepoint
0.0613 0.1098 88
0.0000 0.0000 89.58

Bubl T calculations
For x1 = 0.6 and P = 70kPa, T is determine by iteration.
Equation (10.2) is written as
P2sat where P1
sat sat
P2 Eq.(B)
x1 x2
Subtract ln P2sat from ln P1sat as given by Antoine equations yield
2945 . 47 2972 . 64
ln 0 . 0681 Eq. (C)
t 224 . 00 t 209 . 00
Iterate as follow:
Assume a t (an arbitrary intermediate t)
Calculate at the t assumed with Eq. (C)
calculate P2sat with Eq. (B) 2972 . 64
Calculate t from Antoine equation for species 2: t 209 . 00
14 . 2043 ln P2sat

Compare the t calculated and the t assumed

If t calculated t assumed, start a new iteration using the t calculated

The result is t = 76.42oC (349.57K), the temperature at point b and b. From Antoine
equation, P1sat=87.17 kPa and by Eq. (10.1), y1 = 0.7472

Dew T calculations
With P1sat/P2sat, Eq. (10.3) is written as
P1sat P ( y1 y 2 )
The iteration steps are as before, but are based on P1sat, with
2945 . 47
t 224 . 00
14 . 2724 ln P1 sat
The result is t=79.58oC (352.73K). From Antoine equation, P1sat= 96.53kPa
and from Eq. (10.1), x1 = 0.4351

Assuming the validity of Raoults law, do the following
calculation for the benzene (1)/toluene (2) system.

a) Given x1=0.33 and T=100C(373.15K), find y1 and P

b) Given y1=0.33 and T=100C(373.15K), find x1 and P
c) Given x1=0.33 and P=120kPa, find y1 and T
d) Given y1=0.33 and P=120kPa, find x1 and T


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