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This is a reply to @Snakeisninja concerning what we can do (I take it he means in our intellectual careers (a.k.a.

not starting a family and just being

Christian-we should already do that)). I think this is worth a post since people have asked me a lot about the one What it to be done? question. Here is my
best answer. It is obvious that we cannot sustain political victories in the present system largely due to the fact that we have no cultural support or organization
in present system. Moreover, this community is not focused on funding political movements and certainly not in organizing some kind of armed separatist
movement against the present governments in the West. So for reasons both of focus and the manifestly political reality that we find ourselves in, the avenue
that we have open to us for expansion is culture in the broadest sense.
Specifically, what is needed most immediately is a dissident right counter-culture. This has not yet been developed. This cannot be achieved by glomming onto
an existing online community, or finding the perfect church, or locating the original vampire of modernity. The foundation needs to be built here, and the people
interested in making a difference, insofar as this community is concerned, are looking to cut the cornerstones on this project. This is what I generally was
talking about in the category -3- content discussed in the previous post. However, while I think category -1 (memes), category 2 (responses and apologetics
that consist of using established arguments) were clear to most people, the category -3- content was a little more vague. This is not surprising since it is a
much broader category, but I think I can lay out some sub categories that might illustrate the directions that can be taken
1. Directly Creating Culture This is the most obvious way to build a counter culture, e.g. writing stories, making comedy and drama, creating short
animations, poetry, and music. These cultural works do not need to contain explicitly political or philosophical messages from a traditionalist perspective as
they will implicitly contain the premises that need to be exported to the outside world. I will point out that this is one of the hardest avenues for a variety of
reasons. The first is that you need a good deal of effort to build these things, moreover there are lot shitty first drafts, and collaboration is almost impossible. I
notice that there are a lot of people planning to create culture and have ideas, but the most a community can do is listen to your ideas as a sounding board,
things dont get real until you show up with a draft that is ready to edit, or better yet, a manuscript that is ready to send to a publisher. Ive seen countless ideas
for proto novels with an fully outlined world and a plan for an epic story (that is totally unwritten). I would prefer short stories and poetry drafts (or anything) that
can be edited, reviewed, and submitted to publications.
2. Developing Evangelist Approaches I have got bad news guys. The current methods we have for Christian evangelization ARE STALE AS FECK. This
has been pointed out time and time and time again. We need to think of new approaches and new methods for introducing arguments that dont involve just
copying William Lane Craig. There is nothing wrong with the Cosmological and moral arguments, but we need to think out of the box about the approach to the
modern mind and culture. Developing a new plan for this and more importantly testing it would a be critical contribution to the community and the tools that
it has available as a counterculture.
3. Developing Reactionary Thought There is a large gap in contemporary thought. Older authors from the French Catholic reactionary movement as well
as later people like Evola and Spengler have been systematically left out of the academic development of sociology in the last 80 years. This creates and
enormous opportunity for us to work - like Mencius Moldbug to revivify these ideas as well as further pushing the bounds of thought that these people
started. A great opportunity for philosophers and its the kind of intellectual groundwork that a traditionalist community needs to be taken seriously as a pioneer
to new thought.(edited)
4. Archiving The Enemy One of the only two ways to red-pill people is to show not tell. This highlights a critical gap in our efforts to nail the left, namely
developing robust archives of their malfeasance. There are already a few communities that do this online for colleges but the efforts need to be centralized and
organized and a cohesive online community needs to get this ball rolling NOW. The left saves itself from self-cannibalization by pivoting back the center. An
easy-access archive stops the pivot and red-pills normies.
5. Developing oneself As a High-Brow Related to being and Ambassador is just being someone who consumes and appreciates high culture and
traditional behavior at a very high level. If you read great books, organize formal dinners, lead cultural groups this will rub off on others in your community. This
influence will slowly and persistently red-pill people as the Cathedral tosses more and more high-culture overboard in order to keep its coalition afloat. Here I
should also include helping others to climb the hight culture ladder. Mover low-brow to middlebrow, middlebrow to high brow.(edited)
6. Being An Ambassador I am not Alt-Right but I have noticed that one of the largest tactical defects of the community as it stands is what I call The CNN
problem. The fact that, as central as that community is in the media spotlight, they still have no good person to send to CNN in the event that the MSM wants
to contact them. Spencer is a visible douchebag who oozes sociopathy and dishonesty and Taylor, while sincere, is old enough to be dismissed. One way to
out do the alt-right and just take the next step generally is to make yourself into an ambassador for your worldview. This doesnt mean getting ready to go
on CNN, but it does mean cultivating a raport with other communities (or even just your own) that can be used to network and spread ideas. I have given a lot
of criticism to the idea of a reactionary Vanguard that can operate as the face of traditionalism, because in the modern age normie orthodox religious
believers are entirely separated from the reactionary ideas popular online and coming up through the roots of the next generation. As long as this is the case
no vanguard will ever thrive. Being an ambassador DIRECTLY confronts this issue, being a face of unusual ideas and being a friend and community member
that is respected means that the normie orthodox will be slowly and persistently become red-pilled.(edited)
7. Pioneering Networking Efforts This is last, but it is certainly not least. I consider this to be low hanging fruit. We need networking and specifically
networking that occurs on two levels. First, we need to broadly Network with everyone who is opposed to the mainstream left. We need to encompass a wide
range of different communities, races, and religions such that everyone knows that when the left comes for one of us, they come for all of us. If we sting The
Cathedral with full solidarity we can convince the beast that its safer to go to corner and eat itself rather than eating us. Second, we need tight networking to
draw specific religious communities and confessions together across our various orthodoxies. I am not sure that this specific effort can be done ecumenically
(as the differences between churches can be used by progressives to subvert the network), but it needs to be done at the church level at least. If you are
Magic the Gathering player or a speaker of Esperanto, you can move from one end of Europe to the other just staying with people who like the same game /
speak the same language. Why cant the same be true for Catholicism? These networks dont exist yet but they need to be built. First by creating large
networks of people on existing platforms, then moving that network to a separate platform we control.(edited)
Each of these directions is large enough to fill an entire career. Each has opportunities to do small things if you have less time commitment. At any rate this
message has gone on too long but I think that I have fully laid out the question as it was brought up. Please let me know what you think - @everyone.

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