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dried over Drierite aiid fractionated through a coluinn 10 taken within one or two ininutcs, the hydroxide ioii

the hydroxide ioii con-

in. long, / 4 in. in diameter and packed with a tantalum centration determined used as the initial concentration
spiral. The fraction boiling at 42.2 a t 38 mm. weighed and its differencefrom that originally added used in corr:ct-
1.12 g., X ~ ~1.5774,
D d*j4 2.3853; molar refractivity calcd. ing the original concentration of chloroform to get its In-
29.35, found 29.31. Auger reported b.p. 131 at 760 mm., itial concentration. This procedure eliminated several
do4 2.41.14 possible sources of error, such as that due t o phosgene pres-
Kinetic Runs.-All runs mere made in 100-ml. volumetric ent as an impurity in the chloroform, but the resultant
flasFs in a constant temperature bath maintained a t 35.0 =t changes in the rate constants were usually negligible.
0.1 . Chloroform was introduced into the reaction vessels Calculation of Rate Constants.-Rate constants were
by the use of a 0.25-ml. tuberculin syringe graduated calculated froin each point by use of the integrated rate
hi 0.01 ml and found to deliver 0.250 ml with an average equation2
deviation of 0.002 i d . The runs mere carried out by dis-
solving 0.230 i d . of chloroform (at a known temperature) 2.303 b(u - x j
in 80 ml. of the aqueous salt solution under nitrogen in each +
k = t ( a [ 3 f] - b j log T b - - t 3 m )
of several reaction vessels. After the inaterial had reached
thermal equilibrium in the bath, 20 ml. of similarly equili- where a = [CHClslo, b = [OH-]o, N = A[CHC131t,t = tinic
brated standard sodium hydroxide solution was added. (in seconds), k = rate constaiit (expressed iti liters/niolc
Points were taken by quantitatively transferring the of chloroform X seconds), and f = fraction of the chloro-
contents of d reactioii flask into a titration flask containing form hydrolyzed which gives formate. For f , a value of
a known amount (an cxcess) of acid. The contents were 0.15 was used in all cases, since the preliminary results of ail
then titrated with standard sodium hydroxide solution to investigation into the effect of reaction conditions 011 the
the phenolphthalein end-point. In most runs, a point was value o f f show that this value should not be far wrong i i i
any of thc present runs. I t should also be noted that tlic
value of k is rather insensitive to changes iri f , particularly
when chloroform is used in considerablc ~ S C C S
all of the prcseiit cases. Data for a typical run are shoii.11
in Table 111. A plot of the integrated rate coiistant n,cYszf.\
time and the extrapolation t o zero time for a ruii using SO-
diuni iodide are shown in Fig. 2 .
R ~ f
PRESENCE OF 0.1GO \Sac1 .vr 35.0

[CHClalo = 0.03093, [OH-] = 0.03528, 0.1776 S S a O H
used for back titratioti
Change in alkali k X 101,
1.06 Time, sec. titer, ml, hcc.I mole -1 I,
5,940 2.10 1 ,n5
10,800 :i. 30 1 ,oa
17,040 5.37 2.02
24,600 7.18 2.02
28,320 7.03 2.00
Av. 1.98 2~ 0 04
200 400 Acknowledgment.-The authors would like to
Minutes. express their gratitude t o the Kational Science
Fig z.-htegrdted rate constants for thc babic hydrolysis Foundation for the grant of a fellowship to -1.11.n.
of chloroform in the presence of 0.160 LY S a 1 (ruii 7) plotted which made this work possible.
against time. ArLANTA, GEORGIA



Vapor Phase Nitration of Aliphatic Ethers, Alcohols, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids1t2
BY H. B. AND D. E. H U D G I N 3 b
14, 1953

The vapor phase nitration technique has been extended t o include aliphatic ethers, alcohols, ketoiies and acids. Nitrir-
tion of aliphatic ethers produced nitro ethers and nitro alkanes. The alcohols gave nitro alkanes, and in oiie case a nitro
a1cohol. Ketones yielded nitro ketones and nitro alkanes. Propionic acid, on nitration, produced p-nitropropionic acid.

The vapor phase nitration of alkanes, cycloal- type of nitration to include aliphatic ethers, alco-
kanes, aromatics and haloalkanes has been studied hols, ketones and carboxylic acids. Many nitro
in our laboratories. We have now extended this derivatives of ether^,^-^ alcohols, aid
(1) Presented before t h e Organic Section of t h e American Chemical
( 4 ) I,. Henry, Rec. tvau. chim., 18, 2.59 (1899)
Society Meeting, April 17, 1947. Abstracted in part from a thesis
submitted (August, 1947) by D. E. Hudgin t o t h e faculty of Purdue (a) A. Hantrsch and A. Rinckenherger, B e ? , 32, 037 (1899).
University in partial fulfillment of t h e requirements for t h e degree of (6) C. T.Bahner, U. S. Patent 2,301,813, Dec. 2.5, 194.5.
doctor of philosophy. ( 7 ) H . B. Hass and E. I1 Riley, Chem. Reas., 32, 373 (lUi3).
(2) Acknowledgment is gratefully made to t h e Commercial Solvents (8) L. Henry, Ckenz Z e n t i , 69, I, 439 (1888).
Corporation for sponsoring the research fellowship on which this work (9) E, P. Kohler, THISJ O U R N A L , 38, 859 (10163; 41, 704, 1607
was accomplished. (1918); 44, 624 (1922).
(3) (a) Sugar Rcsearch Foundation, 5 2 Wall S t , New York 5 , (10) H. U. Hd.r.4 a n d J . F. Buurl,iud U S Iatent 2,313.156, Alar.
S . 1.; (b) Zlallinckrodt Chemical Works, St. lmuis, hIisaouri. i . 1!)41,
May 20, 1934 VAPORPHASE

carboxylic acids11-16 are reported in the literature. Table I). Rather than direct nitration of isobutyl
We have successfully produced nitro derivatives of alcohol having occurred, it is conceivable that NO2
these types of compounds through direct nitration or Nz03added to isobutylene (formed by dehydra-
in the vapor phase. tion of the alcohol), followed by the hydrolysis of
Upon nitration of six aliphatic ethers, the nitro the nitro nitrite or nitro nitrate formed.
ethers were formed, as well as nitro alkanes pro- We have been able to nitrate acetone, diisopro-
duced by fission of carbon-carbon and carbon-oxy- pyl ketone and di-n-propyl ketone in the vapor
gen bonds (see Table I). From preliminary evi- phase to form the expected mononitro ketones and
dence furnished by the vapor phase nitration of nitro alkanes. Cyclohexanone produced only adi-
these aliphatic ethers, and based only on products pic acid and tar. The nitration of propionic acid
formed, the following tentative generalizations produced p-nitropropionic acid.
have been made: 1. Simple, saturated aliphatic The above listed generalizations and experi-
ethers yield products containing not more than one mental results agree with the vapor phase nitra-
nitro group per molecule. 2 . Any hydrogen atom tion niechanism proposed by Bachman and co-
in the ether, except a-hydrogens, is capable of being workers.26
substituted by a nitro group. 3. No nitro ethers
are formed as a result of fission of a carbon-carbon Experimental
bond. 4. All possible nitro alkanes are formed by Nitration Apparatus and Technique of Operation.-The
fission of a carbon-carbon or a carbon-oxygen bond. nitration of the ethers, alcohols, ketones and acids required
apparatus of design slightly modified from that previously
5. Oxidation and/or hydrolysis reactions which employed in this Laboratory.I6
accompany nitration yield aldehydes, ketones, al- The compound to be nitrated was passed through a cali-
cohols, acids and nitric oxide. 6. The higher ali- brated jet into a preheater which was maintained a t a tem-
phatic ethers give higher yields of nitro compounds perature of 300'. The preheater consisted of a coil of eight
turns (12 cm. in diameter) of 10-mm. Pyrex tubing immersed
than the lower ethers probably because of the de- in a molten bath of potassium nitrate and sodium nitrite.
creased probability of attack upon the alpha posi- The preheated vapor was then met by a fine stream of nitric
tions. acid (not preheated) immediately prior to entering the ni-
Vapor phase nitration of isobutyl alcohol pro- tration coil. The mixed materials passed through the ni-
tration coil, maintained at 400, made of ten turns (12 cm.
duced small yields (less than 5%) of %methyl- in diameter) of 10-mm. Pyrex tubing. The emerging vapor
2-nitro-1-propanol, 2-nitropropane and nitrometh- was condensed by passing through two condensers in a series,
ane. Ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol and 2-methyl- then into a flask surrounded by ice, and finally into a Dry
1-propanol gave the expected nitro alkanes pro- Ice trap.
Due to the relatively low boiling points of acetone, di-
duced by fission of carbon-carbon bonds, but no ni- methyl ether and diethyl ether, the apparatus was modified
tro alcohols were found in the reaction mixture (see by removing the calibrated jet and allowing the vapors of
these compounds to enter the preheater coil directly.
TABLE I The reaction products separated into two layers, the
Compound nitrated Nitro compounds identified lower aqueous layer containing recovered nitric acid plus a
small amount of lower molecular weight nitro alkanes and
Dimethyl ether Nitromethane oxidized products; the upper organic layer containing the
Diethyl ether Sitromethane, nitroethane, $-nitro- unreacted compound, nitro derivatives of the compound
ethyl ethyl ether and nitro alkanes. The organic layer from the reaction
Diisopropyl ether Nitromethane, 2-nitropropane, $- mixture was washed with a saturated sodium bicarbonate
solution followed by a sodium bisulfite solution. The re-
nitroisopropyl isopropyl ether action mixture from the nitration of acetone did not receive
Di-n-propyl ether Nitromethane, nitroethane, 1-nitro- the sodium bisulfite wash. The resulting mixture was then
propane, probably nitropropyl dried and distilled to remove the lower-boiling components.
propyl ethers The distillate was extracted with 10% sodium hydroxide to
remove the nitro alkanes; the resulting alkaline solution was
Methyl t-butyl ether Nitromethane separated, extracted with ether to remove the insoluble or-
Di-n-butyl ether Nitromethane, nitroethane, I-nitro- ganic materials, and neutralized with glacial acetic acid.
propane, 1-nitrobutane, probably This neutralized solution was extracted with ether, the ex-
nitrobutyl butyl ethers tracts dried and rectified to yield the nitro alkanes.
The high-boiling material left in the distillate flask after
Ethanol Sitromethane removing the low-boiling components, was rectified through
1-Propanol Nitromethane, nitroethane the 15-plate modified Podbielniak column to yield the de-
I-Butanol Nitromethane, nitroethane, l-nitro- sired nitro derivatives. Yields for the most part were low,
propane but no attempts were made to vary conditions to improve
them. Yields of nitro compounds were about 20% in the
2-Methyl-1-propanol Nitromethane, 2-nitropropane, 2- case of ethers and ketones (except acetone) when calculated
nitro-2-methyl-1-propanol upon the compound being nitrated. Acetone, the alcohols
Acetone Nitromethane, probably nitroacetone and propionic acid gave yields of nitro compounds of 5%
Diisopropyl ketone Nitromethane, 2-nitropropane, 2,4- or less. In the case of ethers and ketones, roughly half of
the nitro compounds formed were nitro derivatives of the
dimethyl-2-nitro-3-pentanone. 2,4- starting compound.
dimethyl-1-nitro-3-pentanone Identification of Nitro Compounds. Nitromethane.-
Di-n-propyl ketone Nitromethane, nitroethane, l-nitro- This compound was identified by its boiling point of 100-
propane, l-nitro-4-heptanone, 1,l- 101' and by the formation of methazonic acid (reddish-
brown color) when treated with NaOH. Further evidence
dinitropropane was obtained by treating nitromethane with nitrous acid to
Propionic acid 0-Nitropropionic acid form a nitrolic acid (red Na salt). This reaction is charac-
teristic of primary nitro compounds.
(11) W. Steinkopf, Bey., 42, 3927 (1909). Nitroethane.-This compound was identified by its b.p.
(121 J Schmidt and A . Haid, A i r i z . , 377, 26 (1910). of 112-114' (750 mm.), and the nitrolic acid reaction.
(13) J. Lewkowitsch, J . p r n k t . C h e n z , 20 121, 169 (1879).
(14) H. A. Bruson, U. S. Patent 2,342,111, Feb. 22, 1944. (16) H B Hass, E B. Hodge and B LI Vdnderhllt l i d Ene
(15) W. Steinkopf a n d A. Supan, B E Y .44, , 2893 (1911). ChEPZ, 28, 339 (1936)
2694 H. B. HASSAND D. E. HUDGIN Vol. 76
Hydrolysis of the sodium salt gave an aldehyde which Nitroacetone.-The high-boiling fraction from the vapor
formed a 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazoneof acetaldehyde, m.p. phase nitration of acetone gave an odor of acetic acid, an
145'. acidic reaction in aqueous solution, a red color with ferric
2-Nitropropane .-2-Kitropropane was identified by its chloride, a yellow salt with an aqueous silver nitrate solu-
b.p. of 118-118.5', and by a pseudonitrole reaction,17 which tion, was water-soluble and partially decomposed on dis-
is characteristic of secondary nitro compounds. Further tillation. These physical and chemical characteristics have
identification consisted in condensing Znitropropane with been described in the literature*sa1-24 as typical of nitroacc-
2-bromo-2-nitropropane to form 2,3-dinitro-2,3-dimethyl- tone.
butane, m.p. 21Oo.l8 From the above evidence, presence of nitroacetone in thc
The 2-nitropropane was converted to acetone by dissolv- reaction mixture was indicated. Attempts a t further puri-
ing in base and treating with mineral acid. The 2,4-di- fication and preparation of derivatives were unsuccessful
phenylhydrazone of acetone was then prepared and identi- primarily due to instability of the compound.
fied by its m.p. of 127', which, in turn, showed no m.p. de- 2,4-Dimethyl-2-nitro-3-pentanone.-In rectifying the
pression with an authentic sample. high-boiling portions from the reaction product of the vapor
1-Nitropropane.-1-Nitropropane was identified by its phase nitration of diisopropyl ketone, a solid product was
b.p. of 130-131', and refractive index of 1.4016 at 20, obtained. This material, after being crystallized twice
which checked the literature values." It gave a nitrolic from absolute alcohol, had a m.p. of 56-57', I t was in-
:tcid reaction. Acidification of the sodium salt gave an aldg- soluble in water and in a 10% NaOH solution, and gave a
hyde that formed a 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone,m.p. 153 , positive nitrogen test.
which showed no m.p. depression with an authentic sample Anal. Calcd. for C7HlaNO3: C, 52.80; H, 8.23; N ,
of the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazoneof propanal. 8.81. Found: C, 52.80, 52.90; I, 8.33, 8.26; N, 8.99,
1-Nitrobutane.-1-Nitrobutane was identified by its 8.87.
b.p. of 149-150, n 2 0 ~1.4108, and density of 0.972 which
checked the literature values.7 I t gave the nitrolic acid re- This nitro ketone was reduced t o the correspoiidiiig
action. amino alcohol with hydrogen a t 1600 lb. pressure per sq. i n .
@-Nitroethyl Ethyl Ether.--This compound gave the ni- in the presence of Raney nickel catalyst. The following
trolic acid reaction and had the following constants: b.p. constants were obtained for the amino alcohol; nZ5D1.4520,
d254 0.9046, neutral equivalent 132. These values check
58-59' (5.5 mm.) (calcd. to 180' a t 760 mm. pressure),
U * ~ D 1.4160, dZ54 1.079, M R Z 627.63 (calcd. value 27.94). closely the values obtained on an authentic sample of 2,4-
The b.p. as reported by Henry4 was 178', a t 760 mm. The dimethyl-2-amino-3-pentanol.
nitro ether was reduced to the corresponding amine with An amine hydrochloride was prepared from the amino
hydrogen at 1500 lb. pressure per sq. in. in the presence of alcohol.
Raney nickel catalyst. The amino ether, when purified Anal. Calcd. for CrHl~NOC1:C1,21.2. Found: C1,21.2.
by rectification, had the following constants: b.p. 108" 2,4-Dimethyl-l-nitro-3-pentanone.-A liquid fraction,
(750 mm.), Pp
0.8410, n% 1.4108. These values agree b.p. 81' (4 mm.), t z Z 4 ~1.4492, d24r 1.058 and h f R 40.25
with those given in the literature for 8-aminoethyl ethyl ( M R for a nitroheptanone is 40.18), was obtained from ni-
ether.lo The neutral equivalent for the amino ether was tration of diisopropyl ketone. This liquid fraction, as dis-
SS =k 2 (calcd. value is 89). The melting point of its pic- tinguished from the solid fraction obtained from the nitra-
rate, 122', agreed with that reported in the literature.' tion of diisopropyl ketone, gave the nitrolic acid reaction
p-Nitroisopropyl Isopropyl Ether.-The high-boiling frac- and was soluble in base. Attempts to prepare an oxime
tion of the reaction mixture from the vapor phase nitration and a 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone failed. When reduced
of diisopropyl ether was rectified to give a 20-ml. fraction, with hydrogen under pressure in the presence of Raney
b.p. 47-49' (2 mm.), n% 1.4218, d26, 0.995. This fraction nickel catalyst, a black tar formed.
gave a nitrolic acid reaction. Anel. Calcd. for C7HlaNOa: C, 52.80; H, 8.23; N,
Anal. Calcd. for CeH13NOa: N, 9.52. Found: N, 9.42, 8.81. Found: C, 52.45, 52.33; H , 7.37, 7.44; N, 8.96,
0.55. 8.90.
@,-Nitroisopropyl isopropyl ether was reduced to 8- This nitro ketone was then dissolved in base, and treated
arnmoisopropyl isopropyl ether by the same method used with mineral acid to form 2,4-dimethyl-3-oxopentanal,
above for p-nitroethyl ethyl ether. The amino ether, after which gave a bis-2,4-dinitrophenyIhydrazone,m.p. 165-
being rectified, gave the following constants: b.p. 127' (750 166".
inm.), n 2 b 1.4143, dZ6, 0.8400. The neutral equivalent Anal. Calcd. for ClsHleNsOs: C, 46.80; H , 4.57; N ,
was 116 f 1 (calcd. 117). The amine formed a picrate, 23.00. Found: C, 47.17; H, 4.23; N, 23.12.
Anal. Calcd. for CsHlbNO: N, 11.97. Found: N, 1,I-Dinitropropane.-This compound, from the nitration
11.82, 11.90. of di-n-propyl ketone, had a b.p. of 40-42' (1.5 mm.) and
gave a positive pseudonitrole reaction. On treatment with
Nitrobutyl Butyl Ethers.-On rectification of the high- potassium hydroxide, a potassium salt was formed.
boiling portion of the reaction mixture from the vapor phase
nitration of di-n-butyl ether, a fraction of 83 ml., b.p. 102- A n d . Calcd. for CnH5N2O4K: N, 16.27; mol. wt.,
105' (9 mm.), d26, 0.973, T Z . ~1.4280,
~D resulted. This frac- 172. Found: N, 16.06, 16.15; mol. wt., 173.5, 174.0.
tion gave a strong pseudonitrole reaction and a negative l-Nitro-4-heptanone.-This compound, produced by ni-
iiitrolic acid reaction. trating di-n-propyl ketone, gave a positive nitrolic acid re-
Anal. Calcd. for CsHlrNOa: N, 8.00. Found: N, 7.90, action.
7.95. Anal. Calcd. for C7HnN03: C, 52.83; H , 8.17; N ,
Reduction of this material with hydrogen and Raney 8.74. Found: C, 53.00, 53.00; H , 8.10, 8.20; N, 8.3, 8.4.
nickel catalyst at 1600 Ib. pressure per sq. in. gave an amine The semicarbazone was formed.
b.p. 55-56' (13 mm.) (calcd. to 17S0, a t 750 mm.), a Z a D Anal. Calcd. for C S H I ~ N ~ O C,~ :44.44; H , 7.41; N,
1.4250, d2a4 0.8343. The neutral equivalent was 147 f 2 23.93. Found: C,44.68; H, 7.78, 7.90; N,26.12.
(calcd. value was 145). @-NitropropionicAcid.-This compound, obtained from
Anal. Calcd. for CsHloNO: N, 9.66. Found: N, 9.55, the vapor phase nitration of propionic acid, m.p. 65.6",
9 61. gave the nitrolic acid reaction, was soluble in water, alcohol
2-Methyl-2-nitro-l-propanol.-This nitro alcohol was and ethanol, and insoluble in ligroin. A m.p. of 66-67' is
identified by its m.p. of 87-88'. It showed no m.p. de- reported in the literature.26x2e
Tression when mixed with an authentic sample of 2-methyl-
2-nitro-1-propanol. (21) A. Hantzsch and F. E. Dollfus, Eer., 36, 257 (1902).
.. (22) C. D. Harries, Ann., 319, 251 (1901).
(17) H. B. Hass and E. F. Riley, Chcm. Rev., 32, 399 (1943). (23) A. Lucas, Bcr., 32, 604, 3179 (1899).
(18) L. W. Seigle and H. B. H a s , J . Org. Chcm., 6 , 100 (1940). (24) H. Wieland and S. Block. A n n . , 340, 83 (1905).
(19) C. L. Gabriel, Chcm. Industries, 45 [71, 664 (1939). (26) J. Lewkowitsch. J. prakl. Chcm., 20 [ Z ] , 169 (1879).
(20) L. Knorr and G . Meyer, Bcr., 38, 3130 (1905). (26) G. B. Bachman, ct nl., J . Org. Chcm., 17, 906 (1952).

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