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Date: Tuesday, the 9th of March 2010
Level: 8th A
School: No. 6, Basarab I
Textbook: SNAPSHOT Intermediate
Unit: 12
Skills: speaking, reading, listening, grammar

A. Description of the class:

Composition: - 24 students (12 boys / 12 girls)

Description: - they are interested in studying English, very few are hostile towards
studying this subject. Special attention should be given in order to avoid
Assumption: - they have enough prior practice in skimming and scanning
- the students are familiar with most of the lexis involved

B. Recent work:

Grammar: Second conditional

Listening: Listen to a girl reporting a fault in some equipment
Reading: read a newspaper article about teenagers and their possessions
Writing: a discursive composition

C. Aims:

- to introduce the text to the students;

- to develop the students reading and speaking skills
- to provide students with phrasal verbs and expressions with make
- to practise the grammar knowledge of verbs should have / ought to have

D. Objectives:
- to promote and motivate discussion
- to stimulate students imagination
- to personalize topic and make it plausible
- to activate the students knowledge of the language
- to raise expectations and stir the students interest in the text
- to introduce the text to the students and the relevant vocabulary
- to create emotional involvement and facilitate the reading
- to assess comprehension
- to introduce new vocabulary in context
- to keep the students interested in the subject
- to develop active reading skills; summarizing skills
- to personalize the topic
- feedback on comprehension
- to motivate the students to interact and exchange ideas and feelings
- to highlight the texts message
- to develop writing skills: note-taking
- to practice the new vocabulary in context
Grammar practice:
- students are reminded the use of the verbs should have / ought to have
(knowledge they already possess)
- to prepare the students for the follow-up and the homework assignment
- to develop essay-writing skills

Warm-up. Estimated time 5 minutes

1. Context:
- checking the pupils homework: they had to write a short magazine article called
Mobile phones for teenagers: yes or no?
- introduce the text to the students
2. Objectives:
- to promote and motivate discussion
- to stimulate students imagination
- to personalize topic and make it plausible
- to activate the students knowledge of the language
3. Interaction:
- teacher-student; class discussion whole class
4. Activities or strategies:
- the teacher greets students and asks questions like: How are you today?, Are you
ready for the new lesson?
- the teacher checks the students homework, then introduces the text to the students
and they have to speak about their own experience
- the teacher asks the students if they remember a similar scene from a novel or a
movie or even from day to day life and asks the students to imagine they are in a
similar situation as the protagonist of the text and to write down lists of words about:
a) how they feel
b) why they have these feelings
c) their first impulse
- In groups of 4, students discuss each item and write coherent sentences.
- Spokesmen read their ideas and the best variants are written on the blackboard.
5. Techniques:
- Brainstorming, discussion, writing
6. Materials:
- the textbook, the notebooks, the blackboard and chalk
7. Language:
- unpredictable
8. Possible problems:
- the students may not remember a similar text or situation, the teacher must help
them out providing them the necessary information, giving them a clue
Pre-reading. Estimated time 5 minutes

1. Context:
- making the students get in touch with the text they are going to read
2. Objectives:
- to raise expectations and stir the students interest in the text
- to introduce the text to the students and the relevant vocabulary
- to create emotional involvement and facilitate the reading
3. Interaction:
- teacher-students, class discussion whole class, pair work
4. Activities or strategies:
- Students are asked to look at the picture of Liam. The teacher asks: Where is he?
How does he feel? Why? What do you think has happened?
- Feedback: Students discuss the questions in small groups. The teacher elicits
ideas from the whole class
- The teacher pre-teaches new/problem words from Liams story, but avoids pre-
teaching vocabulary they need to find in ex 1b) (annoyed, intensive care, nasty,
- Students are asked to do ex 1a), to read the questions first, then to read the article
quickly and check their answers in pairs.
5. Techniques:
- Brainstorming, Discussion, Writing
6. Materials:
- textbook, notebooks, blackboard, chalk
7. Language:
- advice language
8. Possible problems:
- the students may not have necessary language to express their thoughts; the
teacher must help out and encourage them in their attempts to use the language

While-reading. Estimated time 5 minutes

1. Context:
- to develop the students capacity of reading comprehension
- skimming the text and finding specific details and new words
- to develop the students capacity of extracting specific information
2. Objectives:
- to assess comprehension
- to introduce new vocabulary in context
- to keep the students interested in the subject
- to develop active reading skills; summarizing skills
- to personalize the topic
3. Interaction:
- T-Ss, Ss-T, individual work, class work, pair work
4. Activities or strategies:
- the students take turns to read the passage in the textbook aloud. The others listen
or read silently. The teacher stops the reading repeatedly and asks comprehension
- the teacher asks students questions about some new words and tries to make them
guess the translation, then compare their guessing with the right answers on the
- the teacher asks the students:
a) to say what they would do
b) to predict what the protagonist will do
- the students are asked to skim the text to say if their prediction was correct. Then
they go on with the reading.
5. Techniques:
- Reading aloud, Comprehension questions, Prediction, Skimming, Writing
6. Materials:
- textbook, notebooks, blackboard and chalk
7. Language:
- any and all
8. Possible problems:
- the text may be a little difficult for the students to understand, there may be too
many unknown words
Post-reading. Estimated time 10 minutes

1. Context:
- to consolidate the information about the novel
2. Objectives:
- feedback on comprehension
- to motivate the students to interact and exchange ideas and feelings
- to highlight the texts message
- to develop writing skills: note-taking
- to practice the new vocabulary in context
3. Interaction:
- whole class, group work, pair work
4. Activities or strategies:
- The students are asked to work in pairs and summarize the text in a paragraph.
- Then they are asked to do ex 1b). They work in groups of three and read the text
again to find the words and phrases. They do next ex 1c) and answer the questions.
- In groups students discuss what Liam can do now and report back to the class.
5. Techniques:
- Discussion, Writing, Comprehension questions
6. Materials:
- textbook, notebooks, blackboard
7. Language:
- unpredictable
8. Possible problems:
- some students may not know how to formulate the right answer, pair work can solve
this problem or the teacher may have to help

Grammar practice. Estimated time 20 minutes

1. Context:
- to teach verbs should have / ought to have
2. Objectives:
- students are reminded the use of the verbs should have / ought to have
(knowledge they already possess)
- to prepare the students for the follow-up and the homework assignment
3. Interaction:
- whole class, individual work, pair work
4. Activities or strategies:
- Students are asked to read the examples in the textbook. The teacher checks they
understand these are past forms. She checks students know how they are formed:
should / ought to + have + past participle
- the teacher gives other examples:
e.g. I should work harder. I ought to see my grandmother more often.
- Students, in pairs, change these examples into the past:
e.g. I should have worked harder. I ought to have seen my grandmother more
- the students are asked to do ex 3 / page 71 for further practice
5. Techniques:
- Writing
6. Materials:
- textbook, notebooks, blackboard and chalk
7. Language:
- advice language:
8. Possible problems:
- They may have difficulties with the past participle of the irregular verbs

Follow-up. Estimated time 5 minutes

1. Context:
- to reinforce the students knowledge on the topic, to conduct the feedback and to
give them their new homework
2. Objectives:
- to develop essay-writing skills
3. Interaction:
- individual work
4. Activities or strategies:
- they have to do ex 5 / page 71 (to write a letter to the magazine giving their opinion
of the people in the text)

5. Techniques:
- Written assignment
6. Materials:
- none
7. Language:
- any and all
8. Possible problems:
- some students may have difficulty in writing a composition; the teacher must help
them out by offering linguistic and/or non-linguistic props; or by assigning proficient
students to pair up with them

Additional possibilities

1. Write sentences using should (nt) have.

e.g. Everybody knows your secret. (tell them) You shouldnt have told them.

a) Ive still got his video.

(return it) ...
b) Ive burnt my hand on the fire.
(touch it) ....
c) The front door is open.
(lock it ) ..
d) I havent got any money.
(spend it all) ..
e) The television is still on.
(switch it off) .

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