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Ajay Amin1, Akash Madbhavi1, Shinde Somesh1
Dr. Ashwini Kumar, 3Prof. Rahul Dhotre, 4Prof. Tushar Khamkar

1UG Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, H.S.B.P.V.Ts GOI, College of Engineering- Parikrama,
Ahmednagar-414701, Maharashtra, India.
2,3,4 Professor (Asst.), Department of Mechanical Engineering, H.S.B.P.V.Ts GOI, College of Engineering- Parikrama,

Ahmednagar-414701, Maharashtra, India.

2Corresponding Authors, E-mail: aknitjsr08@gmail.com2


21st century is the era of modern engineering and one of the emerging technologies of engineering is
robotics and its applications in comfort of human being. Robotics is the combine techniques of mechatronics and
mechanical used to make complex work simpler. A robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator
designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the
performance of a variety of tasks. The purpose of the present review article is to summarize and collect all the
major information about robot systematic performance on a common platform.

Keywords: Robotic system, intelligent surveillance, Military robots, Autonomous robots.


In the last couple of decades robotics has been a staple of advanced manufacturing for over half a century. As robots and their
peripheral equipment become more sophisticated, reliable, and miniaturized, these systems are increasingly being utilized for
entertainment, military, and surveillance purposes. A remote controlled surveillance robot is defined as any robot that is remotely
controlled to capture images and videos for specific purposes. Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering and science that
includes mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, and others.

Robotics deals with the design, construction, operation, and use of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory
feedback, and information processing. These technologies are used to develop machines that can substitute for humans. Robots can be
used in any situation and for any purpose, but today many are used in dangerous environments manufacturing processes, or where
humans cannot survive. Robots can take on any form but some are made to resemble humans in appearance. This is said to help in the
acceptance of a robot in certain explicative behaviors usually performed by people. Such robots attempt to replicate walking, lifting,
speech, cognition, and basically anything a human can do.

Many of today's robots are inspired by nature, contributing to the field of bio-inspired robotics. The concept of creating machines that
can operate autonomously dates back to classical times, but research into the functionality and potential uses of robots did not grow
substantially until the 20th century. Throughout history, it has been frequently assumed that robots will one day be able to mimic
human behavior and manage tasks in a human-like fashion. Today, robotics is a rapidly growing field, as technological advances
continue; researching, designing, and building new robots serve various practical purposes, whether domestically, commercially,
or militarily. Many robots are built to do jobs that are hazardous to people such as defusing bombs, finding survivors in unstable ruins,
and exploring mines and shipwrecks.

To Cite This Article: Ajay Amin, Akash Madbhavi, Shinde Somesh, Dr. Ashwini Kumar, Prof. Rahul Dhotre and
Advanced Research in Applied Sciences. Volume 4, Issue 5, Oct-2017; Pages: 66-72
67. Ajay Amin, Akash Madbhavi, Shinde Somesh, Dr. Ashwini Kumar, Prof. Rahul Dhotre and Prof. Tushar
Khamkar,. A REVIEW REPORT ON ROBOTIC SYSTEM FOR SURVILLIANCE. Journal for Advanced Research in
Applied Sciences. Volume 4, Issue 5, Oct-2017 Pages: 66-72

Robotics is also used in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics as a teaching aid. The word robotics was derived from the
word robot, which was introduced to the public by Czech writer Karel Capek in his play Rossum's Universal Robots, which was
published in 1920. The word robot comes from the Slavic word robota, which means labor. The play begins in a factory that makes
artificial people called robots, creatures that can be mistaken for humans very similar to the modern ideas of androids. Karel Capek
himself did not coin the word. He wrote a short letter in reference to an etymology in the Oxford English Dictionary in which he
named his brother Josef apek as its actual originator.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word robotics was first used in print by Isaac Asimov, in his science fiction short
story "Liar!", published in May 1941 in Astounding Science Fiction. Asimov was unaware that he was coining the term; since the
science and technology of electrical devices is electronics, he assumed robotics already referred to the science and technology of
robots. In some of Asimov's other works, he states that the first use of the word robotics was in his short
story Runaround (Astounding Science Fiction, March 1942). However, the original publication of "Liar!" predates that of "Runaround"
by ten months, so the former is generally cited as the word's origin.

Mobile robots that are controlled remotely have important rules in area of rescue and military. A mobile robot is an automatic
machine that is capable of locomotion. Mobile robots have the capability to move around in their environment and are not fixed to
one physical location. Mobile robots can be autonomous which means they are capable of navigating an uncontrolled environment
without the need for physical or electro-mechanical guidance devices. Alternatively, mobile robots can rely on guidance devices that
allow them to travel a pre-defined navigation route in relatively controlled space. By contrast, industrial robots are usually more-or-less
stationary, consisting of a jointed arm and gripper assembly, attached to a fixed surface. Mobile robots have become more
commonplace in commercial and industrial settings. Hospitals have been using autonomous mobile robots to move materials for many

Warehouses have installed mobile robotic systems to efficiently move materials from stocking shelves to order fulfillment zones.
Mobile robots are also a major focus of current research and almost every major university has one or more labs that focus on mobile
robot research. Mobile robots are also found in industrial, military and security settings. Domestic robots are consumer products,
including entertainment robots and those that perform certain household tasks such as vacuuming or gardening. The components of a
mobile robot are a controller, control software, sensors and actuators. The controller is generally a microprocessor, embedded
microcontroller or a personal computer. Mobile control software can be either assembly level language or high-level languages such as
C, C++, Pascal, FORTRAN or special real-time software. The sensors used are dependent upon the requirements of the robot. The
requirements could be dead reckoning, tactile and proximity sensing, triangulation ranging, collision avoidance, position location and
other specific applications.

Our aim will be focusing on the advance application of robots in defense. Since the terrorism is rising throughout the world so to
counter attract it we have our small contribution towards it. We have designed a mini vehicle which can perform multiple tasks without
putting human life in danger. It will consist of a lightweight aluminum frame which will hold or support the electronic parts and other
stuffs. It will hold a mini wireless camera which will give live image to controller. The vehicle can be controller via android phone and
this is going to be highlight of our project. Today many military organizations take the help of military robots for risky jobs. The
robots used in military are usually employed within integrated system that includes video screens, sensors, grippers and cameras.
Military robots also have different shapes and sizes according to their purposes and they may be autonomous machine or remote
control devices.

The US military is investing heavily in research and development towards testing and deploying increasingly automated system. Most
military robots are still dumb, and almost all current unmanned system involve human in practically every aspect of their operation.
Military robots are usually associated with the following categories: ground, aerial, maritime, with some of the latest works, including
those oriented of collective use of robots.

In sight of above description a number of contributions have made by different researchers and investigators to show the importance
of robotic systems in present era. Peter, (2015) has analyzed that robot can assist human in many areas, especially in dangerous and
hazardous situation and environment. But the fate of robotics, military especially, will depend on how it conceptually and
organizationally integrates with manned system with overall management and command and control philosophy. Rajput, (2014) has
given the concept that the controlling of robot is easy as the various buttons are available on the web page specifying the various
actions. The android device used here makes possible the fast and good quality of image transmission.
68. Ajay Amin, Akash Madbhavi, Shinde Somesh, Dr. Ashwini Kumar, Prof. Rahul Dhotre and Prof. Tushar
Khamkar,. A REVIEW REPORT ON ROBOTIC SYSTEM FOR SURVILLIANCE. Journal for Advanced Research in
Applied Sciences. Volume 4, Issue 5, Oct-2017 Pages: 66-72


From architecture point of view surveillance robot is so important. Wheeled mobile robots originate from the autonomous mobile
robot called Yamabico which has been studied for many years. The robot used in this research is a mobile robot which is equipped
with two actuator wheels and is considered as a system subject to non-homonymic constraints. A proposed block diagram of very low
cost mobile robot for heavy load that consists of Raspberry pi, distance sensors, and Arduino, 5A driver DC motors, and DC motors
with wheels has been shown in Fig.1.

Fig.1. Architecture of remote controlled mobile robot

For the driver of DC motor, we use MOSFET with the low resistance of the drain-source. The output of AV port of Raspberry pi
connected to 2.4GHz transmitter for video transmission. Additional lamp is used for lighting the area in front of robot; this is very
useful for face recognition. In this position we have to analyze that our method using 3 ultrasonic distance sensors is enough for
detecting obstacle, so we are going to implement this method for the current research. Ultrasonic sensors work at a frequency of 40
KHz and have a deviation angle maximum of about 300, so usually robots need more than one sensor to be able to measure the
distance of an obstacle in its vicinity as shown in Fig.2. The main weakness of this type of sensor is the interference between different
sensors and the limited ability to identify the obstacle. The advantage of this type of sensor is that it is usually able to detect the
obstacle at a distance 3 cm, something a vision sensor is not able to do. Sensor detects objects by emitting a short ultrasonic burst
and then listening for the echo. Under control of a host microcontroller (trigger pulse), the sensor emits a short 40 kHz (ultrasonic)
burst. This burst travels through the air, hits an object, and then bounces back to the sensor. The PING))) sensor provides an output
pulse to the host that will terminate when the echo is detected; hence the width of this pulse corresponds to the distance to the target.

Fig.2. Two-dimensional projection from conical fields of ultrasonic sensor

69. Ajay Amin, Akash Madbhavi, Shinde Somesh, Dr. Ashwini Kumar, Prof. Rahul Dhotre and Prof. Tushar
Khamkar,. A REVIEW REPORT ON ROBOTIC SYSTEM FOR SURVILLIANCE. Journal for Advanced Research in
Applied Sciences. Volume 4, Issue 5, Oct-2017 Pages: 66-72

Now from neural network architecture point of view many techniques have been developed to carry out obstacles avoidance efficiently
by using recent sensor data In our method, one has to make a simple decision to check whether there is obstacle or not by use 2
variables, far and near. Far if there is no obstacle (>60 cm), and near if the distance between robot and obstacle is <60 cm.
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. Back propagation is an algorithm in neural network that can be used to train a neural
network. Training a neural network is the process of finding a set of weights and bias values so that, for a given set of inputs, the
outputs produced by the neural network are very close to some known target values. Gradients are values that reflect the difference
between a neural networkss computed output values and the desired target values.

As it turns out, gradients use the calculus derivative of the associated activation function. The gradients of the output nodes must be
computed before the gradients of the hidden layer nodes, or in other words, in the opposite direction of the feed forward mechanism.
Supervised learning which incorporates an external teacher, so that each output unit is told what its desired response to input signals is
used in our system. Back propagation is basically a gradient descent process, with each change in the weights of the network bringing
the network closer to a minimum error represented in a multidimensional weight space. Gradient descent does have its problems;
however, in back propagation, these problems manifest themselves as the time taken to reach a minimum and the occurrence of local
minima. Fig. 3 is our multilayer perception architecture with 3 inputs, 2 hidden layers, and 2 outputs to control the motors. We use 60
training data, learning rate = 0.05, and momentum 0.01 for this experiment. The prototype of surveillance robot is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig.3. Three I/P sensor trend network

Fig.4. Three distance sensors and camera transmitted using 2.4GHz transmitter
70. Ajay Amin, Akash Madbhavi, Shinde Somesh, Dr. Ashwini Kumar, Prof. Rahul Dhotre and Prof. Tushar
Khamkar,. A REVIEW REPORT ON ROBOTIC SYSTEM FOR SURVILLIANCE. Journal for Advanced Research in
Applied Sciences. Volume 4, Issue 5, Oct-2017 Pages: 66-72


The MAARS (Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System) platform was designed for reconnaissance, surveillance, and target
acquisition (RSTA) to increase security at forward locations. It can be configured for non-lethal, less-lethal, and lethal effects. The
system weighs 369 lb (167 kg) fully loaded with sensors, weapons, and ammunition. Its battery can last 312 hours, with a sleep mode
to last for up to one week. The MAARS can move at 7 mph and travel 8001000 meters from its controller. It has seven cameras for
driving, situational awareness, and for the weapon that can operate in daytime or thermal modes. MAARS is armed with an M240B
machine gun and four M203 grenade launcher tubes on a 360 degree rotating turret. It carries 450 rounds of machine gun ammo and
four grenade rounds.

Grenades can include sponge, buckshot, and tear gas for less-lethal purposes, and explosive and airburst for lethal purposes. Each tube
is loaded individually, allowing lethal and less-lethal capabilities to be available and selected when needed. Other features include an on-
board loudspeaker to communicate, a siren, a laser dazzler, and a gunfire detection system. The weapons system can be replaced with a
manipulator arm that can lift 120 lb (54 kg), making it able to pick up 155 mm artillery rounds, and can pull over 300 lb (140 kg).

On 5 June 2008, QinetiQ announced it had shipped the first MAARS robot to the U.S. Military under a contract from the Explosive
Ordnance Disposal/Low-Intensity Conflict (EOD/LIC) Program. On 5 August 2008, the MAARS participated in a demonstration to
showcase technology for the battlefield and urban environments. Its exercise was a traffic control point encounter with a suspected
suicide bomber or vehicle-emplaced explosive. In another scenario, the MAARS provided over watch as a different robot attached an
explosive charge to a door. After the door was blown open, MAARS entered the doorway, encountered hostile fire, and returned fire
with its machine gun.

One obstacle to the deployment of MAARS, and armed unmanned ground vehicles in general, is the reluctance of military leaders to
utilize remote-controlled weapon systems at ground level. One concern is collateral damage, as machine gun bullets can travel further
than sensors mounted on the robot. The Defense Department is in agreement that any lethal force applied by an unmanned system
will be decided by an individual, not by the system autonomously. Ground combat commanders prefer to perfect autonomy for UGVs
for supply purposes to lighten infantrymens' loads.

Autonomous ground robots that could shoot have been compared to land mines, in that they can't be directly controlled.
Although remote weapon systems have been successfully used on vehicles, there is question on how far a remote-controlled platform
can be stretched, from a guard tower for perimeter defense or through a mobile platform. SWORDS robots deployed to Iraq were
placed in fixed locations and behind sandbags, as senior officials were not comfortable using them to seek out and shoot enemy

QinetiQ North America has said that despite press reports claiming that SWORDS was only there briefly, they were deployed for six
years and performed the combat role of serving the protection of a site. The Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning asked for
a demonstration of MAARS in fall 2013, and the Marine Corps is continuing to investigate the possibility of employing it as well. Army
officers hope to use armed ground robots as part of an infantry squad, rather than a substitute for them. They plan to have an armed
system in use by 2018. From 7-10 October 2013, the MAARS took part in testing, along with other systems, at Fort Benning as part of
the U.S. Army's Armed Unmanned Ground Vehicle (AUGV) program.

The program objective is to find an unmanned robotic platform to conduct reconnaissance missions and maneuver with infantry units
to help engage and destroy the enemy. Tests included moving to a firing point, firing an M240 medium machine gun at targets up to
800 meters away, and then leaving the area. Reliability of control at various distances was also looked at for safety reasons. The effect
of the machine gun on the platforms was reviewed to observe how the size, weight, and stability of the platforms affect accuracy at
range. The armed ground robots were not autonomous and always had a human controller.

The MAARS was displayed at a U.S. Marine Corps defense expo on 28 January 2015. The Marine Corps War fighting
Laboratory hopes to have an armed UGV like MAARS to provide more firepower on foot patrols, since medium machine guns are
usually not taken with them; it can also "stand post" for 12 hours or be left in sleep mode for more than a week. With a handheld
controller, a MAARS operator can receive a surveillance feed from thermal and video cameras. The Marines found it to have
limitations, such as being too small to ram through doors to enter a room and being too big to move smoothly through tight corridors.
71. Ajay Amin, Akash Madbhavi, Shinde Somesh, Dr. Ashwini Kumar, Prof. Rahul Dhotre and Prof. Tushar
Khamkar,. A REVIEW REPORT ON ROBOTIC SYSTEM FOR SURVILLIANCE. Journal for Advanced Research in
Applied Sciences. Volume 4, Issue 5, Oct-2017 Pages: 66-72


A vision guided robot (VGR) System is basically a robot fitted with one or more cameras used as sensors to provide a secondary
feedback signal to the robot controller to more accurately move to a variable target position. VGR is rapidly transforming production
processes by enabling robots to be highly adaptable and more easily implemented, while dramatically reducing the cost and complexity
of fixed tooling previously associated with the design and set up of robotic cells, whether for material handling, automated assembly,
agricultural applications, life sciences, and more. In one classic though dated example of VGR used for industrial manufacturing, the
vision system (camera and software) determines the position of randomly fed products onto a recycling conveyor.

The vision system provides the exact location coordinates of the components to the robot, which are spread out randomly beneath the
camera's field of view, enabling the robot arm(s) to position the attached end effectors (gripper) to the selected component to pick
from the conveyor belt. The conveyor may stop under the camera to allow the position of the part to be determined, or if the cycle
time is sufficient, it is possible to pick a component without stopping the conveyor using a control scheme that tracks the moving
component through the vision software, typically by fitting an encoder to the conveyor, and using this feedback signal to update and
synchronize the vision and motion control loops. Such functionality is now common in the field of vision guided robotics (VGR). It is
a fast-growing rapidly evolving technology proving to be economically advantageous in countries with high manufacturing overheads
and skilled labor costs by reducing manual intervention, improving safety, increasing quality, and raising productivity rates, among
other benefits. A typical camera lens for machine vision has been shown in Fig. 5.

Fig.5. Camera lens for machine vision


Swarm robotics is an approach to the coordination of multi robot systems which consist of large numbers of mostly simple
physical robots. It is supposed that a desired collective behavior emerges from the interactions between the robots and interactions of
robots with the environment. This approach emerged on the field of artificial swarm intelligence, as well as the biological studies of
insects, ants and other fields in nature, where swarm behavior occurs. The research of swarm robotics is to study the design of robots,
their physical body and their controlling behaviors. It is inspired but not limited by the emergent behavior observed in social insects,
called swarm intelligence.

Relatively simple individual rules can produce a large set of complex swarm behaviors. A key-component is the communication
between the members of the group that build a system of constant feedback. The swarm behavior involves constant change of
individuals in cooperation with others, as well as the behavior of the whole group. The two other similar fields of study which more or
less have the same team structure and almost the same goals are multi-robot exploration and multi-robot coverage. Unlike distributed
robotic systems in general, swarm robotics emphasizes a large number of robots, and promotes scalability, for instance by using only
local communication. That local communication for example can be achieved by wireless transmission systems, like radio
frequency or infrared. Miniaturization and cost are key factors in swarm robotics. These are the constraints in building large groups of
robots; therefore the simplicity of the individual team member should be emphasized. This should motivate a swarm-intelligent
approach to achieve meaningful behavior at swarm-level, instead of the individual level.
72. Ajay Amin, Akash Madbhavi, Shinde Somesh, Dr. Ashwini Kumar, Prof. Rahul Dhotre and Prof. Tushar
Khamkar,. A REVIEW REPORT ON ROBOTIC SYSTEM FOR SURVILLIANCE. Journal for Advanced Research in
Applied Sciences. Volume 4, Issue 5, Oct-2017 Pages: 66-72

Much research has been directed at this goal of simplicity at the individual robot level. Being able to use actual hardware in research of
Swarm Robotics rather than simulations allows researchers to encounter and resolve many more issues and broaden the scope of
Swarm Research. Thus, development of simple robots for Swarm intelligence research is a very important aspect of the field. The goals
include keeping the cost of individual robots low to allow scalability, making each member of the swarm less demanding of resources
and more power/energy efficient.

One such swarm system is the LIBOT Robotic System that involves a low cost robot built for outdoor swarm robotics. The robots are
also made with provisions for indoor use via Wi-Fi, since the GPS sensors provide poor communication inside buildings. Another
such attempt is the micro robot (Colias), built in the Computer Intelligence Lab at the University of Lincoln, UK. This micro robot is
built on a 4 cm circular chassis and is low-cost and open platform for use in a variety of Swarm Robotics applications. Potential
applications for swarm robotics are many. They include tasks that demand miniaturization (Nano robotics, macrobiotics), like
distributed sensing tasks in micro machinery or the human body. One of the most promising uses of swarm robotics is in disaster
rescue missions. Swarms of robots of different sizes could be sent to places rescue workers can't reach safely, to detect the presence of
life via infra-red sensors.

On the other hand, swarm robotics can be suited to tasks that demand cheap designs, for instance mining or agricultural foraging tasks.
Also some artists use swarm robotic techniques to realize new forms of interactive art. More controversially, swarms of military robots
can form an autonomous army. U.S. Naval forces have tested a swarm of autonomous boats that can steer and take offensive actions
by themselves. The boats are unmanned and can be fitted with any kind of kit to deter and destroy enemy vessels. Most efforts have
focused on relatively small groups of machines. However, a swarm consisting of 1,024 individual robots was demonstrated by Harvard
in 2014, the largest to date. Another large set of applications may be solved using swarms of micro air vehicles, which are also broadly
investigated nowadays.

In comparison with the pioneering studies of swarms of flying robots using precise motion capture systems in laboratory
conditions, current systems such as Shooting Star can control teams of hundreds of micro aerial vehicles in outdoor
environment using GNSS systems (such as GPS) or even stabilize them using onboard localization systems where GPS is
unavailable. Swarms of micro aerial vehicles have been already tested in tasks of autonomous surveillance, plume tracking, and
reconnaissance in a compact phalanx. Numerous works on cooperative swarms of unmanned ground and aerial vehicles have been
conducted with target applications of cooperative environment monitoring, convoy protection, and moving target localization and


The present research field offers a lot of scope for adding newer features. Since all image processing is done remotely, there are no
resource constraints apart from the bandwidth of the network. We can program the robot such that it can detect objects and reach
them on its own. Thus, we can make it completely autonomous. Also, with the presence of GPS navigation and mapping software, the
robot has the capability of finding the best route possible to reach a certain location. Also, by making it sturdier and giving it extra
protection, we can make it an all-terrain robot, which would make it ideal for a surveillance robot. There is also the option of adding
sound processing to the remote computer, thus giving it greater surveillance capabilities. The possibilities are endless. This robot in its
current state provides a platform for further research into improving its capabilities.

Also if one can use the concept of meta-materials, it could be the future of present spy system being used by our soldiers, according
to which there is a concept of invisibility, for which all the laws of physics for light fails. Although, its a hypothetical thought but if
possible the material used for the manufacture of robotic system is mete-material, then it could be a evolutionary and drastic scope of
the security system.

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