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The Rules

A team can play the ball up to 3 times on their side of the net before playing it
Teams are encouraged to use 3 contacts - firstly playing the ball toward the net,
then along the net, and finally over the net.

A player cannot have consecutive hits of the ball.

A block does not count as a contact, so a player can block the ball and then
play it again.
The ball may contact any part of the body above the waist.
Kicking the ball is not permitted during play for safety reasons, although at
Olympic level it is permissible.

Play Faults
When learning, players should be encouraged to use good technique to reduce
the chances of faults.

Players cannot lift, hold or throw the ball.

When the ball is Set with an overhead pass to a third player, it should be one
smooth and even action, otherwise it is called a Double Hit.
The served ball must not be hit directly off the hand

Serve Rules
Upon regaining the serve, players rotate one position clockwise, and the new
server is the one in the right-back position.
The server must serve the ball from behind the court baseline.
1. The ball must generally be served underarm (local rules may allow overarm
serves in senior divisions).
2. The ball must be off the support-hand when it is hit (unless a local rule permits
a serve off the hand).
3. The server has 8 seconds from the whistle to serve.
4. The serve can't hit the net on the way over, but it can at Olympic level.
5. If a server wins 3 points straight, the team rotates for the next server to

Spikezone and the Spikezone Logo are trademarks of the Australian Volleyball Federation
Net Rules
The net divides the court, and it should be taut and securely fixed, with protective
padding over hard surfaces of the supporting poles.

The support poles are considered out-of-bounds.

The serve is not allowed to hit the net on the way over.

Players are not allowed to hit the net when playing the ball.

A player may brush against the net after playing the ball.

The ball can be played off of the net.

Line Rules
The area of play is defined by the outside boundary of a badminton court, or of a
7 metre x 14 metre court.

Lines can be floor marking tape, or soft marker cones or ski- rope for outside

When the ball is being served all players except the server must stand inside the
court boundary.

A player may go outside the court boundary to play the ball, but they can't
interrupt an adjacent game to do so.
A ball, which hits the line, is called 'In'.

Spikezone and the Spikezone Logo are trademarks of the Australian Volleyball Federation

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