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Classifying quantum phases using MPS and PEPS

Norbert Schuch,1 David Perez-Garca,2 and Ignacio Cirac3

Institute for Quantum Information, California Institute of Technology, MC 305-16, Pasadena CA 91125, U.S.A.
Dpto. Analisis Matematico and IMI, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Max-Planck-Institut fur Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1, D-85748 Garching, Germany
We give a classification of gapped quantum phases of one-dimensional systems in the framework of
Matrix Product States (MPS) and their associated parent Hamiltonians, for systems with unique as
well as degenerate ground states, and both in the absence and presence of symmetries. We find that
without symmetries, all systems are in the same phase, up to accidental ground state degeneracies.
arXiv:1010.3732v3 [cond-mat.str-el] 23 Oct 2011

If symmetries are imposed, phases without symmetry breaking (i.e., with unique ground states)
are classified by the cohomology classes of the symmetry group, this is, the equivalence classes of
its projective representations, a result first derived in [X. Chen, Z.-C. Gu, and X.-G. Wen, Phys.
Rev. B 83, 035107 (2011); arXiv:1008.3745]. For phases with symmetry breaking (i.e., degenerate
ground states), we find that the symmetry consists of two parts, one of which acts by permuting
the ground states, while the other acts on individual ground states, and phases are labelled by
both the permutation action of the former and the cohomology class of the latter. Using Projected
Entangled Pair States (PEPS), we subsequently extend our framework to the classification of two-
dimensional phases in the neighborhood of a number of important cases, in particular systems with
unique ground states, degenerate ground states with a local order parameter, and topological order.
We also show that in two dimensions, imposing symmetries does not constrain the phase diagram
in the same way it does in one dimension. As a central tool, we introduce the isometric form, a
normal form for MPS and PEPS which is a renormalization fixed point. Transforming a state to its
isometric form does not change the phase, and thus, we can focus on to the classification of isometric

I. INTRODUCTION by studying systems with exact MPS and PEPS ground

states. Here, we define two gapped systems to be in the
A. Background same phase if and only if they can be connected by a
smooth path of gapped local Hamiltonians. Along such
a path, all physical properties of the state will change
Understanding the phase diagram of correlated quan- smoothly, and as the system follows a quasi-local evolu-
tum many-body systems, that is, the different types of tion,9 global properties are preserved. A vanishing gap,
order such systems can exhibit, is one of the most impor- on the other hand, will usually imply a discontinuous be-
tant and challenging tasks on the way to a comprehen- havior of the ground state and affect global properties of
sive theory of quantum many-body systems. Compared the system. In addition, one can impose symmetries on
to classical statistical models, quantum systems exhibit a the Hamiltonian along the path, which in turn leads to a
much more complex behavior, such as phases with topo- more refined classification of phases.
logical order as in the fractional quantum Hall effect, In the presence of symmetries, the above definition of
which cannot be described using Landaus paradigm of gapped quantum phases can be naturally generalized to
local symmetry breaking. systems with symmetry breaking, i.e., degenerate ground
In the last years, tensor network based ansatzes, such states, as long as they exhibit a gap above the ground
as Matrix Product States1 (MPS) and Projected Entan- state subspace. Again, ground states of such systems
gled Pair States2 (PEPS), have proven increasingly suc- are well approximated by MPS and PEPS, which justi-
cessful in describing ground states of quantum many- fies why we study those phases by considering systems
body systems. In particular, it has been shown that whose ground state subspace is spanned by MPS and
MPS and PEPS can approximate ground states of gapped PEPS. On the other hand, the approach will not work
quantum systems efficiently:35 this is, not only the for gapless phases, as the MPS description typically can-
ground state of systems with local order, but also, for not be applied to them.
instance, the ground states of topological insulators are
well represented by those states. Since MPS and PEPS
provide a characterization of quantum many-body states B. Results
from a local description, they are promising candidates
for a generalization of Landaus theory. Moreover, they Using our framework, we obtain the following classifi-
can be used to construct exactly solvable models, as ev- cation of quantum phases:
ery MPS and PEPS appears as the exact ground state of For one-dimensional (1D) gapped systems with a
an associated parent Hamiltonian.1,68 unique ground state, we find that there is only a sin-
In this paper, we apply the framework of MPS and gle phase, represented by the product state. Imposing a
PEPS to the classification of gapped quantum phases constrain in form of a local symmetry Ug (with symme-

try group G g) on the Hamiltonian leads to a more erally, that symmetry constraints on two- and higher-
rich phase diagram. It can be understood from the way dimensional systems must arise from a different mecha-
in which the symmetry acts on the virtual level of the nism than in one dimension.
MPS, Ug = Vg Vg , where the Vg are projective repre- As a main tool for our proofs, we introduce a new stan-
sentations of G. In particular, different phases under a dard form for MPS and PEPS which we call the isometric
symmetry are labelled by the different equivalence classes form. Isometric forms are renormalization fixed points
of projective representations Vg of the symmetry group which capture the relevant features of the quantum state
G,10 which are in one-to-one correspondence to the ele- under consideration, both for MPS and for the relevant
ments of its second cohomology group H2 (G, U(1)) (this classes of PEPS. Parent Hamiltonians of MPS can be
has been previously studied in Ref. 11). transformed into their isometric form along a gapped
For one-dimensional gapped systems with degenerate path, which provides a way to renormalize the system
ground states, we find that in the absence of symme- without actually blocking sites. This reduces the classi-
tries, all systems with the same ground state degeneracy fication of quantum phases to the classification of phases
can be transformed into another along a gapped adia- for isometric MPS/PEPS and their parent Hamiltonians,
batic path. In order to make these degeneracies stable which is considerably easier to carry out due to its addi-
against perturbations, symmetries need to be imposed tional structure.
on the Hamiltonian. We find that any such symmetry
decomposes into two parts, Pg and Wh . Here, Pg acts
by permuting the symmetry broken ground states of the C. Structure of the paper
system. To describe Wh , choose a reference ground
state, and let H G be the subgroup for which Ph acts
The paper is structured as follows: In Section II, we
trivially on the reference state: Then, Wh (h H) is
prove the results for the one-dimensional case: We start
a unitary symmetry of the reference state, which again
by introducing MPS (Sec. II A) and parent Hamilto-
acts on the virtual level as Wh = Vh Vh , with Vh a pro-
nians (Sec. II B), and define phases without and with
jective representation of H. Together, Pg and Wh form
symmetries (Sec. II C). We then introduce the isomet-
an induced representation. The different phases of the
ric form and show that the problem of classifying phases
system are then labelled both by the permutation action
can be reduced to classifying isometric forms (Sec. II D).
Pg of Ug on the symmetry broken ground states (or alter-
Subsequently, we first classify 1D phases without sym-
natively by the subgroup H G for which Ph leaves the
metries (Sec. II E), then phases of systems with unique
reference state invariant), and by the equivalence classes
ground states under symmetries (Sec. II F), and fi-
of projective representations Vh of H.
nally phases of symmetry broken systems under symme-
Our classification of phases is robust with respect to tries (Sec. II G).
the definition of the gap: Two systems which are within
In Section III, we discuss the 2D scenario. We start
the same phase can be connected by a path of Hamilto-
by introducing PEPS (Sec. III A) and characterize the
nians which is gapped even in the thermodynamic limit;
region in which we can prove a gap (Sec. III B). We then
conversely, along any path interpolating between systems
classify PEPS without symmetries (Sec. III C) and show
in different phases the gap closes already for any (large
that symmetries dont have an effect comparable to one
enough) finite chain. On the other hand, we demonstrate
dimension (Sec. III D).
that the classification of phases is very sensitive to the
Section IV contains discussions of various topics which
way in which the symmetry constraints are imposed, and
have been omitted from the preceding sections. Most im-
we present various alternative definitions, some of which
portantly, in Sec. IV B and C, we discuss various ways
yield more fine-grained classifications, while others result
in which phases, in particular in the presence of symme-
in the same classification as without symmetries. In par-
tries, can be defined, and the way in which this affects
ticular, we also find that phases under symmetries are
the classification of phases, and in Sec. IV D we provide
not stable under taking multiple copies, and thus should
examples illustrating our classification.
not be regarded a resource in the quantum information
Parts of our results can be generalized to two dimen-
sions (2D), with the limitation that we can only prove II. RESULTS IN ONE DIMENSION
gaps of parent Hamiltonians associated with PEPS in
restricted regions. These regions include systems with In this section, we will derive the classification of
unique ground states and with local symmetry breaking phases for one-dimensional systems both with unique and
as well as topological models. We show that within those with degenerate ground states, and both in the absence
regions, these models label different quantum phases, and the presence of symmetries. We will start by giv-
with the product state, Ising Hamiltonians, and Kitaevs ing the necessary definitionswe will introduce Matrix
double models12 as their representatives. We also find Product States and their parent Hamiltonians, and define
that in these regions, imposing symmetries on the Hamil- what we mean by phases both without and with symme-
tonian does not alter the phase diagram, and, more gen- tries. Then, we will state and prove the classification

Here, 0 = 0 < 1 < < A = D gives a partitioning

of 1, . . . , D; we define Di := i i1 . The case where
A = 1 (i.e. P is injective) is called the injective case,
whereas the case with A > 1 is called non-injective.
In the following, we will assume w.l.o.g. that all MPS
FIG. 1. MPS are constructed by applying a linear map P to are in their standard formnote that this might involve
maximally entangled pairs |D i := Di=1 |i, ii of bond dimen-
the blocking of sites of the original model. Moreover, we
sion D. will impose that P is surjective, this can be achieved by
restricting Cd to the image of P.

of phases for the various scenarios (with some technical

parts placed in appendices). B. Parent Hamiltonians
Note that for clarity, we will keep discussions in this
section to a minimum. Extensive discussion of various For any MPS (in its standard form) one can construct
aspects (motivation of the definitions, alternative defini- local parent Hamiltonians which have this MPS as their
tions, etc.) can be found in Sec. IV. ground state. A (translational invariant) parent Hamil-
A. Matrix Product States H= h(i, i + 1)
In the following, we will study translational invari-
ant systems on a finite chain of length N with periodic consists of local terms h(i, i + 1) h 0 acting on two
boundary conditions. While we do not consider the ther- adjacent sites (i, i + 1) whose kernels exactly support the
modynamic limit, we require relevant properties such as two-site reduced density operator of the corresponding
spectral gaps to be uniform in N . MPS, i.e.,
ker h = (P P)(CD |D i CD ) . (2)

1. Definition of MPS By construction, H 0 and H|[P]i = 0, i.e., |[P]i is

a ground state of H. It can be shown that the ground
Consider a spin chain (Cd )N . A (translational invari- state space of H is A-fold degenerate, and spanned by
ant) Matrix Product State (MPS) |[P]i of bond dimen- the states |[P|H ]i, where P|H is the restriction of P
sion D on (Cd )N is constructed by placing maximally to H .1,6,7 This associates a family of parent Hamilto-
entangled pairs nians to every MPS, and by choosing h a projector, the
mapping between MPS and Hamiltonians becomes one-
X to-one.
|D i := |i, ii Given this duality between MPS and their parent
i=1 Hamiltonians, we will use the notion of MPS and par-
ent Hamiltonians interchangingly whenever appropriate.
between adjacent sites and applying a linear map P :
CD CD Cd , as depicted in Fig. 1;13 this is, |[P]i =
P N |D iN . The map P is sometimes called the MPS C. Definition of quantum phases
projector (though it need not be a projector).
Vaguely speaking, we will define two systems to be in
the same phase if they can be connected along a con-
2. Standard form tinuous path of gapped local Hamiltonians, possibly pre-
serving certain symmetries; here, gapped means that the
The definition of MPS is robust under blocking sites: Hamiltonian keeps its spectral gap even in the thermo-
Blocking k sites into one super-site of dimension dk gives dynamic limit. The intuition is that along any gapped
a new MPS with the same bond dimension, with projec- path, the expectation value of any local observable will
tor P = P k |D i(k1) , where the maximally entangled change smoothly, and the converse is widely assumed to
pairs are again placed as in Fig. 1. also hold.14
By blocking and using gauge degrees of freedom (in- The rigorous definitions are as follows.
cluding changing D), any MPS which is well-defined in
the thermodynamic limit can be brought into its stan-
dard form, where P is supported on a block-diagonal 1. Phases without symmetries
space, (ker P) = H1 HA , with
Let H0 and H1 be a family of translational invari-
H = span{|i, ji : 1 < i, j } . (1) ant gapped local Hamiltonians on a ring (with periodic

boundary conditions). Then, we say that H0 and H1 are to be robust, i.e., an open set in the space of allowed
in the same phase if and only if there exists a finite k such Hamiltonians: For every Hamiltonian
that after blocking k sites, H0 and H1 are two-local,
Hp = hp (i, i + 1) , p = 0, 1 , H= h(i, i + 1)

and there exists a translational invariant path there should be an > 0 such that
H = h (i, i + 1) , 01, N h
X i
i=1 H= h(i, i + 1) + k(i, i + 1)
with two-local h such that
i) h0 = h=0 , h1 = h=1
ii) kh kop 1 is in the same phase for any bounded-strength k(i, i + 1)
which obeys the required symmetries.
iii) h is a continuous function of
We are not going to rigorously address robustness
iv) H has a spectral gap above the ground state mani- of phases in the present paper; however, it should be
fold which is bounded below by some constant > 0 pointed out that, in the absence of symmetries, Hamil-
which is independent of N and . tonians with degenerate MPS ground states do not sat-
In other words, two Hamiltonians are in the same phase isfy this property: In its standard form, the different
if they can be connected by a local, bounded-strength, ground states of a non-injective MPS are locally sup-
continuous, and gapped path. ported on linearly independent subspaces, and we can
Note that this definition applies both to Hamiltonians use a translational invariant local perturbation k(i) to
with unique and with degenerate ground states. change the energy of any of the ground states propor-
tionally to N , thereby closing the gap for a N 1/.
On the other hand, in the presence of a symmetry which
2. Phases with symmetries
permutes the different ground states (such a symmetry
always exists), those perturbations are forbidden, and
Let Hp (p = 0, 1) be a Hamiltonian acting on HpN , the phase becomes stable. (A rigorous stability proof for
Hp = Cdp , and let Ugp be a linear unitary representation MPS phases would make use of the stability condition
of some group G g on Hp . We then say that Ug is for frustration-free Hamiltonians proven in Ref. 15 and
a symmetry of Hp if [Hp , (Ugp )N ] = 0 for all g G; its generalization to symmetry-broken phases analogous
note that Ugp is only defined up to a one-dimensional to the one discussed in Ref. 16: The condition is trivially
representation of G, Ugp eig Ugp . Then, we say that satisfied by the renormalization fixed points of MPS,17
H0 and H1 are in the same phase under the symmetry and using the exponential convergence of MPS to their
G if there exists a phase gauge for Ug0 and Ug1 and a fixed point,17 the validity of the stability condition, and
representation U = Ug0 Ug1 Ugpath of G on a Hilbert thus the stability of MPS phases, follows.)
space H = H0 H1 Hpath , and an interpolating path H Therefore, when classifying phases of systems with de-
on H with the properties given in the preceding section, generate ground states, one should keep in mind that in
such that [H , UgN ] = 0, and where H0 and H1 are order to make this a robust definition, a symmetry which
supported on H0 and H1 , respectively. protects the degeneracy is required.
There are a few points to note about this definition:
First, we allow for an arbitrary representation of the sym-
metry group along the path; we will discuss in Sec. IV C
why this is not a restriction. Second, we impose that 4. Restriction to parent Hamiltonians
H0 and H1 are supported on orthogonal Hilbert spaces:
This allows us to compare e.g. the spin-1 AKLT state We want to classify the quantum phases of gapped
with the spin-0 state under SO(3) symmetry, but we will Hamiltonians which have exact MPS ground states (or,
impose this even if the two representations are the same; in the case of degeneracies, the same ground state sub-
we will discuss how to circumvent this in Sec. IV C. Note space as the corresponding parent Hamiltonian). For-
that, just as without symmetries, this definition should tunately, with our definition of phases it is sufficient to
be understood after an appropriate blocking of sites. classify the phases for parent Hamiltonians themselves:
Given any two gapped Hamiltonians H and H which
have the same ground state subspace, the interpolating
3. Robust definition of phases path H + (1 )H has all desired properties, and in
particular it is gapped. Note that this also shows that
In addition to the properties listed in the definition of all parent Hamiltonians for a given MPS are interchange-
phases in Sec. II C 1 above, one usually requires a phase able.

FIG. 2. Construction of the interpolating path for MPS and FIG. 3. Isometric form of an MPS. a) The MPS projector P
parent Hamiltonians. Instead of interpolating between the can be decomposed into a positive map Q and an isometric
MPS |0 i and |1 i directly (dotted line), we first show how map W . b) By removing Q, one obtains the isometric form W
to interpolate each of the two states towards a standard from of the MPS. c) Interpolation to the isometric form is possible
|p i, the isometric form, and then construct an interpolating by letting Q = Q + (1 )11.
path between the isometric forms. Note that using the parent
Hamiltonian formalism, any such path in the space of MPS
yields a path in the space of Hamiltonians right away. define an interpolating path |[P ]i, P = Q W , with
Q = Q + (1 )11 , 10;
D. The isometric form note that the path can be seen as a stochastic deforma-
tion |[P ]i = QN
|[P0 ]i, cf. Fig. 3. Throughout the
1. Reduction to a standard form path, the MPS stays in standard form, and in the non-
injective case, the blocking pattern which is encoded in
the structure of ker P stays unchanged.
Given two MPS |[Pp ]i, p = 0, 1, together with their Let us now see that |[P]i |[P1 ]i and its isometric
nearest-neighbor parent Hamiltonians Hp , we want to see form |[W ]i |[P0 ]i are in the same phase.
whether H0 and H1 are in the same phase, i.e., whether P To this
end, consider the parent Hamiltonian H0 = h0 (i, i + 1)
we can construct a gapped interpolating path. We will do of the isometric MPS |[P0 ]i, with h0 a projector. Let
so by interpolating between P0 and P1 along a path P ,
in such a way that it yields a path H in the space of par- = Q1 ,
ent Hamiltonians which satisfies the necessary continuity
and gappedness requirements. and define the -deformed Hamiltonian
In order to facilitate this task, we will proceed in two X
H := h (i, i + 1) , with h := h0 0 .
steps, as illustrated in Fig. 2: In a first step, we will
introduce a standard form for each MPSthe isometric Since h0 |[P0 ]i = 0, it follows that h |[P ]i = 0 (and in
formwhich is always in the same phase as the MPS fact, the kernel of h is always equal to the support of the
itself. This will reduce the task of classifying phases to two-site reduced state), i.e., H is a parent Hamiltonian
the classification of phases for isometric MPS, which we of |[P ]i. Note that the family H of Hamiltonians is
will pursue subsequently. continuous in by construction.
It remains to show that the path H is uniformly
gapped, i.e., there is a > 0 which lower bounds the
2. The isometric form gap of H uniformly in and the systems size N : This
establishes that the |[P ]i are all in the same phase.
Let us now introduce the isometric form of an MPS. The derivation is based on a result of Nachtergaele6 (ex-
tending the results of Ref. 1 for the injective case), where
The isometric form captures the essential entanglement
and long-range properties of the state and forms a fixed a lower bound (uniform in N ) on the gap of parent Hamil-
tonians is derived, and can be found in Appendix A. The
point of a renormalization procedure,17 and every MPS
can be brought into its isometric form by stochastic local central point is that the bound on the gap depends on
the correlation length and the gap of H restricted to
operations.18 Most importantly, as we will show there
exists a gapped path in the space of parent Hamiltonians sites, and since both depend smoothly on , and 0
which interpolates between any MPS and its isometric as 0, a uniform lower bound on the gap follows; for
form. the non-injective case, one additionally needs that the
overlap of different ground states goes to zero as 0.
Given an MPS |[P]i, decompose

P =QW , (3) 3. Isometric form and symmetries

with W an isometry W W = 11 and Q > 0, by virtue

An important point about the isometric form |[P0 ]i
of a polar decomposition of P|(ker P) ; w.l.o.g., we can
of an MPS |[P1 ]i is that both remain in the same phase
assume 0 < Q 11 by rescaling P. The isometric form of
even if symmetries are imposed. The reason is that using
of |[P]i is now defined to be |[W ]i, the MPS described
gauge transformations
by W , the isometric part of the tensor P. 
To see that |[P]i and |[W ]i are in the same phase, P P Y (Y 1 )T

parent Hamiltonian is a sum of commuting projectors of

the form

hD = 11 |D ihD | (4)

and thus gapped. (Here, hD should be understood as

FIG. 4. The isometric form of an injective MPS consists of
acting trivially on the leftmost and rightmost ancillary
maximally entangled states |D i with bond dimension D be-
tween adjacent sites, where each site is a D2 level system.
particle, and non-trivially on the middle two, cf. Fig. 4.)
The local Hamiltonian terms hD , Eq. (4), acts only on the de- Moreover, for different D and D one can interpolate be-
grees of freedom corresponding to the central entangled pair. tween these states via a path of commuting Hamiltonian
with local terms

such transformations do not change |[P]i any P can h = 11 |()ih()| , (5)

be brought into a standard form where trleft [P P] =
where |()i = |D i + 1 |D i. It follows that
11right [cf. Refs. 1 and 7]; in this standard form, any
any two isometric injective MPS, and thus any two injec-
symmetry UgN of the MPS |[P]i can be understood as
tive MPS, are in the same phase. In particular, this phase
some unitary Xg acting on the virtual level,? contains the product state as its canonical representant.
Note that in the previous derivation, the dimensions
Ug P = PXg . of the local Hilbert spaces differ. One can resolve this by
thinking of both systems as being embedded in a larger
decomposition P = QW , Eq. (3), we have
In the polar
Hilbert space, or by adding ancillas; we discuss this fur-
that Q = PP , and thus ther is Sec. IV.
Q2 = PP = Ug P Xg Xg P Ug
= Ug PP Ug = Ug Q2 Ug . 2. Degenerate ground states

This is, for any g G the matrices Q2 and Ug are di- Let us now consider the case of of non-injective MPS,
agonal in a joint basis, and therefore [Q, Ug ] = 0, and i.e., systems with degenerate ground states? First, con-
it follows that both the interpolating path |[P ]i = sider the casePwith block sizes D := dim H = 1, i.e.,
|[P0 ]i and its parent Hamiltonian H are invari- P PGHZ = |ih, | (up to a rotation of the phys-
ant under Ug . ical system): This describes an A-fold degenerate GHZ
state with commuting Hamiltonian terms
E. Phase diagram without symmetries h = 11 |, ih, | . (6)

The preceding discussion show thats in order to classify For D 6= 1, we have that (again up to local rotations)
quantum phases (both without and with symmetries),
it is sufficient to consider isometric MPS and their par- X
P= |ih, | 11D2 ,
ent Hamiltonians. In the following, we will carry out
this classification for the scenario where no symmetries
are imposed. We will find that without symmetries, the where 11D2 acts on H in (1). This describes a state
phase of the system only depends on the ground state de- X
generacy, as any two systems with the same ground state |, . . . , i |D iN (7)
degeneracy are in the same phase (and clearly the ground
state degeneracy cannot be changed without closing the
gap). (cf. Fig. 5), i.e., a GHZ state with additional local en-
tanglement between adjacent sites, where the amount of
local entanglement D can depend on the value of the
1. Unique ground state GHZ state. [Since the D can be different, the correct
interpretation of (7) is |D1 iN |DA iN , with
the |i labelling the direct sum components locally.] The
Let us start with the injective case where the Hamilto-
corresponding Hamiltonian is a sum of the GHZ Hamil-
nian has a unique ground state. In that case, the isom-
tonian (6) and terms
etry W is a unitary. We can now continuously undo
the rotation W this clearly is a smooth gapped path X
|ih| (11 |D ihD |) ,
and does not change the phase. This yields the state

|[P = 11]i = |D iN , consisting of maximally entan-
gled pairs of dimension D between adjacent sites which which are responsible for the local entanglement. This
can only differ in their bond dimension D, cf. Fig. 4. The Hamiltonian commutes with the GHZ part (this can be

is a standard form for P and a phase gauge for Ug such

Ug P = P (Vg Vg ) , (9)
where the bar denotes the complex conjugate.? Here, the
FIG. 5. Structure of the isometric form
P for non-injective Vg form a projective unitary representation of group G,
MPS: The state consists of a GHZ state |, . . . , i (gray)
i.e., Vg Vh = ei(g,h) Vgh ; cf. Appendix B for details. As
and maximally entangled pairs between adjacent sites |D i,
where the bond dimension D can couple to the value of
Vg appears together with its complex conjugate in (9), it
the GHZ state. is only defined up to a phase, Vg eig Vg , and thus,
(g, h) is only determined up to the equivalence relation
(g, h) (g, h) + gh g h mod 2 .
understood by the fact that the GHZ state breaks the
local symmetry, i.e., there is a preferred local basis), and The equivalence classes induced by this relation form a
one can again interpolate to the pure GHZ state with group under addition (this is, tensor products of repre-
D = 1 analogously to the injective case, Eq. (5). sentations), which is isomorphic to the second cohomol-
ogy group H2 (G, U(1)) of G over U(1); thus, we will also
call them cohomology classes.
3. Summary: Classification of phases In the following, we will show that in the presence of
symmetries, the different phases are exactly labelled by
Together, we obtain the following result on the clas- the cohomology class of the virtual realization Vg of the
sification of 1D phases in the absence of symmetries: symmetry Ug determined by Eq. (9); this result was pre-
Any two systems with MPS ground states with the same viously found in Ref. 11.
ground state degeneracy are in the same phase; the
canonical representant of these phases are the product
and the GHZ-type states, respectively. Since the ground 2. Equality of phases
state degeneracy cannot be smoothly changed without
closing the gap, this completes the classification. Let us first show that MPS with the same cohomology
class for Vg in (9) can be connected by a gapped path.
We will do so by considering the isometric point, where
F. Phase under symmetries: unique ground state P is unitary; recall that the transformation to the iso-
metric point commutes with the symmetry, so that (9)
still holds. Then, (9) can be rephrased as
Let us now discuss the classification of phases in the
presence of symmetries, as defined in Sec. II C 2. We will Ug = P Ug P = Vg Vg ,
in the following first discuss the case of injective MPS,
i.e., systems with unique ground states. Note that we this is, the action of the symmetry can be understood as
will consider the symmetry of the blocked MPS, but as Ug = Vg Vg acting on the virtual system, in a basis
we have argued when defining phases under symmetries, characterized by P.
this does not affect the classification. Now consider two MPS with isometric forms P0 and
An important prerequisite for the subsequent discus- P1 , and symmetries
sion is the observation that any MPS has a gauge degree
of freedom Ug0 = P0 Ug0 P0 = Vg0 Vg0 ,
Ug1 = P1 Ug1 P1 = Vg1 Vg1 ,
ei |[P]i = |[ei P(Y Y )]i , (8)
where Vg0 and Vg1 are in the same cohomology class. We
where Y is right-invertible (i.e., there exists Y 1 can now interpolate between the two MPS with bond
Y Y 1 = 11D , but Y need not be square), and Y = dimensions D0 and D1 (in the convenient basis corre-
(Y 1 )T . Conversely, it turns out that any two P repre- sponding to Ug0 and Ug1 ) along the path |()iN , where
senting the same state are related by a gauge transfor-
mation (8). D0
X D1
|()i = (1 ) |i, ii + |i, ii , (10)
i=1 i=D0 +1
1. Projective representations and the classification of
which is an MPS with bond dimension D0 + D1 . Again,
the parent Hamiltonian along this path is commuting and
thus gapped, and changes smoothly with . This path
Let Ug be a linear unitary representation of a sym- can be understood as a path with symmetry
metry group G. We start from the fact that for any
Ug -invariant MPS |[P]i and parent Hamiltonian, there (Vg0 Vg1 ) (Vg0 Vg1 ) = Ug0 Ug1 Ugpath , (11)

(cf. Ref. 11), with |[P ]i is continuous in , and since |[P ]i is a poly-
nomial in P , it follows that P can be chosen to be a
Ugpath = (Vg0 Vg1 ) (Vg1 Vg0 ) continuous function of as well.
Let us now study how the virtual representation of the
(this is where equality of the cohomology classes is re- symmetry is affected by a continuous change P+d =
quired, since only then Ugpath forms a linear representa- P + dP. Let us first consider the case where P and
tion). dP are supported on the same virtual space, i.e., the
bond dimension does not change, and let us restrict the
discussion to the relevant space. The representation of
3. Separation of phases the symmetry on the virtual level becomes?
As we have seen, MPS for which Vg in Eq. (9) is in the Zg Zg = P+d Ug P+d ,
same cohomology class fall into the same phase. Let us
now show that conversely, states with different cohomol- where Zg Zg () is invertible, and Zg = (Zg1 )T ,
ogy classes fall into different phases. We will prove this cf. Eq. (8). Since both P+d and its inverse change con-
again in the framework of MPS, i.e., we will show that tinuously, one can find a gauge such that this also holds
there cannot be a smooth MPS path connecting two such for Zg .
states. Note that it is clear that the interpolation given It remains to see that a continuous change of the repre-
above cannot work, as now Vg0 Vg1 does not form a sentation Zg does not change its cohomology class; note
representation any more. that the choice of gauge for P+d , Eq. (8), leads to a
The idea of the impossibility proof is to consider a transformation Zg Y Zg Y 1 which does not affect the
chain of arbitrary length N and show that along any cohomology class. Let us first assume that Zg Zg ()
well-behaved path H , P needs to change continuously, is differentiable, and let
which results in a continuous change in the way the sym-
metry acts on the virtual system. In turn, such a contin- Zg = Ug + Ug d , (13)
uous change cannot change the cohomology class. While
this argument is based on the fact that the chain is finite and Ug Uh = ei(g,h) Ugh . Then, we can start from
(as the continuity bounds depend on N ), it works for ar-
bitrary system size N ; also, our argument implies that in Zg Zh = ei[(g,h)+ (g,h)d] Zgh
order to interpolate between two systems with different
cohomology classes, i.e., in different phases, the gap of (note that smoothness of Zg implies smoothness of
the Hamiltonian will have to close for a finite chain, and exp[i(g, h)] = tr[Zg Zh ]/tr[Zgh ] ) and substitute (13).
not only in the thermodynamic limit. (This can be un- Collecting all first-order terms in d, we find that
derstood from the fact that along an MPS path, the vir-
tual representation of the symmetry is well defined even Ug Uh + Ug Uh = ei(g,h) Ugh

+ i (g, h)ei(g,h) Ugh .
for finite chains, so that it cannot change without closing
the gap. While we believe that cohomology classes la- Left multiplication with Uh1 Ug1 = ei(g,h) Ugh
bel gapped phases beyond MPS, this will likely not hold
exactly for finite chains, thus leaving the possibility of a Uh1 Uh + Uh1 Ug1 Ug Uh = Ugh
Ugh + i (g, h) 11 ,
higher order phase transition when interpolating beyond
MPS.) We will now proceed by fixing some along the and by taking the trace and using its cyclicity in the
path and show the continuity in an environment + d. second term, we obtain
Fix some , with corresponding ground state |[P ]i
of H , where P is w.l.o.g. in its standard form where (g, h) = i(g + h gh ) (14)
Ug P = P (Vg Vg ) with Vg unitary. Now consider
with g = tr[Ug1 Ug ]: This proves that differentiable
H+d with d 1 small, and expand its ground state
changes of Zg can never change the cohomology class
of .
|[P+d ]i = 1 2 |[P ]i + | i In case Zg Zg () is continuous but not differentiable,
we can use a smoothing argument: For any , we can find
with h |[P ]i = 0. With H+d = H + dH, a differentiable Zg (, ) such that kZg (, ) Zg ()k ,
and define , (g, h) via
0 = h[P+d ]|H+d |[P+d ]i
ei, (g,h) = tr[Zg (, )Zh (, )Zgh (, )] .
= 2 h |H | i + h[P+d ]|dH|[P+d ]i (12)
2 kdHk , This , (g, h) (and in particular its real part) varies
again according to (14) for any and thus does not change
where is the spectral gap of H . Since = |[P ]i its cohomology class, and since it is O()-close to (g, h),
|[P+d ]i and dH 0 as d 0, this shows that the same holds for the cohomology class of Zg ().

In order to complete our proof, we also need to consider note that Pg can be thought of as composed of permuta-
the case where P+d is supported on a larger space than tions Pga acting on irreducible subsets, and (16) can be
P . (The converse can be excluded by choosing d suffi- rewritten as a direct sum over irreducible subsets,
ciently small.) This can be done by considering the sym- M M 
metry on the smaller space, and is done in Appendix C. Ug = Pga Vha Vha . (17)
Together, this continuity argument shows that we cannot a a
change the cohomology class of the symmetry Ug on the
virtual level along a smooth gapped path H and thus In the following, we will describe the structure of the
completes the classification of phases with unique ground symmetry for one irreducible subset a; in fact, degen-
states in the presence of symmetries. eracies corresponding to different subsets a are not of
particular interest, as they are not protected by the sym-
metry (which acts trivially between them) and are thus
G. Phases under symmetries: Systems with not stable under perturbations of the Hamiltonian. For
symmetry breaking a single irreducible subset a, the symmetry
Having discussed systems with unique ground states, Pga Vha Vha (18)
we will now turn our attention to systems with symmetry a

breaking, i.e., degenerate ground states, corresponding

has the following structure (which is known as an induced
to non-injective MPS. Recall that in that case, the MPS
representation): Fix the permutation representation Pga ,
projector P is supported on a block-diagonal space
pick an element 0 a, and define a subgroup H G as
H= CD CD . (15) H = {g : g (0 ) = 0 }
| {z }
=: H where g is the action of Pg on the sectors, Hg () =
Pg H . Further, fix a projective representation Vha of the
Before starting, let us note that different form the subgroup H. Then, the action of Vha can be boosted to
injective case, symmetry broken systems can be invari- the full group G in (18) by picking representatives k
ant under non-trivial projective representations as well. of the disjoint cosets k H, and labelling them such that
However, we can always find a blocking k such that the k (0 ) = . Then, for every g and , there exist unique
symmetry of the symmetry on the blocked system is rep- h and such that
resented linearly (see Sec. IV C), and we will consider
that scenario in the following. gk = k h , (19)

and this is how h h(g, ) in (18) is determined. Note

1. Induced representations and the structure of systems that the action of the permutation is to map to , so
with symmetry breaking that (19) carries the full information of how to boost the
representation Vha of the subset H to the full group; this
Let us first explain how the physical symmetry is real- is known as an induced representation. (It is straightfor-
ized on the virtual levelwe will see that it has the form ward to check that this is well-defined.)
of a so-called induced representation of a projective repre- Before classifying the phases, let us briefly comment on
sentation (the proof can be found in Appendix D). Con- the structure of (17). The sectors correspond to differ-
sider an non-injective MPS |[P]i and its parent Hamil- ent symmetry broken ground states. The splitting into
tonian. Then, any invariance of the Hamiltonian under different irreducible blocks a corresponds to the break-
a linear unitary representation of a group G can be un- ing of symmetries not contained in Ug , and it is thus
derstood as invariance under an equivalent linear repre- not stable under perturbations. Within each block, Ug
sentation Ug whichwith the correct gauge for P, and has subsymmetries which can be broken by the ground
in the correct basisacts on the virtual system as statesthe aand subsymmetries which are not
broken by the ground statescorresponding to the sym-
metry action Vha Vha defined on subspaces H, where the
Ug = Pg Vha Vha . (16)
symmetry acts as in the injective case.
a a

Here, Pg is a permutation representation of G permuting

blocks with different s in (15). Pg leads to a natural 2. Structure of symmetry broken phases
partitioning of {1, . . . , A} into minimal subsets a invari-
ant under the action of all Pg which we call irreducible; In the following, we will prove that two Hamiltonians
the first direct sum in (16) runs over those irreducible sets with symmetry breaking are in the same phase iff i) the
a. The Vha are unitaries, where h h(g, ) is a function permutation representations Pg are the same (up to re-
of g and . Before explaining their algebraic structure, labelling of blocks), and ii) for each irreducible subset a,

the projective representation Vha has the same cohomol- will make use of a continuity argument. The argument
ogy class. (In different words, we claim that two systems will go in two parts: On the one hand, continuity implies
are in the same phase if Ug permutes the symmetry bro- that each of the symmetry broken ground states changes
ken ground states in the same way, and if the effective continuously, and thus the permutation action Pg of Ug
action of the symmetry on each symmetry broken ground stays the same. The effective action Vha Vha (modulo
state satisfies the same condition as in the injective case.) permutation) of the symmetry on each of the symmetry
Note that having the same Pg allows us to even meaning- broken ground states, on the other hand, can be classified
fully compare the Vha as the subgroups H can be chosen by reducing the problem to the injective case.
equal. Also note that since the permutation is effectively
encoded in the subgroup H, we can rephrase the above Let us first show that the symmetry broken ground
classification by saying that a phase is characterized by states change continuously. Let | i := |[P ]i be the
the choice of a subgroup H together with one of its co- (orthogonal) symmetry broken ground states of H , with
homology classes. P := P |H the restriction of P to H (this describes
an injective MPS). For small changes d, we can again
PAsx ax simple example, P the Ising Hamiltonians Hx =
i i+1 and Hz = iz i+1
are in different phases (as in Sec. II F 3) use continuity and gappedness of H to
if the Z2 symmetry ( x )N is imposed: While Hz can show that the ground state subspaces of H and H+d =
break the symmetry, Hx can not and thus belongs to a H + dH are close to each other, i.e., there exist ground
different phase. states |
+d i of H+d such that

3. Equality of phases
| i |
+d i O (dH) ,

The proof of equality requires again to devise an inter-

polating path in the space of MPS which is sufficiently
well-behaved (i.e., it yields a smooth and gapped path in where O (dH) goes to zero as dH goes to zero. Since
the set of parent Hamiltonians). It turns out that we can the |
+d i can be expanded in terms of the |+d i,
use essentially the same construction as in the injective
they are MPS, |+d i = |[Q+d ]i. Using continuity
case: We interpolate along a path of the roots of polynomials, we infer that we can choose

X |Q
+d P | O (dH). On the other hand, this implies
|1 ()iN |A ()iN |, . . . , i| ()iN
that the Q+d are almost supported on H , and thus

+d P+d | O (dH). Together, this shows that
P 0
in a space with local dimensions (D + D1 )2 , where
D 0
D 1
X X P P O (dH) ,
| ()i = (1 ) |i, ii + (1 ) |i, ii ;
i=1 0 +1

the joint symmetry is given by i.e., the P , and thus the symmetry broken ground states
M M  | i, change continuously. Since Pg describes the permu-
Pga (Vha Wha ) (Vha Wha ) , tation action of the physical symmetry Ug on the symme-
a a try broken ground states, which is a discrete representa-
tion, it follows that Pg is independent of , i.e., it cannot
where Vha and Wha denote the projective representations be changed along a gapped path H .
for the two systems (as in the injective case, it can be
thought of being embedded in the physical symmetry by In a second step, we can now break the problem down
blocking two sites). Again, the Hamiltonian along the to the injective scenario. To this end, do the following for
path is the sum of the GHZ Hamiltonian and projectors each irreducible block of Pg : Fix the 0 used to define the
of the form 11 | ()ih ()| which couple to the GHZ subgroup H and its representation Vha , restrict the phys-
degree of freedom; the resulting Hamiltonian is commut- ical symmetry Ug to g H, and consider the injective
ing and therefore gapped throughout the path. ground state |[P0 ]i and the correspondingly restricted
parent Hamiltonian (this can be done by adding local
projectors restricting the system to the subspace given
4. Separation of phases by 0 ). Since Ug , g H, leaves |[P ]i invariant up to a
phase, it is a symmetry of the restricted parent Hamilto-
Let us now show that two phases which differ in ei- nian; it acts on the virtual level as Vha Vha . The results
ther the permutation representation Pg or the cohomol- for the injective case now imply that it is impossible to
ogy classes of the Vha cannot be transformed into each change the cohomology class of Vha , thus completing the
other along a gapped path. As in the injective case, we proof.

III. TWO DIMENSIONS thus exhibit some form of topological order;19 in partic-
ular, for Vg and Wg the regular representation of G, the
A. Projected Entangled Pair States isometric form of these PEPS describes Kitaevs double
model of the underlying group.12 All these three classes
1. Definition have parent Hamiltonians at the isometric point which
are commuting and thus gapped.
Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) form the
natural generalization of Matrix Product States to two B. Gap in two dimensions
dimensions:2 For P : (CD )4 Cd , the PEPS |[P]i is
obtained by placing maximally entangled pairs |D i on
1. Gap in the thermodynamic limit
the links of a 2D lattice and applying P as in Fig. 6. As
with MPS, PEPS can be redefined by blocking, which al-
lows to obtain standard forms for P, discussed later on. The major difference to the case of 1D systems is that
Parent Hamiltonians for PEPS are constructed (as in 1D) it is much more difficult to assess whether the parent
as sums of local terms which have the space supporting Hamiltonian is gapped in the thermodynamic limit, and
the 2 2 site reduced state as their kernel. examples which become gapless at some finite deforma-
tion 0 < crit < 1 of the isometric form exist. For in-
stance, the coherent state corresponding to the classical
2. Cases of interest Ising model20 on a hexagonal lattice at the critical tem-
perature has critical correlations and is thus gapless,21
As in 1D, each PEPS has an isometric form to which it while it is injective and therefore its isometric form is
can be continuously deformed, yielding a continuous path gapped. In fact, this example illustrates that a smooth
of -deformed Hamiltonians along which the ground state change in P can even lead to a non-local change in the
degeneracy is preserved. There are three classes of PEPS PEPS |[P ]i.
which are of special interest. Fortunately, it turns out that in some environment of
First, the injective case, where P is injective, commuting Hamiltonians (and in particular in some envi-
and |[P]i is the unique ground state of its parent ronment of the three classes introduced above), a spectral
Hamiltonian.8 gap can be proven. To this end, let H = hi , hi 11
Second, the block-diagonal case, where (ker P) = with ground state energy min (H) = 0, where the condi-
LA tion
=1 H , with H = span{|i, j, k, li : 1 < i, j, k, l
}; this corresponds again to GHZ-type states and hi hj + hj hi 18 (1 )(hi + hj ) (21)
Hamiltonians with A-fold degenerate ground states.
These systems are closely related to the 1D non-injective holds for some > 0 (here, each hi acts on 2 2 plaque-
casethey exhibit breaking of some local symmetry, and ttes on a square lattice); in particular, this is the case for
the ground state subspace is spanned by |[P|H ]i. commuting Hamiltonians. Then,
Third, the case where the isometric form of P is X X X
H 2 = h2i + hi hj + hi hj H , (22)
X |{z} |{z}
i <ij>
P= Vg Vg Wg Wg (20) hi 0
(where the second and third sum run over overlapping
(the ordering of the systems is topdownleftright), with and non-overlapping hi , hj , respectively), which implies
Vg and Wg unitary representations of a finite group G that H has a spectral gap between 0 and , cf. Ref. 1.
containing all irreps of G at least once; this scenario As we show in detail in Appendix E, condition (21)
corresponds to systems where the ground state degen- is robust with respect to -deformations of the Hamilto-
eracy depends on the topology of the system, and which nian. In particular, for any PEPS |[P]i with commut-
ing parent Hamiltonian (such as the three cases presented
above), it still holds for the parent of QN |[P]i as long
as min (Q)/max (Q) ' 0.967. Thus, while considering
the isometric cases does not allow us to classify all Hamil-
tonians as in 1D, we can still do so for a non-trivial subset
in the space of Hamiltonians.

C. Classification of isometric PEPS without

FIG. 6. PEPS are constructed analogously to MPS by apply-
ing linear maps P to a 2D grid of maximally entangled states Let us now classify the three types of isometric PEPS
|D i. introduced previously in the absence of symmetries; to-

gether with the results of the previous subsection, this where = ( 0 01 ): The term hz enforces the even-parity
will provide us with a classification of quantum phases in subspace |00i + |11i, while hx () takes care that the
some environment of these cases. relative weight within this subspace is |00i+2 |11i, which
allows to smoothly interpolate between |00i and |00i +
|11i within the set of commuting Hamiltonians.
1. Systems with unique or GHZ-type ground state Together, this proves that for a given group G, all
PEPS of the form (20), with representations Vg and Wg
As in one dimension, any injective isometric P can be which contain all irreducible representations of G, yield
locally rotated to the scenario where P = 11, this is, it PEPS which are in the same phase. On the other hand,
consists of maximally entangled pairs between adjacent it is not clear whether the converse holds: Given two fi-
sites. This entanglement can again be removed along a nite groups G, H with corresponding representations Vg ,
commuting path h , Eq. (5), as in one dimension. This Wg and Vh , Wh , for which Eq. (20) yields the same (or
implies that any injective PEPS and its parent Hamilto- a locally equivalent) map Pwhich means that the two
nian which is sufficiently close to being isometric is in the models are in the same phaseis it true that the two
same phase as the product state. groups are equal? While we cannot answer this question,
The case with block-diagonal P, such as for GHZ-like let us remark that since both models can be connected
states, is also in complete analogy to one dimension: Up by a gapped path, one can use quasi-adiabatic continu-
to a rotation, it is equivalent to the A-fold degenerate ation9,22 to show that their excitations need to have the
GHZ state with additional maximally entangled pairs same braiding statistics; this is, the representations of
between adjacent sites, whose bond dimension D can their doubles need to be isomorphic as braided tensor
again couple to the (classical) value of the GHZ state. categories. Note that in Ref. 23, the map P is used to
This local entanglement can again be removed along a map doubles to equivalent string-net models.
commuting path, as in one dimension, and we find that
all block-diagonal PEPS which are close enough to being
isometric can be transformed into the Afold degenerate 3. More types of local entanglement
GHZ state along a gapped adiabatic path.
Let us remark that while we have characterized the
equivalence classes of isometric PEPS for the three afore-
2. Systems with topological order mentioned classes, this characterization is not complete,
even beyond the difficulty of proving a gap: There are
What about the topological case of Eq. (20)? Of PEPS which can be transformed to those cases by local
course, additional local entanglement |D i can be present unitaries or low-depth local circuits, yet P has a differ-
independently of the topological part of the state, which ent structure. The reason is that unlike in 1D, local en-
corresponds to replacing Vg by Vg 11 (and correspond- tanglement need not be bipartite. E.g., one could add
ingly for Wg ), and this entanglement can be manipulated four-partite GHZ states around plaquettes: while this
and removed along a commuting path. is certainly locally equivalent to the original state, it will
However, it turns out that the bond dimension D of the change the kernel of P, since only bipartite maximally en-
local entanglement can couple to the topological part of tangled states can be described by a mapping P P 11.
the state even though there is no local symmetry break- Thus, the previous classification can be extended to a
ing. In particular, the bond dimension D can couple to much larger class of isometric tensors, by including all
the irreps R (g) of Vg and Wg , i.e., we can change the symmetries of ker P which can arise due to adding local
multiplicity D of individual irreps R (g), entanglement.
R (g) R (g) 11D .
D. Symmetries in two dimensions

The interpolation between different multiplicities D can

be done within the set of commuting Hamiltonians, by How does the situation change when we impose sym-
observing that the Hamiltonian consists of two commut- metries on the system and require the Hamiltonian path
ing parts:19 One ensures that the product of each irrep to commute with some unitary representation Ug ? Sur-
around a plaquette is the identity, and the other controls prisingly, imposing symmetries in two dimensions has a
the relative weight of the different subspaces and thus much weaker effect than in one dimension, as we will
allows to change multiplicities. The underlying idea can show in the following. In particular, we will demonstrate
be understood most easily by considering a two-qubit toy how to interpolate along a symmetry-preserving path be-
model consisting of the two commuting terms tween arbitrary injective PEPS, and between any two
GHZ-type PEPS given that the permutation action of
hz = 21 (11 Z Z) , the symmetry on the symmetry broken ground states is
the same; note that the symmetry can in particular stabi-
hx () = 2 1 2
2 (11 X X) , lize the degeneracy of GHZtype states. Recall, however,

that in the following we only show how to construct con- different representations of a PEPS with local symmetry
tinuous paths of PEPS; in order to turn this into a clas- breaking, i.e., GHZ-type states. It follows that for any
sification of phases under symmetries, we need to restrict such PEPS, a symmetry can be understood at the virtual
to the regions characterized in Sec. III B where we can level as
prove a gap. Yet, the following arguments show that the MM 
reasoning used for one-dimensional systems with symme- Ug = Pg Vha Vha Wha Wha .
tries will not apply in two dimensions, and a more refined a a
framework might be needed.
where again the Pg permutes the sectors, the a are min-
imal subsets invariant under Pg , and the Vha and Wha ,
1. Systems with unique ground states together with Pg , form an induced projective representa-
Let us start by studying the injective case. There, The permutation action Pg of the symmetry is invari-
it has be shown24 that any two maps P and P which ant under blocking. Thus, we can apply the same type of
describe the same PEPS are related via a gauge trans- continuity argument as in 1D to show that different per-
formation mutations Pg label different phases. (Since this argument
proves that there cannot be a gapped path of Hamiltoni-
P = P(ei Y Y Z Z ) , (23) ans on any finite chain connecting systems with different
Pg , it holds independently of whether we can prove a
with Y = (Y 1 )T . This implies that any unitary invari- gap on the Hamiltonian along the path, as long as the
ance of |[P]i can be understood as a symmetry initial and final systems are gapped.) On the other hand,
the projective representations behave under blocking just
Ug = P 1 Ug P = Vg Vg Wg Wg as in the injective case: They map to tensor products of
themselves, and thus, we can choose a blocking such that
acting on the on the virtual system, with Vg and Wg the Vha and Wha are all in the trivial cohomology class. If
projective unitary representations. moreover the Pg are equal, we can construct an interpo-
While this is in complete analogy to the one- lating path of PEPS just as in one dimension.
dimensional case, there is an essential difference: The
representation of the symmetry on the virtual level is
not invariant under blocking sites. By blocking k IV. DISCUSSION
sites, we obtain a new PEPS projector with symmetries
Vg = Vgk and Wg = Wg , respectively. However, tak- In this section, we discuss various aspects which have
ing tensor products changes the cohomology class, and been omitted in the previous sections.
in particular, for any finite-dimensional representation
Vg there exists a finite k such that Vgk is in the trivial
cohomology class. This is, by blocking a finite number of A. Matrix Product States
sites, any two PEPS |[P0 ]i and |[P1 ]i can be brought
into a form where the symmetry on the virtual level is
1. Injectivity and translational invariance
represented by Vg0 , Wg0 , and Vg1 , Wg1 which are all in the
trivial cohomology class.
At this point, we can proceed as in the 1D case In order to obtain injectivity, it is necessary to block
and construct an interpolating path which preserves the sites (say, k sites per block). Thus, the notion of locality
symmetry using non-maximally entangled states |()i changes: For instance, a two-local path of parent Hamil-
[Eq. (10)], now with joint symmetry tonians is 2k-local on the unblocked system. Also, along
such a path we can maintain translational invariance only
(Vg0 Vg1 ) (Vg0 Vg1 ) (Wg0 Wg1 ) (Wg0 Wg1 ) . under translations by k sites, i.e., on the blocked system.
However, the number of sites which need to be blocked
Note that the whole construction can be understood as to obtain injectivity is fairly small, namely O(log D) for
the sequential application of two one-dimensional inter- typical cases25 and O(D4 ) in the worst case.26 In partic-
polations (since at the isometric point the horizontal and ular, this is much more favorable than what is obtained
vertical directions decouple) and thus, all arguments con- using renormalization methods,11 where in addition to
cerning technical points such as the embedding in the injectivity one has to go to block sizes beyond the corre-
physical space can be directly transferred. lation length.
It should be noted that several of our arguments apply
without blocking, thus strictly preserving translational
2. Systems with local symmetry breaking invariance. In particular, the way in which symmetries
act on the virtual level is the same without blocking, and
The results of Ref. 24 for the relation of two maps P the impossibility proofs for interpolating paths also ap-
and P , Eq. (23), can be readily generalized to relate ply equally. On the other hand, it is not clear whether

we can construct interpolating paths without reaching B. Definition of phases

injectivity of P: While we can move to isometric P along
gapped paths, the structure of those isometric points is 1. Different definitions of phases
now much more rich; for instance, the AKLT projector
is of that form. Also, certain alternative definitions of
There are other definitions of quantum phases: For
phases under symmetries (cf. Sec. IV B) behave differ-
instance, instead of gappedness one can ask for a path
ently under translational invariance. Finally, in the case
of Hamiltonians along which the ground states do not
of symmetry broken systems, imposing translational in-
change abruptly. One can also right away consider
variance can result in projective representations as phys-
the ground states instead of the Hamiltonian and ask
ical symmetries (this is discussed in Sec. IV C), which
whether two states can be transformed into each other us-
leads to a much more involved structure of the 1D in-
ing (approximately) local transformations.11 Both these
duced representation in Eq. (D9).
definitions are implied by ours: The existence of a gapped
path implies that the ground states change smoothly,
cf. Eq. (12), and using quasi-adiabatic continuation,9 any
2. Different MPS definition
gapped path of Hamiltonians yields a quasi-local trans-
formation between the ground states.22
Typically, MPS are defined using a set of matrices Ai
X 2. Local dimension and ancillas
tr[Ai1 AiN ]|i1 , . . . , iN i .
i1 ,...,iN
In our definition of phases, we allowed to compare sys-
This definition can be easily related to our definition in tems with different local Hilbert space dimension. One
terms of MPS projectors via way to think of this is to consider the smaller system as
being embedded in the larger system. A more flexible
P= Ai |iih, | . way is to allow for the use of ancillas to extend the lo-
cal Hilbert space. In fact, these ancillas are automatically
obtained when blocking: Recall that we restricted our at-
Injectivity of P translates to the fact that the {Ai }i tention to the subspace actually used by P; the remaining
span the whole space of matrices, and the block- degrees of freedom (if sufficiently many to allow for a ten-
diagonal support space in the non-injective case cor- sor product structure) can be used to construct ancillas.
responds to restricting the Ai s to be block-diagonal and An explicit way to do so is to block two isometric tensors
spanning the space of block-diagonal matrices. together: The state now contains a maximally entangled
The effect of symmetries in this language can be writ- pair |D i (correlated to the GHZ in the non-injective
ten as follows: Eq. (9) becomes case) which can be considered as a D2 dimensional an-
cilla system.
X Note that we can, in the same way, obtain ancillas for
(Ug )ij Aj = VgT Ai Vg ,
systems with symmetries: After blocking three isometric
sites, the maximally entangled states in the middle are in-
variant under Vg Vg Vg Vg . Since also two maximally
and Eq. (16)
entanged states between sites (1, 4) and (2, 3) are invari-
X ant under that symmetry, the symmetry acts trivially on
(Ug )ij Aj = Pg VgT Ai Vg Pg , this two-dimensional subspace which thus constitutes an
ancilla qubit not subject to the symmetry action.
where the Pg now permute the blocks of the Ai s, and
together with Vg form an induced representation.
C. Symmetries
While the matrix formalism using the Ai s is more
common, we choose the projector formulation since we
believe it is more suitable for the purposes of this pa- 1. Definition with restricted symmetry representations
per (with the exception of describing the block structure
in the non-injective case): the P, or parts of it, are the When defining phases under symmetries, we have
maps which we use to conjugate the Hamiltonian with allowed for arbitrary representations of the symmetry
to get to the isometric form, and which we conjugate the group along the path. What if we want to restrict to
Ug with to obtain the effective action of the symmetry on only the representation of the initial and final symme-
the bonds. Also, in this formulation the isometric point is try, Ug0 and Ug1 , respectively? It turns out that does
characterized simply by maximally entangled pairs with not pose a restriction for compact groups, as long as
U U symmetry, rather than by an MPS with Kronecker at least one of the effective representations Ug0 or Ug1
delta tensors, and is thus more intuitive to deal with. after blocking to the normal form is faithful. Namely,

given such a faithful representation Ug , we have that compare blocks of different lengths for the two systems:
U (g) = tr Ug = |tr[Vg ]|2 0 (with Vg Vg the vir- E.g., for U(1) any two continuous representations ein0
tual realization of Ug ), which implies that any represen- and ein1 of U(1) can be made equal by blocking |n1 |
tation Wg is contained as a subrepresentation in UgN and |n0 | sites, respectively, as long as the signs of n0 and
for N large enough.P(For finite groups, this follows as n1 are equal. Therefore, in that case the phases are ad-
1 N
the multiplicity |G| g U (g) W (g) is dominated by ditionally labelled by the signs of the 1D representations;
W (1) since |U (g)| is maximal for g = 1, cf. Ref. 27; this case has been considered in Ref. 11.
for Lie groups, this argument needs to be combined with To give an example where one might want to fix the
a continuity argument, cf. Ref. 28). Thus, starting from phase relation between Ug0 and Ug1 , consider the two prod-
the symmetry representation Ug0 or Ug1 , we can effectively uct states |0000 i and |0101 i under U (1) symme-
obtain any representation needed for the interpolating try: Both Ug0 and Ug1 arise as subblocks of R R
path by blocking N sites, proving equivalence of the two [with R = exp(iZ/2) the original U(1) representation],
definitions. which suggests to fix the phase relation and in turn sepa-
rates the two phases; note that this can be seen as a way
to reinforce translational invariance.
2. Definition with only one symmetry representation

4. A definition with only one phase

If the two systems to be compared are invariant un-
der the same symmetry Ug0 = Ug1 , we might want to
build a path invariant under that symmetry, instead of We are now going to present an alternative definition
considering the symmetry Ug = Ug0 Ug1 as in our def- of phases under symmetries which yields a significantly
inition. In fact, these two definitions turn out the be different classification, namely that all systems with the
equivalent, since we can easily map a path with symme- same ground state degeneracy are in the same phase, just
try Ug to one with symmetry Ug0 = Ug1 , and vice versa. as without symmetries. The aim of this discussion is to
Given a path |()i (with corrsponding Hamiltonian) point out that it is important to fix the representation of
with symmetry Ug0 , we can add an unconstrained an- the symmetry group, and not only the symmetry group
cilla qubit (cf. Sec. itself, in order to obtain a meaningful classification of
IV B 2) ateach site and consider the phases in the presence of symmetries.
path |()i ( 1 |0i + |1i)N , thus embedding
We impose that along the path, the system is invariant
the system in a space with symmetry Ug .
under some (say, faithful) representation of the symmetry
Conversely, we can map any path with symmetry Ug to
group, which may however change along the path. Then,
a path with symmetry Ug0 = Ug1 . To this end, we can use
however, it is possible to transform any state to pairs of
Ug = Ug0 112 to interpret the path as a path involving one maximally entangled states between adjacent sites in the
system with Ug symmetry and one unconstrained ancilla same basis, and therefore to the same parent Hamilto-
qubit per site, which again can be understood as being nian, by rotating the isometric form. Thus, all injective
part of a (Ug0 )2 invariant subspace, cf. Sec. IV B 2. Note systems can be transformed to the same Hamiltonian pre-
that the factorization Ug = Ug0 112 requires Ug0 and Ug1 serving symmetries, and similarly for symmetry broken
to have the same phase, which motivates why we chose systems. It follows that even with symmetries, all sys-
to lock the phase between Ug0 and Ug1 in such a scenario. tems are in the same phase as long as they have the same
ground state degeneracy.
Note that while in our approach, we also use rotations
3. Definitions with different classifications to bring the system into a simple form, these rotations
should just be thought of as choosing a convenient basis,
Defining phases in the presence of symmetries is suble, and not as actual rotations. In particular, due to our
as different definitions can yield very different classifi- way of imposing the two symmetry representations on
cations. In the following, we discuss some alternative orthogonal subspaces, Ug = Ug1 Ug2 , we never need to
definitions and their consequences. fix two different bases for the same subspace.
One possibility would be not to allow for an arbitrary
gauge of the phases of the symmetries in Ug0 and Ug1 ,
but to keep the gauge fixed. In that case, the 1D rep- 5. Projective symmetries
resentations in (B1) and (D1) can enter the classifica-
tion: While finite representations can be still removed While our definition of phases under symmetries can
by blocking sites, continuous representations remain dif- be applied to both linear and projective representations,
ferent even after blocking and cannot be changed into we found that in the injective case, symmetries are in
each other continuously, and thus, phases are addition- fact always linear (cf. Appendix B). In the non-injective
ally labelled by the continuous 1D representations of the case, however, there exist systems having projective sym-
symmetry. metries, such as the Majumdar-Ghosh model, which has
This classification changes once more if one allows to the ground states (|01i |10i)N and the same state

translated by one lattice site. This model is invariant 7. Other symmetries

under SU(2)/Z2 [which can be understood as a projec-
tive representation of SO(3)] and under the Pauli matri- While we have discussed the classification of phases for
ces (a projective representation of D2 = Z2 Z2 ). On local symmetries UgN , very similar ideas can be used to
the other hand, any d-dimensional projective represen- classify phases under global symmetries such as inver-
tation becomes linear (up to trivial phases) after taking sion or time reversal symmetry.10,11,29 The fundamen-
its dth power; thus, classifying phases under linear sym- tal conceptthat two P representing the same MPS or
metries as we did is in fact sufficient. Alternatively, any PEPS are related by a gauge transformationequally
projective representation can be lifted to a linear repre- applies in the case of global symmetries. However, it
sentation, which is still a symmetry of the Hamiltonian: should be noted that there is an essential difference, in
E.g., any Ug invariant Hamiltonian, [H, UgN ] = 0, is that the representation structure of the global symme-
also invariant under ei Ug , and thus under the represen- try need not lead to a representation structure on the
tation Vk k of the group K = hUg i generated by the virtual level, which in turn leads to classification crite-
Ug by itself. ria beyond cohomology classes. Let us illustrate this for
On the other hand, in case we want to build a joint reflection symmetry: Reflection is realized by applying
symmetry representation Ug = Ug0 Ug1 before blocking, a flip (swap) operator F to the virtual system, together
and do not want to lift the joint representation to a larger with an operation on the physical system reversing the
group, we get constraints on Ug0 and Ug1 : Firstly, both of ordering of the blocked sites. Thus, for an injective MPS
them need to be in the same cohomology classwhile |[P]i with reflection symmetry, we have that
the cohomology class can be changed by blocking, one
might want to compare systems with a particular notion P F = P(V1 V1 ) ,
of locality. Also note that even if both symmetries are in
the same cohomology class, one needs to adjust the trivial where V1 is the virtual representation of the non-trivial
phases such that (g, h) is actually equal up to a one- element of Z2 {+1, 1}. (Note that if P is injective,
dimensional representation of the group, since otherwise cannot be trivial, since otherwise F = V1 V1 which is
Ug does not form a representation; note however that impossible; this shows that an injective MPS cannot have
this is actually a consequence of our requirement that reflection symmetry unless it contains more than one site
Ug forms a representation and does not follows from an per block.) Applying a second reflection, we find that
underlying symmetry.
P = (P F) F = P (V1 V1 ) F
= (P F) (V1 V1 ) = P (V1 V1 V1 V1 )
6. Multiple copies and phases as a resource i.e., the Z2 group structure of the symmetry is repre-
sented on the virtual level as V1 V1 = ei 11similar
An interesting observation is that the classification of to a projective representation, but with an additional
1D phases under symmetries is not stable if one takes complex conjugation. This relation allows for phases
multiple copies. For instance, one can construct a path ei = 1, corresponding to symmetric and antisymmet-
of smooth gapped Hamiltonians which interpolates from ric unitaries V1 , which cannot be connected continu-
two copies of the AKLT state to the trivial state while ously and thus label different phases; this observation
preserving SO(3) symmetry. More generally, for any two has been used in Refs. 10 and 29 to prove the separation
states |[P0 ]i and |[P1 ]i there exist k0 and k1 such of the AKLT phase from the trivial phase under either
that |[P0 ]ik0 can be converted to |[P1 ]ik1 . This time reversal or inversion symmetry.
follows from the observation made in Sec. III D for two-
dimensional systems: Taking tensor products changes the
projective representation on the bond, and it is always D. Examples
possible to obtain a linear representation by taking a fi-
nite number of copies. 1. The six phases with D2 symmetry
From a quantum information perspective, this shows
that MPS which belong to different phases should not be As an example for the classification of one-dimensional
regarded as a resource such as entanglement, but rather phases in the presence of symmetries, let us discuss the
as characterized by conserved quantities such as parity different phases under D2 = Z2 Z2 symmetry, which
(i.e., described by a finite group). The minimum require- appears e.g. as a subsymmetry of SO(3) invariant models;
ment for a resource should be that it cannot be created we will see that there is a total of six different phases
for free (e.g., by the quasi-local evolution created by under D2 symmetry.
a gapped path9 ). However, an arbitrary even number of Let us label the elements of D2 = Z2 Z2 by e (0, 0),
copies of the AKLT state can be created from one trivial x (1, 0), z (0, 1), and y (1, 1), with componentwise
state, which demonstrates that phases under symmetries addition modulo 2. D2 = {e, x, y, z} forms a subgroup
should not be considered resources. of SO(3) by identifying (1, 0) with an xrotation by

and (0, 1) with a zrotation by . There are two equiva- The first three are isomorphic to Z2 , which has only triv-
lence classes of projective representations, corresponding ial projective representations, and thus, each of them la-
to the integer and half-integer representations of SO(3). bels one phase; since Htriv also has only trivial represen-
In particular, the one-dimensional spin-0 representation tations, it corresponds to a fourth phase with symme-
1e = 1x = 1y = 1z = 1 belongs to the trivial class, try breaking. The number of symmetry broken ground
and the two-dimensional spin- 12 representation 2x = X, states is |D2 /H|, i.e., the first three cases have two-fold
2y = Y , and 2z = Z (with X, Y , Z the Pauli matri- degenerate ground states, and the last case a four-fold
ces) belongs to the non-trivial class. For the following degenerate one.
examples, we will always consider systems with physical Let us start with Hz . A representant of that phase is
spin S = 1; we label the basis elements by their Sz spin a GHZ-type state of the form
component, | 1i, |0i, and |1i, and denote the physical
|GHZz i = | + 1, . . . , +1i + | 1, . . . , 1i ,
representation of the symmetry group by
which can be written as an MPS with D = 2 and
Rx = exp[iSx ] = | 1ih+1| |0ih0| | + 1ih1| ,
Rz = exp[iSz ] = | 1ih1| + |0ih0| | + 1ih+1| , PGHZz = | + 1ih0, 0| + | 1ih1, 1| ,
Ry = exp[iSy ] = + | 1ih+1| |0ih0| + | + 1ih1| . where the basis elements |0i and |1i correspond to two
symmetry broken sectors. The action of the symmetry
For systems with unique ground states, there are two on the virtual level is
possible phases. One contains the trivial state |0, . . . , 0i,
which can be trivially written as an MPS with bond di- Rx PGHZz = PGHZz [|0, 0ih1, 1| + |1, 1ih0, 0|]
mension D = 1, and Rz PGHZz = PGHZz [|0, 0ih0, 0| + |1, 1ih1, 1|]
Ptriv = |0i ; and correspondingly for Ry ; i.e., while Rz acts within the
symmetry broken sectors, Rx (and Ry ) acts by permuting
clearly, applying any physical transformation Rw (w = the different sectors. The corresponding Hamiltonian is
x, y, z) to the physical spin translates to applying the one- the GHZ Hamiltonian
dimensional representation 1 1 on the virtual system. X 
The corresponding Hamiltonian is HGHZz = |+1, +1ih+1, +1|+|1, 1ih1, 1| i,i+1 .
X i
Htriv = |0ih0| + const . (24) The same type of ground state and Hamiltonian is found
for the subgroups Hx and Hy with correspondingly inter-
The second phase with unique ground state is illustrated changed roles (i.e., Rx and Ry , respectively, do not per-
by the AKLT state,30 which can be written as an MPS mute the ground states). Note that these three phases
with D = 2, and a projector are indeed distinct in the presence of D2 symmetry, as
there is no way how to smoothly change the element of
PAKLT = S=1 (11 iY ) , the symmetry group which does not permute the sym-
metry broken sectors. (This is related to the fact that
with S=1 the projector onto the S = 1 subspace, and D2 /H is discrete, i.e., we are breaking a discrete symme-
iY = 1 0 1
0 . Since we have that Rx = S=1 X XS=1 ,
try; note that breaking of continuous symmetries does
and correspondingly for y and z, it follows that the sym- not fit the MPS framework since this would correspond
metry operations are represented on the virtual level as to an infinite number of blocks in the MPS and would
Rx P = P(X X), Ry P = P(Y Y ), and Rz P = require gapless Hamiltonians.)
P(Z Z), which is a non-trivial projective representation Finally, choosing Htriv = {e} gives a phase which fully
of SO(3). The corresponding Hamiltonian is the AKLT breaks the D2 symmetry. A representative of this phase
Hamiltonian can be constructed by blocking two sites, with the four
X  basis states
~i+1 + 1 (S
~i S
~i+1 )2 + const .
|1i = | + 1i| + xi , |2i = | + 1i| xi ,
|3i = | 1i| + xi , |4i = | 1i| xi ,
In order to classify all phases with symmetry breaking,
we need to consider all proper subgroups of D2 . There where | xi are the Sx eigenstates with eigenvalues 1,
are four of them:
| xi | 1i 2|0i + | + 1i .
Hx = {e, x}
We have that
Hz = {e, z}
Hy = {e, y} and Rx | xi = | xi , Rz | 1i = | 1i ,
Htriv = {e} Rx | 1i = | 1i , Rz | xi = | xi .

It follows that all Rw Rw (w = x, y, z) act as permuta- on the virtual indices with the projective spin- 21 repre-
tions on the basis {|1i, |2i, |3i, |4i}: sentation of the rotation group; it follows that the AKLT
state is in the non-trivial equivalence class under SO(3)
(Rx Rx ) : |1i |3i ; |2i |4i ; symmetry. The trivial spin-1 state, on the other hand,
(Rz Rz ) : |1i |2i ; |3i |4i ; is obtained by placing singlets between pairs of spin-1
sites [i.e., between sites (1, 2), (3, 4), etc.]. After blocking
(Ry Ry ) : |1i |4i ; |2i |3i . these pairs, we obtain a product state with the spin-0
state at each site, which is an MPS with D = 1 and the
Thus, the GHZ type state trivial projector
|GHZ4 i = |k, . . . , ki , Ptriv = |S = 0i . (26)

which is an MPS with D = 4 and Thus, the rotation group Rn () acts with the trivial rep-
resentation on the virtual indices, and the trivial state is
X thus in a different phase than the AKLT chain.
PGHZ4 = |kihk, k| ,
It should be noted that while D2 is a subgroup of
SO(3), this does not imply that SO(3) exhibits all phases
breaks all symmetries of D2 , and represents yet another of D2 indeed, the symmetry broken phases are miss-
distinct phase with symmetry D2 = Z2 Z2 ; the corre- ing. The reason is that while for any subgroup H D2 ,
sponding Hamiltonian is D2 /H is finite, this is not true for SO(3). Since however
SO(3)/H labels the symmetry broken ground states, this
XhX i corresponds to breaking a continuous symmetry, which
HGHZ4 = |k, kihk, k|j,j+1 , leads to gapless phases and cannot be described in the
j k=1 framework of Matrix Product States.
where the label j refers to the blocked sites. Let us now turn our attention towards SU(2) sym-
metry, and explicitly construct an interpolating path
between the isometric projectors for the AKLT state,
2. Phases under SO(3) and SU(2) symmetry Eq. (25), and the trivial state, Eq. (26). Note that the
difference is that now for both PAKLT and Ptriv , the sym-
Let us now consider symmetry under rotational invari- metry action on the virtual level is a linear representation
ance, imposed either as SO(3) or as SU(2) symmetry. We of SU(2) (namely the spin- 12 and the spin-0 representa-
will find that under SO(3) symmetry, there are two pos- tion, respectively). We can now provide an interpolating
sible phases, represented by the spin-1 AKLT state and path | i = |()iN , with
the trivial spin-0 state, respectively; on the other hand,
we will show that if we impose SU(2) symmetry, there |()i = |0, 0i + (1 )(|1, 1i + |2, 2i) ,
is only a single phase, as the AKLT state can be trans-
formed into the trivial state keeping SU(2) symmetry.
where |0 i corresponds to the isometric form (25) of the
Let us start with SO(3) symmetry. In order to compare
AKLT state, and |1 i to the isometric from (26) of the
the AKLT state to the trivial spin-0 state, we need a rep-
trivial state. Furthermore, for U SU(2), the whole
resentation of SO(3) which contains both the spin-1 and
path is invariant under the on-site symmetry
spin-0 representation; we will denote the representation
(1 U ) (1 U ) = 1 (U U ) (U U ) (27)
Rn () = exp[i n S] 1 .

While we could start with such a symmetry representa- which contains the symmetries 1 and U U of the trivial
tion right away, let us discuss how to obtain the same set- and the AKLT state as subsymmetries; this proves that
ting from a spin-1 chain by blocking: Blocking two spin-1 under SU(2) symmetry, the AKLT state and the trivial
sites gives a system with total spin 1 1 = 2 1 0, con- state are in the same phase. Note that the symmetry (27)
taining both a spin-1 and spin-0 subspace. It is straight- is only a representation of SU(2), but not of SO(3), as
forward to check that after blocking two sites and apply- integer and half-integer spin representations belong to in-
ing a rotation 1 iY , the isometric form of the AKLT equivalent classes of projective representations of SO(3);
state is also, we cannot obtain this symmetry by starting only
from the spin-0 and spin-1 representation of SU(2), as
PAKLT = 11 , (25) they are not faithful representations. Note that this in-
terpolating path can already be ruled out by imposing
where the identity is on the two virtual spins with repre- a parity constraint on the total number of half-integer
sentation 21 12 = 1 0. The physical rotation Rn acts representations, by e.g. associating them to fermions.

V. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK points of renormalization transformations, and any MPS

can be transformed into its isometric form along a gapped
In this paper, we have classified the possible phases path in Hamiltonian space; this result allows us to restrict
of one-dimensional, and to a certain extent two- our classification of one-dimensional quantum phases to
dimensional, systems in the framework of Matrix Product the case of isometric RG fixed points. Moreover, it gives
States and PEPS. We have done so by studying Hamil- us a tool to carry out renormalization transformations in
tonians with exact MPS and PEPS ground states, and a local fashion, this is, without actually having to block
classifying under which conditions it is possible or impos- and renormalize the system; it thus provides a rigorous
sible to connect two such Hamiltonians along a smooth justification for the application of RG flows towards the
and gapped path of local Hamiltonians. classification of quantum phases. Let us add that the
We have found that in the absence of symmetries, all possibility to define an isometric form, as well as the
systems are in the same phase, up to accidental ground possibility to interpolate towards it along a continuous
state degeneracies. Imposing local symmetries leads to path of parent Hamiltonians, still holds for not transla-
a more refined classification: For systems with unique tional invariant systems; however, without translational
ground states, different phases are labelled by equiva- invariance we are lacking tools to assess the gappedness
lence classes of projective representations, this is, coho- of the Hamiltonian.
mology classes of the group; for systems with degenerate Let us note that MPS have been previously applied
ground states, we found that the symmetry action can to the classification of phases of one-dimensional quan-
be understood as composed of a permutation (permuting tum systems:11,29,33 In particular, in Ref. 29, MPS have
the symmetry broken ground states) and a representation been used to demonstrate the symmetry protection of the
of a subgroup (acting on the individual ground states), AKLT phase, and in Ref. 11, renormalization transforma-
which together form an induced representation, and dif- tions17 and their fixed points on MPS have been applied
ferent phases are labelled by the permutation action (this to the classification of quantum phases for one dimen-
is, the subgroup) and the cohomology classes of the sub- sional systems with unique ground states both with and
group. In this classification, systems in the same phase without symmetries, giving a classification based on co-
can be connected along a path which is gapped even in homology classes and 1D representations. Beyond that,
the thermodynamic limit, while for systems in different RG fixed points of PEPS have also been used towards the
phases, the gap along any interpolating path will close classification of phases for two-dimensional systems.14,34
even for a finite chain.
We have subsequently studied two-dimensional sys-
tems and considered three classes of phases, namely prod-
uct states, GHZ states, and topological models based on
quantum doubles. We have shown that all of these phases We acknowledge helpful discussions with Salman Beigi,
are stable in some region, and demonstrated that within Oliver Buerschaper, Steve Flammia, Stephen Jordan,
that region, and more generally within the framework Alexei Kitaev, Robert Konig, Spiros Michalakis, John
used for MPS, imposing symmetries does not further con- Preskill, Volkher Scholz, Frank Verstraete, and Michael
strain the phase diagram. Wolf. This work has been supported by the Gordon
We have also compared different definitions of phases and Betty Moore Foundation through Caltechs Cen-
under symmetries and found that very different classifica- ter for the Physics of Information, the NSF Grant
tions can be obtained depending on the definition chosen, No. PHY-0803371, the ARO Grant No. W911NF-09-1-
ranging from scenarios where symmetries dont affect the 0442, the Spanish grants I-MATH, MTM2008-01366, and
classification at all, to scenarios where the classification S2009/ESP-1594, the European project QUEVADIS, and
is more fine-grained and e.g. the one-dimensional repre- the DFG (Forschergruppe 635).
sentations of the group partly or fully enter the classi-
fication. In this context, it is interesting to note that
there is a hierarchy in the classification of phases as the Appendix A: Gap proof for the 1D path
spatial dimension increases: Zero-dimensional phases are
labelled by 1D representations of the symmetry group In the following, we show that the family of -deformed
(this is, its first cohomology group). This label vanishes parent Hamiltonians which arise from the MPS path
in one dimension, and phases are now classified by the |[P ]i interpolating between an MPS and its isomet-
second cohomology group. This label, in turn, vanishes ric form isPgapped. Recall that this family was defined
in three dimensions, and although we have demonstrated as H := h (i, i + 1), with h := h0 > 0.
that we cant infer symmetry constraints from the conti- We want to show that the path H is uniformly
nuity of the PEPS projectors P alone, it is expected that gapped, i.e., there is a > 0 which lower bounds the
phases under symmetries in two and more dimensions are gap of H uniformly in and the systems size N : This
still classified by higher order cohomology groups.31,32 establishes that the |[P ]i, and the corresponding H ,
A central tool in our proofs has been the isometric form are all in the same phase. To this end, we use a result
of an MPS or PEPS. Isometric MPS and PEPS are fixed of Nachtergaele6 (extending the result of Ref. 1 for the

injective case), where it is shown that any parent Hamil- Appendix B: Standard form for injective MPS
tonian is gapped, and a lower bound on the gap (uniform under symmetries
in N ) is given.
In the following, we will use the results of Ref. 6 In this section, we discuss how Ug symmetry of an
to derive a uniform lower bound on the gap for all injective MPS is represented on the virtual level. To
P , 1 0. Let the MPS matrices [Ai ()]kl := start with, it has been shown? that any two tensors P
k,l hi|P |k, li|kihl| (cf. Sec. IV A 2); in theLnormal form, and P which (up to a phase) represent the same MPS
the Ai () have a block structure Ai () = A i (). Let
can be related by a gauge transformation

E () := A
i i () Ai (), and let |spec E ()| = P = P(ei V V ) .

{1 () > 2 () > 0} be the ordered absolute
value of the spectrum of E () (not counting duplicates). Given an MPS |[P ]i with Ug invariant parent Hamilto-
Then, 2 ()/1 () < 1, and since the spectrum is contin- nian (where Ug is a linear or projective representation),
uous in [0; 1], and the degeneracy of 1 is A,6 the ex- it follows that |[P]i is invariant under Ug up to a phase
istence of a uniform upper bound 1 > >
2 ()/1 () and thus, the action of Ug on |[P]i can be understood
follows. For 6= , let on the virtual level as

Ug P = P(eig Vg Vg ) , (B1)
[A (); X] [A (); Y ]
p, () = sup

, or
X,Y |[A (); X]i |[A (); Y ]i

P Ug := P 1 Ug P = (eig Vg Vg ) ;
where |[C; X]i := i1 ,...,ip tr[Ci1 . . . Cip X]|i1 , . . . , ip i;
i.e., p, () is the maximal overlap of the p-site re- note that Ug forms again a representation. From this, it
follows that the Vg form a projective representation, and
duced states of the MPS described by the blocks A ()
P in turn that g forms a 1D representation of G. This
and A (). With S () := { i tr[A i ()X]|ii|X}, and
O(X , Y) the maximal overlap between normalized vec- shows that Ug , and thus Ug , is a linear representation of
tors in the subspaces X and Y, we have that p, () Gsystems with MPS ground states without symmetry
breaking cannot be invariant under projective represen-
O(S ()p , S ()p ) O(S (), S ())p . Moreover,
tations. (Strictly speaking, we only find that g is in the
since S (0) S (0), and S () = Q S (0), we have
same cohomology class as a linear representation, but in
order to compare two systems, we need the same gauge
for 0g and 1g , so we choose them to be linear represen-
|hv|Q2 |wi|
O(S (), S ()) sup tations.)
hv|wi=0 kQ |vikkQ |wik Under blocking, the physical symmetry Ug in (B1) is
s mapped to Ugk , restricted to the range of the blocked
|M12 |2
= sup , map P k |D i(k1) . Vg remains unchanged under block-
hv|wi=0 M11 M22 ing; this suggests that it is suitable as a characteristic
of a quantum phase (which we expect to be stable un-
where M = Q2 , = |0ihv| + |1ihw|, is some 2 2 der blocking). The 1D representation eig , on the other
submatrix of Q2 . For M > 0, hand, changes under blocking to eikg . In particular,
if the 1D representation is finite, it can be removed by
blocking, while this is not possible for continuous repre-
|M12 |2 min (M ) min (Q2 ) sentations such as of U(1).
1 1
M11 M22 max (M ) max (Q2 ) However, our definition of quantum phases allows us
1 min (Q2 ) =: < 1 , to fully remove the 1D representation eig in (B1) even if
it is continuous, using the phase degree of freedom which
we included in our definition. Consider first the scenario
and we find that p, () p . Thus, there exists a p
where we are free to choose the phase degree of freedom
for the initial and final system independently. Then, we
can choose to replace Ug by eig Ug , which will make the
4(A 1)p X 1 + D2 p
K p () := p
+ D2 p 2 p < 1/ 2 , phase in (B1) vanish. Second, consider the case where
1 2(A 1)
1 D the two physical symmetries are equal, Ug0 = Ug1 =: Ug .
Then, we can choose the phase gauge such that the 1D

and as Nachtergaele shows,6 12 2p ()(1 2K p ())2 is representation for one system vanishes,
a lower bound on the spectral gap of H . Here, 2p () is Ug0 = Vg0 Vg0 .
the gap of H , restricted to 2p sites, which has a uniform
lower bound as the restricted Hamiltonian is continuous On the other hand, since Ug0 = Ug1 , we have that
in . This proves that H has a uniform spectral gap for 1
0 1. eig Vg1 Vg1 = Vg0 Vg0
which also implies that eig = 1 [e.g., by looking at any i.e., the upper left block of Ug (which corresponds to
non-zero matrix element (i, i) (j, j)]. Finally, if Ug0 and the virtual subspace used by P ) forms a representa-
Ug1 only share a subblock, this means that Vg0 = Xg0 Yg0 tion to first order in d. The part corresponding to each Xg0 Xg0 yields that subblock, and similary for Vg1 , of the two bonds thus forms a projective representation
1 which changes smoothly in , and which therefore cannot
which again shows that eig = 1. change its cohomology class. Since the cohomology class
has to be the same for all subblocks, this completes the
Appendix C: Continuity of cohomology class where
subspace changes

Appendix D: Standard form for non-injective MPS

This appendix contains the proof omitted at the end under symmetries
of Sec. II F 3 (all the notation is the same as introduced
there): That the cohomology class obtained from P and
P+d is the same even if P+d is supported on a larger In the following, we will show that for any non-injective
space than P . We will again show this for differentiable MPS |[P]i with a parent Hamiltonian which is invari-
P , it extends to continuous P by approximating them ant under some local symmetry Ug , the symmetry can
by a sequence of differentiable functions. Let P+d = be represented as the symmetry (16) of P. It is clear
P + P d, with from (2) that any P with this symmetry will result in a
Hamiltonian with the same symmetry. In the following,

P 0
 we will prove the converse.
P = Using the same arguments as in Ref. 35, one can show
0 0
that any Ug invariance of a parent Hamiltonian (at the
and moment, we are talking of a single unitary Ug and only
  carry the subscript g for future use) can be understood
A B as resulting from an effective action
P = ,
C D M 
1 i
and note that the same block structure has to hold for Ug := P Ug P = Pg e Vg Vg
g (D1)

the physical symmetry (as it is a symmetry for the whole
path), of the symmetry operation on the virtual system, using
  the correct gauge for P. Here, Vg is unitary, the direct
Qg 0
Ug = , sum runs over the Hilbert spaces H in (15), and Pg per-
0 Rg
mutes those Hilbert spaces. (Proof sketch, cf. Ref. 35:
with Rg , Sg unitary. To first order in d, the action of Ug invariance of the Hamiltonian means that Ug maps
the symmetry on the virtual space is ground states to ground states. The different sectors
H , corresponding to different symmetry broken sectors,
Ug = P+d Ug P+d = T 1 Kg T + O(d 2 ) , must be treated independently, since they dont interfere
on any OBC interval. Thus, Ug can on the one hand
with permute sectors and change their phasethis gives the
" # Pg and exp[i g ]and it can on the other hand act non-
(11 + X)Qg X Rg Qg X X Rg trivially on each sectorsince each of the sectors behaves
Kg = ,
(11 + X)(R Q) (11 + X)Rg Qg X like an injective MPS, this gives the Vg Vg .)
  In the following, we will assume that Pg acts irre-
11 0 ducibly on the system in the sense that there are no sub-
T = ,
0 C 1 D sets of {1, . . . , A} invariant under all Pg . We can always
achieve this situation by splitting (D1) into a direct sum
X = (P + A d)1 BD1 Cd, and the dressed represen- over such irreducible cases.
tations Let us now study what a linear representation struc-
Qg = (P + A d)1 Qg (P + A d) ,
Rg = C 1 Rg C . Ug Uh = Ugh (D2)

(This can be derived using the Schur complement to ex- (g, h G) implies for the algebraic structure of Pg , Vg ,
press P+d and can be readily checked by left multipli- and eig . (We can always achieve a linear representation
cation with P+d .) It follows that the upper left block by blocking; also note that the following argument can
of Kg Kh is be generalized to projective representations.) First, since
Pg is the only part of (D1) which is not block diagonal,
(11 + X)Qg Qh X Rg Rh + O(d 2 ) , it follows that the Pg form a linear representation of G.
(Linearity follows since the entries of Pg are 0 and 1). using that g () = k h k1 () = k h (0 ) = .

Let us define If we now substitute back

Wg := eig Vg Vg . (D3) 0
Wh0 = eih Vh0 Vh0
Then, using (D1) the representation structure (D2) is [Eq. (D3)] in
equivalent to the relation
Wg0 Wh0 = Wgh
, g, h H
Wgh () Wh = Wgh

[Eq. (D4)], we find that Vh0 forms a projective represen-
for the Wg , where the permutations h are defined 0

via Hh () = Ph (H ) and thus form a representation, tation of H, and eih a linear representation of H.
g h = gh . Thus, we can write
Let us now show that (D4) implies that the Ug can be K Ug K = Ug Dg
understood as an induced representation; the following
proof is due to S. Beigi.36 Fix some 0 , and let with
H := {h : h G, h (0 ) = 0 } . Ug = Pg Vh0 Vh0 (D8)
Then, (D4) implies that Wh0
is a linear representation

of H. We know we can write G as the disjoint union and

over cosets k H labelled by the blocks = 1, . . . , A, M 0
for a (non-unique) choice of k G chosen such that Dg = eih , (D9)
k (0 ) = . (This is where we need irreducibility.) We
now have that
where h h(g, ) is determined by (D6). The diagonal
(D4) operator Dg acts independently on the different symme-
Wg = Wgk
Wk1 = 0
Wgk Wk1 (D5)

try broken ground states of the system and thus com-
mutes with the Hamiltonian; therefore, we can remove it
where we have used that k1 () = k1

() = 0 . Using by choosing the proper gauge for the physical symmetry

the decomposition of G in cosets, we have that g and according to our definition of phases under symmetries.
uniquely determine and h H by virtue of If the symmetry of the initial and the final state overlap
on a subsector of the ground state space, this implies (as
gk = k h (D6) for the injective case, Appendix B) that the 1D repre-
and thus, continuing (D5), sentations for this sector in Dg are the same and thus
can be removed by a joint gauge transformation. To-
(D4) ( ) gether, this shows that for the classification of phases
Wg = Wkh 0 Wh0 Wk1 = Wk0 Wh0 Wk1 , under symmetries in the non-injective case, any symme-

try can be understood as a direct sum over independent
using that h (0 ) = 0 . We can now replace Wk1 using sectors, where on each sector the action of the symme-

that try is given by (D8), where h h(g, ) is determined by
k1 ()
11 = W 1
k k
= Wk Wk1 = Wk0 Wk1 .

Appendix E: Robustness of the 2D gap
Substituting this above, we finally obtain that

Wg = Wk0 Wh0 Wk0

, (D7) Here, we prove the robustness of a gap based on a
condition of the form
i.e., Wg is fully determined by the representation Wh0 hi hj + hi hj 81 (1 ij )(hi + hj ) ; (E1)
on H, together with the (arbitrary) unitaries Wk0 for all
coset representatives k . where we consider a square lattice with hi 11 acting on
We now define a rotation 2 2 plaquettes, ij = a for directly adjacent plaque-
M ttes i, j sharing two spins, and ij = d for diagonally
K= Wk0 ;
adjacent plaquettes i, j having one spin in common. (In

Section III B, we have given the simplified version where
then, in the rotated basis, Ug reads a = d = .) Then,
M  X X X a + d
K Ug K = Pg Wh0 , H 2 = h2i + hi hj + hi hj H ,
|{z} 2
hi 0
which implies a gap in the spectrum of H between 0 and let ,X = Q1 , with X = A, B, C and x = a, b, c.
= (a + d )/2 > 0, and thus a lower bound on the Then, the -deformed Hamiltonians are
gap of H, cf. Ref. 1.
hi () = (,A ,B )hi (,A ,B ) ,
hj () = (,B ,C )hj (,B ,C ) .
Let us now study the robustness of (E1) under -
deformation of the Hamiltonian. Let hi , hj be projec- Let us define
tors which satisfy hi hj + hj hi 81 (1 ij )(hi + hj ).
(The proof can be modified for the hi not being projec- := 2,B 11 0 ,
tors.) Let hi be supported on systems AB, and hj on q := min (Q) < 1 ,
systems BC, where the number of sites in systems A, B, := ((1 ) + min (Q))2 1 ,
and C is a, b, and c = a, respectively. (For the square
lattice, a = b = c = 2 for directly neighboring terms, and 1
a = c = 3, b = 1 for diagonally adjacent terms.) With such that Q2a
a 11, and (b 1)11 . Then, we

Q = (1 )11 + Q 11 as in the one-dimensional case, find that

hi 2,B hj +hj 2,B hi + 81 a 1 ij + 8(b 1) (hi ,C + 2
,A hj )
2 2 1

hi ,B hj + hj ,B hi + 8 1 ij + 8( 1) (hi 11C + 11A hj )
= hi hj + hj hi + hi (b 1)11 hi + hj (b 1)11 hj + hi hj + hj hi + 18 (1 ij )(hi + hj )
(hi + hj ) (hi + hj ) 0 .

By multiplying this with ,A ,B ,C from both suming a square lattice, the lower bound on the spectral
sides, we obtain a lower bound of type (E1) for the - gap provided by (E2) is
deformed Hamiltonian,

hi ()hj () + hj ()hi () 81 [1 ij ()][hi () + hj ()] , a () + d ()

() = = 1 + 42 (1 + 22 ) .
(E2) 2
with ij () = a ij + (1 + 7a 8a+b ). This can be
used to find an environment of any point in which the This gap vanishes at 1.07, limiting the maximal de-
system is still gapped. In particular, in the case where formation of the isometric tensor to min (Q)/max (Q)
the isometric parent Hamiltonian is commuting, and as- 0.967.

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