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Advocacy Plan

LIS 653
Natalie Grimaud

Marketing Action Plan #1

GOAL: Teachers will recognize the value of collaborating with the librarian.

Objective #1: I will collaborate with six teachers from two different grade levels during the
school year.

Target Groups: Teachers at Rocky River Elementary School

What? Introduce the role of the librarian as a collaborator
Where? Library instructional area
When? January-June 2017
Who? School librarian, curriculum coordinator, teachers
How? I will meet with the curriculum coordinator to collaborate on ways to incorporate
library resources and library time into the curriculum of at least two grade levels.

Communication Tools: Attend grade level meetings with the curriculum coordinator to present
pre-planned ways of collaborating; present elevator speech at grade level meeting about the
benefits of collaborating with the school librarian.

Evaluation: Follow-up survey, word-of-mouth feedback

Objective #2: At least ten teachers will collaborate with the librarian on more than one unit of
study during the school year.

Target Groups: Teachers at Rocky River Elementary School

What? Introduce role of librarian as collaborative partner at first staff meeting
Where? Library instructional area
When? August 2017-June 2018
Who? School librarian, teachers
How? Presentation at opening staff meeting on ways to collaborate with librarian and
benefits of doing so, meet with curriculum coordinator weekly and attend grade level meeting for
each grade level at least once a month

Communication Tools: PowerPoint with lists of collaboration ideas and photos from previous
year, samples of student work, encourage communication with teachers who have previously
collaborated with librarian

Evaluation: Library schedule and librarian records of collaboration

Marketing Action Plan #2
GOAL: Administrators will support the instructional role of the librarian.

Objective #1: Administrators will provide the librarian with a flexible schedule for the following
school year and will require all classes to schedule a biweekly time to bring their classes to the

Target Groups: Administrators at Rocky River Elementary School

What? Present to the administration the benefits of a flexible library schedule
Where? Administrative office
When? May 2017
Who? School Librarian, principal and assistant principal
How? Schedule meeting with principal to discuss benefits of moving the library to a
flexible schedule

Communication Tools: Research citing the benefits of a flexible schedule, circulation statistics
comparing days as a specials teacher with flexible days, email requests from teachers
requesting times to bring classes to the library, examples of collaborative lessons including
teacher feedback

Evaluation: Library schedule for following school year (August 2017-June 2018)

Objective #2: Administrators will require teachers to collaborate with the librarian for at least
one unit of study during the school year.

Target Groups: Administrators at Rocky River Elementary School

What? Present to the administration the value of teachers and the school librarian
Where? Administrative office
When? May 2017
Who? School librarian, principal and assistant principal
How? Schedule meeting with the principal to discuss the benefits of the librarian
working as an instructional partner

Communication Tools: Research citing improved test scores when teachers collaborate with the
school librarian, examples of collaborative lessons, follow-up survey comments from teachers,
samples of student work,

Evaluation: Support from administration at opening staff meeting when presenting about

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