Sei sulla pagina 1di 98



~ellatol' ~Y~[]~GT()X..\. dp('laratioll Oil the part of th(' Bl'iti:;h GO\'- ~rr. lLDD
Pl'IlTll('.lIt to fOl1ll the ~tate of I~rael ill the flltul'P? The ellA}

)[I'. H,\~DIEH, At some point in the flltUl'r. .\gency for

~pnator :-;Y)IlXGTO~. It was llla'dp. during \\'artime? of eithrr thf
)fr. ILDDn:R. ,Yorld \Yar L 101 i. Xovpmbpr 191 i. Fund!
~rllator SY~[IX(;T(l:K. Th,lllk you, ,Mr. Chairman. :\h. HA2\t:
)f 1'. I I.DL\IEIt. Thank you, si 1'. The ('1I.n
;\g'l'l1c:' for
. 'rh(· C".\IIDI \x. )11'. I LUllInrl'. I tilld it difJkult for mv:-;plf to fol- Thp CHAI
J(')\\,. Tho l'pa~()ll fol' th('s~.([lll'sti~)lIs i:-; to try to (':-itablish the I'(']ation- Mr. lLuI:
:-;hip !>pt\\,ppn tltt>:-.t> \'a,riolls organizations and th(' r('gi~trant: that jf' After 196
\\'!t;l! til('. linp of rjllpstions isdesignNI 10 rp\'(',\,l, i~ possible. ' the dwinnfi
On tIll' Pn,lrst illp Foundation Fund, I do not belil'\'p I asked you who :\11'. Dewey
t jill llu'rn\)pl':-i of that corporat iOIl arp. :lIll pxpcuti,
)[1'. Ih,nlF.R. Var~ous Zionist ::"'TOUpS in thp l-nitpcl Stat('~. Cnitrd Ism
Tlw CII,\ TR)L\ X. Gr'OIlPS or indiyidllals? Tlwrr an
)[1'. ILDDn:n. I !>('Iie\'(>, it is g-1'OllpS. Of COllr:-ip. tIl(' gI'OlIpS dpsig- ~E'rn> as eit 1
flatl\ ifldi\,idu:lls who SPI'\'P as nlPIllb<'I'S of tJu> hoard. Tlll'V ,,'prp tlH) is purrly an
OIWS who original1\- (,()]\qitlltp<! thp Palpr.;(inr FOllndation 'Fllnd, and facts ",~11 b
tIll'." ('onl i llll~ in t h;s l'(>gard. t Iw officrrs fl
1'110 CII,\IIDL\X. Do \-Oll know ho\\' lllanv t]wrp are?
)fI'. I Lnnn;n. Therr arp four major g-"roups. TllPre is tl1<' Zionist
Org-:tIlization of .\llIpri('a: Ihrrr is tlw Hadassah, thr Kational \\T O ,
Ill:lll':-; Zioni:;t Organization: tlH)l'(> is the Labor Zionist Organizn,tion
'fhe CIL\
of .\IIIPI'ica: :111(1 thp fourth OIH' would be the )[izrachi Organizatioll, t 11(\ l'Porga n
Tlw CII,\IInr.\x. T1H' byla\\'s of that organization would I'p\,pal--- heing tax re
)[r. IT,nDIEH. \Vould refiectthese facts. Mr. II,\:!'f
The ('IL\rIDUX, "Tould you ~uppl.v liS with a (,OpV ofthosp faNs~ ~Ir.Frf'{i S(
)fr.IL\1\Dn:R. Yps. sir. I will do so at tllp paI']ip~t IllOIl\Pllt. ativE's of ya
(S('r apprndix 1. p. 1401, ItrIn 7.) them-at '"
,JEWISII ~_\TlnN,\L ITND (J~F) .\~J) I'ALESTl~}; F()L'~D,\TI(l:-; FI':-;n (1'1-'1",
Treasury, ~
Srn:1tor- HU~fPHRf:Y. Mr. (,hainnn.n, on the ('hart we have \\,he1'(,-- ('ern('d a hot
whrre it says PFF, an(l aho\'P it. it says KeTPIl Ifilv('sod. he termed I
)fr. ILD{:\fER. That is thp organizat'ion wp. \\,(,I'P "just discussing. on that, an
Senator HUMPIIREY. That is the onp you were just discu&<::,ing and at t.he part of
01H' t inl£' t ha t- wa:-i t h(' S:lnW as t lw .1 ('\\. ish Xat iOlla 1 Fu nd ? len,ders .of t
~fr. IL\1\unm. Xo, sir; it was th<:> sistpr fund to the .T('wish National 'Ye thrn
Fund. .J p,rusalem
Srnator HrMPJlHF.Y. It was thp sistpr fund to the .Tp,""ish National was reorga
Fund. Is the .TXF now 1l11c!rr the {TnitE'd Israel Appf'al? sponsibiht)
)11'. HAM:'\fF.R. ;\0. 'I'll<' .JXF, Senn,tor, is an independent fund- eations wit
raising body, op('rating hy it~f'lf and ra.ising its own funds. spending 0
S(>nator FeMPHREY. So it is split off? I should
~fr. ILnnfER. It is split off. do not mea
Spnator IT UMPIIRf:Y. Y rs. I should
April 1960
I am respc
The CHAIRMAN, ArE' any mrmbf>rs of the Palestine Foundation for Israel,
'Fund subject to the dirert or indirect control of the Jerusalem

.\1 r. H.\:\Dn:H. ~o, sir.

The CIL\IIC'r.\:\". Do allY of tlw dj['ectors and oHi<'Prs of tllp .Te\\"ish
.\gency for Isra<'I, lI1C., also OC('upy posit jOJh as directors or offict1rs
of pithpr the t"llitpd Israel Appt->al. Inc .. OJ' the PalestilH' Foundation
\1 I'. I LDDfER. Yes. si r.
Thp ('IUlle'lL\:\". \\'hoare Iher?
.\fr. HA:\[l\IF.IL "'('11. ill tJll: {-nitI'd bl',w! .\ppenl, .\II·. Dewt'Y
:-;tone-excllse mt', .\11'. ('hainnan. \\TIWIl YOU I'l:'1'er tD the .Te",ish
.\gl'n('y for Israel; InC' .. \\":lS t his prior to 1~Ifil) OJ' a ftPr 19()CP
to fol- 'I'lll' ('1L\I,nL\~. c\ftl'r }a\)(), if yOIl kilO\\".
ation- .\[ r. I-LunrF.R. Y ('s.
hat i~ c\.ftk'I' 1960, the ehai Iman of the .T ewis.h Agenc.y for Israel, Inc., and
the <'hairrnan of tlu:' ('nite<"! Israel ApfWal is onl' and the. same person,
)11 who ~h. Dewt'Y D. ~tolle. I (X'-cupy a posit iOIl in hoth organizat iOlls. I
aJll I'xpcntin> vi('e c!lnirmall of tIl(' I~C., and I :un secretary of the
l~nitE'd ISr:lt'1 _\ppen.l. .
Thprp arp ot h('!' officP(,s. the!"€' :11"(' ot lit'r gpnt If'men who~ I am sure,
d",~ig­ ~€'I'\"(' a~ f'ithl'r (lirrct()r~ or m('ml)('r~ of thn I :nited Israel Appeal. It
rr t hI' is pnrt'lv an honorary li~t. It is not a "cry fleti\"e corporation. Thrsfl
d. and fal'le; will be brnllg"ht out in grPfltpr detail ",hpn I submit the list of
I hI' Offil'l'fS a ll( 1 I1lI'Ill hpr~ -of t 111' en ii ed Tsra e 1A PIW:l I.


I O_
"T IX J960

'rh~ CII.\lInL\~. You llwlltionl'<! in ... our statpnwnt on(' I'rason for
zat JOll. t11(\ rporganization in 10()() of t1\(, .Tl'\\"i·,.:h Agency for Isml'l, Ine.\ as
'al-- Iwing tax reasOlIS. "That \WI'(' t hose reasons?
Mr. H.nDrER. In 1058, thE' then Pnder Secretary of tIlt' Trrflsury .
.:\11'. Frpd :-;;cribnerl conyened 'a meeting to which a numher of rf'prE'sent-
ati\'Ps of ... arions organizations were invited to attend-I "as anI' of
them-at \,hieh !ll' described a dilemma in the. Department, in the
) r I'FF I
Trt'flsllry, and in flIP Illternal RevPllllr St>ITir.e. with respect to,the
operations of dompst ic organizations working overseas. He was con-
h (> I'l'- - cprned ahout t hp fact t hat there were a nnmber of organizntions which
he tt->rmecl "<'onduit" org-anizatlolls. 1Ve helped clarify the thinking
;l1lg. on thut l nnd this happened to coincide with a desire of our people, on
and at t he part of ollr people, to bring into closer identification some of the
leaders of the United .TC'\\ish Appeal with the problems overseas.
ltionnl 1Ye tl!rr('fore sllbmittf'd n plan of rt'organlzation under which the
,TpTusalem Agency di\"ested itself of control of the INC.; the INC.
ttional was reorganlzedas an American-controlled corporation, with the re-
sponsibilIty for studying refugee needs overseas and for making allo-
fund- cations with Anwrican dollars for such needs, and to supervise the
spf'nding of American money overseas.
I should point out whe.n I say "our peoplet I mean Americans; I
do not mean Israelis.
I should also like to make the point, Mr. Chairman, that since
c\pril 1960 I am no longer responsible to the Jerusalem Agency, nor
UIA am I llndt'T th€\ control of the .Jerusalem Agenoy. Since April 1960,
I am responsible only to the board of directors of the Jewish Agency
dation for Israel, Inc.

Tllp ('H,\!lnl.\~. Is that t hf' ~\l1lPl"i(':ln ~r('t iOIl? ,,:111',\\ ,\~~('Il<'

.\rl". Il,DDrn:. \0, ;-;ir: thp I:\C., tIll' .\lIwl"i(';lIl ol"g:lllil.atio!l. 1["1I )('111 kn II ,\"
~('Il:llol" IIl'\U'IIl:EY. ~11'.('llail'lllall.llla\'I :l:--ka qlll'~lio]\~ :--j'I'1110\·I'l":.;('a
'I'hl' ('11 \[IDU:\. Yes. iill'('II\IH
I he ,1~'('llt of
(TI[I.I:":-;IJII'IIF I:\I',I\II,\I(]) \IE\II;FltS ,\ ~('f1;'\' i;-; \'OJ
.\ II'. '1 [ \ \'1',[
~I'll:l(O!' III'\ll'!lltU', TII('I,II:lI,t ":lY" "('llllll'olll'd 11\' {'.:-:'.I,itiz('I\..;"of
rlll\ ./p\\,i;-;II .\~I'Ili'\'. ilJ('. PO(':,,> II lll~':llllliar :lllllll'l;dl~'I';-' (d' tL(, !I0111'd
;In' l' ,:--;, (,it il.~l\:-; ~' '
II\\I\[l'lt, 1'\\1'11(\' Ollt (If 1\\'\'1l1\·-OII('IlI('lltl)(,l"..;uf (lli;-;Lnanlan' T! II' ('II \II;
,'il i/('II~. Thl' 111 ' (' l:\.('\·!'! i011 I" 111(: I n';I";IIl'l'[' or t Itl' .I(·\\i"ll ·\.~('Il(·Y,
1'.:--;, ,\pl'ii :" l%~
alld tlit' n':I,Oll fur ill\ itill~ hilll III :-'1' I'\"(' oil tll(' 1)(':lJ'd i:-, :'() lil;\l 11(' I I,ill'd /,j,l";
1';111 II:l\(' till' OJ>l'lIl'lllllil,\' Of.'·(llllill~ 10 thp IlIl:ll"d ;lll~l pl'l·:-'(.'Itti'lg' Iii" lif 1:1,' I'nil(',
gllll):l! ['('qllll'l'I\Wl11"; :llId to 1III"Il 1:-,11 \1;-; \\1111 :-'11"11 Ild"['lli:ltlllll ;l~ \\(, j ii, ,],: l I', "I ; I II tl
111:1 \' IIl'('t! ill Ol't!I'l' to fl';llll~'Ollr 0\\11 1)lld~I't (d' \'\IH'lllllllll'(·". \ ! I'. II \ \! \ i
'I'!II-:, 111"irl\'11!;\II\', i" IIlI! 111(' (lIlh' 1111'II,ot! \\(' 11:'1' ill i'l'dl'l'!o o!'laill : , \ I 'f J 1'.\ l I i'

III!"OI'lII:ltill)l. \\'1' ;'111\"0." till' ";('1'\ ;,.(." of:1 ]'(·jll·I·"1·11I:lli\'(·. ill (Iii,.; (':1,..('
1)1'. Lador I,ullin. \\'lto ,.;pn'l,d fol' Ill:llIY \'(':11':-; ill Ill(' l·.~. (i()\(·1'I11lH'llt.
all ('111:111'111 ('('(llIOllli:-:l. \,,110 111·ad,.; 011'1' ·ollin'. ('(111,..1111;,1 i\\' ollin', :11[([ \ ! r, j I: " I: Y I " J~
I I, '1/ /'c' 1 :,',
II\'. 1':X:llllilll'c; IllP PI'O~I':1I11o.; ill j..;r:\('1: liP JlIal-;,(,,.; fOlll" 01' five tl'ips a
I , /. '/ ,I, '!' I")'
\'(':\I'I)\('l'tll(·]'(·. IIi;-;a;-;;-;i,..tal1t i;-;I'p:-;idpilt 1111'1'('. \ \'-.r/.. \\'.
. \\ (. 1>!lt:lill a ,'()I1"I:lllt 110\\ of illflll'lIl:ltilll1 \\,lli"I, \\1' 1111'11 I'\'alll:lll' I I' \I: I i ' , i, \
:1"; 10 )Il'('(l", :llll1 \\'(' tll·tl·l'lllill(·, 111'011 1>1', 1,III)il1',,; l'l'I'Oll\l1ll'lId;llioll.
\\ I\('n' :111' 1110\\' ()III' fll11110.; -:ltllilid hp "IH'1l1.
I Ii,.; ao.;:-:i;-;!:llll. illcidpl1t:t1lv. \\110 i:-; 1'('~itll'llt [Il 1:-;1';)(·1, i:-i ;11;-;0 ,\llH'ri- jl. flll(. 1111
,1,\,: 11 '1',,1":'::1';)
,·:t!1. :lll,l o.;tl'llogl":q"ll'r,.;tlll'r;·, :110.;0,\1111'1'1(,:111. .' \,1 ~ t1: l I Ii!· .
"II 111",1' '",lI:llf.,
}'IJI.!('Y OF I:\C. ('(1~TW)jI.EIl BY I'.S. C1TIZJ-:"S \\'., ...."II\1It! rt·
I Iii' 1'; II" Ill' :-:: 1,.. .-

:--;1'11:1tOI' III':\l1'IIltEY. 'I'llI' poli('y. ho\\'r\'('r. of I Ill' .Ip\\i~,:ll ,\!2·PI1C." 1,\ ,r'l'.\ lit' il-;
111'"' 'lll"~ ~II' 1111,
for I:-;rae'l i:-i ululPr tIll' l'Ollt 1'01 of Allll'l'i('a11l·it iZPI\"; I; ~-llf'''''; I'll. \':t' Ill:l.\"
~rr. II,\~DIFIL Tltl' 1:\(" j,.; Illlt!l'r Illl' l'olltrol of .\nl(·ri(·~1l citizrlls: \ \' (' : 1r (' a Ii \' i:-,
ih Iw,ldqllartt'r:-i an' in \('\\' York. "'1'11[('('( 111']'(': \\'1' <!I'! ('1'111 illP 111'1'1" dill! r\l\ld-l";\ j",j I
LOll k i II~ I'll I"\\'
ho\\' till' Il\OIH'." ...; Il<lltld Ill' ";P('l1t, It is dl'll'f'IIlilll'd';llld ('()l1trolll'd hy
:-.I ilH,t-rl'l.\
.\ IlIl'ric:lllo.;.
III additioll. I -;]\o\dd poillt Ollt 111:lt \\(' han' our ()\\'Il illdl'\H'lIdpllt (\,: n·alJIJi II,
;lllliitill~ dOlll' In' ;111 .\lIll'ril'al1 :luditor \"Iln ~(H':-: OY('I' :illllll:lll\'. ('11l'1'1;::-:
:llld \'('I"ilil's to ~.'(' I hat t Ill' lll()IH'~'''; \yr h:l\-'l' :t11(H';l! I'd \\('n' '~Pl'll! hy ,\ UTIIOI:I
our aU(,llt. 1IIr:l11ill~ tIl(' .lpl'1h:llelll .\~PI)(,Y, ill :ll'1·11l·t!;1Il<'l' \\'itlt (IIII'
wi,.;llf'~ in this rnattl:!'. . .
:--rll:ltlll' :-:'Y\II:,\CT(l\'. "'p oll!2'ht 10 P\lt lllat ill ollr o\\'n forpigll :tid Tit l' ( '11.\1 J:
pl"ograJll. J II plll""'\IanCf
L, l'i[\('l1"'. t 1"t-:1
"II Iwhalf of t

'Ill(' ('II.\I1Dl.\:'oI. \Ir'. I [aIllHW!', :lS a I'l':-illit of t hI' I'I'O)'!!:III iz;\t iOIl. I Ill> '!',,!egl':Ipllk .\go
\\"I' llndel"sta
Xpw York corl)())'atioll t<'l'Ininatf'd it;-; I"pori,.;lratioll nlld~'1'
tIll' Fon,jtTII~ I" pay <lnt on tl
A~l:mt.'s Registration J\ct; is that (:orn·('t 1
l\rr. HAMMER. That 15 eorreet, Sir, .
"Tollld \"01
The CHAIRMAN. 'Vas this on tIll' t henry, t Itat t Itp ~ p\\, ('Ol'P()I':!~York 1 Y Il i t ed r~ ra(
tion was no long-er subjE'ct. to the ('ontl"Ol of tlte .h'I'\I:-;nlpm .\g(,IH'Y~ ,\~pl'WY, .1l'1'1
~rr, H,\;\[;\lEn. It. was no IOIlg'l'1' ~lIbjp(·t to till' control of the .Jp!'\1-
1'.J . \~

04- 524-
-:111',11 ,\~~I'III'\', 11 \\';l~ IWl'r(lr'lllill~' 110 (Itl11'1' flllll'tioll than to act ill-
1:"1,('11<["111 h'
'Ill fill' dl'II'I'J,IIII;I! il)ll Id' 11(j\\' ~\!lli'I'I";lIl 1'\11Id..; :--111':11<1 Ill'
:""1 pll! { ()\·l·l'...:t';t~.

1111' ('II 'II]:\! \ ,>, '1'111'11, i~ ii , '(I I' : 'I ': I () -; I \' 1 II; I 1 ill' rI) I,(, 1~ Ii ; Ii. \' ( >\) \ \ T 1'P
Ill\' :1~'I'I!l :II!' .l\·l'lic::II'JII or ,\:';'('111',\ I \1'11'1' 1:11;11. 11ll' .(\'t'lhl!,'11l
,\~I'Ili'\ j..; \'(,111' :\~:('1J! ~
,\1,', ';! \;, '! 1 I:, '1,,11 i- 1"olTI"'!, ~:I',
,I'lh" or
, I '0;1 I'd
1'1'111: ]1\j'JI' \I'I:I!, ", i'",,,:

:lrtlan' '\ '" ('II \I':\! \ ,-" ,\1 I', I LIIIIIIII J', I -1111\\ ,
'.1'11 :\ I'(l)l\'
1)1' :1 11 it\'!' 1/:1(",11
\~I'Ill'\'. ,\p"I! :', I~II;~, :' llil: \I"I!'~"I(, 1;'illlil'!1 ILIIII)II!')',:h 'I"'!"'!:ll'\, (,I' TIl('
t ; I;\! (It' 1 1';:"11 J-i,:': 'II;') \i~ 11\']:1,\ ('. ~:l'I'li-'\'III~ t ' \ \ l l ' : l l i \ l l \ ;l't f;l't'-l~lt'llt

Illg' Ili~ "r ii" l'IIII,',! ,1.,\, 'II ,\i'I'I':I: ,d' (;,',';tiIJ' \1'\\ '11'1'].;, :lllt! ;I~k ii' ,\IIl!
;I ~ \\ I' 1 d \ 1'. ~ I',) ! . II! (l .. l ' J it· f I . 1 !, : r I' I' ~ I ;

\11', II 1\I\ill:, 1 \'~, -::': I III :- )'1\' :--i'.:'II\I!ll'I', I di,! I'I'{'I':II'I' thi..;.
o! l!;1 ill , \ ,'" I ',\ CI j' I ' I \' 1,,; , I 'I' t'" 11 CI \ ': I
II i:-- (':t :--1' 1 . ~\ I 1i 11 I . . I; \' ! , I' .. '. I
I'IIIII!'ll! • \' I I , '/ \ \ , \ /' 1"'/ ,~, /' ,,; ,',
il'!', awl \ I r, j!' ',I; l I' I:,' -' I',
I /', 1 r " (! ': I ! ifl
t rill:' a
I • /' I '/' "I" I, 1: f'l' "I " ,. I ; ,', " / ' " " ,r \ ",):,
, ,I, \ \
'\' :1111; II (' i I \ I[ ' I . ':. I r! ; I' 'L' ) • l i 11(' :1:"': I"t 't)-
( i" 1 1 I I ' I j I -, 11'- --'. I r! "-. \\ 11; J I ,\' '"t' I , II l :1':1
l<!;\! iO!l, ~ ! ~ I ,', ' IIj f" .:: i J ,J Ilf Jill r I Z I . rl
'. , " \ \ !J '!': 1~ .:-: . : I I ' h : r' • \ '..:'! ' II \ I ll; I ". I' 1, t I, . J.
1',1 \11' 'r,I, I[ I 1'1'" 'I, :/1':1-111',']' ,\~'ll"\, III :I-~ :'-,,\\ \"1'1, I.r,\ t' III" ,J,,\\j-lt
,\llll'l'i, I., I':' lilli, ,'II 1"II,tii" I" 1:1" 1 . i','! :'I':"'! ,\1'11t'111, 1;-;- :'1'1' "III Ill' :-:,-,II,(lIIO!1I rllt'
.1 \, It '1 !.:' !!l_' ,\"';11" r jdrllllt·rl,·i!J~ ~\j I'll t. l~:t;~.
l'll':...:"t";)j: I" \L:' 1\, \ '\"e Ilndt'I';
, , •I r 1 1 ;: 1 1, ' I( r 1: i (
"i II I I . I t ' I r ' I l' ;; I ~ '(' \"' i II II! \ t ' \ \ 1.... (· ; 1:--1, ,\' l J tIt; I 11 ~ 1~. () tit,
i ; \ 1.... ! 1 I

"II 1Ii",r 1"']1:111'. :::: I"'I',,'II! ,,1' :1,(' :<,II,IHlIl,

\\'" ',""111>1 P"III\"1 ,I,:tl Illi, 111 11 1'1 ..... hI' ]'aid '>l1! III .1'1'.\, 0ff.. "t;\'" lit lilli"', at
IIi(' ,,,,I,' ",' :-:l,-;-,-.{I JWI' \\1",1" '1'1\1..; ,\1111 \\":1"; :I"""rt;!iJIl'd :Ift,'f II '''11'1'1'111 1'\'11111II!j"II
1,\" ,1'1',\ Ill' iI"; 1','I,II'::q,I:Iit'd illo'lIl1lt' frlltll \\"'11":11'1' Fl1nd,.; alld 1I11lel' 1':\1"'1 ted
III' ,II',': :--:11"llld ,fT \',.; ill"II/II" 1':'11111 ,'1]11'1' ""111"'1'" ill"Y'(':l-l' IIIIl''.I",,'\('dly II" lillll'
;":""" "II. 1'1'111:1\' :1,"1, ,\'''11 III 1'I'\'j"I' t Iii,.; liC:lIr.. d"\\'Il\\'llnl.
'itizPIl~; ;lo!li"III~ ,fT,\ 111:11 ";0 II!lI~ :1." ltli,.; ;lrr;ll1gl'tIIPllt \'\i"t~,
\\'" ;11'" it lnll,\' !lI't ('Oll-
jill'Ill'l'1' dll,'r flllIl1-r,[i"lll~ "III1II':li~II"; iii :\'1'\\' York,
r.lIII"ill~ f"I'\\':lI'd 10,\""ur \'olilil'lllllriun of Ihi~ :Irr:lIlg'PIllPllt.
01 iPd I,y :-;itll'l'rl'l~' Y"lIrs,
nOTTJ.lFRIl I\,,~, ER, :;;;('ITI'/OI'!I,
P!'lId!'ll! (',,: j{'<lbhi 1II'rl'\'l'1 Fril'dlll:lll', :\11', 1~lld<,I'<' IIlllitlin, III', Isa:lt' .\lloJyal.
'. (,I\p('\.:::-:
:p('llt hy ,\l"I'II()j;IZ\TI<)~ FI:o,[ ,I I:In':-; \LF'I ,\l:!'::-\(,Y TO HL{,I1TST )''\':-\llS
,'jtll 0111' Fl:(nl [''>:nUI .IEWISII ,\]'!'\:.\L

>Ign :\ ill T\lp('JI\lI:'l.\~. TIH·lir:-:1 P:lI':l~T;lp!l.Y01i \yi11 110(1'.\'(·;](1:-:;1:-: fol1()\\~:

of tlif' <Ii:-:\'\l;--:,.;ioIIS whkh \n'rf' 1lf'10 lind tIlE' ng-rt'f'IlIf'nt rf':lt'hf'tI
! II ],ur:-:lllIlI('f'
l'OI1('prilill~ tlip .T1'\\"i:-:1I Tp!pg'l':lphi,' ,\!.:'plI('y, I ha\'p 11('\'11 :1tlthol'iZf'\1 hy :\11', .\ryph
) () '>: L. I'illl'tl,.;, trt'aSllrl'I' of rhp ./p\\'j"h .\g-PI1(')", to ask :"i('w York {',TA to pny out
"II )'('1Ialf nf till' l'nitf'd ri"I'lH'1 Apppal ljj 1\('1'<'1'111 of :::,-,O,UOO to thp .Jp\\"ish
T,'I,'g-r:lpllic Ag-<'Il('y for thl' Yl'lH ('Ollllll\'lll'ing- April I. HHi:;,
lOll. Ill!'
\\'(, 111111<'r~t:llld that till' joint distribution 1'/l11I1ll itt 1'(' \\"ill. lik('wii"l', asl, you
Forpi r-
<yn I , pol,\" /lut 011 tllpir Iwlinlf a:~ pl'T('f'nt of tlw ~;)O,OO(),
'" ollld yO\l('xpl:til1 tot lit' C0I11111 itt 1'1' \\h~' YOIl. ;l~ :o;p(')'ptary of the
l'll it I'd I:-:nu'l A plwal, l'('qlli l'l'd :\11 :llit Ilol'izat ion hOlll t 11(' .T ('wi~h
'01'1 IO)';!-
,\!,!\'llf'y •• /('1'11:-::11('111, in ord,'r to Ill;)k.' this I'P({lIP:-:I of the ~t'\\' York
19p)lI'y ~
I '.J .\ )
II' .J('1'1I-

!H ;,:!4-G:l- pt. 9 - - 3

.:\fr. TL\~D[EH . .Mr. Chairman. this \\as a hudgetary Ili:d{('r. To tllt' In 01'<1('[' 1.11,
t'xtPIlI tlwl \H' ('ould pass 011 to tllp .Tpl"usalplll "\g·Plj('y slw!l adlllillis- of i Ill'! Ilsioll tJ
AZ(' early ill
Iralin' l'OStS alld han' t1U'lll ahsorb Ihplll. \\t' \\o1lId do so. "'p \yould o('IIPtit:iary of
pl'l·fer lllal 0111' f1lllds at Ihp t'lld of Ill!' yt':11" sllO\y all PXIH']Hlit 111'1' l>uJ.:'p(<1r.v info]
fOI" tlJH'rat iOlla] lleeds. ra 11)('1" 1ha II for :111 il e111 \\ II il'h ('ould 1)(' I'lassi fipd a nil sppl'i tie 1'(>
ae, :Ill adlllillistl':llin' ('ost or sOlllt,tlli11g- otlll'r tl1:111 PXIH'lldillll'l'S for The inforlll,
II arCOrUllm"l'
I"dll~·PP 1'l,lil,f alld l"('lIaLililat ion. TIIP .\ZC \\
TIlt, ('II.\IH:\I \);, If Ihis \yas YOI1I' :1"('111 aJld Y01l \\'1'1'(' ill l'Olll I'ol, finan<'illl supp
wlt,\' did yOIl l'l'l.jllin' allllIoril.:lt~oll fl'(~l\ tl](' tn';lslll'I']' of tltl' .fl·\\ish Ag-t'ncy SUjll!OI
.\gt'll<'y ~ The AZC is s('
of Ihp Jp\\'ish
~II", II.UI:\lt:IL Ikl';IIISI', I \\01l1d l)(, dl<\l'~ill~ J,illl ",itll Illis, :\I\d lIP
ndi\'itips froll
\\'ollld 11:1\'(' to allsol'll it ill his 0\\1l :l(iJllilli~rraii\'I' hlldg-<'t, 1":I1]ll'l' thal1 tillall('PU h,\' th
Ill\' OWII. Pl'iIlf'iple that
.\llll'rican .J('\\,
Thp hud~pt;
Q1LST]II" I'" HEIIW;,\"II.,\T1II);J',\SFIl II); HI ])I;FT lllr;EsT or ('(11·"1']1.
Ilt'llIAillll'p 1('H'
OF .1EWlsli FFlH:H,\TIO);:-- ,\:\]) wu,r.\Ia: 1"1 "1):-; With the tr:m
tht.' J('\\'i"h .\~
Tl](' ('ll,\lIDI \:\, III l'OIIIlf'('ti()1l \\'itll lhi:-- qlll'sll01l Ill' tl](' I'P:ISOIlS for tpl'Illill(' \\'het!
fhl' I'l'ol'!!allizalioll. I sIIO\\' YOIl \0, :;(1 of tlIl' HlId!!l'l I>i~·t's(s of tltt' 1'1':1 t j"II" \\'h it'!
('Olllll'i]'of ,lp\\i"h Fl'dnati'olls ;\lld "'I'lfal'l' Flillds, 1'('l:lrill~' (0 tIl('
TIll' llI11jOI' ]
~\ IllPl'i(':l1l Ziolli:--t ('OUIl/j I. ;"01,-1 P:lrk .\ \'I'lllll', :\1'\\' York ('it \'. al't' illdit'li t('<1
(.\ ('opyoftll\' dl)('Ulllt'!ll isa:-; follo\\,.:;) . of i Ill'OlllE', a", r
I, Till' J /I fIJI
BT'l)(~ET 1)!(;J-::--;T~ wilh projPI·till
Pl'ogl'lllll is Ilh
U III i -.J P\\' i"h fe
III 01'<1,,1' to
'I ,\ Y 1 (J (\ I - '\ 0, :lO Illt'dia - -1'<1<1io,
~P(':lh:('rs Bun
:-:I'l't a ri:lll ~roll
priat!' pJ'(lf('s"i
Till' Allll'rkan Zionist ('olllH'il is an orgllnizatioll of org;llliz;lti"ll.~,* It", It ('()Jill uets
('oll"titlll'nl orgallizatiolls an': Hllin'r"ity ClllJ
Alllt'ril'lIn .Jp\\'ish Ll'agllp {or ISrflf'1. 1'1'1'''''1111,,1 tl) \'i
g'lIai Zioll, fll'Illit' !l('rsoI1IJ
Jla Ii a h. \\' 01111'11'" Zion is I 0 rganiza t i 0 II o{ A Ill!' ril'll ('ontil1l1illg' ('01
Hpligi"u" ZiOlli"t" uf AllIf'rka (illCllldillg 1Iul",,'1 llarllizradJi "',,!Il(On and l'1' f1wd \V i t h ~I
1\1 i Zr:I ('h l' ,.:W 011\1'0) , A r('sPl\r('l1 :
Labor Zionist ~IO\'PlllPIlt (iIlt'luding" FlIrhalld. l'i"IIPPI' \\'01111'111 t('rials for liSP
l'rogrps",i\,p Zionist L('lIgup-lIashol1\pr IIatzair. ('!(I;';I' ('ooper

l'lIi!pd Lab,)r Ziollbt Party (Al'!lt!lIt A\'oilah-P,,"1(' ZiOll\. s p"li"or~ SI)('III,

{'lIitpd Zionist-Rp,bionisls of A III f> l' it'll , prilllaril~' in It
ZioniST Or~anization of AIlleril'n, :!, TIl(' }'()uf
,'Oil! h !lI0\'PIll
Tit" AZC is appealing dirpl'tly to ,,"plfarp FUlld", for th\' til'st lillI(' ill l~H)l l$l1i'(,:iOOI, "
to providf' *771'\,000 to\\'ard a lIl:'t budgf't of $l,4li:{,4,"Ij .... for llip ~'par (lcgiIllJing ill Israpl ($17,
April 1, 111m, Thl:' halall('e of $m~n.4H7 \\'hieh is to hp sought from lIoll-\Vf'lfarf' ('on"tituPllt 0'
Fund sources. inclUding support from its ('on:-:titUf'llt organizations. will be I snit' I art' Pll l'
airectl:'d esp~'dally to HIIIl nee thosf' programs whil'h ha \'e more di rpct rf'If'\'U liCE" I() {;niversit~· l$:
the respollsibilities of these O['g'HllizntiOll::i than to thp cOIlllllunity us a wholf', ahout $(i,OOO f
This is rf>fteded in ttlp goal of $:.!lf).OOO whil'h it will s+"Ck to raise fro!ll and Anwri('nn ,
thro\l~h thf> illf>mhership of it~ lIille I'onstitupnl. orgallizatioIJs, It. will also ~('k
Sta tf'fl. but on
to raise $2"J2.000 in r\e\\' York city and will requirf' an additional $178.000 from the constituen
independent fund raising in some large cities to balance its budget. :l. The Or(l£
4Tht' AmpnClln ZlonlRt ("fnl'll is lI~ted by the lntprnlll }{t'vt'nue Sl'rvlee as a tux-exempt
offices of the •
and tax-deductible or~nnlzatlon,
"On n grolHI baR!!';, Incomp of nbout $~.OOO Rhould bE' II.dded to thlR total for earnln~~.
ti vi ti{'s on thE
fee~. tlllhscriptions, and the like, The A ZC rell(
th is rppr{'sen t
{PI'. Tothe' In Ordl'l' that \\'plfare FUllds Illight eOlldu('[ thpir l!j\;l campaigns OIl tut' basis
(·It :ldlllilli~- of ill<'!ll~ioll ()f tlit, appeal of tllP .,\ZC, a lIutkl:' \\'as Sl:'lIt tu \Velfare Fuud,-.: by
AZ(' ('arly ill l!Hil ilH1iculillg th:ll til(' ,\ze \\'isll('(1 to hI:' C"ullsidered u direct
\rp \\'o\l]d b"lIl'lidary of "'l'1fare FllIHls ill l!ltil awl Ihat it \\'(lulu sulmJit program and
('xpplldil1In' bllgt'lal'S' ill[OI'llwtioll to til!' ('Olllll'il of J(,\I'i~h Fpllt'ratiulls alld \\\·l[are FundI'
1)(' ('I:l~:-iti('d alld sppt'itk I'pque,.;t,.; to eadl Fedpratioll at 11 later date,
Idilll!'\':- fo!' • The ill[OI'lllatioll ill lhi,,,; rt'poI't is ura\\'11 lar!{ely froIll d:lta suhmitted by "\ZC
"'n :Il'l'OrdlllWl' .."ilh lIJi~ lIoti('l',
Till' .\Z(' \\'a~ fO!'llll'rly HllalH't'll II,\' thp ,h'\li~h .\l-:'pIH',I' for l~r:lt'I, lIut thi~
ill (·Olill'ol. till;llll'ial support \l'a~ t" 1'1';t~P :It ~ll1rch :n, l!i\il, Till' ~o1Jr('p of Ihis .fl'wisll
t 11 (. •J(' \\' i,..;J I '\I-;l'lll',\' SllP!J<II'l'o[ tilt' .\Z(' l'ilS the 1'.1.\ \l'hit'll is lillaun'd b,\' \\'plfarp Funds,
Till' ,\ZC i~ ~('l'kill~ din'''t ~uJlPort frOlll \\'l:'lf,II'(' FUllds sinl"t> Ill!' rporganization
of till' ,Jp\l'i~ll Al!:plII'Y f .. r brilt'!, Illc, ill l~i(;O rpsultpu in tbl' separatioD of AZC
tlli-.;, :l!Id Ill' :I('li"itips frolll thl' h;t~i(' progr:lllis of il1l1lligrant aid which will ('t1nlinup 10 hl'
1':1111('[' tltall tilJillJ('pd h,l' till' ,JI'II'j~1i .\g'l'IIC,\' f(,r br:lpl. This spparntion was ill lilH' with thl'
prill<'ipJp tliat dpcisioll~ lind ~llpptlrt of uOlIll',,,tic' activities ~liould hI' Illade hy tlip
.\llll'ri(':lll .fp\\'i"h ('OIIlIIIUllity ratht'r thm! by all illternational ag'Pllcy,
Tlip IlIldg'pt:!ry Ip\'('] of ~1.~fi:~.-t,"7 for l!H)1 (j2 i~ approxilll:llPly till' same ex-
1ll'IIliitlll'p !t-I('I :I" 1'''1' l!Hill~('l, Ihp t f'I'Ill ill:! I y't'ar .. I' ,It'II'i,,h ,\:":-f'llt',\' sllpport
\\'ith tlw trilll"fl'l' of till:lIWi:il I'f'~pon"i"ility and program adlllillistratioll ftolll
thl· .ft'\\'bh ,\g't'lll',\', Ihp .\Z(' pl:lus to PX:lllIilIP Illp trall~[,'rrl'd pI'O;!;r:llll" to ut:'-
, n':I:-,OIl-; fol' It'!Tllillp \\'hpthpr dlan).:'l'''; arp fpil"i"'" til' dt'"irllhlt, n~ \\'1'11 :I" till' k\'p[ of 0Il-
l'r:ltitlll~ II'llit'li 11(1l11t1 III' IIP(",,.,.il;II('d 1',1' rt':lli~li(' lill:llwi:lI Pl,,,,."t·('I~ "r (·'\lll'ri·
~('"t-.; of tll('
:Itlll.!..!,' to til('
TIll' llilljor lIf'ildillg'~ ill till' ,\Z(' I'Xpt'lltlitllft> alld ill('OIiIP bud):t,t for 1!Hil-fi2
~ ('it y, ill't' illtlit'all't1 ill 1111' piitl of tlli~ rt'p"rt. Till' 1I1110ll11t:-: "oltght frolll P:lt'li soun'l:'
,,[ illt't1lllp,:I" rt·\aI(·t1 {" t'adl 1,1'1'1' Ill' !,rogralll, art' :Il~tl indit-:ltl'(l.
I, Till' l/ljlll'/11I/I//II/ 1/1/1/ I'll/Jill' I,'//ili//Ii/s 1)/ }IIII'II//Ilil "':~:.!''',::,-II), i~ 1'''IJ('I'l'IIP''
\\'itli projl'l,tillg' <I (I""it h',' 11l1<It'I'''f;llldillg of Isr:I"[ OIl thp ..\IIIPrit'all ~1't'IH', It~
III'O):I'alli is :""0 ",,~iglll'd to l'OII,[lilI .\1':11, proj';II,:i1l1da I"'!ich r\,,"ults ill ('!''':lting
,II \ ("II;, :\ Y alii i-,/p\\,j"h [l'"lill:":-,
III order til C:lITY 1IIIt tlli" pr"gr,1I1I. till' ,\Z(' 11tilizl'" 1':1ri"11": fl.rlll~ of IIla~~
l1l"diil l'illlio, tpl,,\'i~ioll, film, (l1'riodit'als I ::;,-):~,:'{tIOI, It oppmtl''': an pxt<'n~ivl'
~1H'ak"rs B11I',,:I11 I ;<'j~,'jOO) I\hidl i:-. H"llilalll" 11I:lillly to 1J(111·.Tp\\'i"h or lion .
:\ \ S,'('(:ll'iall ~r(J\lp~ 111111 pl'o,\'idp~ ~\lch groups Wilh I~r:IPli sl'p:I!;:"rs fl'otll nn appro-
pri<ltp I'l'o[{\~sioll or \\'itll othpr persons prOlllillPllt in IsrllPI.
It ('("l1l11('t~ ~"llIill:lr:-: 011 lsrilpl :llld :\Iiddlp Ell~tprll I'ro1l1l'lIlo,; I )i:(j'j,OOO f, on
11l1il't'r:-:ity ('II\lI(lUSP~ illdllding fel]o\\'~hip~ \\'hi('h IJlHke i:-: possihl" for IHlivt>rsity
1'{,1'~"lIllpl to \'i~il 1~l'af'l. It al~o a~~i~t~ ill Illl' tillHllt'ing of ,,,t11d,\' gr"lll's for ;I('a-
d('lIli(' (l1'r~olllH'1 \'i~itillg l~m!'1 011 tIll' Hibl!' and Oil otlH'r 10(11<':-:, It lllailltains
I'olltillilillg ('ont;l('t with v:ll'io\l~ !'l'lig'ious and l'll\ll'Hliollll] orgllnizHlioIls ('on-
('prllt'd wi I h :\1 idll!1' Ellst 1'1'11 prolJ 11'111":,
A rl'~pardl alld pr,,~~ ~l'l'\'i('e I $I);,,~OO) III'pparps lind pnn-idps ~pt'('i:J1iz(>(1 rna ..
t('rial~ for \l~" of all dppartl.lll'lIl~ of thp agl'lwy liS \\,pll as for "tllpr puhlil'ations,
(']o~,' ('IH)pprllliOll i,.: IIll1illtllillp(j with tht' Christinn ('UlIlllllluit,\', It tlnnncps or
"p"li~or-.: "p('l1l,('r~, (l1I1J1it':ltioll~, t(Jllr~ to lsrapl. 1'1('" for J1e.r~ons of \'lIrious faiths,
prilll:lrily iu Ihp rpligio\ls alld HC:ld"llli(' til:'llhL
:!., Thl' }'/llIlh IJlllor!owlI! ,~;mH,H10) ill<'lutlt's I)J'O\'i~ioll for grants to Zionist
youth 1I10\'('llIPllts fol' thpir g'('IIl'ral ,a<'ti\'itips allli for thpir l'lllmmer CfilllPS
tilllP ill l~H;l f$ll.,-",-.OOf. A~~isllI!l('1' is pro\'id£'d for those \\'i:-:hill,t: to prpplIrp for pio!lf'<'ring
,par he~illllin~ in IsrllPI I *1,7,Of}O), but all of this Hdi\'ity is to 1)(' support('d hy ilWOIllP from thp
11 1I01l .. \V",lfllrp ('ollstituPllt org-:lllizHtiollS, \"orksholl:-: Hlld lpadprship trHillill~ prog'rnms in
ti 011";, \V ill IH' brapl arp JlHrt iall~' subsidiz("{1 and J:rnnts art' a\"ailablp for study at the Hebrpw
et rplp"llll{,P to {ini\"t'l'sit~' 1$:!li,OOOl, Part of this progralll is tinnll{'pd hy pst.imatpd in('oine of
Y liS a wholp, uhout $li.OOO fwm [pes,
fi is£' frolll II ml AIJ1Prknn 7.:io!list Youth A('tivitie!'1 ($H7,t\60) art> eonducted in the United
,""ill also S('(>k 8tnlps, hilt oll('-fourth of thps(' ('osts arp to be supported by income receivPd from
:H 7H,OOO [roIl\ the ('onstituent fig-pncies of the AZC,
~, Till' Orflonizatirl1l /Jppal'f1llcnt ($1:?n,13~) (,Ol)fdsts mainly of seven reg-ional
offl('pS of the AZC, Th~l' offil'es are channels for the fi('tivities of fill othpr AZC
IIR n t"X-E'X"mpl d£'J)nrtnwnts, They help to orgnnize lo('nl Zionist Councils which conduct U('-
tivitiNlon the local s('('ne wru('h lif'rive from the nntionl1l programs of the AZC.
tal for t'nrnlu~",
The .\ZC reports thnt there are :!79 local Zionist. Coundls in pxist.enC(' and that
this r('prpsents nn increase of some 2.~ perePllt O\'er tilt' nlllllher of exlsten('p in
1240·\CTrUTlI::-i OF .\f;f::-\T:-; OF FOTIEIC:\, PTIl:\('!P.\LS 1),T U,S. ACTlnTII::-
,t. 'I'll(' II, r:f I ,,'I/"/'lli,," (;-;~II::;:{li) ,·.. Il.... i"t:-; 'If 111)"('(' di\'i"i<)ll'" 111" II"l'zl In- and palllphlds, :":11
~titlll,·. till' I1"rz! I'n'"" ;llld .\lid"tn';llll, t illll" lit' nrl'lli.'·al I
Till' 11,'n:1 1",lill:!" ':;!IHi ..-,lol \\:1" ,,,,,:111\1,,1"'<1 ill ]!I,-, I loy III" ,!,'II'i,1l .\;':-"IW~: :":lIll1,' lO.I)(.lfI 1fl')""OI
and the .dnH'riCfln Zionist Coullcil as a t:rnlt'r f"r Zi(llli"t adnlt I'dll'·:lli,,". It" 1'. •\ Ill'Iu!fjllflrl,
1'1''':':'-,1111' 1l;I\'" i!:":I\lI,'d j,"'IIII"'~" ('11 '·"llil'lllp"I';II·." proldl'lll""" III,' ,/1'11 i,,1l ,,(','llI' IIlilti,,; )";It ion, !'I'llt
ill :II! ""'11111'1"'. :',Ji,j,','1--; ,)",Ii, lI'illl ill"llId,'') lifl' ill Ill(' :\,':,:"\', Ill(' :'l:ltl1.-'; of hI' i,kllt itil·d in tt'
_\1':111"; ill !'I':I"1. "1'1"'\"1:1\ IiI',' ill 1"1':1,,1.1111' :,,,"ili,,', ,,1' HI:','I:,II ,It'll ":" II", 11;1- 1h(' ]l1'1':lrtllll'nl" C
1111'" "f ,1"II'i,,1I r,'li:.:i"II" 1"'\'11':11 . .]"II·i"h IiI'" ill J-:111'''IIl', ('I,'. !l. Flilld Naixill(1
(lilt' ;t ..... !,l·(·l (It' il .... \\111"1 .. I ... I~lf' .... t·!·Jtri"1!:..: ~llId 11[·\Il·I' ........ III~ II{' "l\'ld'd, :lIld ;lr.. J:h·t,;, tI!'g-anizp iIHlpj}('II<!
d":IIII;":: l'l'illl;lril." \\'illl III(' lli"t>II'\ ,,1' Zillllj~I!I ill ,li,' {"ll i l,·,1 :'1:11,,:'. T!11' "b- l'itit·" nll<! to intl'I'p
.i",·li\·" i, II' 1"'1'111 ;\ /"'1'1:';111"111 ,·,,111'<'111111 ;11·;lil:!'J!., 111 ::!1 ",'11,.1;11'''. ]"'I'i"di('
('11111"'1"'11""" "I' ,,·ll'>!:II''' '11'" ;II""'l1~'''1. 'Ii
I~l.-," ,',II'II,i\'" II',~ (,1';1 'lll1"II"IIII;lil'l'
n'"llll,'d ill JlIlIl/j"", ilill "i' :\ i",,,kll'l. "I 111'1'1'111 ,,,'II'j,,, :''''',,:1 I{I"I';II"')'," II !li"!1
.tlll (.,-ira JI.

ill··llld·· ... :1 !i-llll:":' "r" llit· Il!'.i,',·i....: '1:' ~T;\l:II:I~{' 111<':"':--' ;llld tl'I('IIIl":t1 d: ...... 1 r~:II:'III~
~It . . . (llll~· !11;ljt"'I:l!'/,!I'''::f'';1! ld·liILlj·!'· ....
.\1111"'1:.:11 IiI!' II"I'?I III,I!I"I,'-, :'"", :1I'Iil·ti,'" il;~\''' )""'11 "'>1""'1111':111',) ill \"'11' J )r i':lrlfJ1!'
I-Ill']';' (. ! \, il j...: "'lllll\'lllll;ltill~ l''.ll·~l'''lttll .... , '·\·il·,·...; \\ Illt,ll \\ / 1 11] l lll'lli lit (~11! i.\·lII.~
('llIIIIIJl:llil i.·....:.
Till' IJ"l'zl I):,..:..: '>'111.1"11111:', Jllli"i,ll"" 10'11 \'"iiilll'" :II,d 1",1:1' 1""1,1"1" ill-
Inf·lr:l1;tllll:t artd pq!dll' r
('llld:ii". "1"11 tilil'_ :I'" " T i l ! ' \"Wl'i":l11 .r 'II." "'1'11" \"'1 1.,<'1"'111." "I "'lli;III' ,II y Jlllt '1
H;I.I'." "1'::11'1\' II", "1'.\ ,,1' /.:"111"11 i!' .\ IIII';'/I';l :111,1 1.. 1' 1II .\ 11"'I·i. " .. :! ':, I "'1':11' ( Ir ..':.Ull/.l til IT!

1':11" ... I~jlP !'I',dJl"IJ,' :"'1111' 1"lId~....:. \\1'1'" ..... lll··:,:iz,·1 IHl! '111;11 :1"'" II111!PJ' Illl' iJl1-
III'r I: F'Hl!lj!:lr IIlll
E,ill",lLI'11l :lI11l {,IJlt 'lfl' _
!'I' I,; ,rI' 11,1",1' ItI""i"llil!~ 111111"" 'l'lJrall, 1',ll1\·:lflllll.;i I I \'1
'Ll,,' ,.,;1 jill' i·I'· , ....... ; ( l ~lt· '1="ll"ll·rl:. !l. ::"Z:II" '\1 ,i-: 1 \';1111" I ,'~:~I.I:I;fJ I I'.',.,'!,.,.....: An'~l1\ l'~ ;l'i,1\ .
:lr,,!I!I.J 1"";1,·1 .~'Id t~t' IIllJ III' 'I '''II .... I,j' 11'1' :;11·' jlr Ih,· 11" . . 1 !',.'" I ,ll'\\ j .. il ("Inl- I Ji':l,l 11url.·r:-: ildntlill--!r:
FUll'lr.• t--I'IL:
I Ill! I i i I I ..... I' " I·: I I I'. 'i f ' . J I • I' \ t' I' . I! II ' .... , • ; I' jIll: 1 ,. ,\ i II : I ' j' t ' .... I....
I' \ I : I ~' I ' I" ,1 : I ' 1'1 I I I 1 II f "1 1'1,\'
1'1', :'~I:I'" "t' ,1,,\\·,,11 li'-,· ill \1""l'i,·,) I,., 11;" (,,111"1" "~I' '\il,1 '1, 1111 11"11"", j'"II!
:lli!'ll . . r ;11..\ tlI";'!"l,;j'I' ' "11 .fl''.' : . . 1. l·ll.!lll·;,! ....... I~" ; .... "UII"'ld":','d
lIlt' \1.1';'11"'11
II) t I' 'If' i:li('!·f· .... ' !., "~\II,,-;Il :llli" :111 1 ~ . . "I'Il"\'!"11 :iJ '''' rlI11!" ~ll"ll i'I"':"::.I' I. 'j'ill'
({I1:1I'I,'ri\' 1,;1" ;I!'I"'(I'"' "','Iy ~L.-,;I(I ,,"I"'('l'illl'l', Tll" :t 1" '\ " d i "I l' i 1
~ld) ..... l'1!·1 :"11 :nJd I,i Id'l" ft'" 111l'ltlt,t' 1"11' t 11 1' .... \. :1,'1 i,'i, j, .... i...: I'll' :,·tt,d :11 :l~!lltl..:t .\1'1,1;<';11""1 \0 (,
.S::O,O( 10. "il',,"II\ 1'1'11111 "1':,::
,l TIll' II ,,·/I'Il/lfl,1 ' .... I"/'{I'(J:;"/I '1:1·1, "/I,,,',
,.";]';:.I;~-,' J,;i" :1"'; it "",j,,1' ,,1,- 1',,1' \ "Ill II. J:, i\ll';ll
.i!,!,til·"" IIIl' 1'1'''111''1'"11 "t' 1,1It1\\'I,',,,:,, ,d' il,·III"'II· <'1111'11'" 1111<111:".1('1'11 !"·;lI'I. l';, 1'11:.1 1'1" "I.
'r",'"" ,I't'tlrl" ill,·III,i,' rllf' 11<11:1\11"'111\'111 IIf IIt,I'I"'II' 1;1I1::11;1~" ,r'l,Ji"". .~ '! .t ':--" . : I l't . : l I I'; 1

:'-''''''111'' 1""'.;"1'[" all" ;,,', i\'il i,',,; illl'llI,l"11 ill 111\' \\',11'1, "I' Illi" Il"":J1'1 tllI'ltt ;Il'!': gl"';II,'1' )"1'''IIIIll:,ibii
11':1,·il'·!'''· ill,'iilll,''', ""111111:11'''. H"I'I'('I\' :111,1 i'l'al'] "llldi.'" all" 1[,,11;','1\' 1:l11~'J:lg" IIt·t i', I Ii"" 1'1'111<1 Ill('
('till 1'-"", :\1 .\:II"l'i'·;111 ilhl if 111 illll,,' ,I' lti~IIf'r 1";1 rtli II).!;. Till' )"'III:ti Iii 11'1'
I-:dll.'al iOllal IPlall'rial" ;:n' ";llI'I,lil'd III .r"\I·i,,1t ,,(,111"'\,,; Illld SIIIIIP 111'\1' d:l.l' :1111 i"i!':lI,'<1 [l'tI II I
"!'IIII"I,, 1'I,<·,'il'" :':1':1111, .\Z(', III1'lil I,'III" :II,' III 1'1'11\ '"" 1111"'" , 111:1 rll' r" II I' I II!'
l'"tilllnll'd IlIlal ('o"l (11' ~:.!n.O(l(l(lIr :lid III 11f'\\' da,\' ",'I"",!.".
. \ '1\'111"11111 tr;tillill~ "l'lllillal' 1'''1' II.'hl'I'\\' 1l'al·lll'r" i" lll'ld 11111111:11I" ill T"raP!
nlld i111 [tllllll:Ji ,,11111111\'1' ".'Illillar ill ["1':1('\ i,.; abll 1Il'Id fllr _\IIIPri('ali !'L:ofl'",":lIr" of
1{ihl,' :Jlld 11,,1,1',,\\'. _\1I ;lllllllal "111I1111f'1' l\'lIrl-:"llo[l ill l"r:ll'1 i" "<llldlll'/"" f(1J'
,JI'II'j,,11 ('<!1l1':1111I'," alld rallhi,.; ill ('()(1]I('ralillll \\'illt 1)1(' .\III('ri(':III -\""tH'iiltillll for Tlll' ('II \IIDI
Jpwi"h E<llIl'nl iOll. 10\\ ill;.!' r!":"('f'ipl i
Till' !l1'!':IJ'[II11'111 ]ll',,\'idl'...; ;..::ra11t,.; tl' lIi"t:lrll'llllt II'I'i!h. jlll'!lldill;;:' H;lrI":IJ',
'I'll" ,\I.( ' -
Jlill.llrtlll, :lIlel olll('r 11"hn'w lallg-l1;l~I' ;Icli\'itil'''. 'fll(',,;1' grail!";. \\'lli"'l [1t'('Olilif
fllr half of ('o"t,.; (If ~l.-).~tln, art' !'(,n"i,JI'!"l'd 10 Ill' ill l'I'!I;lll' of tilt' 1III'IIIhp)""hip f II :t Ii s. t 11(' A Ill(>
of th., ililll' "lI11"liIIH'lll :1I.:I'IH'il'''~ Ill<' .\llll'l'i('Hn Zilllli"t ('lll1l!l'il
Ii Till' n"/lfll'll//l'llt uf '{'(II'(/II r:rllI"(/lili'lI fllld rll It II/,(' 1$.,,,,,1'<:) II:\-::h its pllr- \\';1" f'lrllll'rl~' Dllal
po",' Iltl' "tn'llgfll('lIing of n pr(l·I"rn(,j "pirit. Hrllllllg' ()rt]!,ltlllx ill ol'dl'J' (0 .r"\\.,, \\'il" to ('pn,.;p on
h!'illg '"1'111 I'lo,,('!' to tllf' ~t:l1f' lIf T"ra('] :II)(] it...; ]ll'llhll'lIH and III "111'1':ld th,' "11011'1- or III!' .\ZC \\'as t.h(
('tiKI' (If TlIrn h fllllong nil ('11'1111' Il I " lIf !'\\T\'. .r l-I1;ll'd.Tcwi~hj
'nIl' ()('l'artmt'nt. h('lil"-!'" that it" al'ti.':itip....; in r(','('nt \,pllr" lin\'(I hplJ!p<! to in-
('r~'n"l' altP1H.!nlH'(' of ./pwi"h I'hildn'll ill ./l'wbll dllv ;;l'hll()l~, \\'hil'll j" fill:llw('d
Elii'll ~'pnJ' tll(' J)I'P:lrtllll'llf or,~alliz,',,; alltl l'/llldlll'i" n lI11I11IlI'r /If "pl11innr" foJ' '\-('lfal'l' FUlld,.; "i
!'tndrnt", tpl1<'lll'r,.;, ral,hi" :11)(1 (lrtllllt!"x In,\'lllf'n which n r(' Iw]d hllth in thf' 1 !l(iO, ),P"IIIt('" ill
l·niff'd ~ll1lt'" :lJlr! in I"rap], frpflIH'ntl,\- in ('(lop('rnfilln wilh n1.l1('r !'I'lig-ioll;; nntl of illlllli.L.:'raut nil!
f'rllll'atil.lllnllJodip,.;. lll"titilfes are conducted ill :\rw Ynrl" Hnlfilll(ln', ('hi('Ul!:II, Tsnl(>l. This s~'J1a
and Lo,,,, A Ilgel('!'. . of d(llll~'''ti(' I\cti,
Aid 10 c!ollll'"ti(' ~-pshi'l"f1th 1$1-•. -1(0) i;; illl'lndf'd ill this progTnl11, hnt $10 SOO rnth('r Ih:lll by :lll
of fhi" filial is to hI' till:lll"l'd b.\· parrnnrkl'd g-ift" frolll th(' ('lIn"titllpllt ()~g-a­
llizl~1 i 1111 >:. "':IS tllt' priI
•. . 11'I'hln·x fllld l,iIJI'fIl'!1 (~(j7.-t()()) j" :t rpfpn'lI"I' >,pn-i('1' fill' ;;I'holn rs :lll,l w-rit- IlIoti":lting the
ers 1111 Tsrnl'l anc! Illl y:tri'l"" f:1,·('1,.; of ./l'wish liff', It hns nhllnt -10,(l(JO l)(1oks of dOlllesl ic :Ie

[~ U.S. ACTI\'lTII:~S OF .\G[~:\TS OF FOnE[(;:\ PHI.:\CiPALS IN U.S 1241
I";' 111l' ] I('!"zl 111- and pU[JljdJlds, "UlllP ""flO jll'I'jll\:ieal...;. 110 r('pl" "I' mi!:rnfilill a...; \\'('11 u" ('"llec-
li"II'-' ut' :lrf'l!i\'al 1I1;lt('riab 1'nilll uIll~'r ard,i\':l1 ("illt'di"l)s, "\Zl..' n'jI"r!:' t liUt
(' ,k\\'i,11 \;.!.'1'1I1',/ ""1111' 11;,001) 1'1'1'''''11'' ll",'d _it~ ,11'('llil't's :IJld lil,r:lry ill l~Il;II,
t l'tlll":lliflll, It,.; .'"', ~\ 1/"I/II(//((/l'fl'l'8 /)(/,flrf/l/Cllf (:q:::",:,~Ilj(J) ilwllHh's 1]11' ('(IStS (.1' u1fj('P nd-
I III' ,r ('\
I j,;\ I "('('llI' IlJilli"iral i"II, r,'1l1 :llld Ill(' Ii],\" f"r 11111,,(' alllllini"trat1n' udi\'itip,s wllidl (':tIIuot
1'\', til!' '-'t:lllIS of I,,' idl'l)1 iti,'d ill tl'['IIIS of s]Jt'('ifi(' dPjlartlil('lIlal act irity, ] [I ndLlitillll, l'lldl of
II ,/1'1\ 1':" 11", 1':1- Ihl' 1l,·!,arllll('llt" (':J!Til'S il,. IIWII 1']I('ralilig ('\I,('[ISPS,
~I, FliNt! !\(Il"ilil/ I ~-t."i,()Ofl) ",as illit iait'd ill 1~1(;1. Ria ff \y i II hi' 11 til i zI'd to
I'd, :III I l : I I'" I I: \' " " (.rganizp ill{]I,],,'[}(1Pllt dlilipaig!ls ill :,\,'\\' Y"rk City alld sen-ral other large
:-'t:: [(''', '1':11' "I,- "it ip,.; :llId I" illtl'!'pn'l AZC I'PljUir('IlIPllt" til fl-!ll'ratiolJ:i,
II' \, II", 1'I' I'i, III i('
:1 'III( ',II' III I :" i 1'1'
.\/11' I'/('I{I/ ;Sill/lisf CU1{1j('il~UI((I!/cf fIJI' lI(or t.:1u/ct! JEar, l~l, lyr;Z
~ t' .... l .: I 1'1 ) I , .. \ \ !l j (" I

11':" ([; . . . ." r1:lriI II' I

\: Itt'Tld i·
"']111':11," ill \"11' lm. "
\\ t r.
1 .ff '.",w York COllq,tn"lll I ntl10r
rH'J!t Ii, \ !Il' iY11l~ fllll'l:, ('It,' ,jlr~;j,llll.~ltl(liIS SI':;fCC'S

(" I: I' , , , " I, I '1" 11I-

Illf,lrrll,\ L 11 ,; I ,11" i 1,1J: ,III' n-l.ll!"II:' ~C~, .~:llJ $l:--.J. [;,~.J ~f,f., ,~J5 55:;, ~10 S:;J,U70
III, I ' , 'i'!: I! I , ,I t Yll[II'1 ,{(It,.'il'1
J',ll, 1',',
7'.:.1 1......, 4"
1 ,r,lll] :e ~I;n ",I, ,~~I
'ril :! ,II" 1'1 ,. ()r-'.Llll/,tlt"11 l'!ll "
.)".1 1 :.!1 1-:11 1:3. ;{,SS
ft"[/1 f:'JI1'lllfl"il "J J :1:;·, Ih. J,-,Il I;...... ~) .....l ) :H.II,:'")lJ :n, ~,15
" 'I: I r! I 'I' I!I I' i /11- -- ,,' ; ,-.l I
-" 715
I': 111, ,Ill''!! t11·11'lllt Jr" 1", 1. I ~:- ,~) 'Jill! ~' L ll.~" \ If.,
'J'QLI \1, t',j I 11",1 :, II j, ,I • I 1 Il! \'l rl' 7',\ ll,'l :t~l. 1,1-,11 1 I, Ull 1°.....1 11 1 7t~5
:':::1,1:';1 II 1'\'\./ ,h f':--: Aft'l) 1\ I''''; ,t'. I Ilflr if\ 1,-;, tl'll :I~, ';"/11' 11. r'/I,~ J I, i',"11 6,\)7S
Hl';~'~ IILtrl,·r", 1.\·[11~\1 'r.d; 111 1:~ ..... ~ II lj I , : I t'1-) ."j 7711 14, 3',S
, I' i ,fl'I\ i-II 1"'"1- FUll·ir I ! ' i'iL' 1:., [111\ 1
:2-, I",:) 11 '.. ,.,,~\ 3,(J(J{)
'j'):1 t·,d ill 111"! rl.\·
'1', III --;- ..... lll/fl _'I,I:.! Illlll ~I t"j tll\j) 17S,OO()
J;" ; ..... ,'[ ,rl'-ldl"'!'(] ---"---
)f I i I r' t I ~~ 1,I ' ,I, ' !. II (\
'I'll"I l i , " I , <11,1 ril,"I'!"I! I ' h:,,.,,,j 111'''11:
,\I'ld,":III"!1 III I':J('II ,\Z(' 11"1':11'11111'[11 Ill' rll:1t Sl1lll \\llil'll j" til \1(' 1';11'1I1:lrked
,I; )"'(·11.\ \'1'111 II I '!·~-:1111/.;: [jl'll;11 f'llll!! '- I" IJ' "I,.,,'ili(' ]'l'll,j;'/'r,_ ,\11 :1/11,,111)[, '-'1."1\'11
... :. :1"": it til l.jlll' 1lll-
1'''1' \"'1<11, 1:,ill,',lil":l ;II,d ('lllllll" :llld ['111':111. Ellu,'ali/dl :llId ('11]1111'(' :In':so
II: ,,/ 1"I'li j ,r:J ('I. 1':,1'111,111.",1
'~'I."" :11'" ,11,':",1-.1,1','" tl,,' ('''ll,.tillJ('llt or:'::ITli;(;lli"TI" "f .\Z(' r(,,"I:.:uizp a
I )"p:1 1'1111('111 :II'l':
;':1"'<11,,1' r"'J"Jj",il'll]r,l' ;tll;) 1",1'" :lll"ll,pll'd II) prlll'ldl' larg,,[, :lll'll'ali,ills fill' tlt!'se
: 11' It'. II 1'" 11'11 I. I 1 I If' 11' (I \ \ 11 f 1111' I,.
1l,'III'('\I' I:ITI;.!."I:I;.!.'(·
'I'll,' 1','III;lilol('[' "I' I]l(' ,11'lril'111 illll j...; 1':ISI'd llJ"'1l 1 Ill' 1';11 ill (If tl\1' Illt:t! Sl1l1l
:llllwil':I[I'd 1'l'lllll (';11,11 0'11'11'1'" I"~ [Ill' 1':11:'111'(' IH"""':lI',\' 1'''1' (',11,1, tit': ,1i'lilll'llt.
""1111' ""11' 0I:1~'
,'-, 111:1 rt ,'rs "r I Ill'
l\ l 11(; 1. T J J r(; I ,,' I '\ I " :: ,I I' , 'II 11: l '( 'l ',l 'I L I l(-' ,} I: "\' 1::' I IFF \) LI : ,\ T [( I ~ S ..\ X D
[lllll:llly ill r"l'al'] \\'J IX,\lU: Fl'~l)~
lI';[ 11 pr,flfp"",'r" lit'
i,s "fllldIIVI,'oI fill'
Th' ('II \11:\1 \'." ()Il ll:l~t' :..' {If ll,i" di!..'.l'''t tlll'!'l' appl'ar:::; th\.' fol-
[I .\",,;,)('j:lI i"n for
10\\ ill~ ([""('1'[\11 ;01101' YOlil' !'l'oq.!.',llllZ;lt iOIl.:1:' f()llo\\,,.::
Il<'llldillg 1£:101":1 r, 'I'll,' .\/.(' -
", I\' a""1l11111
, till' IIlt'lIiJll'l':--llip t1t:lri,.:. tll{\ ,\ll!Pl'il';lll Zinni,.:! ('olllJril--
!"'l'lIwrly lilllllll,,'d b~- thp .le\\'ish Agpl1cy fllr 1,.;1':1('1. hilt ihis flllllll(;i:11 "lIJlj1ort
: I h:I"'; :Is its 1'111'-
W:I" tl' ('P:lSI' on .\larl'11 ;~l, l!lli1. 'flIP SOllr<'P of this Jp\\'i~h AgPIJ('Y sUPllort
,fI'\\'S ill IIl'dl'l' to
or tIll' ,\Ze \\'ltS tltl' U,l.\-
"pn-ad 1lit' 1,1I00I'I-
l'lIitl'd.J('\\'i:-,lJ Appl'al-
1\llil'!l is f11111111'('d by \Y"lf:lr!' 1"111111;-;, Thl' AZC is S<.'~·killg tlir<'ct support from
I' flf sPlllinars for 'Y,'ir:Il'l' Fl1l1d,.; Silll'l' lite rt'flrgaliiz:ltioll of till' .Tewish AgPlll'Y f(lr lsra('!. Inc"
l~liifl, l'l','-'1l1fl'd ill IIi" f'P[lllratioll Ill' thl' AZe ndiYitit,,, frlll11 thl' hnsi(' )lrogTll1l1S
hp111 /loth in tIw
hpr 1'('1 igious Illld of illlllligrallt aid which will ('ontinul" to lip fll1anceo by the .Jl"wish Ag-l'lIl'y for
l~I':H>1. This spp:ll':ltillll "':Is in [jill' with lllE' !lrilll'ipl(' tllat I1p"i"iolls ill sll]1pnrt
lIt illl"n', I 'hi"agfl.
ot' (\OIlIl',liI' l\l'!iYitil'S SIllltllct l){' made by till" American Jewish cOllllllnnity,
~nlln, hill $10,,--00 nlllll'r IIWJl h~·:I1I iJl!l'rl1atiollal :lg'pncy.
l'flllst'ifll('lIt (lr,~a- "':1~ tIl\' principle E'J1ullC'iated hE'rC', jn fact, one of the principles
('hol:lr;-; allli \,rit-
mot in! ing t hI' 1f)(iO reol'ganizat ion; that is, that \c1ecisions in support
loullO.OOO hUIlks of dOll [e::;t it' :lctiyity t lterl'tofore undl:'rt aken by the ,Jewish .Agency,
12-12,\CTI\Trn> OF ,\t;!,::--:T:, OF FI)IlFIt;:--; PHIN('JP:\LS l:"i r.S, ACTI\'IT

of J:..T;I('l~ I 1\('" ~l\(l\l1d ill tIll' flllll1'l' lu' 1I11t!I'rt :d~I'11 hy :111 ,\ 11I1'I'i,':,,] The CHAm
dOllll'...;li(' 1II':!:llli/,:llioll -';l\I,1t :I~ thl' ''','If:lI'll FIIIlII...;l ' 10 1111' ,\Illt'ri,
\11', II "l'\'I:H, If I lllllll'r~tood YOllr ql1('~tioll 10 111\':111, \\:1-.1111' I'l'- \11'. 11\,["
or~':llli/:ltillll IIf thl' 1\(" ill ,\pril ]!)(i(l. 11lllli":lfl'd. ill 11:11'1, by till' l'l,,':ll1. I <':111
'lrilwipk 111:lt lill:llwial ~IIPP()l't fol' dOllll'-.;li\' OI',:!:llli/,:ltir1Ib "111111' I Ill' 1'l'I'OI'lI.
f['(llil \\'('If:11'\1 1'1111l1-.; lll' 01111'1' ,\IIIl'l'i":l11 tl'lIll1,-.;{i,' ()I'g:lllil.:IriOll~, Tit!' ('/I \ /I:,'
!':Illlt'l' ,11:111 i'I!I'I'Il:III011:11, 11)\' ;111"\\,'1' In Ill:II, "il'. IUllrl" h«,: \n, 1 do 11lf'1I1...; I fl I Ill'
110r 1'1"':111 Ill:l! IlI:I{ ph."«'d :111." p:lrl ill Ill\' t!lilll,ill;! \\'!li"!l IH't'I't'e11·t! VI':11'--
lhl'I'l'ol'~':llli/,:lli(l"nf th,·I\{', ill ,\pl'ill!)(;O, . l\f r. ILHnn
TIll' ('11\111'1 \:'>,', '1'1)('11. \\'>lild Yllli ":1' flli" ,,1:lfl'll11'IJI i-. i'Ii'O!'I',','t I I :--\1'1' :l P1H'1l(
\ I 1', 11 ,\ I \ 1 'H, 1 \\, II iI d iIi...; :1 I; 1: 1f 11'1' ; d' 0 P i 1111111. -.; i r,
'I'll\' ('" \11:\' \,\, I did !lot "';:IY it \\':\-.; ytllll' -.;1:111'1111'111. Thi:-: i;-; in
tli(' I>i:!l'-.;L...;. Hlld~l't J)i~'l'-.h' ,
\fl', '11.\",,1:1:, ('tllllll.'il of .Jl'\\ i"ll Fl'llt'I':llio1\~ :llld \Yl'1f:ll'l'"FlI]\d~, The' ('11'11:'
Tlll' ('11.\11:\1 ',\, T11:1( i~ ('OlTt'I't,
:--\1'1111'111111'1' 4,
f Itl' ,\ (lwrit':11I
\Yoll],1 Yoll -.;:\,' 111:\1 \\:1"'; :111 ill('OI'I'I,,'t -.;1:111'1111'111?
, 11', I I ":\1 \ 1 l:1:,' 1 \\ (II I I tI ]\ 0 t l'l' g:l I'd it: I...; :I I' 0 IT I' ('( -.; I :Ill' III i' 11 t , ...; i r, "OIl if "Oil Wl'(

Tltl' ('Il\llt'l \" I" 11 ;111 :11"'111':111' dl'''ITipll011 of tl\(' l'\']:llio1\-.;hip

. ~II'. ir."IM!':
Till' (' II \ lTD
of tit" .TI'\\'i-.;11 ,\g-I""'y 1'01' 1...;1':\\'1. .Tl'rll-';:II"111. priOl' 10 1fH;() , to thfl
('I'll\' )pI 11'(' :
.\lIl1'l'i<':11l Zitllli:,t ('olll1C'il'~
'fr, TT ,:\, ,rl:lc YP~. "iI', H:lhhl Il,Y!:'o'<l :'III
TIll' ('" \11:\[ \,\" 1...; it :\('('111':111' ;\-.: to llH' <.;Plll'<'I' of ;-;Ilp!l0rr of thll ( '!III i 1'11",/1, :1/1/1'1
,\ 111l'I'i,':! II ZiOll i-.;( COllllt,j I priOl' to 1!1r,n? :q.! ,l1l/di,~1I1I AI'
"I', II, 'I ,rEIL It j-.; ('orrrct. sir, ,\, no r or/;, X, L
I )~:A It IlnT\ Ii :
tlN'illl'\l t hll t fo
11l1l1).:'pls will hI'
rl'j.:'rl'tl'ully lId \'1.'
Tltl' ('11\1\;"\:", Pit! "Ollr 01'~;I11iz:lli()1l f'ol1trihllt{' to tIll' -';lIpport rl'~111nr paYllwllt
of th .. ,\ 1l1l'l'it':\1l Ziolli...;1 COlln(',I'~ \\'p you

\ 11', II \\[ \ IlX I f c1 i d, ~ iI', ('Pill of YOllr npl

t Ill' lin III lIt'I' of tl
T Ill' (' I I 'II n, , :", l' ~ i Ill! t hI' 1'. r,\ f 1111 d:, p:l i d 10 Y() II I' 0 I' g'n 1\ i Z11 t i() n '? Cor<lillll;-.'
'J 1', II , \I "FlC '\ 0, :' if'.'
Tlw INC, hlld fllnd...; f!'lml o/lwl' SOil 1'1'1":-; than {'.T,\, :\nd fllnd:, :'lIp'
plil'd to tl\(\ .\ nWl'it';lll Zio]\is! C'o\111<'il \\'('1'\' fl'o1ll t hl's(, ot hl'J' S01\1'(,t':'l. 'I'll(' C II,' liD
T h I' C II 'I r:" \ ,\, " . h :l I () 11 J(' I' f \111 d ~ did j! 11: I\'{':\\' ail H 11 II' ? ;\s yOIl 11I'P l\
:\fr. H \,' \lFB, p;\ rdo]\ Illf', sir? /laIn IH'{' of this
'I'llI' Crl'"Dr.\'\', "'11:1! othrl' fllnds did it h:I\'r :J\'lIilal111' for thnt for tht' .l,'wi~h'1
WI' will lIplll't'fol
purpos,' ? \\"t' urgl' you
:\11', 1I '''''FIC, "'I'lL tllf' ,Tl'l'lIs11ll'm .\!!I'IH'Y hns :1 hllt1l!pI ",hidl is ('PlIt of )'our fill
~,.i 10 :~ t i1111'S 1:1I'l!1'T' Ihnn Ill(' amonnt of ,\lIl'f'J'irl111 dollars it ,'p('pin'!'l t lIl' huln 11\ 't· of tI
for if:-; work, Its S()1\I'(,(,~ of fU1\ds i1\('lllc11' Ih:lt fl'olll otltf'J' .Tp\\'ish Fil~t, ",hat
com1llllnil i£';-; !hrnll,!!111lIlt tIll' fl'£'" \\'or1d as \\'f'll n~ inconw thnt it hl\~ \f I'. II ,UDI
ill I ~ rn I' 1, i t ~(' If, ~ 11',

Thl' llJnOl111t tllndl' :1 "l\iln1l1(' 10 th(' .\ m('rif'an Zionist COl l1\('i I wns 'I'll(' ('IJ \IlL
jll~t :l fr:\(·t iOll of 1111'''';1' ot h('f fnn<ls, "'as t hl' hI
. TIll' (''',\IIDI,\'\', no yOIl kno\\', prior 10 1!'HiO, nppl'OXinu1tt'ly 110W .J {'w j:-;h .\ l!l'nd
milch VOll slIpplipd to I 11(' .\ !\lNicflll Zionist COllnril? ~J t·. 1(, :-'''1
Mr,' Tf,'W\fFTl, ~fy l'Pco11pction of this--nnrl thi~ is spwrnl ypnrf' 'I'll(' ('11 'IH
ngo--lllY 1'p('olll'cl ion would 1)(' sompwhpfp in th(' nrighhorhood of prp~lI1lH' ?
l\ round $(}()O,OOO t.o $j"OO,O()O prior to 1!HiO, :\fl', IIjObDl
Thf' C,,,,mM\t.:, 'F.n('h ypnd Tit\' ('II \111
,fro H;\M)fF.ll. Ench :,,'''n1': .Y"S, sir. p:I i d I) \' I It (' :I'
:\11'. 'II" 'I ,,'
r.~. A(,TI\TrrE~ OF A(;r:\:T~ OF !'OHEH;:-: PRI~ClPAL~ I~ u,s. 1243
The PrioI' to ]!}(;O, dn you kiln\\' \\'llt'll thp:-;(' p:lyllH'lIlS
10 till' ('nlllll'il lil'''l look pl:l('l', :lllou! \\'lH'Il~
.\IIll'I·i";111 Zilllli-.:1 .
; I" IIll' 1'('. .\ 11'.1["1'11.1:. I :11ll :"-1 I I'\'\' , .\11'. C]I:liI'1I1:\II. hilt 1 do 1I0t thillk 1
1'1, I'.' I 11\' 1"'1':1]1. J 1':1\1 :1111'11i]1I III :1~1'1'1'1:lill :lllll :'IIPldy Ihi:, illfol'lll:l!ioll for
\l1I1" ,'nllll' (III' l'l'l'O!'l!.

:1111/.:1 ( I()II~, TIlt, ('II \11:." \:\. ',"oldd .'(lll ~\Ipply for lIlt, 1'l'('ortl "'hl'll till'sp p:lY-
: \n, I do 1l1t'lIl" I 0 I lit' .\ 1111'1'1,';111 Z loll i~1 ('I i111lI,j] l)('~':\ 11 :llId gi \P Il~ a .\'£':lI'·to-
I 1II'I"·I'llt'.! \,l':lI'--- .-
. Mr, I LUf1\fF:Jl. T \\'ollld b£' \'£'ry happy to do ~O, :\fr, Clt:lil'lIl:lll.
illl'lll'l'I'l'I I 1:--"'1' :lppt'lldix 1, p. UO:3, Item 8.)
Thi~ i:, ill 1:(1)(;'- I III-' \Z('lll."'(·\ S."'/'ll 1:\ ITTI'EH (I(-' ~EI'TF.\II\EH ",1 \lr,s

TIlt, ('1\ \II:" \ , . .\11'.11:11111111"', [ ~ho" \'011 a co}>\' of H ll'ttl'r dat£'d

~I'Jltl'lll111'1' ·L !!I:l". :lddl'l':':"-I'd to [\:\hhi 'In'lllg \1~lJ,·I'. 1,lt:lil'lIl:l11 of
1111' .\lll"I'i(':111 ZiOIII"t ('Olllll'i1, :Illd ~igll('d (iotllil'b 11:\lIl1lll'I', alld ask
\'011 if \'oll \\'rot \' :llld -':1'1l! tit i-.: ]Pt t ('I'.
II t , "j r,
, \11', "[,,1.\11:1(. Yl'~,:--jl'; I \\ToIl'tltis!t>ttl'r.
\'ht iOlbhip
.If,f\ tot Ill'
T 11l' (' I I \ II D I \:\. 1 \\' i 11 P \I t tll i:-; Jl' I t ('I' i 11 t 11 l' 11.'(' 0 I'd .
(TIIl'Il'lt('r rdl'lTt'd to follows:)
J{;l hId II:' [:\ 'I :'1111.1 I Il.
)() I't () f t Iw l'hllil'lI/lIl1, ., 1111""1'(111 /'llIlIi,<t ('1////lr,I,
:q! III/d,.<01I :tl'1'.,
.\',·w 1 lil'!.·, .\', L
1I~:AI{ IR''I:\I;: .\" .\'(111 nrl' J1wnrl', IIIl' !-:x('('\IliY('. nl if'" III",t j'l"lInry ~('",,,,ion,
dl'cidl'{l llint fllr IIII' 1'/11:111('(' IIf tlil" fj,.Wlll .\'i'nr ~() p"I'I't'1I1 Ill' Ihp nPPI'Il\'t"t1
"IIII,t:\'('" will hI' 11\'l1ilnbll' fpr 111\' ,"'wl>'h ,\~I'llI'."·'" a <'I iI'il il''':. I. th"!'pfon', lllll~t
rl'l-~I'I'tl'lI\\,\' nll\'I:-,1' .\'1111 I!lal WI' will 1I1'1I('l'fllrl1l hun' 10 1I1'(11\('1 :2tll~'n'p[lt pf ~'ollr
n',t:llln I' plly 1111'11 I ..;,
\\'p \Ir,t:t' YflU to l:1l Illtp fhl' 1I11\·.. .;tioll PI' 1'('fllI(lllli,',,; of ~1()(l.()OO, whidl j,.; ~() I~'I"
('I'll t of ~'Pt1 I' II ppro"I'l! bill 1,t:'" fir $,,00,000, for t hI' .\ Illlrinlll Zioll i,,( ('II II lid I, for
1111' 11:111111('1' III' llli" fl,,('al .\'1'11 [' -11(> to April l!l,-,~l.
!!H II i za t iOIl '? Co['dillll~' yOIlI'i",
(;QTTI.II-:f1 1I.-\\\\lI-:H,

fl!lld~ ~l1P­ l-:,r('('l1 f i I'I~ !)jn'rtor,

111'1' :'Oll1·('·I'R,
'I'llI' ('1I.\lIDI.\~, It 1'l,:\(I:-;:
,\:-l yon IlI'P :1\\'/1['1', Ill\' }o;xl'<'lltln', III il~ 111"1 I'II'[IIII'~' ~1'",.;iOIl, (h'dell'd for thl'
hnlllll<'p of t1li~ \l"nl! .\'1'111' SO IlI'["('l'l1l of thl' /lPPl'o\'t'e1 ~l11dJ.:l'ts "'ill !lp n\'llllHhle
for till' JI,,,,j,.:I1 Ag-l'lll'\"" 1l1'11"ltll'!'. 1. thl'l'l'fol'l', !llll"t 1'f'~l'l'tfllll\' Illh'isp vou tbat
WI' ",111 1Ipl\('t'fOl'lh h;I\'I' 10 dl'lilid. ~o Iwr('t'llt of ~'ot1l' I'qrul/ll' i~ll,\·ll\l'lIt~.
"'I' Ilr~I' yOIl to 1'0 illlo Ihl' ljlll'"lioll of (\I'Ollollllt-" of $IOO,OO() wllkh i" ~O llt'r-
~f't ",It i('h is ('Pill of ,\,(1111' Il ppron't! hllll,t:l't (If $,-,nH,OOO, fOI' t!lP :\ 1111'1'11'1111 ZI 011 i"l ('nulld I, for
s it n'(,l'i\'f'~ [hI' hllln!l\'1' of l1li" rb"1l1 yl'll I' np (0 ,\Pl'i1 1 !);-.!),
hf'1' .T{\'" ish First, \\'11:\1 is I Ill' "1'>d'I'lIlin'" ]'\'fl'l'I'('d to ill this l('tt">
t hnt it hH~ :\fr, II \.\DIEI:' Till' EXt'l'lItin' Ill' rlip .Tpwish .\gt'lIl'y ill .Tel'lls11I('In,
-'o\llwil wns '1'11(' ('II \J1DI \:'-1. Iii .J('I'II~al,,"1.
"':\s tIll' blld!!'''! of rhl' AI\\(,l'il':lll Ziolli-.:t ('olliwilllppl'm'£'d by th£'
rnlltt'ly how •T(' '" ish .\ !!(' Ill' \' E XPI' It t i n~ ?
'II'. 1(\.\, ";':H, III lll'odd lllltlillP aTld ill gt'IH'mll'hnradl'J', Y£'S, sir.
"('I'll 1 Y(,11 r~ Thp C'll \IH'I.\', It \\':lS al:-;o npprowd hy 111(' Xt'W York ag('I'J('v, too,
horhood of 1)1'(''';II11W'? .
\11', lIihDIlB, III t]ll' S:III\(' fllshioll, :-;ir.
Tlil' ('II \\1('\\,\;'1;,' "'jh all lil\lOllllt ('qllal 10 tll£' HJlp',-O\'pd hudgpt t11{\11
pH i d I) Y t 1\(' :I !.!:t' 11('\' tor Ii t' A III (' I' i C H II Z i 0 II is t C' 0 11111' i I ?
'II'. 1I.\.\J:\\EJ:. I "'oIl1d :\";";UIIU' it \\"11~ paid,sil', !,
. At'Tl\TI'I
1:21·1 \('I'I\Trn.~ nF .\(,I·'\I'~ (lI-' I·Pla.";:'; I'lil:';('IP.\L~ I:'; L',~.

'I' II \ ' ('! I \ II: 'I \ '\. \\ . : \ - I( [ U I,! I II ;I II ill i[) ~ 1111 1 I II' I II III II I d ! I I I' I): 1,\ 11' :It a I! \'. 1I

III" II 1 - I
\I I' II I' l't' :; I ;\ :1y
','1'11/11 1 if J II'
\11'. II \\:I~ 11:lid ill )"'1'",,11,' 1,.1\ 1111'11('"
\'1 'III;. II d\'I"'II"II!~':: 1,1 1,,:\
\\ ,'1'1' -:111- Ll,'!
11:lll:tllilil\ ,11",,::-11 '1:\.[ ,1,\, 11"\1 \1~'IIII:d-
'1'111' ('II \11:;1 \'\. \"'IIIi,1 II I", "\11' ttl -:1\ ,11'11 I" III,' \1111'1'1,':1\1
Zi\II'I~1 (, 'III11\\'Ii.[I'I):11'1I'.[ 1'1'11111 II~ 1'lltl~'I'I,111:;1 Ill,' :1~1'11,\ "(lllld j'"l'lh'
III ,',)11111:1(1' 11- 1111'111111,\ I':I,\IIII'III~I
\11'. 111'11111;. \11'. ('11.111'111:111, I 11:1111 III Ill' "1'1'1:111\ 11I1,1"I'~ltl(l11
'1':11' ('11\1\:'
yl'111' 1[I1,'-IIllll, \111"11 ~:t.\' "t1"II:lI·fl'./ 1'1"1111 II~ 1'!I,I~·"I."
.111I1 II', fill'
\I II' 1111 \ 1III II II I \
1'\:11111,11', If II, 111 IlJ:II,'II:"':' II~ :1111111.11 11ildl..:,'I'I:11'\ I'I',\III'~', ~;lltl II \\':I~
\ h. 'II "1\\1
f!'11 i II ~ r (I ~ I 1('11.1 :-- 1IIIi,I 11 II I III \ 1'1 Ii " I,': II III II ~ : I 1\./ I II,' II I I I" . \. I", I I I, I: ' I I ' [ 1't •
l'l1 1'1 111'1' t' \ , ): \ 11 '
('lllll'~I' Id' lilt' ,\1':11' It \\:1:- ~llillj.!.· III :-11t'lld :--1 1 11 1,111 111 I~II:I 1',11111'111\"1\ 1\1'
\ j 1'. i :"1 h :-'1
:-1 !III \' I II I II ~ 1·1-1', \ \ , III I .1 ,\ I III I': I II I I II I t :I .I I'II:~ 1'\ II 1',' I
Till' ( ' " \11;\
T fIt' ( . II \ IE \ I \ '\. I \\, III 1.1 t II 1\1 k -I I.
\ I r·. I;, 'I 1,-
\11'. II \\1\111;. 111~1'III'I':tl. \\1' did II(>! 1llll'l'fl'l'l' 11\ flit, "I"'I':ltl"II~ Id
l't' 111,'~1 1\ :t·· II'
tIlt' .\III\'IIt·:1I1 Zrllill-l (, '1111111·'11. "'" "1111"';1.11'1'1',1 :1 1I\1\I~\'1 :1' \,)",:\,1111\1
III I: \11:",:':11111.:1 [
Illll' :111'[ iJl ~·I'I\I'I':III':III·~'"·It'~. TIll' 1111111 1,1t1.11 ill'lll~ 1\ 1\11\111111' ,':1(1'
'1'111' {'II \'1,\
l..:,·lIl·il" 11,'\,'1' l"IIIIt' Ill) 1'111' di . . ,·II:-:-I"11 h.\ 1'11111'1' flit' 1-::\\'11111\1' II)' tl,,'
\ 11'. i;"1 h:- I
\1'\\ YIlI'\.; "lli,'I' "I' (lit, .\l..:,·I'III·\·.
i j II' { . II \ 11;\
I I' ,llo'l't, \1:1 .... :1 1':1.11,,:11 .I;'}':II'(III·(' fl'llIl1 till' IlIilltlllll\'I,d !'l'lI:''1':1111
]'ll ;,1 \ '
Id' rlt.I' .\1111'1'1":111 ZIIIlli:-1 ('<'11111'11. I IIllltiti :l"';~111I1" t 11:11 111\' .\l..:,·o·Il I ·\
\ II'. II 1\\ \11
IIl1l1ldl:tkl':' ,11111 \ 11'11 (If I! :11It! III 1:"':'1 I! ['1'1'1\11-1,1\'1' 11- Illhit 1"11.' ,
:"'1 '11:111 II' ~ \
1'1" ! II'I'~ I I J 1:1, I" ~
\ ! I'. I: \\I ",-- I
'1'111' ('II \11;\1 \'\. 1):.1 \,1111' 1·1·:..'I~II':ltll!l1 lillll~' III 1111' \l"l';II'IIIII'111 lIf . . I II \' ,'\:1, 'I ,I.!!".
•, \ t-.I Ii'", 1III I II' l' \, l\ I I' l'\' ~ I ~ \ I• r', '\ I :I :...:T I" ' II II' II r, 1',' I I'll I I Ill' ">t: I): I ,\ I \ \l' I I ,...; (, I I Ill' .....;,·11:1(\11':-" \

.\IIWI·II·:III Zlllll"I~1 {")I~II"li ~ . .\ I 1'. t:t, I It:- I

\11'.11\\1\111;. {)III' 1'\'lllll'l- t.iktl \\1111 Illt' IlI'I':I!'IIII,":1 "I' ,111-'11'" I,';II! ~'" 1 till,
1'1,111','11"[ tllli' ,'111:1111'1:111':\1'1-11,11(1111'-. 1'111'111.1111>11 \\ i(

'1'1 It' ( ' I I \ I I; \ I \ , . '\" I I lit, .\ II I I ' I'.i I ': I II I. I (\ II I c' 1 (' (\ 11 1\ , . I 1 I
,'I'(),-(111'1'I',I ,

~,[I·. 1\ \\11111:. ()III I,'!:II lill,III"! II 1'\1"1'111111111'1" 11'11 'I' '11:1\' ~1'll:\ till' ~\
tll:11 "\l"\'IIt/llllI'I'- lli' illt" I,illt! '.'1'::111::.1 \,. I,' 1"11 (,,',: I I I ' I,· 1:,'1'1 t'\ >II r 1'1 >II t'i1 I, \'
,I!' ::lltlll!,'(·. . \11111' IIIIIII!\'III, I tI,1 Iitli I'", :Iil. I \II tli,! II I'" !,I ,,'\':1
. \ III \' I' I •. ; 111-: : '

"Ill',\ tll' (Ill' ~1:lII'I\I"IIL , \11',1:\11 I, ....

1'111' (' I I \ 1\; \ \ \ '\. I> I .I .\ (\ II tI i ~\ ' 1, b \ ' 1).\ \I: I II I" (I \,' I I: I ,\II I, . III I I 1', i I I I II i:-; 1(\'111 \"1/1 n'I','(
,':1"';", ~1(1\):()Ii(), 'II" S:I(i(I,IJlltl, I 1\('11\'\\', ill \'Illll' I·,':.:I-! 1:1\1,11\ .... 111'.111";11 I
\11'. 11I'1\ln:, I 1'1'111'1'1' I( \':1- 1'1'1"1\'(1'.1 1111<1,·\· II lil .. "IIII~.!.' \':111".1 \ [ I'. 1:1 l\ " ....
"1':1\ 111"111'~ (tl ,\tlili:lll'd {)1'~11:li/.:llitlll:-," \\ilIJt\\I1 1111111111~ 1\~t'III, \\ 1111 1\ !I,,·h·i"'I·'''llr
olll '-ll,'1\ill~ 11,,'111 ' 1 1 1 1 . " . ~"IIIII\lI' ~,
T I \I' ( ' II \ \I; \ I \ ,\, T 11 I'll, \'1 I) I I 'Illl ~ i d t' 1't' d lit \' .\ i
1\ \ I' I' I': I I \ I. i (\ 1\ i-I ( .. 1111 \ \ 1". I ~t 1\' {o;:--;
I·il II" :111 :1I1ili:ltl'l! '>1·~:lllif.:III(\11 ~ ~1'll:1 I tll' 1\1
\LI·. II \\1 \111:. 1\1\>111.1 ''';1\ ~I', I~\ 1'1'11:-1\11')1' 1!1l' ht'f tll'l,! \1:' \\('1'1' ~Ir, I ~II\·I\.~;
~'i\ 111~' r 11\'111 rl,i-: j,illtl Ill' 11\1"111'\. 111'!l i...; I'i.~llt,
, 'I'll;' ('11111:\1\'. '1'11\' n'gi:-I'.':llill)l I'lll'll\': I]') n"911;"\' 111:11 ("]I\'lld i
(111','-: lit, di . . ,·!,)O";I'" Hilt! rltl' 1l:llllt' ,l.f rill' 1'l'\'ipil'llf dir'!u:-,'t1 1 Ill'lil'\!', tI\1 1\ f \'1l1

t "" \.

II ( I (
\11', II \ 'I 'IU:.
J)\'II;\I'llIH'ltl of ,lll:-li'·I'.
lilt-d 1'1I11H'1'
()llI' 1·I'.~i-:ttJlllillll -1:tll'llll'IIl, .... \·llt'll
I'X(\'1I~i\'(' n'ti:-:ll'llt iOll ~l :dl'1ll1'lIt:-;
~,'Il:lttlr ~\'
\I'I'I'l' ~~1"
I ~:I\' \'t,~i~lr:I{illl\ ...;1:11,'11\\'111:' 1 1111':111 tIlt, 1'I,~i"II':,(i()ll ~I:dl'l\ll'l\t
"11111' \\ .::~ Ill" :111 .\
of till' 1\('. ill·jlll' III l~l,;(). 'I 111;111, '\1'1' lir~t n'~!i~t"I'I,t1 ill tlll' lllidd'II' \\ ~ 1"1 \ 0111 ti!"1
l!)·\(l'...;, :111.1 In' nl\\':IY~ lilt,t! whnl WI' l",lil'\'I"d \\1'1'\' ~:lti...;f;\l'lol'.Y alld .\11',' 1~1l\·h.S
('Olll] ddl' :-I:l t"IIWIII~.
L' .:-:.. 'At'TI\ 1'1'11,::-:' l~ U.S. ]2-J5

If :11 :~I\,\ lilli" I Ill' 1)"1'111'11111'11\ :t"!'l'.[ rIll' iltltlilillilid ill t't>l'lilitl illll,
\\,' II ,'1'1' :11 II :1\ ~ \,I":I~"" III "'Il'ill-d', I!.
1"ItlIII {.I'I,' \" \11'1\' \\,' 111'1',' 1"ld 11,:11 tllll' l'l'gl"ll':lIlll\\ ... lill,'IIII'llt:-:
II \ IIII:~ I.i 1:': I
\I " I ',' '-: I I I' I, I , ' I t I ! .,\ . :i I I ,I I III' 1'1' \ '. I' 1\' 11') q \11':--1 '1' III ..;,

\ 111,'1'/. ':111
" ,"1'[ 1'l,1'1\-,'
l,l '.Ii"'\ ,'I ,Il "III I 111I'1I:nll '\ I' I;U~ll ..'''' 1"'1: PI;;' 1.\)'011:1 Ill.'
I ' " '11'\ 1.'0

('tit' ('11\11:\1\ ,\, 11''/ d,' 1)"1':11'1111"\11 \.\ ,'1' ~1~1, \ ,Ill III di~,'l\l,,\' tn
I, If, r, 'I' \\ I\, l\ I 1 ,\ t >I I I! I. I , : \' I I", ~ " I':" \ i I It 't1 ~ ;
~:tld II \1':1 ~
.\IT, 1\ \\1 \11 I:, 1 'I" 'ltll \'," 'lil ,'\ ,'\' 1111\ :II~~ \'\',',':\ ,.t! ":1 '1,lll''''! i,lll I'llI'
I I, \ i 'I' '1 1",
t' 111'1 111'1' "'o I ': III ,!" II "III! I I' Ii 1.'1' I. "1 I I III ~ 1':11'1 ,\" II, I I' it, '111,
>11 I "III I " II I II'
\ j I', i: /I t 10', I I I ,\, \ 1I', ( 'I" i, III I, I 11. il'l Ii I ,I \ '.; I \ -"
'(1 1,,\ 11\11:\1\'\. )I'~,' ' ,
\tl', 1:,,\ 10'0111'\ \'I'IIIIIIII,II~\, '1'" I", 1",",111,,,\11\ ",II'1'I,,·t. ~111·11 :1
1"'I':I!I"I'~ "I'
1',' \II,'~I ,. I " " \ I"!. 1>\11 I \'. .1' ~1I1) ."'IIIt':11 1" III~ t':'IIII'I' o( lllli",' \\ itll
l' 1'\'/1:,.1 ,'111
1111: \l1~ ,111/:11 ,':1. \11'.1\:11111111 \111111./ ],11"\\ til',· :111:--\\\'1'.
II I II I' Il' ,': II,'
T i ", l I I I 01: \ J I ,\, :--., d 1'-, 'I Iii" I I It, I 1~ )\', I 1 ~
III I I " I I}' I II,'
\1" 1:',1 "~I, ',\, '111:11 ",,'111'1,',1,
i ill' ( 11111,\1 \,\, 1:1:1, II' 1'''11' i,rl'I\lI,',l:~·,'. IIll11,' \I.I~ I,!"",j\",! l'I'illl' to
'1'1 I l'n l ~ "I': I III 1 ~ II ; t I

'\1\' '\~""1",\
\11,,11,,11111:. \""1',
1111 '11,
> ,.I I I II ,)' > \ \I I " , . I , ' '\ '

!1 '-. 1 ~ 1'" \I I'

1'1"111;".1 111,1' I,,'
\11',1:"1 ;''0111'\, \\'11l'!1 :1 \\,I~ """':\1'1)1 '11'.11:11111111 \1",I1t! 1.11"\\'
'!':II'IIIIt'lll (d' «$ 111""\"'1,1 ':1',1'"/ [1I;'i11,! :11 '-"III,'!IIIIt' III l~lI;:..',
Ill,·III..; 1(1 I Ill' >\"1:11", > \ \11'-.,,1"'\, 1.,111' I~II;.'~
\1",1:,'11,"'111,\, :\,>11,,11:":"1"'[""1'\',,1,'1111"1,"1:1 {luI \\;\\, TI\I' \1~1,'r,
1,':\1\ :"" I "". >,'1':11,1\', \'",',"\ \,,\ 'I 1""1"'"'' ["1'1' -,,,11\\' 111"1'\' ",·I:~J\"./ ill-
""1'11111'" I \\'11, JI'~il""1 III ~:,,·,'ili,' 111'1I1~, 1 tllllil, II \\il~ ill :--:"'i'!I'I,J!wr
\11'( )"1":',"', 1,11,",1( "I" :,IJ. 1: 1,;:..',
11 11 '\' 11I:1t' :--',"1:1 (, 1\' :--:" \II ' t , I,' ,\, ' \ ' 'I~ III i~ I ,It 111,'\ 1'1', 'Ill ,111,' ,\ 1I11'l'il'llll :1,c,'IlI'\,

II, ',II' ,: ,'1;\ ,',IIIII'I,jII·i1 1,\ ,\111\"'1, :lll~ III :1\\1>11"'1' .\·III"l'i'·1111 ;\~"I"'\' ,',1\11 I'(lll.~.\ 11\'
,\ III" I' I, ': 111:- : ' '
I I I,' 1\' - "I' :1
\II', 1~'1\ 1,"'1'11', 1:111111,,1 "Ill'" 111-\: 1 :11:11,1";11' :1"'; (II \\'hidl :'!It,,'ill\:
It,. r. ill t III ~ : 1,'111 \'''11 1"'1"'1'1'," I 1 I I,
1 ~I I ("111,';' I ' :--:"';'1/1'11' 111,\11'111:1 y, , \ / l ' , ,
1I11!'~: "1111",/ \11', I;, 'I "~II 1'\', \/l', I r :,,:,"'1 1111I1lt'Y 1""111\ I 1\' .\ Illt')':":ltl ~t",t iOIl

t I: 1·lll. \\ I { II \\ 11",1, 1~ 1·'·'llnd/I,./I" .1"1'I1~:lll'III,

:,,'11:1(1'1':--'\,\1\'\1,1,:'. ("I\III',I\I\'d \)\'~
\II', \;,1[
1\:'1'1", .1''1'II''lllt'lll. •
. ..;'·1\;11111·\11 \\1'111:1 y, I ... tll;IIIII"I(ll't,).I~lI',(l,Y')\1 :\n':-:l'\':\I,illgllf~
,\II'. 1;"l·li.:'I'I,I'-:, \\1, :--1J!1:-'1'll!lt'1l1 III 1~1l;ll, ,\lltl :-lI!IS\'qW'IJt III l~lt;~,
1),':1 I'" I'I:~')II.:-'Il', ,r--

\:11 "'lll'lltl;
I Il\'l il'\ ,'. tit> 1:1-'1',,1:1'1',; \',\'''I:'\'I'S '1'" ·'\I."·'[I.I.\'ITI1 ,'W;,\:\\Z,\TI,,:'\:-;"'

I :-:1:1 t t' llll'll t :-; :--:I'll:ll,'l' ~\ \\1'\\1'1',1,\, \\\lIJ1tl Ii!':,' It' \'1' ('It'a)' nil \\':(:', if
Tltl' }Jllint ,
-"Ill) \\','l'I' ~~'i\"lllg 111,llh',\' til :'(llilt'lllill~ h\,:-idt'''; :11l Ilr~:lllii.:lli1l11 1111lt
'II'" It!. '\' 1",1t
111 :-;{:,I,'11Il'111 \\':,.; 11,l{ :l!\ ,\':l\'l'i(,:tll \I1'!~':llli:;:lt;(III, \1\'I'l' \'011 (Ibli~;\tt'tll(i lilt' Iklt fact.

I (III' III idd'I,· \\! '''1,\ "II lill'd,\ '1III'I'""ill l ll' ",ilh tIll' I )p,::ll'tllll'lll (If .Ju:-ti,·(,1

:!':It'llll'.\' 1I1\d .\11', 1~'ll'I\.~TI':I:\:, llllilik 'II'. 11:1111111\'1' :111~\\'\'n'd Ihi:-; Ijll\,:-:tioll.

~flllatol' ~Y:'>fI"(;TO". Pel'ltap:, lIP did. hut T wOllld lik~' to hfl jl1:,t a St'lla.t or
Jittlp(·kal'l't'oll it. yon ha H'
.\lr. BOl'J.. STEl:\. ,\lll'i!!ht. Departl11e
I \\"a~ ::nillg to :,ay. ~~'Ilator. that till' orgallii',i1tiOll~. tIll' namps of ~r.r. I L,
OJ'galliz:l1 iOlls that wpn' l'l'('ipipllt~ of fllll(b, \\'1'1'(' nol named but \ypl'P on r st at en
lllf'j\l(h'd ullr!rl' t!ll' hpading of ".\flili;tlp<l ()1'galliZali()lIs:~ Xow, it , it.
is llot e \.;1 ('I h· ;1 ted))1 i(':11 t 1'!'Ill. The\':1 rp lIot ;I{li li:1 t pd ill i h(·i!' Ip!!:ll '; Spl1at or
SpIlSt'. ~II'. IJ:IIJIIIJ('I' :,:lid tll:lr flll'Y '\\1'1'" :tfli!i:ltpd ill tIll' sell:--p thl'\' t il·t\ 1)PP:l
rp('pin,d l l l l l l l p \ , . · . ::\f 1'. IIy
Hilt Illl' fad' i" th:lt the .\llIl'1'i(,:tll :--:t'(,tion dol''' not I't':llh' ('olllrol thp S(,I1:1t01'
ndi\'itit':' of till' .\llwl'i(·:lll l.iol1ist ('Ollll('iJ. 'I'll(' .\lllt'!:il·;lll l.ioni...:t 1)ppal'llllp
('Olllll·il j" :Ill illdt'!H'lldt'llt Lod.'". l'Oll:,i...:till!! 111' \':ll'i()II"': .\llwl,i('all Mr. Jh
l.iolli:,t gTIHlpS. pa rt 1111']11>
:-'1'11:I!OI' :-" '1''\1;1''''\. ,"11:11 thi...: 1110IIf'\ \\:1"': hl·ill!! 11"l'd fo]' :IS I 0111' officp
1l1)(1"I·:--t:llll] it. \\.:1"': tn pl'o\idl' 1111' n·fllg·l' ilf 1,"'1':1(,1 fIll' t IIOS(' \\·JIII \\·P1'{' :\,(':11'. a Ild
ill Il'llllh1t' ill ntlll'1' p:IJ'f.;of tht' \\·01'],] i m .. ·
:\1,.. H'II 1,:'1'1:1". '1'11:11 \\·:IS ! 1lt' Illolll'\· t 11:11 \\:1"': ...:('nt to 1"':1':1l'l. n's. ~1'1l:l t or
:-'t'II:ltOl' :-'Y\II:\(;III". '1'11:1111, \011. . . Ft'd ('l':I 1(
TiI'p ('11\IH.\I\:\. III tlli:, !1:11··ti('lJ1:1r ,':\"':t', if J Illlt1IT'!llo<l it. prior or C!'lt WIZ(
1I I 1~ Ii ; I I. I ~ ( '. \\ :\" )'(. ~ i:' r t' 1'1' d I ~r1'. If,
.\11'. I! \\1.\11'1:. 1\'('. \\:1"': I'P~·i"':ll'l't"1. ...:ir. ~('II:I t (Ji'
Thl' ('II \11::'>1 ''\ . . \lld ·11 did !Ii\!' ~:,IIiI.III)Ll III tilt' .\ IllPril':11l Zinlli...:t MT'. If\
( 'c Hill I . i I I ' ~rl1:11()1'
'fl'. II \\1\11 t:. TII:lt j"I·IlIT"I·I."lr. :\[r.Ih.
TIlt' ( '11 \.11: \1 \ '\. . \ 111111:1 11.', Ill' :I t 1(':1...:1 f, I I' :1 Jwr i Ilil 0 f U ':1 1" ~ ~(,l1a lor
.' '11'.11\\1\111: '\t·,. p ~rl'. If,
'1'111' ('II \IH\I \'\. nIl! IlI"t flli:-- p:ll'li('lll:tr t1':III.,fc'r of flilldc: from i"
al't i \'it y
r,\( ',. l]ll' l'\'!Iistl'rl'd :1!!1'1l1.. \\:1 .... 11<11 itll'lltitit,d Oil Ill\' l't·~i-;tr:ltio!l·~t:I«L Spmito!'
lIlplll h\· Il:llllf' i p ./ bl' on P 0 f ~
'fl'. H\'t!"T11:. Tll:lf j...:I·OI'1'I·.-r • ...:ir. :\f 1'. If.\:
TIll' e l l \ 11: .\I .\ '\. T11: I t \\: I:' r ill' f} Il 1Y pll ill t I \\ :111 t l't 1t 0 Ill; 1k I'. Spnat(J!'
'Ir.n "'.\IFI:. Tllat i.. . (·cllTl'd. "ir. basic Pill']
~f I'. IT.\
:-'I'll:tf Il" rit" I'll I:FY. "lilY I :1,,1, :1 flHP...:llnll hl'l't, i
l)i,1 tltl' .Jll .... lil,l' 1)~'p:lrtT1lPfr~·i()r III i!llill. " ....
k \1111 til .~I\,(" fllrlhpl' .\ I
<ld:l i ls 1l1\i!i.\'llll T' !'l'~i...:t 1':11 iOl! I '

'fl'. H\:'>I\rFl:. "\'Il.sil'. Tht' Cl

Sl'nator III :'>II'IIHFY. Has thl' ,Tllstil'P 1)l']1:1!'1111t'11t. prill!' to 1!)(,(). or Y'Pll (1'1'1" 1)('·
prill.". In - ,\:I'S. 11!';()I: to l!l~il) - lJ1:~l~~I't.i:!lI." ,pf~'o!'t :It ;111." t illlp 10 o:;pl'l1r(' :\f r. IT,
n<lll'II011;ll rnfol'll1:ltloll [i'OIlI \'()I1I11;\'~lll'f11111!!"':~ t hfl mOllE"·
.\fr. II ""IFH. Tltl'!'p \YOIl],'j h~ HI1'o(\"':\sioll:'11 1l']('pllt'llt' 1,,,11 tn I'hrify' The 0
till' 1l:1IIJn' of :1 p:lrt,jcllhr ilt'lll \\'llie]1 llli!!lll lIt' li...:rt'd Thi~ aY'isps .\fr. IT.I
from thp f~lct thnt SOI1WtillW" thpl'\' \\'rn' lTphrp\\' j('1'1ll"': 11:"1'(1 Wllich "·a:, not n
Wl'!,(' not illll11edir!tp!y nrp:ll't'111 flS to 11IP llatll!'p or eh:H:l<'tpY' of tIll? :1110 ,,'al1(
11<'t i\'it.y for which tllp mOlH'Y was SPPl1t. TIl(1 ('I
Spl1ntor HL,rPllRf~Y. 'Yrl'p YOu. youY'splf, nt nny tilllP, rritil"izpd QV rpIH{pY'E'd
tlw Jllsti('p nppnrtm.Pllt for th~ ina(lpf\lllH'Y, or t)w' nl~. inaot>f\llacY. t (}ol.;- plnc
of vOllr fllinQ's of '\"onr statpmpnt? ~fr. IT.
Mr. H.\:\r~n~R. 'No, ~ir, not n('('OIl
wfln' ll. st
nnll indic

11.0. -.....,..;.-_--_.__ ..,.. _,, ..

o I)f' j l1~t a S('lIalor Ih'~ll'lInEy. In other words, \\ere vou of the lwlief, or did
you !la\'(' a right to (l:-;";Ulllf" IWr(\ll;:':(' of the:'l'r:-;p()f\";(\, of tlw .JIl..;tiCR
Del1'1I11lIl'llt. that \"ou WPl'r filing' au aclequ~ti' st rrtPJlIPIlt' 1
.' /lamr..; of ~[r. If,\:\DIFR, \\'l'11, ~f-'lli\tO.r, \\'(~ \\"Pre Illlder tllP impr(';.;~i()n tllat
,d 1111( \,"Pl'(' O1\r ..;( aU'!ll(->'lh \I"('I'l' lll~)~t ful('quatl', at le:l::-;t that wa..; Oil r f('('lillg' abollt
'" ~()\\', jf it. . ,
tl1l'ir Jl'~:ll ~\'Ilfltor Ih':HI'IIHFY. J)o yOIl Ila\"(' allY l'orrl'~[)('!ldrll~'(' ",itll the .lus-
~\ •II ;--l' t II P \" t i('(~ lkp:l I't nil'Il1 I llal n'pl'~lllalld y011 for inflc1l'!(lIary of :-'1 atl'llH'llts?
-'fl'.lI\:\DfFIt. ~o.\\'r Iw\"(']'h:lll ;lllythiJ1goftllat sort."
,'Ollt roJ t h(' ~(,l1<1l()r JIt':\rl'!lHFY ILI\'p \"0\1 p\'pr I)('\,II ('a1l(,ll int?t t\l(, .JlI:-'ti('1'
':1/1 Zinni..:t l>r'p:ll'tJIII'lll ;111l! (';11
,,<1 llP fo;' il\;ldl'Cjll:l<'y of st:l(r!llrnts?
.\ 1ll\'I'il'a n '[I'. If,\:\Dtlj{, I do not rp('all yi:--itl'd thp .JII~ti('(' !Jr'-
('\"('1' h:I\'illg
p:lrtllll'!l~ fn)'. )1l'rll:l)1:-'. a )1l'l'iod of I() y('ar~, ,Thi,.: \\"fli'> rpgan1p(1 by
d j'nl' :1:-; I 0111' ofliC'1' :1:-' )'Ollt illl'. TIII'~r l'l'pO)'l~ h:td to 1w pl'ep:II'('(l t\\'il'(' a. -
" \,1I1l \\'('11.' :\"('; I I'. :\ II Ii \, (. did, " 'd \\" (' :' lip P1i pdt II(' i 1I f n n II a t i 0 1I all d :-;(' 11 t tlll'lll
In: '
~('II;'l nJ' Ill" I'III<FY. nid :lllY :1g-l'lIl',Y or i 11...:11"11111('111 :Ility of t lit'
Fl'(l('I':,1 (;O\'!"'lIIIWIII ('\'l')' a..:k YOIl III :::111)[>1,\' :Iddlt it)ll;!1 illfol'lllH.t ioll
)(1 it. prior or (Til i,·il.\· .'"llllllpl':III-';(' of ill:llkqll;I/'.'" of illforlll;ll iOll ~
~r)', IT \:\1:\111\, Xo, :-,ir.
~ (. J J .; I f J i' f II .\ I 1'1 I It)' Y. I) i d :111 \' " 0 111 n 1ill PI' 0 f ( 1 Ii 1I :! n'":,,,: I

~r)', Jr\.\I.\IFIt, ~o.-.;i)', .

~('n:llor JII'.\rPIIHT'Y, nill nnd'()lh-r],.:(' I
.\fl', lI\\I.\llIL Xn. ...:il'. . .
;-';PII:llfl[' ;-';,.\II:'\(;I'(J:\'. J-.;rlll'J'(' all\' proflt in :111 thi"':,I('tiyity~ /<

,r r, II \ \I .\ 1 1 IL T) Il' ['(. '1'-\ 11 0 1 ru! it: \ t :1 11 i II t 1J i;-- ;\' 'I i \ it ,\ ,

J T hi :-'
'11ll< Ie: ff'()1l1 :t f'l i \' i t \' i..; :, 11 0 1111 rn lit, 1:1.'\ ,p '\ l' 111 pt. f' I r(' 111 0-'; \"11: tn' a (' t i \' i t \' ,
:1 t in!1·...:t:1 r p, ;-';('llr;IOI' ;-';"";"1;1'(':'\, ;-';0. if Ihpl'l' \\';l:-> ;\11\' ~'iohtiOl'I, it,wollld not
Ill' (lIH'IIt' ":Oll\Pllfll!\' !l'('tt ill!!:l ('lit? . '
'fl'. 11.\:\011:1:, \"(; indi,'idll:tl \\'OIlJ<1JH'llpfit,
1', ~('ll:lt('" ;-';\\I]:,\(;'("o:\" It \nl\I1d 11(' ;,1 t\'(']llli":\1 \,jnhtioll. Ilt'~':I1I:-'P tlH'
!,:\-.;jl' pllrp(l~(' of the mOllPY lI...:('d \\'n..: to hr1p pr()(lJr \\,·!tn \\'{'rp Ips,.:
fnl1"l1ll:ltt> t 11;111 tlln"p contrihllting'. is that ('orrpd ?
,rl'. n \:\1.\1 Fit. T1I:1t is ('OITPet,' Sl'nator,
~l'll:tt()i' SY:\II:,\(;T():\" Thank Y(lll.

Till' CII,\nDu:\'. '[I'. lI<llllIlH'l', did till' .\llll'l'i'·:\1I Zionist (\l\Hl('iJ

10 101~(l. or ('('II(1't')' ppriodic :tl,(,()\1l1t~ to (l1r .Tr\\'ish Ag-PIH'Y'~
" t [) c:('( '1\ 1'('
-'[ I', IT \ 'Dr FR. ".\(~rollnts" in tllr broad sensp, yt's. indi('~~t(,. that' . to
tlu" !ll()')lP\' \\"p h~Hl g-i\~pn th(,nl l\n(ll)('rh spent.
I t () l·LI ri f\, . 'I'll(' ~I.\IR:'I,\ x, .\ nd how oftrn did they 1'pn<1('I' th('.<.;(' [I('('OllTltS?
l'!li..; :l ri"':f;:-; ,fro TT,DDfFR . .\:" 1 r('('f111. tl..;un11:v OlWP ;l'ypal.. and thpl1, if money
I";Prl whi('h \\";)...: lIot :l\',lil:lll]p, mon' rrrqllrntl,r to ill<1ie:ll(' tll[lt tl)('y I)Pt'drc1 funds
·trr of thE' :llId \\;t11tr(1 fnnos.
Thp ('11.\IIDI.\:\,. ('ollld yon ~ll!,p].\ l\ set of tlH's~ :l(TOnnts they
iti('izrd hy l'('lldrrpd to nm. ,F:W. fro!ll I!)f);) to 1060, ",lipn thr. r('oqr:lnization
tonk pl:\('p,? " .
-'II'. Yps, sir: I will tn' to fin(l in my tilps---thrse wer('
1I0t :I('('Ollllt,.: ill tiH" anditrd SPIlSP oi· ill t1l(' :llTOtlllt int! spnse. These
WPI'P, n ~tat~ntE'llt, 01' a 1ettp1' 01' n 1l1E'Il1Ol'andtlm. reqtlf'st for mOIwy,
nnd'lH<hcatll1g' what thc'illoney was for.

The ('II.\IlDL\:'\. Reporting how they expended the money?

.\11'. 1L.DUIEH. That is right, sir.
The CII.\IlC\L\~. That, is ,vhat I mean. Thee
\11'.H.\~L\lIx Right. (,c' ~ll·. I I
(~l'P appl'lldix 1. p. l·W:-', Ill'lll U.) pro 1m I)1,\
;-;lIlml il
lise,l} YP;l
Till: Ci
Tile ('11\1101 \:\" . .\11'. you it copy o!' a ldte)' d:ltl'<l
II:IJlIIllC'r, I :-]}(I\\'
Ht'!o\Y i:
FrIJl't!:ll'.\· -;-, 1~):)7, addn''';:-il'd to .\11'. (iottlielJ Ilalllllll')', f!'OIll H:dJbi
.Jl'l'Olill' I Ilgl'r, l'.\"'·111 i\·{' din'clol' of 111(· .\Jlll.'ricHll :~lUlli:'l CUllllCil, TIUlI '
al,d :1..;1\: '\'()1l if \'1)11 rec,'in'd such a letter!: t jO!ll'd :\ ;
.\1 r. Ii qDII':"{. )"':-;, :--i r. ,rr. If
( .\ ('(Jpy of t Itl' iL·t! er follo\\'s:) TIll' ('
A\II.[:1<',\:\ /:W:,\]:-;T COl::,\('II.. ('all Zio!l
S, Ie 1 urI.', S,L, February 7, 1,fJ.)':. it':!ll l~i()J
~Ir. (;OT'n,IIH II\\I\lEI:, ill I lit' Il'l
J"i'.';slt l!!,'/,'/1 /fl" /'rl!1
}I; J';I/ xl f;l; :-: II' , I.
'II'. I r
Sr.IC Yorl,', S. L Th£' ('J
J II,: \1: (;011 [Lin: I call
l~"jll\\' i,~ [Ill' a('('IIIIIII "II Fl'!Jrllary 1, lnG7, Dl'"pite SOllll'W!Wt better
illg- <1111' ~PJI;lt(
pal IIll'til,~ ill ,1:1/111:11'.1'. ;1,., i,'" "Illy "Ii:..:!llly I",,,,,,,,. Tlti,'" 1"1'';1111'', "I' (''',11'';(,
1"lal 11lt' .\1:\('1
[illl-g-ild,'1 111I' 111I1'lld:,,:"I"d 111111"II:ll l'''pl'Il''I''' dllrjll~ til£' :\liddle ElIskrll crisis
.\11'. II
alld IIIl' 1:11';:" u<ldll i"{1 I" "lIr I"'''rs of 11 Ill'\\' cOllllllirlIlent for services llot part
"I' "III' !,tltl;':I'L III :Iddlli"ll. lIf ('"III'SP, tIll' ('''Illilillillg' lIllP:liJ iJ:llallce adds to ~i:-'lillg()
I III' I: 1I':":" I' ol : II. ~('1Iat (
lltH',Taltll:II'.1 I, 1~1:-,7 _. _, . .. .. ,Sl~,",l~)~l.·n
I':lid 1'.1 ,I"\\I~II .\';'('11<',11'''1' .\/:1' :1"('1111111 . .'- . __ .________ ,'-.::4.1;'1
'I r. If
1::11:\11" .. 1)111' .Jallll:lr~' 1, 1~1.'7 . . _ ('olllle i 1.
HI'l'\,jl",j ill ,1:11111:11'.1 !~1;,7. . . .. __ , . _ '-.0,1 IO(), Of) ~l'll:ll ()
\'IIIt:lid 1;:II:IIIt'I' :-'Iill Iltl\' . .. _ .I7, :~t):>.:!~ .\11'. II.
l:p.:":lIlal' .\I[",'alillIl 1'''1' Fl'bl'uar.\· t!I;,7 ,, __ .
1ll'parlIlll'lii "r J-:tlIW:11 iOIl lUll! Culturl,':
III'I,n'II' ('1111111'" "Ollllllillot' \ Lap,.;lIlll _ ."'<n. t)O
('!I"ra! :-""·it'ty . _ :;: I( I, 1)0 ~(>11:1t(
Paid I" !Ii..;t:ldlllill h rilll ., _ ·t, ,-):-'fJ. (\\1 AlIlPri(':1
:-;pl'('i:t! I 1II'lld:":l'Il'd J';"I'I'II",' <Ill rili,:": .\1 i<ltl!I' [';:I,.;t l'l'i"is: lIlHIp l' t I
,/ I)rillt ill.~· . . _ 1, ·F.n. 00
]ll);-';(Ugf\ . .. _ ·1, ·!li(i. IS sari]." gi
" . I'''; II' I' Il 1; 11 i" II . .. _ . .. _ _ _. , .. .. _" _ 1, 100.00 si:-;lp<! of
J: I '('II I' tl" : 1\ \( I J:: 101 ill Hl 'I" 11'( ~
.:\li",·, alltl ~ll'''''('Il,~I·f ,
.. __
,-,·1::, 00 \11'. rr
fi(j, 3~
JllI' .• \Ya~

HI':..:iolla I ['l'I'"it!I'1i (s' COllfpfPll('e: ~P!lat<

[' r jill i 1I.l:; __ .... . .... _ ...... .... _ .. " . _ ~,'-.:!,
00 ~[I', 11
1'0,.;ta;.:'I' . S(j;'),7·1 agent, (Ii
01 ,'I'lilll(' (0)' ('I,'ri"nl ~1:lrf.. i:"r-l7.3:!
Hrl'l'I\','<I rill' .'I:ll,'ri:ll alld \1P('II"":,-
t1wy not
_ 1,49!'i.B6
Mr. B,
:I,O()O.OO SPll;l1 (
G1'lllld tolal 11::.7(17. !H thp I )ep~
I h"p" tltal hy tltl' tillll' \\1' I'I':u'lt \1::1'('h 1. \\'1' ,,!tail "l'f' Ollr a('I',lunl even and IlOt. l1PCe
fully paid. this COli
"'illl :lil ;.:'110" \\'j",llI's, I HllI,
:-;ilJ('('rl'ly Y"III'''.
JEROy!F: U"o/(;ER.
B:1Jcc-utire Director. Agcncy~

I Of whidl AZO 1" alJ"orhillj; % and !'('l'klnj; rclmhursement for '/2.

ey? l'EHlll\llC ,\CC(H;~TI~(; m,:X])UU:D

T Itp ( ',1.\ 1IDIA ~, 1st his () Ill' () f 1 Ill' Ill'l' iod i c a eeou n t i ngs ?
:\"'. Ih'I'IL\L I would sa\' that. sin('p t}li" i:-; datpd in February, it
pm!J;t!lly \\<luld lIe. si,ll'p om: li-l';d year rall frOIl! April 1, and this \\'as
"lI]lllliltt.·d i/l tinle' for ('onsidl'ratio!l befon' tilE' budgpt for the lle\\'
\~l'.[ t' :-;GER lisl'a] \,I'ar \\as lixpcl,
Till" ('11.\[1::-'1,\:"'. It says:
I'll PI' d:11 pd HI'!II\Y i~ tlw ,1('('0\1111 ill;: dllf' 011 F('hruul'y 1. ]H.-,7,
!'O1ll Ihlibi
>t ('(llltl('i1,
'rita t \\O!lld i nd [(';11 pit \\';1:-: 0l1(' of t Ill' a('('Ollllt~ '-ue!l as \'ou /llt'll-
t iOIIP<! :t llll)]lllll( :l~(l. i:-: I Itat COITf'('l (
:\11', J I \'I\lFI:, TII:lt i:-- ('OI'l'I'('!. :-:i,'.
TIll' ('" \11:\1,\"-, 'I'll;:-: i"':1 ~1:llt.'IllI'11f of tlIP :llnOllllt (hH' till' .-\llIPri-
1':'(('11., (';111 %iOili:-:1 ('(llllwil flOll1 tllP .\g(')I<,y to ('on'r thp hll<lg-I,t (If 1]1(' .\mer-
al'!J ";', If),j",:, i":ln 1~IOlll-.:t ('<lIII!(,il, ldll~ CPj'l:lill Illlhlldg-p(pd (''Clll'II:--\':-: :I(,(,oullft.'d for
ill tltl' II,ttl'l" '
,\11'. II \\1"1'1:, '1'11;11 \\1l1l1d !JPI'(I!'l'I','!."il',
TlIP('([,\I](\1 \,\, I \\'ill put 1111' 11'llprill tIl(' n'('(d'd,
1 (';111 Your :lttpntillll to (Ill' I:t~t lillt.,--
I'\yllal 1)('1 tel' :-'1'11:ltO'I' ~, \11:",(;["1'-.', ,\11', C!I;\il'III;IIl.lil'fol'p k:l\ill!~' 1)la!. \',JIII i:-: on
I~. ,d' ('(lllr~(' lIlt, .\I::I'I';e,,;:Illl.i(,lli:-:l ('(llllil'il'
;a~tl'rrl crisis ,\11'. II \.\1\1111. ~I'II:ltlll. tJIl' .\lll(')'il';11l %iOll!:-:t ('1I111WiI i~:t bod\' ('011-
il'('s !lot part
al1ee adds to
"i:--lil)!..'.' of l't'pl'lhl'lll,lli\I" 1'1'11111 \':II,jolls .\1I1(,l'il';lll ZiOlli:--! ~l'ollI;:-'.
~ P~ I; Ito l' ~ '1 'I \ :"' ( ; T I I:"" 1:-: I 11 (.I'" : 1 II Y 0 t1 i(,i;tl 0 f I lit., 1:-: 1': 11,1 i (; ()\' (' I'll 11 1(' II t
:;;I~", l!l!I, ,n Oil rill' ,\ UH'\'!I';llll.i oll i-':I ('OIIIH'il? .
,..,::-t, 1"" :\II', I!.\'I\ILH, TJll'I'" i:-: JIO (l/li('i:ll of ,ht' I'I';II,li (iO\'I'I'IJ11II'11t Oil ,!l;lt
1~7. :it;.-l. ~.'"
COll J W i 1.
"il,II(HJ. Oil ;';1' 11; If 0 I' ~ Y \1 J :"' ( ; Tl 1,\, I" tIll' J'r :Ill \' COil t 1'01 1J,,} c.; 1':1\' 1?
t7, ::ti:i,:!S '11',11.\'1:\111:, \o.:-:ir, . .

;';1'1l:ltOI' ~Y"['\t:TO'\, 'YLI'1l yon paid :I II:llf Illillion doll:1J';; to tlw

Alnl'rll';I1l %iOlli:-'1 ('olllJ('il. in:l:-:IIlI]('!I :1" \yp ;\1'(' di~\ll:.;~in!! l'\'!..'.'ist 1':11 ion
Jllldn ! 11(' Fo\'(·ig-Il .\g-"llt Hf'gi"t l':ttiOll .Act, \dJ~- wou'ld ,\:Ol! }wces-
sal'il." g'iq, ;1 "l'lll)],! ill d('t:lil of ~:)tI().IIIl(l frolll 0111' grollp \\'hi('h ('on-
si:-:Il'rl of' .\III1'J'i(,:\Il l'itizt'Il:-: to :luotlwr grollp of .\II11'I'ican ('it iZE'llS ?
\It'. 11 \",,1:1:, l'rio\' 10 .\flril. ]!ll',(). thp .lp\\'i,,11 .\gP1H'Y for br:u.'l,
1111',. \\:1" l'\'g:istp]'(,<! a~:l fo['('ign :lp:l'nt.
~t'Il;ltor ;';Y111:"'(;'!'ON. YE's .
.)1,'. I f.uDrEIL .\ nd, t hprE'fore, the qUf'stioll may' arise. if the foreign
:l)!('llt did g:in~ thi~ SIIIll to tllt' .\Illl'rican Zionist, Council, why did
t liPy 1101, n·;..6st PI'.
l,48rl,fl6 ~h, nO'('I';:~TETX, SE'nator, J\f r. Clla irman, may I clarify this point?
:i, O(ll), 00 :-:;f'llator SY)fIKGTOX. I wnllt to be clea.r about this point.
}\fJ', HCH'KSTEIN. Thf' form that has to be filed seml'annuaJly with
11::, 7(i7, !H tht' J)ppnrtllll'llt of .Tusticp requires the'reporting of payments made,
1111 t pn'll a ncl 1101 ll('cps:.;arily to foreigll('rs or to foreign agents, but to anybody in
this coulltry. and, inasmu('h as prior to 19GO his organization was
I'{·g·ist ered as a' fOl'pig-n ag:Pllt--
:-;f'nator HDMPHREY. 'Vhen you say "his organization," Jewish
'C Director. Ag:C'lH'Y?

:\fr. BO{'KSTEI:\, .•Jpwish AgPIl('.v for brnpl, IIlC., priol' to l~H;(). Sl'nnl
.:\lr. H,DDIER. Prior to 191;0. 1)0 yc
Mr, BOL"K~TEI~. It ceaseo bping a, foreign ng-E'llt ill 1£)1;0, but it was (1 t hat it '
for:-ign agent prior to Ul(i(\ and, t ]wreforp, allY paYlIlPllts it llIadB Il\OIWV
pnor to 19(iO, had to he \'eportpd to whOnl~Of'\'('l' nmde. •\ IllP ri ('
Spnator SY)I1:\'GTO:\'. 1· do not want to lahor thi:-5, hlit SU\lPOSP 1 ~Ir. r
am,re,gistered as a fOl"('ij..,YJl agellt alld give a party, say at a golf club, hl'l'll \\'1
wh(('h party 11l<'llldpd a [OI'Plgll :lIl1bassadm', and ,,'h
])0 I haH' to n·gistpr that as a ('olltributioll or salt\"; pXIH'llsp~ a('('l>ptt~(

J jllst wallt to s!'p !I 0\\' far thi~ gops. SPII:lt

:\fr. Bm!(STEI:\,. \\'p]I, ~Pllator, I do Ilot k/lO\\', out, cprtai1l1y, III tllP\\';l\'
VOllr ('asp, 1 should \)ot thillk so, JIIll' P;'
~ Sell:ltor SY:\II:\'GTOX. Suppose r am a, rpg-istt'l'pd forpig11 agpnt :ud (' h:lllgt'
I giVt~ a party whi('h ill,'ludps two fril'IHls, f1'O\)1 brae!. say a party ~I r. I
with mall) othpr l)('oPlP. Do 1 han' to rq,!'istPr th:lt tab as all t,tfol'l c{'rtailll
of a f'orpig\) (\gPllt !
.:\fr. BUl I(S'I'Fl:'..;, .\Iy ()\\'Il IWI"SOIl:l I opi !liol\ \\'ollld 1)(' if t his was
:l III:1ttl'l' of 1'IItl'l'!aillIIH'llt of y0111' fril'lld:, or a party ill tlll'ir hOllo ..
,,'itll 110 Sll\·('itic. o]ljl'l'l in':I:' j>ar! of yO!l]' ;ll'!I\"lt il':,;t:-- :1 fl)l'l'igll ag('llt, TIll' (
t Itat \'011 \\'oltld Ilot Ita n' to do that. 7, !!I:)7,
~('ilatOl' ~Y:\II:\'(;TU:\'. :--'llppO:'t' ;11 ths party \\l' disl'll~:-'t'd:l [1('1" dilllH'r ('ollllcil
at SOllle ]l'lIgtlt, j>]'oI>11'1I1:' ilJ('idl'llt to lll·lpillg rl'fllgl'I's 1110\'1' illtll tilt' last
Isra!'!. ',"ollld that ('ll:lllgl' ,11\' l'\'qllin'lIlPllt, ill y()ll], Op'lllioll, as a ("l 1111 rt I'
In.\\'wr~ "'ho
.:\fr. BOl'hSTl;I:'..;. 1 f;1 f()l'\'i~'ll ;lgl'llt--('Ollll~1'1 for thl' ('OllllllitlPp nl;l\ :\1 r. 1
lit' nlorl' ('Olllj>l'tl'll( 1 1t;1II I to :1 11"'; \\'I'Y' t hi:, qlll':,tiull, hill Illy O\\'lI opinioll p:1J )('1"111:
\Yoldd 1)1', if:1 t'1'~~:i~tl'l'l'd fon'igl1 ;1,~I'II! illl'III''''; (':'\\H'll~I'S ill ('OlllH,(,tioll 1:l11l1. ()I
with Ilis \York, 11l;lt, ill 011(' i'OI'lIl or :Illothl'I", Ill' I'pj>0rl:, thl'lll. IIl!!t 011
:--'l'lIato\' ~y ,\11 :\(;TI):\'. TIt:1 t (jol's lIot quit I' all:-'\\'I'r Ill,\' qlll·~t iOll, In H('port,'
this p:lrti('III:iI' (':1'1" \\]1:11 do yOll tllillk \\'l)1I1d II\' l1H' lll'('(':,:-:it.\,- '['11(1 (
:\1]', HOI I\.S'I'l'l'\, It \\Oll](jllot ('Ollstitlltl':l p:lyllll'lIt to sOIlIl'hody 1)\lt .\ llll'ril';
it \\'0111d hI' III'oll:tldy Illi:,('(,lhIH'OII:-: I'Xp"Il"';(':-;. \1 r. I
:--;1'lIato]' 1[1 :\/1'111:1:) . . \11<1, tlH'l'l'fol'l'. sllhjel'! In n',~ist\'atioll ~ Tilt, (
.\ [I'. HI>l'!( "';'1'1: I :\. :--' II hj Pl'I ton' pol'l ill g. 1l1Pllt...;. (
~l'lIal or :--;y :\11 :\(;T'.:\'. I,(,t 11"'; (';IITV t hi:-; flirt 1\1'1'.
Sup!>o...;P at tlti:-; party st'\'pral :\[1';1\1)('1':-; of ('On!!!1'~~ WPI'(' a~kpd, pl'r-
:\rr. J
llaps a IllPllIlwl' of tllp FOI'pigll Hplntiolls ('olllmittt·p, alld wp had .:\ I)', I
dil1llPl'. \Yollid that Iw a l'l'qllil'('IlH'lIt to hI' tilt'd) ~rPllIbpr:-; of ('011- ,\ Illpri ('
gr(~ss mig-ht \"otp 011 mattprs lwrtinp>nt to br:te1.
t he'sP (';
:\11'. BnlK~TEI:\. (TPlwfally :-;lwakillg, I thillk that--I would not say ho\\' to
:=;0 at all, Sf'lIatol' ~Ylllillgton. 1 think t Illlt t Iw act J'('quirps y011, and lIot dpt
the 11,'g'lllatiollS I'<'<}uil'l' yOll, to fep()1't P''!WIlSI'S in COl\IIl'ctioll with 01' for t
'yolll" ad i\·it ips as a forpigll agf'l1t.
Zion ist
It c!oPl-l not mPlIl\ that you may Ilot mef't pp.op1e who arp. foreig'llf'rs
filHlmay 110t discuss YOllr problems with t11Pm as long as you :ll,{, not
"r P \
l)p II(' IP
subsidizing thelll Of paying thelll :my 1ll00H'Y' SonwtilllPs it is hanl The
to oraw tlu' lint'. Is it a matter o f - - cil fort
SPIllttorSYl\[l]';oTO]'l;, \Yhat would you say, if yOll \\"rH' paying mOTH'y Mr. }
to individuals of the .\m{lricltll Zionist. S(}(,ip!v for eertnill acti\'itil's~ ('i 1 to d
::\fr', BOrIC';;;TETN, That we. would have l!P report. speci fie
If n. foreign agent,.1l regist('r<>Q foreign ag-pnt, pays ffiOlH'Y to nn The
or~n.nizatioll, and yl€' orga.nization enga~ps in actinties which are not
1m \'e J!
ex('mpt undt"r the 19:1S aet, tlwn he would han', to report that.
:till. ~Pllator ~Y;\fJS(;T()S. OI\P !llorp qupstion:
I)oyou. as ,t ]aWy<'J" now fpl"I. bast'd on flw tpstimony this morllilll!,
it w~s a tllat it would han' bt't'll \\'i~p to havp dt,tailC'd the paynll'llt", of all the
it lIlado lllOllPY .'\lr. lIalllJl\Pl"S organization paid to such organizations as the
.\llll'l'i(,:l1l %ionist Council ~
P jlOS{' 1 :\11'. B(W}\:STEIS, 'ypll, Spnator, I cannot say"\'hpthf'l' it would have
J]f clllh, 1)\'1'11 \\'j:-;" or 1l1l\\'isl', hut I ch('ckpd the gPIlPral Illprhod of J'pporting,
alld what \\'1' did was ('ompletply in conformity with thp gl'lIl.·l'al alld
;\('('I'ptl'd ml't Ilod of l'I.'I)()!'t ing.
~"Jlator ~Y:o.rl:"(;TOS, .\~ th{' I'pp0l1ing of an il\l.'ollH' tax, yOIl do it
lillly, In till' \\<t.\' y011 ,llillk i:-:: rigllt alld if latH you fil\d f)-tit tlH; Illt.'rlla1 Hp\'p-
lilli' I)I'}Jal'IIIll'llt dOt,S !\ot think it right. they notify you and you
~Pllt alld (' ) I a l\ g'l' i t ~

<l p,lI'! Y :\11'. HO(·K~TEI:". I \\:lllt to JIlakE' OIH' thing Iwrfl.·ctly clt'ar: There
1I1 t" Iro!'! "(,l'tailIl.'" \\,;1:-:: no altl'Hlpt l.'ithl'I' to hidp OJ' to ('ol\('pal anything.

hi" W;h IDJ-:STI FI,'AT!oS IlF :o.fn, 1. L. KE:" ES

ir 110IHll'
II agl'lll, T!It· CII \11:.\1\'\ . •\11'. I L1JIIIIII.'I·, 1'1.'i'1·rrillg to thl' II,ttp\, of F,·1)J'11ary
7, 1~).-17. \\hj"h i~ tll:lt j'('Jiort. 11](' ;1\·,'Olllll illg of thp .\lI\l.'\'i('all Ziol\ist
I'dinlH'1' CO\llll'il III tll(' .JI'\\hh .\!!I'l1"\ for Pall'still\', I (':Ill \'OUI' attl'ntiorl to
I\,P illto t Ill' la" I I iIH' () f t ! II' I i r;-t p:l ~..':<' \\ iii (' II J'l' a d ~, a:-:: folIo \\ ~: .
on, as a \}\lllrtNly P<lywI'1l1 tf) ~11". l. 1,. KpUl'1l for pnLtlic' 1'I'l:ltiollS :,pn'j('l's, $,-,.000.

\\-jlO i:-: \11'. I. L. 1\('111'1\ I

:, ('I' 111:\"
\11'. 11\:\1"\11:11. \11'. 1. L. 1\'l'l\l'll i:-:: :l 1l('\\'"p,qH'I'IlI,IIl, fOl'lllpr IlP\\'S-
opllIlon !J:qWl'II1:11I. ellit Ill' ('I\'\l'1:llld. \-t'\\' York, pn':-;I'llt ly "-'I~hill!....'1oll, ('11'\'1.'-
1111l'l'liOIl hlld. ()IIIO. :\Ild \('\\ )'JI·k CII\,- I 1ll1':lllt ;ll\l[1l0\\' rl'~jdl.'l\t ill "'ash-
111~loll \\'ilo 1.'.111:-';1 1':11111'1' li\:~'h' ill'\\'"It'ttl'r (';1111.'.1 "'1'lw \'(';11' .East
lOll. III I~ ('I II !I·t :' ....
;:-: it \ Tilt, ('11\11:\1 \'\. ',":1:-:: :\£1'. l"plll.'l\ at this tillH' 'h:-:ocia!<'d \\ilh thl.'
lllliy 1>1It ,\IIl\'ri(';11l 1:-:1':((;' 1>\I!Jli('.\ thil':-:: ('oll1l1\ittl."; ~
:\lr. I [V,DIUt. I hl·lit'H' hI.' \\;IS.
TIll' ('II \llt\l \:"'. \\'('1'1.' till' \,:1.'"11\1'11(:-; hI' 1'\' illdi(·,lt,'d, 'llJ~rt(,l'l." Jla."-
Illl'llh. of ~:I,lllli) for II i:-; work \\·il h t Ilat ('llllllllittl.'(, ~
:\fr. I I \ ~1:\1J:!t. I \\'I)llid l10t kno\\', si]',
';:I'd, pl'r- TIll' ('II,\IlDI.\S. \\']1." WI'I'I' you Illaking tIll'S\' pnyJ\\I'nl:-; of S.-},IHH)~
\\'1' had 'II'. Ih~I:\It-:IL \\'1' \\'1']'1' Il\aking a broad •.!!I'nl.'ral allocation to the
of ('0\\-
,\nll;ri(';ln Ziol\ist ('olll1('il for cI'l'tain catl.'!!oril's of adi\'itil.'s. 'Yithil\
till'sl.' (·atl.'!!oril'~, thl.' ,\l\lI.'ricall Zionist C;Hllll'il dl.'tl.'\'miIlPd for it~rlf
I lIot SllY hO\\' to :-;,;I'nl1 t 11(':-;(' itpnls. ,lnd 11't IIII' :-;ay t his, ~(,Il:ltor: \\,p ,Youltl
.(HI, an;l not dl.'tl.'l'Illilll' tltat ,)' dollars \\'ould Ill' paid to thi:-; particular adi\'ity
011 "it h 0]' fOl' t It is pa rt i('u!:ll' I'XpI.'IlSI.'. Tltat \\ollld hI.' II' ft to t hI' .\ Illl.'l'ican
arp not
Zinni:-::t C'ollnciI.
\\1.'1'1; sati:-;fi('d tltat thl.'y\q;I'I.' working along lillP:-; which would
bl' Itl'lpflll to OUI'o\'{,l':llll.'tl'ort.
is 1Hull The CJL\m~f.\~. "~{'JJ, did the Agency, ill fact, rt'imlmrse the Coun-
cil fortlwse pl1ynlf'nts for fhps{,s{,r\'i('t\,,~
MI'.ILDDtEH. 'Yell, t}w Ageney enabled tlw Ampriean Zioni~t Coun-
cil to do this work by making a broad, g('neral allocation. It did I)ot
spr.('ifi.('ally I't'imhursp tlH' Council for this or a.ny othe.r it.em.
'y to an '1'111.' ClI;\IIDt.\X. 'Vas this an unbudgeted item, do you know'? You Hot hn \"I.' g'ot n copy of t he letter there.
1252 ACTIYITIES OF .\(;£:\"1'S OF FOHU(;X PRI",\lPALS IN U.S. A(

,r.. If\:lI:\IFH. 1 '~:l\"\'

no W:lY of tl'1Jill!!:lt t1li:-: 1ll01l1{'lIt \\·11\'1111')" it
\\':l:-' l)]ldgl'!I-d 01" 1l1l11Ildg('(PII. • It jll'o!':lll'].\ l'Oltld Ill' :1 1)]ld~·\'t\'d 1(1'111. ,11:11 Itt'

:ulIl I \10 II()t qllill' kllO\\' \\'!lat th:lt ~,-).()(){i p:IYllll'l.l! 11';1", fol'.
kllo\\' 111:tt \\.\' (!i(llll;lkl~'PlOII\-Y :I\·:lilabl\,. "'I' 1 do
\\"\'1'1'--- \\"(' 1I:\(1 :I Iligh
opiJlioll of Illi:-: P:II'lil'll¥II:,hll-\\:-:!c-ttP]" th:11 \11', !\\-llt-lI ("Iil:--- :Illd ('in'lI-
\1 r. I

II1ll1 II'"
'1'1\\, (

I:ltl':--', :lnd \\1' \\":l1l1pd tOllll,k\' it pII:,;~i1>lp fnl' t hp ('Ollllt'il to 1I\,:lI.:p :-:111)· \\\ '1'\' ; 111
:-:c'I'lpllfJlh to lilt:-; Ilt'\\:-:!t-tU' .. :I\':lIl:tldl' 10 11':l./!ll!! ,\llll-]'lt'a1\ 1.111111:--'1:-:. :\11'. J
to :-:C·lllHII:--,. to 11\-\\":-:P:lIH'I':-:. t(~(lt hpr illl\-l'\"tI'd ]):11'1 iI". 1'01' filII
\011 \\·lwll,I'1' il \\;1:--- fOI'.OIIl' jl:11'1i('111:11' itl-1I1 of :--'l'l'\'i.·(, (II' \\1\1'1111'1' (yellel'al

it \I:l:- 1'0 I' :--' \ Ji 1:--" 'I'i pI i 0 11:-: lot Iii I' h II 111'l i 1\. I \\ III J1 d 110 1 k I 11 1\\ • ,-' I' . :."\'1 III \' I
. '1'11('(
\ I r. I
: tl I I I' I0 '
Till' ( 'I I \ I I: \, ,\ ". \ I I', r I: I I I 111 Il' 1'. \ \. ) 1: 11 : 1 l'\' t lit' P11 I I : i I' l'\' 1:1 I i Cl! J:--' ' \ ' I' \ i.· I '-; Spnat
tL:tl \Jr. I\:('lll'll \\:,,, l'\'lld"I'ill!! 10 t hI' ,\1I1Pl'i(':11I Ziolli:--'I ('OIlIIl·iJ fol' fo I' ~
\\'hil·11 tll(' ,II'\li..,ll ,\gl'll"y \\ac-: 10 l'\,illJ!IIlI''-P tIlt' ('()111ll'il ~ TIll' (
.\11'. II \'.1:111.1:, .\JI', CII:liI"IJI:lll. I :1111 ;lrl';licl. 1 \\11111,111'11 hlll\\ :-1)('- ~\'11;lt
I'iti(';tlh' \\11:11 '-1'1'\ 1.'(''- \1 I'. 1\.1'111'11 1'\'lldl'I'\'d ICI III\' ,\II\('I'I"all l.i01Ji:-:t '1'1",
('Ollll";\' I :-:h()\Ild Iii,!' to point tllIt i f I 111:1.\", sir. I :11\\ llpitlll'l'. llOr 1\ 1'1 \I'll ~
111'\','1'\\;h ;111 plli,'(-1' (\1' din'I'lcll' 01' ;111 "111lllnYI'\' Cll' :111 :l!!"111 clf r!\\,
" 1'.
,\111\'1';":111 Z,olli-t (·c.lII\I'i!. J IIt'\('1" alll'lld(·.j tll\'ir Illt'pIIII!!:--. :Illd I lIWIlI.., t
\\'11\11<1 l)l)! 1';11\' ;\11\' :-!ll','ili" illflll'lll;11 i011 :\.., ICl 1111'ir ~'\'ll('I';t1 ;\('\ il it 1\':-. :--'1'1'11 It III
I It:l\'\':1 jl!"t'tty f:l~1' idl':l (,('tll\'il' gl'!\\'ral OIi'I':11I I"II'IIP'I':-:. :Illd ,111'11' TIll' (
g\'lll'!";11 lire IgT:I III', ~t'I1;1
Till' ( , I I \ II:" \ "\, ,\ I'P ' 0 II fa III i ] i:l l' \\ it h t I II' a t'I i \' i t i 1':- 0 f \ [ 1', I\. I 'jl\ 'II I 1'II f 1 11
,\11',11\\1"1'1:, III a l;r";lll :-I'!I:-:POllh', 111:1\'\' killl\\ll !,illl. J klll'\\' \11'. I
hil\\ Ill:m) .J'l':lrs ago. :tlld I rllll IIl!O hiill n('('~I:-:iollally, I kilO\\" t hat hI' \II'. I
i-..; tll\' din'<'tor Ill' till' ,\1111'1'11':111 1'-1':1\,1 1'ltld!I' .\ILtir:--- ('''111111;11('\" :l1i,1 ~l'II;1
!I\' i:--- :11:--(1 I'dilol" of ill\' \1':11' ]'::1:-1 I~\'I'III'I of \\-111,,1t 1 ;:lIl;1 ~JlII"·I·ilH'r. ~I r. I
:llid I klIO\\ Illat II\' i:--- JI'I/:lll, I'llllllill!! ;II'Ollllll I Ill' ("Hlllln' 1l1:lklll!! ~t'lla
"/1"1','11\", JI\I'ld\'lll·,II,\-.1 11:1\;';\ \"\'1'.1' (,igll I'\'g:ll'd fpr \11". 1'\"11\'11. I .\ Jr. 1
]'I'!!;I r. l II jIll ;I~ :111 old. old fr,ip!l(l. illgt OIL
TIt\, ('II \11:'( \ ,_ III' i-..; ~t:lt iOll('d Ilf'n' ill \\·;I~ltill!!."!Oll ~ (' () III III i
\I". II \ \I \11:1:, I Iwli\,\,' hI' ]'I,:--idl''- 111'1'\' ill \r:I:--)'lillgloll; 'l':-'. c-:ir, "Kenr
'1'11(' ('11.\11;\1 \" 1)0 YOI\ kllO\\ fill' ItO\\' 1'1I1g;t p;'I':io(!': itjl 10 ,\pl'il
!~Hil'. 1111' ,1 1'\\1:-11 ,\g\'IIl'Y llaid ~1\(')1 fl'I':--- rill' .\JI·. J\I'II(-II tlll'clil~'!1 tll\'
.\JIIl'ri";\I1 ZiOl\i:-t ('llllll,·il ~
:\11'. II \ \I\ll:lt. If I 11 1;\\', .\11'. (·II:li\'l\l:IIl. I \\lllild lib, til l'I':--,I:t!(' th:·! ~I'n:1
1I\'(';\Il:--P I tI() 11,11 l'l'c':111 til\' .J\,\\'j,11 .\.!!I'I1(·Y :-:IH',·ilit·ally l\lal,illg:1 1':ly- F,·l'\'II;
Illl'lll to Ill<' -til .\11'. KI'IH'II. <'~llH rt
TIH'('II.\II:\I \:'\. Thi", r('j>0l'{ "karly illdi\·a!l'\'.... II·, it ~ '1'11\'\' J s (II al
I'l'p()rt 10,\'011 ho\\ tIl\'.'" :--'11\'111 t IH' IIlolll'y.
.\11', II.UI.\IElL ,rl' Illaol\' 11IUlll'\' :1\':lil:tldl' to tll\' ,\IIII'I'il':llI Ziolli:---t
('011 Ill' i l. ' \11'.
( 'Otl I I<'
'1'11\' ('II \ I It:'-.£.\X. Th:1t i~ rigltt.
,rr. IIA~J:lII-:I:' ~O tlH'Y \\"0111<1 be nblt' to ,:lITy for\\"ard:1 broad pro-
11:\\ 1hi
gl'alll of public l'l,lat ions. ~ow within that brond prognUll they
.\ I r.
pithpl' bought subscriptions for Mr. Kt'uen!s bulletin or for making ~\'II:
SIWl'cht's or for other things or for pub] ic relations services, the char- ( 'OUIlC
nel \'1' of whieh I am not familiar with. I don't know. lo.\[r.
Tlw CH'AIR:\IAN. 'Yell! this statement is very succinct, it says: r
~ 1'.
Qllflrterly paym('Jlls to ::\Ir, 1. L. K('IWll for puulic relations services. :--;1'1\
Il'r If I \\(lIilt! illl\'rl)!'\'1 fll:lt to !Il\,;In 11 qU:lrlrrly P;lYllIl'llf \)('illg :-:-;I,O()()
II \' III. t II;I! Ill' \\:l~ III'III;! 1';1 ill:1I t 11\' !':l((' of S~(I.(t()(1 n y('ar. ,
I iii) \lr, II \\1\1,:1:, It \\'oilid :IJlIl('ar that \\,:lY fl'Ol11 tlli~ I\'ttl't': y(':c;, sir.
Ili.!..d l Til\' ('II \11;'.[ \-'. Tlli:-, i", :111 :lI'('Ollllti11g to y(HI (If !l0\\. tIlt,,\' ::-:rr11t tIl(>
'11'1' \ 1- 111I)lll'y \\llidl y011 ~1l\'ll1i('d to tllt'lll: i:-, it Ilot ~ Till' l':lYlllt'llts that
, :-'11 L- II ('1'(' 1111l' II :111 [I'Olll IIl1llll'\" 1'('('pi\'('11 frolH \'011 ~
,\1 r, II", \I IlL I \\OIIJ"t1 I'l'!..";\rd tlli!'-- ;i::;, ::;11', :I t!(lC'llIllt'II[\,d J'l"ll1('::;t
rlll'fllllll--. 'I'ill'." \\'prl' 1·(HI,.,t;llI1h :I:-,kill!.." r,l)' 11:1."1I1('1It Oil tl\('ir ,]lro:td
,,( I It' f' !.."\'l1(·t':ll :111(lI':ltioll :lJId th:lf \\,a::; Hal/hi l'J)I!('I":' Illl'thod of trYll\g to
'~'l" JII\'I,) :II"I'('!"1':11\'II<1,\ 111I'lll oll :1,'\'011111 ort]\l'il,IIIII[.!.."l'l.
T I Jl' ( 'I I \ 11: \f \ " . Y 0 11 d i oJ \ l: I y-t.J H' ..;(' filII d ~. did 1\'1 Y() 11 ~
\1 f', II \\1 '.11,1:. Y(,:,: :1 fl,'f' :1 \\ Ildl" yt''' :1::; 1'1111.1..; \\ ,'!'t, 111:ltll' :1\':\ 11~
:t1II\· to 11",
l' \ 11'1 '" ~1'J):ltor Ilt'MI'III~I-:'I". ~lr, ('h:til'lll:lll: WllOlll d(l(':, .\ft', )\I'I1('n work
i 1 fq I' ro r J
TIll' ( 'J 1\ lH'.\ '. ~, J..,('t lilt' :I:-ok Oil\' 1:1",1 0111',
'. ~IW· :----','11;11'11' III"'.JI'IIHLY. EXI'U:-'{' lllt'.
iltlll'l '1'1,., ('II \11:.\1 1-', Did y011 ('\'I't' lll:~k(' allY d,]'(·l'! j>:I,'.'IllI'llh to :\fr.
1', nor 1\, 'lll'll I
If r! II' \]", t 1 \'.DH~J(. I do not I'{·(,:tll ('\,']' 11:I\"ill[! Illadp :til." di]'f'l'! pay-
:lllt! I l'I,'llt, III ,\11'. 1\1'111'11. I lila," llan' for pur('ha~f' of hlllll'tll1:-: 01' ::;uiJ-
\ II II ' .... , ",Till! iOI\" 10 Ili:-o 11l,\\:-,II,tt('I', .
1111'11' TI\l' ( 11.\ Iln£.\:--,'. :--l'nator IIlllllplln'y .
...... ,·11;]( "I' III :\t 1'1 I ICI-:Y. I kllO\\' :\[ 1', 1\\'1\\'11. I dOll" :-'I'P hilll \ ('IT oft('n
\' I 1\" I I
11\11 1 il:\\'l' :-'1'\'111\111\ II haH dOZI'I\ fiuH':-'. ls 11(\ lIli .\IIII'l'i";lll l:itizPIl?
I,ll\'\\ \ II'" I I \ \I ,'III:. I 1)(' 11 (' \' t' II (' i:-, a II .\ J) ll' ric:tll (' iIi z (' II.
laf It(' I )(lI'I~:' I'Ll". I )l'li II itt,h", 0 f ('Ollr:-:I'.
,[ 1'.
I', ;lli,1 ~1'11:11111'11 \"II'111:F'I", »op~ 111' \\'o]'k for tll(' ,Tf'\\'i:-,h .\!.!.'1'1W\"?
Trlll'l'. :\11', II \\1:\1111. \0, ::;ir: ]H' doC'" Ilot \\ork for tlte,Jp\\:i . . dl AI!PllCY,
:1 kill!.!.' ~I'llal 01' [Il '.11'111:1:'1". ,rlwlll dop~ hf' \\'o)'k for (
'II. I :\11', I 1\ ,\" ElL I II' i.-; :111 illdqWlldl'llt Pllt rqlrPlH'UI' I'I'-;i, Irnt ill ""'a~h .
i 1l!.!'1 oil. It (' i ~ ('\:('1'11 t i \'(' d i n'el 01' of t Iw AnWl'i('a n I sr:lP IPubl ic Affll iI'S
( \111111 lit t PI' all d It f' i::; :11:-;0 1\ II l'd ito l' of :\ 'V ll~ hi l1g-t 01\ 1\(' \\"~l ('t t e r ell tit led
"Xpar East Hpport."
,\ (\1' i 1
II I Ill' llET,'ILEIl ~T.\TE'IE:'\T~ FH(1't AZI' Tn TIlE 1-,('.

~('rt:ltol' 111 ""II1;I:Y. .\Ild thi::; :-1:ltl'1l1l'llt ,\'(, :-'t'P Il\'l'l:', thi::; lPttpr of
I,', ' I \ I'll: I l',\ ~ \\ il i, '11 11: I :-' (l' j,p t t 011 I P f p; I gl' 1 :I I I 0 \.a ( i (11\ :
I tIll'

(!II:ll'("t'I.I' p:I,\'III"lIl III :'lIt',!. I, h"IiI'11 for pllhlic n·]nti,'!I.'-' ,,,rvj,,(,,.

I:, fll:11 :1 IlId 1i,' l't'\:tliol\:-; ~('J'Yi"I\ that ,,'as ~ffol'llpd or ",a,s rendered

I (I ( !!l' ,\ 11 \('1' i\.all %i 011 i st (' 0 11 I l\' if (

\Il'. Ih:\DIFI{. I \\oul<1 n~~um(' re1l(lrrf'd to tHe A1neri('nn Zionist
('Olllll'il: \('S, ::;ir,
~1'11:lt()l' IIt"II'HHI:Y. III othrr words, the ,Atl1rricnn Ziollist Council
Jll'll ..
]1:111 hin~~ . t 'lJis ::;pl'\';('t's'?
thpv .\ r 1', I r,\'~1 m·:rL TIll'y probnhly had; yrs,
tIeing. ~1'II:d(lI' I h'''I'III:l·:Y. And you fll'(, 1'('illlhtIJ'~ing- the AIllPl'iclln Zionist
char- ('IIIJJlC'i1: dill \011 I'pilll!Jllrsp the' .\JlH.'rl'iClln Zi(111i~t Council hy n ('!leck
1 I) .\11', I. l,. 1\:(:IH'II? ;. •
\fr,ll\rDu:n. l\o,sir.
~\'II:lt()J' IIl',tPll1a:y. Or did \'011" 1'('imbl1rsr till' AIlH'l'ic:ln %ioni~t
(·(llIlll'illl.":l ('bp('\': to tlw ,\Ill('ri('f\l1 Zionist Council ~
114 :>~4 .(i:l-~ pt 9 - 4

:\11'. 1l.\~DIEH. "T p simply Illadp availahlp to tl1(' .\IlH'l'jc'an %iolli:,1 I n fact, I Ita n
('ollllcil fllnd~ on a('count of a genpral annual allocat iOIl. our lending ph.
Sellator I Il;~IPI1HEY. But Hot for specific items ~ flllyuody's contI"
"f r. J LUIMER. Sot for specific items per se. 1Ie is a pre~ty !
Senator IIt:~Il)l1l{EY. "That is the purposl', then" of the dptailed The CIL\~HM:,
statprrH'nt ~'C IIl"M.
:\11'. II.DBIF.R. It was Rabbi unger's method of trying to get me The CIL\IlC\f:
to :u'('eleratp the flow of ('ash to hi:, organization. At that time we for the reronl t
were in a period of high immigration, and 1 had to excl'risp my dis- tween Ig5G and
rretion in how to drploy the use of funds coming to me from the "\r r. lb:\DIEH
United Jewi'sh Appeal.' w llaten~r c;uch I
( SPI:'l a P1H' n d i x 1. p. 1+11, It r m 1;1.) ablp I a your str
To ~('1\(1 it Oil for )"('fugee IH'f'(h; or make it available for this. I$ave (Spe appendi
this a ruthrr 11IPdill1l1 order of priority, and as a result tll('y wrre ~llOrt
of ('ash, and he would implore me to semi him more money and he
\\O\lld do it lty means of phone ca]]s or by mrans of lrt1PI'S of thi:,
type, I frankl)' do not rpgard this all arcounting ill the true book- The CII.\ 1101
keeping sensf'. %ionist ('oullcil
Sl'llato)' Ih·:'lI'IlHEY. In otll('[' words, this lett~r is a way to remind .Jewish Appeal.
you \\ here t hp5(' moneys-- ) ::\1r. I L\ l\I 1\1 1-:1
'fl'. Il.UDIEIL ThaI WP o\\'e this money. ll\P \\' hel hl.'r I he
'Srllalor II I~II'IIHEY. And that it wouid be spent for Uwse items? ic; (he followin
"II'. Ih.\DIEI{. That is ),ight, alld we would sf'lld him ilion' nlolley. .h~\yish .. \g(,llcy
Sellato)' JIC~JI'IIHEY. I wallt to get it lwrfectly clp:lr. .Jt'\\'ish Appt'al
During tIll' {lprio<! of lillH' tklt YO\lI' .\gl'Il('y was n'gi"IPl'e<! or you TIll' Il t IIp)'(' \\
a" ;1 fOl't'igll agl'llt, cI id \11'. J\ellPll I'el'pi \'P d i n'('t payrllPfll frOJ1l yOIl ~ Lalill Allwri(':l
.\fl'. Ih\\ \tElL I do flot l'l·(,:t1II'\"l'r Il:t\'illg madl' din·c·t na\'11Il'llt III ItlOI\('V which \
Mr. Kellen. . l • lilt' .J~>\\' i:";)l .Ag
SI'llatOI' Ih·:\n'IJln:y. I IilPan was he Oil YOllr payroll ~ {"Ilit ('cl St atps,
'fr. 1l."DrEI:, Ill' \\:IS 1101 Oil I]H' p:lYl'oll of t liP .Jp\\'i"h .\gPIl('y. lit t It' hit IlIO)'t',
SI'IIatol' Ih·,IPIIHEY. It is ellt irl'l} prohahle Illat you lIIighl Itan 111(' IIWIll'y W(' 1
pur('ha~.;pd somet !ling from him? rdlll!t'(' p.lIl'pO
~fr. I hl\DfEH. That is right. 0)' t hrpp t lillI'S
Sl'natol' lIr',rJ'I1HEY. lIas he bel'n on thf' payroll of tIll' .\lllrl'i(,:l1l I hat t hf' aIllOU
%ionist Coullcil on')' any Twriod of timp that von kllow all\,thing ('oullcil was c(
abollt? ' Appeal.
:\1 r. II.\)DfER. I woulrl not kTlo\\', sir. 1 \nlIlt to l'f
Srnato)' Ih'~fPJ[HEY. ,y<, should rrally ask that infol'Illal ion from SOlln'es, frOin
tl\(· Amf'riran Ziolli~t Council. The CIL\IH~
::\[1'. H.\M~n:JL ThnJ is rorrect. th is period, (}
Senator ITl':\IJ'HHEY. "110 is the lH'ad agaill of 111(' Amrric:ln %ioll- sou rce '1
ist Council? ~Ir. II.\l\BO
MI'. IIAM;\fER. The chairman is Rabbi In'ing Millpr and its execll- source, uut. all
t i \"{> <1 j )'('dor is Rabhi prome IT ng8r. the problelll C
~[r. nOrKSTF,I~. May I say, :Mr. Chairman, that thp American Zion- not stop to sa:
ist ['ollTlril is olwiously subsidized by the Agency, but its activities t his is Canadi
:UP rompletply inoppenc1pntly mamtged by itself. The AgPTlry dopsn'l The CIIAIR~
fnn tlH" .\merirun Zionist CounciL It 1s not an arti"ity in the sensf' MI'. IIA~Evr
of thp .\gellry--ill the Sf'nsp of running a drpartment~ or somet.hing The CnAIR
like this. . :\fr. llAl\uf
Sf'nntor TTI-)fPIIREY. I happen to know a gentlf'mnn in my hOlllP The ('HAlH
Statf'. Dr. ~ro:-;f'S Barron. who is onf' of OHr outstanding .. itiwnoq :\[1'. H,\MM
who r kllow is Y8ry actin' in the AnwI·jc:ln Zionist Coull('il rno\,('ll\pnt. A PPOfll. Bu
I n fact. I lin \'p 1I('pn at Hlany of his gatherings at home. IIp is maybe
our Il'adillg phy:-;i('iaI1, hpart specialist. I don't think he is under
anyLJody's cOlltrol including his wif~'\, according to what I have heard.
lIe is a pretty good fellow. .
The CII.\fIC\fAX. Is that all?
~('llator I1n\fPIlH.EY. That i:-;all.
aet me
b The (']I.\IIDf.\N. ~1r. IIamnH'r, did I ask you if you could supply
IllIe we
for the n:col'd til{' rpp0l'ts of the AZC such as this that you have be-
lIy d i:,- t ween 1!);>:, aIld 1H61l, prior to the reorganization ~
'om the
:\1 r. 1I.\:\DIJ-:lL YOll did ask me, sir, and J alll trying to get toge1 her
whatpnr ;-;1I\'!J letll'l'~ I han' from Hahhi t'ngrr alld make tlWffi avail-
a hI P lOY 0 Ul' s t a tL
I..gave (~rl' '~PPt'lldix 1, p. 1-1-0,";. ItPll1 ~).)
n' ;-;flOr·t
and he :-;Ul'/{('E (lI-' Fl ."DS Sl'P/'LIED '1'0 TIn: .\ZC
oft h j:-;
(. book- TIlt' ('11,\1]01\.". TIll' funds whicll you supplipd to the .\merican
Ziolli~1 COlllwil ill ;I(,(,ol'dal1('p witll this IptlPl' ('anw from the L'nited
I'pmincl .Jewish Apppal. I believe you just stat,{'d that.
~Ir. I L\:\I:\IEIL .\s I 1IIldl'r~t,lIHI YOllr qll('slion, Senator, you asked
llll wllptlJpr tlll'...;p funds ('allll' from thp l-lIited .I('wish AppeaJ. There
Ill::; 1 is 1111\, following ('OIH'('pt: \rl'-by "\q'" ill this instance r ll1pan tho
1lIllI\PY· .Tp\vi:-;h A,!!pll('Y - had sl'n'ral ;-;Olll"'\'S of funds. OIlP was tllp l'nited
.Jp\\·j:-;II ,\pPI':l1 and o!n joltsl." 11lal \\':IS the l>ulk of the mon(',Y wp got.
or \'<1I1 'I'llI'll t lll'rp \\I'\'(' 01111'[' SOIIl'\'PS which ('anlP frolll on'rSE'a.-i, camp from
' ill .\ lllPl'i(':1 Ii ('Ollllt rips, ('ame from Canada, :md t hI' amount of
]lI'1l1 It' 1l10llp\, whi('h WP 1'('('t'in,d fl'O!1l O\'('/,;-;p:\s, dIP amount of mO!H'\' which
t 11(' .r~'\\i: . ; jl .\~l'rH'\' ill .Jpnl:--a]t'1l1 n'('pin,\1 t'1'01ll cOllntries outside the
(-lliti'd ~t;ltl'~. lIS;I:IHy 1':111 around 810 millioll a Y(lUl', sonlPtimes a
lilt It' Ilit Il\OI't', ;-;OlllPlilll(':-;:1 lill]p hit lpss, [llld \\'(' ah\ays n'gunlpd that
It' ha n' Ill\' I\IOlll',\' \H' got frolll the ('nitpd .Tpwi~h .\ppeal ,Ya~ oring- spellt for
I'pfllg('l' pllrpo:-;p..; l>t'('lIIlSP t liP .Jt'l'IlsaJplll .\gl'Tlcy alway~ Spl'Ilt·t \\0
or tltn'p tililPS Ihl' <lIIlOllllt \\'(, llI:1df> a\·;\.ilal>1p for thosp purpo:-;('~, ;Jnd
If' I' J('a 11 tl\:l1 thl' alllOllllt of 1I10lH'y we \\'1'1'(' gi\'illl!' to t!lp .\.lIwrican Zionist
vI hillO'
• M ('OIlIICi1 was corning frolll ollwI', SOl/reps ot her than t hE' lTnit~>d ,J l:'wish
A P}H'<l1. . ,
I \VHnt to n'PlIlplwsizp that this 1ll00Wy camp from Latin Allwri,'an
1 from :-;Ollr('('~, fro!ll Canada. It did not IIp('Pssnrily com{' from--
Tht:' CII,\IJDL\N. Did you ill t.1\{' k('('pillg of your accounts during'
this ppl'iod, (ljd you sq!n'g:lU.~ e:tch :H'('Ollllt ill <In'ordance with its
%ion- sou 1'('(' '~
:\11'. II.\~DtEH. "'{' kppt, 0111' aC(',oullts, of course, in accon1anc{' w!th
eXf'CI1- ~oUtTP, In}t our ('ash was not srlf/'cgntpd, and when I was fucpd WIth
tlw prol>ll:'1ll of how to },f'sf, utilize whatm'er cash was on hand, I did
ZiOTl- not stop to say \\,pII, this is .American cash or this is borrowed cash or
ivities t his is Canadian ('ash or any ot h£'/' cash.
orsn'l Tlw Cll.\HDL\~. It all WPllt into the same bank account; did it not?
~f'n~p ~Ir. 1LnDn:n. SHill£' Imnk account; yes, sir.
{hilla ~
Thl:' CII,\I1DUN. And tIw bulk of it, was United ,Tewish Appeal ~
:\fr. JIv.UfJ-:H. Bulk of it WfiS United ,Jewish Appeal obviously.
hom!' Thl:' ('lI.\lIDL\N. Eighty P(,I'C~llt, wonld you s~y, or no p~r(',{'nt ~ .
t iZ(l!l" :\[1'. H.\l\fMEH. Oh, most suhstantial part of It was Frllted ,Tewlsh
1l\('l\f. App~al. Hut the nOll-United .Tewish .\prwa1 part was not insignifl-
(':\ Ilt.

The CIL\ITC\r.\x. Ye~. I dOIl't l1\intt YOllr lawyer int.ern>ning out he

is really, his flllll't ion is n'ally 10 {lch'i:::;e you on your jC'gal rights alld
not to coach ('\'('1".'- :11l~\\·C'r. It is quite all right, bill I think--
)Ir. BOCKSTE] '" I \\iLlltE'd to clarify, ~lr. C!mirman.

;'11-..\111 CU:\1 'LIe\ [:"(j 1'.\ Y::\fE:"Tf; 'I'll )lH. KE;-;E::\

The, CIL\IP..\1.\\·. I~pa]]\", ~lr. 1I:t1l1111l'l" is tlll' WilllC':-;S all~l \\t> are
really illtPJ'ps(pd ill Iii, 1;·..;tilllOIlY. Bllt 1 dOll'! OL'jPct to it. I ha]Hl

u a 1l11'lllOrandull1, )'fr. I Icll1111 lPr, and ask you to ident if) 1hat., please,
s·. Call you idpllt i fy I 1Ia t 1I11'1l10randlllll, ~rr.lla mnwr ~
~Ir. Il.\:\uIEH. Thi:-; :ll'pf':lr..; to bf' a IlH'IIIOrandlllll from a ]Ilall who
-------- f Ill\·:lsslsfant
wa..;oneo . .... '
:lt I .
I 1;1I tllla'.
The ('11.\11';\£.\:". \\"Ilal is Ilis 1l:1111P ~
~ll·. lIur:\II:H. ~rl'. .la'· I). L,·shin. f
The (' I L\ 1IDf.\:". .\:-.., j ~t :Ill r uf YOII rs !
~1r. I L\)DfEI:. I If' \\'a:-i :111 as,.;i,.;iallt of mille.
The CIL\IIDL\:\'. ,\"htl is it to ~
)1 r. I I v.r:m:l(. It i";:1 dd r('~;,.;('d tot Ill.' bookkecper.
The (:11.\[11\1.\:". YOII!' l)ookJ..:('C'(lpl'.
11r. I iA~Dlr-:H. ~r.'" !lookk\·'·j>pl'.
The ('11.\lHM.\:". \r!lilt·,.; Il:t' d:ll!' of it, .ill~t read it for thf' rp{'()f'(l.
~rr. I LUDIEH . • JIlIIt' :!(i, l~);-.:". ~\I\d thi:-,; JllPlIlornlldlllll I'cad~:

addl'c,.;sed Ly ~fr. Lf'~hill to :\ri:-,~ S!wi:-:c!'-

)'1";1.';(' i""lll' a l'!l(~'l; to tilt· .\lllt'ri'";111 Zi<llli"t C()Ullcil i[] th(· :![]llillIIt or ~:2il.(~t(,) ~
$5,000 of this alllOlllll \\illlw [<lr 'II'. Kt·Il~·ll.

(A ropy of j lH' me!1lO follows:)


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.. -.~ , . .'
Thl' ('Il.\1I(!\1.\~, II()\\" dll yOlt illll'rpn'l I,hal? .
, 1
~fl'. II.\:\I:\IEH, I would :-;:1\' Ihal lhi:-; lIIig-ht, "'('.11 han' !>l'f'1l 0111' dl'slre
10 ('Il:l hlp IIII' .\ 1l1Pril':11I Zi(')lIi:-;1 ('Olll11,j I I () plll'('ha:-;(\ Sllb~Ti pI iOlls 10
~fl'. KI'IIl''''S 1II'\\'sll'ttl'l' 01' 10 f:L('ilitalt· his Illllkillg sppl'chl's or what-
l'\'I'I" ('lsI' Ill'. III i,!:ld Ita \'I' hl'I'1l doi Ilg- for t Iw A IIlt'ri('a Il Ziollist ('olll\l'i 1.
and this \\'as it.
TIll' ('II,\IIDr.\:'>[, "'II." didll'! YOll pay Mr, l\I'IlPIl din'('ll) thl' :t:>,oon
l'atlll'I' than I hrollg-h t hI' .\Il11\ril'all Ziollisl ('t)lIll('il'~
'II". 1I.\:\I:\II-:\:, H('I':lll~' I Ill' .Jpwi"h .\~('I)('\', if I Illay. ~I'llal()I', ('x-
plaill. is:1 Ifig spra"lillg' Ill·!..~'alliz:lt ion ;;Ild ~d};\J \\'1' ".'('rl' altf'llIptillg
III dll \\":IS t<y~f,'oid ()\'l'l'l'XpaIlSioll :llld to huild IIp:l In'llll'ndo\ls ;Ht-
1Il i II i -;1 ra 1 j \'1' 111: 1(' J I i Ill'.,r
h: tI '\\'e 'n'I'I' at lt'lll pI i II g 10 d () \\'ll S to Sll p port
S1W1l Cll'~:lllii',:tI illll:-; a:-; \\lnllcl 1'11'1'('1 in'h' do a 11I'Ilad j011 \\'hi('h WI'
tl11111~'1It'\\'ollld Ih']lt']pflll to 1 1 : - - , ' ,
~1'll:11or ~Y"I'I;j'()C>;. "'ill tIll' Chair yield ~
TIll' ('11\11;\' \C>;. YI':-'. '
~(,Ilatol' ~Y\II"(:,(,OC>;. 111:1'-'11111('11 :\£1', ]\1'11('11 \\':\:-; no! ,,'orking
:IS this
for YOII :1111\ \\:1'-' \\ol'l\ill~ fl.'- Oil' ,\Illt'['ic'all Zionist ~(H'il't\,. :llld illHS-
IlllIl:" as \'011 I,llI'\\' \\,1;:11 :\11'. Kl'll('n\ :I('ri\,jli ..s \\t'I'l' 'ill ~pIIPntl.
\\'Illtldll't j:, hI' lo~il,:tI fol' Yon 10 S:lY. ":<-l,()()(\ to til(' I\Pllt'1l :1<" i\'il \....
ll'lrill!..~ fh('lll lakl' till' 1'l''-'IH;Il,-,ihilily.·ht'4':lllSI' rIll'." had Ihl' alll])(ll'ity'of
t 'Ill ploy i II ~ "i Ill. :\ ~ rII 11<)\\' Ill' S pI' III ! Ill' II' 0 IH' Y i 11 t Ill' g'P II t' I': 11 () \'(, 1': til
11 ndl'I'!:1 k i Il~ '?
.\11'. II \'1"111:, Tlt;\i i~f':\:lt'lh J'i,~llf.:-;iJ',

:--: (' II; I (lIl' :' Y \I I "I; 'I'P", T h:III k \' Oil.
I \\'llilld Ii kl' r 0 :\ ...;J, OIl(' 11101';' qn('~t iOIl. 11('(':1 II:-'P it h:ls ('111111' lip h('-
fpl''' ill t lWSt' lw:\ ri II~':-'.
II:ts this on~':llliz:ltioll of yours I'\'(W iliadI' all\, ('(lJltrihutiolls to tllr
l':Il11p:\igllsof;lllY ~t'llntol~?' ,
~II'. II \\1 \III:. 1(":111 :-'1:lll' (':lfp!!oJ'ielllh th:lt "'I' h;I\'1' not: I1p\'l'rpaid
cHII' ('l'1I1 :IS :1 ('(llllrill\llioll to ':IlIY poiiti(,:l1 (':lJlIp:lig-1I of SI'II:ltors,
('OIl!!l't'-;Sllll'lI OJ' :\I\YOIII' 1'1:-,1'.
Sl'Il:Il01' ~Y"I"(;T()". TIns tlH'l'p ("\'('1' h(\{'n any 11l1drJ'slal\(ling br-
hn'pll yOIl :ul<l1\fr. KpllPn, or anybody plsp, tllnt any mOJwy yOIl Sup-
pI il'd \\'Ollld 11(' flirt hp 1)l'II11\Ur iOll of :tIIY C:llllp:l i~II'~
,rl', II "I\nx \'0. sir.
:'I'llalor ~Y'""t;T():"i. 111 :III\' \\':ly. din'cr]Y or indil'l'd}y'?
'fl', 11.\"'IEIL \'o.sil'.llp\'I'I":llIy s;,ch UIl<!Pl:stalldillg, .
~l'lInt()1' ~Y,rrX(;T(Y". ThallI.:: YOI1,
TIH' ('II \ l f D t \ " Do YOII ]m;)\\, \\'hpthl:"J' :M1'. J(t>lWl1 rt>ct>i\'po any
nt!lpr P:1YHH'lIts fOJ' hi; sP!'\,ice:-:; other than the $~O,()nO, 11 ppart>ntl},
$20,000 lw rN,t>iH'o from the Amprirnn Zionist Council?
~rr, II ,\ ~'f:'rEH, I do not know, ~ir.
• Tlw ('" ,\ £Hi'r.\ ~, no
YOU Imo\\' w hrt hpr or not lw work('d full time
for!]1(' .\ IllPl'i(';\ n Zion i;t COlllwil ?
'1'1', H,DDft:lc I w(luhl han' no way of knowing, sir.
Tn \'j(,\\, of thr fact that hf' was publishing this news bulletin, I
WOllld1l01 thinkso, I don't know, sir.
Tlw CHAIRMAN, You think that i~ probably n full-time. job~
,1\[1'. H,\l\OrFH. For the AnH'riran Zionist. Council?

Tlw ('II.\lID!.\;\;. Yl':-:. 1'11)111<1.:.:;( 'I, 'I

;\11".1 l.UDIUL I \\"ould "ot' I hi"k so.
, '<llIlli'l
Tltl~ C 11.\ I IDI \;\;. You \\"ollld llOt.
.\Ir.ll Uf:\IFlL 1 :lIlIIIOI 1,\'l'1I ('l'1"(:\ill,:-:il'. '1',<1;1
Tho CI1.\lI::\L\~. YOIL 1ll:\Y 1101 kll<l\\', I 'jll:-:t \\Olldl'l'l'd if YOII did. '1\<1 ;1
\\\' l':lll :I:-:k \11'. l~l"l.
':\[r. I1.\:\D1FlL 1 dOll't t'\'t'll l'llll\\" t I\(~ f:l<'1 (lull S,~l,(ll)() i,.; i lId i,,;tll'd Of ('''111';-:,
1,,1,,1 li,..lI't1
hl'l'll lll"'t':-':-':\l'ily 1ll1';1IIS 111;\1 *~(l,()(l(l \\;\S p:lid to Ilill\. I 11:1 \l' flO 'Vitll \\,;11
S\lI'1t k1l0\\ Il'd,rl" :-:ir. ~i 11,'1
'I'll(' ('II.\IH'~ \:'\. '''l'11. thl' otl\('1" ll'til'l' illdi(';\ll'd, it s;\id ;\ qll:II'!(1l'ly
p:lYIIl('lJr of :-;;:I.!H)(I. This p:lrtil'IlI:\1' 1l11'Il\Ol':llllllllll Illl'l't,ly ('Olllil'IIIS
tho Pl't,\·jo\ls 1\'111'1" th;\1 \\'l're:\d, This \\:\:-::1 Y\';\I' );\tt'1' l\PPI"(I~iJlI:ltt'I), TIlt, ('I
\\";I:-'! I'! i 1 ~ .\Ir. 11.\
:\fr. I lUI )(IIL .\ pproxilll:ltclY:l y";ll' ]:\11'1'.
'I'hl' ('11.\11"1 \,\, II i"d'll':\!t'" tll:ll \'0111' OI'~:lllil.:!t iO'l :11]OI';llt'd ~:,.III\I)
Sllt'I'ilil':\ Ily for .\11'. Kl'lll'll, do,'sll" it '~ ,
.\11'. B.uDln:, II \\oliltl :-:illlJlly 1111':111 tll;t! Jl(l,:-,·iltly tlll'I'I' 11:1tl 1.1'(';1 T1II' ( , i 1
a:-:kl'I1. "\Yoll]dll't \\'(' Jlo:--:-:ihly tiD :-'(ljll,·thillg 10 L\('ilil:lll' til(' 1:I:ll,;I~~ In' till', . \
1t\':lil:th]Pof fllll,b:' ;llld \\illlilllhi:-: lhil1~:-::lid---- allplil iOIl
Till' ('11 \I1~"\'\. ,\:-: Ihl' 1l1l'1l101':lllllJ11I1 :-:;\\':-:, "Fin' Dr !lli,.; ,.;h:\ll go ('''lllll'ilo
10 \11'. KI'llPll." 1)IH'"II't it ~ . ('olild \
\1 j', I I \ :\[.',1 !:l" '1'11:11 is \\,!J;l! it ";:lYS. .\11'. II',
\\'11 i<'!l 1)11
LETI'!':" I'tl:'\'l' \1:'\1:'\(; l'nUIII>IC .\1'1'11\ :"'1'\,\,; TO Till: ,11.\\'\:-:11 .\CL"{'Y l~Y
d(':ll i Il~ \\
TIlE .\1.1'
\,;\rioll':-: _\

.11(' ('11.\11:'1 \;\;, TI1:\l 1:-: \\llat It ";;IY";, '1'/1:11 \\ '111 hi' 11111 ill \ Il(~ Dr. ~h\\:l
I you:t copy of;\ 1('111'1" d:lll'd :\[al't'll ;\
:-;110\\' 1~):1:--:. :ldd,,(',.;:-;('d ro :1 ('III I,\' 0 f
:\[1'. (;oltlit'h IhlllllllT, alHI ,.;igll('d l:aldlj ,/I'!'OIlIl' ('II~'\'I' :illil :l·k yOIl ('Ollll~('1 h
if vo" n'l '(' i \'\'d I hi,.; Il'l I ('I', 'I'llI' (' II
'I lid Y(lll l'l'('pi \1' t hat ~ j]1;11 I H' :111

:\[1'. 'I1.\::\DIUL I :1":-:11111(' I did !'I'I'/'in' th:lt, yl':-:, ";lL

:\Jr. 11,
(( 'opy 0 f f I\l' ll'l It'l' I'dt'I'l'l'd t t) flll1<l\\'S:) yl':lI', :111< I
of 1]1(' \'1';
I 11(' ,II' ~\' i ~
.\ \11-:1:[1' \['; ZllI:'>;I";'I' ,',\(''o( II,
\ "/(' l'ol'f.-, X,l ., 1[01'('// 'J, 1.'1/,8,
~I r. (; O'l'T I.l Ell } 1.\ \I \, n:, Jlossibll' t
.Il/1'isll \l/l'//i'li /ur 1SI"/d, 1'01'\\':1 \'(1 '
"i /-;os//:,illl Sll'l'd, :III :t1ltl\':1t
X,'/I' r/ll'k, S, L \\o!'t 11 \\·h i
111-'.\1: (;Il'i'TI.lFB: H"IIl\\' is til" a\'I")lIlltill~ <lUI' 'farO'll 1.1~I:l,";, T lll'('(lllllt ndll ] ll('id('!
Illal 111(' tolal ,..;till ('llIllt',..; lli~h, YOII (';lll spp fill' your"';l'lf, IW\\'I'H'r, 111;\1 11:I1t" Ilt"
it j,..; till' 1'''''';1111 of a largl' !l;llan('t' "till tllIt' to us anti thn'c i!('lllS tllat an' llot lbhhi T~I
reg-lIlnrl,\' part of onr IllUlg-('{{'d l'XJl{,Il~P". On1' OWII :ll'tll:ll Illollthly ,lilol'alilln I han 1 tI(
is ('oll"id('rahly It'"" than hllif tilt' lotal. I wi"h that We' could gt't 0111' pn~'IlIt'nts Illlll'h to 1
dOWIl to the }E'H'1 of jllst this I't'gular IIlolllhly lllilwatioll,
111('11 tat iOl
1l1I(' Jo'l'lorlI:1ry 1. 1H:i,-;; - :j:11ti, oon, 7,";
Het'\'iVl'd ill Ft'brll:1 ry Hl;)S ~__ ti;~, ;;00. 00
11(' Silll
he did gl."t
T"np:lld halnlj('f' still IltH' _ ;)~, :100, 7,"; eomplpt i(
Re~tllar allocation for ~Iareh 1!);;s _ :-'-1, (j,-) ~, 1;i n 1I0t he)' r
Il{'pa rtIlll'ut of Education aud Culture: Zionist C
ile!lrew Clllttlrt~ Committee (LnllsOQ) _ $~~~.OO
c '}lora 1 :-;,,,,il'l y 1- _ 100,00 Tl\t' CI
II isl ad rllt h'rltlL , __ , _ :1,000.00 such larg'
Total .-- _ do all of j
lil l lI'kt'lt't1 "\!,I'II"''':
1'\ 11':1' '1'.1111:11'\'", 1"'11."'1''': ~:-" 1100, 110
I '\lllll"tl llil :'Illdd I" 1-::1,..1,'1'11 ,\1'[;111., Ii, 000, 00 ::: \1, (lOO, 00

'('lll:ll 1 1. 000, 00
Oil did, '1',oI;il ,1111' .\l;II,,'1t I. 1:1,-,,", I ~ I. 1'j:-., ! l:~

Il":tll'd Of ""lIl',..,' \\t' "ltall lIppn'\,ia(p Ill!' ,.:pt'(·dy ('olllph'linn of tlw lla~'11[('111 OIl' the
:t\t' I\ll
\\'1111 \\;11'111 1"-1''':0111:11 n'g:ln\":. I Hill
~ll\I'l'rt'l.v Y01Ir,.:.
1:II'Il'r1Y HalJhi .f 1-\(1)\11': \' ,\';11(,
(1Illinl;;-; F,/'('{'IIIII'" }JiIT/·lor.

111:1 I t'l y, T]\(' ('11.\1101,\'\, ''''('11, Ihel'() i:-, 110 \'('a~()l1 to d01l1'1 it ~
~lr. 11.\\1\11.1:, 111:1\1' PO 1'1':\:-'011 10 dOll!il it. 1:11111101 dl:-,,'I:lillli11g 11.

{'til :'Id'll. ',1'\ '11l>IlLl, 1.\:-;1'1':1:'0; \I'T,\II:~

Tltt' ('Ii \11::'11 \'0;. Tlti:-; j:-;:l !H'riodi(' :U'('OIIIlI ill.~' to I Ill' .ll·\\islt .\gt·llI'y
1: I 1 1.... ; I ~~ !J\' Ihl' _\Illt'l'il':lll Ziolli"l ('lllllll'i1 1'01' Fd)l'lI:11'\ l~);l'''. I (':,11 your
;\i It' 1\ t i 0 Il lot Ill' i I 1'111 i II I It t' III i dd 11\ 0 f t lit' I i r~;1 p: I g;' '" It it '!t \'(':l d,.; :
('PIIIlI'j I (Ill ~l iddlt, J-:a":lt'l'Il .\fl;1 iI'". ~(i,OOO,

('olllt! \,(111 t1'1111~ \\]1:11 i~ I It I' (\nll\('il OIl "itltllt- i'::l"j('r!l .\II':lir...:?
.\11'.1(\\1\111:' Tilt' ('Ollllt'il Oil ,riddlt' E:l~I\'I':l ,\ll:lir...: i:-: :I~roilp
"IiiI'll Jlll1I1i...:]\("..; :1 ~I'llol:irl.' (lllldi":11 iO!l dl'\ol(·tI 10 \';(rillll"': "':ll!lj('l'ts
d(';(li!lg.' \\i11l tltl' ,riddlt, F:l--t. II t'o!l;-;i . . . h of:l g'l'OllP of I'dll":lIOI'''': :It
':ll'ioll~ ,\ 111('ril':111 IIll i yt\l':-;il it·,.; ;( nil i:-: ]Il':ldl,t! b\' :1 11\;( II II\' I Ill' ll:lllll' of
: 11 till'
n1', :--;11 W:ltll':t ll. ...
.'11', ('1I;liI'1I1:1I1, if I 1l1:1\'. 1 \\ollld lib, 10 011\'1' \'011 1'01' 1hI' rl'llll'd
';-;:-,('d rn :1 I'IIP,\' of t],i-- Jlllldi(':ll illil ~ I !J,'lit'\'t' WI' 11:1\'1' -"011 It' '\\ it 1111 . . . OJ' !H'rh:tps
1-];: \'011
('011 I l ..... t·1 !l:1:-;.
'I'llI' ('11\11:" \',. T !lolil'(' !lli:-;:-;:IY:-: IIllhlldg'l'1t'tI I'\: 1H'11"':('. "'11\' \\olild
111:11 \1(' :\llllll1>II(L~'('!l'd (\Xj"'il;-;l'? "
:\11'. ll\\I\ln:, II i:-- 1'11ti!'l'ly po;-;...:iGk Ihal :11 tlll' bl'~i!l11ill~! of tll('
y(':lr, :11)(! tlli:-: i:-: :\1\ a~:-;lllllplion Oll IllY p:lrt, ~I'Il:1l0r. :il tIlt, h'!!illnillg
of tIll' \'t';I1', \\'1lt'n tllp\' tli:-:('il"'::-;I'd Ilrl'ir ~'I'll('r:11 to!:11 :1111)(';(! ion 1'1'0111
tht' .J('~\i~h .\!y(·llC\', 1'11('\' did not illcll1~l(' thp;-;(\ itl'I'I" :llld il i;-; a1:-:0
:, l!I,i,q,
pos:-;ill1l' 11I:d d111'il;g' tl1l'\I':1I' SOIlH'Ollt' h:td :111 :tflprt1l()ll~'llt :llid (':l11l(~
fOl'\\;lrd with :11l id(':\ 111:\1 il \\'ollld hI' \1;-;1'1'111 alltl tlt'~il':dd(' 10 11l:1kp
:tll :t11()(';ltiOll for;t publication whicll "'as l'l'ganll'd :lS:l ~('llobl'l." :llltl
\\()r! 11 \\' hi Ip I' ll'ol'l.
1111\ ndd
11lcid('nla1h', if I m:1Y, ~I'l1:\tOl', I s110\11d likl' to sav tlwt while
I 11a 1l' /ll'
lin' lI11t
H:l hhi T" ngl'j: is :I \'('n' il icp 1'p11m,- a lid kIlO\\':-: mort' a]H)\1t t IH' Dible
IlowatillIl I han 1 d()~ hi:-; uSP o( tIlt' aCCO\1l1t illg', tIll' tP1'1ll "accounl ing-,~' 1(':\V0S
n."III('1I h 111\1(' It 10 he lIes i rt'd 1)('(':1 liSP \\' ha t IIt' h:l s he re l't'a11 y it' llW!'P Iy a docu-
I1lrJ1tat ion of a rt'(l'lPst for funds.
>. OO(l, 7~ IIp Silllpl;r shows ho,," lI111ch hr should hn.n> gotten llllli how much
~. :iO(). 00
he did gp!. and what 11(' W:qlts, and says he ,,'onld a PPl'rciatc> tIl(' spredy
~. :-.(lO, 7'-' compll'tion of tIll' paymrut of tIl(' total listC'd abo\'('. This is just
l. G;-,~, 1., ~1Il0( Iw!' pC'riodic dunning bv Habbi rngl'r for SUI1lS dne the Amrrican
Zioll isl CO\1nc i1. - • , -,
'I'llI' CIl,\IIDf.\X. Of conrsC', I aSSllnl,p Ibhbi ling-pI', dC'u1ing with
s\1eh lar,!.!."£' SUI1lS, had n COllllwlpnt :H'('ount111lt to assi~t him. lIe didn't
do all of this pl'l'S01l:11ly, did }w?
3. O::!3. 00



.:\11'. 1I.\:\I:\IElL \\'1'11, h\' was always \\,ol'l'il·d ahollt h;t\'illg 1l10llPY
a \'a i la bll'.
Till' (' I I. \II D I \:--;. , \ ' \' II, a I'\' tI • t \\' l' all ~ Se
,\Ir'. II.\:\DII:I(' It j-; a c!lrotlic probltolll. ~ colle(
Thl' ('11\ IIDI.\:--;. Yl's. ;\I I
,ras' tltat Oil\' of tIll' .\Il11·rii'<l,ll Zionist COlllwil's n'glllar adivi- Sl'
t ips-- to su Ppo)'t t hI' ( 'Ollll!' i 1 oil .:\1 i(id 1e East Pl'Il A Ira i rs 1 coul d
':\[1'. Ih:\DIJ:H. :\11'. Chailil1ll:tll. I wOllld Ilot kllow wltpther this was tlwS
:1 l"('guhl' part or its blldg-Pl"hllt it wOltld app\'ar to me'that this \\'()ltld .'\11
('('rtaitllv fall withill tl1\' ~('lll'l'al frallll'\\Orh: or t!l(' activiti('s of tho
Ampric;lIl Ziollist ('olll}('i(which we would want to spe ad\Oalll'pd, that t 1111 .l

WI' wOllld look upon \vit h fa VOl'. Unit.

Tit\.' ('II.\In;\L\;\I. \Vas this amoullt of $(;,()Il() thal was rpimburs('d l\fl
I •." your .\gPIl(·y to tlte .\IIIl'I·jl'HII Zionist CoulII,il ~ So:
.:\11'. H.\;\DIEIL J would say that over' a IH'l'iod of limp thp total as pc
alllOllllt rp(l'lestpd by the ('oullcil was paid over to thplII. is t II<
Tlw CHAInMAN. \Vpll, this sl)('citie aCl'oullt was approved, was it .:\1 I
not? Sl-'
Mr. HA~MER.~S. uown
S{OBSWI/..\T\ll:" OF C(ll':--;CIL O~ :\IIIlLJ/.Jo: [·:.\STEH=" .\FF.\lHS TJlHOL()lI '1'111': .\ZC "II
TIU' ('JI.\IH.\LDi . •\gain, I ask you what was tIll' rpason fOJ'lIwking t he I'
the~ lHtYlllt'IIIS through tite .AIIIPrican Zionist Council rather tltall for t
direl'! y to the COllncil all Middle Eastern Affairs. the d
'Jr. 'JJ.\:\f'\tEIL \Ve (lid it dirpdly through the Ameriran Zionist Zioll
CoumojJ or if then' had been no Ziollist Coun(·il we would have llrged "II
domestic groups 1ll'J'P to form one. only because they ",prp })('tter S(,
equipped to c<Irry 011 t his broad program of informat iOIl al1d pdll<'at ion t lin I'
a.nd this bl'oad progr<llll of atteIllpting- to mlly sllpport for tIlt, C<IUSt'· N(
of lsrat·l and for the ('a IISP of I'efll~ee iIllllligrat ion milch b(,t tel' t hall nopl
we \'()llld. oat.h
They "'pre ('quipped to do it. Thpy had represcntativps all over ttw .'\fl
Unitra Stat ps. TItp .\meriran Zionist Counei 1 is made up of Sp
dompstic-- kind
The CII.\InM,\~. T understa.nd that, hut the Council on ~Iiddle eleen
EasteI'll Affairs was in being, and it was doing the job, 'Vhy didn't you tuna'
SII bsidize t henl direct ly rat hpl' than i ndi n'ct 1y through tllt' A mrriean .'\[
Zionist Council? I don't undprstand quite why this was not a direct Se
payment from you rather than-this entailed, it spemed to me, more
unusual bookkepping than necessary, I don't quite understand the EFFE
mofi ve for this procedure.
~fr. HAMMER. \Vell, Senator, it was one way of attempting to give TI
the American Zionist Council incr£"ased stature, increased prestige, ('tfee
as Ihe organizat.ion which is doing this overa}] job, and we had a gen- )fid,
eral rule of not getting involved to the extent possible in detailed oper- won
ations. \Ve tried to make a distinction between a wholesale job and a prer
retail job. There was another area, for example, in the field of edu- othe'
cation and culture, where we attempted to do various things in the inter
field of Hebrew culture and Hebrew language study and other things,
by making' g-rants to ('xisting organizations and let lhem do the retail
job rather than our getting ll1vqlved in this area in which we had no
.compet.ence. pliel

Senator SYMINGTON. If tho chair will yipld, jll ('fred YOIl WPI'P a
coJll'cl ion agency, were you not?
:\1 r. 11.\ 'oJ \IEH. \rt\ WPI'P:t n'cipipill agrncy.
at't 1\' 1- ~\'llallll" ~Y:\II:\(;TOX. "~e11, Y0l! \\PI'P grtting a:-: milch money as you
t'ol!ld ill ordt'l" 10 hpJp tlIP ~tall' oj" bnwl, hplieving ill till' rpasolls for
h j:-; W:lS tIl(' ~tatp of bl'arl'~
- wOllld :\11". Ih:\t:\IEH. That is ('orrpct, :-;ir.
II f tho ~(,Ilaror ~Y:\II:\\;l'(J:\. _\11 rig"hl. Tlll'l"l' is all orgallizatioll called
.<1, that tl\(1 .\IlIPri(,:l1l Ziollist C(lllllcjl, which ha~ pl'olllinl'llt ,fP\YS all over the
1'11 i t I'd ~t at PS on its boa I'd of d j r·('{'!ors.
'fro II ."Dl EH. That is t'OITI'Ct.
~('nalor ~Y:\lI:\(;TOl'<. And their aim wa~ to influPIler as IllallY people
p toLd a,s po~si hh" Oil a propP!' basi~, and intt~I'l'st t hpm j II I}W calise of r srael;
j:-; t ha I \'OITl'('t ~
was it :\1 r. I h:\1 :\1I:n. That is ri:rltt. sir.
Spnator ~Y:\[[N(;T():-;'. And t hpy would go, politica lJy speaking, right
down into tIll' wards to spJl the ideas of this nl'\\" State as a refuge for
pt'oph\ in dj~trpss~
rilE .\ZC :\fr. H.nDrER. Yp.s, sir.
~pnator ~Y'II"(;TO~. SO you f'oll('ctpd money. You say you were
llaking the l'p('ipipnt; I think you \\"PI'I' mo!'p than the recipient. You asked.
r than for t Itp 1ll0lH'Y to J)(, giVPll to YOIl. 'YhPll the !110IH'y was g-ivpn to you,
1 lw di~1 ributioll and llSP of the monpv was turned m'er to the Amprican
Zionist Zionist COlltlf'il; i~that ('OI'rpct1 .
[' 11 I'fred
/"" :\f 1'. If .UDIi':IL Tlmt j:-; corrpd, l\fr. Clw,irman.
hptt rr ~i.'II(t1 or ~ y,r I :\OTO:'{. I BlUSt. say t hat seems a logical way of handing
Ilca t lOll t 11(\ ('oIled ion a lid d ist!'i bl1t ion of the mOIl(' y.
('(I u:-:e
Xo\\", on~ ot hpr point. Except for;stthrips in ordpr to live, there was
Pl"thall no profit in any of t hps~ t r:tnsact iOlIS t hat you kllow of. Are you under
oath at this time?
In'r the ~I r. H.\:.\L\IElt. I am under oath, sir.
up of :-it('nator ~Y'lIX(;TON. Therp "' no profit, then> \\'as no ('ut of any
kind l,y an.v gl'OUp of peoplp. The whole idp:l was fl1nrl~ental1y an
~fiddle ~l~rlllosyna]'y idea, in order to promote t hp betterment of t he~ unfor-
,n't .you tlllla1p 1)P0P]t"~
rWl'!C:ln ~I 1'. 11.\,,:\1 ElL That is corn~d.
l eli reet
~Pllato]' SY:;\llXOTON'. Thank you, 1\/[1'. Chairman.
~, lnore


tog-ive The ClI.\lH2\L\X. If I may say to the Senator from Missouri, the
restige, ('fred wOlll(} han' !>pen this: if they had paid directly the on
a gen- )liddle Eastprll ~\fl'a,irs the $6,000, their publications under the liw
d oper- would have had to !war a llotifIcation that, and a notice that, this is
) and a prepared by, paid for by, a foreign agent; but doing it through this
)f edu- ot h('I' affi.l iat~d organization, WhICh they supported, it was at least
in the intel'pretpd that it did not have to carry this. ,
t hing-s, This would lw true and be the samp with ~Ir. Ke.nen'g publieation.
~ rf"ta i 1 You 1I1lderstaIltl if they, being the for-eig-n agent, had paid him directly
had no P\'~IT one of his letters would have to bear a notation on it if it com-
plie(l with the law that'this is published with assistance from a foreign
agent .
. Do you see the difference?

~ l' \\:It () r ~ L\11 :\ ( ; TO:\". I do, ~ I l'. (' h air Ill: Ill, a Il II I i hill k I c a II SC(' ,,'n 11 a'
tllPl'l' 1l1:IY han' hpl'll ~()lltl' lel'llll;c:tl yjobtioll, elllin·l)' ill ol'lkr jf the is a hOI
t'Olllll I; Ill'p pO ill \l'd it Oll t. .\ I r.
'fltp ('II.\IIDI.\:". ThaI 'i:-; what \\(' arp illterestl'd ill, t ryillg" to (li:·;('on~r 'I'JI('
]\0\\' I IIp:-;t' agl'llls 0ppl'alp. , t II i III...,r
Do ."011 1IlH!prslalld \\'1I:1t t II(' point or t I]('se qllP:-;t ions is 110\\' ~ 1 alii 1)['('1l1:l
11 0 t I l'\' i 11 Q" t 0 d () 0 I II I' rill all I II at. j):lY I'c
~plia to'l' ~ y ~[I:\l ;TO:\. 1 do 1111 dpl"st a nd. B II tit SPPnlS tome I lIe bl'Oad did, t I
polil'y a:-;pp('! or collpdioll, !'t'('ipipll(,y to distribute ill til(' ilJlerests of Thi:-; S
thp ~Iatl' of Isr:H'l, i~ a lIlatlel' of COTlllllUII ].;llo\\'lc<lgp ill the Lnited lll:lt \\'
St atps. :--; l' II:
I han' lH'l'll to 1>~)]H!-l"ai~jll!! dillllt·l's, 1 f there II:IS l>eplI a yjolat ion Ill()!"l' I
it Ila;,-; !lP('1l a lechlli('al \·iolat'ioll. 'I'llI' JIIO!'(' I Jll'al', till' lIlom I thillk f I'll III 1
we oug'ht to han' ~oll\(·hody from tllP Dl'pal'llllpllt of .Jllsticc to (~X­ TIll'
plain \\lly tlH'y Itan~ llol 1)('1'11 ll\orl' illtl'rpstpt! ill till' ddails, 1I0t ollly ('Ollllll!
of t hi;,; l'asp but sOlllP of till' ot 111'1" ('ases hdol'(' t hI' COlli III itt pc. 1 am llot ~('ll:
in allY \\'ay (Tit il'izjll~ I hc qllP~l iOIl illg, bllt .itl~t want t () gpt cJear in :\11'.
my nlind ,,'!tat t]\p SPIllP j::; frolll I I If', :-;talldpoint 01' obli!!ation lIndpr c.:;lid hI
th(>, law. Tltf' setup, as I grt it, is this: that thi;,; groll,!, of pf'oplc,
who illl'llldp. SOllH' of tltl' filll'st ill'oP1e III Illy :-;tale \\'110 1 alll :-Jllre would
not knowingly do anything \\TOllg, as ~Pll:ttor JIIIIIlphrey mcntionl'd Till'.
his dodor fl'il'lld ill Jlillllrsota, ha'.l> lH'PIl gpttillg this 1l101H'Y and kIIO\\'
distributing it to the .\llwrican Ziollist Coullcil to use: and if there IlIPlIt ~
has bef'll teclll1i(':\l yiolation. ('ertainlv the committee is to be com- :\ I I'.
mended for bringing it out, all(1 the m'alter should be corrected in the 'I'll('
f Ul111'P. .\ II'.
;\[1'. HOl'h:STJo:I\'. ~fr. Chairman, may 1 make a comment with spe-
Ii steil
cific reference to the :Middlc Eastern Affairs?
The CII,\lIDL\X. Yf's.
Mr. BorKsTEi:". It is my ,illdgment, l\lr. Chairman, that this par-
ticular publicat ion would be exempt under the exempt provisions of- Tho
the exemption )l!'o\'isiollS of till' act as a s(~ho1astjC' }JlIolication. I allol!l<
think that :111(1 uping \\·!to yon are, l\fr. Chairman, former pre-sident YOII 11:
of a university alld illtf'1'l'st('(l in srllolarship, if YOI\ would look If .Y
throngh the editorial ])oard and look through tl)(' tabl(',of cOlltpnts l\fr.
of thi' ,'arious publical ions. I tllink you \\'ollld sllpport that cOllcJu~!on. Tlw
J am spraking spp('j liC'il Jly of t h i~ magazinf', M1'. Chai rman. (Co
The Crl.\IIDf.'-:". "T('II. 1 \\'ill :":\\' for the re('ord that it i~ not mv
fundioll l'pl't:;illly :11 tllis 01' r)f'1'haj)s any other time to pass upon that
que~tjon as to tlw Ilatl'lre of t1w puhlications of tlw;,;p ag·ellcjps. The
point, that. is of interf'st to the committee js the operation of the
Foreign Agents Registration Act: whet.her or not publ ications which
they subsidIZE' carry t his not ificnt iOIl as to its origin. I \\,oll]d assume,
without reading it, tlint tllPse puhliC'ations ,w're not nnfavorable to
the cause of Israel or yon \\"(H 11 d l\ ~t ha \Te I)a i cl for thrill.
;\f 1'. BOUKSTETN. l\1r. Cha irmall---
The CIIAIIDL\N. I don't criticize that. I think that ]s perf\'ctJy
proppl' and I ~ not saying that any of this is i11(lg-al. '''hat we are
trying to d<frs--ro discoH'T how it operates. I would say that since this
law has been on the books no committee that I know of or no one else
has pn.i<l any attention as to the way it operates n nd it may he that the
In w is unnecessary and ought to be repealed, but it is of interest since

\\'P 11:\\'\' Illldl,!·t:ILt'll (111'-;1' ...;Illdi\,,.: 10 '-'('I' jl1--:1 lio\\' it OPl'l'iltt'S alld Ibat
i,.: "hollt all \\"t' :lm pJ'l''':('llt ly \'llg:lg\'d ill 1ryillg to di,.:(·O\'(·!·.
~Ir. II ""IU:. I n'a1iz 1' llial.
'1'11\' ('II \IIDI.\~. ,\Ild 11\l' :1~"ll1llplioll tltat tllis is ill<'gal oI,that-allY-
I!lillg i:-; \' l'll]l~ \\'jrll if i:-; pn'lllallll'l\ i'\'rtaillly to ~:\Y tlw l(';\st. It is
III 1)['('111:11111"(', Till' f:1l'1 \\1' :I!'l' 1l'yin~ tn a~('('l'laill i:-;. did YOUI' .\gPJ)cy
pay ror Ihp ('ol\lwil Oil \liddln 1'::1:-;11'1'11 .\Ii':lirs pll1Jlil'atioll :Illd, if it
l< 1 did, 11I:ll j:-; tlla!. I delli" klll)\\' \\11:d tIl(' illlpli,,:tlioll:-; of thaI Ill:1Y be.
of TIJi;-; :-;:lllll' 111;lj~' \\:1-': l1'1I1' \\ illl \11'. I\:I·J}(·Jl. '1'11:11 j;: all ill Illis ljme
It'd Ill:ll \YI' al'l' !1l11'l'I'--:ll't! ill.
:--;1'11:11(11' ....:. ... \11"'::11'''. 1\\111 jwl tll('n' :11'<.(1:;1112':-; ill rllat plIllJi(';ltioll
ell !IIOI';' [';I\'()I';tld:, fo I-I':):']
r['( II \l
f!i:ill ill tlll'li;lllq>iilr'i- I gpl al)Olll. e\('I'Y \\'ed::
I! \',' I .! lit ('I l .\ I', I I) U('I J I dII i,' J I ; II (. -,' till (. -: Illj \ 't' t .
lik /1

x- '1'!\\' ('11\11:\1\:\, ,\,'\' l]}()-I' pld>iil','lliOII:-i yOll rel'eiv('(l la\)(']p(l as

h' ,'e)lllill~ 1'1'(,illllll' .\1';;1) L\':I~\ll'~
ot :--;\'ll';li'l!'~) \11',<:11)"-, I dilll'\ klli)\\',IJ111 I \\'illlook llPX( filliP.
1Il ~Ir, Hllll\>',ill". ,\11', ('11:li"III:!.!', 1 \\:h 111()li\;I:l,d ill ~:!.\jllg "Ji,l! 1
PI' --::li,lllt,ftll'l"
'd Till' ('II.\:I~\I\'. • Jl!~l II; l'Olllp/('I(' il :lwlI. do you, ~rl'. TI:t111illl'l',
Id kIIO\\' \"llar 1]1(' "('xl [';Lordi:;'ll'.': 1"~IJl'II-(''''''' of ~.-J,I/{H) \"as ill tltat. d()('tl-
re llIPII( (
n- ,\1 r, I1\~" .\111\. 1 do not know, ~i!·.
he Till' ('I1,\ll:.\1 \:\. Do yO\! Im(l\\, if it, W:lS paid hy thr AgprH'Y~
\Ii', Ii " I 'll~:, I 11111;'[ :1;':-11111(' lliat C\'Plllllally all of this llloney
e- Ii,,!t'd \\:IS Jla id. •
:\IL\IO :-\(J'!'l.'\l; ~l,()()() 1'.\Y:\[I::~T TO .\Z(;
Tlt(\ ('J[ \IH;\I.\~, I ojrl'r for the n'cofll and you can just i(lentify i~,
I alIO! !ll'l' 1lll'I\lOrallduI1l to F:1.1111ic ~pcjser from .Jay D, Leshin, whom.
nt \'011 h:tYe alJ'l':ldY idelltitipd.
Jk . Lf YOll11 ident i fy it for the record.
IS ~lJ'. If.\:\DJUC"rp:-;, sir,
n. Tlw ('I1.\lIDL\~. ,Just read it for the record.
(Copy of docwl1cnt is as follows:)


:.i' f' I 1":


, "",'


.. ">



For t ]ll' I"p('onI t.lI i:-: i:-: 11 JlH'nlOrallduTIl to Fallllip ~I)('jspr from .J ay D ..
rA'~hill, datpd .IUlll' ~(), lH[)8:
PIl':l~t' i~~lll' a ('ltt'd, illll\lpdiat.'!y to tltp AIIH':'i(';In Zioni~t (~.()\1ll<'il in the
1I11101llLt of :;;1.000. This is for Sdnvadroll (sic) for till' month of June,
l'Il'<lSP I," IIH' Ita\"(' t !ll' ('!lp('k for forwardillg'.
(A copy of t lip dU'ck issw-'d is as follows:)


TIll' ('I!.\!IDI.\X. I sho\\" you copies of three letters dated Aprill,'

ID:JS, :JIay J. 1958, and .June G, 1958, all addressed to )fr. Gottlieb
I f:1111111t'1' :lnd :-:ignhl ';RablJi ,Jerome I~nger/' and. ask you if you re-
('eived these letters.
,Mr. H,DDIER. Yes, sir.
(C'opirs of the letters are as follo\\"s:)
.\ \[F.H[Cr\:" ZIt> ': 1ST ('Ol;:\CII.,
,\'''/1' }'Ol'k . .\' r., .4.pril 1, 1958.
:\lr. (;I.TTI.IF:n H.-\\[\IEH,
,ff"/l'ish .-1 fwnr,ll for Israel,
New York, N.Y.
IlL'!> (;OT"n,JEB: Bplow is the accounting dUl' nn April I, ID;:J;S:
nUl' .\Iardl 1. 1!1;j-.; . _ $1~-!, 175. U3
Paid b..... .ll'wi:-,u "\gellc'y for "\ZC accounL _ 714. 54
H:l1[ln('f' dllf' :\Jnrch 1. ]95~L - __ 1 :!:t 461, 39
Re<:'pi\'ecl duri ng March 1958 . 56.000.00
l'np:lid llal:lIlce still due _ 67, 461. 3~)
Rpgular allocation for April 1958* _ 56,079.60
))l'partllll'nt of Edl1cation and Cultun.>:
Hellre\y Culture Committee (Lapson) $833.00
Choral Society 190.00
1. 02~. 00
('nlllH'il on :\Iiflclle Enstern .Affairs (Marc'h) . --------_ 4,000.00
(; ~Ionths' interest on loan (10/1/57-3/31/58) _ 700.00
Total due April I, 1958 _ 129,263.99
$The regular allocation as budgeted for the 6 months' period ending March 31. 1958,
is continuing Into thts new fiscal year because of 2 reasons: (1) It Is impossible to
make the ch::l!lg'eover, from 1 budget to another automatically; (2) the undetermIned
stn tl' of the new budg-et. Therefore, as soon as the budget is finally. ~etermined, we shall
adjust the monthly allocations and the accounting discrepancies.
nnel' ngain I wish to point out that Qyftr balf of tbe total due tbe AZC on April
thE' llllpHid balancE' from past months. Thi~, to~ether with ('ertnin un-
1, Hl.),~. i~
lmdget(>r] items, brings the total to a hig-b figure whicb is not truly representative
of our actunl hudgl't. May I nrge payment of the outstanding balance as quickly
:11' Jlo~sihle.
'With best wishE's for II joyous Passover, I am
Sincerely yours,
FJiCecutive Director.


New York, N.Y., May 5, 1958.
:\11'. GOTTLIEB HA~n.n:R.
,!('wish Age-nC11 tor Israel,
New York, N.Y.
DEAR GOTTLIEB: Below is tbe accounting due on May 1. 1958.
Due April 1, 1958 _ $129.263.08
Heceived in April 1958. _ 68,400.00
Cnpaid balance still due _ 60,863.08
Regular allocation for May 1958$ _ 55,150.00
*r repeat the statement I made in my accounting to you of Aprtll: The.regular alloea-
tlon 1s budgeted for the six months period end1ng Mareh 31, is continuing into this new
fiscal year until the final amount of our budget for the year beginning Apr~l 1, 1958.
Is determined. As soon as that Is settled we shall make the adjustment in the figures.


Department of Education and Culture:

Hebrew Culture Committef' (Lapson) _ $833.00
Choral Society** _ 190.00 VIOL
Histadruth Ivri th _ 4.400.00 COli

('nbudg-eted EXjX'nse,,:
it "
Council on Middle Eastern Affairs (April) _ 4, 000. O(l
Total due )Iay 1. lft;),"i___________________________________ 1~;;. 436. O~ clud
""This Is a. final paj'ment, the arrangement bavlng b"en discontinued ill order to reduct' COlI
III submitting thi~ a('('(lullting you will notl' the u:-'twl circulll:-,tu[l<'e that l<:'ss
tItan OJ[('-half of the alllount due to us is for our regular allocation. The rest
arises from the heary unpaid balance due to us and the other iteIllS which an' 1\1
J)ot regularly part o'f our hudget. All I can add is, that once the balance is paid pub
~'Oll can expect. to receive a much reduced bill eaeh month. :-;OUl
"'ith warm regards, I am t ]w
Sincerely yours,
E,rccutiTC Dircctor . M
. \\ll1{]( .\'\; ZlO:\"TST ('OI·"t'TL,
S ('/I" 1")/"/,", .\' ,1'., .11111" Ii, l,l/.i,'\.
.I(,lri.~" A (11'11('1/ !f)r 18r(/('I, T
Xc/(' ror/'", 1\'. Y. 105t
HEAR GOTTLIEB: H.. low is the a('('OlJlITing due OJ] .Tlllle 1. 1ft;,.", lJn~
nue Mny 1. In;;8 ~ . _ :" 1~:J, --l3ti. 0.'" ~1
}{p('e i yed in 1\1 a y ] !I;j'" . _ (;~,OOO.OO lettl
j'llpaid balarJ('~ still du('-_________ - _ Iwr
tj;~. -!3(i. 0,....
1{('glllar allo('atio!l foJ' .JllllP 1 !l;-;.... * _ :J7, :Wl. :....0 T
Dt'partment of Education nnd Culturt':

Hebrew Culture Committee (Lapson) $833.00 _ S33.00
l'noudgeted Expense~ :
('ouncil on Middle Easte]']] Affairs I )Iay on :vTount) :;:2.000.00
I->.:traordinaJ·r expen~es ~. :JOO. 00
Total duE' June 1, 1958___________________________________ 126. 070. ~~ ./1'/1',
·1 rppl'at thl' stateml'nt I made In my accounting to :I'OU of May 1: 'Tbe regular alloea,
ri"l1 a" hlJd~et"d for th(' "Ix montbs IH'riod ('ndin!:, ~illrph ;n, is pontlllllillj! Into tId" n
J:pw tlscnl year until tbl.' final amount of our budgoet for the year beginning April 1. H158, .\ ug-
is determined. As soon liS that Is settled we shall makp the adjustment in tbe figures.
In sUbmittinl-"( this accounting you will nute tbe usual circumstances that less j'llf(
thall one-half of the amount dtH' us is for our regular nllocation. The UImilid tinal
balances plus the unbudgett>d expenses are what accont for the major pa1P'f'".(lf tar 1
thf' total above, I f'arnestly bope tbat payments during Jnne will be suffiCient once
to wijX' out all unpaid balances, IIP\V
With warm rega'rds, I am HI
Sincf'rely yours, tllp
Exectivc Director.
The CHAIR:\IAX. The letters will be placed in the record. I would
just note again that these are periodic accountings by the American
Zionist Council to the ,J ewish Ageney~ and I will further note that the Dell
.April ]ett~r contains an item of $4,000 for the Council in Middle East-
ern .A flairs. The May letter shows $4,000 for the same Council on
~Iiddle Eastern Affairs and the ,June letter shows $2,000.
I nssume that the Agency regularly paid for these items. Could you
tell us what this further $10,000 in payments to the Council was for?
III other wor(ls, your Agency regularly supported the Council, I
WOll ld take it, is that, not eorrect? ,
::\11'. HAMMER. I would say that sometime after the close of the pre-
vious fiscal year, budget year, the question of the American Zionist
Council supporting the Council on Middle Eastern Affairs, occurred,
· Ill)
it was added 011. The Agency thoroughly approved of this publica..-
.00 tion, thoroughly approved of the support extended by the American
Zionist Council to the Council on Middle Eastern Affairs, and in-
" O~ eluded this in the payments made to the. American Zionist
Council in the furtherance of this program.
The CHAIRl\L\N. Do you know whether the Council on Middle East-
PI'Il Atfnir~ received any funds from any other source than this?
:Mr. HAMMER. Yes, sir. I would assume they did receive. It was a
publication. I do know of some support they did get from private
~()\lrr('s. from individuals, from foundations, \\"ho thought highly of
the publication.
The C'I1AlRMAX. Do you know what their annual budget was?
1\fr. !.TA;\OfER. r do not know, sir.


Tlte CJiALIDI:\X. I sho\\" you a copy of a letter dated August 18,

1D58, addressed to ~[r. Gottlieb Hammer and signed Rabbi J crome
C nger and ask you if you received this letter? .
i. n" ~fr. IIAl\DIEH. I bt'g your pardon, ~[r. Chairman ~ There are two
1.00 letters here, one is dated August 18, 1958, and the other one is Septem-
bpI' II.
" 1I....
Tho CUAIIDL\X. TIH'y are stuck together. You l'rceived both l~tters?
· ~IJ

lr. IL\l\onm. Yes, sir.
· 00 Copies of tIlt' dOrllll1t'llt:-; a]'(' as follo\ys:)
_'"('U" rod....\" L, .4.U{/lISt 18, 1.9;j8 .
}. 00 .\1 / . (;OTTLIEIl HAM\IER.
l. ~~ .f'"lI'i,~1t A fjcnc/I tor Israel,
'"('''' }'ork. N. L
t Iii ~ DEAI~ GOTTLIEB: It had l)('e11 my hope. as I wrote in my memorandum dated
958, .\ llg"ll~t G to Ja~' Lp~hill.that the regular monthly accounting due on August 1
woul<l h(' 011 tlH' basis of tllP final budget as reached at our meeting of July 18.
less ("llfort 11Ilatpl~'. Iam still awaiting upon the return of Avraham Schenker for the
?!}id lillal figur('s 011 tlw Youth budget which are, of course, incorporated in our regu-
F' of lar monthly allocatiOlI. In his absence, and because I lack those figures, I am
ient once again submitting an accounting based on the old figures. As soon as the
Ill'W Olll'S are uyailahl(' and settl('(l, we shall make tbe required adjustment.
Bplow. therefort', is the aecounting normally due on August 1 but delayed for
I lip reasons stated above:
IhlP .July 1. InfiS $117,939.38
r. l{N·t'iveu in July 1D;j8 ,-.____________ 67.000.00
Unpaid Balance Still Due________________________________ 50,939.38
can l{('g"ular allocation for Aug-ust 19;:;8______________________________ 56,982.69
the Dt'p:ll'tment of Education &. Culture:
l~t - Hebrew Culture Committee (Lapson) $833.00 833.00
011 l·llllUdgeted Expenses:
Rahinowitz Foundation (July) 4,000.00
Extraordinary Expenses 5,000.00 9,000.00
[)r? Total due Aug. 1, 1\1;;~____________________________________ 117,755.07
I, I

I 1l1\1:'f 011("(' agaill poillt out tnat in addition to the adjustlllent wl1icn will be
madl' \\111:'11 the fillat uudgetary figure:s are e:stabli:shed, more Thall o-ne-hatf of
the tol al n'lluired above i::; the re:::>Ult of an unpaiLl balance Vlus items not a p~rt
of 1)1\' !'t'gll!ar CoullC'il uudget. I do hope that Oll Septt'lllUer 1 whell we ~hall
submit the adjusted figures there will have been paid to u:s, however, enough to
will(' out tile ullpaid ualunces ~o that \ve may operate OIl our regular allocatiol1s.
With "-arm regards. I am
:-;inl'erely yours, '



SCIC )'urk. ST,. SCjltember 11. 19.j~,
Mr, (;UlrllI-:R IL\\l:\IEI{, '-
.1I'/I'isll If/t'lIl',11 fur lxrad.
Nc//' 1'ork, .Y. r.
DEAR GOTTLIEB: Below is the accounting regularly due on SeptemlJer I, but
",hi('h \\'a~ 11l'1l! up this IWllll II 11111 il Hall!Ji :\Iillt'r alld 1 ('ould ll1el:'t with A\'rahaIll fo
St'!I('llkl'I' alld !>rillg to :l ('oll('lusion all mattel's pertaining to the Youth DelJart-
llI " !I! 11\1t!).:",·I,
You "'ill recall that in my previous monthly accountings I pointed to the fact
tltar all atl,ill~{nll'llt \\'llultl IlH\'P til hI' 1ll1Hl(' in thE',tigllrps suhll1irtl'd as soon as
WI' had lill:tlizpd ,Ill' Youth hlld,l!I't. Tlla! has no\\' hl'('ll dOll£' at the ti~ur(' of :1, '
$.'-.;' ;,:-.00, .\ it ill )\1).:"11 :,011 sa:" i 1\ :'-'on r a ('( '0\111 t i n~, kpf'p I h is as a sppa ra te i tl'lIl ml
frpllI .\ZC. \\,P, Oil till' ntlll'r halld. mllst incorporatt' this with our own :lccountin;.:
in ort/t'r to o}lPr;l t P propt'r ly, Th liS, till' .\ ZC blHig('t of :::.100.000. ag-ref'(i t II Oil
July IS. plus the $~6.500 of tl1e youth budget. COlll('S to a tLltal of $:iSG,~OO or a
III 0 II I !lly all, w:l r iC'11 (It' ~q,".,'-.;7.i,O(), This last figure should ha \'t, !Jet'II the monthly
nlltw:ltion I snhjp('t to su('h adflitions in llnhudg-eted iteIll~ Which. from time to
time I report to you) charged beginning April 1. 19;;S, We' have he-t'n chargillg,
howe\,pr, at the rate of the old bndget: Le" ~;;,t.4!)7.42 ller month. and thlls ha,-c
o\,prl'llllrgPIl ~'()U siTH'p April 1. $;),6~~.4~ ppr month or a total of $~S.11:!.10, This
figure is r€'flected in the accounting below: IlH
Due August 1. 19f>8 $117,755.07
AdjllstUll'llt in hlldgpt (spp alHl\'P) ' .----.---- 2S.11:2,IO

l\al:llll'l' dllt' ,\\lglhl I. 1:1,-",,________ _ . . . s~. H-t!. fl, yo

HI'I'l'j\'t'd ill .\l1gnst. 1\ •.) :" ~ _ ~l.OOO.OO
t (' I
Unpaid balance Rtili due . _ ,\;>. 1).-1:1. m
Regular allocation for September. 1958 _ -19.fl71,(;~
ElIul'ario!l.\ I'ulrlll't':
1)('(I:l"ll1ll'lIt ,,/'
Hebrew Culture Committee (Lapson)_ ..:,:. $833 c<
Hi:-:rndnlth IvritIL . 3. fl()() :~. s; ::~, ,-,II
l'llhl\(kl'{l'd E"p.'nsp~:
AZC Seminar in Israel (Org. Dept. of J.A.) 150
HlIhillnwitz B'uuuuution {Au~llst) -1,000 4,150,00
'fotal due September 1. Ifl38 _ 9:3, ;)97. G,)

:-;illl'prply yours,
Rab4;li JEROME UNGER, ad
Executive Director. ar
Tht' ('II \lID£.\:'\. Take the one of August 18. I notice under "illl-
budgNed expenses" is the following:
Hllhillowitz l<'nUIlda.tion July, $4.000.
'Vhat is the Rahi nowitz Foundation? .'
l\Ir.. 'II,\1DlER. I believe the Rahinowitz Foundation was one of the
private g-roups which ~ontributed money. to the Council on Mi\ldl(,
Eastern AffaIrs. and tIllS may weH be a. reImbursement to, thp Rabmo-
witz Foundation of a sum. Sometimes the Council, the American \
.. _--_
...... _

. .
I be Zlonist Council. was not in position to make its payments prompt ly or
f of punctually. TIlC're may have 1w('n an ~Hh'allce by the Rabinowitz
purt FOlllldat iOIl Oil t ]1(' UTH.lprstc.tndillg that t]lPY \yolJld bp l'eillllmrse(l.
h to Tltp CII.\IJ::\T\X. 'Yhat i" tIll' ~('nt.'ral )latlllT of'ijtlJp IbLino\\"itz
() us. FOlllldat ion ~ ,
"[I'. I LULm·:H. 1 do not kno\\", sir.
TIlt' (·II.\IJDL\~. bit likp t1H' Ford FouIHlatioll. I nH'an~-
.:\fr. 1l.\:\DfEH. I know it "'as established hv a ratlH'!' \\"pa1th" indi-
\. i(lllal, ph i bnt Ill'0pisL alld this wns 11 is o\\"n p(;r~ol\a1fOllndat inn'.
TlwCII.\IIDI.\:\'. It had its 0\\"11 fUIl(b~
o. .\II'. II.\:\DfEH. It Jlad its o\\"n fund".
Tilt' CII.\IR'L\X. Yon didn't support it?
~lr.II.\:\D!EH. ()It, no, ~il'.
but Thl' ('ll.\IJt:\1 \:\'. III thi~ ('ilSP V01l thpJ) tllink it "":1:" a rl'illll)jll'\)I~I(,lIt
hum fol"--- .
lart- .\£1'. H.\:\D1ElL Hpiml>lll'spm('nt. hpe':1l1sf> of tIl(' dates I am a"S:SlIming
t ha t t hpJ"(' was this lag.
u u,.; TIll' CII.\IR:\f.\ X. SO the way you wou ld inte1'p\'et it rat 1w1' t Iiall \)£'illg
p l.t" :t payment to the Rabino\\"itz FOllndat ion, it "'as merely a reimburse-
itl'll\ ment for the payment they had made to t IH' Zionist Council ~
1 t i 11;':-
o 011
.:\fr. JIA:\DIEH. That is correct, sir. .
or a Tlw CHAIR1\L\X. So tlUlt in the end YOU could sa y the Council "-as the
lthly I'('<,i pi(lnt rat hpr than the Hil binow itz f'ollndation. 'is that correct ~
lC to ~[r. 1 h:\DfER. Tlw Coullci I fo\' ~Iiddlp Eastf>rn Ati'a irs, yes, si 1'.
The CIfAIR1\L\X. 1 IlOt ice agaiJl the "extraordinary expense. 85.000."
This That Sl'pms to h(' il r('ClIlTPllt amount. "'hat do you thillk that
1l1eilllS ~ . ,
')5.07 ~f r. I LDDIEH. I do Ilot kno,,', sir, and I am rather puzzh'd by it.
L:!. 10 Again, .Mr. Chairman, I should like to point out~-
Tlw CIIAIRMAK. I noticp: the st.aff called my attention to til£' fact,
l:!. !17
)0.00 you have the same amount in August of $4,000, as in this letter of Sep-
(()1ll1wl' 1 L Habinowitz Foundation.
l:!.m Can you supplv for the record how much mOlley you did gin) to the
n. l;~ -'[iddlp East(lrll Council either directly, through the American Zionist
COUlwi1, or the Rabinowitz Foundation ~
::l. .-.0 -'[r.lfAMMER. I will attf:'lnpt to get that figurp, sir, from 1'£,(,OI'OS at
my dispof'al. '.
(S~e appendix 1, p. 1408, Itpm 10.)

The CHAIRMAN. I show you a copy of a letter dated October L 1958,

addressed to l\lr. Gottlieb Hammer ana signed Rabbi ,Jerome rnger
~or. and ask you if yo.ureceived this letter. '. .
"un- ~I r. IIA1\I1\IER. It isa rather difficult one to read.
T1ll' CHAIRMAN. Here is abetter copy.
)[ r. HAMMER. Thank you, sir. .:
TlwClIAlRMAN. Didyou receive that tt.!tter~
)[ r. lIA1\Il\1ER. 'l!' Yes, sir; I believe I must have received that letter. ~1
t the (Copy of the document is as follows:)


I, IH3S. Tli
:\1 r. GOTTLIEB IL\}BH:J~, ,,"PI'e
J('wi,~h A gel/clI for [srad,
.VCl(" York, N.Y.
Ih:.\1-t GOTTLU:B: ~lr. Hid.. :111\1 I han' di~'ll~S('d thp mattl'r (If tht' monthly ae-
('oulltillg' to you !wst suitt'd. to ol\r IH-'ed~. .-\(Tordin~ly, w{' hHvt' addt't! the lllllOunt
of $!U~t);).4:! to tlw itPIl1 Oil till' attlH'hl'd !pttt'r fOI" thp rq~lllar monthly allo('l1tion
(If $-tS,Sj;).OO. rpsulting ill a tofa! of ~;-~~,~·I·O.4:!. I \ ~ I~ , TIl
Tltl' $!l.3t),i,.{:! will ('on'l" thp f'lllo\\'ing itE'IllS as p:itt l~itht' Spt'cial F.R. itPlllS: \rll<l
~lwl1kprs from I:,;rut'!: " " ~rl
;'\'air BaY'P~l\'-May . __ $j-t~. S2
I)a Ie:
.T. Prnvt'r . . __ , .__________ 826.00
Taub€' l'ra v('L ~ .. . ______ ____ 1. :221. 10 I)a le:
:\Ii~c. ExppnsP~L '_ . . . 14.;-10 t hl'tJe
$:!,.so-t.4:! 'I'll
Proj{'('t, Y. l\lasol1.
N('~ro _ tioo. (~)
On ACPC Tour. .Tlln(> l!l:i" :
\'. :\188011.____________ _ . ;i:l. :i:!O. 00 I'll
n. W. Wl1gIH'L . . __ . . . O'n.oo .:\11
W. n. ROW'IL .• . __ ._._______ !Hi. no lean I
w. n. Cat('~ .________ !l17.00 1'1:
S. W t'll vpr . _ _ ___ __ ___ _ __ ____ ____ _____ ___ __ _ HI 7. 00
It Hartford . .__________ 7Ii.OO ~rl
:i. !~'l. no '1'1]
~o tll
Willi kind rt'~:lrd~. I :1 III
:-,ilwprp]y yours,
H\flltl .TUlilMF {'\\;r:H, ~II
E.rcru t i pc· n in'ct or. Tl
Tht·('II\llDI\:\. '1'11:11 i:--:\ flllihl"'l't'P()I'I ~illliLtI'(,tlw(}tlWl·:_',i~th;11 allp(:l
l'OIT!'I'l (
:\f I
\[r. lIUDfEH. I \\-Ollld ~:1" ~fl. "p~, ~il'.
Thp ('IlUIDn:\". C01\ld "01\ i~l(,l1tifv for 11w l'pco'rd the :\£1'. The1\: kIlO"
llH'llt lOTwd'~
~Ir. If."I.\IFH. \rl'. Hid; j, tllt' 11'(';1"111'('1' of tIl(' .\Il1\'ri(·:111 Zilllli:.;t
('OIIlll'i1, 'rl'. ('11:11'!t·, Hil·\';. "'Ita
~ '1'11\' ('II \IIDI.\". Yotl Illll il'l' I Ill' ",;\'('oIHI p:II';l!!raph f'(';Hl:..; a:-; folln\\-;:;:
t Oil r~
. rrh'i~ $~).~ti.'i.l:: will ,'()\'pr thl' f,llll,\\illg il~lll~ as p:lr:l Ilf tht' Spt'l'in! 1'.H. ilt'IIl'3. t 11(' i I
" J

tht':_'(' spp~~ial p.n.
itPIl;1S raid for .,by tlU' Agency? , "-a::;
Il.\:\DfFH. I ;1.";":'IIIlIt'\ flu! .:--pt'(·i:l1 p,n. ill'lll" n1\':111 Spt'\'i:l1 pl1hlif'
:\11'. This
I't'1:t t jOlls il Plll~ alld til j..., \\;t~ {JiHI () IIII' g'(,IH'l'a 1 Pl'ogT:I III of t hp .\ lllPI'- Pl'Op
i('all Ziollist ('oIlJll·il. alld t'll:lr ill dllt· tillH' lilt, tot:t] alllOllltl of nlO1H'Y for 1
:lllll(';ltPll for tIlt, p\lrp()~p:-, of thp .\illPl,jl':l1l Zi()lli"t ('01I114'il \\':l~ Jl:lj~l, t h(>I1'
to (11\,111, n>~, sir. /~-" (' Ips
Tilt; ('il\ IIDI.\". T-11l'~'f~1 hp :-:('('Olll! il t'Il1 t hi~ hrl1ding reads: .~l'np

:'\('gTtl Prll,it'd. V. ~ra~0I1. ~1)O(\. lIl.g:

"'kt f W;l~ tIlt' \' ('gro pt'ojPcl ~
t Iw .
~rr, I r DOfF\{, I \\'ould not know, ~ir. I ha'\'(', llO infonnat ion Oil this :\[
~lI hip( '/ . .
Tilt' ('n.\\lD['\:\" . .\\\,11. YOIJ paid for it. /"~oJlIdll't yOH know what it
was if H)ll uaid for it? //.,
~Ir. II.Di:\If,:I{. I paid thp .\meric)l-r(Zi~nist CounC'il a total, overfill
I whi<
to t I
Sllll\.. "~P did not, at least I did~ot have any s[wc,ific information on
i"di"idnal itt"llls in t h~ir budg{'t~ .
TIlt' CII.\I1~:\L\X. no
vou kl~-OW who ~ll'. V ..Mason was?
:\11'. Ih1DlER. No, sir.

s, The CJL\IR~L\N. So YOIl don't know ",llat t he ~PI'\'I(,P~ \H'['!.' t ltP\'

\\,pre pay ing for by t his it em ~
.\Ir. 1 LnDIEIL I would not know, sir.
Oll n I
TIll' ( 'II,\ lIDL\ ~. Allot her it ('Ill [,l'ad~: "On.\ (' PC' Tou [' .T \lllp 1~l.-l."'''·
.~~ "'hal i~ that l'('ft'l'l'ing to ~
,. .\lr, I1,Dl~[EI{. ACPC are illitiaL-; :-:t:llldillg for _\II\Pl'ican Chri4iall
Pal('~t.ilh' ('ollllllittet" and hom tiIllt' to tillli.' tIll' .\IIH'ri(,:ln ('III'isti:l1l
P:tle:-:tillt' COIlllllittee COlldlH:tpd a tour to bra!'1 and I mllst a~:-:IlIII{,
thp~t~ \yt'l'P eXpelhl'~ in COil lied ion with the t01l1'.
Tltt~ ('JL\IPJL\~. TOil I' of whom, what kind of IOllr ~
~I-r.lIA)nIEli, ,.:\ tOtll' to brapi :1'1\(\ the :\liddle E:bt.
The ('Il.\IR)L\~. lh wholll.
':\[1'. JLDDn:n. By grollp:, of IH'Oplt> ill\-ift'd 01' ~\'lf'ctl'd !\\'tltt> .\111\:'1'-
ican ('hri~tiaJl PakstiTw COlllmittl'P,
'1'1\(,( , II ,\ lInL\ ~. _\ re t ht'~e pri \':\ t I' CiIi Z('II:-: ~
.\fr. IL"DlI-:n. Yes, ~ir. /~
;I. 011 Th(~ (·II.\IIDr~:'\, ,'Th:lt \\':1:-: Ill\' pllrp0:,t'ot'\th;' (Ollr~
.:\11'. Ih:\DII-:H: To ~h()\\' thl'~e jleopl\> cOlldltioll:-: ill IIIP .\riddh, E:l~r
('.-t. -1:2 ~o that thp\, would hl' 111'(ter illfornwd.
Th\.' ('II\IIDL\:,\;. l)oyoll 1t;I\'P :IllY id(':1 1O\\'lll:11lY p:ll'til'ip:\tPd ill it ~
.:\Jr. IT,\:\DIU:, ~o, ~ir.
lor, TII\' ('lI,\IID!.\~. I lIotin' ill tht> _\CPC : 1" 1\' :,;11lI1' \Il'. \' . .\Lt~nll
I hll I
a PPP:l r-.; I hl'n' a::; Ila \' i Ilg lll:tdl' it: is t ~a t correct? 1
.\r1'. H,\:\DIFH. Yl'~, :-:ir: it ;lppl':lI'~ to Ill' tb.l' :-::IYlII' 11:lrtll',
Till' ('II.\II1:\[\:\', I dOll't !\l!O\\' \\'hl'thpl' it i.. . .\11'. or .\Ii:-::-:: do \'Oll
k11O\V ~
'\[1'. H DDIEn. I \\'ouldn't know.
Thp ('IUIIDU:,\-. ,\,11\' did tht' .Jt'\\i:-;]l ~\!!t'lI('\' lill:ll\('t' thl':-ot' tOlll':-:~
Oil I:'1
"'h:ll \\':I~thl'}lllrpos('(l'ftl\l>IlI~ ,,'
\I1". Ih:\DtEl:, ~p\'l'ijil':dl,\' \\1' \\'PI'(' Ilot :!~kl'd to ,!!in' appro\':!] to
(L\\':-: :
(Hlr~, On rill' ,E\'lll'r:llprll,.!!l':lIll of ill\'irillg J>l'oplt' "ho :In' It':ldt'I':-o ill
rhpir partil'ld:ll' lip]d~ of \,1Idl';I\'ol', to \'i~il br:H'] to ~l'(' at tll'sthalld
\\:l~ :\1\\:1.\:-' l'eganIl'd by rht' .Jt'",i~h _\g·I·lll'." a~ :\ \\ot'( h\\'hill' Pl'OjPl'!.
111 di(' Thi:, i~ hpill!.!'dollP all tllp tilllt', th(' id\·:\ nl' th~ tll(IIl!.!ht iJ(>ill~' that if

ppopl\' ,,'110 ':I!'t' inf1.llcnti;l1 ill thpir 0\\'11 tit·ld:-, ,,'i]] d~it I~I':'l'l :md :-'t~P
1011 (. \' fol' t 11\'111:--\'1\ (':-' th~lt it ij Hot IIP('p:-.sary" tlll'll to aHplllpt to intlw'!H'l'
p:,i;l, 11I0m. TIll''' \\'ill f()l~IlI their <,hYll i1td~llll'llr:-<. '1'11('\" lila\' \\Titp :Il'fi-
\'I\':-; or 1I1:1I,,::~,.:-,p{,t'('h(':-' 01'\10 other thin'g's which will'ht ' !li:>lpbll to tit\'
,~\'Il('ral prohh>ll1 of a:,,:::;i~tillg- thp .Tt'\\-i~h .\~YI\(·Y illtlte job of g-t'!H'r:ll-
illg a f:\yoraLlt' clilllatp and good public opinioll for the \\'or],: \H') do.
TlI(' CII,\lR:\I.\~. 'Y'a,~ this rxpPIHlitlll'P n'portpd ill your l'p!)()rts to
til(' .rll~ri\'l' Tkpartllll'llt ,l:-i p:u't, of ~-()UI' a('tiyitip~ a~:1 fon'igll ng(,'nt ~
.\r 1'. 1I ,DDfF-H. X 0, SIT'. -ttr\T:11'GP-~('xr{"nd1tll1,(, "":-t'SY·~hlr-h·d- Ml-- - -----
till' tot;tl amount whiclt \Yl' paid to till' _\merican Zionist COlIIlCil·
which, in tlll11. was iw~lllded in thE' total amount. ShO\YIl on the l"('POl1'~.
to tlw .lu:,tic(' nepnrtIlH'[~t und,('l' til('! desig-nation of grants to atfilint('d
or~an iza ti()n~. ."



Tlw ClI,\lR~L\X. I sllo\\' you a copy of a letter c1atell.fanuary G. lD5U.

addressetl to ~Ir. Gott-lJeb Hammer and sjgn~cl Rabbi .J erOllll' l~llgpr
and ask you if you recef('ed this letter. a:
~{r. HA~nIER. Yes, sir.
The CUAIRl\:L\N. I 'Will just put it in the record.
( .\ ('opy of the document is as follows:)
A\( F:RIC A" ZlO:-;-IST C<l(' :-;-CII,.
S('It" }'ork, S.L. Jalt/uay (i. 19,"59.
:.\lr. (iOfTLIEH IIA\lMER .
.Ir wish .tycne!l fur Israel.
Sr'lI" )·ur". S.Y.
1)E1\I~ G()TTIJI-:B: Below is the usual monthly statement of the situatiol1 ull funds
I'P!\\"{'{'ll us, I kllow that there is a disputP concerning the basic budget. TIl('
ae('ollDting b~lo\\' does !lot indlldt' allY adjustment since my letter of Septembel'
11, lHfi8. at which time the understanding was that the basic budget was set at
~.)()O,OOO Pf'r HlillUIlI and tlw youth budget at $86,500, making a total of $586,500
and a monthly allocation of $48,87:>. If discussions now result in any change ill
these basic tlgllres I sllall S('nd you a ~uppl('m{'ntary lIot£' c-onfirmiug' surh rhanges
and lllakiIl~ the rweps,<;;ary adjustment. C(
Due J)1'('('IIlUl'r 1. 10.1,'\ .. ~lH. 384. G:I 01
Paid Ollt by Jpwish Agency for AZC AccounL____________________ 1. 105. 2G
Halall("(, 111H' npcember 1, H);)~ .. _ 113,279.59 ir
Rpcpi H'd in December 1H5~ _ 65,000.00 jll
{'npaid halance still dne _ 48.~7fl.:1!l rt
RegUlar allocation for January 1959 _ :12., 833. 82
J)ppartlllt'lit of l·~(ltwati()n and Culturt": Ii
Hphrf>\\' Culturt' C{lmmittet> (Lapson) _ ,<:183. ;")5 fE
l'nuudgf>ted expenses :
Rahirtowitz I·'onnrlation (Xon>mber an(1 Derember) _ 8.000.00
:\' ea r EaHt Report .... .. _.. .. .. .t, 000. 00

'1'0 t a I .. .. .. .. .. _ 12.000.00
Total due .January l. 1\1;:;9 ll~, 696, 7f~

'Yith warm rpganls, I am

Sin("('r(')y yours,
Rabbi .JERO~fE (':-;-tiER.
E.xccutil/c Direr!or.



The CIL\TIDL\X. I note for the record that this again h:1::; an itpm
th(' Rabinowitz Foundation here is reported as haying tE',cein':cl an
allocation of $8,000 from the American Zionist Council for which
rpil1lbllrs~ment is r('quested. The next un budgeted expense reads:
:\"f:>ar East Report, $4,000.
I wonder who is Mr. Lapson there under the item of Hebrew Culture
Comrrnttee. ~

~fr. I-L\l\Il\IER. Mr. Lapson is the director of the Hebrew Culture


D5!), The CH.\IlDL\~. I show YOU a letter dated February 18. 1959, ad-
dr('~sed to ~Ir. Gottlieb Harllmer and signed Rabbi Jerome Unger and
ask you if you received this letter.
Did you receive that letter, sir?
~{r. HA~DIER. Yes, sir.
The CIL\IR:\L\N. I will just place the letter in the record.
(A copy of the letter is as follows:)
:j!J . FEBRUARY 18, 1959. .
.Jewi8h Agency tor Israel,
!I'elO York, !\.Y.
DEAR GOTTLIEB: This will confirm the discussion which we bad on February
TIl(' lG, 1959, among Mrs. Halprin, yourself. Rabbi Miller, Mr. Bick, and myself
in which we arrived at certain budgetary decisions.
set at Taking note of the fact that two-thirds of our budget goes for salaries, fees,
6,GOO and irreducible fixed items, we agreed to a reduction of the basic budget for
1ge ill
the fiscal year, April 1, 1958, through March 31, 1959, from $500,000 to $460,000,
anges representing, therefore, an actual cut in our functional budget of over 20
Ilercent. This also takes into account the fact that we bave been absorbing the
cost of [illegible] for over 6 months, primarily through accepting [illegible] on
8-t G;j our payroll.
05.~1) This basic budget of $460,000, is exclusive. of course, of the $86,:100, for the
Youth Department and various unbudgeted items. In the usual monthly account-
ing, due on February 1st, I shall deduct from the total of $460,000, those amounts
paid to us through December 31, ]958. The resultant balance will be the sum
still due to us for the months of January, February, and March. 1959, as our
)j$). :W regular monthly allocation.
~3. 82 In the next few weeks, I assure you that our Finance Committee and I will
<lilig~tl~,set'k to review our entire op~ration~ and strive not only to hold the
linE', but to reduce expenditures and tliereby realign the budget wherever it is
")83. ;')5 feasible.
With warm regards. I am.
}oo.oo Cordially yours,
Executive Director.

The CHAIRMAN. This states that the Jewish Agency contributed

$160.000 in the fiscal year April 1, 1958, to March 31, 1959, to the
'fo,.. American Zionist Council budget exclusive of unbudgeted items and
$86.500 for the Youth Department.
'I'll Were t]wse latter p3JT1llents made to the Jewish Agency by the
American Zionist Council above and beyond t.he $460,000?
Mr. HA~DIER. I would assume, Mr. Chairman, that these payments
it PilI \\"ere made. I don't have any records at the moment but I am assum-
-d an ing in due time they were paid. .

The CHAIRMAN. Yes. I show you a copy of a letter dated June 2,

It urp 1959, addressed to Mr. Gottlieb Hammer and signed Rabbi Jerome
. U nQ'er and ask youif you received this letter. .
lturc We_ will put it in the record if you acknowledge receipt of it.
Mr. &MMER. Y;es~ sir.
TE-e "~ ~-'.;
~hat will go in the record.
(~CQ~.~. ';Jt1le is as follows:) "\7
-4"""~_.,~, .~ '."':' '. Z)


Yelf rork, N.Y., Jrme 2.1959.
'i- , 311
.Jewish Agency tor Israel, items;
Sell' }'ork, N.r. fere-Hc
DEAR GOTTLIEB: Below is the regulnr accounting for the month of June listing I j II
a total due to us of $5i>.66b).;.t which is approximately $10,000 more thaD our stand:
regular monthly allocation, rbulting from the ,arious unbudgete'd expenses, a~
yOIl w ill note. ~Ir.
Due :\lay 1,1959 $;)9.528 ...Hi I arr
Regular allocation for June 19;-)9_________________________________ 41"\, 740. :1~ )11'.
Department of Education and Culture: The
l!f>brew Culture' Committee (Lapson) __ __ _ ~700. 00
IIistadruth Inith 4.200.00 forMi
-l,nOO.UIl )11'.
T'llltudg-eted EXJWllse~: IIIlIst c
Haltillm\'itz FoundatioIL 4.000.00
~ear East re'porL . fit 000. 00
H,ODO. on
Total (hl(' 1:!:!.16R ~4 The
Paid during :VIay U};)n____________________________________________ tio. ;)00, 00
I sb
Xet due June 1, In.-lf)_______________________________________ ;)j, 6Hi-I, 84 )11'. G
if \'01:
()ncl:' again may I sa~' that by paying us thl::' full alllount now due we ;.:l1all he
fin a ('urrent basis. I bope that thil' can 11(' !looP. Chlea;
·With cordial regards, I am. Ith
Sincerely yours, (A<
Ex-er1l tirr n irc('fnr. :\Ir. Go
.f(' I(' i.~ 11
Yf'/f' Y
The CII.\lIDI.\~. I ~hO\\' YOU:1
copy of a letter dated .\ugll~t W.IB:,9. fl.c('oun1
:lddrE':-;~pd to .:\11'. (~ott1iE'b II:lIlllllPI' and si£!.l1f'd by Ibhhi .JE'l'onw :ITllO\1J11
nil O('fl. t·
rngpr and ask you if yOI1 n·('{'i,'ed tltis If'ttpl'. ' Tilt'
)11'. J l.uIMF.R. Y f'S. sir. ~pNlke
( 'opy of t hp 1r-1 t f'1' is as follo\\:" :) R.
A lOGCST 10, J95fl. Tn
.1 (,lci.~h Aqcnry tor J srarl,
\,('1(" York, N.r.
1 )Eo\R C;OT'TI.IFB: ~Ir. Hick nud I h:nl' di,:cu."sl'd till' mnttpr of thl' mouthly Xe~ro
." a('('(Illntin~ to yon hest snitpd to our needs. A('cordin~ly, we havt> addt>d the A.A.M.
1llllOllllt of $l,:HO.!lfl to thl' item on tbe attached letter for tbe r('gular monthly
allocation of $4;-)';".41.67, re;.:ulting in a total of $46.8:l2.GK
Tlw ~1.:no.!~) will ('on'r thp followillg itl:'lIIS as part (If til(' Special 1'.H.
Speakers from Isrnel.:
Wm. Tamht> Tra,eL $2~. ~2

L('\' Lllndy('r ~ fi1. 00

Rachel Tarden ~ ~ 3;'4.90
Fprrel Neady - 103.67

--------------- ( -----

~eKr~~~o;::':·n".L 4_,_1_1
:\11'. (it
.f r1l'1.'1~
Y ru' l'
\ . )IllSOIJ ~ ~ -~~ 2fiO.00
~J:ise. Expenses_____________________________________ 23.99
want t

273.99 II ()t p:1
A.A,)J.E.S. : normll
Cbkago Conference - -- --- _ GOO. 00 to lny
1. 310. 9fl
"'ith kind regards, I am,
The CHAIRMAN. There is one item, the .second paragraph, the
"Sl,310.99 will cover the following items as part of the .special P.R.
items;" and concludes with an item of "A.A.~f.E.S. Chicago Qon-
fereJlce $500."
ing I just 'want yon to identify what is tllfl .\,.\.~r.E.S., what d(ws that
~tal1d for?
~Ir. HAMMER . .:\11'. ('hairmun, I never heard of those initials before.
r am afraid I can~t identify them.
~Ir. BOUKSTEIX. "T e will be glad to furnish them.
The CHAIR~fAK. Did "ou e\'er heur of the American Association
for l\1iddle East Stud ies t
.00 .:\fr. I LnDlER . • \nlericun Associat ion for .:\fidrlle East Studies ~ I
lliust confess, sir, this is a new one on me.

. Of) .\ .. \,\LJ-:.~. CllW.\(i() COXFEln:X(·J:. \)("/(IBEJ{ '-'. 10,'.!I. LETTEH

.1"4 The CIJ.\TRMAX. ,\Ye will put this letter in the record,
. 00 I ~h()\Y you a ropy of a letter dated October ;), 1950, addressed to
::\£1'. Gottlieh.Hammer and sig-w·d Habbi .Jerome Vnger and ask you
if yon rp('pin'cl thi~ }ptter. Y01l ",ill llote it also has .A,A.~LE.S.
('h'jrago COnfpI'PIlCR $1,200.
I thought you might Pl1lightPIl us as to what that means.
( A copy of the letter is as follows:)
lil OCTOHER:O. 19;;9.
r. :\11'. (;OTTLIETl HA\I\IFR.
Il'wish Af7/'nr./1 for !.qarl,
"I'If' rork. Y. }-. \
DE.\R GOTTLlEfl: Mr. Rick :lJ1d I han' t\i:,c\l"f'ptl 11w mattpl' of thE> monthly
1;-)O, :!c('ounting to yon best suited to onr needs, Accordingly. we have added the
;IIIlOllnl of $:!.4~ln.:l4 to thl' ilt'1l1 OIl Iht' Hlt:tl'lIP(] If'ttpr for th(' 1'f'~uln.r monthly
:tlltK'ation of $-1:1';-",41.(;., rp.";\lltillg ill n lolal of $-1~.O·n.~l.
'1'11(' ~~.4!¥.).:O-1 will cI,,'pr tllt' fnllmdng ilplTlc: a<: part of thp ~ppcial P.R. items:
:')H'ak('1's from br~H'l :
R Ynrdl»L . - -. _ ~7fi.R!i
~. TallO.' 1'ra,'p! Agopnt'y_._. ._.. .. %6,69
l\!is('. Exfl{'nses ~. __ .. _ . . __ . . ., __ . __ 6,00

TotaL ____ _____ . __ . .. _.. _. . _______ 1. f)-HI. 54

hly :\'('~roPro,it'd: Y. :UnsoIl. __ ._ . . . . __ . I ~;,O.OO

Ow ,-\.A.M.F..S.: Chicago Conferencf' . 1 1 200.00

TotaL_ _ . ._._. ~.~4nfl,;;~
'.B. With kind regards. I am
~ i llC'prply ~'Oll rs. \
Tbbhi .TEIWMF: {j:-; GF.R ,:'
F:,T(,(,lIfirc lJirf'ttnr,

.-\\If:'R1C:\' ZIO,1ST ('01':-;\11., I

\,"1/' y'n!'!.'. Orfnllrl' ;i, 1~,5fl.
:\11'. GorrI.TF:n TI.\\I\lFR: 1\
.00 .r('1I'i.~h A .'lrnrJl fnr !srl1rT. I
Y"u' Ynr'f..'. N. Y. I

DF.AR GOTTT.TF.B: In connf'f'tion with Illf' rpl(lIlnr monthly ac(,ol1ntin~ hE'lbw. I

"'ant to point out that of the totnI due October 1. 19!'59. $)')8.002.79, $13.000:00 il'
. !In not pnrt of 0111' rf'g'nlllr hllfl~f't. Wf>rf' it not for thif': snm, we wonlfl bf' "on a
Ilormlll hlldg-(\tnr.," hll~if':, Wl' nntif'iplltf' nl~() that (Imin.!! Of'toh('r w(' shnlllhflve
.00 to lny Ollt (,PI"tllin SIlIllS for tliif': ('ontinning- UnhlHlg('tf'~ f1xpenf':f!' which, hf'('lln~f'

, !Ill

of the fact that we lay it out in advance. always re<luces our operating funds.
I therefore urge that the payments during October be sufficient at least to cover
the total due us-$;)8,0!)~.79--sothat we can come to the end of the month on an
even keel.
Due September 1, 1959 $50,083.14
Less~amount paid by Jewish Agency for AZC AccounL_____________ I, 4~1. 5(i
Net dll(' Septelllber I, 1!}G9 ~ _ 48,601. [i8
RE'~lllar allocation for October 19;j~L _ 48,041. 21
lnlprl:'st 011 loan to Jewbh Agpncy 4/1/59-9/30/5() _ 700.00 (
pppartmE'nt of Education and Culture:
HE'brew Culture Committee (Lapson) $ 7;)(), 00
Histadruth hrith 3.000.00 :~. 1;;0. UO

{'llbIHlgE"tf"(l Expenses:
Rabinowitz Foundation (Sept.) 4,000.00 6,000.00
Extraordinary Unbudgeteu ExpensE's :.!. nOD, 00 Ii. 000, 00

Total UIIP 107,092.79

He<:ei\'E'd in September_____________________________________ 49.000.00
XE't dne October 1. 1();')!) _ ;)8,092.7D
With kindest pe-n~onal regards, I am Z
~illCE'rply your~.
Executive Director. ('(

1\[1'. H.-\M)[ER. I am afraid, sir, I have no information on that. I II

don~t rt>call it. III
The Cn.-uRMAx. \Vould the American Zionist Council have that II:
Mr. IL\MMER. I must assume they would have that information if
tht>y spent it.
The CHAIRMAN. You reimbursed them for it, however?
2\11'. HX:\BIER. As part of a general program of activities.
LETrER OF APRIL 15, 1960
The CHAIRMA~. I show you a letter, a copy of a letter dated April t1
]5, 1960, addressed to Mr. Gottlieb Hammer and signed Rabbi .Jerome ~
Unger and ask you if you received this letter? lJ
Mr. HAMMER. Yes, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. I will place that letter in the record. .-
(The 1etter referred to follows:) h
<I( Ncw York N.Y., April 15, 1960. I,:'
New York, N:Y. (\ I
nEAR GOTTUER: In lieu of the nsual monthly accounting that r ~ave you
hitherto. I present below the final figures for the fiscal year ending March 31, 'f
Balanc(' duE' to AZC. 3/1/60 o- ~ $71,553.51 1
Paid out by Jewish Agency for AZC accounL ~--------------- 1; 591. 11 $
Xet balance due AZC, 3/1/60_______________________________ 69,962,40
6 nlonths interest on 10an_________________________________ 700.00
{'I1IJlIt!g-t>tt>U Expenses:
Education and Culture (Lapson) . .___________ ~1. 0:20. 00
Histadruth IHith_-\t-________________________________________ -1. O(}O. 00
Total ,. _
H:llli II( ,\\' i tz Foun<1atioll - - _- -_ C.O/JU.OO
:'\par EH~t Heport amI Sel'dces , . _ 1.000.00
Total " _ 1;).::;20.00
('(,J'tain !t('[II:--; "\(1\":111('1'<1 b.....\Z(':
X<>gro COllllllullity 'Vork _ ')'),-
o}.· •• ' .
AllIerirull As~oc. for ~f.E, :-;tlldif>" _ IjOO.OO
Sp<>akprs' Program ,, . _ :2. \I<d. OS
'l'otal , , . . _

Tflt:ll <!lIP "\ZC _ 00.081. 73

Hp(,('i\,p(} through April i, 1B60, 011 account f,f ti"cal year P!Hling ~lar('h
~ 1, 1 HliO . , _ ~,;)OO. 00

Bal:lIlcc still (hIP - -- - -- _

In n(Idition to the sum of $;''::;,'-I1.7:{ notp(} abon' a.-; still <1tl(' to tbe ~\lJl('riClln
7-ionist Coullcil 0)) tb(' bnlullce for thE' fis('al y('ar ('n~ling- :\Iarrb ~n, 1$)60. I must
('all to your attpntio[) that during the lllOnth of April. thus far, w(' have rec('iv('d
absolutely nothing on the account of the new fisc-al Yf'ar. As a rC'sult. our ac-
('otmts are in deficit. In othpr words. wp are unable to pay bills and shall be
una hl<> to IllE'N payroll expenses.
{>pndiIlg lIew arrang-ewPIlts for th(' fis('al ,Ypar hf'ginning April 1. 1000. may
I urge that every effort be mude to remit to u" ('llough monies at lE'ust to rover
payroll andl1>minimurn estimating ('XI)(·nsps.
With kindest regards, I am
Sincerely yours.
Exccutil'c Director.


The CUAIRMAX. I notice this refers to expenses by the American

Zionist Council prior to ~farch 1'960. Here you also have $6,000 for'
t he Rabinowitz Foundation and $4,000 for Near East Report and
services. Is this Near East Report. and S<'ryiees-is that :\fr. 1. L.
I).:enen ~
.- l\fr. IIA M1\lER. That is correct, sir.
The CHAlIUfAN. Is that for not only the Nrur East Report but also
his se'rvices ?
1\fr. HAM.l\fER. I would ilOt know, sIr.
1,,1 The CHAIRMAN. That is what" it says in the report. It says Near
East. Report and services.
Mr. HAM1\fER. I would not know the nature of the seryices per-
formoo by ~{r. I{enen for the American Zionist Council.
The CHAIRMAN. Here it spells out, you will notice in the next item
it sn.JS certain items advanced by AZC-Negro community work,
$335.25. W"hat does that refer to? ,
~lr. HAMMER. I would not know, sir. .
The CHAIRl\IAN. And again the next one, "American Association for
:\f.E. Studies," that is the one we referred to a'moment ago. I notice
you haw~ a speaker's program, what does that mean? ,

~Ir. H.\l\BIF.R. Till> .\ nll'riCall Zion i~t COllnci I ma iIlta ilwd n ~ppakpr\: I df
hurp:Hl and servicpd. c\llh~ all around the country ~ that i~. thl"Y Sl'n'- I list a(
iced requests by clubs all around tIl(' (,Ollllt!'y. cl;Ul'ch g-roups, Rotary to SUI]
Clubs, women's organizations. and this itt.--m refers to the expell~s of Ilsp.d f
that. spf'ake.r·s program. That was 011(' adivity. The)' had a lllllllber some (
of ~p(-',aker's programs. and which OIH' this is. 1 ani 110t, quitl' ('(>rtain. pl'o\'al
They al~o brought srwakers from hr:h>\ to the l'nitt.>d .statl's and spnt t IlP un
them on tonr. ~pl"a kf
01' t ra'
.\l'TIIOHIZ.\'!'lON OF l',\YME;.o,!,~ TO .\ze BY EXE('"Cl'lYE BO,\RO OF l;.ol'. ,\;.01>
EXTRA m'l)(a~r,\RY EXPE~8ES m,:.\SO:'l

Thp C 11.\ lRl\L\ K. b i I fa ir to :lS.";\I1llf' t ha t you appro\'l'd and pa id t hl'~ll

itt'D1s ahemt whidl you klll'w nothing. ~lIch as the ~pgro comll\\lIIity The
work '~ t hl'l'l.'
:Hr. H,\1\Dn:n. It wOllld hp fair to a~~lIllll' that t 1ll> rp \,"PI,\> lllallY itl'm~ pa l't ()
ill the l)migl't of tlw .\nll'ri(·an Ziol1i~t Council for whil'h I ,~'a~ not II :II'V l'
familiar and. did not l'f'quirf' that I lw familiar, Th(' .\nwric:m Ziol1- "~h'
ist Council ran its own ~how. All that I rl'{luirt.~I'\'lw:l~ allthoriz:ltion P\'(,I'Y .
hy t.he ('xpnltive hoard of tlH' 1 NC .. at. that time. to p'ny the on'rall ~1l1l\ ~r'l' .
O\'PI':L lwriod of t imp, lI~u:dh' a )'('ar, in ('o!l\'pnipllt paYIlll'l\t~. ~ihlp l'
The CIl.\IH.MAN. A:-; I l"l'il(l thi:-;ll,ltl'r tlH'~l' are llllhudgl'tl'(lpxlwn:-;i'~ FOllnd
which had not been appron~d by-- that lu
l\-fr. }L\ l\[MER. B v u n hlt(h~·('tl'C1 ('x p('nsps t herp woul d lw. t hat would I do kl
he a reference to it'em~ whi'eh would he diseu~srd hptwN'll t hl' Ipadpl'~ \\':t~ a I

of the Anwricml Zionist Coullcil, and pprhap:-; with ~onH' of our OWII lila kp
ppoplf' afft'!' t}w :-;tart of tIll' hug-dar." ypar, and t}WSl' would hl' ill- t lw fo'
stead of calling it llnhlldgl-'fl'd itl'llls he woule! hay£, ht.>pn morl' eOITN't think
to eall it pxtra hmlgptary or additiowd lHldg('tary itl'lI1s. Hut fhp~l' \\-hilt'.
WPI'e items whieh in t}w eour~(' of time wPl'e appron\d by tIll' fill:UH'P IH> \\'01
eommittN~ alld b€'c.anH\ part of the,total allocation to th(' .\nll'ril':ln that\\'
Zionist Council. '" tIlt.' COl
The CHAIRMAN. 'Y!lt'll you ~lty bY~~~~)Jne of your peop]('. wOllldn't 1'('(\ ) I,'

you he the one, since y~u wt:»I'e the chie£ii~xecutiveOffi~RI', to approve ~t? Tlic~
Mr. HAl\fMF.-R: No. Sir. I ref('r to myself as the eha>f admllllstratlv(, .\tfnil':
officer. Approval would be granted by the financ(' committt't' of t \1(' \Vit
.Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc., or its board. GO not
The CHAIRMAN. TheS(>, particular items, some of t.hem, WP hayl' al- bv l\lr
lV:lldy had tlu"', vone!wl's. w('rp, Illade ont specifieally for 1,11('se part ieu- not kn
lar it{'ms. I don't know how it could escape your notice as to t Itpir Repar
being' s~citir. items in their aceount.. They briI~ in an unbudg-p,fpd lists 0
it~m, I \vould think as the chief administrative othCR,r you would Imvt.' Zionis
some knowledge of those. subscr
I'll'. HAMMER. He may call them unbudgeted, but aetually what a fair
they were were items which were approved subsequent to the apprOYll 1 how tl
of the o\-el1,\l1 budget at the beO'innmg of the fiscal year. . beginI
The CIIA~RMAN. And ther:by were approved Individ~ally rather year.
t han as a. lump bu~i!get, were they not ~ The
. Mr. HAMMER. Well, they in themselves were lump budget. For don't
ex3Jnple,u.nd~r the unbudgeted expenses them is the Education and it has
Cultu:e 90nunittee of Lapson or H.istadruth I vrith which is an wondE
org-!lIllzatlon for the fosterIng of Hebrew language study. of an
I thin:
1 don't know what that money wa~ used for, that $4,000 for tlIP
't\"- I Iistadruth In'ith,l know in a g-eneral sense there was a decision takpn
aI"," 10 support t he work of the Histadruth hTith and whether it wa:-:
~ (;f lI~pd for sa la rips or llsed for stationery or used for printing or any
hpr ~ome of tlwse other item:-:;. There would be an agrpement or an ap-
aliI. prO'"al to pay a cprtain sun~ for adi"iti('s for a ~peakpr's program, but
'pnt I he natun', and ehal":ll'tpl' ~)f the program, wlIPt hpr it \Voulll be 10
:-:pt~;lkpl'~ 01' 100 sppakpI'~ flJl' whpthel' it would he lwr <lipm pxlwnse.. .;
01' t ra n'l PXIWIlS('.'-\, I would not know, sir.

In:,\so:\S FOH IL\Bl:\OWITZ FtH':\"IMTION XOT IXCI.nn:n .\S m'nGETED (5f

1 it\' TIl~ ('II\lIDL\X. Inasllluch as in nearly ('H'I'y OIH.' of tlH'SI' rpporb
t I}(,l't, re('uI'~ the itPll\ of Rabillowitz Foundation, why wasn't it
1'111:-' parI of tilt' hlldg-pt. ~orlllally, WI' Ihink of llnblldgetpd a~ pxtraord.i-
nol fl:t I'y t'XIWfl~I'S, Il11Pxppdl'd OlH'~,
Ion - ~\Thy is this (':lrrit'd as :11l ullhlldgptpd exppn~l' although it I'PCIII'~ ill
tion ('\'Pry I'f'P0l't ~
'\111\ ~rl'. H.\'DIEIL "'I'll. :\Ir. C!tninu:\n, I will Iry to gin' Iht' be~1 p()~­
~ihh' pxplallatioll I (,:\Il gi\'I' y(lll. On the qlH,~t.ion of tht> I~ahinowitz
FOl\l1dntioll I 11n\'p knowll Ill'. ~h",adroll for mallY years. I GO know
111:\1 II(' has 1':\1'1\('<[ thl' l'pslH'ct of lHnllY pt~oplp fOl:h1s ~l'holnrly work,
uld I do k flOW t ha t ht' did I'ontact :\Ir. Rabinowitz befOl~ 11 is tipat h. Thprp
tiPl:- \\:l~:\ll ass()I,iati()lI tlH'I't' for spn'ral ,"pars. That .:\fr. HllhinO\yitz did
own Illakp payllH'llt to him Ol1t of his o,,:n funds nnd. out of tlw funds of
. In- tIlt' foundation and l,h:\t :\11'. Habinowitz,lnllty bp wrong 11\ thi~. I
Ted (Ilink ,It" Hahinowitz St'l'\'l~tl as a, mPllllwl' of his ('omn~ittt'e for a
hp:-:p \\'hilp, That. "'hf'll Dr. ~h",adran did. not g'et his funds promptly,
it lH'P la' would tl1rn to his fripnd Habinowitz llnd ask fo!' nn nd\'tllH'p, a,;d
It';l n I hat whpil funds '\'t'n' m:ulp :\\"a ilablf' to t lll' ,American Zionist, ('ouncil
lilt' (,olllH'il did l"pimlml'SP Hl1binowitz for such items llS wer(' 11dnulC,('(l
<In't n'~l !ly by Rabinowitz on b~half, of t'le Am,erica~l Zioni~t Conncil.
~,i t '~ Il\(\s~ payment,s by Rabmowltz to the Conned on ~11ddle Eastern
.ti\'<' .\ tra irs ",prE' ill addition to his own personal contributions.
t 1\(1 "Tit h l"eg'n,rd to t he "Near East. Report and se.rvices," again I say I
no not know what the nat.ure and character of the services rendered
· a1- by ~fr. Kenpn to the Ameriean Zionist Council consisted of. I would
1('11- not. know. Insofar as the payment for subscriptions to the Near East
heir R('port, t hut. I must assume was done on a staggered basis for various
t~t PI I Iists of people~ llnd that it would be much easier for the American
Ul\,P Zionist COll}1cll to make payment to Mr. Kenen for these things for
su bscri ptions and for whatever services he performed for them over
"hat a fn-irly constant period in installments, if you will, because that is
wal how they got their money, rather than one lump sum payment at the
beginning of the year or at the end of the year or in the middle of thp
'her year.
The CHAIRMAN. I can understand that as periodic payment. I
For don't understand why it is called unbudgeted: It seems to me it is,
and it has become a regular item recurring in nearly every report. I just
an wondered what is the significance of carrying it'in this special fasliion
of an unbudgeted expense although it recurs practically every report,
I think. '

~lr. HAMMER. My definition, sir, of the use of "unbudgeted ex- In

penses" and that is not my term but Rabbi Unger's term, is that he resen
started the year, the beginning of the year with a budget anll then in leadij
the course, and then subsequent to the adoption of this budget there nized
were other items proposed and approved and these he called unbudg- Du
eted items. the t
Again I would say a more proper term would be supplementary .11'_\
budget items. I 11
~Il'. ROUKSTEI:;\T. Do you mind if I offered an explanation which is a the .J
speculation on my part, ~rr. Chairman, but I see what is trouhling reach
yon and it is quite obvious. Perhaps-I say, perhaps-Rabbi LJn,!!er
referred, used the word "llnbudgeted" with respect to it0ms "'hi('h he
didn't administer, "hich he mC'rely passed on to Shwadran or to the
Founllation. I don't say that it is so~ Senator. bllt it may bp. 1'11
rOR rSR\EL, 1Xf'., PRIOR TO 1 Dl;O 1\11'
Tht> Cl-L\IL:\L\N. ",. ell. it could be. In these cases }1[' i~ merC'ly a ~fr
conduit. be th~
~fr: BOUKSTEIN. Conduit? 1'11<
TheCnAIRMAN. Yes. paym
~1r. Hammer, are you acquainted with an organization knO\\"11 u::;
the",Tewish Telegraphic Age)1cy, Inc. (JTA) ? (S(
:M r. HAMMER. Yes, si r.
The CHAIRMAN. Prior to l\larch 13, 1960. what was the relation-
ship of the Jewish Agency for Israe}, Inc., to the Jewish Telegraphic
,Agency~ Th
:Mr. HAMMER. The ,Tewish Agency for Israel, Inc., held the votjn~ Tele
shares of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. a
And in addition-- ~1r
The CHAIRMAN. "'Vas the.fl?wish Telegraphic Agency it corporation? repor
Mr. HAMMER. The Jewish Telegraphic A~ency is a corporation. out a
The CHAIRMAN. Did you own all of the stock? gory
Mr. HAMMER. With the exception of a few shares, I bel ieve we held that
all of the voting shares. If I may, sir, I would like to supplement peno
that by saying that the Jewish Telegraph~ Agency was organized W(
many years ago, and along around the end'of the 1940's, early 1950's, be re
the founder, and owner of the .Jewish Telegraphic Agency, a man andd
by the name of Jacob Landau, became quite ill. Th
The operation of the Agency became very burdensome, and he Tele~
('ould no longer carry it. It was a tremendous deficit in its opera- 1\11
tionR, and the .Tewish Agency stepped int.o that picture in order to so or
pr(llS{lrve the existence of a news agency which specialized in the dis- some
semination of Jewish news of particular interest to communities in stock
t.he Uni~~ Sta~ 3Jld throughout t.he free world, wheI;ever ,.Tewish Tb
communItIes eXIsted. . . acqu
Our purpose at tha~ time was to make certain that the~ would be (8
nninteITt~pted operation of the Jewish Telegra-phic Agency or JTA W
as it is commonly known, and that at some point as soon as we could 1\-1]
arrange it, there would be a transfer of this property, not only trans- Tt
fer of. the. share ownersh~p, w~i9h is something that is not of great Ml
value In VIew of the defiCIt pOSItIon of the JTA, but also the burden mucl
of fina.ncing it, to other people. . we,st
In t}w middle 1950~s, I personally undertook negotiations with rep-
resentati ves of the Council of J el\"' ish Federations and Welfare Funds
leading to their extending support to and participating in a reorga-
nized JTA, and these negotiations "ent on for several years. .
During that period the Jewish Agency for Israel, Inc., pro~Ided
1he budgl't or provided the funds necessary to cover the deficIt of
.l'L\ to kE'ep it g-oing.
1 \I11drl'Slallcl th:1t the proce~s of transfer to :l. reorganized board of
the .J T.\ ,1,11([ t he transfer of stock is taking place, anJ ha;-; almost
reueheel the final stages of conc1,usion.

1'IIP CIL\li:!\L\X. Prior to ~IarC'h :n. IDGO, did the .Jewish .\gency for
Israe1, Inc., makp paYlllellts or lo,'l1ls to the Jewi:3h Trillgrnphic
~ \ gency.

)fr. l-LnrMEn. It diet sir.

The CIl.\lR~L\~. ,rhen did the payments begin?
'fl'. JLuDlF:n. 1 don·t recall the l'X,H'( datp. ~ly re('olledioll would
be that. it be~a,n sometime in the ea.rly or middle lU5()'s.
The ClIATnM.DL Could you supply for the record a list of these
payments on an annual ~asis up to ~lar('h:n, IDGO ~
~rr. HAl\BIER. Yes, SIr.
(See appendix 1, p. 14OD, Item 11.)

Tho CIlAIID[A~. Did you report these payments to t he Jewish

Teleo-raphic ..Agency on your regist ration statement filed with the
artment of .J ustice? .
1\11'. HAMMEH. I would assume that all of our expenditures w.ere
reported to the Department of (J usticc. 1Vhether this "as singled
out as on a line by Itself or whether it was included in another cate-
gor:r of payments I would not know. In the first years, I do know
that we regarded these advances to JTA as loans and actually for a
period of tIme we did receive promissory notes to that effect.
We were hopeful that with a quick reorganization of JTA we would
be reimbursed for the funds we had advanced. But this hope waned,
and died, and we subsequently wrote it off.
The CHAIRMAN. Did the Agency advance payments or loans to the
Telegraphic Agency before it acquired its stock?
1\11'. llAMMER. Mr. Chairman, this is going back a dozen years or
so or more. To the best of my recollection I think that there were
some small loans and advances made prior to the acquisition of the
stock. They were made to the late Jacob Landau. .
The CHAIRMAN. Well, you can supply for the r~cord when you
acquired it and what loans and advances you xnade. .
(See appendix 1, p.1410, Item 12.)
"Vere they substaJ?tialloans or ~aYJ!lents~
~Ir. HAM~fER. PrIOr to-the acqUIsItIon of the stock?
Mr. HAMMER. I would not recall, sir, bllt I would say they were
much less in the aggregate than the total we advanced to JTA after
we stepped in.

The CUAIRl\fAK. Afterward. They were substantia:l afterward ~

~1r. lL-\l\fMER. Yes, sir. ,
The CHAIRMAN. In about what magnitude were they almually ~ 1'h
:\11'. HAMMER. 'VeIl, as I s,aid before, we made up the annual dehC'it st6Gl\
of fJTA, and-- ,~'" . ~fJ
The CIL\IR.~L\K. 'Vas that)arge ? " . ' g-rap
:\lr. lLuIMER. That ral~ possibly ill low six figures, possibly a hUll- lishe ,
dred, S125,OOO a year. agiin to ti).e best of my recollection. I woulel Th
have to check and verify and this I would submit'to your'staff, sir. Ml
The CHAIR~L\K. 'Vhen you,ac(fuired the stQck.\ did you pay for it or Th
''.'as that t l'ansferred to you without payment? Dc
~[r. I tn'BlER. It was transferrpd to us wjthout paynient. 1\1]
r f I may say, sir-- in thl
IS m\

The CJL\IR)[A~. I am told t1lPrt' were two companies. the .rpwi~h

Telegraphic Xt'ws .:\geIll'y, Inc .. and the .Jt'wi~h Telegraphic .Agellcy. TIl
Db you recall that? ' .f I" \, i:
.-'fr. H.\MMER. Yes, sir. 1\h
The CHAIR:\L\X. 'Yas the stock acquired in 0lH' of., those ~ Did Th
aile own the ot her ~ Telej
Mr. I-L\l\DfER. 'Ve formed. we. meaning t hI" J e\.... ish Agt>nl'.y for i\fr
ISl'<lt>l Inc .. fanned n corporation C'alled .Jpwish Telegraphic Xt>\yS 'I'h
AgPllCY •.TTXA. to sprvp a:-; a holding C'ompan:v for the stork of the ~h
Jewish Tt>I('gTaphic Agency. Th
TIlt> CU.\lR:MAK. "~hy di.d ,"Oll do that.? l\f]
.:\11'. lLuBIER. So th'at Wp would not complicate our busille,'~~, our boar(
own affairs, and we would be in a position to transfer ollt the'''TTA Th
shares as soon as we could effect a plan of reorganization with the Ager
wp]fa n" Fu nels and ot her communities throughout the U nit-ed Statt>s? Ml
The CIL\IRMAX. But you did. through tht> T('legraphiC' News Agen- Ml
cy. of \'ourse. control the .Jewish Telegraphic. ..\gency ~ You had all boar,
tlw stock of the .Jewish Kews AO'enev? eneq
:\fr. IL-\MMER. Yei'. sir: wellu(l"the voting sharp,,,;, we ownt'd the stan<
Agpncy, that is right. . that
Tlw CHAIRM.\N. And it in turn owned the yoting sharps of the .Jr\\"- aSS1U
ish Telegraphic A~ency? TI
Mr. HA1\UIER. Yes, sir. In this sense I should like. if I may. to grap
comment on t he term "controlled" and what it means. M'
. :\Ve owned the shares. We never did exercise control in the sense TI
of regular board meeting-s where there were votes. I know I was Tele
eleded to the board, and r never attended, there neyer was a meeting \wdE
in a lon~,'p~~iod of time. T~ler~ was ~ever any attempt on our part latin
to influf"nce hit control the ed ItorIal pohcy of the .TTA. In fact, I re- M:
call having called the editor of .JTA once or twice to complain about
what I felt was unfair treatment of some of the Hews items coming
from Israel.


The CHAmMAN. Can you recall when the Agency did acquire the
cit stoQk ownership in the ,J e~ish Telegrapliic News Agency?
~fr. HA~DfER. The Agency acquired the stock of the Jewish Tele-
graphic Xews Agency when it c.ausen that corpor.ation to l:X' est.ab-
lll- li:::hedl ' ;.
Id ThelCHAIRMAX. You organized it?
~lt. HAMMER. 'Ve organized it.
qr The CHAIRMAN. You organized it.
Do you remember about what year that was? .
'1\11'. IIAMMEH. My guess at the moment, sir, wou·ld be somewhere
in the early or midJle 1950's, approximat.ely 1952, 1958, or 1954. That
is my best recollection at the moment and I "ill attempt to--


(. \" . Tbe CIL\IlnL\X~ You 'H'rp a member of the board of directors of thE'
,J {',,,ish Telegraphic K ews Agency?
~Ir. HAMMER. I do not recall, sir.
Tlw CHAlR~L\N. ere you a nwmber of the board of the .r e\Y.i~h
Tl'legraphic AgeI1cy?' .
for ~1r. HA~IMER. Yes, sir..
'I'll(' CHAIRMAN. What were you, an officer?
t}w ~I r. HA ~~~IER. :\'0; a member of the board.
TIw CHAIRl\L\N. Ro.w big a board did they have?
~fr" ILuDIEH. Ag-nm. SIr. I do not recall. It was not Ull actin'
our board, and 'it did not hold meetings fo\- many years.
TA The CHAIIDIAN. ".pre all mernbers of that board employed hy your
the Agency?
f's? !~r" J-LUUIER. Xo. si 1'. I \YQlll(1 say that there wpre many ppoplt:
',ho were pron~hJ.ellt in .Tt'wish atfairs who wpre ill\"ited to accept ffiE'ffi-
lWT'shi p in that board. "
The ('HAIRMAN,' 'Vas it a large board ~
'(>11- ~lr. HAMMER: I do not recall, sir. I think it was a rather small
all hoard. 'Y E' did not pursue the matter of reorganizing the board very.
t'nerg~tica'lly b~ri.use we directed ?ur efforts to rea~l~ing an 'under-

tIlE' stan-dmg WIt.h the welfare funds In 6ther communItIes to the end
t hat they would participate in the reorganization of the ,JTA and
["" - '
aSSlm1e financial responsibility for it. }
The CHAIRMAN.' Were the members of the board of the Jewish Tele-
to graphic Agenc.r all Am.erican citizens? ..
nsf' The CHAIRl\{.AN.,Was that ~uisition of the stock of the Jewish-
~'fiS Telegraphic N~ws Agency reported to the Department of Justice
1l1g under question ,12(tt) of the supplemental registration statement re':
lating to changes in the registrants control over other organizations?
'Mr.lIAMMER.. I do not recall, sir.


The ClL\UnL\X. ',,"as there ad1\' publ ic 110t ire made i II ~lIlY Ltsh ion ~lr
that the .Tl'wish A(rencv had acquired the oWl1pr::-.hip of tIll:' .Jl'\\,ish (A
Telegraphic Xews Agency and the Je\yisl.l Tclp.graphic .\gPIH'y ~
)11'. I h~I:\If.R. I Uo not recall any pub] Ie not Ice, :Ilt hongh the ma t-
tel' \vas o'eTH:'I':tllv known to the Council of .TE'\\,ish Frdrrat ions &
\YeHare FUlHh \~'hi('h so informed its members, its (,ollstiturnt nW111-
IJ('rs, 2:34 communit ies t hrou~hout the country, and 01 ]Wl' l~;lt ional
.T('wish oraan izat ions which were a w.a.I'e of t his situation.
The C~AIJnL\x. Did this .\gency have any subscTibel'''; III thi..; The Jt
~Ir. JIAl\DIER. This Agency has suhscTihers of indiyj(luals as Wf'l1
a:-; A nglo-.Tew ish newspa pel'S a.nd the wi rr sen' icE'S.
The CIL\UDnx. In this countrv? B(
~[r. H.nnn:rr. Tn this country ..
The CIL\IR::\L\X. As well as abroad?
~11'. HA~DIER. As well as abroad, sir.
The CHAIRl\L\~. 'Vere those subscribers informed th~t the o"\\ner- Agenc;
ship of this Agency rested with your Agency? Je
Mr. HAMMER. I would not knO'y, sir. I did not interferr in thr
operations of .JT~-\. ..:\.1

The CH.\IRMAN. So far as you knmv they were not informed?

~Ir. J-L\1\DlF:R. So far as I know they were not informed. I nen'r El
heard of any such notice going out.
The CfL\lRMAS. Were there any public announcements that your
Agency made up the deficit of this company? .
~Ir. HAM:J\ITR. Such announcements or such infonnatjon was made
available to the various welfare funds throughout the United States
by the COUfiGn of.Tewish Federations & Welfare Funds.
The CHAIRMAN. But so far as you know it was not indicated in ThE
your reports to tho tTustice Department nor to the subscribers? pendi
~fr. HAMMER. I don't know. I don't believe it was ever indica~d ended
to tho subscribers and insofar as our report is concerned. I hat"'e no Inc., ~
recollection of it, s i r . . ~.. Mr.

The CHAIR....'-IAN. I show you a copy of a report dated September 25,

1959, to the Jewish Agency, Inc., rendered by Green, Strocker & Co.,
certified public accountants, and, ask you if a copy of this report is
amon~ your files. '
Mr. HAMMER. Yes, sir.
The CHAIRMAN. This report covers the fiscal year ended March :31,
1959, is that correct? . , , .
Mr. HAMMER. That is correct, sir. "
The CHAIRMAN. The page marked "EXlhibit A,' Schedule 3, Mis-
cellaneous Investments" shows under capital stock, .Jewish TeJe-
.graphic News Agency, no par value, three shares, $-100, is that cor-
rect? '
~fr. H.U:I:UER. Exhibit·A, schedule 3.
Th.e C HAIR)-~,\X. Yts.; miscellaneous investment:3.
!lion ~11. H.\~DIER. Yes,%u.
\\' i~h ( ~'- copy of t he document referred to follo\\"s :)
n::; &
i011:11 Yiscellancous investvent8 as at .lfarch 31,1959
t h i~ TlIe Jewi:-;h .\gency, Inc. :
Common Stock:' Israel Development Corporation, par value
~~~,OO, 412 shares ~ $lO,300.00
Preferred Stock: .Ampal-American Israel Corporation, par
value $5.00, 6,615 shares__________________________________ 33,075.00
Bonds: .\mpal-American Israel Corporation,
Fifteen Year, 4%, Sinking Fund Debentures:
:':eries A 1966, Due January I, 1966__________ $12,000.00
Series B 1967, Due July I, 1967______________ 20,000.00 32,000.00

:nwr- Total, Jewish Agency, Inc____________________________ 75,375.00

Agency Holding Corporation: Capital Stock:
Jewish Telegraphic News Agency, Inc., no par
n t hI' ,alue, 3 sbares_______________________________ $300.00
Amidar-Housing for Immigrants in Israel, Inc.,
no par valne, 10 shares_______________________ 2,000.00
~urplus Stocks, Inc., no par value. 10 shares_____ 1,000.00
Elevell East 70th Street Corporation, no par value, 3 shares___ 3,300.00

vonI' Total____________________________________________________ 78,675.00



rd in Tlw CIL\IIDlA:S-. Page marked "Exhibit B, Scheel ule ;)," titled "Ex-
penditures for the .r ewish Agency Treasury, .r el'llsalem, for the year
cat-@d ended March 31, 1959," carries an item ".J ewish Telegraphic Ag-encv,
("~ no
Inc., $111,450" ; is that correct? .
Mr. H:DIMER. That is correct, sir.
(~\ copy of the document referred to follows:)

~r 25,
:; Co.,
)rt is

'h 01.


EXU,IBIT B, ~CIIEJ)l'LE ~{ ::\11'. II"

TIIE .h:WIS II AGE:">Cl. I :">C'.
The CI
t 11 res for
F,lfJ(,l/lIitul'('S jll" till' ./1 wish AgcllCJI t"cfI,~llr!l, JerusalclII, for tllf' 1/f'(lr ('/1I1"! ",Jewish 1
.Var. 31. I!/.i!/
( .\ cop
- ----J.-- ----
l'lr''l't P'lllilllllln'.' . $~t): '2~J. ,j~~~ fl.1
E1Ir{IPt',Hl Trl';l:'-llry \r1fl dlIl.Ilg~' dlIrlrl~ \lardl! :l, "00. 4;j,'. 4",
\1t'I'(IIlC l'ql('f1~):-; _ J ,1J .. 24, ;>44 4,1
,"":I'IJlidllrll atlvan<.'('~__ ._ 3-1'. ,_ ]7~,7('4 :2::' f:.rpc/l d i t 1/ r
I !<,,'haillt I. and yOllth rrto\,,.rIl,'Jl t, .. .,: :hl. .... Ilf.!, .">I~ l'.!
1)I~hllr~'IllPllt~ Ull :ll'('()Unt of :..:talf_ , 3--<.'. __ 14, ,~.'i:l "1
,~Ii,'k,'] fllnd, (iJldll,jiJl~ $:\1,">00 ""llllllllr.-,j lllJl IJn,'\p,'nd,'o\ 74'i. \J."> 1 11
\ t l~('t' lIalll'0I1 ~ :~lJ t 110r1 7.(\ t I( HI ~_ :l-f __ ,. I. ".!(;,I;i',"> Nl
\y",tprn JI"n,i,;phn,. ... _ , _ , , 10, .~"I r~l
III tl'rt':"t I'X (1'-'11.'1'. ;\--g .. "S4, ;l44 ",:
\l,'k"rllth. _ __ _ 3-11 .. , :l. 0:1I ~l,')
lntt'fl' . . t dnll otht'f l'\pt'r! ....I·, on \"(J!)...,lllidaollll !(J:t.n P.ll,1 L~' Ttu" Tllr.·d /'·\\1 . . 11 ;\ l. 2. 2':",..... ~1 P'2
\pp,'a\. In" I lirc!'t rpmittar
Il'wi:;h Tt'1,'~raphic .'\1"'11"" In" 111,4:-,(1 0\1 J-:llw]H':In Tn'n
FlInl'lilln:d ('\p"I1"", 4<1 4'; 1 ;jJ7 (,7 \I,'pting f'xpt'n,
Ei",(;,'\· A,.('ollnt ;\'j 1,lr.!l, 4(1 .":l'hliclJim advll
{' 1 A ,'oll,til.ll"lllorc::\nl',ltl"n> 3-- h: __ 7112, ,,,;H (III lI,'challltlllIld
F'I,or!,llliporl !lank I'>:lll 4, ,'i04, 1",7 1;- ()bllllrS('rllents
";1\'1111 IlT !I\:lllt- fpr ~t·rtfl fLL\·I' .... lH! III ]--r II I ;j.I. ;\1 ,4,,~1 Ii.! \li,;c.'lIar]('n!ls,
\ll·.... (·l·lhllt:IJll> . J In I.~l"'. ~~~, ~'2
:":h,'hl fund:i
"','stan J!t'Tlli,
I11t('ro'St ex[wns,
Inter!'sl al1d ntt
I., .\PPt'al, IIIl'.
/.111\ lljiJll.' ;\ ll .. _ ~,,,44. "\I:l. !~J
I,'\\i,h :\g"IH'Y
:14. ~l:-~j. ; ;
,1!,\\'jslJ T,'lq,r:lj
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:\ l'
\ nlld:\f i1f'\'lllJrlt_ '.'4,111" :j;j
{'.I.\. l'onstitu
[,r:w! l-'1I,",trlp', Ir,lll,I,'r "f fllfl'I.' r.,,','I\"] [r"Il' 1'1111 \ "r, 1,,( 1"\\1,11 7',(1 I~I I...:,'rt'" 1I:1\'I'SO<l
1·)lli.lrlfllr(llllt·.... !If l)rJu1u folr flllll--_ lilll III"n,;'lno l'
.\Iiy:lil [,r:It'1.
l:ir:wl El''''lOtni,
r: 'Pllr! -1m p"rl
H.I!.ltl"!· \ II "'I'II:lIlf'OU"

I ,,·,s
( 'II rro'n 1 :\('(
-\ lllirlar Hl'('
J "ral'\ fill11s
~r Ill' ( . 1I,~lID T \ '.;. "Y:I": t II i,.: 1''' IW 11 d i til 1'1' n' 1)( ll't<'d () n yo U I' \'\' g h t !':! I ion \!t'h:lJrntl1 (
--lal\'Illt'lll fill'd" ilh I Ill' ,rll:-:ti('l' j)epartllwnt ( .-\Il1f'riCal1 I
( ., 1l:1<ll:1Il a
.\fl'. Ih:'\I:\TI-:H. I \\'0111(1 :l~~III11P:\l1 of (lUI' \'xl)('n,.:\'~ "'pl'e I'eporl\'d .
..;il·, :llld a,g-:Iill I 11111,.:1 ~~IY I do not I'Pl';1]1 ",hptIH'\' thi~ \\,;L:-, l'pportrd:l":
!;L,>~(}P:lJ':lt(' itl'JlI ill :llld of it,.:l'] for inc!tJ(kd ill allot her (Jp~('\'ipl iyp call'- TII1.d

I!0ry \\' it II 01 lwr it PillS,

Tlw('II.\I1DL\:\'. II wasnol listl'db\'JIaIllP(
}lr.llA:'\DfEH. I do 110t rl'eall.sir. '
Thl' C 11:\ IJDL\N. \\'pll, ('ould Y01l .. lweI\: that 1'01' tlIe J'('('ol'd <lIld :-,r(' ~
.\[ ... H.\:'\l:\IF:H. J "'ill Iry to ('ill'cl\: for tlw rp(,()-\,d to srI' whrlher this TI\l' ('II
itPl11 of$lll...\.;')() \\,:1:-' 1'\'!w{1rd as a :-,C'paratp itrln. 1'1' po 1'1 () [11
TIl(' ('II.\IH:'\f.\:\', As a spparate item. B. ;-'(' lu'd 1
I H'n~('s foJ'
.\('('(11 :\ .... \:\T~· HFI'IlHT 0:\ Fl~C,\L YL\R 1 flno
if ~ I ~lIo\\' YO\l a copy of a l'l'port datpd XoY\'mbC'r -1, l!lGII, rPII<!rred r \\'ond(
lO,IIH' ,rp\\'~~h ~\g(,I1('Y for lsr~H'I, Inc., by G-I'p,('n, StrockeT' 8: ('0., ('C'rti- r\'lal iOllS?
~ til'd puhlic :lC('OUl-l\allt,.:, alld ask if a copy of this report :lppear:;; in ::\fr. I-IA
your tl 1('? t he ~;-)O,OO
, .\fr. H.\i\DIF.H. Yrs, sir. <ll1dtosup
The CH:\IRM.\:\'. This repoli CO'\eI"S fiscal year ended March :H, 1960; The ['II.
1,..; t hat correct ? }fr. HAl
( 'opy (
:\11'. II.\.'\DIEH. Y fl:=;. si 1'.
TIl(' CIL\JR)L\X. p'age markC'd "Exhibit B. :--'chfldule 3," expflndi-
!Iln's for tlH' .JflwishAgency trrasury . .Tel'u~alem. carries an item
".rrwish Tt>lt>gTaphic .\gPllcy. Inc .. SH:~.:?();r·: i5 that correct!
:\rl'. I h:\[ 'I ElL Thill ie' correct. :-::ir.
(.\ ('opy lIf tll(' <10('1111)('111 rri'p!Trd to i~:l~ follO'ys:)

EXHIBIT H, SCll£Dl'I.£ 3
'b..!ll~ :"'>()(J. t'1.~:i t;:i
:1. ,(WI. 4:l.', 4';
TilE .TEWI:'lI AGF::\CY FOR ISR .... El.. I:\c,
~4 ..'>44 4\1
17~. ;,100,4 '.!'.! !-,·J']J!'wliflln,. {fir thl' .]Clcish Agrnrll treaRUr!l . .!rr1l811/rn!. tor 'hf' 1/1'ar P/lrfrd
1\rL, ,'>\;. I'.' Jfar, 81. 1%(/
14, .'>.'):l 'I
~4';, Y,', I 11
"Io('.!fi•• ~~.rJ I'll
10. .",/1 I'j :'t'!II'dU!I'
"-~4, :144 ;.t',
:1.1';11 \'.',
;. .!;.. . , "",\00\ I tt:
llJrc\'l T{,Tllltt:dll".'" 3· a .. $~.;.~27, I';/i. ~n

III 4.''/' r~ j
FtlfOpt'aJl T.n·a:-11T~· :1--1> c, Y72, 31iK .'-'1
\11'(" ITlg ('\Jl~'Il'I':-: ;{-.' 103. ill :>4
4/il ;~:c I;;
~l'hlklliln ad \·HIlt·f· .... _ :{~ I ~ '20'!. 443, 97
J ,II.", 4(1
ff"ch:dl1{7 an'! \"IJIltll I11(l\""!ll('1){ ... 3.... , :02, 44.~. 69
~II'~, ,,:0 011
nbIJllTSt'IIH'Ilf~ fill ;~{'i'(lllTlt fl( ,-rafT ;{ L. 15,7.....1 44
4, ,'>iJ4, 1",7 17
:0, 4~\1 h.' \ t i~('t'llanl'n\l:- ,111 t Il(jn 1.:-1' lOTi" 3-~ . ·1, Ill. 7,r"Vol 7P
i ,~J~. ~l~' ;..'.:! :'Il,·k,·j flIn'!.- 'iOO. O,il 13
\\'I':--lvrTl Ht'r111:-p'lt'T" __ 13.i-3i ';7
ITltl,rt,~t t'X~H'n;-;l' ;{-II . __ I. hili, .~~4 !I\
:lrllt n!ht'r '·\P'·ll . . I' .... "11
lll{f'ft"':::f i'11I1 .... IJ1I'!.'tl'"n In.i/1!',l·l t'~·11,.· I 1111."l,J. Hl"h :l--i. . , 400,OfG 49
:\I'p\'al, Illl'
It'\\hlI :\gt'rIC\' Tn'H:--lIT\" Jl'rtl~all't!l, (tlrll,tirdLll '·'(11'11 ..... ·-.; 4-h :145, ],;(). O?
~,~44, .... ~I;j. ~'\I
.11'\\"i:-:lJ Tl'k-~r':\phie .\~t"!ll·\·, IIlI' 143,203. 00
:14, \17\1 77
/-'"rrr1l'r !':i11··ll,·\' 1l'"ldl,"i,itr- 12, .'>(>4 ] fl
c. 14H. H4 .':
l' I .. \ ~"Hl:-:fitll('nt PTl":Hl17 ~ti(l!l"" 1.11. :>44 00
','4, ill' :n ~"r\'ll II.I\·" .... qd 1[1(1 I'llaTlh't' d[)rl'l~' ! \ \ I , 11111Jltll .... 370 (l(I
~'<' I" I
I l l l l l(l.LT\:-'·'!Il) t'IL\t1j.!!' dlHlllL: l\\q /JIIIIlll:, \1'''7,939 J:{
\ 1"',11, l,r, ... 1 :1 I .. ~ \0:1. :!'2:2 0.;
L.:r;ll' 1 E,'IIIIOITllt' 1)I'il;~rtrllf Ilt, I) :'t"f!I __ :I-rll ~ '23. ::!7,l'"1 Itl
F\II'lrt·IJ1I~Hlrf [oall .', 40'2, ,)34 3.',
\11 . . ,·,·11:lnl·llll" :1-11 .'. 441., 991i 2fo

I,i ':--
/ 11rn'l1! :lC,'0111l t .:H, 17";. 17
\ r Ill' I :lr ill'\'llil II r :1,".'>, (11" 4rt
J .... r:lI'l tltnl"lfl~l:- tLltl:-(t'r p( (1Illd .... r" I 1\ ",I Trllli. !' ~',l \ I r' t ,,f Ii'\\ /,h r;~>(). 00
1'11l!;lIllllflqd,':-: (If ()lll:ltl:l- (elf fllnl:'
\ll'kIlTfltll \ :'\"11 ('Il;\n~I' '!IJfHIL' {\\., IIHlfll l !, 10:, 39
'('.!!Ie't !';ltIOI\ J-:I .. \ 1 l,ral'l \ i ,11111 -'. :1-1'. 4:1, ,'>;{4 ~n
\'Ilt·,irall l,nll·Jj I.ill" .. :1-'1. 1IJ3.44i- "7
\ ~;l Id!.lfJ .h't"<ltJllr ~r.~ 1, '>4.',.S-IlI; ,'>0
p rl\purl eli,
I'P po 1'1 ('<I a ~
ipt in' catp- I '·l.d

I'd and e'('(' ~

Iwther !hie' TI\l' It' I Ilt:l \' !2.'O Oil fu\' ;\ 111111\1\\1It. e'illCt> \H' han> t hi~
('II \IIDI.\:\.
J't'])()I'[ I \\olldpl' it' ,\'<'lIl' \YO\lld IIII'JI II) P:lgP Illarked "Exhibit
I). :--,\,!t('<lult> ·1: .Jpwie'il .\g\'I1(·Y for l:-.:r:H'l. Il1t· .•. \<llllinistrative Ex-
lH'Il:-'P~ for tllP )'par En<lpd ::\1:ll'l'h :n. l!l(ill." Thr third to last item
i:-- I i:--t pd a~ "~pP\'i;11 public n']at ion;.;. S;)().(IlH)."
, rPI\( l('rN1 I wOlHlpr. ('(lldd vall trll Ile' what that ltPIl1 WflS for, special public
. (' 0., ('(' rt i - l'\'Jati()ns~ •
:l PPC':l rs III :\11'. I·LDDIEH. ~Ir. Chairman. I ~rlon'l rrcall the specific nature of
Ihp S;-)(),UOU itPlll. I would likt> an opportunity to ~hock my records
;Illd to supply youI' ~tatr ,yith it.
,11 :Sl, 1960; TllP CllAIR~IA"". That is tillt'. :--'upply that for the record.
:\1 ... lL\M~IE.H. Thank yon.
(Copy of (lo{'\Illlt'llt lS'i1~ t'ollmye': ~pp ,lpprndix, p.1410, Jt,rlll 1;>.)


MI'. H,
_ldlllinistratire ~·.rpcn.U'8 for thr yrar ended .llardl .H. }9/)'0 llladr- to t
Total Tlll' (']
~alarit·~. maintpnancp, and fees _ $304,951. 2:> J'Plat iun t,
TraveL . _ 17. Ojl. 27
I'o~tage--------.------------- .. -----_.--~------------ _ 6,864.05 .\f 1'. IL\
Telepb(Jnf.' . • . _ 10,192. j4 'I'h£' CJ
Telegrapbs alld cables . -_ -. _ 7, 3~L 32 ;lhollt 111:1.
Office supplie;;. !'tationery, and printing _ 1:>,H07.-!1 .\fr. Ih
Publ if'a tiou!' and subscriptions . •. . _ 3, tl-!O. j~3
Brocbure,;, pampblets, recordings, alld broadcastings----------- (12.50) Thp CJ
Functions and meetillgs . . ,_ 6,771. 91 %iollist C
(;rants and subvent ion8 _ 6:3,305.52 P:t!pst ine
IIealtb insuran0e _ 6, HI. 16
Social security _ of mont 111
Insurancp . 1,652.;)7 .\11'. IT.\
Rent Inetl _ (;3, :'89.41 l
Repairs aud lIlaintenauee . - __ 2,360.Dl
Local fare!'. freigllt and llliscellaueous _ 6,79-1.45
Al!\('rtisin~ _ R-H.60
Buill! . _ The Cl
83, 1}53. 57
Special misC'f'llaneous _ 3,9j)4.32 tlw May,
Pf'D8ion!' . _ 9,0'm. 00 ports of t 1
ea r ex pense _ 3, 082. 75 tee,rende
Depreciation _ 20,610.40 copy to 1\
Special pub I ie reIn tious _ 50,000.00
Amount to Iw rpfunded ..... _ (7,700.00) your files.
Unexpendpl! bul!geL _ 5,430.00 (Copie~
Total 623,612.47
NOTE.-Flgures In parentheses denote credits.
He 2\lay Mo
Th8 ('1L\lIDL\~. '''hat \H' would like ill that information is the Rabbi .Jt'ror
itemizat ion of jll:-;t what this monl'Y was sprnt fOf. The Rt'v. Kl
~fr;. Ih :\1:\1 1:11. 'I'll(' S!lO,OOO. A. A.nnual.
Thr CII_\llDL\:-; . .And. to whom. '\Ve now
Mr. HDDIEH. Yes, sir. be joining
York f!('par
.\:\IEHIC.\:-< CIlHISTL\:-; 1'.\LE:-;TI:-';E ('();\DflTTEE (.\('PCl hope thll t "
B. Laud Re
The ('IJ.\UC'L\N. Are you acquainted with an organization known as ~ee Hugo
I hf' AnwricHn Christian Palrstine ('ommittee? C. Field Ac
l\1r.IL\:\DfEH. Kot, too well. Only that it was organized many years (l) Tbe
ago, and hf>aded at that time by the. late Sf>nator Robf>rt 'Vag-ner and act! vities ,...
tlw btp Sf'nator Taft. It suppo"tNI thf> ('ffort. for the creation of a numbt>r of
.rp\\"i~h ~tatp allli continupd Oil therpafter supporting tl](' gpneral Anniversar
(2) Duri
(1 tfort tocrp;L tf' It I )1'0- I SI'l\P I eli ma t P. Unitarian (
TIl£'. (;II.\IR;\L\X. 'Vas t hat Committee at onl', time t hp f('cipient of lIive~sary e
fillallria] ~upport from the .\merican Zionist Council? tion, May
Mr. HDDfEH. I belie\'e it is supported by the American Zionist seminar, 1\1
11th (appe
Counril. Callard of
The ell AlH;\L\ N. It was 11 pa1't of the CouJ'lci 1's regular budget '? Utley) ; An
Mr. JL\:\DfER. Yes. sir. ACPCsemlJ
The CHAIRMAN. ""Vere th(' American Zionist Council expenses 111 (3) Meet
Speakers' F
this rf'''pect rf'imbllrsed by your organization? (4) 'Intel
(!"i) Chnj
ACPC was
myself. It
who nre en
area. [Del

~Ir. IL\:"IDIJ:JC 1t \yas pill't of thl' gl'llPl'a! allocatioll of funds we

nl:\dr to t hI' .\lIll'l'i('an Zionist ~ 'ou!1cil.
otal TIH, CIl.\IH:"If.\X. j)o you know if that SUppOl't \"as sld)st~1I1ti:lI ]11
USI.:!;; n,Jat ion to the tolall'xpClISl'S of I he (\.lllllllit tpe ~
~rl'. I LUl:\lJ:l:. 1 don't ]'(,(';\11 otl'h~lnd ",harth:11 sitllation i:3,
192.74 Thl' ('fI.\IIDL\X. '\,p]1. the ~\nH.. ri('an Zionist ('oun('il would know
:l;,;I. ;,:.! ;1 Lou I t h:1 t : ,you] dn't tIll'\' ~
li07. ·11 .\1 t'. I JUI ,\I U:. 1 '\Oltlli a~SUll\l' so; yes, si I'.
li40. 7:~
Thp CIL\I1BL\X. During the period during which tlll' American
771.91 Zio!list COlillcil ('ontl'il'llll'd to thp support of Ihr .\IlIC'ri\':ln Chri:.itiall
:105.52 P::Ipst il1P ('Ol11I1liltl'I', did thp .Jl,\\·ish Agellcy for Israel rp<'cin copi~es
741. Hi of 1ll0ntItly ('<'porL-; of thl' acti\)tie::; of the ('oIl11l1itt('('~
(332. ;;7
_\11'. Ih\Dlu:, \'O,Sil'; I dOll't I' st>eiJlg allY.
;,"m. 41) ~~

:160. Dl .:"Ir()VI'lll.Y 1:l-:l'll\(T:-; til-' .\l'PC t.

R44.60 1'118 CHAlRMAX. "'"ell, I show you copies of \\'hal purport to ~P
953.57 I]l(! \la,', .1.\11\', and Octoher H);)S, and tIll' .J:lIlII:lI'\' 1~)")~1 IllOlltltI\' r~­
O~O.OO ports of t he ~\. CPC, t!Ia t is tlw Alll(>ric~1I1 ell risl ian' Pa Ic:,t i Ilt' Conimit-
0t'2. 7;') tee, rendered Ly the Re\'. Karl Barhr to HabLi .Trroll1P t'ngrr, Illarked
610.40 ('opy to Mr~, Halprin, and ask if copies of these I'l'porh appeal' ill
000.00 your files.
430. ()() , (<.. 'Opil'S of dOCllllH'llts arc r\S follows:)
612.47 SCll" l'orh' • .\',r. . .JII/lf· .;, ][l.i8.
Re ~Iay ~Iontbly R('port.
is the Rahhi .Tl'I'OnH? {in~('r.
Till' R('y. Karl Hal'llI',
..1. ..1/1 nual A CPC Sf /(([If TOliI'
"'p now llll\'l' 1;; Study Tour rf'Seryal iO!ls. Howpypr. four of the g-roup will
hI" join ing- in Home fwd tl!('reforp, we do !lot ~'H ha ye ou I' hasic 1;1 for a New
York dpparlllrp which is rPQuired in ordpr 10 goPt a frp(' lour It'fHlpr. '\'e i<lill
hope that within tlIP IIl'xt fpw days we will rpl1cll the minilllUIll of 1.-, rPquirPd. (

R. Land Reborn
~l't' Hugo Jaf'ckl'!'s rl'T)()rt which is atlaebf'd.

r. Field Acti1'itirs
(1) The May issup of thE' ACPC XeWSIE'ttN ff'atures our ACPC ('hapter
aNi "itips wit h spe·da I reff'rt'nee to the ~ t'w .Tersf'Y ella ptE'r. I I :11:-;0 i lI\'ludEfs a
numher of additional statt'ments and prayers in eOllllE>Clion with Isl':!l"l'S Tepth
Anni versary [deleted I. A copy of this issue is attached. '
(:2) During' May. I Ulade the followill~ appearancf'S: The "'est port, Cojlll ..
lillitarian Church. Sunday. May 4th; Sarfltog-a Spring-s, N.Y., Israel Tl'nth :An-
ipllt of llivpfsary cf'lphrntion also on May 4tb : Clwi<ter, Pa .. Tenth Anniversary celeQra-
tion. May 5th: Dean Pike Send-off luncheon, l\l'ay 7t.h: Newark" ~,J .. AGPC
sf'Illi.nar, May 10th: Cnnadlan Rroadcasting Co. television show. T{)rl)]Jlo, May
Zionist 11th (lippearf't.l with Dr. John Irving' of the Ullivergity of Toronto. Dr. ~(jrk
Callard of the Department of Islamic Studies, McGill University. and Freda
'1 Utley) ; American Baptist Ministers conference in New York, May 12th: Bqston
ACI'C seminar, May 16th. ;
(3) Meetlng-s Attended: Regular AZC staff sessions [deleted] ; meeting- of the
nses III Speakers' Research Committee of the U,N,. May 15th and 26th. ,
(4) 'Interviews and Discussions: [Deleted.] , I
(!'l) Chapter Activities: (a) On May 10th. the New Jersey ChaT5t€'r of thf'
ACPC was formed at a 10 :30 A.M.-3 :00 'p.M. seminar session. [Df'.h and
myself. It was attended by 35 leaders from .various New Jerser co' . liitles
who are eager to carry out ACPC progt'arnsf'nnd 'fic-t1"\'tties in the ~e* l'ersey
area. [Deleted,]

IlJ i (In ~Ia)' 16th, an ACP(' S~lllinar was' hl"ld in Bo,.;ton at 'l'riuity HOll,.;e llliltprials and dt
attndlPd to Trinity Cathe-draI. 'The Speakers were I deleted ) and myself. lIeg-ative emph~~
l Dp.Iet(;'(1.1 About 1;);:) people attended and the response was exceIlenL A goodly (3) Stqtue Sf.
nllmbl"r of thoS(' in attendance reprf.'sented missionary interests and were not proved the idea
fril"ndly. althouKh I think tlley were .... ery much impressed "ith our meeting. America's Statu
(c) (Dpleted,] the cooperation
(d) Thf' Long Island Committee for Peace and Justice in the Holy Lalld ~aillpd rhe supp,
(our ,\(,1'(' gTPUj)on tlIP bland I ~Ilt 01lt to·it,.; minister IlIPillbers rt'print:,; of thp :-'itH'f' the proj('(
lIt-raId Trill1luP artil'1,',,; putitlpd "brapl: After Ten Yl"ar,;." and help ill pub
I I'j Plan~ arl" alrf'ady bt>ing- fonulIlatpd fOI"ru~ting,.; in the- full for till" follow, "aged is approxi
iug' areas: Ppihll!plphid. 1':1 .. GrPf>n:-1lJ·oro, ~.c,: and Arlington. \"a, IIpl' ehildrl"n"-I
hi~h. A :,;pe,eial
n. Film l.ilJrary
for ttlp proje-d,
1) II r i Ilg .\1 a y, w P ,.,"('rv in"d :"~I film rt'q 111""; [".

f:. \' i .• il",..• ill 18"(1('/ ami tlu' J/idtllt' f:(1,~1

"'P haq' ('Olllllllllli('a{t'd \\'ith Dr. ,\Ii"n Klau,.;npr Bt'r ill Tt'l Avil' at)()llt thf?'
Ue Monthly Rep
f'llltlw!ug iliJilidll:lb :Iud (Pllr ~rollp" gl)iug tu [.ht>.ln';! :
\ 1) [J.)E:'I~ted,] Karl Bilehr,
(2 I r Dell:'tPd.] 11 IIg'O J ae-ckel.
( 3) [Dl:"INed.] 1. Land Rello
"'1' ha n'Ht'I-.awanIpd
;:;~()4l, t1W I
Ira n'l ft·II"II··dlips to the following:
[Ill' pI t'() I. ~~.-,IJ
:llld :[delNI'(I]. ;':i..:OO.
Dr. and :\Irs. I dt'letl,<I]. l{phorn, Copy,.;
:!. .-\ (' PC 1'\ pw
F, ni"lrj.lIlIlill// of Lilallfun'
:t COllft'n'll(,£>
t('11 tla vs.
~i! ...(' we h:n'(' f'xhaus(pd our ('urrent "upply of Iu :::iear('h of Brotht'rlwou ill ·t. ("3 rnegie (
till' lIn])' Land. lYe arl' 1I0W in tht, prll('p"s )f ["('I'biul; and updating it for n'· 'l't'llth AlIllin'rSI
puhliclltioll, :i. ~Iis(,f'I1alle(
"'1' :tn~ "liB fllHllliug rl'qUf'"I" for thl' I-JUan/Hee,.; arti<'le, The Refugee Prou·
11'111: T(t<lay :tnd TOl\lorrol\' frlllll I'a rioll'; ";Cb001 aud public librariC'~. -
pn's,;: pet·,;s rei
n l't i('II' I'e Eg-YTh
\,"t· ('nlllilllll' tn spnd out ullr "YIP" lettf>r a('('OIllIl:llljNI hy a packpt of ollr
lill'ralun'tp i!Hlil'idllab whos\' names arp brougbt to our aHeution by our rl'prl'-
selltntin'" aud frif'mj,.; ill the held: i.f'.: rdeIetl"ll],
".(' hill'p "t'('lIn'lI till' lIallll'" of t110S(' who art' jnilliug thE' ~llmllH'r ()d~'ss,'Y
1'11111' Illl'lplt'd i. WI' hay£> SPlit I )lPS" tllur lIwmbl'rs pal'kNs of ollr litf>raturp
a('('IlIllPlillil'lI l,~' :l ('On'!'illg' l!'ttt'r ah01ll Ihl' prngral,ll and work of thl' ACPC, H,' .Illly \Iolltlll
fl. ('IIill/n'/I's .1/t·///01'I0' Fn)"l'sl H:lldli .Tl'1'ome r
TlIt' H,'\. Kat'l 11
\\'[' an' "I ill n'l'pil'ill~ n'Illillallt"", fnr [be purchfisp of tn'p,; ill fill' ChildrPIl':;:
~Il'llloriaI jo'nrl'"t. .l. AI/1/1Wl.:1CP
\V l' lIa \"(' n'u'i\','<l I~ rl'lj I11'...,\ fr'·Jlll t hI' I-'rotl'"tlllll COlllwi I of t h" Ci t Y of X t~\I From all pre
Y"rk for :.!:-,iI l ':\1 F hro("hllrt'" ill ('UIIDf'l'l iOIl with tlh'ir pr0l:ranl lIt ";llIllllll'r l'aml],.;, t' x(Wripnl'e in t 1
1·IW:llioll",·lioo),.;. alltI,;o fortil. III tlio :\"1'1\" York :lrp:!. I,ehfillon. but g(
II. ('Ibrlll Ilil /'//,I'I/('})wIJI ('I //If')" ,,'/I·i,'.,' :II rt'ady Sell t Ilf
out to SOffit' j(
II)plptt'd 1 great good is !i(
I. Tile S, IJ,." ("I/IlII/lInil!1 1:. LUIII/ HcborJ
"'t' had H nl:lilill~
to :1p]lroXiulatl'1~· l.~O(), ~pgr() leadt'rg across tbe l'ou'lltry Sl>(! Hu~o Jae
I\hi,'li ilWludl'd tilt' fnllO\\'ing ilI'IllS: Tbp ACPC reprint of tlIe :\'ew York Times
artil'lt, on Chilln :md ISf/II'1. and a mime<ig'rnplIed ('opY pf nil arlit'll' on ,.;I:nl'ry (', '.'i('111 Adir;
ill ~lludi ,\l'nhia frOIH llw Cburch Herald, t 1) 0111' ,111n
I Ill' It'[ ('(I. I lll:l i 1('(1 ,;hortly,
We grunted a sllecial $:;00 trav{'l fellowship to [u£>!eted]. in order that he -is about twic£>
might vi,.;it Israel this SIIUlUlPf.He is fin educator of ~llle note In the"_-="'egro awl shoUld IH'1
community unll is highly reg-arded by [de1et('d). fnl, too, that it
'~'e arp nllW working' on an art kIf' Hbout. the color prfllllplIl and slaYf>ry ill ,\rab It' tlle Middle
I.llnds which IlJlly be plncpu. we hope, in S(Hl1e outstanding, Negr.o' IlUblil'3ti0l1' likp lIl<;eftng on the
IdpletNll. TIl(' basil' drnft hns been prepar(;'(! by the rppresentative of the I ially bedmse I
:\lHPriulIl ,Jpwish ('ongres,.; in BurolW who rl'sidl's in ldpleted I, materials are D
.I. ~[l(t'illl Projc('ls
document in or
letter might.coJ
(1) Pictllr('.~ for the Relif}ifJP/s l'rcs,~.-Twenty-five Cbdstian
journals have n'· document if an
spondf::d to ollr query regarding this project. . (2) During
(2) Missionary Study ThC11lC of the National. Cotltle-il bJ Chu'rchcs,-We fire rdeleted]; prE
('l1rc£>lItIy stlloying the booklets' prillted by friendship Press which· are to Ill' the Provide-Dee, R,
hasis of thl" study of th£> Middle East as a pint of the Missionary education prQ- yaro to oyer 45
grams, .-\ memorandum is to hI" pCf'pared ,,;hkh ",ilUlf' dire.ctl:"d to the attention
of lend-prs across the country so that they might Ilndf'rstand the naturf?' of these'
H()t1~p Ill(lterials and develop supplementary programs in order to help counteraet what
ysel!. lle~ative emphasis vis-a-vis Isruel will be present in these materials.
goodly (3) Statue Shalom.-Some years ago, the Executive Council of the ACPC ap-
re not proved th(' idea of a stutue at Haifa which would follow in the tradition of
ng. America's Sfatue of Liberty, rnt'letedJ has now secured a site in Haifa with
the cooperation oJ the Honorable Abba Hushi, Mayor of Haifa, and has also
LUlld ~nilled the support of Idt'lett'd].'who is ~olltribllting his sen-ices to the projeet.
of Iht' :-:iIU'P thp projed is so wPiI a(l\-uIll-ro, we.' are 1I0W in a position to partieipate
and help ill l)llbIicis~~ it and also help. rilise funds for it. The amoun1 envi-
"aged is approximately $100,000. The statue is now designed to be "Ruehel and
Ill'\' t'hildr('U"-lhe children to reprpsent difl'erent races-and is to be 120 ft.
hig-h. A ~[W'<'ial eommiHt't' is to IIf' incorporated and empowered to raise funds
for I lip proj('·('t.

HIt I he
H.e Monthly RE'port for ~Iay.
Karl Hal:'hr.
JIllgo .J a ('<'k ('I.
1. Land Rehorn: Editing and soli~itillg material for the next issue df Land
It'll'ill. Hi'horn. Copy :--:hould be at tbe printer during June..<
:!..\('PC :,\,'\\'"I('tlpr a PPI'Hrl'd.
:t ('ollfl'fl'lll't' Pnmplll('l : }·'inal gfrllpys prooff'd. t'U'lllpl1let SllOUld be out \\'ithin~
It'll <in \'".
ood ill -I. (:arrH'.::~it,Conren'ncl': PI'l'pan>l! aud l:'{liteu ~t.atel1l('nts for use of Israel
for fl'- TI'lltiJ AlITJiH'r"ary mpetillg- at ('anll'gip.
:i. :\lis('pllall('ous: Editing yurious materials; re\'iewing Catbo],i.e-ffnd :'\egro
ProU· 1'1'1''''': pn>"s rell':Ises for Bo"roll .\.C1'C ('O\lfpri'll~t': worked widl [deletf'dJ 011
n r1 il'il' r,' Eg.\'l~ ia Il Copt,.;: prPJI;l I'a I iou of it PillS for .\ ra iI· Israel diel iOlla r~·. el~.
of ollr

rI ~'<;st'~' _\.~IEHI( \:\ C'IIRISTIAX l'_\I.ESTIXE CO~I.\IITTEE.

ra I urf' SCIl: }'ork, lY. L, ~-l Uf/Il,~t ·1. 1!1.~,'.
·C. I~l'.fIll.,· :\\"1I1Ili.\· Hpport.
H:IIJili .Iprflmc I'll)..:!'r.
Tilt' ({"I Karl H;ll'hr.
I. A 11111(1(1 .1 (' !'(' stud lJ TO.1i r
If :'\I'W Frolll all pl'l'liminary l'l'poI't,...· ollr ~I Ild~' Tour grollp hnd a vpry sUcct's"ful
('a 1111'S. 1'.\lwripIH·e in till' :\iiddle En"t InIHb and ill brat'\. They W(,l"l' not ahle to· "isit
1.P1111Don. bill ~<ll' into ull of Ibe (lrilN cOl\nl.riE'S on tbt" itinerary. [Dpletedl has
:III'('ady "pul.h:\l'k 11 1('lter that i" most favorahle to I!.'rnel which is to be spot
11111 to som" 700 Kational Council leaders acro,,~ the country. Thus, already
!!r('al. good i~ tlowing from thE' Study Tour..
1:. Land N('bnrn
UU'li 11',\'
~l'{' Hu~o Jat'-Ckel's rl'port which is ntta~hed.
:1:1 vt'Q' ('. {-'ierd . I d i r i f i e s . 1
{} 1 (}ur ,Jllnp-,July b"l~<f;l' tIlt' .\('l'C :\ew"Il'tll'r is 1I0W completp and will be
Il\;Iill'd "horrl~'. It. ((>ontlln'" :1Il :11l;1i~·i'j,.; of tilt> ~1i<ldJf' En~t Rtlldy Pro;.:ram and
bat b£' i" ahout t\\'icp it~ norDll\1 size. Howe,-pr, I think the analysis il'1 a good Olle
~'(fi'gr() aud :--:llOllld Iwlp to ('orreet ttl{' auti-I~rnel slant of the materials, \Ve are hope-
ful. too, I. ha tit will influellce Na tiollal Council leaders to change their approach
I AI',lh to tlle Middl'(' l'~st. problem. It is rumored that a special National Council
1l1"IilH' 1Ill'(,t.ilIg. on the ~lifldle Eas17 is to tak(' place in the not t~o distant future par-
nf the t ially becilll~e of the crisis and also he'cullse so much of the. Middle Eust Study
JUlltt>riub are now Radly out of date. They may find it necessary to issue another
document in order to deal with the critical situation that now exists. Our News-
In:- n'-
letter might.,conceivably help them to give a lIlore favorJble cast that particular to
document if and when it is produced. I'
(2) During July. I made the following appearances: I briefed a tour party
1e an' rdeleted]: preached:on Israel at the Spring Green Baptist Church outside
hI' tl.l{' Providence, R.t., onJuly 20th: :;poke at the Community Forum at. Martha's Vine-
n pro- yard to oyer 450 on July 21st.

l:~) ,~leetilli:~ AttPlIdpd: {"sual Aze !'l'ssiolls :10<1 a spedal lllPptillg with Ilia t resVOllsi!
[deleted] .. (II he drin'u i
(4) Interviews and Discussion: Witb [de!pted]. :1 "I'qUt'lIee oj
1;» ChalllPI' Acti\·itips: I a) TIle Philadelphia gr'Jtlll hnd allot bel' "p""ioll oil Together. Rc
"Jllly 10th to plan their October ~l:-;l :-:l'llIillar. lIJ! .\nlb refug
lb) The Los Angeles '('ballter reorgalliz('tl at n "pe('i:J! Illf'Nillg "11 .Jllly :!-Ilh ('I-ial indicutin
[deleted]. , impressed wit!
(e) The ~ew Jerst-y l'lJnllter bas fo;Pllt (Iut ,:I 1('( Ipr to 1lII' Y:lrinll" ('!I:linY(l1II1'11 (3) Picture
of .\Hssioll Study ;!roups of tb~' l'llitl'u Chur(']\\\'Il1111'1l ('olllwils (If .:\"r11It'1"11 .:\\'\\ lamu bas app
_ Jer"ey otrerin~ rht'U1 thl'ir a,,:-:islllll('j' ill dt,ypl(lpillg It prllgr:11ll arlllilld lit!' .\Ii", l'ently tbere a
~(ll1l1ry Stud~ tbeme. ;1 uancin~ scelJ
(-tl stll/UC
n. Film Dibrarll
t'sppdally in
1 )llrin~ .Jul~·, \Yl' ~()n'i('\'d 1:-, tillN. rpl!llest". board of tile "
1-:, risi!m's to ls)'a('[ a",j tlir ,lfirlrllc RaM lG) Pen Pc
"'e haH' c"lIlllllmkatpd witll Ill', Alh,a I'al COlli mit It
fol/owing illdititll1als g'''illt:' to tIll' an'a : Pen Pal COIlIl
(1) [Deleted,] . in ~Iinneapoli
(2) .r
Deletet}, ] wuut II' ('orr<
the bra('1 Co
n) {Deleted.]
(4) [Deleted.] :-:lil'h :l

[Deleted.] "illlilar li"ts t

I tll'1eted],
F. Distrihution of Lit('1'otw'C
./. "Lalld Uc/i
'Ye ha\'(' b~'I1 r('('eiYitll~ ~o lllnllY rf'qut':')ts frllIll SUllday ~d\"ols f"r "Ill' Illalt'-
rial!'; OIl Israel. Lf'" hnthuTe!'; 011 ChihlrPll'S ~I('morinl F(lrf'~t :Illd I"rat'l nillollg \111 ri III: tllP
the .:\a tiOllS, that we ha \'(, foulld i I. Jll'(' ry to m impo/n"ll ph [\ I'o\'pri Il~ If'ttN mailillg list f
to,nccompUlly packets of thpS(' litpraturp items. the \,Iflt('~. he
Thf' nf'W f'(lition of In Seareh of Brotherho()d in tbe Hoi, Lalltl i" 1l0\\, rf':ld, ('urre('tioll. ,
and a-va iIn 1>le for distri butioD. A copy is 11 tt~'1('herl,' . lIf the ern,rs
"~e ha\'e rf'('eivNl n rl"<]u('st from the Canntlinn Institutp on l'uhli,' AtTairs ill
Toronto for Land Rph'orll nnd t'opips of our othC'r pnmphlpts 011 ISrl1l'1 ill I'onnf'('-
tion with th('ir 2;:>tb anuutll "Cou('hit'hin~" ('ollff>l'pnc(' whil'h is h<>ill~ ltpld ill n
fpw w('('ks. In rN:pollse Wf' ~nt th('D1 ~;"j ('opi~ of Inst issue of Lalld Hp!lortl,
Pilot Plant in the ~iddl(' E:J,;t, in Seur('h of Brotherhood in the H()I~' Lantl. thf'
~Iiddle East: Crossroad!'; of World Tension!', (It-tolwr :\1

n. (,hildrcn',~ Memorial Fore,q[

H:I hili .r l'nllll
The Re,. Ka
As a rpsult from thf> lit f'rll turf> pnck('ts \y(' hn\'(' h(>('ll Sf'IH]ing to ~unday ~('ho()ls
,I. cl nn ,wl ,,1
n'('ross t hI' count.ry wll ich illrlutle Ilrodmrf's Oil t hp Children's '\{{'J\loria I For('~t.
rPlllittallces for thp purchasp of tr('('s in the Children's Memorial For('st hnyf' he('n Our ,Jl1ile :
increasing. alltl "Tit ing.
('hil-ag-o are:1
Fl. The Negro Communitll "pel'l"1Il':-i a \\
rDpl('ted.l trilmlpd all(l
A special meeting was hpld with tbe Hev. [deleted] on July 29th wberpin Tb l't;e ad i \' i 1
\\'('1 made plans for a conC<'rt program to rl'ach into Harlpm. It will be a WI' nre pI'
suppleml'ntary project and will ultimately help us to prepare the kinds of matf'- for the ('h ri
rials that might h(> useful ann alw glYf' us some hf'tter clues as to "'hat ap- reason~ for lJ
pro1lches wp oll~ht to take hy way of speakers in the Kegro comIDunit~. Ell:';! is q lIiet
'York i>: contilluini: on MIDe possible articlps. It is our hOl!(' that ~{r". Yi\'iflll in time to r
:\ln80n. upon her r('turn from the Rtndy Tour, will haY(' Rf)mf'thin~ to offer ill this of tbis churl'
respect. though, of co
I, Spemal Projects H. Land ReI
(1) Let-tcn! to tlle Editor 0/
"Li/e".-An nrticlp on thf' last testnJnf'nt of See Hugo
Xuri ed Said appeared in thl' .July 26th issul' of Life. A rather ll'ngthy lettf'r
waR ~(,int in by [delete'd],., Others who were cont.acted in the bope tbllt they C, Fi£'ld Act;
would submit briefer note~ere [deleted]. (1) Hugo
(2) Grneral Letter,~ to
the Editor.-(a), Hugo Jaeckel preparf'd !l drnft reply the ACpe !'i
for [deleted] to send to the Dallas Moming News in answer to their editorial of appear as tl
July 2200. (b) A letter replyin~ to stRtements by [deletedl which appeared in with the Mi
the Syracuse, ~ew York, Post-SUlndard of [deleted] was answered by tbe R'ev. been ahle to
[deletedl. (c) I prepared a reply to a negative editorial which appeared in (2) DuriI
The Lutheran of [deleted] and sent it to the Rev. [deleted] in the hope that Station WS'
hp wouln submit it to the editor of The Lutheran. (d) I also sent"lI. letter ~minar on
to Mr. Creed Black of The Xash\'ille TpJlIleSSenll commentin~ 011 his ass('rtion
ill;': "'it 11 Ilia t re~poil":ible ~-\rau leaders do not believe that the Jews of Israel haye
to he dl'in'll illto the sea. (e) An article 011 Jewish refugee accompullied by
.' "'Pfjll"lll'\' of IJidurf's was sellt to the editor of the :\Iethodist publiclltilm,
Together. Recelltly they bad a similar kind of story with a picture sequence
[Ill ,\rnh rpfugeps. lIo\\'eyer. Dr. Casl" editor of '.rogelher, returned the mate-
.J Illy :!It IJ ('rinl indical ill~ that they felt they ('onldll't use it although they "'ere very much
impres":(l{l with the materials,
;1 i l'\\'IIIllI'}1 (3) Picturcs for tlte Religio-u8 Prcs8.-0ur picture of the YCllIenitc alld his
Il!'rll :'\"\\ lamb hns appeared in at least a half-dozl'n religious journals, Also, very re-
tIll' .:\Ij,.. ('('ntly there appeared the picture we sent out ulmost a year ago which featured
a dancinl; Seelle at the Bahlia l<'estiYal.
l-t I 8tlltl/C Sl/(llnm.-Activities on the Statue Shalom project llre C(mtilllling.
,'",;p\'('ially ill Lu:-; Angell'S. Efforts are ueing made to get [deleted] to join the
!Ioard of tlle "American Committee for Statue Shalom".
(G) Pen Pal l'roject.-\\"e re<'eived a request frOll! a [deleted] of the Pen
:tl, tilt 1hI' Pal COllllUit!,,\, of till' Childn'n·,..; l'l"a for l'p,.I(·e at the ',"01'111 .\ffairs ('plltpr
Pen Pal COIllUlittf'e of the Children's Plea for Peace at the 'Yorld Affairs Center
in .:\Iinneapolis. :\Iinll., for a list of names of young people in Israel who would
",unt to (·oIT(',..;pond wilh youn'go Pl'0llip hl're in Anwrica. Through [deleted] of
til" rsraP! ('olllmis,..;ion for l':'\ESCO, LeIter ExchatJge SerYice, we were able to
,..pc·lln' stwlt a li,..;1 \\"hidl Wl' forwarded to [delf'lpd]. 'Vhpn awl if Wl' rpc('iYe 'If)
... ilnilar li."t.-': "f jil'''''!,l'ctin' l'orrl'spolldpn!s, \\"t~ \\'ill l'olltiulle tu forward them to 'If
I dplp! I'd 1,
./. "Land He/lorn" Mailing List
11111' Illn!,'-
tP! a IllOll/-: I luring illp pa,..;! lIIonlh, WI' began work (ll! tl1(' transfl'r of our Lalld U'f'lwnl

illa: INtl'l' mailing list from Addn's:-;oplatp to the l'erfpct Lettt'r Shop, Before transferring'
the plalp"'. !Jowey('r. he foulld it nec\'ssary to reorgallize them. dleck. and make
corn'I'tion. \\'(, ft'pl confidpIIt thnt the new arrangl'nJellt will pliminute man,Y
of thE' I'rrtJr,... that constantly sli[JfI('d by wben the list was kppt at .\ddrpssnrtlatr'.
.\fTairs ill KoB.
II ('OIl 11('('-
lIPId ill a
j Hphorn. .\\II·:HIl'.'I:\ CHRISTL"-:'>! I'c\U:STI:\F: CO\\\IITTEE.
Lund. IIIP \'('10 York, Y.}'., .\'01'1'11111(''' ;j. 1!),j8,
HI' ()l'!ob"l' :\1"111 ltly TIppor!.
!::IIJI,i .f"I'II1111' Ungpr.
Tltl' TIl',. Karl Baehr.
y ~dlOOls
1...II/ill/Ill ArpC Study Tour
nl Forest.
hayp h~pn Olll' .f1111t' ~l\ldy Tour IIIem!lprs continlle to do IllJ px('('lIpnt joh of spl'uking
and wril in.L::. r I>1'1E'tpd I has I1pel) doiIl~ a great lIIIIount of lecturing in the
( 'h iva C:o <I n';\. [ IIp]ptPfi] i 11 thl' :\ ew .J prSt'y region is n veraging two to three
."])I'\'('III's II \\'('l'k. The ne\\,sll:qwr st oril's bY' [dell'ted J were reprin tl'd and dis-
tl'i btl 1(',I <lnd hI', 100, is doing' n ('ousidern ule amollnt of speaking in his 11 rea.
I wherein Thl',;e acthlties are symllDlic of what eacb Study Tour member is carrying on.
will be n W\' art' pl'DlItoti(]~ a "PpaC'e and Good 'Vill StUdy Tour to the Middle Enst"
; of mat~­ for the ('l1ri,..;tlllas spason, It. is to be a Christmas-in-Bethlphem tour. Our
~yhat np- I'plIsons for at tempting to promote a Study Tour at this time are that tb'(' l\liddle
y. East is quiet und that individuals wbo \vill have this tour experienl'e will rE'turn
·S. "idnn in time to participate effectively in tbe Mission Rtudy Program for tbl' rpst
PI' in this llf this eilurch year, Thus far, the response hns llot been especially encouraging,
I bou~h, of course, the notices have only recently been sent alit.
H, Land Reborn
~ment of See Hugo Jaeckel's report which is attached.
hy letter
:hat they f'. Fi.cld Actit'ities
(1) Hugo Jaeckel's vacation has delayed the production of tbe October issue of
'aft reply the ACPC Newsletter. It is in the writing sta~e ~t tbe present time and will
Horinl of appear as the November Issue. The September Newsletter, which dealt further
>eared in witb the Mission Study material. had a good response. In fact, we have not
the Rev. been ahle to BlIalI at the requests for additional copies.
leared In (2) During October, I made the following appearances: Oct. 1st, over Radio
lope that Station WSTC, Stamford, Conn., for a 15-minute broadcast: Philadelphia ACPC ,,.
°11 letter sPlIIinnr on Oct. 21st; Arlington, Va., seminar on Oct. 27th; St. John's Lutheran

Chun'h ',"omen's Guild on Oet. :.!sth; AAl'N ('onfel'en('E:' 011 Oct. :.!t)t.h: "Congl'ega- ./. ~fJf'('i(ll Pr,
t iOllal Cleq...ryIllen Assodll t iOll 011 Oet. 10th: [dpletedl: usual AZC staff meet ing r 1 ~ J/i88it
alld a meeting of the C'olliwittee 011 Community Contacts on Oet. 10th. tli y:d\lals al')
1;1 I Inti:rview:,,; and Dbl'ussinns: 'Yith I deletptll. 1r i" illlTl'as
(4) Chapter Activities: (a) The Philadelphia ACPC ('bapter bad its seminar
I"rapi t II dill
on Octoher 21st. Although th<> attemlaDce was not as larg(' Us wa~ exp(·('ted, tIlt' IIf l'Ollllllllnit
respollse nen>rt lwless was Yl'ry good. The spt'a k('rs were [dell'ted ] and myS(' If. 111:1(11' ('x(,,.111'
(b) Th(' Supper and ~eminur in Arlington, Va .. Oil Oct. 27th s\JolIsol'eti by the
111('nl a n' !n:l,l
:'\ ortllPrIl \' i rginia l'lerg,VInen CowIlli ttee was a stH:l'ess. Despi te [deleted I (:?l S,tatw
('ffllrts to sabotage the affair, tbp at tellllalH'1' was good iUld the n'spODse rl'a~(\11 that I
Il('a !'tell ing. \\·ltolll \\'l' W:I
(') '1'11(.' Boston ACPC group is tlJinkillg tlf organizill':; sOllie tl'lt'\·i.-.i(}1l 111'11' 1 ion i~ 0\"('1'.
grams, r3)' ]sra('{
(I!) The Np\\' Jerspy chnptpl' i:,; rpachillg ('Iubs lllHI orgnlliz<ltiolls ill Ill\' lIrt'a
!l\?('11 ('on('[l1d
offering thelli sen-ices for further study and inforl1lntiun ~ the :\Iiddl& Ea;;t alld
a 1'1' adlit'\"iu~ ulliqu(' SIlITI';;;;.
'Il tltp ..:\rti('lt
14 1.11 ;d//'('.'
(t') Indiull:lpolis i!-1 cOlltillllillg thl'il' mOlltllly I\lPptill~5.· (Del£'t<'tl.]
10 1»' hl'id in
(f) The Chicago group IIIl't a fl'w times OIl tbe :\Il~"i(lll ~tud." I'rl)g-n.llli and
1I11 tilP possibility of holding II rf>).:iollul ;;{'mill;I'!," ill Ih'<.'I'\llber.
IIr 11:1 \'illg Oil
([/) H,whl'stl'r had 1I llH'I,tillg at I Ill' \',J1g:1lt' Ho("IIl'''('''I''',ni\'illil~' ;-;chllo[ <Ill
"I ,ri II).:. '1'1'11
lll'lolwl' ,,:!ltll. [Udl'ted.l
TI'~I .\ rPlt f(
n. Film LibraI'll II ill ht' Erie .J
(:-,) 8111 ('ill
:11'1' \'II11sidl'rillg till' p(l;;;;iililil~' <It ntirizillg tlil' H'ryil'l';; IIf tlil' lll"lililt.' <If
\'i"llal Tl"ailllllg whi('h \YII\lld "h<l\I' <1111' lilill. "Jq:Il'1. Lalld HI'II(lI"Il," 1111 r"!I'yisilill. lltl' Luther:!1
I IUl'ing OdlllJPr, WP'l'(I;W film I'pque;;!". dl'~ wiUI i'lrlt
[dpl t 'It'd 1 of
l-:. 1 i"iI(I",~ ill Isr"t! 0111/ 11/1' 11 ir/tll(' /:,',("t : t "";' l('ia 1l'll w
.\ group (If \ ('it~ ) llIlLlllll'''. ilwilltllll,:':' \Ll~I'r [dl'll,t('1I I, ! I!plplt,t! I. Ilt';ld "I' JIll' pr<lfolllltily I'
Idl'll'll'dlllllit III' lIlt' [d"lt'tt'dl III'W;;papl'r.". and [\It'],'tl'dl,I'l"t'sidl')lt III' lIlt' "Iii 1mt it. "I all)
l'I'r"ilY IIf [r1I'!1'11'1I 1:11'" Il\:lldllg a yi;;it 1<1 1"1':1\,1 :1' ;':11('''1,'' or lilt' 1'1';11'1 (;1111'111 Bi"lltlp I tlelpl
IIlt'llt Thp illl'itati<lll \1:1" :1 1'l';1llgl'(\ ll~- H:lhhi [d,'ll,t(·<1I. [dplpted] to
,... IJi8tl'i}illt;fJ/lli! Litcrature
I \i) 8 W'ri (.
for 1 )1'. [d£'l,
[ 1 11'11'11'11.] i'III' :1\1 artiel,
"111' II) IIII' fat"! lltat II'" lIa\"I' 1':xllall,..ll·d <1111' 'lll'itl.1 "I' Ill(' I-:ILIII HI!'" :)I'ii,':" "II .111 :lrl.i<'1e b~
I hI' l'('fll,:":I'I'S :Iud :In' "Iill n"'I'ililig illlltlllll'l';I!d,' 1'\''1"(',1'' 1',,1' it, 11'(' ;11'" il"\\ ill IIii' \dlid) 11(' is I
1' 1'11('('''" of h;I\'illg it r"J'l'illl,'d, lip will H')H]
\\'1' ;11'1' sril! 1'1'("(·il'itl:": ('[''1111'''1' 1'111' 11111' ('''llt','I','II'''' Ilalllpltll'l. TJll' 'Iid,]l,'
;(<'ltl'i"tiall .;\lj
1';;1"1 ('l'i"""l'lIad PI' \\'lIl'ld TI'II"i"ll. i,\'. ~,-, ""pi," 111'1'" "1'111 ,,, Iht, Din'('11I1' .. I'
I Ill' !'lIill'd \'11111',·11 \\'''1111'11 ill Htllla!lI. \"l'I\ Yprk. :llId 100 ('PI,i,'" \I ('l't"\'III' I ..
t1l\' (';llladi:111 11I"lillllt' of lllll'rlla!itilla! ,\ffail''': :i1"o :..'l; "'<I(ii,';; \\'1'1'" ",'II) 11'11]('
('hi<-ag" ('ollll"jl Oil FUl'l'ign'l{l'lat jllll".
:'\llllll'I'Ulh J'l''111l,,,t,, t"t'litillll1' to "<l1I1" ill 1'111' "Ill' 111,1)'" lit" 1"l'il,'1 :\1111 Ih" \"(';11'
I-::\"t aliI! tht' ~Il'dill'ITalll'illi alld Pilot \'L1III ill llt(' .'lid"II' t':;I"1 ;I~ a 1'('''1111111' 1111' HI' .Iallllllry
11111 in' plan'd ill TIlt' Cltri,;l iall :-;dl'lIt'l' :'II'"lit,·1' .. I' ;-;('(111'11,1,1'1' 17111. Hll 1>1 ,j .11'1'0111
Tltl' \Iilllll'"o(a .Tl'wi"h ('ulIl\("il l't'qll(',ll·I! :llItl \\"1']"" "l'1I1 .-,\1 (,(,pi,'" of I Jr. \"11',,' Tltl' HI'I·. K n
Till' I'all',"till\' I 'rolliI'll' 'I'od;IY· .
t 1/1111" I I
U. (." ;ldn'I!',~ .\[1'/1/111";(// F"n'sf ( 111 r I h n'p
1)lll'ilig 4ktol\l'r. WI' rl'('I'in'" a J'l'('(ll'tl :l11l""I1( of ,'''llll'ihll1ioll'' for 11I1' plll'l"llil,"(' ;1 \\"(Il1tlprfnl
of' tl'I'I'" in tlw Cllildl'l'lI'" \It'lllnri:11 Fort'st: TId" 1I1:ll'kl'tl illtl'l'(,,,t ill lltl' (l1'1I,it,,'1 \ 'OIIIlllll nit ie~
is dll(' 10 til(> widl' tli"t rihllt i('1l of hrcwhllrt,,, OIl I It I' Flirt,,,,. Tlw itiner
lint SOOIll\Il)1
IT. 'I'''c .\'("f,r" ('fllI/lIIll/lit!/
11111' \101'1\: 1\ ith lltl' :,\,'grtl ('''llIlIlllliilY '·llll!illlll". '11',.., \'il'iall \I:I""lI i" l'I'ry H. 1,(l1I1! Rd
:It'(il'\, alld I\'I' art' l'OIIIl'lIl\,l:ttillg "(,Ildill~ 11111 "'''1I1(,' pidtll'l'S ('11('1' lIt:::aill to llt~' \\"p 1t:1 \'(' 1
:\'Pg'l't) l·rp~~. t'1I:ll11'IlgP II
I. ('al'lIc!!;(' RII((()/CII/f'/It ~('r;('.~ iSSll(, of Lnll
:\1 i ll!wnpolis
'YP !tHYI' h('('n sill~ull'r1~" Ilu;;n.... f's"flll ill got'ltillg 111f' kiwI (If sppa);:I'I'...; WP tll'"irp ~pp JI 111-:"0
for this prO~l'l11l1. 'YP hn\'(' \lot lw('n nlllp to n~n'f' on n dnt.. for pithl'r l~f' HI'\",
I df'l('tf'O], I dplf>ted I. or till' Re,', Dr. rdplf>t...d I of tilt' [(If'If't (>(11. 1-'11 rt. of Ille
ditt1t'nlty "tems from thf' fnet tbat tltl' ('nrIlPl!'i(' EudO\YllH:'nt (:t>nJpr i" "I)
\Ill thllt w~ rt>nlly hR\'(' ,"pry few llfitl'S with wl1i<'11 to \\-nrk. .As n rp"IlIt, 11'1' nre
g"tllll~ to hu\'(' to hold off Oil thp"e me('~g;; llIlt il tltp first part ,of .J:IIlll:lI',"-
• ~f .. cting$ n ttended,

.t, ,.. ; f/I ('illli'rojc('riJ

i 11 ,\fis.~i()n :,:r'''/f/ i'/'flf1raJ1I.'-\\·(' an' ('illllinnitlg til ",pryil'p g-rolll'''' ;11111 ill-
di\'idll:ll", a("ril",,,, tllf" "Olllllr,\' \\'itll C1l1r'llI:ltl'ri:ll", oil }...;r:l1'1 :llItI thl' ~Iiddlp 10:;1"'1.
It j...; illi'rt'll",illgly apI';lrPllt that ollr'i-fj'ilrt to gin' !1<1",itin' illfo,rlllatioll ahollt
1,,1";11'1 til dl\)ri'h'~grollp", "'"HI,\oill~ 111,' .\Iiddl,' E1I",t ha" IH'I'II "'1H'1'l'",,,,flll. III I!OZ('ll";
IIf ('Ollllllllllitip"" t!w,!lwal Ziolli"'l Cillllwib or' illdi\'itlll:lJ.....; Ziolli,..1 grollp", h;I\'1'
'1l:1d,' 1,\(,,.11,'111 l'ollWl'i,.: with Ih"ir l'hri,.:tiHII frif'll,b illId :lrt'~llppl,\'illg "'IIPP'('-
JIII'1I1;ln' Ilmtprial", ilwilldillg lilpratll.1'I', lillll"', :111(\ ":P'>I1\.;('r"', '
I:.!l ."thlli\' SltalulII,--Tltis projl'<.'t is ill :1 ",talp of quie",('pIH'e for tJle simplf'
1"(';1"'011 thai thl' I'oli~k:11 l';lI11\l;ligll Iw", llIlid,' it illlplI",,,,illlt, for 1l"'~0 n':Ii'\l-th(N'
\\'1111111 \\'(' W<llIt to illi'llId,' 1111 11111' \i"'t of lIaVi!'II:ll "11<111";111'''', A", ",nOll 11'" th,' "1,,('-
111I1l i", 11\"'1', \H' hllpl' 10 111;1],;1' :'11111" rapid progn':,,.: '''ilh Ihb proj"I'1.
,:11' israrl 'I'1'/ltll .,1n~tirrr,~flr!l !:<cnIlO1! and Artick COlllr8t,-Tl.lis projed hn'"
11,,'f'1l (·(H1l'llld,'I1. Thf' WlIllH'I'''' ill thl' ~f'rnl.Oll 'li\'j"'ioll <Irt' as follows: [delt'ted],
III I hI' Art il'ip tli \'isioll [dpll't ptll,
,·11 lIidll'cst h'/!liullal ('IIII!I'I"'I/l'l ,- - I'Ll "" ;11'1' \H,~I 1llIdt'r\\';1~' for :1 ('ollfl'rl'lI('I'
'" W'llI'ld ill ('IIit-;lg-II, Ill'(TII)llI':r Ith, ;.111, aUi! f.itli ;11 Ilw ('''Il~rl'''''': IIlI"'!. IIl"I":ld
IIf h:l\'illg Olll' 1l:ltillll:l1 1'(I1lfl'rt'Ill'l' IIl':-;1 Y'~:Ir, \\'l' ;11"1' pl;lllllillg t\\'11 rpgioll:l! "011-
t','f('IH'l,,,-thl' "'t'('oIHI Ollp to take place probnbly ill ~:l1l Frlllwisf'O ",Ullll'tillll' Ill':-;t
"'I 'rill;:, Tl'lIll1ti\'('ly till' ('Ilil'agll "IIlIf,'n'ul'l' i" til I", ('Illill,'d, "'1'111' .\[iddli' 1':;1",1:
'1"':'1 .\r;':\ fill' \)P\'l']IIJlIIIl'llt" "'l' :1I'1' lIoppfll! lli:lt ('II" Ill' 0\11" 1II:I,illr "'Jll,~;i1'I'r"
\\'ill II,' J':rit- .Jllllu"tllll' !

1,-. i "";11( r'illl,;('ilrrr','!'(>1I'/r 1/1"', :-;"111:1 klt!'r III 111(' l'di,"r III' Illl' Hih!l' B'lllll\'r IIf
,I", Lllthl..T:I11 Hibll' IIl~rf'll1t,· ill ~(';lllll',' \\';I"hillgll1ll: ('II11111lPlllilll! Oil ''''" ;Irti
"It',.: wit,li ;'llIli·j"'I';I,·j 1I1:III'ri;tl ill Ih"111 Abo,;1 :,pl'd;i11l'ttl'l' \\'a", "1'111 to Hi"I,"p
Itll'lptl'd 1 of [d!'lf"tl'd I l':-;pn'""illg !lotll alll:IZC'lllPllt :Ind rpgrpt Ilwt h,' 1'l'('HIIII'
,1 .... ",tI'i;lll'tl wilh till' [dl'lf'tpdl 1II:1IlIl"'l'riJil. Bishllp Idplf'tpdl rt'''']Ii'lldl'd tllal li,'
"l'lIflllllldly f('gl'ptt,'tl :111,\' illll.Ill';ltioll thnt II(' is hll:;tilp 10 lSl'ad !lPI'HIISl', :I~ li,'
pllt it, "I :llllllnrpS(-'I"d',II,\' ,'III111IlillP(\ III l:,nIP!." ('lIpil's of Illy Ietl!'1' I,) Idl'I"tl'd 1
l:i",lllll' I d,~ktpd I :llld Hi",l!"p ,dl'll'll'(]'1 ill tllf' Ilop!' llial tllr>~', tno, llIi~1I1 Plli'IIl1r;ll!"
r d,'ll'kd 1 10 witlldl'llW his slIpport frtim 11It> I dl'!f'tf'd I I'Ptlpl' alld IIHltl'l'illl . .
'1;1 ""whaT :lrfidrs,-l'rt'pnl'pdli tlfllfl arti('If' 'Ill .\Ii"'''ioll'' ill t1lr' :\Iiddll' !-:;bl
r;,r Ill', [tl('\l'll'd I, l'o·editor of IIlI' [di'!l'tPd\ w1lil'II 11\' hlll'I'''' to liSt.' a", :I bn..;i,.:
1',,1' :Ill artiel,' III III' prp)lared h J' SOllll'(~l1p lik,' Ill', Idplt'tptll, ,\bll"W,,' I'p\yorkpd
:J ,Ill :Irtide hy ill', I d('\ I.' 1I'd I dpnlill~ "'illl Ih,' .\li",,,,i")1 ~lutI~- 1'1'0;':-1'.1111 1I1:11l'rinl"
wld!'!l 11(' is to ""'l1tl 10 Tht' ('lll'iSlillll ('plltnry, F:Lilill~ tll 11:1\'(' it pl'irllpd tlI,'n',
Ill' lIill ":1'1I1~ it «. ('lIl'i"'tiHllit~' all(l Cri",i":. :lnd f:\ilill!! Ihpl',' \,1"I!>nhly Ip Ill"
,f"lIl'i"( iall ,\(,1"'>(':1 (" alld otlI,'1' ('lIurell j,lnI'Illl]",
K, I~,

,\\If;RIC\:'. "j[I(I''';'ll,\'\ 1'\L1 "11:'.1 ('0\[\111'1'1'1-',

,,"pi i'n,.k, .\'.i' , Fd,rllllT-J/ 10.1'9.:;[1,
H,' .1:11111111",\' Illlllltlll,\' 1"I'\'41rt
H:,ld.j ,11'1'1111)" \'II,I:"!'
Till' I{I'\, Kal'! 1\:11'111',
"11,11111 \('1'(' :.... fl/d!1 'I'll/II
()llr Ihn',' IlIilli,,1I'1':' who \\"I'lll lin Ollr ('lIl'i"tlll;l:, ~t1HI~-~Tour h:1\'p rI'JH)\"tt'd
:1 \\'IIlldprflll p\!wri,')l<'I', .\!J't'ad~' tlIl'y art' ht'gilJllillg to ",p~l1k, ill Iht'ir lo('al
('Ollllllitnilil':-:, [DI'!pt('{1,1 '$ ,

TII,' itillprary fol' (IIII' .TUIl" tOllI' i" pr:lI'tically (,olllplf'tp :llld Il'tl,'r" will go
>1111 "'O"lIlIlIlI'lllIlI'illC' th,' fonr,
H, I,(//ld RdlOrl/
"'(' ha\'1' rt'cph'p4! ll1al1~' fa\'ornhlp ('omment"" (Ill ll'~' arlic!p, "1'I1t' A rfl Il· 1"-1"11 pi
,'11:11IplIgl' to Ihl' ('I1III'('h," whieh apppan'(l ill thp 1\"m't'lIIher-De!'elllhrr 1fl:l8
i",sn(' of Lalit! nphol'll, TIIi' Ht'\', roplplP<ll of 111(' Lnt 11Pl'an :\lissillll tn I ",r:l1'1 ill
\lillllt'apolis i", rpprintillg Ill(' arti('lf' ill hi~ jonrnal. TIl(' Isrnel M'essPlIgN,
~I't' Hngo .Jf,('('kl'l':-: rt'port whil'b is nttaf'lwd fOl' II 1I1(1rp dplailptI I'p]lorl,

(' 1-'11/'/ Il'Ii"lli,',< I. Tile Negro I

,II ,lllr .Jlllltlury Ul,-,!I ,\('1'(' :\I'\I',';)I'ltl'r,,, ('liP,\" Ill' \\ IIkl: i,.. l'll,'l,,:-, ... I, f,':lltlrl ... t reiI'll:
:1 di"I,tl,,:.. i"ll Ill' rllp tri,!,aith :Ipprlllll'll tll till' .\Iiddlt> EIl"t l'J"(.h]Ptll. This gl'lll'ral Cl'lltl'r \\'(,l'l' S(
(tWlIw \\'ill ;Ihll l,t' tlt'nlr \\'illi :It lIur lIJll'nill); sl's",itlll (If rill' Chin!;,:11 ('lIl1l'l'I'l'IIl't', 'Irs. "b'lIn
Tht, rt':Il'[; ,>I I,.. IllII'; fa r hllYl' fll'l'lI g'(ll.d, institutions pr
I ~ I l\tlrilJ~ .lllllllllry, I madl' lhl' l',dlll\\'illg' Hppl':1ralll'es: I1ilbidl' :\It,tlIlIdist
J. Spccial Pro
\\">llII'll',; ~, ... il'[\', :\t'\\' II",,,, Park, I..I .. ,J:lt\. I~dh: ,\llllnln ('lIt'j"rinll ('Ill "'gt',
,\{I:llI~:I, '::1.', ,[:I'lI, 1\\(h: "\lllt'ri,';I1l Zilllli,,,t ('lI11lldl 11l1l1'!1('(lll, ,LIIl, l!llh: .\1l1111al I 1) ,If issio/I
:\"Il,I':Il'ti"HII 1.t'~i,;latiH> COllfl'J'('IIt't'" HnHlklYII, J:lll, :.!lilh: LlItwhptlll ~Plllill:lt' \\'1' con t irmp
alld '(','1I:11l1lIlit,\' l'r"llill,," !llt'prill!.::. Hllt'lill).:'lllll, Vt .. .I:II\. ~"rlI: !t't'!llrp :d".!/r .\('1'" l' rOJ:rH 1II \\' It b

;1 r rlI,' I"ra .. l 4 Itlil'l' or luforlllllr iou. ,1:111. \Itll. Effurts llrt'

,;{) !Ull'n'it'\\" Ilud Dbcus"iuus: [dell:'tedj. nOlllillatlolllll'
(,Ii -'Il,t'tillgs .\t!t'u\!t"I: (\l/llillit!pt' tlH ('OllllUUILit.\, 1{l'laliolls ldl'll'tl'<!], Jllll, Ell:-;t q Ul'st ion-
Htli: IllPt lit BrlloklYIl I..'()lll'ge \\'ith [dp]pt('(11 l1!ltlllt all institute pro;.:rl1111 011 tllp Mb,;ion St
r,;rat'l f,'r Brl,oklYII (,ollt'~t' Illl .Jnll.'-'lh: 1"I'A lllllllUIl Ri).:'ht:-; l'l>ll'brntioll, Jail, \~) Mid/Cl's
11th: 1lll'C \\'irh f dt.'It'I\'d I uhout :\\,t· (,'on1"('rl'lll'l' PU bruel lIud hl'r Ilei~l.lhors, l 'oufl'n'lll'l' Is
,lilli, !~tll: I dt'It'tl't) 1; Il\d \\'ith Barth''''' Crum, Hooksrt'ill \ si,'), Hosl' 1Lillli'ill, :It It'lld tltl' ('01

Hahhi ('ngt'\' about A('1'C illl'orporntioll, ,Tnll. :.!;:tl: I I ItoIt't \'tI 1, :I'; ;':'''ltlll:' WI' I

(.; I ('IIlIl'h'l' .\l'ti\'it it,:-;: I fl) Th\' AC1'C 'l'Iwptt'r itl .\t111lltll, (;a" lll'ld a 1I11't't·

i II~ Pll ,J II II, 1\lt II.
I III Till' 1{"I'ht'slt'r J.:rOllp is lJlllllllillJ.: ro IUI\'I' a Sl'lIlil\ur ('1\ .\pril ,o,;r II.
I ('j :-;llll t'rall"isl'O ldt'II'!t'1.l] ha" nr~;)rnizt'd a ,'hilpl"r willl oUlstnllllin;.: citi-
zl'ns ,,1It'11 lis [tlplt'tt'd J, HI:' ~IOlltltly R
(d) Tlw :\1'\\' Jt'rst'y t'1ll1pt\'r is ('O(l!ft.'l'lItillg- wirh [dt'le!l'd] ill settiu~ lip H Kill"! HllPhr,
"l'I'il'''' of IllI't'titq,':s 011 tll\' ~liddlt' Enst IllUI Israt'l, II ugon .J IIPl'kl:'1.
I" I TIll' I..'hit'ngtl ~roup hntl n s\'~sion 011 Israel's rt'hirth in rht' ~fiddle East ( 1) l'opy f(
OIl Jail', ~1st at which [t!('INl'tll spokp. tht' pritltpr Ht
,f I Tlllsa is ,'I)II(·t'rllt't\ ahotll /lllli- ["ral'! dt'\'t'loplll\'l\r" ill it,; HI''':. lllld is ill- 1)1'.• lllUlI'S H,
!l'rt:",rl',l in H possihlt' seminar Ill' :-;O\llt' otht'r ul'ti\'it .... to hplp prt'St'llt It pro-brat'l \'t'rley I)U h:ln
\' i t'W po ill t t'll PI 't i \'1'1 y,
III i Illdi:III:ll'oli" h,'ltl it" 1l1l'lIrltl.\' Il It ... • I ill!.:: Oil .Tall 7rh :llId f":llllr,'tl rh,' H,'\'
Hartford tt on
I~) Editpd,
[dt'IN('(1] \\' ho l,"{·t II rt"(l Oil r h\' Ilt'ad :-'1':1 ~l ... nlls nlld sho\\'t'(l sl illl's, (:~ J :\liSt'pll:
n. Fil", Uhrnnl , "tiollllllil'l' to ~t
"lIr (PIli, --brllt'1, 1.:11101 H,'I",rn" h:lt! :1 "pt'cial "l1P\\'illl.: I1r 'I Illt'l'ril\:': "I' rh,' It,~hlidty for Ii
T'lIit\'d ('lllIrl'l1 "'t,nu'n of' ttlt' Dl'trllit ('Olllll'i\ of ('hurl'ht's nil .1allll:lr.\· ~'illl ll'he ('1l.\1
Purill:': .TaIlI1Hr~'. \\'t' spryic('d:!l tilm rpqut'sts,
:\ll':--;. Rose H
/-:, {'islf"r, I" 1<1'1/1" ulld 1111' ,Hi,!,lIt' f:(/"f :\[1'. } 1.\ :\111
"'" """\It'ratt ... 1 \\'ilh [t!I'I"t"t\ I ill plllllllilll.::1 Irip II) I"rllpl Hilt! tht, :\Iidd l " 1':lI,;t .\ lllpril'll n ~
f"r tilt' It,,\', [1I,'lt'["dj, '1('11' .\('1'1..' ,~r:llIr.-tlllilll 11 $:.!,-,tl tr:t\'t'\ t"t'lll)\Y,;ltlp,
[I It'ldl'(1. 1 1"-
the .Jewish l'
[Deletpd] h planuin~ to return to Isml'1l1l1d rllt' :\lidllJt' East. lIt" had dsitpd these report:
tht' nrt'h durill~ rhp sllllllllt'r pf '~l:-,,,, \"1' Ita\'!' 111'1'11 llf 1I""is!l\1I1't' 1,\' l.:i\'ill~ hilll t h~ copips 0
llllllll''; "f 11Idi\'itluals \\'ith \\'holll hl' should hl' III tou('h "hl'lI he rt'turllS to thl' ,Jpl'ollle 1~1l(l
, l'"
n rl'a, d Il'l',et 01' of t
F. ni,,/rillllfi"l1 (If fJif('ru/llrt' as T J'('cn II i~
\"" an' n"'l'i\'ill~ 1111111.\' n'qllt's(,.; (('r ""pi,''; Ill' tltt' rt'prillt Ill' m~' nrtit'll'. "Till' mittf'e.
Arll(I-I"rnt'! ('1I1111(,11~1' tll rht' Churl'll."
.\s II [,t',;nlt of til(' 1l1lIlOlllll't'lllt'lIt ill till' ACPC :"P\\,,,lt-ttt'r of [)('('t'lIlh,'r In:-.S,
The ('IIAI
rp~lIrtlillg- rill' a\'llllllhility of Dr. :"el,;on (;Iueck's Intl'st !look at a dlsl'Pllllt IIrl('I'. by He\" Kill'
\\'(' 1111\'1' 1'1'1'11 rt'('('idllg orcl('rs for Rivers In the Desert, lio:-,p If nl pI'
[ I )('[NNI. 1 ' to idf'lltify t
"'l' ('Ollt i IlIh' to rpcpl vp numerous rt'QIH'sts for our II terature, I.e.. The M'iddle
East: Crossroads of World Tension and Pilot. Plant in the Middle East.
Mr. HA'l\f
are' add t"PS&'
n. rltildn'n',~ .\Iemorial Forr,Qt
I 00 not se
COllt rillnt iOlls nrt' Rtlll coming- in fl)r Itll' jlurchasp of trl'('S III tilt' ChilclrPTl's
~Iplllorllli Forest. Brochures concerning this project are included in literature
The ('II!\]
kits..' .Tuoith Epst
If. ra/-Il('flie Endowment S('.,.ie,q MI'. H.Hr:
nur III('('UII~ wit.h the Rp\,. Dr. James H, Rohlnson was well attended and
The ell,'
l'llthusinstil'nlly received, The essence of &is speech will appear as an article Ol·g'll.n izatiOl
in t.he next Issue of Land ,Reborn, Mr. HA'l\11
of the Amer
I. The Negro Community
: I (Ill', ~ I X I'WS rell'asp,,; 011 t hI' J u mes Houillson Spef'dl lit t he Caflle~ie ElldoWOlent
,'llpra I ('1'lIlt'f\\'t'rp s('llt to thp ~egro Prpss .
'!"l'III"', .\Irs. \'i\'llll :'\[IISOII is ('lllltilllliT1~ to gt't sppukillg olltlt'ts ut ~l'gr() 1'()lIPgt~S Hud
11lstillltillJ)s priullll'ily ill tIl(' ~Olllh.
hnl! ist
J. Special l'rojrC'l,~
"llt ';':",
111111:11 11) lfi""ioll Sflll!111'!'o!lrl1nl.-[D,,!t·IPd.]
Ul i ll:ll' \\'P ('outinu\' to sen-Icl' groups stlldyin~ Ih\' ~lidlllf' East llndl'r thp :\li~"illIl :::-tlldy
.\ \ 'I" ' l'rllg-rllill with plll'kl'ts (If (Illr litt'rnturp,
Etforl,.; llrp U'l\\' being illudE:' to ~et frlf'lldly df'rgYIllen to upproul'h thpir de-
IlOI\1Iilllllinlllll Il'utlers lIbUlit dlHll~ill~ their dl'1I0llliulItit>ll'S altitude 011 Ilw Middle
, .Jnll. I':"st ljll(,,,!ioll-U eltllllJ::p of attitude beillg Illude iWlIl'rnth'e by eXillllillntloD of
1111 011 Illp :.\lis"illll ~Illdy llllllf'rillb,
I, .Jail, I ~) JJ iii 11"1'" t !l'r!J iOlla I ('IJII!I'rrn('c.-t)lI r pr()~flllli fill' t 1..1(> :.\fidwest Hp~oDal

lJllor", ,',IIlft'r,'II('\' is spl. It lI'l\\' al";\1 illl'llldl's I dt'll'lpd]. Illlw!'\'"r, rl'st'l'\,ntiolls to

I Iph II , :111"11,1 th" (''''If\'n'lIt''' hn\'(' !II'I'lI ditlklllt til S,'('lll'" :lllt! flip atl\'lltl;llll~' will lIot be
:1' ;.:""t! lis Wt' had ho!'pd ftlr.
1111'\'1 -
, K.I\.

,\~I~:Rlc.-\N ('llIU~TL\" l'AIYSTINE CO~OIITTEF..

~ {'ili- Snc }'(trk, S.r., FdJruarlll1, l!',i!I,
HI' :\lolltllly HI'llllrl for JIIIlll:Jry. ;,

lip II Kn 1'1 Hnl'h r.

II II~B .I 1I1'l'!;'t'1.
Ell "I \ 1) Copy for Iht' .TlIIIlIlIry-F,'hrllllry i~slIt' of Land H!'borll '\VIIs tllrtlt'll 0\'1'1' to
tht' printer III IIll' {'lid of tile 1Il011th. 11ll'!lllll'd' ill tbis Ilullluer lire llrti('\e!l hy:
i,.; i II- Ill'. .I;III\('S II. l{llhill;Wll (Ill ISl'lwt lIlid .\frit'n; Ill'S, T. Ollft>.Sb lIlld Eowill Cul-
I" 1';1l ,I \'t'r!py 011 Isllllll: l:511Ilfortl (iriflith 011 bral'!'s N'OIlOlll!t: dp\'ploPlUPllt lIlId Ellis
llllrtfllrd 011 Ihl' ('ol'ti,' :\lnsPu!lI ill ('llil'o.
I ~l Etlill'd llllli Jlft'pllr!'d .Tnllllnr,\· Xl'\\·s!f'ttpr.
(:~) :\[i:-<I'l'llllllPOlls-prl'pnrp<l various stntpUll'llts, tly('rs, 1'1('.. illl'ludillg': Qut's-
, J iOll!lIl i fI' I () ~ I lldy Tour lIll'UI hl'rs ; A(' 1'<'" photot I'll: I sl'ril's : Brol ht'rhoo<l lIlt'ssHl;e;
p,\!hlidl,\' fo)' H.,bim:oll !lIIII'ht'OIl.
!l'1w ( '11.\ lIDl.\ :\" ,r ollld
\' Oil id011 ti f y t] ll~ HI>yel'PIH.l KarT Hap hr and
:\1 r~, H(l~e lIa Iprin ? ' .
~1r, ll,\~DIEH, \\\'I\. '11':-;, Ho:-;p Halprin W;l~ nding'chnirl11Hn of the
.\11lpri('nn ~P('l ion of thl' .Jewi~h .\g-PIWY. ~ll(' wn~ "ic(' chail'lllan of
the .Jpwi:-:h Ag-PIH'Y for I~I'lH'l. I nc. I 1I1\1~t :-:ay that 1 hnvl' lIP\'pr spen
r bi Il'd thp:-:l' rpIH)\,I:-: hdol'l'. It is qHitp likply, lind 1 dO!l't question thl' fact
1;: hilll thai', copi\':-; of thp~e thing-s may han I..H'Pll :,Pllt 10 :\lr~. Halprin. Habbi
10 flIp .Jp\,()IIW l'!lg-PI', to whnnl tltpsl' rl'}lol'lS an>. :lddrp:,:-:I'(1. i:-; thl' pXN'utive
dilvclor of thp ;\ml,\'il'an Zioni::it. COlllll'il. The Rp\'I'I1'IHi Karl Baehr,
as I J'('call i:-: tllP dil'l'l'tor of'thl' .\lIll'ri('all Christiall Palestillp Com-
Till' ('lI:\lHMA~. Alld tlll'st> l'PIHll·ts t!lPll nppnrplltly WPI'l' I'PIHlcJ'pd
pr!I'I', by H(~". Karl Hllphr to Habbi ,TPl'OlllP 1:ngl'l' with u copy going to Mrs.
Bo~l' Halprin ill Y01lr org-anizntiOlI: is that cO!Ted? I just. wanted
to idpntif:y them for thp rpcord. I lUll not 'going to rend thptn.
ddle Mr. lL\1\nn:R. For t}w rN'ord. Mr. ChnirlllHIl, 1 Sf'P thl'se I'l'ports
fire ll.ddn>S&'d by tllf' Rp\'PI"('nd Karl Blwhr to .Jerome Unger.
r (io not SN' allY l'pfprpncl' to ~frs, Balprill. fl

The ('1I~\lH1\L\~, It says nt till' bottom of pn g\-t , "copies to Mrs.
Judit 11 Epstpill"; who is sill' ~
Mr. I1.UDI,FH, ~hp is l\ IlH>mbpr of tlH' .\ merican Zionist Council.
The CH.\IR~f:\~. .And ,"l\fI~. H()~ Halprill." She is ill your
Id llnd
tlrticle or;.rltn ization.
~f r. HAMMER. Hilt 1\hs. Ros~ lIn lprin as 1 1'('('1\ 11. WfiS also u member
of t]w AmPrie:lll Zionist Council. Mrs. fln]prin is u former president
114 :'i~-t. {~1 pt,9--7
of lIaclassah and nul" \\"ell lla n' 1H'PIl cl('~i~ll:dpd-I ht'lien' sill' \\":l~ \fr, 1
dE'signatE'd-as Olle of' the J!ada~sah n'I'n,~pntatiy('s to the .\lllPrican I Jill ~\lIIi
Zion ist ('oulle iI. I
I Tlw (
Tllfl tJ\l':":'P l'('pol1<; in your tilp::;?
CII,\IIDL\:". "TprPll't
,) )11'. 11
:\fl'. Ih:\£:\II-:I<. TllPv \\"(,I't' not in IIIV filt'~. ~il'. Tlli,,,:, i:-: tll(' lir~1 tillll' alld the
r haH~ ~pen tllpill. I 'doll't kll()\". \';l\\, rIll'" 1ll:I\' ll:\\'p ]}('pn ~l'nt 10 all adi\'
:\fl'~. I Ialprirt ill Ill'!' imli"idual (,;lp:H'ily alld iJI\'Y 1'\1:1." llan' lll'pn ill her America
lill':-:, it.
TIll' C'lI,\ITDI.\:". ('an yOIl (lptpl'lIlillP for 11:-; \\llPlll\'l' 01' not thr<:;,t' Till' C
\\PI'(' ill your Ii ]1':-; 01' not ~
II:llW'i 11
, \11', (h\DfEH. I ('an :-':l\' to ,\'1111 I'i,~.!:llt no'''. I 11:\ \\' ) I l ' n ' ] ' :-,pPlI tilp~(' hpj' in Y(
J'(\Jlol'l,., hpf',}I't" \II'. )1
\fl'. BOI'l\.:-:n:l:", :\£1'. C!lail'lliall. 1ll:1\' I :":I,\' a \\ol'd 10 \'Otl aholl! sill\'e sh
t hi..; ~ behalf ()
"r It p ( ~ II \ I J ~'I .\ , . ) - t ~ ~.
'I'll(' (
\11". B(II I~:-:TU', Tlll'I'\' i~II'r :\!l" dOll1>r ill 111\ IllilH1 that Illl':"P r('- \'0111' att,
P()I't...; \\Pl"(' ill tllp till'~ or \II", Hai(ll'ill hlll ir i~il'l ,,],,;\1' \\11t'11l\'l' lilp,\' - ,r1'. B
\H'!'P :-'I'11t in !lpr cap:witY:1:" CIt:1il'lll:11l OJ" "i(,l' ('h:lil'lllall of thl' .\gPllcy T11r ('
or~:II,i;:;ltioll or \y111>fill'l' Ih,'\' \\1'1'1' ;,-P11( fo hpl'\' ill Ill'l' Iwr,olla] ('ap:lc- ,yp <Ii
it\~, I aliI :"111'1' thpv \\'f'1'(, h;llll tll(' fill':" of ~Tr~. lL\lprin ill 'Ir~. Hal- hIps of ,
p;': 11'-; PIliI'i'. '
TI1\I('IL\[IDf\:\'. III f]ll,.TI'\\'i:-;h .\gl'll('\' ~ \fr. H(
:\fr, BO{'KSTETX, In the Agency, bec:ll1se that is whrre her office is, .:\fl'. ella
~ll(' ,~('t ,..; IH'I''-'OII:1 I ('(\ITp..;p01H Il'11I'f' :llld P('t'~OIl:11 ('ollllllllli i";ll iOIl" 1 hprp, Tllp ('
too. 1'l'(·Ol'd.
TIl(\ C'IT,\TH\f.\x. Hilt at Ihp timp of tlll'sP ]'{'port:-: thp .\~"'lIc:r W:IS
sllpportill~' tIll' .\CP('.
\Ir. BI'\'f\:-:TU:". Tll:1t i:-'ClllTl'd. 'Yith
TflP ('II,\llnr.\x. It "'(l1l1dn'l lw---- fund I'a is
'fr, BOlf\"'ITI'\. If ('oll1d \'Pry wl'l1 hp in pitJlrr cap:wity. ad ll:l 1 fl
1'111' ('[I \"nl\~. It \\ollld h(' C1uilP Ilol'mal that ha\'ill~- heing SIlP- (,OIT,'<'1 ~
pOI'!t' 4 1 ;,r Ill:,! t j'IlIt', till'\' \Y01l1d \'I'pOI'I. to yOll, wOldd if [jot ~ \1!'. 11
.\Ir. }f\'t\lUL \'01 thl' ,\llll'l'i(':lll (,ill'i~tial1 P:lll':"lilll' ('Ollllilillt'p, The (
nof to II". Til,'\' \yoldd I'l'port to ill(' .\llll'l'i,,:tll Ziol\i:-:I COllll<'il. :tlld your pre
qill do, Inc., is t
:-:1 I'!'()I{T OF ,\('P(' \fr. 11
The (~
TIll' ('II\1!nf\x. HilI tllJ'OIl"lJ Ill<' .\IIll'l'i(':tll Zi()J\i,,1.('oll1lcil von
to UIA i
('ontrihutillg to rlll'il' "I I Pllort . YO), WI'I"\' iIlIPI:I':"tl'd in ",hat'the
\11'. H
AIIWril':l1l Zionist ('Ol1lll'i]----
:\fr. H.\:\DfEH. "T
p "I'I'P Illaking' it po~"ih]t' for thp .\llll'ri(,HlI Zionist
hutioll (
('ou1lcil to support t hI' Amrricall C'hri~1 ia 11 Pa ]rst illr ('omm it tre. tributiOT
Tllf\ C'JI.\T1nf.\X. T11:lt i~ right. In addit
1\11'. H.o\l\I1\n:n. But I don't r~a]] rver havillg' been prese.nt. at, a di~­ and abo
('ussio/l ill thr .\l1ll'l'iclllI .Tpwish Ag-f'lWV at which t1l(> affairs of nIb
larger, fl
.\lllPl'icnll Chri"tinn P:llp"til\l' \Ollllllit'tpp (':lilli' lip or where tlwse the total
things, these rrports, wrre rrceivNl 01' commented on. 2fl pf>rc{'
\fr. ROn{STErx. 'fa\' 1 say a. thill!! off tllP record, ~rnafod Thee
Tlw CUATR1TAX. (}o nlwad ;lI1d put it Oil thr I'(l('ord. .
l\fr. BfWl\.RTF:TX. This is a. story r will t~ll yOIl privilt\?ly in connt:>c- Mr. H
tion "ith "'hat happens sOllH'times, lloll of a
The CHAIRMA x. 'VIlen the Zionist Council presents its budget. to ThE', (
you, the item for tlw support of the .\meri<'an Christian Palestine ~fp. I
COlnmittt'e would be includE'd in that., would it not?
,~) ';-:
1il'YP ~ll(' wa-:
ht' .\lIIPl'i('an
,rl'. TT,\:.'\DfER. Y('s, ::;ir,i: 'yp
know thaI tlwre is all activity ca11M
111\1 .\lll('l'i('all ~'hl'l-;tiall Tj~lJp..;ti\l(, (·ommillee.
TIll' ('II.\IIDl.\:'\. y(:'-;,
.\ir. 1I,\:\DIEH. I han 11I'il'lh' !!in~1l \'1)11 \\ 11(\( I kIlO\\" of its origins
t hi' Ii r-.:l Ii 11I1' allli the typl', of \\"ork that it ;lil'l, allt(ill till' .\gcnl'Y il is rpganled as
1)t"'11 ~\'lIt !o
:111 :I\,ti\'ity \\'hi,'ll is 11I'lpl',11 :llld \\1' \}oltld III:I}.;,' all allocntioll to the
H' 1"'1'11 ill Ilpr .A1IIPri(':l1l ZiOlli;;t Council ill (mll'l' m ('Iwule the Council to support
i t . '
01' IlO! thr;;:(' '1'111' ('IUIIOI \:'\. It \\oll1d hI' l'I'a"ollahh' ¥) f\:-':-;llllit', tlwn. that 2\frs.
]J:dW'ill \\,:1:-; pa'rt i('lll:ldy illtpl't':-,tpd :lnd tilat i..; ",hy it \Y;\S -;('nt to
Ill'l' ill \'0111' olli,'(" j...; t 11:11 ,'OIT!'('! (
~rl'. )h,,~,u~. It \\ould 1)(' n':I:-;ollahh' to ~\:-;:-;III1IP tltat p:lrticularly
..;iJI("1 ..;hl' \YH~ :ll:..·() :\ Illl'IIII)(')' of t hI' .\ IIIPl'i(':l11 Ziolli:-;t ('ollllci1 on
LI'II:tlf of I [i1d:l~s:l11.
Th,' ('11.\11:\1 \'\. 'I'h,'\' \\"'1'<'. :1, a 1I1:1((t'r of fa('L gl\'PIl to 1I"; as
JI:II r hl':-'" J'('-
\0111' :It t 01'11('\' 11:1-:illf>d. t'1'41111 \11111' ttl!':-'.
\\,11 "til I' I' t 1", \-
r (I", .\g"II(·~­
. ,r1'. H()I·I\~nT\. FI'<1111 ,lit' li!(,,,',d' \LI':-', IJ:t]plill.
Thr ('11\11(\1.\:\. '1'11:11 i-: right. III \'(Hll' olli,'I'.
1"0) 1:11 (';I pal'- ,\"1' ditl lICit :1-:1;: 1'01' til\' lilt,:-, 1)1' ,il':--. Ilall)I'111. ,\", :\:-,);:(;(I·fol' thf'
ill \1]'-.:, Hal-
till'~ of t Iw "\f!ell('Y ~II)( I t Ill'Y \\'PI'I' 11:lJ1dl'<! t U 11~ ill !'l'SpOllSe to that
reqlll'~t ,
~rr. H(1l·T\~TF1'\. It 1l1:1," 11:1\(' \)('1'11 :111 O\'l'r pYIlC]'O\lS ll('t on llIY part,
\ hpJ" office is. ~rl'. ('11:1 i I'1ll:lll. ,
,:1t i 011-.: I I J() 1'(',
TIIP ('II \11(\1 \'\. 'YpIL T :IPI'I'l'ci:ltf' rh:lt. TIIP} ",ill go into the

'Yit h 1'I'~IH'ct
to yOllr ad i \,it ip,,; in I ranf-;lllitt in~ t hp Ill'/-;)(,f'rd:-, of
flllldr:lisilig to till' ./rl'\l~:lklll .. \gl'lWy prior to !!l(i(), I tnk,' it'\{hat the
it". :1('111:11 flllllll':li:-;illg \\,:l"; dOlI\' lJy th,' l"llil,'d ./l'\yi:-;h .\Plw:lL is that
'f)t>ing- SIIP- ('01'1'('\'1 I

t ~ \II', II.\"\lt:1L Tll:lt j~ l'UI'J'f'('t, ~~I'.

i t 1', "
( '0 Ill) II I The CIL\IRMAN. And that corporatioll trallSlIlittpd a. portion of
'ollll('il, :llld your proce~ds according to your charts to the {"nited Israel ~\pp('al,
II \('., is that l'OITI'I'! ~
'II', Il.\'nlF1L That is COITI'l't, sir.
The ('11.\lID1.\,:\ . •\ppl'oxilltatt'ly what portion of the procpeds went
'olll\('i I YOll
toe I.\ i II, sa v, W;')!) (
ill what 'the
. ~Ir. H.\\[\['EIL.TItI' I"nilt'(l ./I'\\i~h .\ppl':il PI'o('~('ds an' f~i\;txi~~ltr~l
JII :i('col'danl'p With all agl'l'Plll('nt lwtwct'll PL\ and the ,TOlll"r Dl~rl­
'il'all ZiOlli::;L hlltion ('Olllllliltpl' (.JI)('). Tht' hasil' :I(ITI'PPIIH'nt calls foy' that qis-
III it I Pfl.
tribut iOIl 011 It mt io of (;7 perePllt to TTL Hnd ;3a percent to the .IDC.
I n addition t ~H'r(' :U'P at t.illH'S ext l'aol'dillary or s}J('('ial campaigns o\,er
nt, at a dis- and nbo\'e the regular campaigns, in which the UIA share is much
airs of thb larg('}\ and t h{> overall effect of this is to yit:>ld aroulld 75 percent of
ylH'l'~ t llf'~e
th0 tolal fumls l'ais('d by thl' l-nit('d ,lewish Appeal to thl:', UIA, with
2ri pPf('(,llt going to the ,rnc.
ator? The CllAIR~[AX. The UTA passt'd Oil a port ion of these funds to your
ol'ganizat ion, .is that l'oned? The .Jewish ,AgPllcy for Israel, Inc. ~
In ('.()nn~('.-
Mr. HAM'MER. The VIA passed on all of till' funds with the excep-

t ion of a ,-ery, vt:>ry slllall aflmillistl'ativ<6 hudget. •

hlldg-f"t, -to 'I'la' ('HAIRMAN. To you?
II Pa l..,st inA MI'. HAMMER_ To 1I~, yes, si,'.

. .

The Cn . \ Inll.\K. YOllr organization prior to la(iO H'llt the funds to bershi,p dl
YOUT prillcipal in L.:;ta~'l whrre till')" \\pre' uS('ll for chaI'itHo]p or otlwr of these f
pll rposr~. Illade.
~rr. lIA~DIE.H. That i~ rorred, )fr~ Chairmall. 'I'll<' CH
tIlt' ..:\mt'ri
"h. lL~
fUllds (lill
ThE:' CII \IIDI \X. "·lTl' tl11' t'nl1t!'ikuti/lll~ Ill:l\!P to thl' rllitrd .Tl'wish
to the Am
Ap!)('al :llId .I'\l'lltually I':l.~:--~'d Oil l,y..~~lu ~ll'dut'lihll' to thl' dOllors UIl- the ,rorIl
dl'r till' c'ha!'ltallll' ('Oll! !'llllit I(\ll~ "~,\'t lof of tilt' (:lX l'()dl"~
~lr. IT . \~DrEIL Yps, ~i... ~,
TI\l'. ('II.\I1DU!'l. l'rillr tll tht> tillll' YOU tpT'lllillatt'd YOllr n'.~hl r:1(II)11
, Jq>llrlllWI
The ('II
I di,'i<lll:l]s
lIlldlT t lip Forpi:-''11 A~pnt Re'gistrat ion .Act? i
! .\11'. ]1.\
~f r. IT.UDt m. Y (':'. sir.
I:--sut'd by I
The ('I 1.\1 JUt \\'. ~\l'l' thn' tod:lv dpt!llctible t~'lkillg into account
your pn':-'I'llt rrorg:111izrt! st:ttus? . IUlllytotl
:\fr. II \:'oDIElt. Yps, sir. their own
'1'111' ('11.\llnl.\~. ('OIl1d you ft'll u:-: what !wl'rl'lltagl' of till' flll1d~
they, ill tll
The ('I[
tllHt you n·\,\,j,,'d fnlln tll\' CI.\, till' '"nitI'd br:l'(,\ .\P!ll',Il, that you
~rr. 11.\:
}Ja~:--"d Oil to I Ill' ,I ('\\'I~1I .\gl'lll'y ill .1 I'l"Il~:L!PIll?
Tltl' ('n,
~fr. Ih'1:'o11-:11. F\:('ll~l' 1l\P, :)t'll:ltor. I :1 III :lfraid I didn't qllitr 11l1drr-
~Ir. IIA:
~t:llld thaI CJllt'slioll.
U'lItS (II' n.
1'1-:1(1'1-:\''1'.\\;1: Ut' I-'l :\IIS 1:1-:1 '1.[\TIl l\Y I 1\ [fn :":--:\11'1''1'1:11 TO .TERl'S.\LF.l\I
/'l'llllt :til
JIIl'111 bt'I''--.

Thl' ('11.\IIDI \:". "'Il;!! IH'l"t'I'llta!:I' of tbl' fUlltl~ tll:lt yllll 1'l'('I'I\l'tl
frolll tht' {"I.\ \\hil'h yOIl jll:--l :--:11<1 \\t' 1);1:0-'1'<1 cHI l''ol'l'pl for :ldlllllll~­
Thl' ('11
t rat i\·p t'XP('Il~l'S- what part of rhl' flllld...: that ynll !'('t'pi,"('d did yOlI
pas", 011 to till' .11'\\1:-:11 .\gl'llt''y [llr 1:-'1":11'\ in .Tl'l"ll:,alrln l til'!' t Itl' HI'
\f r. If.\ :\DH~H. Prj'or 10 1!l(;O ~ .\11'. E.\
t'!]] pt ; :\i'S,
Tilt' ('II.\IIDI.\N. Yl'~.
.\11'. Ih:\DIJ-:H. "'P \\'(It!11111lakl' all thl' fl111,b w(' rl"'.l'i\'('d frolll tIll' The CII .
rI.\, It'~s 0111' 0\\'11 adlllilli:-:tl'ati\'l' I'XpI'IlSPS, H"ailahll' for IIsr ill Tsral'l l\ir. HAl
or :11 tJIl'ir dirl'dioll. TheCH,
Tltl' ('II\llnUN. lIIl\\" dill you rq!l1nl the fllnds yOll p!lid to I hl~ Mr.lLu
TIH,~ (:11
..Antt·ricall ZiOllist ('Olllll'i! ~ Thn" . Wl'rr \'rrv. S\lhst~lntia1.
:\11', II.DOIER. Y ('s, si r. all PXl'Ill}Jt
~Ir. IT.<\.;
Tht' CII.-\IIDI.\~" 00 yOIl ('all thrill at!lllillls1r:ll.iu· PX'pl'll:--;h)
The- ell
~Ir. J IA~
The ell
~rr. TLnnrEH. 1'11£' funds"l I){'lip,'(', paid o\"('r to thp .\nlPril'an taxation ~
Zionist Council WE:'. rE>g'lll'dl'd as l'(Hnillg fron1 non-P.T A ,y~
call thr 8hekrI funds, thpsi' "'Hi' funds Wlli<'ll hr]ol1g'f'd to tb·.1 lIsnlpm
fllrHi.''\ Mr.ILu
The ell
Agf'llfJ per Sf', n . n d - - . . . . ~fr.
Thf' C'lIAIR~L\N. ,yltHP dId tltt'v ongrn~tt'?· . tim<' they
Mr. llA:n;m-:H. Tlu"}' origin:ll('(!' frol\l SOllrl'PS outsid£'. the Pnit{'{i don't 1mo'\'
Stn.le~. from Call11dll, from Latin AmPric:l.. and tll<'y n.lso origillfltpd
in thl' Pnitt'd Sl.atr~ frolll Zionist orgallizlltions. The unit of lllf'lll-
hArship:~r n.)£' pltymrl~t o~ lTlf'mhf'l'.ship by Zionist ~rg-anizn.tio.ns to tilt'
"·ol"111 ZI01l1st OI'(TnnlzatlOn Wl\S III tlto:-;t\ da\":"
. n. slwkrl, whIch IS nn

lI11l'if'nt. lIrhrf'w coin, and tllp alllOllTlt of funds so t~l'f'iv('d IlS lTwm- TheCH.
is, during
e fund.s 10 bprshi,p dups, if you will, W(,I'f' I"E:'fPITpO to H."'; shE:'kel funds. It is out
Ie or otlwr of these funds that pa}IIll'llt s tu the ..:\llIeriLl.l.Il Zionist CouIlcil was
'I'll(' CtL\IlL\t,\~. 'Yhy did t Iwy pay them to you and not directly to
tIl\' AnlPl'il'lUI Zionist Counl'il'~
:D\'( 'TIBLE \11'. IL\?>B1ER. B{\('Huse the alllount of money collected for shekel
t llllds did l!ot ('oillcidl' wit II t hp llmount of money which was paid
('d .J('w i:-;h to tht' ~\lIIt'l'il'lln Ziollist Council. The surplus !Lfter payment went to
I() II () r-s UI1- the \Vorld Zionist Org-anizfttioI\ in .Jerusalem, to the orga.nization
d(' pa rlllH'1\ t.
The CIIAlHl\f.\:\. You say the shrkel funds were contributed by in-
',~ 1.... 1 1':\ t II ll\
di\'idllab ill tlti~ ('(lUlltr\', ~()1II(' of them were.
\11', II \:11:11 Lie \Y l·ll, i hl' slll'kl'l fund:::; \1 l'l'l' l"" illl'nced by [1 receipt
I .... supd by I lip indiyidual organizations. They wpre not paId individ-
:0 account ually to till' .\gi.'.l\cy. Tltl'Y WHe paid t.o their own organiza.tions and
their OWIl organizations, the major Zionist organizlltlOns or groups,
t hoy, ill t Ul1l, H'Jll j t (l'd t hl'sl' sill'ke I f IInels tot he .T PW is h Agl'llC'Y.
I 1\1' fUlld~
Tlto ('Il.-\lIDL\X. Tlwse contributions wero tax exempt ~
I, that y011
.\1 r. J h 'DfER, ~ 0, sir.
Thl' ('IL\lIDI.\:-';. To lhp donol', Thry didn't take a tax rx('mption~
lilf' undf'r-
.\11-. IL\'DIER.l don't br]je\"t~ so, sir; they were smallaII1ounts, 50
(Tlds or a doll:tr rl'pn'spllt ill:! all illdi\'jdulIl 'lIIPTll~r'ship for 1 year.
Fllr PX:llllplr. if un organization had lOt) or 150,000 members, it would
1'('Jllit :111 :III/I)lllIt sltfhcil'nt to (,0\'1'1' the membership dues for its
I 1'1'( 'I' I I I'd
. : 1./ II t 1111---
Till' ( Oil \ lIDI,\ ~ err ynll prior to HH;U exempt from tuxation un-
d did
0 " .

dl'!' till' ilJlplll'aull' provisions of the code~
\11'. I r \:11 ,'uc Tho .Jpwi:'h ~\gell(,Y 1'01' Israel, Inc., was tax eK-
l'lilpl: Yl'~, ~II',

fr01\l t ht'
T1H' ('II,\llUI.\~. "T
as the United Jewish AppeaH
1\fr, HAMMY-H. Yes, sir.
p i 1\ brat']
The CHAIRMAN. And the United Israel Appeal ~
lid to tht~
Mr. HAMMER. Yos, sir.
Thp ('IL\IlDI:\Xo And the Palestino FOlllulatiull FUlltl, Wt're they
:tlll'XPlllpt from taxation'~
~fr. ILuDfF~Ho Tllp)' \\\'1'(' all exrmpt from t.axation, sir.
Thf' ('llAllDL\S. Does that. tax-rxompt status continue?
:\1 r. I h,orEH. 1 t ~t ill contillllPs to t his day.
The CIIAlR:\IAN. Is tho Americall Zioll~st Council exempt from
,\ l1lprieflll t aXil t ion?
Mr. I LUUfEH. 11wliE:'\'f' it is so, sir.
nds \'Vo
The C'HAIInIAN. And th~ .Tewish Telegraph Agency?
Mr, II A1\DfER. I do not kno\\' their present status. I do know at one
tinw thpy did pnjoy n. t.nx l'xflmption. That was some years ago. I
If'. 1 Tnitt'{l don't know whltt their status is today, -
)ri fri II nt I'd
of nH'm-
OTlstotln' FUNII TR.A1\s:\£ITT,\LS
liell is lIll
ThE:' CHAIRMAN. 'Yllllt llre tJle arrangements between the UIA, that
as 1lH'-1ll-
is. during the period prior to W60, between the VIA lUH.l the Agency,

Inc., which a.-;SUl'l'S that all fmltIs will Ol' P:l~.....'tl fl'ltlll the l'!.\. to the ~I I',
A,gency, Inc. '? is ;'t!;"i
)11', "H.-\:'tD.IER, The gpnpi'al pllrposl" ~Ir. Chair,lllan, of thl' l'I.\. ~t J'('l'l
was to aet as a fUlld-raisillg ill~tnlllll'lll for "ork III br:ll'l, alld III :l Thl\
letter givell SOllle tilHo in lU51 or H);):2, iJldic~tl~d th:u it \~'Oldd t Ul',u t hI' 01
over this IllOJlPY, I don't recn.ll eYer Ita v iug ~(,l'n ltuythmg. TIlls follow
mati l~l' has Ill'Vel' como up. It has jll?t bel'lI a~::illl1ll'd t il;~t .thi~ is tIll' ,\1 r.
way It would operate. It was never mtl'11th't,1 that the 11111pd. hrael '1'11\'
App('al oe an operating agency, and tillS IS the \yay It, has bl'l'n n'('onl
JOllP, (Th
Thl' CIU1R:'tL\X, ])0 'you han· fl, copy of t]\lll Ipttl'd The
~II', 1l.\\D1ER. I will look for it. ~il'. 10 1"\'<]\
1'1\(1 ('II \lInI.\~, YO\! h:I\'I' ~Pt'll it: 1t:IY!' YOU :-'t'l'1I ~ll('h a kttt'!' ~ aHirm:1
Mr. TI,,,nu:n, In !!l;d, wht'll tl\(, l'1.\ \\;18 l't'orgalllzl'd, alltl the "Till
.Te\\'i~h :\:dional FI111d ('.\.('JIlllpd fl'Olll tIll' l'I.\, rlll'l't\ \\'as :-;\l.l1W SOI'l \\'Ito ll'
of It'tlt'r ~'i\'l'Il, I haHll't seell it for many vears and I don't re- .\11'.
cnll,-- ' , ,
TIlt' CIl,\IIDI.\X, 'Y\,rp yOIl at that tillH' ~t'l'l'\'t;lry of thp ..:\.gt'llcy ~ TEST!]
:\11', H,\:H:'IEI:, Xo, :-:ir. I don't h\'lil"'p so, :-ill', ~t'cl'ptary of the
UL\. !
'I'll\' ('lJ \llDI.\:\, '\'1,11. of :llIY .\!.!t'III'\ ~ Thl'
.\11'. lI.\:"IDfElL \r\'ll-- . ' , )11",
Till' CII \11:\1 \:\, "'t'n' ,\'0\1 "Ollllt'l'lt'd \\ illl \'1111('1' of tllt':-:l' org:llliz;l- The
tions ~ :\1r.
Yl':--: I \\:1" ('OIlIH'\'lt'd 1\ illt rIll' .h'l\ i:-:l1 .\g:I'lIl'y. Guzik
Tlw ('II \ liD 1.\''\, III \\'11:11 ('ap:\l'ity ~ 1ll':I ri H:
.\11', lI,\\[\n~H, EX\'('lltin'dirt,(,tlll', pl'at If
Tlw ('11\IID! 'I\', \rl']I, ('oldd \1111 1l1:1].;\, :\\':li1:l111" til lilt' I'PllIlIlitlt'f' sol utp]
that 1t'tt('r~ , Mr. ('I
.\ I 1', II, \ \ [\[ ElL 1 r 1 l': I 11 fill d it. S i 1': \'l'S, :-' iI', • him,
(:--;,'t' :1 Pllt'llil i x 1. p, 1ll1. it t'lll ]1.)' TIU'
Tlw ell \11:\1.\:\. ,rl,II, "1',11:111111](,1', it i...: ~'I'ltill!.! 1:Itl'. nlld \\'(' will up,
ndj o l\I'l\ tlli:, lll':ll'illg' :11 thi...: tilll\', YOIl \"il1 l't'lI111ill 1111dp)' ~llhpO('lla, Do,
and I h0I'II:1I y01l1' p:ll'lit':-:1 l'OIl\t'llit'II\'t' yOIl 1':111 :-:lIpply liS ,,'dh tho :\11'..
" :tl' i P 11 S d I Ie 11 III f' III :-' w 11 i (·11 Y 01 I II :l 'I' I' :I ~T, 't' d to:, 11 P]I IY 11 S, Tilt' '
:\11', 11.\ \1\1 FI:, ~Ir. CI':lil'lllall. Ill:l\, I :-::1\' I \\'ill do IlIV I)('st to ('x- \rill
pt'dill' tJll' illftll,'lllarioll .~'(lll,h:ln' l't'q;Il'...:tt'(I.', 1 would likl~ 10 Pt~il,lt Ollt .A lllrri(
t h:lt ;1:-' :1 jlllhlll' OI"!!:lIlIZ:llIOIl \\t' l't'!!:1 I'd It :\S 0111' l"!'-':!H)llSlhlllfy to in that
(,'()0!lt'rall' :lS flllly :1:-; \\1' po:-,-...:i\ll,' (':111 \\'ith this t'oll1mitlt'1' :Jlld \\'P will 1£1',
hf> g-Iad to do so, I hold l11y:-'1'1 f ("('ady :11ld :1111 :11 YOUl" di~jlo~al ",1\('11- ('lIe\,-
('\"('1' yon \\:lllt Illt'. ad.;li1li
Tl;p ('IJ ,\ !IDU~, Th:J 11k "011 \'\'1'\' 111111'11. I lO)':I I ('
"[t·, II,\"'[EH, Tltnllk yoil \'N\' 1;'Il('h, Thr
Tho (' It \ llDf \:". 'I'hl' t~oTllm i t i l'l~ jc; :Id i Oil I'lll'd 11111 i]':! ::1(), prp\'lOI
(,y]\(·\'('tlpOI\, :11 I ::~;) p,III.,'tlll' ('plll1;tilft'l' \'t'('t':':'t·d, II) n'C01l\'t'IlG at befol'P.
~ ::)(1 lUll., r Itl' salll\' day.) , :\1 r.
1 !)~5 1';
Tl,,' C ll,\ 1R:\f ,\ x, '1'11(' con lin i It f'(' \\' i 11 con It' to Ol'tll')', 1 \\'ll
~[\". H:lmli1l. \Yill fo)' lhl' I"l.'(·tll'c! VilliI'
"011 st:ltt' 1I:lllJ{' and Y01lr hOlllP uti
l' Xl'\'
l\rldl'(~';; :l1ld hllsilH\';;~ :ldrlrt~s, plrnsf', sil". ' and til
;, ACTl\T[,IE~ UF ;\(;E~T~ OF FURU(;:-'; PHI.:-\CIPALS IN U,S, 1307
to the .\It,. II.ulu:-;.' .:\[y lIa1ll1' l:-i L.;adol'P Hantlin. "Iv lHI'~illf'::'s Hddn':-;.->
i:-; .-'lrl Park .\\"('lllI\', :\('W York . .:\Iv homo addn'~ i::; S~ll Grenfell
t' l'L\ :-It 1'('\,1, Kf",d;:l rdpl\::' 1.\ N. Y. '
\( I ill a '1'11\\ ('11.\11::\1 \:-; . .\11'. I1:111lIill, Il:ln' yOIl had an opportunity to rt'ad
d till'll III\' \l11l'llillg ~tat('IIlt'lIt oll(linillg Ihl.' pllrpO~I'S and pro('l'd\ll't:\-> to be
TIl·is foIlo'Yl'd:lt this Jlle~'t.ill~:d
.; i:-; tlu' .\1r. II.ut I.l:-;. I IJ a n.'. :-; i r,
. bra('\ 'I'll\' ('II.\lt::\1 {:,\, "'itlJol1( objectiollth:lt ~tatf'I1lPllt will bt' put ill the
.::3 bl'(.'!l l'\'col'd at t his point.
(TIIt'dorIIlIH'\lt !'l'f1'l'\·t! to :lpp\';l1'~ 1':ll'lil'l' ill tlll' Il':\t, p. I:!I:!.)
Till' ('II.\lIDl.\X . .\11'. 1l:IJltlin, il i:-i thl' pr:I('t i('p of t!li~ ('olJllllittee
In n'<{llin' \\ it\H'~~l.·:- It':-tifyillg :1::: to 111:lttf'I'S of f:\('t do ~o UpOJl oath or
kttl'l'1 allil'lJlat JOI\.
1\d tIll' "'ill yon Jllf'a~\' I'i~l'.' l)(} yOll :-iolf'nlllly :-'Wl'ar td tt'll the trut h, the
1I{, ~Ol't "hok 11'1Itlt. nothing hut tllt' Il'ut11, ~o h\'lp yon God?
In't rc- .\11'. J 1.\ :'111.1 :'\. I St,),:§W~.,ll
~. .... r


'1'11(· ('!1.\11DI.\:'\' . • \l'l' yUIl :1l'('OI\lP:lllipd by fOllll:"p1, :\[1'. Ib11l1ill(
.\Ir. lluTI.1:'\'. I :llll,~il'.
~;llli 1.:1- Tlw ('11.\11\:\1.\:-;. '''ill ('(ltlll,,;('1 idt'lltifr ltilm:l'lf for th~ ]"(·t'onL
.'\11'. H<!1"I\SIFl:\. jlv 11:1 Il\(' i~ :\l:llll'ic~~ ,1. HOllI;:~t(·ill of thr tirm of
Guzik .\: HOllk;;!<'IIl, ,':tll J)J'():ldwar, :\l'\\' York ('it\'.
:\fr. C!t:lil'lI1:III, 1lI:1\' I :11 thi~ tiil\(' ~t:lt\' tl1:\1 :\ll'~ II:1lltlill h:1~ some
ltl':ll'ill~ <Iillil'll]!\', :lIl't! il 1l1:1\" 11\('1'1'1'01\., hI' 1lt'<'t'~;;:lI'\' for hilll to 1'0-
PP:lt tIll' <{IIP-.:t iO;1 or 11:1 \'p tl;p qll('~t iOIl n'IH':lll'd to t'\ im to I\I;\\;:(' :lb-
IHlittt'o :-,ollltl'ly t'l'I'(:lill th:l[ h(' J'('plips prop<'rly to tIll,' ql1l'~tiOIlS \\'lti('h you,
:\11'. ('!uin\l:111, or :IllY of thl' 1Ill'lIlbl'l'!:' of tl\(\ fOtlllllittl'l' lIIay put to
TI\(· ('II \11:\1.\:'\. '1'1I:llIk you \"('I'y 1I111\'h. I \"ill try my lwst to ::·qH'nk
P()('1\ a, 1)0 yOI1 h:I\"(\ :11l o!wllillg' pn'p:ll'\'ll sta(('III\'lIt yon wi:,h to llIake~
itlt tho 'II'. II \111.1:'\. ~(). ~ll'; .\11'. I l:t III I\1('1" h:ld:l pJ'('pan·d ::;tat('IIH'IIt.
T I\(, (' I 1 \ II" I.\ X . I Ill\( I('I'~ t :I lid ,
to {''(- \ril] YIlIl-.:lall' for tl1(' n'\'III't! yutll' p(\~iti()11 ill t1\(· .T('\\'i~h .\gt'lH'Y-
illt oUI ;\ IlIPl'ic:llI :-1\.1'1 iOll, I 111'., :l~ \y\,11 :1-':, ill hl'id, t IH\ dllt ips \\'h ieh you hn r€l
I i I V t () ill 1!t:11 Jl(),.;it iOIl.
H' 'will :\11'. IluI1.IX, 1 :1111, ~ir, Ihl' p:\l'nJtin' din'dol' of the ,T('wish .\g-
"']H'!l- {'III',\" .\ Illt'l'it':111 :-It'd iOll, I Ill'., ;llId 1 :1\11 I'\'~i)('lll::,ihip fnl' t1l(' g<\IH·r'al
:\(ltllilli~()':dioll Id' tltat O),~:llliz:llioll. L alll abo ~t'l'l'l'tary of til{' cor-
]lora t t' h ( ) d , \ " . ' •
Thr ('11.\11::'11 \X. ('ollld \'011 g-in' liS a \'{,I'V hri('f outline of YOllr
1.)l'I'\·iolls (':\\H')'i(,tll'e, po-.:il i;lll~~ ~\ h\'11 did yon h('('olll(' t his, and H iittle
heron' .
. ':\(1'. F1.\:\ILI~. YI\S, .:\fr. ClwinllHII, I joil)(·d tllp st~fl' of the .Tpwish
Ag'I'IH',Y 1'0)' 1:-'1':11'1, ( hl'lI klw\\"n a~ t he ,Je\\"i~lI ~\g('Yle'y for Pall'st illl', in
l!>.t,-) rig'ht ;lftpl' IllY ,\nl~' ~pn'iec, as PI'PSS oUic('r ill the \Yashillgton,
D.C., ollieI' at that t illil'.
L \Y;l~ (I'HIlSfl·!'t't'd to til" ~l'\\" York ofliec in l!H!1 with the title of
. hOlllt' ('xl'('utiH' as:-ii~l'.!!, 11\ In;)!) 1 \\,:IS nppoillh'd administratiH' Ilil'C'dor,
llJld tht'n with Uw et't'atioll of the .Allwriclln Section, Inc., ill April

1960 I continued with that organization, and in early 1961 became

the executive director of the Jewish Agency-American Section, Inc.
The CHAIR)IAX. Is it Jour-- Mr. H
Mr. HAMLIN. Pardon me. . I
. The Cll,\IRMAN. Go ahead. .
~Ir. I-LUILl~ . •Just one word. Prior to Ifl4;) I was in the lJ.S. Army,
sening in the European theater of operations. . .
The CJIAJTDr.\~. If I underst~lnd it. correctly, you ha,'e tl'}B poSJtlOn M:r.H
now in the .J l;'\\"ish AgE'ncY-:~l1l('riean ~ect lOll, which rOlTespollds The C
with the position ~fr. Hammer had in its prPll!:>cessor, the ,Je"'ish Mr. H
The (
Age,ney '? •
whole be
~Ir. HAMLIN. That is r.orrect., sir. \
The ('IL\m~L\x. \Yhirh w('c,tIl I~C.: is that ('O]Tpct?
Mr. H
l\1r. HAMLI:">[. That is C'orrret.
The C
.- ~fr. H
J EWISI J A(;}:X(,Y-A~rFJ:I('.\:'\ S}TTIO:'\. 1 :'\C., ..\XI) J FWI:"II .\GEXCY
EX 1-:( '1''1'1 \'E
The C
;\fr. H
'I'll(' CJI.\mM.\ ~. The .J ('wish Agency--Amprican Se.ct ion, InC'., is, I The C
und('rst~lnd, a ~f'\\' York lJIel1llwT'ship rOI'porat.ion organized inl!160'? ment of
Mr.IL\l\ILIN. It is, sir. Mr. n
1'118 CIJAIRM.\X. And since 19GO it ha.s bee,n registered under the act, of tIl
FOI't'ibI11 Agents Hegistration Act of 1n;)8, as amended, as un agent '1'lw, r
of t.he Executive of -the ,Jpwish .AU"PIWV for hra('l in ,JE'l'lIsalcm? rael men
~fr. HAMLIN. ;\11'. Chairman, '\:oul<1 YOll just relJeat the datp when Mr. 11
that filing took place? t' rnnw 11 t
The ell.\lI;)l.\ x. 10GO. 'I'll\' ('
l\fr. ITAML1N. Hl60: that is ('orN>Ct. ,,[ 1'. H
The CHAIRMAX. The rel:ttionship betwf'f'n the Execllti"e and the bPI' of t.l
Anwrican Section. is this contraetllal or not? TI\(> C
Mr. I-Lnfux. Th(' .\nwrican SpdioJl is a pad, of thr worldwide :\fr. II
body c:1]]e(l tlIP ,Jpwish AgPllC)" Ex('(' lIt ivt'o Tht' .Tpwish ~\~('n('y in the E
Executive is cOlllpo~('d of 2'.2 inJi,'iduals, of which 6 reside in the t Iw a I'('H
United Stat('s, and :so the ~\m('ricnn Seetion is p,1l't of tho woddwic1<, :\f 1'. },
oq.ranizat ion. Shazar,
Mr. nOUKSTEIN. ~{a.v I be of some as.sistance, :\fr. Chairman? as you 1
The CJI.-\IR~[A:N. Y ('S. TIll' (
Mr. BOPKSTEIN. Tlw Ex('('utiw, as '''as st:1t.f'.d this morning. the -Ew('ut j,
Executive of HlP .Tf'wish Agency is ill ,Terll~l1em: the ~\n1C'l'ican S{'('- :\[1'. I
tion is exactly what it. COTlllot.p.". It is tlH>, AmE'rirml S(>dion of th~
Exeel1tiy~ wl;ich reside in til{' United States and functions for and on HE
behalf of the Exccut.i n~ in .T prlls:11em.
The CHAInMAN. I was trying tD clarify for the 1'e,('on1 precis.ely TIJ(' (
what the word ~~Exrcutive" mt'al\~ hrrr. Do('s it nwan the EXP('lltiv(>, tionship
committe.e of the .T {',wish Agenry? the Exe
:Mr. BOUKSTI:IX. It is-do YOIl "'ant mp to answer or tht' witnps."? Americ~
The CUAIR1\lAX. The witneSs should answer this. Mr. I
:Mr. BOtTKSTEIN. The , can a.llswer. rnited
~fr. ILnrLI.N It is in 'i'SSf'Tl('(, tIl(' EXf'('lltin cOlilmittee. trol, sir
11H:'1 enA IRl\l.\ ~. Of the.T p,,'ish A ge-,nry ~ Tlw. (
Mr. HAMLIN. Of the ,TE'lwish Agency; that is right. :Mr.l
a vote 0
The (
Section, Inc.
The CtlAIR~IAN. And it is composed of 22 people?
Mr. HA-l\ILIN. Pardon me?
The CIL\.IHlfAN. Of 22 people?
he 1) .S. Army, ~fr. HAJ\ILI~. Of:22 individuals: yes, sir.
The ('HAJRMAN. _\nd six of those live in the United States?
'e the position l\fr. II.UlLIN. Correct, sir.
It COI"l"t'sponds ! The CII.HRl\L\N. So that leaves] 6 of them who live in Israel?
I Mr. HAMLIN. That is right, sir.
1', the ,Jewish
The CIIAJRMAN. Kow are there anv other members? Is tlus the
whole body? Is therp a board of dire'ctorsother than the Exe.cutive?
:\11'. HA;ILIN. ~o, sir. That is the gm'e1'ning body of the Jewish
Agency, the total body.
Thf' CIrAIRl\IA;\l. It is a corporation?
If:; II .\GE:-.iCY :'\fr. lLuILlN. Yes.
The CIL\lHl\LDI. Dot's it have any stockhohlers?
;\£1'. ILnILI~. No: not to my knowledge.
ion, Inc., is, J Thp CII.\IR'L\~. It is incorporated by a special act of the Govern-
1 ized ill 1~){)O? ment of Israel, is that correct?
JI l'. I L\:\lux. The Jewish .Agency, yes j was recognized by special
·ed. under the act of the braeli Parliament. .
, as an agent Tlw CYL\IIDL\X. Are any mrmbers of the Executive living in Is-
'llsalem? rael mPlll!:wr:-; of tIl(' c;.oYrrnment?
he da,tp ,Y!Wll :'\[1'. I LurLl~. :\Ipmbers of our Execut i'oe are members of the Gov-
('I'llIlH'lIt of Israt'l ( Yps. sir.
TI\(' ('IUIIDfA:\'. "'ho are Ou'v ~
:\{)'. H.UI!.I:\'. One 1l}('lI1bel' o{our Expcutive, .:\fr. Eshkol, is a mem-
Itiyc and tlH' !.wI' of t lIP Israeli (;overnmenL
Tilt' CII.\IIDf.\X. '''hat is his position in the Israeli Govel'llment~
If' worldwide ~Ir. I L\'I Ll:\'. lIe is the Minister of Finance. Hut, if I may add,
\\" ish ,\ !!eIH' y in tIll' EXP('lItin~ lw 11a:-; COll1petPIlCl' in OIH' area of work, and that is
reside in th'e t ) II' a 1'(' a 0 r colon iza t ion.
he wol"1dwidt, ~rl·. B(IlKSTEI:\,. If J may add. a lllPmber of the Executive, ~Ir.
Shazal', was the da.y before '.\'Pstenhy ele('(ed tIle President of Israel,
it irma n ? as you prohably noticed in the newspapers.
TIt\' ('II.\IIDL\X. Does this disqualify him to be a I1H'mber of the
morlling. the FXt'('ut iw ~
nwricaJl Sf'.('- ~rr. !Lull.I:\'. Yps: it would disqualify him.
('('t ion of t Iw
ns for a Ild on

'1'<1 preciSl'lv Th(, CII.\lIDL\X. Could vou <lescrib\' how the Executive-the relu-
t iOl1ship hpt\\'ct'n thp Expc'utive and the ~\merican Section, how does
he EXN'uti,:p
t lw H"
Exp('ut i
Ameriran Sertion I?
in ot h('1' \\'onb, exercise control, if it does, over the

~ 1\11'. IL\.l\rLl~. The American St'ction is the representative in the
{~l1ifp<1 ~tat<\s of the ,Jerusalem Agency-did you say exercise con·
trol, sid
The CII.'lHMAX. If it does: Yes. D()('s it exerrise control?
Mr. ILD[LlN. I would say th;tt ill the final analysis there would 00
a vote of all the 22 members.

~rl'. TT,\:\lLIX. Oil an is:,ue whit~l might bind thpln. l\1I

'I'll(' Yes.
C'11.\I1Df.\:'\. hoc (
~Il". II.\~ILI:'\. Blit if lily expprif'ncp would indicalf' :\nythin~. T shall
,",'oll!(l :-::a\' th:lt in ll\:ll(pI'S that dral \\"itll .\Jl\rrir<ln atrai!':,. such as woul
","p han'. 'thl' .Jpl'u:-:a!t>1l\ EXl'l'lIf i,'r J1lOl'r or Ip~~ dl'JH'!Ids OIL tll(' opin- 'I'll
ion~ of rhpi,' 1lll'lllbl'l';-; n'~idi!lg ill tlu' {'lIited ~t:ltl':'. ~h
Thl' ('I I ,·\lTDr.\ x. Dop:s thi:-; ~)I'~alliz:ltiol1 han> :1 :-d of l)\'h\\'~( 'Ill
'II'. Ih:\II.I~. Y l ' s . ' . the i r
Tlte CII.\ll::\r.\:'\. Po "'P han' a copy? (S
.\11'. ~IJ'T\I:'\. \\'(~ It;lVP. :Igaill. :111 Illlep!'t ifil'd ropy and. Iwrhaps, )1I
fOl'lllal1y~ "'l' should l1an~ a fertilipd ropy. ]wrt i
'II'. H(\n"~Tt:I~. .\fr. CI1:lil'lll:11l, WP will hI' g1:ld tn fllrJli~h it. t () ;,11
TIll' ('11\1It:\1.\~. III' :C::lys you will flll'ni:,11 a l'I'l'tilil'd l'Opy of t11r :11'11\'
byl:l\\:-, of 1111' FXI·('llli\I'. I dOl
'\(1'. 1I.\'1I.1:\. Yl':-:: WI' \\"(\\\ld hI' !!l:llltn.sir, er:, ()~
~!r. Hlll·I\.:-:'ITI~. HI' will h:l\l' 1()'l'I'rlih it :1:-: Ill\' :-('\'I"Pl:ll'\". 'I'll
Th,' CIf,\I1DL\:\, Yl':'; j:-; (·oITl'r!.' TlI:lt i~ (It' tIll' }.:xp('uti\'(', \\. as J
XO\\', ."01\ a]:--;o It;l\'\'. ,1, rOl'poration of the AIllPril'an SI,l'tion. It is 1:1 l'gl'
in('()['p41ral\'t! ill this ('011 III ry ~ tn', i
.\Ir, 1'-"11.1:\, YI':-,~ir: :'\('\\' Yo"'~ ~(;II\'. '~r 1
Th\' ('II \11:'1 \'\ . . \1111 .'"Oll ('/lllid :-:lIppl.'" that ~ Tit
:\11'. Htll'h:-.TU". I Ihink tllt'!'l' i..; ;1 lIli~lIl1dl'l':-(;llldill!!. '\[r', Cllair- t e 1'('."; t
mall. Thl' EX\,('llti"I' (If .Jt'rll:-::lll'l\l has no 1)\,1:1",:-:. ' of3n
'I'll(' ('II.\IIDl.\~. .\"O! in .1\'1'11:-<1]('111 ~ • t I'rl';';!
~Ir. H,.urLI:\. Illli:-IIIldl'l':,lood VOll. parl1
~Ir. H(ll'I\~IJ-:l~. I t !lClll!!ht \'o\i \\'I'1'l' T'I,f(,l'l'ill~ to th(' I)\'ln\\"~ of the :\r)
AlJ\l'!'il';\11 ~l'('ll(lll ;llltl tll():-I'.·of ('()llr~l', WI' \\'ill ~lIpl'ly .~'Oll. flll' d
(~('I> apPPIIdi:x. p. I-t 1:2, ilf'lll 1.) 'Ill
TI\l' CII,\lInL\~. '''h,i! :ln' tllC' b:l~il' !!uioplines for the Execut.ive 1\11
iIl,ll'l'll..;;l!\'nl ~ {"lldl'!' what :llltliority dol'S it opl'r;l1c? 'I'll
~rr, II.uru:'\. II i~ tIll' ('o!l:-:Iitlltio!l of t1l(' ol'l2:;\niz:llio!l. 'fl
'I'll(' CII.\llnf.\~. })()l'~ that l'ollstitution ~d, ~lIt 110\\' it :--;hould op- (~
\1 I'. II \ MLT:'{, Y I)~. Thpl'(' is a consl itllt iOIl :md t hpI'e an> standing
rll]ps of I hr Ol'L!:l1lizal i01l,
Tit\' ('" \IH:~l\~. (\nlld WI' h:l\"(' tho"(' thl'!l? Tltosp nre th(' rqlli,,- '(']
alt'llt of t]IP hY]:IWS: Ih;\t i~ \\'Ilat I did not k110\\' I'x:\clly tlu,- tpl'mi- Z:lt if
nolo!!.'" ."()11 11;1'<1, BlIt yon ('ould m:tl.;p t h:1 t :n';) il:\ hh"? . )1
.\11'. I r \ ,\ LT:'\, y('~. <.;ir: I would hI' gbd to. '1']
(See appendix, p. l-~E~, ilrl\l 2.) , C\'-.\

TI\(' no you rx\'cutr and prcparp tllr rrgistr:ltjon?
Cll,\lR:\L\X. 'I
~r('. H(lT-K:"n:I~. 'fl'. Ch:lil'lll:lll, as I am fliP pXIll'1'1 Oil tlIP ~llhjt'rt. blld;
ha\'illg :\dl'd fill' rh(' .\gl'lI('.\" :1' \·(IUIl:-'I'1. T!II' ('(l1l~t illll ion dplil\\';--; tllP T
function of 11\1\ }o:xr('\\t in'. Tlu'J'(' is no docllnwnt that J am :l.waro M
of thnt 1:lys down tIl(' working rulps, such as wr would in this country T
refH tn l1S 1>\'la ws of I It!' EXP,(,tlti\'(~. 'I'hl'\" ad lw fPsolllt.ion. of s
'1'11(' CI\.\TR~r.\=", "rpll. do thr'y act unt!rl: J\\:ljori'ty rule'? ~l
~rr. BOT"l~~n:(x. Tllf'v nct undr(' majority rule by I'rsolution. l'
'I'll(' ClI.\unu=". Do tilf>y han~ subcom'mittpes? • 1\1
Mr. BOl-KSTEDL Tlwy hlue subeommittN's whi('h they appoil}t ad
hoc 01' SOll1p( illll'S ('olltinuillg subcolllmittees, ~Ir. Chairman. But we
-thill!!. r shall sr:\reh-bllt I am a"'arl' of the existence of no document which
, ~lI('h :IS would bf' tlll' l'qlli\'alpnt of mIt'S or bylaws.
hp opill- The C I L\m:\l,\ x. Do they 11a \'C mill'lltes of meetings?
Mr. BOUJ\:STEI~. YE'S; tlify do.
The Cll.\lIDl,\~. Could yuu supply us with cepies of the miputes of
t Iwi l' Illl'f't illgs since HHiO?
l~ef' a}lIH'lldix:!~ p. I·lIt. it fill ·k)
~l r. HOI'I\.STEI C\'. ~lr. eha irlllHll, I am not so snre that would be a
}Wrtinl'llt dOCllll1l·lll. Tlip Illil1utps arc in Jerusalem. They relate
h it. tll ;\]1 killds of lilattns. If yOI1 Ilwnll rxcerpts of minutes relating to
\" of t]l() ;l(,ti\'itil':-- ill tIll' {'Ilitl'd ~t:ttl':::;, \\l' \\ill k ;;Ll(~ to hrnish them. But
I dOll't tllillk th:lt you haH' any interest in minutes relating to mat-
PI'S of ('Olllp\PtPly lI11Q'prnl:lIll' suhil'C1S.
Tlw ('IL\lIt:\l.\~. ~o: \\'(~ \yoIJldn't requpst anything ungermane. It
\l'('\11 I \'l'. \\;IS Illy lllld('rst:\ nd i IIg from t Iw t rst il1lollY t h rs morn ing t hnt a- very
n. It is la q!t' ppn'put ;\gl' of t lif' fllIlCls of the EXl'cutiYr derin' from this coun-
t 1'\". is 1h:tt ('01'J'I'C( ~ .
·~lr. HOl'I\.STEI:\,. That is rorrrrt.
T11r ('I"'II:'U'. I \yill :lgrl'r that not all of it would be. I was in-
tl'l'p,-.;trd ill !10\\' this .\gPI\('y oppratps. I dOIl't know of :lily preceoent
of anything likn it ill allY othrr installce, andl thought it would be in-
il'i"l>~till~ til tLv COllllllittr(', to llIHlrl'stand how foreign agents in this
1):II'{ i('lll;ll' lipid O])('l"atl' and \\']1:11 kind of prillcipals tIll'." 1·t']>I"t':-:l'nt.
s of the :\11'. ILulu:\,. \\'0111<1 y01l lik(' for us to give you a description of
till' dt'p:\ rt 1ll('lIt S :\lId oprrat ions in ] srael, sir?
,(,lir Cl L\ lInu~. ",Yell, if you would care to very briefly.
·cc.utive 1\1r. HA::\lLI x.
All right. Do you want it now?
'I'll(' ('11 \II:\I.\~. YOIl
('nn do it in writing.
'fr. } I \ 'I UC\'. Yl's. si r. \\1' (':Ill do it in ,\Tit ing, as you wish.
dJ op- I ~('l' :lp!WI\(k,:!. p. 1111. itt'lIl ,-J.) ~
It i
anding I'.\Y"E:\TS 'I'll Ale BY ,\::\Il:rUC\:-T SE(~~h(l);" SINGE l!)(iO

, Pq Ill\'- '1'11\) ClI,\lII:\I \:\. :\11'. JJallt1ill. :lJ'l' :"ou :\c<jl\;tilltrd with :\11 ol'galll-
t.'l'Illi - I:lt i011 kll()\\"l1 as tIlt' >\ IlH,)'ic:111 Zioni~t Council?
~!I'. Ir, \'ILlC\'. Y('s; sir; I am, . ~ .. ~~~ " .
I lit' (,11.\11::\1 \ ...... ~\lb::;Pqll('1l1 to .\pl'lH1. 10(,(1. dltl tlH'irwlsh .\grn-
cy -.\ IIlpril':\ Il Spd iOIl Ill:l kp payment ~ tAb ~Jrte Amprican Zionist Conncil ~
I\Ir.lh"Ll ...... Yps.sir.
I' ,,' (' y Tltp ( 'I' ,\ lim ,\ ...... To 1hp hps! 0 f ~'ollr lmowlr!lgpl,. w hl'n did t hrs{' pay-
mpllt s hrg-i n '~ t.
011 ? :\[1'. II ,\:\1 L! C\'. 11' Illy IllplllO\,y sn\'()s Ill£', I belip\'(' ill 101;1 for the
lIhjPd. blldgpt of t lit' ('ollllril.
1It p
Tlw CIUI"'!.\:\'. Thr first of thcyrar, about?
:l,\Y:tro :\1 r. 1 L"ILI~. J \\"()\Ihlllll\'r to look it up.
)lIntl'Y TIl(' C'IL\m~(AN. ",Yollld yon provide the committrc with a record
of suell payment S :lS YO\]· ha-n' madl' to t he American Zion ist Council ~
:\[1'. 1Lum I'". Y('s. sir; We' would.
n. Tho <- 'I1A1H~L\N. The Ameriean Zionist Council.
Mr. I-L\1\JLI~. Yes, sir.
(S{'('apPPJ\(lix~,p. l-lHi, itPllltl.)

.' ACT

The ClUDUUN. In general, what were the purposes of these pay-

ments? ."
I¥Ir. HAMLIN. The purposes of these payments were to assist the
American Zioni~t Coun.c~ to carry out it~ ~~onist edu~tional and.
youth work, and Its publIc mformat~onalactIvItIes. .
The CHAffiMAN. I show you a memorandum dated May 20, 1960, )
to Miss Fanny Spf'iser Isadore Hamlin, and ask you if you wrote
and sent this memorandum?
Mr. HAMLIN . Yes, sir; I did.
(A copy of the letter is as f 011 ()\\':-; :)

? .



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\ I: 1\. 'I h- ! " ,\ 11 ( , I II' I' , I ,', "i I \"" l \' : \ :' \ I· ! I
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.... I (' '. "\. ,.., I I , [ ,- I" l", '11 1. J '" \\ 1 1 )" l,. \ "I I \ I' " 'I"'" II
! 1 \11' II
I " I "I'
Ii,,· ( !1\11;"" \\ l'd ttl .klli)\\' \\1 If q j- Ir II '" ! 1'1: .'l II - 1 I' ,.
rIll' ,,I' ! I ii' .1" 1\ • i I \ :..:'. I \
i~! i 1"111, J i
\ I r I r \ \l I I " ) , '-', ~ 'l', 1 r:, II k .I I !' .' \ I .! I r ,! III \ Ii \ t
IIi "Ill' Itll,I~:"T tll,··j j'll)']I" 1'1,1,11"" 11,,1 "I'" l I 1'1" [I , I . I \, I '[ L" (
"Iii' "f rill' '1"-"111 !,r,)""t~ I',;\! \\" -I'('r'''''I',',1" ! I I, If \1, t' - \ lJ If H' I l l \ I. r.'~· ~.., t"*, 1 \.,
I' 1 r It' I' ! \ 1[' /I
II,I,('IIII[:\!\""- \\'/1' >"/,,'"(11,"111' 1 ""11'11,,1;"1'.1"11 \\':.,1 'I Ill' (
I~ II I W () f t Ii I 'III I IIi JI \ II I'
\it' ll\>,lll'i 'I'll,' 'lI!''I,'n('"ll "f ('111.\":, t),.' r.:I"\nf IlL.' I,f fllll,l,. I" "i, d.ll"d
I lit' \ 111" II! : I 1\ I. I" 1ii, r ( 'II i 1r I' ' I I f (11' d iI" I'l I q ," .... ' II f t I Jr'1; ; ! Ie' i r "\" r r" r II" \ II' II
LIlIII- U\J,IIIU\\IIZ Ftlll 11 t1:tl 11111, II" "(,,./1
'I'll,' ('f! \111\1 \ , I ,1 .. 1!1I1 :..:"r I)\P I",rllt ,,1'1]1,' 1""1'- J: Ii," "',1'1/ II, ," "
1·'Illl'n<1:1fltlll ·lll./' :-'1l\\:,1drilfl I thllll,rhr III' II \ ' \\ f II l1p, (''''111' II "1\ ~tf rlilt
\fl"dle F:I"krTl.\tTillr" \\.'11:11 I .. Ilw l,lIllh 1~:d'I[IIl\\lrl F'lillld:l1l1lfl i
.s. ACTI\T[IE~' OF A(;!-:Y[S OF FOI1EI(;:\ PRI1\CIP.\LS IN U,S, ] 315
~I!', II.\:\\J.l-..-, Thp LOlli,.; H:tl.illo\\·itz F()IIIl~LtlioJl ha::i 1l1;ld" grants
I.}I ( 11\' ( '()lllll,.d Jor .)1 idulL- Ea,-olul'1l . \ lr~.r.s, ~ ....~... "'..e.l6!':~1I..
'I'll£' CIL\lI::\I,\-..-, "'hich i~ 1)1'. ;";]l\\":lJr;lIi! '\'
I iI" "', \11', II \'lI,I,"'. That h rig']II, I 1'l"'():,!"IIIZI' lila! tlli, 1l1t'IIlO\';111l1111ll
hal'l', thi~ 1-. pt'I'II;II'''', "(I!'.[l,d 11111 <[lIill' a" it .... ]Iollld Iw,
T I JI' ( 'I I \I I: \ I \ '\. \ \' I' ] I. t lit' d \I J II ,..1' I' J II ~ (II I", I' Jt' a r lllll" \' 0 U
1111'11 I () l'a /I
1I1'''II~111 III ilil' l:;tl'"11.I\lll. FOllfll!:III'''I. ",('III,'IIIIII~ 1,1~I', 11 ~:I\~ l"I:lt
1\1'1', ~("', 111i:-:; i~ part nf tIll' \'I'glll;l!' paYJlII'llt~ d\l(' 10 ~jl"':\lI!':ln on \\'flich he
] I I"'e,
,\1,', "\"\111', ]\111 " 1- .I"-I'I'd ' lll;: I" \011 rill' ('!I:IIIIII'I:-. tllrollgh
\\1 11 ,,;, 1111'-" rll!),I~ "1'111,

,,','1'i'1 :11'1 , ",- 1'1 I I.., 1'1' I I '1"'"

I, ] ",: I I ]I " I
1 'I' ( il 111:\11\, \\'"il 1]"'11. - I II" \:II,'I'i' Iii /11)111-1 ('I,lill' 11 1.II'!'I'l\'
" I 'I,:.c:1-:1' "11,111'1 rl)l'll11~ 1l1"II,'\ 1

\11', II \\111\, ) "-, ~II',

111<'( 11\11:\11'-, 1~111:lr l'I~111'
,\ I J d 1- I Ill' I:: I I II : J I , " I I / '.'111 I III I: Ii 11111 I' I III:':' 'I - ,I "I IJ 1d 1111 I
,\11',1[\\111'\, I 1- t'11'1,1~ IIlli,'i, 1'1'1','1111'111',[ "1\'/' ;;111", ('<llllll'il
f'lr \1 It I,ll" 1-::1-1 ,\ 11,1' 1'-, \ ,'-,
Tljt'( "I \11l\1 \ \ , II ,,:,~ ,11-11,1 "lIlldllll '
1(' 11 t I 11; It \ I 1', I I I \ I I 1:'\, I 111'11" \ t' -II : \ i ' -. - I : '
lll}('I'j(':111 1'111' ( 'II I I !: \ I \ ,-, \ \' :1~ I I i - [,: I ,\ I I " ' 1II I, \.1 .j " f II: I I I - !'t' f, ' j'j'" d I II III ! h I'::;

IF, Illnl 1;\· 1II"II1<I!':lIldlllll '

h \Jid<ll~ \11', II \111 " , J /",11"\1' 1111- 1I:1-IIO/llIl',"!: \\'-,

1'111' ("11\11\\1 \" ,\IIt! 111"~" 1':1,\ 11I\'llh \'\1'1'1' 1I1:ld" {II till' ZIIIJ'I~t
('II1II1<'I!. Illl' .\lIlt'I'I":111 ZIPlll:-l ('(111111'" ~
.... 1't' Il : III \ I ", I I \ "I 1:-\, ) t' ~, T Ill' -,' ' I'll I I I I,.. \\ I' I'" I 111'1 II' (I ,,\ \' r' t0 I I", ,\ 11 I I ' l' I' ' a rI
I ; II ! J) 1', 1.11/111:-1 ('(111111'11.

to ,':1 I'l'y 'I'll,' ('11\11:\1 \,\, 1)1) ,\1111 kllll\l \lIII'111l'1' rill' '1:1,\ 111"111 "':I~ l't'I'()l'tl'd
, I II .\ I •I II' 1'1' ~ I ~ I 1': 1 I : I 'I I ,.. f ,I r I ' I I It'l It I (I (Ill' I), '/ ;: 1 l'1 III" II t ,. r .J 11:-1 J,',' 1

Ill"~ r /I:ll ,'Jr, II \ "I.J ,', 1r 1\;1."'. -/1'.

[lm}Jab]y Thn ('IJ,\lIDI \\', \)':1.-; IT IlIpll/iIIPI!;I-; p:lyllll'll/ II) 1)1'. :-;)1 \1';1 d 1':1 II !
\1\'.1\ \:\11.1', 1 kl\'I' \<>- 1 \\'d\ ]\;1\'" III t:d.:.,' II lliOk lit \ hi", 11\\, ,h,le
Ill' t Iii",. ()1\l'1' 1I1111'",
Tit" ('/I,\I1IH\,'\, '1'11;";;-; (!:Ju'd ,\I:I\' :!II. /%(1, Ir ""Ilid :11'[1(':11' IiiI'd
ill / lll' ~';II('III('Jlt 1'"11",, 111,~'111:Jt d:III','
\h, \1\:\11.1" ,\\ 111:11 1111H' " , ' h;lt! lIllt l'l'j ll)l'\ I'll ,',) tIll' \h'part-
1111'111 of .fll,..tll'l' III gTl'llt 1lt-t:111. "',,11;\,[ g\\'\'ll thl' [)\'PIII'{lIlt'lIt of
.II/~If('t\ ;1 ~1l/lllIl:I"Y ~I:ll(·/lll'lil. :tlliI 11,1.'; p:lylllt'11l \\:I~ illl,llldl'd ill :111
111'1/1. I )('111'\('. (';IIIt'II,:III(Il':I!il)lI~ or grHl)("; to aJlil/:llt'd org:IIIJl.a/iollS,
I fill" nll'll1l>l'\' ~'\'\'l':' llH',
". t hi,.; i" Titn CII.\li{1It,\:\'. 1>0 YO\l kilO'" ",hpthpr Or. :'-h",adl'an C'ypr fiIPd,
PIHll'tl'd, n,!!j~tl'n'd:l'" a fOr't'I!!11 :1~'t'll! ~
, '~I 1', I I "r J.l :-\, I I ( ) 1)(;' k II () \\' .
TlIl'('II\IIDI\:-\. \\'hal Plhitl l )11al t li::->tillll'ditl ~[r.ILlllJ!l('roc(,\lpv
",ItII,11 1l("'I':'~lt:lI,'d YO\lI' Illft>J'Il1l\lg hl111 of 1\11" 1':I\'IlH'nt llnn which
f 1111 I Is. 10 l'llahll'd Ililll I () !!l \'l' \'011 i ll:-.II'IIl" ion" on lit i" In:ll ,,'1' ~
Id'l' tot 1)(' ,\11', 11\,\11.1.;\', ::-'ir:. in 1111' .\IIIl'l'il':1I1 :-"'1'11011. ,\11'. Il:lllllIlcr Ul'l'\lpil"<!
11 0 P()~ iIi 011 ;I ( t hi" till II',
hillo"iti', "Oil \"illl'l'(':lll r "t:lll'd I \\';1" till' ;uIJllilli"tt'aliw' dir('('for
II (l\1'\'\'\"',
llllH'il on Itt IIt:\! timp, :lI\d UndOllh!('dly this I\lpans that 1h'. Shwadran had
Ilila t iOIl ~

contactf'<l ~Ir. Hammer, and:,=o I had tri{'d 10 ('oop{'ral(' by (,;llTying it

0!Jl. It wasa tl";lIl~itiona] 1>priodatthi~tilllt'.
(.' ~

RH,CLi\IUTY (IF l' ..\Y:llE:\T~ BY _\:\fr:H1(, .. \~ ~U·tIIJ~ T1IHut'(;11 .\ZC FOR


DR., SIlWi\llIL\~

'I'll(' CIl.\f101 \'-.'. I ~ho\\' yOll a ('opy of ,I \Olll,hpl' d:ltl'd \la.\' :!7,
IfHi\), ill rllp. IWIll\' of tlw ,Jt'\\I:--11 .\gl'lll'Y- .\IIIt'ri(,:l1l :--;\'\'liol1. 1111'.,
lIladt· Ollt f,ll' :-:':-l.I.IIII. paY:II.11- III I Ill' .\I1\\·1'1I'al1 Ziolli"l ("llllll'il lH'arin)!
tIll' dp~('l'lpl 11>11 •. ( )11 :Il"'Olllll Ill' ~lH'\'lal pllbli,' 1'l,I:It lOll:' hlldgrl," :!lld
lw :lI' '1 II!! I lit, ~ i!! II a I II n' .. I ~: I " I >1'1' I l:t Ill! i J I ." ;l II d I a :-- k y l) II i f Y U \ I :-- 1gll\' d
:--111,11 :l \'lllll'llt'!' ~
\11'. I r "11.1"'. y('~. "ir: 1 11:1\'t·.
I ("lily of t hi' \"111"111'1' f(111o\\",-: I

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[11:\ Tl[((vt'(t11 .\/(' FOR

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131 (~ACT'I\'ITJF:S OF .\(;L:\"TS OF F()[(I:IG~ PnI:\C1P.\LS 1:\ "C.S. ACT

'I'll" ('H",iI:.\l '..". \\'il"; lhi" till' !i<JYIIlI'lll nf ~1.lirtt) /"l·f'·IT".[ ltl 111 ri\l'
":[1'11"1' IIII'I'IIIH':ll:<!IIJlI'
,\ I 1'. I I pIl.I ". I: I II I r J 1': 1.-( j t.: ; I II y ,',' n ~ j II) t .-;. rt ) I : 1,.; !lit· I I II It' t .1 1, 11ll' 11 t
11('('<\('11- "
'I'll" ('IJ \I1PI I.". \\'1 1'1' "llII'1' ]';l.\ll\l'lIt .; lIl;ld'·l·'·~lll:tr·I.\ I).\' tlll'.JI:~;'i ..;h
.\:!t·ll' \' .\IIWl'i'''lJ! ...... , .• rl"ll t" t~ll' .\llll'I'I'·:ll' i:1"rlj~r ('tI\111,·J! ill ('()I\,
IlI't'11!);1 \"itll ~II\\:\(II':lJl~
Jrl'. II \'111'\. \'n. - r.
T i \I' ( ' I r \ 1 J: \ r \ ". '\ ". -: r' )
\fr. II \\11 1'\. ()t 11('1' 1':l.\IJII'ld- 1

TIII·(·II\II:'!\'. Y'·- .
.\11'. II \\11 I". I l,\·~ .\"111' 1":11'.1"11. Ftli' I)I'. ;--;!,I\ idl'lll' Y.·..,: 1!11';
\\:1'; )':11'1 tlr.1 /11'::"1':...'1 lid 1'''1'1 ,11"11/'lIi", I
Ti\l' ('11 \11:\[ I." Til"I'" \\,'J'(' 1',:...'lIi ll' 1':1\ 1111'111-'
\11 I r \\11 I , . 11·... , r.
Tl tl · ('11\11:\1\,. 'I!,II I.., \\!III 1'11"'11: II-,'jl rl .. 11 'I I" J't"'''ld.

1.',,1' I!I" 1'" ,,1'.1 I ""J\'.' \,,11,1 '1·\",,1 I It I;.·!\\ 1'11"11 '1"lt' •.LII,'.j .llll\'
::'1. ;:";". \'I'!I.·_· .. I i" "f.' ........ 11',] '::':·!I.·.\"I 11111J!:!1." III'! I .1..,1-; 1'1'
\' "i \' I'I,J I' .1111 i -t l i t ' :,j ... j i l l t' I

\11' [I\\/Il'. 1'''.-I:[ti.1

• \ (', I I'.' "t' 1;I" I, .. I " ,- I- f":;,, \\ .

.{ '..0:"




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.I ~ It· ( . I I \ I I< \ I \ , . " .. tl -II" \\ ~\ "II ,I .'" II\ I, r .I \ II 1I' II ,.I ,:. I r I" I .1 I Il.\ :: I.
I~II;". IiI r lit· 11:11111'''1'' 11" .1. \1 -It \::"1(1'\ . \IIIIT1\';111 ...... , .•. ( IlIll. )11:1.1,· "Ill

1'''1' <;.:1 11 11 111 /'I~'IIIJ-I ("111111 Il 1"':II'JlI:,:- JIH' "'I~t.:l;":,, ""

1':1."11",· '" IiI\' \lIlt·l·i·
Illl" .lhllJlIII" ;111,1,1-:1- .\1111 If .\ttll -l:':-Iit'd -llt·11 :1 \II il ,.fi.t,'r-' . I,'). '
\11.111\/11'- 1,·-.-il,:I<I,,/ ' ~
1.\ "'f'\ ,,(11,,· \.,II.'ilt'f'i-,I- (t\lIJ'\\-~') <"~";;' .. ;l_'''_
-); ... "
,\CTT\T!I~> nF A(;~:~T:-: nF FnrU:IC~ PRI'\C'IP_-\L~ IX U.S. 1319
JIlt} JlI

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, ') ,!
The CIL\
The CHAlIUIAX. Both of tlw"e documrnts reff'r to a p~yn1Pnt to :\fr. ~1r. I LUI
Shwadran "representing one-fourth of 0111' commitmellt for H)Gn'~ as The CUA
appears on the vouchE'1'. . ~lr. HA:\I
I :\fr. IL\\fu.". I dOll't 11;!\'p that y()\whrr bdo!"p IllP, "-11". neva, sipce t
I ~pnator SY)I!."GTO",-. \\110 is .:\11'. ~h\\adrlln, again ~ The ('I1.\]
':\[1'. HAMLl.". Or. Benjamin :--'ftwadrall is the dirE'ctor of th\' Coun- ~fr. HA~IL
ril for Micldlp Ea~tPrIl :\tLlI1's and tllt, pditor of a publication called Thp ClI.\Il
:\liddk Ea~tprn .\ llair". ~rr. H,UI
:--'rnator SY:HI'\l,('O.". "-lly \yprr you gil illg Ilirn fhi,; mOIH'} ( part for br
:\(1'. HDIU.". 'Yhy In' \\"f'rp gi\'ini! him this mont-y { to braf'l.
SPllator ~Y\II."(;TU.". Y('~. Till' C !l.\I
':\[1', I LntLI.". 'I'hr .T(>I\I~h .\grncy f('lt that this \\'as a wr.'· \\Iorth- 'Ir~ Ih'll
whik prnj('('t. It i";l ""!,u]ar-Iyiournal Oil a ratll('r high (';\lilwr. 'I'll\' (' 11.\1
Spnator ~Y'Il."(;T().". "'hat kind ()f a cnmrnitlllPllt did you han' ('Olllf> from 1
with llim? .:\fr. fLuu
:\lr.ll.u£u:'\. TllP ,'onl"litIllPI1t.'wa~ ill Ihr lIpj~hhnrhood of S~I).!)(IU;l (~pnpYa. Tl
Vear. IllUch lal'gpr
• :-'('nato1' ~Y'Tl."(;I'n:'\, .\1111 thp~p pa\lllPlllS apply a:!;llll"l tll:11 .sta,t('~.
S:!d.lli)() ~ 'I:l\(, ('I1.'Jl-
.\11'. H.\'I£LI:'\". Yp~, sir. \fr, II ,\ ~T I.
~(,Il:lt()r ~Y'l£I."(;TtI'\, \YII:\( 1\'('1'(' {]It' '('I'\·i,'p...; rpn<!p\'('.j ill n't \11"11' Tllt' C J I Illl
~pnj"p,: J'('lll!pred to 'Y(' fi(I~~jb]t,
.:\fr. JI,\\fU.". U:----IWllP. lll:t<lt>
\IT'. fI.\'lI
tl\e puIJli(·:tliol1 of thi,; journal. 1"l\. n·".;\ \"0
~ P I J :II {II" ~ Y .\ TI "\ (; T" "" I 11 o! iJ (' r ,,() I'd . . , f I H' j I) Ill'll a I r -.:p If \" I III f {.j ( "I ~ '1'1\1' ('II \TI
Lll'()rab]p to wh;lt \"CHlr .\!!pl\"\· ~tIIO<l for' t <) : I:' L t IH' q II
:\h. II,Dlu,. Yt::--. ' , f"!'\"ll
...... 1'11~ltll)· ~Y'11'\1.111'\. Yuur ill'-titl1tion stood fll)" \11'. H"l 1\-
.\Ir'. 11\\11 I'\". Yt''', :l It']'\" \\'ort}lw!\ilt' pllhli":ll illil. Tll(' ('11\11
~(>II:lt(H" ~Y,\II'\(;T".". Y(I;l do !lot kIIO\\' hlJ\1 111ll"!J I,f 111i:-- \\:1'- f,.r ~ I I'l I I ' J' 1\ ..
.:\1 I'. ~h\\":l{ 11':11\ Pt'l"~('II;lll., ~\'lI:1t,,1' ~,
.\Ir·. 1I1\1u,\. ;\0 • ..;il"; I dOll'! ktJO\I' hi~ ":11:11'\ r':lII!!t' (II' :In\,thill:! II'lllt',Jit. It
liki' tbl. ' ' , I 1", 1\ ! f t I <''''' ,
~(,lI;ltllr ~Y'll""'(;TO', Tki1\k YOI1. ,\[1'. C]I:linll;lIJ. TIII'('II\11
Thl' ("H,lll:'1 \'\. Pic! \JI". ~)I'\I':ldl":l11 kllllll 111:11 t i l l ' IIIII}II'\' 1':11111'
1,'1''' :111<1 t,) 1
fl'llIII rill' .1"1\ I,ll .\:!I'Ill"\ .\111\'1"1(":111 ~("II(lIl'
,1:1 III [\',' (lll'>'
\ I r. J J \ 'II I I '\. Y,':--, :--1'1', ~1'11'1 t i JI :....:
, Tll\' ("II\II(\!\ ...... (';111 yllil \>'\]Ihill \\IIY .1"11 di.1n'l ]':1,1 )lllllllil""llh
r:ltlll'I' 111:111 1111'1111!!h 1)I!' .\ lllt'l·j";111 ZI"'II,.;1 ('1)1111,'11:
":\11'. II \ 'Ill ''\. ~il', till' \IIII'l'i";j11 ('''1111''11 I\:I~ :111 !11~1111
I ,1\ I' \I
11It'liltlt;lt dl':I]t \litlllll:II\,\ ~\lI'I\l't'I:ltl"II,llill"'; ("I'll', II \\:I~:, 11"111,'1'
of "()II\"('lli\'II"" ( " , II', :\1111 \\1' f"lt 111:1{ It. l)(>I'II:l"~. 1\1)11101 :I,Jd ~"IJIt'
fllll,'ti'lil ro tIlt' ,\111"1"11':111 !'llllll't ("IlIIiWil, 1'.'rI':lfl~ \\1' f"lf tlt:lt \'011 ,,:\ I! :-oq \
1'01l1I'd:I\' Ill!' .\III,J'l'i";111 11(llli,t ("111111'11 \\'''111,/ },l" :dt/" III L,k" III I') llll~ '1',1\ \\11\'li.
oh11!-"1f.;1 11l if rhn' "\lI'('('I'.1t'<1 111 1":11~\I'~' III\' fIIJH1~ "II 1\1t'11' ""II, flll1'l~ ,U"I':lllt
(~t'(' aPl'plltlix ~'I~. J·I:! I. itl'lll 1!I,) .\!!t'l\('\ III.I(
~t '\:\'11(" 1,
":1 i'~ 1.\ ('OIIH' ~
,'IIItr"]llc;i0I1 1
TIIt'(·J[\lH'I\'. 1(1111" fllll(I~";1III\' 1'1(>1\11111' l·llllt,.I.I"\\/-11 .\111>1"11:
j,. Il\;I! ,",1"1"\','1' 'Ir.lf\\ll.
Tht' ( '11\11
\lr' III'I!I', ;\Il. ,ir.
Till' ('II \11\\1 1'\. \\'111'1'1' did It ('1l11P' fr'''11 1 ~
\(1', II \\111'\. 'I'll\' .\1111'1'11':111 :--\'(11 11)\', fllllt1, 1':1111,' ~11]t'1\ ri'''"1 ,ft'I'11
The, ('H,,\lR~L\:'oi,
You rec(·iyed no fUlld:-; from the CJA directly?
H'IH 1() ~Ir.
)11'. JLUll.l~. ~o,
sir; 1\01' indirectly, for that mutter.
'I' 1Ufj,)" as
The C'IL\IR:\lA:'oi. How do you know that?
)11', lLurLl~. Sir, all our funds came from .Jerus,,'llem or from Ge-
neva sillee the establishment of thE' Ampl'ic:ln ,spction.
The ('Il,\JRMA~. 'Where d~d UJA funds go 1
. tJI0 ('OIIJ1-
}fr. I LnlLI:-;. Pardon me !/~
r ion call.,(l Thl' CII\jR~L\:-;, \Vhere did C,L\ funds {!O ~
~rr, IL,\ l-.TA funds go to various parts of !hE' world. The
pal'! for bnu:'l gops \ia the .Jewish .\g-E't\\'Y fo!' brat·!. Inc,\ directly
to (";j,t[Pl. I
Thp ('J!,\fTt\u,', Tn .Te!'lI..;nJpl\l~
l'l'Y \\,If}rt h- ,\11'/1' If \ \1 I 1'-;, To of Pl'll:-;:1 11'111.
I il;pl', 'flrl' ('IUIID!\ ...... lInw (':11\ YOIl ~fl\' Ihar Illlne of vOllr fund:; tlwn
you ha \"(' ('()JIll' frol\! t hI' 1-.1.\ ~ , .
~fl'. JI,\,\lf.I'-;. ""('11, \\1' 1",,'pi\,I'<! Illir f!lndo: froJll .Jprtl~a](,ll1 and
(;l'llP\';l. '1'1,1' illl'OlllP Ilf 111l' .Jl'wio:lr .\i!I'IW\', .Jl'rllo:all~llI, of ('()tlr~p. j,.;
1I11Wh Ltr~l'l' r 11:111 1111\ :I11101111t I)f 1110lH'Y it '!'I·,'pin'd from tll(' l-Ilited
~t :I,t l'~,
'1:1 \\' ( , I ! \ lID 1 \ '.;, r 1111 (k r..; 1:III d,
\[1', II \\" 1'\, .\ ~I'P:tt dp:I\ (If Illnl1PV,
I II T'I' r I I I' II ~ 'I'll i' ( • I I \ [ i: 'I \ \', " 1111 d ('I"! :I Il d, '
Ie jlll-,-:iLII' \fr, Ir \ \11 1'\, \\'1' rl','pjYPd ,.;111<111 SUIlI-: Ilf Ill'lllt'\' from La! in .\IlH'r-
I' '; I, \ , ' -:. a 1- () f I ) l' ! ] II' :I' 'I 'I l 1111 t ,.; I) l' . JI' 1'1 j "<I I e Ill. •
)\ I f I' i r \\; 1- -ri", ( " I \11:\1 \'\, j 11()\\ \\'1-11 !o I'l'fllillcl "01111";"1 1 h:l1 I am ";IIPPOO:Pr!
t,) ,~L fll" 'iI}l'-IIII!l~ :IJld rill' \\'I!Ill''';;-; I"; !II :lTlo-\\'t'I'. It i" (j 11111' :1 11 I i~ h t
1'111 \ I)" '
\11' I \' ,I h ~ II 1'\, \1\ :1)IO]ll!.!il''';, "ir,
Till' (',! \11('\[ \'\, I 'j Il:! t 11()1l~~\lt I hal \\'()1! It! ma 1,1' it :l 1it I k JllOlT'
ill'. I, ') : \ ,
:'I'I';I{I'" :"-'-\11,1;'['11'\, Tlli-: ',..; !hl' ";1'('llllll !imp tl\\· ,'II:lirntHll h:l" 1l\\'H-
:IJI\'!hirl~ 11"1!,'d II, II -,','111--: III Jill' \"lIll'llIlld \\1'11" :'(IIIIt'tllllli! OU! Oil a 1':\I'd for
I I", 1\ 11111'-- '
'1'111' (11\11:\1 \ \ , It i- i!I'JIt'I':llh' tIll' (lr:II'li"I' Ill:1! IlI"y Oil 1('~:11 111:lt-
III \' \' (':1111 \'
11'I'~ Illd j" 1"Il[I','1 1111' \\ ',)11"-';0- 1':111 ('Olill-pi IIItl'n't'IlI', n,)1 Ilil !IH' o-Ilh-
- r:I 1" I I 'I I III' -I I"!: -. T l,; If i.:; \\ II \ \ \ \' h: I \ 'I' \ f 1', I h III lin 1'1'1'1',
~"II'I'"'1 :,,-, \11,\(,1(", 'fIll' ('!t:lirlll:lll ll:t .... )1\'\'lI \'1'1'\' 1l'llil'Iil in tJ!11t
1',':,,::: I I'\.

1111 1'1-/ I'll

(,1\ 1'\1'11\1 1"'II:II~I'llll, I" ,11\\'1~11 \\,I,I'y ,IFHI-~\II',1
- :, II t: Itt I' l' "

:1 (f II -111111' 'I'll" ('II \11:,\1 \'\, I dll Jill! '111ill' :-'tlll 1111<11'1'..;1:1]1<1,'\11', H:ul\lin. 110\\'
((' 1 t I l l ;11 \/111

,':111 -,I ,':If(':''::I)I'],':III\' -:1\
• •
ri':I! 11I1Il(' Ill' \\1111' 1'1111.1..., ('Olll1' from tllP '1
, /I \ "I' III 1- I',' \ \\llt'll, :11 lilt' ;-.:11111' tllll", \1111 -1:111' l/llIl :1 1:1T'i!l' :1I11111111! of flu';
, "\1 II, flllld~ l!l':III!I'<I, 11111 :111 (If tllPill. frolll till' j',1,\. !IO !o IIII' .Jewish
.\~\;'II"\ 111.1('1'11-:11",1'11, .
~I -':I'III~- I II 1111' 1]11'ltl' 1,)!.!i(';ll t 11:11 :11 11';\-:( Ilart of tho"p funds np,'ps"
-:;11\ 1,\ ,'OIl II' ~(1I11 I-.J.\ Oil 1,\ hy \\ ;1,\ or .1"111-:111'111, I,.; t h:lI 1\01 II II'gi"al
• '( II '/'\ , I"; i Oil )
'[",1[\\11 irs, It jll\l'!l:tI'O:IIl:IY \H·'I!I)!.,'.'il':'\I'()Iil'!ll..;inll.

'',f #\~r,'11. do .YOIl h:nl' :Ill\'! lil11!.!,' 10 !H'O\'I'
.' it i,.; lIot so)

1322 ;\CTlnTIE::> OF AUE:-';T~ OF FOHI::I(;X PRI~CIP.\LS l~ U.S.

~rl', 11 UILI:\", It is also logical to say, I belipn:>. that the ,Jl'\\'j:-;h TIll
A~I'II<'\, .11·l"lI~a]pnl, l'p(,.\.,jn's a much lar~er sum than it rrcri\'ps from }>Pl"t'(·
tbl' [";1(('<1 :--latl'~, fl'Olll 01 h(·1' ('(JlI lit ril':-;, ' :I 1or ll'
'1'1](' ('II \l1~'1.\". I SPI': a much larger sum? :\0
,'II r. I I \ ~I 1.1 ,\, y ()..:. otltpr
'I'll\' ( ' I l \11::\1 \'-., \Yp had t(':slilllon\" this Illornin~ that in tIll' last :?~) frollt
\'1';11' .... ;1 !,illioll ,llld;1 ll:llf dollars 11;\\';·1)\'1'11 t·olltriI>IIt(·<1I)\" tlti:-; CO llll tr\" , C{')\'('(

l!:t\(· \(lilll;ld lllllt·IIIII()l'l· 111;111 thaI fnl/Il ;111\" otJlrr('onllt'I'\' ~ , if yOI

~II','I {\\11 1'\. 1(';\111101 ('t'lllllll)lll OJ! rlla!, Jill! 1 ,';L11 ~a~' 111al of Olil' SOli r('~
pn''':l'llf 11"'01111' III .1 (·I'II .... a 1\'111 pt'I' .\'I'al·, p('rltal''': ;~:, TI,·III J"('I"'I'lll ('ofll(''; ",hiel
f 1'( I II I [ Ill' I ' II i [(. 1 [ :--1 :l I (':-. Til (. 1); I I:t II •. I' (', Ii II (''': f 1'1 1111 I ) I 11 I' [' ,', ) 11111 [. I (''':. thi . . ll
~:I \'.0
'1'111'('11 \11:'( \'\. \\'11:11 oI11l'I',·()111III·il· .... 1 1'1'1111 i (
.\11'. II \:\11 1'\. ()tllt'l' ~"'II'I't'" 'If lll,'I)]II,', TIll'
'I'll,' ('11 \11:\1 \'\. \\,11'11 ollll'l' ,'lllllltl'll''': l'lllllll!llllt' :1'" 1I111··11 :1'; ;\;, Mr.
or III P\'I"'l'III ' '1111'
.'11', 11\\11.1,\, \ " (,111,'1' 1'11111111'.\ "'lIlll'lll\lll'''' :1" 11111"/1 :1 .... :~:' 1"'I'('t)nt. ., II'.
of ('OUI'S(', T1H'
'1'111' ( II \11::\1 \,\, 111)\\ 1I11l"" j..: "(lllfl'il'"1I'd tu rht' ,11'\\ i~ll '\~('lll'\' in 1 II >II {(
.J(.I' 11 .... :1 1"111 1.\ 'Ill' (;,,\','1'11111\'111 (,f 1-1':\1,1' . , .\ II'.
~I r, II \\1 ;.1'\. I d(ln'r 11:1 \'I' t IH' ti~lIn' oil'll:' lid, bllt il i.. . 1pn~
of 1111 \I : I ) II.... 0 f Jll) 1111 d..; f I ,[' (' (II (I I I ! I.: 1I "Il! \.
\11:\\ \'\ . . \11,1 1111\\ 111111'/1 f'JI' hll·I'.
'1'11\' ('II \\,' \\ ,111":1\'1' Ill:IT TIll'
.\ II'. I [ \ \11 1'\, HII I \\ ,. 11:\ \ ,. i 111'011/" frO!l1 II lCl II \' or lll'r (,ll\ ril·~. from
EII~i ",.1 '111.1 1'l'lllll :--Itilill .\ fl'l(·:I. 1'1'1)111 L:l(';1 .\\IIl'I"'·:111 ,·tllIIIIl'll'~,
fl'lI;ll FI'.l'''·I'.
'1'111' ( II \11:\1 \'\. 1\\ Llf' lill' I:ll'gt'-I .... 11I~II· l'IlIlll'l!'llli"!1 I .... 1'1'11'11111" ~rr.
1'1111,,01 :--1:11'· .... ' p 11'[ 1I1"
,'1,'. " \ \11 1'\ \'I,loillor. \'tlll \\

TIll' ('11 \11:\1' '. \\'11:11 1- 1111' 111'\\ I.II'~"~: III 111"-'" II"I:!, ' Tlll'
'II' II \ \11 I ' . 11'1,11"\" LII:!lllld. -:\fr.
TIll' ('11 \11:\1 \'\. \\'kli 1"'1'." 111,1:.c" \\lll1l<l Ilu[ i,,', I" 1",-1""'11:, IIPi ]'It-:--

rllll~lll\ ' t 1(\11 II

,'[". " [\\11 I ' . 1'1(1,11,1(' ''''11/,,1., '1I'I'IIII~', 11111 :1": fll'I"1l :1., \11 R~~~-(·IIt. ( )rg:llJ
·llw(·III1I:\l\,\. \1111111'1'1"'111' i' W:\:-i 01
'11,11 \\111'\ \111 111.11 Ilill-II.:;~" 11ll'ltt I
1'11(' CI£,\tI:'L\:\", \'01 1,) (l('n'('lil -~':" \\ :1"; I II
.'11',11 \,\111,\, \1'1111:1: 1I111'·1t. ,< of,> 1'1""'.
tir.- . f
'1'11(' ('II \11:\1 \,,\, 1-'1\,. III']"'('II[ I ,\ II "·I'i.

.\11'.11 \'111"\. 1:'\""'1'-"\'1'111"']"'('\11. Till'

'I,·. H'I\'I~~IT[:\", '1;1\' I ::;;I\, :,oIlH'tl~ne? \1 r.
TIll' ( · I I \ ] H ' I \ ' . ,/c; \ l l l l ' ! " I \ " :IllY '1111'(\1'111:11'"11 1111 I}II-) 1111 : I:! II

.\II' j;,,\ 1\.,111,\. If '·,'nt·,I . .\11'. (;ll:lil'lll;\ll. Ilt'flll'l' i[ \\;''':''''llll'l\' out -II" I I):
of a dr~in\ to hp hl'lpflJ1 :llltll()~i\'" ""ll'pl('IIII·I1!.ll Illfl)I'III:III/111 \~ll)('h \rl· . . I,·1
I happC'n to hftn~ by rt'ason of 111[' \"('ry ('xtl'lhl\(' ('XIH'l'lt'JI"P 1 ha\l' t ) ll' I) 1'(
11 :1 cl !II [ II i ~ til' 1d r II t 11 ('
Fill' 111 .... 1:1.111.( .• I \1::- 1I1\1l)\"" il' tIll' Ilt'~()ll:lri(l'h wi']1 tltr I'P]1rp .I/Jill!
St· l\1. I r ' \ ,'.... II f ! 1". \ \' I •- It r II i ~ ,. fl I " '\-' '.' II f (; I' rr I I : IllY II I ( • () I ! I ,(' r t i I w i [ II (j :

tIll' !"I·p:lr;lliol\ .... \I·lti,·h It·,[ to (I,,· ['a.\'THI'I1! of :'OIIIl'11Iillg' lil,p S"1;, '1'11(' 1

million. 'I,..
}H'PII ] i(
~ u.s. A.CTI\Tflr:~ OF A(iL.'\TS OF FORi::lG~ PIU:\"CIPALS IN U.S, 1323'

: the .J\'\\i:-ih Till' .11'\\ i:-I> .\gl'l[t'.\. iI,\' al!l'('('IlII'lll, 1:-: tlll' 1'\'('ipi('lIt of :t1,)llut l,~
('('pin's from (1(,J"'t'llt of IJI('''(' fIllllI" f'll' ill 1('1';\1,1, ~(I frolll llial 'Olll'{'e
irs lI'Or!,
:1]Ot\(' ia~( \(':Ir II !Jad '01111'1 II ill!.!.' Jib, Sf(l 10 ~l:! IlIiliiOll,
SO\\', \\,il\'ll ~II'. ILIlll1il1 ~:lld thaI tlte\' rpl'l,j\'(,d l:trgc sunl" from
01 )11'1' "0'1111 J'il''', ltv didll'! 111l':11I IIIp\' n,('(,i'H°t! ,'l!:lriLtllll' "O!I! rilJllt ions
n t h~1 last ~;I frillil ar'y olllt'l' ('OUllln' Jillilrly ill illl' ~jzv or IIII' pro!Jortioll tllt'Y 1'('-
I III:-i ['OUII! ry, ('(·ju'd frOlll (,Il:lrilahlt' ('O!II rilJu! IOIl:-i 1'1'(>111 tlll' t 'nill'd ~1;lIP::-:, But
" I
if ."0\1 \\ ill j!('l'lllil 1I1e 10 :-:1." \\'lwI 1 Iltlll!.; he II\(';III! \\':1:-: fl'Oll1 orlH'f
I' I II: Ito f 0 III' r:lt!Jer tlla/1 tlt(' I 'lli(pd Stall':'. .\:-: i:, illdit'aled i/1 tlte chart,

('1'<'\'111 ('(111\('''; \\'hi"h \\':1:' :-:lllllllill('d to ,\'Illl. 1()(Y('IIil'1'

\\'jllt .\11'. II:IIllI1JPI";-; "latellll'/11
III I I'll", Ihl- 1IIIll'lllll!!. t ~Ih i:- Illdll':lf,"1.
Thl' ('II.\II:~I.\:\. ,\'ouldJl'( \'011 ":1\' 'Y(lll t'l'I'('in'cl ()JlC·lhin!, did you
~; I.". (d' 1 , II' ( ; 1'1'111 H II I't' p:t r:t flo 1\':-: ~ ,
:\11', Hid ""111'\, ()lll',lllll'd of 1111' :11l1011111 rl"'I'I\I'd \l\, flll' (;o\'·
1'1'1111il'!11 of 1'1':\1,1 \\:1- :lllll":III"1. 1'1l11~'lll\ 1" )"'1',,\,111
Till'('II\II:\I\'\, l'1':-, '
\fr. JlIH K:-:n:l:,\ ("lllllilllliTlu), !,) 1]\(' \\'Ill'k of 11,(' .f('\\'i"h "\!!\'!!C'y.
'1111'('II\I!;\1 \,\, II \\IIllid Iwolll' tflli'dllf~"i:'llljlliold
.\11',1:1111\'-111'\', (l\'l'I':II)('l'ill(!of,tl)!\('yl':\I''',
'1'111' ( " I \11;\1 \'-., (hl']';( !lI'l'\llll. f~lll Il';I! i, tltfl'i'l'I'11f :lllil ill addi-
:-:h .\g(,!ll'y in IIOll III IIII' ',lll'('I" (,Ollll'illllll<,lll of 1111' I,r:lrlj (;(I\'I'l'llllH'lll !o it ~
:\1",1""1 ""1'11'\, TIJ:lI i-I'(I!TI'\'I,
~ ";\'\1'1':11 1('11:-' '1'1,1' ("I \11:\1 \,\, Fl'lllll 11-- 0\\11 flllli!:-: I

\11,,1'1"\ 1\--\1.1'\, '1'11:111"\'01'1'1'\":-11'.

f"r hlf'r, TIll' ( 'I I \ II; \ I \ ,\, I --l' I',
1IIIIIril':-:. from
':1 I I "1111111 n\':-:,

.\fl', ){1I\I\"rll'-., If I 111:1\, :-:ir, :-Il 1]1:!1 \(lil \\111 n';t1I\' ('I'! :l full
11!1'ltlll', :111,1 I :\111 :\-I':I~I'I' 10',,1' :1" \\I'II\flll :1"'."11111':111 11I1-4ilIi'ti.;IIII;1gilll"
\'1111 \1\11,(", If \"lIl i,I(,I, :11 till' ('!J:Il't :Illllt!\l']' ill'lll lit' Ill'iI'Iv':-i :l":--l't,.;,
~I I
, 'I'lli' ('II \ 11;\1 \'\, \\')1:11.101':- tll:l! Illt';lll'
.\11', li"1 h-;I'l:J:\, '1'111'''1' an' tltl' fl]'l)('I'I'd:, hOII] rill' liqllll!:tli,>!\ of
1ll,il'lt"Oo 11]'11["'1'[,\' \\']Ii,'h \\':1-; 1'I"'O\'('I'I'd III (;t'I'Ill:l11.\ I,." ;111 ()I'~':llli/;l'
till)) 11:11111,,1 :111<1 kIIO\\'!1 1H'1'1' :1" tilt' .11'\\1,,11 H,':-llllllillll ~\}l"'I':-:-()]'
()I'1!:I)II/:III(III, j>I'01l111!~:ill'(1. :1" :\ 1I1:\ltl'!' Ill' 1':\,,1. \\1\'11,11
\1 III,')' \\ :1:-:
"':100 lli'~':1111/I,d :J'; 1111' I'i'''':llit <d' tl\(, 1'1'1'111111~;Itlilll (II' ,\lil'll:ln' (~O\(>rrl'
I!)I'III l'l'llllllll!!:ltlllll \1), :,~l ill 1111' ,\llll,]'i";\11 1"\1" \\\11'11 (;1'1;1'\':11 ('1:1\'
\\:1' I ill' ,llll'!' ill' rll" \1111'1'1, 'III 1IIIIIt:\1'\ ~'''\I'IIIII,('lli III till' ,\1111']'\';"11
/11111', If I" LIIII\\II :1" (;1"'111,111 1""'(I!'III"'11 ]\1\ \\!II,II 'I,'tlllll\' tilt'
,\ II 11'1'1, '; I II (; ,,\ "1'1111 ll' I II I II q III ~," I.
'I'll,' ('" \11:\1 \ '-., YI"',
\II', 1:1111\"1'11\, (h('1" :1 llt'l'illd rd' \1':\1':' tllt'!'I' \\(')'1', :1" YO!I 1';111

I 1- )
111':I~'llll', of l,]:\iIJl"; \\'1111'1\ \\','n' 1iqllid:ltl'd j'lI l\lInp·
f('lh rll' Illr'II:-::11\l1..;
'111'11':1\11 1'111' (1\1'1' :1 1"'I'j(ld of ."(':11'''; II." till' \:lri(llh L:l('llr!I'l' ill !Ilt'
:' ..;:-:o1t' I \' out
"'1"';1'1'11 1\1'llirl,li,' Id' (;"1'111:111.". :11111 Ly thl' l'lly Ill' Iil'I,jill: :ll1d 1 Ill'''\',
11:111,1l\ \~ 111<,11
'1('1 I I '(' I i l;t \ I'
lilt' l'I'II"'t'<I- (If 11\("1' :1"1'(" \\1'1'(\ di"l rill\lll'd, Till' l:tr~I'r -;11:\I'P \\,('nt
1(/ 1111' .l,,\\i~h ,\~t'II"\ for 1"1;\('1. :11lt! till' ""1:\11('1' :-11:,'1'1' \\"11110 11w
.l.'1111 J)1,rlihllli;1\1 (;llllllllil(t'I'. :111" 1(1 lll'I'I'I'II! lI:l" for lIoll,.ll'\\,j"h
1\ tIlt' 1'f'J1n'
\ I,'r 1111~of \:1/,1 pl'r"("'lli '1)11 ill (lf1\1'l' 1':lrl-of tIll' \\'orll!,
I II' (' ( I": I \\ i r II
n~ Ill,I' S-.; 1;, TIll' ('II \ll~ \1 \ " , 1111\\ 11111<']\ did it :lllllllIlIl to, r()ll~h 1\'/
.\1", ))(11 1\-;111,\, It r')\I~IJl\'. O\'('r tIl(' \'1':11':-:, I '\';)111;\ -;,1\', \\';1<'; :-:11111('-
\\ h,'I'(' 11\'t \\\'('11 S:.!\i :llId S:.!:,' Illjllinll, ailll it 11<1ei not \'I,i (,olllph,tl'IY
111'I'11 111\11 idal,"\. . ,

For yonI' in forlllat ion, ~I r. Chairman, I happen to be pre,.;ident of I, tlwrefor,

the .Jl'\\"i~h Hestilutioll :-Iu('('es~or Organization at this time. pel" ll10uth ir
Hs",i~lled hue
The ('II.\I101AX. Ilo\\" long h:ne you been working ill this field'? PI('nse mnl
~Ir. BOCKSTEIX. I have been counsel to the Jewish .\gl'lll'Y Sillce po:,:,.:i hIe (hrol
t hi' ill idd Ie fort ies.
Till' ('f[.\lR'I.\X. That i~! hf' .Jpwi,.;h .\gE'licy in .Te[,\l~~tlenl? Thef'II,\
~[I'. HlIl·K";TH:". I han· SPI'\"l'd a,.; cOllllse] in the 1'llill'd :-Ila\('''; for Pr. Schwa
thp .Jp\\"i,.;h .\~(,II(·\· ill .Jpl'll:--aIPlI1. for the .\Illl'I"l(·all ~ectiull. and for $1.000 for wi
tl1f\ 1:\ ( '. . . I, t1H'rl'for
montb in"tpu
'I'lli' ('/1.\110£'\:-<. I S~f'. 1'11'/1>'(' III 11 I
-:\11'. Bul·hsn:I:". ,\lld I alll n'gi";ll'l'pd, :--:t'11:ll(ll'. :1"; all a'{I,l'IIP\" for po~si!Jlp thro
the .Jewish Agpn('y, ~lJ1lI--- I takp it
, 'I'llt' ('11 \111'1 \'.;. YOll :ll'l' lloW rpgi~t\'l'l'd?
.\1 I'. II.Df
,\[1'. BII\'h:--TEI:". I :11l111c)\\ n'''lc-lt'J'\,d: \·p'."il'.
The ('11,\
:--:"11:110[' :--:Y'II'\LTu'. (hlhld~(lf .tli tl;j-:. do \,111 ,!I()(I! :l li111\, Jl()(lI?
r1,:III~1t1 "I'. ] .
\11'. I 1\:\1
'\[1'. Hill I,~·IFI'.". (lill-:ld" (If ;111 1111, I Illa1,\' "('1111'1111111'111"; Itl tIl\'
Zion is! ('01
{'J1llt'd .f,·\\ hll .\ 1')lt·:II.
TlH' ClI.\
Tltl' ('II \11:'1 , ...... \11' \(111 fil'iIII,II'll,\ 1111' :II"'\lltl"', ,d' rlll'~I' \:trIO\I";
nlP;lTh 1111"0
Or~:llll7,;lt I( ,lh I
Tllal j:-; tl
.\fr. l;tI{ 1\.";1'11'.. [ \lIJlI1dll'l ,'hllli 1(11)(' till' :11','1111.','1. Lill I
TIH'('II,\lI;\1 \". !.1'C::ll :11"'11111"'1.
'1 r. If .\:\1
Tltl' ('If \
'\[1'. I;'i( 1,<111'\. [ 11"1>['1")[':11"([ :111 of 1111'111 II> Ih\' ,',\1,'111111:11 tll\'.\' ('OIllH'i! i~ ,t
\\'1'1'" In('I>!')II)I':'I"" III t!1t' l'I!III'" :--:1:'11"'. :111" [ 1:lk" \"'1',\ ~l't':ll ]lI'I'[I'
'Ir. II.D
III II!!' 1':1,'1 tll:\1 111:1" :111:1111) 11111"::I>ti:lt!ll~ \\It)1 1'1'11111' \lllll,tl'l' 1~I'11
t 10all~f\'TTinl
(;1]1"'0[/ -"III' \":11'- 1':1,·1,1111' ,'"j 111"111:11 :IIT:III~'l'IIII'JI" 11"1\\1"'11 lh.' The ClI\
.11·\\,-1, \C:"II'·\. \\11,,·1, h ,I 11I>1'~"'\I'l'lI!ll"III:11111J1i\'.:11101 11,1' (;11\"1'11'
ZillTli:-:1 ('Oil
111,'1:1 "I' 1-1,:\,·1 II \'.'11,·1, .,:1'11;;"':"",11'111, \\"1"']'1',1\1;1",1 f'"'IIi,' tll',l.-rl,\' '[I'. H.DI
:1""III'!-II';III"11 "f
,'1"'1'1""'1- ,dl.\-I'·:II l:t-k
III.' til' 1:t1,!Ii~ 1""'1,1 1, III, '1']11' ('lI\ 1
~'l)i'lC: "11',,11;"':'1: ~I II.",!I'·:II t'\.:IIIIII':III":I-. -,'!rllll~ ,ill'lll "I! II", lllld • \ 1'(' YOl\ a
'lI' ! 1I I I I' 111,1 1'\ .. I 11,1 -" t,,!'1 II.
\11'. '1 L\ 'If
....... 'I',li,'1 :-...~ \li",I"'. \\'1"111.\"'1 -'11'1,1\ f'lI rIll' 1'1"·",,,1 'll., lill:111"'1"
gl n-, llll'. I
!If :,II,IIII"I,.,II\·III~."""- 1'1'1 \'''11 11,'11 \,,11 II III' Ik"I, ' " " I-I II'). III '/i\' lllP1IIOI'\' of
I- I 1" .. , 'l' - I \\,;h 11(;1 tlH
\II" /;"\ h , I I I ' , 1\\"]11,11", \ " 1 ' ~!1.ltll". :1~l'l'PllIPllt ,
........ '·11·1 r 11 ....... , \1 "" I
f I"
I; ,.\ r I k \ (,t I
..... ,' •.. ' 1'1 "'I,, II \ ',I' 1 I 1"0 'I "1" -:,
.11:\\"1<;11 ,\(;1'

\1 (' • " ' I l l II 1',1: 1'\" \11', I , I" \111'1,1

Tlrp (°11 \
T!,,' ( 11,:,:\1 \'. \!" I -1,,,\\ .... "II I "(Illy "r.1 1\1\'111';1:1111111111
Il.llllllJ,. I J. K(,]1I'1) ~
,!:tl,'<! \,,'\ I'I!"'I' '" i'I,;". :1,1,1 1 "_-1.,11(, \11-. I.'.IIII!!" ..... 1"·'-'·1' 1'1"'111 L<I' \ [ 1". I (UII
d"I'\' [1:11111111 (III IIII' ,I"'it'd (,f (ll·. ~h\\:I"1"1I1. '111t! ;l-k \'(111 If \"HI '1'11(' ('11\
\ \ r l d l ' Il!.J -f'lll Ill, . . ,Jlt·I~,t)i •
a Ity p,lylnf'l'
.\11 II \'11 " . 1"-. -'I. ('i1 dllrill!..;ll
, \ ""]1\ "t' i'ill' 1111'1,1"', ,1- f,,' 1,,\\ - \
'fl'. 1I.ul
, III \\ I .... \. \ I. l \ " 'I \ " J: I, \ ....;, 1.1 I 1~ I". I" I ,Jr. 1. L. K.
\ 'J I ll~l I 'J/,I}
I ,;, J.
ZiOIlI:-:1 ('011
:'III \\ \lIL\ '1111 0\
of \\'hidl :\1
'1'". :'Ili,,~
F:lllni .. ~I>('ispr-Ho\lkkl'\'pillg Dt'parlllJ"1I1. .\r!lpril'HIl /.
!,o!">l1l I-:ld,,,·,, /IJ1llllill I, I,. h: I'llI'll
~IJI,j""1 PI' ~C'!I\\'Jldr\l1l I "i,' I TIll' (OJ{ \
Ill'. ~('l!\\'ndnln I "i,') h:1'< no!\'j".. ,j rllP thut Ill' is f;l('NI will! 1111 1I"('lllllllhllet! hill wit h T"Pg-anl
of :::I,PPf) !HI fpr \\'ithl,,,ldjll~ UIXI'S alld Illl !'qllill fi III 1111 llt for a prilltpr's lJill,
1. thl'rc'fore, a~r('e-t! to rp~rt to him ill the Dext thrcp months, at least, $2,500,00
p('r 11)(111111 ill"tl':Id lIr t\\'O 1 hllll"llllli dllJlar" Jlpr month, 'fhi,.; is wl'll within the
1l""ig-lIl'd 1IIId~f't.
his til'ld? Plpnse mnke SliTI' to is"ue tbl' first cbwk for $2,500,00 for ~o'l'mher as soon as
III'\' SIIH:e po""illl(' thrullj.:lJ th{' normal paymrul chunn!'l",
I~A1l0RE HA~{LI~,
'I'llr ('II.\IIOI.\~, I \\ill n'ad :
t at 1'''; for Ur, ~clJ\\'Il<lroll
11:1" adYi"p<1 IlH' thnl hp i" fa('pd with an 1l('I'lIll111Jall'l! bill of
. alld for ~!,1l00 tor wit IJllolding laxl'" Ifllil fill l'<lllll! IlIlIOIIllI for H prillll'r'" bill.
I, tllI'fI'fof\', al!;fI'l'd to rPJllil to hilll ill t)w IlPxt :1 llIollth" Ilt !pa"t :I;:!,;)oO per
lJ1f1l1lh ill"ll'ad of llll' ~:!,I)4H. IIt'r IIlOlllh, Tid" i,.; \\'1'11 wilhin till' n""igllpd hlld~pt.
I'!l-a,,(' IIlak,' "llfl' tn IsslIP flip fir"f !'Ill'('k f(lr ~:!,SOO for :\un'IIIIJ('r H" ';OOIl as
ol'lW\' for Il<,,,"il,!p Illr(lUJ,:'li IIIP norllJal l!a.'Illf'lll dIHIIIlPI",
I t:lkl' it tll:ll tIll' agTl'l'IlI('111 n,fl'I"1'('c! to \\'as \\illl 'II'. ~h\\'a.dran?
.\11'. II \\ILI'\, Yl':--'."il',
'I'll{' ('II.\IIDt \:\, _\lld .\'1111 l1l:ltll' p:I.\'IlH'IlI::: ill a('('ord:lll<'(' \"ith this
r I ] I' 1){)() I ~
:I~I't'('IIII'llt. did Yelll Ilot ~
.\11', J 1\\11.1",' Tllat i<..: right. "",, 111:ld(, Jl:l.\'I1H'Ill:--- (0 111(' ,\nH'rica.n
Zi()III~1 ('()IIII"'] jll :/',(,()l'tI:llJ<'(' \\1111 tltl" 11~T'l'I'IlH'I1t.
'I'll(' ('I[,\ll:~1 \~, Tlll' [Jllr:l"I', "III/I'llla! p:lyllll'nl ,'h:lIl1lrl<' I t:lkl' it
I' \: I I" / ( )\ I"':
111(':111:-' IllrOII!!h t lIP .\llleri":l11 Zi4Hlist ('Olllll'il. i,-: 111:lt 1'01'1'0('( ~
T11:lt I:' tIl;' Ilonll:t1 paylJH'111 dl:lllllf'l \\(' ]Ia\'{' rdl'lTl'd 10?
.\fr. II \:'>II.I'\, Yl':-',
'1'11(' ('11 \IIDI \ " .\cr:lill---IIII~ i~ IIII'!'('!\' ('lllllll!:IIIYl' 111:ll tliP ZiOlli:'t
111;\ I I Ill' \.
('Olllll,jl i" :\('I ill~:I:' :l1~:lgl'111 fOI'l':lylllt'Il'1 I
(.: I tI"" \1'(· .\Ir, II\:'>I['I~, TIll' Ziolli"r ('lllllll'il \\:1" t:l\';ili~ tIlt' IlIOIll'\' and
i~t "I' 1\"11 trall:-,fl'ITilll! it to tltl' Lotti:, H:llliIIO\\itz FOllllda( ill'll. "il'. .
\\ ",' 1I I II\'
'I'll(' ('II \ liD! \" "",,11. \011 1I:lcl :111 :1~T('l'llll'l1! \\ Irll tIll' ,\!Ill'ri":lll
ZllIlli:--t ('Ollll"llth:lt 11lt'\' '\\'01l1d do tlilli. did \'1'11 IIO! I
II1ld('r'-:tal"lik~' \~iliI
I' ,,,-.1"1'\\'
.\11', lr.\\II,I:'\, "'t' II:lll all tlll'lll, l'I'Y'I:lillh',
H If '! I It· I I:,
'1'111' ('11 \IIDI \:--., yp...:, i'
I I!" I I 11.1 ,\ n' ,\'(t11 ;1"1(11:1 i III ("I
.\11', II \:'>ILl" . . \ .... a Ill;ltr,']' of Ll('I, ~II', if 1 III:IY, J\('1'II:lp",:- 110. for-
" I!II:III"'I"
g!\" 1IIl', I Jlltf'l'I'lljl!pd for 1l0111111~', I \\:1" II'YIII~ 10 l'l'f!'I,,,1t Illy
1, ' ~, I\ 1 II I '
IlIl'lIl0!',\ 'If:1 Ill'l'illcllll:lt i:, llot !jill!" fn'~ll ill lIly Illilld. :llId \\,hp]'l' I

\\':1" 1IIIt Ill\' l'\l'/'Illi\'p din'('ll)l'; III 1)f1I!'I' 1\(I1'II~, thl' Ilri~llI'-: (,f Ihi:-;
:l!!lTI'}III'!Il. rIlle' \\:1" I III' 111ill!.£ I \\:t" tryi'll!.:' lei IIIIII\'; tltl'(lll~']l.

,1/'\\'1."':11 \1:1""-' Y \1.1.<'" \'1'11 1"- ,,)' I·t ""-\'" 'I'll ,\/1' 'Ill 1'1 HI II \e'l' '-:t It";I'Rll'-
TIII"'e' (I!' ' I \11 1-:\,,1' 1<11'1''''1'
III .... ' I I

Tlj(' ('II \11('"""-, .\l'l' .\011 :I"l!ll;tilllpt! \\'illl :111 Illtl" iclll;11 11:llllrd 1.
"I '111< 111111 r I, J\ t '/11'11 I

1'1"'111 1:-':1' \11', II \:111.1', I k110\\ .\/1'.1\\'11\'11 (,,'rt:lllll\',

)\1 1 f \'011
TI\('\lInl.\~, I lid I Ill' ,II'\\i...:11 .\!2'('ll;'\'-.\liH'!'ie':lll :-""'1 inll Ill:lkr
allY jl:IYIIlI'llf~ 10 \11', I, II, l\1'1l1'1l11I1'otl~'ll til\' ,\I1II,!,j":lll Ziolli...:t ('llllll-
1'1] tllI!'ill~lll\' 111'I'llld .\I'!'II L 1~)lill.tod:;!(')
.\11', II \'.11\:'\. ~il'. tl", ,1l'\\I,..h i\I!I'IlI'y didl)'1 lllak,' allY 11:lYllll'lit to
,. .\Ir, I. L, I",'lll'll Illl! dullll:lk,' :t11 ;illo(';l!lllll of f\llld~ til rllt' .\11":1'i.'an
ZI,Olll...:t ('ollll,'ii 10 Illln'll:I";(' '-:l1ll'-:('l'iptitlll"': of Illp \'(,:11' 1'::I...;t I~t'Jlo!·t.
td \\!ll,'!l .\11'. h,\'l 11'1 I I:' I'dlfo!'. till' ,I,,,, 1'I11\ltlOl! 10:1 1l1:lillll!! lic-t or thl'
_\IIlPl'lI';l1l Z)(llli'-:l ('onlwil. Th('n' \\:l" II{)t :l din,,'t P:l\ fill 'It to 'fr,
I. I" h('llt'11 of :111\' killd, .
Till' ('If\lIDI.\~, VI'I,ll. \\':\:, tl\(' :1!!I'f'PTlIPllt lll'T'l' ,-:illlil:lr!o tIll' ()Il('
11I11IIpd hill with rt'l!:1nl to \11'. :--;1I\\-:1dl'al1 i TIll'.\' \\,PI'PIl't di"('d, \'lIt the Amer-

i(an Zi()ni~t Council ulldeI'~ro(Jd that th('~e payl1l('nts \\"PI'(, to ,he

1ll:1t!f' to -'II', 1(1'11('11 ~
~\lr. lLuIL1X. III litis l';\~e I wOllld "';;1.\',1 happPIl to kllow thilt the
~\lilPl'i(';\n ZiOlli...;t ('Olllll,il tllI'lll'd il~f'Jf to t!lp .Jewj~h .\!!I'lli'\' alld
a:·;}\:pd for all apprOpI'LI!/llll {O IIlI.\. to plll'l']LI:-f'. t!l(':-l' "';1I11"';(TljltioIlS
of r Itl' ~ paI" Ea~1 I~I'! IOJ't.

Thf' ('IJ \I/(\( \:\'. "'pll. I ~llo\\' \011 all IIlld:III'd 1::llllhHittl'lI ']jOfl'
and ,-Igllt'd ,,( >1\. I. I LII/ilill." :lIld :~,...;k yOll if yo II ~1~'II\'ll :llld l'lI!'I'I)\'\.d
1 hI' payllJ('llt :-,('1 fo!'t It ill I h j,.. IlII' \,)
.\Ir.lf\'11 1".1'('-:,:,'1'. TII!:-i.-JIJ\·"I!!Il:lllll'("
1.\ '·"P.\ "f Ill\' 'i"t('],,:t~ follo\\" :')

" .

,', "

., "

.): I
~. .t
\,'..., --~

,.. ~
... ,~1 . .:...L.
'- . i
~, .-.,., , \ I
",:,j 'q,~
"J \~ .
• -"'G.
" \

,, !

IO\\" t hat till"'

_\~·I·III·\· alld
·II!J:--'TljJt j()llS

\\ ~'il11'11 1101\'
lid ;11'1 ,r<l\·I,d

l"-- •

. \

, ~;

The CJI.\lfDL\)O. The main part of the note dl'al:-, \\'ilh "1\:11 ~ub, 1 hf'i t' pllb] ie,
vention~," but I call your attpntlon to the Illlt' readlllg "Kellen (paid t 1() 11:-:.
2/:;4 .·i,(lUU)" which ha:-; a line drawn tlll'Ollglt It alld tlll' initial:.. "OK" T1H' CII,\1

next to it, alld a:-;k you if t hi:-; refers to 1. L. Kell('11 ~ Zi(111i:-:t ('Oll!
-'II'. Ih11I.[)O. ::-iiI', I \\'ill ha\'e to look, try to find Ollt \\hat hap- (':111 ~I'd iOTI ~

pened in this ca:-;~. Bllt it i:-- po:-,:-:ible that \\!Ipn \\C Illat!e the paylIll'llh :\f!'. I 1.1 ~f I
t~i lite ('ollll('il fOI' I\.PI 1\'1 I \\'p Illay h'LH'. thaI i:-:, for t Ill' 11!1j'PO.";I~ of ( .( llll j(' i I. 0 f (
the:-ip :--IlIJ:-:criptioll:-: of tIll' );ear 1':a:-:1 {{eport, \\hll·h \\':l:-: IIOlll' hy Ilw h:I"; 1l1o!'P or~
A!lIerican Ziolli:-:t ('OIlIj('1 J. for I liP :-:ake of uookl,yppillg-. fo!' I liP sake :1"'; I :--:Iid Iwf

off)\lr interJwl l'e('(,rd:-:. It ilia." !Ian·lieE'1l ue:-;ignatpd as "!\.l·Jlpll," jllst ('o\lll,·il \\'0\
:LA 'Ill Ill(' (·a....;\' of ,hl'c:.p IIIPlllo!'alllllllll"; I dl'sigll:\t(',! "~II\\':td],:111" jll..;t to n'l:lli(III~lljl'
~n \'1' t IIII\'. Tilt, ('11 \1

·,:rtip ('II \IIDL\'>. I am .ill...;t Iryillg to clarify the r('('onl Oil thl:':' jll~' :1"'; :l!!l'rlt
('ollid YIH] file for I11P n'('ol'<l till' payllll'nt:-; Ilia! you iliadI' tlll'ollgh .'\11'. II \'"
the Ame!'jcan Zioni:-;I ('ollllcillO Mr. KpllPI) ~ i~g the mall
Jlr, 11.\'TI.I.'>. In thiS Ilprlod, 111l'!'p I..; 1111 datI' (III I It 1:-:, '''(Hlld ynll sir.
JpI lIlp lO(Ik thi:-: IIp in IllY Otlil'l' I "Thp ('11\
The ('II \ 111:\T.\'>. 'fl", Tllal):-' \\hat I :tIll :l,klll!! \'(1111) .10: yl':-:, payl1l(,ll! S:lI
~Ir. "r
I. J! \:\[]
(~l,(' :Ip]H'lldix~. p. Ill", ]rl'lIl ".) Tlw('II\1
:\ I1', I I \:\1 [
'I'llI' ('11.\
ZiOll i~1 ('Olll
Tlll' ('II \\HM,\'> . . \c- I lllldt'T>lood yOl1 to SHY. tIll' ('(lPlp, I)f III' \\,:lr -'II'. ]J,\~TI
E :1:-' I H l' I )( l!'1 yo 11 :-;p nl t (I .\ 0 II I' 111:\ Jilll!! 11:-: I I bv Ilw .\ TlH'I
\11'. II.\\ll.l~, '\0. '1'111:-: \1:1:-- till' 111:\I]I]I!! li:--1 (d' tIlt' .\nll'l'II':111 !loI1- . SPll,lto" ~
ic:.t ( 'olln('i l. ' ask:1 (·ollplp
TI,p ('Ii.\IH;\f.\~. Thp', sf:nt il ¢ Thp CIUI
.\11'. II\:\lrl~. Ye:-:,:-:i~. J 1lI:1\' :-;f!'
Thl' ('IL\II(:\I.\'. '\')I:lt i:-, Ihl' 111l';llIillg :lllll \\]l:lt dill" "]\'I1" "'1:llId 11111 \\1' ~\ilJ i
for I I dOll'! kl
.\Jr. Ir\:\Tr.r~. "}\]J" ~tands for Keren Hayesod. If you will look' (If flli...; i:-, ('lIl
:11 Ihis ('hart, Knt'li IInyl'sod, which means literally foundation fund,
alld fIll' "p" Inf'nns Palpstine Foundation Fund, which is the oldest QUl
flllldraising insf 1'1ll1lf'nt ill thiS ('OUlltry for thp t.11t'Tl Pale."'t lilt', but tIlt,
fil'...;lnf :til\' fllndl':II'I!I!! 11I,ll'lIllll'III, III t hl:--I'IIIIIII n, ;';(,11:11111' :--
TIlt' (';1\111\1". \\"II:lt do~'", "1\11 :-';'1111\1'1111<;11'" \111:11 :tlt' 1!\\·.\, \11'. I hili
\\'h:11 II" lilt,\, 11H':1 II I .\ ~('II(: \', f ill
.\11'. lI,\:\III~. "KI! ."ll!l\'I'lllioll"· rdl'!''''; to l)a.\'III('11I...; 1l1:1r!I' Ily tilt' .\11. '11,\:\1
Kll IIlall.". IWIIlY ."1':11'''' :1!!pI'1 till' .\1Il1'1'1('all Zifllll,t!!r fl l!])' :1:-' a 11:11' ,\ L"Pll('y .\
tlal !,('jl1lhlll'~l'l1ll'l1t to f tWill of P"IH'II<';t·S lIlt'." had 111 ('IIIIIH'I'! lOll \\llh ~I'Jl a t or :-
flllld !':1 i~llJ!!. \lr.1h:\T
]f I 111:1\', add. :\11'. ('ll:IirlllHlJ: in Illp l':ll'lip!' d:I\', il \\:1"'; tllp Zloni...;t of \\,hil·h .'\1
gronps ill 'thic:. l'Ollllt ('\' fll:11 \1f'I'P tIl(' h:wkhoTW of Ihl' fllnrll':li...;ill!! [01' 0''"' I' II :l t () I' :
,Jp\\-j:-:h ('ol( ion :n P:tlt',lllll' al UJ:lt tillil'. :111.1 t hI' K II :11 that :-:ill1'l' \\'ll~'ll
filliP g:t\\' "'111:111:'11I11"'; of 11}()\I\'Y' to tllp \:11'1011:-' ZiOIII,t !!rrll1]\~ to !'l·inl' \11'. I! \:\1
h\l"~t' 11I!"lll f1l1' :1'Sl,tlll:! tIll' 1':Illlp:llgll ill mall,\' \\:1."'. Tlli..; n'htioIl- . ..;I·I\:llot';
sh i p "OIl tin 111';-; tot It is d fl y. \11'. II \:1
Ditl'p!'l'nt ol't!':lllil.:ltio!l"'; h:ld paid tl11·...;p 111(\111'\-"'; fll Ihl' \':1 t'i IIl1 , Zi'111i:-,1 111'1 \\I'PII I!l
grol1ps, alld tod:ty till' ,'I'wi,1t .\gl'IH'y- \llll'l',I'all :<l,(·til)): P:I.', , :-:11 .. 11 d i J'f'('1 0 l' (\ f
!'(l-(':llll'd K II snbn'lll iOII'" til 1111' Ziolli...;t ~t'OllP:-' til ('('iltllllll':-'p tll1'lII \\' IWll Illl'
primnrily fIll' t]IP a..;:-:i'I:Hil'I· Iht,." ,!!I\'(' to tlH' {'.J.\ (·:tlllpai!!lI 11I1'OII!!h "admi lli:--f r
Lpl':\ 1111' I Ill'

th "KIf :-ill!>' 1!ll'i,' J>lll,]i"ali()n~, Thl'ough tll('il' \ill'inll"; llOIH' Ol'galls, and publica-
.. KpJ\('1I I pa id I I () Il.~, <!l

initial:- "OK" \ '\. \ \ - I' 1(, \\ Il y i1I'l' 1 Ilt, p:l \ 1111' II t... I I la d p t () t llP •\ nw r i(' a.n
'1'111' ( , J r \ I !n I
I:i('lli~t t '()IIJ}(,I1 rathpJ' ILal1 dirp('\ Iv 1'1'(11;1 tllP .Te\\'j:-h .\gPIlC'y-.\lllPri-
ut \\Iial hap· (':111 :-i",'1 ion I
I lll' p:tYllll'll!:-; \fr, lI,\\!I.['\, \\'('11. ill tlti:-, /'a~l'. il": \\'pll. "il'. {h" .\I11('l'il'~11l Ziolli..;t
Ill' !' 11l'f IO:-P of ('()IIII,i1. oj' l'oIIJ''''I'. i..: /'I'JIlJlf)~I'd or Ilw:-,' .\IlH'ri':l1l I.iolli~t !!I'()ll(l~ alld
h dOlll' Ilv I II\' lla ... 1IIIII'l' Il],.r;llli,' ;llld din"'1 !'t,l:tlillll":]lip \litll i1IP l.i(Jtli~l!!rOlJp~: and
r, 1'01' [11(: ,-akp :1": I ~:lid I,,'!"'I,', 1111:1'" ()1I1' llllf'(' alJd fl'I,lill!! Ilt:ll rIll' "\tllpl'il':11l Zinnj~t
.. 1\.('lIl'II.·· j U,,1 ('(IIIII,'iI \1 (lIi1d lal\l' IlI'PI' alld ',", till' !lOt'lII;I] 1,11:lllIH-] 1'01' all the 1I":lIa1
adl"ilIl" jll..:i to l'l'!:1I11l11-11:!'- Il'illl tll(' _\I1H'I'j<';11l Zi41tli ...1 ()I'!!;1I111.;lti()tl..:.
'I'lli' ('1/ III~\[ \,\, III :11i,.; \';I"p \\a~ lilt' .\1111'111';111 Zi41J!i:-,1 ('oIIJ\i'il ;I('t-
lTl III I ~, ill:': ;I~ ;1~-t'li1 fOI' pay lIll'tl t )
!Iwdl,tlll'll!lgll ~./I, 1/\\11,1", III 1 Iii ... ":I"'P IIii' .\IIII'lj";'Ili"t (''''III,'il Wil~:I""I'pt­
in~ tllp mOfll'\' from U~ and tlll'lJill!! iT. 11\'1'1' to tll!' I.i/J!li"t f!l'llllp:-; ,\l'~ •
.' . . '
SI r.
• Th" ('II \ 1),\1 \~. \\' II it,ll lll'!!:lllii'.al iotl dl,t ('1'111 i IH'''; how b I'!!I' 1111':-1'
p:tyllil'lltc; an' I
\fI, II \'11 I>:, Tlli-.i"::l dl,(,i . .:illflof tlll'.Il'\I'i:-h .\!.!'I'll"\',
TIlt' ( , I I \ I H \! \ ". " ]:- 1 hI' I\: I [ ;111 .\ llli' \' i~' a tl I) r f II 1'(' i glJ '0 I' g;l I I i I,a t i 0 tl I
, I I', I I \ \ I I ,J ,\, 1(~ K [I i ~ a II _\ III I' I' i (':11 0 I'ga n i zill inn,
in f
TIlt' ('II \1](\1\" }>id t]ll' ,ll,\\i ... l, .\!!I·JI<'\ Ill'g;llliZI' tll!' .\IIl!'l'i('illl
Zjlllli ... t ('111I11l'il) . .
\fl', II \'11.1'. \"0. :-il', T1\l' .\nll'rj('alll.iolli:-1 ('Ollll<'il \\:1:- ol'gallizl'd
11\' I hi' ,\ lJ 1I'l'i/';1 11 l.iOIl i..:t !!I'Ollp-':,
~1'II:il411' :-iY\II',:ti!I'',:, .\11'. ('h~li'1'I1I;lJI. 111:1\'" tllll'a\-i' :-lllll1, ('olild I
II c; k :I "I III pip -" f q II ; ,~t i 0 11"; !
The ('''_\HDI \ x, Y 1'..:; of (,1l111'~(,.
, . ~

1 Ill:! \' "';\ \' I :1111 !!oi Il!! :I ] it Il,' f:t~tl'l'. ~111,'h of tIl i:-, i..: /'111\l1llat i \'1'.
llll! II I' ~I 111 L:I II' tll:1 (ll' :11 :, ::~II.
I .IOIl·t \,1111\1 \I'lll'tl\l'1' [ \\ ill III' a1>1p to f'Olllplplp thi,.; or IlOt . .\Io..;t
you wi 11 look' (If r III~ I~ "111l1UI:11 1\'1,.11\11 "-011 Illay l'pl'laillly ask qUP..:liolJ";,
mdation fund,
1 is the oldest
(',-.;tIIll', Inlt tilt,
:""1 1:1l III' :") :III '\1;'/11:\, Tltauk \'(111.
I '
\lr, 11:11111111. YOll :tn' tIll' PXI','uti\'!' ":('{'I'l't:l\'\' Ill' thp .\IIl('l'jl'an .1p\\'i,.;lt
.\~I'II<',\, tilt, ,\rllt'I'II';)1l ~I,,'t lOll ~
; 1l1:ldl' 1,\, till' ,\Ir ,I I \:111.1:\, I r [ lIi:l\ "01'1'('('( \1I11.I'XI','1111\oI' din'l'llIl' of tht> .Jl~\\i:-,h
)1' I'~ :1": :1 1':11' '\~"ll"I- .\IlIt'rit';)1l ~1't,t'i()Il. I]1\', .
Illll'/'T i011 \\ I1I1 :-i('II;'I[ III' ~ \ \11 :\(;')'(1:\, .\ lIlpril':111 ~,'('t illll. I Ill',
\11', II \\[L1:\, .\..; <!istill!!llishl'.d frolll JI,\\'ish Ag'l:J1cy for Isrnpl, rile.
;1": tlll' l.ilillI..:1 of \\lli,,1t \11', 1 IaJ11IlH'1' is tIH\PXPclltin' \'j(',(\ c!Jainn:lIl.
1IlIII'Hi ... ill!! for ,~(,II;lt(II' :--;)'\11,(;1'<1'\, Higltt. YOll Itn\!' l'I'!'Il 0pl'ratill~ tlli..; :ll!pll/'y
,I\.II :11 IIt;,t :-il\1'(' \\1\1'11 /
'()IIfI~ If I 1"'1111 \11', II "ILI"_ I bl'I':IIl'1P I'XI'I'llt",(' din'dol' ill I'al'h' l!H~l.
Tl,i..: J'('l:ttiOll :-iI'11:ltlll,:-iY\II'\l;')'ll:\" \"hat WI'J'('Ylludoill!!IH'J'oi'l'tll:l1 ~
\11', II \\11 1:\, I \\:\-.; tltl' adlllilli..:trali\·p diI'pl'tor p:tri of tIll' pprio<!
:ll'il III'" l.illl1 i ~l IWI\I"I'JI l!i:I!1 :tlld .}IPI\\('l'lJ !ll;'I!).:llld l!IUll; 1 \\"a~ tllP lldllli\li~lntti\-p
i, lI' p:l:. ~ :-'\ I" i, <liI'I'I'tll[' of 1111' .Il'\\i:-,ll .\gl'Il/,\' [or J~l'al'l. TIl\' .. Ihp fllrlllPr !lod\', ;)lId
indllll':-'l'thl'lIl \1,11(,11 11\1' I'l'ol'gallizatioll took 'p!a/'P. 1 l'olltibWpr! \Iilll IIII' tilll' Ill'
1:l1!!ll I hl'flll~,dl ";,<lIlIilli ... trarin' din'('tn!'" of tlH~ .\Illl'ri":lll :--;I','lioJI. :lIlIV ill 1':11'11, !!)fi!
h"":l lilt' 1lit' ('XI'I'lll i \1' d i 1'l','lo)' of I Ill' .\ 1I1pl'i(';1I1 :--;1'1'/ il 111. '
1330 :\CTIYITlF::::' OF A(;E "T~ OF FOnEll..iX PRIXCIPALS IX 1J.S.

:--t'llatlll' ~Y.\II"(;TI'''. ;\o\\', dllt'~ \'tllll' (11)!alllZallllll I'q!l~tl'l' IIIlJl'r
thl' FIJI't'i;!11 .\;!l'lll:- }lE'!!i,;tr:llioll.\l'I·!
.\II'.!I \\111'-. 1'1':-.'11': II d()(',.:.
~t'II;I! Ill' :O-;y -'I (:\(;'1''':\. I lid \'011 do l'\('l'\l hill!!. ((J tIll' 11l':;1 of your
.\ f r
(. I ,', ill I'll 1'111 I (I t Ill' ;'t'~ll1a t i oJ h ~ .
k II Il \\ It,cI, 'I'.
..\f I
h\' \ i(
.\11'.1[~\!11'-. YI",:-:il': \\·Pdl'·!.
~('llat()r ~'.\II'-', ",.,-. Iltel "llll ('1',·1' JI:1\'(' all\' di~I·II",.:i()ll~ :h to It 0\\' Th
:-'e I
t () "'1' I : I 1" .1111 \ I 1 Ill' '.. -"III: 1I 101 1~ i I ])(~ II
\11'.11\\111'\. \11,"11'.
~P!1:II()1' :-'Y\[[,,(;1'I''': "']Wll yOll ,;iglll'd up (ill t lli,.:, \\'It:tt i~ t!l(, name
all I \V
of il Ilt I\\' nga iJl--
.\lr.II",( ""'111'\. FI'I·I·I:.!11 ,\g\'"I ... I~('gi'II':Ili()11 ,\1'1. -,'II
~1'11.ll"r~, \11,-\:)"''-. l'-on'I:.!11 .\:.!('III-.!~t':.!i~tl':lti()11 .\('1. did you ask
] 1:1 \'l'
'yOlll' \:1 \\ .\'1'1" ]111\\ II. till it' ., .
.\ II'. I ( \ \ I 1 I .... I
). I " : \ \'1' "I'll .... \ I t \ "t \\ i ( II nIl I' : I { 1( 11'lll' \'f'. :.' I
I ic:T PI
~1"I,li')I:---' 111 ... ,,111 .... \\']111 \\,,1',' \,1111':\1(111'111'\:-' t
Lv t!1
.\11'. 11\\[L1'- . .\11'. HOllk.;tl'lIl. , . •
>"11.11>\' >, \(1'1,1"'-. >1) If \lill !t:II"'III:lcll' .111\' lr(lltldp. \\'\' \\ill rnad
it 1111 \11'. 1;"1[1"(1'111,1-. t II:I( il;
[Llll;!lltt'r.1 III other '\\onl~,.it would
I \Ill.
11:11 I' I'I"'I':! II':.!:II 1111.-( 11.".11111 :111 ,1,llllil:i:-TI':lti\'\']III~(;lk\'.
_, II'. I I \ \ (I I '-. I I II) 11 (11 kr I I 1 \ \ \ \ ·11t' I lit, (' \\ (' I I I a \ II' : Ill" J II i,.: I : I l·;t~.
IIllj II)
T]1t' ('11 \11;\( \,-, 1\\'1-.11 II!t' rt'I'llI'l! {II ... 11(1\\' 111:1!':I\ fal' :1:' thl' I,lui('-
111:111 1- "III1""I'Il\'t!, III' I~ II' 01 :111";!llll! :11 :111 {!tal yll!1 iliadI' :lily IIII:,l akE\'-'.
,\ r J
',"11,11 I :1111 -I',·klll~· ,,, l'i1I,1 "Ill I~ JIIl\\
tllh 01"'1':111".
\11'. II \.\11 I .... ) 1'-. \ \ " ,11'1' 11\'1'1'111 Illl lilt' bl,~t \\.\' ":111..
['11t' ( II \11:\1 " . I ]1:1\ I' "':11.1 IIOlllillg. IIOIH'. 10 !":Id r \'(lll to IH'lit'\'H
tklf \"1111:1\1' 111:I,l" :111\ ltli~takl''':. \YIIf't!t\,(' 1)(' 111I!. \'IIl( han" tilt'
n"·,,,.:l 1\ III ,ltll\\. . Th
<..lIT.";T[II" or [~T.~"Tl()N OF GAI~ Youl'1
~, . I I : I 1 1 II' ~ 1 \ [ [ '\ 1 , I " '-. I \\ :1:- i II It III <~11.' \\ :l Y I III I' 1.\ I I I:.! : 111.\ ( 11 i I I:.! I II I
f:III·. \\", il,ld :1 \\ IIIit'''' fIli ... 11l11l'llill~"\:)IO :'1:11,'.] \ 1\1'1'" 11('\'1']' \\:1-' :111\'
;\f I
i cI ,':I I' II I : I I I I l' I II :I [ I I I~' I t f" I .:.! : I I I I . I, 1 It: I t I l ' III' () f .\ 1 I \I
I' 1I I:- I.' ~
\11'.11 \\111 .... :--;11. \\":II'l':II"i1,li"ol'g:llliZ:lll'1ll. ( ':\
,"';"11;,'111(':---' \11'-'.1'"",
\II', 11\\111,\, \0, :-Ir.
'1'111'1'1' \\':1"; 1111 :-IIC'T\ 11l:lIlilllll:lllllll 0(' t!'· ... II'l'
.\ 11':1 i
to 1I1:111Il1l11:lft'.
~I'It;'llll'~) .\11 ,\(;(tl". l'PlI :lr.'Ullt!('r (lath? ~Ir
\11'.11 "" 1'\. 1'\'S,:-I!'; 1 :\111.
:-'t'I\:l!IlI':--;' \11";'1'1)". _\lId' }llll.i1!'I"'~:lyillg if [11('1'(' \\'i1~ aliV IlIi:-;tHKt·
it \\:I~:l (\:I'lllli":llllli>lakp'?
~rr.,I". J)t'fillit~h. ..
:-'I'llil(O!' ~Y'll:\t;T():\. "-hat I am trvin!! to dp\'l'!op is that thl'rE' )[1
W:l~ ItO g,'t {1I\!! t41~I'IIIt'r \\'it It any illdi,:idl;;J1 or ~rOllp to t,r-y to work (~
a I', lillill (Ill' F(;n'I~~1 Bl'gi,.;r rat ion ~\l't .
.\11'.11 "H.I:\'. Xo.:-ir: ah:,ollltl'lr not.
~ ~t'n:lfol' S1'MTXGTO:-;. }l(lv(' YO\'! ]I:td allY cast' of anybody tryill~!O
gt'( P~"'~(lll:d !!jt,11l 1:11 t I) Y I.h i~ ! , 'I'll
,rl. II.\~fT.l:'\. ~o. ~Ir. nrV('I during,my expE.'rJE'nCB In the .r('\\'i~h fill i11l
.A (!'(' r1l' y . din'\'
':-'PIl:-IIOl' ~'\':'\n~I;T(l~, no yOU kllow of any contl't~,~iillll~ thaI Il:I\'\'
, .\b
IW('II Iliad" (f) ;IIIY p41l,til'i;\Il~? '1'1
:\ I I
ArTlnTIU; OF AGE:\T:' OF FORF:I(;:\" PRl:"CIPALS l~ U.S. 13M
, \I !l!lt- r \fr. II.\:\rl.I:--'-. ;";0, ~il'.
~1'n:II(»)' ~Y-'(l~'I;I:(I~. I>i"l'('t!\' 0)' illdin'l'lly, ill allY \\:tv uf ,Illy kill,l
\\'}Iall'\'\'!' ~ ..

)f you r \I r'. J I.\:'>r 1.1:--'-. ~ OIl!' \\hal ('\','1', I () 1Il\' kIlO\\']I,,]g£,.

\fl', H'II KSTI':l~.' J ~hr;~tld S:I\' I <I;dll'( Illillk .\fl'. JI:lInlin ~aicl that
III' \ 1(l!al\'d th,' ];1\1 dlI'l,,'Ih' rlr'i;ldin'I'lh' ill :111\ \\:1\'.
to how 'I'll\' ('rr \IIDi,\'\ . .\rIIJI1{:('],.;{'II:I"S:,itl'tll<ll.· .
...... l'lIaloL' ~Y-'tl:"I:IO~. \r~1. 111(' in,!lI·I'''''IIIII·r f!(It Illi", Illol'nil,l!! fi'olll
1111'11'''11111011\' j, 111:11. Iq"t'd on 111:\1 ~<IIIII,I.!(I() 1I1J1 IIt'il1~ 11:'1 \'<1 ill del-all
1(' J l:l rn I'
1111'1'(' 11I1~'111'11\':l 1I'(~IIIjl':[1 \'ilJ1:llion (If 111(' '.. I:llllll'," 1\111 "IIU :--ay 1
:1111 \\ 1'01iL" Oil I 11:,t, .\1J-, HIIIl k,II'11I : I" I llat l'I!.?:!I! ~ , .
.\11', 1;('11 h,,,,'n:1 ~. (·OITI'('t. '
:)1'ILIIOI' ~Y:'>IJ'L 1'1''\. 'I'lli'll I \\'ill :\0'('1'1" ,\'11\11' jlld:.!'IJII'111 1'1"':111:'(' \'fJIl
\'{)l! ask
]1:ld I!I'(';II 1>:-;!wl'it'III't' lI.tllP
11:1\'1' 1:\\\, It did :-..t'(,lIl \'1111 1111:.!'lil 11':1\'"
IHvd it ill H 111111' 111111'1' dt'I:,il.
'I'll(' )HIIIII I \\:tllt to Ill:tkl: 1- if it. \\:1<.;:1 If','bll;,':d ()Illis"ioll. not olH'
L\' dt'"I!!Il. III ol"c1I'r 10 O!J1;lI!i "1J1I11;IhIIJ!! \\']li,'11 IIII\l'I'\\'i~1' \'ou \\-oiI1tl
II; '1 :.!'I't ;111,11'1' I III' Lt \\. ('OIT!'I" ~ ,
ill Ihad
,Hr. 1\"11\,.." '1"1'1'\. I -(/ 1111l11'r~III(1I1 ")1:11 .'11\1 :-:,id, ::'l'l1ator :'YllIing-
t would 1 Ojl .
:-:;.'11:11"1' ~Y'II''\r,I'''\, TII:lld, \,(111,111"';111"\' I rllitlk Illnri'U) is tllr"mo~t

{' 1,11:lir-
\II!\I"I'I,IIII :;"I1\','I.:tt 11>;1-1 II 1- I"III!" IIII'I LI I"'r .d' 1)11' ('\111111littcI'.
,\ I r, I; I 'I 1\" T I I '\. () f 1'1 111·1' - t ' ,
i~I akl'-'"
~I'I!:lllll' ~Y'll'\I;I"'\,
TIt:I!,l, \'''11,

IH'] il'\"tl
~I'l-TL\L Pll:Ll!' 1I-,I,\Tll":":,>
I \'1', (II {'

Tho CII.\lInr \:--.-. Lp'1 I11P SPC', I lI11drr~tand frolll thr slatf that the
\'fJl\('hl'~ llf thl' .Jr\\'l:,it .-\!.!:PII(·\'-",\Jll~ri('all ~l"'1 jOll I'dI' tit!' \'l'ars 1000,
la61, and 'lGG~ frl'qll('nl]~' ",l\(~\\'. p:l)'lJll'llh to tIll' .\ul('ricall Zilllli:-'l
III!! II11
( 'ollll,'i 1 for ~o 1,:t1II'.j "pl,.:i:tl pulJi II' )'t'!:1 t II (I\~ pl'lIjl't'lC. ,._- .
\.:,,, : II! \
'Ir. II \:'>11.1'\. y(,,,.
Tltl' ('IJ \1101 \ ,'': r,'/lIIII';IIIII)::!). \\'11111\111 flll't 11I'I' IItt'Il1 iIi\':tllllll.'
(';111 .'-1l11 :11" till" lilll,l' IIHIII,;'III' \',\jll'll"t'> \\1'1'1' 1';11"
"II:I! Ilit'!-i'
:\[", ) 1\:'>11.1:", Yl':-O. "II', '1'111"1' 1'\I}I'/I"'I'" \\'i'I't' f'Il' tlw :\lld~l\I' 1<:1,;1
.\ t1':l II''' \\,11 h,llowl' d l"I'lI~~I·d t":11'1 1t'1'.
'I' II (' ( .II \ II:" \;,\, \ II". hI' Il (', II . ~ I " •

\11'. 11.\:'>11,1:". ~.() ,'alll'd :-'11\\:ldl':llllJ:I.UlIl'llt:'.

i'lll' ('Il,\lH\I \ ..... :'h."':ldl';III 1':lyllll'l1t,1
.\Ir. 11.\;)11.1:--'-. II'''.
Till' ("ll,\IW\t \:'\. (':Ill \'0I1 !.!:i\(' tI" :1. :-i:lt!'lllt'llt .~ilO\\ illg Ihis f.rOIll
\'1" I I' ['t'.',) r; I,,? "
It tIll'!'!' )11', Il \:'>J J.[ ....... I \\ ~+ I 11'!!1 :ld 10, si'r.
to worl\. (~l'\' :I(l(lI·lldi,,:.!, 1",J11~I, ill'lIl ~l,)

Tit!' ('" \Jl{~I."'. I !wli!'n' J 1l<1\'1' fr.lrl':l(h· askpd von wIlY' "Oll' ;

.Jpwish lilLllll'!'II' 111(':'4\ Ihl'HlI!!h ('III' .\lftl'l'il"Ul ZiOlll~t .( 'ullTltdi'! rat:he·;tti'J::111

"J', i

I \ "1
Y ('~, ~'()ll cI i'fL ,,~I'.
I "'I.
\1 j~:llH:11(l'I'f~;f(l(;Il\·t'ldpl1!,;·1
(',Il \11,-,\1 \ ... ; '\';;11 :-',;\\
'II'. II \'11:1"" . .\ 1l1:lt[('l';if !"l)ll\'t:llit'YW(:.

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