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Int. J. Heat Mm\ Trunsftr. Vol. 5, pp. 533-540. Pergamon Press 1962. Printed in Great Britain.


Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California,
Berkeley, California

(Received 28 September 1961)

Abstract-A hydrodynamic model of stagnation flow is proposed for saturated nucleate boiling over
a flat surface. Through the established analytical results in axisymmetrical stagnation flow, a relation
between the heat-transfer coefficient and the thermal boundary-layer thickness induced by rising
bubbles is obtained, and a good agreement with measured results in the low heat-flux region is
indicated. The predicted heat-transfer result is given as

where c is a numerical constant equal to 61.3 as determined from the boiling data of water. The
predicted relation is found to be in agreement with boiling data of most liquids.

NOMENCLATURE constant defined in (16), dimensionless;

local heat-transfer coefficient at x, hydrodynamic boundary-layer thickness,
Btu/ft2 h F; ft;
average heat-transfer coefficient, thermal boundary-layer thickness, ft;
Btu/ft2 h F ; kinematic viscosity of the liquid, ft2/s.
thermal conductivity of the liquid,
active nucleation site density, ft-2;
THE application of nucleate-boiling heat transfer
Nusselt number based on local heat-
to heat-removal problems in nuclear reactors and
transfer coefficient at x, dimensionless;
other contemporary equipment has prompted
Nusselt number based on average heat- an increasing number of studies of the boiling
transfer coefficient, dimensionless; phenomenon. Generally, such studies have
Prandtl number of the liquid, dimension- provided either experimental data of a gross
less ; kind (such as average heat-transfer coefficients
average heat flux, Btu/ft2 h; or heat fluxes) or they have provided both
Reynolds number at x, dimensionless; measurements and analyses to account for
center-to-center distance of bubbles, ft ; certain details of bubble nucleation, growth and
x-component velocity at the outer edge collapse. While it is generally agreed that
of hydrodynamic boundary layer, ft/s; bubble stirring action is in some way the cause
radial co-ordinate, ft ; of increased heat transfer, the mechanism by
vertical co-ordinate to the heat surface, which bubble action determines the heat flux is
ft. not clearly understood. Several mechanisms
Greek symbols have been proposed (for a review and discussion
stagnation flow constant defined in (3), of these mechanisms, see [l]) but none has led
1. to the quantitative formulation of a heat-
iii;ersal constant defined in (12), transfer prediction. In some recent works [2, 31
dimensionless; the discussion of the heat-transfer mechanism
has been directed to the role of the thermal
* AssistantProfessor of MechanicalEngineering. boundary layer over the heated surface, but little
534 c. L TIEN

has been said about the flow mechanism in properties of the boiling liquid and the active
nucleate pool boiling. nucleation site density. While idealizations are
The concept that boiling heat transfer is made for the physical model, quantitative
achieved through a hydrodynamic boundary- results predicted show a good agreement with
layer mechanism, was advanced heuristically by most of the measurements [7-91.
Gregorig [4] and independently by Zuber [5].
The existence of a thermal boundary layer in STAGNATION-FLOW MODEL
nucleate pool boiling was first indicated by the Consider now the saturated nucleate boiling
measurements of temperature distribution near over a flat surface. The viscous shear between
the wall by Gunther and Kreith [6]. The rising bubbles and surrounding liquid induces a
variation of thermal boundary-layer thickness flow field in the liquid phase as shown in Fig.
with heat-transfer coefficient was experimentally l(a). While it is known that the active nucleation
investigated by Yamagata and his co-workers [7] sites are distributed rather randomly over the
by means of optical measurements. The first heating surface, it will be assumed, as it has
attempt to predict boiling heat transfer through been in several previous works [3. 51, that on
a hydrodynamic boundary-layer model was the average the influence domain of a single
made by Zuber [?I]. He assumed a similarity bubble is given by
between nucleate-boiling heat transfer and heat $ 11-l. (1)
transfer in laminar boundary-layer flow over a
flat plate, and employed a bubble Reynolds The average center to center spacing of bubbles
number in place of the hydrodynamic Reynolds thus becomes
number. This led to a relation of the form
,) II~-0,.5.
q- 4T nh.
As the flow and heat-transfer characteristics in
Such a relationship is reasonable from a physical the influence domain of a single bubble will
standpoint since it relates q to surface condition serve to characterize the flow and heat transfer
-a variable often neglected in boiling heat- at any point on the heating surface, the gross
transfer predictions. Yamagata ef ul. [7] as well boiling heat transfer can then be determined.
as Kurihara and Meyers [8] succeeded in The flow and heat transfer in the influence
correlating experimental data with the above domain of one bubble may be described if two
equation, although their values of a and b differ regions in nucleate pool boiling are considered
from one another and from Zubers values. separately. In the first region, the active site
The present work intends to advance a new density is small, the spacing between bubbles is
hydrodynamic model for the mechanism of large as compared to the bubble diameter. and
nucleate-boiling heat transfer. Based on this the mutual influence between bubbles is
mechanism, a simple quantitative heat-transfer negligibly small. This region is called the
prediction can be made in terms of the physical region of isolated bubbles [5]. The experimental

(a) (b)

FIG. 1. Actual and idealized flow fields.


observation [9] of constant bubble diameter in and heat transfer in the influence domain are
the region of low site density was claimed [3, 51 thus of transient character. A description of this
to be due to the negligible mutual influence transient flow and heat-transfer characteristics
between bubbles in that region. The flow field requires firstly a commanding knowledge of the
in the influence domain in this region of nucleate bubble dynamics. The subject of bubble
boiling can be simulated by a simple familiar dynamics has been greatly advanced in recent
flow pattern. years, but it is still not sufficiently developed to
First, the discontinuous bubble column can be predict the flow and heat transfer in the influence
replaced by a continuous vapor column. This is domain. In view of the fact that the flow in the
reasonable in view of the fact that the inter- wake of the bubble is an inverted stagnation
mittent bubble action on the flow field in the flow, it is felt that the hydrodynamic model
liquid phase is decaying rapidly along the radial shown in Fig. l(b) might serve as an approxi-
direction owing to the viscous damping and the mation to the actual flow field in this region as
inertia of the liquid flowing upwards. Recent well.
experimental results [3] on the ebullition cycle The proposed hydrodynamic model of inverted
in nucleate boiling indicate that the diameter of stagnation flow possesses the same velocity
the area affected by the intermittent action is distribution, except for a change of sign in
about twice the bubble diameter. This affected velocities, as the well-known stagnation flow
area is thus considerably smaller than the against a wall [lo]. Since the direction of flow
influence domain of one bubble. The rapid will not affect the temperature distribution, the
decaying action was also implied by the observa- same heat-transfer result is expected as in the
tion [7] of relatively slow movement of liquid case of stagnation flow. While the stagnation
in the boundary layer as compared to the large flow is one of a few cases for which an exact
interfacial velocity of growing bubbles. Neglect- solution of the Navier-Stokes equations is
ing this intermittent character and the small known, its solution indicates a boundary-layer
diameter of the bubble as compared to that of character near the wall. The results of laminar
the influence domain makes the flow field in stagnation flow and heat transfer as tabulated
nucleate pool boiling a simple, inverted, stag- in Table 1 show a striking similarity to those of
nation flow pattern as shown in Fig. l(b). boundary-layer flow over a flat plate. This is,
In the second region where the site density is of course, no surprise for they are two special
large, the mutual influence between bubbles cases of the general wedge flow [lo]. The present
becomes significant. The bubble diameter was model is thus of a boundary-layer type and is
observed [9] to be decreasing with an increase similar to the one advanced by Zuber [5].
of site density. The intermittent action cannot One comment on a possible model of jet type
be neglected in this region because of the small is noteworthy here. At first glance, since the
influence domain of one bubble, and the flow rising bubble column is emerging like a jet from

Table 1. Similarity between stagnation Jlow and flat-plate boundary-layer JOW

7-p =_=-w~~_ _~~_
Axisymmetrical stagnation flow Flat-plate boundary-layer flow

[IO] II, = ax (3) [lo] u, = constant

Flow i [lo] (S/X) = 2.44 Re,-Oj = 2.44 (v/I/,x)"~ (4) [lo] (6/c) = 5.0 Re-05
Heat transfer [12] Nu, = 1.32 Pro33 Rez5 (5) [II] Nu, = 0,332 Pka3 Rez5
Flow [13] (S/x) = 0.08 Re;02 (6) [ll] (S/x) = 0.376 Re;02
Heat transfer [l l] Nu, = 0.029 Pro33 Re0.8
536 c. L. TIEN

a round orifice, the induced flow pattern in the were observed, as shown in Fig. 2, and were
liquid phase might assume a form of hydro- attributed to the transition of flow field from
dynamic jet, which is again of a boundary-layer laminar to turbulent. These measurements were
type [lo]. This conjecture, however, is erroneous. made at very low heat fluxes and the observed
The flow pattern in a hydrodynamic jet is transition occurred in the region of isolated
developed through the mixing action, i.e. jet bubbles, as discussed above.
mixing, between the fluid of the emerging jet and Consider first the thermal boundary-layer
the fluid surrounding it. This is obviously not the thickness in laminar flow. The laminar flow field
case in nucleate boiling where the emerging is expected to exist when the site density and
vapor jet does not mix with the neighboring consequently the stirring action are sufficiently
liquid. small. Since analytical results for the flow and
heat transfer in axisymmetrical laminar stag-
THERMAL BOUNDARY-LAYER THICKNESS nation flow have been obtained, the predicted
Ingenious measurements of thermal boundary- variation of heat-transfer coefficient with respect
layer thickness in nucleate pool boiling were to thermal boundary-layer thickness can be made
made by Yamagata et al. [7] by application of to compare with the measured results. Sub-
optical techniques. The temperature variation stitution of (3) into (4) in Table 1 gives
in the liquid over the heating surface resulted in
6 = 2.44 (v/a)o5 (7)
a deflection of the parallel rays of light which
were set to pass through the liquid. The thermal where a is the characteristic constant of stagna-
boundary-layer thickness can then be calculated tion flow. By use of the approximate relation in
from this deflection. From the measured results boundary-layer theory,
of thermal boundary-layer thickness and heat-
transfer coefficient, two distinct kinds of behavior 6/S,, = p,, (8)


0- 0
7- 0





2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9


Frc. 2. Variation of boiling heat-transfer coefficient with thermni boundary-layer thickness.


the thermal boundary-layer thickness is given by the deflection of light, the optically measured
value indicates only the maximum local thickness
S,, = 2.44 (PY)-O.~~(u/u)~. (9) in the turbulent region. This local value therefore
The above relation indicates that a,, is cannot be meaningfully correlated with the
independent of the spatial co-ordinate so that average heat-transfer coefficient over both the
the thermal boundary layer is uniform over the laminar and turbulent regions as indicated in
heating surface, as shown in Fig. l(b). the left part of Fig. 2. The lack of information
Before the heat-transfer coefficient is of transition in stagnation flow makes any
evaluated, two points should be mentioned about analytical calculation of average heat-transfer
the heat-transfer formula (5) in Table 1. coefficient impossible. As an approximation,
Originally Sibulkin [12] obtained his formula as the laminar heat-transfer relation will be used
for the entire influence domain of one bubble.
NY = 1.32 Pro.4 ReO+
* . 00)
The exponent of Prandtl number in (10) was
obtained by comparing numerical heat-transfer With the proposed mechanism of laminar
results computed at different Prandtl numbers. stagnation flow, a correlation for the heat
For most gases the Prandtl number is less than transfer in nucleate pool boiling can be formu-
unity and the exponent 0.4 gives better agreement lated rather easily. Central to the problem,
in the computed results. In boiling, however, however, is the interpretation of the stagnation
the fluid is a liquid and, for liquids, exponent flow constant a in nucleate boiling. The magni-
0.33 is chosen, since it provides better agreement tude of the constant a determines the strength
in the range of Prandtl number from 1 to 10. of stagnation flow or in the present case the
Secondly the heat-transfer relation in (10) is pumping action created by bubbles. As the
based on the average heat-transfer coefficient nucleation site density increases, the area of
over an area enclosed by a circle of radius X. influence domain decreases according to (2):
The change to local heat-transfer relation in (5) the pumping action and with it the magnitude of
however, is legitimate because of the constant constant a increases. This rough physical
local heat-transfer coefficient along the surface, argument may serve to give a physical insight
as implied by the existence of a uniform thermal into the variation of constant a with respect to
boundary layer. the site density; however, an alternative argu-
Appropriate combination of (3), (5) and (9) ment based on dimensional analysis yields a
gives more complete relation.
h stA = h, 6,, = 3.22 k. (11)
According to the Buckingham n-theorem in
dimensional analysis [14], the number of inde-
For water at around 220F, /; a,, = 1.27 pendent dimensionless groups that can be formed
Btu/h ft F, the agreement with the experimental by combining the physical variables in a problem
data [7] as indicated in Fig. 2 is surprisingly good is equal to the total number of these physical
in view of the idealization of the physical system. quantities minus the number of primary
When the site density increases, the stirring dimensions involved. The physical variables in
action created by bubbles becomes strong the present hydrodynamic model are CC,v and n,
enough to cause a transition from laminar to the primary dimensions involved are length and
turbulent flows, as indicated by a sudden change time, and consequently there exists only one
of the relationship in Fig. 2. From the analytical independent dimensionless group, i.e.
formula (6) in Table 1, the turbulent thermal
boundary-layer thickness is found to vary with (alnv) = B (12)
the three-fifths power of radial co-ordinate x, where /I is a dimensionless constant to be deter-
and thus there no longer exists a uniform mined from experimental data. Since the flow
thermal boundary-layer thickness over the field in the present model is fully .described by
heating surface. Since the measurement of the above three variables, the constant ,8 is a
thermal boundary-layer thickness [7] is based on universal constant. Substitution of (12) into (9)
538 C. L. TIEN

and comparison with Yamagata and his co- dieted result and experimental measurements is
workers data for .boiling of water yield: shown in Fig. 4, where boiling data of solutions
/3 = 2150. are not included since some physical properties
of these solutions such as Prandtl number and
With the constant ,8 determined, a prediction thermal conductivity were not known.
of heat-transfer results in nucleate pool boiling In the region of low site density, the heat-
is readily given by appropriate manipulation of transfer coefficient appears to be independent
(5), (12) and (13): of site density (h - no). This is attributed to the
jr = 61.3 f9.0.33 k nO+ predominating influence of free convection in
(14) this region. This very reason also explains the
fact that experimental results for large site
q = 61.3 PrO.33k no,5 AT. (15) density indicate a smaller exponent of site
Existing measurements of heat transfer and density than predicted in the heat-transfer
nucleation site density are shown in Fig. 3, relation. The consistent large deviation of boiling
where the heat-transfer coefficients for boiling data of carbon tetrachloride and n-hexane from
of different liquids and for different surface the prediction implies the inadequacy of the
conditions show a similar variation of site physical model in those cases. Since these scatter-
density, i.e. ing points still indicate the same variation of heat
transfer result with site density, it is felt that the
Ir N nv. 06)
predicted functional dependence of heat-transfer
The numerical constant y lies in the range of result on physical properties does not represent
O-3 and 0.5 as compared to the predicted value the right dependence. Improvement could be
of 0.5. A closer comparison between the pre- made if the exponent of PrandtI number is


- x ,a
h-n A/A-
(A,f= 0,451



(15 P.P.m)







ro[ I I I I11111
I I1111111
I I 1111111


FIG. 3. Variation of boiling heat-transfer coefficient with active site density


- 0 WATERC 7 3
-t ;;
-c IO3 0

8 El

FIG. 4. Comparison between the predicted heat-transfer relation and experimental data.

reduced in (14) or (15) but it is not done here REFERENCES

since insufficient justification can be shown for 1. K. E. FORSTERand R. GREIF, Heat transfer to a
such an adjustment. boiling liquid. Trans. ASME J. Heat Transfer, C 81,
it is interesting to note that an empirical 43-53 (1959).
correlation of boiling data similar to (14) has 2. K. E. FORSTER,Growth of a vapor-filled cavity near a
been obtained by Kurihara and Meyers [S]. heating surface and some related questions. Phys.
Flkis, 4,448-455 (1961).
In their correlation, the properties of the vapor 3. Y. Y. Hsu and R. W. GRAHAM,An analytical and
phase were included and better agreement with experimental study of the thermal boundary layer
experimental results than the present prediction and ebullition cycle in nucleate boiling. N.A.C.A.
was obtained. This may be interpreted as TN D-594 (1961).
meaning that considerable error is introduced 4. R. GREGORIG,~~rmeuustalfcher Chap. 3. Sauerland,
in the present model through the neglect of Aaran und Frankfurt a/M (1959).
5. N. &BER, Hydrady~amic Aspects of Nucleate Pool
vapor phase. An analytical consideration of the Bailing Part I, p. 14. RW-RL-164, Ramo-Woolridge
effect of vapor phase seems to be the next Research Laboratory (1960).
logical step to improve the present simple 6. F. C. GUNTHERand F. KREITH, Photographic study
hydrodynamic model. of bubble formation in heat transfer to subcooled
If, in the case of sub-cooled boiling, the water. Prag. Rep. No. 4-120, Jet Prop. Lab., Cahf.
Inst. Tech. (1956).
bubbles do not collapse in the vicinity of the
heating surface, a stagnation flow pattern will H. MATSUOKA,Nucleate boiling of water on the
still exist, and the predicted relation (14) might horizontal heating surface. Mem. Fat. Engng, Kyusha
also serve as an approximation with an appro- Univ. 15, No. 1, 97-163 (1955).
priate change of the empirical constant, 61.3. H. M. KURIHARAand J. E. MEYERS,The effect of
In general, bubbles depart from the surface superheat and surface roughness on boiling co-
efficients. J. Amer. Znsf. Chem. Engrs, 6, 83-91 (1960).
during the pool boiling of water at atmospheric
R. F. GAERTNERand J. W. WESTWATER, Population
pressure, when the bath temperature is greater of active sites in nucleate boiling heat transfer. Chem.
than 180or190F. Engng Pragr., Symp. Ser. No. 30, 55, 39-48 (1959).
540 C. L. TIEN

10. H. SCHLICHTING, Boundary Layer Theory p. 78 stagnation point of a body of revolution. J. Aero. Sci.
(Translated into English by J. KESTIN).McGraw-Hill, 19, 570-571 (1952).
New York (1960). 13. E. TRUCKENBRODT,Die turbulente Stramung an
11. F. KREITH, Principles of Heat Transfer Chap 6. einer angeblasenen rotierenden Scheibe. 2. Angew.
International Textbook Company, Scranton. Penn. Math. Mech. 34, 150-161 (1954).
(1960) 14. H. L. LANGHAAR,Dimensional Analysis and Theory
12. M. SIBULKIN, Heat transfer near the forward of Models. John Wiley, New York (1951).

R&u&--Lauteur propose un modele hydrodynamique dkoulement au point darrCt pour ttudier

1Cbullition nuclge saturte sur une plaque plane. A laide des r6sultats calcults pour un koulement de
rtvolution au point darrCt, il obtient une relation entre le coefficient dkhange thermique et ltpaisseur
de la couche limite thermique induite par les bulles qui montent; cette relation est bien v&if& par les
rCsultats des mesures dans la region des faibles flux thermiques. La relation proposte s6crit

oti c est une constante num&ique &gale g 61,3 (d&termination faite a partir des donnees sur lebullition
de Ieau). Les donnBes concernant ICbullition de la plupart des liquides verifient bien cette relation.

Zusammenfassung-Die Vorgange an einer ebenen ObertXche beim Blasensieden mit Verdampfung

kiinnen durch das hydrodynamische Model1 der StaupunktstrGmung veranschaulicht werden. Aus den
Ergebnissen der achsensymmetrischen Staupunktstrtimung folgt eine Beziehung zwischen dem
WLrmeiibergangskoeffizienten und der Dicke der thermischen Grenzschicht, wie,sie von aufsteigenden
Blasen herriihrt. Im Bereich kleiner Wgrmestromdichten zeigt sich dabei gute Ubereinstimmung mit
Messergebnissen. Die W%rmestromdichte ergibt sich zu

mit der Konstanten c = 61.3. die aus Daten fiir siedendes Wasser gewonnen wurde. Die gefundenen
Beziehungen stimmen mit denen der meisten anderen Fliissigkeiten iiberein.

AHHoTa1IHSI-IIpeAjIaraeTcH rlrHpo~r~~lalIqcKaR aronenb aaTop~~o;KeHuoro uoToHa ;I:r>i

pacv&ra yHa3aHnoti aafiaqll ~;rn ocecm~~leTp~XqHor0 3aTOpXOJKeHHOrO IIOTOKa IIOJIyW2HO
cooTnomeHHe nrewny K03$,$nq~renToI\I Ten.nonepeHoca II TO~~GIH~~~ Ten~onoro norpaHH9uoro
Tennonepenoca AaHbI n mxe COOTHOIIIeHIIFI

CTna XIi~ItOCTeii.

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