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J. Med. Microbiol. -Vol.

22 (1986), 319-323
Tj 1986 The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland

An improved medium for isolation of Streptococcus


Department of Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology, Dental School, University of Wales College of Medicine,
Heath Park, Cardiff, Wales

Summary. A medium based upon tryptone, yeast extract, cystine (TYC) agar and
incorporating bacitracin and sucrose has been evaluated for selective isolation of
Streplococcus mutans. The effect of varying the concentrations of sucrose and baci-
tracin on the recovery of two standard strains was investigated. Growth of S. mutans
NCTC 10449 was significantly inhibited by increasing concentrations of sucrose but
was not affected by bacitracin; the reverse was seen with S. sobrinus strain 67 15. The
best compromise between recovery of the streptococci and growth of other organisms
was obtained with a final sucrose concentration of 20% and bacitracin 0*2units/ml.
In comparison with three other selective media, this medium gave the highest re-
covery rate of standard strains, indicating that it is superior to mitis-salivarius baci-
tracin (MSB) agar for the recovery of S. mutans from saliva.

Introduction Materials and methods

There is considerable evidence incriminating
Bacterial strains
Streptococcus mutans as the most important orga-
nism in the initiation of dental caries (McGhee and The standard strains employed in the study were
Michalek, 1981). The attention focussed on S. S. mutans NCTC 10449 (serotype c) and S. sobrinus
mutans in studies on the epidemiology and aetiol- strain 6715 (S.mutans serotype d/g).
ogy of caries, and the fact that this organism con-
stitutes a relatively small proportion of dental
plaque and salivary flora, has led to the develop- Saliva samples
ment of many selective media for its isolation.
These include a medium similar to mitis-salivarius Whole unstimulated saliva was collected from 20 ran-
(MS) agar containing a sulphonamide (Carlsson, domly selected adult dentate subjects.
I 967); mi tis-salivarius-40YOsucrose (M S40S) agar
(Ikeda and Sandham, 1972~);mitis-salivarius-suc-
rose-bacitracin (MSB) agar (Gold et al., 1973); Efect of dierent concentrations of sucrose and
mannitol-sorbitol-fuchsin-azide (MSFA) agar bacitracin in TYC agar on recovery of S. mutans
(Linke, 1977); and glucose-sucrose-tellurite-
bacitracin (GSTB) agar (Tanzer et al., 1983). Sucrose was added to TYC agar before autoclaving to
The shortcomings of these media prompted the give final concentrations of 10, 20 and 30% w/v. When
formulation of a medium based on tryptone, yeast the agar had cooled to 50C, bacitiacin was added to give
extract, cystine (TYC) agar (de Stoppelaar, 1971) concentrations of 0.1,0-2 and 0-3 units/ml.
Suspensions of S. mutans NCTC 10449 and S. sobrinus
with the addition of sucrose and bacitracin (Van strain 6715 were made from 48-h anaerobic plates in
Palenstein Helderman et al., 1983; Wade et al., phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and disaggregated by
1983). The effects of varying the concentration of vortex mixing for 30s and passage five times through a
sucrose and bacitracin on the recovery of two stan- 25-gauge needle (Adams et al., 1982). Ten-fold dilutions
dard strains of S. mutans and on the numbers of were then prepared in PBS and 0-1ml of the lo3, lo4 and
contaminating organisms have been investigated lo5 dilutions spread in triplicate on blood agar, TYC
and this new medium (TYCSB) compared to MSB, agar and the TYC agar containing different combina-
MSFA and GSTB. tions of sucrose and bacitracin. The plates were incu-
bated anaerobically for 48 h at 37C. Plates with colony
counts between 30 and 300 were selected. The result for
Received 15 Dec. 1985; accepted I6 Jan. 1986.
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from by expressed as a percentage of the
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count on blood agar and the effects of sucrose and baci- Table I. Recovery of S. mutuns NCTC 10449 and S .
tracin assessed statistically by analysis of variance. sobrinus strain 67 15 on TYC agar and blood agar

Number of colonies on
@@wof' diflcrent concentrations of sumxw and - -
--- Percentage
hucitracin on the numbers of contuminants growing Blood agar TYC recovery
on supplemented T YC plates inoculated with saliva Species (n = 3) (n=3) onTYC
- ~ _ _ _ _ __
Concentrations of sucrose and bacitracin added to S. mutuns I 00 98 98
TYC agar were used as described above. Five saliva S sohrinir \ 2 50 23 3 93
___ __-_.
samples were disaggregated by passage through a 25-
~ ~ _._I_____

gauge needle and a lo2 dilution in PBS prepared; 0.1 ml

of each sample was plated on to each of the combina-
tions in duplicate. The plates were incubated anaero- Table 11. Recovery of S . mutans NCTC 10449 and
bically for 48 h at 37 C. After incubation the plates were S. sohrinus strain 671 5 on TYC agar supplemented with
examined and the number of organisms other than S . different concentrations of sucrose and bacitracin and on
niutuns assessed The density of growth was scored semi- blood agar
quantitatively: "0" indicated no contaminating orga-
nisms and "3" ;i "lawn" of contaminants. Bacitracin Percentage of count on blood agar
concentra- at sucrose concentration (%w/v)
[ion - -- --

Tho I'CL'C~SCV-J of' stundurd struins qf S . mutans on Species (unitsjml) 10 20 30

T YC t r g w containing sucrose 20% and hacitracin S . niu[uns* 0.1 65 51 40
0.2 units rill iwmpared to that on other selective 0.2 63 56 42
mdiu 0.3 55 41 38
S . rohrinust 0.1 89 73 71
The recovery of S . riiutnris on TYC agar containing 0.2 78 73 67
bacitracin 0.2 units:mI and supplemented with sucrose at 0.3 50 37 49
a final concentration of 20% was compared with that on -- --" .-_______ - ___
three other selcctive media--MSB (Gold ef a f . , 1973), * F values (df, =2, df, = 4). bacitracin 6.38 (NS); sucrose 30.81
MSFA (Linke, 1977) and GSTB (Tanzer et uf., 1983). (p<O.Ol).
Suspensions of S. nzutans and S . sohrinus were prepared t F values (df, = 2, df, =4): bacitracin 28.01 (p <0.05); sucrose
in PBS and the media inoculated and incubated as de- 3-55 (NS).
scribed above.
sucrose 10%) to 38% (bacitracin 0.3 units/ml, suc-
Rwowr?' of S. mutans from sulivu m i TYC ugar con- rose 30%), and for S . sobrinus from 89% (bacitra-
tuiriing sucrost? 20/o und hacitrucin 0.2 unitsln~lunil cin 0.1 units/ml, sucrose 10%) to 37% (bacitracin
M SB 0-3 units/ml, sucrose 20%). Sucrose had a signifi-
cant inhibitory effect on S . mutuns but not on
Twenty saliva samples were processed as before and
0.1 ml of lo*, 10' and lo3 dilutions plated o n TYC agar
S . sobrinus. The converse was true for bacitracin.
containing sucrose 20% and bacitracin 0-2unitsiml and The five saliva samples varied widely in the de-
on MSR in triplicate. Plates were incubated anaero- gree of growth of contaminants (table 111). For
bically for 48 h at 37 C when colonies whose morphology example, sample C showed no growth on any of the
was typical of S. niutans were counted on appropriate plates, whereas sample E gave a score of at least 2
plates. The resuits obtained with the two media were on all plates. Inhibition of contaminants was
compared s~atisttcallyby a paired I test. observed with increasing concentrations of sucrose,
while bacitracin appeared to have only a negligible
Results The recovery of S. mutans on the four selective
Table I shows the recoveries of S. rnutans NCTC media is shown in table IV. The best recoveries
10449 and 5'. sohrinics strain 6715 on TYC and were with GSTB (64%) and TYCSB (60%); MSB
blood agar. The recovery of each strain on the gave 46% recovery but MSFA did not allow
selective medium exceeded 900;6 of that on blood growth of this organism at all. TYCSB gave the
:ig:ir-. best recovery of S. sohrinus (73%), followed by
Table I 1 shows the effect of the sucrose and baci- MSFA (70%) and GSTB (63%). MSB gave only
tracin supplements in the TYC agar on the percent- 1 1 % recovery. The recovery of S . mutans from 20
age recoveries of the two strains. For S . mutuns the saliva samples with TYCSB and MSB is shown in
rccoverj varied from 65% (bacitracin units/ml,
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Table 111. Growth of organisms other than S. mutans on Table V. Isolation of S. mutans from saliva on TYCSB
supplemented TYC plates and MSB

Growth* of other species Viable count (cfuiml) of S. mutuns on

Bacitracin at sucrose concentration
concen t ra- (Yo w/v) Saliva TYCSB MSB log,, TYCSB log,, MSB
Saliva tion sample no. (lo4) (lo4) count (lo4) count (lo4)
sample (units/ml) 10 20 30
1 19.0 27.0 1 -28 1.43
0.1 3 1 0 2 8.7 6.8 0.94 0.83
0.2 3 1 0 3 220.0 150.5 2.34 2.18
0.3 2 I 0 4 59.0 66.0 1.77 1.82
5 9.2 7.8 0.96 0.89
0.1 1 0 0 6 32.1 20-8 1.51 1.32
0.2 0 0 0
7 8.6 5-7 0.93 0.76
0.3 0 0 0
8 19.3 12.0 1.29 1.08
0.1 0 0 0 9 8.5 5.6 0.93 0.75
0.2 0 0 0 10 6.8 6-5 0.83 0.8 1
0.3 0 0 0 I1 11.4 10.5 1.06 1.02
12 1-1 1.1 0.04 0.04
0.1 2 1 0 26.7 23.9 1.43 1.38
0.2 2 1 0 1.19
15 24.8 15.5 1.39
0.3 2 1 0 0.56
16 13.5 3.6 1.13
0.1 3 3 2 17 653 61.7 1.81 1.79
0.2 2 2 2 18 24.0 22.3 1.38 1.35
0.3 3 2 2 19 95.0 72.0 1.98 1.86
20 41.0 52.0 1.61 1.72
* 3 =confluent growth; 2 =intermediate; 1 =slight; O = no
growth. Log, TYCSB count vs. log,, MSB count, t = 2-738, p < 0.05.

Table IV. Recovery of S. mutans and S. sobrinus on bacitracin 0-2 units/ml and a sucrose concentration
MSB, MSFA, GSTB, TYCSB and blood agar of 20%. These workers reported undiminished re-
covery of S. mutans and good suppression of other
Mean number of colonies Percentage of count organisms. However, it was subsequently reported
(on three plates) of on blood agar that serotype-a strains were inhibited completely
Medium S. mutuns S. sobrinus S. mutans S. sobrinus and that the various manufacturers' preparations
of the base medium yielded markedly different
Blood agar 320 149 100 100 recoveries (Emilson and Bratthall, 1976; Liljemark
MSB 147 16 46 11 et al., 1976; Staat, 1976). In the present investi-
MSFA nogrowth 105 - 70
GSTB 205 94 64 63 gation, it was therefore decided to add various con-
TYCSB 193 I08 60 73 centrations of sucrose and bacitracin to a different
base medium-TYC-as a new selective medium
for the isolation of S. mutans.
Before evaluating the effect of these additives to
Because of the wide variation in the counts in TYC medium, the recovery of S. mutans on TYC
different individuals, it was first necessary to nor- agar alone was compared to that on blood agar.
malise the distribution of the data to perform Representatives of serotypes c of S. mutans (NCTC
statistical analyses. A logarithmic transformation 10449) and d/g of S. sobrinus (6715 ) were chosen
was used and was followed by a paired t test. for this comparison because these serotypes are the
Sample I 3 yielded no S. mutans from a 10' dilution ones most commonly found in Europe and in the
and was discarded, thus reducing n to 19. USA (Bratthall, 1972; Shklair and Keene, 1974).
TYCSB gave a significantly higher recovery of S. The percentage recovery of S. mutans and of S.
mutans than MSB (p < 0-05). sohrinus on TYC was respectively 98% and 93% of
that on blood agar (table I).
The results obtained with different combinations
Discussion of concentrations of sucrose and bacitracin indi-
Gold et al. (1973) devised a medium selective for cated that recovery of S. mutans was significantly
S. mutans consisting of mitis-salivarius with inhibited by a 30%
Downloaded from by sucrose concentration whereas
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322 W G . WADE. M . 5 , ALDRED A N D D. M . WALKER

hacitracin had little effect. S. .~ohr.inu,s exhibited the r~iuturzs.but gave only 37o/b recovery of the orga-
reverse effect. being inhibited by bacitracin 0.3 nism compared with the basic mitis-salivarius agar.
units ml but not significantly by sucrose. There was This suggests that a sucrose concentration as high
n o difference in the recovery of either organism as 40% is partially inhibitory to S. mutans. a find-
uith a concentration of bacitracin between 0-1 and ing confirmed by Gold et a/. (1973). Gold et al.
0.2 units;mI and the latter concentration was ( 1 973) found that the degree of inhibition varied
adopted in the further experiments. markedly with the strain studied, and this has also
At the concentrations tested, sucrose had a siy- been confirmed in the present study.
nificant inhibitory effect on the numbers of orga- Three other media were compared with TYCSB
nisms other than S. mutuns. but bacitracin did not. for their ability to recover S . mutans and S. sobri-
Therefore. the higher the sucrose concentration nus. The media chosen were MSB (Gold et a/.,
employed, the fewer contaminants would be 1973). almost universally adopted for the selective
expected. However, as already mentioned. high isolation of S . mutans. Linke's (1977) MSFA, and
sucrose concentrations also inhibited the recovery GSTB as described by Tanzer et a/. ( 1 983).
of a serotyptt-c strain. Optimal recovery of S. mutans was obtained on
Thus the optimal concentrations of sucrose and GSTB and TYCSB (64% and 60% respectively).
bacitracin proved to be 2O0/O and 0.2 unitsiml re- The recovery was only 46% on MSB and there was
spectiid!: fbr the purpose of achieving maximum no growth on MSFA. This finding was confirmed
t'c,covier> o f the S. m u t m s while suppressing the on repeated testing. This is in contrast to Linke's
growth ot' other organisms. original report (1977) where this strain was found
Other selective media have been created for the to grow well, producing blue-purple silky colonies.
isolation of S. mututzs in addition to differential However, Linke ( 1977) incubated the plates aero-
media. notablq MMlO (Syed and Loesche. 1972) bically for 10 days whereas in this study they were
and BCY (Ikeda and Sandham, 197%). These did incubated anaerobically for 48 h.
not inhibit other organisms. but allowed the detec- In contrast, MSFA proved effective in recover-
tion and enumeration of S. i m t c i n . ~ . ing S. sohrinus (70%) and TYCSB proved equally
None of the media previously developed for the good (73%). GSTB gave a 63% recovery but MSB
\elective isolation of S . rnutuns has proved ideal. only 11 '36.
Carlsson ( 1967) utilised the sulphonamide resis- TYCSB therefore appears to be superior to the
tance of S. mu1un.s and susceptibility of the other other media tested, although GSTB deserves
oral streptococcal species and incorporated sulpha- further study. Linke's medium (1977) proved un-
dtmidine 1 g L into a base medium similar to mitis- reliable and also allowed growth of other mannitol-
wlivarius agar. This proved selective for the isola- utilising organisms such as enterococci and staphy-
tion of S.iizutuns from unspecified samples from lococci. TYCSB allows a more complete recovery
Ihe oral cavity. althoush contaminants amounted of S. mutans than MSB and thus might be expected
to approxmately 5% of the total count on ordin- to detect these organisms in samples when present
ttr! mitici-srtli\.arius agar. The total streptococcal in numbers undetectable by MSB.
count in caliia is usually about 1000 times greater
than the S. r m t m s count and such a degree of con-
The assistance of Dr R. G. Newcombe, Department of Medi-
tamination is unacceptable. cal Statistics, with the statistical analysis is gratefully acknow-
The mcdium of Ikeda and Sandham (19731). ledged. This project was supported by the Welsh Scheme for the
containing 40% sucrose. is also selective for S. Development of Health and Social Research.

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