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Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118

Mechanical models of fault propagation folds and comparison to the

trishear kinematic model
Nestor Cardozo a,*, Kavi Bhalla b, Alan T. Zehnder b, Richard W. Allmendinger a
Dept. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Dept. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Received 5 July 2001; received in revised form 10 January 2002; accepted 16 January 2002

Faults propagating through the Earth generate a wave of deformation ahead of their tip lines. We have modeled this process to understand
the relationship between fold geometry and fault propagation. Using nite element modeling (FEM), we investigate the response of
incompressible frictionless and frictional materials, and a compressible frictional material with associated ow, to vertical and dipping
faults whose tip lines propagate at rates 33.5 times their slip rates. The fold geometries, nite strain, and velocity elds in models with
incompressible materials are very similar to those produced by the trishear kinematic model, even though the latter uses a purely ad hoc linear
velocity eld. Furthermore, when the trishear grid search is applied to the nal geometry of the mechanical folds, the best t kinematic
models have approximately the same propagation-to-slip ratio as was used in the FEM experiments. However, when the compressible
frictional material is used, the mechanical models exhibit a main triangular shear band in front of the tip line and a conjugate shear band in the
fold backlimb, both migrating with the propagating tip line. The conjugate shear band, antithetic to the fault, produces a gentle anticlinal back
limb, even though there is not a bend in the fault. q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Fault propagation folding; Trishear; Mechanical models

1. Introduction velocity distributions that may or may not have mechan-

ical validity. Mechanical models, on the other hand, do
As a fault propagates through the Earth, it produces a not depend on an assumed velocity distribution. By
suite of structures that include macroscopic folding as relating fold geometry to material behavior, the models
well as secondary faults, fractures, minor folding, and pene- provide a physically feasible velocity distribution that
trative strain. In addition to basic scientic interest, the fault characterizes the folding process. Mechanical models,
propagation folds and related deformation are important for however, rely on the idealistic knowledge of the rock
hydrocarbon exploration and the underlying blind thrusts behavior and loading conditions during folding and do
have considerable importance in earthquake-prone regions not explicitly model fault tip propagation. Certainly, one
as demonstrated by the unexpectedness of the 1994 North- is compromised between the versatility of the kinematic
ridge event (Yeats and Huftile, 1995). Fault propagation and models and the physical soundness of the mechanical
`forced' folds have been modeled kinematically by assum- models. Testing the validity of the velocity distributions
ing steady velocity elds (Suppe and Medwedeff, 1990; of the kinematic models with mechanical simulations,
Erslev, 1991; Hardy and Ford, 1997; Zehnder and Allmen- might be a solution to this conundrum.
dinger, 2000), or mechanically by assuming simple rheolo- In this paper, we present 2D, large deformation, nite
gies and loading conditions (Braun and Sambridge, 1994; element simulations of faults propagating in elastoplastic
Patton and Fletcher, 1995; Nino et al., 1998; Johnson and frictionless and frictional materials. Our general objective
Johnson, 2001). The kinematic models relate fold geometry is to provide more realistic mechanical models by simulat-
to fault shape and displacement, and provide a systematic ing the post yield behavior of the material and by explicitly
framework to construct balanced cross-sections of the struc- including fault tip propagation. Additionally, we wish to test
tures. Kinematic models, however, rely solely on idealized the mechanical soundness of the trishear kinematic model,
which is unique in also allowing fault tip propagation to be
* Corresponding author. Fax: 11-607-254-4780.
specied (Erslev, 1991; Hardy and Ford, 1997; Allmendin-
E-mail address: (N. Cardozo). ger, 1998). Trishear reproduces the geometry of folds
0191-8141/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0191-814 1(02)00013-5
2 N. Cardozo et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118

Fig. 1. Geometry of the trishear model. Dashed horizontal lines indicate a faulted geologic marker. The slip on the fault is AB, and the fault propagates a
distance AC. The propagation to slip ratio (P/S) is AC/AB. Velocity vectors for the simplest formulation of the model, a symmetric (with respect to the fault)
triangular zone across which the component of the velocity parallel to the fault decreases linearly (Zehnder and Allmendinger, 2000).

observed in the eld, predicts the nite strain distribution of 2. The trishear kinematic model
analog and eld examples, and allows the estimation of fault
nucleation sites (Allmendinger, 1998; Allmendinger and Trishear (Erslev, 1991) is a kinematic model for fault
Shaw, 2000). Trishear kinematics, however, has no mechan- propagation folds, alternative to the better-known parallel
ical basis. kink model (Suppe and Medwedeff, 1990). In trishear a
Our numerical, mechanical experiments conrm the triangular zone of distributed shear expands ahead of the
soundness of the trishear kinematic model. Vertical and propagating fault tip (Fig. 1). The hanging wall moves
inclined faults propagating in elastoplastic incompressible rigidly parallel to the fault at a velocity equal to the incre-
materials generate fold geometries, strain elds, and velo- mental slip (vo) on the fault, and the footwall is xed (Fig.
city elds similar to those of the trishear model. In the 1). The rock material inside the triangular zone moves
compressible frictional material, however, a conjugate according to a velocity eld that satises the velocity condi-
shear band commonly focuses on the backlimb of the struc- tions at the triangle boundaries and ensures preservation of
ture; the hanging wall deforms, rotates towards the fold area during the deformation (Fig. 1; Hardy and Ford, 1997;
backlimb, and uplifts. The extent and magnitude of plastic Zehnder and Allmendinger, 2000). The propagation of the
deformation in this conjugate shear band increases with fault tip and the migration of the triangular zone through the
material strain softening, and material dilation. Trishear rock material are explicitly specied in the model by P/S,
replicates the geometries and the nite strain elds of the ratio of fault propagation to fault slip (Fig. 1).
folds formed in incompressible materials. Trishear, Trishear deformation resembles both the geometry and
however, cannot replicate the backlimb geometries and the nite strain eld of fault propagation folds in thick and
nite strain elds of folds formed in the compressible mate- thin skinned provinces (Erslev, 1991; Allmendinger 1998).
rial. The assumption of rigid hanging wall translation of Trishear is therefore a powerful tool to construct balanced
trishear (and of all kinematic models) is not justied cross-sections of fault propagation folds (Erslev, 1991;
under conditions favorable to material dilation and strain Hardy and Ford, 1997; Allmendinger, 1998), predict the
softening. distribution and orientation of fractures in the folds
N. Cardozo et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118 3

(Allmendinger, 1998), and estimate the nucleation point of kink-like parallel folds in anisotropic viscous materials
underlying blind thrusts (Allmendinger and Shaw, 2000). (Johnson and Johnson, 2001).
The model, however, does not have a mechanical basis. Dislocation type models are more appropriate for faults
The assumed triangular zone of distributed shear ahead of that propagate through and deform rocks of similar mechan-
the fault tip has some analogy with the triangular zone of ical properties. In these models a displacement boundary
high shear stress in front of a mode II crack (Pollard and condition equivalent to the fault slip is applied to a crack
Segall, 1987), and the model's strain rate resembles the or a fault inside a homogenous elastic media. The crack is
strain of a stationary crack in an elastic-perfectly plastic then sealed and the residual elastic stresses and strains
material (both are innite as the fault tip is approached; resulting from slippage of the fault are calculated
Zehnder and Allmendinger, 2000; Rice, 1968). But even if (Manshinha and Smylie, 1971; Johnson, 2001). The
the trishear conguration is mechanically reasonable, the computed displacement elds are similar to the ground
assumed rigid behavior of the hanging wall, and the move- displacements observed after earthquakes (Savage and
ment of rock material inside the triangular zone (which Hastie, 1969; Chen et al., 1978), and to some extent, to
could be dened by an innite number of potential velocity the displacement elds (properly scaled) of natural and
elds; Zehnder and Allmendinger, 2000) have not been analog fault propagation folds (Rodgers and Rizer, 1981).
mechanically tested. It is also not clear how the loading In fact, it has been suggested that fault propagation folds
conditions, material mechanical behavior, and material result from the sum of dislocation type, elastic strain incre-
anisotropy control the extent of the triangular zone (dened ments associated with earthquakes (King et al., 1988).
by its apical angle) and the P/S. Intuitively, the P/S might be However, the link between coseismic deformation and the
controlled by rock competence or the surrounding effective nite strain of fault propagation folds remains enigmatic.
stress (low P/S in incompetent or/and overpressured rocks; Although the analytical models solve for stress elds that
Allmendinger, 1998). Trishear fold geometries are more have not reached a yielding state, it is customary to deter-
sensitive to P/S variations than to changes in the apical mine the orientation of potential faults by tting Coulomb
angle of the triangular zone (Allmendinger et al., 2002), slip lines into the models' principal stress trajectories
but the mechanical signicance of P/S and the trishear (Sanford, 1959; Rodgers and Rizer, 1981; Patton and
apical angle, of their magnitudes, and their relative changes Fletcher, 1995). The similarity of such predicted fault
is unknown. patterns with the orientation of secondary faulting in analog
and natural fault propagation folds seems to justify this
mechanically non-rational approach. Apparently, ahead of
3. Mechanical modeling of fault propagation folds the fault tip most of the stress reorientation occurs before
reaching the yielding state, and therefore the analytically
A fault propagating through the Earth imparts an irrecov- computed stress elds are close in orientation (but not in
erable eld of deformation to the rocks immediately ahead magnitude) to the stress elds at the yielding state (Mandl,
of the fault tip (Elliott, 1976; Williams and Chapman, 1988). Analytical models, however, do not consider the
1983). Fault propagation folding refers to this wave of nite intrinsic effects of faulting; mainly deformation of the
deformation (Suppe, 1985). This mechanical process of rock as it moves along a frictional surface, and as the fault
simultaneous faulting and folding is characterized by three propagates.
interdependent parameters: the slip on the fault, the propa- Mechanical, numerical models can represent more realis-
gation of the fault, and the internal strain of the rock mate- tically the process of fault propagation folding, albeit at the
rial ahead of the fault tip (Williams and Chapman, 1983). loss of some insight due to their inherent complexities. Vari-
Mechanical, analytical models of fault propagation folds able material and environmental parameters, body forces,
consider the internal deformation of the rock material in and more realistic rheologies can be included in numerical
response to a displacement or velocity boundary condition models. Finite difference and nite element methods allow
that is equivalent to the slip on the fault. The models can be the introduction of plastic, and viscousplastic rheologies
divided into two main groups: block motion type models, that resemble more closely the mechanical behavior of rock
and dislocation type models. In block motion type models a materials (Braun and Sambridge, 1994; Gregg Erickson and
displacement or velocity boundary condition is applied at Jamison, 1995; Strayer and Hudleston, 1997; Nino et al.,
the base of an incompressible, elastic (Sanford, 1959), or 1998; Smart et al., 1999). In contrast to the behavior of
viscous layer (Patton and Fletcher, 1995; Johnson and John- viscous layers (Johnson and Fletcher, 1994), material defor-
son, 2001). Such models are appropriate for representing the mation in plastic rheologies is entirely dependent on the
deformation of a sedimentary cover above rigid basement applied loading but independent of the rate of change of
blocks that move along a fault (forced-folds of Stearns, the load (Mandl, 1988). The absence of time in plastic
1978). In viscous rheologies, the calculated velocity elds deformation might seem inappropriate to characterize rock
produce geometries that resemble folds in the eld and in materials, but in the upper crust frictional regime where
analog experiments (Patton and Fletcher, 1995; Johnson and most of the deformation is accommodated by slip along
Johnson, 2001). Trishear-like folds form in isotropic, and fractures, it is justied (Mandl, 1988). Alternatively, one
4 N. Cardozo et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118

Fig. 2. Finite element meshes and boundary conditions of the numerical experiments. (a) Vertical fault. (b) Dipping fault. Heavy line indicates the initial fault
surface. Dashed line indicates the bonded contact surface, or trajectory of fault propagation, which is pulled apart during deformation according to a prescribed
rate of fault growth. In both experiments, the origin of coordinates is at the left corner of the nite element mesh (black dot).

can combine viscous behavior with plastic ow type models experiment the fault tip remains stationary during deforma-
to simulate time-dependent processes without frictional slip tion.
(i.e. pressure solution creep) and time-independent fric- In this study we present numerical, mechanical experi-
tional slip processes (i.e. cataclasis; Gregg Erickson and ments that thoroughly simulate the dynamic interaction of
Jamison, 1995). fault propagation, fault slip, and internal rock deformation.
Numerical models of fault propagation folds have been In addition to the advantages of the current numerical
implemented to investigate the simultaneous development models for fault propagation folding, the experiments
of folding and faulting (Braun and Sambridge, 1994), the include fault propagation explicitly by specifying a mechan-
internal deformation of the rock mass as it moves along the ical discontinuity that grows during the deformation.
fault (Strayer and Hudleston, 1997, their model B; Nino et
al., 1998), the role of anisotropy and bed-parallel slip in the
4. Numerical experiments
potential propagation path of a thrust fault (Nino et al.,
1998), and the effect of fault friction on the internal defor-
We implemented 2D, plane strain, large deformation
mation of the rock material (Smart et al., 1999). However,
nite element analyses of faults propagating in plastic mate-
none of these models considers explicitly the propagation of
rials using ABAQUS/Standard 5.8e, a general purpose,
the fault tip. In the Braun and Sambridge (1994) experiment,
nite element code. This code provides well-documented
the fault propagates dynamically in response to crustal
elastoplastic material models that realistically simulate
shortening, a basal velocity singularity, and the mechanical
rock behavior, efciently solves nonlinear large deforma-
response of the elastoplastic material. But the propagation
tion problems by incrementally applying the load, and expli-
of the fault is denoted by a geometrical, not a mechanical
citly introduces fault propagation based on a critical stress
discontinuity. The continuity of the rock domain is
or a time-dependent failure criterion.
preserved throughout the experiment. In the Strayer and
Hudleston (1997) and Smart et al. (1999) experiments, the 4.1. Model congurations and boundary conditions
fault surface (denoted by a sliding frictional surface) is
specied before deformation. In the Nino et al. (1998) We performed crustal scale experiments with two
Table 1
Summary of nite element simulations. For all models: r rock 2500 kg/m 3, E 30 GPa, n 0.25

Model Material properties a Hardening b Fault dip & friction Imposed displacement (km) FW initial tip line c (km) HW initial tip line c (km) nal tip line c (km) P/S

Vertical fault

N. Cardozo et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118

Elastoplastic 200.0 0.00 90.0, 0.3 1.00 5.02, 5.03 5.04, 5.95 5.10, 8.00 3.2
DruckerPrager d 40.9, 30.0, 0.0 0.00 90.0, 0.2 1.00 5.03, 5.03 5.05, 5.96 5.09, 8.03 3.2
DruckerPrager d 39.8, 28.8, 39.8 0.00 90.0, 0.3 1.00 5.02, 5.04 5.03, 5.96 5.05, 8.00 3.2
Dipping fault
Elastoplastic 200.0 0.00 45.0, 0.1 1.00 6.83, 9.81 7.76, 10.73 9.82, 12.72 3.2
DruckerPrager e 40.9, 45.00, 0.0 0.00 35.0, 0.3 1.00 6.85, 7.74 7.74, 8.33 9.82, 9.79 3.3
DruckerPrager e 39.8, 43.2, 39.8 0.00 22.0, 0.3 1.00 6.82, 5.74 7.70, 6.16 9.68, 7.12 3.3
Varying hardening (compressible materials)
DruckerPrager 39.8, 43.2, 39.8 2 0.001 22.0, 0.3 1.00 6.82, 5.74 7.71, 6.16 9.66, 7.12 3.2
DruckerPrager 39.8, 43.2, 39.8 0.001 22.0, 0.3 1.00 6.82, 5.74 7.70, 6.15 9.68, 7.12 3.3
DruckerPrager 39.8, 43.2, 39.8 0.005 22.0, 0.3 1.00 6.83, 5.74 7.68, 6.13 9.70, 7.12 3.4
DruckerPrager 39.8, 43.2, 39.8 0.01 22.0, 0.3 1.00 6.84, 5.74 7.66, 6.11 9.71, 7.11 3.5
Varying friction f (compressible materials)
DruckerPrager 23.9, 49.6, 23.9 0.00 30.0, 0.3 1.00 6.83, 6.92 7.69, 7.43 9.69, 8.65 3.3
DruckerPrager 30.2, 48.0, 30.2 0.00 27.0, 0.3 1.00 6.83, 6.46 7.70, 6.93 9.68, 8.04 3.3
DruckerPrager 39.8, 43.2, 39.8 0.00 22.0, 0.3 1.00 6.82, 5.74 7.70, 6.16 9.68, 7.12 3.3
DruckerPrager 46.2, 37.2, 46.2 0.00 17.0, 0.3 1.00 6.81, 5.08 7.70, 5.42 9.67, 6.27 3.3
For elastoplastic s yld (MPa). For DruckerPrager b , d (MPa), c . Incompressible materials c 0. Compressible materials c . 0.
Hardening modulus as a fraction of Young's modulus, E.
x and y coordinates. Origin of coordinates at left corner of nite element mesh. FW footwall, HW hanging wall.
Corresponding MohrCoulomb friction angle and cohesion 308, 20 MPa.
Corresponding MohrCoulomb friction angle and cohesion 308, 30 MPa.
Corresponding MohrCoulomb friction angles 15, 20, 30 and 408. Corresponding cohesion 30 MPa.

6 N. Cardozo et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118

Fig. 3. Mechanical behavior of the materials used in the experiments. (a) Stress (s ) vs. strain (e ) behavior of elastoplastic (frictionless or frictional) materials,
with and without strain hardening. syld: yield stress, E: Young's modulus, Ehardening: hardening modulus. (b) DruckerPrager failure model in a deviatoric
stress (t) vs. mean normal stress (p) diagram. In compressible materials with an associated ow rule, the ow is perpendicular to the yield surface (c b). In
incompressible materials c 0. See text for denition of additional symbols.

congurations: a vertical fault and a dipping fault (Fig. 2). conditions are similar to those assumed in tectonic over-
In both congurations four node quadrilateral elements are thrusting (Hubbert, 1951; Elliott, 1976), and in crustal short-
used to discretize the rock domain, and innite elements to ening models of basement-cored uplifts (Berg, 1962).
simulate the far eld behavior at the unconstrained sides of Gravity is imposed on all elements. The loading is
the domain. Meshes of 6400 elements with an element size divided into an initial static step that brings the rock mass
of 125 125 m, and 4000 elements with an element size of to a lithostatic state of stress, and a second static step in
200 100 m close to the fault surface are used in the verti- which the displacement boundary conditions are applied.
cal and dipping fault experiments, respectively (Fig. 2). To simulate the fault (thick line; Fig. 2a and b), we used
Experiments with different mesh sizes and mesh geometries contact surfaces with a basic Coulomb friction model where
yielded similar strain and velocity elds. Our observations sliding begins when the shear stress exceeds the product of
are scale and mesh geometry independent. the coefcient of friction and the pressure normal to the
In the vertical fault experiment a vertical displacement contact surfaces. To guarantee numerical convergence, we
boundary condition is applied at the left base of the model, adopted low coefcients of friction in all the simulations
and the right base is held xed (Fig. 2a). This conguration (0.30.1; Table 1). These values are lower than those
is similar to the geometry and the loading conditions of reported in shear tests of small specimens (0.60.8; Byerlee,
basement-cored uplifts limited by high angle reverse faults 1978) but are within the range suggested by studies on the
(Prucha et al., 1965; Stearns, 1971, 1978). In the dipping strength of large faults (Turcotte and Schubert, 1982; Bird
fault experiment a horizontal displacement boundary condi- and Baumgardner, 1984).
tion is applied at the left side of the hanging wall, and the Fault propagation is simulated with bonded (joined at
left side of the footwall is held xed (Fig. 2b). These loading their nodes) contact surfaces ahead of the initial fault tip

Fig. 4. Contours of equivalent plastic strain superimposed on deformed conguration of initially horizontal markers for the vertical fault experiment with (a)
frictionless, (b) incompressible DruckerPrager, and (c) compressible DruckerPrager materials. Broken circles indicate the initial position of the tip line of
the fault (in the hanging wall and footwall). White circle indicates the nal position of the tip line.
N. Cardozo et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118 7
8 N. Cardozo et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118

(dashed line; Fig. 2a and b), that during the deformation and Cook, 1979; Ranalli, 1987). Values for the linear
were torn apart (released at their nodes) according to a DruckerPrager material model (Table 1) were calculated
specied history of fault growth. Therefore, the trajectory from well-documented MohrCoulomb parameters
and the rate of fault propagation are prescribed in the numer- (Kulhawy, 1973; Jaeger and Cook, 1979; Carmichael,
ical simulations. In the experiments the fault propagates 1989) using the equations (Desai and Siriwardane, 1984,
between 3.2 and 3.5 times the slip on the fault (P/ their equations 10-8):
S 3.23.5; Table 1). These prescribed P/S ratios are p p
within the range of values found in real fault propagation 3sinf d 3cosf
tanb q and q
folds (Williams and Chapman, 1983; Hardy and Ford, 1997; 1 2
1 1 3 sin f c 1 1 13 sin2 f 2
Allmendinger, 1998).
for c b
4.2. Material properties
p d p
The mechanical behavior of the materials used in the tanb 3sinf and 3cosf for c 0 3
experiments is characterized initially by an elastic response,
followed by non-recoverable plastic deformation when the where f and c are the corresponding MohrCoulomb fric-
load exceeds some limit, `the yield stress' (Fig. 3a). Since tion angle and material cohesion. Eq. (2) is for compressible
yielding (onset of non-recoverable deformation) occurs at a materials with associated ow, and Eq. (3) is for incompres-
stress less than 1% the elastic modulus of the materials sible materials (non-associated ow). In the dipping fault
(Table 1), most of the deformation is dominated by plastic simulations, the dip of the fault is controlled by the frictional
strains. We used materials with strain rate independent properties of the material. In frictionless materials the fault
yield, and either pressure stress independent yield (friction- dips 458 (Table 1). In DruckerPrager materials the dip of
less), or pressure stress dependent yield (frictional). Fric- the fault is function of the friction (b ) and dilation (c )
tionless materials are a good rst approximation of brittle angles (Table 1). In the experiments, the fault trajectory
deformation in the upper crust (Desai and Siriwardane, bisects the generated zone of plastic strain ahead of the
1984; Braun and Sambridge, 1994). Frictional materials, fault tip, which has an orientation that is also intrinsically
however, are necessary to reproduce the observed increase related to the frictional properties of the material.
of yield stress with conning pressure in rocks (Jaeger and We studied the effects of material strain hardening or
Cook, 1979). softening (increase or decrease of strength with strain) and
A Mises yield surface with associated ow (incompres- material friction in DruckerPrager compressible materials
sibility) was assumed for the frictionless materials. For the (Table 1). Hardening is dened by the ratio between the
frictional materials we used a linear DruckerPrager model hardening modulus and the elastic modulus of the material
(Fig. 3b) with a yield surface expressed by the equation (Fig. 3a and b):
(Desai and Siriwardane, 1984): Hratio Ehardening=E 4
t ptanb 1 d 1
where p is the mean normal stress, t is a measure of the 5. Results
deviatoric stress, and b and d are the DruckerPrager
friction angle and cohesion, respectively. Analogous to In this section we present the results of our mechanical
the more familiar MohrCoulomb model, the linear simulations and compare them with the trishear kinematic
DruckerPrager model assumes a linear relation model. To model the mechanical folds with trishear, we grid
between the yield stress and the conning pressure searched for the best inverse trishear models that restored
(Fig. 3b). The main difference between these two fric- the folded markers of the mechanical experiments to their
tional material models is that MohrCoulomb assumes original planar orientations (Allmendinger, 1998). We used
that failure is independent of the value of the intermedi- xed values for the trishear parameters known in the experi-
ate principal stress, while DruckerPrager does not mentsramp angle and nal tip line locationand grid
(Mendelson, 1968; Desai and Siriwardane, 1984). Both searched for P/S (from 2.5 to 3.5), trishear angle (from 5
incompressible (dilation angle c 0; Fig. 3b) and to 608), and fault slip (from 0 to 2 km). In all cases, the grid
compressible materials with associated ow (c b; search gave the correct P/S prescribed in the mechanical
Fig. 3b) were considered in the frictional materials. experiments. We then ran forward these best trishear models
The second case, although not realistic (very brittle and compared their geometries, nite strain, and velocity
rocks typically have dilation angles of one quarter of elds with those of the mechanical experiments.
their friction angles; Hoek, 2000), provided an end
scenario to evaluate the effects of dilation on folding. 5.1. Vertical fault models
Values of the constants required for the frictionless mate-
rial model (Table 1) were taken from the literature (Jaeger Contour plots of equivalent plastic strain (Hill, 1950)
N. Cardozo et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118 9

Fig. 5. Velocity eld (left side) and variation of velocities parallel and perpendicular to the fault (thick lines on right side) along a tie rod (heavy line in velocity
eld), for the vertical fault experiment with (a) frictionless, (b) incompressible DruckerPrager, and (c) compressible DruckerPrager materials. Black dot in
velocity eld indicates the nal position of the tip line. In velocity variation plot the velocities are plotted as fractions of the maximum velocity parallel to the
fault (v/vmax). The origin of the horizontal coordinate is at the left end of the tie rod. Thinner lines denote the velocity proles of the best-t trishear model.

superimposed on the deformed geometry of initially hori- the fault tip (Fig. 4a and b). The resultant folds have fore-
zontal markers illustrate the nite strain eld of the experi- limbs that taper from steeper dip angles near the fault tip to
ments (Fig. 4). A vertical fault propagating in a frictionless gentler dip angles at the surface (Fig. 4a and b). Fold tight-
(Fig. 4a) or a frictional incompressible (Fig. 4b) material ness and thinning of the marker horizons increases towards
generates a symmetric to slightly asymmetric (with respect the fault tip (Fig. 4a and b). The forelimb dips are steeper
to the fault) zone of plastic deformation. The magnitude of and the fold width is less in the frictional incompressible
the equivalent plastic strain in this zone increases towards (Fig. 4b) than in the frictionless material (Fig. 4a). The nal
10 N. Cardozo et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118

Fig. 6. Contours of equivalent plastic strain superimposed on deformed conguration of initially horizontal markers for the dipping fault experiment with (a)
frictionless, (b) incompressible DruckerPrager, and (c) compressible DruckerPrager materials.

fold geometries resemble the drape folds of the Rocky ment uplift structures of the Wyoming foreland (upthrust of
Mountain foreland (Prucha et al., 1965; Stearns, 1971; Live- Prucha et al., 1965).
sey, 1985, his seismic line B). Velocity elds calculated by subtracting the displace-
A vertical fault propagating in the frictional compressible ments at the end and at 99% the total time of the experi-
material produces a nite strain eld that differs from the ments illustrate the kinematics of the deformation (left side;
above two cases (Fig. 4c). The fault generates a zone of Fig. 5). In the simulations, the velocity vectors are sub-
plastic strain in its footwall (Fig. 4c). This strain localization parallel to the fault in the hanging wall and decrease in
is explained by the fact that under the applied displacement magnitude and vary in direction across a triangular zone
boundary conditions the material in the footwall is in (with apex at the fault tip) symmetric (left side; Fig. 5a
tension. The yield stress, which is pressure dependent, is and b) or asymmetric (left side; Fig. 5c) to the fault. Proles
much lower and therefore the material yields at these local- of the velocities parallel and perpendicular to the fault (thick
ities. This produces material dilation and a decrease in the lines on right side; Fig. 5) along a tie rod perpendicular to
conning pressure, which in turn promotes further yielding. the fault, and 1000 m ahead of the fault tip (heavy line on
In a more realistic model in which the trajectory of fault left side; Fig. 5) depict the variation of velocity across this
propagation was entirely controlled by the physics of the zone. In frictionless and frictional incompressible materials
material (and not prescribed before the experiment), there the velocity parallel to the fault decreases almost linearly
would be steep reverse and upwards-convex faults emanat- (thick continuous line on right side; Fig. 5a and b). The
ing from the vertical fault towards the plastic strain zone. velocity perpendicular to the fault has a parabolic variation,
These faults have been documented in sandbox experiments with a maximum at the bisector of the triangular zone (thick
(Mandl, 1988, his gures I.2-71 and II.7-33), and in base- dashed line on right side; Fig. 5a and b). These velocity
N. Cardozo et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118 11

Fig. 7. Velocity eld (left side) and variation of velocities parallel and perpendicular to the fault (thick lines on right side) along a tie rod (heavy line in velocity
eld), for the dipping fault experiment with (a) frictionless, (b) incompressible DruckerPrager, and (c) compressible DruckerPrager materials. Black dot in
velocity eld indicates the nal position of the tip line. Thinner lines in velocity proles denote the velocity variation of the best-t trishear model.

proles are strikingly similar to those of a symmetric, linear (thick lines on right side; Fig. 5a and b). However, there is a
trishear zone (Hardy and Ford, 1997; Zehnder and Allmen- subtle difference with respect to the trishear model. The
dinger, 2000). In fact, the velocity proles of the best-t velocity perpendicular to the fault in the hanging wall mate-
trishear models (thin lines on right side; Fig. 5a and b) for rial outside the triangular zone is non-zero (thick dashed line
the fold geometries of the experiments (Fig. 4a and b); are from 0 to 2 km on right side; Fig. 5a and b). Contrary to
close to the velocity proles of the mechanical experiments trishear (and to all kinematic models), the hanging wall does
12 N. Cardozo et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118

Fig. 8. Evolution of the dipping fault experiment in (a) and (c) frictionless or (b) and (d) compressible DruckerPrager materials. In (a) and (b) the experiment
evolution is depicted by contours of maximum principal strain rate superimposed on the deformed marker conguration at 50, 75 and 100% the total time of
the experiment. In (c) and (d) the evolution is displayed by proles of the velocities parallel and perpendicular to the fault along a tie rod perpendicular to the
fault and 2000 m in front of the fault tip at times 50, 75, and 100% the total time of the experiment.

not move rigidly parallel to the fault, but deforms internally much broader zone, asymmetric with respect to the fault and
and moves oblique to the fault before entering the triangular entirely localized in the footwall (right side; Fig. 5c).
zone of velocity variation. In the frictional compressible
material the velocity proles (right side; Fig. 5c) are some- 5.2. Dipping fault models
what similar to those of incompressible materials (right side;
Fig. 5a and b). Nonetheless, the velocity vectors vary over a A dipping fault propagating in a frictionless (Fig. 6a),
N. Cardozo et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118 13

Fig. 9. Effects of material hardening on the fold geometry and the equivalent plastic strain generated by a dipping fault propagating in the compressible
DruckerPrager material. Strain hardening is specied by a hardening modulus of (a) 20.001 (strain softening), (b) 0.001, (c) 0.005, and (d) 0.01 the Young's
modulus of the material.

frictional incompressible (Fig. 6b), or the frictional models (isotropic cover welded to the basement case of
compressible (Fig. 6c) material, generates a symmetric Johnson and Johnson, 2001), and particulate ow models
(with respect to the fault) zone of plastic strain. The equiva- (Finch et al., 2002).
lent plastic strain in this zone increases towards the fault tip Velocity elds derived by subtracting the displacements
(Fig. 6). The resultant folds decrease in amplitude and at the end and at 99% the total time of the experiments
increase in width away from the fault tip. The forelimbs illustrate the kinematics of folding (left side; Fig. 7). In
taper from steep dips near the fault tip to more gentle dips incompressible materials (left side; Fig. 7a and b) the velo-
at the surface (Fig. 6). However, there is an essential differ- city vectors are sub-parallel to the fault in the hanging wall,
ence between folds formed in incompressible (Fig. 6a and b) and decrease in magnitude but slightly in direction across a
and folds formed in the compressible material (Fig. 6c). In narrow triangular zone (with apex at the fault tip) symmetric
the compressible material, there is a conjugate band of plas- to the fault. In the compressible material (left side; Fig. 7c)
tic strain, and a gentle anticlinal backlimb (Fig. 6c). Such the velocity vectors rotate progressively upwards in the
anticlinal backlimb has been observed in clay models hanging wall, and change in magnitude but little in direction
(Groshong's model in Rodgers and Rizer, 1981), sandbox across a triangular zone ahead of the fault tip. Proles of the
experiments (Mandl, 1988, his gure II.7-14), viscous velocities parallel and perpendicular to the fault (thick lines
14 N. Cardozo et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118

Fig. 10. Effects of material friction and dilation on the fold geometry and the equivalent plastic strain generated by a dipping fault propagating in the
compressible DruckerPrager material. Material friction and dilation angles are (a) 24, (b) 30, (c) 40, and (d) 468. The corresponding MohrCoulomb friction
angles are 15, 20, 30 and 408, respectively.

on right side; Fig. 7) along a tie rod perpendicular to the internally and moves slightly oblique to the fault (thick
fault and 2000 m ahead of the fault tip (heavy line on left dashed line between 0 and 2 km, right side; Fig. 7a and b).
side; Fig. 7) emphasize these observations. In incompressi- The velocity proles of the compressible material (thick
ble materials, the velocity parallel to the fault decreases lines on right side; Fig. 7c) differ considerably from those of
almost linearly across the triangular zone (thick continuous the best-t trishear model (thin lines on right side; Fig. 7c)
line on right side; Fig. 7a and b), while the velocity perpen- for the nal geometry of the simulation (Fig. 6c). In the
dicular to the fault slightly varies (thick dashed line on right hanging wall, the velocity perpendicular to the fault (thick
side; Fig. 7a and b). These velocity proles (thick lines on dashed line on right side; Fig. 7c) is almost 60% the velocity
right side; Fig. 7a and b) are similar to those of the best-t parallel to the fault (thick continuous line on right side; Fig.
trishear models (thin lines on right side; Fig. 7a and b) for 7c). In front of the fault tip the velocities parallel and
the fold geometries of the experiments (Fig. 6a and b). Like perpendicular to the fault decrease linearly (thick lines on
the mechanical experiments, the velocity parallel to the fault right side; Fig. 7c), resulting in velocity vectors that change
decreases linearly and the velocity perpendicular to the fault little in orientation (left side; Fig. 7c). The assumption of
changes little across the triangular zone in the best-t trishear (and of all kinematic models) of a rigid hanging
trishear models (thin lines; Fig. 7a and b). However, in wall moving parallel to the fault is obviously not justied
the mechanical experiments the hanging wall also deforms in this simulation.
N. Cardozo et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118 15

Fig. 11. Trishear modeling of the vertical (a and b) and dipping fault (c and d) experiments in incompressible frictionless materials. (a) and (c) Best tting
trishear models (dashed lines) superimposed on the nal bed geometries of the mechanical simulations (continuous lines). (b) and (d) Strain ellipses and
maximum principal strain axes of the best trishear models (dashed) superimposed on maximum principal strain axes of the mechanical simulations (thick
lines). Note close coincidence in the orientation and the magnitude (i.e. length) of the axes of maximum principal strain. Stretch in the trishear model is
averaged over the size of an initially unit diameter circle. Stretch in the mechanical model is a point wise value calculated at the center of the trishear ellipsoids.

5.3. Evolution of deformation faster than the material slips (Table 1), and therefore the
material moves from the zone of active yielding ahead of
Contours of maximum principal strain rate superimposed the fault tip to the hanging wall (Fig. 8a and b; Allmendin-
on the deformed marker conguration at times 50, 75 and ger, 1998). The extent of the zones of active yielding
100% the total time of the experiment, illustrate the evolu- decreases during the experiment. In frictionless incompres-
tion of the dipping fault simulation (Fig. 8). In frictionless sible materials at early stages, active yielding occurs from
(and similarly in frictional) incompressible materials, active the initial fault tip location in the footwall to the surface
yielding (indicated by the contours of maximum principal (50%; Fig. 8a). Near the end of the experiment, active yield-
strain rate) occurs in a narrow zone slightly skewed towards ing occurs preferentially ahead of the fault tip (100%; Fig.
the footwall (Fig. 8a). In the frictional compressible mate- 8a). In the frictional compressible material the extent of
rial active yielding occurs in two conjugate zones (Fig. 8b). active yielding in the backlimb decreases during the simula-
In both cases, the zones of active yielding migrate with the tion (Fig. 8b). Localization of strain rate towards the fault
fault tip (Fig. 8a and b). The fault propagates three times tip increases as the fault propagates in both simulations (Fig.
16 N. Cardozo et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118

8a and b). The strain rate increases as the fault tip is fold geometries are trishear-like. One important question
approached like in the trishear model (Zehnder and Allmen- remaining is whether trishear can replicate the geometry
dinger, 2000). and nite strain elds of the mechanical folds. Fig. 11
The proles of the velocities parallel and perpendicular to shows trishear modeling of folds generated by vertical and
the fault change little during the experiments (Fig. 8c and d). dipping faults propagating in frictionless incompressible
In general, as the fault propagates the extent of the zone of materials. Forward trishear modelling using the best para-
velocity variation ahead of the fault tip slightly increases meters from inverse modeling of the mechanical folds (Figs.
(compare proles at the middle and at the end of the experi- 4a and 6a), produces geometries (dashed lines; Fig. 11a and
ment; Fig. 8c and d). In frictionless incompressible materi- c) that are remarkably close to those of the mechanical folds
als, the internal deformation of the hanging wall outside the (continuous lines; Fig. 11a and c). The nite strain elds of
zone of velocity variation increases during the experiment the best-t trishear models (dashed lines; Fig. 11b and d) are
(compare the velocity perpendicular to the fault at the also very close in orientation and magnitude to the nite
middle and at the end of the experiment; Fig. 8c). strain elds of the numerical models (represented by maxi-
mum principal strain axes, thick black lines; Fig. 11b and d).
5.4. Varying material properties The orientation of the maximum principal strain axes and
the amount of stretch along these axes in trishear and in the
We ran two sets of experiments in the frictional compres-
mechanical experiments are notably similar (Fig. 11b and
sible material, one set varying material strain hardening
d). Near the surface, however, there are differences in the
(Fig. 9), and other set varying material friction and dilation
geometries and strain elds of the two models, which are
angles (Fig. 10). The purpose of the experiments is to eval-
related to surface effects (Fig. 11). Trishear replicates the
uate the effects of these material properties on the nite
geometries and the nite strain elds of folds formed in
strain eld of the resultant folds, especially in their back-
frictionless incompressible materials.
limbs. Fig. 9 shows the equivalent plastic strain and nal
geometry produced by a dipping fault propagating in a strain
softening material (Fig. 9a), or in a strain hardening material
with a hardening modulus of 0.1 (Fig. 9b), 0.5 (Fig. 9c), and 6. Discussion
1% (Fig. 9d) the material Young's modulus. Material strain
A fault propagating through an elastoplastic material
hardening affects the nite strain eld of the resultant struc-
produces a wave of deformation (i.e. yielding) in front of
ture. Increasing strain hardening produces folds that have
its tip line. This deformation is localized in a zone slightly
lower equivalent plastic strains, lower fold amplitudes, and
asymmetric to the fault that migrates with the fault tip, and
larger fold widths (Fig. 9ad). These observations apply
in an additional backlimb zone radiating from the fault tip in
equally well to frictionless and frictional incompressible
the case of the compressible material. Steady velocity elds
materials. In the backlimb, the extent of the conjugate plas-
characterize the deformation. In incompressible materials,
tic strain band, the magnitude of the equivalent plastic
the velocity vectors are slightly oblique to the fault and
strain, and the amount of backlimb rotation, all decrease
change in magnitude and orientation across a triangular
with increasing material strain hardening (Fig. 9ad).
zone symmetric to the fault. In the compressible material,
Fig. 10 illustrates the equivalent plastic strain and nal
the velocity vectors rotate progressively upward in the hang-
geometry generated by a dipping fault propagating in the
ing wall and decrease linearly in magnitude but vary little in
frictional compressible material with DruckerPrager fric-
orientation across a triangular zone. Strain builds up as the
tion and dilation angles of 24 (Fig. 10a), 30 (Fig. 10b), 40
fault propagates. The mechanical folds have forelimbs that
(Fig. 10c) and 468 (Fig. 10d). These values correspond to
taper from large dip angles near the fault tip to low dip
MohrCoulomb friction angles of 15, 20, 30 and 408 (Eqs.
angles at the surface, and in the case of the compressible
(1) and (2)). Increasing material friction and dilation angles
material, gentle anticlinal backlimbs. Finite plastic strain is
decreases the equivalent plastic strain, the fold amplitudes,
localized in a symmetric triangular zone, and in an addi-
and increases the fold widths (Fig. 10ad). Increasing mate-
tional backlimb zone in the compressible material.
rial friction and dilation angles increases the extent of the
The above description of fault propagation folding in
backlimb plastic strain zone, the magnitude of the equiva-
elastoplastic materials has many similarities with trishear
lent plastic strain in the backlimb, and the amount of back-
folding. In trishear a triangular zone of active shear migrates
limb rotation (Fig. 10ad). Strain softening and dilation of
with the propagating fault tip. Folding in this zone is
the material ahead of the propagating fault tip enhance
described by a steady velocity eld that in its most basic
backlimb rotation.
formulation (a linear velocity eld for a symmetric triangu-
5.5. Trishear modeling of the mechanical folds lar zone) is remarkably similar to the velocity eld exhibited
by incompressible materials. Like the mechanical folds,
The kinematics of fault propagation folding in elastoplas- trishear folds have forelimbs that taper up-section and nite
tic incompressible materials is very similar to the kine- strain elds localized in triangular zones symmetric to the
matics of the trishear model. The mechanically generated fault, with strain magnitudes that increase towards the fault
N. Cardozo et al. / Journal of Structural Geology 25 (2003) 118 17

tip. Trishear replicates remarkably well the geometry and triangular zone (Fig. 9). But none of these material changes
the nite strain of the folds formed in incompressible mate- may produce the diffuse zones of plastic deformation
rials. Regarding these materials, the conguration and the observed in nature. Material anisotropy and heterogeneity,
kinematics of trishear are thus mechanically reasonable, and which are lacking in our experiments, may be essential in
the model succeeds in its purpose: reproducing nite strain. explaining such diffuse zones (Nino et al., 1998). Further
None of the current kinematic models reproduces the research is needed to implement more realistic mechanical
progressive backlimb rotation and hanging wall uplift models with `natural' fault tip propagation, and mechanical
exhibited by the compressible material. One can argue anisotropy.
that the compressible material with an associated ow rule
(c b), in which any increment of plastic shearing is
accompanied by a proportional increase of volume Acknowledgements
(Mandl, 1988), is not a good representation of the brittle
crust. It results in dilational strains of 60100% close to We thank Ernesto Cristallini, Kaj Johnson and Ray
the tip line and 1020% in the backlimb; unrealistic values Fletcher for general discussion. The manuscript was
compared with the observed 10% dilational strain in defor- improved by the critical reviews of Stuart Hardy and
mation bands formed at low conning pressures in low David Waltham. We gratefully acknowledge support from
porosity sandstones (Antonellini et al., 1994). Strayer and the National Science Foundation (EAR-9814348).
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