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!t',,,F,, d..i "U,,f Englih, and :,.., .

Listening rs
,.,lst, kig {,r:t!i, tsts ;.,,,
|,,, "

,.'Practice',testi :
f|l,th,sr,,fl..rt].S,, ], .,,'

rl exam
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fu p ctivelcOating has],been,schedoff, ,, | :":,| 1 - ,-l",1;1i, l

Alreedy using, iTest*od,

Juit,,eelyou aciess,d .,]l,i
Collocations: communication; family MUltipIe choice
social networks Present simple and present continUoUS ,8 Pleased to greet you .10
State VrS .8 relationships .7
,6 Phrasal verbs in tt .l 0
Vr patterns: -ing and infinitive With/
Without ro .12

Gapped text
The Galapogos lslands ,20

Multiple matching
Daredevils .0
(muh/m, lot ot some, very few, hardly
, , ) .28
Preseni perfect simple present or perfect tilm genres .34
continuoUS .32

\1J!tiple choice
'";*;; Phrasal verbs in context -9
DeScriptiVe adjectives; r
: -<,<haye .

l" il;,",;l;:rulpastperfectp40
J ,
" i Subject/object questions .44
i g The consumer
l tuture forms: Going ro, wll/ and present Shops and shopping .48
d tet
-.r.\r !1 doy .52

i; -"
Deducinq words from l;,:

society ]

:::::::,::,!,.,,. .o,,,.o.j t. 4
-i:-:*; "_:*:__*_
job .58; word bu-
woTkinglives Finding
Phrasal verbs in conte ,5:
,:,,t -, .60
] l ;HT:;il],1,;yill',lJ;ilr* Prepositional phrases ,6

Adjectives: prefixes s-:,,= vultiple choice

Zero, first and second conditionals .73 h you see what l see? .76
unless, otherwise, provided that .75
Health and fitness -;2
Dependent preposiilc ij :--a

Animals ,80 Gapped text

Frms of the passive .82 wife\ gr passlons .84
phrasal verbs in i:! |\tly
Causative have .86
Prepositional phra=s c!r
MUltiple choice
tuture perfect and continuous .92 i Computers .9:
lnside the tg rl .94

:_']- M,.,jltiple matching

Arts d cult-,e
Collocations ,: ..l: ri .102
Attitude di:'S:_-':

Fashion ;-._: -- Gapped text

Adjecive ,, :_'1
' :nght Club .l1
Word buildin .- j
Verbs in -:=J: _-

Multiple matching
Third conditional and wbh .124 --
12 Science and
Reporting verbs .1 28 Research -a ]--1:i,. a,-
i:-- = :
lnspirations p.l22

Linkers: in splre f, despite, hovyeyer, etc. ,1 0 Word -' : -:: -i:,:: - ]


mmirfrim activitb -,40 Grammar rfr .

Exam information .4 Support for SpeakingTests .1 34

Essay Multiple-choice cloze .9 Multiple choice Personal queStionS
Communicating with friends .14 mmiti d social networks .7 Routines, likes/dislikes, phrasing
Sequencing ideas .14 questions .13

lnformal letter Open cloze .23 Sentence completion Lonq turn

Catching up with news, informal w img .18 Comparing photos .17
expressions .24

Film review .34 Word formation .3 MUltiple matching Discussion

Lei sU re activ ities .27 Organising discussion, involving your
partner, giving opinions ,29

Report word transformations .45 MUltiple choice Long tur

ActiVitieS for toUriSts .46 big adventure .42 Comparing photos, speculating .41

Essay Multiple-choice cloze .55 MUltiple choice llrtiv task

Why we buy things we don't need .56 Experiences of shopping .49 Discussion, decision-making task
Making suggestions .5 1

9- collaborative task and discussion

Letter: job application ,66 Upen cloze p.oJ
DiScuS5ion questionS
lntroductory phra5es .59

Email: 9iving advice .78 Multiple matching Long turn

good alternative? ,74 Making comparisons
SpecUlating ./0

Article word transformations .87 Multiple choice collaborative ta5k

recent holiday .88 iml i5irtis .1 Asking for clarification ,3

cloze .97 Long turn

Fidig the right word .9

Article Multiple-choice cloze .1 09 Multiple choice: short extracts collaborative task

Writing about festival .'| 10 Culturol experiences .1 06 Discussion questions
Giving opinions, reasons d
examples .105

Review Word formation .1 15 Multiple matching personal information

.1 12
challenging present .l20 sense of style Question tags ,1 19

Essay word transformations .125 MUltiple choice Long turn

Presenting argUment, The Big g Fir .126 Agreeing and dlsagreeing .1 29
Linkers: l spire of, despite, however, |,
p.l 30

Writing reference .'l 60 Phrasal verbs list .172 lrregular verb families .175

The Cambridge First Certificate in English is made up of four papers, each testing different r of ability i English. Each
r is worth 25 percent of the total mark. hr are five grades. , and are pass grds; D and r fail grades.

r l: Reading and Us of English (l hu l5 minutes)

r 1 has two sections. The Use of English section has fur parts ( questions) d the Reading sectbn l r (22 questions).
Each part tests different reading skills r rs of language.

tJse of English
Part 1 s Vocabu laryllexico-9ram matical
Multiple-choice c!oze Task You read text with eight gaps. You choose the best word to f i d E from choice of four
options (, , or D).

Part 2 Focus Gr m mar/Lexico-9ram matical

Task You read text with eight gaps. You hv to think of the mst Drr-i .o,rd to fill each gap.
You must use word only. No options are provided.

Part 3 Fs Vocabu l rylLexico-9ram matical

word formation
Task You read text with eight gaps. You are given the stems of the Tllssl.g ,qr i capitals at the
end9ofthe lines with gaps. You have to change the frm ofeach ,rrq tc r:: context.

Part 4 Fs Grammar and vocabulary

word transformations
Task There are six items. You r given sentence and 'key wordlYou r to cofilplete second,
gapped 5entence using the key word. The second sentence diftrmt Emrnatical structure
but must have similar mig to the original.

Part 5 Fs Detail, ii, 9iSt, attitude, deducing meaning, text rgrisi f-g xemplification,
Multiple-choice questions mris, rfr), tone, urs and main idea
Task There r six four-option multiple-choice questions. You h choose::le:l,.,ect option
(, , or D) based on the information in the text.

Part 6 Fs Understanding text structure, cohesion and hr

Gapped text Task You read text from which six sentences have rmd d plred i jumd rdr after
the text. hr is one extra sentence that you do not need to use
Part 7 Focus Specific information, detail, opinion and attitude
Multiple matching Task You read ten questions or statements about text which has dru4ded into sections, r four to
six short texts, You have to decide which section or te contains ir,}e ifT rti relating to each
question r statement.

Paper 2: \ffritig {l h<ur 20 minutes}

TheWitinpqper is divided into two'partl and you havg1o r{,t, takfrom each part Eadl rrrrris equal,marks, so u
should not spend longer than another
Part ] Focus Content, organising information, thinking about target reader
Task Part '] is compulsory, and there is choice of questions. You have to write essay based given information and
prompts. You have to write 140-1 90 words.

Part 2 Focus Layout, style and register, thinking about target reader

Task Part 2 has three tasks to choose from. The three options may include three of the following:
letter or email, article, report, review. You have to write ] 40-] 90 words for 2.

4 m information
.r : Listening {rirtl 40 minutes)


Part 1 Fs Each extract will have different focus, which could : main point, detail, purpose or location of
Extracts with multiple- speech, relationship between the speakers, attitude or opinion of the speakers.
choice questions
Task Yu hear eight short, unrelated extracts of about thirty seconds each.They may monologues
r conversations. YoU have to answer three-option mUltiple-choice qUestion (, r ) for
each extract.

Part 2 Fs 5pecific information, detail, stated opinion

completion Task You hr monologue lasting about three minutes, You complete ten Sentences with words from
the tet.

Part 3 Focus As for Part ]

Multiple matching Task You hr series offive monologues, lasting about thirty seconds each.The speakers in each
extract are different, but the SituationS or topics are ll related to each other. You have to match
each speaker to of six statements or qUestionS (-F). There is extra option that you do
not need to use.
Part 4 Fs 5pecific information, opinion, attitude, gist, mi idea
Multiple-choice questions Tas.k You hear monologue or conversation which lasts about three minutes.There'are seven
questions.YoU have to choose the correct option (, or ).

r 4: peaking (imtl 14 nrinr.ltes)

Part 1 Fus Grl interactional and social language

lnterview Task The interlocutor asks each of you questions about yourself, such as where you come from, what
(2 minutes)
you do i your free time,

Part 2 Fs Organising your ideas, mrig, describing, expressing opinions

lndividuaI long tr
Task The interlocutor gives you pair of photographs to mr, and to give rsl reaction to.
(4 minutes)
You speak yourself fr about minute while your partner listens. Then the interlocutor asks
ur partner question about what you have said. Only short answer is expected. You then
change roles,

Part 3 Fs lnteracting with your partner, exchanging ideas, expressin9 and justizin9 opinions, a9reeing
collaborative task d/r disagreeing, suggesting, speculating, evaluating, rhig decision through ne9otiation
(4 minutes)
Tosk You are glv task to discuss together, based on set of prompts. There r two parts to the
task. First to discuss all of the prompts and then try to reach conclusion.There is no right or
Wrong answer to the task and you don't have to a9ree with each other. lt iS the interaction
between u that is important.
Part 4 Focus Expressing and justiflzing opinions, a9reeing and disa9reeing
Task The interlocutor asks you both grl questions related to the topic of Part , and gives u the
(4 minutes)
chance to give your opinions on other aspects of the same topic.

Exam information 5
':,' I

:i.i:1_1.iii'.llil',.jilil,: j]ji:,i:

]|j|];i.] iiJ] ].:rl .

ii]iil:l'i],,','"il ]]r]Iil
]]i'li!]:i':.1]i], ,] ijl,,]i],]lii.l]
a i:] ]:]:|"]li:l.,]]]],.

Discuss the questions.
1 What do people m when they talk about their'social .,,, -
2 How big is your social network?

Do the sur. Then compare your answers in pairs.

] ]]i


Keeping in touch

We want to know how youstoy in contcct withyour friendsl Do ur survey.

Wh*n ci* 5r*u ti",rn il m*bil* "}t 5 *w m* hus ls/eek do you spenci
gi out \, h f riend 7
r; lollg dt yot"l s su.=:i The
using rr? yq{ -ry9_1 ltritt vrv week?
3 * 1u** i*lg t* s*c!;*i n*tw*rking D yoir {]l./et, wliie ielc;,s

l.rZ ,.::]

Lil r] 'n
4 yor.r sp*nd r* tir* t*xtlng r 8 $/hat dc you lii;ni{, is rh t vvay to
tal}tirtg t* pe*ple n u pY|er rrlak* ,r friends? V,/ny?
i- _,I-:
; letln ] l laiklnq ,

1 Listen to four people answering different questions in the

,1')li ;,,

survey in Activity 2. Which question is each person answering?

Skr ] _--l Skr 2 a1
Sk -_l Speaker4 __-l

6 *ci*i **ito,*lk_q
Listening Ylr
uNtipe hgi locatio}: m mu r"liaat g; f* }

ffi listen again and choose the best answer, ,
or . There is question for each speaker.
ffi Complete the phrases from the listening
1 Why does the m use the internet to communicate? with words from the .h listen again
enjoys talking to friends who r too busy to and check.
meet r often.
face (2) keep
likes making contact with w people in
different countries. 9

relies it to keep up-to-date with family

1 This way, we can .............,....,.. .,,. i touch h our family.
mmrs abroad.
2 Several of us ..... . . . ....,.. li to chat every evening.
The woman uses her social networking site to
3 l like to .........................intouch h other people with the
make contact again with old friends. Same m.
find people to help with babysitting. When you see each other................,......., t..
apologise to people she has argued with. there r sometimes arguments.
What is one of the m most important reasons for 5 hr v one 9irl l ............,...... ...... touch utzlrh mr than
using particular website? ten years ago!
wants to find people who have similar 6 grandad is completely . of touch with
interests tohis. 9_ ,
wht going on today.
wants to research the meanings of diferent
family names. Matcb words/phrasesl-6 with meanings -F.
wants to find unknown relatives, 1 related to
4 How does the girl feel when she texts in class? 2 extended family
ashamed when the thr catches hr 3 divorced
pleased that she can do it wlthout her 4 daughter-in-law
teacher knowing
5 ancestors
gr when the teacher tells hr to turn hr
6 only child
phone off
no longer mrrid
ur s wife
someone who hasn't got brothers r slsters
D members of your family who lived long time ago
family that includes parents, children and thr
family members
connected family

list of family members. Compare your

list with partner and add extra words.

Discuss the questions. Use words and

expressions from Activities 5-7 to help you.
Which family members are you closest to?
What do you think r the good and bad points of
having large extended family?

Unit tr Sociai networks 7

*m*r"rg ffi Matcb the uses of the present simple and
continuous with 1-7 in Activity 2.

Discuss the questions.
rgulr repeated action
Would you like to keep in touch with your school

friends and teachers when you Ieave school r colle9e?

permanent situation

Why/Why not? an activity i progress now

What is the best way to do this? D an rrgd future activity

fixed future event

-*st simple and rt F activity in progress but not at this exact moment
G changing r developing situation
}, GRR REFERENCE ,l45 the underlined verbs in Activity 2 describe
states or actions? and complete the table.
02 Read interviewwith JaneTurner Choose the correct option to complete the rule.
about part of her job. Complete the text with
the present simple r present continuous form
of the verbs in brackets.Then listen and check.

(o IEEEIE Wednesday, July 28 . ]

i]:, Rule: state verbs r/r r usuallv used in the

9_. continuous form-

ffi the verbs i the to the table in

Activity 4. Add two more verbs of your own
:,i] and compare with rtr.
Todq,!{1};.illl:::,..;n.;.i..:...,; : , mw(r[},i,,;,,r,:. .' hate understand write belong produce
(falft} to Jurt (tuorh) th q for December - prefer receive text want need
teacher at ig School. As which
well as teaching, Jane has
(5) ....................... (go) out
Complete this mmt from magazine reader
anotherjobthat she does 11th December.
at the school' ' ;,. with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
you a|t the work ,, ,; l really (1) (hik) it gi,eat to have li
Q So, Jane, what is r website yourself?
magazine for ex-students. mum used to student
second iob? ]]

l ! Fur of us work at my school and she (2) ......"....... (9r) magazine every
lIthikitlsvgry,intelegtlng!, riulfl,ut{ms,tsth.*t, ]'
r. l (3) (/ook) at thls mth magazine right
l (2) .............. ......... (produce) it (6) ....................... (gef) mr
now and it (4) ,............. (h) some 9rt pictures of ur
online magazine for th and mr difficu|t to finish th
school's ex-students, people magazine time. Luckily, we
sports day. l enjoy rdig it too because it's interesting
who used to study at th school. (7) ,...................... (gel) two to lr what old students (5) .............. (do) at the
It helps rhm keep i touch extra people to help with the moment. Some of them have fantastic jobs i television
with old friends. lt also has

next issue. and what l (6).............. (wr) to do.There

information about thiss that p:l . (7) ........,.,.,. () for old students next month

lsthe magazine
r happening at the .chool and igl
and my mum (8) (9) to it. She (9) .............. (/ook)
w projects, like building
forward to meeting up with some old friends. l

new swimming pgol ina t_bingl ,| Very Th.,old stud.ntq lglaq ' ('l0) ,............. (rhk) she'lI have brilliant time.
|ike that. to get news about thir o|d
* ft do the 1d
teachers and thev
send in letters about their own
you think it good idea to have
students get the.magazine? newsletter like this? Why?
- work and rrs too. I know
l *n ....................... that the srudents who r hr
(turite) ix s,
so that's twice r. At th
w also like to rd it, so itls. i|
definite|y r popular indeed.
Work in pairs.Turn to page 140 and do the activi.

8 Unit 1 Socia] nelworks

ffi d the text and find out what the title
refers to. Don't worry t the gaps for
the moment.

VlcdnBsd*y,Jiiyi,t8 l:.' ,,,', ,. li ,,,]'l],i

We living i w age a,l ,...P.,,,Ct, tivit.

s,||,th ] :,

beil ., , :,,,
] .]

*w*; l.LL_Oit,Fl ]

!i,t , ,l,.;, -.,,.,.. .,,, , ;,l an hih, g d]d; P*d: hingt

che hand it s good ro (2} ., . . ..,....,, Lo talk to
mfr*fr*"g , u,* 11,l;,hg1.9r re r,,The dWnP iS that
sr of u ha:B i*mlt,ddt.{l ,,.;,.,.,,.,. . ,

ffi Work in pairs. Look at the picture and answer u hs anci muts. Psychologists h identified
the questions. ] gondin {4} i".,",,,,-,..,,,,:,,,. : g iNooFhabjal T.rhioh

1 What problems with phones or computers can make

iB.a]{ fr 9f bain wlthotltl }s|]t il hl This
mtims hs lvherl ql,Wh* us* nheil:plplgs ,
you feel like this?
lot l: (5} ,.,,],..,.,,,..,.,:,, r them fr B:oertain id.
2 Which problems have you .rid rtl?
lt sm that this loss t}.. .;;.;1,,,,;",i,,..,,,", in;P*nic
attacks d hallucinations, $m g, Ol"Wh : -'
Wm ffi# rg$fifu {7}:,.,.,.......,,,,,., t i imt aid that trre' ip|
img!qrg tht thi hs w igig duig *he ii]
iti-hgi !*z
ld u bg,able tc |ive t8} ,.......,,.i,.,,,.,. Our phonp 1

ffi Choose the correct word to complete mLJt f week? lt'S itStig question, isn't it?
the sentences.
'l 1 got an email from my English friend yesterday but it

small low short D little

0 to Bof from
D in

2 The traffic was vr so l was late for my

1 hour time period D day

computer class. possible allowed D able

thick hard full D heavy at D with

3 l usually look...,....,...... new words li 4 lled referred named D known

r Bup i Don 5 separated divided taken D removed

|'m ..........,.... on joining new social networking site. CaUSe make result D start

enthusiastic keen eager D excited 7 made took had D did

l didn't 9et .......,...,... texts today. Not onel 8 aWay without apart D vr

some much little D

Read the text again and decide which answer
(, , or D) fits each 9.
ffi Work in pairs and decide whythe other
choices in Activity 2 are wrong. h say
which sentences are testin9 these types &
of words. Read the title d the text fr you look at the options
so you get good idea of what it is about.
collocations (words which go together)
} thg *rt there r eight questions.
phrasal rs (vrs and prepositions)
dependent prepositions (verbs and adjectives always
followed preposition)
ffi Wbicb gadget would it most difficult for
D quantifiers (words to show amount and numbeO
to Iive without? Why?
single words with similar meanings
m*g l neighbourhood
has unusual museum.
ffi Work in pairs. Read the comments about is full of Frh restaurants and fs.
visiting new place for the first time. This evening Sylvie and Sth
Do you agree or disagree? Why? are going to typical tourist destination.
are meeting someone who shares of
their interests.
l like going to new places with friends th
so we find out about them together. expects people to punctual.
lt 9ood sharing new experiences. is happy to wait for late arriva]s.
Why is Anthea taking the Mascaros to Frud house?
She believes it is imtt r-t of visit
to Hampstead.
one of hervisitors has sce:ial lnterest i Frud.
How does Anthea rtur hore]
public trst.

ffi mr r sw wi rtr and

give reasons for r *r

hrsl s in tt
ut!* ch*ce
ffi look at the phrasat,rr urrderlined i the
Read the first paragraph of article t article and decide urhidl rig, or , is
visiting w places and answer the questions. closest to the ril i the article.
What is grtr? fid out

2 How is Greeter Network tour difrt frm

discover ,t,.:=
commercial tour? lr ifr:l^

How do you get in touch with greeter? bump into

hit sthl - or sr, a:c'd:ntally

ffi d the whole article. Fr questions 1-8, meet unexpectedl,9.

choose the answer ( or ), which you think meet Up ]:1,1,1,i:1

fits according to the text. si,i-t Jo sr:rl.

join s:-'-. :tt.
set off
in th* exax,*t th]ere r ix qUestions and.each question staso-::-'-E r<
stt ,-,l-q.
tUrn Uo
1 Visitors using the Grtr Network
- --tr;i!
r expected to make small payment. rrl,.
usuaIly nothing at aIl.
2 Why has Nick come to llur?
-: l :ci eft
to meet his grt-ul l:
to fid out if he has relatives there
What does rul think about Nick and his hopes?
lt may possible to help him.
They r completely unrealistic, W like !et t? uith a'greeter' if
were grftbuiita ?
WhyrTlThy t?

10 {"Jtit ? lcciai neiyncrkS

,,.",- ,,t-{'

-' ,,
yd/.i . "]:&,.


Use -lg
Wfu ***r
1 ftr some verbs ml: love sig
,,&}"&R Rt[R,Jt ,l'}5 2 as subject of sentence
ftr preposiTicns
-- ' Have you made any arrangements
to do your next holiday? use r infinitive
what 9i9
mr your ideas with partner. 4 after some i,erbs
5 to show rs
"' d the email quickly. Why do Mark and 6 after adjectives
i want to use a'greeter'on their holiday? 7 after some rss']-s
use infinitive without :
ffi the emailagain and match the
after some express -s
underlined examples with the ruIes 1-8.

ffi Cboose the correct headings for each 9r

of phrases.

+ -lg + r infinitive + infinitive without r

Hi Raque[,
We wr so glad to [r thatyou are going to
1 ....................... 2 .. 3 .....
ur greeter when we m to Paris. We love L^
lwould love ld *:, -.--+;"
seeing films and musicals and Les isrlsis
ur favourite, so w'r mig to ri5 to find out |'m expecting Let 5 :- : siand
about the places in the story. We'd r[[ l"ike you |'ve arranged l shou =: Ui
to show us rud. After staying in Paris for l 't wait - ::<'19 fr,,rzrd to
week, we've rrgd to go to the Guadarrama
|'m Iearning
.=, :- \,
Mountains i Spain to see where the fi[m
Labyrinth was fi[med. We hope to have grtr
thr too. L*\ffiL-&ffi F
I know there r professionaI guides but we'd Wh we say better,the trG,, is ir hcd t

rather go rd with greeter, [ike you. Meeting woutd.The full form is l k better.
is going to r[ pleasure and thank
for grig to help us. Complete the phrases i Activi 4 in your
We can't wait to see [[ the different locations! own words. Compare r answers with
Best wishes partner.

Mark and Annie Strand

ffi Choose the correct option to complete
the sentences.
The best way l tmrv/l,2,, - ,,l( English is to
speak it while you're hl',,.
i'm interested i to go/goinE :.^ ] useums and

galleries when l'm in anothe, 1,.

l'd rather totravel/travel - _l, trl when l go
on lg journeys,
|'m excited to lr/lrl L| another culture
wh l'm on holiday.
l prefer to 9 Somewhere at the last minute Without r
rrg/rrgig it long time oefore.
go/Going away with friends is mr interesting than
to q/gig with ur family!

ffi Work in pairs. Are the sentences in Activity 6

true for you?


! the first,art oftho:lpeqKing,latttrqexa,ryilinr ask
both, ca,nd,idqleq, q,Oestions ]about trrelve5:Don|r,]ve
lon g prepared statemht:Or:l a, 5hbr:1 onqvvqrd,la n SWe r.

WorK i pairs. Look at the questions and three

candidates'answers. choose the best answers
for this part of the test and say what is wrong
with the other answers.
1 Where r you frm, Itularie?
l'm frm Cherbourg, which is big town in the
north of Fr, lt is Situated on the north coast and
l*frg there r ferries frm here to gld. We get lot
of tourists in the summer months because of this,
givi*lg l irfrmti lt very busy town and thr are good shopping
areas, fr example ..
ffi Wbat questions do you usually ask w

student in your class or someone you meet at l'm from Fr. ltzly home town is cherbourg, which

is on the north coast.

ffi look at the questions and tick that you 2 Do you belong to any social networking sites?
mentioned in Activity 1. No, l don't. But l'm thinking ofjoining one s.
lt really good to make contact with old and new
friends. lot of people l know use them regu|arly.
Unhappily, haven't taken advantage of the

opportunity. I spite of umr of problems l truly

t tdhere f {J fcom? believe that the advantages outweigh
2 haf do tl tiLe tiving tkrr? the disadvantages.
3 t do tl hope fo do in t}re ftr? Yes, lgo out quite often. l meet up with my friends
after school in the f and we often go to parties at
4 td f u tearning glisrr? the weekend.
1 Telt m rrrtlig rrt r fmil.
6 Have 5 ( been in frorlble r,oith 03 Listen to two candidates taking
Part the exam and complete the
1 of
the police? questions the examiner asked.
7 ldorlld u rattrer live i it or in 1 Where r
the uf5id? 2

8 rt * til.e to do in r fr time? 3
9 , mh do h? 5
l0 old r r:? 6
tt tdf the th( |iu-e in
ur ut?
12 Can I hve u phone rr? ffi How did the candidates answer the questions?
Do you think they gave good answers?
Wh/h not?

ffi Wblcb questions in Activity 2 do you think are ffi Work in pairs. r to page 134 and follow
too personal to ask when meet someone the instructions.
for the first time? Why? Compare your ideas
with partner.

Unit 1 Sociai net\^/orks 1

ffi*mffi*frg ffi Read the answer again and decide if the writer
has remembered the following advice.
ffi Work in pairs. Read the exam task and discuss
1 You should writ about the notes in the question.
the essay question. What extra point would
you write about? Why? 2 You should rgis the essay into difrt paragraphs.
3 You should give an introduction and conclusion.
You have talking about social networks in your 4 You should use sequencing words to put
English class. Now ur teacher has asked you to your points logically.
write an essay.
5 You should give your own opinion.
Write an essay using all the notes and give rss
6 You should give reasons and examples for your
fr your point of view.
it of view.
ls it better to talk to friends face-to-face or i?
ffi Underline words or phrases i the answer that
Things to write about
1 show the writr's opinion.
what you want to talk to your friends about 2 show sequence of ideas
2 how much time you have 3 show contrasting idea.
your own idea 4 give an example.
5 introduce conclusion.
*" **
",fiFs. f.
s J "ffi
Use ALL the notes given i the question and organise
\RY* R[il[![ . i5'1 your essay i separate paragraphs to dea| with the
different points.
ffi Kead the answer and check if your ideas are
you have to Write an e5say i rt 'l
mentioned. what is the writr own idea? *n ti,;*

word limit is 140-]90 words,

Most | today spend lot of time communicating with ffi Read the exam task below. Work in pairs and
their friends li or h, but is it better to have discuss what could include i the essay.
face-to-face conversation? Personally, l think it depends
i l your English class you have :. la ki"g about
several things.
'a_ how you spend ur free time l] ,,,,. ;,,ou spend
your free time with, Yur t:,, -:s s< you io
--;1_ -_ Fr
Firstly, it depends why you r communi(ating.
: _-

examplq if you just want to make rrgmt r give write essay.

sm some information then it easier and quicker to
Write an essay using all tl: -: _=s - aive rss
emai| text or make quick cali. the other hand; if you
for ur point of
want to talk about something serious r important, it's
ls it better to sd ,, ' : -, "2: ,,m with ur
rl better to actually meet up, .,
filends or fmil?
Secondly, you have to think about hw much time you have.
lf u'r Fk r another social rkig site,
you've rl got lots and lots of friends. 's imposible to Things to write - _

see all of them ! Sq you have to rely the internet r h. ] different t!,s a'a_ .'_'s and interests
Fill, for m, it depends how close your friends r. l have 2 howbus1 ,.:-,'=- _.
couple of very good friends d l like to go out with them your !^J,
regularly and spend time with them, Seeing them face-to-
face is very important.
:ii Add idea of r w and make notes
So. to concludg l wou|d say that both types 0f for the essay. Divide your notes into
communication are good but for different rss. or 4 paragraphs.

i Using the advice and language from Activities

3 and 4 w write your essay.

14 U*it rl;iwol[s
ffi Complete the sentences using the words in ffi Choose the correct option, , or , to
brackets. Use the correct form of the present complete the sentences.
simpIe or continuous. 1 Would you rthr to the cinema or to club?
What ................. .....,.......(you do) this evening? Would you Ago togo going
like to go out for meal? 5he did evening class her Frh.
(mt up rh) Julie and Grgr.
| ........,.....,..,...,....,. .. fr to improve to improve fr imrig
(you wt) to m lg ?
you i Rm l'm travelling to Sicily.
Today she
(rk) as nurse.
(sh) some students rud the hospitaI.
visit to visit visiting

Hev! Whv fuou use\ that comouter? lt

4 According to Dad, video games is pointless.
(belong)to m. lig to play play

Excuse m, when (leave/the t tri 5 We r rll looking forward you at the party.
to Glasgow)? see to seeing to see
l really ....,.... ..., .., .. .... (t un drsrd) why Justin 6 Teachers 't stand students during class.
(s so much time li. lt's
text texting to text
so rig!

Complete the text with the expressions of

ffi Complete the sentences with the words in the
frequency in the .

sometimes ever all the time

internet networking mobile li
never quite often (not) very often
website text

Could you lend me your

battery left on mine.
...................,..........? l don't have any
lot of people think that the is the most Megan Trevo-r is,pica} hr l:i& he dosn]t
O. oj tce
go to the im (1} .,....,........-..,,
important invention of the last 50 years. ",iut
onth, held rather watch a DVD'91 6,:yi6|gg:91"1
Would you like me to ...................,.......... you the hercomputer. ie doesnlt switch off hr mobi|e, she is
essay question? td ,....,...-...,,.,..,. She rarely eats out
l don't like their new
- it's mr i proper restaurant, they're fat, too si, but
she (3} .,..,..,.,-,,.,,;,;., ats in fast food restaurants as
complicated than the old one, l 't find what l want.
atleat - m l month. She doesn't go to the
l buy mostthings ............., nowadays which gym, instead she (4) exercises using her
m5 I don't have to go shopping. lVii- sh does thisgeveraltimes week. Megan is
met his future wife on social ...................,.......,. site. city girl and {5) ,.,..,..,,,...,.",.. gst ihe countryside,
she finds'itfar too quiet- m r twice
year is enough for her. She { .....,,.,..,..,,....- visits
ffi Matcb the beginnings of sentences 1-6 with
mm - she can:lt rmrr the last tir she went
endings -F.
to - but she like to go virtual visits through
1 You'll never guess who | md
2 |'ll pick you
3 Would you like to rt
4 Did you m9 to fid
5 what time do we need to sr
6 l really hate it when people rurn

offif we want to arrive for i?

upwith Giorgio d Elena this evening?
up at the dr without wrig.
D ir today at the supermarket.
out the times of the trains?
F up outside the hotel at 8.0.

L,nit 1 Soc].ti nelwo|(s


& Discuss the questions.

1 What is the first thing you notice when you meet sm new?
. their expression (do they look happy, friendly, sad?)
. their clothes
. their hir
. their shoes
. something else
2 People say'You \,r gei second chance to make first impression] What do you
think this means? Do you agree? \\lh,h not?

dsriig feelings

ffi Write down three adjectives to describe how you r feeling at the
moment. Compare with partner and say why you are feeling ]ike this.

ffi Match feelings 1-10 with explanations A-J.

1 l'm excited. This story is very fu.
2 l'm nervous. l didn't expect to pass thi5 test.
3 l'm upset. l keep hearing this strange noise at night.
4 l'm exhausted. D l'm going to concert tonight with my friends.
5 l'm bored. l've got oral test i ten minutes!
6 I'm surprised. F l have no idea which is the right direction.
7 l'm scared. G l've just heard that m favouriie thr is leaving.
8 I'm d. sister keeps rrwig my clothes without asking.
9 l'm amused, l l hrdl got sleep last night.
'l l'm confused. J l've got nothing to do.

ffi Choose three of the adjectives in Activity 3 and write another

explanation for each. Your partner must guess which adjectives your
explanations refer to.

16 Yl,*fis{clrmatiBnc
Wbicb of these adjectis also have the * * * Listen to two answers, and . Which
ending -i9? When are the adjectives ending is better? Wh? Turn to 9 134 d check
i -ing used? r ideas.

Choose three of the adjectives in Activity 3 Complete the sentences t the photos
and tell r partner about the last time you with the words in the .
felt like that.
other main whereas however
l was very d yesterday because l lost m keys.

1 ln the first picture the woman looks bit bored

ffi*m<*g in the second picture the children
look happy.
lnlrc ftlrn
by|lc !: :l
2 The people in the first picture r adults. l the second

ffi look at the photos and answer the questions. picture, the l r children.

1 Whr r the people?

3 The children might at party. the
hand, they might at school play,
2 What is happening in the pictures?
4 The differences between the pictures r
What is the link between the two pictures? the ages ofthe people and the rss they want to
look different.
without leaving long pauses.
ffi Work i pairs.Tellyour partner about
r to talk differences between the way you look now
t! tite ,i! you have to talk for abou[ minute. and the way looked when were
child. Use some of the expressions from
Activity 10.
ffi * Listen to the mir question and
tick the correct instructions (two are correct). The mi diffr is that l had lg hajr th d w l

1 Describe the pictures i detail.

have short hotr.

2 Say what is similar r different about the pictures.

l always wore jeans whereas w ...

3 Talk about ur w ri of situations like this.

Work with partner. Turn to 9 'l34.
4 Say which picture you rfr.

Student : do the task. Student : listen. Then
5 Describe l emotions. turn to 9 138 and swap roles.

qit lliil, ilL:as 17
S peaki g lrii
f r} {* ffi
}"'} t_*
, f "'1'

{ Oir.uss the questions. d**d*:t pr*p*sit*r:s

'l ,', -al r ihe best advertisements on

: e,!,iSion at the moment? Why?

Complete the questions with one of the words in
the . Then work in pairs and ask and answer
2 ) you think good advertisements really the questions.
persuade people to buy things they haven't
bought fr? Why/Why not? of about (2) for
Can you think of an example of how an old-
fashioned image of product has changed Would you like to work either r m or an
because of advertising campaign? advertising 9? Why/Why not?
2 What do l make ot of jokes today?
t*$t 3 When did you last laugh joke r film?

Sentenc* ti
4 Have you vr forgotten important event like
birthday or meeting?

# ** Y will hear part of 5 Can you m famous book r film about someone who has
interview with Barry rr who works .
ru ...............,...... frm home?
for car manufacturer. Listen and 6 Can you think an advert that uses popular song?
answer the questions.
Why did people use to make;okes about 1S}{",;\,ti;;ikfi
the cars?
2 How m jokes do they mti? }; Work in pairs. Choose product that doesn't have
good advertising campaign and discuss how you
How many advertisements do we hr about?
cou!d improve it.

a],]r' Listen again. Fr questions 1-6,

complete the sentences.

*--}if,.4 ,fi
The words r numbers you have to write down
r exactly the same as the rrdig. You
don't have to change them,
t;: jjhi: *}l.i::i.ii there are ten questions and you
will hear monologue.

1 Before rr joined the m, people

usedtomake.. . ., ._ . .aboutthecars
it produced,
Skoda became part of the r m
Volkswagen in.... ....,...,...........
A|though Skoda cars imrvd they still had
r .,,....,.....
thought that Skoda cars were good
as welI as ig fashionabie
A:corcing to rr, good advertisement
snou]d h ..,.........,................. as well as pictures,
6 An advert for yoghurt used
to change the image of its product.

Dlscuss the questions.
1 How has the area you live i changed in recent years?
2 Do you thinkthe changes have good thing?
Why/Why not?

d comment from website. What changes meet someone who lives in London,
does the writer mention? which is the correct question to ask? Why?
1 How long did you live in London?
2 How long have you lived i London?
How have r cities changed? Read what sitors to r site have said
and then leave comment about some changes you've noticed.
Complete the paragraphs with foror since.
h work in pairs and ask and answer
@ st"u"Bo questions with wlg ...? dWh ...?
In m opinion, ofthe areas that has changed the most 1 Tony has been in England the end of
in recentyears,is the East End of Ld. Last month I last month. First, he stayed at hoteI i the centre
(1) went to sit friend who w lives there, in what's called of London five days.Then he went
Docklands. The [ (2) has changed enormously since I
to see my sister in Yrk and he's been at her house
was last there. aunt and ut (3) lived there for ut
the Iast week,
five years and I rmmr sitingthem quite often when
I was chi[d. It was great m r of [d ut w it's Sofia lived in Paris r when she

important business and residentia[ r. friend has was student but she hasn't been back there
bought ftat that over[ooks the River Thames. She she left in 1998. She hasn't used her
iu; (4) 's there for three years w but she (5) hasn't totd Frh then and tht long time
UijLj m yet how muh she (6) paid fr the f[at. I'm sure it was 9!
ll|i rmus mut! It sister was student in Rome ............................. three
years and she returned two-week
holiday last summer.The city has changed lot
Present perfect d pat she was thr.

simple Complete another comment from the

- website with the correct form of the verbs
in brackets.
ffi looK at the verb forms underlined in the text.
which s are
past simple (the past frm of the r)?
present perfect simple (hove/has + past participle)? Maria RG
I (1) ..... (sfd) at col[ege in Southampton

ffi Matcb the verbs 1-6 with uses -F. years ago but I recent (2) . .. . .. @) back fr

We use the past simple when we give the time action u[ ofdays to see m friend, . What change!

hd in the past. They (3) . (kn ock dw) the bui|.ding where I

(4) .. (sfoy) and bui[t btock off[ats and shops

We use the present perfect simple when something
there! The college has w got some new buildings
happened in the past but we do not give the time and I (5) ......,................. (loo k rud) them during m sit.
because we don't know it or it isn't important. It's amazing. They (6) ,...................,,.. (ut) interactive
We use the present perfect simple when we talk about whiteboards and [aptops in every c[assroom and they
something that g i the past and is stilI continUing. (7) ........................( build) rmus [irr and
We use the past simple fr activity that continued for research centre close . They (8)
period in the past. designing the gardens rud the buildings yet, butit's
going to look beautiful.
We use the present perfect simple with eyer, vr, already,
ju5t, yet.

We use the past simple to talk about something that Work in pairs.Tell your partner t
happened at certain time in the past but we do not give how place you h visited recently
the exact time. has changed.

Unit 2 Transformai]onS 19
{ t.:

qU _' - :,-\-
- - - - :-
--fi,a:--- EUADoR j \.__".t i
_ _

cltapagos ,-' f

,alit . {- PER1J /



santa zlaria

1**,;,h;tl; ; .....
l, : , l'1 :i

ii Wbat do you know about the Galapagos app*d t*xt

lslands? Work in pairs and answer the iil,:i, d the article that sir David wrote about
questions.Then turn to page 140 to check. this visit, and check r ideas in Activity 2.
Don't worry about the gaps at the moment.
F,ffifiTt August issue

ii::l Work in pairs. Read sentences -F. These

ll The Gaianaoos which sreature is
are taken from the article. what could the
underlined words refer to?
ml: l E'they'could rfr to iml.
Islands be}ong to th* most dangerous lt would alI 9.
" Chile to the wi}d}ife that Western ur seamen didn't know about them
t}Te U liTes the iied? rlir because they r in the mldd]e of whr.
U _ur goats They mainly sleep on boats, so the organisers can track
mosquit*es whr they r and plan to keep them separated.

'l'ne lslanls are riicl dogs
narned after which
D There r now two international airports,
- ]ives rr tnurigts They had to feed something and the only
creature that
t h r vigit thg isiaxidg Vegetation they could find was seaweed.
lhe grant tor:oise *aeh year? F We mess up the Galapagos in the way that we
the aarine JL *,000 vr easily mess up the whole planet.
iguana }*0,**
the }:* 80,000 iilii d the article again and choose from the
t type sentences -F the one which fits each gap.
ol }irdi There is extra sentence which you do
not need to us.
fr ]F$.:sfr gidiw.r;*tr.ft }il,i**ff-gi{!*.

;l1.1 Read the information about Sir David fliK/..1,*

Attenborou9h. Do you think the situation in
use ref-orences such as personal rus and relative
the Galapagos his 80th birthday was better
ruS to help you choose which sentence goes in
or Worse than in 1978?
which gap. They must link to the text before and ftr
Sir David Attenborough is, without doubt, the UK's the gap.
most famous Tv naturalist and rdstr and his iil there are six missing SentenceS, plus an
,i:l"lir ,t:lq.llll

rr has stretched over 50 years. first visited the extra Sentence you do t need.The sentences will
Galapagos lslands in l97. rturd there to film on come after the text.
his BOth birthday.

20 **it t il i.,:r.lli :l.] :i],1]l:

F|iI ugust issue

ffi Work in pairs. How important do think kg

conservation is i areas like this? Why?
ffi Work in pairs.lmagine that you are trying
to protect the Galapagos lslands. Discuss
ffi Match the words and expressions underlined
the problems below.Then compare your
in the article with meanings 1-5.
ideas with another pair and agree list of
1 proteting the virmt recommendations.
2 believe/feel that How can we limit the umr of people living
something that makes us rmmr the islands?
4 something that has both advantages and How we allow tourism without damaging
disadvantages the wildlife?
t accidentally What we do to rdu the umr of goats
and rats the islands?

Unit ? listrft ] [ior]5 21

sed t* ** ffi Underline the examples of used to and would
i f*
in answer in Activity 2. h match
example to rules 1-3.
> GRAMMAR 1 We use used t + infinltive to describe past habit

Work in pairs d discuss the questions. 2 We use used r + infinitive to describe past state.

ir,. s tne way young people do homework 3 We use would + infinitive to describe past habit.
cnanged r the last ten years? Why?
"ro\./ has the way we communicate with each other
$" &Lffl; :i
changed r the last ten to fifteen years? Why? Rmmr the rrt frm when making negative or
question with used r.

d two answers to the first question in i:: 'u ,t r,., ldidt, i ."s to,,.
Activity 1 and answer the questions.
Which answer gives us simple, factual ifrmti
about the past and now?
ffi Complete the rl.
Both used to and would can describe past habit but
Which swr emphasises the difference between
only ...... ........... can describe past state.
what happened i the past and w?

. ffi Listen to the first sentence of answer
." . How is used fo pronounced? Which letters/
Wh l w at llq t qb of
homewark avery Frid d l L al1 ffi Complete student answer to question 2
wkd lig d witiq m
in Activity 1 with usd to or would. Sometimes
hd, l took g. Every ud vig l
both are possible.
hwd m dad what l hd d, ludt Well, l5 years 9 we (1).................... write letters to
Noday have m?r it' quick d l that we didn't see vr often. l (2)....................
have rll nice that l got for my birthday and
aagy lype u? g. lt|o l imlr
' up ifrmti. Then the famiIy () ........... ........ have pile of envelopes and
Na look l wt, to little books f stamps. Now l contact vr email
Nhe library d L lg ti fdig and l can't rmmr wh l last wrote letter! phones
ifrmtii i k. There wr hlv of (4).........,......... different, too. We l (5)

ig, heavy kg i m drm. Nw all the have landlines so when l wanted to speak to someone
itrmt| i webgiteo| privately l (6)...............,.... have to wait until everyone
went outl l (7)..........,......... only make phone calls when
it was important because they (8) cost quite
lot, too. Now it's cheap and easy to use mobiles
When l w aN college l ud lo qat l whenever and wherever you want to!
of homework every Friday d l would d
1lwkd lig d wriing m 5
hd, Every ud vig l wuld hw
m dd whaN l'd d, ludN Nd Work in pairs. Write questions to ask about
have mNr it' quick d Lo someone's past habits and states. Then
type up 5. lt' l imlr Io look up change partners and ask and answer your
ifrmNl, h l ud t o q lo lhe library questions. Think about
d t |g tim frdig ifrmNi i
technology transport free time dN hlv of biq,heavy home life
k i m drm, Now alI the info rmNi
i wit| Did you use to have televisio i your drm
wh you were child?
No, l djdn't. We l used to have i the living
rm. lwould go dw d watch r two
programmes wh l finished m homework.

22 [Jnit } 1-1ansfolri];l!lcll:
m other benefits. (4)..,................., this progress has
also caused us and our planet lot of problems. Ever I
people started telling stories there have
(5).................... J
tales about people giig w lives i new ,
places. (6) . usually want to escape from the
societies they live i. Some stories r about people
setting (7).....,.............. to find uninhabited islands to

live on. Others are about rebuilding communities
(S)......... ....... 9lobal catastrophe. But what would
happen (9) . .... ....,.. we could go back in time to ..}
rlir period i history and start all r again? What
would we change? Would we (10)...........,......., the same J
mistakes gi? w science-fiction series on LTV ls
Civilisation has come lg way in (1)....,...,....,...... about family (11).................... has the opportunity to
last couple f thousand years! Advances i science do just that, going through specialtime gateway
and technology have helped us to live lg1 into the past. Watch the beginning of their adventure
(2)...........,,..,,... active, travel in space and build mr hl tonight. it (12).................... definitely give
efficient places to live as (3) as giving us you something to think about!

ffimkg &&4Y '.' l, ,' ,,'.

Discuss the questions. Always read the text through completely first to get an
Some people think we should live simpler lives without idea of what it is about.
the benefits and problems of advanced technology. l the m thr r eight gaps and you have to supply
What do you think? the words yourself.
Have you read about r seen any films about people
who have started completely new community?
ffi Work in pairs. Student tr to 9 140.
Student Bturn to 9 144.
*f gfrs&t
* !
ffi d the article and say what it is advertising.
Don't worry t the gaps at the moment. Work i groups. lmagine you are starting
w community deserted island with
ffi Complete the article with the words in the other people in your 9r. Discuss
the questions.
the .
Will you have king, queen r president?

after who will the well off if

since however more they make
2 What will ur official language ?
3 Who will vote and frm what 9?
4 Will you have army or navy?
Look at your answers to Activity 3. Which
5 How much tax will people ?
statement about this Use of English task
6 Who will able to join ur community?
is correct?
7 Will you have official religion?
The missing wrds i the text r usually content
8 What will your til sport ?
words such as nouns, adjectives and verbs.
The missing words r usually prepositions, pronouns, ry_
i n kers, rticles, other
9 r m mr-rltd words
ffi Compare your ideas with another group.
or collocations.

nit } r,;lillii::s 2
* *#,
* Writing
>WRIT!NG r:F=,N . l 70

lfrml ltt
ffi d the letter again and answer
the questions.
Which words/phrases show that the letter is

written to friend? udrli them,

Why has Dave divided hjs letter into thr
main paragraphs?

ffi Wbicb phrases does Dave s to

1 remind Karin about somethin9?
2 introduce surprise?
**ffireg 3 show how he feels about something?
4 Say Something is understandable?
ffi Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer 5 indicate that he thlnks something will h?
the questions.
6 end the letter in ifrml way,?
1 What do you think 'mk'is?
'1-6 i Activity
2 Have you vr seen rgrm about makeovers ffi Match the words in the to +,

something tells me that ...
you'll never guess what happened

Kead the letter from Dave to Karin, his
l absolutely love it
English-speakin9 friend, and answer
the questions. as you might imagine
let me know how things are going
1 What is Dave's news?
you've probably forgotten but
2 What changes did the TV team make?
3 What does Dave think about the changes?
ffi Work in pairs. Tell r partner which room in
you, house you would like to have makeover
and why.
Hi Kacin,
Do ,j rmmr I tota t 'mLr'
,hJ ttii? )ll, joo toon f believe fhi ffi Kead the question and make notes about what
ur mj dad f -l them and TV team toll you willwrite.
m hr and did mLr on Or Lltcl.enl It
you have received letter frm ur canadian friend
r,o5 Jrri fac um' 4lrtln birthaaj!
Thej m_ Lhile m and Dad t to London fr Helen. Read this part of the letter and then write
rj bceav*. h tooL thi rr of tkre ur letter to l.
Litchen, cepainted if and (fr in nerp { and You told m i your last letter that you were gig
l* of l ti. Litchen Ued to reallj to have 'mkr' rm i your house. Has ir
ld-fhid rrt phen the1 fiikrd it looLed bit \ hoppened yet? Do let m
kw how it wt!
liLe one of -th Yf' Litchen5 \ Love
I rl! tiLe it. The l rlm i Jtre tur, It -*J
trsea t hite and bloe and Vf 5U{m Dad mor-rld
cePaint it, brJr l the m lr, Nor,o ' g
&tr Tf
and red! Vr rh*I Mtm rll 5rPci5ed 5 U
c,an gO5! r-,lcBilj sh thiLs ttrej've done an excellent t{* ** you may have to write letter or an email i
job but I've gt fli that Dad'5 gi fo have to response to part of Ietter r emajl sm has written
fePaint the tl tt 5oon! to you.
Do tocite s pith ur 5.
Lt of love Write your letter and remember to
Dave ffi
'l use an ifrml i9 and closing.
2 divide your letter into clear paragraphs.

24 * it ? ir;: lsiol,|,,]at]o ni 3 cover all the points the question asks,

ffi Choose adjective from the to describe ffi Choose the correct option to complete
how the people in situations 1-8 feel. the sentences. Sometimes both options
are correct.
nervous depressed amused upset
She would spend/used to spend ten minutes each day
exhausted surprised annoyed confused
brushing hr hir.
ldon't understand these instructions. l fact, l used to be/would very handsome when he was
understand less than fr l looked at them Ug m.
hr wuld't be/didn't use r cats r dogs on the
2 The wakes r two hours. l haven't had good Galapagos lslands.
nioht's sleeo for weeks. Tou rists wo u ld col l ect/ u sed to col l ect she l l s f ro m the
3 |'ve got job interview this ftr. l feel the beach until they d it.
butterfl ies in my Stomach. .......,.......,,........,...,

Wow! lt/y aunt has sent me cheque for thousand ffi Complete the sentences with the correct form
eurosl ht amazing! of used to/would and the verbs in the .
Nly neighbour plays loud music every night. is
ride play live hate
rll antisocial. l feel like mliig to the police.

When Janet was small she ..,.,...,....,......,.... olives, but w

6 Oh dear, l haven't seen lVlarqo smile since he lost his she loves them.
iob l think he is reallv unhaoov with llfe. Seb......................... motorbike, but he stopped when he
7 funniest book l've r read. l can't stop
lt's the got married.
laughing, People the tube must think l'm rz. so fat; in fact, when he was ugr he

was quite skinny,

Oh , l've lost the bracelet my grandmother gave me few years 9 Tessa
lot of tennis, but
lt had lot of sentimental value.
she had to give up when she hurt hr back.
Thev i this house. thev onlv moved here
ffi Complete the text using the words i brackets.
few rs ago.
Use the correct form of the past simple or
present perfect. doesn't smoke so much these days, but when he
was ugr, he ......................... two packets day.

ffi Choose the correct option, , or , to

complete the sentences.
'l l didnt laugh ........................, your str because l didnt find
it fu,

Afor Cat
Wh she was young she worked ......................... rich
mri family.
Aas fr
Frt it - it rll doesn't matter.
from of about
l the story she runs to join the circus.
from away out
Don't make jokes ..,,... ................. old people - it so unkind,
about frm of

Unit 2 l'lals|olr*;lions 25

Discuss the questions.

Do you belonq to clubs? Which ones?

Look at the courses advertised below, Which would you most and least
like to do? Why?

Read att ahout our llt courses d

rlig i;:lls* *. irli}
lf you wt to [r to play sl sport

tht fast-moving and part of lg lrish

k l)rm d musicals..,:r*:"s* *,
D j
tiig other people? 0
this rs, former West d director he[ps
decide which d tike to try. tradition then take hrlig! W tri to [r sogs from ten top musicals d
twice week d play in competitions at the to rr fur end-of-year charlty gala.

Jewe[[ery mkig " , r.,

, ,; ,, ,: wkds. Why t give it go? m [g d have the time of r [ifel

Learn how to make beautifu[ jewe[lery from
silver d semi-precious stones. Astonish
r friends d family with r mzig
rl}iilil;. iilbhing from different ? :J,il'J;1l'-i'.,;Il.l;'ilii,;}}ilji1
pes of bread lo itig pastries d ks. bit fr? h lr website design r
creations, d pBrhaps [r the basics for
You'll r wt to h cake gi ftr thr sb trat might useful wh 'r
W rr. joh? Check t what this rs
this rs. lg fur

has to offur.
lmtr r mit and rirs
} Saba, ".:; fi 1|;l
; ul:ft1 ),.i_ t l }{
))k Move r feet to h heat. Lose rslf
Simple skills cut your grg repair bitls.
i the msi d d of this island - lsr Fr furthr details ahout
Lr hw to change the oil d lots of other
basic steps frm Salsa champions Lrri diffrt courses please contactthe tr 0n
essential johs. 02761 44?51 r emaiI info@bluesideleisure,com
and Dave.

ffi *# Listen to people talk t their hobbies. Match speakers '|-4

to the different courses in Activity 1.
Skr ] -l Speaker 2 -|
Skr *-] Speaker 4 -|

26 ss!*ts
Ltmg ffi i words/phrases in Activity 4 to match
meanings 1-8.
}t* "t: i
1 difficult 5 requlres lg time
ffi tisten again. Choose the reason that speakers
'|-4 give for going these courses from the
2 see if you like it 6 organising
3 there is nothing mr 7 l rll love
list A-D. to Say 8 was ul to stop
kept doing something doing something
}*& - althouqh it was hard
Use the time you are given to read through the options so
that you know what type of information you are going to
listen fr. Underlie words in the options that m help you , d* ad pfy
flr* tfi"* m *t,t there are five speakers and eight opt]ons,
ffi ffiS and complete the table with the
words in the . Then listen to check.
lt represents values that l admire. Speaker
swimming chess

lt satisfies need to creative. Speaker 2


lt is complete change frm Speaker

evening class karate

what l normally do.

go i '-'- "'- -


lt's practice that will useful Speaker4 ---l i P,Fy

in the future.

* **eti*: patime
the words in the to the table in
Activity 6. h add two more activities to
ffi Choose the correct options to complete
each column.
the text.
judo cards shopping voluntary work
clubbing board games the housework
skateboarding crosswords tennis

'|'m passionate .
{1) foriabout
ffi Complete the sentences with o/i at, i, , into,
l love old classic rs, mdr superfast models - tet's about or .
just say l love cars (2) fulUcomplete stop! dad was
lViy sister's really karate but sh
mhi d l guess l got (3) addicted/hookedon rs hooeless tennis.
s l used to watch him rir gis wh l ws |'m vrv keen olavino chess but l'm not
h. l did engineering at college. that fond playing rd games,
lt ws {4) rgfi/tgh at first t l stuck (5} with/ it d N,4ybrother's fascinated ancient history
got m degree, Nw l say l kw fair mt t so h doing an evening course on it,

cars, although in reali it

l' passionate liris but l'm not that

(6) takes/makes tifetime to

interested history in grl.
N/y dad s mad .....,...,....,...,. rs but l'm not rll
kw rythig!
At the moment l'm

(7) rig/risig some Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about
courses hasic r your hobbies and interests. Use the words and
phrases from Activities 6-8 to help you.
mit at the tr

hs l think lot of

gstrs are interested i

ffi Work in small groups. Turn to page 140 and do
the activity.
looking ftr their w cars.
lt f d useful so do m

lg and (8) looltlcheck it t.'

ROi WilliamsOn
Unit 3 ssi 27
eadir"lg ffi Matcb the tl nouns in the
with headings 1-4.
Work in pairs. What subjects would you like to learn
more about at an evening class? skiing beauty wood water
health reading chocolate milk
Bead about evening courses at college. Are they all
very expensive?
2 activity
3 abstract u
4 material

w mh time have got to spend lrig something l}l,,l

w? 0l littIe? h why not check t the ig classes The word rs Ik countable but it is not.
at East College? lt's used with sigulr verb, e.g. The news
lt Bt r std*ts tak* qlifits. &thers *illTpiy wt to td was interesting,
st!ir*g i*trtig, ftBad wltt ggi"fig gf $r satisficd Ldgts s*y

Expressions of
ht r,srs,

'I'm 20 and I have full-time job so I have little time to go

to rss during the day. fri_d I r learning
Spanish at evening class. It's fantastic! There r't m
students in r class so w can learn r quickly! Lst time
ffi i examples of each of rules 1-5
in the text in Activity 2.
Iwas in Spain I ld't speak much Spanish, I l knew
few woTds, t w I know lot.' use some i affirmative statements and

f, f JcKTIIltMoNs questions when you t the answer'yes'

2 Use i questions and negatives
with being utt;li it or not,I'd iike
lffiffchef! I'm passionate about kig d I'm tg 3 use much, little, littlewith uncountable
evening course that will lead to cooking qualification.The noUnS
tutors are llt d they give |ot of advice ut *r 4 |Jse m , few, few wilh countable nouns
get work i the profession aftbr finishing the course '
5 lJse lots of/o /f ofwith uncountable and
RIN plural nouns

ffi Choose the correct expression of

quantity to complete the sentences.
l can't speak sm/ Portuguese. Not
one word!
l read few/a lot of detective novels. At
least two week.
|,ow muh/m qualifications have
you got?

tl and Lrutl 4 l haven't gol m/ / of homework

tonight - only little/little English.
} GRR RFRN ,l48 Did you golo sm/ nightclubs when
you were last holiday?
looK at the s underlined in Activity 2. Are they
l don't eat mh/m chocoIate when l'm
countable (C)or tl (U)?
dlet.Itlaybe one small piece day.

Mark the statements true () or false (F).

ffi swr the questions or change the
1 we can use /fr an uncountable u. sentences in Activity 7 so that they
2 We add -s to make uncountable noun plural. are true for you.Then compare r
answers with partner.
3 We use singular verb (e.g. is) with uncountable u

28 Unit 3 Passions
--9 ,". t"i
ffi ] *
I,* ia"{
Listen to pair of candidates talking
*_;+ *ib]':l
f , . {,q
;rp ", ",9:, i
cJicusli"lg an{:i iig about the first picture. Do they mention the
points u made in Activity 3?
Discuss the question.
When is having passion for something NOT good } Complete phrases 1-8. h listen again
thing? you give some examples? to check.
Organising the discussion
]i WorK in pairs. Look at the photos and say
, (1) begin with picture 1,
what each one shows.
Lets (2).,,...,...,,........on to picture 2.
**ri* tesi< lnvolving your partner
Work i pairs. Read the task and say what Do you (3)

you think the good and bad points are for Don't you (4) .........,...,,..,..?

the first photo. What do you (5) about this one?

Giving opinion
magazine is going to publish serles of articles ]

about people's passions. Here r some of the | (6) .................... it's great to ..,
passions they r going to write about. But L, (7) is ..,

Talk to each thr about the good and bad i

That's good (8)
of having passions like these.
; Now decide which article will most interesting i} the phrases in the under the correct
heading in Activity 5.

where shall we start? what lthink is that

How about you?
|n my opinion
Lt talk about this one l feel that next.

Work in pairs and complete the exam task in

Activity 3.

iil thr r pictures, just word options. You
it *;t;l
have two minutes to talk about the first part of the task
and one minute fr the decision making part.

? WorK in pairs. r to page 135 and do the task.


Liil l].::;:,,.l]
ffi look at the photo and the definition. Answer
the questions with partner.

daredevil [] someone who likes doing

dangerous things
.,]]ii:i.:::i|i]::]:,:}:..:.]::::].i ,,,,,:,::::::::::::::l::]l]]]i:i]:|::ii]']|}|raa]||]]i:1]:i]:ii:]:]::].'

1 Why do people like to take such risks?

2 What other activities do you think daredevils do?

ulti hig

ffi Kead the article quickly. Which three activities

are D, Kilian and Stella famous for?

ffi d the article again and answer the

questions writing D (Danny), (Kilian),
or S (Stella) at the end of h line.

"& Y& ]

Read the texts quickly fr looking atthe questions to you thinkthat putting videos on the
get 9ood idea ofthe content. internet encourages people to take
i the m there will between four and six short foolish risks?
texts and ten qUestions.
Which person phrasal s with

has performed in films? _l ffi Matcb the meanings 1-6 with the underlined
phrasal verbs in the article in Activity 2.
works lot with hildr? __l 'l ima9ine/create
started formal training at young age? _l 2 go frm ig child to an adult
was inspired seeing short film? _-l 3 begin new activity or hobby

used to mend vehicles? __l 4 looked ftr and educated

takes part in competitions regularly? -l 5 finish somewhere you didn't expect to

6 stop doing something
became overnight sensation? _l
went rd to learn mr? l]__l ffi Choose three of the phrasal verbs and
write three sentences about your personal
has often been lnjured? __l experiences.Then remove the verbs to make
gap-fill activity for your partner.
started doing different sport? lr__l

ffi Wbicb activity do you think is the most peaking

dangerous? artistic? difficult?
ffi Work in groups. Discuss which of the three
fun to watch? stupid? sports in the photos above should included
as an Olympic sport. mr your ideas with
other groups.

30 t"}nit 3 lrassions
D MacAskilI of skateboarding would allow him to use his gymnastic
abilities. [Vlr imttl, it would gtve him the
D is Scottish street trials r-ridr who was r opportunity to mr creative. When he turd 21, h
and ruqht uo the lsle of Skye. When he released decided to mv to lifri, whr he set out to master
video YouTube that showed him rfrmig stunts, it his skateboarding skills. Kilian copied m freestyle tricks
changed his life. The video showed D cycling up and d adapted them to street skateboarding. Since then he
down trees, riding along railings and jumping off roofs. has developed his own unique style. has achieved
HiS flatmate filmed him and few hudrd people level of skill that has put him in class of his very own.
watched it day! So fa1 mr than 20 million people
have seen it, Since the video appeared, things have
progressed quickly. hr was rtil about D in
Stella McGowan
The NewYorkTimes, he worked Hollywood film as Stella McGowan. who grew uo i London, hasn't always
stuntman, he rd i V commercial fr new r champion break dr. When she was ugr
and he was nominated fr the Action Sports rs of the she had problems at school and became involved in petty
Y. Danny eventually gave up his job as mechanic so rim. Her fid ended up in ris and she asked
that he could rid full-time and he now lives i Edinburgh. herself 'What am l doing with my life?' She won place at
new video shows him going back home to Skye and vr good dancing school whr she started to do rk

doing some spectacular stunts. However, his srt isn't dancing. She has competing fr rs now and has
without risk. has broken his collar thr times. British rk dancing champion. She has also
According to Danny, he spends his time in hospital been to Af ri to shoot advert and
recently danced at store opening \
thinking up new stunts!
Stella is r busy these days

kilian rti and she teaches and trains

Up to SlX hours day. She
When Kilian tVlartin was ten, he jolned gymnastics has also given advice to
school in drid, Spain. At the same time, he developed many of the youngsters she
passion for sufig. However, with the ocean vr teaches. 'Kids need to feel '
six hours away, daily ti was impossible. Then good about themselves, l try
he realised he could take up skateboarding to help to show them they can do what
his sufig abilities, After r of this, Kilian [Vrti they want and that any drm is "

discovered freesty|e skateboarding when he saw Powell worth working for. l sidr
Peralta's skate video his, realised that this style it life skill]
Listirrg ffi Choose the correct options to complete dialogues
1 and 2.

you think skydiving would scary, 'I Srr l'm latel Haveyou waited/Hove you waiting
amazing or both? Why? lg time?
Yes, l havegot/got hr four hours 9. l fact,
1 1 Complete the interview with l waited/have waiting since three otlock. l

skydiver with questions -. h listen hove alreody read/have already reading lhree
and check your answers. magazines d l have dru have drikig five
Have you r had landing scares?
cups of f!

How many times have you parachuted fr charity?

2 How lg didyou write/hoveyou writig

How lg have you been skydiving?

detective stories, Helen?
well, l started when l hove been/was student.
l have writing/wrote them ever since.
So how m have you written/hove you
writing altogether?
l hovewritten/have writig 17 books, tht
Vr year.

ffi Complete the text about Jeb Corliss with the past
simple, present perfect simple or present perfect
continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

@ I!firfi Monday, June 1'1

Fig to Fear
Jeb Corliss is professional dare- since, (8)...........,....,..(fhrw)
devil. )................... (rbk)his life
(,l himself off the Eiffel wr, The
i extreme srts for m years. petronas Twin Towers in kuala
(2).......,.......,,.. (start) taking Lumr, and Sttl Space
chances when he was very young. Needle. l 2006 the police
(3).....,.............() just tod- (9)............,...... (arres1) him while he
dler when he (4).............., .,..(um) was trying to jump from the Empire
from the highest diving board at State Building. l the past few
swimming pool! At early age years he 00)..........,..,..... (oush)
doctors (5).....,.............(realbe) himself even further. Recently in
that Jeb had 'counterphobia', China, he (11),,,,,,,.,,,,,,,..,, (jum)
which is skong desire to face fear. frm helicopter at 2,000 metres
(6)...,,,...,......... (dlsr) base and then (1 2)........,,......,.. (grde)

jumping - leaping from buildings through O-mtr gap in im

with parachute - 15 years ago Mountain, Who knows what he'll
and he (7).,....,...,........ fum) ever think of next!

rs*t perfu*t sirTrple

r frtfius "l? Listen and underline the stressed words.
Notice how have/has are rd. Listen
again and repeat.
Matcb the questions - in Activity 2 with 1 How long've you been skydiving?
the descriptions 1-3. 2 l've been skydiving since 2006.
asks about activity that started i the past and 3 How lg he been base jumping?
is still tiuig (rst perfect continuou5) 4 been base jumping for 1 5 rs.
asks how often something has happened to her
(present perfect sim l)
ffi Work in pairs.Turn to the reading passages
asks if she has had certain ri (rst page 31. Choose of the people and
perfect simple) role-play interview with him/her.

2 Unit 3 Passions
'' . the programme. What good
. ." ,
li tl
,i:,,,l Read review of
\';tr] ii;;](x;lrf,. ),1.:i"*.,. J ili :.'ltrl -
and bad things does the writer mention?
Last night's documentary focused lrish
l}11il l-abel words 1-4 u, verb, adjectiye and
adverb. Then underljne one prefix and circle dancing and followed umr of young
two suffixes. (0) p_y11gt,1r: . i their rtis fr COMPET|TION
1 teach 3 slowly the ul wld (1) . ...,.....,..... hr wr CHAMPlON
2 uh 4 worker big cash prizes, yet their (2) TRAIN
demanded lot of (3)..................... frm the DEDlCATE
lli:,,i:l Complete the words in italics in sentences 1-8
competitors and impotant amount of
with the suffixes in the .
(4) frm the families. The mrs COMMIT
-l -ment -ship -l -l9 showed us scenes of jealousy as well as
-neSS -or -hood (5) ,.. . l the end there wr both FR|END
winners and lsrs, h was (6) HAPPY
We had isi . . . ... ....,...,.. last week d she stayed for
fr few but fr the majority, ufrtutl,
thr days,
l really iove snawbaard.,... and parents
there was (7).................. and trs. hrt DlSAPPOlNT
bought me new snowboard for my birthday. went out to teenager who was trifid
I\lany people say that the computer was British of her mum's (8) ................. if she came REACT
it,,..,,..,............. but l'm not sure about that! second r third.
N/yfrid ard had big orclu .. . yesterody
and we haven't spoken since then. , Use the words given in capitals at the end of
Wh you're in competition you lTustn't show the lines to form that fits in the 9 in
w k............,...,...,....| the same line.
6 Some people sti]I can't do maths well even when they
get io c,?duli
J,r" '}-i
7 People in our r had lot of hard.....,..,,..,,,......... when

the local factory stopped producing rs. When changing words you sometimes need to
8 We had to get electric........ to sort out the make additional small changes in speliing, .9.
problems with our lights. dedicote, dedicatio,
ii": iil.:l ail,,l;it'r'i there is mixture of diffrt word types
i:1,1 1-ook at the photo. What sort of TV to frm.
programme do you think it shows?
i,;: Sboula parents encourage children to
compete at an early 9?
Why/Why not?


W*mfuq- ffi Wbicb information do you expect film review
to include?
detailed outline of the story.
ffi Work in pairs. Give title for each
2 The m f the film d some background ifrmti.
type of film in the .h answer
Some information about the main topic of the film.
the questions.
4 what the writer liked r didn't like about the film.
thriller science fiction fantasy 5 The length of the film and the names of ll the
animation/cartoon war story cast members.
romantic comedy drama 9angster story Whether the reviewer thinks other people should watch
comedy documentary horror love story it or t.
action historical drama western
ffi& Y*
1 Which types of films do you rfr and why?
You USe the present simple i review wh describing
2 Do you ever read online or magazine reviews of
the story of film r book, but try to USe r9 of language
films that you r gig to see? Why/Why not? i the rest f the review to make it interesting-

\RNG Rfi,t , i63

ffi look at the poster. What sort of film do you think

127 rs is? What might the story about?

ffi Kead the film review and underline examples of

the points from Activity 2.

ffi Would you like to see this film? Wh/h not?

and make notes for your

about survlval and,tells
the rl story of r ffi
"'" "
d the m question
review under the rgrh headings 1-4.
Rlst, Or
whose passion is to i online international magazine
has asked readers to
travel through canyons j contribute reviews of an itilg ilm they have seen
using climbing and caving i recently. Write review i ] 20_ l80*9!. ___
skiIls. r falls down
m of film d some general
hole and is trapped wh
huge rk lands his
Paragraph 2 mr details about the story
arm. The film follows the
StOry Of how he fights Paragraph 3 why you liked r disliked it
t0 stay alive and free Paragraph 4 sum u ur opinions d give
ur rmmdti
What l loved about the film was how actor manages
to hold ur attention for the whole time. lt's excellent WorK in pairs. Look at r rtr notes for the
rfrm, We see right inside the head of the r, review and comment them.
and feel his feal hope and desperation throughout the
terrible ri.
wri," your review. Read your classmates'reviews
This film really makes us think about the dangers of and say which films you would like to see most
extreme srts and the courage of people who do them. and why.
l would definitely rmmd it to who has
considered taking up dangerous sport!
WorK in small groups.Turn to page 140 and do
the task.

4 t}nit 3 Passiotls
Choose the correct options to complete ffi Head the text below and decide which answer
the dialogue. (, , r D) fits each gap.There is an example

Darren Wow! How {1) m/muh rrds have you

at the beginning.
got in ur collection, Nurr? 0 looked given brought D caught
Murray Hundreds. I've r bothered to count. 1 to help helping help D helped
l co|lect rrds because (2) sm/ of
2 Awould was used to had to D used to
them don't exist as CDs. l get (3) few/a little
of them from friends but l get most .
3 Aoff up out D down

Darren So tell m, how (4) muh/m do you

4 Afor Bas Dlike
fr them? 5 AWhereas But wvr D Although
Murray (5) Few/Little of them cost mr than f5. 6 Bfrom Dof
l usually spend frm (6l little/a fw 7 Awhile for as D during
to about f20. 8 Aalotof m lots D much
Drr Could you give me {7) sm/ advice 9 little Bmuch Cfew Dafew
about how to begin collection? 'l0 Fr being Being D Fr to
Murray collect what you like and don't buy 'l'| yet
lt4m, yes,
sm/ records you know willjust sit
since already D just
'l2 go make
on ur shelf. do D play

PregressTest l 35
; Complete the sentences using the correct Complete the letter with the words d
form of the words in capitals. phrases in the .
Millions of visit Paris each year. ToUR
1 ........................,
The main rlm Luckily Lots of love
2 |'m hooeless at . l iust fall r
got feeling
|'ve Hi
you won't believe this
all the time.
Do write soon As you might imagine
did course to improve his .............,........,..
Do you remember
of mathematics.
She is such talented ...,,....................,you
wouldn't guess that she's l 1 1. (|). ................ Gmm,
l had no idea that he had become such
(z)... .. .. . l tll that / d appliel to
They l to spend their . . .., .... in
cottage the sea. RETlRE part ofthe rsts programme that //s
_l She spent happy with her stl to stul abroad fr year? W//,
grdrts. cHlLD (3) t l hare accepted the
The secret of ....,.................... is to satisfied prolramme l l have t// had offer
with what you have got. HAPPY
frm t irsitis!
lt was that lastetheir
entire lives. FR|ND
10 There is lot of to qet into (4)............,,,,,,, Dael is rril t m.qiq

that school. abroac| fo" s"ch lg time. (5),.................,

m iks it fatastic rtit. //

put the words in the correct order to
make sentences. the sm (6),,. that Dad i//trg to
make m hq mg mid. (Z)....,,.,,.,....... is
goes / out / Jason / r / to / restaurants
getttg the m tgth t / thik /

2 online / how / you / shop / do / often ?

get grt,

3 ever/9olthe/ hardly/we/days/tolthese,/cinema (S)...,.,,,,.,,...... cuith

r etus.

4 the /lo/ | /tennis /rh /used/time/all r

5 eat / often / Diana / doesn't / very,/ out

l / see / quite / Elil often / Ih / al / swimming l

:j.,:::: Complete the second sentence with Match the films in the to descriptions '|-6.
between two and five words, including
the word given, so that it has similar horrorfilm western romantic comedy
meaning to the first sentence. gangster movie wildlife documentary thriller

ml: Last mth lwos given responsibility

shows the life of the
ernperor, l]]

for booking gigs for our d. ti was aTnazing really,It

Last mth l e&,g.",g.g,(t."_....,... for travel across the iee, ....,..,"""""" .1

our d.
1 Lt t lose contact again.
Lt rm now .
The last time l saw He]en was four rs 9.
SEEN Say it'5 the scariest
O'..n -n'" movie, but I have tO
| ..................... . ....,. four years. 'ra "' "l r these hild, ,l,:ii1.::::::::
film l've ever seen, h
We have rrgd to meet ,49 and Sam them :w:
;;,;.;, ," ta ke of
]l: :i: :::::?;
outside the cinena, ;::"'ff ;.*,i
fecomes ::;1] ",
n, d ave
".. ]: : "1,.,:;

UP ", Tl"'' g|l't] keep appeattng, t r, ;ldn,t

,oai, two evil sls
We r .... Nzleqan d S "'
outside the cinema,
l got hr at three otlock and l'm still waiting
to see the doctor.
l .,...,....,................,...... three otlock to see the
Cynthla rl ly enjoys horse-riding.
Cvnthia horse-r]dino.
She spent her childhood in that house.
She i that house when she
was child.
lt about handsome young tenni coach, who rnakes
l rfr lwlig to ice-skating.
friends with really rich family. has relationship with
| . , .., thanice-skating.
the daughter, and is accepted the family, but at the
Same time he gets involved With another WOmR, w;
you m and collect me from he commits terrible crime, and you spend the rest of the
the station? fi|m Wondering if he going t0 get caught, Tte uspense
you ... from the station?
is almost unbearable.

l 7
ffi Work in pairs and discuss what can 9 wrong on holiday.Think about
the following things.

travel arrangements luggage weather health

accommodation accidents crime

ffi **$* *
%#WWs q*

it* *:}**

ffi Read the magazine article about holiday that went wrong. What is
the best definition of close shave?
] situation when you just escape some kind of accident
2 very short haircut
small reduction in the ri of something

& ffi d the article 9i. Fr questions 1-6, choose the answer (, or )
which you think fits according to the text.
The questions will always
in the rdr that the sw[s
The divers What did the dragons do when the
come i the text.
th* *g thr r six
were hoping fr some fun. divers were the beach?

questions and each question
wr conscious of some They retreated to safe distance

has four possible swrs.

possible rlms. They gradually became braver.

Read the whole text before

wr looking fr something They qot hugrir and hungrier.
exciting to do. How did FrkWiklr mg to
you rd the questions.
What stopped them frm drowning? fid the divers?
Beinq stronq swimmers, found them pure luck.
Telling eacl^ other stories, saw them frm the ir.
Finding somethin9 to hold onto. calculated where they wr.
When people r in dgr from The writr su99ests that the divers
Komodo dragon they should were lucky to escape bad injury.
get to the nearest high point. quickly made full physical and
hit it With hard objects. mental rvr,
swim as fr away as they , complained about the situation
too much.

8 s*s *f *dv;rtur
Glose sheve
oJ us haoe r backfrom hol|day uith mlits abou,t the hote| the
food or the aeather ut th,at's thig compared to the ri offi,oe tou,rists
uh they 7t simple diig trip r Bali.

T-trv, 1-1s w looking fwrd to u. The,exhauSted divers wr trying to rest on th

ff j hourJs diving, but they rtil got mr beach when gru of these terrifying creatures m
J- than they had expected! As they set off their towards them. The fightened divers threw rocks to drive
adventure, uwr of dg it seemed like thr them away. This situation continued for two sleepless
day in paradise. They had idea thir short dive would nights, but as the dragons m mr confident, they
tur into trifig 48-hur ordeal. started to m closer and closer. h divers' situation
They had finished their dive, and they wr swimming was fast becoming hopeless and else knew whr
back to shr when the strong tide stopped thm from they wr.
rhig the land. They struggled dstl in the hlitr search for them had to stop because
water, but eventually they realised it was imssi thr wasn't ugh fuel, but fortunately help m frm
task. Strong urrts swept them furthr out to sea another direction. Their saviour was Frk /ikl
wh they knew there were sharks. Their only h for Grm who r diving club. /ith amazing skill, Frk
survival was to stay as gruJ so they tied themselves used his knowledge of the tides and urrts to work out
together. Luckily they found lrg piece of floating whr the group rs likely to , and sent couple of
wood and this rl saved their lives. After i speed boats thr. boat was passing the island when
hours, when they wr losing hope, of therrr spotted someone saw tiny fir waving desperately frm the
tiny island. Using th last of thir energy they managed beach. h group was saved!
to swim to the shr. wr, unknown to them, As you imagine, the divers wr absolutely
their rdl was just beginning. thr danger was exhausted, hungry and thirsty but thwis they had
waiting fr thm - the md drg, the world's suffered just few cuts and bruises. Almost immediately
largest lizard. the news of their rescue was sent to their delighted
The Komodo dragon is rir with rmus families who had feared the worst. The divers soon
appetite: it eats pigs, dr, and thr dragons. fully- gat ay9! the physical effects of their awful ordeal, but
grw drg can kill animal twice its size with the psychological effects will probably rmi with them
its 60 shr teeth. If u try to gg!_away, it Will fr long time. So fr we mli about noisy
ftr you. ry to climb tree and it will wait fr you. hotel, r the terrible food ur last holiday, we should
And if this isn't bad enough, one tiny bite can kill rmmr these divers, and consider ourselves lucky.

Wuld you like to go an adventure holiday Complete sentences 1-6 with the correct form
where there are some risks involved? of the phrasal verbs in Activity 5.
Why/Why not? lf there is r lig, any tri can

llg"l i- "
l i;l" You'll .........,....,,..,.,...... bad ri if you have
enough time.
i 3 The best part of holiday is the time you spend
to it.
;.:r: Match phrasal verbs 1-6 to definitions -F.
lalways from home long time before l

1 set off
d t arrive somewhere.
2 tUrn into rvr
ldon't usually how much l spend in
get away calculate another urr when l'm holiday.
4 look forward to D begin journey/adventure When l go holiday l like complete change
5 work out escape of scene, so l always to Somewhere
6 get Vr F excited about future event completely different.

Work in pairs. Do you agree with the

statements in Activity 6?

!jr!]! ,'i ']r'] ]'],]

Reading ffi Complete the rest of the story with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets.
ffi d the storyabout Susanna Evans. Howdid
she help someone on her way to college?

| the right place at the right time
Sus s, student at Brightlea College, was well rrd for
important Frh m. lt (1) was riig so she decided t to walk but
to take the bus. She (2) was waiting for her bus at the bus stop wh
she had shock. The m beside hr i the queue suddenly (3) fell to
the ground. Sus immediate|y knelt down and |istened to his chest.
His hrt (4) had stooped and he wasn't breathing! Luckily, Susanna had
d sm First Aid training few months earlier and she kw what to
do. She started pushing dw his chest with hr hands d wh the
mul arrived with the paramedics five minutes later he had started
breathing again. What srt t0 her day!

ffi d the story 9i and match the

underlined verb forms 1-4 with the
descriptions A-D.
completed action i the $ .
continuing action giving background information
an action which happened before thr action
D action i progress when another action happened Time phrases
Nrrti tenses ffi Choose the correct options to complete the
sentences. Look at Activity 5 to help you.
} GR}v!R RFRN p.l49 ftr/ftrwrds l had checked i, we did some
shopping at the airport.
ffi Matcb the underlined forms i Activity 2 to
2 During/While the fl.ight to the USA, l watched fur films,
the correct tense -. h find another
3 the tim/s s as we got out of the plane, l saw my
example of each tense in the text.
uncle waiting fr m.
past simple
l spent all afternoon water skiing. ftr/ftrwrdsl
past continuous slept fr two hoursl
past perfect While/During l was reading the beach, old
wm tried to sell me some w sunglasses.
ffi d the comments and decide which while/when we met the wr of the boat, we asked
happened first (1) and which happened him if we could go fishing with him.
second (2). lf both actions happened at the
l oversleptthis mrig d bythe tim/ss cs l got
same time, markthem (S). to the dining rm, my parents had already finished
After the woman had phoned (..1..) for ambulance, l
their breakfast.
put (.Z.) my coat under the man's head. l was really sad while/when we had to leave the island.
2 When the m fell (......), l was talking to my frid (......).

3 When the m fell (.....,), l immediately phoned for LANGUAGETIP

ambulance (......).
lt is good idea to use time phrases i n,stories,,.io',shw
His hand was bleeding little (...,.,) because he had hit the rd of events.
it when he fell (......),
lot of cars were going past (......) so it was difficult to
hear the ambulance driver's instructions (......). ffi Work in pairs and tetl r partner t
l\little girl started to r (......) when she saw the man r journey to class today. Use narrative
on the ground (......). tenses and time phrases from the activities
on this page.

40 Unit 4, iri5. \,:ul

l-ong tu:

ffi Wrk in pairs. Look at the pictures and read the task.
What points could you include in your answer?

These pictures show people diferent types of holiday.

Compare the pictures d say what you think the people
r enjoying about their holidays.

1 Listen to Fli answer. Did he mention

your points?

ffi Complete the phrases that Fetipe uses to speculate

t the pictures.

1 Thev r l wav from their homes.
2 l ,,...,...,...,,.......,....,. both holidays r interesting fr different reasons.
3 lt.....,............,.......... i fri,
4 l it's rll cold.
5 as if sh there to do some skiing.
6 The oirl who is camoino like i awav from
thr people.

Work in pairs. Answer the questions using some phrases

from Activity 5.
Ylr ,|
Why do you think the people have chosen to go these holidays?
hoidays and tv} 2 How do you think the people r feeling?
3 What rlms people have when they're holidays
ffi Work in pairs and look at the like these?
photos. What do you think people
do these different types of
holiday? Which one would you
ffi d the follow-up question and choose the best answer
, r . Then say why.
prefer to go on?
ffi Choose the correct options to The follow-up question for the candidate who is listening is usually
complete the sentences. h personal question.The answer should mr than one word but
change them so that they are true not very lg.
for you.
parents used to travel/voyoge rd Which hoiiday would you rfr?
lot wh l was young but W they don't. ld rfr camping in the snow because l love skiing and l j
We spent day at thm parUtour for my being in the mountains.
last birthday. ld rfr camping in the snow as l'm keen skier and l spend
l j activity/becch holidays where you lot of my time i snowy areas. Last witr l had two winter
just rl and read book. sports holidays i Austria which l enjoyed great deal. l don't
l had trril travel/journey to work rtiulrl like gig to vr hot countries and l'm not that
yesterday because all the trains interested in animals.
wr lld. The camping holiday.
l usually watch lot of films lg
trip/flight, ffi Work with partner. Turn to page 135. Student : do
the task. Student : listen and answer the follow-up
N/y ideal city breal</tip would in ltladrid
question. Then turn to page 138 and swap roles.
i rl spring.

Unit 4 sense of dv,iur 41

**fr*g Complete
t the colloquial expressions
1-6. h listen to check. Listen 9i and
ffi Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
repeat, paying attention to the intonation.
1 We can learn mr from travelling to diferent
countries than we can at school. Do you 9r? m sort stuff suppose tricky know
Why/Why not?
2 Would you like to spend r travelling around the 1 l ......,.................. you could call it that!
world? Why,tVhy not? 2 lt wasn't exactly sudden decision, you
3 hr of thino.

hfr*rf;g 4 l see what vou

r_ltipe }i 5 That's to answer.

6 We kept up-to-date with maths and
Listen to part of interview with girl
who went with hr family year-long trip ffi Complete the dialogues 1-4 with the
around the world. which countries does she expressions i Activity 4.
mention? 1 lt going to difficult to get ticket if we don't

ffi listen to the interview again. Fr questions 2 Was it an exciting trip? Yes,
1-5, choose the best answer, , or . hr were rtil some unexpected events!
9 3 Who was the most interesting rs you met?
trY& "l}
.....................................,.......,.hr wr so many.
This rt of the Listening r can check your 4 What did you eat in Japan? tish, ri
understandlng of grl and specific ifrmti, and
!yr the there are seven questions. ffi Work in pairs. lmagine you went on
adventure like Jssi. What do you think
Why did Jssi parents decide to take their children would the best way of travelling? Where
r-lg adventure? would you choose to go?
to give them direct ri of life in
other countries
to rig everyone Isr together as family
to show them the things they rmll only
see on V
They chose to fly because
it was quicker.

it was less stressful.

it was hr.

What did the whole family like best about their trip?
seeinq different traditions
having direct contact with animals
watching festival in China
How did I\4atthew feel after his white-water
rafting ri?
was grateful to his dad for saving him.
was proud of his adventure.
was terrified of going in the water again.
l Jessie's ii, the educational value of the trip
has benefited hr more than her brothers.
has put her ahead of other students in her class.
has given her advantage in life.

42 -jnit 4 sense of advetlTtli"c:


ffi Work in pairs. Look at the photos and describe

the sort of journey the peopIe are having.

ffi Read drir description of her journey

and underline adjectives that make it
sound dramatic.

Last winter we had lot of snow and night

when we wr diig home there was trril
swstm. it made driving nightmare and we
couldn't get up the hill outside our village - it was
too icy. We decided to walk home because we wr
quite r, That was BlG mistake. The pavements
wr vd in snow and we kJpt falling r.
Also, it was dark and another snowstolm started, lt
was trrifig. We couldn't see which way we wr
goingl lt was frzig too - d we didn't have
gloves r hats. lt was so good to get h, We
wr exhausted and starving because we hadn't
t for hours. Not good night!

**r* d**r*

ffi Matcb the adjectives '|-'| with the extreme

adjectives A-J.
'l cold exhausted
2 hot terrible
3 hugr fascinating W 1S Listen to the dialogue and repeat.
4 sr D deafening the stress and intonation as closely as can.
5 tired freezing Was it scary journey?
6 interesting F enormous Scary? lt was terrifyingl
7 small G tiny Was it cold when you fell into the water?
8 bad starving Cold? lt was freezing!
9 big l terrifl7ing
10 loud J boiling ffi five more dialogues to Activity 4 using
the adjectives from Activity 3.

-Afi*ffieJAffiffi ,
Work i pairs. Tell each other story sig
We don't use r with extreme adjectives but we
some of these adjectives. Begin like this.
use absolutely to make the adjective v strgr,
e,g, lt wos *fu/f/ freezing! l'll never forget the tim wh l ...

Urrit 4 senst o1, 4

Rdig biect/biect q ustirrrs
ffi the news story and } GRI\MIEAR RRN p.l50
summarise it in sentence.
ffi look at the two questions and the answer. Choose the
correct options to complete the rules.

Aston Martin Q|
Who saw the car in thewater?
Whatdid Jimrr see?

takes dive
rr saw car i thewater.

Ql is asking for information about the subject/object of the sentence.

f)eople out fr walk r Lake
l Grd couldn't believe thir 2 Q2 is asking for information about the subject/objecr of the sentence.

eyes when they saw r speeding 3 Questions about the subject of st use/do t use auxiliary
verbs r irsi,
towards them down rrw and
windy road. The next thing they
knew, it had gone off the road and
into the lake with an rmus
splash. w James Bond film was
being filmed in the r and they
thought this might scene from
that! They wr surprised that,there
wasn't mr rw r. Ig fact,
ffi look at the questions in Activity
2 again. Which are
subject and which are object questions?
007 wasn't behind the wheel. The
drir was Fraser Dunn, an Aston
Martin technician wh was on his ffi d the dialogue between newsreader and
-\ reporter and complete the rrtr questions using
to the film set to deliver the car.
h unfortunate Frsr lost control the words in brackets.
of the r and ended up in the water. A=Alice =rl
Nevertheless, in true Bond fashion, This is Alice Westwood with the news. We are just gettin9 reports of
Frsr fought his way out of the r l in the Hudson River. We r going to our rrtr on the spot,
himself. Worried witnesses saw rl Santos. terrible accident! Can you hr me, rl?
r wet Frsr climb out of the Yes, loud and lr.
lake. They managed to pull the r
Thank you. So when (1) . (the idt/h)?
out of the wt but the film-makers ..............,,........

had to rdr replacement. lt was just six minutes after take-of.

And what (2)......................... (cause) it?
rl birds, geese l think.
lt was
And what (3)
................ ,. (the pilot/do)?

ffi d the story again and match decided to land the l in the rir,
questions 1-6 to answers -F.
l the rivr! Why ()........... ..,........,..(he/choose) to do that?
1 Who saw the accident? Because they wr too far from airport. And he didn't want to
2 What did the people see? crash the l in the city.
3 who drove the r into the lake? So what (5) . ..(h) to the passengers?
4 Who did people see climb out of the lake? Everybody got out of the l.
] 5 What did the people think it was? Who (6)... .. (rescue) them?

6 What did the film-makers order? People boats from the frr terminal.
Frsr Dunn, Aston lrti technician
Thank you very much. W'r all glad that they're safe.

wet Frsr

people out for walk
ffi Work in pairs. Student turn to 9 143. Student
turn to page 144. Ask your partner questions to complete
D replacement the story.
scene frm film
F r speeding towards them

t"lnit 4 sense f acjventure

*mffig J* *# wgffi*
rrd trsg,ri
two texts about Jason Barnes,
racin9 champion.
former motorcycle complete the second sentence so that it has similar
Underline eight phrases in Text 2 that
meaning to the first sentence, usin9 the word given,
are different from Text 1. The first You must use between two and five words, including
has done for you. the word given.There are some clues to heIp you,

"' looK at the phrases you underlined in
Text 2. Which changes have been made
in each case? sometimes there is more You usually d to make mr than change when you write
than type of change. the second sentence.
l th* *m,* there r clues to he|p you.
1 change of tense Example: used to

2 phrasal verb ml: mgd to get out of the r.

3 different phrase r item of vocabulary l: d r wtth similor mig t'mgd to'
that is followed 'i we d to look at the frm f the verb
4 different time expression
after'ini too,
5 different verb pattern,.,,. getting out of the car,
lt is interesting for us to visit new countries, lN
clue: we d to chanqe the form of lneresred so it
has passive sense.
we r new countries.
lcan't decide whr to go holiday, MlND
Clue: We d to find expression that means
to decide.
I can't ....,......................,.. where to 9 holiday.
We can't wait to see you again. FoRWARD
Clue: We need to use hrsl verb with the
meaning of 't waft ro do something,
We are seeing you again.
We couldn't take the boat because of the storm.
clue: we d an expression that means becouse.
We couldn't take the boat ,...................,........, of the storm.
Peter, do you Want to Stay in hotel r 9 camping? RATHER
:Jsit._s:, iii&d,, ritjf0rl Clue: We need an expression that has the idea of
rr, Wh he was 17 rs old he won wt or prefer.
'swrll,l,rtj il events;, Peter, .....,....................... i hotel r go mi9?
6t&$.*gri:r ],Q,, 99,9 l You should make the most of your time in Paris. ADVANTAGE
:,*ioi.thtj:iddle of important
l: We need an expression that means to mk
li''h hit thr ridr. Jason hurt his |eg
the most of lmthig.
badly and had to stay in hospital fr long
time. Luckily he has rrd completely
You should your time i Paris.

and has started riding gi. '|'m rll looking l my opinion, it WaS foolish thing to do at coNcERNED
frwrd to competing againi says Jason with his age,
big smile. Clue: We d to think of expression that is
way of giving an ii.
As far as , it was foolish thing to do
at his 9.
8 she climbed the cliff herself, without help, owN
Clue: We need expression that means herself,
without help.
She climbed the cliff all
, without any help,

l"'nit 4 !0! of .]dv{:]rl'r,u],0 45

kimg ffi d the report again and underline
hrs that gives the purpose of the report.
Work i pairs.What sort of information would
2 an example of subheading.
tourists who are visiting town or area like to
know about it? 3 example of impersonal style.
4 rmmdti.

ffi d the exam task.lf you were tourist 5 sentence that summarises the report.
would you like to know about these things?
Why/Why not? Which alternatives would you NOT find in
report? Why?
Your English teacher has asked you to write report
about exciting activities that tourists can do while
holiday i your r. Choose two or three activities
and write your report.

D -t
l\g\.rr L

}\&IRT!NG RIRN " l67

ffi the didt answer.Would you like
to do of these activiti&?

Rrt: Holiday activities

The aim of this t is to give some ifmti
about the g of exciting activities that |
do i u .
tm sts
h sl ts wh you do
difft sts such as ug jumping, sky diving
and glidig. lf you j taking isk th you
wi|l love what they ff you. Stts ffi Kead the exam task again and add notes to
also welcome t. the grid t report on exciting activities
tourists could do in your r.
t ig ts
h is famous ig iuit iust outside lntroductlon
the town wh u watch local and til
competitive events Stud. lf you would
Activity 1
like to di ig uslf, that's possible
too. You f lesson with
id di. Activity 2
Ghost lk
F difft st of excitement th weekly
Ghost walks ud the old tw of Nhst, :::":::,
guide takes gus of people tu of the conclusion
oldest buildings in the tw and tells the ghost
stis td to them.
lf you want something exciting to do th th
ffi Write r report.

m tuitis in this . l d not t

disappointed it is good idea to book ahead as
Alway!, use,hea.ding,1fol] the.OirBient lsectioni,]and ma ke
these activities ofEen ul.
sur.,q'ligUg'i]t too informa1 or'colloquia l.

46 Utit 4 sense of ad,;enture

ffi Complete the text using the verbs in brackets. ffi Cboose the correct options to complete
Use the correct form of the past simple, past the sentences.
continuous or past perfect. 'l I\/artin was cooking the ml,
N/iriam laid the table.
When During While
We got to the front of the queue,
there were no tickets left.
When r (r)......................... () student he and his After the time As soon as
friend (2) ...., |decide| to go hitch- we found the book, we took it back
hiking holiday in Fr. After they ()............... to the library.
(wcif) for hour the side of the road, driver Afterwards When During
(4)............... (srop) for them. They (5} l see Jane, l'll rmid hr about
|udrstd) that the m (6)
the party.
..... (plan) to
drive frm north to.south without stopping and he As soon as While Bythe
(7)............... (d) someone to keep him awake.
soent all dav studvino, he met
urs ltr, while Tony (8)
..... (sleep) on up with his frids.
the back seat, r (9)...........+. (do} his best to After Afterwards when
entertain the driver. They (rO) ...., (drive| she had had shower, she went for
through mountainous r in the South of Fr walk in the old town.
when the driver suddenly (11) ......................... (fCI'\ Afterwards the time After
asleep. The r (r2)............. (go) off the road and
into some small trees. Luckily, Henry and the driver ffi d the story and Write questions for
the answers in brackets.
(l3)............. |get out| of the car unhurt. But most
surprising of all, udr lot of luggage and blankets, Amanda Boyle was furious wh thief stole
her smartphone. wvr, when she phoned
r (14)............ fi?nd)his friend between the
her number the thief, Rr Boggs, answered.
front and back seat. (r5)....... () in such she asked fr his m and address and he
deep sleep that he (16)............ |t wake up|. gave it to her. She told the police, who arrested
Rr. Amanda got her h back and Rr
went to prisonl

Complete the sentences with the correct form of ml: hoAmanda feel? (She felt furious.)
the phrasal verbs in the . Match the meaning of . !!. g. lid, r!.!, li g,
f,-, ,.
the words in brackets. 1 who/take hr phone? ( thief)

turn into |ook forward set off

get r work out get away
2 what/Amanda do? (She phoned her umr.)

lt took m three weeks to ........................ ..,... (rvr frm) the 3 who/answer? (Rr Biggs - the thief)
illness l caught holiday.
They stopped him from (escaping)by putting 4 whaAmanda ask fr? (his m and address)
guard at the dr.
(m) bed.
This sofa ..............................
5 who/Amanda tell? (She told the police.)
4 l use route lr to ......,.................,,....(colculate) the fastest
way of getting somewhere.
what/happen to Amanda and Rr? (She got hr
5 l ............................ ., ('t wait)to seeing Lucia again.
h, he wt to prison!)
6 We need to ...................,.... .,..,. (leave) early tomorrow morning to
miss the traffic.

Unit 4 ,', ,-r,.-, l al)t,,] ,-l.: 47

shs ** sh*ppig
the questionnaire and compare your answers with your partner.
' h turn to 9 142to see what r answers say about you.

What kind of smr are you?

Agree Disagree
It's important for m to wr well-known brands and logos. tj

I often go to second-hand bookshops. a_ir]


I prefer shopping trs to street markets. i}]}

@ I [ike shopping in independent shops mr than in chain stores. {*\


I buy lot ofthings credit. i,} l;

@ ] think it's good to buy myself [uur products from time to time. i,} l}

It's mr it for m to shop at an out-of-town hypermarket

than in [[ shop.

@ I buy [ot ofthings in sa[es. {_.i i)

I a[ways go price mris website to find the best dea[. ii

(E i sti[[ rws in bookshops, but r a[ways buy books [i. * l}

DowntoaO questonnaire f Uotoacl questionnaire Subscr {

48 Th* sur*r s*c!*ty

Matcb the underlined words and phrases i st again and answer the questions
the questionnaire with meanings 1-8. choosing between , and .
1 very large supermarket
2 l outside whr l buy and sell goods
3 type of product made particular m with
its own m
4 of 9ru of shops owned the same m
5 look at things without necessarily wanting to
buy anything
6 small design that is the official sign of m
You hear woman leaving voicemail message
7 large covered area where there are lot of phone. Why is she leaving voicemail message?
diffrt shops
to ask her frid to phone her
arrangement to for something later
to invite her friend to go late-night shopping
to change an arrangement with her friend
Matcb these sentences to the statements in
You hr man talking about shops. What does he
the questionnaire.
think about them?
much easier to buy things with just
'lt so
of the mouse]
few clicks
They should try to improve the shopping
experience for customers.
getting clothes that rgt the same as
'l like
everybody else'sJ -
They need to think of ways of selling things
mr cheaply.
'That way you know U'r t going to see it cheaper
anywhere elseJ
They lr frm what happened to bookshops.
You hear two friends talking about car. What does the
'I\/ it costs bit but it makes you feel good!'
girl think?

Write some comments to explain your should buy another car.

w answers to the statements in the should igr the noise.
questionnaire. should ask expert to look at it.
You hear conversation between girl and

Speaking about computer problem. What is the problem?

The site won't transfer music.

Oiscuss the questions. She has forgotten her username.

1 Where do you or your family go shopping for food? She is using the wrg log-in information.
2 What effect has the itrt had the way you and You hear talking to his mother. How does he feel
your friends shop? about her request?
angry that he can't do what he wants to do

Listening impatient that he will lose time

Multiple cl"loice wrrid that he won't have enough m

17 Listen to people talking in different peaking

situations. Match the topics - with
dialogues 1-5. Discuss the questions.
carrlm HoW important iS it fr you to have the most rt

buying music
gadgets? Why?

going food shopping Do you think that people will do aIl their shopping
online i the future? Why/Why not?
D the sales
new things i shops

Unit The sumr society 49

ffi Kead the instant messages. What is
Lr problem?

Lorna s [6.01]
Hi Dave! l'm in bit of panic. lt my mm birthday
tomorrow and lU completely forgotten! Do you fancy
walking into town this evening? l must get her present.
Dave (arter [6.02]
Oops! Sounds like good idea - but look outside.
lt (1) going to rain at moment.
Lorna Manns [6.2]
Oh, no problem - (2) l'll borrow Dd car and pickyou up.
Dave Carter [6.02]
. What (3) are you ooingto get her?
Lr Manns [6.03]
book i that new store i#the shopping tr.
She loves detective fiction so anything with dramatic ffi Complete the dialogues with the correct form
cover (4) will fi! of the verbs i brackets. sometimes more than
Dave Carter [6.03] form is possible.
Great! l (5) might get one too. hr new Kate Carstairs Do you want to have f and snack in the
out. l have to back fr 9.0. ls that ? sister shopping tr this afternoon?
(6) miq round for chat. Also, l want to see the w
documentary about Africa - it (7) starts at 10.30.
l ................,........,.,.. (mr)rr outside lt/axi's at .] 5 so
we ..........,...........,....... (m) along toThe Coffee Bean
Lr s [6.4] afterwards. ?
We'll back well before 9.30! l pick you up at 7 - ?
fu buv\ anvthino in the
Dave Carter [6.04] sales tomorrow?
Fine. See you then. l'm not 5ure. l .. some new boots
....................... (9r)
but l ...,......................... (see) how much money l've got!
Do you think we () home .00?
Wtr* f,r Sure. The shops .....,...,....,...,........... (c/ose) at 7.00 so we
(definitely ) back 7.0.
Lt go to the market after lunch. l 't go rlir
ffi Matcb the underlined forms 1-7 with the because l .........,,..,,.., .. .., ..l) tennis with Mike i
uses A-G. the mrig.

intention - something you've lrd decided

No rlm, lt.............................. () less crowded
then, too!
decision made while you're speaking
5 It rl 9.00. We () late for class.

D prediction based on belief

Don't wrr. l (li) that it was
m fault.
rditi based something happening w
F possibility
ffi Work in pairs and talk about
G timetabled event 1 something you intend to do this evening,
2 somethin9 you've rrgd to do next week.
something you believe will h later today.
We often use rril/ after verbs and phrases such as / rhik,
4 somethin9 that is possibrle tomorrow.
l kw,l'm sure,e.g. I r sr you'l/en_joy the film.
5 something you decide to do while u'r talking.

50 tlnit 5 The consumer" socieiy

*.," 11 _$fi * ii"'fi fr li.SY

l,; work i pairs. bookshop needs to attract mr customers.

Here are some ideas. Do you think they r good ideas?
Wh/Wh not?

coffee bar free gifts kids'corner author visits

loyalty card second-hand book section

1$} i]..; Listen to the owners of the shop and tick the ideas in
Activity 1 that they mention.
, l ,,", J

:::ll::' l-isten again and complete the sentences from the conversation.
1 ................,... ristrm some ideas,
Lor]rttr,.,Card 2 ]w ,.., ., hvig ,,,
i lt
4Whv ?

5 And what do vou think havino ...?

6 Why .......... we have ...?

7 l'm not too . about that.

8 lt ......,.... ... tt to ,..

. and complete the table with phrases from Activity 3.

Making suggestions ,
Rep_ly|n9 sussl]
Sha]lwe...? t ool1
We could always ..

j'" :, ',"
. l ,,, '|,t i,,\-

ii;.:il WorK i pairs. Tell r partner t one town centre that you
like going to and one that you don't. Explain why.

.ii,,:i: 1-ook at the photos and read the task. Discuss the ideas with
r partner.
street musicians
: * {i : ,_*r.**r.
l l'd like you to ima9ine that the shops in your town centre r losing
l business because ofa lrg shopping centre that has d r.
l Talk to each thr about how these ideas could help the town tr
tl1 mr shoppers.



Don't rush through the options but take time to talk about as many
options as you

outdoor exercise class

Work in pairs. Turn to 9 136 and do the task.

lJ*it 'l .l,., 1a)i']ii..]i:|.:]i li]]| ia]:' 5'|

ffim$*fig Ww*fu**mr
ffi Work in pairs. How m ways to save m d*cmcing vr*rl frl e"}text
can think of? Think about food, transport
and entertainment. ffi Matcb the underlined words i the
article to the meanings '|-8.
table of dishes of food where 9uests
mdrg serve themselves

g*d ;:ext place that grows vegetables without

using chemicals
ffi Read the article. Does it mention of the ideas you something extra you receive that you were
discussed in Activity 1? not expecting
4 religious m
ffi Read the article again and choose from sentences
5 drinks fr group of people
A-G the which fits each gap. There is one extra
6 difficult task
sentence which you do not need to use.
7 small example of product given to people
as an advertisement
event where new book is publicised
Always read the who|e text all the way through and all the
options before you try to th sentences to gaps. The Complete the questions with the
sentence you choose must make s5nse i the context d fit the correct word(s) from Activity 4.Then
gap grammatically.
answer the questions.
! gtl{. gl111 lhere r six gaps and seven options to choose from,
What was the last (..............................) you received
in shop?
Kath admits that she ate lot of soup during the 1 made
Wht your favourite type f food in (...............
from reduced-price vegetablesl
...............) ?
l particu|ar, she was rd about being able to afford
What's the most difficult (..............................)
good present fr hr brother when he got mrrid in 12
you've had recently?
Do you vr eat food that was grown
l spite of this, she was able to save v mr m in
a(n) (.,...,,..........,...,....,...)?
rg of different ways.
Do you think it's tt for workers to get
She used l 1 ,00 of the m she had saved to buy her
higher salary r to receive (..............................) fr
rthr lifetime membership of the NationalTrust as
hrd work?
wedding present.
Would you find it interesting to attend (..........,
But it was not like that at all.
...............,...) and meet an author?
F r time there was public event and crowd was needed,
l was there,

She couldn't afford mobile phone. ffim&*g

ffi Work in pairs and discuss
the questions.
Do you admire Kath or do you think hr

challenge was pointless? Why?

What is the minimum amount of money you
think you could Iive on day?

,||: - Which of Kath's activities to save m

wouId you NOT do? Why?

TBachBr lis
pub or anything like that so l would drag friends
out to art openings and book launches.'
She managed holiday visit to hr

0 EI ilal,
brother in Fr hitchhiking to the Channel
ul and persuading Frh woman to take
her to Fr as passenger. the way back
she travelled the ferry with lorry driver, and
LL, teacher of English to foreign
had dinner at the drivers' canteen.
students living i Bristol, was complaining
about all her money worries to group of form of public transport was too
expensive, so Kath did lot of cycling during
friends, (1) ...............,.... So she came up with
unusual way to save m. She promised her the r. This increased because of another
friends that she would try to live for 12 months saving she had to make. (5) ...........,,....... So
she would simply cycle to friends' houses if she
spending more than pound day.
The next day Kath wfsn't so sur that she had wanted to speak to them and leave note if
made the right decision. Although her rent and they were out.
rg bills were paid for, she still had to buy
food d clothes, for transport and have
social life - all on one pound day! Kath said,
' mates all tried to stop me. They thought l
was mad. They imagined I would living like
monk, r going out, r borrowing from
them. (2) ....................'
Kath discovered lots of ways to find cheap
food. She often went to supermarkets near
closing time d bought last-minute reductions,
She filled her freezer with 10 loaves of bread
and other cheap items. (3) .........,........... She
also picked fruit from bushes and always took After difficult but fascinating 12 months,
free samples from people who were advertising Kath successfully completed the hll she
things i the streets r shops. had set herself. (6)......,.,.......,.., Another bonus
As another way of getting food and a|so as of her year's challenge was that she met and fell
rt of hr social life, she started going to lots of in love with r Taylor while she was working
free events, 'l was out all the time,' says Kath. 'I as volunteer on ri farm.
wt to the public lectures at Bristol University Today Kath says that the experiment has
that had buffet afterwards, and l went to the completely changed hr attitude to life. '|'m
lirry 1OOth birthday where they had buffet lot mr sensib|e with my m now and live
as well. I was the q of the buffet. completely different lifestyle.'
(4) .,..,....,........,. I could not buy rounds at the Could you live on f1 day?

;::::: l phrases from Activity 3 to match
meanings 1-4.
] m familiar with
2 familiar with
3 ul to become familiar with
4 not famlliar with

:i:;i Underline the correct options to

complete rules 1-3.
1 used rd get used to r followed
u r vr ending i tg/-d

2 used to describes state/a hgtg sitti

get used t describes state/a hgig situatton
}+t"{itt{fl{ilfiHii*tl,fiiriisr}! i!5j-{+f:{F;:j-;:::=.:1,.:, ].:i]i|i_i.xli:1l;l,i}il'!.t

i._ t],,E.i |j,{,-},.fi {i' I r

Do not confuse be/get used to + -ig with used

r + infinitive. Used to + infinitive is l used fr
habitual ationS l the past, .9. / i.;:;,],-i :.:.::,:;|:|,:.
rhat Shop m Way to school.

Write three things you weren't used to

doing when you started this course and
three things that you've got used to w.
mr with partner.

t.]:".. .-;".'"._,.,"
r.T i.,,1,], .,{_t" .;

L*;**i*r,t ii:,::: lmagine that someone has moved to

your town r city from the UK. What
WorK i pairs.You are going to hear girltalk do you think they might say t the
about the differences between shopping in things below? CompIete the sentences.
smaIl village and i big city. What do you think
she will mention? shopping transport food
language weather
'irii Listen and check your ideas.
1 |'m not used to ...
2 l can't get used to ...
; ': :.,' ....,.: i ,. "' ;; , .,. Iu_ r" . _...
3 ]t took while to get used to ...
l&& ,[Li:\]I l,15 i 4 Now l'm used to -..
5 lt's difficult to get used to ...
Complete sentences 1-8. Then listen 9i to check.
1 l ima9ine it was difficult to living i big city?
,,..,,.,....,...,... ::i':;:}
Work in pairs. Compare r answers
2 lt took while to ....,............. all the noise and the traffic, from Activity 7.
3 NoW ... loads of difrt types of shops.
| ..,.............

4 lt's the ri of things that l .. ...........

5 N/y mum so much for vegetables,

6 Also, l the crowds you 9et in shops here.


7 lot of shop assistants in London late.


8 You it all in time!

ffig**&*fi ffig*.$-fr

ffi Work in pairs and discuss the questions. think the shoppers who bought
'I When you 9 shopping for food, do you notice special offers
the chocolate oranges behaved
r reductlons? dishonestly? Why/Why not?
2 Have you vr found surprising rgi?
ffi Work in pairs.Turn to page 141 and do
the activity.

* r t*-,* *}**

Bead the sentences and say why the underlined

words r incorrect.
l'd rfr
go into town ltr.
gave i my job at the shop last weekend.
The consumerwins!
3 l looking up bargains in the sales. Fr chocolate fans it was dream m true.
4 Despite it was rainlng, we went to the market. mistake at the cash desk of well-known
5 We made our shopping and th went home, supermarket meantthatthe chocolate oranges
6 The ri was too tall so l didn't buy the coat. that rmll (1) ..........
f 2.75 were
sale for just 29. The mistake happened
;" d the articIe and rWr the questions. Don't (2) ..............there was a'buy one get
worry about the gaps. one free' promotion
Why wr the chocolate r9s so cheap? which people

2 How did some shoppers take advantage of this? combine

(3) ..............
3 What special ffr did Hoover make that almost destroyed
the company? another promotion.
Shelves Wr
Read the article again and decide which answer quickly emptied of
(, , or D) best fits each gap. the orangeswith one
(4) ......,.,...,.
( hl ;] ","i
""l" l
/ hunter buying 192,
saving himself almost f500! Photographs of
fr deciding the correct word make 5ur you check that
words before or after the gap to
it fits grammatically. Look at the
people with pyramids of chocolate rgs
check r forms, prepositions, etc. quickly appeared (5)

{ t}Ttl tlH;*lTl there r eight gaps. social networking sites. One person
(6) .............. an immediate profit
1 sold cost asked D bought selling the chocolate oranges to other people
2 Aso as result because D therefore for pound each. This is not the first time that

3 with Bat for Dof this kind of promotion has (7) .............
wrg. The most famous case was when the
4 sales reduction value D rgi
5 Bof Con Dat company r (8) ..............
flights to ur r the USA for anyone who
6 did worked made D increased
7 gone went got D
(9) .............
mr than hundred
pounds on its products. So many people
8 requested permitted offered D suggested (10) ............ the offer that it almost
9 paid gave put D spent ruined the m and cost an rmus
10 kept on looked for r r D took up f50 million!

U:it 5 llarl,.,llT:::l, :.-ll 55
ffi&fr ffi Read the essay. Do you agree or
disagree with the writr points? Why?
Do you often buy things that you've seen advertised?
Work in pairs and talk about something
advertisement has persuaded you to buy recently.
When you write essay you agree r
disagree with the Statement - you even
W*&g do both. You must support your point of view
with rss.
&\Y .rrR.l! 64
. l
ffi whicb of the underlined expressions
look at the exam task and underline the key words. are used to do the following?

introduce an opinion

i ln class you have discussing advertising.

2 qive contrast with something you've said
Write essay using all the notes and give rss for ur
point of view. 3 say'it's obvious'

Do you think that advertising have bad iflu

4 add w point
people today? 5 summarise the writr opinion
Things to write about ffi Unaerline vocabulary related to the
'l topic of advertising that the writer
important to give us informatiof -
has used.
2 we want to buy things we can't afford

!_d99 ffi d the essay task. Work in pairs and
discuss the question.
ffi Work in pairs. Make list of the good and bad effects
of advertising.
rss for your point of view. ]


Do you think peopte buy lot of things they



Tl,Bceis no dt that drfiig i5 an imPortant Notes i

rt of O lives td. l( rffi and Things to write about

lrfl and TV rmfi r lr and l important to have luxuries sometimes
entecfainin fo fh. t:ell -thi5, mgz_i5
2 want to like thr people
and D55 dePend on advectisin .to 5tjavive
and, of rg, DithLrr advecting nre rruld t Lnour i]_yg_ut g*:9_"_g
f to . 1-1r, in m1 oPinion, adve.tbin can
O5 lof of rm. ffi notes for r essay and divide
ir+ of all, adveffii Og5 05 to t them into paragraphs.
1hi, that do nof ll rreed and can t iFrd. 'l lntroduction - explain the issue
I m vie, this cau5e- ditigfll and .
,g, fr me *he iggt pcobtem ilh
2 Give one point of view and reasons

dJ-i \ *le el*ec+ it s on hir-. 3 Give opposing it of view and reasons

drttig camP&ign5 that f ir\d at childcen 4 Summary and conclusion
malce ttrem 1trink* rt .r and $ things
frm rlg age i Pre5Jce on their ffi Write r essay.
rts to boj !g d rr -rhig. Thaj sfrt
to *hinL -that bving Jtre mt (,rt d9igr
lrttrs m*g ttrem mr imPoctant r5 to
theic {rd:5.
._s!q&, f *hinr* -rhat have to r +haf
sl,rould tc1
ill l mith g. Nrthg,
to P(otecf childcen much s il.

r r,.d to 1r jtBt peopte and relafior\5hiPs
r mr imPocfant tn fd. -'|
56 Unit 5 ,
Complete the article with the words from Match the sentence beginnings 1-6 with
the . endings -F.
grandmother used websites in his search for
stores centre
chain street market
the same bargains.
browse hypermarket |i
Their shirts have commercials the time
supermarket credit
it is four,
always uses ri brcnd of washing
comparison powder for years.
4 The average child has D logo that is immediateIy

Shop at out-of-town (4) ,,... .......,,,.

that sells evehing, and whr

seen ,000
They have spent
the January scles.
ur leisure
parking is easy. Shopping is
millions F odvertising mig.
favourite lisur activi, rtiulrl
mg the young whose favourite
6 l'm looking forward to
lt is incredible to think how going to
shopping has changed in destination is indoor shopping
(5) . , .,................,.. where you
the last hundred years. Our
look at the situations and complete the
great-grandparents went t0 an can find ur favourite department
sentences with the correct form of used to/
store and boutiques with the latest
outdoor (1) ................,........ 0r get used to.
grgror's for their fruit and fss. d if you r shrt of

vegetables, and got their meat from mO, you always buy things 1 Vlad had always driven the right, so when he came
(6) ............,,,, ,...... , [hugh, of to the uk he had three accidents in the first month.
butcher's, The biggest innovation
of the last tur was the course, you have to i the end!) vlad had three accidents because he was
(2) ....,,... . .... .,.,,., which Nowadays lot of people don't

rd in vr city tr. bother going to bookshops r rrd l've tried wrig these contact lenses, but they make
lot of city centres began t0 stores, but order what they want my eyes itch,
look very similar with the same | with few
l can't .........,......
(3) .,,.,.. .....,,..,.... that have clicks of their mouse and credit
Jose Luis moved to Canada from Si five rs ago.
card. Some people still rir to
rh in every town i the found the first three winters really hard but now he
Outr. l rt years m (8) .,... , ........... i the shops
enjoys them.
sumrs have started doing even if they don't really want to buy
Jose Luis has .....................
their weekly shop at rmous anything,
At first l found it hard to eat with chopsticks, but now I

am rl expert.
Choose the correct option to complete l ...................

the sentences. when ri left hm he didnt know how to look

after himself.
careful Raymond - u'r falling/going to fallif you
Nzlario wasn't
keep doing that.
But lrlario finds it easy to cook his own meals and
We expect Rachel rruil/pcss/passes her driving test
iron his shirts,
this time.
Mario has
Don't cry, mm, Grandad willbuy/is ig you ice
rm i minute|
This summer we rt/r going to rt chalet for
week with Peter and Jan.
Ae's spending/spends Christmas with l d hr
family this r.
|'m afraid you've just missed the last train. The next
i s d rti g/ddrrs tomorrow mri 9.
We can't have the party in the garden because lr3
gig to rain/it's riig tomorrow.
What doyou do/areyou doing tonight? ru meeting/
Doyou meef Luisa?
i, ;';.:
{:;,,t il:l !i

}i]*}l }**

Wbat do you think is most important i job? Put the items - in
order of importance (1 = most important, 8 = Ieast important).

is zllell-paid so I won't have to worry about m.

is secure because I don't like taking risks.
will hllgig because I enjoy situations that are diffrcult and interesting.
lns good prospecls because I want the h of getting better position.
I feel is worthzohile and helps other people.
!rs status because I care about what other l think.
ls rewardig and gives m sese of hil when I do something well.
gives m good zrk-l l and isn't too stressful because it's important
to enjoy other things as well as work.

.,],: Compare your answers to Activity 1 with r partner. Do you have

different ideas about what is most important?

i;,,:i and complete the table with the words and phrases in the .

teffipofary application form interview candidate part-time

salary full-time V permanent wage letter of application

Applyin9 for jobs

Work in pairs. Take turns to choose word from the table in Activity 3 and
give an example or definition so that r partner can guess the word.
Example:Thts is what you wite wh you wt ta get job.

58 l*rking liu;*s
' _ Read the discussion questions

,id lirt"n to Roberta and Eduardo,Which

question r they talkin9 ut?
Work in pairs. Write down as many words
as 1 Would you like to do of these
jobs? Why/Why not?

can from the word

mI, 2 Do you think it's good idea for students
to have
pu,i tir" r holiday jobs? Why/Why
} ffi oii: Listen and checkyour answers to 3 some teenagers do volunteer work i their
fr time,

Aatiuity 5. Underline the main stress, Then

""""'" Do you think this is good idea?
listen again and repeat, 4 Doyou think tgrs should paid for doln9
around the house? Why/Why noti
ml: ml

l: Complete the phrases Roberta and Eduardo

""""" ur" to introduce their answers and comments,

Work in pairs and discuss the questions, 'l That's .,,....,,...,,..,,....... ..


what do you think is the right age for people to start 2 ..

thinking about future rr? Why? 3 I've vr about it before,

job fr lonq
Do you think it's good idea to have 4 lt all ....... ...........,... ..

time or severaIjobs? Why? 5 BUt, in ,..,...'.. .,..,........ l 9r with " '

6 to think of it - yes,

i., Wr in pairs and discuss the questions

Work in pairs. Read the exam task and discuss Activity 10.
the advantages and disadvantages, h try |

to agree the most enjoyable

job, l!}i}Ti|i{ nit9i*il}tiild{f#*!tl{t*tJ*Efnrj-iili?!]

!:li\:lli I;}

r r i" pu.inir" i", ,r"i ii.,a,ni, oti"n r to extend ur answers givin9 rss
, Tutk to each other about the advantages
and and examples. You relate your answers
disadvantages of doing these;obs, personal ris.
, Now decide which would the most
enjoyable for iiil {ii{i]
.';i":;]i;],! the mir may ask queStionS to
to do individualcandidatesortobothsothattheycandiscuss
, 1tudent1
them together,
Listen to two candidates doing the
iixiili| ,''i
sime task. Did they talk about the same
things as you did?

l;;1! * ,]']
Speaking Yocabulary
Work i pairs and answerthe questions. hsl rs l context
1 What was ur dream job when you wr child? Why? Complete the sentences with the correct form
2 Whatisyouridealjob now?Why? of the phrasalverbs underlined in the article.
h work i pairs and think of job each

Reading sentence could describe.

Multiple matching
1 People often .........,.......,........... this job because of their
parents does it.

Vou r going to read an article in which three

people talk about their jobs. Read the article
ln thIs job you have to
.........,...........,....... letters and papers

quickly. Which job could the most? l this job you have to ............................, neW ideas quickly
allthe time.

swr questions 1-10 choosing from the When people in this job they l ri
people A-C.The people may chosen more r low salary.
than once. People who do this job have to to work
r early i the mrig.
6 l this job you have to ............................. different brands
Ur cUStomerS.
7 You don't need lot of m to ...........................
business like this.
8 ln th|s job you need to tr to of your
competitors with your results.

Which person peaking

has quiet time rl i the year?
Matcb questions 1-8 to answers -.

2 likes travelling abroad for work?

1 So tell me, what do you do?
3 enjoys spending quite lot of time outdoors?
2 What does your job involve?

has to deal with unexpected urrs while doing 3 What's typical day like?
his/her job? 4 What do you like best about ur job?

has to give talks to large groups of people? 5 Wht the most difficult part of your job?
6 Do you need any qualifications r special skills?
6 has to take difficult decisions?
7 is rud of having lot of qualifications? 7 What attracted you to this rr?
8 m interested in the profession at an rl age? 8 Do you work in an office?

The hardest rt is ... The thing l like least ...

9 occasionally needs to start work earlier than usual?
l have office but sometimes ...
10 mentions way of increasing his/her im? |'ve always interested l ... l first found out ...
D The most satisfying thing fr me is .../The best thing
about being ...
Work in pairs.Which of the jobs do think |'m ... l work as ...
is the most interesting, worthwhile, difficult or F lt is my job to do ... tt/y job involves doin9 ...
stressful?Why? G l usually start wrk at ..., l grll finish at ...
You need to + adjective and adjective u need to
have degree in ...

Work in pairs.Take turns to role-play

interview with of the people in the article.
Use the questions i Activity to help you.

60 Unit Working lives

I ww ry$wfu
?rJ tel] us about ffte"r;obs d why they }ove t?sr

Lindsey (27) is charge

ofbuying m's fs at
drtmt store.
work is to select and build the
rft range of clothes for our
customers, and.I started doing
urs in fashion design. There
are two key seasons: inJanuary
and Frur I buy clothes lr
the autumn, and inAugrst I buy
clothes for the spring. During these
seasons i travel to trade shows in
Barce]ona and r on big
work in the evening and I perform
Viki (]) is mri
buying trips - that's rea] bonusl at big parties for comparries,
working day is qt Iong. I weddings, private events and m mri ilst, I did
usuaily get at about 8 0 .i., birthdays, Sometimes they'Te biology dgr followed
and work until 6.30 p,m. The most MSc and doctorate - having those
in open-air venues, though not
satisng thing fr m has been often. Business is generally good makes m feel I've done something
building m department into throughout the r. Company worthwhjle. PhD post-doctoral
popr-rlar and fashionabie l to
events keep m busy at Christmas researchers start on t25,000
buy men's clothes - department d NewYear, but weddtngs and year and often m urrtvers
stores aren't always wll-Irm fr ]ecturers, but at the moment I'm
birthday parties tend to in late
being top places to buy fashton. It spring and summer. So that means happy doing research. Part of m
is m job to creative and try to job is to track animals at sea and
thatJanuary and Frur are
stay ahead of the market. ]f I want good months to thiIk up new tricks. to tag them. We do this in rdr to
to tr out new rd, I have to rrnderstand their behavrour and
I either rfrm them rslf at
drop brand we already have. That events or seil DVDs so other people movement patterns. This research
unpleasant but you have can then used to assess the
learn to do the tricks. The best
to rmmr that this is business. effects of fishing on fish popr-rlations.
thing about being mi is
you need to enthusiastic and
beingyour rm boss. I suppose If I m in the office it's 9,00 .m.
motivated and have an ldea of to 5.0 ,m. day but if I'm going to
the dormside is that there are times
what the perfect collection sholt]d sea I start at 7,30 .m, At the fishing
when people really I you
look like, buyer's assistant earns site the crew pull big net along
around 20,000 r, but an
- like when they shout out in the
middle of your act, reason the seabed. Then they put the catch
experienced buyer might earn Iwent into m was because on the deck and our work beglns.
mr than 40,000. Alot of l We sort out the fish and put the
when I was gTowing up I used to
dream of starting up their m get bored with things very quiclr sharks d rays into seawater tks
boutique, but it can very parents gave me book of d tag them, and then we release
ris business. m tricks to keep m busyWith the fish back rrrto the sea. It's rll
m there is so much to learn that exciting when the nets come into
l (J9) magician. you never get bored! It's gireat to the boats, I love going out arrd
i m 'ls-u'mirr so I work with maglc. Starttrrg out you catching new things and talking to
rfrm in front of gToups of l mrght earn flI2,000 year, but fishermen. However, side of the
rather than on stage in big well-]croum mi could earn job that I don't particularly enjoy
theatre. Sometimes I do m tricks up to I00,000.You can also do TV is public speaking - for ml,
while I'm walking around tables work which usual}y brings in lot when I'm at conferences, if
where l r eating! I m ofmonelr they're in other countries, ffi
Listening Making corlparisons
Work in pairs. Read the job advertisement and > GRAMMAR RFRN . l 52
discuss what skills or qualifications think
appIicant for the job will need. and complete the table using the
dialogue in Activity 3.
djctits tbmparative Sperlativs
Jol]i1,: , l ], i}:]li|l,r,i |.rvi{l ] l0!ir,:iS
! young younger the (1 )

enthusiastic mr enthusiastic
We r looking fr well-qualified and experienced
3 old {) the oldest
teacher to join ur staff. The successful candidate
will able to r wide range of subjects and 4 confident (4) the least confident
.1;: motivated and enthusiastic. Fr mr details please 5 good Lretter the (5)
contact sj
6 bad Worse the (6)

2 Listen to two interviewers discussing ffi Complete the rules with the words in the .
three candidates: Cameron, Karine and
irregular same one or two three
Hector. which candidate
1 is very positive about things, but isn't very confident? Add -er and -sl to form the comparative and
2 seems vr well-qualified, ut r interested suoerIative of -svllable adiectives.
in the job? Add more r /ess and the most or fh /easf to form
wants lot of m, but doesn't get to work time? the comparative and superlative of adjectives with
or more syllables.

Complete the dialogue with the correct words. 3 Use (t) as.., d5 to say that some things r the
h listen again to check. (r t the same) in some way.

= Ir/licky = lii 4 Good d bod r .................,.. and have different forms i

the comparative and superlative.
candidates. Nflig isthatCameron has LNGUGl
enthusiastic (4)............................ the others. Whu; J; wilh -ier/-iest, ., pretty - prettier/the prettieit.
you think?
Yes, l gr. lt guess is that he's looking for something ffi
* Complete the sentences with the comparative
bette1 you kw, (5).......... . . ..... position. didnt ' superlative form of the adjective in
seem verY keen. brackets. Doyou agree?

and(7) slre,s '

ht rl the rs. How about ri?
she,s(6), jJll|;::"',il;iil::!i;;;;;;iJ]o"un"
(s) ,,,. .,. She speaks irench and Spanish
...... well, ' cleaning
(favourite) job
u the bathroom' l hate it!around the house is
too, and l noticed that she does (9) ............. .._.
than the other two. However, she's 'r,
(10)........ 3 The (bad) job fr me would teaching!
than the others. 4 l think teachers should r (hiqh)

Yes, l see what you m. d fill, Hector. slr than they do now.

Mm, Hector. l (1 1)............................ than ri but

he expects (12),.. .....,...,............ slr. His qualifications peaking
rt (13) mr, and his previous
headteachersaysheis(la)............................ofallher ffi Workinpairs.Taketurnstocomparejobs
teachers! probably (15) ........ candidate of using comparative and superlative adjectives.
the three' So, decision time!
hwr job is mr difficuft th teacher's because ,..

24 Which candidatedoyou thinkwiIl get 1 l9gspti9llgej:l,t__ *9I9|l99I

the Why? Listen and check. 2 lawyer dentist l"jgr
3 actor doctor builder
lJnit Vlorking iives
Yf;r s cnf ugis
prepositional phrases Open cloxe

ffi Complete the comments about jobs with the ffi Kead story about the jobs man
prepositions in the . had when he was student and answer
the questions.
from out (2) in (3) (2)
How many jobs does the writr mention?

l had holiday job cleaning hotel rooms. lt was but 2 Which ones wr the most unpleasant d the
when the lift was of order it was nightmare! most rig?

used to work in my local supermarket and the m

Complete the story with word i each

charge of us was really bossy!

N/y friend left college and has ................. ...of work
fr six months w. she's li all the time
ccse new jobs are advertised.
mum works hm, She enjoys working
Have UU vr
I\ ............... ..,,.

her w but l don't think lu like to

had iealIg boringjcb?

myself || the time.
lfound out about the job
h when l was
looking through local magazine.
When I was student l did lots of different jobs
r at work r in 41mrth last weekend
during the summer vacation, ranging (1) ....................
aid of charity
picking fruit to working for furniture rml
m. Fruit picking is hard work, but at least
ffi Matclr the expressions in Activity 1 with
you are outside and have the m of other
meanings 1-8.
pickers. rl the least pleasant job l had
1 responsible for
working in the fridge of butcher's
2 alone (2)
(2) ....................

shop where l (3) ,.. . to soft pieces of

3 unemployed
chickens, But @) doubt, the prize for
4 t working rrl
the (5) boring job has to go to the one l
5 to get m fr
had working for spotts equipment m.
6 accidentally
task was to put six table tennis balls into boxes.
7 because something might happen
They left m in room (6) m w with
8 in the house, t in office
huge container of thousands of balls. l was stuck
out (7) sight at the back of the storeroom
ffi "!
without even ( radio for m. day
Prepositions qre often tested i the exam,
rrd of which prepos]tions go with adjectives, verbs
in the room felt ($ month. There is
and in phrases. funny thing l rmmr: there were supposed to
two speeds of ball: one fast and one that was
slower for (10) experienced players. The
thing was, they were actually the same ball, they
just went into different boxes!

ffi Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
Have you or someone you kw r had really
rig part-time or holiday job?
Can holiday job lead to full-time rr?

Uit Vfrk]g ii,.:es 63

.,. i .,"*- ',;

,, :':: -'
! i. ,,., :':,:
'll, :t; ,.
Y are going to listen to radio
interview with famous actress about
her job. Do you think the life of an
actress is easy or difficult? Why?

,l''. Listen to the interview. How did

the actress first learn t the life and
workof an actor?

l]::,::i Listen to the interview again. Fr

questions 1 -8, complete
the sentences.
; -::]] ii:i]Ji]iililiili;.fi ;

Read the gapped sentences carefuIly to

see what sort of word(s) you r looking for '; ,!*l;,
to fil| the gaps. You see whether you
need umr, date r m, etc. 1],.1 , .

.:i|i, there r t SentenCeS. ']i;"-,,

l:] ,'
Jenny is famous today for her role in
SoaD Dr,
According to J, wh you r student
there r not so m to face.
Jenny enjoys the fun side of acting, 1ike
Match the words from the recording '|-7 with
Duttino and dressino uo,
definitions A-G.
J was vr pleased to able to
work in ,......,....,....,,...,,., durin9 lr school
'l punctua put unusual l smart clothes
work experience. 2 lie-in grud that has become wet with water
J was excited to able to lr about rhrs] rl not theoretical
the ............................. when she worked on Rm 4 glamorous D rrivig at the right time
d Juliet.
5 dress up stay:ng ir bed ir Tie morrirg
Jenny was disappointed that hr first job was
in advertisement for .. . . TV.
6 rtil F practice fr rfrm

This advertisement was first shown in

7 muddy G attractive d exciting

Complete the sentences with words from Activity 4.

Jenny uses the word to describe
Are they true for you?
how she feels about hr rr,
1 |'m vr , ]'m never late for anything.
2 l love walking in the ri d getting in the forest
l always have lg at the weekend,
4 l don't like to ...,,..,,.......,...,....,..., fr special occasions. | rfr
casual cloihes.
l enjoy reading about people in magazines and
finding out about their beauty secrets.
|'m not vr .............................. rs and l'm not good at
organiSing either.

l}r!! {r

ffi Wr in pairs. You are going to read blog

Experienced worker!
about rr work experience at local
museum.What do you think he has to do? Fr my wrk ri this l decided to
apply fr placement at the Royal Hampton
Museum as l'm rll interested in history.
ffi fu gm*fr "td ffi * l (1) had to wit quite detailed application
lttr and l was thilld when l was accepted,
} RAPIF'iAR RRN . l5
l am having rillit time. You (2) don't need

ffi d the blog and match the underlined verb to t antiques to wk hr - but
you shou|d have itst i the past. l'm
forms 1-8 with the descriptions -.
museum assistant and l (3) have to do g
obligation in the past
of things fm selling books in the gift shop to
obligation in the present (personal/from the speaker) rsrhig ifmti about things like old
obligation in the present (external/outside the sk toys Google! hr fir um of
D something that iS not permitted uls hr as you imaginel Visitors
lack of obligation (4) mustn't touch the exhibits and they have to
F something that is necessary leave all bags at rti. As fr m, the good
thing is that l (5) don't have to wr uifrm!
G something that is not ssr
The bad thing is that l have to get up rll l
something that was expected
mrig to get h time! Today's
m last day and l was ll looking foMard
LNGUG TlP to it. l had to get h f .00 .m. because
Rmmr that we use should d shouldntto give (6) we wr supposed to go to visit thr
advice or,to say that something is good/bad idea, museum and look at of their collections.
e.g; Ou sf*.l ld try to speak Englisll outside the classroom Howeve[ because they had w cut we
ai ft or you ,on. didn't go. Disappointing! But fr all those
students trig to dectde whr to go fr u
wk i l think you (7) need to do
ffi Complete the second sentence so that it has
some rsh to find placement somewhere
similar meaning to the first sentence, usin9
rll interesting. And you (8) must apply
the word given. Do not hg the word
quickly the place you want will have g.
given. Use between two and five words.
Workers r not allowed to leave fr 5.0 p.m.
Workers .....,.... before 5.0 p.m.
lt isn't necessary to buy anything fr lunch because l'll
rig sandwiches.
You .......,............ anything for lunch because l'll
bring sandwiches.
Dan asked me to post his application but l forgot.
l ........................................ D application but l forgot.
l can stay i bed late tomorrow because it Sunday!
l ......................,.......,..,...... early tmrrw because it's Sunday! ffi*il*g
l couldn't go out last night because my rthr wanted
m help with his homework. ffi Work in pairs. lmagine that you are working
HAD as an organiser of hildr holiday m.
l couldn't out last nioht because l Discuss what the work involves.
with his homework.
good idea to get weekend job to help save up
for holiday.
ffi Work in pairs.Turn to 9 141 and do
the activity.
You .................... to help save up for holiday.

tJnit lYkir:q iives 65

Reading ffi d the |etter from David and underline the points from
Activity 2 that he includes.
ffi d the job advertisement
and say if you should write the
letter in formal or informal r rs BaLer,
style.Why? wrttinto \ io li""r at ll,
sa- ,-pur dvrtiSr our
fullrt L"|sur" CerttrL.
sct ool tird li tbk would 5 srtl
it-lr-ld fr, ludrt b,ave
studv|n9 l;sh in or i rnorft'rs.
.urr"l(il,4 rLiq i as+-lood restaraylt at tb,e weeLes
"uld liU-| to ". liurd as 51
.o',Yclr,ui, g."1,1 ".' - ."'11,

swili d b,ave , ri as lile"ard i 1

, Tith*hixet#'. ]' l: ,', ,",""..'' "],!:

o-n .oi,rrLr1, usd ,to worL- ot local swii9 pool

Then this :nriqhl,be ljl]s,!
jb :::,, ",: at ib,e w."L"nds d i tke klis,' r"lib|. ,t

d b,ave rl lieluardino, c"a,i.a"s.

' 'rellable, '
tor u|,\fu,:r:,,1l,fir,,,,,,
with some ,,, -
,," 1 ili.i 1 sb,all i up 1 wLd
sparti,[6:14,1ikt,,:, ]l:ll,, 1" this will " " vtl a|ler sd,ool ever1
' Work,s:lifoaTdstO,earn,ornQ,,:.,.l,,",
- d,1 d all d1 9aurda1 d 9"d1,
'w"l 9rate!"| i! 1" uld lt Lnow ur
extra money
] " You coyttact lq45L1l
r].*,itfu'lqry..'.,.1,ttl",:, :'.l llr55@l..
', r:krllitg,,,:,,1,,,:,,l',,,1, looL orward to kri1 troM 1ou s.
**idttt*,, ,, ,:,, . Yurs irl1
] ,*uiijbla ;&,ilr,ir i,],,,, .,::,,,, i Leclerc
l lof you!,raabi}i.E ,,, ,", . ,. ' ' ,:.,,,',, .
ii:]' ffi i formal phrases in the letter to match phrases 1-10.
,*r,,r'.*,::i,:::1t""'ll1',l:lll"l""""i""-"""",,",, 1 think 6 l'll free
2 now 7 you tell me

Wrfitig Want 8 get i touch with m

4 like 9 pIease write soon
Lt of application 5 if l get the job 10 Best wishes
}\ffRIT'N REFERENCE . l 7 l

ffi Kead the advertisement and write r letter.You should

ffi TicKtbe points you thinkyou write between 120-180 words.
should include in the letter.
'l why you r writing l
2 where you found out about the job ,.,,U,,irit't|.d answei]all parti]of the question.
3 why you like swimming
4 all ur previous work ri
5 similar jobs you've had before
6 your qualifications
7 why you need the money
8 relevant aspects of your personality
9 what free time you have
10 what you normally do i your fr time
'l 1 question about the work
12 ur contact details

66 Unit Working |ives

ffi Matcb the words in the with definitions ffi choose the correct option to complete
1-10. the sentences.
Stop! You must't/d't have to play With that light
salary achievement worthwhile switch, Julian.
interview application form candidate
good prospects wage temporary
We didn't d to/had to rig sandwiches - luh
was provided.
You d't d t/r't supposed to rig drinks into
1 : question and swr session for job the lirr, but most people don't respect the rul.

2 :whaI we feel sense of when we Y mst't /d't have r rr metal objects

complete job well through the security sr.
you d't d t/r't llzd r touch that
3 : promising good future rr
equipment, it is very sensitive.
4 : not hVig job
Visitors aresupposedto/mustwear badge at alltimes
5 : important and useful fr society
- there r no exceptions.
6 :the m we are paid each month for
dig job ; Complete the text using the words in brackets.
7 : not Drmt use the correct form of the verbs.
8 ...............,..............:the m 9re paid each day r week Nineteen-year-old Keith Lonsdale (1) . .... ............, (r)
for doing job the bank in his small town wh two masked men
9 ..........................,..,: someone who asks for job (2)..........,,............. (m) in.The robbers ()...............,...,....,

'l0 ..............,.......,,...,,: u fill this in to ask for job (rcke) ml hostage but they (4).............,....,...... (/r
her go) ftr they (5) ...............,.. ....,., (fi nish). Afterwards, the
police (6)......... (m) to take statements from
ffi Complete the sentences with the correct form
witnesses. While Keith (7)...........,....,........ (qlye) his Statement
of the words in brackets.
to the police, he (8)................. ...... (remember) that he
N new job is very .......,....... ............... (rwr. l feel rl (9) ..............(leove) his r on parking mtr.h
sense f achievement.
lim (10).........,,.............. (l0 him not to wrr as the
lfeel absolutely .....,......................., (exhaust).lt has been so traffic warden (1 1)..,.................. .(know)that the police
busy at work all day. officers (1 2) ....,..,..........,.. .... (itrviw) witnesses. But when
She is much happier in hr new's mr Keith ('l ) ... .. (rtur) to his car, traffic warden
(challenge) than her old . (14).........,,......... ...(already gave) him one parking ticket

(odvertise) she saw

and he (1 5).........,.....,......... (write) second one!
Julia answered .......................,....,.

the internet.
.....................,. ,...,.. (enthusiosm) young
We r looking fr
people who enjoy working With youn9 children.
She made .............................. (rrg) with hr firm so
she could work part-time.
lt4y job is much less .,.......,...,,..........,.... (srress) since our new
boss arrived.
We help stafffind {mmd) r
the factory.

Pr*gr*ss*st 3 67
For questions 1-10, read the text below and decide which ffi Complete the second sentence
answer (, , r D) fits each gap.There is an example at with between two and five words,
the beginning (0). including the word given, so that
it has similar mig to the first
ml: Last mth lwos given

life without cash

h all hd about the woman who spent r living
responsibility for booking gigs for our d.
Last mth l for

()..u.......... just pound day. But in Grm, our d.

Heidemarie Shwrmr, pensioner, has (1) 1 l 't decide which shirt to buy.
up using money completely. r decision rl has MlND
something to do with hr experience as penniless refugee l can't ............... ..., which shirt
(2)............... theSdrld7'r. to buy,
Jacinta is more rid th Nlilton.
After the war, she led firl ordinary life. She worked as
teacher fr many years, and (3)....................,......... she
ttilt is not ..,,......... ......
m psychotherapist. But hr memories of what it was
i: Jacinta.
like to have nothing stayed with hgr,d she decided to do
something about it. She m (4)............... the idea Did you make that yourself, Emily?
of an exchange neork which allowed l to exchange oWN
il goods and selwices without cash, Even though the scheme Did you make that all
turned (r........,...... gteat success, she wanted to do Emily?

something mr radical. So she took the decision to leave hr Oh no!The photocopier isn't working
flat and close hr bank account. At first hr daughters thought again.
their mthr had (6) ......... an awful mistake. oRDER
But gradually, r the years, they (/) Oh !h photocopier ls
her unusual lifesryle. Heidemarie sleeps on people's sofas aoain,
r else house-sits, and wears (8) ..............,...............-hand This is the biggest size we have.
clothes people don't need mr. Shops give hr food they THAN
can't sell, and she knows she could (9).....,......... There isn't .................... this.
go to soup kitchen as last resort. l r interested
You don't have to buy uniform, we'll
(1)........,.... learning mr about hr experiences
give you one.
and she has writt several books about hr life. She has given
away the m she rd - often to complete stfangers.
Yu ..,.................. uniform, we'll
give you .
Luke doesn't live here mr.

0 Bin / Dof Lu ke ...............................,.................. here.
1 given taken set D turned Politics is rig for me.
2 for during D while Y
3 after after having before D afterwards | ...,.,.................,.... politics.
4 into up with down with D out
5 ff Bup Cinto Doff
6 taken had made D done
7 would used to r used to D have got used to
8 first second third D fourth
9 r r a|ways D hardly
1 Aat Bof about Din

68 ProgressYest
Complete the conversation with the ffi
'* Complete the passage putting the correct
i the . word in each of the gaps.
concerned about taking
far as l am
should take advantage don't you think t hidden =
to honest interesting question w&hffiffiffi
could always to think of it ffi#&#&&WWW
't too surprised if your dog starts barking
Patrick Have you got idea of what you d like to ).d.llg..... the advertisements this
do when you finish school?
evening. Normally dogs that sit in {rt of the w

J That's (1) Fr the

don't rt (1)....,........." to what is going
time being ljust want to pass m exams,
, wr, clever advertising agency has
Patrick How (2) gap r
(2},..,...,...,... advantage of their ability to
after you've finished?
hr sounds that are outside hm being's
J gap r? But (3)
range. They have included these sounds in
N/um and Dad would disappolnted?
commercial that is aimed t3).....,..."""
Patrick Perhaps, but as (4)
dogs. Wh they tested it 12 diffrt doEs,
there is more tor|,ife than following rr,
they found that the dogs stopped what they
freedom while you . (4)............... doin9 and looked at the TV,
(6) The (5),...... enthusiastic { the animals
Jenny m lwould like
to travel and see the world. lickad the screen! The pet food mufturr
in the drt hopes that the next time we
Patrick WelI, you (7) .....,................

volunteer to work abroad. (6),.............. ur shopping we will 9 for

Jenny Workingabroad!(8)..................,... their rd first. sonre vets h doubts about the
|'ve never realty considered it, Yes, why not? negative impact the advert wiil have and say we
j (7) ","",""""" "" "
It could interestin9. should not leave our pet ,

in {ront of the V. We shou|d thr

t Matcb what the people say 1-6 with what in (8).......,... it bec,omes Tl:
they need -F. mu{turr has such fears d is looking
'l want to make sure l get the best deal fr m (9).,...,......... to big irs in sales, Two
r insurance] years agol similar drt was used in Austria
'We d as much publicity as possible to make with Ereat ss. guess is that we will have
peopte aware of our new productl to get (10).,......,.".. to seeing mr adverts
'we need short piece of music for our mmril] of this kind in the futur.
4 'l like to Iook fr bargains, but l don't always know what
'There r several versions of the same product, but l

always get the cheapest l

'We need to design something to put all ur
clothes, so that peopIe know ur m]
advertising mig
price mris website
supermarket rd
D jingle
F the Jur sales

Pr*gressTest 2 69

L*ng tr

WorK in pairs and discuss. What do you think makes the person who spends
time in this room happy? Where are you happiest?

ffiKeM "} " Work in pairs. Read the task and look at the photos at the top of 9 71.
What points wouId you make when doing the task?
When you mr the
, Your pictures show children d their possessions. ld like you to mr the
pictures Iook fr some
things that r the same ]htgrhsdsrry]_r_"!IIl!_"9::9::i_9_919_iml*l!r_:l19
and some things that r
different. Do t describe ffi fi Listen to Flii answer. How welI did she mr the
each picture individually, photographs? Did she make the same points as you?
'r t ""; {,y..iltt the questions
fr the task r written above ffi Wbat was the mir follow-up question for Carlos? What did he reply?
the pictures.
listen again and compIete the sentences. Which expressions are used to
compare the photographs? Which s are used to speculate/make guesses?
1 The little girl ....,...,...,,............. to very happy
2 The bit surprised.
3 he doesn't know what is happening,
4 Nearly everything the girl has is pink, all the boy's stuff is blue.

5 The girl looks about fur years old, .. ..........,....... .... the little about two.
6 |'m .,..... ................... that their rms don't usually look like that.

*--'- work in pairs. Student : turn to 9 136 and do the task. Student : listen
and answer the foIlow-up question. h turn to page 138 and swap roles.

-&ffiffiJ\ffiffi ,$ 'P'*"**ff"*-**B^o*"n
W*ffiff"#"mifr8 frfl
Usually suffixes do not add
to the mig of word, a*j*ctlv*s; *fi* agcJ slx*s
they just change the rm.
look at the adjectives. Decide if the underlined parts of the words are
However, -ful d Jess rr
positive and negative ideas, prefixes or suffixes.
e.g. Caret,., 1,
r! {,,, 5,
unhappy careless cheerful informal

7 l/V}{-!*i*g

ffi Work in pairs. Complete the table * ,# ffigfifu
with the negative forms of the
\el*;"d $*r-r:i*
adjectives in the .

fortunate honest polite Read the web post about happiness. Do you agree?

correct possible rid

regular expected relevant
likely formal

Vrlt your ii? dd your mmt below,

Fr stat1, l think it's rl (0) ,,.,imssk to msur happiness!

Sometimes l'm really happy because l've (1),.,. ... .....,....,.....
at something and it's given m ss of achievement, At thr times

|'m happy because it's (2) .. day the sun is shining d

ffi Complete the sentences adding everything is (3)..,,.,......,....,..,..,. i m wrld! 0 the other hand silly

-/ess or -fulto the words in brackets. things make me feel miserable - for example, if someone says

1 the dentist was ....................

/ last visit to
something (4) .., .. ... ,. .. .. ,,... .. . to m r if l get f rustrtd because

(pcln) ri, l'm going to try another I'm (5).......,...., to do something. l feel upset if l'm too

one next time. (6).,..........,...,.,...... to finish something, too. Some people say that

The informatlon we received was you need to have m to lead happy life and to ti extent
(use). lt was completely out of date. that's tru. lf u'r (7)......,.,.,.......,...,., r you 't ffrd the basics
Wh can'L Vou more ..,....,......,...,.(care)? fr rsl standard of living th of course not having m
ht the third plate you have rk. will make you (8),..,.,...,... . But sometimes r about
The wedding was ................,.. !') getting mr m and mr mtril things lead to
occasion and r had 9rt time. (9)......,.....,.,....... life. good lesson l think is to tr to lr to
lt .................... (i) asking me where l put (10)......,.,...........,.. with what we have.
the keys! lcan't rmmr!
Doctors r .....,............,. (hope) that he will
make full rr.
ffi Read the article again. Fr questions '|-10 use the word
in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form an
adjective that fits in the gap in the same line.

ffi Work in pairs.Tell your partner what makes you happy.

tjn;t 7 $lcj ],t].]q 7'|

W*h*m- #
hea}t} d *tness

ffi Work in pairs and discuss.

]]]: ,

Can m buy us health and happlness?

ffi nead the comments below about wV

programmes related to health. Match the names
of the programmes 1-3 with the comments -.
1 Who needs the gym?
2 So, what's in your trll?
3 shall l call the doctor?

W ?7 Complete the comments with the words in

the . h listen and check.

benefits balanced down protein aching regular shape keep life working

l know how important it is to do (1) , .. ..,.. .
ris but l don't spend hours (2)..............,..,,. out
at the gym - simply because l don't have the hurs
This is excellent documentary about the most ulr
to do that! So, l love this w sis that encourages
supermarket foods and just how good r bad they r f us.
people to do exercise, (3).. .... ....., ,., fit and imr
The students'favourite, baked beans, r unsurprisingly top
(4) ........,.... ... expectancy without getting obsessed
of most surmrkt lists. The good news is that they keep
it. The rgrmm gives us tips on how rml
us strong d healthy because, incredibly, they have mr
d activities keep ur bodies in good
(l),,... , ........., than piece of steak! And tea - the UK's
most popular drink - has health (2) ..,, too - it
(5) . .. ...,..,.. Taking the stairs instead of the lift
stop us going (3) with a|l sorts of bugs! Milk is
r escalators in the shopping t, ruig upstairs
in our homes rthr than walking r just two easy
good for us when we've got (4).... ...........,... muscles ftr
things we do. hr r m mr ideas the
ris and it's 0 to eat small amounts of chocolate as rt
of (5).............,....,. diet because it gives us pleasure! Now rgrmm. Don't miss it.
tht what l like to hear!
5:g,, airt

call painkillers tWiSting up caught ffi nead the comments again and answer
the questions.
What you glve sm who has had
wdrd what you'd do if someone had heart attack?
heart attack?
new rgrmm hl 8 is all about easy first aid.
Like giving chest compressions to the rgulr beat of What is the 9ru word fr the police, firefighters
song - the they choose is the Gees' hit, Staying
and medical assistance?
A/lyel We lr all about when we d to (1),.,................. What do you have when you've got cold and
doctor r ambulance, Also, it tells us when we give yoU can't breathe easily?
ourselves simple teatment, like taking (2)...,,...,.. .... . , What phrase ms when you hurt yourself but
cough medicine r putting plaster cut. Our mrg not seriously?
services r great, but they're overstretched. We need to
know what to do if we've picked (3) .. .,,. .... stomach
ffi Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
bug r (4) bad cold or got mir iju 'l What thr things r important fr
- like (5) ankle playing football, And we
balanced diet?

til don't need to go to accident d mrg if we've

got blocked s! Watch the rgrmm. We'll all lr 2 What other easy way is there to keep fit?
something frm it. 3 What do you do when you catch cold?

tJnit ? W|l-iq
Zr, first and second conditionals ffi i and underline more
example of each type of
> GRAMMAR R[R},l ,l5 conditional in the comments in
Activity 1.
ffi Work in pairs. Read the comments from people
who watched the programmes page 72.Which
programme has each person watched? Complete the ruIes with zero, first
or second.
We use the conditional when we

r talking about the result of something

that might happen in the future.
We use the .................... conditional when
we r talking about something that is
They did some tests on the brain imagined.
- with scan. And if } eat We use the .................... conditional when we
chocolate certajnpart of the are talking about something that is always
brain ]ights up! Honestly if they true.

tested m brain when I ate chocolate,

I think r part would light up! ffi r statements 1 and 2 true ()
or false (F)?
we use rh instead of if in the
first conditional.
So, what wot;]d I do lf someone col]apsed The if clause must always go first in
th hrt attack? ] think Id too the sentence.
frightened to try anything myse]f. I wou]d
call mu]!

3 muscles really ache after ]1 that exercise.

On the progralnme they saythat if I drink
ffi Complete the sentences with
the correct form of the verbs
glass of mi]k m muscles wi]l feel better very in brackets.
qui! If I had some mi]k in the fridge, Id
1 Sometimes l don't sleep very well. lf
try it but I thjnk I'll just have rest instead. (t sleep) at least seven hours
r niqht, I . .. .......... (feel) terrible the
next day.
lf l ...,.......,...,,... (hove) bike, l ....................(cycle)
They say that ifyou increase your heart rate to college in the mornings. l'll buy
for 20 minutes day it's r good fr your one after the holidays.
hea]th. , If the weather's good tmrr lf she ..... .... ...... ... (t fl better tomorrow
I'11 go rrinning. Anyone out there want to she ..........,...,...,. (t able ) go to school.
join m? ln ideal world, if people ,.,................. (do)
lot of regular exercise, they ....................
(irs) their life expectancy.

lf l .................... (9) to the doctor with this

cold, he (rl0 me to stop wasting

ffi d the comments again and match the underlined his time!
phrases with conditionals -. lf l ..................., () doctor, l ..................,.
(advise) you to take up sport.
Zero conditional: /f + rst simple, + present simple
First conditional /f + present simple, + future with rll/
Turn to page 141 and do the activity.
Second conditional: /f + past simple, + would + infinitive

Unit 7 We|l-beinq 7
ffi listen again and choose from the list -
what each speaker says about the different
therapies. There is one letter that you do not
need to use.

Dt choose option:onJy us it contains word
thatthe speaker usel |t m not rt. Listen to
what the speaker actually says.
rt t},l* t thr are five speakers and eight options.

The speaker

doesn't believe in it.

Speaker 1

is disappointed it i rti.
Skr 2
recommends it to r.
D realises that the treatment

isn't cure.
Speaker4 __l
has made well.

Complete the sentences with words from the

'l You have got illness r injury when
you r fully rrd.
Alternative medici ne/therapies
(= medical treatment that is not based .....,....................,.. is somethin9 you wr to vr
the usual western methods) ur face.
People sometimes 9et ................,............. their fi ngers
and toes when they stay i icy conditions for too long.
ffi***g .,.....................,..... is period of time you spend with

Work in pairs. Read the definition and
is rs who changes his/her belief
descriptions of fr therapies. Have you ................,............

r the way he/she thinks about somethin9.

heard of any of these? Do you know
other alternative therapies? 6 .............................. is bird that usually flies at night.

7 People are .................,...,........ when their illness r injury has

lridology - looking at someone's eyes and studying
completely gone because of treatment.
the iris to help diagnose health problems.
Homeopathy - taking very low dose of what makes
You get when you rr from
i lness.
us ill can ur us - such as ll for an allergy.
rthr - puttin9 rs in extremely cold
place fr short period help with pain. *&*fiwg
D Acupuncture - putting thin needles in special parts of
person's body to help with health rlms. ffi Discuss the questions.
'l Would you try any of these therapies? Why/Why t?

2 How popular are therapies like these in your country?
r thr any other traditional alternatives to rdir
}*ti* *ri medicine that people i your country use?

ffi }S Listen to four people talking about

different therapies. Match the therapies A-D
in Activity 1 with speakers 1-4.

74 lJnit 7 i{jrii,biriq
m #8, CItfu rwfs, r*rrfd*d ffi Complete the dialogues 1-3 with unless,
otherwise, if or provided that. Sometimes more
than answer is possible.
}" GRR RRN ,l54 1 l'll back at school second lesson
m appointment takes longer than 20 minutes.
ffi Work in pairs. Read the title of the article
you're not back, l'll take notes for you
and answer the questions it asks.
2 we need to set f rl tomorrow.
we'll get caught i all the traffic.
Well, .................,..,...,.... l rsl, l'll pick you up
at 7.0 a.m.
And ..........,..,...,........... u'r not there, l'll rig you to
wake you up!
What time will your plane get in Wednesday?
there are delays, we'll land
at 6.0 p.m.
. .,.................,......... u'r no later than 7.00 p.m.,
meet you at the airport. ............,...,............, get
taxi home.

Rewrite the sentences using the words given.

1 l must get an early night r l'll feel tired all day tmrrw

i and l r going to watch the football match

tomorrow if it doesn't ri.

lfwe've qot enough m we'll go holiday

i August.

l get rsh i the sun if l don't put sun rm.


You'll have problems With ur teeth if you don't 9

for check-up soon.

|'ll lose weight quickly if l cut down sweets

and biscuits.
ffi d the artic|e and decide which of the
rules 1-5 is false.
Both unless d otherwise r used to mean lfnor.

2 Ulss is used to link two parts of sentence. peakimg

3 Otherwise is used to rfr back to previous
clause or sentence. ffi Work i pairs.Tellyour partner about some
We use provided rhr instead of if to make the
plans you have for the next few days and what
condition stronger. might stop you.
Unless, otherwlse and provided that are used with |'ll go toTom's party uless l've got too much homework!
second conditionals.

l-"lnit 7 ll1-1ig 75
peaking ffi d the article again and choose the answer
(, or ) which fits according to the text.
ffi Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
According to the writer, red should used in
What are your favourite and least favourite restaurants to make people
colours? Why?
feel hugr. eat quickly. mr relaxed.
Do you think that colours influence the way you want people to
Which colour should you wear if
we feel?
approach you?
yeilow pink orange
Reading According to the writer, what fft some colours
u}tll choice have people who are waiting?
make them feel mr patient
ffi Qui.KIy read the article t lr and make them feel mr stressed
decide what sort of magazine it comes from.
make them feel happier
1 scientific magazine Goalkeepers feel mr confident when
2 newspaper supplement
penalty-taker wears blue r white shirt.
3 home decorating guide
they face penalty-taker wearing rd shirt.
they are wrig blue shirt.
ffi nead the first two paragraphs of the article.
ln sporting competitions, wearing red or blue
Match the colours 1-6 with associations -F.
gTelaxation matters less than previously thought.


2 yellow friendliness
has little iflu referees.

3 blue healing
make significant diffr.

4 brown D 9r
The article is about

5 gr depression
the writr ri of colour and its fts.

6 orange F happiness
the way different colours iflu us.
why people interpret colours i different ways.

,'X!,t lg6a;jaa toi'Ondeitine the parts.of'the text thil,the
:,,,q]usti,s'ifr,t. "]-:,.]].] .] deBendent itis
Complete the sentences with the
correct prepositions.
1 Some people react..,................. criticism getting gr.
2 l always associate that song my Iast r at
high school.
Doctors tr to discourage us .................... eatin9 too much
fried food.
Studying hard can make the difference
gettin9 good job r ig unemployed.
We have no choice our family but we can
definitely choose ur friends!
Some experts believe that violent films have bad
fft .........,.......... people.
sarah whitesmith discusses
hw lr affects r lives.
l l te a,ll know that colour can affect ur md.
U'f Srttrrrg in rm painted brown fr half
an hur can depress us for the rest of the day!
w the way we rt to colours isn't just
in our minds. colours can affect our bodies too.
Red makes our hrt t faster. It doesn't turn
us into nronsters lut it's easy to see why it is
considered to the lur of gr. rtl, rhs of the most interestin thin$s about
thouh, it also increases our appetite; so if you colour in today's wrld is its irt in srt.
r.r open restaurant, rrrake sure that you statistics show that it can mk the difference
include Tecl somewhere in ur lur scheme! between winning and losing! In one rimt,
they discovered that goalkeepeIs felt far less
Psycholoists r alout the effects of sm confident facin penalty frm red-shirted player
other m lurs, too. yellow makes us than one who was $rearing white r blue. Their
happy. w lot of yellow can mk us feel explanation is that when we s the lur red it
anxious, so don't use too much when decorating makes us feel anxious lut it makes those who r
ur home! Blue apparently calms us down, wearing it feel mr confident.
while green helps sick people feel better. Orange
ls wrm and friendly. Have you noticed that Sometimes, competitors h no choice r the
at parties uests always seem to go towards lur they wr. In taekwondo, fr ml,
l wearing this lur? As for pink, most of competitors r sometimes allocated red,
us associate it with rm or little girls, but sometimes blue. w there is evidence to
surprisinly it is used in some prisons too - in show that referees usually favour the cornpetitor
two different ways. the one hand pink is said in rd. During the Athens li games, when
to have calmin effect on ilt lhiur the rfr had to choose the winners of very close
but on the other hand wearin pink prison matches, 62 percent of the winners wr wearing
clothes is supposed to discoulage risrs rd. Is it rhs time to use mr neutral lurs
frm reoffending - they rll don't like having in srt?
to wr pink!
The effect of colours on ur emotions is wide and
lur can also affect people's awareness of the ml. An understanding of this can help us in
passing of time. In one experiment l stood range of ways - frm deciding on colorrr scheme
in rms with different kinds of li$ht. Blue liht for school r hospital to choosing what to wr to
md time pass mr quickly and easily, while make us feel d.ifferent, r influence the people ,
rd liht md time go mr slowly. So, it's meet r wrk with. Whether it's important enougih
rll good idea to have blue walls in places to make bi$ foott-lall team decide to changie its
whr people often have to spend lot of time - traditional teanr colouTs - well, that's another
like in waiting rls at dtr's and dentist's! question! Somehow, I rthr doubt it!
ffi&*g Wrfr*frg

ffi Work in pairs and discuss


the questions. &,\ RR},i[ . l 6?

Do you have favourite time of r
r season?
ffi d Ssh reply and underline the parts where she
answers points 1-4 from Gmm email.
lsthere time of year when you feel
happier r sadder than usual? What do
you think causes this?

& Read Gmm emailand answer Mail ? 4t ;:n iilll l

the questions.
'l What rlm does Jordi have?
Dear Gemma,

2 What advice would you give him? was [ove[y, tha k you I The snow scenes re magica[.

I'm so sorry to hear that Jordi's hg bad time. This often happens here

l\u)>IavyllcllPcUPLtUllL)ccllluLll very depressinq.
when peopLe don't see much su. It tlJulgJJ|||.|||LLJ, :r]r:i:a]
: SaSha@gmail,com

Frm: Gemma@ao1-online,com
try. I bought speciaI sun Lam that you put in r rm. If you sit in front of it 11]
Hi Sasha,
lceland is ll amazing place. ' Did you get my I would [ove to m and see you both in the summer! I have coup[e of weeks
postcard last week?The landscapffi offin August. Perhaps we


isn't it?The people r r friendly, too. 9- . [[ goes we[[ with the sun .
:..: l]

Wrk is great, but we r finding it hrd to get Give m love to

used to the r short days and Jordi mrsses Sasha :.1,, ,i

__lt has rll affected his mood and he is

getting quite depressed about it. l know you have
the same kind of daylight in St Petersburg
'huu" u qot any
- ffi Circle phrases i Ssh emailwith the
following mi9s.
Summer will rillit, l know. .u3[i!
vou'll have chance to visit? 1 That sounds like grt idea.
Love, 2 Good luck with ...
3 l'm very happy that ...
4 What pity that ...
5 Why don't you try ...
6 How about rrgig something then?

ffi You have received emai]from an American friend,

Sammy, who has just moved house. Read this part of
the email and then write your email.

Grt new house! Only rlm is that the colour

scheme is nightmare. The bedroom is rg
and rd and m study is bright yellow! Yu'r so
good at lurs and designs ... any suggestions?
Do write soon

}"" g-,tt" l* you will need to use your ima9ination and invent

details to put i your email,

78 Unit 7,", l i,, , i

ffi Complete the sentences with the correct Complete the sentences with unless, provided that
form of the words in brackets. and otherwe.
We're r (frmD i this ffi, 1 You won't get fit ..........,.,................. you take mr exercise.
we all use first names. 2 You'll get better.......................,...... you stay i bed and keep warm.
Even though she has ill for lg time she 3 Stop dig that, you're going to hurt yourselves.
manaqes to (cheer).
4 hU better get here soon; theyte going to
hr is point i being so ,........,..,................. miss their appointment.
(tit) - it won't make things h
5 lt couId get worse you see doctor.
You'|l fi at college
6 you r carefui with your
ldon't know why they use such
(ri) staff.They r't able to swr any
of their customers' questions.
what rude childl l've r met such an
ffi Complete the text with the words in the .
(ll) fi ve-yea r-ld. exerclSe fit aching balanced cut
6 though the situation looked benefits diagnose twisted check-up
(hope),they were fill rescued search expectancy mlr
Sadly, the weatheri, .............*............ (/ikely) to get
better for the next few days.
lt .,............................ ssil) to 9et tickets for the
rt. They sold out months ago.
The navigation system l got fr m birthday is
rll .. .. .. ... ........ (use). lt means l don't get
lost mr.
10 She made some .,.............. ............., (care) mistakes i
the exam.

ffi Complete the sentences with the first

or the second conditional form of the
words i brackets.
What ..,...........,...,....... ... (w r) if we
(/iye) under the sea?
lf l ................,....... .,,...(fiish) my work, l

(9) to the party this evening.

|'m sure he .........,............,,.....,(take) your advice if negUlar t?} ;.,...;,..u.,,;,.,.,,,,;.

you ..._..._........_............ (speok) to him.
bring you important
....................... ,..,... (t suffer) from indigestion if health (8)
he .............................. (t) mr slowly. y don't have to work out
You .......,..,....,...,.......... (scye) lot of m if you to keep {9},..,.,.,,.,...,...,...,,.
* lg walk is iut S
(srop) smokin9, but l don't thlnk
you r will. good. That way u r

less likely to suffer from
The surgeon defi nitely ...............,...,..........
(l0} ,,..,,,.......
rfrm) the rti if she .,.......,.................... (t
msls d you will
/ose) weight.
lf l ............,........... () the president l
injuries such as
(mcke) smoking illegal.

We .............,...,... ,,.,...., (have r) stay at home if the

.............,.... ............ (t feei) better.

Unit 7lle|l-bc:]nq 79
ffi TbinK of your three favourite animals and put them i rdr.r to
page 'l44 to find t what this says t you. Compare r answers
with partner.


ffi Matcb the kinds of animals 1-5 to the examples -.

1 reptile dragonfly, ant
2 bird r, cat
mammal snake, crocodile
4 insect D shark, salmon
5 fish owl, kingfisher

Think of two more examples for 9roups 1-5 in Activity 2.

and complete the table with the words in the . Check your
answers with partner.

tt+ paws feathers fur beak fins skin

scales wings
- l
Mammals ;;;-----"*;;;--
i lnsects l is
- -------l;;----l

]:1l j *_*_l___*
__l_*__"__.*_"_ *._*:

ffi WorK in pairs. Look at the words in the in Activity 4. Why do

animals have these things?
ml: Fur keeps iml warm

80 Natr,lre stu*iy
Multipe c}"rCI!ce

ffi Work in pairs. you think of inventions

that have copied things from tr?
ml: reflecting lights i the roods - cats'eyes

W 29 Listen to the interview with film maker

Cathy Burrows and see if she mentions any of
your ideas.

ffi st to the interview again. Fr questions

1 -6 choose the best answer , or .

, :sui iht. readl th ,stis.lfi u ste , li

as this will help you know what you have to listen for. The and complete the table with words from
quetion-,'come :i th s,'idr:i theTecord g.
the recording.Which words have the same
l tlre m there are seven questions. form for both the verb and ?
Cathy made the documentary because she wanted to
research mr ideas fr project. 1 inspire
inspire other film makers.
(2) influence
shr what she had irt.

invent ()
What attracted car designers to the fish? 3
the design of its sca|es 4 design {4)
the way it swims
the speed it traveIs at
5 reduction

What did the bullet tri designers hope to achieve 6 {6) attack
copying the wl feathers?
reduction in noise

mr streamlined appearance 8 (8) shape

an increase i speed
The swimmin9 costume that Cathy mentions
ffi Complete the sentences with the correct
was made of shark skin. words from the table.
won several design competitions. David Attenborough, the famous naturalist, is 9reat
was unfair for some competitive swimmers. to vrv who works with him.
What does Cathy feel is special about rr's The rl documentaries had a(n) ....................,...,..... m
Eastgate tr? dad who decided to become zoologist.
It is energy-efficient. We need to put up notice to .....,.................,...... people
lt looks like giant ants'tower. that dogs should not walked r the birds'nests.

lt uses the same materia|s as ants'nests.

Scientists have observed .............,......,......... i the number
of deer i this r.
Cathy was surprised about the design of the spy l
because of 5 wild pig in the forest near here.

the way it stores visual information. 6 of the safari park is excellent and lets
people see animals in their naturaI habitat.
its movement through the ir.
the animal it was based on,
ffi Work in pairs. What other lessons do you think
we can learn from animals?

U*it 8 alure study 81

*mg ffimt mf the 8
R.IY*M& RRN l54
ffi Work i pairs. Look at the picture and answer .

the questions.
ffi d the rules about the passive form and
1 what iml is this? choose of the underlined forms in Activity
2 What r its special abilities? 2 as an example of each.

W* We use the passive when

Read the information t gecko tape and we do not know the'agent'(who r what did the
say why the tape has this name. action) r the agent i5 not important.
we want to focus attention the action and not the
rs or people who did it.
we talk about something that is grll known r

ffi i examples of tenses 1-5 underlined in the

text in Activity 2.
present simple (2)

2 present continuous
3 rst perfect
4 past simple
5 future simple

ffi Cboose the correct options to complete the

rule about how we form the passive.
use the correct frm ofthe verb r be/to hove and the
rst/ st rtii ple.

L&iliffiaJA# TtP
We CANNOT make passive form if the verb cannot take
an object, e.g. We w- beach.

w strong sticky tape is being

developed scientists at Manchester
1r'. Rewrite the sentences using the passive form.
Start with the words given and add the agent
University. lt is called gecko tape after the where think it is necessary.
lizard. Geckos r known for their ability Giant ants keep their towers at the same temperature.
to climb whr and this is because of The towers f oiant ants
millions of tiny hairs their feet that help Scientists r studying insects at this very moment.
them to hold to different surfaces.This !nsects

secret was discovered three rs ago Designers borrowed the shape of the kingfisher's beak
for the bullet train.
team of scientists in California and
The shape ofthe kigfishr beak
it is w being used to make the gecko
Nature has inspired some of man's most successful
tape. So far l small amount of tape
itis. some of man's most successful inventions
has been made but it is hoped that lrgr
quantities will produced in the future.

:i:]] Swimmers will not break these records fr m years.
These records ...........................
They designed the new spy l r ago.The w

. . ! . ,,.
spy plane

82 Unit 8 \,]atul"e stuCv

.;::r, r"]':l til ici. irl, i r 'l i.i ]]la:]:ail
Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
r there animaJs in ur country that are affected
,;,i,l,, Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 1

virmtl rlms? How?

1 What problems r affecting wild animals in the
Some l say that we r mr about animals
world today?
than we do alout people. Why do you thjnk they
2 Do you think we need to do something about these 5 thlS?
problems? Why/Why not?
3 ]s there anything that each of us can do to help protect

i',:i : , '. i. , ,,, the virmt?

,,i ". ",. ,,, .1^,,. .l ,

4 Do you thlnk u environmentai problems r going to

:ll::,} WorK in pairs. Read the exam task and talk get better worse in the future? Why?
about what points candidates might make
during the discussion. 1l:.:l: Work in pairs. Turn to 9 '|37 and do
the task.
Fe"e rtr 5"l ways peoole flnd uI mr
about rlms affecting animais in the world

, today. Tal k to each other about how effective lli ;i,l'i.,

these ways are of helping people find out mr
] about these problems. ln the decision-making part of the task it doesn't matter if
you disagree with your partner.
Now decide which you think is the most
effectlve w.iy_ ii,,l ii,1;,,. ,. li:-,ll: the mir will stop you after the Set time
' even if you haven't finished talking.

i11]rr; .ii.i Listen to Carlos ind ri

conversation and see how m of your
points they talk about.
How effective are
these ways
Complete questions 1-6 with the correct v science of helping people
';l: words.Then listen 9i to check. discussions find out more t
So we have to say whether these r good these problems?
ways of making people wr of the rlms.
ls ....,....,...,..,....,. right?
2 Could vou th '?
leaflets from
You .,. .,..,, without reading th? animal charities
4 So, r you that you th]nk the
documentaries r the most effective way?
5 Sorry, r don't
6 What do you mean ...........,................. ?


krg xAMTtP
ffi Work i pairs. Read three comments about the environment. lnstead of repeating word, writers
Which do you gr with? often use synonyms (words that
r close in mi{tg}.tklt,,fl
synonyms as this help to guide
you to the right sentence.
ln the m there will l
Qap in rgrh.

ffi Work i pairs. Which parts of

the text helped you to choose
the correct sentences?

ffi Discuss the questions.

dig Who do you 9r with mr,

Nichola or Hugh? Why?
apped text What do you think will happen in
their relationship?
ffi Vou are going to read
"n "*r*'.l"
about environmental issues in
the home. Which things might people disagree about? Why?
whr to buy food and what to buy
using the r hrsl s in context
saving water and eIectricity
household waste and rlig
ffi Matcb the underlined phrasal
verbs in the article with the
meanings 1-6.
ffi d the article. Are of the points you discussed i
to take control
Activity 2 mentioned? 1

2 to make something completely full

ffi Wbat is the main rs of the articIe? 3 to understand

1 to say something serious 4 to have argument that stops
2 to give information
you from ig friends

3 to entertain and amuse the rdr

5 to lwr the level
6 to lose its freshness

ffi d the article again. Six sentences have removed

from the article. choose from sentences A-G the one which ffi Complete the questions
fits each gap. There is extra sentence which you do not with the correct form of the
need to use. phrasal verbs from Activity 8.
h answer them.
Despite these drawbacks, Nichola is conscientious about using it.
'l What is ur fridge or freezer
Wrrig about the cost of rgi food and Firrd chocolate has
already led to angry words and silences.
Have you ever eaten anything that
That is one thing we do have i mm.
has ?
D They still have their vehicle but have furious ar9uments r its future.
Have vou with
According to the /Ver4/ Yorkmes, mr and mr couples are looking for recently?
counselling after arguments about environmental responsibilities.
Do vou usuallv ouicklv
F Glass jars do NOT go in the recycling bag with lids on. when someone tells you joke?
G This leaves little space for the important things in life - such as ice rm! Do people ever ask you to
vour music?

84 nit 8 i\ature study

r you tired of being slave to the compost bucket? Hugh Wilson
explains how his wife's passion for recycling has taken r family life.
I put the empty jam jr into the rlig bag, turn round forgetting to take reusable bags to the shops is mr
and it's the look on m wif face that tells me I have serious offence in hr eyes. One r1 danger topic for us is
done something wrong. At first I try to work out what it small bin that sits on the kitchen unit whr we put waste
might . Then I suddenly catch on. (1) .............. compost. The food in it goes offquickly and it gets smelly
I rll should know that now. wife and I don't if it isn't emptied five times day. (4)
rgu r much but new threat to family hrm has r view is - how important is little inconvenience when
appeared. When voices r 1pised in our house now, it is you mr that with the future of the planet? I agree
usually about recycling r when it's reasonable to use the with hr up to point. w I still feel unhappy that
r. This is because my wife Nichola has recently turned after going to work, doing m household jobs and looking
into an enthusiastic domestic environmentalist. She shops after the children I still have to go outside with bag of
locally, takes the train and bus whr possible, keeps chicken bones and potato peelings. I'm not saying we
rusl shopping bags (and r forgets to take them to shouldn't use the bin. I'm just saying that we doTl]t h
the shops) and is an expert at organising recycling. to obsessive about it. Another r of disagreement
could possibly become mr serious. It's financial.
She turns down the central heating even when it snowing wife thinks I d rthr save money
(5) .........................
outside, and she fills up the frzr with boxes of lftr than protect our children's future, while I think hr focus
food. (2) ..... . It is fair to say that I do gr issues will make us bankrupt.
not agree with this. Although I m quite rful about
recycling, I only use the local fruit and vegetable market Still, it could worse. One couple we know r on really
instead of the supermarket when it is convenient. I also bad trms. Mealtimes have m huge rlm for
sometimes leave the tap running while I rush my teeth. them ftr the wife introduced meat-free days without
The difference in our attitudes has m cause of discussing it first. Now hr rt who loves meat,
bitter argument. w it's comforting to know that simply fries steak or grills some chicken and puts it on
we r not alone. (3) .............. Nichola and I r top f whatever vegetarian dish his wife has rrd.
not in need of such relationship therapy, yet. bottle Another couple we know have fallen out over whether
lid rrr caused nothing mr than raised rw but to sell their r and rl on public transport. wants
to get rid of it. She wants to keep it. ( ..............
Counsellors believe that arguments yr green issues
will only get mr common and mr
unpleasant. Such disagreements can
divide couples in way that other

topics such as politics don't. As
fr me, it is lr that I will h
to lr to love the compost bin
r rrd fr mr difficult
times ahead.

Unit llatuie;lurly 85
ffi*ff*$g ffi Read the text again and answer
the questions.
ffi Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
Which of the things underlined did/willTom
1 Do you think your home is energy-efficient? Why/Why not?
and his wife do themselves?
2 What could you change to imrv its rg ffii?
Who did/will do the other things?

ffi Work in pairs. Look at the picture below. lt shows

Decide if the rls are true ()
house that wastes lot of r9. What are the
or false (F).
reasons and how the owners fix them?
We use have something d when we
rrg for someone to do something for us.
ffi,,*w* $w*
il We l use this structure in the present
&&& RR;l\ ;:.l54 simple tense,

iTl d tm new house.Which two changes form the structure we u5e sublect + correct
;i, does he mention that haven't happened yet? tense of hcye + o!'ect + past participle.

We also use gr instead of hcye with this
structu re, e.g. / l m h air cut last week,

Rewrite these comments from the

website using the causative hoye.
We planted some trees r the house.
We .................... ..,,........ r
the house.
We installed new heating system in
our house.
We .... ............, .,......... i our house.
We're going to put in new, thicker doors

next winter.
We .........,,.,...,.... ............ next winter,
We've replaced our broken old washing
l machine rtl.
Our w house is really looking good w and our j
We .,...,...... .. .. ..........,. rtl.
energy L:li have gone
bills L.. J...
down massively!We
rr hJ
We check our r regularly to make sure it's
the roof completely rep|aced |ast summer and had not caUSing pollution.
solar panels installed. They save loads of energy We ,..................., ......,..... to make sure
and look cool too. We've also recently had all it's t causing pollution.
the windows changed and now we've got double 6 We replaced our old shwr with mr
glazing throughout. lt cuts down traffic noise energy-efficient .
too. W'r going to get the walls and loft insulated We ........,......,.... ........... with mr
next month, which will cut down energy loss energy-efficient .
more. J wants to get the boiler changed
but that will have to wait - it's quite expensive. ffi Work in pairs. How could the place you
are in now more energy-efficient?
Oh, and of course we've replaced all the old light
bulbs with energy-saving ones. Not lot more we They d to have the windows hgd,
can do.
Or is there? suggestions?
ffi Turn to page 142 and do the activity.

86 tJnit i\atult slilc;i

r*sti**l }: rs*

..- Choose the correct alternatives to complete
the sentences.Then decidewhythe speaker
might saying these things.
1 you take r lf the children fr few minutes?
2 r you doing thig ot/forrhe mmt?
Oh no, the lift is out by/of order gi|
4 Did you do ur homeworkon/byyour w?
5 didnt break it onlln purpose.
6 We must take advantage for/of thls
wonderful rtuit!

*-* Here are some more
prepositional phrases
unit. CompIete the sentences in your
from this
w words.
1 N/y drm is i d of .,.

2 l gr that we should r energy up to it,

but .__ ., .. .. ffi r sentences 1-6, complete the second
3 ln the future l l to sentence so that it has similar mi9 to
the first sentence, using the word 9iven. Do
4 |'ve never been bad terms with
not change the word given. You must s
5 We should improve this classroom. Fr ist,
between two and five words, including the
word given.

ffi Work in pairs. Complete the sentences with She m9d to the door.
-' the correct prepositions and say if these lN
sentences are true for you. Sh .:.r, r r r:{d,.itl. g".. i:,!..... th d r.

1 l get annoyed .,....... people who drop litter l don't completely gr With yoU.
i the streets. PolNT
2 ldon't think it good ..............,.. animals to
l only 9r with you
kept in zoos.
rm emptied the rubbish bins.
3 l'm getting tired .....,..........., all the rgui9 about
environmental problems,
4 l've got passion visiting other ..... ..
The is ........ rm ,

CoUntries and l don't think they should restrict flying. Don't throw that away, l'll rl it.

5 I gr .....,... people who think that climate RlD

change is our fault. Don't.....,........... that. l'll rl it.

6 l'm not sure ......,.. building more nuclear They had big argument about 9r issues.
Wr Stations. lt mi9ht dangerous, oUT
",,/ ............,...... over green issues.
# mgf;&" mechanic converted their r to run methane.

wr*r* t]t HAD

Thcv to rU methane.
ffi TfiP Ivlany people benefited from the 9ood weather and
did some 9ardening.
The Use of English paper ft tests your knowledge
of dependent prepositions'and prqpositional phrases. ADVANTAGE
Record these when you ee-them in ur book. lt/ people ....,... the good

l the *r there r six key word transformations. Weather to do some grdi9.

Unit 8 lr]atul,e stu;,, 87

**ftwg Work in pairs. Try to find another word to
replace each example of i. Compare your
ffi Read the magazine article t rdr ideas with other pairs.
recent holiday. Which word does the writer
s lot? Do you think this is good style?
Why/Why not? Replace the words in itaIics with another word
or words that m the same.
'l l gr the bus at 8,0 a.m, this mrig.
2 We wt lo Fr plane,
3 The ustr said thar rhe meal was cold.
4 The film was bad d t fell asleep
5 l got lot of money for the job : d]d in the summr.
6 l liked the holiday.

Use rg of vocabulary in ur writing. This is
something the mir looks fr.
r"* you should writ between 'I40 and
{t,t* *;
90 words for article i rt 2.

\Y RLi3.;..,: : .:
Work in pairs. Read the task and tell your
partner which holiday you are going to write
about and why.

You see this notice in magazine.

Hi Readers! We want to hear from you about
holiday you've recently in r that
was really beautifu|. We'll print the best three
articles. Send your afiicles to me, Sandy, at the
address below.
Write your article.

Make notes for your artic|e, d]vided into

different paragraphs.
Say whr you Went anj
\/1,/ho ,,li ith.
2 Say what trips you went on and what you saw.
Say what was special about the r.
4 Say whether you wil rtu!- r ivhere you r lig
to 9 next.

ffi Write your letter and answer these questions.

1 ls your grmmr correct1
2 Have you used good rg ofvocabulary?
3 Have you organised the letter well?
4 Have you spelied basic words rrtl?
5 Have you used an lnformal style?
ffi Matcb the sentence beginnings 1-6 with Complete the second sentence so that it has
endings -F. similar mig to the first . Use r
two words to complete the sentences.
1 Could we tur the heating
2 l think this milk has gone ml: r you sure this is all your w work?

3 Jacob has fl/ Did you do this .............g..,...,....., yourself?

4 lt took hr ages to drh She threw away his favourite jeans without telling him.

5 lt cost m ']00 euros to f// She qot his favourite jeans without telling
6 Jessica has offered lo toke
you look after the dog this weekend? you take
our With Sam. They had terrible argument about
the dog this weekend?
the environment.
You need to make the most of this opportunity. You
up my r with petrol.
should take ..........,...,............... this opportunity.
, but once she understood she was furious.
lbroke it accident. l didnt rk it
D r responsibility for recycling bottles and paper, purpoSe.
olt We really can't use it. lagreed with some of what he said,lagreed with him
F dw? ll's so hot l could faint. point.

6 We should rir the rf. The rf is in

Read the text about lw invention and rir.
complete sentences 1-6 using the passive. They managed to rl the rk window.
They succeeded ... .. . ............... replacing the rk
r you busy right now? Are you brusy


ffi Complete the questions and answers using

the words in brackets. Where necessary, use
the causative have.
sandra your house looks different.

Joanna Yes, we have done lot.There are some

things that we (1) .............
I n Australian scientist has won the Dyson prize for (doourselves), but other things we
la.a new kind of um. It collect drinking water (2) ........,........... .....,,... (have/do) professionals,

in desert conditions. It will certainly save lives in places Fr instance, we (3) ....,..,,....
(windows/change) special m.
whr there is no water. The desert beetle inspired his
invention. noticed how the beetle collected water Sandra And what about the roof?
fm the morning fog on its back. It stays alive J Oh yes, we (4) .........
dinking it. developed his um in his mother's r l s/i stal l)

garden! is making mr examples of the um. Sandra And (5) ., (you/decorate/the

house) yourselves?
J yes d . we decorated the inside
ourselves, but we (6) .............................. (rh
1 The Dyson riz ...,.. an Australian outside/paint) professional.
scientist for w kind of pump.
Sandra Your kitchen looks lovely, too.
2 Drinkino water i desert conditions,
Joanna Thanks, We ... (cupboards/
3 Lives i places where
...... there is water.
mk) shop, butJustin and his rthr
4 His invention the desert beetIe.
....., (8) .............................. (tf0 them.
5 His pump.....,,.....,.. in his mthr's garden.
6 Ir examples of the pump

Unlt 8 ir:aii_lie s:llc,

Work in pairs. Read the predictions and discuss the questions.
1 What was wronq wlth the predictions and what was righ:?
2 When do you think they wr made?
Can you think of any other famous predictions made in thc :s. _ia:
have been wrq?

Television won't last because :

Soon get tired of staring at Wooce,
every niqht,

There ls rs would
want computer ln their home.

day the television will used ..-:ght and win

elections, to educate our children l raeli w homes,
and as shops for us to buy everyrhing ,,,,, need.

Work in pairs. Make prediction about how you think each of these
things might change in the future. Compare your predictions with
other pairs.

leisure activities work places transport communication

Y are going to hear someone talking about 9oin9 to scjence

exhibition. What sort of science exhibition would you interested in
going to? Why?

90 r*tL.!r* *{!*ty
I_istening Vulr
entence r|ti r]ut

31 Listen to Nellatalking t ffi d some comments website. Do you agree with

her visit to exhibition about robots. them? Why/Why not?
Why does she think the exhibition
is important?
ffi Complete the comments with the words in the .

print crash applications virtual

log software voice password
monitors download virus avatar

Our thread today is'computers

ffi listen again. For questions 1-10,
and the filture', Post r Gomment herc.
complete the sentences.
1 The exhibition at the science /useum

featu rs We've l seen tiny part of how computers hg ur

diferent robots.
lives. l the future perhaps will go to school! lnstead they'll
At the exhibition people .ofi,j g", (1l ....,,.............. to li lessons d (2l ..............,..... materials
explanations about each rt from to (3) ......,............. out. 0r m there will {4) .............,...,.. reality
their.................. who was classrooms with (5} teachers!
standing r. rl | w post

The trm r was first used in im

l agree with bluegirl2. Great! But also, in the future all computers
............. Written m yearS 9,
will.have.(6) .......,.,.,..:]:.. recognition so there'll d to ue
thing that people expect robots to have
is unusual
keyboard or enter (7l ..",.,..,..,,....... . We'll have {8) l every
rm and (9} ..................,. will let us do iob we wt fm home - so
The most surprising rt Nella saw had the need to g0 to wrk either!

rl | w post
shape of ..........,.. not human.

The oIder generation are not as worried about

............. as being lonely.
W pizzadon

l think smart phones will get smrtr and smarter! We'll able to
download {10) ............,.,..... that rl guidebooks when w'r
Nella hadn't expected that of rt holiday and talk to us wh w'r bored ! Computers will affect
future jobs in the home might every single part of ur lives. But imagine if, suddenly, one day
(l1) .................,.. made allthe computers in the wrld {12) .............,...... !
What would happen to ur lives then? reply | w post
We could potentially see robots i schools
working as .........,.............. in classrooms.
Robots r lrd being used to do
important work for the
ffi Choose the correct alternatives to complete
0 Nella advises people to visit the museum the sentences.
before .............. when the
lfyou click /tlh link below, you'll redirected to the
exhibition finishes.
right website.

ffi Work in groups and discuss. What |'m attaching the website/document you wanted to
this email
would you like to see robots doing in
the future? computer lost/missed connection five times this mrig. lt
makes me gr when I can't stay online,
First rig u/lg menu.Then scroll dw/rd choose
which page you need.
lt saves lot of time if you cut and enter/paste parts of
your document.

Unit 9 utur society 91

ki*g ffi Choose the correct options to complete
the rules.
ffi Wbat do you thinkyour life will like in five we form the future continuous with
years'time? Discuss with partner. will+ + rst/sr participle.
We form the future perfect with
ffi Work in pairs. Read the predictions and will + have + present/pasr participle.
- discuss which s thinkwill come tr.
Change the dates those you disagree with.
We grlI use /i with the future continuous and
/i wlth the future perfect.

3? Listen to Megan and Sam.Which
prediction from Activity 2 are they discussing?

ffi listen again and complete the conversation.

=I\g S=Sam
What do you think about the next prediction, Sam?
S l think it's really unlikely, ln 2020 we'll still
colds and (2) ...
(1).................... frm hrt .
attacks.There r so m different illnesses it
going to impossible to find ways of treating ALL
of them!
But scientiSts r making such quick progress these
days. lr/aybe not all of them - but l'm pretty sure
they'll (3).................... cUres for most of them then,
aren't you?
S (4).................... 2020? No. 2050.
You're such pessimist!
S Nol l'm realist. lt's different.

* 33 Listen to some sentences and notice
how the contractions are pronounced. h
repeat for practice.

ffi Complete the sentences with the correct form

of the verb in brackets.

Ftu*r ,f** arTd The scientists .......... (fnlsh) their research

the end ofthe month.
rtfir,f;&J 2 When l'm 60 l ..................... (rli) in this town.
> GRAMMAR iti(\i r55 3 The grmt ..................... (r improye) the
road system the next election.
ffi look at the predictions in Activity 2. We ....,................ (still/pay) for our new car in five
which ones years'time!
talk about something that is i progress at point i | (d) m homework Sunday

the future? ftr - 5 come round then.

talk about something that has happened before
point i the future? ffi r to page 141 and do the activity.

92 Unit 9 i:tur sorietv

,r* rig;t ,*r*
L**g .J*: r:*}*g

,i: WorK in pairs. Test each thr vocabulary.

Look rd the classroom and describe
different items to ur partner without using
the exact word.
lt's whot you USe to CUt papers d things wtth.Sclssors.


Don't wrr if you d't know r can't rmmr word
you want to use. Try to explain it i another way.

Read the task and look at the pictures. Which

words do you think student might have
problems with when doing the task?

l in. piliri",;;; i..i.i"g,i;rnn

technology. mr the pictures and say how
. useful these ways of lrig, might for the

;i.! Listen to Sara talk about the photos

and check your ideas.

iiii l-isten again and complete the phrases she

uses when she isn't sure of word. Do you
know the words sh looking for?
1 He's usinq - srr l don't ..,.,,..,.. the word
- it's ..,.... ... ,... Computer.
2 The touches the ... um, ...,...... ls it?

l think he's doing some maths, so1-1le - what do

you ...........,................,... ... them?
4 h'r listening to teacher in - l can't rmmr
the . .....,...,,........,...,,....... word.
5 The teacher is using - sorry, it's .. .......,...,.

6 lt's the ,............ you use to show pictures


il';:; WorK in pairs. Turn to 9 137. Student :

do the task. Student : listen.
Then tr to page 'l39 and swap roles.

AfterTrlsha had done hr ]n]tral research
she had much lrr idea of the topic.
it answered m of hr questions.
she felt she knew v Iess than before.
D she knew lot about the functions of the ri.
When Trisha saw Dr Lrrimr move the helicopter,
she felt
rvus because it ooked hard.
confused about how it was being done.
uncertain about whether she wanted to try it,
D convinced that she couLd do the same thin9.
What does'pinpoint'in paragraph m?
ldentify exactly whr something occurs.
Have 9r1 idea of what happens where.
l\4ake small hole in something.
1ii D Shine light on something.
1!!] 4 Experts believe that as we get older we
often become mr self-centred,
ri wider rg of feelings,
solve mr litd prollems.
D begln to understand ho,,r, others fee .

what impact can the intelnet and socia] networking

sites have ur brains?
They can slow down der,,elopment.
They can reduce some people's intelligence.
They can make our brains lrgr.
D They have an effect dr l.
As result of rsrh into the teenage ri, we'll
able to
train better behavioural psycho ogists.
reduce the teenage rim [ate,
deal with mental illnesses mr appropriately.
D give suitable advice when teenagers
have difficulties.
, g:ri,*, ;;"i.{, i *:i 1

the photos. Are you good at doing Match the underlined words in the article with
' 1-ooK at
'ii several things at the same time? Compare meanings'1-8.
your ideas with partner. 1 do things that r w[ong
2 wires used to send electricity through body
,"l , 'i
'! 1]
j;,]. :" , ': :',

smallest part of living thing

u}*ipl* {*{-};**
4 able to behave in sensible way

Qui.Kly read the text. How does the woman 5 possible future effect of action r information
react to the w information she Iearns? 6 way of finding swr imagining
7 [s who studies the rl
the article again. Fr questions 1-6,
'"' Read
choose the answer (, , or D) which u
8 unpleasant or unwanted

think fits according to the text. Work in pairs. Read the final paragraph of the
article again. What sort of changes do you
""" think wiIl h?
Rmmr that the option you choose must tru
according to the text d t information that you think
you know {rm your ri.


t94 l.i*l! } rl,i



r u Bnioying the w series ' look at the futur'? older brains. lt sounded quite complicated but Dr Lorrimer basically
said that frm rl childhood to the age of 12, our brains are busy
The t rogrmm is all about the ri d how
making tis tw different cells. There's lot of fast
udrstdig it better m hg the w w do things
learning going . This explains why we're better at picking up
i the ftr, I this articl, 08 0f the rstrs, Trisha foreign languages when we r yOung. People used to think that the
Reilly, tinds ut mr ut ri research. ri didn't change after the end of childhood but now they know
that this isn't true. lot of important developments happen durig
the teenage years d the ri isn't rll completely mature util
l mst admit, l know very little about the ri - except that l kw
w'r 25 to 0!
wh mi isn't working as well as it should ! So l went along to talk
to rt, Dr lii Lorrimer, who is research neuroloist at One of the most important changes is in the development of the
ur local hospital. r speciaIity is the teenage ri. parents front ft of ur brains. This is where high-level thinking goes 0
tell m that lwas difficult as teenager, but maybe it wasn't my - you know, making decisions, lig, controlling ur emotions
fault at all, but m ri's! l wanted to kw the right questions and so . This part of the brain helps us do another interesting
to ask Dr Lorrimer when l saw her. So, before ur meeting l spent thing - that is to think about things from other people's point of
half hour li to find out some basic in{ormation. l lrt that view. We're still lrig how to do this when w'r teenagers so it's
the brain is divided into two halves, right and left half, and not surprtsing that people often think teenagers are selfish.
that each performs different {unctions, The left side controls
Something else l learnt from Dr Lorrimer was about brain size i
the right side of the body and sight d the right controls the left,
teenagers, Tests have shown that the teenage ri actually gets
which all sounded wrong and really conf using to m.
physically bigger as we grow older and this means we get mr
When l got to the laboratory Dr Lrrimr was siiting i frt of intelligent. people believe that usig the itrt and social
computer sr with electrodes her head. She was testing how networking sites have negative influence teenage brains.
| move objects with the wr of their brains. She was However, according to Dr Lorrimer, teenagers wh r always
moving helicopter rud screen just thinking about it. l their computers often develop lrgr ris as resultI
had idea how she drd it, but it looked so straightforward l asked
Experts know huge amount about the teenage ri w and
if l could have go, but l ld't get it started. lmagine what
this will have important effect how teenagers are treated
opportunities this ability might give us in the future!
in the future. There r lots of imolications. Teaching methods
l then asked Dr Lorrimer why we w know so muh mr ut might change. There may v changes in the way teenagers
the brain than we used to. Apparently it's all because of MRl who commit crimes are treated. lt should rtil improve the way
sig - that's Magnetic Resonance lmaging. This aIlows doctors and psychologists help teenagers with social r behavioural
experts to look at the live brain in action, Fr Dr Lorrimer this problems. And it is worth rmmrig here that we are not l
ms that she observe teenagers' ris and lit which talking about teenagers, but even | u to 0 years of age! As
bits of the ri do what. Before this it was mainly usswrk l |'m l 26 myself this information uId m in quite useful. The
think, based what happened to people who had ri injuries. next iime m boyfriend complains that l don't understand him |
t question was ut the di{ferences between young and just say, 'Sorry, it's m ri, lt's still developing!'

ffi d the report again and choose the
Work in pairs and discuss. correct option to complete the rules.

When did you last buy something from vending mhi?

When we report question r Statement We
usually hg/d't hg the tense.

ffi Read partof survey interview.Whatdo When we rrt statement we d/d't d

to use rhdrftr he/shesaid d he/shethought.
you think the missing words r? Listen and check.
When we report question we use the pattern
osked + rs + if/that.
When we report question we do/do r use
auxiliaries r irsi.
ln reported speech we vr/smrims need to
The futur of shopping is the vending machine. Not ones that
change pronouns and time expressions.
seil us bad coffee r chocolate bars but upmarket ones that sell
everything frm burgers to clothes and from iPods to beau
poducts, You will ,just have to touch sr! and complete the table. Use the
survey and the report to help you.
What do you thik? i:l;',.tl,ii: ::l::: ili.: .1 ,,i.rl': swr our rs. -'---'- -----
] ] Oirectspeech ! Reportedspeech

l Ooyou likethe idea of this wt of vending machine?
They'll (1) time. $
all the '1. 3 Present perfect
l'--l--'-' "-,-_

ffi Hau. you r used ofthese machines? |4lPastsimple
,' i

Dave Yes, l have. There was at the airport wh l wt to }:l

is i
Canada last month. l bought some (2) .........,.......... there. .,

But lthought it smelt awful!

ffi Cunyouseeanydisadvantagestousingthesemachines? 1i.,

we don't like product. l think the mis r |ust trying
to{4)...'.........'......morendmOremoney.Theydon1rell We use lell to introduce reported statement
(5) .................... aboutthe
, if we include object, e.g, t iethat he hod
enjoyed the film.

*m**$ *ffi
ffi Report more questions and answers from
},, &&M{AR RRN . l 55 the survey.
Q Will you use these machines in the future?
ffi Kead the extract of report the interviewer
l Definitely. l love the idea. lt's so
wrote about the survey. Underline the changes
convenient. I'm always forgetting important
of tense from the direct answers in Activity 2.
things when l'm travelling. lt will great to have
them at airports and places Iike that.
Q Do you know who has used of
l asked if l liked the idea of Ehe w machines and 3:] these machines?
the fist wom said that she didn't think mhis like i]ll
Fr Yes. friend of mine bought burger from
that would successful us they would k i:],
i Germany.
down all the time, l then asked if had used
of the machines. m said he had. h had Q Do you think these machines will rl
normal shops?
at the it when he'd g to d the
ius mth d he'd bought some shampoo th. Jonas No, l don't, because when you buy
Finally, l asked if could see disadvantages expensive things you sometimes d advice
to using the mhis and the second m said that from sa|es people.
he could us th would to m|i
to if people didn't like the dut, thought the ffi Work in pairs.Turn to 9 142 and
companies w just tig to make m and m do the activity.

Ehe ustms. :]

g Unit 9 r:tur sccictv
Which of the ideas in the article do you
find most interesting? Why?
Work in pairs. |-ook at the photo and discuss what it
tells us about the ftur of fashion. your knowledge of tenses to
complete the sentences.
Read the article to check your ideas.
l didnt to do much research ine
but ] do now,
\4v sister _ beautiful dress designed
fr hr wedding.
lwas amazed at some of the things in the
Read the article again and think ot the word which exhibition. vr 5
frts each gap. Use one word in each gap. roboi betore.
4 We've to most of the techno oqy
shows i London this r.
5 lf l had enouqh m, buy new
Afteryou've chosen word to fr 1 9, read the whole
gig systelll.
st carefu 1yto iTake sure it ks sense and the wrd
fits grammatica .
6 We'lL moved house this t]me
ext year
sometimes you m d to find vocabulary
items such as parts of coliocations/phrases orphrasal r,rDs.
ffi**g ffi Head the report again. Match the underlined
words and phrases with alternatives 1-5.
Discuss how you think people wi]I spend their
free time in the future. willthe activities
to give short description of
very different to those people do today? 2 whereas
3 it is good idea to

ffi Wrk in pairs and answer the questions. 4 on the other hand
'l What leisure activities peopie do i ur area? 5 the purpose
2 Which would you recommend and why?
ffi wbicb of the words and phrases 1-5 in
Activity 4 are
part of an introduction.
R*rt used to give contrast.
*YYIN RRN . l 67 recommendation,

ffi Kead the exam question and the report. Which

Change some places in the report to make
places would you like to go to?
it true for your r. Compare your changes
Yu have had class discussion about how people with your rtr.

spend their free time in ur r. Your teacher has

w asked you to write rrt for w students at ffi Work in pairs. Read the exam task and discuss
your college giving them somdadvice on places to what you could include.
go and activities to do.
you have had class discussion about what leisu- ]
{:..:: _l,,1-1 l-_ :, -l
activities should included in social r9rmm l

fr your langua9e colle9e. Yur teacher has asked

ltdti you to Write report on thiS fr the social organlser
The aim of this t is to outline places to go and i lnclude suggestions fr both cultural and sporting
activities to do that might itst w students in
the ,
h some excellent stuts in the . lf
ffi notes under different headings and
then write your report. Write 140-190 words.
you wt meal f special occasion the Fst k
stut has good g of food at low is.
lttil, if you just want to eat well and cheaply and ffi
chill out with u fids, then the Simply ug is Remember to divide ur report into lr sections and
the place to go. give each one different heading.
Films and tht
h two cinemas and tht in the .
The odeon cinema shows all th latest films, while the
u shows old d md classics d m
fig films which t ft seen i u ut,
The ik ht dus plays, both mtu and
fssil, thughut the and ffs dutis
to students.
h sl sts clubs in the that you
join. F ifmti about these d chance to go
swimming wk out in the gym, visit the lu Lisu
t Long L.
Whth you enjoy the ts would just like to keep
fit, th m tuitis in this . |t is wth
getting weekly of the f local magazine What's ?
to find ut m details of events and activities.

98 i""l;rit uir sc.c]eiv

ffi Complete the sentences with the future ffi Complete the second st using
perfect simple or future continuous form of reported speech.
the verbs in brackets. 'Have you met Seb, Emma?'asked Sdr.
20 scientists (complete) map of the Sandra asked Emma if ...............................

human ri. Paul said,'l enjoyed rdig ur essay, Melanie]

2 ln the r future computers (hlk) like us. paul told lt/elanie

3 l 2040 people (mmuit) with Francis asked,'Do you know when the film starts, Sue?'
robots that look and act like humans. Francis asked Sue if ...............................
4 200 scientists (fi cure fr r. 'ls this the right way to the station?'asked Felix,
5 ln 50 years'time, countries (fgh) wars Felix wanted to know if .....,.........................

using robots instead of human soldiers. The m said,'You're going in the wrong directionj
21 00 we (m) tyborgs'- half The m told her she ..........,....................
...................... ........
human and half mhi! 'Do you like m w haircut, Sue?'asked .
asked sue if
Complete the sentences with the words in 'Has seen m r keys?'asked .
the . asked
ltrik said,'l love your w hairstyle,.JulieJ
software download application lilarik told Julie
password keyboard "" virus
You shou ld n't .............................. fi ms from that site, it's ffi t the reported sentences into direct speech.

against the law. susi father said she had to home

Never email attachment from unknown before midnight.

3 lcan't get used to working with English 2 Nadia asked Jack if he would look after hr cat the
- some of the letters r in following weekend.
difrt places. ?'asked Nadia.
4 l've got grt on m phone which lets 3 Frk told Judy he would take her to Disneyland the
me chat to my friends fr free. next day.
5 The revised version of this......................,....... is much more ]said Frank.
efficient than the first .
Sidney asked if had s his car keys.
6 You shouldn't use birthday r m of pet as
..?'asked Sidney
; it is easy fr people to guess it.
5 rl said it was going to ri that evening.

ffi Matcb the sentence beginnings 1-6 with Isaid rl

endings -F. 6 steve asked if he could rrw his mum's car the
net day.
1 lt is rll difficult to navigate
?'asked Steve.
2 lf you click
l've frgtt how to attach
7 .]udith told Nllia to put her sun-hat,
]said ]udith.
4 Why earth did you choose snake with two heads
5 Don't forget to save
8 Tamir said that they had grt time the
previous evening.
6 oh , this is the third time l've lost
Isaid Tamir
file to an email, Could you show me, please?
my Connection, l wdr wht going on,
ur files mmr stick.
D their new website. l preferred the old one.
that link it will take you to the original article.
F 5 your avatar? What does that tell people about you?

rrt 3 99
ffi Complete the sentences with the words in the ffi Complete the text with word that fits each
. Add prefixes and suffixes as necessary. gap. Use l word in each gap.

expected hope regular experienced

happy point formal possible ASlM0 - Honda's Humanoid Robot- is popular
it goes, Whether it iS in Disneyland, r
honest r {O).e,".er,!wh,er,e...,...

conducting the Detroit Symphony orchestra, ASlM0 even

Why r there so m .....,................,....... verbs i English? has its w Twitter account and has lots (1)
lt makes life so difficult for students.
followers. l have to admit (2) ... l am great
lt's .............................. occasion so there is no need to
fan, too. l (3)........,,,.....,.,...... delighted the latest version
dress up.
wh l saw it on disp|ay. Everybody clapped when it showed
The news is really . The doctors think that
uS its (4) ... recent trick of opening bottle and
he can cured.
pouring liquid into paper cup all its (5),,,,.......
doesn't think it is ..,,..,................,...... to download music
illegally. thinks it's . |t may (6) .., sound very difficult, but it is

lt iS ...,.......................... to read the letter, hr handwriting is actually quite complicated. lf you think about all the different
so bad. things it has to (7) .,., it iS giant Step forward.

Lt not waste more time .....,..,..,.....,............ The most recent AS|MO is (8) ............. to walk. lt
arguments, we need to come td 9rmt. move quite quickly and (9)...............,.,..,.,.. run if it doesn't
received an ..........,...,...,........... phone calI from friend go too fast. lt iS true that (10) .., human-looking
that he hadn't heard from fr years.
robots that you see i the movies are sti|l long way off,
failed the exam because he made some
(11)........,,..........,.... it's still an amazing machine. l'm ceftain
mistakes. didnt check his work.
we'll (12) ... seeing some really important
They wr so .......,...................... with their stay at the hotel
developments in the next few years.
that they wrote letter of complaint to the mgr.
lt the grg fault - they asked ..............,...............

apprentice to service the car.

Complete the sentences with the first

r second conditional, using the verbs
in brackets.
1 We .................,............ (lose) weight if we took mr exercise.
2 He'll able to catch the tri if he ....................,......... (/)
in the next five minutes.
president l ................,..,........
lf l wr .. (mk) it ille9al to
chew gum i public.
lthink he (forgive) you if you say what
rll happened.
What would you do if you .......,................,.,.,. ()th
national lottery?
If we.................,............ (rl0 It4egan about D she
would vr upset.
|'m sure h.,...,............,..........,(l you his mr if you
ask him nicely.
8 lf you met l, you (llke) her,

9 When he arrives, we ...,.....,..........., ........{order) pizza d

Watch film.
,l0 (you swr) the phone if it rin9s?

100 ProgressTest 3
ffi Complete the second sentence with between
ffi Complete the sentences with words and
two and five words, including the word given, expressions from the .
so that it has similar meaning to the
first sentence. whereas perhaps both show
kind of thing could sorry,l don't know
l was given responsibility for booking gigs for ur band
seems what do you call it
|ast month.
1 The pictures ..,.,...,,... people taking exercise.

La st m t h l .tp.gk.
2 The younger m .............,,... to fidig it
r.p.F' lt p.ih i!!fu. fr r,.. k g
e."..p,r, i g ig s
hard to keep u with the ............ the
fr our band.
l think you should go to the doctor.
girls r laughing and chatting. ............. it
the first time he has done this so he is finding it hard.
lf ...,................,..... lU go to the doctor.
They r all outside - they ............ i park
r forest.
lf lt doesn't ri this ftr, we'll play tennis.
RAlNs of the m is using ..,...................,.....,............., ?

We'll play tennis .,,............ ........ this ftr.

the word.

professionaI photographer took their photographs. The girls r exercising using huge ball. It the
HAD ..,.,......., you see at the beach,

TheY.....,..,........ professional
photographer. Choose the correct options to complete the
You'll feel cold if you don't wr coat.
You d better wear coat ....................,...... cold.
Flr caught terrible stomach bug on holiday.
DoWN Hi Bethany.
Flr .. terrible stomach
(l) thaks forlIt was great to get yor
bug holiday.
Will you look after my cat while l'm away? email. I (2)m so pleased to kwlws delighted
F to lr that u'r having such an amazing trip.
Will you m cat while l'm away? (3) id youlNevertheless, I was srr to hear
you m r
l'll lend if you promise to fill it up afterwards.
that you are finding it difficult to sleep. (4)
You you fill it up afterwards, people belieye thatlApparetly, the change of
of m flatmates has eaten all m cakes. time zone affects our body clock. (5) I would
BEEN adyise u to sdlWh d't u try sdig
All my cakes ......,...........,...:,...... ,... of
mr time outside, as natural light helps.
m flatmates.
(6)ls, how aboutlMight I also suggest putting
lavender oil on ur wrist fr you go to bed.
(7) I would delighted tolI'd loye ro visit you in

September. Can you tell m which week would


(8) I lookforward to your reply,lHope to

hear from u s,

Lots of love


ProgressTest 3 101

ffi Work in pairs.There is nationa]competition to produce posters for

festivals in your country to attract tourists. Which three festivals wld
* choose and why?

;"ti* r,nat*h}*g

ffi Read the article and for questions 1-10, choose from the people (A-D).
The people m chosen more than .

Which rs
& Y
The options do not have
mentions the r of some of the local people? l--l
exactly th same words
was rrd fr conditions at the festival? ].--]
appreciated the rg of events and activities for ll ages? r.--]
5 the texts, l hey USe
paraphrases. Do not look for was impressed the magical quality of the event?
identical words to help you disagrees that something he/she saw should described as art? i--l
choose the right answers. regrets the short time that one item made fr the festival lasted? d,l--l
was motivated to attend the festival hobby? 7l-l
saw tradition that dramatised historical period? f- ]
explains that the artistic activity has mr than one futi? rl--l
profited financially going to the festival? 0l--l
ffi Match the underlined verbs in the article with meanings 1-8.
1 eXperjment With
2 h
3 different frm others
4 illuminate
5 Wr
6 discover
7 Want to
8 m liquid

12 LJnt '| (j]cbaI r-i.lliure

Some of ur readers have to amazing festivals

around the world. Read about their experiences!

Last January m friend Dougal invited me to the fir festival of Up
Helly on the scottish island of shetland. It takes olace the last
Tuesday of the month and celebrates the island's Viking history.
r half the island's population is blond and of scandinavian
origin - it's like being in Norway! At around seven o'clock there
was parade of m dressed as king fighters. Dougal's father,
Duncan, rll looked Scary - completely different from the quiet,
gentle m he really is! Each m carried lighted torch, which was
incredibly dramatic. We followed the procession down to the sea for
the highlight of the evening. In front of thousands of Spectators the
'fighters' threw their torches into king boat that they'd built. It
was fantastic sight, but what shame to see all of their hrd work D
disappear in couple of minutes! i .
New York is the hm of hiphop, and I was there, h, at
the same time as the r HipHop Festival, I'm big fan of
Y hiphop, and I thought it would geat opportunity to find out
Ididn't know the mig of the word 'cold' until I went to the ri mr about it. The festiva] includes demonstrations of r, break
Ice d Snow Festival in Northeast China. Luckily, I had brought dancing, and graffiti writing. hr wr some extraordinary
some reallywarm clothes and wh I was there I bought of those examples of break dancing. Those guys are so agile! I also tried out
fur hats that cover your ears. The festival starts at the beginning of graffiti Writing, at Workshop, It was fu but in m opinion it's
January and lasts about month. We saw sculptors cutting blocks of bit of exaggeration to call it art. Hip-hop has its w dress code,
ice from the river for their marvellous creations. I couldn't believe too, and I guess stood out bit! But r was really friendly

how big they wr. Some of the sculptures wr full-sized buildings and l learnt loads. The festival also tries to tell people about the
and ships that you could walk rud - real works of art. When they beliefs that lie behind the music d the lyrics. There were lot
r lit uo with lights and lasers it's like something out of fairy tale. of discussions about the role oI hip-hop in politics and in rigig
The children there loved it. Sadly, the exhibits gradually melt away communities together. This was all fascinating d I'm very glad I

at the d of Frur, which is natural, I suppose. While we wr went aIong.

at the festival some of our group tried their climbing skills the
Festival's ice-wall. I didn't feel like breaking leg so I stayed on the
ground and just took photos!
Complete the sentences with the correct form
of the under]ined verbs i the article. Then
& change them so that they are true for you.
As k photographer I had always wanted to go to the annual 1 N favourite celebration ] 4 Frur!
International Hot-air Balloon Festival in the Swiss alpine town of 2 l really don't like to .....,,..,.........,....,.. from other peopIe and
Chateau d'Oex. The first festival took place in 1979, and since then it attract attentio1.
has grown into an international event. hr is lovelier sight than 3 This afternoon l ,.................,.......... goin9 to the im but
dozens of brightly coloured hot-air balloons floating through the s now l don't.
and the weather was absolutely perfect for it. As well as rml- l new wi-fi dance pad yesterday but it
shaped balloons there wr some that looked Iike cows, boats and WaSn't Vr good.
mountain chalets! There were also displays of parachuting 5 l haven't anything glamorous fr ages.
and acrobatic flying. really nice feature of the festival is children's
6 The best firwrks display l've seen that
day, where kids and their parents put fancy dress and join
the sky was last NwYr Eve.
parade. eight-year-old daughter Samantha even dared to go
short balloon trip. I took some brilliant photographs and
managed to sell some of them to magazine, which helped cover
ffi Work in pairs. Which festival described i the
article would you prefer to go to and why?
some of ur expenses.

Unit 10 C,iobal crlitl:K. 10

ffi Work in pairs and discuss. What are the most
popular quiz programmes in your country?
I{hafs the day of the r when the English
Answer the quiz and compare r answers in have fuework par?
pairs. Then turn to page 140 to check. 1 4July G SNovember

Relative il-OL and whays the m of the writer who created the
chaTacter of Harry Potter?
rti !ss JRRTolkien CSLewis G JKRowling
> GRR RRN p l56
What's the name of the msm where you
see the Mona Lisa?
ffi look at the underlined relative pronouns in
the Louvre the Uffizzi G the Prado
the quiz. Which one(s) refer to
what's the m of the uk arts festival that

2 person? takes l in August every year?

3 place? the Newcastle Festival the Belfast Festival
4 possession? G the Edinburgh Festival
5 time? ,
What's the m of the ship which sank on
15 April 1912, d which has the subject
ffi d the extract from guidebook. What sort
of m films?
of events see there?
Santa ri Titanic Black Pearl

What's the m of the writer whose play has

running in London {or over 60 years?
DH Lawrence AgathaChristie
G William Shakespeare

i*h.(LAffi,TlP ,],,'

We]always dd,m,s when we have -dfiig

relative clause.

Combine the sentences using either defining

or non-defining relative clauses.
Frd Botero is famous for his figurative rt. was
r i colombia.
At the age of 2 Frd went to school for

matadors. stayed there fr two rs.

l 'l 94 Frd produced some illustrations for
newspaper.These made him some m.
ffi d the definitions below and decide if the 4 went to iVadrid. studied at the art academy.
underlined exampIes of relative clauses in the
5 His paintings often show very large people. Botero calls
text are defining (D) or non-definin9 (ND). them his'fat peoplel
1 non-defining relative clause gives tr His paintings are vr popular today.They cost millions
information about the main clause. of dolIars.
2 defining relative clause gives ifrmti that is
necessary to identifl/ r define the u. ffi Turn to 9 142 and do the activity.

104 l"'r,it 10 Globa] cu]tute

mfufig ffi Change partners and compare r decisions.
f,**lir lt;_/
\--L; j tdL.r\J! f } l/
r.1( i Yt.' Lr.[)r\
Ask and answer questions like this.
Which activity did you go for?
WorK in pairs. Read the task and have
What made you choose ,,.?
the conversation.
Why didn't you choose/|ike the idea of .. . ?
Yur teacher is going to organise end-of-term How easy was ;t to a9ree?
celebration fr the class. r are some f her
suggestions fr the lrti.
Discussloll: glvirlg CIpiniOn
Talk toeach other about why these activities might or
might t good way to celebrate the end i Read the exam questions 1-3. h read
of term. the answer below. Which question is the
Now decide which activity would most popular candidate answering?
i with the class
i,,.-__-___._..,,. . " .,_.. *,.. .,._
Do you think it's good idea to have 9roup actlvity at
the beginning of new class r course? Why?
Do you think it's better to 9 to an exhibition or
cultural event yourself r wlth other people? Why?
What cultural events i your r would you
recommend to visiting gru of students? Why?
'lrhinkthjsis dfiitl qood help people get
kw each other weil d th they d't feel so shy i
the closs. Fr ist, l rmmr wh l did Grm
course i ih. t the d of the first week, vr
wt walktng taur of the city. lt was turl way of
getting ro know each other d we also got to kw bit
obout where we wr living.'

ffi Underline the parts of the answer where

the candidate
1 gives example of their experience
2 gives reason for ii.
3 gives an opinion.

i,* and complete the tabIe with the phrases

in the .

How do u feel about ...?

, l ...
ht because ...
The reason l say that is ...
I feel strongly that ...
Don't you think that ...?
Fr me, ... When l was ...

Give an , Ask for
Give ' Give an
opinion l1easo,n

]opinj9l ]:"]L___

Work in pairs. Ask and answer the other

questions in Activity 3.

ffi* Y
your rtr has finished answering question and you
have something to Say, you can add ur opinion.

l,jrtit "}* i li,1llal ;l_::,lir 105

You hear m talking about package holiday he
S**rg and his wife took. What did they enjoy doing most?

ffi Wbat would you include in tourist leaflet for rlig in the rst
tourists visiting your area? Think t these Visiting places of interest
things. h tell your partner. doing the on-site activities

sightseeing attractions beautiful countryside You hr man talking about place of natural beauty.
What surprised the m?
museums and galleries festivals local food
localtraditions the stories told about it
the dramatic r of the rocks

L**tg the number of visitors it gets

You hear tour guide talking about the Charles Bridge
}ult* hgi: s}r* *t in Prague. What does she do to interest tourists?

W Listen to people talking in eight focus unusual details

situations. Fr questions 1-8, choose the talk about how the bridge WaS constructed
answer, , or . describe how the old kings used to live
You hear and girl ta|king about competition.
& TlP What happened while the girl was watching?
Do not tempted to choose swr because you member of the public was injured
hear similar word r rhrs of words you read in one f the competitors was ijurd
the options, Mlake sure that you choogi the option which the girl was embarrassed
accurately anSWerS the qUestion,
You hr wm talking about hr visit to San
l t$ r: the listening extracts wilt all Fris. What does she rmmr most about the trip?
different topics.
the graffiti everywhere
'l You hear two friends discussing rmk (new the Golden Gate Bridge
version) of film they have both seen. What do they the N/ission Quarter
9r on about the film? You hr wm talking about her trip to festival in
The previous version was better. Canada. What was her mi rs for the trip?
The film was very emotional. to get work
The acting was not r good. to watch different acts
2 Yu hr wm talking about favourite dish. How to discover new talent
did it get its m?
lts ingredients were big secret, ffi Matcb the adjectives from the recordings 1-6
lt was invented mmr of the rl family. with meanings -F.
lt had unusual effect someone. 1 rigiI exceptionally 9ood
2 familiar first
3 taSty without UrS, StUpid
4 oUtstanding D at Sharp gl
5 steep well-known and recognisable
6 mindless F delicious

ffi Discuss the questions in groups.
] lsthr legend i your country about unusual
natural site?
lmagine you could paint murl in your town or city.
What would you put in it?
Which part of your r would make good location
fr film? Why?

106 Unit 'l G!o[.,,al c_r:iir:re

ffi Complete the sentences adding the correct
ending -er, -or| -jsf or -i to the words in the .
ffi Work in pairs. What you learn about
you think of three more jobs in the arts?
another country from these things?

food literature television programmes

noveI music paint compose
dance conduct
music fashion

l'm ................. and l l the guitar in band. l can

W 7 Listen to someone talking about also play the violin, but that's less useful in the band!
another country. Does he mention your |'m .......,...,...,.. with youth orchestra. They do not
ideas? Which topic from Activity 1 does he always concentrate well or listen to me but it's fun!
NOTtalkabout? N/y favourite .......... is lVlozart. Who's yours?
4 l love the books the ..,...,.............. Charles Dickens.

ffi Listen again and swr the questions. They tell us so much about London at that time.
'l What is surprising about tea drinking? 5 l wanted to classical ballet................ but l grw
too tall when l was about ] so l had to give up.
2 Why does he admire Shakespeare?
3 What does British TV tell us today?
6 l'd like to have met the ....... .. Vincent van Goqh

- l bet he was interesting person!

&-* d **** ffi Work in pairs. lmagine you have of the jobs
ri. from this 9. Tell your partner about your work
Read the magazine article and say whose without saying the name of the job.Your partner
job you would most or least like to have must guess the job.
and why. h choose the correct words
to complete the article. Work in pairs.Turn to 9 142 and do the activity.

I started s/riting at an eally age and so

fr l've written 15 detective (5) poems/
ouels. I get my (6) ltgds frm
little news items I rd about r hear
about on TV. plan my novels quite
carefully but starting that flrst(7> editio/
cbapteris always hrd, The blank, white
page on the mutr is hrril! Once
I've started and the (8) cbaracters/
beroes start developing, I'm fine.

I'm trainee chef and food is m They say that most actors suffr frm
passion! I 1 fo]lowing (1) recipes/ rs and that's certainly true fr me!
receipts and putting all the lngredients As soon as the (9) sz/urti sts 1
together to ploduce mouth-watering get nelvous. But I think that makes you
(2) plates/dbbes ft m customers! give better rfmI rt frm
I'm happy preparing any type f food that, acting is great profession. I enjoy
from vegan to fusion. lhat I iove the whole pIocess frm the first (1)
best is the (3) sbotoig/presetatio, test/auditio thTough the (11) lessos/
which can make r break dish. I rehearsals to the first night, I l it all.
don't particulariy enjoy the vegetable Learning lines gets mr dificult as you
preparation - tlre cutting, chopping get older but I wouldn't swap one
d (4) sliig/srikllg. But soon, moment on the stage fr any other job!
I'11 have someone else to do that Getting the (12) booh/script fr new
fr me! play is one the moments I li r.

l"}*it tr* Glci;;i illlure 17

ffi**frg *1 Wbat do we need to put before 1-8 in
Activity 3: the indefinite article (/),th
ffi Work in irs.Wht the most interesting definite article (the)or article (-)?
restaurant you have ever eaten in?
*-dhNffi&ffiffi ?
" d about an unusual restaurant and
We use rh with nouns where thr is only , e.g. TJ;,*
decide if you would like to 9 there. What
5u. We also use lhe with some place names, e.g. tf:t*
]d possibly 9 wr9 with your meaI
LJnited Stotes, ft* Alps d other mountain ranges, tj:
and the service?
Thomes d other rivers. Note down names of piaces that
need rh when you see them.

Haiime's robot restaurant Read the text about fugu d answer the
Fd is imtt rt of our lives. lVost of us like eating queStions.
out and mr and mr restaurants r trying to tempt us
Why is it dangerous?

with the offer of different type of ri, Perhaps

one of the most interesting ris found in 2 Why do you think people enjoy eating lt?
restaurant in Thailand. Evefihing is high{ech. The meal
is served robot! Later while you are eating the robot
enterlains you with clever dance moves! The food is pretty
amazing, tool Definitely wodh visit if you're i gkk. Fd to die for!
Would you risk ur
life to eat something
rll delicious?
tr/any people do
in (1)...,...........
Japan every dayl
Apparently fugu is
of (2)
most delicious fish
dishes that you can r eat. The downside is that if it's
not prepared very rfull, it can kill you! lt contains
(3) ..., , . very strong poison! (4) . ..,...,.... t of the

fish that contains (5) .,..'....... poison must taken out

before it is cooked and only few Japanese chefs have
&** licence to do this. l don't think l'm r enough to risk
it. l would waiting anxiously for (6)....,....,.,,.. hours
&&,',& R[]:il}.iI , l 57
afterwards to see if it would affect m, Not (7)
ffi i underIined examples in Activity 2 to best way to spend evening i (8) . .., .. .....,,. . expensive
match descriptions 1 -8. restaurant, is it?
single countable noun used fr the first time
Example: robot
2 abstract r uncountable noun used 9rll
ffi CompIete thetextwith a/an,theor no article (-).
single countable u we have used before
4 the name of country Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
5 single countable noun that is defined phrase ,l
Wou d you like to try'fugu'?
r clause 2 What specialities in your country would forei9ners find
6 plural countable nouns rthr Stran9e to eat?
7 superlative
8 abstract r uncountable noun that is specific,
Work in pairs.Turn to 9 'l4'l and do
r defined the activity.

108 l,j*it 'i {:ilNel r_,,;illr;:

glsti*r"ls: dg and r,g&

and complete the table with the

words in the . h compare your
answers with partner.

afiistal someone favour money

trouble the cooking
an excuse r drr rrtr has
an experiment noise wish hearing about those things that
your homework the most of situation actors often keep to themselves!
test your best It takes many months to rehearse
l, r r ballet so that
"-* the rfrm is perfect fr
iDo the (0) ....... r.dir.s...... on the
night. But as any rfrmr will
L_ (1)
you thr r
m things that can and do go

ffi Complete the sentences with the correct wrong without anyone (2) ...............,......... about them.
form of the collocations in Activity 1. One tr described the time that hr dress,got caught
on the drfrm just as she was going on stage. She
l need to quiet when l'm*rkig. lf someone is
couldn't move without pulling the scenery down so she
, l have to mv to different rm!
had to do the (3)..... scene from the dooayl
The weather was trril ur trip to London (4)......................... time she was given love letter to read on
but we had to ............,. of the opportunity stage every night but as joke hr'1'i the play wrote
and we saw as many slghts as possible, funny m fr each rfrm to try to (5).... .. .. ..........
l forgot to do the essay so l ...................,....,... and told hel laugh! There is a wonderfut story about very 1rg
the teacher lu been ill! opera]singer who was playing the ().....,.......,..,........ of the
Can you and rr these books for tragic hcroine i Tosca, Lhe famous r. On th first night
me? l've hurt m rm. the stage hands forgot to put mttrsss bhind the castle to
soften the actess's fall when she jumped to hr death fm
The exam was awful but l .....................,...,..., and l
the top. So when the singer disappeaied, iastead]of hlifid
hope l've got 50 percent. qilence there was loud rsh, followed hr cries of pain!
l .............................. when l cut m birthday cake but l
(?t...................;,.... her bruises the singer carried on
didnt tell what it was because l want it to the next night, Thi time, the stage hands had put down so
come true! m mattresses that they rtd kind of trampoline.
(8) ............. ;.....,...,.. amazement, ths'dead' hi bounced up
ffi Turn to page 142 and do the activity. above the sr of the castle walls, notjust oncq but thr
times. What great str!

W* # gre
0 lkrs spectators audience D viewers
1 Asay Brelate rrt D tell

ffi d the article. How many stories 2 Aseeing Bknowing discussing D finding
are mentioned? Awhole Btotal Call D each
4 ADifferent BAnother Alternative D Next
ffi d the article again. Fr questions 5 Ado Bget make let
1-8 decide which answer (, , or D) part
6 Abit rs D section
fits each gap. There is example at the
7 AHowever BAlthough Apart D Despite
beginning (0).
8 r someone's D no one's

* "
Which story do you think is the funniest? Why? Tell
Iilake sure trlat your chojce fits rammaticaijy with your partner about f performance you have
the words which follow 9. seen the stage.
r the *r the text will about 2 words.

Unit "l0 G|[ll cuitul,J 109

ffi Work in pairs. Look at the photograph GIL MIDsUMlERl
and answer the questions. Ilove traveiling d I was really luc to in

What sort of event do you think they Sweden on holiday at the time of the Swedish
r celebrating? Midsummer Festiva]. Swedish friends made
srrre that I got involvedl
l which country do you think the photo
was taken? I Sweden, the Midsummer Festiva] is nearly as

r thr events like this in your country? imrtt as Christmas, It takes l on r r

the longest day of the year, usually the Safurday
between 19th and 26thJune
The Festival is fi.rn-packed day with Iots of si
&rti dancing and eating! song is about frog d

ffi d the exam task and tick which of the drs actually act out the frog's dance, tool
Then there is big trti.l m] with different
the things 1-8 you think you should
do when writing the article. sorts of fish, w potatoes and frsh strawberries

i*-**--*--***-- -um|
You have seen this umt i I festivals and trations have orig-inal purpose

] international i
d people used to celebrate the Midsummer
estiva] to ask tur for good harvest.Yormg rls
Have you been to interestinglstival i
also put flowers r,rnder their pi]lows at night so that
your utr or another country?TelI us
they wi11 drm of their future husbands.
all about it. We'll publish the best articles
next month. Ihad gTeat time. I wore flowers i my haa and I
Write your article. danced and sang and ate lot. Unfortunately I was
so taed I didn1 dream of anything - certairrty not
use informal style my fufirre husband|
2 start with interesting title r first sentence
to interest the reader
go into detail about the history f the event
and exactly what happens on the day
4 write as m paragraphs as possible
atitLde drs
5 rfr to your w reactions
6 make sure ur paragraphs lead on logically
frm each thr
ffi look at the example and notice how the sentence
starts with an adverb. lmagine what the writer could
7 include something amusing say to finish these sentences.
8 use lot of lg, ml sentences Unfortunately, l was so tired l didn't dream of thig - rtil
t m future husband!
Read the article and check r ideas 'l Luckily,
from Activity 2.
2 Strangely
ffi d the article again and say which
paragraphs tell us about Surprisingly,.........................

1 the origins of the festival.

5 Fortunately,.,............,..,....

2 the writr participation and rti.

ffi look at the task in Activity 2 again and make notes for
3 the rs fr writing d the m d your own article. Then write your article.
place of the festival.
4 summr of the activities, ffihfr4 TfiP
5 about the popularity of the festival and
IMake sure article is inter:esting fr the reader" and that it
when it celebrated.
fo]lows logical: idr.

110 Unit 18 Global clilurc

ffi Choose the correct relative r to ffi Complete the sentences with the correct form
com,plete the article. of the words in the .

l music paint compoSe

dance conduct
Bird's nest soup wanted to ballet .........,.,................. before he
The food (|'1 wholthatlwhere we eal says lot about the people injured his knee,
(2) whichlwhoselwho eat it and the culture of the country is the who has led orchestra with
(3) whelwherelthat it is found. One of the most unusual dishes in international members.
the world is bird's nest soup. The thing I noticed (4) thatlwhelwhich
she is famous with mr than 0
I tried it fr the first time was its sweet taste. This is frm the bird's detective stories to hr m.
saliva*, (5) whrlwhll it uses to make its nest. fr it
The ........,..,...........,.... of fiIm music has to wrk closely
used to make soup, the chef ms the feathers (6) wherelthatlwho
with the director.
r stuck to it. It has m hrdr and hrdr to find these nests
They r both artists, the mother is portrait
so gthrrs have to get them frm countries (7) wholthatlwhere they
while the s creates cartoons.
r still available. The people {8) thatlwholwhose job it is to collect
the nests often risk thi lives to get them as the nests r found in
She is marvellous who | some
rll diffi cult pieces.
high places that r difficult to rh. *_ .
* saliva = the liquid that is produced the mouth
Complete the article with /, the or
article (-).

ffi Complete the sentences with the words in the


script hero poem museum dish

chapter plot recipe legend character

ancient says that the hills were created dffiffiry ftrm

ir of giants.
l had always wanted to visit (1) ..........,.....,.... Mongolia,
This is delicious. You must give me the ,............................ so
and two rs ago m dream came true. l stayed with
l make it t home.
(2) ..................... family of nomads in their ut, which is
The story had the most ridiculous ............................. you (3) .....,............... traditional type of tent. (4)
imagine, but l still enjoyed it.
family were very hospitable and l joined in their everyday life.
Reading ............................. or two of 9ood book always l was there for (5) .......... l festival called
helps me get to sleep, (6).,.................,. folk music and
Nadaam where there is
The main who gives hr m to th dancing, as well as traditional stig competitions. These
novel, is young wm who goes to work as include (7) ...................., horse racing d Mongolian
governess in family with terribIe secret.
wrestling. Fr me, (S) ..,.,................ highlight of
lt is ideal fr the winter. lt is made of (9)..,....,......,...... festival was (10) horse races.
beans and different kinds of meat in rich sauce. (11)..........,.,.,...... Mongolian people have been expert horse
As fr as l am rd, good should riders since (12) ...,.,,...,........., time of
rhyme at the end of the lines. Cenghis Khan who ruled in (1).,....,.,............ thirteenth
The person who wrote the ... ...........,............. fr the film did century. Horses are still (14) imrtt rt
very good job. of (15) Mongolian cu|ture. w,
refuses to go anywhere r ........................ .... His (16) .....,.,,............ most exciting race is 24-kilometre cross-
parents made him visit too m when he was child. country r. Jockeys are children as ug as five years oldI
10 The ............,...,...,........ of the novel is an rh who lives (17) ..............,.,..., first riders arrive after half hour but it
with his strict sister and hr kind husband, blacksmith takes up to (18) hour for vry
called _Joe. to finish.

&.!rrit 10 Global culture 1 1 1


ffi Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
'l What is most important when you buy something new?

the way it looks how well it works the price

2 Do you think w things r always better than old ones? Why/Why not?

utip* ret{r*

ffi You will hear five people taIking t different aspects of

style. Which speaker
talks about type ofTV programme?
is looking at ir of sunglasses?
talks about new version of an old r?
D is fan of video games?
had fun at party?

fr ffi listen again. Decide from the list (-F) how each speaker feels. There
are three extra letters which you do not need to use.
This part th exam may
disappointed with something he/she had been waiting for
focus opinions and
feeIings, so listen for people's
impressed the improvements made
Speaker l -l
Speaker 2 f1
attitude to What they r the changes to something
disapproving of l interest in something
Speaker -l
talking about. D
confident that he/she can successful
Skr 4 -l

t excited new opportunity
Skr5 __l
G anqry that people exploit consumers
sad that people today don't enjoy life as much as in the past

112 tyie d dsig

Match the phrases in bold from the recording
i 1-6 with meanings -F.
l know u'r rl quite happy with them because ,,-l Sam94
they look like the real thing,
lt is hard to believe some of the things they do just to I suppose I like to fashionable
get noticed.
but I'm not obsessive about it.
the way it has kept the fun of the rigil while
l like
bringing it entirely up-to-date.
I'm quite happy to buy classic
But w, as l was saying, this l saw was actually styles that don't go out of fashion
quite good. so quickly. h m cost
5 Itzlaybe it takes them back to when they wr youn9. mr but they're worth it.
6 upon time, it was the height of fashion. brother is r fashion-
making something mdr conscious and he adores
something that iS not artificial designer clothes.
rmids people of spends all his part-
D very fashionable time waes on big-
it rll surprising m designers
F to go back to my point like Jean Paul
Gaultier and so
Vlr on! I'm not too worried
{shir and design: djec*iye srdr whether m clothes
are enuine stella
ffi Work in pairs. Look at the photos and describe
them in as much detailas possible. McCartney or not! Most
high-street shops sell
ffi Complete the table with the words in the . copies and I think they
ve+fet 99 flowery fur cotton look good.
fitted leather spotted loose checked
ti9ht plain silk short-sleeved striped

tril Pattern Shape ffi Kead the comment and find words and
phrases to match meanings 1-6 below.
ml: reol = gui
1 traditional
2 trendy
3 become unfashionable,old-fashioned
4 imitation, t original, fake
5 wr of what is trendy
6 cIothes with fashion-house labels

ffi Work in pairs.Tellyour partner t something ffi Work i pairs and discuss. ls it important
for you to fashionable? Wh/h not?
1 you have bought rtl.
2 you haven't worn for lg time. 1 What kind of clothes do you enjoy wearing?

3 you bought lg time 9 but still wear. 2 Do you prefer to buy genuine designer clothes
or are you happy to wear hr fakes?
4 you bought that was real bargain.
Do you think you need to spend lot of m
5 you bought that was far too expensive.
to look trendy?
6 sm bought fr you but you will never wear

l"tnit 'l 1 Style and tjesign 113

Lf;s*mg ffi Complete the rules.
show certainty r possibility in the present we
ffi 3S Markand Karine are in msm that has
use must/can't/might +,.........,...,
an exhibition of fashion through the ages. Look at
show certainty r possibility in the past we
the picture and listen to their conversation. Tick the
use must/can't/might + ....,...,........,...,........ +
items they talk about.
past participle.

hairstyles shoes face skirt

dress jewellery LFd*G TlP
When iaying that something is possible we use

l, it more important to wear comfortable clothes or could or m instead of might,e.g, IhrrJd

Hollywood film star, She rcz hvw Oscor but
to look fashionable?
l'm t sure,

mds f frfuf;* ffid

ffi 4s Listen and notice the
**r*&t* pronunciation of the underlined words.
h listen and repeat.
> GRAMMAR Rii:il:i j(.i: l5:
Wm must have had problems breathing.

ffi d the dialogue and match the underlined 2 lt can't have been easy to walk.
examples 1-6 with phrases -F. 3 lt might have poisoned thousands of people.
Present Past
|'m sure it true. D l'm sure it was true. ffi look at the dialogues and complete
responses with the correct modal verb.
lt possible that it'S true. lt possible it was true.
|'m sure it isn't true. F l'm sure it wasn't true, 1 l haven't seen Jenny today. She was sneez!ng
yesterday i class.
She ............................... ill.
MaTk I don't know how you 2 I'm sure Luke didn't take the m because
can walk in those shoes, he was at school when it disappeared.
they (1) can't r
You're right. Luke ,,..,...,...... ... ......... the money.
mfrtl. They
(2) must hurt after l'm sure it wasn't kate who sent me the
while. Valentine's card. She's going out with ltlike.
ri No, th'r fine. Let's No, it .................,............. her who sent you
go round the exhibition. the card.
rk Look at that picture, 4 |'m positivesomeone saw the rr. The
the one with the rll police shou ld ask for witnesses.
I gis hr.
Someone . the rr,

ri That (3) might 5 possible that l put your book i my bag

have look.
Queen Elizabeth I,
don't you think? You .. ..............,...,...,. my book i your bag.
rk I think u'r right. r it says that the white These jeans r too tight now. l'm sure l'
make-up they put on their faces was very dangerous. put on weight.
The makers used to put lead in it! They're not certain
l think you're right. You
but it (4) might h poisoned thousands of people.
Karine rril! And hr dress - it so tight. Women
(5) must h had rlms breathing, r y
sitting down. ffi Work in pairs.Turn to page 143 and do
the activity.
rk What do u think about those guys'outfits?
Karine Pretty cool! I'm not so sure about the shoes, though.
They () can't have been easy to walk in! And look at
their hair. It must h taken ages to get it like that!
MaTk And messy! Think of all that grease!

114 Unit 'l 1 Style dcsigll

kmg LJse mf g*sh
ffi Work in pairs and discuss wrd frmti
the questions.
ffi d the article about realityTV shows. What is the writr
What are the most popular realityTV opinion of these shows?
shows in Ur country?
Why do you think people like them
so much?

Y*hf,r o]I1
,ryrd bulding APPEAR
ln recent years the () ,srrg...,... of realityTV shows
has caused rl change in people's viewing habits. Most
ffi Work in pairs. How m
people reqularly watch mr than one, from talent shows
different words can you make
from real? fr singers r dancers, to shows which test l
(1).......................,....... in difficult SitUationS. one thing that is ENDURE

ffi one of the endings in the common to most of these r9rmms is that
to each group of words (2)....,....,..............,...... is eliminated every week. l typical coNTEST
to make them adjectives or ta|ent (3)... . ... the rfrm of each candidate
s. You may need to make is carefully judged and any sign of (4)..,,.....,,......,....,.... ,.. is WEAK
some spelling changes fr" criticised.The final (5) is often made not DEclDE
adding the endings. the judges but the V audience. us of this some

- -lon - -ive feel that the whole process puts too much pressure

-ness -ity -ant -t l and is very cruel. However, these

(6)............................... sENsE
proqrammes have resulted i the (7)....,,,......,,....,.,...,,.... of DlScovER
gr health thirst 5m very talented people. Viewers are so fascinated
(adjectives) ml: gr these oroorammes that it is unlikelv their (8) PoPULAR
participate assist inhabit will decrease in the r future.
(nouns - people)
3 active stupid personal (nouns)
4 rvr deliver r (nouns)
5 correct investigate eliminate ffi Kead the text gi. Fr questions 1-18 use the word given
(nouns) in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form word
that fits in the gap in the same line.
s imagination description
7 happy sweet sad (nouns)
8 accept rfrm important (nouns)

] Can you add one more word to

each group?
ffi Work in small grs. You have asked to create
realityTV show about group of 12 students lrig
English. Think about these questions.
1 what willthe rules ?
2 What challenges will you set?
3 who will decide who ieaves, the teachers, students r viewers?
4 What will the final prize ?

U*it ] 1 tyle d desiqn 1 15

:1, i.":. l,:.i{, +;_ ':.-, "':i Read the article again. Six sentences have
been removed. choose from the sentences
i] Wr in pairs. Look at the photos and A-G the which fits each gap. There is
discuss the questions. extra sentence which you do not need to use.
] How have the designs of rides changed? At the back, two ride operators press the
2 Have you ever rllr coaster r bn-buttons'and our r begins to slide slowly up hill
similar ride? How did it make you feel? This helps as we spin through the frst; l am
3 Would you ever volunteer to t out w ride? somewhere between laughter and shrieking as we
Why/Why not? rh the church,
So when the wrs of the park bouqht Alton Towers
i ] 990 they asked him to design the rides there too.
D lt wasn't until the nineteenth tL_]r though that the
mris worked out how to make rjlr coasters
make m.
Unfortunately, l can't say that I gr with hr,
F Next to me the rs whispers,'This is the best
ri of my life - everiand ] believe hr.
G Her mother, an tur supernatura] investigato1
wouldn't let hr daughter go to amusement parks
at first.

*,: "t, L;i i,fr, !'' ll'

* ! tgt

Complete the sentences with the correct form

of the verbs underlined in the article.
1 The plane had to make rg landing but
2 lwas so ti[ed after digging in the garden all day that
my hands wr ..,,.............,........,...,
3 We want to 9 holiday that ...... ...,,...,.......,,...., sports
and relaxatlon.
4 cousin loves gaming and he .,,,,,..,,...,....,...... . the
moment W game Comes oUt,
5 You must read anything very carefully fr you
Wh my frid suddenly;umped out from behind his
r l ..... ....................l

The roof of the building underthe

weiqht f the snow.
Wh the wind ........................,...,. frm the rth it is vrv
cold in this r.

Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
1 Would you like to go this ride?
Why/Why not?
{\_J **"_".-_* ---.,
i] t L]
r] j,.}
l.} L1 i",
Why do you think some people enjoy rides like these
so much?
Read article t roller coaster
ride quickly and say what is special
about the ride the writer goes .

116 lJn}t 1 ] )ii/,i.], r.ij ,:]l;]: i;i]

r";,^rt l,, '}
setting it makes riders feel r strange. It is so
terrifying that they h to sign document about
l : l ,l ,l l l l ll t
i a a a a a t -l a1 their mental healthl And this is the ride I am going to
t..__l As we climb, I hold the r across my
chest and try not to think of death, I check the r
coasters r getting igg faster
R.c:}Ier three times, m fur, and wrr about whr to
put m hands. I am riding with some r] enthusiasts.
axd .* wit}t ftfrfgg, Aito;r rwr's
'psycho-coaster' * lr trriig tha* In front of m, another experienced rider advises
m to look down because then I'll get the best thrills.
ever. W* finci out what g*es into making _l
th* u}timate ricle. As we fa]] frm hirt highest point towards the
trees, I srm for the first time. In the total darkness
The earliest rl]r coasters wr ridden in fifteenth- thr is pause and then the ground beneath r
century Russia - slides made of tree trunks went track seems to give way. Suddenly we dr like
down man-made ice-covered hills at 80 Hlometres screaming stones. stomach is smwhr r
r hour. -l The first 'switchback' (up the back of my throat! As soon as we land, fir
and drm) gravity railway was built in 1827 to wind blows r cars backwards, round rrs, down
transport coal down 12-l9tr mountain. In the tunnels toward the end. when the rllr coaster
afternoons, thrill-seeng pasehgers paid 50 cents finally stops there is exhausted applause. 'It's like
ride. Sixty rs ltr they built one for pleasure at seeing hrrr film at the cinema, but being inside
Coney Island. it, too,' SayS one happy customer. 'I want to go
According to psychologists, the typical rllr again,' says another. ]_l I climb off the ride
coaster enthusiast is person who is loong fr with weak legs, but extremely happy, excited and
something new, different, r scary and with an surprised, Somehow we have arrived back exactly
element of danger. Fr Nichola Picord, one of where we began and I've survived. But would I do it
Britain's few fema]e ride enthusiasts, it is 'all ut again? I don't think so!
the feeling'. __l wr, when Nichola went
to Disneyland, Paris, she realised what she was
missing and it changed hr life. Now 22, she lives for
her rides Nemesis, Europe's first inverted r]lr
coaster in the theme rk called Alton wrs. 'I
shake when I am in the queue, but I never srm,'
she says.
I decided to try one of these rides fr myself, but
first I spoke to John Wardley, previously designer
of special effects for James Bond films. is known
as the 'King of Coasters' and was asked to introduce
the public to the thrill of film special effects in ride
at Chessington theme park back in 1976. r]
These included both Nemesis d livi which is
the first vertica] drop rIIr coaster, One f his most
frightening rides is hirt, which appeared in 2010
and cost f 15 million to create and build. I asked John
how he designed his rides. 'I always start thinng
about wide rg of emotions" he explains. Thirtee
is ride that'combines the Itimate elements of
physical and psychological fear. With ride there's
thrill and there's excitement, but with hirt we
wanted to add magic, mstr, shock!'
Thirtee isn't the world's tallest ride or the longest,
ut with its clever technology and haunted forest

Utt i i jt,;llt ll:: cr::lgl"l 117

ffi mi the two sentences with so/such ().
The waiter took long time to serve the customers.
They left the restaurant.
The waiter they left the restaurant.
]t was dark in the f. We couldn't see our food]
lt ,,...,.....,......... ..... we couldn't see ur food.

The meal was good. We left big tip.

lt was ....,.......,............... we left big tip.
They played grt songs. We stayed for ages.
] hev olaved we staved I time.
The service was very fast. We were only i the
restaurant fr half hour.
The service wa5 ..,......................... we wr l i the
restaurant for half hour.
irg 6 The day was very su. We had picnic the river
lt ............................ we had picnic the river.
Work i pairs. Look at the photo. Would you
like to go to this restaurant? Wh/h not?
ffi looK at the dialogue in Activity 2 9i and
complete the rules with too d ugh.
s s{,Jf*} f#-; ** ed *fffisff,$}
'l We use before adjective to indicate
} GRl\.&
RRN , 8 mr th ssr.

41 Complete the dialogue with so, such, 2 We use ............................ after adjective r adverb, but
very, too or ugh.h listen and check. before u to m sufifcient.

P=Pablo A=Anika
kind of you to come and give
ffi Complete the customers'comments with foo
lt (1).....................,...,... or ugh.
us some advice about ur restaurant design.
1 lt was lovely meal but there was ...............,....,,,... much
So basically what would you like to change?
for me to eatl
People don't like bright lighting but m 2 Great, That was perfect. hr was food to
customers have complained that the lighting is
stop me feeling hungry and not much so
(2) ...... ...,... low they can't see their food! d

we serve (3) ...... good food that it's real

These portions r ....................,....... small.There aren't
shame! And there have also complaints that
potatoes. l'm going to ask fr mr.
there isn't (4) .....,...........,........... space between tables.
Yes - you want to seat as m people as you
4 This coffee's hot. l can't drik it yet.

without it feeling (5) ............................. crowded. 5 N/lv babv's not old to sit at the table. Do
you have chair?
Personally, l feel that the coIours in here r
(6) ............................. bright and we need something 6 This meat is red. lt hasn't cooked for

lr. You have (7) good reputation long,,...........................

that l'm sure you'll able to transform this space -

without it costing us (8) ............................. much!
ffi look at the dialogue in Activity 2 and choose Rmmr that both l and r can used FR
adjectives but has negative mig.
the correct options to complete the rules.
We use so and such () when we want to emphasise
something, often with reason/result. m*fig
2 We use so/such before adjective.

fu# Work in pairs. Talk about time wh
We use so/such before an adjective + singular noun.
1 the weather stopped you frm doing something.
4 We use so/such fr adjective + pluraI r
2 an illness prevented you from keeping
uncountable noun.
introduce result, we haveto/do't have r use hd you wr worried r frightened about something so
you couldn't sleep.

1 18 Unit "l
t tyle all<i Cesigrl

.;,{ s
ffi u* ta
** i {*r:t}*:* &j&P}.&R :r,RN ,l58

Work in pairs. The photos show people talking to Read the questions with tags.Then
each other in different places. What do you think put cross next to the statement -
they are talking t? which is NOT true.
1 Yu don't speak ltalian, do you?
:.:: you think these are g'ood places to meet w
2 Adele is brilliant singe1 isn't she?
friends? Why/Why not?
3 The film last night was vr rig, wasn't it?

ffi Work in pairs. Look at some questions peopIe 4 You're studyin9 at my school, aren't you?
We haven't lrt about the futur tenses yet,
sometimes ask when they meet socially. Take turns 5
to choose question at random to ask r partner. have we?

We use question tags when we want to

confirm somethin9 that we think is true.
What do you do? Wht your home We use question tags when we want to
Where are u frm? town like? frml r very polite.
We form question tag using auxiliary
verb r the verb r .
What's interesting for How Ig have you
lf the main st is positive we use
visitors to see around here? lrig English?
ne9ative ta9.
the mi sentence is negative we use
poSitive tag.
Do you like watching
sports? (Why?)
ffi Work in pairs.Turn to 9 139 and
do the task.

what was the last filr ,i . Work in pairs. Write two questions
yotl saw at the im? What did you do fr about the following topics. hg
ur last holiday? partners and ask and answer the
questions in your w pairs.
Why is it imrtt for
How do you spend
1 technology 4 entertainment
you to know English?
your free time? 2 design 5 childhood
3 fashion 6 education
ml: Wht your favourite gadget?
What do you like to
Do you have any plans do at the weekend?
r the holidays?

{,!rrit 1
'| Slylr: ald aes lrl 1 19
ffi Work in pairs. When you are going to buy
something new, what do you do?
] check out reviews li r in magazine
2 ask frid advice
3 rl ur w judgement

Read the exam task and look at the picture of the
item the candidate is going to review. What do
you think he/she might mention?

l Y recentIy saw this notice in international magazine. ]

i Have you recently bought new product that you

l really like or dislike for various reasons? r readers
i would love to hear about it.hy not share r
e:cpeTience writing short rw fr us?

rjl *.I

ffi d the review and checkyour ideas.

ffi d the review again and underline

1 rmmdti
2 r that was unjustified.
3 an initiaI reaction,
4 difficulty or possible disadvantage.
5 an example of satisfaction with the product.
6 why this particular product was chosen.

& Work in pairs.Tell r rtr about something
you have bought recently that you were either
really pleased or really disappointed with.

ffi l your review about this product. Divide notes

for your review into four paragraphs.
1 introduction * m of the product and rs for buying it
2 information about the product
3 advantages/disadvantages r good/bad points of the
conclusion and recommendation

ffi Wrlte your review. Read your classmates'reviews

and vote on which three reviews the magazine
should publish.
ffi Complete the sentences with the ffi Complete the article changing the words at the end
words in the . of the !ines into suitable form.
Fashion makes the world go around.
fake checked latest loose
designer tight genuine trendy The fashion industry is the target of lot of (0) ,r:i{:.i:.:y... cRlTlclSE
But without it we would stuck in the past. Changing
l hate it wh Dad tries to look young and
fashions show (1 ) ....,.......,,,..... wish to get rid of the old and HEALTH
bv dressino like teenaoer.
These ieans are too around the move on. lt iS (2)...,............,,.. to blame the fashion industry fr this. FAlR
middle. Have u got smaller size? Fashion is art frm that reflects and shapes our day and age,
The ....................,...,..,., fashion is for very baggy IMAGlNE
lt demonstrates 9reat deal of (3) ..,................, and creativity
jeans that fall down,
frm the wrld leading designers. Any (4).................... into lNvESTlGATE
Never wear strioed tie with
shirt - the patterns don't go together. fashion shows the vital mi role it plays. lt is of great
5 This skirt is too...,............,.......,....,, l can't do it up. (5)......,....,....,.., to the global m. ln fact, it even lMPoRTANT
6 oair of ieans can cost mv help utr economic (6) ......,,..,,........ . REcoVER
times more than rdir brand.
This is not the main reason that fashion interests most of us,
You call it....................,......... fur, but l like to think
of it as good imitation. however, The important thing is that fashion helps us to feel


Do you think this expensive-looking 9 is better about ourselves. We can express ur (7).........,........,. PERsoNAL
the .............................. article? lt seems too cheap sWEET
through what we wr. Of course, it is not all (8)................,.,.
to true.
and light. Fashion is competitive business, both for the

ffi Complete the dialogue with msL designers and the models.
't or might using the prompts
The latest creations often (9)......,.,.....,,,..., but mr EXPENSE
in brackets.
affordable copies bought i high street shops at fraction
Sam Look at this dress. |t {0| .s_t..,.........
(definitely is) at least 40 years old. of the ri. Designers frequently rss their (10).........,,......... NGRY

Lily Oh ves. tt ('l ) rl at seeing these cheaper versions, but really it is sign of their success.
lgd) to my grdmthr, She
(2) brobablv word illo ffi Matcb the sentence beginnings 1-6 with endings -F.
her wedding.
1 His hair is very |g but that won't stop me from going
Sam But look at this wedding photograph, to the party.
2 These jeans are vr
tht Aunt Mary i the dress. lt
(3) ,,..... (definitely zs) hrs.
expensive but l like it that way.
3 l feel very tired so I'm going to try
Lily I\m. vou're rioht. lt (4)
4 l feel too tired cheaper pair,
(definitely wosnt) my great-
D think he should have it cut.
grdmthr But what about these 5 His hair is too long - l

old uniforms? Thev (5) 6 These jeans are too but l'm going to buy them w,
(probably belonged) to Uncle rr r expensive F to go out tonight.
Grandad Bill,
Sam Uncle rr (6)........ ,.. .,. .,..,...
(definitely wore)this jacket, he was
ffi Cboose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 She isn't enough tall/toll enough to join the police.
2 lt was iuchlso beautiful day that we decided to go for picnic.
Lily l wonder if the museum
0| brobablv is) 3 The r is too/very old but it is still reliable.
interested in them. hr 4 was such/so disappointed i his results that he decided to
(8) ,,...,. (definitely r't) retake the m,
m left. Lt make some pasta. We don't have enough m/m
gh to eat out this evening.
They didn't let him go the ride because he was veryltoo young,

Unit 11 Style and design 121

w_olk in pairs. How many famous scientists
m? How m
of them are women?

w 4} Listen to some facts about famous female scientist. who do

you think it is?

tr 6
l'lu'liPle ntatching
ffi Kead the article. Fr questions '|*10, choose from the people A-D. The
| may chosen more than once.
which scientist
& Y" found wrk in spite of lack of qualifications?
Remember that the options
found special way of rrdig important things?
rephrase the ideas that r
in the text. so do not look
had reputation fr being difficuIt to get with?
r* l
could not study what she wanted because she was woman?
for the exact words but the
same ideas.
was both scientist and good at languages?
- ]
was related to another welI-known rs?
6].:T- l
had approach to her work that was criticised others?
was called something unkind someone she worked with?
was involved in something that was not developed at the time?
has made people change their thinking about particular species?
ffi Work in pairs. Which scientist in the article do you most admire? Why?

ffi WorK in groups. r to page 143 and do the activity.

122 cience arrd di*r

tot of gi[s put oii u .ur si
J Cooda[[ initiatty
wkd i fi[m duti
but [t was given the
because they feel umft[ d out of ptace. tuit to wk f
of us d to get involved i the sciences. thLgist Louis
These isiig stis show what wm Leakey i fi. Louis
achieve i m's w[d. was imssd Jane's
knowledge, which she

@ had gained fm spending

m hus at the
ti tt is famous f h [ove[y stis ut ut Ntu[ ist usum
im[s d h detightfuI il[usttis, but did u kw i Ld. J had
that she was also sius scientist? wh she was tittte, little fm[duti but Louis wanted sm with
ti was iso[ated fm th hi[d. ts mind. imtt t of Jane's wk was studyig
decided to educate h at hm d ti's wld was chimpanzees. She disd that these im[s actuatty
sma[[. She used to wit lhh sts i special use too[s. This was completely difft to what [
code i diary. She loved dwig d tu, d she believed at that time. J was successfut atthough
did tots of itus of [ts. [ miti was to she ws't widely dmid. She used to give h chimps
botanist but wh she apptied to m student ms, d talked about thi s[itis - this was
she was tud dw because she was wm. l spite thought to usitifi! J m passionate
of this, ti tiud to study tu h w d sut of im[ ights d dedicated h life to the
dw itus of [ts d flws. She tt m
tti of witd apes d thi habitats. w, she
t mushms. Ftut[ f millions of sti[[ has h itis. [t/ scientists do t of h
hi[d, she also dedicated h time to witig stis sdig so muh time wkig with the media.
ut im[s - th gt [ove of h tife!

Ld is of g[d's best-loved poets but few
Today has hd of DNA - t because
[ kw that his dught, Ada, made imtt
of the t it ptays i lot of TV im dms! tiutis to mut si! Because of bad heatth
Udstdig DNA is tml imtt f m Ada was taught it[. She deve[oped mkt
ss, iludig heatth issues. of the most mathematicaI mid. l 1833 she met h[s Babbage
imtt [ invo[ved i [ig the sts of who is often ca[[ed 'the fth of the mut' because he
DNA was Rosatind Fk[i. lt was h fist - images designed the [ist mutig machines. Uftutt
that [ed to the dis of the dut helix stutu- these w built us he didn't have ugh
something that is vitatto udstdig DNA. Rosalind m, Ada d Babbage ta[ked lot about his [s d
got PhD fm midg Uisit d wt to wk tw 1842 and 145 Ada tsltd lta[ian iw of
at ig's Cotlege Ld. lt wasn't easy f h to wk i Babbage's sd mhi. I imttt, she added
fssi that was mi[ t[td m, d h h w notes how to [u[t ti sequences of
fi stit didn't hetp h ith! 0 colleague ums. Although the mhi was v buitt scientists
used to [[ h'Rosy the witch!' Later; th scientists w believe that these ts of Ada's w the w[d's
took the dit f disig the stutu of DNA ut fist mut gmm. Ada died at ug age - she
without Rosatid's wk they coutd have d this. was l 56, lf she had lived hs she would have
Uftut[, Rosalind died at the age of 57 f h made m tiutis to the devetopment of mut
t i the disOv was futty gisd. gmmig.

Unit I2 Sclence and cjiscovel,v 12

peaking Rewrite the sentences using the
third conditional.
Work in pairs and answer the questions.
r was good scientist d he realised the
1 What is ur favourite invention? Why? importance of the melted chocolate.
2 What would you like to invent? Why? lf Percy

Beatrix Potter didn't become qualified scientist so she

Third conditiona d wfsh wrote books for children.

lf Beatrix Potter ...............

> GRAMMAR RRrj i59 Rosalind Franklin died at youn9 age. She didn't get
the recognition she deserved.
d the online comment.What did r lf Rosalind Franklin
Spencer invent? How did he invent this? Charles 9 didn't build computin9 machine
because he didnt have enough m.
lf Charles 9

Jane Goodall had an unscientific approach to hr work.

ffi***#ffi*ffi* **w**&***s Other scientists disapproved of hr.
lf Jane Goodall ..........................,
lot of important inventions happened accidentally!
Tell us r favourite stOry.
ffi Work in pairs. Look at the reading text again
Pete142spot and make two more third conditional sentences
using some of the information.
r Spencer invented something we l tse lot today -
the microwave. But he wasn't trying to! ln 1945 r was
an gir and he was studying microwave signals ffi Kead the last sentence about Percy Spencer
used in radar. was standing beside magnetron - the 9i. Does wish in this context mean regret
machine that produces the signals - when the chocolate or hope?
bar in his pocket meltedl This was the effect produced
the microwaves. did lots mr tests - on eggs and
popcorn and stuff - and then the first microwave was - 43 Listen to five people talking about
things they wish had or hadn't been invented.
produced, Just think. lf he hadn't standing thr,
Do you 9r with them? Listen again and
r if he hadn't chocolate fan, he wouldn't have
compIete the sentences.
invented the microwave. Mind you, l bet he wished that the
chocolate r had been on plate and not i his pocket! 1 l wish they....,...,.......... ............. smart hs
when l was younger.
2 l wish we ...................... ..,....... faster trains when
l was going to school.
l wish they.................. .............. ebooks.
4 l wish my grdmthr generation
better cameras,

ffi Complete the rule about wish.

When we use tzlsh to talk about something in the past
that wed like to hg we use
wish + past simple/present perfect/post perfect.

ffi look at the underlined phrases in the

comment and complete the rules. ffi Write three things that you would like to have
changed t these different times i your
The third conditional is about imagined/real life.Then compare your ideas with partner.
SitUation i the past/preset.
We /'t change the result of third
1 when 1 was at rimr school
conditional clause. 2 during my last holiday
form the third conditional we use if + present/past 3 last weekend
perfect + would hove + rst/s participle.

124 Unit'l2iri:ltc 116;,;1l.,gr7

peaklng ffi Complete the sentences using phrasal
verbs from Activity 3.h work in pairs
Do you think science programmes TV help to and discuss your answers.
interest people in science? Do you watch any?
What interestinq information has so
Wh/h not? .............,...............
far i this lesson?

VIr What plans have you made recently that have

and vou couldn't do what
phrasal you wanted?

ffi d t the next programme in V series Have vou hi surorisino in

about science and discovery. Would you like to this unit?

watch the programme? Do you r find it difficult to ............................. all ur
homework? Why/Why not?
Have you r in m when you
hl 11 time and didn't finish?
6 What information frm this unit would you like to
in mr detail?

Si for today
(Saturday 15,7.0 p.m. Channel 11} Us of English
As everyone knows, most of our rg today is supplied wrd trforti
through fossil fuels but unfortun*tely they are rig out!
Complete the second sentence so that it
Experts have going about this for lg time w,
has similar meaning to the first sentence,
How r we going to wr our cars d heating? This is
sig the word given. Use between two
big question and that has come i the emails we get
and five words, including the word given.
frm our viewers. lt imt for scientists to discover new
ways of getting rg and keeping up with l need for l didn't save m fi|es so l lost all my science
mr wr! l ur next programme we'll |ooking into the
research this subject. l the past there have lots of ideas
l ....,............,........... my files.
for different srs of energy such as methane - gas that
We didn't expect to find the formula i that file.
is produced cows whi|e they're eating. Most of these ls AcRoSS
have fallen through because th'r just not practical. lmagine We didn't expect the formula in
trying to trap the gas frm cows! However, while researching that file.
the rgrmm we m across variety of interesting ways to didn't pass his exams 5 he couldn't go to
produce wr. We'll |ooking at these in the rgrmm and medicalschool.
Mandy and Jim will having race in vehic|e powered FAlLED
two ry sl products. l'm not giving w what they r .,. lf ............................. his exams, he would have gone to
just to say, it not petrol ... and it r funny r indeed. So, medicalschool.
switch next Saturday and take look into the future! the mid-twenty-first century there won't any
mr oil for us to use.
the mid-twenty-fi rst centu r we
ffi Matcb the phrasalverbs 1-8 underlined in Activity .,...........................

all the oil in the world.

2 with migs -.
Scientists have r discovered anythin9 as
'l come across tell secret important as antibiotics.
2 ru out of examine
3 fall through complain Antibiotics important discovery
4 9 about D not have enough of
scientists have ever made.

5 look into fail

lt wasn't
good idea to lie to him.

6 m up F stay at the same level You ............................. him the truth.

7 give away G appear
8 keep up with find

Unit 12 5i and Ciscover1, 125

**g ffi listen again. For questio s 1-7, choose
the answer (, or ).
ffi Work i pairs. Read two comments from high
school students about studying science. Do you
agree with either of them? Why/Why not?
Rmmr that an oBtion m not correct just
1 lam so not interested in si. l think it's totally rig.
because it has words that you hr i the recording.
You have to lr all these different formulas fr things and
l just can't understand why things work r don't wrk. And

is it important, w? l want to study arts so l don't need Tina believes the science and engineering fair is
to do science, do l? Double science Mlonday mrig is important fr young people because
the worst thing in the world! not m people get the h to see such
2 l really enjoy finding out how things work and doing exciting event.
experiments in the lrtr. lt's important to understand it explains some basic jobs that girs do.
about the world around us because then we make life it changes people's attitudes towards science
better i the future. science thr is vr enthusiastic and engineering.
and that makes us enthusiastic, tool ld Iove to
At the fair young people have the h to
learn from the ri of their teachers.
participate i various activities.
*st*mg watch films during the breaks.
1-IulElple l
Ll I l
How does i feel about the fair?

ffiqq Listen to part of radb'interview about impressed the way it focuses science and
engineering in td world
The Big Bang UKYoung Scientists & Engineers Fair.
What different things can people do at the fair? surprised at the rg of things science and
engineerinq do
rd that her own scientific knowledge
is not r good
Why is the fir important fr teachers, too?
They can Iearn about the latest innovations,
They get tips how to interest their
They get advice on how to develop their
own rrs in science and engineering.
One prize wir invented machine that could
do something that people can't.
r lot of m fr rr countries.
protect people frm turl disasters.
i mentions another wir because
his invention
used his knowledge of two different topics.
is being widely used today in the
muSic indUStry.
did not require scientific background.
As well as teaching young people about science
and engineering, the fir also
encourages them to competitive.
advises them possibillties fr future work.
gives schools if they have good ideas,

ffi Would you ]ike to go toThe Big Bang Fir?

What would you like to find out more
about there? Why?

126 Unit i2 \r:t !,. , l ,.,] :,s, ,,,,, ,

ffi Wbat do you think makes good inventor?

** r,d dfr swmr

Read the comment finalist for the competition.
what sort of scientist is she?

to Science today
lt's been grt (1| rilrimt and l'm delighted
to have w the riz. lnventing this has long,
complicated (2) process/sequence, Firstly, obviously, you Wfimd hdrg
have to come up with an (| ittilid. And that's not and scieltists
easy! You have to {4) makeldo lotgrt srh and then
when you know what you want to do, you (5| thinkldevelop ffi r each subject, m the scientist
some thris and (6) provelconducf rimts. You and form the adjective. Compare
d all ur (7) swrs/su/fs and {8) staylkeep ds your answers with partner.
thoughout, all the time imig u rigil idea. lt's
l]l ml: archaeology - archaeologist -
hrd wrk but in the end wh you rdu something that archaeologicol
wks and that ths will find useful - it's wrth itI l r 1 mathematics
thought l'd gir but now l 't imagine being

anything else!

]: 3 physics

5 chemistry
ffi S Read the comment again and choose the correct 6 meteorology
alternatives to compIete the collocations. Then Iisten
and check.
4 Underlinethesyllables
that are stressed in the words i
ffi Complete the col]ocations in sentences 1-6 with the Activity 5. Then listen and check.
correct form of the verbs in the .
m l : rh 9l og i st
take develop analyse make reach do

lt must wonderful feeling for scientist to ,,...,....,...,...............

imrtt discovery. *mfumg
When we've finished all the experiments we d to
the results. ffi Work in pairs and discuss
the questions.
Now we've looked at all the results, have you
lusi? Look at the people in Activity 5. Whose
4 The doctors will need to several X-rcys of your ri.
job do you think is the most/least

5 l hated experiments in the !rtr when l was

interesting? Why?

at school. Do you know of famous scientists from

your own country or rgi?
Scientists have ., ._ . _..._....... vi to attack the new virus.
What rlwr they famous fr?

it j2 Sjtl.l *ni dis:c.vcry 127

*mkmg Read the article 9i and match the underlined
reporting verbs 1-10 with the direct speech A-J.
Work in pairs. you name winners
'Would you Iike to m to science award rm?'
of the Nobel Prize for Science? What do you
ml:2, invited
think the lg Nobel Prizes might for?
'Why don't you take notes and write article?'
'Don't forget to buy tickets fr next r rmJ
R*rt*rg werbs D 'Don't expect r serious evening!'
> GRR RRN .l59 '|'m srr l can't thr this eveningJ

F 'The awards r terrible because they make fun of

ffi d the online article about an lg Nobel
serious si]
award rm and check r ideas.
G 'l'd love toj

'l won't attend the award rml

l '|'ll for your ticketl

lg LlBhBI rizg f,rrds J r you busy next weekend?'


look at the reporting verbs in Activity 2 and find

1 one vr followed lf + object.
2 two verbs followed infinitive with l.
3 three verbs followed object + infinitive with f.
4 r followed noun.
5 two rs followedby for + -ig.
6 verb followed that + object + infinitive without f.

-&Nffi,Y, ,,, ,

d -ingwithout
Sugg,est| q; aiso,be fo||owq
When m friend, well-known scientist, (1) asked
persOnal objec| .9. sgr*td taking toxi to the
if l was busy last weekend l had no idea why and
oword rm.
then he (2) invited m to attend of the most
interesting science award ceremonies in the world -
the lg Nobel Prize awards. (3) offered to buy my
ticket so l (4) accepted his invitation. (5) warned
ffi Use the correct verbs to report the following
statements from the award rm.
m t to expect very serious evening - d he
was right! The lg Nobel prizes are not for the best ml: Rmmr to take r notebook. (m frid)
scientific inventions or research - they're for the friend reminded m to take m notebook.
funniest, or silliestl also (6) suggested that l 'l think we should sit r the stageJ
take notes the evening to write article for m IMv friend
website, which l did, |t was great evening! l loved
'Would you like to come for ml afterwards?'
the winning idea from Japan - smoke alarm that
It/y friend
wakes up deaf people sending spray of strong
wasabi ( strong, hot sauce) into their facesI Uggh! 'l think it was very bad that one scientist didn't come]
There was also the interesting research scientist lt/y friend
did into whether when tortoise yawns, other '|'m srr that l don't have rrd speech!'
tortoises w, too * like humansl Unsurprisingly, scientist
t all the winners were at the rm, 5 'l won't go Up the Stage]A wir
(7) apologised for not attending via video link but
another (8) refused to m. (9) criticised
6 '|'ll buy two programmesJlt4y friend ...............

the awards for making f of serious science! But l

think the awards are excellent idea and ffi Work in pairs. Write five more statements that
were made at the rm. Exchange them

(10) reminded m friend to buy tickets for next

year's awards, Sometimes we take life too seriously, with another pair and report the statements
don't we? using variety of verbs.

128 Unit 12 Science and isvr

L*ng t*r
gr**ig r$ disagr**r:g

Work in pairs. lmagine that your school

has been given some money to spend on
something related to science and technology.
Discuss what it should spend the m on.
Look at the list and use the phrases below to
help you.

new science laboratory

laptops for every student
trip to Arctic or Antarctic for group
of top science students
schoo.]_ frm

film and recording studio

series of fectures from visiting top
l gr with you.
l totally/compIetely agree with you.
You're absol utely right.
l couldn't 9r mr.

Partly a9ree
l wouldn't say that.
l 9r up to point.
l partly 9r with you.

l disagree with you.
l completely/totalIy disagree with you,
|'m frid l don't 9r at ll.

ffi Change partners and explain your decision.

* u",!

ffi What qualities and skills do you think good

science teacher needs? ln which l would you prefer to lr about

ffi Work i pairs. Student : do the task below.

student : listen to student and answer the "fl

follow-up question. Then turn to 9 139
and swap roles. You can indicate which picture you are rfrrig to
saying 'in this picture . . .'d pointing rather than
j Your photographs show students learning l saying'in the picture at the topl wvr, if you do use
about science in diferent places. mr your prepositions fr this rmmr to use at the top/at the

j photo9raphs and say how good ihese places r for bottom.

students t lr about science. l

*it ] ? l;i_lilrlt_e .li a :j{],Jel,!
peaking ffi d the answer again and underline parts of
the essay where the writer
ffi Work in pairs. Read the essay task and discuss 'l uses question to involve the reader.
what candidate might add to those notes
given in the question. 2 gives conclusion.
3 9ives his/her opinion.
you have had class discussion about scientific
4 comments different opinion.
research. Your teacher has asked you to write
5 restates his/her ii.

Write an essay using all the notes and give reasons

6 summarises the opposing point of view.

for your point of view. 7 develops his/her own ii and gives example.
ls it good thig for scientists to fid t mr ut 8 accepts that his/hers is not the only opinion.
ur ivrs?
k* rs : *}*} *;g, d*sPlt*, & gwr, t -

Things to Write about } R&R RRN . i5?

'j cost 2 progress your own idea
ffi Choose the correct alternative to complete
the sentences.
\fif ritig lt's important to spend m research.
wvr/Dsi this should spent carefully.
/lthugh scientists have doing research into
},\frfRlTNN R[':ER[NCE p.l 64 , , life thr planets for very lg time, nothing has
been proved.
ffi d the answer and check if your ideas
Despite/Howeyer not having much m, scientists
are mentioned.
have fill found ur fr this illness.
We are continuing with the research t even/spire of
disappolnting results.

Work in pairs. Read the essay task and discuss

r opinions. Try to think of disadvantages to
go with the points given. Find thr point
to add to the notes.
you have had discussion about scientific research
in your class.
Write essay using aIl the notes and give reasons
for your point of view.
Do you believe that w scientific discoveries d
itis always make life better for us?
Things to write about
1 we get lazier
2 they help us live lgr
your own idea

Plan and write your essay.

ffi Complete the phrases in the essay with the Use linking words and phrases to make your writing
words i the . mr interesting. Rmrw use likigwds
ddititld,h we add smthigld ,
like i
favour believe

views worth
becausdtherefore/as resutt to show reasons and resultr
conclusion controversial point say

130 l,.lnit '!2 :ti]l anC cjiscol",el,,

ffi Complete the sentences with the ,* ead the information about Sir Alexander Fleming and
correct form of the reporting verbs complete sentences 1-8 using the third conditional.
in the .

accept remind criticise

invite refuse ffr
'l 'Would you like to go to the cinema
tonight, Lucy?'Derek Lucy to
qo to the cinema. l\ u towns rud the world have hospital r
l v
lclinic that is named afterthe doctor d rsrhr
ld lv to golLucy Sir Alexander Fleming. His discovery of iilli. the
Derek's invitation.
'Let m cook dinner] Paolo
, tlr*tantjhiotic,b.4sg{t,Ji ]illi,i,:f*E
..,.,.......... ............ to But whai is the story behind it? During the First Wor|d
cook dir, W L,Flsfi g,w s,,,.d!r: h,.tr:.q d. flt;,W,g.:
'|'m srr,won't go to the party. l really
l tt,isrtji}.ts,,,ii, lt

don't want to]Geoff. to 9 to

sf i infecti{:fr0Tn.,tfu ir ri gi | i j u ri es. Aft r tha,;,
the party. W* h_e:diidad.-ta,dgdicate his llfe to rsrh to !fi.
'Oh , Josh!Why did you leave the *tr! tt.g,s$s'
tb,{ind.a. rivay +.f fifi.t-:th ..
clothes outside? You're so creJess!' lftji:.,thlt .wsll.,.Jjlli]:r]:i
Sally ...............,,...,. . Josh fr leaving the bor"atory: 5, d5,, sr.
clothes outside.
went 0 holiday without lig up his ltry. This
'Don't forget r|l bihday tomorrow, provided the perfect irmt for tri to grow
Bella] Kevin Bella about
VVh h,,. trird;,i|!* ::i.,d- ,'
Cyril's bihday.
sli{s,,,g {'fi.he1g*ka {tre,B|.s;t
_gti d l, i:,r:1thrit.ri..:{i .]ttlliq,
Complete the sentences usin9 the
timulatsd,,hl,,cr rioBrtv.;Wbe*l.tr9.,jaoka.j t,,qr
correct form of the verbs in the .

r,ds q.rit;::tljis-]th.tl8,rij i:
make reach do take sort of fungi - had destroyed the ri. eventuilly

anaiyse develop w Nobel Prize fr his discovery,

We stilI haven't ............,...,....,......

lusis frm the experiments.
hr is alot of dato that we d
to ........... ............ fr we continue lf Fleming (t discover) iilli, millions more
the investigation. people (die) of infections.

They r trying to theory lf Flmig (t ) doctor i the First World Wr, he

that will explain what happened. (r see) the trril results of infections.

Scientists have ....,....,...,.... reokth rou g h F]miq (t dedicote) himself to researching tri
if m patients

in treating the disease. (t die) of infections.

They have to .........,.............,..., blood samples 4 The bacteria (t qrow) on the slides if Fleming

from allof the patients. (l up) his laboratory before gig holiday

We have to,........................... Some rimts 5 lf his lrtr (t ) so messy, his sIides

to check which is the best material. (tm) covered i bacteria
If he ...,,..,.......,... ......... (t notice) the r whr the bacteria hadn't
qrown, he ...............,.......,,.. (t make) his discovery.
...,...,...,........... peniclllin if he
..... (t idtit) ........,..,..., .......,,
(t look)
at the slide udr microscope.
|f Flmig (t mk) the discovery, he ............,..............
(t wi) Nobel Prize fr his work.

Pr*gr*ss T**t 4 11
into the rs for the fir.
ffi Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to
up at work, l'lI have to go back to the office.
form word that fits in the gap in the same line.
rss valuable painting.
D up with you. Yur legs r longer than mine|

about that rk vase, l'll buy you thr one
t through because thr are cheap flights left.
G out of petrol.
The way we dress at work all depends away Secrets to the m.
aur la),p|l!,pelr,,' d what it means to occuPY
look (! },.,.,.,,,,,.,,.,...,..,... Fr instance; it would
* Complete the second sentence with
completely for rirr PolNT
between two and five words, including

school thr to wr:hig that was very the word given, so that it has similar
fashionableand {3}.._,..,,,,,._...._..:. , s with' f,|S
mig to the first sentence.
, :

ri of working with smallchildren will

tell you, hig delicate is likely,to ruid. The book cost too much m for me to buy.
durig the first day at wrk. ENoUGH
l didn't ..... to buy the book.
lt bettei to'weu, u*utig suld
FR l rgrt telling r the truth,
that is easy to move gTound
in - d 5 to washl l some wolkplaces,
the cho]ce is v mr timited. F.r nurses, for
l wish .. ........,.. r the truth.

[, flatshoes are essential, High heels The day was so hot that we had to stay indoors.
wculd out of place or (5),.;,.,.,.........,.,... , DAi,|GER SUcH
By contfast; lor receptinit,,\1yho isloften the lt .......................,.......... hot day that we had to
firt r! i the m visitor will see, stay indoors.
r is ofgreat (6) _ _ lMPoRTANT The play was boring, we left at the interval,
The w receptionist dresses tetls:yeu i
We the l that we left at
something aboutthe companyls image. }f you
the itrl.
wrk in the media, u m expected t0
lrvear (7} ..,.....,....,.,,.....,". clothes: They r, w pf TREND The rocket rgrmm is continuing even
exBrssigurt8).';..''''.'...".'.,..'ndmking PERSoNAL though the first launch failed,
Statement about who you r. And, of course, sPlTE
HlGH The rocket pro9ramme is continuing
u have to dress'in.the {9) ",..,,...,.;.,,,,;.;.....of fashin
if you,.work ithfashioTr industr:,y.'lf u wt
the failure of the first luh,
people:to take you seriousiy. tI 0},,.,,,,,...,..,..,.,,.,., DE5lGN 'Don't t those mushrooms, Stanley!'
clothes r abolute must, said I\lilton.
Milton .............. eat the mushrooms.
Jenny said,'Why don't we all go for

ffi Matcb the sentence beginnings 1*8 with endings -. midnight swim?'

'l Our holiday plans have fallen ]v we all went for
2 She was imprisoned fr giving midnight swim.
3 Stop at the next service Station, w'r gig to ru l 9r with spendin9 more m research
4 you walk mr slowly? l can't keep FAvoUR
5 rlm has come
l am . ............... spending more m
on rsrh.
6 Experts r looking
7 while she was in the attic she came
8 Stop qoing

12 r*grss*st4
ffi r questions 1-12 decide which answer (, , Complete the sentences with the correct
or D) fits each gap. form of mk or do.

t the dgs
l ....,...,..............,, stupid mistake while l was
the cooking. l added sugar instead
of salt!
ne of the most amazing events I have could vou m favour? l need lift to
(Ol..e".pr..,.... to is the Hong the station.
long dragon boat rs. The it hu, vou less noise, olease? l'm trvino
(l).............. is an ideal
location to m homework.
f the event, has been the site of the championship
Don't worry about your mrk, just try and
sl times since the 1970s. The people of Hong Kong
look (2)
vour best.
it each summ, The hru
is packed with (3) and suts We should the most of the opportunity
of the difft rws. It and ....................... some m.
happens what is knorvn Jason always trouble during break time,
as 'poet's day', which but wh the teacher telIs him ff he .......,...,.............
(4).............. us stupid excuse.
of legend about famous
poet who drowned. w,
ffi Comp|ete the conversation about the
his ghost ltr d advantages and disadvantages of school
d (5)............,. uniform with the words and expressions i
people how to protect the .
themselves against dk
frs. is w mmtrrd as (6) reason I say this
feel strongly for me
national h. tht because so this l think meant
Dgs rc very imtt in Chinese ultu, and the
drg boats are (7).......,...... ftr the dg's don't you do you feel think
head that ().............. one is at the frt. Gemma how (1)...... about
The r (9).............. local ffir but it So, Keith,
school uifrm?
has tlecome intenational t. Teams frm ud
the /orld m to take (1) ........... in it.
Keith Actually, (2)...,.,...,,.....,...... it is really

(t 1)............ most of the boats and rws

good idea.
still fm the gi, rws fm as fr away as Fr Gemma Oh, rll? You surprise mel
and New Zealand compete, too. (l2) Keith WeIl,the()............,,
the , the paddles while one team mm hits because of my personaI experience.
drum and thr sts the boat. The tmshr is | (4)...,................. spent trm in
ltri and the noise simply unbelievable. Frh school.There was no uniform
(5) . kids worried far too
much about what to wr.
0 ever already never D
Gemma lsee, but (6) . . deciding
1 which that whose D who what to wear lets pegple express their
2 forward to upto down on D out for w personality?
3 watchers spectators audience D viewers Keith Not rll. (7)....................... expressing
4 remembers tellS reminds D says your personality is about mr than
5 said warned suggested D advised choosing which clothes to wr.
6 one the D its I (8).........,.......... that the advantage

7 naming named ( names D m of school uniform is that you don't need to

think about what to put . w, even
8 several each all D many
without official uniform, kids create
9 accustomed were used to used to D got used to of their w. (9) ........,.. they want
1 advantage time place D part to look like r elsel
11 Although Nevertheless Despite D However
12 While Fr During DBy

Progr*ssTest 4 1 3

::1 ]l.]:].,.,_]i ].; ]i .,
Work in pairs. Take turns to role-play the examiner
and candidate. Choose questions to ask from ,.]i i,,,l...] !...],1.:] ] l.,]..1
the list.
Your photos show people who want to look their best.
] How do you like to spend your weekends? Compare the photos and say how the people
2 What's ur favourite rgrmm V? are feeling.

Do you spend lot of time on computer?
4 How do you usually trvl rud your r?

5 What do you like to do when u'r on holiday?

6 you tel me something about ur best friend? ,, t
7 Do you like to spend your f time at home ol,to go out?
8 Which ls ur favourlte day of the week? Why?
9 What sort of fi]ms do you enjoy watchlng? Ir

10 Whlch mmr of your fil do you admire most? Why?

, . d 1 i_,
I iiii

Which answer is better, or ? Why?

Well, in the first photograph see woman, she is at
*t]. i],r!.
hairdresser's. girl has started to do something to hr hir. l *l'l
think she's changing the colour.The hairdresser is quite young .,?.;ij
with ld hair and she's concentrating the woman's hir.
She needs to very careful. the second photograph, we
see 9roup of chi dr. lt ooks like fancy dress party
r Something like that,They r dressed up in pretty clothes.
rhs it's party r competition. The 9irls r aged about
fur r five d the rl9ht there's young . Behind him
there's thr who ls wrlg big hat. l like the second
picture best because l went to lots of parties iike this when l

was young. lt was good fun.

[t see. Well, the first photograph shows w at the
hairdresser's. Someone's doing something to hr hir - like
changing the lur. The second is of group of children
sitting on the flr.h'r dressed up as princesses and thr
. They r rl watching l r rfrmr at
party. ln both plctures the want to look different but
the main dlffr between them is that in the first picture
the woman Wants to change her r rmtl, to
feel ttr about hersell whereas in the second the chi dr
r pretending to different rs - just fr fun, you
know! However, they all want to look good! As for how they
r feeling well, the w at the hairdresser's looks bit
rd - perhaps it taking g time!The children at the
party, the other hand, ook vr interested and the 9ir i
the front is vr excited, Perhaps the play r the entertalnment
is vr amusing r surprlsing. would say that th'r ll havlng
good time!

134 i"l;:! i:i il*.t!.];:,] icii:l

fr* * wg *us, &**w* ffi

The organisers of youth l want to offer some new evening classes. Here are some of the
classes they are considering. Talk to each other about why people might interested in doing
these classes.
Now decide which class wld the most popular.

g3t 4, Skig f*u* &**frw* ffi

Student : Yr photos show people on holiday in different places. Compare the photos and say
why you think they have chosen to go to these different places on holiday.
Student : Do you enjoy sightseeing?

Why have the people chosen to go to these different places holiday?

S*pport f*r *kig Tests 135

t"$ f; ffi * -
m fi*fi re gg $* * H* Hi *.ffi,**v, *'F
There is going to new shopping centre in your area.
Here are some of the shops and services the deve]opers r thinking of putting in it. Talk to
each other about why these places might good to have in w shopping centre.
Now decide which two would most popular.

Why mightthese
places good
1 supermarket to have in ,w
shopping centre?

# r],'iffi


r, fi *; u, **:fr g:* . u d\-H" *fi fr $:
*t rgi*sn*

These two photographs show people relaxing in different ways.lU like you to compare the
photographs and say why you think the people have chosen to relax in these ways.

Why have the people chosen to relax in these ways?

'l36 *pp*rt l*r p**ki*q T*st

class wants to give some money to local bird sanctuary and needs to raise the m.
Here are some ideas they r thinking about. Talk to each other about how useful these
ideas would in raising money.
Now decide which two ideas the class should use.

How usefulwould
1 sponsored run these ideas i
raising m?

second-hand book
sale at school
4 collecting r
in the town tr

doing household
jobs for m

: i, l :i.l''il,{,l l,.ll.i :l,. .1;11,1 ;',

Student : Your pictures show different ways of stopping crime. Compare the pictures and
say how good these Ways are at stoppin9 crime.
Student : Are there lot of CCTV cameras in your town?

How good are these ways of stopping crime?


*pp,*ri {rrr p*;lki*g }est* 17

,fu., fr' ifr- ,S,r:*"$,*ir,tg1l fr],q:Bu,j;il;$t *, ; ,. i:: , "']

Your photos show people who want to look their best. Compare the photos and
say how the people are feeling.

LJ * fr
-'* .*, ;t,, t , ,'r. +;: 4 tl fi ff g;,r fti

Student : Your photos show people doing different activities while they are holiday. Compare the
photos and say why you think they have decided to do these activities on holiday.
Student : Do you send postcagds when you're on holiday?

Wh have the people decided to do these activities on holiday?

;."l,r".lT .'.,i;:,-',fi;, ,{' ij'{ .:,. u*\t,.{.," i; i:

c_""l--_- n

Your photographs show people exercising i different ways. lU like u to compare the
pictures and say what the advantages are of exercising in these ways.

What are the advantages of exercising in these ways?

1 38 pp*st {*r pe*ki*g *sts

fu** %**fig * &**f;w,* ffi

Student : Yr photos show people living in different places. Compare the photos and
say why the peopIe have chosen to live in these different places.
Student : Which place would you prefer to live in?

Why have the peopIe chosen to live in these different places?

&#* $* p*akE*g f** &**$fi* ,S

Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer these exam questions.
1 Would you rthr spend time with friends or 4 What do you see yourself doing i five years'time?
famiy? lwhy?) 5 Do you think it is better to have interesting job r
2 Do ,,; have any important festivals in ur r? that pays lot of m? (Why?)
3 What lvcu C your idealjob? (Why?)

fu#* * *k3=g f** ,&**

Student : Your photographs show children learning t science in different ways. Compare the
photographs and say what sort of things the children might lrig.
Student : Have ever to science exhibition?

What sort of things might the children learning?

*pp*rt i*r g**kig T*stx 'l 39

mit , rmmr f,lcbxsn Ativfiy & ilJrBt *stf;r,g md
Work in pairs. Choose of the jobs each and role-play Vgfir fs
interview for the magazine. Think t the details of what Activity l0
you do and what sort of questions to ask r partner.
lmagine you organise an after-school
1 You organise after-school club. want mr members. prepare
2 You organise social events for your class. short presentation to give your group
3 You work part-time as babysitter. about your club. Y should talk about
4 You volunteer to help elderly people i ur community. these things:
5 You give lessons to neighbour's young child. . what your club does - activities
CompetitionS, etc.
[JrTit ?., ReadirTg fcrcuso Activity t . wh it meets and how m members
there r
srrs tO qLiiu . Why it is the best club to join

1 2 4
When everyone in your group has
spoken, vote on the club you would like
&Jflt ?, Ls* f ffirgls f*s Actfivty to join - it can't your own!
Choose from one of the following clubs or
Read extract from article. Choose eight words to invent your w.
blank out. h give your gap-fill exercise to Student to
complete. Complete the gap-fill that Student gives you. cookery ballroom dancing
jogging archaeology
book travel film

rlt \ffrtf;m fcu,

Have you ever thought about all the different rvorlds that &**iwty
exist in urs? We read lot about the type of worlds
plan survival drama film. Think about
that tiny animals live in. Like ants with their idil
these things:
nests and marvellous systems fr communicating and
tansporting things - r bees with their complicated . think of situation
beehives and social relationships, People have always . outline the story
been fascinated tiny worlds. Young children enjoy . discuss where you would film this
playing with doll's houses whr eveything is much . who you would like to act tn it
smaller than in our big grw-u world. And m
Then present your ideas to the class and
adults love building model villages for toy trains to u
vote on the most popular idea.
through!This interest in tiz things,is often the subject of
both children's and adults'books. hr is the wdrfl
str of Gulliver Jonathan Swift, w visited place tJnit [n Srmrfi&r fm*s,
called Lilliput whr all the people wr r, r small. Actvity ?
The story wa witten long time ago ut new film
strig Jack Black m out in 2010. Watch it next rswrs to quiz
Wednesday evening Channel 5. 1 2 4 5

140 (or-nmu*lcationactivities
Unit l0 Grmmr fs, Uit 6, Grmmr focrrs,
Activity Activity
Work in pairs and follow the instructions. Work in pairs. You are making the rules
1 Describe famous restaurant r hotel i your country to for people living in student residence.
ur rtr. Each person has his/her own room
2 Listen to ur rtr and take notes. and bathroom, but everyone shares
3 Tell w rtr about the place ur rtr described. Make cooking facilities.
sure to use the correct articles i ur descriptions.
4 Vote on the best place to eat. Make rules for the following.
. music and noise
Unit 5, Use of nglish focus, Activity 6 . Quiet times'
. the kitchen and kig facilities
Work in pairs and follow the instructions. . visitors and guests
1 Read the article about'freegans'and choose t words to take . lig up
out to make gap-fill. . shared fridges
2 Exchange your gapped text with another pair and see if you . cleaning the stairs and the corridors
chose the same words. Discuss why you decided to choose
these words. Compare your rules with another pair.
3 What do you think is the best way to stop people wasting so
much food? Why? 9-
Uit 7, Grmmr focus,
Activity 7
Complete the sentences i your own
words. h think of fr more sentence
starters of your w and exchange them
with partner for him/her to complete.
1 lf l had bad headache, ...
2 lf l ate three chocolate bars every day, ...
3 lf l didn't do much exercise, ...
4 lf l saw r accident, ,..
h other evening l saw documentary about people
5 lf my friend hurt his leg d couldn't walk ..
who try to live as cheaply as possible. couple 6 lf my dad didn't have car, ...
searched through bins behind supermarkets vry
evening looking fr stuff that had been thrw away
LJnit 9, rmmr focus,
that was still to eat! People like this r sometimes
called 'Frgs'and they r not l people who
llctivity 9
r r and need to save m but also those who Go rd the class and find someone
think that ur society today wastes far too much food. who this time next r
This is way of protesting against this. Apparently,
will have taken an important m.
mr than third of the wrld food is thrown away! 2 will still studying English.
This problem has getting lot worse recently. 3 won't living i this town mr.
4 will have passed his/her driving test.
Some l say that this is tl due to all the
5 will have 9 to English-speaking
promotions in supermarkets. People r encouraged
to buy mr than they need with ffrs like'Buy two, 6 will have abroad on holiday.
get two fr'. They can't eat it all and then h to 7 will studying w subject.
throw it away. Mind you, not ry would enjoy 8 will have bought w computer.
spending their time going thrugh bins of food! |

don't think it for me!

Communicationagtivities 141
Unit 8, Grrmr focus, Unit l 0rYlr focus,
Activity 8 Activity 7
Answer the questions. h compare your Work in pairs. Read the task and have
answers with partner. the discussion.
What do you have done regularly? There is going to new set of stamps for your
ml: l have m hair cut every mth.
country showing important ltrl images.
2 What do rich people have done that you do yourself? Discuss what they could put the stamps.
3 What has someone you know had done fr Think about these ideas.
them recently?
. poet/composer or novelist
. national dish
Unit 9, Grmmr fs, . an item of clothing
. famous singer r band
Activity 7 . building or landmark (sight)
Work i pairs and fol]ow the instructions. . painter r sculptor
. place of natural beauty
Read this list f questions about shopping and write
two more questions of your w.
2 Change partners and ask five ofthe questions. lJnit , Listening dVlr
3 Return to ur first rtr d tell him/her what you
learnt from your interview. ...
focus, Activity l
Do you think that in the future we'll l use credit Give yourself 2 points for each of the answers
cards and cash? where agree with the statement.
Do you think we'll l to buy everything from
vending machines?
16-20 You r the ideal product of the consumer society.
You want everything that is w and expensive
Will u use vending machines like these?
and you Want it now.
Do you think rml shops will disappear?
10-14 You persuaded advertising and are
Do you think we'll buy mr r fewer things li in influenced brands and fashion magazines.
the future?
4-8 You sometimes buy consumer items, but l if
you think |t is justified.
Unit l0n Grmmr focus, 0-2 You r the advertiser worst nightmare. You are

Activity 7 rl mean with yourself and others. You r

not much fun to l|ve with, either.

Answer the questions. Start your answer with r

relative clause. Then mr your answers with Unit l0, Us of nglish focus,
Activity 3
ml:h film (that) l have s most ft is ..,
1 Which film have you seen most often? Work in pairs.Tell r partner about the last
2 Which celebrity do you most admire? time you
3 Which singer is most famous in your country? 1 made mistake i English.
4 Which instrument do you wish you could play? 2 did someone favour,
5 Which is the most beaut|ful building you have 3 made excuse that wasn't true.
r seen? 4 did the cooking.
6 Which TV programme would you hate to miss? 5 made wish.
7 Which songs do you listen to most often? 6 didn't do your homework.
8 Which restaurant in ur r is the most expensive? 7 made the most of difficult situation.
8 made some m selling something.

142 Cornmunicationactivitie
{# pt t,li; fi * - {,} ij",ig j} F*fl,t :.,,,,,i.{'t,* {ltl ,., ;, i;: :t:.;l,,i,:, ',,.j:
.,_lth-,q: {:i Hi ut' ,{h**til*fi: ,S

Work in pairs. Look at the pictures of fashions from Work i 9rs. Y must decide which scientist
the past and from today. Make guesses about was most important. Choose scientist
what it was/is like to wear the clothes. each and discuss why your scientist was more
important than the others. Think about
. the good and bad uses made from hr work.
. the difficult]es she had to face at the time.

L-$ .i * -# lt^a T;,* ",}"t :*" $* flfl} {i ", s,

-';di:\+ .tl}.

}t{*** \

m*ih the rw tamrly, who live in

t} , harl an exciling i.
lt was evening and ftr ciinnerTina was ll ihe
kitchen. hg was {2}
while her husband, rk, was watching
{} t,tstl; upstairs
th*l ug daughle r ws asleep i h m
and therr son, rk, lvas doing some
hrwrk on hrs muts" The weather hacj

I4l with lot of sunshine

al] tl
very high tmrtu*, wr, towa:ds
the d of the ftr the hsat sterted to
get uncomfortable. h it began to i r
,,g(trv,:y, ltrl ]ooksd out of the
kitchen window l saw big trm clouds in
the sky. The rw's dog, Tilly, ws in t}
butt sutjtle nly th was loud
crack of 1huncler d she r it the house
flr lew mmti saw lightning in the
sky d then {7} Frk
was Od because the 1elevijn had g
off too, Mark shouted frr his rm because
his utr wasn'! wrl<ig. Then lhey heard
{} ig, rk went
LSlir tc rfrt ihe i but aS he lirid
the statrs there was erus cl,ash and
lho house see;rr*d to shak*. k ran into
Ruth's rl d he saw {}
big 1r* irm their gri had clashec]
though the f d lnto Rlh' lr! Luckily
it tTissed the baly jt:st {}
What w escape!

C**r:T,lu*ic*tis}!*ctivit!*s 14
Umf;t fr* LJs Btr g f**uu m8 4, ffirmmffi&" f**
&**w* &*** S
tdt tudcnt
Read extract from article. Choose eight words to
blank out. Then give your gap-fill exercise to student
month ago the (1} . .. ....
to complete. Complete the gap-fillthat Student .

gives you. family, who live i Lyndhurst, had

exciting i. lt was evening
and ft dir (2t ,, was
i the kitchen, She was making
cup of coffee while hr husband,
{) was watching
comedy rgmm television.
And then there's the magical wld of The Borrowers, |
Upstairs their young daughter was
r Norton which has also h
Str made intn
been mrl into asleep in her rm and their son,
several films. We all lose things day like buttons,
- lVlark, was t4} ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
socks, pens and so on. Whr do they go? The books tr .
his computer, The weather had been
toexplainthis.TheBrrowrs,etyrofp.opI. very good all day with lot of sunshine
who live in ur houses. udr ur flrs. They take lots d r high tmrturs. wr,
of littte things to use in their wrl" matchbox might towards {5) tba
r bed, piece of chocolate might dessert
: fr heat started to get umfrt|. Then
whole family! The books r very l and imaginative '

it g to i r heavily. i looked
and it is no suris that the made yet thr film ; out of the kitchen window and saw
version last r. If you missed it when it m out there .-

{6} in the sky. The

is another chance to see it this week. Remember that key
rw's dog, Tiliy, was i the back
you lost? Watch Tiresday and rhs youlll find out } grd but suddenly thr was loud
V series /ri small ,orld
whr it Went! It part of the rk of thudr and she {7}
which starts tmrrw and continues fr six weeks.
. ft few momentsTina

(.,_ saw lightning i the sky and then all the

lights went off, {S} .,,.... .,.....,... . was
annoyed because the television had
--*** rY*r effi d str* g gone off too, lrk shouted fm his
f**B"Bsu &twt rm because his computer wasn't
working. Then they hrd Ruth
The mig of ur three favourite animaIs:
'lst This is the animal you think you r most like.
ig. Frk went upstairs to mfrt
the but as he climbed the stairs
2nd This is what other people think you are like.
there was t9) and
rd This is what you r really likel
the house seemed to shake, Frk r
into Ruth's rm and he saw amazing
sight. (10)

frm their grd

had crashed through the rf d into
Ruth's rm! Luckily it missed the
just half metre. What
rrw escape!

142 Ct nunication activitie
UNIT l st continuous
1.1 Present simple and FR The present frm of + the -ig form of the r
(present participle).
present continuous Contracted forms: /iT (lam),you're (you are), he's/she's (he/she

rst simple i9, i* (it i9, we're (we are), they're (they are), + -ig frm.

FR USE We use the present continuous to talk about

positive statements 1 actions hig right now at the moment
of speaking.
lu/Wh live i Ld.
id is making lunch.
He/She/lt lives i Ld,
Negative statements
2 temporary situations that r happening around now.

luV/h d't live i Ld.

l usually work i the Ld office, but this mth l m
working i the Bristoloffice.
HdShdlt doesn't live i Ld,
3 changing r developing situations.
The cost of living is gig up.
Do l/yowelthey live i Ld?
Does hdshe/it live i Londor#.-
4 personal plans and arrangements i the future.
lam seeing Gmm this vig.
Yes, Vyou/wdthey do.
No,lSou/wdthey don't.
1.2 Yr patterns
Yes, hdshelit does. -ing fm (the gd)
No, hdshdit doesn't. FR The -ig form (gerund) is the frm of r when
USE We usethe present simple it is used like noun, e.g, l j listening to music,
1 with habb, routines r regular repeated actions (often USE We use the gerund
with adverbs of frequency, e.g. always, sometimes, 1 as the subject ofa sentence.
Smoking is bad for you.
go to gm every Friday vig.
l the
2 after certain verbs; ld, risk, m, mid.
Do you mid ig the window? lt is very
They ft play tis at the weekend. hot i here,
2 when we are talking about permanent situations. 3 after verbs that rss strong likes and dis|ikes, .9.
We liv i smallvillage. adore, love, hate,.detest.
Do you work here? l hate shig i supermarkets where they play
3 with'state'verbs which r not usually used in loud music.
continuous forms: , lg, have, depend, kw, w, 4 after prepositions, verbs and adjectives followed
think, understond, wt, hr, love, see, smell, toste. prepositions, and phrasal verbs, e.g. before, after;
This soup tastes Stronge. succeed i, depend , tired of, interested i; lookforward
Does this bag lg to you? to, carry .

l don't kw what she wants. Before leaving home,l always checkthat l have m
4 i spoken and processes.
keys d mobile.

You take the underground to Gr Park d th you Would you interested i going to the
catch bus to sigt High Street. im tonight?

First of ollyou select the item you wt to buy d you We are loaking forword to seeing you gi,
put it i ur basket. Wh you are ready to you
click checkout,

Grmmr reference 145

infinitive with to position of adverbs of frq
FR The r form of the r. Adverbs of frequency come ftr the r r .
usE we use the full infinitive is often late for work.
'l after some verbs, e.g. want, d, decide, expect, refuse, and two-word adverbs of frequency generally
pretend, wt, hope. m between the subject and the main verb, and
between modal verbs and the mi r.
lwantto use the cor tonight.
2 after some adjectives pleased, happy.
we sometimes wotchTv i the ftr.
You ever/hardly ever fid seot during the
l m pleased to meet you.
rush hour.
3 to express purpose.
After negative statement , very ft/il that ft
She borrowed sm moneyto buy w computer.
usually goes at the end ofthe sentence.
used two lrm clocks so as t to wake up late.
We don't go to the im very ft/ll that ft.
4 After verbs that convey an idea of the future, e.g. l,
Sometimes, usually d occasionally come at the
expect, hope.
beginning of sentence followed mm.
She hopes to study medicine wh she leaves school.
Sometimes, we go to the beach ofter school.
5 After verbs with two objects, e,g. urg.
hr- and four-word expressions 9 at the beginning
They encouraged him to tr the competition. or the end of the sentence. They cannot go between
the subject and the mi verb, or modal and the
ifiiti without to main r.

FR The infinitive Without r. ,- Now d gi/ i awhile/From timetatime,

we eat out at the wkd.
usE we use the infinitive without ro
w d gi/ i
'l after modal verbs , must, should, would, will.
We eat out at the weekend
while/from time to time,
l'll meet you outside the station.
2 Aftersomeexpressions,e.g. hadbetter,would rather,let\.
lt gig to ri. You'd better take umbrella.
3 After certain verbs that r followed object, e.g.
She let him stay up lote,

ssis of fq
We use adverbs of frequency and expressions of frequency
to say how often we do something, r how often
Somethin9 happens.
We use questions beginning with How ft.

ds ffq
mm adverbs of frequency include:
096.i,:,. .lj ,.,:.:.'::',.]',: .._ :., ,,,, ,:',:_ .':,'-',' ,"' ,,,]. ,. ' ' ,1O9

Vr rrl occasionally sometimes qUite often usually always

hardly often

146 Grammar reference

UNl 2 Z,2 Past slrnple, ued to and
2.1 rst per,fiect and Wourd
past simple Past simple
st ft simple FR Verb + -ed (watch out fr irreguIar verb forms).

FR Subject + have/has + past participle. USE We use the past simple

USE We use the present perfect simple 1 to talk about events in the past which are now finished.

1 to talk about experiences or events that happened

she wt to Flr last mth.
at some time in the past, The exact time that they 2 to talk about situation in the past,
happened is unknown r unimportant. Wh li was child, she st eoch summer with
Have you ever visited Scotland? her grandparents.

l'v s this film before. 3 to talk about lr sequence ofevents i the past.
2 to talk about situations that have continued frm some They had lunch, got i the car d drove hm.
time in the past until w. 4 i reported speech (for mr information on reported
How lg have supported that tm? speech, see page 155).
We use for to talk about period of time, e.g. slx she said she kw our cousins.
months, oges, m whole life, hundreds of years.
We've had this r for three years. Ued to
We use sce to talk about spgcific point i the past, FoRM
e.g. six otlk, l wos ch i l d, 2006, l st Tu esd . positive statements
l'v kw Solly si we met at university. used to + ifi n itive without

watch out! we often need to look at the context Negative statements

to Understand which meaning the rst didn't use + infinitive without ro
perfect expresses.
l've student herefor six months,
(l am stilla student.) Did you/he/she/it they use r + infinitive without r
l'v student- short answer
(l was student at some time in the past.) Yes,l/we/he/she/it/they used to. Yes, l did, No,1 didn't,
studied there frm 2009 to 20l
l l ,
USE We use used to to talk about past habits and states that
( finished period i the past)
don't happen now r |onger exist.
when we r describing repeated actions that have lused to play footballtwice week, but l had to stop
continued from some time in the past until w. wh linjured m k.
l've to the im three times this week. l didn't use to like olives wh l wos ug, but w l
with certain adverbs. love thm.
We often use eyer, vr, olready,jusr and r with the watch t! we do not use used r with definite time or
present perfect (not the past simple).
as alternative to the past 5imple.
Have you ever to Cairo? lasedto4ive (/iyed) there fr three years.
No, l hoven't. l fact, l've vr obroad, Last night lsd+ (wt) to the im,
Why r't you doing your homework?
Because we hove already finished it. would
The post has just arrived. We use would + infinitive without r for past habits.
We use t in questions and negative sentences. grandfother would m hm frm work, he would
Hove you tried that recipeyet? sit the fir d drink cup of teo.

No, t yet, l hv't hod the tim. watch out! we cannot use would + infinitive to talk
about past states. We need to use used r.

Hewoa4-be thi wh he wos ugr.

used to thin wh he wa; ugr.

Grmrr reference 147

3.1 countable and tl We use with plural countable nouns, and uncountable
nouns in negative sentences and questions,
Oh dear, there r't biscuits left!

countable nouns Doyou have boots lcould borrow?

She did't have odvice to give m,
countable u is separate unit that easily
counted. With mr than we make them plural ls there petrol i the r?
adding -s.
watch out! we vr use a/an with
Some plurals are irregular, e.g. fr -+ feet, rs -+ people. uncountable nouns.
Could l ask you for rri{rmti, please?
uutl s Could laskyou for some/a piece of ifrmti, please?
Uncountable nouns r things that we cannot count, r
l count with difficulty, r abstract us or ideas. We srl m, few
cannot make them plural.These include
We use severol, m d with countable us.
. liquids and masses, .9. oll cheese, petro[ sugar.We

Wh l got to the doctor's there were already several

measure them or weigh them but we cannot
people i front of m.
count them.
. things which r difficult to separate or count, How m children are st todoy? Not m.
e.g. hair, spaghetti. Were there m people atthe rt?
. abstract nouns, e.g. ifrmti, .-r, hoppiness, ftr all these years the still has few loyal fans.
knowl ed g , l uck, adv i , ew s.

Watch Out! Some uncountable nouns in English are muh, little

countable i other languages. we use much and /ittle with uncountable nouns.
We often make m uncountable nouns appear There's little milk left i the jug i the fridge.

countable using piece of;a bottle/tin/jar/cup/litre/kilo of How muh m will we d to take with us?
before them. We d to hurry up, there isn't muh time left.
l heard interesting piece of information from
Melaniethis mrig.
Iots of lot [
ld like litre of olive oil, pleose.
We use tots of/a /orofwith plural countable and
Fr this ri you'll d three cups of flour.
uncountable nouns.
There were lots of/a lot of people tryig to buy tickets.
3.2 Expressions of quantity There's lot of food left over from the party, we'll hove
to eat it t week.
We use / with singular, countab|e u5.
has got brother d older sister.

we use some with
. plural countable nouns and the plural form of the verb.
There are same apples i the bowl.
. uncountable nouns and the singular form of the verb.
There is some ifrmti you d to give us.
. requests and frs.
Could you get same milk wh you go to the shops?

148 Grammar reference

3.3 Present perfect simple d UNIT 4
continuous 4.1 Narratiye tene
st ft simple Past simple
Fr notes the present perfect simple, see page 147. Fr notes the past simple, see page 147.
We usually use the past simple to give the mi sequence
st ft continuous of events i story The t mrig, Jifr got up early,
FR packed her bag d set off for the cove.
positive statements
Subject + hos/have+ + verb + -lg (present participle)
past continuous

Question FORM was/were + verb + -lg (present participle)

How lg has/have he/she/it/you/they + +verb + -ig USE We use the past continuous
Hos/Have he/she/it/you/they +verb + -ig 1 to talk about actions i progress in the past and to'set
the scene'at the beginning of narrative.
short answers
shining d young
lt was lovely day, the su was
Yes, h e/s hdit has; l/we/you/they h ove. couples were walking hd i hd through the pork.
No, hdshe/it hasnt; l/wdyou/they h oven't. mthr d her children were feeding the ducks.
USE We use the present perfect continuous 2 to talk about event that was in progress when
1 to talk about activities which started i the past and another event happened.
continue i the present. 9- ,
l was walking through the wood wh l fell over
l've stuig since three otlock this ftr. root d hurt m leg.

2 to talk about repeated actions up to the present. While l was walking through the wood, lfell over
root d hurt m leg.
We'ye trying to call irim oll day, but thr
swr. 3 to talk about actions in progress at the same time.
3 to focus activity rthr than quantity/result. Fr While we were rrig the food, the others were
quantity/result we use the present perfect simple. decorating the rm.

She has making records for l5 years. (= present

rft continuous, focuses the activity) Past ft simple
She has md l l records. (= rst perfect simple, FR Subject + had + past participle
focuses the result)
USE We use the past rft simple
1 to show that an action happened at time rlir than
thr action i the past.
Wh we fill orrived at the station the troin had
already left.
2 to make it lr that action is out of sequence. The
past perfect makes the order of the actions clear.
ftr we had t luh, we wt for walk.
we wt for wolk after we had t luh,
4.2 Time phrases os soon os
We use 5 5 cs to introduce something that happened
ofter, ofterwords immediately after something else happened.
we use after d ofterwards to talk about action As soon as we orrived we took taxi to the hotel,
hig after another,
ftrwrds is followed phrase in the past simple. the time
we watched film Tv. fterwards we wt out for
We use bythetimeto m't laterthan the momentthat
something happensi
ftr |s followed -lglu phrase r the past perfect. get home.
l expect your rm to tidy the time l
ftr lig the house, l wt out for walk.
After l had ld the house, l wt out fr wolk.
4.3 Subject/Obiect qtis
watch out! we use afterwords/after that between the
We ask questions about the object.
first and following actions in sequence.
Who did Jasmine speoktoyesterdoy?
Don't use cfter tw the two actions, as it is unciear
which happened first.
She spoketo Martin.
We ask questions about the subject.

wh, while, during, cs

Who sowthefilm last night?
S saw it.
We use while, during and as to talk about actions happenin9
at the same time. obiect questions
. Whileis usually followed the |ttiuus to
form object questions, we use the auxiliary verb and
talk about actions that were in progress over period
inverted word rdr (auxiliary verb + subject +
of time.
main verb).
While Steven was lig the table, rli wos
Where do you live?
kig the meal.
. Wh and cs r usually followed the past simple.
The expected answer is the object.
0 live) i Santiago.
wh she saw her m the list, she shouted
with joy.
sth su wt down, it m suddenly cold.
subject questions
. Durig is followed u that describes event
. form subject questions we don't use the auxiliary
r period. r and we don't hg the order ofthe subject and
verb.The word rdr is the same as it is for statements.
We hod fsitig vrlti during the journey.
Who gave you thot lovely scarf?
During the millions of m joined
different armies,
First World Wor
. The expected answer is the subject.
sara (gave itto m).
Watch Out! Don't use during to talk about length of
time. lnstead, use for.
We talked dating three hours,

we talked for three hours.

15 Grammar reference
UF|I 5 5.2 sd to/get eled to
. I Ftur frrs FORM be/get used to + noun/verb + -lg
FORMS ttzll/ + infi nitive USE
gig to + infinitive without t 1 we use used r to talk about situations and habits
present continuous that were unfamiliar or difficult, but that are w
familiar and easy.
present simple
Wh l m to gld lws't used to driving
the left. (lt was difficult because l wasn't accustomed
1 We use rzil/ + infinitive without r to driving the left.)
. for predicting something that we know r believe we Now,l'm used to drivinE i gld. (lt is easy and l

know something about. We often use it with thk, am now accustomed to it,)
hope, expect, believe,
2 We use get used to talk about the process of
lthinkRachelwill getthe job, (She has the right developing habit.
qualifi cations and experience.)
got used to driving the left. (At first it was
to express spontaneous or sudden decisions taken at difficult, but vr time l m accustomed to
the mmt of speaking. driving the left.)
Don't order taxi - l'll takeyou to the Station.
Watch t! Do not confuse be/get used with used to +
Watch t! We can't use going to i this case. infinitive without r, Fr notes on used to, see page 147.

2 We use gig + infinitive ithout r

. for predicting something we see, feel or hr some
evidence of w.
Look ot those clouds, it's gig to rain.

Watch t! We can't use the present continuous i

this case.

. to ta|k about things that have lrd been decided,

e.g. plans and arrangements made fr the moment
We're going to hove surprise rt for Mum's
fiftieth ihd.

Watch Out! We 't use // + infinitive without t in

this case.

3 We use the present continuous to taIk about rsl

plans and arrangements.
We're sdig t wkd with Eric d Sophie,
(lt urown personal plan.)

Watch out! We can't USe // + infinitive without in

this case.

4 We use the present simple to talk about arrangements

that are determined timetables and rgrmms.
Her course begins t mth.
The t tri to Cambridge leaves from platform .

Gramrnar reference 151

UNIT 6 irrgl mti and sulti
6.1 Making comparisons
There are three types of comparison. These are the most mm irregular forms.

1 to higher degree (comparative form + th) good -+ better -+ best

paolo is taller th r. bod -+ worse --> worst

This book is mr interesting th that . far -+ further --> furthest

2 to the same degree (cs ... as)

petra's results were better th mi, but Bella's were
the best.
She's as intelligent as her sister.
r's tmr is worse th his brother, but his
3 to lower degree (with /ess + th) (r + as ... os)
sbfer3 the worst,
The book is less interesting th the film.
Jason lives further from the school th kate, but
This dress is't as expensive/nice as the other . George lives the furthest away.

mti and superIative fms of talking about small l8 diffr

adjectives talk about small difference use d little, bit
1 With one-syllable adjectives d ightly.
add -er and -5r to frm the comparative We feel bit mr fidt todoy th we
d superlative. did yesterday.

ul is older th m father" .,
talk about large difference, use lot, much d far.
Si is the youngest girl i the class. The hotel was far mr expensive th we thought.

Fr one-syllable adjectives ending i vowel + With nof ds... d5, use rl |otalk about
consonant, double the consonant and add -er/-est. large difference.
big -+ bigger --> biggest She isn't rl as i os her sister.
Fr one-syllable adjectives endin9 in - add -rand -sr. (= her sister is much nicer)

i -+ ir -+ nicest With t ds . . . ds, use quite lo talk about

2 With two-syllable adjectives

small difference.
quite as good as their last .
Their w sg isn't
Add -er and to frm the comparative and
(= their last song was little bit better)
superlative of m two-sylIable adjectives.
The second question is harder th the first .
The last is the hardest.
Fr adjectives ending in -, add -ier and -iest.
heavy -+ heavier -+ heaviest
3 With three-syllable adjectives
use rnore and rhe rsr, /ess and the least.
The play we saw last night was more jl than
the we saw last week,
lt is the mot interesting book l have ever reod.


i 152 Grammar reference

6,2 Modals of obligation and UNIT 7
necessity 7.1 Zerorfirst and ecCInd
we use musr
to talk about strong obligations that come frm
the speaker.
conditional sentences ti condition clause and
main,/result clause. The condition clause come at the
must that bill before they cut off m h.
beginning or the end ofthe sentence.
to make strong recommendation.
you must see her latest film, it's wonderful. z conditional
Watch t! Avoid using rusr to tell other people what FR /f + present simple + present simple i the
to do. You can r rude. |t is better to use hd r or main clause.
you d to/ I d like you to,
usE we use the zero conditional to talk about what
always happens/a natural consequence.There is real
There is past form of mus. We use hod to instead to condition,
talk about obligation i the past.
lf you leave ice i the sunshine, it melts.
Wh I was at school we had to go for ru
every mrig.
fist conditional
2 We use rnusrnt to tell people not to do
things (prohibition). FR /f + present simple + // for future in the
mi clause.
You mustn'ttouch that switch,you could get
electric shock 9_,
usE we use the first conditional
We use have to to talk about duties and obligations, . to talk about something that is likely to happen if
Something happens fi rst.
l'm shop assistont. l have to serve customers d
keep the shop tidy, lf l poss m driving test, l'lltake vr out for
hove to fill i frm
if you wont to apply fr
. to make threat or promise.

lf you d't give m m bike back, l'll tell m dad.
We use d to to talk about duties and requirements.
l'll buy you ice rm if you're good. l
You d to over l if you wt to join.
we also use wh/s s as instead of ifwhen we
We use d't have r when there is obligation or
are sure that something is going to happen.
something isnt necessary.
s s sh they orrive, we'll have lunch,
You don't have to rig sandwiches, luh is provided.
we use didn't haver to talk about situation i the
past where there was obligation. second conditional
We didn't have to wolk hm ofter the party, Poty FR /f + past simple + would, could, etc., in the
gave us lift. mi clause.
We use should to talk about weak obligations. usE we use the second conditional
You should stop smoking. (l have power to make . to talk about something the speaker believes is
you stop.) unIikely to happen,

We use supposed to to talk about rules that people r lf you stopped smoking, you'd save lot of m.
expected to follow, but which are often not respected. (but l don't think you'll stop)

You're tsupposed to rig drinks it the computer

. to talk about something that is entirely imaginary,
rm. (People do this anyway.) unreal r untrue.
lwould cars if l ruled the woild. (but l will never
rule the wor|d)

Grammar reference 153

.2 ur, otherwie, proyided UNIT 8
thct Frms of the paive
unIess FR Appropriate tense of + past participle
Present simple The rubbish is collected week,
Ulss has the mig of except/if . lt comes in the
condition clause.
We'il have ii ulss it ralns. (lf it doesn't rain, Present Steve is ig s the doctor.

we'll have picnic.) continuous

Past simple Thevasewos rk durig the party.
thr past continuous had to walk because his car was ig
Otherwise has the meaning of if r but introduces the
result clause. Present perfect hdg has stoie!

Stop lig with those matches, otherwise you'll Past perfect the time we arrived all the food had
burn yourself. you don't stop playing with those
(lf eaten.
matches, }zou'll burn yourself.)
USE The passive is used to talk about processes, actions
and events
PoYided that 1 when the process is mr important than the person
Provided that d as lg os have similar meaning to if but who did it (the a9en0.
they emphasise the condition. 2 when we don't know who did something, or the agent
l'll lend you m mr providedlqs,long asyou is unimportant r assumed.
promise to look after it. Wi is produced lg the tirvll.
This medolwas given for brovery.
We include the 9t i passive sentence if it adds
extra interesting information. We usually include it at the
end ofthe sentence.
These corpets were md i rmt villoge
l passive structures, verb and preposition 9roups
stay together.
Active: We r looking into the rs for the delay.
Passive:The reason for the delay is being looked into.

Watch Out! We can't use the passive with verbs that r

intransitive (that can't take direct object), e.g.disappear,
rise, die.

tis* The ri of oi l h s ri se .

causatiye hoye
FR Subject + has/have + object + past participle
usE we use the causative have lo talk about services
others perform fr us.This is usually because we wanted
them to and often means we paid them to do it, but it can
sometimes used when we didn't want them to do it.
They had their flat decorated professional.

|h gig to have m eyes tested tomorrow.

had his mobile h stolen at the swimmig pool,
( someone unknown)

154 Grammar rfr<

UNIT 9 Directspaech Reportqd speech

9.1 Futur perfect and 1 Present simple Past simple

said"l live i the city tr.' said he lived i the


city centre.

2 present continuous past continuous

Futr ft said,'l m sig h said he wqs seeing h
FR will+ have + past participle usd.' Tuesday.

USE We use the future perfect to describe something that 3 PaSt 5imple/continuous Past perfect simple/

will completed before definite time in the future. 'ltwas riig so heavily continuous
that the match was cancelled,' said it had riig
the tim child is five it will have s several
he said. so heavily that the match hod
thousand commerciols.
this time tmrrw we'll have arrived i Sydney.
4 Present perfect simple/ Past perfect simple/
lf l post it today, m card will definitely have arrived continuous continuous
Carla\ ihd, 'She has working hord said she had working
d haswritte thr book,' hard d hod written another
Ftr continuous he said. book.

5 will would
FORM will+ + present participle
'We'll rig somefood" They said they wauld rig
USE We use the future continuous to describe something they said, some food,
that will in progress at definite time i the future.
6 could
This time tmrrw we'll diig to the airport. paolo soid,'l cookthe best paolo said he could caok the
l three doy{time we'll lig the pool, pasta i the world.' best pasta i the world.
2050, humans will living Mars.

ftr present, future d present perfect reporting

9.2 Reported speech verbs, .9. says, has asked, etc., the verb form is
grll the same as i direct speech.
dit speech Estelle: l'll mk lh,
Direct speech is when we report the exact words that Estelle says she'll make lh.
sm says r writes. We use quote mrks (' 'or" ')
Dmii: l d't wt to go to the party,
around the exact words, and we usually use rrtig
rs such as scy and csk. Dmii soys he doesn't wt to go to the party.

'We d to go to the k,' he soid, Pronouns and place/time words, e.g. here, today, etc.,
may change in reported speech.
'How about gig to the im?' asked Philip.
now --> then
thiS -+ that
td speech
today -+ that day
Reported speech is when we report something that has
before -+ earIier,/previously
said r written. We often use reported speech to give
the gist or grl mig f what we heard rather than the day before yesterday -+ two days rlir
the exact words. yesterday -+ the day before
. After past reporting verbs, e.g. said, asked, etc., the r this evening -+ that evening
frm generally changes as follows: last night -+ the previous night
the next day -+ the following day
father said, 'l'll see you this vig.'
fother said he would see m thot vig.

rammar reference 155

rrtd statements UN|T l0
FR verb (+ rht) + clause l0.1 Relative r and
We can use 50 and tl/ (and other verbs) to
report statements.
relative clauses
When we use sO we dont use object. The most common relative ruS are
said (thot) they had had good time. yvho; to rfr to people.

When we use tel/, we use an object. which:lo refer to things.

She told m (that) they were gig to Paris for rh to refer to people r things.
their hm, whose,.the possessive of who d which.
yvhen: used after nouns referring to time.
rrtd questions rhr used after nouns rfrrig to place.
defi ning relative clauses

Direct speech Reported speech USE We use defining relative clauses to define r identiz
u giving essential information about it.The clause
'Whodidyou see atthe she asked mwh I had
tells us exactly which rs, thing, time or | we are
party?' she asked. s atthe party.
talking about.
Question word + auxiliary Question word + subject
That's the wm who l mr at the f.
verb+subject+verb + vertt
This is the lift which keeps rkig dw.
the m whase s broke our widw.
Direct speech Reported speech
over there is the rsturt where l mt suz for
'Doyou likeyour w job?' asked m if/whether l thefirsttime.
he asked, liked m w job.
With defining relative clauses, we can use rhdr instead of
Auxiliary verb + subject lf (or whether) + subject
who d which.
+ verb + vertl
That's the wm that l met at the f.
This is the liftthat keeps breoking dw.
lf the relative ru is the object of the sentence, we
leave it out.
That's the wm l met ot the f. (l is the subject of
the st)

non-defi ning lti clauses

We use non-defining relative clauses to give extra,
non-essential, information. They tell US more about
person, thing, time r place that is already identified.
. commas are used before and after the relative clause.
. Non-defining relative clauses r generally mr
formal d more mm i writing.
. We don't usually use rhdt in non-defining
reIative clauses.
Maria,who had vr skiing before, was
covered from head to toe i bruises.
The old monastery, which used to stand at the top af
the hill, was destroyed i fir.

156 Grmmr reference

lCI.z Articles UNIT l l
1 we use the indefinite article / fr
sing|e countable nouns that we r talking about for
l l" I Modals of possibility and
the first time. certainty
There's f the corner.
jobs st fms
She's lawyer. We can use rnusf , might d 't to make
before noun that we r using i grl sense. deductions in the rst.
dog, child, r 1 We uSe rUsr to Say that We are sure that
2 we use the definite article rhe something is certainly true fr present situation.
before single countable nouns that we have talked That must the postman's r, he always brings the

about before. post atthis time,

Wh lgotto m house l sow dog standing our 2 We use mightto saythat we think something
front door.The dog seemed pleased to see m. is possibly true (but we r not sure) fr
preSent 5itUation.
when we are talking about something specific.
generally dislike musicals, but the l saw the other Oh , the cor wdt start. lt might the battery.

vig was brilliant. 3 We use 't lo say that we r su re that

with adjective to talk about specific class or group.

something is certainly not true for present situation.
This bill 't right, we vr ordered these drinks.
The rich ore getting richer d the poor are
getting poorer. Watch Out! We can't use mu;tn't i this case.
when there is l f som?thlng.
The Earth goes rud the Su.
With SUperlatiVeS. PaSt fms
lt's the most delicious hot chocolate l have ever tasted. We use must have (+ past participle), might have (+
with an ordinal umr. past participle) d 't h (+ past participle) to make
We have itmt the third of February. deductions in the past.
With job titleS. 1 We use must have to say that we are sure that
The president is gig to wlm the qu something is certainly true fr past situation.
state visit. Oh deor, thats Haley\ bag the toble. She must have
3 We use no article (-) frgtt to take it.
with most languages, names, streets, towns, 2 We use might have to say that we think
citieS, coUntrieS, something is possibly true (but we r not sure) fr
The school is going to start teaching his tr. paSt Situation.
l 't fid m keys, l might have left them at J\
she lives i Blockwell Drive i axford.
house, or l might hv left them at school,
orethinking of migrtig to ustralia,
We USe 't have to say that We are sure that
with uncountable nouns, plural nouns and
something is certainly not true for past situation.
abstract us.
She 't have tk the m - shewas holiday
The mi ingredients are rice, milkand sugor.
at the time.
l prefer rl books d newspapers to ebooks.
watch out! we can't use mustn't hove in this case.
we d mr ifrmti before we mk

Grammar reference 157

l l .2 so, u very; too and U
gh We use enough
. after adjective r adverb.
so Sm isn't old gh to live his w.
We use so before adjective to add emphasis. The builders are notworking quickly enough, itw't
lwos so disappointed. ready time.
We often add information to li why someone felt . before u, r adjective + u.
that way, There's gh food to feed rm! How m
lwas so disappointed about failing the m. people did you invite?
We use so + adjective + thot in long sentences that hr r't enough small spoons, you
make the link between cause and result. wash some?
was so tired thot he fell osleep the train. . l longerSentences,We USe t+ enough+ u + r
infinitive r r + adjective + ugh + r infinitive to
sUch show link between the rlm and the result.

. We use such before u, or adjective + u

We haven't got ugh m to go away holiday
this yeor.
for emphasis.
We r't rich enough to go away holidoy this year.
His rm is always such mess.
lt is such messy room.
. We use such + noun/adjective + u + rhdr in l 1.3 Question tags
long sentences that make the link lw cause Question tags r the short questions that come at the ends
and result. f sentences when speaking,
The book wos such success that they decided to Question tags are used after positive and negative
make film of it. sentences, but not after questions.
lt was such beautiful day that we wt sailing. FoRM We use negative tags after positive sentences, and
positive tags after negat|ve Sentences.
Yr lt's cold, isn't it?
. We use yery fr adjective or adverb. lt isn'tvery wrm, is it?
. we use r to emphasise fact. . lf the main st uses the verb or has
l feelvery tired, auxiliary verb, this is repeated in the question tag.
Sheworksvery well. She is very itlligt child, isn't she?

Mother w't pleosed, will she?

too They 't use our r without asking, they?
. We use roo before adjective or adverb to show that
. lf the mi sentence has no auxiliary verb, the question

there is rlm. tag uses do, does, did (don't, doesn't, didnt).
lt is too cold to go for walk. You j classical musical, d't you?
D't drive too slowly - we'll late. They m early last time, didn't they?
. We use too much/too m before noun r USE We use question tags for two different reasons.
adjective + u. . ask if something is true or not (when we don't know
There is too mh salt i this soup. the answe. Fr this type of question tag we use
rising intonation.
There are too m cars the road.
. l lgr sentences, we use too + adjective + ro
. check information (when we believe we aIready
know the answer.) tr this type of question tag we use
infinitive to show link between the rlm d
falling intonation.
the result.
: You're frm Grm, r't you?
They were too ug to go the ride.
Bz Yes, that's right.
Watch Out! Do t confuse too d very.
Watch Out! The intonation we use depends on what we
r emphasises fact, says that there is problem.
believe is true, if it may not true i reality.
l m very tired. ( fact)
l m too tired to go to the party, ( problem)

158 Grammar reference

UNIT l2 l 2,3 Linkers: olthough, despite,
l2" l The third conditional and howeve[ etc,
wish although, eyen thu, despitg in spite [
the third conditional
although/even though + verb phrase
FR /f + past perfect + would hove + past participle in
Although/Even though she had bad cold, she still
the main clause
Wt to the party.
USE We use the third conditional to talk about past
despite/in spite of + gerund or u phrase
situations that did not happen.
Despite/ln spite of having bad cold, she still wt to
lf we hod left time, we would have caught
the party.
the tri.
Despite/ln spite of her bad cold, she stillwent to
ltould have offeredyou lift if l'd kw you didn't
the porty.
haveyour car.
USE We use although, v though, despite d i spite of
to show that there is contrast r contradiction between
Wbh two ideas that are presented together. The second idea
FoRM subject + wish + had + past participle usually introduces a'surprise'- something unexpected
USE We use wbh + past perfect to talk about things r illogical.
in the
past that we regret and that we do nothing to change. v though the water was cold, he wt fr swim.
(We would not expect Someone to go for swim if
lwish l hd't t so mu..,
the water is cold.)
We often use ifonly instead of wish.
lf l l'd bought that dress wh l had the h. Watch Out! We put olthough, v though d despite/in
spire of before the first idea, not the contrast.

l2.2 Reporting verbs v though they were very poor, they were happy.
Soy, tell and csk r the most mm rrtig verbs.
Other mm rrtig verbs are invite, accept, offer, wr,
suggest, apologise, criticise, rmid. Each verb is followed
rticular r structu re. usE we use however lo contrast ideas across
1 verb + lf+ object + r sentences r paragraphs. lt usually comes at the beginning
osk ofa sentence.
There is rkig availoble. However, it getvery
asked if l liked fish.
crowded after six.
2 verb + r infinitive
lt also come in the middle,
offer, refuse
There is rkig availoble. lt , however, get very
offered to carry m suitcase.
crowded ofter six.
3 verb + object + r infinitive
or at the end.
ask, tell, ivit, wr, rmid
There is porking available, lt get very crowded after
She reminded m to bring m camera.
six, however.
4 verb + noun
Watch Out! We pu| however between the contrasting
ideas, not before them.
She accepted the rst from her class,
r (+ object) + preposition + -i9
opologise, criticise
opologised for arriving late,
criticised m for finishing m work late.
verb + rhr + object + infinitive Without r
suggested that l take coat aS it WaS likely to ri.

Grammar reference 159

l Grl tips for writing tasks p.l l

2 lJseful linking words and phrases p.I62

2.1 Time sequencers .l 2
2.2 Listing points .162
2.3 Adding information .162
2.4 Giving examples .162
2.5 Expressing purpose .162
2.6 Reasons, causes and results .163
2.7 Contrast .163

3 Model su/r, with hints and useful language

3.1 Essay .164
3.2 Article .166
3.3 Report .167
.4 Review .168
3.5 lnformalemail .169
3.6 lnformalletter .170
3.7 Letter of application .171

Writing reference
1 General tips for writing tasks
r r some grl tips about what to think about when you're doing the writin9 task. l the exam the
examiner will look at all these things in your written work.

l .l Content
you must do what the question you should try to make ur writing interesting fr the reader.

. Have you included something about all the points mentioned in the question?
. Have you expanded points giving reasons and examples?

1.2 rgisti and cohesion

you should organise your writin9 well. start with introduction, follow this with two r three short
paragraphs that deal With Separate points d finish with conclusion that summarises ur |deas or gives
your opinion.
. Have you included an introduction and conclusion?
. Have you divided your work into logical sections?
. Have you linked your ideas with rg of linking words and devices?

1.3 Range
r to USe rg of different Structures and vocabulary to Suit the question.
. Have you included difrt tenSeS, r9 of adjectives, verbs and some phrasal verbs?

I.4 Appropriacy of regiter and format

Make sure that you use the appropriate style: informal when writing to friend r more formal wh Writin9
essay r to someone you do not know.
.lf the style is informal, have you used colloquial language, exclamation marks d contractions?
. lf you r writing frml letter, remember this requires special Way of Starting and finishing.

l. The target reader

Always think about how the rdr of ur work will react,
. Will the rdr fully informed?
. Will he/she understand ur points?
. Have you made things very lr?

tJriting reference 161

2 Useful linking lords d phrase
2.1 Time qrs
Examples include before, after, later, eventually, fill as s as, ot first, at lost, wh, while
lhd m friend. while l was waiting for her to arive l did some work. ftr l had finished m essay, l
hd her gi but she didn't swr.
Fr more notes Time phrases, see page 150

watch t! when we use after,lhe punctuation tells us which action happened first.
We wt to the beach after we played tis. = we played tennis first.
We went to the beoch. ftr, we played tennls. = we went to the beach first.
ftrwrds d after that always introduce the next action i sequence.
we wt to the beach. ftrwrds/ftr that we ld tis.

2,2 Listig points

Examples include first, firstly, first of oll, to gi with, secondty, fill
l didn't go to the for several reasons. Firstly, twas reolly tired d sdl, because l didn't have
enough m fr taxi there

watchout! Don'tusedrirrstointroducealistofpointsorinstructions.weusecrfrswhen
we change ur minds about someone r something.
t first lthought she was unfriendly, but after t got to know her we m really good friends.
Don't use ot last or i the d to introduce final point r instruction. We use at last/in the d
when something finally happens after long time.
l looked for m r keys everywhere, t last/in the d lfound them udrth the sofa,

2.3 Adding information

Examples include as well as, i addition to, t l ... but also, d
s well as m English homework,l had some maths to do before d. t addition to all that, l had t
wite letter of application for summer job.

Watch Out! When We USe t l, we swap the order of the (auxiliary) verb and the subject.

l dshhv to do her homework, but she olso had to revise for history test.

2"4 Giving examples

Examples Inc|ude for ml, for ist, such as
l like reolity TV shows suh os the Factor.
mmr is getting very bad. For ist, last night l completely forgot to
h m frid.

2.5 Expresing r
Examples include i order to, so as (t)t
They wt to the k i order to take ut some m.
took off his shoes so as t to wake up the .

2.6 Reaon, and reult

162 Writing rfr

Examples include thaft why, becouse, as result, because of (this), so
They didn't go out becouse of the ri. (becouse of +noun phrase)
They didn't go out because it was riig. (because + verb phrase)
l left work eorly us l hod bad headache.
s result, l didn't get paid the full mut.
l had bad why l left work early.
we didn't have ugh m t go abrood sa we had holiday at hm instead..

2.7 Contrast
Bur links two contrasting ideas. lt is not rmll used at the beginning of sentence. However, it
sometimes used at the giig of Sentence wh you are writing in informal style.
Sm people say that sports people are paid too muh m but t do t agree.
l was hoving fantostic time at the party with Friedo d Gerry. But th l suddenly rmmrd that
promised to pick up Jocky from the station!Oops!

However usually comes at the beginping of sentence to make contrast with the st before. lt is
usually followed mm. 9 _

l reaily wonted to go to paris for holiday. However, t hod m at all so l couldn't!

although, y though, though

These expressions introduce clause f contrast. lf the clause comes first, it is followed mm.
lthough it poured with ri all ftr, we had good day i th countryside,
We had good doy i the countryside v though it poured with ri all ftr.

wherecs, tvhle
, whereos d while r used to mr two things and show how they r different.
l love playing tis whereas m sister prefers basketball.
. While is also used in the same way as olthough.
While speoking English iS imrtt, you also d to practise the grmmr.

in spite of despite
These expressions must followed noun r -ig form.
l spite of the cold, we wt for lg wolk.
Despite feefing tired, we went for lg wolk.

This is also used to introdUce Something unusual or unexpected.
They didn't have very much m, nevertheless they st fortune their hm.

the hd... On the other hd ...

These expressions are used to introduce opposite points i discussion.
the hd l j lg journeys because it\ nice t to rushing oll the time. the other hd
sometimes l get frustrated because l wt to get to m destination quickly!

This is used to say what will happen if something else doesn't happen first.
l must check m written work for mistakes. atherwise t might ger bad grade.

Writig reference 163

3 Model sw, vt ith hints
and useful language
3.1 Essay
(rt l)
Fr work on essays, see pages ] 4, 56 and ] 0.

You have recently had discussion in your English class about holidays.
Now ur teacher has asked you to write essay.
Write an essay using all the notes and give rss for ur point of view.
Essay question
ls it better to lr mr about ur w country rather th travel abroad holiday?
Things to write about

which is mr expensive
2 which is more educational
your own idea

Writeyouressayof between 140and 190words.You mustusegrammaticallycorrect

sentences with accurate spelling and punctuation in style appropriate fr the situation.

,tJ*-.f;{ingtiae,', i. :,,1
:. l, .l, :: :i'',, :' ]i i' _' i
lntroducing different points and sequencing , GivingreasonS d examp{es

,;1',.fsj5 /fi ,:,,,l]1,,,

, '-,,, :,, ', l,, . Ihls is because .,,
l:'FTsi of alL,,l lqtrfd.;/l&r, g i, ,sig,,. The rs for this is ...

-.,:,. ::,;$rkr,lv,id,dtsqdf_?.;,,,] :,,,,, l s/mti this because ...

, r.' {qlu,sit!,l:m,sr:{t]r..,. . Fr ml ...

Giving grl opinions l.:] 1,tllst,,.

qg,..ts*,,.,-, .,, .,
.,:..,,, ',.,, ,,l/lkihq,,.,,, '

. /t thoughVsoid that . ,, Giving contrasts

. Most of us liv that ... ,,
:' {thuh l udrstd ...
ll9 opInlon . However, i m ii .,.
ror m - th ...
::] l trsr to
,'. ,,' Personally speaking,.. r'' rhr...,
tr]dljle lf lt,rr.i,:._-]
].],,. ]. :.',.]: ]i ]

] l'. l thinl</feel/beieve thot . .. rfirhi hd|',,'"

] '" l mii ,., . ].. ] i.

from m point of vie:w ... .,",
,].].. .]]. .].] l
.: . ].. ..

164 Writig reference

These samp|e w show t\ryo candidate's different opinions.


Do refer to the
statement but try to
rephraSe it. |irl]it

Do use appropriate Do add details to

semi-formal style. 5Upport your points.

DO use formal linking

DO make your
opinion lr in your


DO expand the
que5tion in your
DO give reasons for
introduction. r needs k but while m people choose to your opinion.
spend their holiday time i another country, Others rfr to
stay and explore their w, l have to admit that I
DO give examples
the second group.
where appropriate.
Firstly, holiday abroad can very exPensive,
fr big family. Yu need to fr and
travel which both cost great deal.There is also holiday
isur to consider which l think is mr important wh
you travel abroad. l contrast to this, holiday in r w
utry is likeiy to much less expensive and stressful.
Secondly, people often do t realise that there r lots of
DO refer to l
beautiful and interesting places still to visit i their
W country, people say that they like to go abroad
to lr about diferent cultures but i fact. even i small
country Iike gld, the people who live i different rs
DO l your have diffrt traditions, food d v ways of speakingl
conclusion. Although l see the attractions of going abroad, i m
ii there are definitely mr fits to travelling
rud ur w country.,

tilriting reference 165

ffi- &,"*m
/D_- 1\
<rl L Z/
Fr work articles, see page 1 10.

"*--,*,*-* -" " "--"*--** ** *1

you have s this advertisement
on the lechnologyToday website.

Write ur article
(You should write 120-180 words.)

aple Rw*r

DO try to think of
interestin9 title to
catch the reader's ,
*-l- No h? nightmare!
Ouite honestly I can't imagine life without my mobile

Do start with an h. lt is always with me. Whrr l go it in my

interesting phrase/ pocket and even at night it my bed in case l get
sentence to late call r text.
ur9 the reader
to continue reading. parents think l'm mad! But then th'r {rm
different grti. All m friends rl totally on their
phones fr all sts of things. Obviously, we use them to
DO give opposing
keep in touch but also fr thr things. l take photos with Do use direct
opinion where
it, and l go online with it! lt plays big t in my life. qUestion to involve
the reader
t it? | imagine l would have to
stt using the computer to email friends and go my
social networkino sites. And that would hard because
Do use ifrml
imes you're not near computer when you want to
do that. Do use ifrml

DO try to finish with

DO make your w we've become too dependent them. life without
interestlng ending.
ii clear, m mobile h? No thank you!
(19l words)

Use{LJ gug
lnvolving the rdr . Firstly, ...
. Hoveyou ever considered .,.? . thr imrtt point is ..,
. you imgi ...? . s well as that ...
. How m people would agree with that?
Giving your opinion
. Surely vr should allowed to .,.? . l strongly believe that . .,
Mentioning different points . l olso thinkthot ...
. Fr start . ,. . limgi/lsus...
. lo Dgl Wlr ,,,

Writing rfr
3"3 **rt
llJlrt ) |

Fr work rrts, see 9 98.

Your school sent you and some other students to take summer course at language
school i the UK. Your teacher has now asked you to write report the course,
including your comments the lessons, accommodation, school facilities and the
social programme.
Write ur report. (You should write 120-180 words.)

m| lw

Do give title to your

R-epOYt Ow sv(VlwLer rs at edwards L-V\,qq,schOOL
- Ls to coMvwewt ow th rs ft adwards
LV of
lVlc aLwt U
I thLs
LvlLb rrt
l ,
,/ Lwgg -SL LwLh this sr.
DOstatethe purpose/
aim ofthe d
reoort d
of the report
',/ - irs

tr to rephrase the f tL, ws exceLLewt. t gr was weLL orgawLsed awd

wording of the task. covered rwg LMpotta\.t aspeots of th ewgLLsh Lawgtlage. Wth wLg
Lx peolLe Lw h gr we hd Lwt of oqyortvtwLtLes to }r
Do use formal
DO use subheadings AccowcvwodatLow language.
to make it clear for the
ALL th hst f anKLLLes wr tzLwd awd, lh yoowLs vne hd, wr
coMfortabLe. -fu fanKLLLes were cLose to th hL so we coLd waL|z
lhr even4 d.
Do rfr to numbers
and amounts. shL {acLLLlLes
-h shL Ls qv.Lte svwaLL * wL sevew cLassroowcs
- t it hs gaod,
facLLLLLes. tr Ls wttr rw awd sMaLL LLbrarg. lt aLsa h9
go d afeterLa wLth r sowabLe yrLces.

SacLaL rrwtv"
h hL orgawLsed, rwawt,i LwLerestLwg evewLwg awd, weekewd evewLs

for ,,Ls awd owe SatLLrd,al1 we wewt ow d lr to cowdaw.

sg that Ll was vr swccessfvlL sI:ag whLh ws
swwL }, l ,1/Lst
Do finish with
gd g vrw. tr wgLLsh hs Lvttproved cawsLderabLl4 wd l
conclusion and
wowLd thrwghLg recoMwtewd thLs cov.rse to fv.tvtre std,ts.

L"}seful language
Stating the aim r l /usl l would like to say rhat ,. .

. The aim/purpose of this rrr is .. . - To-:coclude it mst be said that .',:

. This report is itdd to give .,, . Grll speaking, ..

Making conctusions and recommendations , lwuld (tharouqihly) rmmd .,I

, sumu,,,. . lf seems fhaf ..,
, l mst say/it was felt rhat ..,

Writing rfr 167

- *wfr*w

{rt 2}
Fr work reviews, see page 1 20.

Yu rtl saw this notice your
college website.
Have yau g Bood V document aries rNl?
We r|kigf riw of rt dumti.u put-in
Nhe 'Riw' li of ur wiL. d ue your review d if

Write ur review. wilud ityou will raceiva aDVD tFmu dumlri {

(You should write 120-180 words.) af Lh tw l -r | Nury.

ample \y

l the introduction,
state the m of film/
book/programme, etc.
LaSt week,I saw ,rr docmentary about the Titanic, the
biggest ship in the world that sank on hr first voyage in 1912. It
DO give some was llt.
information about the hr have m films and books about this famous ship
sub.ject of the film/ r the last hudrd rs, but this documentary looked at the
book, etc. story from different point of view. !'ly'hereas most of the stories
we hr r ut the passengers, this dmtr was all
about the people who built the ship and those who wr wrg DO link your ideas.
rd when sh sank.
DO li why I fd the drrtr fascinating. Not l was it visually
the film/book/ interesting - it included lt of ,early photographq of the builders,
rgrmm, etc., WaS and the sh as sh was being built * but it was,also
good/you enjoyed it.
I learnt lot of facts that I hadnt known
bfore. m of them wr very sad. F examplg *i'mr
of BeOple who died wl they rer9 building itqi.

DO conclude If you'Tnised it lat week it 1l repeated next hsd.

With opinion/ Those people who likedthe 1997 film' 7cnicwill find this very
recommendation. interesting indeed!
(179 words)

Use{ul }anguage
lntroduction Giving an opinion
. Lastweek l saw ... . lt was llt,
. ... is llt film. . tfounditfascinating.
. The book twoutd tike to review is .., . ! particularly tiked .. .

Giving information . /f is very dramotic.

. This documentarywas all about ,.. Recommending
. The story is bosed ... . Those people who liked . .. will love ...
. The filmis sr i .. . . ! t rmmd this fitm ugh.
. The mi character is ... . Ihls is must for . ..
. lt follow; the life of . ,. , lwould rmmd to . ,.
. lt is dfiitlwh seeing/reoding.

168 lritig reference

- frI email
Fr work on informal emails, see 9 7.

You have received emailfrom your English-speaking friend Jonas who is coming to stay
w|th you next weekend. Read this rt of the email and then write your email to Jonas.
rm really lkig forward to the weekend. lt will good to get oway from all this revision lh
doing! we go for walk i the forest? the way, how do l get to your house frm the
station? ls - suggestions fr where l take you all out for ml over the wkd?
Seeyou s

DO rfr to previous
email or information. Hi Jonas,
Great to hr from you. l can't wait for next weekend, either!
When you get to the station it's tt to get bus as we
live quite long way from it. Outside the station tr left and Do USe the notes.
DO expand on your thde's bus stop just along the rd. Get the mr 55
notes where you . and get ticket to rr's Gr. Text me when you're
the bus and l'll meet you at the stop.
lt will lovely to go out fr meal. We could go to the w
DO order your email/
]talian rstrt in rr's Bridge. lt's had lot of good
letter logically with
reviews. l'll book table.
separate paragraphs
for different points or Sunday we've arranged to go out for the day to the
topic5. beach. We have picnic and do some swimming. Then
we visit Arundel Cast|e on the way back. We thought
you might like that. We'll still get r ris!
Good luck with the history test. D't wrry you'll fi.
Y'r so good at history!
Have good journey Frid d l'll see you at the
bus stop!

Useful language
Reference to previous lerter/email r ifrmti Giving instructions
. Greatto hear from you, . ur left
, Thonks for ur letter. i . Gt the umr l l.
- lt wos lovely to get your emoil . Text m wh ...
, (m really laokigfoMard toourtriptether. Closing remarks
5uggesting . !'ll seeyou at ...
. We could go ta .. .
. l'm lkig forward to seeing you,
. Whydon'twe... . leeyou s.
. lt would lovely to .,. . Write s; ] :

. Howaboulgaing,,. . BeStWishes/Love
. We hv ,..

Writing reference 169

3.6 lnformal letter
Fr work on informal letters, see 9 24.

You are holiday. Before leaving home you received letter frm ur Scottish friend,
li4olly. Read this part of the letter and then write your letter to Molly.
5, you're off to Si. Lucky you! D't forget to write to m d tell m all about what you're
dig d if you meet interesting people!

Sl swr

DO give the reason fr

Writing, informally.

Do use direct
question to involve
the rdr.

DO mention ll points
you are asked to write

DO expand points
to interest the reader

Do use informal
Do end appropriately.

] ]. ., ] . ]_ :] ..1] _ ],r ' .. r '.ll ]- ,: l:
up s.
1,,.,,,'i Lt mt
.$gJl,{,l.,.,.,,,: _,,.i
,; 1ll- {fi66fu 56..gffi .{tiryour, ltt1, Do write back s.

, ,il.,..-slrriS Jfuq ;,.-',, i,

:.:: . r Give m love/best wishes to ur 5ister,

to see you s.

:i llth best

t Best wishes
for w

17 lriting reference
-W &-**,m*- mS mmtrf;mm

irt 2}
Fr work letters of application, see 9 66.

You are looking fr holiday job
and see this advertisement li.

Write your letter.

Do not write postal addresses.
(You should write 'l20-180 words,)

l }lw

DO say what you

are applying for and writi lltq lor job
l r, gd,tpr+r:rrida]irr Londor,r t{rat w
where you saw the aduerti*d.otr r it",.,
l qr oLd,;rnd l'* rrq&tl t9 ]or vl at
Gror.,eFfufi 5* | ltll, lgr.,*'qfq9
DO mti all the
to rOrtr Uirit to td L,ud hi*ory.
points you are asked
I hvtqd *uniad itr LCIlrdon]4l{.d.l klmr,",tre to Wr|te about.
citg raetl 'Hi*torg i otre ef .,iin i *tr* oB4l _have
l,k t{Brae Ligu,9 1, tg; 5h alrd tita Grr.
l lLllqQ l li /d\i,t?epta,i ,,,.
DO say why u r q*thgiti bfirt tt{, ttrti of elty artd'i:thi k t$lrat,t{rilb
i for. tr 1id.

Stjllaole, .' . ' . ,' ,, , : 1'

-- ",.
l bhlaLLbe avaitae fr, the iddLsf Jr,r rti tre ard ol
kgt,r w0relr t,r rrivrit r5. girr.
, $ qortwotid like tg attalrd irrtervi r,, colrtaJt ds .-_'i
, ii r. l f.aaeverv "^".. ^i,*r'oft*orB,t*. . Do rfr to contact
deta ils-
: Hopilr to {naat lrtl r rtldly,
DO end appropriately Yr lit0rll(
and in rrt formal
i Ric{,rard rks

Useful language
. l have always wonted to ...
Appropriate ig and closing . l skthr languages.
Dear 5i r/Dear Madam/Dear lVr. Wts . l have d similar ork-before.
Yours . l think this is imrtt for sm who . .

Yours si cerely/fai t hfu l ly I believe l m ideal lit for this type of work
id regards
Closing remarks
Giving reasons fr writing
. . Thankyou for considering m liti,
l m Writig to apply for ...
, l hope/Hoping to hear frm you soon/shortly.
twould like to apply for .,, , l look forward t hrig from you,
l m witing because lsow .,.
. lenclose m CV/references frm ,..
Talking about abilities, qualities and suitability . lwould gratefulfor quick reply.
l hove lived d studied i ...
- Could you send m some mr details ut ,,.
l have lot of i i . . .

Writing reference
phrasal verb is verb followed adverb or preposition. This list focuses on
phrasal verbs which are idiomatic r non-literal. There are four types of phrasal verb:

l Intransitive bump into (type ) mt chance: Guess who l umd

it ot the supermarket?
These phrasal verbs need no object.
The l took off at .m.
calm down (type 2) m less emotional:When he fell,
shi calmed him dt d ld his cut k.
The washing mhi broke dw yesterday.
carry on (type ] ) continue: lf we Mrry like this we w't

2 Ti.ansitive and separable have m left.

These phrasal verbs need object.The object go catch (type 1 ) become popular: This w foshion will
either between the verb and particle, r after the particle. vr catch .

lturned the light / lturd the light. finally understand:l didn't udrstd him at firsf, but l

eventuaily caught .

chill t 1 ) rl: f rhe end of the day l like to chill out

i frt of the telly.

clickon (type ) select ( mut: Just clickonthat

i to the file.

Gm acros (type ) find, often h: They m

across some hidden treosure while they wr building
the house.
3 Ti,ansitive and isrl come along (type 'l) join trip r activity: You're very
These phrasaI rs need object.The object can l welcome to m lg this vig.
m after both the r and particle.
Gm (type 1) r/ur: l 't seeyou tonight,
we sometimes look after our i.
something has m up at work.

4 Ti,ansitive and inseparable come with (type 4 ) have an idea:

great solution to the rlm.
We've m upwith

urith two particles cut down on (type 4) rdu the amount you consume: /f
These phrasal rs need object.The object can't go
you 't Stop smoking at least try to cut dw how m
between the vr and particles.
cigarettes you have day.
l'm lookig forward to mtig your parents.
deal with (type ) take action: We d to dealwith the
apply for (type ) make formal request for something: rlm before it gets worse.
g hos applied for better job.
dress up (type ] ) wear your best clothes: lt's speciol

break down (type 'l ) stop working : Oh !h lift has si so we should dress up.
broken dw gi.
end up (type l) finish, often i unexpected way r place:
break up (type end relation ship: Cindy d llm
1) We followed our GPS d ended up at the top of mti,
have broken up gi.
fall t (type 'l) have serious ar9ument: They fell out 0
(type 2) destroy: They broke the ship up fr scrop.
rs ago d hv't spoken to each other si,
bring out (type 2) introduce: They have brought out w fall over (type 1) fa||: slipped the ice d immediately
edition of the book. fell vr.
bring up (type 2) raise,. His grandmother brought him up fall through (type ] ) collapse/fail to h: ls to mk
wh his porents got divorced. the book it film fell through,
raise topic: Sm brought up the subject of parking ot
the meeting.

172 Phrasal verbs ]ist

find t (type 2) discover/learn ifrmti frd grow into (type develop vr time and become: Iheir
out the tri times to Milan? smail family business grew ito itrtil m.

fit in (type 2) find the time to do something:The doctor grow (type 1) become an adult: Shakespeore grew u
fityou i at six oclock. and went to school i this tw.

get away (type 1) escape: We trid to catch the thieves but help out (type 2) assist Our t hbour helped us aut with
they mgd to get away. mvig the furniture.

get in (type '])

arrive at work/school/home: What time did join i (type 3) participate: D't shy! Everyone ji i.
Miriam get i today?
keep up with (type 4) stay at the same level: /'m good at
get into (type ) become involved i something:Hegot maths; l 't keep u with the rest of the class,
it role-playing gomes wh he was still at school.
knock down (type 2) demolish: They knocked dw the old
get on (type 1) have (good) relationship: We've hospital and built mdr .
getting better rtl.
light up (type 2) illuminate: The firework display lit up the sky
get over (type ) recover from an illness; lt took him ages to - itwas mzig.
get over the fl last winter.
live (type ) survive: I don't kw how they live such
give away (type 2) distribute: She gave away her m to smallsolary.
the dogs'home.
look after (type ) take care of: you look after the
tell secret um accidentally told Dad about the party d children this vig?
gove away the surprise.
look for 1type ) try to find; |m lookig for m car keys, has
give (type 2) stop doing: Shegav?ip lig tis after s them?
the twins wr r.
look forward to (type 4) to excited about something
go along (type 1) 9 to event: t lg to that is going to h: We're really laoking frwrd to
the mtig. sig Maria gi ofter so m years.

go along with (type 4) agree or support: l'm happy to ga look into (type ) investigate:A team is loaking ito the
lg with that sugge;tion. cause ofthe fire.

go w (type 1 ) |eave: P/ease g away, lh trying to finish look round (type ) visil| ftr we unpacked, we looked
m hmwrk. rud the old tw.
go down (type l) m |ower: House prices havegone look up (type 2) consult/check: lloaked their umr up i
dw gi this mth. the h book.
go down with (type 4) m ill They allwentdawnwith meet (type 2) meet other people to do something:We
terrible stomoch bug. met u outside the station d went clubbing.

go for (type ) choose/select: lthinkwe should gofor the mes up (type 2) spoil: Sheessed up the job interview
gr . arriving lote,

go into ) ti profession: Shewentitathe m in (type 'l) begin living i w home; Vhen we

police wh she left school. moved i we redecorated the house,
go off (type 1) leave: tyent off to school i very pass (type 2) transmit (knowledge or disease); Grdm
bod mood. passed hr secret recipe.

pass out (type '|)

lose its freshness: This butter tastes strange;lthink it has faint: /f tzs so hot the underground l
g aff . passed out.
go (type 1) happen: What'sgaing ,wh isthere so pick up (type 2) 9 and collect: you pick up m dress
much noise? from the dry-cleonefs?

complain: \top gig like thot - there's thig we do. catch illness: Shepicked up ifti at the
swimming pool.
go out (type ] ) leave the home: Ihere3 thig telly, why
d't we ga out? lr ( skill/a language): h picked up ltli after just
six mths-
go up (type 1) irs: Umlmt keepsgaing u,

Phrasal yerbs list 17

pointed 'l)
point out (type 2) draw sm attention to: She take over (type assume control: l'd like you to take over the
ut that there was spelling mistoke the poster. shopwhile l'm holiday.

put away (type 2) store: V need to put away the decorotions take up (type 2) begin something w: l'm gig to take up
for thr year. golf wh l retire.

put off (type 2) think about ) consider: Sh thinking about studyig

abroad for yeor.
discourage: The weekend course put him aff mig
soldier. think up (type 2) invent: She spent the journey thinking up
excuse for why she was lote.
delay We've put the trip off util t week.
throw away (type 2) discard: She threw w his favourite
put on (type 2) wear piece of clothing: Put your coat, it';
trai ners without tel li g hi m.
cold outside.
try out (type2) lesl: l'd like you to try out this w washing
put up (type 2) install/fix in place: We d to put u some
powder d tell m whot you think.
bookshelves i the sitting rm.
turn down (type 2) reduce the level: you turn dw the
put up with (type 4) support: l 't put up with your
music? l'm tryig to trt.
behaviour mr, lh lvig.
refuse: She f rd dw the job because the salary wos
] out (type 2) consume completely: Oh , we've ru out
too low.
of milk.
turn into (type 2) transform: They'veturned the old im
save (type 2) gradually save m: People used to save
it bowling olley.
u untilthey could afford to buy sometQjng.
turn off (type 2) switch offlsto : D't forget to tur off
setoff (type 1)begin journey:Theysetoff onafive-yeor
the computer.
voyage rud the world.
turn (type 1) arrive/often unexpectedly You 't just
show round 11 2) act as guide: Pcula showed us round
tur up at their door - h them first.
the w sports'centre.
(type 2) increase the ievel: ur it up! l love this song!
sort out (type 2) organise/find solution:
watch out (type 1) attention/be careful: Wotch out, that
wh Grandad died it took months to sorf ouf all
itis stillwet
his papers,
work out (t 1 ) ta ke exercise: She works out at the gym
stand out (type 1) obviously different: She is llt
twice week.
student who stands out from all the others,
(type 2) calculate: l 't work out the answer to this problem,
stay ahead (type 'l) remain i front: lt's getting mr difficult
you help?
to stay ahead of our rivols.

take off (type 'l) leave in l: hltkfftim.

(type 2) remove clothing: l'm going to take off m tie, it's so

174 Phrasal verbs list

One way of lrig irregular verbs is to treat them as families that follow rti patterns.

N lr pattern hold held held fa ll fell fallen

was,/were lead led led forget forgot forgotten
do did done make made made freeze froze frozen
eat ate eaten give
9 Went *gone
stand stood stood
9aVe given
hide hid hidden
been understand understood understood
ride rode ridden
lie lay lain
ld lent lent ris roSe risen
See SaW Seen
send sent sent speak spoke spoken
win Won Won
spend Spent Spent steal stole stolen
write Wrote written take took taken
selI sold sold
g has the idea of leaving wake woke woken
tell told told
has the idea of leaving write Wrote Written
and returning lay laid laid
paid paid
hg frm -i tB -
N change Say said /sed/ said /sed/ t -
coSt CoSt co5t begin g begun
cUt cUt CUt Ending i -ut r -aught drink drank drunk
hit hit hit
bring brought brought ring rang rUng
let let let
buy bought bought sing s9 sUng
put put pUt
catch caught caught swim swam SWUm
rd /i:d/ read /rd/ read /redl fight fought fought
Set Set Set
teach taught taught
hg from -enr t
Fst simple and past think thought thought -r to _r
r bore r
participle have the hg fm - to -ept tear tore torn
m form keep kept kept
Wr Wore Worn

Change from -owl
sleep slept
Ending in -t -d
build built built rst simple and -yl-Bw to -ew to
feel feIt felt pat participle -wl-w
9et 9ot got / gotten
the same blow blew blown

l leant
become became m
fly flew flown
lr learnt learnt
come Came m
grow grW grown
run r
know knew known
leave left left throw threw thrown
Iost lost
Past participle ends draw drew drawn
meant meant
meet met met
in -
sit Sat Sat
beat beat beaten
bite bit bitten
find found found break broke rk
have had had choose chose chosen
hear hrd heard drive drove driven

lrregular verb farnilies 175

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