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The oldest ancestor we have is this long latin name, it is over 540 million million years

old, It was a small species, only a millimeter in length. It lived in the ocean which was watery

very watery. In between grains of sand.

After this specie, a couple things happened. These included the evaluation of fish, then

amphibians. Then, a couple of slides later, a new specie came into the limelight. This was

Ardipithecus kadabba, of which not much is known. It probably came around 6 million years ago

in East Africa. It did not walk on its knuckles, as it was biped, worked together with others of its

specie, and like an obedient kid at the pool, they could not run. It most likely ate fibrous foods

such as nuts. This all came about to adapt to the changing climate of the time.

Next up was Australopithecus afarensis, Which originated in grasslands of eastern africa about

2.7 million years ago. They had apelike proportions. which is easy to see because we share dna

with apes with long arms and curved fingers, these traits were used to climb trees. Some

abnormalities, they had canine teeth due to dramatic climate change.

The next up to bat was Homo Habilis. These people were found 1.5 mya in grasslands East and

South Africa. These curious creatures were known for their innovation of tools. No, not those

tools, but these tools. This was necessary to gain an advantage against other Habilis and animals

in the dangerous environment that they lived in.

Homo Erectus *under breath* pause for laughter. Originated in africa and in the stepes of eastern

west asia. They were the first to make hearths and they cared for the weak and elderly. Their

body structure was similar to humans.

A couple of small innovations later, such as language and art, we arrive at:

Homo Sapiens, are the present forms of humans, originating about 200,000 some years ago.

They had a larger brain and skull, they developed art, and they have a continuous evolution.

Every day we strive to match the brilliance of such inventions such as art, art, and more art. Our

innovations know no boundaries, coming up with the unparalleled pet rock, diet water, and

bread gloves. Who knows what else the future holds.

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