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School of Education


Name: Nohara Korash Topic: Archetypes Lesson No. 2

Subject: Literacy in School: Riverdale Secondary Duration: 120 minutes.

Media College
Date: 12-10-17 Year level: 10

Learning Purpose/Rationale: In this session, students will be introduced to the notion of Archetypes.
Students will be given the opportunity to research a particular archetype and discuss it with their
peers. They will then be encouraged to think about the creation of these archetypes and whether they
are categorized in terms of gender. The question that they will be led to think about is whether or not
an archetype is suitable for a particular gender.

Victorian Curriculum:
Manipulate media representations to identify and examine social and cultural values and
Students demonstrate skills to work collaboratively
(VCAA, 2017)
Learning outcomes:
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to
Identify an archetype (whole class focus)
Understand what an archetype is (collaborative learning)
Provide examples of archetypes in films/literature (collaborative learning)
Understand that gender is not determined by a category or representation (whole class)

student prior knowledge of archetypes and stereotypes
Observe how students discuss with their partners during think, pair, share activity
Engage in discussions with students while they are researching to grasp their cognitive
approaches to the task
Anecdotal observations of student verbal/oral discussion with their expert groups
Student ability to apply and transfer knowledge of archetypes to other situations through
Week 2: Session 1 9:00- 11:00
Whole class focus (15 minutes) End by 9:15
Attendance roll and general announcements
Ask students to state what was explored in the previous session referring to gender
Discuss the purpose of the lesson and the learning outcomes
Play a short clip from Percy Jackson:
Using the think, pair, share strategy ask students to think about the trailer and discuss what an
archetype is
Finally, one of each pair will be asked to discuss their ideas and these will be written on the board
All ideas will be acknowledged and the notion of archetype as a typical example of someone or
something will be reiterated

Independent / Group learning activity (60 minutes) End by 10:15

Using the jigsaw group strategy, students will be allocated to groups selected by the teacher. Groups
will be diverse in regards to gender, ethnicity, race and ability. There will be a group leader
appointed to each group.
Each member in the group will each be given an archetype category that they will need to
investigate using their laptops. This will include: an image of the archetype, a description of its
characteristics and examples from texts. The list of archetypes that will be allocated to five students
in each group are: Hero, Villain, Mentor, Damsel in Distress and Helper.
Important: Students will be encouraged to think about the gender of these archetypes across art,
literature and film.
After students have each researched their given archetype, they will then be placed in expert groups
to share the knowledge that they have gained through their research. Each member will have to
orally present their archetype to their category for group members to have a knowledge of all five

Note: Before the activity, the teacher will model the task for the students using Damsel in distress. Put up
an image of Bella. Write down her characteristics and how she is portrayed as the damsel in distress.
Venn diagram activity and whole group discussion (30 minutes) End by 10:45
Reiterate the notion of archetypes by choosing two characters from different texts that represent
the hero. For e.g. Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. Ask students whether a male can fit into the
category of damsel in distress or female of hero
Teacher will then tell students that now that they are experts in archetypes, they will need to use a
Venn diagram to write about the difference between an archetype and a stereotype. Students will
be informed that they will need to make an educated guess as stereotypes will be explored in the
next session.
Reflection and Homework (15minutes) End by 11:00am
Students will have to write two things they have learnt about archetypes and provide an example of
an archetype that fits with both genders.
Archetype sheet will be given to students as homework to be due 17-10-17 (Appendix A)
Teacher activities: Learner activities:
Engagement: To engage students, the teacher will Students will be involved in a think, pair,
use examples of contemporary texts that are share activity
known amongst students. By incorporating well Students will be working with a partner
known texts, students will feel that the learning Students will use research skills and
relates to them. Students will find the jigsaw develop knowledge of what archetypes are
strategy stimulating and inclusive as they will have
to collaborate to join all the pieces of knowledge Students will be expected to think critically
together. and analytically
Students will be involved in a collaborative
jigsaw task
Students will make informed judgments,
reflect and share with others

Teachers resources:
homework task activity sheet
interactive whiteboard
image of Bella (Twilight)
images of archetypes for groups

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