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Ancient symbols

I have read that in fact this symbol may be as old as the first man who looked up
into the night sky. The symbol of the swastika has been related by several authors
to the constellation Ursa Major / Great Bear - more commonly known as the Big Dipper /
The image in the sky has a long history and in many cultures it was seen also as a chariot
or wagon.

The logic behind this is the position of the constellations during the solstices and
equinoxes of the year. As it progresses through the seasons, the evening starting
position of the Big Dipper rotates around the star Polaris - the pole star; The North Star.
The resulting progression image is identical to that of the swastika.

According to -
The swastika is known as a Hakenkreuz in old Germanic princedoms, fylfot in England,
crux gammata in Latin countries, and tetraskelion or gammadion in Greece.
The first such signs preserved to our days were found in the Euphrates-Tigris valley,
and in some areas of the Indus valley. They seem to be more than 3,000 years old.

In India, the word swastika is composed by the Sanskrit su = good, and asti = to be,
with the suffix ka. The arms of the Indian swastika were angled in a clockwise direction
(from the center). The sign was common among the Hittites, and in Greece
from around 700 B.C., where it was used in decorations on ceramic pots, vases,
coins, and buildings. Swastikas and swastika-like structures were also used in
Europe by the Celts.

There are seven stars that make up the Big Dipper. These stars are from the
Greek alphabet. The stars in the Big Dipper's bowl are Alpha Ursae Majoris,
beta, gamma, and delta, then epsilon, zeta, and eta finish the image.

Around 1 (North Star) is 7 (Dipper Stars) which is reminiscent of the Greek myth
of Callisto, daughter of King Lycaon. She was chosen as a young child to
be one of Artemis's companions. Artemis, Apollo's sister, prized her
chastity. According to the legend, she had asked Zeus for eternal virginity,
which he granted.

Artemis gathered a number of nymphs around her. She required complete

fidelity and chastity from these. One of these nymphs was Callisto.
Zeus, who had the habit of seducing young maidens, impregnated Callisto.
Artemis took her revenge and changed Callisto into a bear.

Artemis's plan was to have Callisto, as a bear, hunted down and killed.
Zeus interceded and sent Callisto to the heavens, keeping her form as a bear.
Zeus and Callisto's son Arcas would grow up to be the founding father of the
Arcadians. Eventually he joined his mother in the heavens as
Ursa Minor / little bear / little dipper.

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