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The vegetative growth of most plants in general shows three phases: starting

slowly, becoming gradually faster and finally slowing again. This whole vegetative

history of an annual plant is called grand period of growth. This grand period of growth

is repeated annually with periods of dormancy between repititions (Bewer, 1988). The

graph between the duration of growth and increase in the dry weight of the plant is

represented by a S-shaped curve (a sigmoid curve) wherein the variation of growth

occur due to the external and internal factors. (Smith and Smith, 2009).

As seen in Figure 2D.1, the population growth of Lemna sp. grown in tap water

increased slowly, then decreased eventually. The population growth of Lemna sp. was

slowly increased where nutrient deficiencies occur or major imbalances in nutrients are

apparent. It represents the lag phase or the initial stage of growth. But it is possible that

their vegetative reproduction can be rapid because of the optimum nutrient densities

they absorb from the water. The log phase showed this maximum period and rapid

growth due to the physiological activities of cells at their maximum. When they increase

their population that they already compete for the nutrients, and when all the nutrients

from the water are already used up, their growth population decreased. Then the graph

showed a constant straight line which means that the population reached its carrying

capacity (K). The growth population of Lemna sp. grown in tap water with soil fluctuated

until it reached its carrying capacity as shown in Figure 2D.2. The Lemna sp. in tap

water with soil increased into the larger population size due to the more sufficient

nutrients it absorbs from both soil and water. When the physiological activity of the plant
cells slows down, and plant begins to senesce, this phase is characterized as stationary


Figure 2D.3 showed that the population growth of pure culture Spirodela sp.

grown in tap water was the same with the growth of Lemna sp. The log phase of the

graph showed when the growth increased slowly, until it reached its carrying capacity.

Same with Lemna sp.,the population was increased due to the sufficient amount of

nutrients absorb from the tap water. In Figure 2D.4, the population growth of pure

culture Spirodela sp. grown in tap water with soil increased slowly, and showed a

straight line that means constant and indicates that it reaches its carrying capacity. The

three distinct phases in sigmoid curve was also shown in this graph.

According to Smith and Smith (2009), environmental factors such as

temperature, soil or water pH, relative humidity, and salinity directly influence the

physiological growth processes related to the growth and reproduction. In this

experiment, Figure 2D.5 and Figure 2D.6 showed that both Lemna sp. and Spirodela

sp. pure cultures grown in tap water with soil have the greater population growth than

their pure culture in tap water. It is because the quantity and nature of soil nutrients

have marked influence on the growth and development of plants. Also, based on the

two graphs, it is also evident that pure culture of Spirodela sp. grown in tap water with

soil increased more than in Lemna sp. pure culture. According to Chaiprapat, Cheng,

Classen, (2000), nutrient composition of Spirodella sp. change in accordance with

its habitat conditions (Hammouda et al., 1995; Landolt and Kandeler, 1987; Oron et al.,

1986). Accumulation of various chemicals such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and some

simple compounds (such as vitamins and glucose) is desirable because the biomass

could have higher nutritional value and the wastewater could have lower concentration

of nutrients. Spirodela sp. absorbs more minerals released by decaying organic

materials in water, and also takes advantages of all the organic and inorganic nutrients

from the soil for their growth.

Interspecific competition involves individuals of two or more species varying for

the same limited resource. An array of factors influences the relative abilities of different

species to compete for the shared resource (Smith and Smith, 2009). According to

Staudd (1996), intrespecific competition can reduce the fitness of individuals, wherein a

certain phenotypes within the population function to reduce competition with individuals

of other species. Those individuals will encounter less competition and increased


In the experiment, Lemna sp. grown in tap water showed a more parallel trend,

as shown in Figure 2D.7, that indicates that they are better competitor in tap water

culture. According to Caster (2001), Lemna sp. grow best in water with high levels of

nitrogen and phosphate. Eutrophication of a body of water can produce these

conditions, and encourages the better growth of Lemna sp.

Moreover, as seen in Figure 2D.8, pure and mixed culture of Spirodela sp.

grown in tap water with soil are better competitor than pure and mixed culture of Lemna

sp. Figure 2D.8 showed a more parallel trends that indicates that Spirodela species are

competitive for nutrients to grow even they grown in a mixture. According to Emery

(1999), environmental variability gives each species a temporary advantage wherein it

allows the competitors to coexist. As environmental condition change, so the relative

competitive ability of Spirodela sp. This shifting in competitive ability result either from

changes in the carrying capacities related to a changing resource base or from changes

in the physical environment that interact with resource availability (Smith and Smith,


Interspecific competition for the two mixtures involved the competitive exclusion

principles. This principle stated that complete competitors, in which two species live in

the same place and have exactly the same ecological requirements, cannot exist (Smith

and Smith, 2009). It was observed in the experiment since there is an interspecific

competition, the fundamental niche is reduced to a realized niche- the conditions under

which an organism actually exists (Silvertown and Doust, 1993). In the experiment,

Lemna sp. and Spirodela sp. use a part of the same resource, such as food and

nutrients, their niches overlap. Emery (1999) stated that niches overlap may or may not

indicate competitive interaction. He discussed that a species compresses or shifts its

niche when competition forces it to restrict its type of food or habitat.


Bewer, R.1988.Species Interaction: Competition under changing environmental

conditions. The Science of Ecology. 4th ed.Saunders College Publishing,
Caster, J. 2001. DUCKWEED: A tiny aquatic plant with enormous potential for
agriculture and environment.
Chaiprapat R., U. Cheng, Classen I, 2000. Role of Internal Nutrient Storage in
Duckweed Growth. Growing Duckweed, vol 48, pp. 14-17.
Emery, T. 1999.Intraspecific Competition Affects Growth and Development.Ecology.
Blackwell Oxford Publication, pp. 433-435.
Smith, R.L. and T.M. Smith. 1999.Population:Intraspecific Population Regulation
. Elements of Ecology,5th ed. Pearson Education, Inc., pp.217-223.
Staudd, J. 1996. Growth Characteristics of Macrophytes Cultured In Nutrient Enrich
Water. Ecology. St. Joseph Publishing, pp. 225-230.

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