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C2H5 H H O C2H5 H
H H Physics
H O C2H5 n22

Particle-Size Distribution, Part I

Representations of Particle
Shape, Size, and Distribution
Harry G. Brittain

n the July 2001 Pharmaceutical Technology article about
particle-size determination, the question of what constitutes
a correct method for the determination of particle-size dis-
tributions was addressed (1). A correct method was defined as
one whose sample was obtained by an appropriate sampling pro-
cedure, in which the sample was prepared properly and intro-
duced into the instrument, and in which all instrumental para-
meters were used correctly for the analysis. It also was pointed
out that all of the correct (but differing) particle-size results ob-
tained through various methodologies are equally accurate, but
each method simply might be expressing its correct results in
different terms. When viewed in this light, the decision about
Particle-size determinations are undertaken which particle-size methodology is most appropriate for a given
to obtain information about the size situation can be seen as a simple matter of accuracy versus pre-
characteristics of an ensemble of particles. cision. If absolute accuracy is most important, then one must
Because the particles being studied are not conduct rigorous research to verify that the method finally
adopted does indeed yield particle-size results that are absolutely
usually the exact same size, information is indicative of the characteristics of the bulk material. If, however,
required regarding the average particle size one is more interested in developing profiles of lot-to-lot vari-
and the distribution of sizes about this ability, then the use of any of the available methods that yields
average. However, the concept of particle correct results is appropriate.
size is irrevocably derived from aspects of The next several articles in the Pharmaceutical Physics col-
particle shape and morphology because the umn series will examine a variety of correct methodologies that
can be used to deduce information about the shape and size
idea of a particle diameter proceeds from distribution of particles. However, one cannot begin to address
preconceived shape factors. those topics without a prior exposition of what is meant by the
shape and size of the particles that consitute a powdered solid.

Particle shape
It is not possible to discuss rationally the size of a particle or
any distribution associated with the sizes of an ensemble of par-
ticles without first considering the three-dimensional charac-
teristics of the particle itself. This is because the size of a parti-
Harry G. Brittain, PhD, is the director of
cle is expressed either in terms of linear dimension characteristics
the Center for Pharmaceutical Physics, 10
Charles Road, Milford, NJ 08848, tel. 908. derived from its shape or in terms of its projected surface or
996.3509, fax 908.996.3560, hbrittain@ volume. As will be shown, some methods of expressing parti- He is a member of Pharma- cle size discard any concept of particle shape and instead ex-
ceutical Technologys Editorial Advisory press the size in terms of some type of equivalent spherical size.
An appropriate starting place for a discussion of particle shape
can be found in USP General Test ^776& (see Figure 1) (2). In the
shape performance aspect of this particular test procedure, USP
38 Pharmaceutical Technology DECEMBER 2001 www.phar
requires that for irregularly shaped particles, characterization plate: flat particle of similar length and width but with greater
of particle size must also include information on particle shape. thickness than flakes
The general method defines several descriptors of particle shape lath: long, thin, blade-like particle

(see Figure 2). The USP definitions of these shape parameters are equant: particles of similar length, width, and thickness; both

acicular: slender, needle-like particle of similar width and cubical and spherical particles are included.
thickness In ordinary practice, one rarely observes discrete particles but
columnar: long, thin particle with a width and thickness that typically is confronted with particles that have aggregated or ag-
are greater than those of an acicular particle glomerated into more-complex structures. USP provides sev-
flake: thin, flat particle of similar length and width eral terms that describe any degree of association:
lamellar: stacked plates

aggregate: mass of adhered particles

agglomerate: fused or cemented particles

conglomerate: mixture of two or more types of particles

spherulite: radial cluster

Plate Tabular
drusy: particle covered with tiny particles (2).

The particle condition also can be described by another se-

ries of terms:
edges: angular, rounded, smooth, sharp, fractured

optical: color, transparent, translucent, opaque

defects: occlusions, inclusions.

Furthermore, surface characteristics can be described as

cracked: partial split, break, or fissure

smooth: free of irregularities, roughness, or projections

Equant Columnar porous: having openings or passageways

rough: bumpy, uneven, not smooth

pitted: small indentations.

The pharmaceutical descriptors of particle shape are derived

Blade from the general concept of crystallographic habit. The exact
shape acquired by a crystal will depend on various factors such
as the temperature, pressure, and composition of the crystal-
Acicular lizing solution. Nevertheless, precipitation of a given compound
generally creates a characteristic shape or outline. Because the
Figure 1: Description of particle shape as defined by USP. faces of a crystal must reflect the internal structure of the solid,

Lamellar Tabular Equant Columnar Acicular



1011 0111

Figure 2: Growth along certain crystal directions can profoundly alter the characteristic habit of various crystals.
40 Pharmaceutical Technology DECEMBER 2001 www.phar
(a) (b) (c) which is the distance between imaginary parallel lines tan-
Feret's diameter gent to a randomly oriented particle and perpendicular to
ng the ocular scale, and Martins diameter, which is the diam-
eter of the particle at the point that divides a randomly ori-
Projected ented particle into two equal projected areas (see Figure
Martin's area
diameter diameter 3b).

The coordinate system associated with the measurement


is implicit in the definitions of length, width, Ferets di-

Figure 3: Some commonly used descriptors of particle size.
ameter, and Martins diameter because the magnitude of
these quantities requires some reference point. As such,
the angles between any two faces of a crystal will remain the these descriptors are most useful when discussing particle size
same even if the crystal growth is accelerated or retarded in one as measured by microscopy because the particles are immobile.
direction or another (see Figure 2). Optical crystallographers Defining spatial descriptors for freely tumbling particles is con-
usually will catalogue the various crystal faces and document siderably more difficult and hence requires the definition of a
the angles between them as they identify the crystal system to series of derived particle descriptors. However, given the popu-
which the given particle belongs. When the particle is particu- larity of techniques such as electrozone sensing or laser light
larly well formed, a description of symmetry elements also is scattering, derived statements of particle diameter are extremely
compiled. useful.
For many individuals, however, the concept of qualitative All of the derived descriptors for particle size begin with the
shape descriptors has proven inadequate, and this deficiency homogenization of the length and width descriptors into either
has necessitated the definition of more quantitatively defined a circular or spherical equivalent and make use of the ordinary
shape coefficients (3). For instance, Heywood describes the elon- geometrical equations associated with the derived equivalent.
gation ratio, n, as For instance, the perimeter diameter is defined as the diameter
of a circle having the same perimeter as the projected outline of
[1] the particle. The surface diameter is the diameter of a sphere hav-
ing the same surface area as the particle, and the volume dia-
and the flakiness ratio, m, as meter is defined as the diameter of a sphere having the same vol-
ume as the particle. One of the most widely used derived
[2] descriptors is the projected area diameter, which is the diameter
of a circle having the same area as the projected area of the par-
in which T is the particle thickness (the minimum distance be- ticle resting in a stable position. The concept of projected area
tween two parallel planes that are tangential to opposite surfaces diameter is illustrated in Figure 3c.
of the particle), B is the breadth of the particle (the minimum Several other derived descriptors of particle diameter have
distance between two parallel planes that are perpendicular to been used for various applications. For instance, the sieve dia-
the planes defining the thickness), and L is the particle length meter is the width of the minimum square aperture through
(the distance between two parallel planes that are perpendicu- which the particle will pass. Other descriptors that have been
lar to the planes defining thickness and breadth) (4). used are the drag diameter, which is the diameter of a sphere hav-
ing the same resistance to motion as the particle in a fluid of the
Particle size same viscosity and at the same velocity; the free-falling diameter,
It really is not possible to continue a discussion of particle shape which is the diameter of a sphere having the same density and
or size without first developing definitions of particle diame- the same free-falling speed as the particle in a fluid of the same
ter. This step is, of course, rather trivial for a spherical particle density and viscosity; and the Stokes diameter, which is the free-
because its size is uniquely determined by its diameter. For ir- falling diameter of a particle in the laminar-flow region.
regular particles, however, the concept of size requires defini-
tion by one or more parameters. It often is most convenient to Distribution of particle sizes
discuss particle size in terms of derived diameters such as a All analysts know that the particles that constitute real sam-
spherical diameter that is in some way equivalent to some size ples of powdered substances do not consist of any single type
property of the particle. These latter properties are calculated but instead will generally exhibit a range of shapes and sizes.
by measuring a size-dependent property of the particle and re- Particle-size determinations therefore are undertaken to ob-
lating it to a linear dimension. tain information about the size characteristics of an ensemble
Certainly the most commonly used measurements of parti- of particles. Furthermore, because the particles being studied
cle sizes are the length (the longest dimension from edge to edge are not the exact same size, information is required about the
of a particle oriented parallel to the ocular scale) and the width average particle size and the distribution of sizes about that
(the longest dimension of the particle measured at right angles average.
to the length). Intuitive as these properties may be, their defin- One could imagine the situation in which a bell-shaped curve
ition still is best shown in Figure 3a. Closely related to these prop- is found to describe the distribution of particle sizes in a hy-
erties are two other descriptors of particle size: Ferets diameter, pothetical sample; this type of system is known as the normal
42 Pharmaceutical Technology DECEMBER 2001 www.phar
(a) (b) in each size fraction is identified, and

Cumulative distribution
100 then one calculates the percentage of par-
Number frequency

15 80 ticles in each size fraction. This calcula-

60 tion yields the particle size histogram
10 (see Figure 4a). The number frequency
5 ordinarily is used to construct a cumu-
lative distribution, which can be as-
0 0 cending or descending depending on the
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
nature of the study and what informa-
Particle size (mm) Particle size (mm)
tion is required (see Figure 4b).
The arithmetic mean of the ensemble
of particle diameters is calculated using
Figure 4: Particle-size representations for a hypothetical normal distribution. Shown are (a) the
the relation
frequency distribution and (b) the cumulative distribution.

in which n is the number of particles

(a) (b)
20 20 having a diameter equal to di. The stan-
Number frequency

Number frequency

dard deviation in the distribution then

15 15
is calculated using
10 10
5 5

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 In the example shown in Table I, one cal-
10 100
Particle size (mm) culates that dav 5 30.2 mm and that s =
Particle size (mm)
The most commonly occurring value
Figure 5: Particle-size representations for a hypothetical log-normal distribution, plotted on a (a) in the distribution is the mode, which is
linear scale and on a (b) logarithmic scale. the value at which the frequency repre-
sentation is a maximum value. The me-
dian divides the frequency curve into two equal parts and equals
Table I: Particle composition of a hypothetical sample the particle size at which the cumulative representation equals
exhibiting a normal distribution. 50%. In a rigorous normal distribution, the mean, mode, and
Size Number Number Percent Percent median have the same value. For a slightly skewed distribution,
(mm) in Band Frequency Less Than Greater Than however, the following approximate relationship holds:
5 50 1.67 1.67 98.33
10 90 3.00 4.67 95.33 [5]
15 110 3.67 8.33 91.67
20 280 9.33 17.67 82.33 It would be highly advantageous if powder distributions could
25 580 19.33 37.00 63.00 be described by the normal distribution function because all of
30 600 20.00 57.00 43.00 the statistical procedures developed for Gaussian distributions
35 540 18.00 75.00 25.00 could be used to describe the properties of the sample. How-
40 360 12.00 87.00 13.00 ever, unless the range of particle sizes is extremely narrow, most
45 170 5.67 92.67 7.33 powder samples cannot be described adequately by the normal
50 120 4.00 96.67 3.33 distribution function. The size distribution of the majority of
55 60 2.00 98.67 1.33 real powder samples usually is skewed toward the larger end of
60 40 1.33 100.00 0.00 the particle-size scale. Such powders are better described by the
Total 3000 100 log-normal distribution type. This terminology arose because
when the particle distribution is plotted by means of the loga-
distribution. Samples that conform to the characteristics of a rithm of the particle size, the skewed curve is transformed into
normal distribution are described fully by a mean particle size one closely resembling a normal distribution (see Figure 5).
and the standard deviation. Table I shows an example of a sam- The distribution in a log-normal representation can be com-
ple exhibiting a normal distribution in which 3000 particles pletely specified by two parameters: the geometric median par-
have been sorted according to an undefined determiner of their ticle size (dg) and the standard deviation in the geometric mean
size. In the usual data representation, the number of particles
Pharmaceutical Technology DECEMBER 2001 43
in which n is the number of particles hav-
(a) 30 (b) ing particle size equal to di. Two samples
% mass
100 having identical dg and sg values can be
frequency 80 said to have been drawn from the same
% in bond


% finer
% number
frequency 60 Cumulative total population and exhibit properties
% mass of characteristics of the total population.
10 40
20 % number In many applications, particle-size re-
0 0 sults are processed by plotting the cu-
0 15 30 45 60 75 mulative frequency data on a logarith-
Size (mm) Size (mm) mic scale. If a straight line is obtained,
the particle-size distribution is said to
obey the log-normal function. The value
Figure 6: Particle-size representations for a hypothetical log-normal distribution. Shown are (a) of dg is equal to the 50% value of the cu-
the frequency distribution and (b) the cumulative distribution. Each contains the difference mulative distribution. The value of sg
obtained when processing the data in terms of either particle number or particle mass. is obtained by dividing the 84.1% value
of the distribution by the 50% value.
Although the distribution in the log-
normal representation is specified completely by the geomet-
(a) US M
ric median particle size and the geometric mean standard de-
standard s M Ms viation, a number of other average values have been derived to
10 2,000
Mesh (US standard sieve series)

12 1,500 define useful properties. These values are especially useful when
1,000 the physical significance of the geometric median particle size
is not clear. The arithmetic mean (dav) particle size is defined
500 as the sum of all particle diameters divided by the total num-
50 300 ber of particles and is calculated using Equation 3. The surface
70 200 mean (ds) particle size is defined as the diameter of a hypo-
100 150
thetical particle having an average surface area and is calculated
140 100
270 50
0.5 1 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 98 99 99.5 [7]
Cumulative percentage of undersize particles

(b) US M
standard s M Ms The volume mean (dv) particle size is the diameter of a hypo-
10 2,000
thetical particle having an average volume and is obtained from
Mesh (US standard sieve series)

12 1,500
40 400
50 300
70 200
The volume-surface mean (dvs) particle size is the average size
100 150 based on the specific surface per unit volume and is calculated
140 100 using
270 50
0.5 1 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 98 99 99.5 [9]
Cumulative percentage of undersize particles

Figure 7: Particle-size representations plotted in a log-probability For the distribution plotted in Figure 5, one can calculate that
format for (a) a single hypothetical log-normal distribution and for dg 5 32.91 mm, dav 5 34.42 mm, ds 5 35.93 mm, dv 5 37.43 mm,
(b) a hypothetical sample containing two log-normal distributions and dvs 5 40.62 mm.
whose average particle size differs by ;50%. Various types of physical significance have been attached to
the various expressions of particle size. For chemical reactions,
the surface mean is important, although for pigments the vol-
(sg). The geometric median is the particle size pertaining to the ume mean value is the appropriate parameter. Deposition of
50% value in the cumulative distribution and is calculated using particles in the respiratory tract is related to the weight mean
diameter, and the dissolution of particulate matter is related to
[6] the volume-surface mean.
Particle-size distributions can be sorted according to the mass
(or volume) of the particles contained within a given size band
44 Pharmaceutical Technology DECEMBER 2001 www.phar
Recommended reading
or to the number of particles contained in the same size R.R.Irani and C.F.Callis, Particle Size: Measurement, Interpretation, and Application (John
band. With substances having real density values, the dis- Wiley & Sons,New York,1963).
tribution of the same ensemble of particles can look quite Z.K.Jelinek,Particle Size Analysis (Ellis Horwood Ltd.,Chichester,1970).

different depending on how the data are plotted. Figure J.D.Stockham and E.G.Fochtman, Particle Size Analysis (Ann Arbor Science Publishers,
6 shows the frequency and cumulative distribution plots Ann Arbor,MI,1977).
for the same sample, but the data have been separately B.H.Kaye,Direct Characterization of Fine Particles (John Wiley & Sons,New York,1981).
processed in terms of the mass and particle numbers. H.G.Barth,Modern Methods of Particle Size Analysis (John Wiley & Sons,New York,1984).

Unfortunately not every powdered sample is charac- T.Allen,Particle Size Measurement, 5th ed.(Chapman and Hall,London,1997).

terized by the existence of a single distribution, and the

character of real samples can be quite complicated. Recogniz- recommended references to additional information (see Rec-
ing the existence of multimodal distributions is not always a ommended reading sidebar). Most highly recommended are
straightforward process, but their existence often can be detected the various editions of Particle Size Measurement by Allen be-
by plotting the data on log-probability paper. The existence of cause they contain some of the most detailed and informative
more than one particle population is indicated by a change in expositions available about these topics. However, the scope of
the slope of the line. Figure 7 shows a single log-normal distri- the discussion in this opening article provides a sufficient basis
bution and a multimodal sample consisting of two populations for the expositions of the various methodologies that will fol-
whose mean differed by approximately 50%. The break in the low in subsequent installments of this column.
log plot is clearly evident, but if one were to simply plot the lat-
ter sample in either a frequency or cumulative view, one would References
not have been able to detect the existence of two particle-size 1. H.G. Brittain, What is the Correct Method to Use for Particle-Size
populations in the sample. Determination? Pharm. Technol. 25 (7), 9698 (2001).
2. Optical Microscopy, General Test ^776&, USP 24 (The United States
Pharmacopoeial Convention, Rockville, MD, 2000), pp. 19651967.
Summary 3. T. Allen, Particle Size Measurement (Chapman and Hall, London, 3rd
This rather simplified discussion of particle shape, size, and dis- ed.,1981) pp. 107120.
tribution represents only an introduction to the topic. Inter- 4. H. Heywood, J. Pharm. Pharmacol. (S15) 56T, (1963). PT
ested readers should consult the primary sources in the list of

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Pharmaceutical Technology DECEMBER 2001 45

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