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Instruction : Each question is followed by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose the

correct answer.

1. The diagram below shows a thermometer.

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan termometer.

It is used to…
Ia digunakan untuk…………..
A stir the solution.
Mengacau larutan
B measure the volume of substance.
Mengukur isipadu bahan.
C measure the temperature of the material.
Mengukur suhu sesuatu bahan.
D measure the temperature of human body.
Mengukur suhu badan.



2. What is the reading of the temperature shown above?

Apakah bacaan suhu yang ditunjukkan di atas ?

A 50C C 60C
B 55C D 65C

3. The graph below shows the changes in the temperature of a liquid being heated.
Graf di bawah menunjukkan perubahan suhu cecair apabila dipanaskan.

Temperature (ºC)

0 2 4 6 8 10 Time (minute)
Masa (minit)
How long is the time taken to boil the liquid?
Berapa lamakah masa di ambil untuk mendidihkan cecair tersebut?

A 2 minutes C 6 minutes
B 4 minutes D 8 minutes

4. The diagram below shows a few cubes of ice added to hot water in a beaker.
Rajah dibawah menunjukkan beberapa ketul ais ditambahkan ke dalam air panas
di dalam bikar.



hot water

What happens to the water in the beaker?

Apakah yang berlaku ke pada air di dalam bikar?
A The temperature drops.
Suhu turun.
B The temperature rises.
Suhu menaik.
C Its volume decreases.
Isipadu air menurun.
D There will be no changes.
Tiada perubahan berlaku.

5. The table below shows the changes in temperature of water that is placed under
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan perubahan suhu air yang diletakkan di bawah
cahaya matahari.

Time 8.00 a.m. 9.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m.

Temperature 28 29 30 32

The information in the table shows that…

Maklumat di jadual menunjukkan…………..
A the temperature of a substance always changes.
Suhu bahan sentiasa berubah.
B heat gained, produces an increase in temperature.
Haba diterima, suhu akan meningkat.
C the Sun is a source of energy.
Matahari adalah punca tenaga.
D water can store heat energy.
Air boleh menyimpan tenaga haba.

6. The diagram below shows the state of telephone wires at noon.

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan keadaan wayar telefon pada waktu tengah hari.

How do the telephone wires appear in the morning?

Bagaimanakah keadaan wayar telefon pada waktu pagi?
A Becomes more sag C Becomes tight
Bertambah kendur bertambah tegang
B Becomes thicker D Becomes darker in its colour
Bertambah tebal bertambah gelap warnanya

7. Which of the following is an effect of heat?

Manakan yang berikut adalah kesan haba?
I An object becomes hot.
Objek menjadi panas.
II A metal expands.
Logam mengembang.
III The volume of a liquid increases.
Isipadu cecair meningkat.

A I and II only C II and III only

B I and III only D I, II and III

8. The diagram below shows two glasses that are stuck together tightly.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan dua gelas yang melekat antara satu sama alin.

When they are immersed in hot water, the glasses can be separated easily. This is
Bila ia direndam dalam air panas, gelas tersebut senang terpisah. Perkara ini
berlaku kerana….

A glass Q expands. C glass Q contracts.

Gelas Q mengembang. Gelas Q mengecut.
B glass P expands. D glass P contracts.
Gelas P mengembang. Gelas P mengecut.

9. The diagram below shows a nut and screw. It is observed that the nut cannot be
released from its screw because it is very tight.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan nat dan skru. Nat tidak boleh dikeluarkan daripada
skru kerana sangat ketat.



How can the nut be released?

Bagaimanakah nat boleh dikeluarkan?

A Immerse in boiling water

Rendam dalam air mendidih
B Heat the nut
Panaskan nat
C Immerse in ice
Rendam dalam ais
D Heat the screw
Panaskan skru

42 48

41 47

10. What is the difference between both thermometers?

Apakah perbezaan bacaan kedua-dua termometer?
A 6C C 42C

B 7C D 48C

11. The diagram below shows four eye positions for taking the temperature of water
using a thermometer.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan empat kedudukan mata semasa mengambil bacaan
suhu air menggunakan termometer.
Which of the eye positions, labelled as A, B, C and D, reads the temperature of
water accurately?
Manakah kedudukan mata yang betul semasa mengambil bacaan termometer?

12. The diagram below shows the iron ball passing through the ring at room
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan bebola besi melalui gelang pada suhu bilik.

Which of the following is true?

Manakah berikut adalah benar?

A When the ring is heated, the iron ball cannot pass through it.
Bila gelang dipanaskan, bebola besi tidak boleh melepasinya.
B When the ring is cooled, the ball passes through it more easily.
Bila gelang dipanaskan, bebola besi melepasinya lebih senang.
C The iron ball cannot pass through the ring when the iron ball is heated.
bebola besi tidak boleh melepasi gelang bila bebola besi dipanaskan.
D If the ball expands, it passes through the ring more easily.
Bila bebola besi mengembang, ia melepasi gelang dengan lebih
13. The picture below shows the changes to the balance when a solid is placed on its
pan .
Gambar di bawah menunjukkan perubahan pada alat penimbang apabila pepejal
diletakkan di atas alat timbang.



This shows that a solid…

Ini menunjukkan pepejal mempunyai………

A has fixed shape. C has volume.

Bentuk yang tetap. Mempunyai isipadu.
B has mass. D occupies space
Mempunyai berat. Memenuhi ruang.

14. The figure below shows various shapes of solids being put into a container.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan berbagai bentuk pepejal dimasukkan ke dalam

Which of the following statements is correct?

Manakah antara pernyataan berikut adalah benar?

A The shapes of the solids take the shape of its container.

Bentuk pepejal mengambil bentuk bekas.
B The shapes of the solids do not change.
Bentuk pepejal tidak berubah.
C The masses of the solids increase.
Berat pepejal bertambah.
D The sizes of the solids decrease.
Saiz pepejal berkurang.
15. The figure below shows two containers filled with the same amount of water.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan dua bekas berisi dengan jumalah air yang sama.

What will happen?

Apakah yang akan berlaku?
A The mass of water increases.
Berat air bertambah.
B The volume of water increases.
Isipadu air bertambah.
C The shape of water takes the shape of their containers.
Bentuk air mengambil bentuk bekas yang diisinya.
D The colour of water changes.
Warna air berubah.

16. The figure below shows a beaker with a liquid being placed on a balance.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan bikar berisi cecair diletakkan di atas alat timbang.


What will happen if another cup of the liquid is added into the beaker?
Apakah yang akan berlaku apabila secawan cecair ditambah ke dalam bikar?

A The mass of the liquid in the beaker increases.

Berat cecair dalam bikar bertambah.
B The mass of the liquid in the beaker decreases.
Berat cecair dalam bikar berkurang.
C The mass of the liquid in the beaker does not change.
Berat cecair dalam bikar tidak berubah.
D The mass of the liquid in the beaker is not fixed.
Berat cecair dalam bikar tidak tetap.
17. Which of the following shows the correct form of matter?
Manakah antara berikut menunjukkan perubahan keadaan bahan?

Solid Liquid Gas

Pepejal cecair gas

A Ice cream Rain water Cloud

Ais krim air hujan awan
B Jelly Dew Snow
Jeli embun salji
C Ice Mineral water Vapour
Ais air mineral wap
D Dew Ice Smoke
Embun ais asap

18. The picture below shows the balloon can be changed into different shapes.
Gambar di bawah menunjukkan belon yang boleh diubah kepada berbagai

The shape of the balloon can be changed because the air in the balloon…
Bentuk belon berubah kerana udara dalam belon…………….

A does not have a fixed shape.

Tidak mempunyai bentuk yang tetap
B has different masses.
Mempunyai berat yang berbeza.
C does not occupy space.
Tidak memenuhi ruang.
D can expand.
Boleh mengembang.

19. In an investigation, Anis uses two similar balloons. One of the balloons is filled
with air, while the other is not filled with air. She hangs both of the balloons at the
ends of a stick. Which of the following figures shows the correct position of the
Dalam satu penyiasatan, Anis menggunakan dua belon yang sama. Salah satu
belon itu diisi dengan udara manakala satu lagi tidak diisi dengan udara. Dia
mengantung kedua-dua belon dihujung kayu. Manakah antara gambarajah yang
menunjukkan kedudukan belon yang betul?


20. The figure below shows an investigation.

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu penyiasatan.

Glass Air



What will happen if the pupil blows air continuously into the glass?
Apakah yang berlaku apabila murid itu meniup udara ke dalam gelas?

A The level of the water in the glass will increase.

Paras air dalam gelam meningkat.
B Nothing happens.
Tiada apa-apa berlaku.
C The volume of the air in the basin decreases.
Isipadu udara dalam besen menurun.
D The space of the air in the glass increases.
Ruang udara dalam gelas bertambah.

21. The information below shows the changes of the state of water.
Maklumat di bawah menunjukkan perubahan keadaan air.
Ice changes to water.
Ais bertukar menjadi air.
Water changes to vapour.
Air bertukar menjadi wap air.
Which of the following causes the changes to take place?
Manakah antara berikut menyebabkan perubahan yang berlaku?

A Wind C Heat
angin haba
B Light D Rain
Cahaya Hujan

22. The graph below shows the changes of the temperature of water when heated.
Graf di bawah menunjukkan perubahan suhu air apabila dipanaskan.

Temperature (oC)

Time (minutes)
At which stage does boiling take place?
Di aras manakah proses pendidihan berlaku?


23. Which of the following is the result of evaporation?

Manakah antara berikut adalah keputusan bagi penyejatan?

I Ice in a glass melts.

Ais dalam gelas melebur.
II Water in a puddle on the roadside becomes dry.
Lopak air di tepi jalan menjadi kering.
III Dew on the leaves slowly lost.
Embun di atas daun hilang perlahan-lahan.
IV Bread becomes hard when toasted
Roti menjadi keras bila dibakar.

A II only
B I and II only
C II and III only
D I, II and IV only
24. Selvi just finished cleaning the floor. Which of the following steps can help her
dry the floor faster?
Selvi baru sahaja selesai mencuci lantai. Manakah antara langkah berikut boleh
membantunya mengeringkan lantai dengan cepat.

A Switch on the light

Menyalakan lampu.
B Switch on the radio and television.
Menghidupakan radio dan televisyen.
C Switch on the fan at the highest speed.
Menghidupkan kipas pada kelajuan yang tinggi.
D Close all the windows.
Menutup semua tingkap.

25. The figure below shows a glass with some boiling water.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan gelas yang berisi air didih.

What process is taking place?

Apakah proses yang berlaku?

A Boiling C Condensation
Pendidihan kondensasi
B Melting D Evaporation
peleburan Pengewapan

26. A glass of water are placed in a freezer of a refrigerator. Which of the following
will happen to the water?
Segelas air diletakkan di dalam peti sejuk beku. Manakah antara berikut berlaku
kepada air tersebut?
I The temperature of the water will decrease.
Suhu air menurun.
II The freezing process takes place.
Proses penyejukbekuan berlaku.
III The water will change to solid.
Air bertukar menjadi pepejal.

A II only C I and III only

B I and II only D I, II and III
27. Zaidi breathes on a steel spoon. He noticed drops of water form on the spoon.
What causes the phenomenon?
Zaidi bernafas di atas sudu logam. Dia perhatikan terdapat titisan air terbentuk
di atas sudu. Apakah yang menyebabkan fenomena ini berlaku?

A Condensation C Melting
Kondensasi Peleburan
B Freezing D Evaporation
Penyejukbekuan Pengewapan

28. The figure below shows the changes of the state of water.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan perubahan keadaan air.

Liquid Gas Liquid
Cecair gas cecair

What happen at X and Y?

Apakah yang berlaku di X dan Y?

A Evaporation Condensation
Pengewapan Kondensasi
B Boiling Melting
Pendidihan Peleburan
C Freezing Boiling
Pembekuan Pendidihan
D Boiling Freezing
Pendidihan Pembekuan

29. Condensation will take place when…

Kondensasi berlaku apabila…….
A steam is cooled.
Wap air panas disejukkan
B ice is heated.
Ais dipanaskan.
C water is cooled.
Air disejukkan.
D drops of water gather.
Titisan air terbentuk.
30. The figure below shows the same amount of water being filled in three different
containers. The containers are exposed to the Sun at the same place.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan air yang sama jumlahnya diisi ke dalam tiga bekas
yang berbeza. Bekas didedahkan kepada cahaya matahari di tempat yang sama.

Which of the following shows the ascending order of the evaporation rate of the
Manakah antara berikut menunjukkan urutan menaik kadar penyejatan air?
A J, K, L B K, J, L
C L, K, J D K, L, J


Section B. Answers all of the questions.

Write down your answers in the space provided

1. The diagram below shows an investigation carried out by a pupil to study the
formation of shadows. An object is placed at three different positions. X, Y, and
Z. For each position, the size of the shadow formed on the screen is observed.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan satu penyiasatan yang dijalankan oleh seorang
murid untuk mengkaji pembentukan baying-bayang. Satu objek diletakkan pada
tiga kedudukan yang berbeza iaitu X, Y, dan Z. Bagi setiap kedudukan , saiz
baying-bayang yang terbentuk pada skrin diperhatikan.
The table below shows the results of the investigation.
Jadual di bawah menunjukkan keputusan penyiasatan itu.

The position of the object.

Kedudukan objek

Size of the shadow

Saiz baying-bayang

(a) What is the aim of the investigation?

Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini?

[1 mark]
(b) Base on this investigation, state the following:
Berdasarkan penyiasatan di atas, nyatakan yang berikut:

i. what is changed (manipulated variable)

pembolehubah dimanipulasikan

ii. What is kept the same?

Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan

[2 marks]
(c) What conclusion can be made from this investigation?
Apakah kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat daripada penyiasatan ini?

[1 mark]

2. Figure 2 shows an experiment carried out by a group of pupils in Year 5 Bistari.

The water in the beaker is heated for 16 minuter.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan satu ujikaji yang telah dijalankan oleh sekumpulan murid
Tahun 5 Bistari. Air di dalam bikar dipanaskan selama 16 minit.

Table shows the results of the experiment.

Jadual menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen.

Time (minutes)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Masa (minit)
Temperature ( °C )
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Suhu (°C )

(a) What is the aim of the experiment?

Apakah tujuan eksperimen ini?

[1 mark]
(b) What is the trend of change in the temperature of water shown in the table 2?
Apakah corak perubahan suhu air yang ditunjukkan dalam jadual 2?

[1 mark]

(c) Base on this investigation, state the following:

Berdasarkan penyiasatan di atas, nyatakan yang berikut:

(i) what is changed (manipulated variable)

pembolehubah dimanipulasikan
(ii) what is observed (responding variable)
Pembolehubah bergerak balas
[ 2 marks]
(d) State the relationship between the heating time and the temperature of water.
Nyatakan hubungan antara masa pemanasan dengan suhu air.

[1 mark]

3. Figure shows three similar T-shirts that are left to dry in the sun for two hours.
Rajah menunjukkan tiga helai baju yang serupa yang dibiarkan kering di bawah
sinaran cahaya matahari selama dua jam.

(a) Predict which T-shirt will dry the fastest?

Ramalkan baju yang manakah akan kering paling cepat?

[1 mark]
(b) Give a reason for your answer in ( a ).
Berikan sebab bagi jawapan kamu di ( a ).

[1 mark]
(c) Base on this investigation, state the following:
Berdasarkan penyiasatan di atas, nyatakan yang berikut:

(i) what is changed (manipulated variable)

pembolehubah dimanipulasikan
(ii) what is observed (responding variable)
Pembolehubah bergerak balas

(iii) What is kept the same?

Pembolehubah yang dimalarkan

[3 marks]
(d) What is the relationship (hypothesis) that can be made from the investigation
Apakah hubungan (hipotesis) yang boleh dibuat dari penyiasatan di atas?

[1 mark]
4. The figure below shows apparatus used in an investigation.
Rajah di bawah menunjukkan radas yang digunakan dalam satu penyiasatan.

1. Provide two same size beakers.
Sediakan dua bikar yang sama saiz.
2. Fill four ice cubes in beaker P and eight ice cubes in beaker Q.
Isikan empat ketul ais di bikar P dan lapan ketul asi di bikar Q.
3. Record the time taken for ice cubes in beaker P and Q melting.
Rekodkan masa yang diambil untuk ais di bikar P dan Q melebur.

Ice cube

The table below shows the results of the investigation.

Jadual di bawah menunjukkan keputusan penyiasatan tersebut.

Beaker P Q
Time taken to ice cubes melting (minutes) 15 30
Masa kiub ais melebur (minit)

(a) State two variables in the investigation.

Nyatakan dua pembolehubah dalam penyisatan ini.

1. ………………………………………………………………….……….
2. …………………………………………………………………………..
(2 marks)
(c) What is the aim of the investigation?
Apakah tujuan penyiasatan ini dijalankan?
(1 mark)
(d) What is the relationship between the number of ice cubes and the time taken to ice
cubes melting ?
Apakah hubungan antara bilangan kiub ais dengan masa kiub ais melebur?
(1 mark)
(a) What is the trend in the number of the time taken to ice cubes melting?
Apakah corak pada masa kiub ais melebur?

(1 mark)

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