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Language as an

intellectual tool: From

hieroglyphics to APL
by D. B. Mclntyre

We learn elementary mathematics before We shroud in mystery whatever we do not under-

understanding thesource of its symbols and stand. In crystal optics we speak of extra-ordinary
procedures, which therefore appear, incorrectly, rays, though there is, of course, nothing extra-or-
to have been decreed ready-made. Language and
reason are intimately related, and the dinary about them. Negative numbers were called
embodiment of an idea in a symbolmay be absurd or fictitious. Even after Leonard0 of Pisa
essential to itscomprehension. APL unifies (known as Fibonacci), in the year 1202, had taught
algebra into a single consistent notation; it us to recognize debt as a negative asset, it took
allows us to exploit the powerful concepts of
functions and operators; andit helps us to another 400 years before thenumber scale was rep-
escape from the tyranny of scalars by giving us resented geometrically. Intellectual progress is
the tools to think in terms of arrays,or multiple slow, and an additional 250 years passed before
quantity, as J. J. Sylvester so eloquently urged Sylvester showedhow absurd it wasto style as imag-
us to do a century ago. APL has an intellectual inary the quantities represented by the symbols i,j,
consistenc that is a source of satisfaction and
pleasure. x i s paper traces thehistory of k of complex numbers and quaternions.
symbols from hieroglyphics to APL.
I remind you of the words of Whitehead: Math-
ematics is often considered to be a difficult and
mysterious science, because of the numerous sym-
bols which it employs. Of course, nothing is more
incomprehensible than symbolism we do not un-
T he APL language, a language with symbols and
not words, isone of the intellectual triumphs of
our time. Its modern incarnation began with Iver-

The inscription illustrated in Figure 1 is a record of

son notation,, but its roots go far back into the
the triumph of Menes, founder of the first dynasty
Wopyright 1991 by International Business Machines Corpora-
In the beginning tion. Copying in printed form forprivate use is permitted with-
out payment of royalty provided that (1) each reproduction is
Perhaps theearliest record of what came to be APL done without alteration and (2) the Journal reference and IBM
was carved on a sculptured mace of granite about copyright notice are included on the first page. The title and
3100 BC, before theinvention of papyrus. Of course abstract, but no other portions, of this paper may be copied or
distributed royalty free without further permission by computer-
you cannot read it, unless as is the case with con- based and other information-service systems. Permission to re-
temporary APL, you know the meaning of the sym- publish any other portion of this paper must be obtained from
bols. the Editor.


Figure 1 An example of early hieroqlyphics

Figure 2 The key to hieroglyphic numbers



of historical pharaohs, who united the two king- hundred is represented in hieroglyphics by a picture
doms of Egypt. With Figure 2 as our key,we read of the coiled rope used by Egyptian surveyors, or
that he captured 400 000 oxen, 1 422 000 goats, and rope-stretchers, whose descendants today use the
120 000 prisoners. chain as a unit of measurement. We should re-
member that Eratosthenes, the director of the great
Although the variables arenamed, the example library in Alexandria, was the first to measure the
lacks the equivalent of APLS assignment arrow. A earths circumference, thus initiating the science of


Figure 3 Examples of Egyptian methods of arithmetic

637 + 405 - 1042 637 I+ 11042

I DOUBLING 637 - 1274 1 I637 1 DOUBLING I = 11274

I 6 3 7 x 10 - 6370 I x I10 I I I6370

geophysics. Lotus flowers and tadpoles represent bling, and multiplying by 10 easy. We,on the other
large numbers, and one can only hold up ones hand, must memorize 55 combinations in order to
hands in amazement at so large a number as a mil- add, and we must learn another table in order to
lion. The base is, of course, 10. Poor though 10 is multiply.
as a base,4 it was and remains popular because we
have 10 fingers to count on. The Egyptian system, Most of us probably imagine that children always
like the Roman, did not use place notation, and so learned addition and multiplication tables, but in
had no need for zero. 1542 Recorde had to explain at length how to mul-
tiply two numbers between 5 and 10. Consider the
Egyptian methods of arithmetic are illustrated in implication of Samuel Pepyssentry in his diaryfor
Figure 3, reading the symbols from right to left, i.e., July 4,1662: Comes Mr. Cooper of whom I intend
the more significant figures are to the right. The to learn mathematiques, and do begin with him
three examples represent: adding 637 and 405; dou- today. After an hours being with him at arithme-
bling 637; and multiplying 637 by 10. The system tique, my first attempt being to learn the multipli-
has been derided as clumsy, but for more than a cation table. Five days later he records: Up by
thousand years no nation was able to improve on four oclock, and at my multiplicacion-table [sic]
the Egyptian notation and methods. Again,Figure hard, which is all the trouble I meet withal in my
2 is the key to understanding the notation in Figure arithmetique. Now Pepys was a 30-year-old grad-
3. This systemmakes addition, subtraction, dou- uate of Cambridge, an able man of business, soon


Figure 4 First appearance of symbols in print

to become a Fellow of the Royal Society (as pres- equals symbol,which he chose because noe 2
ident of the society, Pepys gave his imprimatur to thynges can be moare equalle. Eulers 2 (sigma)
Newtons Principia). As Secretary of the Navy he suggests summation; epsilon is the first letter of the
became one of the nations leading financiers. Greek esti (is a), which suggests membership; and
the symbol for or is the first letter of the Latin vel.
How seldom do we look back inmaturity at what we
learned by rote as children, and thatis why I like the In his survey of the development of mathematics,
title (as well as the content) of Kleins Elementary Kline pointed out that Leibniz certainly appreci-
Mathematicsfroman Advanced Standpoint. We are ated the greatsaving of thought that good symbols
taught as if the common mathematical symbols make possible. Thus by the end of the seventeenth
came to humankind in antiquity engraved on stone; century, the deliberate use of symbolism-as op-
as if they had no history. The dates when some of posed to incidental or accidental use-and the
these symbols first appeared in print show that our awareness of the power and generality it confers
notation evolved over centuries7,*(see Figure 4). entered mathematics.
The imprints on our bank checks show that in our
own time technology has changed some of our fa- Our notation having been at least 500 years in the
miliar symbols. making, it isno surprise that the story is not yet at
an end. What is remarkable is that Iverson is ap-
The acceptance of symbols parently the first to look at the consistency and
completeness of the notation as a whole. Function
The symbol forplus is probably an abbreviation for syntax is inconsistent; e.g., summation has its argu-
the Latin et, and that forminus may be a simple bar ment to the right, factorial to the left, and absolute
used by merchants to separate theindication of the value is written on both sides of its argument. Ex-
tare, for a long time called minus,from that of the ponentiation has no symbol at all; its second argu-
total weight of the merchandise. De Morgan ment is merelywritten as a superscript. Iverson also
thought the symbols might be marks on sacks or considered which other functions have sufficient
barrels showing whether they were over or under utility to warrant separate graphic symbols. He
weight. Recorde, in 1557, first usedthese signs in an showed that function names should not be elided,
English book, the same one in which he gave us the and pointed out theadvantage of each symbol rep-


Figure 5 Exponents enclosed in circles (Stevinus,1585)
notablyinhis Formulario mathematico (5vols.,
1895-1908). He used it also in hislectures, and his
students rebelled. He tried to satisfy them by pass-
ing all of them, but that did not work, and he was
obliged to resign hisprofessorship at theUniversity
of Turin.12
Smith, quoting NesselmannsAlgebra ofthe Greeks
(1842),says that mathematics evolves through
three stages: rhetorical,with wordsand sentences in
full; syncopated, in which words are condensed by
abbreviation; and symbolic, in which there are no
resenting related monadic and dyadicfunctions. words at all.13,14Consider the way we write equa-
Iverson simplified syntax by abandoning function tions. Comparison of20 examples from 1463 to
hierarchy (originally imposed for writing polyno- 169315 shows how long it took to pass from words
mials) and making each function take everything to to our present symbolicsystem.SimonStevin
its right as its right argument. (Stevinus,1548-1620), for instance, made great
progress by identifying exponents, writing them en-
Acceptance of good symbols has, however, never closed in circles (See Figure 5). His books (1585,
been easy. After introducing the times symbol 1586) were influential in promoting the use of the
(Saint Andrews cross) in 1631, Oughtred wrote: new methods. (See Reference 16.)
This manner of setting downe Theoremes,
whether they be Proportions, or Equations, by Sym- The superscript method of denoting a to thepower
boles or notes of words, is most excellent, artificiall, b (that is, a b )was usedby Hume in 1636,though his
and doctrinal1 [i.e., serving to teach]. Wherefore I use of Roman numerals for the exponent shows he
earnestly exhort every one, thatdesireth though but thought only of integer powers. The form we use
to looke into these noble Sciences Mathematicall, now wasfirst usedby Descartes in 1637.John Wal-
to accustome themselves unto it: and indeede it is lis, a distinguished predecessor of Sylvesters as Sa-
easie, being most agreeable to reason, yea even to vilian Professor of Geometry in Oxford,was one of
sence. And out of this working may many singular the first to write equations in the form we use today,
consectaries [i.e.,conclusions] be drawne: which though even he often wrote aaaa for a 4 . Until the
without this would, it may be, for ever lye hid. end of the eighteenth century it was, indeed, com-
mon practice to write aa for a . Wallis, who gave us
But 15 years later, still more encouragement was our symbols for greater-than-or-equaZ-to(2)and
needed: [My] Treatise being not written in the less-than-or-equal-to(5)and our symbol for infinity
usual1 syntheticalmanner, nor with verbous expres- (m), found a meaning for negative exponents (1655,
sions, but in the inventive way ofAnalitice, and with 1657), but Newton was the first to permit the ex-
symboles or notes of things instead of words, ponent to be positive, negative, integer, or frac-
seemed unto many veryhard; though indeed it was tional (1676).
but their owne diffidence, beingscared by the new-
ness of the delivery; and not any difficulty in the Euler, in 1777,introduced the symbol i (impossible
thing it selfe.For this specious [i.e., pleasing to the or imaginary) for d-1,and by 1837 Sir William
eye] and symbolical1 manner, neither racketh the Rowan Hamilton had so adopted the geometrical
memory with multiplicity of words, nor chargeth interpretation of complex numbers (Wessel, Gauss,
the phantasie with comparing and laying things to- Argand) that it could be said that exponentiation
gether; but plainly presenteth to the eye the whole had been extended to thecase of a negative number
course and processe of every operation and argu- with a fractional exponent. Cayley further extended
mentation. the scope of exponentiation by raising matrices to
positive integer powers and to the power -1 ,which
It seems that not much has changed, judging from ~3
he called the inverse or reciprocal matrix. To-
the experience of Giuseppe Peano (who provided days APL handles all these cases directly.
two of APLS symbols). We are told that he used a
great deal of symbolism because he wished to To indicate that a word was abbreviated, the prac-
sharpen the reasoning. . . . Peano used this sym- tice used to be to put a stroke (solidus) through the
bolism in his presentation of all of mathematics, last letter. This accounts for the lines still seen in


symbols for the British pound (&,Latin libra), the arise, and how.great was the mental power shown
dollar ($, an abbreviation of pesos), the cent (e), in Napiers conceptionand its realisation. . . .In our
and the sign Ij (for the Latin recipe, or the imper- days when the rules of computation are precise, and
ative take) displayed by pharmacists. Cardan
19920 when the construction of instruments has reached
used Ij for root(Latin radix) in 1539,and we still a high state of efficiency, the processes of multipli-
talk of extracting(pulling out) theroot. Although cation and other arithmetical operations can be
Euler believed the square root symbol (d) to be performed by machines designed for the purpose.
the deformed letter r (abbreviating radix), Cajori These apparatuses which save mental strain and
doubts this, suggesting its origin might be a dot.21 time are effective aids to calculation, and they may
be regarded as the modern successors to Napiers
We are taught that it is a simple step from expo-
nents to logarithms, and few developments have
been more important. Laplace recognized our im- APL and functional programming
mense debt to Napier in his well-known remark
about logarithms, that, by halving the labor, they APLS concise notation helps us grasp the intellec-
had doubled the life of the astronomer and math- tual content of an algorithm without the distraction
ematician; but we seldom think of the primitive of extraneous and irrelevant matters prescribed by
state of the conceptual tools available in 1614, or a machine. APL is a succinct and admirably consis-
recognize Napiers genius. In his day, algebra dif- tent language that not only usesverbs (functions) to
fered little from arithmetic, and the notation we act on nouns (data arrays), but uses adverbs and
take for granted was almost nonexistent. Napiers conjunctions (operators) to derive new verbs, and
discovery came three years before he invented the permits definition of new verbs, adverbs, and con-
decimal point, and less than 60 years after Recorde junctions. It has the subtlety and suggestiveness
introduced the equals sign and first used the signs which, as Bertrand Russell said, makes a good no-
+ and - in an English book. Just how Napier suc- tation seem almost like a live tea~her,~ and, to
ceeded in calculating his table of logarithms is well quote Pledge, Suggestiveness is the essential ser-
described by Gittleman. 22 vice of ~yrnbolism.~~

In a volume commemorating the 300th anniversary With APL, the goal of functional programming
of Napiers Description of the Marvellous Canon of (Backus, 1978) can be achieved. The wordfunction
Logarithms, Glaisher well expressed the power of (derived from functio, meaning a performance or
good notation: Nothing in the history of mathe- execution) was used at the endof the 17th century
matics is to me so surprising or impressive as the by mathematicians writing in Latin. Leibniz, who
power it has gained by its notation or language. . . . gave us many terms such as constant, variable, and
By his invention [of logarithms] Napier introduced parameter, used function in our sense in1673.
a new function into mathematics. . . . When math- Euler used the symbolffor a function in 1734, and
ematical notation has reached a point where the in 1754 used the notation$(a,n) for a function of
product of n x s was replaced by x , and the ex- the variables a and n, i.e., to state that the result
tension of the law x * x = x+ has suggested depends upon the currentvalues of a and n. Iverson
x x2/ = x, so that could be taken to denote does better than this; in 1976 his method of direct
definition2 of functions shows formally exactly how
the square root of x , then the fractional exponents
would follow as a matter of course, and the tabu- the result is derived from the arguments, and Eul-
lation ofx in the equation 10 =y for integral values ers parentheses are not needed.
of y might naturally suggest itself as a means of
performing multiplication by addition. But in Napi- The relationship between ordinary APL and direct
ers time, when there was practically no notation, definition is illustrated by the following examples:
hisdiscovery or invention was accomplished by In ordinary APL:
mind alone without any aid from symbols.u (See
also Reference 24.) VZ+ A PLUS B
[11 Z+ A + B
We who live in an age when algebraical notation c21 v
has been extensively developed can realise only by
an effort howslow and difficult was any step in 3 PLUS 4
mathematics until its own language had begun to 7


vz+ F N
C11 a( N=O )/+O, OpZ+l
C21 Z+Nx F N-1
C31 V
F 4
24 one new to AFJL,I would point out that if we already
In direct definition: know how to add, subtract, and square numbers,
there are only three AFJLfunctions to learn: inner
and outer products and dyadic transposition. I re-
PLUS: a + w
member Adin Falkoff saying that good notation
3 PLUS 4 cannot make an inherently recondite concept easy,
7 but it can remove unnecessaryimpediments by ex-
F: w x F w-1 : w=o : 1 pressing the concept in as simple a manner as pos-
F sible: Einsteins E = m x c 2 is a simple statement
F 4 of a relationship that probably can be fully under-
24 stood by very few.
The left and right arguments are denoted a and w. For a further illustration consider eight statistical
The recursive definition of the factorial should be functions, first in standard APL notation:
read: The factorial of w is w times the factorial of
w-1 unless w equals zero, in which casethe factorial VZ+MEAN X
of w is 1. [ll Z+(+/X> + olpx
C21 v
To illustrate the advantage of Iversons method,
consider the problem of cluster analysis. Each en- VZ+DEV X
tity, described by n variables, can be considered a 111 Z+X- (MEAN X>..+ ( 0 ~ p X ) p O
point in n-dimensional space, and we are required c21 v
to compute the distance between each point and all VZ+SS x
the others. If n is 2, the data aregiven in a matrix 113 Z+( DEV X)+.*2
of two columns. Wethen represent each entity as a c21 v
point, with coordinates x and y , plotting the points
on a scatter diagram. The theorem of Pythagoras QZ+VAR X
lets us determine the distance between anytwo c11 Z+(SS x>+ -1+01px
points, and the results complete a square matrix. 121 v
This similarity matrixgives the closeness of each en-
tity to every other one based on all measured prop- VZ+SD X
erties. The matrix is symmetric with zeros on the
111 Z+(VAR X h 0 . 5
diagonal. In APL the algorithm automatically ex-
c21 v
tends to higher dimensions. VZ+SP X ; M
C11 Z+M+.x QM+ DEV X
Hellerman used this as an example of APL notation, C21 v
in a book that (in both of its editions) is a landmark
in the history of A P L . ~His solution is as follows: vz+cov x
[11 Z+( SP X)+ -1+oqx
c11 N+( p P ) C01
C21 D+(N,N)pO C11 Z+(COV X)+So. xS+SD X
J+O c21 v
C41 LO:I+O
C51 Ll:D[I;Jl+(PCI;I-PCJ;l 1
+.x(PCI;I-PCJ;I 1 They definethe means, deviations from the means,
C 61 +( N>I+I+l )/L1 sums of squares of the deviations, variances, stan-
[71 +( N>J+J+l )/LO dard deviations,sums of cross products, covari-
V ances, and correlation coefficients.


The functions form a pedagogic sequence in the misunderstood by some who have evenregarded it
sense that tounderstand any one of them you must as a defect. When a difficulty is dividedinto a num-
first understand those that precede it. Each func- ber of separate ones, each individual will inall
tion can be directly defined in a single line, and each probability be more easily solved than that from
takes the original data as its argument. which they spring. In many cases several of these
secondary ones are well known, and methods of
Next, in direct definition: overcoming them have alreadybeen contrived: it is
not merely uselessto re-consider each of these, but
MEAN:(+/w)+Olpw it would obviouslydistract the attentionfrom those
which are new: somethingvery similarto this occurs
in Geometry; every proposition that has been pre-
SS:(DFVw)+.*2 viously taught is considered as a known truth, and
VAR:( SSw)+-l+Olpw whenever it occurs the in course of an investigation,
SD:(VARw)*0.5 instead of repeating it, or even for a moment think-
SP:M+.xQM+DFVw ing on its demonstration, it is referred to as a known
COV:( SPw)+-l+Olpw
datum. It is this power of separating the difficulties
of a question which gives peculiar force to analytical
COR:( COVw ) + So . xS+SDw investigations, and by which the most complicated
expressions are reduced to laws and comparative
Using Iversons new dialect J,29-31 the same func- ~irnplicity.~~
tions can be defined evenmore succinctly, and with-
out parentheses. Not only are no variables assigned, Revisiting our roots
no explicit reference is made to thearguments. This
is tacit definition,or pure functional programming Being aware of the longhistory of functions in
(Backus, 1978), which leads to efficient execution mathematics, and having seen examples written in
and invites parallel processing. (Version 3.3 of Iver- current APL, we can now use APL to illuminate our
sons J is used for the examples that roots, which reach back to Egyptian hieroglyphics.
The word algorithm, according to the Oxford En-
mean=.+/%# glish Dictionary, is an erroneous refashioning of
algorism, a word derived from al-Khowarazmi, the
dev=.-mean native of Khowarazm, surname of the Arab math-
ematician who flourished early in the 9th Century,
ss=.+/@*:@dev and through the translation of whose work on Al-
gebra, the Arabic numbers became generally<:@# known in Europe. In its original form it was used
by Chaucer, and the Oxford dictionary cites the use
sd=.%:@var of algorithm in1774.34,35I found itfirstused by
Sylvester36 inone of the earliest papers to speak of
sp=.t/ .*-I:@dev matrices (compare References 27 and 37 for APL
treatment of polygons and polyhedra).
The earliest known book of algorithms is the Rhind
cor=.cov%*/-@sd Papyrus, based on work written 2000-1800 BC and
copied by Ahmes the scribe in 1650 BC.38-40 It is a
The sequence of functions starts with the mean and textbook on solving practical problems.Consider a
ends with the correlation coefficient. Is this struc- simple example, shown Figurein 6 and using Figure
tured programming? Is it top down or bottom up? 2, again, as the key; to multiply 12 by 12 begin by
Such questions seem to vanish ina sequence that is writing down 12, and by successive doublingsobtain
almost self-documenting. 1,2,4, and 8 times 12. Check the rows 4x and 8x
(on the papyrus the check marks are red) and add
The style of programming brings to mind the words them to get the required result.The symbol preceding
of Babbage: The almost mechanical nature of the answer is a rolled-up scroll (quod erat demon-
many of the operations of Algebra, which certainly strandurn),which in fancy we may take asthe ancestor
contributes greatly to its power, has been strangely of our equals and APLS assignment symbols.41


Figure 6 Rhind Papyrus problem 32: multidvina 12 bv 12
16, then subtract 6x and add 1X. One may ask why
the products usedby Systed360 are 1X ,2 X ,3 X,and
6 x instead of the l x , 2 x , 48x
x , used by the Egyp-
tians. When I raised this question in lecture
a in New
York in 1982,John Macpherson (who was the first to
implement binary coded decimal on an IBM com-
puter) gave methe explanation in engineering terms.

However unfamiliar its symbols may be to us, the

hieroglyphic message is inherently simple. So it is
with the symbols of APL, all of which stand for well-
known or easily understood operations. Many to-
day, as Oughtred found 350 years ago, are scared
by the newness of the delivery; and not by any dif-
ficulty in the thing itself!
/ The ancient Egyptians used mathematics for prac-
tical purposes, such as paying wagesand collecting
taxes. Consider the instructive example of salary
distribution at the Temple of Illahun-not paid in
salt (as the word salaryimplies) but in jugs of beer
and loaves of bread. Division, of course, often pro-
duces fractions, and the hieroglyphic way to repre-
sent fractions can be seen in Figure 7.

All fractions were represented as unit fractions, i.e.,

with a numerator of 1. Even 2/3, which seems like
an exception, was represented as the unit fraction
1 / 1 5 The eye-like symbolis perhaps theearliest of
all APL function symbols. It is the reciprocal, or
monadic divide, which in APL has become an eye
closed into a slit, with.dots above and below (+).

If a loaf of bread is divided into 10 parts, and you

are toget 1 share, your portion is 1/10;if you are to
get 2 shares your portion is 1/5; and if you are toget
5 shares your portion is 1/2.From these simple frac-
tions, other shares can be computed by combina-
t i ~ n . ~For
example, 3 shares are the same as 1 +
2 shares, i.e., 1/5 1/10; 4 shares are the same as
+ +
2 2 shares, i.e., 1/5 1/5, which,by consulting a
table of values of 2/14 is set down as 1/3 1/15.

Sylvester became interested in the unit fractions of

IBMs System/360* and its descendants use this an- the Egyptians when reading the chapter in Can-
cient method to multiply integers. Microcode for tors Geschichte der Mathematik which gives an ac-
fixed-point multiplication builds the 1x , 2 x ,3 x , count of the singular method in use among the an-
and 6 x products of the multiplicand in local stor- cient Egyptians for working with fractions. It was
age. Then, just as the scribes did nearly 4000 years their curious custom to resolve every fraction into
ago, it combines the products corresponding to the a sum of simple fractions according to a certain
multiplier. If the multiplier is 8 or more, a shift of traditional method, not leading, I need hardly say,
4 is first made (corresponding to multiplication by except in a fewof the simplest cases, to theexpan-
16), and then products are subtracted rather than sion under the special form to which I have the
added; e.g., to multiply by 11, first shift
to multiply by name of a fractional


Sylvester's algorithm is expressed in APL with tol- VZtCH x
erance as left argument: C11 2 4 0.5~1-(1-X*2 )*O. 5 )*O. 5
c21 V
VZ+T F x
C11 @(X1T)/f+o,OpZ+to' For a circle of unit diameter, the first approxima-
[21 z+z, T F x-+z+x tion is given by the perimeter of a hexagon whose
C31 V sides are each equal to the radius, i.e., the approx-
imation to pi is 3.
Sylvester's example is: After 8 doublings (8 applications of CH), pi is given
1E-16 F 335+336
23748 6x( 2 x 2 ~ 2 ~ 2 ~ 2 )~x C2H ~ 2 ~ 2
In direct definition, this leads to a useful paradigm 3.14159
for writing recursive functions in APL:
We have anotation (exponentiation) that allows us
to abbreviate this to:
6x( 2*8)xCH CH CH CH CH
CH CH CH 0.5
Roger Hui (in a personal communication) trans- With APL we can use recursion to effect successive
lated this into thepurelyfunctionalform in J, using applications of the function CH:
@. for agenda:
VZ+N cx
f=. i.@8: ' (>.@%@ 1 , [ f I->.&.%@]) @.<:
E11 m ( N = O )/'+O, OpZt X'
c21 Z4N-1) c CH x
le-16 f 335%336 C31 V
The initial resultof the function must bethe identity [11 Z+6x( 2*N)x N C 0.5
element for the primary function, which forcatena- c21 V
tion is an empty array of the appropriate shape-in In direct definition these functions can be given
the case of Sylvester's algorithm this is
an empty vec- more concisely:
CH:( .5~1-(1-~*2)*.5 >*.5
An example using recursion C:(a-l)C caw: a=O : w
A good way to introduce recursion is by one of the
oldest ofall algorithms: the calculation of pi by
approximating inscribed (and circumscribed) poly- PI 8
gons." The symbol pi (T)was chosen by William 3.14159
Jones (1706) because pi is the length of the perim-
eter of a circle of unit diameter. An inscribed hexa- Because Iverson's J includes primitives for square
gon has 6 sides each of length 0.5, which gives 3 as root (X :), halve (- :), and square (* :), and a con-
the first appr~ximation.~~ junction (dyadic operator) for raising a function to
a power ( A :), we have the following formulation:
Doubling the sides of the hexagon gives a better ch=. ' % : -: 1- % : 1- *: y.' : "
approximation, andfurther doublings givestill
closer values. The secret is, therefore, to compute 6*(2^8)*ch ch c h ch ch ch ch ch 8.5
the length of a newchord from the length of an old 3.14159
one, which is not difficult to do once the theorem
of Pythagoras is known. CH gives the new chord as 6*(2^8)*(chA:8) 8.5
a function of the old one. 3.14159


Though the ancient Egyptians used heap as a gen- symbols which,though Roman, are used with a po-
eral term for anunknown quantity,46,47 Diophantus, sitional significance unknown inRome. The scribe
a Greek mathematician in Alexandria about 300 had heard about the new place-value system and
AD, was probablythe original inventor of an algebra now tried to find it in the Roman numerals. Since
using letters forunknown q ~ a n t i t i e sDiophantus
.~~ the meaning of the zero was still not clear to him,
used the Greek capital letter delta (not for his own I V 0 V = 1505; at the critical point he yielded and
name!) for the word power (dynamis;compare retreated into thenamedplace-value n o t a t i ~ n . ~ ~
dynamo, dynamic, and dynamite),whichis He solved his problem by inserting a superscript
therefore oneof the oldest terms in mathematics. l4 letter c to identify the hundreds column (compare
Today we use a conjunction to raise a function to Sylvesters locative symbols). It is exciting to catch
a power. The syntax brings out the parallelism be- the conversion from the old way to thenew as it was
tween raising a number to a power and applying a happening!
function an equal number of times. The algorithm
fails when the number of doublings is further in- If it took so long for Hindu-Arabic numerals to
creased. 49 make their way in the western world, we can hardly
expect APL to be universally adopted in 25 years.
Hindu-Arabic numerals and zero But we can find encouragement in Menningers
words: These ten symbols whichtoday all peoples
Hindu-Arabic numerals were introduced tothe use to record numbers, symbolize the world-wide
western world by Leonard0 of Pisa (Fibonacci) in victory of an idea. There are few things on earth
1202 with these words: Novemfigure Zndorum he that areuniversal, and theuniversal customs which
sunt 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. Cum his itaquenouem figuris, man has successfullyestablished are fewer still.But
et cum hoc sign0 0, quod arabic cephirum appellatur, this one boast he can make: the new Indian nu-
scribitur quilibet numeros. [The nine numerals of merals are ~niversal.~
the Indians are these: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. With them
and with this sign 0, which in Arabic is called cipher, One of the satisfactions in working with APL comes
any desired number can be written.] (Slightly dif- from its consistency and completeness, exemplified
ferent in Reference 51.) by its recognition of identity elements, i.e., argu-
It was, however, far easier for most people to add ments that, used with a dyadic function, give a result
and subtract with Roman numerals (or with Egyp- identical to the otherargument. If at each iteration
tian hieroglyphics for that matter), and this was in a FORTRAN loop, we accumulate by adding to a
sufficient for their needs. They also believed that, variable named SUM, why must we set SUM to zero
before entering theloop? The reason is that zero is
with the new system,accounts could be more easily
the identity element for addition, as 1 is of multi-
falsified-for instance by changing zero into 6 or 9.
plication. APL, being richin scalar dyadic functions,
Adoption of the new symbols was therefore very
slow. The oldest known Hindu-Arabic numerals on needs more kinds of identity elements than other
a gravestone are dated 1371, and their earliest use languages do.
on coins outside Italy was in 1424. They were not
used on an English coin until 1551. Even today Although the computation of pi by inscribed poly-
gons is recursive, we did not accumulate interme-
Roman numerals are used for royalty. Clocks not
powered by digital technology still commonly dis- diate results, but proceeded at once to the next
play old-style symbols on their dials. approximation. On the other hand, Sylvesters al-
gorithm for Egyptian unit-fractions constructs a
As long as calculations were performed on counters vector, and the starting point must therefore be an
or boards (see the etymology of bank and bankrupt) empty vector.
there was no need for a symbol to show an empty
column. Menninger has some excellent sentences We can calculate interest payments on a declining
on the subject: Zero is something that must be balance by following the same recursive paradigm.
there to show that nothing is there, [for] only the
abstract place-notation needs zero. Zero first lib- Ordinary APL:
erated the digits from the counting board.s3
VZ+ A where W
Surely one of the most remarkable inscriptions in [11 Z+A
Europes4is: I Vc V . It records the date 1505 in c21 v
VZZ+N IB W;Z;B;R;I element for catenation of rows to a table with 3
C13 &( O>A+N-1)/+O, OpZZtO 3 ~ 0 columns. Terminate when the left argument is zero.
C21 ZZ+Z,COIA IB WCO 11 ,lrZ+B,R,J
I where B~WC21-R+WClI-I+x/W[O~21 Because calculation of interest payments on a de-
r31 v clining balance builds a table, we must start with 0
Direct definition: rows and 3 columns. Zero, then, is not enough; any
language is incomplete if it failsto include different
where:a:O:w kinds of emptiness.
where BcwC21-RtwClI-I+x/wCO 21: The identity element for matrix multiplication is
O>A+a-l:0 3pO the appropriately named identity matrix, first rec-
ognized by Cayley: A matrix is not altered by its
where B = current balance; R = amount going to composition, either as first or second component
reduce principal; I = amount going to pay interest. matrix, with the matrix unity.17 In the following
If the principal is $20,000,the interest is 10percent, example, the recursive function MP raises a matrix
l andthe monthly payment is $1,000, the function IB (left argument) to an integer power (right argu-
computes a table for 12 months (numbers are ment), and consequently requires the identity ma-
rounded): trix of the same shape as the matrix argument.

12 IB 10 1000 20000+1200
11 Ordinary APL:
19167 833 167
18326 840 160 VZ+M MP N;I
17479 847 153 r11 ~ = o ) / + o ,opz+Io.=I+ll+pM
16625 854 146 C21 Z+M+.xM MP N-1
15763 861 139 r31 v
14895 869 131
14019 876 124 More succinctly in direct definition:
13136 883 117 MP:a+.xaMPw-l: w=O : I o . = I + ~ l t p c ~
12245 891 109
11347 898 102 Me3 3p19
10442 905 95 M+.xM+.xM
87 180234288
In Js pure functional form, define i , r, and b as three 558720882
forks: 936 1206 1476
i=. 2&1 * { . M MP 3
r=. 1&{ - i 180 234 288
b=. 2&1 - r 558720882
ib=.((b,r,i)@l, 936 1206 1476
<:@[i b (2&1.,b)@])
(0 3&$ @ 0:) @ . ( = @ : I
Zero seems to behave like the queen in chess; for
is it not themost powerfulpiece on theboard? Any
To understand the structure of this function, con- number multiplied by zero is reduced to zero. But
dense it as follows: emptiness is more powerful still, because any num-
ber, including zero, is reduced to emptiness when
i b = . ( f @ l , <:@[i b g@l)h multiplied by an empty vector. Emptiness is not,
@.( = @ : however, to be confused with nothing, which is the
Read it thus: result of executing an empty vector. You cannot
multiply a number by nothing-a value emorresults
To the result of function f of the right argument, if you try. Shakespeare made the fool touch some-
catenate theitem (row) resulting from the function thing profound in saying to the king without a
ib with a decremented left argument, and a right throne: Now thou art an 0 without a figure. I am
argument computed by function g from the previ- better than thou art now; I am a Fool, thou art
ous right argument. Function h gives the identity nothing.57


Unlike the play on wordsinLewisCarrolls repugnance to being made to speak of Algebras in
Throughthe Looking Glass, the distinctions be- the plural; I wouldas lief acknowledge a plurality
tween zero, emptiness, and nothing are not only use- Gods as of Algebras.65I am sure he would have
ful but essential. The recursive APL functions al- approved of APL, which incorporates logical func-
ready given include in a single line, zero, an empty tions so that they can be used together with arith-
vector, and (when the end condition obtains) noth- metic functions in a single expression.
For example,
ing. from Iverson:
Logic A theorem is aproposition which is claimedto be
Because logic deals with two states, true and false, universally true, i.e., to have the value 1 when ap-
the mathematics of 0 and 1 is said to be logical. plied to any element in the universe of discourse.
Propositions, or statements that may be judged true For example, the proposition
or false, are logical statements, and computers are
logical machines because they manipulate binary ((0=21x>~(O=31x>>~0=61x
digits (bits). The mathematics of logic began with
B o ~ l ejust , ~at~ the
~ time Sylvester introduced the is atheorem which maybe verbalized in a variety of
term matrix. Jevons considered Booles workto be, ways:
perhaps, one of the most marvellous and admira-
ble pieces of reasoning ever put together.62Ber- X is divisibleby 2 and X is divisibleby 3 implies that
trand Russell thought highly of Booles work, going X is divisible by 6.
so far as toclaim that Pure mathematics was dis-
covered by Boole in a work which he called The Any number divisible by both 2 and 3 is also di-
Land of Thought. 763 visible by 6.

Let us conceive,then, wrote Boole, of an Alge- If X is divisible by both 2 and 3 then X is divisible
bra in which the symbols x, y, z, etc. admit indif- by 6.
ferently of the values of 0 and 1, and of these values
alone.64Today we call avector consisting of 1s and Divisibility by 2 and 3 implies divisibility by 6.
Os a logical or Boolean vector, and Iverson nota-
tion, from its outset, used Boolean vectors to select According toJohn Venn (whose name iswell
from arrays, whether or not they were logical. known in connection with the diagrams that so ef-
Where Boole used x(s) to stand for the selection of fectively illustrate the meanings of and, or, and not),
all the x s from subset s, Iverson usedu/sin APL (or Jevons was certainlythe first to popularize the new
u#s in J), which iscompression if u is Boolean and conceptions of symbolic logic.The boldness, orig-
replication if it is not. inality, and beauty of Boolessystem fascinated
him, and Jevonss book67was largely founded on
Because acomputers memory and registers can be Boole. Jevons, unlike Boole, emphasized the im-
described as arrays of 1s and Os, we now recognize portance of the inclusive or and his symbol I (e e)

that Boole laid the foundation for the design and survives (though without the dots) in PL/I and in
description of modem computers-which are log- countless IBM technical manuals.
ical machines. But to most of his contemporaries
his workseemed of little significance. The obituary In 1865, Jevons completed construction of his rea-
notice in The Athenaeum (December 17, 1864) soning machine, or logical abacus,adapted to show
dryly reported thatThe Professorsprincipal the workings of Booles logic in a half mechanical
works were A n Investigation into the Lawsof manner, a full account of which was published by
Thought, and Differential Equations, books the RoyalSocietyin 1870.@ Mechanicaldevices
which sought a very limited audience, and we be- had been designed by Napier, Pascal, Thomas of
lieve found it. Colmar, and inJevonss own time by Babbage,
Stanhope,69 and Smee,70,71 but Jevons claimed that
The Oxford EnglishDictionary cites the use ofBoo- until the work of Boole, logic hadremained substan-
lian algebra [sic] in 1895 and 1902, but however we tially as moldedby Aristotle 2200 years ago.De Mor-
spell it, the usage isquestionable. As Sylvester em- gan, whose Formal Logic was published, by coin-
phasized, there is onlyone universal algebra, which cidence, on the same day as Booles book5*pointed
must, of course, include logic: I have also a great to the connection betweentwo revealing facts: logic


is the only science which has made no progress Ordinary APL:
since the revival of letters; logic isthe only science
which has produced no growth of symbols. In my VZ+F s;u
view APL is inthe best tradition of Boole, De Mor- [11 z+(-uAl@u+s= )/s
gan, Jevons, and Venn.73 c21 v
One of the most striking features in Iversons A VZ+G S;U
Programming Language is his demonstration that c11 Z+( Uvl@U+S# I )/S
the generalized matrix product and the selection c21 v
operations together provide an elegant formulation Direct definition:
in several established areas of mathematics. A few
examples will be chosen from two such areas, sym- F:( - UAl@u+w= )/w
boliclogic and matrix algebra.74 Iverson pro- G:(Uvl@U+w$ >/w
ceeded to show howhis notation leads to a natural
extension of De Morgans laws.75 APL continues to growinpower, and Iversons
final e~ample,~ written but not executable as
De Morgans law: +./ in APL, can be executed in J as follows.
A=. 1320, 2 1 0 1 , 4: 0 0 2
Iversons extensions: B=. 4 1 , 0 3. 0 2,: 2 0
f=. -:&I3
h = . +/ @ # e

In ordinary AFT:
(f A) + / .h B
4 6
6 4
6 1

Iversons generalized matrix product found imme-

diate application in his formal description of in-
dexed addressing onthe IBM 7090 computer,77
In J, the latest form of Iversons notation, his 1962 which inone line made clear what takes half a page
example is executed as follows: of text inthe Principles of Operation manual for that
machine. There are,of course, many similar exam-
u = . ? 5 4 3 $2 ples in Reference 78.
v=.?3 6 7 8 2

(u-:/ .*.v)-:-.(-.u) =/ .+.(-.v)

Arrays and locative symbols
1 APL is often referred to as the array processing lan-
guage, and its power does to a great extent come
where: from its ability to work with arrays directly, a fea-
ture of increasing importance as vector processors
- : is NOT EQUAL; * . is AND; - : is MATCH; and parallel computingbecome available. When we
- . isNOT; and +. is OR. specify a place by giving its latitude and longitude,
or define a point on a scatter diagram by giving its
In algebra a leading negative can be removed by X and Y coordinates, we intend that two numbers
changing the signs of all quantities in the expression should be taken together to identify one object.
that follows; in APL a leading NOT (-) can be re- This is the first step in thinking in terms of what
moved by interchanging the pairs AND and OR, Sylvester called multiple quantity.
EQUALS and NOT-EQUALS, etc. In thefollowing ex-
ample both functions F and G remove redundant Stevinus was the first to show how forces combine
blanks from a string. in the manner weknowas the parallelogram of


forces.7941 The discovery isso important that New- In a long paper on algebraic couples written in
tonsZstated it as Corollary I immediately after his 1837 Hamilton said: In the THEORY OF SINGLE
Laws of Motion. Authors of modern textbooks of- NUMBERS, the symbol d - 1 is absurd[it is an im-
ten suggest that therule for vector addition is quite possible root, or an imaginary number]; but in the
arbitrary by saying that the sum of two vectors is THEORY OF COUPLES, the same symbol d - 1 is
defined to bea third vector whosecomponents are significant [i.e., itdenotes a possible root, or a real
given by the sum of the corresponding components couple]. What did he mean? I found the answer
of the given vectors. Sucha statement disguises the more clearly inHamiltons own words than in mod-
fact that in the real world we observe that forces ern textbooks.
combine in this manner.
Knowing that if you double a force you double the
Many first encounter the word vector in Keplers vector that represents it, Hamilton looked on 2
so-called Second Law of Planetary Motion: the ra- times as the operator that doubles; it is a special
dius vector sweeps out equal areas in equal times. case of what he called a tensor, an operator that
Keplers prodigious calculations are even more re- stretches (not to be confused with the modern use
markable when we remember how few mathemat- of the word). In thesame way -1 times is a reversor.
ical symbols were available-logarithms, and even Moreover if d 2 times is applied twice it doubles;
the decimal point had not yet been invented. and if d-1 times is applied twice it reverses. Con-
sequently i times (where i is d - 1 ) is a versor, or
Once Kepler had found a mathematical relation- operator that rotatesa vector without changing its
ship that held throughout space, he looked for a length; it is taken as producing a counter-clockwise
deeper reason. Introducing the Newtonian concept rotation of 90 degrees. Application of -2i times
of force into science, he claimed that a magnetic would then be the composition of a rotation, a
force (anima m o t h ) emanated from the sun and stretch, and a reversal. It is to Hamilton that we owe
carried the planets in their orbitss3 our terms scalar and vector (1846).
Vector is the Latin word for a carrier, and it is used It seemed plausible that if couplets represent vec-
in medicine today in this sense. Vector meus is my tors in two dimensions, triplets would represent
horse, and vehicle, wagon, way, and convection are vectors in three dimensions, but after years of un-
from the same root. It was therefore an appropriate successful attempts, Hamilton realized, in a flash of
word for whatever it is that carries the planets in genius, that a consistent algebra of triplets is im-
their orbits round the sun. I looked in vain for it in possible. Four terms (quaternions) are needed,
, ~ ~Smallss givesradii vectores.Harris, in
K e ~ l e rbut shown in the example below:
1704, defines vector to be A line supposed to be
drawn from anyPlanet moving round a Centre, or complex: a + bi
the Focus of an Ellipse, to that Centreor Focus, is i z = -1
by some writers of the New Astronomy, called the
Vector; because tis that line by which the Planet quaternion: a + bi + cj + dk
seems to be carried round its Centre.j i2 = jz..= kZ = ijk = -1
ij = -JI
A vector in two dimensions can be represented by
a complex number (and vice versa). Wessel, a Nor- Quaternions are of interest to the pure mathema-
wegian surveyor, was the first to realize this, but his tician because they do not obey the laws ofordinary
work, though published in 1799, was unrecognized arithmetic: multiplication of quaternions is asso-
until 1897. A modern geometric treatment of the ciative but not commutative.
addition and multiplication of complex numbers
was given by Argand in 1806, but these ideas re- Hermann Grassmann (a German schoolmaster)
ceived little attention until Gauss took up the topic worked on vector systems at about the same time as
in 1831. Hamilton, and it was Grassmann who, in1862, gave
us inner and outerproducts, analogous to the scalar
If complex numbers can represent points in a plane, and vector parts of Hamiltons multiplication of
it is natural to try to create hypercomplex numbers quaternions. 88-90
to represent points in three-dimensional space. Sir
William Rowan Hamilton finally succeeded in do- All of Arthur Cayleys early papers were on, or
ing this in 1843.s7 used, determinants, and both he and Sylvester pub-


lished on therotation of a solid body.These are all Figure 8 Sylvesters locative symbols
topics that led naturally to thealgebra of matrices.
A matrix can, as we know, be looked upon as an
array of multidimensional vectors, and so it is in-
teresting that in 1843,the year Hamilton discovered
quaternions, Cayley published on theGeometry of 0 + 8h + 8t + 2u
(n) dimensions. Work on matrices was almost
bound to follow. is 1882

Cayley was much influenced by Hamilton and vis-

ited Hamilton in Dublin. Cayley wrote his first pa-
per on quaternions in 1845 at the age of 24, and
considered the quaternion theory to be a gener-
alization of the analysis which occurs in ordinary
Algebra. Later the same year he wrote on The p = ah+ bp+ cv+ dn
octuple system of imaginaries, showing that con-
sistent arithmetics exist for couples, quadruples
(butnot triplets), and eight-fold hypercomplex
numbers. Two years later he demonstrated thatin
the octuple system of imaginary quantities neither to demonstrate, by an exhaustive investigation, the
the commutative nor the distributive law holds. impossibilityof extending the law applicable to 2,4,
and 8 to the case of 16 squares. The new kind of
so-called imaginaries referred to by Professor Cay-
In 1848 Cayley showedthat the combined effect of ley are, as far as Mr. Sylvester is aware, the first
two rotations could be represented as the product example of the introduction into Analysis of loca-
of two quaternions, and shortly afterwards tive symbols not subject to the strict law of associ-
Sylvester (in the year he introduced the term ma- ation, and he considers the law regulating the con-
trix) pointed out that any number of rotations can nexion of the two products represented by a
be represented by a single rotation about one axis. succession of three such symbols, most interesting,
As we would now say: each rotation can be repre- inasmuch as such products are either identical, or
sented by a matrix, and the product of these ma- if not identical, of the same absolute value, but with
trices is a matrix completely describing the com- contrary signs: most persons, before this example
bined rotation, whose axis is an eigenvector of this had been brought forward, would havefelt inclined
matrix, and the angle of rotation can be found from to doubtthe possibility of locative symbols (vulgo
the corresponding eigenvalue. By 1855 Cayley used imaginary quantities) whose multiplication table
matrix product (calling it the composition of ma- should give results inconsistent with the common
trices), and in his memoir of 1858 he wrote: It will associativelaw, being capable of forming the
be seen that matrices comport themselves as single groundwork of any real accession to algebraical sci-
quantities; they may be added, multiplied, or com- ence . . . . 91
pounded together, etc.: the law of the addition of
matrices is precisely similarto that for theaddition His footnote is illuminating (compare also Refer-
of ordinary algebraical quantities; as regards their ence 92): Using 8, h, t, u to denote thousands,
multiplication (or composition), there is the pecu- hundreds, tens, units, the year of grace in which we
liarity that matrices are not in general convertible;
it isnevertheless possible to form the powers (pos-
live may be represented by 8 + 8h + St 2u [-I
8, h, t, u, being locative symbols which it wouldbe
itive or negative, integral or fractional) of a ma- absurd to style imaginaryquantities; but they are
trix . . . 17 In this memoir he uses Sylvesters latent as much entitled to that name as the i, j, k, or any
roots (eigenvalues), but without naming them. like set of symbols-the only essential difference
being that one set of symbols is limited, the other
Sylvesterspaper, written in 1882, beginsthus: Pro- unlimited in number-and accordingly the law of
fessor Sylvester referred to thegeneral question of combination of the one set is given by a finite and
representing the product of sums of two, four, or of the other an infinite multiplicationtable . . .The
eight squares under the form of a like sum, and locatives indicate out of what basket, so to say,
mentioned that Professor Cayley had been thefirst the quantities appearing in an analytical expres-


Figure 9 Sylvesters multiplication tables
Sylvesterslocativesymbols and multiplication
tables for complex numbers, quaternions, and ma-
trixmultiplication are givenin Figures 8 and 9
(from References 18,91,93,94). By this method of
representation Sylvester states in 1884:a matrix is
robbed as it were of its areal dimensions and rep-
COMPLEXNUMBERS resented as a linear sum. Sylvesters2 by 2 matrices
I , L , M , and N are given in Figure 10, where the
matrices, construed as complex quantities, are a
linear transformation of the ordinary quaternion
system 1, i, j, k. As he said: Every matrix of the
second order may be regarded as representing a
quaternion, and vice versa.
Sylvesters matrixidentities given in Figure 10 can
be demonstrated veryconciselyinIversons J,
QUARTERIONS which supports complex numbers. The inner prod-
uct is given byp, and square computes the product
of a matrix with itself;i is d-1. One line suffices
to express the identities. The match function is - :
p=.+/ .*
I=. 1 8 , : 8 1
L=. (i,@),:@, -i
M=. 8 -1.: 1 8
N=. (@,-i),: -i,O
MATRIXMULTIPLICATION ( < - I ) - : & . > (square &.> L;M:N),
< L p M p N

These matrices, derived by Sylvester (see also Ref-
erences 71,95) as an exercise inpure mathematics,
are intimately connected to thePauli spin matrices,
which havecentral significance in relativisticquan-
tum theory; they are also close to the spinor trans-
formation,96to basis quaternions,and the basis ele-
ments of the 16-dimensional Clifford numbers,
whose algebraic roperties can easily be demon-
strated in A~L. The threePauli matrices (ul, uz,
and u3)describing the spin of an electron, together
sion are to be selected-the multiplication table with all permutations of Paulis identities, can be
determines the basket into which their product is to stated formally and executed. These are shown be-
be thrown. . . . The whole analyticalside of the the- low in J with the numbers in square brackets from
ory of quaternions merges into a particular case of Pauli.
the general theory of Multiple Algebra.As far as the
present writer is aware, Professor Cayleyinhis Given:
Memoir on Matrices (1858), wasthe first to recog-
nize the parallelism between quaternions and ma-
trices . . . 91 p=:
1= ;; *;


Figure 10 Sylvesters 2 by 2 matrices

The matrices are: Sylvester

After returned to England, the principal ex-
ponents of the New Algebra inthe United Stateswere
I = . 1 0,: 0 1
BenjaminPeirceand J. WillardGibbs.Sylvester
called Peirces1870 memoir95a work which may al-
sl=. 0 1 , : 1 0
c33 lo most be entitled to take rank as the Principiaof the
s2=. ( 0 , - i ) , : ( i , 0 ) philosophical studyof the laws of algebraical opera-
s3=. 1 0 , : 0 -1
tion. Gibbss address On Multiple Algebrato the
and the permutations are: Section of Mathematics and Astronomy of the Amer-
ican Association for the Advancement of Science isa
z=. @ 1 2 1 . p . s l ; s 2 : ~ 3
classic. In it Gibbs wrote the following:
I -:2 p2 > y C33.91
The multiple quantities corresponding to concrete
1 1 1
quantities such as ten apples or three miles are
f=. p-p- L33.111 evidently such combinations as ten apples + seven
g=. ( { . f 1 & { ) -: ( 2 * i ) & * @ ( 2 & 0
oranges, three milesnorthwestward + fivemiles
1 - : e g 3 > z
eastward, or six miles ina direction 50 degrees east
of north . . . . But ifwe ask what it is in multiple
1 1 1
algebra which corresponds to an abstract number
f=. p : - @ p-
like twelve, which is essentiallyan operator, which
C33.12al changes one mile into twelve miles,and $1,000 into
g=. 1 . ( > @ f ) 1&{
h=. g -:2 i &@* ( 2 & 0
$12,000, the most general answer would evidently
1 1 -:I1 h 3 > z be: an operator which will work changes as, for
example, that of ten apples + seven oranges into
1 1 1
fifty apples and 100 oranges, or that of one vector
f=. p+p- [33.12b1 into another. If the operation is distributive, it may
g=. { . f ( 1 & 0
not inappropriately be called multiplication, and
( 0 0 , : o 0 ) -:2 g 3 > z the result is par excellence the product of the op-
erator and the operand. Thesum of operators, qui
1 1 1
operators, is an operator which gives for the prod-
In each of these identities, function f describes the uct the sum of the products given by the operators
essential relationship; functions g and h make it to be added. The product of two operators is an
possible to test all cyclicalpermutations of the in- operator which is equivalent to the successive op-
erations of the factors.


Figure 11 Gibbss example of transformation
Confirm by composing the tensor and versor, where
RFD is Radians From Degrees:

c21 v
VZ+F x
c11 262 2pl -1 1 1x2 1 1 20RFD x
c21 v
(9.16 x F 28.44) +.x 10 7
50 100
The wondrous tale of multiple quantity
This example, simple though it is,throws light upon
the nature of the new world of thought to which
Sylvester gave the name of Universal Algebra or
the Algebra of multiple quantity in 1884.
James Joseph Sylvester was born in 1814. In 1837
he completed his studies at Cambridge and pub-
lished the first of his 342 papers. It was on crystal-
lography. His next two papers were on the motion
0 10 50
of fluids and rigid bodies-all topics of importance
to my own subject of geology-and all amenable to
matrix algebra. Some additional historycan be
found in Reference 102.
Sylvester,03-06 the self-styled mathematical Adam,
Figure 11 illustrates the problem Gibbs posed and gave more names (passed into general circulation)
makes the answer obvious.Although Gibbs did not to the creatures of mathematical reason than all the
turn to Hamilton, Sylvester, or Cayley for the so- other mathematicians of the age combined (1888).
lution, I betray their influence in Figure 12, where In 1850, the year he was called to the bar, he in-
I separate theversor (as a rotation matrix) and the troduced the term matrix for a rectangular array of
tensor (a scalar). The example can be worked as terms, out of which different systems of determi-
follows: nants may be engendered as from the womb of a
common parent.07,08 Sylvesterintroducedlo9 the
The transformation matrix (with tensor and versor Greek letter lambda (A) for the latent roots of a
composed): characteristic equation (his terms) in 1852-three-
quarters of a century before the term eigenvalue was
X+ 50 100B 10 -7,[-0.517 10 invented; and in1853 he introduced the inverse
N+ (1 -1x X),C0.51 ox matrix. lo
N+.x 10 7 In 1884, at the age of 70, he published his Lectures
50 100 on the Principles of Universal Algebra, the apo-
theosis of algebraical quantity, in the American
Isolate the tensor and determine the angle of ro- Journal of Mathematics, which he himself founded
tation in degrees: and edited. His title reminds us that Newton used
the term universal arithmetic for what we callalge-
I+-Y+ (+/ X*2)*0.5 bra. Emphasizing the importance of matrices as
9.16 multiple quantity, he speaks of a second birth of

algebra, its avatar in a new and glorified form. In
0 X+Y
(180+ol)x -2 -1 the words of this enthusiast, who lived a century
28.44 28.44 before APL was implemented: A matrix of quadrate


form . . . emerges . . . in a glorified shape-as an Figure 12 Separation of versor and tensor
organism composed of discrete parts, but having an
essential and undivisible unity as a whole of its own.
. . . The conception of multiple quantity rises upon
the field of vision. . . . [Matrix] dropped its provi-
sional mantle, its aspect as a mere schema, and
stood revealed as bona fide multiple quantity sub-
ject to all the affections and lending itself to all the
operations of ordinary numerical quantity.

This revolution, he continued, was effected by a

forcible injection into thesubject of the concept of a b
addition; that is, by choosing to regard matrices as IC d
susceptible to being added to one another; a notion
as it seems to me, quite foreign to the idea of sub-
stitution, the nidus in which that of multiple quan-
tity was laid, hatched and reared. This step was, as
far as I know, first made by Cayley . . . in his [im-
9.1 I cos 28
-sin 28
sin 28 cos 28
mortal] Memoir on Matrices [1858], wherein he
may be said to have laidthe foundation-stone of the
science of multiple quantity. That memoir indeed
(it seems to me) may in truth be affirmed to have
ushered in the reign of Algebra the 2nd; just as The story will, of course, never be completed. We
Algebra the 1st . . . took its rise in Harriots Artis have seen the recent introduction of two hitherto
Analyticae Praxis, published in 1631,. . .exactly 250 undefined phrases now called hooks and forks.116
years before I gave the first course of lectures ever One example of each must suffice here.
delivered on Multinomial Quantity, in 1881, at the
Johns Hopkins University. References 112 to +/ % j / y computes the sum over the reciprocals
115 add some additional information about Cayley. of the tally of y, which is unlikely to be useful,
whereas, if we unify the phrase, placing it in pa-
If Sylvester were here today, what pleasure would rentheses, it becomes a fork ( +/ % {/ ) y equivalent
he find in Iversonsnotation, implemented even on to ( +/ y 1 % ( j / y 1, which computes the mean (or
our personal computers as an interactive lan- means over the leading axis if the rank exceeds 1).
guage-this notation that encourages, and as it
were expects, us to think in terms of arrays or mul- ( - mean) y is a hook, equivalent to y - (mean
tiple quantities, manipulating them as entities in y ), which gives the deviations from the mean, a
the spirit of Sylvestersexhortations! That eloquent necessary step in computing variance.
mathematician would be even more moved, I am
sure, by boxed arrays (arrays of arrays), and array It should be noted thatwhen wedefine the phrase,
processors, which are APL machines. as for example me a n= . +/ % j / the phrase is
unified without requiring parentheses. The func-
A century ago both Sylvester and Gibbs urged us to tions used above for the Pauli identities are exam-
think in terms of arrays. Most computer languages ples of forks. The statistical examples above include
and what Backus called(perhaps unfairly) the Von hook (sums of cross products) and fork (correlation
Neumann bottleneck, force us, however, to work coefficients). The function for interest on a declin-
with scalars. Within the confines of a few pages, I ing balance (ib) includes a train of five functions,
have attempted to trace the development of nota- three of which (i, r, b ) are forks, and it ends with an
tion and methods from hieroglyphics to APL. I have interesting hook.
tried to show that APL is much more than yet an-
other computer language; that its intellectual im- In a paper published in 1866 we find Sylvester writ-
portance is great; and that (yet again using Sylves- ing on the subject of operators. The force of the
ters words) APL continues The wondrous tale of bracket [Le., parentheses] explains itself.This won-
Multiple Quantity. derful symbol has the faculty of extending itself


without ambiguity to every possible development, line by a tedious description, which in some in-
however new, of mathematical language. It is sus- stances even of no peculiar difficulty became nearly
ceptible only of a metaphysical definition as signi- unintelligible, simply from its extreme length: the
fying the exercise, withregard to its content, of that invention of algebra almost entirely removed this
faculty of the human mind whereby a multitude is inconvenience, and presented to the eye a picture
capable of being regarded as an individual, or a perfect in all its parts, disclosing at a glance, not
complex as a monad. In a word, it isthe symbol of merely the conclusion in which it terminated, but
individuality and unification. I am unable to assert every stage of its progress. At first itappeared prob-
that Sylvester foresawthephrasal forms of modern able that this triumph of signs over words would
APL 125 years ago, but his words seem remarkably have limits to its extent: a time it might be feared
apt in reference to these new developments. would arrive, when oppressed by the multitude of
its productions, the language of signs would sink
Notation as a toolof thought under the obscurity produced by its own multipli-
cation. . . . Fortunately however such anticipations
In ending I wish to quote from some of our great have proved unfounded.
predecessors who appreciated the power of sym-
bols as an aid to reasoning, or inKenIversons Examples of the power of a well-contrived nota-
memorable phrase, notation as a tool of thought. tion to condense into small space a meaning which
would-in ordinary language-require several
Lavoisier wrote a memoir in 1787 on the necessity lines, or even pages, can hardly have escaped the
of reforming the nomenclature of chemistry. In it notice of most ofmy readers: in the calculus of
he made this statement: Languages are intended, functions, this condensation is carried to a far
not only to express by signs, as is commonly sup- greater extent than in anyother branch of analysis,
posed, the ideas and images of the mind; but are and yet, instead of creating any obscurity, the ex-
also analyticalmethods, by the means of which, we pressions are far more readily understood than if
advance from the known to the unknown, and to a they were written at length. . . . The power we pos-
certain degree in the manner of mathematicians. sess by the aid of symbols of compressing into small
. . . Algebra is the analytical method by excellence compass the several steps of a chain of reasoning,
[sic]; it has been invented to facilitate the opera- whilstit contributes greatly to abridge the time
tions of the understanding, and to render reasoning which our enquiries would otherwise occupy, indif-
more concise, and to contract into a few lines what ficult cases influences the accuracy of our conclu-
would have required whole pages of discussion; in sions: for from the distance which is sometimes in-
fine, to lead, in a more agreeable and laconic terposed between the beginning and the end of a
method [plus commode, plus prompte etplus sdre], chain of reasoning, although the separate parts are
to the solution of the most complicated questions. sufficiently clear, the whole is often obscure. . . .
Even a moments reflectionis sufficient to convince The closer the succession between twoideas which
us that algebra is in fact a language: like all other the mind compares, provided those ideas are
languages it has its representative signs, its method clearlyperceived, the more accurate will be the
and its grammar, if I may use the expression: thus judgement that
an analytical method is a language; a language is an
analytical method; and these two expressionsare, in The advantage of selectingin our signs, those
a certain respect synonimous [sic].17 which have some resemblance to, or which from
some circumstance are associated inthe mind with
In 1821, Babbage, in his thought-provoking paper the thing signified has scarcely been stated with
On the Influence of Signs in Mathematical Rea- sufficient force: the fatigue, from which such an
soning,said: The quantity of meaning com- arrangement saves the reader, is veryadvantageous
pressed into small space by algebraic signs is a cir- to the more complete devotion of his attention to
cumstance that facilitates the reasonings we are the subject examined; and the more complicated
accustomed to carry on by their aid. The assump- the subject, the more numerous the symbols and
tion of lines and figures to represent quantity and the less their arrangement is susceptible of symme-
magnitude, was the method employed by the an- try, the more indispensable will such a system be
cient geometers to present to the eye some picture found. This rule isby no means confined to the
by which the course of their reasonings might be choice of the letters which represent quantity, but
traced: it was however necessaryto fill up this out- is meant to extend, when it is possible, to cases


where new arbitrary signs are invented to denote which we learned about 1200 from the Arabs, and
operators. . . . The more complicated the enquiries they from the Indians, who were using them about
on which we enter, and the more numerous the the year 400. The first advantage that one sees in
quantities which it becomes necessary to represent the digits is their brevity. . . . Further reflection re-
symbolically, the more essentially necessary it will veals that thesesymbols are not just shorthand, i.e.,
be found to assist the memory by contriving such abbreviations of ordinary language, but constitute a
signs as may immediately recall the thing which new class of ideas. . . . The use of digits not only
they are intended to repre~ent.~ makes our expressions shorter, but makes arith-
metical calculation essentially easier, and hence
Sylvester, in 1877,said It is the constant aim of the makes certain tasks possible, and certain results ob-
mathematician to reduce all hisexpressionsto their tainable, which could not otherwise be the case in
lowest terms, to retrench every superfluous word practice. For example, direct measure assigned to
and phrase, and to condense the Maximum of the number Pi, the ratio of the circumference of a
meaning into the Minimum of language.120 circle its diameter, the value 3. . . .

Whitehead, in 1911, claimed that By relievingthe Archimedes, about 200 B.c., by inscribing and cir-
brain of all unnecessary work, a good notation sets cumscribing polygons about a circle, or rather by
it free toconcentrate on more advanced problems, calculating a sequence of square roots, using Greek
and in effect increases the mental power of the race. digits, found Pi to within M O O . The substitution of
. . .By the aid of symbolism we can make transitions Indian digits for theGreek allowed Aryabhata,
in reasoning almost mechanically by the eye, which about the year 500, to extend the calculation to 4
would otherwise call into play the higher faculties decimal places, and allowed the European mathe-
of the brain. It is a profoundly erroneous truism, maticians of 1600 to carry the calculation out to 15
repeated by all copy-booksand by eminent people and then 32 places, stillfollowing Archimedes
when they are making speeches, that we should cul- model. Further progress, i.e., the calculation of 100
tivate the habit of thinking of what we are doing. digits in 1700, and the modern calculation of 700,
The precise opposite is the case. Civilization ad- was due to the introduction of series.
vances by extending the number of important op- The same thing may be said for the symbols of
erations which we can perform without thinking algebra. . . . Algebraic equations are much shorter
about them. than their expression in ordinary language, are sim-
pler, and clearer, and may be used in calculations.
Bertrand Russell said: The greatmaster of the art This is because algebraic symbols represent ideas
of formal reasoning, among men of our own day, is and not words. . . .Algebraic symbols are much less
an Italian, Professor Peano, of the University of
numerous than the words they allow us to repre-
Turin. He has reduced the greater part of mathe-
matics (and he or his followers will, in time, have
reduced the whole), to strict symbolic form, in The evolution of algebraic symbolism went like
which there are no words at all. this: first, ordinary language; then, in Euclid, a tech-
nical language in which a one-to-one correspon-
In the first paragraph of his book in 1959, Russell dence between ideas and words was established;
wrote: There is one major division in my philo- and then theabbreviation of the words of the tech-
sophicalwork: inthe years 1899-1900 I adopted the nical language, beginning about 1500 and done in
philosophy of logical atomism and thetechnique of various ways by different people, until finally one
Peano in mathematical logic. This was so great a system of notation, that used by Newton, prevailed
revolution as to make my previous work, except over the others.
such as purely mathematical, irrelevant to every-
thing I did later. The change in these years was a The use of algebraic symbols permits schoolchil-
revolution; subsequent changes have been of the dren easily to solve problems which previously only
nature of an evolution.22 great minds like Euclid and Diophantus could
solve. . . . The symbols of logic too are not abbre-
And finally, Giuseppe Peano himself, in his paper viations of words, but represent ideas, and their
on The Importance of Symbolsin Mathematics in principal utility isthat they make reasoning easier.
1915wrote: The oldest symbols, whichare also the All those whouselogicalsymbolism attestto
most used today, are the digits used in arithmetic, this.123


Concluding remarks Shaw provided the transcript of my address to an
ACM SIGAPL meeting in New York. Jon McGrew
A progression of great thinkers has moved the hu- and Jay Friedman, IBM Corporation, went to great
man race towards the adoption, first of an econom- pains to aid in the preparation of the paper for
ical and efficient number system containing zero inclusion in the IBM Systems Journal. I am indebted
and based on place value, and then of a universal to Kenneth E. Iverson and Adin Falkoff for more
algebra, APL, which operates on arrays or multiple than 20 years of stimulation, criticism, and advice,
quantities, and is totally devoid of words. and to the lateWilliam J. Bergquist for showing me
that Iversons notation had been implemented as
There have also been those who resisted the inev- executable APL.
itable progress, who found it difficult to adopt new
and improved tools for thought. In ourown time we *Trademark or registered trademark of International Business
hear appeals to revert from this high intellectual Machines Corporation.
level and use English words, and to submit to the
tyranny of scalars, as if Sylvesters eloquence a cen-
tury ago had fallen on deaf ears. Cited references and notes
1. K. E. Iverson, The Description of Finite Sequential Proc-
Unlike its predecessors, APL is an executable no- esses, Proceedings of a Conference on Information Theory,
tation. APL represents, in a phrase used by Babbage, Colin Cherry and Willis Jackson, Editors, Imperial Col-
the triumph of symbols over words. As so many lege, London (August 1960), pp. 447457.
of our distinguished predecessors predicted, it 2. K. E. Iverson, A Programming Language, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York (1962).
makes reasoning easier. APL is the result of brilliant 3. A. N. Whitehead, An Introduction to Mathematics, Home
insight, careful thought, and hard work through at University Library, New York and London (1911).
least 5000 years. Iverson is the latest in a succession 4. A. C. Aiken, The Case Against Decimalisation, Oliver and
that includes Peano, Sylvester, Cayley,De Morgan, Boyd, Edinburgh (1962).
Boole, Newton, Leibniz, Napier, Stevinus, Fibon- 5. R. J. Gillings, Mathematics inthe Time of the Pharaohs,
M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, MA (1972). Reprinted by Dover
acci, Diophantus, and the unknown Egyptian whose Publications Inc., New York (1982), p. 16.
work was copied by Ahmes the scribe. 6. F. Klein, Elementary Mathematicsfrom an Advanced Stand-
point, Third Edition first published in 1924-1925; English
In 1866 Sylvesterproclaimed that: TOattain clear- translation, 2 volumes, published by Dover Publications
Inc., New York (1939).
ness of conception, the first condition is language, 7. F. Cajori, A History of Mathematical Notations, Vol. 1, The
the second language, the third language-Pro- Open Court Publishing Company, La Salle, IL (1951), first
tean speech-the child and parent of published in 1928; Vol. 2, TheOpen Court Publishing
Company, La Salle, IL (1952), first published in 1929.
8. E. E. McDonnell, The Caret and Stick Functions, APL
In reflecting on the significance of APL I have Quote Quad 8, No. 4, 35-39 (June 1978).
adopted a historical approach. Having done so I 9. F. Cajori, op. cit., Vol. 1, pp. 230-231.
find that Sylvester had something to say on that 10. M. Kline, Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modem
subject also. The occasion was hisPresidential Ad- Times, Oxford University Press, New York (1972), p. 262.
dress to the British Association25 in 1869when he 11. Contemporary publications of early mathematicians are
difficult to find. I consulted Oughtreds books in the British
said: the relation of master and pupil is acknowl- Library and the National Library of Scotland. Instead of
edged as a spiritual and lifelong tie, connecting suc- giving citations in the usual form, it is more useful to rec-
cessive generations of great thinkers with each ommend the following two sources: A. De Morgan, Arith-
other in an unbroken chain. metical Books from the Invention of Printing to the Present
Time. Being notices of a lalge number of works drawn up
from actual inspection, Taylor and Walton, London (1847),
We think in a different way because of APL. republished, with a biographical introduction by A.R. Hall,
London (1967); and Reference 7.
12. M. Kline, op cit., p. 988.
Acknowledgments 13. D. E. Smith, Mathematics, Our Debt to Greece and Rome
Series, Marshall Jones Company, Boston, MA (1923).
This paper was based on a series of lectures spon- 14. H. W. Tumbull, The Great Mathematicians, Methuen and
sored by ACM and IBM. Lou Solheim and Tom Company, London (1929). Reprinted in TheWorld of
Olsen, Karsten Manufacturing Company, provided Mathematics, Vol. 1, James R. Newman, Editor, Simon and
Schuster, New York (1956), p. 115.
a transcript ofmy address to ACMs APL83; I. P. 15. D. E. Smith, History of Mathematics, Vol. 2, first published
Sharp Associates provided a transcript ofmy ad- in 1925, Dover Publications Inc., New York (1958), pp.
dress to the 1982 ACM APL users meeting; and Ed 427431.


16. S. Stevin or Stevinus (1548-1620), La Thiende, 1585. 36. J. J. Sylvester, On Staudts Theorems Concerning the
French translation, La D i m e enseignant facilement expkdier Contents of Polygons and Polyhedrons, with a note on a
par Nombres Entiers sans rompuz tous Comptes se rencon- new and resembling class of theorems, Philosophical Mag-
trans a m Affaires des Hommes [the art of decimal arith- azine 4, 383 (1852).
metic made easy: the use of whole numbers to perform 37. K. E. Iverson, APL in Exposition, Technical Report 320-
quickly all business calculations].English version TheArt of 3010, IBM Corporation (1972). Reprinted by APL Press,
Tenths, or Decimal1Arithmeticke [sic] . invented by Simon Swarthmore, PA (1976), pp. 19-23.
Stevin, 1608 (compare the etymologies of dime and tithe). 38. J. R. Newman, The Rhind Papyrus, in TheWorld of
17. A. Cayley, A Memoir on the Theory of Matrices, Royal Mathematics, Vol. 1, James R. Newman, Editor, Simon and
Society of London, Philosophical Transactions 148, 17-37 Schuster, New York (1956), pp. 169-178.
(1858). Reprinted in Collected Mathematical Papers 2, No. 39. A. B. Chace, The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus, translation
152 (1889). and commentary, The National Council of Teachers of
18. J. J. Sylvester, On the Inverse and Negative Powers of a Mathematics, Reston, VA (1979).
Matrix, Lectures on the Principles of Universal Algebra, 40. The RhindMathematical Papyrus, T. E. Peet,Editor, British
American Journal of Mathematics 6, 270-286 (1884). Museum, London (1923).
19. F. Cajori, op. cit., Vol. 2, pp. 15-29. 41. R.J. Gillings, op. cit., p. 104.
20. K. Menninger, Number Words and Number Symbols, Ger- 42. R. J. Gillings, op. cit., pp. 104-127.
man edition (1957), English translation, The M.I.T. Press, 43. J. J. Sylvester, On a Point in the Theory of Vulgar Frac-
Cambridge, MA (1969), pp. 291,353,358; The Treasury of tions, American Journal of Mathematics 3,332-335,388-
Mathematics, Henrietta 0. Midonick, Editor, Philosophi- 389 (1880).
cal Library, New York (1965). 44. K. E. Iverson, Elementary Functions: An Algorithmic Treat-
21. F. Cajori, op. cit., Vol. 1, pp. 366-369. ment, Science Research Associates, Inc., Chicago (1966),
22. A. Gittleman, History of Mathematics, Charles E. Merrill pp. 15-16.
Publishing Company, Columbus, OH (1975), pp. 141-149. 45. P. BeckmannJ History ofPI, The Golem Press, St. Martins
23. J. W. L. Glaisher, Logarithms and Computation, in Press, New York (1971).
Napier Tercentenary Memorial Volume, Cargill Gilston 46. R. J. Gillings, op. cit., p. 157.
Knott, Editor, London (1915), pp. 63-80. 47. P. E. B. Jourdain, op. cit., p. 12.
24. P. E. B. Jourdain, The Nature of Mathematics, reprinted 48. P. E. B. Jourdain, op. cit., p. 16.
in The World of Mathematics, Vol. 1, James R. Newman,
49. G. Forsythe, Pitfalls in Computation, American Mathe-
Editor, Simon and Schuster, New York (1956), p. 23.
matical Monthly 77, No. 9, 931-956 (1970).
25. J. R. Newman, The World of Mathematics, Vol. 3, James R.
Newman, Editor, Simon and Schuster, New York (1956), 50. K. Menninger, op. cit., p. 425.
p. 1856. 51. D. E. Smith, History of Mathematics, Vol. 1, p. 216; Vol. 2,
p. 71, footnotes, Dover Publications Inc., NewYork (1958).
26. H. T. Pledge, Science Since 1500:A Short History of Math-
ematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, H. M. Stationery Of- 52. F. Cajori, op. cit., Vol. 1, p. 50.
fice, London (1939). 53. K. Menninger, op. cit., pp. 391-392, 398, 400.
27. K. E. Iverson, Elementary Analysis, APL Press, Swarth- 54. Ibid., pp. 285, 392, 400.
more, PA (1976), pp. 140-158. 55. Ibid., p. 392.
28. H. Hellerman, Digital Computer System Principles, Mc- 56. Ibid., p. 391.
Graw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,New York, 1st Edition 57. W. Shakespeare, Lear, Act 1, Scene 4.
(1967); 2nd Edition (1973), p. 53. 58. G. Boole, The Mathematical Analysis of Logic, Being an
29. K. E. Iverson, A Personal View of APL, IBM Systems Essay Towards a Calculus of Deductive Reasoning, pub-
Journal 30, No. 4, 582-593 (1991, this issue). lished in Cambridge and London (1847). Reprinted by Ba-
30. R. K. W. Hui, K. E. Iverson, E. E. McDonnell, and A. T. sil Blackwell, Oxford (1948). Also in G. Boole, Studies in
Whitney, APL\?,APL90 Conference Proceedings, Copen- Logic andProbabilities, with notes and additions, Watts and
hagen, Denmark (August 1990);APL Quote Quad 20, No. Company, London (1952), pp. 49-124.
4, 192-200 (July 1990). 59. G. Boole,An Investigation of theLaws of Thought,on Which
31. K. E. Iverson, The ISI Dictionary of J, Version 3.3, Iverson Are Founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Prob-
Software Inc., Toronto (1991). abilities, Walton and Maberly, London (1854). Reprinted
32. The Rosetta stone (now in the British Museum) is a basalt by Dover Publications Inc.,New York (1953). Also re-
slab with inscriptions in three notations: (1) hieroglyphics, printed by Peter Smith and by The OpenCourt Publishing
(2) demotic, and (3) Greek, which provided the key to Company, La Salle, IL.
deciphering hieroglyphics. Like the Rosetta stone, my ex- 60. A. De Morgan, On the Symbolsof Logic, Cambridge
amples of (1) ordinary APL, (2) direct definition, and (3) Philosophical Society, Transactions 9, Part 1 (1850).
J, provide an opportunity for those familiar with one par- 61. R. Feys and F. B. Fitch, Dictionary of Symbols of Mathe-
ticular notation to decipher others. matical Logic, North-Holland Publishing Company, Am-
33. C. Babbage, On the Influence of Signs in Mathematical sterdam (1969).
Reasoning, Cambridge Philosophical Society, Transac- 62. G. Boole, Studies in Logic and Probability, Watts and Co.,
tions 2, 333 (1827), read December 16, 1821. London (1952), Appendix A, p. 471.
34. R. Recorde, The Ground of Artes (1540), later edition, 63. W. Kneale, Boole and the Revival of Logic, Mind 57
1646. Reprinted in part in The World of Mathematics, Vol. (1948), pp. 149-175. Cited by J. R. Newman in The World
1, James R. Newman, Editor, Simon and Schuster, New of Mathematics, Vol. 3, James R. Newman, Editor, Simon
York (1956), pp. 210-217. and Schuster, New York (1956), pp. 1853-1854.
35. K. Menninger, op. cit., p. 426. 64. G. Boole, see Reference 58, p. 37.


65. J. J. Sylvester, A Word on Nonions, Johns Hopkins Uni- Monograph, No. 6,4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New
versity Circulars 1, 241-242 (1882); 2, 46 (1883). York (1906).
66. K. E. Iverson, see Reference 37, p. 32. 89. F. Kline, op. cit., Vol. 2, Chapters 2 and 3.
67. W. S. Jevons, Pure Logic, or the Logic of QualityApartfrom 90. M. J. Crowe, A History of VectorAnalysis: The Evolution of
Quantity, London (1864). the Idea of a Vectorial System, Chapter 3, University of
68. W. S. Jevons, On the Mathematical Performance of Log- Notre Dame Press, South Bend, IN (1967).
ical Inference, Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions 91. J. J. Sylvester, On the 8-Square Imaginaries,Johns Hop-
160, 497-518 (1870). kins University Circulars 1, 203 (1882).
69. R. Harley,The Stanhope Demonstrator,an Instrument for 92. K.Menninger, op. cit., pp. 53-54.
Performing Logical Operations,Mind 4, 192-210 (1879). 93. J. J. Sylvester,On the Involution and Evolution of Quater-
70. A. Smee, The Process of Thought Adapted to Words and nions, Philosophical Magazine 16, 394-396 (1883).
Language, Together with a Description of the Relational and 94. J. J. Sylvester, Sur les Quantites formant un Groupe de
Differential Machines, Longman, Brown,Green, and Long- Nonions analogues aux Quaternions de Hamilton, 2nd
mans, London (1851). paper, Comptes Rendus 98, 273-276, 471475 (1884).
71. C. S. Peirce, Logical Machines,American Journal of Psy- 95. B. Peirce, Linear Associative Algebra, memoir read before
c h o l o ~1, 165-170 (1887). the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, 1870.
72. A. De Morgan, Formal Logic: or, the Calculus of Inference Reprinted with notes and addenda by C.S. Peirce, inAmer-
Necessary and Probable, first published in London in 1847, ican Journal of Mathematics 4, 97-229 (1881).
A. E. Taylor, Editor, reprinted by Open Court Company, 96. C. W. Misner, K S. Thorne, and J. A. Wheeler, In Grav-
London (1926). itation: Chapter 41, Spinors, W. H. Freeman and Com-
73. Sylvester had not only been a colleague of De Morgans, pany, San Francisco, CA (1973).
but at the age of 13 had been De Morgans pupil. He was 97. A. Kyrala,Theoretical Physics:Applications of Vectors, Ma-
the second person to be awarded the De Morgan medal trices, Tensors, and Quaternions, w. B. Saunders Company,
(1887). The first wasCayley (1884). Cayley received a Philadelphia, PA and London (1967).
Royal Medal from the Royal Society in 1859, as Sylvester 98. W. Pauli, Pauli Lectures on Physics, Wave Mechanics 5,
did in 1861. Sylvester received the Copley Medal in 1880; English translation, CharlesP. Em, Editor, The MIT Press,
it is the highest honor possible from the Royal Society. Cambridge, MA and London, p. 158.
74. K. E. Iverson, see Reference 2, pp. 23-25. 99. P. A. M. Dirac, The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, Ox-
75. M. Kline, op. cit., p. 1189. ford University Press (1935), pp. 67-70; 4th Edition (1958),
76. K. E. Iverson, op. cit., p. 24. pp. 149-151.
77. K. E. Iverson, op. cit., p. 73. 100. C. W. Misner, op. cit., pp. 1135-1158.
78. A.D. Falkoff, K. E. Iverson, and E. H. Sussenguth, A 101. J. W. Gibbs, On Multiple Algebra, address before the
Formal Descriptionof System/360,IBMSystems Journal 3, Section of Mathematics and Astronomyof the American
NO. 3, 198-263 (1964). Association for the Advancement of Science by the Vice
79. S. Stevinus, Statics and Hydrostatics (1586). President, American Associationfor the Advancement of
80. W. W. Rouse Ball, A Short Account of the History ofMath- Science, Proceedings 35, 37-66 (1886). Reprinted in The
ematics, 4th Edition originally published in 1908, Dover Scientific Papers of J. Willard Gibbs, Ph.D., LL.D., Vol. 2,
Publications Inc., New York (1960), pp. 245-246. Dover Publications Inc.,New York (1961).
81. M. Jammer, Concepts of Force:A Study in the Foundations 102. In 1839, at the age of 25, Sylvester waselected a Fellow of
of Dynamics, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA the Royal Society. Although, in his own phrase, he was
(1957). Reprinted by Harper Torchbooks, New York one of the first holdingthe faith in which the Founder of
(1962), pp. 123-132. Christianity was educated to compete for high honours in
the Mathematical Tripos at Cambridge, he could not ob-
82. I. Newton, Sir Isaac Newtons Mathematical Principles of tain his B.A. degree until 1872, after all religioustests had
Natural Philosophy and His System of the World, translated been abolished. At different times he was Professor of
by Andres Motte in 1729. Revised and edited by Florian
Physics in London, where hewas a colleague of De Mor-
Cajori, University of California, Berkeley, CA (1946). gans; Professor of Mathematics at the University of Vir-
83. M. Jammer, op. cit., pp. 85-93. ginia, where he left in haste after successfully defending
84. J. Kepler, Astronomia Nova .. . De Motibus Stellae Martis himself with a sword-cane againstthe brother of a student
(1609). whose work he had criticized; and Professorat the Royal
85. R. Small, An Account of the Astronomical Discoveries of Military Academy.
Kepler: Including anHistorical Review of the Systems Which 103. The currently popular movement that enjoys debunking
Had Successively Prevailed Before His Time, J. Mawman, history and toppling eminent Victorians has not spared
London (1804). Reprinted by UniversityofWisconsin Sylvester and Cayley. Hawkins (see Reference 104) says
Press, Madison, WI (1963), p. 198. that the significance of Cayleys memoir on matrices of
86. Harris, Universal Dictionary of the Arts and Sciences (1704). 1858 has been grossly exaggerated. Sylvester is not even
87. Whilestill an undergraduate, he was appointed to the mentioned. Those interested may, however, consult Ref-
Chair of Astronomy in Dublin,soon afterwards becoming erences 105 and 106.
Astronomer Royal ofIreland. Schrodinger called him one 104. T. Hawkins, The Theory of Matrices inthe 19th Century,
of the greatest men of science the world has produced, International Congress of Mathematicians,Vancouver,
and Whittaker said that after Isaac Newton, the greatest 1974, Canadian Mathematical Congress (1975), pp. 561-
mathematician of the English-speaking world is William 570.
Rowan Hamilton. 105. A.Cayley, Collected Mathematical Papers, 13 volumes,
88. E. W. Hyde, Grassmanns Space Analysis, Mathematical Cambridge University Press, London (1889).


106. J. J. Sylvester, Collected Mathematical Papers of James Jo- General references
seph Sylvester, with index and biographical noticeby H. F.
Baker, Editor, 4 volumes,CambridgeUniversityPress, C. N. Anderson, The Fertile Crescent: Travels in the Footsteps of
London (1904-1912). Ancient Science, Sylvester Press,Fort Lauderdale, FL, FirstEdi-
tion (1968), Second Edition (1972).
107. J. J. Sylvester,additions to the articles On a New Class of
Theorems,and On Pascals Theorem, Philosophical Anonymous, Obituary Notices: G. Boole, Royal Society, Pro-
Magazine 37, 363-370 (1850). ceedings 15, vi-xi (1867).
108. J. J. Sylvester, On the Relation Between the Minor De- Anonymous, Obituary Notices: W. S. Jevons, Royal Society,Pro-
terminants of Linearly Equivalent Quadratic Functions, ceedings 35, i-xii (1883).
Philosophical Magazine 1, 295-305 (1851). R. C. Archibald,MathematicsBefore the Greeks, Science 71,
109. J. J. Sylvester, A Demonstration of the Theorem That 109-121, 342 (1930); 72, 36 (1930).
Every Homogeneous Quadratic Polynomial Is Reducible
by Real Orthogonal Substitutionsto the Form of a Sum of J. Backus,Can Programming Be Liberated from theVon Neu-
Positive and NegativeSquares,Philosophical Magazine 4, mann Style? A Functional Style and Its Algebra of Programs,
138-142 (1852). 1977 Turing Award Lecture, Communications of the ACM 21,
110. J. J. Sylvester, On a Theory of the Syzygetic Relations of No. 8, 613-641 (1978).
Two Algebraic Functions, RoyalSocietyof London, E. T. Bell, Men of Mathematics, Simon andSchuster,New York,
Philosophical Transactions 143, Part 111, 407-548 (1853). and Victor Gollancz, London(1937); Cayley and Sylvester, In-
111. J. J. Sylvester, The Genesis of an Idea, or Story of a Dis- variant Twins, reprinted in The World of Mathematics, Vol. 1,
covery Relating to Equations in MultipleQuantity,Nature J. R. Newman, Editor, Simon and Schuster, New York (1956),
31,35-36 (1884). pp. 341-365.
112. Inhispublicationsin two continents (and in France) M. Black, The Nature of Mathematics, with bibliographyof sym-
Sylvester made many references to the memoir by Cayley bolic logic, New York (1934).
(see Reference 17). With everyreference to Cayley he pays C. B. Boyer,A History of Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
the highest tribute. He refers to the memoir as le beau New York (1968).
MBmoire (Reference 113), his great paper on Matrices
(Reference 114), Cayleys immortal Memoir (Reference R. C. Buck, Sherlock Holmes in Babylon, The American Math-
115), and Professor Cayleys ever-memorable paper on ematical Monthly 87, No. 5, 335-345 (1980).
matrices. Thispaper constitutes a second birthof Algebra, Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, An EgyptianHieroglyphic Dictionary,
its avatar in a new and glorified form (Reference 111). Dover Publications Inc., New York, first published in 1920.
113. J. J. Sylvester, Sur les QuantitCs formant un Groupe de Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, EgyptianLanguage: Easy Lessons in
Nonions analogues aux Quaternions de Hamilton, 1st pa- Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Dover Publications Inc.,New York, first
per, Comptes Rendus 97, 1336-1340 (1883). published in 1910.
114. J. J. Sylvester, On Quaternions, Nonions,Sedenions, F. Cajori, Algebra in Napiers Day and Alleged Prior Inven-
etc.,Johns Hopkins University Circulars3,33,34,57(1884). tions of Logarithms, inNapier Tercentenary Memorial Volume,
115. J. J. Sylvester, see Reference 18, pp. 27C286. C. G . Knott, Editor, London (1915), pp. 93-109.
116. K. E. Iverson andE. E. McDonnell, Phrasal Forms,APL
Quote Quad 19, No. 4, 197-199 (1989). F. Cajori,A History of Elementary Mathematics, Macmillan Pub-
lishing Company, New York (1930).
117. A. Lavoisier,Mithode de Nomenclature Chimique: Nomen-
clature Chimique, Paris (1787), pp. 1-25. Chymical Nomen- F. Cajori,A History ofMathematics, Macmillan Publishing Com-
clature: A Memoir on the Necessity of Reforming and Bring- pany, New York (1919).
ing to Perfection the Nomenclature of Chymishy [sic]; read F. Cajori, History of the Exponential and Logarithmic Con-
to the PublicAssembly of the Royal Academy of Sciencesin cepts,American Mathematical Monthly 20 (1913).
Paris on the 18th of April, 1787, Edinburgh (1787), pp. 1-18. F. Cajori, William Oughtred: A Great Seventeenth-Century
118. C. Babbage, op. cit., pp. 331-332. Teacher ofMathematics, The Open Court Publishing Company,
119. Ibid., pp. 370-371. La Salle, IL (1916).
120. J. J. Sylvester, Address on Commemoration Day at Johns P. Carruthers, Introduction to Unitary Symmetry;Chapter 1,
Hopkins University,22 February 1877, in Collected Math- Angular Momentum and Isospin,Interscience Tracts on Physics
ematical Papers 3, Number 10 (1877). and Astronomy, No.27, Interscience, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
121. A. N. Whitehead, op. cit., p. 59. New York (1966).
122. B. Russell, My Philosophical Development, George Allen
and Unwin, Ltd., London (1959). H. S. Carslaw, The Discovery of Logarithms by Napier, The
Mathematical Gazette 8, 76-44, 115-119 (1915).
123. G. Peano, The Importance of Symbols in Mathematics,
originally publishedin Italian, Scientia 18,165-173 (1915); M. Caspar, Kepler, Abelard-Schuman, London and New York
English translation in Selected Works of Giuseppe Peano, (1959).
with a biographical sketch and bibliographyby Hubert C. W. K. Clifford, Application of Grassmanns Extensive Algebra,
Kennedy; George Allen and Unwin, Ltd., London(1973), Vol. 1 (1878).
pp. 227-234. M. R. Cohen and E. Nagel, An Introduction to Logic and Sci-
124. J. J. Sylvester, Note on the Properties of the Test Oper- entific Method, New York (1934).
ators Which Occurin the Calculus of Invariants .,Philo-
A. W. Conway, Quaternions and Matrices, Quaternion Cen-
sophical Magazine 32, 461-472 (1866).
125. J. J. Sylvester, Presidential Address to Section X of the tenary Celebration, 8th November, 1943, Royal Irish Academy,
British Association, Exeter BritishAssociation Report Proceedings A50, 98-103 (1945).
(1869), pp. 1-9. M. P. Crosland,Historical Studies in the Language of Chemishy,


first published in1962, Dover Publications Inc.,New York Sir W. R. Hamilton, Elements of Quaternions, First Edition, Lon-
(1978). don (1865), Second Edition, London (1899).
B. Datta and A, N. Singh, History of Hindu Mathematics: A Sir W. R. Hamilton, see also Elements of Quaternions (1866) and
Source Book, Asian Publishing House, Bombay, London, and The Mathematical Papers (1967).
New York, Part 1 (1935); Part 2 (1938); single volume (1962). T. L. Hankins, Sir William Rowan Hamilton,The Johns Hopkins
A. De Morgan, Syllabus of a ProposedSystem of Logic, Maberley, University Press, Baltimore and London (1980).
London (1860). Reprinted in On the Syllogism and Other Logical T. L. Heath, Diophantus of Alexandria: A Study in the History of
Writings by Augustus De Morgan, edited with an introduction by Greek Algebra, 2nd Edition, Cambridge (1910).
P. Heath, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London (1966). J. van Heijenoort, From Frege to Godel: A Source Book in Math-
S. E. De Morgan, Memoir of Augustus De Morgan, Longmans, ematical Logic, 1879-1931, Harvard University Press, Cam-
Green & Co., London (1882). bridge, MA (1967).
L. E. Dickson, Linear Algebras, Cambridge Tracts in Mathe- V. F. Hopper, Medieval Number Symbolism: Its Sources, Mean-
matics and Mathematical Physics, No. 16 (1914), Hafner Pub- ing, and Influence on Thought and Expression, Columbia Uni-
lishing Company, New York; undated reprint. versity Press, New York (1938).
Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 14 volumes, C. C. Gillispie, E. W. Hyde, Calculus of Direction and Position, American
Editor, Charles Scribners Sons, New York (1970-1976). Journal of Mathematics 6, 1-13 (1884).
W. J. Dobbs, The Teaching of Indices and Logarithms, The G. Ifrah, From One to Zero: A Universal History of Numbers,
Mathematical Gazette 8, 119-125 (1915). Viking Penguin Inc., New York (1985); English translation of
Histoire Universelle des Chiffres.
J. M. Dubbey, The Mathematical Work of Charles Babbage, Cam-
bridge University Press (1978). K. E. Iverson, Notation as a Tool of Thought, 1979 Turing
Award Paper, Communications of the ACM 23, No. 8,444-465
Elements of Quaternions by the Late Sir William Rowan Hamilton, (August 1980).
W. E. Hamilton, Editor, London (1866); Second Edition, 2 vol-
umes, C.J. Joly, Editor, Longmans, Green & Co., London (1901). W. S. Jevons, The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and
Scientific Method, First Edition (1874); 2nd Edition (1877). Re-
H. Eves, Introduction to the Histoy of Mathematics, first pub- printed by Dover Publications Inc., New York, with introduction
lished in 1953, 4th Edition, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New by Ernest Nagel (1958).
York (1976).
L. C. Karpinski, The History ofArithmetic, Rand McNally & Co.,
G. Flegg, Numbers: Their History and Meaning, Schocken Books, Chicago and New York (1925).
New York (1983). G. Lame, Legons sur la Thdorie Mathdmatique de IElasticitd des
H. G. Forder, The Calculus of Extension, Cambridge University Corpes Solides, 1st Edition, Bachelier, Paris (1852).
Press, Cambridge (1941), reprinted by Chelsea (1960). H. Lass, Vector and Tensor Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Com-
S. Gandz, Studies in Babylonian Mathematics, Osiris 8, 12-40 pany, Inc., New York (1950).
(1948). C. I. Lewis, A Survey of Symbolic Logic, University of California
M. Gardner, Logic Machines and Diagrams, McGraw-Hill Book (1918). Reprinted by Dover Publications Inc., New York (1960).
Company, Inc., New York (1958). C. I. Lewis and C. H. Langford, Symbolic Logic, Princeton Uni-
J. W. Gibbs, Elements of VectorAnalysis, privately printed, New versity, Princeton, NJ (1932).Extract: History of SymbolicLog-
Haven, CT (1881 and 1884). ic included in The World of Mathematics, Vol. 3,J. R. Newman,
Editor, Simon and Schuster, New York (1956), pp. 1859-1877.
J. W. Gibbs, On the Role of Quaternions in the Algebra of
Vectors, Nature 43, 511-513 (1891). A. Macfarlane, Lectures on Ten British Mathematicians of the
Nineteenth Century, Mathematical Monographs, No. 17, John
J. W. Gibbs, Quaternions and the Ausdehnungslehre, Nature Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York (1916).
44,7942 (1891).
E. Mach, The Science of Mechanics: A Critical and Historical
J. W. Gibbs, The Scientific Papers of J. Willard Gibbs, Ph.D., Account of Its Development, First German Edition (1883); En-
LL.D., Vol. 2-Dynamics, Vector Analysis and Multiple Algebra, glish translation, Chicago (1902).Reprinted by The OpenCourt
etc., Longmans, Green & Co., London (1906 and 1931); Dover Publishing Company, La Salle, IL (1960).
Publications Inc., New York (1961). D. MacHale, George Boole: His Life and Work, Boole Press,
J. W. Gibbs, VectorAnalysis,E. B. Wilson, Editor, Charles Scrib- Dublin (1985).
ners Sons, New York (1902). The Mathematical Papers of Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Vol.
J. W. L. Glaisher, On the Early History of the Signs + and - 3-Algebra, H. Halberstram and R. E. Ingram, Editors, Cun-
and on the Early German Arithmeticians, Messenger ofMath- ningham Memoir No.15, Cambridge University Press, New
ematics 51, 1-148 (1921-1922). York (1967).
H. Grassman, Hermann Crassmanns Gesammelte Mathematis- D. B. McIntyre, Experience with Direct Definition One-Liners
chz und Physicalische Werke, F. Engel, Editor, B. G. Teubner, in Writing APL Applications,An A P L Users Meeting, Proceed-
Leipzig (1894);includes: Die Wissenschaft der extensiven ings, I. P. Sharp Associates, Ltd., Toronto (1978), pp. 281-297.
Grosse oder die Ausdehnungslehre, ein neue mathematische D. B. McIntyre, Introduction to the Study of Data Matrices,
Disciplin, Leipzig (1844);also Geometrische Analyse (1846). Models of Geologic Processes-an Introduction to Mathematical
For Inner and Outer Products see: (1844), pp. 77-102, and Geology, P. Fenner, Editor, American Geological Institute,
(1846), pp. 345-351. Washington, DC (1969).
R. P. Graves, The Lifeof Sir William Rowan Hamilton, 3 volumes, 0. Neugebauer, The Exact Sciences in Antiquity, Acta His-
Dublin (1882-1891). torica Scientiancm Naturalium et Medicinalium, Vol. 9, Copen-


hagen (1951), and Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, and Ox- W. Whewell, History of the InductiveSciencesfrom the Earliestto
ford (1951). Reprinted by Harper Torchbooks, Harper, New the PresentTime, 3 volumes, Vol.2, History of Mechanics, Second
York (1962), and by Dover Publications Inc., New York. Edition, John W. Parker, London (1847).
R. P. Polivka and S. Pakin, APL: The Language and Its Usage, E. T. Whittaker, The Sequence of Ideas in the Discovery of
Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1975); see p. 192 for Quaternions, Quaternion Centenary Celebration, 8th Novem-
Boolean product A <. < B. ber, 1943, Royal Irish Academy, Proceedings A50, pp. 93-98
G. Prasad, Some Great Mathematicians of the Nineteenth Century, (1945).
Their Lives andTheir Work, 3 volumes, The Benares Mathe- R. L. Wilder, Evolution ofMathematica1 Concepts: an Elementary
matical Society, India (1934). Study, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York (1968). Reprinted by
J. E. Quibell (with notes by W. M. F. P), Hierakonpolis, Part I, The Open University, Milton Keynes (1978).
Plates of Discoveries in 1898, Egyptian Research Account, 4th E. B. Wilson, VectorAnalysis:A Text-Bookfor the Use of Students
Memoir, Bernard Quaritch, London (1900), Plate 26B. Founded Upon the Lectures of J. Willard Gibbs, Charles Scrib-
G. Sarton, The First Explanation of Decimal Fractions and ners Sons, New York (1909). Reprinted by Dover Publications
Measures (1585), Together with a History of the Decimal Idea Inc., New York (1960).
and a Facsimile (No. xvii) of Stevins Disme, Isis 23, 153-244
(1935). Accepted for publication August5, 1991.
G. Sarton, Simon Stevin of Bruges (1548-1620), Isis 21,241-
303 (1934). Donald B. MclntyreLuachmhor, Church Road, Kinfauns, Perth
G . Sarton, The Study of the History of Mathematics, Cambridge, pH27LD, Scotland, U.K. Donald McIntyre was educated in
MA (1936). Scotland, receiving B.Sc., Ph.D., and D.Sc. degrees from Edin-
J. F. Scott, A History of Mathematics from Antiquity to the Be- burgh University where he was a member of the faculty from
ginning of the Nineteenth Century, Taylor and Francis, London 1948-1954. He did postdoctoral research at the University of
(1960). Neuchatel, the University of California at Berkeley, and the
Dominion Observatory, Canada. From 1954 until 1989, he was
D. E. Smith, Algebra of 4000 Years Ago, Scripta Mathernatica Professor of Geology at Pomona College. Inaddition to teaching
4, 111-125 (1936). geology, he has been active or30 years in computing, obtaining
D. Smith, Interface: Calculus and the Computer, First Edition, one of the first IBM Systed360 computers in 1965, the second
Chapter 12; Second Edition, Saunders (1984), p. 63-75; Instruc- of IBMs5100 series, and the second of IBMs4300 series in May
tors Manual, pp. 23-25. of 1979. He has lectured around the world for Sigma Xi, the
D. E. Smith, The Law of Exponents in the Works of the 16th American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the British Mu-
Century, in Napier TercentenaryMemorial Volume,C. G. Knott, seum, the Geological Society of America, the ACM as a Dis-
Editor, London (1915), pp. 81-91. tinguished Lecturer, the State Seismological Bureau in Beijing,
the University of Nanjing in China, and numerous universities
D. E. Smith,A Source Book in Mathematics, McGraw-Hill Book in the United States, Canada, Britain, and Europe. In 1969 he
Company, Inc., New York and London (1929, especially pp. gave the Matthew Vassar Lecture on the subject of APL at
217-228. Vassar College. In 1971, he was a consultant with the APL group
D. E. Smith, TheTeaching of Elementary Mathematics, Mac- at the IBM Scientific Center in Philadelphia under A. Falkoff
millan Co., London (1901). and K. Iverson. He has received a Fulbright Award, a John
D. E. Smith and J. Ginsburg, From Numbers to Numerals and Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship, and in 1985 was
from Numerals to Computation, from Numbers and Numerals. named California College and University Professor of the Year
Reprinted in The World of Mathematics, Vol. 1, J. R. Newman, by the Council for the Advancement of Support of Education.
Editor, Simon and Schuster, New York (1956), p. 442464. Donald McIntyre is nowretired in hisnative Scotland, but is still
active in the use and promotion of APL. He is an Honorary
D. E. Smith and L. C. Karpinski, The Hindu-Arabic Numerals,
Fellow at the Universities of Edinburgh and St. Andrews.
Boston and London (1911).
S. Stevin, The Principal Works of Simon Stevin, 5 volumes, Vol-
ume 1, General Introduction, Mechanics, E. J. Dijksterhuis, Reprint Order No. G321-5454.
Editor, C. V. Swets and Zeitlinger, Amsterdam (1955).
D. J. Struik,A Concise History ofMathematics, 2 volumes, Dover
Publications Inc., New York (1948).
F. J. Swetz, Capitalism anddrithmetic: The New Math of the 15th
Century, The Open Court Publishing Company, La Salle, IL
F. Thureau-Dangin, Sketch of a History of the Sexagesimal
System, Osiris 7, 95-141 (1939).
H. A. Thurston, The Number-System, Interscience Publishers,
Inc., New York (1964).
J. Venn, Booles Logical System, Mind 1, 4 7 9 4 9 1 (1876).
J. Venn, George Boole, 1815-1864, Dictionary of National Bi-
M. Ward and C. E. Hardgrove, Modem Elementary Mathematics,
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, MA (1964).


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