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Combine the sentences

1. Pollution today is getting from bad to worse.
2. There is air, water and noise pollution. Use simple sentences
3. The environment is becoming a dirty and an unhealthy
place to be in.

First paragraph:
Effect : Air pollution
4. Air pollution has bad effects on our health.
5. It makes us sick and unhealthy. combine sentences:
6. City people are exposed to the dirty air. No 4 and 5 using for
7. They often suffer from lung and heart diseases. (compound)
8. The polluted air is bad for the lungs and chest.
9. Pollution causes fog and haze. No 5, and No 6 using
10. They are bad for the eyes. who and No 7
11. The toxic gases from vehicles on the road and factories using because
blacken buildings. (complex)
12. They do damage to the concrete and walls.
No. 9 and No. 10
using which

No. 11 and No 12
using and


Second paragraph:

13. Polluted water is unsafe. Effect : Water

14. It is unsafe for swimming. pollution
15. It causes the water to be dirty.
combine sentences:

No 13 and No.
14.Begin with No 13
with when
combine with No 15
using as (compound)

combine with No 16
16 One can suffer from skin diseases and eye and ear which (complex)
17 Sea creatures and plants die after oil spills. No 17 and No 18
18 The oil may take years to clean up. using as
19 Thus, they reduce the available seafood supply (compound)

No 19 simple
sentence .Begin
sentence with Thus

20 In addition, noise pollution does damage to the ears. Third paragraph:

2I It causes hearing problems.
22 The damage can be permanent. Effect: Noise

Combine sentences:

No 20 and No 21
using and
(compound) and No
23 using which


23 There are many practical ways to help protect the Conclusion:

24 Each of us can do our parts. Combine sentences:
25 The fight against pollution requires cooperation of the No 23 and No 24
government public and all individuals. using in
26 It is everybodys responsibility. which(complex)
No 25 and No26using
as. (compound)
Based on the short notes given, write an article on Effects of Pollution for your school

Air pollution
lung and heart diseases Control of pollution needs cooperation
fog and haze of
bad for eyes government
toxic gases blacken building public

Water Pollution Noise pollution

- unsafe for swimming - hearing affected
- sea creatures and plants die - damage to ear
- oil spills -
- reduce food supply
When writing the article:

1. you may use all the notes given

2. elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
3. make sure it is not less than 120 words

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