Sei sulla pagina 1di 11

Potente y sustentable Espacios pink

Aunque se trata de una SUV hbrida educativos

y enchufable, la GLE 500e La UAM-Xochimilco, Belleza
de Mercedes-Benz cuenta la UNAM, el ITAM y
en la cancha
con capacidades la Ibero, as como
la cadena Cinpolis, El equipo de
todoterreno porristas de los
ofrecieron sus
y 442 hp Dallas Cowboys
instalaciones al
poderosos. Tec de Monterrey muestra su vestidor
AUTOMOTRIZ campus CDMX, que y habla de su labor
Carlos Figueroa

sufri daos por en el emparrillado.

el sismo. PG. 12 GENTE 10

Sbado 30 / Sep. / 2017 Ciudad de MxiCo 9 4 pgi n aS , a o x x i V n M e r o 8, 676 $ 20.0 0

Dao econmico
El 90 por ciento de los establecimientos
afectados por los sismos del 7 y 19 de sep-
tiembre no ha recibido apoyos hasta el
momento, segn una encuesta del Inegi.

Dinero hay...

Obtiene Fonden cero en transparencia, segn el INAI

Operan reparacin
La reconstruccin tras
los sismos costara 39
mil millones de pesos.

Sumas equivalentes se
han ido en corruptelas o

a Frente
entidades opacas
Deuda de Csar Duarte
en Chihuahua

Mayolo lpez

El Instituto Nacional Electo-

ral (INE) aprob el convenio
que da forma al Frente Ciu-
dadano, integrado por el PAN, 49 mil mdp Omiten instituciones
el PRD y MC. clave en atender
En un acuerdo aprobado Deuda de Humberto
por unanimidad por el conse- Moreira en Coahuila daos por sismos
jo general del INE, el Frente abrir informacin
fue avalado como una figura
no electoral pero que forma- Rolando HeRReRa
liza la alianza poltica de los
tres partidos. Instituciones pblicas involu-
El INE otorg un plazo cradas en la administracin
de 10 das para que el Fren- y asignacin de recursos pa-

tomado del Facebook Hibridum

te presente un emblema. Ca- 36.9 mil mdp ra atender los daos de los
da partido, en lo individual, sismos de septiembre estn
Desfalco de Javier Duarte
podr hacer uso de sus pre- reprobadas en transparencia.
en Veracruz
rrogativas y promocionales Conforme a la evaluacin
para difundir los propsitos que el Instituto Nacional de
del Frente, pero sin llamar Transparencia, Acceso a la
a votar. Informacin y Proteccin de
Esto no impide que en Datos Personales (INAI) dio
un futuro se registre una coa- a conocer en agosto, varias Y tiran monumentos. En Puebla, Morelos, la CDMX y el Estado de Mxico se han de-
licin electoral bajo el am- entidades son campeonas de molido casas histricas y recintos religiosos daados por el sismo sin la autorizacin del INAH.
paro del frente poltico ayer opacidad.
35 mil mdp Por ejemplo, el Fondo de siniestros. Dicha entidad es dirigida por calificacin de 13.3 sobre 100.
La representacin de Desastres Naturales (Fonden) Adems, de ser el caso, Virgilio Andrade, ex Secreta- Distintas organizaciones
Gasto en publicidad
Morena urgi al INE a revi- tiene cero sobre 100 puntos tiene que hacer pblico el pa- rio de la Funcin Pblica. sociales han exigido que los
del Gobierno federal
sar si, efectivamente, al Fren- respecto de lo que la Ley drn de beneficiarios de los Bansefi, que canalizar recursos para la reconstruc-
te no lo animan propsitos General de Transparencia le apoyos que otorga. Toda es- los apoyos econmicos con cin sean manejados con
electorales. obliga a hacer pblico. ta informacin, por ley, tiene tarjetas de dbito que se otor- transparencia y que los en-
Como representante del Dicho fondo, al que este que estar actualizada. gar a damnificados, obtu- cargados de ejercerlos rin-
PRI, Claudia Pastor exigi a ao se le asign una bolsa de En su pgina web, el Fon- vo una calificacin de 28.1 dan cuentas sobre su correcta
los representantes del PAN, ms de 6 mil millones de pe- den slo ha difundido cmo sobre 100. aplicacin.
el PRD y MC que hablaran sos, no ha reportado ninguno ha canalizado recursos asig- En tanto, el Instituto Na-
con la verdad. de los rubros a los que est nados a estados que sufrieron cional de Infraestructura F-
Con base en principios
37.7 mil mdp obligado, como el monto total sismos, lluvias y huracanes sica Educativa (Inifed), que
A 11 das del colapso del co-
constitucionales, los frentes Prdidas de la CFE de sus recursos, distinguien- en los aos 2013, 2014 y 2015. se encarga del programa Es-
legio Rbsamen, padres de
se pueden formar, pero, den- por fallas y robo de luz do las aportaciones pblicas Otra institucin que ten- cuelas al 100 y al que le co-
familia de sus 300 alumnos
tro de un proceso electoral, y la fuente de stas, los subsi- dr un papel clave en la re- rresponde coordinar las acti-
buscan a la duea.
necesariamente tiene fines dios, donaciones, transferen- construccin es el Banco del vidades de prevencin y aten-
electorales y no polticos, cias, excedentes o inversiones Ahorro Nacional y Servicios cin de daos causados por PGINA 27
adujo Pastor. realizadas durante distintos Financieros, S. N. C., Bansefi. desastre naturales, tiene una
40 mil mdp
oaXaCa morelos CDmX
armando Vzquez
Jorge luis plata


Despus Del temblor... Oaxaca, duermen en las banquetas; en Zacatepec, Morelos, viven entre
A tres semanas del sismo de 8.2 de magnitud y a 11 das del de 7.1, los escombros, y en Iztapalapa, en la CDMX, con puntales buscan evitar
damnificados de las entidades afectadas estn en la calle. En Juchitn, que sus casas se desplomen. PGINAS 6 Y 28

Dimite Secretario de Trump

Sus frecuentes viajes en aviones privados,
Qu eS
un dro? Modificar SHCP
pagados con dinero pblico, le costaron el puesto
al titular de Salud de EU, Tom Price. PGINA 30
Conoce cul
es la labor de presupuesto 2018

un director Beln RodRguez una vez entregado el paquete

responsable de presupuestal, tenemos infor-
obra (DRO) y El Secretario de Hacienda, macin de que se actualicen

Gana duopolio... ofreciendo menos cmo saber si

est certificado
Jos Antonio Meade, afirm
que ajustarn algunas medi-
das del Presupuesto de Egre-
eventos que implican que el
paquete presupuestal se mo-
difique. /dro

Flix zapata de los 18 equipos de la Liga En cambio, se aprob la para verificar sos de 2018 para apuntalar Sabiendo ya de esa nece-
MX aprob activar la clusu- oferta de las mexicanas, que que tu los esfuerzos de reconstruc- sidad en el presupuesto, sa-
Televisa y Televisin Azteca la de renovacin del contra- fuentes cercanas a la negocia- inmueble cin por los sismos. bremos, junto con el Congre-
volvieron a golear al futbol to anterior de derechos de cin aseguran es de 231 millo- Hacienda, precis en so, que le toca analizar, mo-
mexicano. transmisin de TV, que ahora nes de dlares para todas las no est en conferencia, tiene junto con dificar y aprobar el paquete,
Sin considerar otras ofer- incluir, adems, las platafor- plataformas y pases. riesgo de el Congreso hasta el 15 de hacer las modificaciones que
tas, la Federacin Mexicana mas digitales. Monterrey, Tigres, Pa- derrumbarse. octubre para hacer modifica- se vayan ocupando, dijo.
de Futbol (FMF) adjudic La oferta por ms de 250 chuca-Len y Lobos BUAP ciones al paquete econmico Meade descart que las
ayer al duopolio los derechos millones de dlares que NBC/ votaron a favor de considerar entregado. metas del plan de consolida-
de transmisin por TV pa- Universal/Telemundo y todas las ofertas disponibles Asegur que, con estas cin fiscal (mejora del supe-
ra cualquier pas y platafor- Amrica Mvil present el para buscar ms recursos pa- medidas, las estimaciones de rvit primario) se vean afec-
mas digitales de la Seleccin jueves por los derechos de ra el balompi nacional. crecimiento econmico e in- tadas por los ajustes.
Mexicana hasta 2026. transmisin en EU y platafor- flacin no se vern afectadas.
La mayora de los dueos mas digitales no fue revisada. CANCHA 610972000016 No es la primera vez que, PGINA 4
Sbado 30 de septiembre de 2017 $10

Intenta tapar
Sismos corrupcin,
golpean reviran a
a 328 mil b Ex delegado de Tlalpan
y el lder del PRD capitalino
acusan que busca evadir
responsabilidad en derrumbe



El ex jefe delegacional en Tlalpan,

b Oaxaca, Morelos y Chiapas, con el perredista Higinio Chvez, afir-
m que la denuncia penal en con-
ms establecimientos afectados tra de su administracin que pre-
sent la delegada Claudia Shein-
b Es la primera vez que Inegi baum representa una bomba de
humo para ocultar quin es el
realiza una encuesta de este tipo verdadero responsable en el de-
rrumbe de uno de los edificios del
Colegio Enrique Rbsamen, en el
El total representa 16.1% de una sismo del 19 de septiembre, que
muestra de 2 millones 41 mil esta- dej 27 muertos.
blecimientos en los estados de Chia- Quiere lanzar una bomba de
En el primer esfuerzo que realiza el pas, Oaxaca, Ciudad de Mxico, Mo- humo para tapar la corrupcin de
Inegi para atender una emergencia relos, Guerrero, Estado de Mxico, su administracin, dijo Chvez.
por desastres naturales se encontr Puebla y Tlaxcala, considerados en Adelant que alista un pronuncia-
que hubo 328 mil negocios afecta- la encuesta sobre las afectaciones de miento pblico.
dos en ocho entidades por los sis- los sismos registrados. Por su parte, el presidente del
mos del 7 y 19 de septiembre. Nueve de cada 10 negocios que PRD en la Ciudad de Mxico, Ral
tuvieron algn impacto por los sis- Flores, acus a la secretaria gene-
mos sealan que hasta ahora no ral de Morena, Yeidckol Polevns-
han recibido apoyo, mientras que ky, de tergiversar informacin y
40% suspendi labores. con ello desviar la atencin de lo
Oaxaca, Morelos y Chiapas son que considera es responsabilidad
los estados que reportan ms esta- A 10 das del terremoto, Paty Acevedo se reuni con el paramdico de la de la actual delegada.
blecimientos daados. Cruz Roja Diego Arcos para agradecerle el haberla sacado de los escombros. Sheinbaum interpuso una de-
Por sectores econmicos, 16.5% nuncia ante la Procuradura Ge-
de los negocios dedicados a los ser- neral de Justicia en contra de ex
vicios (sin incluir al rubro financie-
ro) report afectaciones; seguido
por el comercio, con 16.2%, y la in-
dustria manufacturera, con 14.5%.
Rescatista y rescatada funcionarios de las administracio-
nes de Chvez y Maricela Contre-
ras, por permitir que se constru-
yera un cuarto piso en el colegio,
Es una encuesta de opinin, no
hace una valoracin del grado de
afectacin, no cuantificamos los da-
os, pero les preguntamos a los es-
tablecimientos si tuvieron algn ti-
se reencuentran pese a las advertencias de daos
estructurales. La procuradura gi-
r la orden para citar a declarar a
la propietaria del inmueble.
po de afectacin en sus instalacio-
nes y sus servicios, explic Julio
Santaella, presidente del Inegi.
De acuerdo con el gobierno fede- Un abrazo y lgrimas de agradecimiento protagonizaron el
ral, la reconstruccin costar ms reencuentro delparamdico Diego Arcoscon PatyAcevedo, una
de 37 mil 500 millones de pesos. de las dos mujeres que rescat en el derrumbe de lvaro Obre-
gn 286 en la colonia Roma. Tus palabras me dieron fuerza,
dijo ella a su salvador, quien ese 19 de septiembre al escuchar su
HAY FINANZAS SANAS PARA RECONSTRUCCIN: EPN NACIN A19 voz entre los escombros prometi sacarla. NACIN A12 [Sheinbaum]
lanza una bomba
de humo a su

No estamos de acuerdo

para tapar la
que los tiempos de corrupcin de su
partidos se cedan
se pelean para que se utilicen
con efectos distintos
por dinero a la emergencia Ex delegado en Tlalpan


Representante del PAN ante el INE


b PAN, Morena, MC y Encuentro
Social advierten que el gobierno
federal puede hacer mal uso de haga buen uso de las prerrogativas a


los tiempos oficiales que cedan las que renuncien los partidos.
Los lderes del PAN y PRI man-

tienen acusaciones por los recursos.
HORACIO JIMNEZ [Morena busca]
El lder de Accin Nacional, Ricardo
Anaya, respondi al prista Enrique desviar la atencin
Los partidos intercambiaron ayer Ochoa que donarn 100% del finan- de la evidente
acusaciones por la donacin de re- ciamiento pblico que reciben, pero b Rodrigo Estrella entrena a 250 b En el albergue instalado en responsabilidad
cursos a los damnificados del sismo no lo entregarn al gobierno federal, perros en su escuela. Junto con el gimnasio de la delegacin de la jefa
y por la entrega de tiempos de radio como solicit el tricolor. Yona, una cruza de labrador y Benito Jurez, donde habitan delegacional
y televisin para transmitir infor- En tanto, los consejeros electora- golden, particip en las labores 190 damnificados, nadie se en Tlalpan
macin sobre la emergencia. les aprobaron, entre crticas del PRI, de rescate por el sismo del 19 de habla por su nombre, usan las
En la sesin del INE, PAN, Morena, Morena y PVEM, el registro del septiembre. Compartieron la palabras amigo, amiga, seor RAL FLORES
Movimiento Ciudadano y Encuen- Frente Ciudadano por Mxico, con- felicidad de encontrar a una y seora. Ah suean con Dirigente del PRD en la CDMX
tro Social argumentaron que hay formado por PAN, PRD y MC. persona viva y el dolor de hallar el hogar perdido e intentan
riesgo de que el gobierno federal no NACIN A16 un cadver. A10 regresar a la normalidad. A20


Bruno afirma que es su
K1 trabajo y no el apellido
lo que le ha abierto las
puertas en EU. E1

El Universal
Porfirio Muoz L. DIVISAS

Ao 100,
Nmero 36,483 Salvador Garca Soto A17 Enriqueta Cabrera A29
CDMX 84 pginas Mauricio Meschoulam A28 Tras el sismo del 19-S, cualquier
Mara Elena Morera A28 CULTURA reconstruccin verdadera es por VENTA
Leticia Bonifaz A29 Ulises Castellanos E12 naturaleza refundacional y exige
Andrew Selee A29 ngel Gilberto Adame E13 un esfuerzo de largo aliento.
DLAR $18.50
Jorge A. Chvez A29 Mnica Lavn E13 OPININ A28 EURO $21.85
NEGOCIOS  Ingresos pblicos aumentaron 2.5%, pero hubo ms gastos, segn el reporte de nanzas de Hacienda P. 22

30 de septiembre de 2017


#.$'461#4#)0 PEA LLAMA A PONER

Ante industriales en NL, anuncia proyecto
para actividades productivas daadas P. 7

Consejeros rechazan destinar 42 mdp a reconstruccin y apoyar a trabajadores Hay 27 heridos

Se niega el INE a en Chiapas
y Nayarit;
7 muertos
donar 5% salarial Intento de desalojo en
San Cristbal y rescate
fallido en Tepic P. 17

a damnificados


30 DE
NM. 746
RE DE 2017


Ningn poltico debe Morena entregar dinero  Miedo de regresar a clases

 Le cay el edicio y sali ilesa

lucrar con la tragedia, a ttulo personal a 45 mil,  Jiquipilas: reparar con ruinas Por qu estamos
tan as? P. 18
sera gravsimo: Crdova pese a veto P. 6 A 17  Baarse con agua verde

Ataques snicos LES LLUEVE SOBRE

TEMBLADO. La Coordinacin
EU saca de de Proteccin Civil de Oaxaca
emiti una alerta en la
Cuba a 60% zona de los valles centrales,
la mixteca y el Istmo de
de personal Tehuantepec por el nivel
crtico de los ros, que ya
diplomtico presentan escurrimientos
y estn en riesgo de
Piden a estadunidenses desbordarse. Juchitn (en
no visitar la isla; frenan la imagen) es uno de los
municipios amenazados,
proceso para visado azotado por tormentas
torrenciales que, aunadas a
INDEPENDENCIA DE CATALUA los daos en el drenaje por
Rajoy quiere impedir el sismo, provocan severas
de ltimo momento el inundaciones.
Foto: Hctor Tllez P. 19
referendo P. 28 Y 29

Libano Senz, Xavier Velasco, Hugo Garca Michel P. 2/3  Juan Gabriel
Valencia, Joel Ortega, Juan Ibarrola P. 4  Agustn Gutirrez Canet P. 21
ESCRIBEN  Ariel Gonzlez Jimnez P. 31  Alfredo C. Villeda P. 32  Jos Luis Durn BUSCA TELEVISA Y TV AZTECA RENUEVAN POR 8 AOS
King P. 34  Vernica Maza Bustamante P. 47 DERECHOS SOBRE EL TRI EN: $10.00
NORMALIZACIN. Regresan a clases 8.5 millones de nios, informa la Secretara de Educacin Pblica | 8
El INE cede tiempos Exhorta Pea Nieto a los Una de las muchas diferencias entre los
oficiales para informacin industriales a participar en terremotos de 1985 y 2017, una muy importante,
sobre reconstruccin; el esfuerzo colectivo para es la situacin econmica. Hace 32 aos, el pas
tambin libera $115 poner a Mxico de pie; estaba endeudado y con altsima inflacin. Hoy
las finanzas son sanas. Esto permite que Hacienda
millones de su presupuesto finanzas sanas permitirn no modifique las proyecciones macroeconmicas
[ MARCO CAMPILLO ] que no haya problemas para este ao y el prximo. Hay bases para una
[ CECILIA TLLEZ CORTS ] reconstruccin digna de ese nombre.


Jorge Kahwagi Gastine Jorge Kahwagi Macari

AO 22 N 7626 / $10.00

Aun hoy, coyotes ofrecen

falsas responsivas de obra Apostados afuera del Registro Pblico
de la Propiedad venden dictmenes,
AS ENTRENAN sin que se revisen las construcciones
LOS SUCESORES cedimientos abreviados. Lo mismo

e presenta a s mismo co- para un inmueble destinado a de-

DE FRIDA mo gestor, pero es lo que to-

dos llamamos un coyote, y
como tal est a la espera de clien-
partamentos que para una escuela
privada que requiere su certificado.
Crnica contacta y ve actuar a
tela a las afueras del Registro P- un gestor que en menos de 24 ho-
Cadetes de Marina blico de la Propiedad. A esas ofi- ras promete tener todo listo. Na-
cinas, propietarios de inmuebles da de supervisiones u otros proce-
de cuatro patas. Los acuden a regularizar sus papeles sos tortuosos (que estn destina-
veteranos dan la ahora que el terremoto les ha re- dos a garantizar la seguridad de
cordado lo importante que es te- las construcciones). El gestor-co-
bienvenida a cachorros ner todo en regla. yote se mueve rpido, lleva consigo
que se preparan para Tambin pasan por all quienes responsivas firmadas y sin firmar.
las tareas de rescate desean construir con todos los re- Es el camino corto, aunque (recor-
quisitos, aunque algunos de ellos demos el 7 y 19 de septiembre) no
Al sonar la trompeta puedan obtenerse mediante pro- forzosamente el ms seguro. .10
en el cuartel, las cras
belgas comienzan Acuerdan estados y CDMX 54 sitios para
a desarrollar sus confinar escombros de los terremotos
habilidades con juegos


INEGI: hay 376 mil 588 establecimientos
econmicos afectados por los sismos


en Nueva York, movilizacin
Los ngeles y otras estudiantil;
ciudades santuario; eel 68 explicado EDGARDO BERMEJO TRES
498 migrantes a los
indocumentados, por el exdirigente ARTURO MAXIMILIANO GARCA 8
detenidos Gilberto Guevara CSAR GONZLEZ MADRUGA 12
de predios
ayer, en la co-

La Unin Popular Revolucionaria Emiliano Zapata tiene invadido desde hace meses el nmero 18 de la calle
Roma, en la colonia Jurez; hasta instal ah su propio centro de acopio de vveres, cobijas... pg. 3

SBADO 30 de septiembre DOMINGO 1 de octubre de 2017

Nueva poca Ao 9 Nmero 2595
De fin de semana
PRECIO $7.00

En Tlalpan, el
historias, Cuentos perros:
tres narraciones breves de
Rbsamen operaba
con uso de suelo...
Mario Bellatin, Alicia Garca
Bergua y Eusebio Ruvalca-
ba, encabezan el dosier de
esta entrega. La cercana
afectiva de los galgos con

de Iztapalapa
la raza humana a propsito
del papel de stos en las
jornadas de recuperacin de
cuerpos con vida entre los
escombros de los derrumbes
provocados por el sismo del
Por Carlos Jimnez PGJ indaga desde enero En medio del luto
pasado 19 de septiembre. LA DUEA del colegio ya pide colegiaturas
Se complementa con CDMX. donde murieron 19 nios y MNICA GARCA, propietaria del
Rbsamen, dijo a padres de familia
Zona cero, crnica de Adrin 7 adultos tras el sismo, dio que busca un edificio para retomar
Romn, quien aborda las clases; hasta les anunci que estaban
datos de un predio de Santa a la venta los nuevos uniformes para
secuelas del fatdico martes
en un recuento de acciones
Martha Acatitla para tener Prrafo en el que se aclara que la in-
sus hijos; recuper estas prendas de
entre los escombros cuando an con-
de cmo los metropolitanos la certificacin pg.8 formacin del Rbsamen corresponde
a un predio en Santa Martha Acatitla. tinuaban labores de rescate. pg. 8
afrontaron la catstrofe.
Y ms
[Suplemento de La Razn
en pginas centrales] Naciones
e imperios
Por Rafael Rojas
EL DEBATE sobre Catalua
ha puesto a circular en la
esfera pblica global el viejo
relato del nacionalismo
cataln, que se resume en

la idea de que esa nacin


es y ha sido en virtud de

su oposicin al imperio

espaol. En qu pas EL MANDATARIO (izq.)

i As


con el presidente de la

americano es hegemnico

Concamin, ayer.
un relato similar? En Cuba. El

nacionalismo cubano del XX,




el fidelista, hizo otro tanto,

integrndose al bloque
sovitico para defenderse de
la hostilidad de EU. pg. 4 EL PRESIDENTE asegura que sismos evidenciaron la vulnerabilidad del pas ante
desastres naturales; destaca creacin de zonas econmicas para el sureste. pg. 10

Sale Tamaulipas del top 10 de estados ms violentos: Cabeza de Vaca pg. 6

01LROK.indd 2 29/09/17 23:46


Son auxiliares del gobierno, pero los despiden si reportan fallas Procuradura
capitalina cita

Seduvi: paga la IP a la duea del

Definir si hubo omisin de
autoridades, encargados de

a supervisores de
obra o particulares, pide TJA

atribuir matiz

sus construcciones
Niega que haya laxitud en la seleccin y certificacin de esos especialistas
electoral a la
No se requerir contratar
ms deuda ni cambiar la
poltica fiscal, afirma Meade
En CDMX slo hay 100 expertos en seguridad estructural: Felipe Gutirrez
Como patrn, la empresa es corresponsable si hay anomalas en inmuebles
Demanda Pea
a industriales
Sube a 358 cifra de muertos del da 19; en CDMX, 217 unirse a tarea de
levantar a Mxico
Hay finanzas sanas y
mecanismos para solventar
gran parte del gasto, seala

Suspendieron actividades
cuatro de cada 10 negocios
en estados afectados: Inegi

Acuerdan padres
no regresar a
clases en la
Dudan de la seguridad en
escuelas; exigen peritaje de
los edificos colindantes

Entrega la SEP gua a

maestros para fomentar el
autocuidado entre alumnos

7.5 millones de estudiantes

Continan las labores de bsqueda y rescate de vctimas del sismo ocurrido el 19 de septiembre, cuya cifra de muertos aument a 358, de los cuales 217 an no retoman actividades
corresponden a la capital del pas, inform la Secretara de Gobernacin. Precis que an hay 5 mil damnificados en los 84 refugios temporales instalados
en las entidades afectadas. En la imagen, edificio de avenida Pacfico 455, el cual sufri severos daos. Autoridades de Coyoacn aseguran que se puede
acadmicas, informa Nuo
reparar, pero los vecinos dudan del dictamen y exigen ms revisiones a la estructura Foto Carlos Ramos Mamahua
CMYK Nxxx,2017-09-30,A,001,Bs-4C,E2

Late Edition
Today, clouds and sunshine, show-
ers around, breezy, high 66. Tonight,
clear, low 50. Tomorrow, sunshine,
seasonal conditions, high 70.
Weather map appears on Page C8.

VOL. CLXVII . . . No. 57,736 2017 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 $2.50

Health Secretary Resigns

Over Chartered Jet Flights
Price, Out of Favor Since Health Law Bid
Failed, Had Offered Partial Payment
This article is by Peter Baker, dent was already on the defensive
Glenn Thrush and Maggie Ha- with his base, as the incumbent
berman. mainstream Republican senator
WASHINGTON Tom Price, he backed in an Alabama primary
the health and human services race lost to an insurgent channel-
secretary, resigned under pres- ing Mr. Trumps election move-
sure on Friday after racking up at ment.
least $400,000 in travel bills for Its hard to see how a cabinet
chartered flights and undermin- secretary can drain the swamp
ing President Trumps promise to from 42,000 feet in the plush inte-
drain the swamp of a corrupt and rior of a taxpayer-funded Gulf-
entitled capital. stream 4, said Laura Ingraham, a
Already in trouble with Mr. conservative talk show host and
Trump for months of unsuccessful Trump supporter who, like others,
efforts to repeal and replace Pres- defied the president by backing
ident Barack Obamas health care Roy Moore, the insurgent Senate
program, Mr. Price failed to de- candidate who won in Alabama.
fuse the presidents anger by of- Mr. Trump berated Mr. Price in
fering regret and a partial reim- the Oval Office on Friday after-
bursement. His departure was the noon for about two hours before
latest from an administration buf- heading out to meet with report-
feted by turbulence at the top, and ers, according to people informed
capped a week of setbacks for the about the meeting. All cabinet
president. travel requests now must be
Im not happy, O.K.? Mr. cleared by the White House, they
Carmen Ortiz, left, waited in line at a bank in Fajardo, P.R., on Friday to withdraw money to pay her brothers medical bills. Trump told reporters who asked said.
about Mr. Price as the president The White Houses announce-
prepared to leave for his New Jer- ment of Mr. Prices departure was
sey golf club for the weekend, sparse, with none of the custom-

SLOW PACE OF AID U.S. Pares Embassy in Cuba Over Mystery Attack barely an hour before the resigna-
tion was announced. I can tell
you, Im not happy. He called Mr.
Continued on Page A16

advisory that Americans should

RILES PUERTO RICO 21 Diplomats Fall Ill in
not travel to Cuba. Because some
of the attacks occurred in hotels
Price a very good man but add-
ed that the secretarys offer to pay
back the government for just part
WASHINGTON It started as Havana, Prompting where State Department employ-
ees were staying, officials said
of the cost of the private flights
would be unacceptable.
a medical mystery. It then was de-
Washington Is Scorned termined to have been the result
Staff Evacuations they worried that tourists and oth- Mr. Price ran afoul of one of the
ers could be affected. presidents most consequential
for Rosy Appraisal of a mysterious attack. And on Fri- The Cuban government re- campaign pledges. While some of
day, the illness that has affected 21 sponded with dismay while prom- Mr. Trumps advisers privately
diplomats at the American Em- blame Cuba, and officials held out ising to continue to cooperate in make light of his vow to drain the
This article is by Richard Fausset, bassy in Havana, with symptoms the possibility that a third party the investigation, calling Fridays swamp of Washington privilege,
Michael D. Shear, Ron Nixon and including hearing loss and cogni- might have been responsible. decision hasty and one that to many of his voters, it was a

Frances Robles. tive difficulties, threatened the fu- Cuba has told us it will continue will affect the bilateral relations. threshold promise. The firestorm Secretary Tom Price had run
SAN JUAN, P.R. In the ture of Cuban-American relations. to investigate these attacks, and While there is no evidence that over Mr. Price came as the presi- up $400,000 in travel bills.
storm-battered neighborhood of With no guarantee that the Cu- we will continue to cooperate with tourists or hotel employees have
Barriada Figueroa on Friday, ban government could protect them in this effort, Mr. Tillerson been affected, the governments
neighbors greeted visitors with a American diplomats, the State said. travel warning could cripple Cu-
now-familiar question, one that
was inevitably followed by a dis-
Department announced that it
was withdrawing all nonessential
But the Trump administration,
which has already expelled two
bas burgeoning tourism industry
if tour operators, hotel and cruise An Eerie Calm Budget Outline
appointing answer: Are you personnel from the embassy. Cuban diplomats over the ill- line companies or their insurers
FEMA? In a statement, Secretary of
State Rex W. Tillerson repeated
nesses, is considering further re-
taliatory steps, according to con-
decide that their employees and
customers could be at risk.
Before Catalans Shields Tax Cuts
Hurricane Maria had ripped
walls and metal roofs from the
brightly colored homes in this
the American assertion that the
embassy personnel were deliber-
gressional staff members briefed
by administration officials. And
Right now, the most important
constituency of determining the Vote on Liberty From Filibuster
working-class neighborhood in ately targeted. But he did not the State Department issued an Continued on Page A7
central San Juan. Nine days after By ELLEN BARRY By THOMAS KAPLAN
the storm hit, putrid water still lay and ALAN RAPPEPORT
stagnant in the streets. TERRASSA, Spain Jordi
Juanico Sabat, a 6-foot-8 giant of WASHINGTON The Senate
Aida Perez, 73, gave a tour of
her house, pointing to the holes in
her roof and ceiling. She said she
In Grim Camps, Desperate Scene for Rohingya a man, folded himself into a cafe
chair in this Catalan city and fixed
Budget Committee unveiled a 2018
budget blueprint on Friday that
could use a tarp. And food. And his eyes at a point on the horizon. would open the door for a $1.5 tril-
money. But no federal officials had He was thinking about Sunday, lion tax cut, even as an independ-
been spotted yet. when Catalan leaders have sched- ent analysis concluded that the
BALUKHALI, Bangladesh uled a vote on separating from plan as offered would far exceed
After Georges, FEMA came, Up to their ankles in mud, hun-
the Red Cross came, and they Spain. Vast numbers of Catalans that price tag and overwhelm-
dreds of Rohingya refugees are hurtling toward a confronta- ingly benefit corporations and the
came rapidly, she said, referring
fought to the front of the crowd tion: Spanish security forces have rich.
to Hurricane Georges, the 1998
outside of their makeshift camp. been moved into the region on The budget resolution could
storm that caused extreme dam-
An open-bed truck full of Bangla- cruise ships, under orders to halt also pave the way to opening the
age here, and the Federal Emer-
deshi volunteers was passing by, the vote by force. But Mr. Juanico, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in
gency Management Agency.
tossing out donated goods at ran- 59, a counselor in a psychiatric Alaska to oil drilling, a hot-button
The slow pace of the federal re-
dom: small bags of rice, a faded hospital, shrugged off the threat of Republican proposal that has lan-
sponse to Hurricane Maria and
SpongeBob SquarePants T-shirt, violence as if it were a detail. He guished for decades.
the upbeat portrayal of the re-
a cluster of dirty forks. looked serene, almost blissful. Passing a budget resolution
sponse by federal officials, includ-
ing President Trump threat- Entire families sloshed through All my life, I had the dream of would be a critical step for Presi-
ened this week to become an em- the rain hoping to grab whatever dying in an independent country, dent Trump and Republican law-
barrassment and political liability they could. One boy, no older than he said. It was a dream that used makers in moving forward with
for the administration as it scram- 6, squeezed his way to an opening to seem very remote. But now it is their plan to overhaul the tax
bled to confront a natural disaster where a pair of oversize mens very near. code. The parliamentary lan-
that has overwhelmed this island, jeans came hurtling off a truck. He In an age of fragmentation, the guage in the resolution would al-
and presented breathtaking logis- had to fight off an older boy before Catalan referendum stands apart. low Republicans to pass tax cuts
tical challenges. he could run off with the prize. Unlike the Kurds, who voted over- that cost as much as $1.5 trillion
There were already more than In a camp in southern Bangladesh where resources are scarce, a whelmingly this week to separate over the next decade with only 50
On Friday evening, Mr. Trump Rohingya man and his family were building a tent this week.
again repeatedly praised his gov- 200,000 ethnic Rohingya mi- from Iraq, Catalans, who live in an votes in the Senate, not the 60
ernments response to the Puerto grants stuck in camps like this autonomous region in Spains needed to overcome a filibuster.
one, Balukhali, in southern Bang- As international leaders squab- boo and tarp stacks. When I vis- northeast, are not driven by an ex- Republican leaders concede that
Continued on Page A14 ternal threat or oppression. They without a budget, there will be no
ladesh. But over the past month, ble over whether to punish Myan- ited, children were wandering in
at least 500,000 more more than mar for the militarys methodical the mud looking for food and live well, in the prosperous heart tax cut.
half of the Rohingya population killing and uprooting of Rohingya of Europe. Their grievances are But the analysis released on
clothes. There are worries about
In New York, Its Personal thought to have been living in civilians, the recent arrivals are old and bone-deep, reawakened Friday by the nonpartisan Tax
cholera and tuberculosis. With no
An outpouring of relief efforts in Myanmar are reported to have living in abjectly desperate condi- by political movements, both in Policy Center could change the
toilets, whats left of the forest has
New York reflects a decades-long fled over the border to take refuge, tions. Catalonia and in Madrid, magni- politics of tax cutting and make
become a vast, improvised bath- fied by partisan news media on even 50 votes a struggle in a Sen-
bond between the city and the surpassing even the worst month This is not so much a defined
commonwealth. Page A19. of the Syrian wars refugee tide. camp as a dense collection of bam- Continued on Page A11 Continued on Page A12 Continued on Page A18


A Teacher Vanishes Again Doom Is So Last Season

In 2008, Hannah Upp disappeared in Hope is a good look at Rick Owens and
New York and was found in a fugue Loewe; Balmain comes full circle. Hap-
state. Now she is missing in the hurri- piness is starting to be something of a
cane-blasted Virgin Islands. PAGE A21 theme at Paris Fashion Week.


Iraq Cancels Some Flights Making a Wise College Choice

A protest, above, at the airport in Erbil, Payback, an interactive game, walks
Iraq, condemned a ban on international students through choosing a college
flights as Baghdad reacted to a Kurdish and tracking the debt they run up to
pro-independence referendum. PAGE A8 pay for it, Ron Lieber writes. PAGE B1

Building Super Corals SPORTSSATURDAY D1-6 ARTS C1-7

As reefs die off, researchers want to
breed the worlds hardiest corals in North Korean Skaters Qualify An Intellectuals Rock-Star Rise
laboratories and return them to the sea Two figure skaters earned places for Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehisi
to multiply. The effort raises scientific the Winter Olympics in South Korea Coatess treatise on black male life in
and ethical questions. PAGE A6 next year, bolstering hopes that North America, catapulted him to prominence.
Korea might participate. PAGE D1 He discusses his new book. PAGE C1

Long Before He Was Papa
Hurricane Irma prompted fears for an
Bret Stephens PAGE A23

archive of works by Ernest Hemingway

in Key West, Fla., including a newly
found short story he wrote at age 10. All
are safe. PAGE A13
CMYK Nxxx,2017-09-30,A,001,Bs-4C,E2

Late Edition
Today, clouds and sunshine, show-
ers around, breezy, high 66. Tonight,
clear, low 50. Tomorrow, sunshine,
seasonal conditions, high 70.
Weather map appears on Page C8.

VOL. CLXVII . . . No. 57,736 2017 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 $2.50

Health Secretary Resigns

Over Chartered Jet Flights
Price, Out of Favor Since Health Law Bid
Failed, Had Offered Partial Payment
This article is by Peter Baker, dent was already on the defensive
Glenn Thrush and Maggie Ha- with his base, as the incumbent
berman. mainstream Republican senator
WASHINGTON Tom Price, he backed in an Alabama primary
the health and human services race lost to an insurgent channel-
secretary, resigned under pres- ing Mr. Trumps election move-
sure on Friday after racking up at ment.
least $400,000 in travel bills for Its hard to see how a cabinet
chartered flights and undermin- secretary can drain the swamp
ing President Trumps promise to from 42,000 feet in the plush inte-
drain the swamp of a corrupt and rior of a taxpayer-funded Gulf-
entitled capital. stream 4, said Laura Ingraham, a
Already in trouble with Mr. conservative talk show host and
Trump for months of unsuccessful Trump supporter who, like others,
efforts to repeal and replace Pres- defied the president by backing
ident Barack Obamas health care Roy Moore, the insurgent Senate
program, Mr. Price failed to de- candidate who won in Alabama.
fuse the presidents anger by of- Mr. Trump berated Mr. Price in
fering regret and a partial reim- the Oval Office on Friday after-
bursement. His departure was the noon for about two hours before
latest from an administration buf- heading out to meet with report-
feted by turbulence at the top, and ers, according to people informed
capped a week of setbacks for the about the meeting. All cabinet
president. travel requests now must be
Im not happy, O.K.? Mr. cleared by the White House, they
Carmen Ortiz, left, waited in line at a bank in Fajardo, P.R., on Friday to withdraw money to pay her brothers medical bills. Trump told reporters who asked said.
about Mr. Price as the president The White Houses announce-
prepared to leave for his New Jer- ment of Mr. Prices departure was
sey golf club for the weekend, sparse, with none of the custom-

SLOW PACE OF AID U.S. Pares Embassy in Cuba Over Mystery Attack barely an hour before the resigna-
tion was announced. I can tell
you, Im not happy. He called Mr.
Continued on Page A16

advisory that Americans should

RILES PUERTO RICO 21 Diplomats Fall Ill in
not travel to Cuba. Because some
of the attacks occurred in hotels
Price a very good man but add-
ed that the secretarys offer to pay
back the government for just part
WASHINGTON It started as Havana, Prompting where State Department employ-
ees were staying, officials said
of the cost of the private flights
would be unacceptable.
a medical mystery. It then was de-
Washington Is Scorned termined to have been the result
Staff Evacuations they worried that tourists and oth- Mr. Price ran afoul of one of the
ers could be affected. presidents most consequential
for Rosy Appraisal of a mysterious attack. And on Fri- The Cuban government re- campaign pledges. While some of
day, the illness that has affected 21 sponded with dismay while prom- Mr. Trumps advisers privately
diplomats at the American Em- blame Cuba, and officials held out ising to continue to cooperate in make light of his vow to drain the
This article is by Richard Fausset, bassy in Havana, with symptoms the possibility that a third party the investigation, calling Fridays swamp of Washington privilege,
Michael D. Shear, Ron Nixon and including hearing loss and cogni- might have been responsible. decision hasty and one that to many of his voters, it was a

Frances Robles. tive difficulties, threatened the fu- Cuba has told us it will continue will affect the bilateral relations. threshold promise. The firestorm Secretary Tom Price had run
SAN JUAN, P.R. In the ture of Cuban-American relations. to investigate these attacks, and While there is no evidence that over Mr. Price came as the presi- up $400,000 in travel bills.
storm-battered neighborhood of With no guarantee that the Cu- we will continue to cooperate with tourists or hotel employees have
Barriada Figueroa on Friday, ban government could protect them in this effort, Mr. Tillerson been affected, the governments
neighbors greeted visitors with a American diplomats, the State said. travel warning could cripple Cu-
now-familiar question, one that
was inevitably followed by a dis-
Department announced that it
was withdrawing all nonessential
But the Trump administration,
which has already expelled two
bas burgeoning tourism industry
if tour operators, hotel and cruise An Eerie Calm Budget Outline
appointing answer: Are you personnel from the embassy. Cuban diplomats over the ill- line companies or their insurers
FEMA? In a statement, Secretary of
State Rex W. Tillerson repeated
nesses, is considering further re-
taliatory steps, according to con-
decide that their employees and
customers could be at risk.
Before Catalans Shields Tax Cuts
Hurricane Maria had ripped
walls and metal roofs from the
brightly colored homes in this
the American assertion that the
embassy personnel were deliber-
gressional staff members briefed
by administration officials. And
Right now, the most important
constituency of determining the Vote on Liberty From Filibuster
working-class neighborhood in ately targeted. But he did not the State Department issued an Continued on Page A7
central San Juan. Nine days after By ELLEN BARRY By THOMAS KAPLAN
the storm hit, putrid water still lay and ALAN RAPPEPORT
stagnant in the streets. TERRASSA, Spain Jordi
Juanico Sabat, a 6-foot-8 giant of WASHINGTON The Senate
Aida Perez, 73, gave a tour of
her house, pointing to the holes in
her roof and ceiling. She said she
In Grim Camps, Desperate Scene for Rohingya a man, folded himself into a cafe
chair in this Catalan city and fixed
Budget Committee unveiled a 2018
budget blueprint on Friday that
could use a tarp. And food. And his eyes at a point on the horizon. would open the door for a $1.5 tril-
money. But no federal officials had He was thinking about Sunday, lion tax cut, even as an independ-
been spotted yet. when Catalan leaders have sched- ent analysis concluded that the
BALUKHALI, Bangladesh uled a vote on separating from plan as offered would far exceed
After Georges, FEMA came, Up to their ankles in mud, hun-
the Red Cross came, and they Spain. Vast numbers of Catalans that price tag and overwhelm-
dreds of Rohingya refugees are hurtling toward a confronta- ingly benefit corporations and the
came rapidly, she said, referring
fought to the front of the crowd tion: Spanish security forces have rich.
to Hurricane Georges, the 1998
outside of their makeshift camp. been moved into the region on The budget resolution could
storm that caused extreme dam-
An open-bed truck full of Bangla- cruise ships, under orders to halt also pave the way to opening the
age here, and the Federal Emer-
deshi volunteers was passing by, the vote by force. But Mr. Juanico, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in
gency Management Agency.
tossing out donated goods at ran- 59, a counselor in a psychiatric Alaska to oil drilling, a hot-button
The slow pace of the federal re-
dom: small bags of rice, a faded hospital, shrugged off the threat of Republican proposal that has lan-
sponse to Hurricane Maria and
SpongeBob SquarePants T-shirt, violence as if it were a detail. He guished for decades.
the upbeat portrayal of the re-
a cluster of dirty forks. looked serene, almost blissful. Passing a budget resolution
sponse by federal officials, includ-
ing President Trump threat- Entire families sloshed through All my life, I had the dream of would be a critical step for Presi-
ened this week to become an em- the rain hoping to grab whatever dying in an independent country, dent Trump and Republican law-
barrassment and political liability they could. One boy, no older than he said. It was a dream that used makers in moving forward with
for the administration as it scram- 6, squeezed his way to an opening to seem very remote. But now it is their plan to overhaul the tax
bled to confront a natural disaster where a pair of oversize mens very near. code. The parliamentary lan-
that has overwhelmed this island, jeans came hurtling off a truck. He In an age of fragmentation, the guage in the resolution would al-
and presented breathtaking logis- had to fight off an older boy before Catalan referendum stands apart. low Republicans to pass tax cuts
tical challenges. he could run off with the prize. Unlike the Kurds, who voted over- that cost as much as $1.5 trillion
There were already more than In a camp in southern Bangladesh where resources are scarce, a whelmingly this week to separate over the next decade with only 50
On Friday evening, Mr. Trump Rohingya man and his family were building a tent this week.
again repeatedly praised his gov- 200,000 ethnic Rohingya mi- from Iraq, Catalans, who live in an votes in the Senate, not the 60
ernments response to the Puerto grants stuck in camps like this autonomous region in Spains needed to overcome a filibuster.
one, Balukhali, in southern Bang- As international leaders squab- boo and tarp stacks. When I vis- northeast, are not driven by an ex- Republican leaders concede that
Continued on Page A14 ternal threat or oppression. They without a budget, there will be no
ladesh. But over the past month, ble over whether to punish Myan- ited, children were wandering in
at least 500,000 more more than mar for the militarys methodical the mud looking for food and live well, in the prosperous heart tax cut.
half of the Rohingya population killing and uprooting of Rohingya of Europe. Their grievances are But the analysis released on
clothes. There are worries about
In New York, Its Personal thought to have been living in civilians, the recent arrivals are old and bone-deep, reawakened Friday by the nonpartisan Tax
cholera and tuberculosis. With no
An outpouring of relief efforts in Myanmar are reported to have living in abjectly desperate condi- by political movements, both in Policy Center could change the
toilets, whats left of the forest has
New York reflects a decades-long fled over the border to take refuge, tions. Catalonia and in Madrid, magni- politics of tax cutting and make
become a vast, improvised bath- fied by partisan news media on even 50 votes a struggle in a Sen-
bond between the city and the surpassing even the worst month This is not so much a defined
commonwealth. Page A19. of the Syrian wars refugee tide. camp as a dense collection of bam- Continued on Page A11 Continued on Page A12 Continued on Page A18


A Teacher Vanishes Again Doom Is So Last Season

In 2008, Hannah Upp disappeared in Hope is a good look at Rick Owens and
New York and was found in a fugue Loewe; Balmain comes full circle. Hap-
state. Now she is missing in the hurri- piness is starting to be something of a
cane-blasted Virgin Islands. PAGE A21 theme at Paris Fashion Week.


Iraq Cancels Some Flights Making a Wise College Choice

A protest, above, at the airport in Erbil, Payback, an interactive game, walks
Iraq, condemned a ban on international students through choosing a college
flights as Baghdad reacted to a Kurdish and tracking the debt they run up to
pro-independence referendum. PAGE A8 pay for it, Ron Lieber writes. PAGE B1

Building Super Corals SPORTSSATURDAY D1-6 ARTS C1-7

As reefs die off, researchers want to
breed the worlds hardiest corals in North Korean Skaters Qualify An Intellectuals Rock-Star Rise
laboratories and return them to the sea Two figure skaters earned places for Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehisi
to multiply. The effort raises scientific the Winter Olympics in South Korea Coatess treatise on black male life in
and ethical questions. PAGE A6 next year, bolstering hopes that North America, catapulted him to prominence.
Korea might participate. PAGE D1 He discusses his new book. PAGE C1

Long Before He Was Papa
Hurricane Irma prompted fears for an
Bret Stephens PAGE A23

archive of works by Ernest Hemingway

in Key West, Fla., including a newly
found short story he wrote at age 10. All
are safe. PAGE A13

of Health
Price quits
under fire
His $900,000 travel
bill drew most flak,
but other top aides
also took costly flights
at taxpayers expense.
By Cathleen Decker

Health and Human Services
Secretary Tom Price re-
signed Friday in the midst of
Matt Pearce Los Angeles Times an expanding controversy Drew Angerer Getty Images
THE EVACUATION of Cypress Glen and another nursing center in Port Arthur, Texas, didnt occur until over charging taxpayers TOM PRICES travel
flooding by Hurricane Harvey. The facilities owner is under investigation on suspicion of elder abuse. hundreds of thousands of spending left President
dollars for flights on private Trump disappointed.
air charters.

The scuffle before His departure was an-

nounced in a terse state-
ment by the White House.
Secretary of Health and
Human Services Thomas
Price offered his resignation
earlier today and the Presi-
to board a flight to New Jer-
sey, where he planned to
spend the weekend at his
golf resort.
Until Friday, Price had
been resisting Democratic
calls for his departure Re-

frantic evacuation dent accepted, the state-

ment said.
The announcement
came just after Trump for
the third time indicated his
displeasure with the cost of
Prices flights and the
publicans were mostly mute
following a series of Poli-
tico stories reporting he had
spent more than $400,000 on
private domestic travel in re-
cent months.
He spent an additional
Desperate nursing home rescue sparks criminal probe spreading criticism of them,
in response to reporters ask-
half-million dollars on mili-
tary aircraft for events in Eu-
ing whether he would fire his rope, Africa and Asia. One
neer who had hurricane relief experi- Two nursing homes with 184 residents Health secretary. trip to Nashville, where Price
By Matt Pearce ence with the Louisiana Air National were flooded with nearly a foot of wa- Hes a good man, but Im made two brief appearances
Guard, had borrowed a friends boat ter. Even deeper waters surrounded disappointed in him, and had lunch with his son,
PORT ARTHUR, Texas The and come to help. He made his way in- the facilities. Trump told them at Joint cost $17,760 round-trip, Poli-
front doors to the Lake Arthur Place side and tracked down the nursing And at the moment, the only rescu- Base Andrews outside tico said. Seats on similarly
nursing home were locked when Ben homes administrator, Jeff Rosetta. ers in sight were a ragtag band of vol- Washington, as he prepared [See Price, A9]
Husser and his team of volunteer res- Husser was with the Cajun Navy, he unteers on fishing boats.
cuers arrived on boats. He knocked, told Rosetta, and ready to evacuate You dont understand; I cant give
and when somebody cracked open the the patients. Empty boats were wait- these people to you, Rosetta said, ac-
entrance, he pushed his way in. ing. cording to Husser. I can only give
The hallways smelled like feces. An
old woman in a wheelchair was trem-
bling, her feet dangling in nearly 12
inches of floodwater from Tropical
What unfolded next was one of the
most surreal scenes in Harveys al-
ready extraordinary assault on Texas.
In the coastal refinery city of Port
[See Evacuation, A10]

San Juan mayor decries

U.S. reduces
staff in Cuba
Storm Harvey. Arthur, the storm which originally
Whats going on here? Husser hit Texas as a Category 4 hurricane
Puerto Rico aid effort
asked a nurse. Why is she shaking? Is overwhelmed emergency responders Trump administration defends
she cold? with 26 inches of rain in a single day, its hurricane response. NATION A6
Husser, a 45-year-old audio engi- more than double the previous record.

after attacks
Mayors Mystery ailment from
officials said.
The State Department
issued an advisory for

travels an unknown source

prompts the order.
Americans not to visit Cuba,
although no tourists or
other travelers have been af-

raising By Brian Bennett

fected by the still-unex-
plained attacks. The em-
bassy, an iconic building on
Havanas waterfront, also

eyebrows State Department said Fri-

day it had ordered more
than half the U.S. Embassy
will suspend processing U.S.
visa applications.
Secretary of State Rex

in L.A. staff and all diplomatic fam-

ily members to leave Cuba
because of a mysterious se-
ries of what it called specific
Tillerson said he had de-
cided to trim staff and warn
Americans in response to
what he called attacks of an
attacks that have caused unknown nature. He em-
myriad health problems to phasized that the moves
By Dakota Smith 21 U.S. diplomats. were intended to ensure the
Only those who carry out health and safety of embassy
One day after securing the main U.S. diplomatic personnel, not to punish
the 2028 Olympics in Peru and consular duties, includ- Cuba.
this month, Mayor Eric ing providing emergency as- Until the Government of
Garcetti greeted reporters sistance to American trav- Cuba can ensure the safety
on a noisy tarmac at Los An- Alexander Zemlianichenko Associated Press elers in Cuba, will stay at of our diplomats in Cuba,
geles International Airport. A RUSSIAN Orthodox protester holds a sign reading Stop Matilda at a rally the embassy in Havana, [See Cuba, A5]
It was an appropriate set- against the upcoming film. Some protesters have turned to arson and violence.
ting for Garcetti, whose trav-

In Russia, a movie about

els have taken him to At-
lanta, Phoenix, Boston, Chi-
cago, Las Vegas and Berlin, C O M I NG S U N DAY
among other places, in the
last year.
The mayor has logged 112
days, or nearly one-third of
his time, away from Califor-
nia over the last 12 months,
czars affair ignites fury DIRTY
according to his public cal-
endar. sky Theatre. The films offi- gious radical group called
In August alone, he was Sex scenes involving cial release is Oct. 26, but the Christian State-Holy
out of state for 19 days, trav- erotic scenes shown in Rus wrote letters in January
els that included vacation- canonized Nicholas II trailers have enraged reli- to movie theaters across the
ing in the Berkshires, meet-
ing with firefighter union
enrage religious right. gious conservatives in Rus-
sia, who call the film blas-
country threatening to burn
them down if they screened
leaders in Boston and phemous for depicting Matilda.
hobnobbing with billionaire By Sabra Ayres Nicholas in love scenes with A series of arson attacks A six-part series told in print,
Ron Perelman in the Hamp- the teenage ballerina. followed. In August, a Molo- online and by podcast.
tons. ST. PETERSBURG The movies storyline has tov cocktail was tossed into
Prior to that, he wooed Alexei Uchitel sits in the ele- sparked a debate in Russia the film studio where Uchitel
the International Olympic gant lobby cafe of the his- between those who support works in St. Petersburg. A
Committee in Switzerland, toric Hotel Astoria in St. Pe- a conservative lawmakers few weeks later, cars parked
talked transportation with tersburg and answers an call for a ban of the film on on the Moscow street in
U.S. senators in Washington endless stream of phone grounds it insults the faith- front of Uchitels lawyers of-
and met with mayors in calls about his new film, ful, and those who believe fice were torched. Leaflets Military school Weather
Mexico City to discuss cli- Matilda. the Kremlins support for a reading Burn for Matilda denounces racism L.A. Basin: 83/63. B8
mate change. The film depicts the true revival of religious beliefs were left scattered at the Leader of the Air Force
Reelected in March with story of a love affair between and the promotion of tradi- scene. Academy delivers stern
81% of the vote, Garcetti has the future Czar Nicholas II tional values is stifling mod- In Yekaterinburg on the speech after slurs were
refused to commit to serving and a young ballerina, Ma- ern Russias creative class. edge of the Ural Mountains, directed at cadets. A8
his entire second term. As he tilda Kshesinskaya, in St. That debate turned vi- two men tried to drive a
[See Garcetti, A8] Petersburgs famed Mariin- olent this year, when a reli- [See Russia, A4]
The Washington Post

1 de 1 30/09/17 06:21

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