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Ing. Kristna Vincov, Technical University Koice

It is one of the key activities for any firm to monitor its efficiency. In our modern society,
there is a number of methods based either on the traditional approach or using IT. Efficiency
measurement methods can be divided into three main categories: ratio indicators, parametric
and nonparametric methods. In selecting indicators to gauge efficiency we focus primarily
on a firms inputs and outputs.

Ratios rank among the most simple methods. Their suming two error elements. In this approach, inefficien-
drawback is that they evaluate just a handful of indica- cy is assumed to have asymmetrical distribution, usual-
tors and cannot influence overall corporate efficiency. ly a half normal distribution and random error is expec-
As an example, we may cite income per unit of costs. ted to have standard symmetrical distribution. SFA
Nonparametric methods include Data Envelopment deals with the problem that not all deviations from cri-
Analyses (DEA) and the Free Disposal Hull (FDH). We teria are due to a lack of efficiency. They may also occur
use them to measure technical (technological) efficien- as a result of misfortune (fortune) or measurement er-
cy. Technical efficiency looks at the level of inputs or rors.
outputs. Being technically efficient means to minimise TFA compares the average efficiency of a group of
inputs at a given level of outputs, or maximise outputs firms, rather than trying to estimate efficiency thres-
at a given level of inputs. holds.
Parametric methods of efficiency measurement inclu- DFA relies on average variations of a cost function
de the Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA), Thick Fron- estimated on a data set to construct a cost efficiency th-
tier Approach (TFA) and Distribution Free Approach reshold. This method requires no specific form of distri-
(DFA). These methods measure economic efficiency. bution or average efficiency of each firm.
Economic efficiency is a broader term than technical ef- The objective of this paper is to suggest possible
ficiency. It covers an optimal choice of the level and ways for productive units to measure their efficiency. To
structure of inputs and outputs based on reactions to that end, a variety of analysis, synthesis and compari-
market prices. Being economically efficient means to son methods were used. The paper focuses on effici-
choose a certain volume and structure of inputs and ency measurement by means DEA models, which can
outputs in order to minimise cost or maximise profit. be broken up into certain subcategories. The DEA met-
Economic efficiency requires both technical efficiency hodology gives us a tool to estimate relative efficiency
and efficient allocation. While technical efficiency only of a chosen entity in a given group of units and criteria.
requires input and output data, economic efficiency re- The theory is demonstrated on a simple numerical and
quires price data as well. graphical example.
DEA is a nonparametric method. It is a linear pro-
gramming model, assuming no random mistakes, used 1. Productive unit efficiency
to measure technical efficiency. Efficient firms are those
that produce a certain amount of or more outputs while The measurement of efficiency in production units
spending a given amount of inputs, or use the same and the identification of sources of their inefficiency is
amount of or less inputs to produce a given amount of a precondition to improve the performance of any pro-
outputs, as compared with other firms in the test group. ductive unit in a competitive environment. Generally
FDH is another nonparametric and nonstochastic speaking, the term productive unit refers to a unit pro-
method, which can be seen as a generalised DEA ducing certain outputs by spending certain inputs.
model with variable returns to scale. This particular Banks, or bank branches, can be treated as produc-
model does not require the estimated efficiency boun-
dary to have a convex shape.
1 This paper was written as part of a grant project VEGA No.
The SFA econometric model presents a method as- 1/1266/04.

BIATEC, Volume XIII, 8/2005

tion units too. In general, they are homogeneous units subject to the condition that the efficiency rate of any
performing the same or similar activities. All inputs and other units in the population must not be greater than 1.
outputs have an impact on efficient operation of such The models must include all characteristics considered,
units, even though some are considered more or less i.e. the weights of all inputs and outputs must be grea-
important. ter than zero. Such a model is defined as a linear divi-
The most frequent method used to measure efficien- sive programming model:
cy is based on ratios. Their handicap is that they reflect
only a few of the factors having an impact on the ove- iuiyiq
maximize (1)
rall efficiency of a productive unit. jvjxjq
Say we have a population of n productive units
DMU1, DMU2, , DMUn. Each unit produces s outputs subject to 1 k = 1, 2, ..., n
while consuming m inputs. Let us write an input matrix
X = [xij, i = 1, 2, , m, j= 1, 2, , n] and an output mat- ui i = 1, 2, ..., s
rix Y = [yij, i = 1, 2, , s, j= 1, 2, , n]. The q-th line i.e. vj j = 1, 2, ..., m
Xq and Yq of these matrixes thus shows quantified in-
puts/outputs of unit DMUq. The efficiency rate of such This model can be converted into a linear program-
a unit can then be generally expressed as: ming model2 and transformed into a matrix:

s maximize z = uTYq (2)

weighted sum of outputs i=1
subject to vTXq = 1
weighted sum of inputs m uTY vTX 0
j=1 u
vj, j = 1, 2, , m, are weights assigned to j-th input,
ui, i = 1, 2, , s, are weights assigned to i-th output. Model (2) is often called primary CCR model (Char-
nes, Cooper, Rhodes). The dual model to this can be
There are several ways to estimate the efficiency rate stated as follows:
as defined above, namely multicriterial decision met- minimize = (eTs+ + eTs) (3)
hods and data envelopment analyses (DEA). These
approaches differ in how they obtain input and output subject to Y s+ = Yq
weights. X + s = Xq
Multicriterial decision methods usually expect the , s+, s 0
user to define the weights vj and ui upfront, i.e. the user
determines the significance of individual inputs and out- where = (1, 2, ..., n), 0 is a vector assigned to
puts in the analysis. Such an analysis yields the rate of individual productive units, s+ and s are vectors of ad-
utility of given units. It reflects the relative importance of dition input and output variables, eT = (1, 1, ..., 1) and
inputs and outputs represented by their respective we- is a constant3 greater than zero, which is normally pit-
ights. Based on this analysis units can be ranked from ched at 10-6 or 10-8. In evaluating the efficiency of unit
the worst to the best performer. DMUq, model (3) seeks a virtual unit characterised by
DEA models derive input and output weights by inputs X and outputs Y, which are a linear combinati-
means of an optimising calculation. Based on that, units on of inputs and outputs of other units of the population
can be classified into efficient and inefficient. In ineffici- and which are better that the inputs and outputs of unit
ent units, they tell us target values of inputs and outputs DMUq which is being evaluated. For inputs of the virtu-
which would lead to efficiency. al unit X Xq and for outputs Y Yq. Unit DMUq is
rated efficient if no virtual unit with requested traits
2. Basic DEA models

2.1 CCR and BCC models 2 The term linear programming consists of two words explaining the

In DEA models, we evaluate n productive units, substance of this particular branch of operational research. Pro-
gramming is a synonym for predicting future development. The
DMUs, where each DMU takes m different inputs to word linear means that all equations and inequalities used in the
produce s different outputs. The essence of DEA mo- model are linear (Jablonsk, 2002).
3 Economic reasoning: for any amount of output we must use at
dels in measuring the efficiency of productive unit
least a minimum quantity of every input. If any of the inputs equals
DMUq lies in maximising its efficiency rate. However, zero, the total output is zero as well.

BIATEC, Volume XIII, 8/2005


exists or if the virtual unit is identical with the unit eva- where * is the vector of optimal variable values.
luated, i.e. X = Xq and Y = Yq.
If unit DMU is CCR efficient, then: 2. by means of the efficiency rate and values of additi-
the value of variable is zero, onal variables s and s+:
the values of all additional variables s+ and s equal
zero. input-oriented CCR model:
Consequently, unit DMUq is CCR efficient if the opti- Xq = Xq s Yq = Yq + s+
mum value of the model (3) objective function equals output-oriented CCR model:
one. Otherwise, the unit is inefficient. The optimum Xq = Xq s Yq = Yq + s+
value of the objective function f* marks the efficiency
rate of the unit concerned. The lower the rate, the less where is the efficiency rate in the input-oriented
efficient the unit is compared to the rest of the popula- model and is the efficiency rate in the output-oriented
tion. In inefficient units is less than one. This value model.
shows the need for a proportional reduction of inputs for
unit DMUq to become efficient. The advantage of the 2.2 SBM and super SBM models
DEA model is that it advises how the unit evaluated Besides the basic models, certain modifications exist.
should mend its behaviour to reach efficiency. One of them, labelled the SBM model, was designed by
Models (2) and (3) are input-oriented they try to find Tonen (2001). This model serves as the basis for the
out how to improve the input characteristics of the unit definition of superefficiency. Efficiency is measured only
concerned for it to become efficient. There are output- by additional variables s+ and s. The model formula,
oriented models as well. Such a model could be written provided constant returns to scale, is:
as follows:
1 m
1 (si / xiq)
maximize g=+ (eTs+ + eTs) (4) m i=1
subject to Y s+ = Yq minimize p = (5)
1 r
X + s = Xq 1 + (si+ / yiq)
r i=1
, s+, s 0
subject to n
xijj + si = xiq i = 1, 2, ..., m
This model can be interpreted as follows: unit DMUq
is CCR efficient if the optimal value of the objective n
function in model (4) equals one, g* = 1. If the value of yijj si+ = yiq i = 1, 2, ..., r
the function is greater than one, the unit is inefficient.
j, si+, si 0
The variable indicates the need for increased output
to achieve efficiency. For the optimal solution to the
CCR model, the values of objective functions should be The variables s+ and s measure the distance of in-
inverted, i.e. f* = 1/g*. puts X and outputs Y of a virtual unit from those of the
Models (2), (3) and (4) assume constant returns to unit evaluated (Xq). The numerator and the denominator
scale.4 However, in efficiency analysis, variable returns of the objective function of model (5) measures the ave-
to scale can also be considered. In that case, models rage distance of inputs and outputs, respectively, from
(3) and (4) need to be rewritten to include a condition of the efficiency threshold.
convexity eT = 1. Afterwards, they are referred to as For variable returns to scale, condition eT = 1 only
BCC (Banker, Charnes, Cooper) models. needs to be appended to the formula. We can demon-
The aim of DEA analysis is not only to determine the strate that the SBM efficiency rate is always lower or
efficiency rate of the units reviewed, but in particular to equal to that of the input-oriented CCR model. This
find target values for inputs Xq and outputs Yq for an means that a unit rated as SBM efficient is CCR effici-
inefficient unit. After reaching these values, the unit ent at the same time.
would arrive at the threshold of efficiency. Target values In order to review efficient units, we can use superef-
are calculated: ficiency models. Unlike the CCR (BCC) model, they can
1. by means of productive unit vectors: also evaluate the efficiency rate of efficient units.
Xq = X* The super SBM model is based on the SBM model.
Yq = Y* After removing from the population unit DMUq which is
being evaluated, it seeks to find a virtual unit DMU* with

4 For instance, a double increase in inputs leading to a double inc- inputs X* and outputs Y* which will be SBM efficient
rease in outputs. after the removal. Apparently, inputs into unit DMU* will

BIATEC, Volume XIII, 8/2005

be higher or equal to those into the evaluated unit Table 1 Productive unit efficiency rate, CCR and BCC
DMUq and all outputs will be lower or equal to those of models
DMUq. The superefficiency rate is defined as the di- Efficiency rate
stance between the inputs and outputs of both units DMU CCR CCR BCC
DMU* and DMUq. The distance is shown in variable . input-oriented output-oriented input-oriented
The super SBM model can then be written as follows: 1 0.5 2.0 1.0
2 1.0 1.0 1.0
3 1.0 1.0 1.0
1 m 4 0.625 1.6 0.625
(xi* / xiq)
m i=1 5 0.5833 1.7143 1.0
minimize = (6)
1 r Source: own calculations.
(yi* / yiq)
r i=1
ficient. In this case, the efficiency boundary is a straight
subject to n line cutting through DMU(2) and DMU(3). All other units
xijj + si = xiq i = 1, 2, ..., m
j=1, q are inefficient, i.e. they fall short of the efficiency curve.
Note that the DEA model allows us to determine how
yijj si+ = yiq i = 1, 2, ..., r a productive unit should change its behaviour to beco-
j=1, q
me efficient and rise to the efficiency curve. The input-
xi* xiq i = 1, 2, ..., m oriented CCR model suggests that for a unit to become
yi* yiq i = 1, 2, ..., r efficient it must lower its inputs. In our case, units
j, si+, si yi* 0 DMU(1, 4, 5) will be efficient if they lower the level of
their respective inputs to points P1, P4 and P5 on the
The input-oriented super SBM model is derived from efficiency curve (Figure 1). In order to calculate the ef-
model (6) with the denominator set to 1. The super ficient input values, we can use the production unit vec-
SBM model returns a value of the objective function tors or efficiency rates and additional variables s1.
which is greater or equal to one. The higher the value, Then we can compute the efficient input value of
the more efficient the unit. DMU(1) with data from Table 2.
The efficient input value for DMU(1) will thus be de-
2.3 Graphical and numerical example termined as a combination of inputs into DMU(2, 3) as
In this section, we will apply theoretical knowledge to follows: 2 = 0 and 3 = 0.166667 (Table 2), where 2
simulate a graphical and numerical example. We will at- and 3 are vectors of efficient productive units DMU.
tempt to determine the efficiency of five virtual produc- Subsequently, the target input value X will be:
tive units described by a single input and a single out-
put. Efficiency is measured by DEA models and their 0.166667 . X(3) = 0.166667 . 3 = 0.5
Assume we have 5 productive units which spend one
input to produce one output. The input matrix is written
Figure 1 Graphical illustration of productive units
X = (1, 2, 3, 4, 6), the output matrix is Y = (1, 4, 6, 5, 7).
Efficiency rates were calculated using input- (3) and 10
output-oriented (4) CCR models and an input-oriented 9 BCC
BCC model. Based on the input- and output-oriented P4
CCR model, productive units DMU(2) and DMU(3) P5
were found to have the objective function value equal to 7 5

one, i.e. they are efficient (Table 1). According to the 6 3

BCC model, units DMU(1, 2, 3, 5) are efficient. The P4
5 4
curves connecting the efficient productive units deline-
ate the boundaries of efficiency. Other productive units 4 2
lie below the curves, i.e. they are inefficient within the 3
population of units being reviewed. P1
As Table 1 shows, the models differ in their efficiency
rating. Consequently, they will also differ in the way they 1 1
shift inefficient units to the efficiency threshold. 0
Both the input- and the output-oriented CCR models 0 2 4 6 8
singled out productive units DMU(2) and DMU(3) as ef- inputs

BIATEC, Volume XIII, 8/2005


Table 2 Productive unit efficiency rate input-oriented CCR model Conclusion

DMU Efficiency
rate Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 s1 s1+ X X* Y Y* This paper did not set out to
1 0,5 5 0 0 0.166667 0 0 0 0 1 0.5 1 11) find the line between an effici-
2 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 4 ent and inefficient unit, but rat-
3 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 6 her seeks to outline possible
4 0.625 3 0 0 0.83 0 0 0 0 4 2.49 5 5 ways of measuring efficiency
5 0.5833 4 0 0 1.16667 0 0 0 0 6 3.5 7 7 and interpreting the outcome of
Source: own calculations.
It must be noted that the DEA
1) Y*(1) = Y(1) + s+ = 1 + 0 = 1
is not completely flawless. It
does facilitate an estimate of
Table 3 Productive unit efficiency rate output-oriented CCR model relative efficiency of a selected
unit within a group, but stops
DMU Efficiency
short of estimating absolute ef-
rate Ranking 1 2 3 4 5 s1 s1+ X X* Y Y*
ficiency. In other words, it tells
1 2 5 0 0 0.333333 0 0 0 0 1 11) 1 22)
us how well a unit performs wit-
2 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 4
hin a given group based on cho-
3 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 3 6 6
sen criteria. Another shortco-
4 1,6 3 0 0 1.333333 0 0 0 0 4 4 5 8
ming is that the DEA method is
5 1.71429 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 6 6 7 12
based on extreme points and
Source: own calculations. compares each unit to the best
1) X*(1) = X(1) s = 1 0 = 1
2) Y*(1) = Y(1) + s+ = 2 . 1 + 0 = 2 or Y*(1) = 3 . Y(3) = 0,333333 . 6 = 2
performers. This particular fea-
ture makes the DEA analysis
more sensitive to data noise
Another way of projecting an inefficient point to the and measurement errors.
efficiency boundary is to use the efficiency rate and the
values of additional variables s1 (Table 2). Then: Bibliography

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BIATEC, Volume XIII, 8/2005

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