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Extrusion Cooking Technology: Principal Mechanism and Efect on

Direct Expanded Snacks: An Overview

Indice de expansin: Faubion and Ho- seney (1982-b) reported that the expanded volume of feed
decreased with ncreasing amounts of proteins in the feed material, but increased with increasing
starch content.

At higher moisture content, the expansion showed a maximum with respect to temperature, as
reported for maize (Mercier, 1979) and manioc starch (Mercier, 1980)
Ding, Ainsworth, Tucker, and Marson (2005) studied the e_ects of extrusin conditions on
physicochemical properties of rice based snacks, and feed moisture was found to be the main factor
a_ecting the extrudate expansion. The highest expansion (3.87) was reported at 14% feed moisture,
120C barrel temperatura and screw speed at 250 rpm.

The expansion ratio increases with decrease in feed moisture content and increase in screw speed
and barrel temperature.

Caracterizacin fsicoqumica y reolgica de

harinas mixtas pregelatinizadas de quinua,
frijol caup y arroz parbolizado por extrusin
Los extrudos se dejaron reposar hasta el enfriamiento parcial, posterior se embols en
bolsas de 2030 cm teniendo cuidado de no romper todas los extruidos ya que se necesitan
para el anlisis de ndice de Expansin Radial (IER). Se etiquet cada bolsa con su

La expansin se da despus de una presin generada a la materia prima por la rotacin del
tornillo hacia la matriz del extrusor, esto produce que exista una evaporacin de la humedad
interna del material que resulta con la formacin de burbujas de aire y forma la expansin
(Bouzaza et al. 1996).

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