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Kanook – Tlingit Nation

August – 2010

According to a report published in April in “The Economist” 3.43 billion people live on less
than $2.00 per day, and 2.29 billion have no access to Electricity, couple this with the fact that
1.37 billion have no access to suitable drinking water.
This report points out that in the United States of America we plant food to feed our livestock
on 2.81mil square miles, while for fresh food for our consumption we use 75,882 sq miles – now
where they dug this number up is mystifying, other than the fact that the report is centered on
demonstrating how wasteful our world society (especially the United States) has become and how
as a whole we are ignoring the poor and destitute starving population around the world.
I have read, over the past few days how the world has turned its back on Pakistan and in doing
so are ignoring approximately 11.74% of their population who have been effected by the flooding
that has left 20% of its land mass covered in water. Water that has become a breeding field for
every disease known to mankind, plus a new one thrown in by the politicians called
talibaneruptus that stands a good chance of becoming a global pandemic. Too bad DDT has been
linked to causing cancer might have been a good idea to spray a few barrels around, its link to
cancer was overshadowed by Agent Orange and its affective use in thinning the population in
Vietnam a few decades back, but that is neither here or there.
The on-the-spot-reporters decked out in their spotless white shirts and brand new running shoes
are shaking their fingers at the world, some mentioning the fact that just maybe the fast breeding
talibaneruptus superbug might be the reason the rest of the world could give a flying rip about
Pakistan, and shake their heads and tell the cameraman that a majority (being careful not to
mention a definitive number) of the population are humble, God-fearing members of this flooded
society. Naturally it is known that any society when caught up in the middle of a disaster most
always turn to God, and as for being humble nothing is more humbling than realizing that the 200
foot evergreen crashing through the forest on its way to mother earth, is actually aimed at your
head – what a humbling experience!
Never one to miss an opportunity to drop a few bucks and collect a few shekels in interest the
World Bank is going to loan Pakistan $900mil, whereas some countries have pledged $460mil in
aid towards the disaster. This total $1.36 billion amounts to $68 per person in the affected region,
of which they might see $1.00 each with the rest to be divided between the NGOs and honest
politicians it meets along the way. Humanity never misses the opportunity to capitalize on the
disaster hoisted on its members from time-to-time, in the political world it is a “right-of-passage”
to dip deep into the pockets of their constituents as they walk through them. These pariahs of
society smile down at the upturned not-yet-adult faces, pat them on the heads, and like so many
copies of Jesse Jackson climb into their limousines and ride off into the sunset, after all this is
their job.
It would be a big deal if the world went sideways in Alexander the Greats day when he roamed
and rolled over the Pakistani landscape around 326BCE, today with an estimated world
population of over 6.86 billion it’s even bigger, and when some educated prophet of doom tells us
we’re upside down we wonder, when we get a chance too, if its true or is it just another instant
message gracing our fast growing Internet.
The fact finders lay on the table that over 980.4 million adults suffer from malnutrition along
with a figure that shouts that one out of every three children suffers the same, this coupled to that
in every 5-seconds somewhere on our planet a child leaves this earthly realm. These learned
members of our society write that 1.37 billion people are left by the roadside when it comes to
our society enjoying our growth in consumption, in other words 80% of the world’s population
can look forward to having a good dinner each day, while 20% exist on what they ate yesterday.
And even at that, 2.4 billion members do not have access to sufficient carbohydrates or protein in
their diets – thereby exposing them to disease and such other conditions such as talibaneruptus.
Now, with the extreme weather our society has been experiencing in some countries, brokeritus
and crooksamiss have surfaced in the rich nations of the world, two conditions that are proving to
be immune to any applications of common sense – in any quantity. Their appearance has caused
mass hysteria in the land of blinking lights and information monitors, although there has been no
recorded mass suicides noted, some experts predict new yachts on the horizon as this unchecked
disease runs rampant as food prices across the world skyrocket, as the weather reduces the
growing and production of grain. In the commodity markets across the planet music can once
more be heard making its way through the massive concrete bunkers, tunes such as “Happy Days
are here again”, while the Internet plays an important part in providing access to penny players
betting their life savings on the disasters of the world and their effect on food availability.
Politicians and their educated aids are predicting world food riots, thereby stirring the pot
making the concern of such things as the Russian’s stopping the export of wheat for a few
months, this in order to limit the rise in price in the “mother-land”, this move is not limiting the
cost of wheat in Russia as planned, a fact that we all understood when the increasingly popular
Putin announced the plan. Worldwide the brokeritus and crooksamiss crowd shouted up the price
of wheat by 8% immediately after Putin made his historical announcement. In Russia the price of
“buckwheat” has risen some 35% on the wholesale market, whereas its sale has been restricted as
they only have one region that produces it in any quantity – the Altay! Where in other parts of
their Empire many other crops have been destroyed due to their extended drought – leaving an
open gate for the wholesales to justify their price increase – supply and demand doing it thing in
the former socialist society of the “motherland”.
Torrential rains in Brazil and Columbia have affected the harvest of “Cocoa Beans”, which is
driving up the cost of a good line around the world, whereas in India and China extreme weather
has cut back on the production of rice – think! In China if each person only had 3 ounces of rice
each day their demand would be 125.5 tons of rice per day, in India the same consumption
translates into 111.08 tons per day, these two counties account for 36.77% of the planets
population, and they both eat many boatloads of rice everyday.
Examining the price of wheat lately we find that the price of a bushel of wheat has doubled,
whereas today it’s running around $5.25, approximately $0.09 cents a pound of soft-wheat. This
price increase say some experts will cause hunger mutinies in 3rd world countries, as overall
increasing food prices will “doom” 100 million people to hunger, especially slamming countries
such as Haiti, Mozambique, Senegal and Indonesia – opening their doors to al-qaedaeruptus,
some experts note that if this particular disease does not have a sudden influx of mulla
enhancement it too will loose its effectiveness and suffer a loss of recruits – some sit and wait to
see the results. HAARP, can you read between the lines?
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (“FAO”) forecasted the production of
wheat at some 676 million tons, whereas the latest weather related issues now put this production
at 651 million tons – but don’t panic whereas the experts tell us that the world market of wheat is
more stable now than it was during the “food crisis” in 2007-2008 – being the person I am, I
wasn’t aware we had a “food crisis” during that time period…news to me!
Stuck in the middle of the experts analysis of food is a figure that screams out that 4.4% of the
world’s population has a life expectancy of 60-years, pointing their wagging fingers at a poor diet
bringing on various diseases – hell it wasn’t but 25 years ago that reaching 60-years-old was
considered a milestone by more than 30% of the world’s population. Tagging along with their
statement they point out the 5.5 million people in the rich capitalistic west have anemia, which
further invokes the heavy wagging of the finger attached to an arm waving widely around.
Now we reach the purpose of their article when they point out that only four-Americans, Bill
Gates, Paul Allen, Warren Buffet and Larry Ellyson had a few years ago more money in their
back-pockets than the Gross National Product of 42 of the poorest nations, with a total population
of 600 million empty stomachs and starving mouths.
Things haven’t changed, I remember when I was still under the wing of my parents and that
when I was making ready to leave the dinner-table before licking my plate clean, my maternal
grandmother would tell me the “children in Korea were starving “ in other words I would be
doing a disservice in leaving a plate with food still on it, my reply one time earned me a beating
to within one inch of my young life when I said, after digging a nickel out of my jeans, “here
send my leftovers to Korea.”
The now apparent socialist not quite making it in the capitalistic world authors tell me and you
that in Europe alone $50 billion is spent on cigarettes, and over $105 billion on booze – but wait,
more colored news is thrown on the paper when they state that in the United States alone there is
$8 billion a year spent on makeup – now that I can believe, I have seen some members (male and
female) of our society walking about that by themselves probably spent 10% of that each day.
Wiping the tears from my chuckling eyes I then see why we’re so wrapped up in fighting a war in
Afghanistan, whereas across the world $400 billion is pushed around for the purchase of drugs –
no wonder we have a “drug war”, there is a pile of change wrapped up in its distribution.
They close their informative piece on starving children with bloated bellies but telling the
reader that the United States budget for war is out of sight and that with just the amount spent in
11-days, would feed and heal all the sick and starving children on the planet. They tell the
readers that the United States spends $200 million in 3-hours in their role as the supreme
“aggressors” and leaders of evil across the planets surface, decimating the innocent, letting the
evil diseases of mankind such as diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, measles and polio run wild
completing their swath leaving behind 4 million children dead per year. Yet they say nothing
about talibaneruptus or al-gaedaeruptus two primary diseases that have spread like wildfire
across the planet.
Their closing lines show their raised hands and weeping voices as they ask the reader, “how
long until resistance arises against such aggression against the greatest of all principles of life?”
With a prompt of $300 million per hour, you and I know they’re not referring to China, India or
even Israel – but those evil doers living in the land of the free, with some hungry I admit, but a
nation that the rest of the world see’s as saving the rest of the world – what say I, “get a grip”
we’re only 4.5% of the world population and right about now we’re walking through our own
problems and I’ve noticed I have seen no foreign methods of transport dropping tents, medicine
or portable toilets downtown LA – only leaflets screaming that this 4.5% previously hardworking
individuals do more for mankind with a mention (in bold words) that the citizens of the United
States ought to be ashamed of themselves letting starving children struggle to make it from one
day to the next – again “get a grip”, this democratic country does more in one-hour for the
starving children of the world than 75% of the rest of the world does in 365-days.
Have a good day!

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