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Copyright 2010 SEOP Y ARN EDICIONES, S. L. Vol. 18. N. 3, pp. 185-200, 2010


Evolucin de las coronas como material de restauracin en

denticin temporal. Revisin de la literatura

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Barcelona

Entre los materiales restauradores disponibles ms usados Composites, dental amalgam and preformed metal crowns
en odontopediatra encontramos: los composites, la amalgama are the most widely used restorative materials in paediatric
y las coronas metlicas preformadas. El composite es el mate- dentistry. Composite is the material of choice for restoring
rial de eleccin cuando se trata de restaurar cavidades tipo I, II type I, II and V cavities in the two dentitions. However, the
y V en ambas denticiones. Sin embargo, cuando se ven invo- preformed metal crown is the best option when there are 3 or
lucradas 3 o ms superficies, la mejor opcin son las coronas more surfaces involved.
metlicas preformadas. At present, two groups of crowns are used in paediatric
Actualmente, existen dos grandes grupos de coronas en dentistry: metal crowns and aesthetic crowns. Within these
odontopediatra: las coronas metlicas y las estticas. Dentro two groups, there are a number of types with different proper-
de cada grupo, podemos encontrar diferentes tipos en funcin ties, depending on the location in the dental arch to be
de la situacin en la arcada del diente a restaurar, o de las pro- restored.
piedades que necesitemos. This review aims to analyze the evolution of crowns as a
El objetivo de esta revisin bibliogrfica es analizar la evo- restorative material in primary teeth and their properties,
lucin de las coronas como material de restauracin en denti- advantages and drawbacks.
cin temporal, as como sus propiedades, ventajas y desventa-

PALABRAS CLAVE: Coronas temporales. Coronas metli- KEY WORDS: Temporary crowns. Metal crowns. Stainless
cas. Coronas de acero inoxidable. Coronas estticas. Restaura- steel crowns. Aesthetic crowns. Restorations in pediatric den-
ciones en odontopediatra. Tcnicas restauracin en denticin tistry. Restoration in primary dentition.

INTRODUCCIN elevada expectacin esttica por parte de los padres (6).

La restauracin ideal para dientes anteriores tempo-
Las restauraciones en pacientes peditricos frecuente- rales debe ser imperceptible, del mismo color del dien-
mente constituyen un gran dilema para los odontlogos te. Es importante que sea duradera, que no necesite tra-
por el tiempo de trabajo necesario, las caractersticas mor- tamiento adicional y pueda adherirse al diente
folgicas de la denticin temporal y en ocasiones, por la preparado con un material compatible con el tejido pul-
poca colaboracin por parte de los nios (1-3). par. Asimismo, debe ser fcil y rpida de colocar para
En general, la restauracin de la denticin decidua poder realizar el tratamiento en una sola visita, sin nece-
suele ser complicada debido al tamao reducido de los sidad de enviar al laboratorio (5-7). En dientes posterio-
dientes y del esmalte, a la existencia de una cmara pul- res, el rea de contacto es amplia y requiere una gran
par grande y a la poca superficie remanente para la cavidad para albergar la amalgama o el composite. A su
adhesin (1,4,5). Adems, debemos tener en cuenta la vez, las paredes linguales y vestibulares son delgadas y
dbiles con poco soporte dentinario, en ocasiones,
requiriendo una restauracin que cubra toda la corona
Recibido: 15-05-2010 dental (8). Toda restauracin en denticin temporal tie-
Aceptado: 30-09-2010 ne por finalidad mantener el diente con un buen resulta-
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do esttico y funcional hasta la exfoliacin natural del TABLA I

mismo, sin la necesidad de reparar la restauracin y sin
complicaciones pulpares (3). TIPOS DE CORONAS EXISTENTES EN DENTICIN
Entre los materiales de restauracin para denticin TEMPORAL
temporal podemos encontrar amalgama, resina, comp-
meros, entre otros, y materiales de mayor extensin Material Ventajas Desventajas
como las coronas. Estas ltimas, tienen caractersticas Coronas Duraderas Apariencia
como durabilidad y cobertura total a un relativo bajo metlicas Fciles de colocar Insatisfaccin de padres y nios
coste que las diferencia de otros materiales y, en Muy retentivas
muchos casos, resultan la mejor opcin de tratamiento Adecuadas para caries extensas
(8). Existen diferentes coronas, para los dientes anterio- con poca estructura dental
res y para los posteriores; entre ellas encontramos, des- remanente
de las coronas de acero inoxidable, hasta las coronas Remocin de estructura dental
metlicas con frente esttico para molares temporales. mnima
Se ha realizado una revisin bibliogrfica con el Bajo precio
objetivo de describir la evolucin de las coronas en Tcnica mnimamente sensible
Open-faced Firme adhesin al diente Mayor tiempo de trabajo
remanente Mayor cooperacin del paciente
Mala apariencia
Coronas estticas Fcil colocacin Retencin limitada por el
La corona metlica preformada es la restauracin Hemorragia no altera color contorneado
ms duradera y de mayor xito para denticin primaria ni retencin Precio elevado
careada y/o fracturada (8-11). No se fractura, raramente Tiempo trabajo corto Limitacin de tonalidades
se desgasta en los pocos aos que permanece en boca y Satisfaccin de los padres Resistencia a la fractura
se mantiene unida al diente hasta la exfoliacin (5,12). disminuida
Las indicaciones para el uso de coronas son (11,13): Color no natural
1. Restauracin de caries en dos o ms superficies. Coronas de Estticas Tcnica sensible
2. Nios con elevado riesgo de caries. acetato Fciles de colocar Requiere cooperacin del paciente
3. Despus de recibir tratamiento pulpar. Proporcionan un excelente Requiere estructura dental
4. Dientes temporales con defectos de estructura, resultado suficiente para la adhesin
como amelognesis imperfecta. Son propensas al desgaste
5. Dientes fracturados, o restauracin de cspides Se pueden fracturar o
fracturadas. desadherirse
6. Mantenedor de espacio y dientes con excesivo
desgaste. Coronas de Estticas Difciles de colocar
Su principal contraindicacin es la colocacin de la policarbonato Tcnica rpida Pobre retencin
corona cuando se calculan menos de 6-12 meses para la Bajo coste Menor resistencia al desgaste
exfoliacin fisiolgica del diente (14). No necesario envo al No disponibles
Para dar cobertura total al diente, antiguamente haba laboratorio
4 tipos de restauracin: coronas metlicas, open faced,
coronas de policarbonato y coronas de acetato (15)
(Tabla I).
El riesgo de caries del nio, la edad en el momento Anteriormente, las coronas eran restauraciones indi-
del tratamiento y la longevidad de la restauracin indi- rectas que requeran de impresiones, tintes y envos al
vidual impactan en el coste y en la efectividad de los laboratorio para fabricarlas en el tamao adecuado.
materiales escogidos para restaurar dientes primarios Aos ms tarde, con la fabricacin de las coronas pre-
(8). formadas, se redujo el coste asociado a este procedi-
miento. Con este mtodo directo, se disminuye el tiem-
po clnico y se ayuda en el manejo de conducta de
CORONAS DE ACERO INOXIDABLE pacientes poco colaboradores (20).
Las coronas precontorneadas requieren menos
Las coronas preformadas de acero inoxidable son manipulacin para un ajuste preciso en un diente pre-
tambin conocidas como coronas de acero-cromo, coro- parado, pero con un cuidadoso manejo, toda corona
nas de hierro, coronas metlicas, etc. Desde la publica- puede ser adaptada adecuadamente. La fase final de
cin de los estudios de Engel (16), y posteriormente adaptacin debe ser lograda por el dentista, consi-
Humphrey (17) en 1950, han sido usadas en restauracio- guiendo el ajuste marginal de la preparacin dental
nes por caries extensa, en dientes temporales malforma- individual. Se desconoce la existencia de una corona
dos y en fracturados. A partir de entonces, las modifica- metlica con una forma que coincida, y se adapte a los
ciones de diseo han mejorado la morfologa de la mrgenes, sin requerir manipulacin por parte del
corona (18) convirtindolas en la mejor opcin restaura- odontlogo (21).
dora para molares temporales severamente daados Las coronas metlicas estn indicadas para restaurar
(19). molares temporales sin tener un efecto directo en la
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salud gingival y sin provocar reabsorcin alveolar. Las areas estrechas y unos mecanismos de proteccin
extensiones axiales de las coronas preformadas deben inmaduros. Aunque la aspiracin de dientes y restaura-
replicar las dimensiones y el contorno de la forma origi- ciones es un hecho poco frecuente en la prctica dental,
nal del diente. La pobre adaptacin de los mrgenes siempre existe este peligro. Suele suceder al cementar
puede afectar a la erupcin de los dientes adyacentes, coronas o incrustaciones, pudiendo ser minimizado gra-
adems de a los tejidos periodontales asociados (21,22). cias al uso del dique de goma (28).
Por ello, en funcin de la buena adaptacin de la coro-
na, la salud gingival estar preservada (19). Guelmann y
cols. (23) concluyen que la presencia de una corona de CORONAS OPEN-FACED
acero inoxidable en un segundo molar temporal no afec-
ta la salud periodontal del molar permanente adyacente Hay consideraciones estticas a tener en cuenta con
siempre que la corona sea bien adaptada. las coronas de acero inoxidable. Segn Soxman (12),
Mientras se mantenga una higiene oral adecuada y se muchos padres, casi nunca los nios, muestra insatisfac-
preserve el estrecho contacto entre molares, se minimi- cin con la apariencia de la corona metlica.
zar la reabsorcin alveolar causada por la extensin y Los avances en materiales restauradores y adhesin a
adaptacin marginal (19). Sin embargo, los pacientes metales han hecho posibles nuevas tcnicas que combi-
con mala higiene oral, tendrn mayor probabilidad de nan las ventajas de las coronas metlicas con la esttica
padecer gingivitis alrededor de dichas coronas metli- del composite. Helpin (29), en los aos 80, describi un
cas. Como afirm Randall (18), en el tratamiento de mtodo para proporcionar mejor apariencia a las coro-
pacientes peditricos con coronas, debemos pautar nas metlicas. Su tcnica consista en cortar una ventana
como rutina diaria un rgimen preventivo que incluya por vestibular en la corona cementada, crear retencin
instrucciones de higiene oral para evitar problemas de mecnica, y adherir composite del mismo color del
salud periodontal. diente en la regin expuesta. Sin embargo, esta prctica,
La preparacin del molar para la colocacin de coro- aunque supuso avances en cunto a apariencia, requera
nas es conservadora, siendo las superficies bucal y lin- mucho tiempo de trabajo y los mrgenes de metal per-
gual las ms respetadas. La retencin se obtiene de la sistan perceptibles. A estas coronas las llamaron open
flexibilidad de los mrgenes delgados y contorneados faced y son consideradas la alternativa semiesttica a
de la misma corona (22,24). las coronas metlicas (7).
La correcta oclusin y el contacto interproximal El xito de las open-faced se debe a (30):
resultan difciles de conseguir en los casos en que se ha 1. La firme adhesin al diente remanente.
perdido espacio a causa de lesiones interproximales 2. El uso de adhesin dentinaria.
(22). 3. El grabado cido.
En el momento de la colocacin de las coronas, hay Autores como Wiedenfeld y cols. (31) describen otra
autores que optan por una tcnica diferente a la conven- tcnica eficiente para el tratamiento de dientes anterio-
cional, la tcnica Hall (12,25): res con resultados estticos y duraderos. La tcnica con-
La tcnica convencional requiere la colocacin bajo siste en arenar la superficie de la corona anterior con
anestesia local, remocin completa de la caries, reduc- xido de almina, para posteriormente aplicar un opaci-
cin dental por distal, mesial y oclusal, y tras esto, ajus- ficador, un sellante y composite de un 1mm de grosor.
tarlas, contornearlas y pulirlas, si fuese necesario, antes Es una tcnica que se puede realizar en 3-5 min, pudien-
de cementar. Mientras que la tcnica Hall consiste en do ser aplicada por el personal auxiliar, estando disponi-
escoger correctamente la medida de la corona, llenarla bles los materiales necesarios en las clnicas dentales.
de cemento de ionmero de vidrio y cementarla al Con esta tcnica se obtiene una esttica excelente y una
molar temporal por presin digital o bien por la fuerza buena fuerza de adhesin de 24.4 Mpa.
oclusal del nio, sin anestesia local. Segn Hall es una
tcnica rpida y fcil, bien aceptada por padres y nios.
No se hace remocin parcial de caries sino que se sella CORONAS PREFORMADAS CON FRENTE
la caries con la corona (21). ESTTICO
Su nica contraindicacin para usarla es en caso de
que la caries afecte a borde marginal, debido a que en En la sociedad actual, son muchos los padres que
esos casos la pulpa suele encontrarse afectada (25). demandan restauraciones an ms estticas, prefiriendo
Con la tcnica Hall, Innes y cols. (25) obtuvieron un en algunos casos la exodoncia a la apariencia nada
xito del 73,4% a los 3 aos y del 67.6% a los 5 aos. atractiva de las coronas metlicas en los dientes de sus
Los resultados son similares a los que se pueden obtener hijos (5).
usando otras restauraciones convencionales (26). Aun Las restauraciones que estn ganando popularidad
as, la tcnica Hall requiere ms evaluaciones y ensayos son las coronas con frente esttico. Estas fueron desa-
clnicos longitudinales (25). rrolladas y fabricadas para dientes anteriores primarios
Roberts y Sheriff (27) determinaron que la razn ms en los aos 90: Cheng Crowns, Kinder Krowns, NuS-
comn de fracaso de las coronas es el desgaste de la mile Primary Crown, Whiter Biter II Crown y The
cara oclusal, permitiendo la perforacin de la superficie; Dura Crown (5,32). Se caracterizan por adherir compo-
incluso cundo en la colocacin de la corona se ha teni- site o resina termoplstica a la superficie vestibular de
do en cuenta las relaciones oclusales del diente a tratar. la tradicional corona de acero inoxidable. Su principal
Por otro lado, es importante tener en cuenta que los ventaja es que conservan la esttica, independientemen-
nios de corta edad se caracterizan por tener unas vas te de la humedad y del sangrado (10,33).
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Sector anterior funcional para molares temporales gravemente daados

o con tratamiento pulpar (35).
Roberts y cols. (4) fueron los primeros en describir Son coronas de acero inoxidable convencionales a
su funcionamiento a nivel clnico para restaurar dientes las que en el laboratorio se les aade una faceta de com-
primarios anteriores. Los estudios sugirieron que el posite. Este frente esttico recubre la superficie vestibu-
material esttico adherido a la estructura daba unos lar, oclusal, mesial y distal de la corona, con un grosor
resultados positivos, aunque mostraba ciertos proble- que vara de 0,6 mm en mesio-bucal a 1,5 mm en la
mas como el coste, la esterilizacin y la resistencia de la superficie oclusal (35).
parte esttica (2,34-36). Las coronas estticas para molares temporales hace
Las coronas con frente esttico tienen un grosor pocos aos que estn en el mercado, a pesar de ello, han
mayor que las metlicas. Este incremento de volumen supuesto un gran avance en la evolucin de los materiales
se debe a que el material debe soportar las fuerzas de la de restauracin con cobertura total del diente, ofreciendo
masticacin o el fracaso de desplazamiento (30). una alternativa esttica a las coronas convencionales (35).
Mc. Lean y cols. (33) realizaron un estudio retros- No se observan grandes diferencias, en cuanto a tc-
pectivo con la finalidad de evaluar los resultados cl- nica, entre coronas estticas y convencionales, pero hay
nicos de coronas estticas en sector anterior en un varios puntos a considerar (35):
periodo medio de 19,2 meses. Durante ese tiempo, el La reduccin oclusal de las estticas debe ser
86% de las coronas mantuvieron su anatoma mientras mayor, segn el fabricante, para compensar el grosor de
que el 14% de ellas mostraban un aspecto volumino- la faceta. Esto puede ser un problema en denticin tem-
so. Casi el total de las coronas (99%) resistieron a la poral, debido a que una mayor reduccin oclusal puede
fractura durante mnimo 6 meses, pero el 29% de suponer exposicin pulpar. Aunque no es un problema
ellas, empezaba a mostrar desgastes notables. Cabe en dientes con tratamiento pulpar.
destacar que la fractura o desgaste de la corona con La adaptacin correcta de la corona esttica al
frente esttico afecta la apariencia y reduce la satis- margen gingival vestibular es ms difcil de obtener por
faccin de los padres, pero, an as, no disminuye la el grosor que presiona e irrita el tejido gingival. Esto se
funcin de la restauracin (4). agrava por la imposibilidad de ajustar la corona en esta
Las coronas estticas comercializadas son difciles rea. Sin embargo, en ocasiones se pueden ajustar por
de contornear, debido a su tendencia a la fractura de los proximal y lingual.
materiales estticos (35). Algunas marcas aconsejan al Las coronas deben introducirse por s solas. Al
profesional no prensar las coronas para evitar posibles presionar o contornear, la tensin pone en peligro la
fracturas. Sin embargo, Gupta y cols. (7) afirman que estabilidad de la resina.
son muchos los dentistas que contornean la corona con El resultado final esttico no siempre complace a
frente esttico por la cara lingual, dnde no hay resina los padres, ya que las coronas son abultadas y menos
adherida, para obtener mejor ajuste y aumentar la reten- naturales.
cin de la corona. El tiempo de preparacin y cementacin es similar
Es importante nombrar que a nivel esttico, diferen- a las coronas metlicas, aunque el coste de las estticas
tes culturas usan coronas decorativas (de oro, tres cuar- es ms elevado.
tos, etc.). Estas coronas son prefabricadas y, en muchas Ram y Fuks (35) concluyen que las coronas estticas
ocasiones, ni siquiera son colocadas por un dentista, para posteriores tienen varios inconvenientes: pobre
pudiendo provocar complicaciones importantes como salud gingival, precio muy elevado, aspecto abultado y
enfermedad periodontal, caries dental, oclusin traum- apariencia poco natural.
tica, fracturas, desvitalizacin de los dientes, alergias de En cuanto a salud gingival, estos autores observaron
contacto, etc. (37). a los 6 meses una mejor salud periodontal en las con-
Roberts y cols. (4) y Waggoner y Cohen (36), entre vencionales comparadas con las estticas, mientras que
otros, han desarrollado investigaciones para mejorar la a los 4 aos no haba diferencia entre ambas en cuanto a
esttica del sector anterior, pero no para solucionar la salud periodontal (35). Esto puede ser debido a la adap-
esttica en el sector posterior. tacin del tejido gingival al grueso margen de la corona
En los ltimos aos, uno de los objetivos en la odon- esttica (38).
topediatra ha sido mejorar las caractersticas actuales Ram y Fuks (38) evaluaron el xito clnico de las coro-
de las restauraciones existentes para dientes temporales nas estticas para molares temporales, obteniendo seme-
posteriores: durabilidad, color natural, adhesin bio- jantes resultados a los de Roberts y cols. (4) acerca de las
compatible con la pulpa, fcil colocacin y requerir una mismas en el sector anterior. Ambas investigaciones afir-
sola visita para su colocacin (38). man que el resultado de las coronas estticas es excelente,
a pesar de que la elevada cantidad de fallos, desgastes o
fracturas de la parte esttica resulta problemtico.
Sector posterior Aunque existen limitaciones para usar las coronas
preformadas con frente esttico como las tonalidades,
La odontologa esttica ha evolucionado considera- que suelen ser de color muy artificial (15); estas son la
blemente en estas dos ltimas dcadas, pudiendo ser el mejor opcin de restauracin en muchas ocasiones, y
composite la opcin para restaurar molares severamente sern de gran importancia en la odontologa peditrica
daados afectados en ms de 3 superficies. Reciente- si se realizan mejoras para reducir el abultamiento y el
mente, un nuevo tipo de coronas posteriores han apare- grosor del frente esttico, incrementar la adhesin entre
cido en el mercado, aportando una solucin esttica y el metal y la faceta, y reducir los costes (38).
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Es importante recordar que en la prctica clnica es inaceptables a nivel esttico, debido a que adquirirn
necesario adaptar la corona que va a ser colocada para una tonalidad ms oscura.
obtener un buen ajuste pasivo. Previamente, deben pro- La esttica se ver influenciada por el nmero de
barse varios tamaos de coronas para determinar cul se superficies con caries, debiendo tener en cuenta que la
adapta mejor; una vez encontrado el tamao adecuado, contraccin de la resina en un 2-3%, puede comprome-
las coronas no cementadas son esterilizadas (2). ter la adhesin y el sellado de las restauraciones directas
Los diferentes mtodos de esterilizacin pueden (20).
afectar el color y la resistencia a la fractura de la corona Por otro lado, las coronas de acetato muestran serios
(2,5). La presin y las altas temperaturas de la esterili- inconvenientes como: ser una tcnica muy sensible,
zacin pueden destruir la capa de resina adherida, afec- necesitar un control mximo de la humedad para no
tando a la adhesin y alterando su coloracin (2,15,34). alterar la adhesin o el color, requerir cooperacin por
Wickersham y cols. (2) comprobaron la resistencia a parte del paciente y necesitar estructura dental suficien-
la fractura de coronas con frente esttico de diferentes te para la correcta adhesin (5,34,39,41).
marcas comerciales para dientes anteriores, observando Por ello, no pueden ser utilizadas en dientes con
que las coronas Kinder Krowns (Mayclin Laboratory, caries importantes y/o con poca estructura remanente, ni
Minneapolis, Minn) sufren una disminucin de su resis- en caso de caries subgingival, y menos an, en presen-
tencia con esterilizacin al fro. Sin embargo, no obser- cia de enfermedad periodontal o en pacientes con sobre-
varon diferencias significativas en cuanto a los tipos de mordida aumentada (5).
fracturas, a los diferentes fabricantes ni a los distintos A su vez, un inconveniente importante es la dificul-
mtodos de esterilizacin. tad de colocacin, especialmente en pacientes con
Las coronas NuSmile (Orthodontic Technologies caries paragingival o con sangrado gingival, frecuente-
Inc, Houston, TX) ofrecan mayor resistencia que el res- mente asociado a la remocin de la caries y a la prepara-
to, aunque podan mostrar cambios de coloracin, del cin del diente. El composite debe ser adherido con un
mismo modo que las Kinder Krowns. Wickersham y completo control del sangrado y fluido sulcular para
cols. (2) concluyeron que la mejor esterilizacin para no prevenir la contaminacin marginal (5).
daar las coronas era la esterilizacin al fro con glute- El tiempo de trabajo para la colocacin de coronas de
raldehido. acetato es importante en nios y preescolares. En el
caso de las coronas de acetato, el tratamiento suele ser
largo, y los nios, independientemente de si estn seda-
CORONAS DE ACETATO dos o no, tienen dificultad para tolerar perodos largos
de tratamiento, siendo deseable cualquier mtodo que
Para restaurar dientes anteriores temporales tambin tenga menor duracin (40).
existen las coronas de acetato. Son consideradas como En ocasiones, se observa inflamacin alrededor de la
coronas, pese a ser un herramienta para poder realizar resina colocada con la corona de acetato, siendo atribui-
restauraciones coronales. Con estas se consigue realizar da normalmente a (3):
restauraciones con mejor esttica, aunque tambin pose- 1. Acumulacin de placa a nivel cervical.
en inconvenientes (4,34,39). 2. La mala adaptacin de los mrgenes de la restau-
El color y su estabilidad se consideran aceptables, racin, observado a nivel radiogrfico.
mostrndose sin diferencias a los 18 meses de la coloca-
cin. Radiogrficamente, en los mrgenes de las coro-
nas se encuentran frecuentemente pequeas reas de CORONAS DE POLICARBONATO
radiolucidez; no obstante, es imposible determinar si
esta radiolucidez representa caries recurrente, mrgenes Otra opcin para restaurar dientes temporales ante-
cortos o bien, una fina capa de agente adhesivo (3). riores son las coronas de policarbonato. Estas son coro-
La tcnica para realizar restauraciones mediante nas prefabricadas para dientes anteriores, de varios
coronas de acetato consiste en eliminar la caries del tamaos permitiendo escoger el adecuado para cada
diente afectado, bajo aislamiento absoluto, y una vez diente, aunque actualmente no se encuentran con facili-
finalizado, seleccionar el tamao de la corona de aceta- dad en el mercado. Su uso requiere un amplio desgaste
to. Posteriormente, se efecta el grabado cido, la colo- de la superficie dentaria, por esta razn suele indicarse
cacin de adhesivo y la fotopolimerizacin, al mismo para rehabilitar dientes con caries rampante con gran
tiempo que, fuera de boca, se llena la corona de acetato prdida de tejido dental (43).
con resina. Despus se coloca en el diente a tratar, se Autores como Webber y cols. (43) determinaron que
polimeriza y se retira la misma corona, dejando la resina las coronas de acetato son ms estticas, muestran
adherida al diente (40). mejor retencin y resistencia al desgaste en compara-
Las coronas de acetato tienen una retencin a los 1,5- cin con las coronas de policarbonato.
2 aos del 83%, y del 78% a los 3 aos (3,41). Por ello,
en el momento de escoger la restauracin, es importante
determinar cunto tiempo resta para la exfoliacin del DISCUSIN
diente a tratar.
Dichas coronas parecen tener pocos efectos negati- Desde que en los aos 50 Humphrey (17) introdujera
vos para la salud pulpar. Aunque, segn Oldenburg y las coronas preformadas de acero-cromo, el aspecto
cols. (42), si el diente previamente ha recibido trata- esttico de las restauraciones coronales ha mejorado
miento pulpar, probablemente se obtendrn resultados notablemente, hasta las coronas preformadas con frente
07. MM VIROLES:Maquetacin 1 28/2/11 09:30 Pgina 190


esttico actuales. El uso de las coronas estticas en sec- La bsqueda de una esttica ptima se ha convertido
tor posterior est indicado en las mismas situaciones en en uno de los objetivos principales en la odontologa
las que se usan las coronas de acero inoxidable conven- restauradora, independientemente de la denticin en la
cionales, aunque el tallado para las coronas estticas es que se est trabajando. Debido a que la decisin final
ms agresivo. sobre la restauracin a colocar, en el caso de denticin
A nivel anterior, se pueden escoger diferentes opcio- temporal, la tienen los padres, es importante conocer su
nes para restaurar los incisivos temporales, ya que exis- satisfaccin con las restauraciones estticas existentes.
te una variedad de coronas que ofrecen soluciones a los Hasta la fecha, slo hemos encontrado en la literatura
problemas de caries o traumatismos en esos dientes. tres estudios (4,6,10) que tienen como objetivo compa-
Mientras que en el sector posterior, no hay tanta varie- rar el grado de satisfaccin de los padres. Estos evalua-
dad de coronas para escoger. ron la respuesta de los familiares o tutores frente a la
Las coronas preformadas con frente esttico se dise- apariencia de las coronas con frente esttico para dien-
aron para resolver los problemas asociados a las coro- tes anteriores.
nas de acetato y/o a las open-faced (36). Las diseadas Cada uno de ellos us una marca comercial distinta.
para el sector posterior, llevan pocos aos en el mercado Roberts y cols. (4) describieron la longevidad, fracaso y
y los estudios al respecto muestran resultados que cues- satisfaccin de las coronas Whiter Biter II (Whiter
tionan su uso a nivel clnico (35,38). Las primeras coro- Biter Inc, La Grange, KY). Shah y cols. (6) hicieron lo
nas con frente esttico fabricadas para molares tempora- mismo con las coronas Kinder Krowns, mientras que
les mostraban inconvenientes relevantes como Champagne y cols. (10), nicamente evaluaron la satis-
afectacin de la salud gingival, alto coste, volumen faccin de los padres para las coronas NuSmile.
excesivo y deterioro del frente esttico o fractura del La retencin fue del 100% en todos los estudios,
mismo a los pocos meses (35). aunque la fractura total de la parte esttica se observ
Champagne y cols. (10) determinaron que la satisfac- en un 24% para las Whiter Biter II, en un 13% para
cin de los padres era mayor con las coronas preforma- las Kinder Krowns, y en menos de un 1% para las
das con frente esttico, ya que a diferencia de las coro- NuSmile; cabe destacar que la muestra de este ltimo
nas open-faced, el metal no era visible en una distancia estudio era 4 veces superior a los otros dos estudios
de conversacin. Por otro lado, Yilmaz y Koogullari (Tabla II).
(30) compararon ambas coronas durante 18 meses, En relacin a la satisfaccin de los padres, los tres
obteniendo un xito de supervivencia para las open- estudios obtuvieron resultados similares, siendo la pun-
faced del 95%; mientras que para las preformadas con tuacin ms negativa para la apariencia y el color, y la
frente esttico fue del 80%. Es importante destacar que ms positiva para el tamao y la forma de las coronas.
estos resultados no fueron estadsticamente significati- La satisfaccin de los padres fue elevada, en la
vos, aunque si que fue estadsticamente significativo el mayora de casos afirmando que escogeran las mismas
hecho de que todos los fracasos se produjeran en la coronas preformadas con frente esttico para sus hijos si
arcada inferior. Determinaron que el mayor xito de las fuera necesario. Sin embargo, algunos padres anotaron
open-faced era debido a la firme adhesin entre resina y que las coronas parecan tener un color ms blanco que
tejido, al uso del adhesivo dentinario y al grabado cido, el diente adyacente, hecho que les desagradaba (10).
ya que permitan mejor adhesin de la resina. Las coro- Actualmente, la marca comercial NuSmile ofrece un
nas open-faced, an evidenciando mayor xito, sufrie- segundo tono, de aspecto menos blanquecino y aparien-
ron cambios importantes en su esttica. cia ms natural.


Autor/ Objetivo Coronas Muestra Tiempo Satisfaccin Fractura Fractura Valoraciones Valoraciones
Ao evaluacin parcial total negativas positivas
Roberts et al Evaluar el xito Whiter Biter II 35 coronas Media de 8,9 puntos 3 (8%) 9 (24%) Apariencia y color Tamao y forma
2000 clnico y la aceptacin (ahora conocidas 12 pacientes 20,7 meses sobre 10
de los padres de las como Dura Crowns)
coronas estticas para dientes anteriores
Shah et al Evaluar el xito Kinder Krowns 46 coronas Media de 21 puntos de 5 (11%) 6 (13%): Apariencia (fractura Tamao y forma
2004 clnico y la satisfaccin para dientes anteriores 12 padres-nio 17,3 meses 25 posibles 4ICS,1ILS, esttica, color
de los padres de las De 2 a 6 1CS y desgaste)
coronas estticas coronas/paciente
Champagne Evaluar la satisfaccin NuSmile para 238 coronas Mnimo 6 meses 93% 27 (11%) 6 (< 1%) Visibilidad del Tamao y forma
et al 2007 de los padres de las dientes anteriores 54 padres-nios (Media de 13 m) (50 padres de metal y duracin
coronas estticas 1 corona/paciente 54 posibles)
como mnimo
07. MM VIROLES:Maquetacin 1 28/2/11 09:30 Pgina 191


Los padres puntuaron a las coronas con un 8,9/10 y incisivas. La fuerza necesaria para fracturar el frente
un 8,4/10 en el estudio de Roberts y cols. (4) y en el de esttico es de 510.11 N en caso de coronas no contorne-
Shah y cols. (6), respectivamente. Para las NuSmile, la adas y de 511.02 N para las contorneadas. En todo caso,
satisfaccin general fue ligeramente superior, alcanzan- es muy superior a la media de la fuerza de masticacin
do el 93% de la muestra. de un nio de 5-10 aos, que suele ser de 375 N (1,7).
En general, las variables que mostraron diferencias Por otro lado, debemos tener en cuenta ciertos facto-
ms significativas en cuanto a satisfaccin fueron (10): res destacables que pueden provocar un fracaso del
El gnero del nio. frente esttico, como es el caso del resalte. Nios con
Las opciones futuras de tratamiento. resaltes aumentados (> 6 mm), fcilmente pueden expe-
La satisfaccin percibida por los nios. rimentar traumatismos y, en consecuencia, tienen
Los padres se mostraban menos satisfechos si el mayor probabilidad de experimentar fracasos en la
gnero del paciente era masculino. Y a su vez, las interfase resina-metal. Por el contrario, la sobremordida
madres resultaban mucho ms crticas con el tratamien- aumentada no est estrechamente asociada con un
to que los padres. Tambin se observ que la satisfac- aumento del desgaste del frente esttico (4,6). De modo
cin de los padres era directamente proporcional a la que se determina que la oclusin es un factor a tener en
satisfaccin mostrada por el nio (10). cuenta para pronosticar el xito del tratamiento.
Por otro lado, uno de los mayores inconvenientes que Estudios como el de Baker y cols. (34) evalan la
muestran las coronas preformadas con frente esttico es fuerza necesaria para fracturar, dislocar o deformar el
el riesgo de fractura y en consecuencia, la prdida de frente esttico de coronas preformadas con frente estti-
esttica. Por ello, los fabricantes determinaron limitar el co de distintas casas comerciales. En sus resultados se
contorneado de dichas coronas. Debido a la controver- observa que las ms resistentes son las Cheng Crowns.
sia sobre contornear o no, aparecieron estudios como el Otras, como NuSmile y Kinder Krowns, sufren fractu-
de Gupta y cols. (7) dnde se comparaba la resistencia a ras parciales/totales del frente esttico, atribuyendo el
la fractura del frente esttico entre un grupo de coronas resultado a los diferentes materiales empleados por cada
contorneadas y otro que no. Aunque las coronas contor- fabricante.
neadas mostraron mayor tendencia de prdida de la resi- Los procesos de reparacin estudiados son fciles y
na, tenan menor intervalo de distribucin de las fractu- rpidos de aplicar. Adems, el odontlogo no necesita
ras; mientras que las no contorneadas tenan resultados retirar la corona y colocar otra para repararla (34), pero
muy dispares. Es importante destacar que el frente est- se debe tener en cuenta que los materiales de reparacin
tico se separaba de la interfase metal-resina pero nunca ofrecen menor resistencia que el material original del
quedaba totalmente descolocada. frente esttico (32) (Tabla III).
La causa de la fractura del frente esttico es, proba- Tambin Yilmaz y cols. (44) obtuvieron resultados
blemente, debida a fuerzas traumticas, y no a fuerzas similares. Evaluaron la fuerza de adhesin del material


Autor/ Objetivo Coronas/ Marcas Ciclos Mquina Velocidad Fuerza de Tipo de
Ao Muestra fractura fractura
Baker et al Determinar la resistencia Coronas anteriores Cheng Crowns, En agua 90 das, Mquina test 0,05 in/min Cheng Crowns Fractura, descolo-
1996 a la fractura de 4 de incisivos Kinder Krowns, termocicladas entre mecnico (Instron, = 107.8 pounds cacin y deforma-
marcas de coronas centrales superiores Whiter Bitter II, 4 y 55C, 500 Canton, MA, NuSmile = cin
estticas N = 40 NuSmile ciclos, 45" ciclo EE.UU.) de 100.2 pounds
0,5 mm de grosor Kinder Krowns
y 9 mm de altura = 91.3 pounds
con un ngulo Whiter Biter II
de 148 = 81.5 pounds
Yilmaz y Determinar la fuerza Coronas anteriores NuSmile En agua un ao, Test mecnico 0,05 pulgadas/min 385 N* No especifica
Yilmaz necesaria para la para incisivos ya reparadas, (Hounsfield, Raydon,
2004 dislocar chapa centrales superiores entre 4-55 C, England) 0,5 mm
esttica N = 16 250 ciclos, de grosor, y 8 mm
20"ciclo ancho, con un
ngulo de 148
Yilmaz et al Determinar la fuerza Coronas posteriores NuSmile En ambiente hmedo No especifica 1,5 mm/min 870.6N* Fuerza de masticacin
2008 de adhesin de la de molares temporales a 37 C durante de los nios = 375 N*
chapa esttica y de maxilares y 30 das, termoci-
2 materiales de mandibulares cladas entre 4-55 C,
reparacin N = 22 500 ciclos
*1 Newton equivale a 0.225 pounds.
07. MM VIROLES:Maquetacin 1 28/2/11 09:30 Pgina 192


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para el grupo 1 y 763.2 N para el grupo 2), sin existir 465-9.
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Development of crowns as restoration material for primary

teeth. A review of the literature

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Barcelona


Composites, dental amalgam and preformed metal crowns Entre los materiales restauradores disponibles ms usados
are the most widely used restorative materials in paediatric en odontopediatra encontramos: los composites, la amalgama
dentistry. Composite is the material of choice for restoring y las coronas metlicas preformadas. El composite es el mate-
type I, II and V cavities in the two dentitions. However, the rial de eleccin cuando se trata de restaurar cavidades tipo I, II
preformed metal crown is the best option when there are 3 or y V en ambas denticiones. Sin embargo, cuando se ven invo-
more surfaces involved. lucradas 3 o ms superficies, la mejor opcin son las coronas
At present, two groups of crowns are used in paediatric metlicas preformadas.
dentistry: metal crowns and aesthetic crowns. Within these Actualmente, existen dos grandes grupos de coronas en
two groups, there are a number of types with different proper- odontopediatra: las coronas metlicas y las estticas. Dentro
ties, depending on the location in the dental arch to be de cada grupo, podemos encontrar diferentes tipos en funcin
restored. de la situacin en la arcada del diente a restaurar, o de las pro-
This review aims to analyze the evolution of crowns as a piedades que necesitemos.
restorative material in primary teeth and their properties, El objetivo de esta revisin bibliogrfica es analizar la evo-
advantages and drawbacks. lucin de las coronas como material de restauracin en denti-
cin temporal, as como sus propiedades, ventajas y desventa-

KEY WORDS: Temporary crowns. Metal crowns. Stainless PALABRAS CLAVE: Coronas temporales. Coronas metli-
steel crowns. Aesthetic crowns. Restorations in pediatric den- cas. Coronas de acero inoxidable. Coronas estticas. Restaura-
tistry. Restoration in primary dentition. ciones en odontopediatra. Tcnicas restauracin en denticin
07. MM VIROLES:Maquetacin 1 28/2/11 09:30 Pgina 194


INTRODUCTION There used to be four types of restorations for cover-

ing a tooth completely: metal crowns, open face
Restorations in pediatric patients often pose a great crowns, polycarbonate crowns and acetate crowns (15)
dilemma for dentists given the time and work required, (Table I).
the morphological characteristics of primary teeth and, The childs caries risk, the age at treatment and the
on occasions, the lack of cooperation from the children longevity of the individual restoration influence the cost
themselves (1-3). and effectiveness of the materials selected for restoring
In general, restorations of deciduous teeth tend to be primary teeth (8).
complicated due to the reduced size of both the tooth
and the enamel, the existence of a large pulp chamber
and the reduced surface that remains to allow adhesion
(1,4,5). In addition, the high expectations the parents STAINLESS STEEL CROWNS
place on esthetics has to be kept in mind (6).
The ideal restoration for primary anterior teeth should Stainless steel preformed crowns are also known as
be imperceptible and the same color as the teeth. It is chrome steel crowns, iron crowns, metal crowns, etc.
important for it to be long lasting, for additional treatment Since the studies by Engels were published (16), and
not to be required and it should adhere to the prepared later those by Humphrey (17) in 1950, they have been
tooth with a material that is compatible with pulp tissue. It used in restorations for extensive caries, in malformed
should be easy and quick to place so that the treatment can and fractured primary teeth. From then on, modifica-
be carried out in a single visit, without the need for a labo- tions in their design have improved the morphology
ratory (5-7). The posterior teeth have a wide contact area
and a large cavity is required for housing the amalgam or
composite. In turn, the buccal and lingual walls are thin
and weak and the dentin provides little support. On occa-
sions a restoration is needed that covers the whole of the TABLE I
dental crown (8). All restorations of primary teeth are
aimed at maintaining the tooth and at achieving a good DIFFERENT TYPES OF CROWNS THAT EXIST FOR
esthetic and functional result until the natural exfoliation PRIMARY TEETH
of the tooth. There should be no need for repairing the
restoration and no pulp complications (3). Material Advantages Disadvantages
Among the restoration materials used in primary Metal crowns Long-lasting Appearance
teeth we will find among others, amalgam, resin, com- Easy to place Dissatisfied parents and children
pomers, and more complex+ materials such as crowns. Very retentive
The latter have greater durability and they offer full Suitable for extensive caries
coverage at a relatively low cost, which differentiates and when there is little
them from other materials. On many occasions, they are remaining dental structure
the best treatment option (8). There are different crowns Minimal removal of dental
for anterior teeth and posterior teeth and there are even structure
metal crowns with esthetic facing for primary molars. Low cost
A review of the literature was conducted in order to Only slightly technique-sensitive
describe how the crown has evolved in pediatric den-
Firm bonding to the Longer chair time
remaining tooth Greater patient cooperation
Poor appearance
DEVELOPMENTS IN THE FIELD OF CROWNS: Esthetic crowns Easy to place Limited retention because of
Hemorrhaging does not crimping
The preformed metal crown is both the longest last- disturb color or retention High cost
ing restoration and the most successful for carious Short chair time Limited tones
and/or fractured primary teeth (8-11). It does not frac- Parent satisfaction Less resistance to fracture
ture, it is rarely subject to chipping and it remains joined Unnatural color
to the tooth until the latter is shed (5,12). Acetate crowns Esthetic Technique-sensitive
The indications for the use of crowns are (11,13): Easy to place Requires patient cooperation
1. Restoration following decay in two or more sur- Excellent results Requires sufficient dental
faces. structure for bonding
2. Children with a high caries risk. Tend to wear down
3. Following pulp treatment They may fracture or
4. Primary teeth with structural defects such as become unstuck
amelogenesis imperfecta.
5. Fractured teeth or restoration of fractured cusps. Polycarbonate Esthetic Difficult to place
6. For space maintenance and for very chipped teeth. crowns Quick technique Poor retention
The main contraindication for crown restorations are Low cost Less resistance to wear
when the physiological exfoliation of the tooth is calcu- Do not have to be sent to a Not available
lated to take place in less than 6-12 months (14). laboratory
07. MM VIROLES:Maquetacin 1 28/2/11 09:30 Pgina 195

Vol. 18. N. 3, 2010 195

of these crowns (18) making them the best restorative need for local anesthesia. According to Hall it is a quick
option for severely damaged primary molars (19). and easy technique that both children and parents accept
Previously crowns consisted of indirect restorations well. There is no partial removal of the caries as these
that required impression taking, staining and, for the are sealed with the crown (21).The only contraindica-
correct size to be made, a laboratory had to be involved. tion for using this technique is if the caries affects the
Years later, when preformed crowns appeared, the cost marginal ridge, as in these cases the pulp tends to be
of the procedure was reduced. With the direct method, affected (25).
clinical time was also reduced, which helped with the Innes et al.(25) had a success rate with the Hall
management of difficult patients (20). technique of 73.4% at three years, and of 67.6% at 5
Preformed crowns required less adjustment to years. These results are similar to those of other con-
achieve a precise fit for a prepared tooth, but with care- ventional restorations (26). However, the Hall tech-
ful handling, all crowns could be adapted properly. The nique requires further longitudinal clinical trials and
final adjustment phase should be carried out by the den- evaluations (25).
tist, who should obtain the marginal adaptation of the Roberts and Sheriff (27) established that the most
individual dental preparation. Metal crowns with shapes common reason for a crown failing was wear to the
that match and adapt to margins, and which do not occlusal surface, leading to the perforation of this sur-
require the dentist to carry out any type of adjustment, face even when the occlusal relationship of the tooth
are unknown (21). being treated had been taken into account.
Metal crowns are indicated for primary molar Furthermore, it is important to keep in mind that
restorations as gingival health is not directly affected young children are known to have narrow airways and
and they do not lead to alveolar ridge resorption. The immature protective mechanisms. Although the aspi-
axial extension of preformed crowns should have the ration of teeth and restorations is unusual in dental
same dimension and outline of the original shape of the practice, the danger does exist. It tends to occur on
tooth. Poor marginal adaptation can affect the eruption cementing crowns, inlays and onlays, but this risk can
of adjacent teeth, and associated periodontal tissues be minimized by using a rubber dam (28).
(21,22). Therefore, the preservation of healthy gingiva
will depend on the adapting the crown properly (19).
Guelmann et al (23) concluded that the presence of a
stainless steel crown on a second primary molar does OPEN-FACE CROWNS
not affect the periodontal health of the adjacent perma-
nent molar, providing the crown has been properly There are esthetic considerations to be kept in mind
adapted. with stainless steel crowns. According to Soxman (12),
Providing adequate oral hygiene is observed and the many parents, but rarely children, show dissatisfaction
close contact between molars is preserved, alveolar with the appearance of a metal crown.
ridge resorption caused by the marginal adaptation and The advances in restoration materials and metal
extension will be minimized (19). However, patients bonding have led to new techniques being possible
with bad oral hygiene will have a greater probability of which combine the advantages of metal crowns with the
suffering gingivitis around these metal crowns. As Ran- esthetic qualites of composite. Helpin (29) in the 80s
dall affirmed (18) when treating pediatric patients with described a method that improved the appearance of
crowns, instructions should be given on a daily routine metal crowns. The technique consisted in performing a
of a preventative nature that includes oral hygiene rec- buccal window in the cemented crown for mechanical
ommendations so that periodontal health problems are retention, and the bonding of composite the same color
avoided. as the tooth in the exposed region. However, while this
Conservative preparation is required when placing technique improved the appearance, it required a lot of
a crown on a molar tooth and the buccal and lingual chair time and the metal margins could still be seen.
surfaces are the least touched. Retention is achieved These were called open-face crowns and they are
as a result of the flexibility of the fine margins and the considered the semi-esthetic alternative to metal crowns
shaping of the crown itself (22,24). Correct occlusion (7).
and interproximal contact are difficult to achieve The success of open-face crowns is due to (30):
when space has been lost due to interproximal lesions 1. The firm bonding to the remaining tooth.
(22). 2. The use of dentin bonding.
There are authors who opt for a different technique to 3. Acid etching.
the conventional one for fitting crowns, such as the Hall Authors such as Wiedenfeld et al. (31) described
technique (12,25). The conventional technique requires another technique for efficiently treating anterior
placement using local anesthesia, the complete removal teeth with both esthetic and lasting results. The tech-
of the caries, the distal, mesial and occlusal reduction of nique consisted of sandblasting the anterior surface of
the tooth, and after this the crown has to be adjusted, the crown with aluminum oxide, after which an
and if necessary shaped and smoothed, before being opaque sealant was applied with composite of a 1mm
cemented. The Hall technique consists in correctly thickness. This technique can be carried out in 3-5
selecting the measurements of the crown. It is then minutes, it can be applied by assistant staff, and all
filled with glass ionomer cement and cemented to the the materials are available in dental clinics. It offers
primary molar by applying pressure with the finger or excellent esthetic results together with a bond strength
by using the occlusal forces of the child, without the of 24.4 Mpa.
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PREFORMED CROWNS WITH ESTHETIC dentistry has been to improve the characteristics of
FACINGS existing restorations in posterior primary teeth: durabili-
ty, natural color, adhesive bonding that is biocompatible
In current society, many parents demand restorations with the pulp, easy fitting and placement in a single vis-
that are even more esthetic, and they sometimes prefer it (38).
an extraction to the unattractiveness of a metal crown in
their childs teeth (5).
The restorations that are gaining in popularity are Posterior region
crowns with an esthetic facing. These were developed
and manufactured for primary anterior teeth in the 90s: Esthetic dentistry has evolved considerably over the
Cheng Crowns, Kinder Krowns, NuSmile Primary last two decades, and composite has become the best
Crown, Whiter Biter II Crown and The Dura Crown option for restoring molars with three severely damaged
(5,32). Composite or thermoplastic resin is bonded to surfaces. Recently a new type of posterior crown has
the buccal surface of the traditional stainless steel appeared on the market providing an esthetic and func-
crown. The main advantage is that they maintain an tional solution for severely damaged primary molars or
esthetic appearance regardless of humidity and bleeding those with pulp treatment (35). These are conventional
(10,33). stainless steel crowns which are given a composite fac-
ing by a laboratory. This esthetic facing covers the buc-
cal, occlusal, mesial and distal surface of the crown
Anterior region with a thickness that varies from 0.6 mm on the mesio-
buccal side to 1.5mm on the occlusal surface (35).
Roberts et al. (4) were the first to describe the clini- Esthetic crowns for primary molars have been on the
cal function of these crowns in primary anterior teeth. market for only a few years, but despite this, they repre-
Their studies suggested that esthetic material bonded to sent a great advancement in the development of full-
the structure gave positive results, although there were coverage restoration materials, and they offer an esthet-
certain problems such as cost, sterilization and resis- ic alternative to conventional crowns (35). The
tance of the esthetic part (2,34-36). difference between esthetic and conventional crown
Crowns with an esthetic facing have a greater thick- techniques is not large, but several points should be kept
ness than metal ones. This increase in volume is due to in mind (35):
the material that has to support the forces of mastication The occlusal reduction in esthetic crowns should
or displacement failures (30). be greater, depending on the manufacturer, in order to
Mc. Lean et al. (33) carried out a retrospective study compensate for the thickness of the facing. This can be
with the aim of evaluating the clinical results of esthetic a problem in primary teeth, as greater occlusal reduction
crowns in the anterior region over a period of 19.2 can lead to pulp exposure, although this is not a problem
months. During this time 86% of the crowns maintained in teeth with pulp treatment.
their anatomy while 14% had a voluminous appearance. Adapting an esthetic crown correctly to the buccal
Nearly all the crowns (99%) were fracture resistant over gingival margin is more difficult given the thick margin
a minimum period of 6 months, but 29% started to show that presses on and irritates the gingival tissue. This is
clear wear. It should be pointed out that the fracture or more difficult given that adjusting the crown in this area
wear of a crown with esthetic facing affects its appear- is impossible. However, on occasions it can be adjusted
ance and this reduces parental satisfaction, but the func- on the proximal and lingual surfaces.
tion of the restoration is not impaired (4). The crowns should be placed on their own. On
The esthetic crowns that are commercially available pressing them or shaping them the stability of the resin
are difficult to shape due to the tendency of esthetic is put at risk.
materials to fracture (35). Some brands advise profes- The final esthetic result does not always please
sionals not to press the crowns in order to avoid frac- parents as these crowns are larger and they have a less
tures. However, Gupta et al (7) claim that many dentists natural appearance.
crimp veneered crowns on the lingual aspect where no The preparation and cementing time is similar to
resin has been bonded in order to achieve a better fit and that of metal crowns although the cost of esthetic
to increase the retention of the crown. crowns is higher.
It is important to mention that from an esthetical Ram and Fuks (35) concluded that esthetic crowns
point of view, different cultures use decorative crowns for posterior teeth had several disadvantages: poor gin-
(gold, three quarters, etc.). These crowns are prefabri- gival health, higher cost, bulky and unnatural appear-
cated and on many occasions they are not even fitted by ance. With regard to gingival health, better periodontal
a dentist, which may lead to considerable complications health was observed at six months with the convention-
such as periodontal disease, dental caries, traumatic al crowns than with the esthetic crowns, but after four
occlusion, fractures, devitalized teeth or contact aller- years there was no difference with regard to periodontal
gies, etc. (37). health (35). This could be due to the gingival tissue
Roberts et al. (4) and Waggoner and Cohen (36), adapting to the thicker margin of the esthetic crown
among others, have carried out research in order to (38).
improve the esthetic aspect in the anterior region, but Ram and Fuks (38) evaluated esthetic crowns for pri-
not the problem of esthetics in the posterior region. mary molars and they obtained similar results to those
Over recent years one of the objectives in pediatric of Roberts et al. (4) in the anterior region. Both investi-
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gations concluded that the result of esthetic crowns was adhered to the tooth (40).
excellent, despite the high number of failures, problems Acetate crowns have a retention of 1.5-2 years of
with chipping and fractures. 83% and of 78% at 3 years (3,41). Therefore, when the
Although there are limitations regarding the use of restoration is selected it is important to determine how
preformed crowns with esthetic facings, such as the col- much time is left for the exfoliation of the tooth that is
or tones which tend to be very artificial (15), they are to be treated.
the best option on many occasions for restorations, and These crowns appear to have very few negative
they are of great importance in pediatric dentistry if effects on pulp health. Although according to Olden-
improvements are made to reduce the bulkiness and burg et al. (42), if the tooth has previously undergone
thickness of the esthetic facing, so that there is pulp treatment, the results from an esthetic point of
improved bonding between the metal and the facing, view will probably be unacceptable as they will acquire
and if their cost is reduced (38). a darker tone. Esthetically they are influenced by the
It should be remembered that in clinical practice number of surfaces with caries and it should be kept in
adapting the crown is necessary in order to obtain a mind that the resin contracting by 2-3% can jeopardize
good passive fit. Various sizes should be tried before- the adhesion and seal of direct restorations (20).
hand in order to establish which size adapts best. Once However, acetate crowns have serious disadvantages
the best size has been found the crowns that are not in that: the technique is very sensitive, maximum
cemented should be sterilized (2). humidity control is needed so that bonding and color are
The different sterilization methods can affect the col- not disturbed, patient cooperation is required, and there
or and resistance to fracture of the crown (2,5). The should be enough dental structure for correct bonding
pressure and high temperature during sterilization can (5,34,39,41).
destroy the resin-bonded strip, affecting bonding and These crowns cannot therefore be used in teeth with
disturbing the color (2,15,34). extensive caries and/or little remaining structure, nor if
Wickersham et al. (2) evaluated the fracture resis- there are subgingival caries, periodontal disease, nor
tance of crowns with esthetic facing of different brands can they be used in patients with excessive overbite (5).
for the anterior teeth, observing that the crowns by One important disadvantage is the placement diffi-
Kinder Krowns (Mayclin Laboratory, Minneapolis, culty in patient with paragingival caries or gingival
Minn) underwent a decrease in resistance following bleeding, commonly associated with the removal of
cold sterilization. However, significant differences were caries and the preparation of the tooth. The composite
not observed with regard to fracture types, the different should be stuck when there is complete control of the
manufacturers or the different methods of sterilization. bleeding and sulcus fluid in order to avoid marginal
NuSmile crowns (Orthodontic Technologies Inc, contamination (5).
Houston, TX) offered more resistance than the others, The chair time for placing acetate crowns is consid-
although they sometimes showed changes in color as erable in children and preschoolers. With acetate
did the Kinder Krownscrowns. Wickersham et al. (2) crowns, the treatment tends to be lengthy, and the chil-
concluded that the best way of sterilizing, in order not to dren, regardless of whether they are sedated or not, find
harm the crowns, was by using cold sterilization with long treatment times difficult to tolerate, and any
glutaraldehyde. method with a shorter time is desirable (40).
On some occasions, inflammation is observed
around the resin that is placed with the acetate crown
and this is normally attributed to (3):
ACETATE CROWNS 1. Accumulation of plaque by the cervix.
2. Poor marginal adaptation of the restoration which
For restoring primary anterior teeth there are also can be observed radiographically.
acetate crowns. These are considered crowns despite
being a tool enabling the restorations of crowns.
Restorations can be carried out that are more esthetic, POLYCARBONATE CROWNS
although there are certain draw backs (4,34,39). Their
color and stability are considered acceptable, and they Another option for restoring primary anterior teeth is
show no difference 18 months after placement. Radi- the polycarbonate crown. These are prefabricated
ographically, the margins show small areas of radiolu- crowns for the anterior teeth, of various sizes which
cency. Nevertheless it is important to determine if this allow the most suitable one to be selected for each
radiolucency is due to recurrent caries, short margins, or tooth, although currently they are not easily found on
a fine layer of a bonding agent (3). the market. The dental surface has to be reduced consid-
The technique for carrying out restorations using erably and for this reason they tend to be indicated for
acetate crowns consists in eliminating the caries of the the rehabilitation of teeth with rampant caries and
affected tooth, using complete isolation, and once this where there is considerable loss of dental tissue (43).
has been done the size of the acetate crown is selected. Authors such as Webber et al. (43) concluded that
After this acid etching is carried out, adhesive is placed acetate crowns are more esthetic, they have better reten-
and photopolymerization is carried out while, outside tion and they are more wear resistant when compared
the mouth, the crown is filled with resin acetate. It is with polycarbonate crowns.
then placed on the tooth to be treated which is polymer-
ized and the crown itself is removed leaving the resin
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DISCUSSION ing, as this permitted greater adhesion of the resin.

Although the open-face crowns had a greater success
Since Humphrey (17) introduced chrome-steel pre- rate, they underwent considerable esthetic change.
formed crowns in the 50s, the esthetic aspect of crown The search for even better esthetic results has
restorations has improved considerably with todays become one of the main objectives in dental restoration,
preformed crowns with esthetic facings. The use of regardless of the dentition that is being worked on. Giv-
esthetic crowns in the posterior region is indicated in en that the final decision regarding a restoration in pri-
the same situations in which conventional stainless steel mary teeth is taken by the parents, it is important to
crowns are used, although the preparation for fitting know their satisfaction regarding the existing esthetical
esthetic crowns is more aggressive. restorations.
There are different options for restoring primary To date we have only been able to find in the litera-
incisors in the anterior region, as there is a great variety ture three studies (4,6,10) that were aimed at comparing
of crowns that offer solutions to the problem of caries or the degree of parental satisfaction. These evaluated the
trauma to these teeth. However, in the posterior region response of the family or tutors on the appearance of
there is not such a variety of crowns to choose from. anterior crowns with esthetic facing. Each study used a
Preformed crowns with esthetic facings were different commercial brand. Roberts et al. (4) described
designed for resolving the problems associated with the longevity, failure and satisfaction of Whiter Biter II
acetate and/or open-face crowns (36). Those designed crowns (Whiter Biter Inc, La Grange, KY). Shah et al.
for the posterior region have only been on the market a (6) did the same with Kinder Krownscrowns, while
few years and the studies that have been carried out on Champagne et al. (10), only evaluated the parental satis-
them question their use at a clinical level (35,38). The faction regarding NuSmile crowns.
first crowns with esthetic facings that were made for Retention was of 100% in all the studies although
primary molars had disadvantages such as disturbance esthetically complete fractures were observed in 24% of
to gingival health, high cost, excessive volume and the Whiter Biter II crowns, in 13% of the Kinder
deterioration of the esthetic facing or fracture after a Krowns, and in less than 1% of the NuSmile crowns.
few months.(35). It should be pointed out that the sample in this last study
Champagne et al (10) established that the satisfaction was four times larger than in the last two studies (Table
of parents was greater with preformed crowns with II).
esthetic facing, as the difference with open-face crowns With regard to parental satisfaction, the three studies
was that the metal was not visible at a conversational obtained similar results. The most negative score was
distance. Yilmaz and Koogullari (30) compared both for appearance and color of the crowns and the most
crowns over 18 months, obtaining a survival rate for positive was for size and shape.
open-face crowns of 95%, while preformed crowns with Parental satisfaction was high and in most cases they
an esthetic front had a success rate of 80%. It should be stated that they would choose the same preformed
pointed out that these results were not statistically sig- crowns with esthetic facing for their children if it were
nificant although the fact that the failures arose in the necessary. However, some parents noted that the
lower arch was statistically significant. They estab- crowns appeared to have a whiter color than the adja-
lished that the greater success rate with open-face cent tooth, which displeased them (10). Currently the
crowns was due to the firm bonding between resin and NuSmile brand offers a different tone that is less white
tissue, the use of dentin adhesive and to the acid etch- in color and that has a more natural appearance.


Author year Objetive Crowns Sample Evaluation Satisfaction Esthetic Total Negative Positive
time partial fracture assessment assessment
Roberts et al To ascertain the Whiter Biter II 35 crowns Mean of 8.9 points 3 (8%) 9 (24%) Appearance Size and shape
2000 clinical success and (now known as 12 patients 20.7 months sout of 10 and color
parental acceptance of Dura Crowns) for
esthetic crowns anterior teeth
Shah et al Evaluar el xito Kinder Krowns 46 crowns Mean of 21 points out of 5 (11%) 6 (13%): Appearance Size and shape
2004 clnico y la satisfaccin for anterior teeth 12 parents-children 17.3 months a possible 25 4ICS,1ILS, (esthetic fracture,
de los padres de las From 2 to 6 1CS color and wear)
coronas estticas crowns/ patient
Champagne Evaluar la satisfaccin NuSmile for 238 crowns Minimum 6 93% (50 parents 27 (11%) 6 (< 1%) Visibility of Size and shape
et al 2007 de los padres de las anterior teeth 54 parents-children months out of a) metal and
coronas estticas 1crown/patient (Mean of 13 m) possible 54 durability
07. MM VIROLES:Maquetacin 1 28/2/11 09:30 Pgina 199


The parents gave scores for the crowns of 8.9/10 and chewing force of a child aged 5-10 years which is 375 N
8.4/10 respectively in the studies by Roberts et al. (4) (1,7).
and Shah et al. (6). For NuSmile general satisfaction Moreover, other factors that can lead to failure of
was slightly higher reaching 93% of the sample. esthetic facing such as overjet should be taken into
In general, the variables that showed differences that account. Children with increased overjet (> 6 mm) can
were more significant regarding satisfaction were (10): easily experience trauma and, as a result, there is a
Gender of the child. greater probability of failure at the resin-metal interface.
Future treatment options. However, increased overbite is not closely associated
The satisfaction perceived by the child. with increased wear values of esthetic facing (4,6).
The parents were less satisfied if the patient was Therefore, occlusion is a factor to be kept in mind when
male, and the mothers were far more critical that the making a prognosis as to the success of the treatment.
fathers. It was also observed that the satisfaction of the Studies such as Baker et al. (34) evaluated the force
parents was directly proportional to the satisfaction dis- necessary for fracturing, dislocating or deforming the
played by the children (10). veneers of preformed crowns with esthetic facing of the
Moreover, one of the greatest disadvantages of pre- different commercially available brands. From their
formed crowns with esthetic facing is the risk of frac- results it can be seen that the most resistant are those by
ture resulting in a poor esthetic appearance. Therefore, Cheng Crowns. Others such as NuSmile and Kinder
the manufacturers decided to limit the crimping of these Krowns, suffered partial/total fractures of the esthetic
crowns. Due to the controversy on whether to crimp or facing, and this result was attributed to the different
not, studies such as the one by Gupta et al. (7) appeared materials used by the manufacturers.
which compared the fracture-resistance of groups of The repair processes studied are easy and quick to
crimped and non-crimped esthetic facings. Although the apply. In addition the dentist does not need to remove the
crimped crowns had a greater tendency to resin loss crown and place another in order to repair it (34), but it
there was less of a fracture distribution interval, while should be kept in mind that repair materials offer less
the non-crimped group had very varied results. It should resistance than the original esthetic facing (32) (Table III).
be pointed out that the esthetic facing became separated Yilmaz et al. (44) obtained similar results. They eval-
from the metal resin interface, but it never became com- uated the adhesion force of an original esthetic facing
pletely unstuck. material and two different repair materials. They
The fracturing of esthetic facing is probably caused observed that the adhesion force of the original material
by trauma forces and not to incisal bite force. The force (870.6 N) was slightly higher than the force of the two
needed to fracture esthetic facing is 510.11N for non- repair materials (834.3 N for group 1 and 763.2 N for
contoured crowns and 511.02 N for contoured crowns. group 2), but there were no significant differences
In any event, this is considerably above the average between these two groups.


Author year Objetive Crowns/Sample Brands Cycles Machine Speed Fracture force Fracture type
Baker et al To ascertain the resistance Anterior crowns of Cheng Crowns, Soaked in water for Mechanical machine 0.05 in/min Cheng Crowns Fractured, dislodged
1996 to fracture of 4 brands upper central incisors Kinder Krowns, 90 days, thermocycled tested (Instron, = 107.8 pounds deformed
of esthetic crowns N = 40 Whiter Bitter II, between 4 and 55 C, Canton, MA, NuSmile =
NuSmile for 500 45" cycles EE.UU.) with a 100.2 pounds
0.5 mm thickness Kinder Krowns
and a 9mm height = 91.3 pounds
and at an angle Whiter Biter II
of 148 = 81.5 pounds
Yilmaz y To ascertain the force Anterior crowns of NuSmile In water for a year, Mechanical test 0.05 inches/min 385 N* Not specified
Yilmaz needed to dislodge the upper central incisors. and once repaired at (Hounsfield, Raydon,
2004 esthetic facing N =16 4-55 C, 250 cycles, England) 0.5 mm
20"cycle thickness, and 8 mm
width, at an angle
of 148
Yilmaz et al To ascertain the bonding Posterior crowns of NuSmile In humid surroundings No especifica 1,5 mm/min 870.6N* Mastication force of
2008 strength of esthetic primary maxillary and at 37 C for 30 days, children = 375 N*.
facing and 2 repair mandibular molars thermocycled between
materials N = 22 4-55 C, 500 cycles
*1 Newton is equal to 0.225 pounds.
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CONCLUSIONS their appearance, color, shape and size. With regard to

the posterior region, in the literature reviewed we have
The growing esthetic demands in dentistry for the not been able to find studies that are aimed chiefly at
pediatric population by children and especially parents, evaluating parental satisfaction. Assessing the correct
means that restoration materials are constantly chang- function of posterior crowns with esthetic facing is still
ing. Restoration crowns offering the best esthetical necessary and these results should be compared with
results and advances are important for this population. those of metal crowns. In turn, parental satisfaction
Despite the disadvantages of preformed crowns with should be evaluated so that they can encourage their use
esthetic facing, in general parents are very satisfied with in the future.

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