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Lifespan Development

Review for Exam 1

1. Which science seeks to understand how and why people change across the


Lifespan Development Psychology

2. Understand what replication is and know the order of the scientific method.

Scientific Method: Observation, Hypothesize, Experiment, Draw

Conclusions, Report Results

Replication - repeating a study, usually using different

participants, perhaps of another age, location, socioeconomic status, or


3. In the science of human development, what is nature and what is nurture?

Nature (Biology) vs. Nurture (Environment)

4. What is SIDS and what is recommended that caregivers do for their baby in

regard to sleep?

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome / Lay the baby on its back, no soft


5. Understand the critical period of development.

A time in development when certain things must occur for

development to be normal

6. Know, in order, Freuds first three stages of psychoanalytic theory.

Oral (Birth to 18 months),

Anal (18 months to 2-3 years),

Phallic (3-5 years)

7. According to Piaget, what is assimilation?

Experiences are interpreted to fit into, or assimilate with, old

ideas - Tailored to individual

8. Know the difference between phenotype and genotype.

Genotype: Genetic Inheritance/Potential

Phenotype: Genetic Expression/Traits

9. During prenatal development, how does the placenta come about? What

does the neural tube become?

Placenta formed from the outer embryotic cells during


Neural tube becomes brain and spinal column

10. Know the order in which prenatal development occurs.

Germinal (First two weeks of life),

Embryonic (3rd week End of 8th week),

Fetal (9th week until birth)

11. Be able to recognize an example of cephalocaudal pattern of development.

Typically the head is the first body part to develop, then the

hands, and then feet.

12. According to lecture, having adequate brain development is a critical factor

in attaining what?

Age of viability ability to live outside mother

13. Know what the Apgar scale is used for.

It is used to determine whether or not a newborn needs medical

attention or not

14. Define the terms preterm and couvade.

Preterm is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy

Couvade: The father feels the same pain as the mother during


15. What is the criteria for an extremely low birthweight?

ELBW - Being below 2 pounds 3 ounces

16. What are behavioral teratogens?

Behavior Teratogens tend to harm the prenatal brain, and

therefor impair behavior, and learning

17. Know the benefits discussed in lecture about breast-feeding.

More easily digested

More vitamin A, C and /iron than other milks/formula

Has all mothers immunities

18. Teratogens can have a long-term impact on the newborn.

19. Know what sort of reflexes newborn babies lack.

Knowing night and day, having sleep schedule

20. Know the stages of labor and what occur in them.

Stage 1

(Head of baby is down, Contractions begin, and then transitions into

stage 2 from birth canal into vagina)

Stage 2

(Each contraction moves the baby further through the birth canal until

it is out of the mother, an episiotomy may occur)




21. On average, how long are North American newborns?

28 inches

22. Understand how percentiles work, especially in regard to height.

10th percentile the top 10%

23. Be able to define the terms head-sparing, pruning, transient exuberance, and

binocular vision.

Head-Sparing: malnutrition a large head and brain (starving


Binocular Vision - coordinating both eyes to see an object 3


Pruning - the dying/withering of unused neurons normal part of


Transient Exuberance - Early dendrite growth. Exuberant

because it is so rapid and transient because some of it is temporary

24. Provide an example of fine motor skills.

Grasp, hold, use thumb and index to pinch

25. When can most infants lift their trunk and crawl?

8 to 10 mo

26. According to lecture, muscle strength, brain maturation, and practice are

three factors that contribute to what ability?


27. Know which sense is least developed and most developed at birth.

All 5 senses work but cannot perceive

Sight fuzzy at birth, but becomes better.

Hearing active before birth, good at birth

28. Define perception.

Knowing what an object is/does

29. What age are babies typically able to sit up on their own?

Sit alone 6 months

30. Know the difference between marasmus and kwashiorkor.

Marasmus Malnourished, under 1 year old

Kwashiorkor malnourished, not enough calories, over 1 year

31. Be able to define colostrum.

produced during the last weeks of pregnancy, thick and nutrient

rich substance. Given to babies to help them survive

32. What does breast milk contain that decreases a babys chance of contracting

infectious diseases?

Contains mothers resistance to strains of diseases the mother has

already contracted

33. Understand well what is object permanence and be able to identify an

example of it.

Belief that people and objects continue to exist when out of sight

8 months

EX: peek a boo (hiding face; child thinks you disappear)

34. What is herd immunity?

When more people are immune to the disease so less people are

able to contract it

35. From 1950 to 2010, more than 2 billion children died before what age?

36. Be able to define and recognize an example of babbling, child-directed

speech, and holophrase.


Extended repetition of certain syllables, such as ba-ba-ba

begins when babies are between 6 and 9 months old

Child directed speech

High-pitched, simplified, and repetitive way adults speak to infants


1 word sentences @ 12 months.

Context & Expression (mommy? Vs Mommy!)

37. According to Chomsky, children have an inborn ability to learn language.

This is called: Language acquisition device (LAD):

Term for a hypothesized mental structure that enables aspects of

grammar, vocabulary, and intonation

38. Know information-processing theory.

Sees children as a computer

Involves step-by-step description of the mechanisms of thought

Adds insight to understanding of cognition at every age

39. In Piagets fifth sensorimotor stage, he refers to toddlers as what?

Little scientists they experiment to receive new information

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