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Projeto de expanso - Clint


I. Introduction

II. Content

A. Colmbia

B. Peru

C. Chile

D. Mexico

III. Comparative Analysis

I. Introduction
II. Content


Source: Heritage(Graphic 1.1)

Current Political Leaders:
President: Juan Manuel Santos Caldern
Prime Minister: Humberto de la Calle

Tax Rates

(Graphic 1.2)

*A 15% rate applies to companies located in free trade zone.

Main Allowable Deductions and Tax Credits

Expenses are deductible for depreciation and depletion, net operating losses, payment to
foreign affiliates, expenses abroad, certain taxes, certain exchange differences and certain

Legal Framework

At the political level, Colombia shows a high level of corruption with 37.0 from 1 to 100 in
degree of freedom from corruption (Graph 1). However, the Government is implementing
resources to improve the transparency of legislative processes (Santander 2017). In
macroeconomic terms, it can affect the business environment; However, does not directly
affect, in this case, the consulting sector. On the other hand, the Colombian government offers
the same treatment in legal matters and restrictions for both, nationals and foreigners,
promoting foreign investment.

Government Planning for business ground

Colombia has a National Development Plan that seeks to meet the basic needs of the
population to achieve continuous growth and competitiveness. Peace equity and education are
the fundamental pillars of government. The productive transformation program promotes the
competitiveness of 22 sectors of the economy with high export potential through efficient
coordination between the public and private sectors. (Santander 2017)

Cost of Labour

(Graphic 1.3)
Social Contributions
Social Security Contributions Paid By Employers: 20.5%
Social Security Contributions Paid By Employees: 4%


Why You Should Choose to Invest in Colombia

Source: Coface (Graphic 1.4)

Strong Points

The Colombian government was able to maintain its stability and economic growth even during
the crisis, the confidence of foreign investors was recovered and more than 700 multinational
companies launched investment programs in the country.
The Colombian workers are very well qualified, the country has a good educational system and
the literacy rate is 95%. In Colombia, Foreign Direct Investment benefits from a very attractive
legislative framework. The country ranks 54th out of 189 economies in the ease of doing
business (Doing Business 2016)
It has 10 trade agreements and 3 partial scope agreements that allow the country to have
preferential access to more than 45 countries and about 1.5 billion consumers in markets such
as the United States, the European Union, Brazil, Mexico, Chile or Peru.

Weak Points

Among the factors that impede foreign direct investment are the misapplication of intellectual
property rights; Lack of transparency, equity and bidding conditions in many offers; And security
issues. Violence remains the weak point of the country's beginning, but the historic peace
agreement recently signed with the FARC rebel group should help to improve the situation.

Economic Indicators

Gross Domestic Product Growth

Source: International Monetary Fund (Graphic 1.5)

Thanks to its market size, the extent of its natural resources and a historical reputation as an
exemplary debtor, the country has been experiencing growth for many years (average of 3%
over the last thirty years). Colombia has recently experienced a moderate economic
slowdown, due to low oil prices, the economic slowdown faced by its key trade partners and
monetary tightening to reduce inflation. GDP is expected to grow 2,7% in 2017 (IMF 2016)

Inflation, Consumer prices

Source: International Monetary Fund (Graphic 1.6)

In 2016, the loss of oil-related fiscal revenues, coupled with a weak global economy, weighed
heavily on the countrys economic situation. Inflation reached 7,6%. The Government of
President Santos has launched an ambitious programme of reforms aiming to reinforce
taxation, improve the management of territorial income drawn by royalties, increase
competitiveness and control the Peso appreciation.

Main Sectors of Industry

Colombia's main crops are coffee, bananas, cut flowers, sugarcane, livestock, rice and corn.
Industry (textile, chemical products, metallurgy, cement, cardboard containers, plastic resins
and beverages) represents around 34% of the GDP and employs 20% of the active population.
Colombia's main economic sector is the services sector, which represents over 59% of the
GDP and employs 64% of the active population. The importance of this sector has increased in
recent years. (Santander 2016)

(Graphic 1.7)
The services market in Colombia is the one that most contributes to the GDP, but as we can
see in the previous graph, the participation of the consulting services only covers 12% of the
total of the sector, showing that it is a market that is not yet saturated And that has growth


The Colombian consumer likes to receive original communication, mixed with a humorous
part. Making fun of them attracts them, they are empathetic, personal and open to seeing their
failings. The brands that manage to connect with them are the ones that allow the Colombian to
be critical of himself. They like to show themselves as victors in the face of adversity.
Brands are chasing the individual to get their attention and that individual is rejecting intrusive
communication. It is someone who now expresses aloud, what are the messages you want to
see and hear. Meanwhile, other brands that do not make so much noise but do generate voice
to voice, make it the consumers who are looking for them. The brands with more noise are
usually seen as more generic for Colombians.
It is also a consumer who makes low disbursements, and is very aware of the price vs.
quality of the products that he buys. An important variable is that they are also looking for
promotions even beyond the low price. (Angulo 2016)
The consumer group of consulting services is made up of companies and organizations from
the private sector, and the public sector. However, in the first case, the final consumer of these
services is the entrepreneur, who is ultimately in charge of making the decision on the hiring of
the consultancy.
In the case of the public sector, the decisions on contracting consultancies respond to structural
needs and the decision on the suppliers is carried out through public processes (adjudications
and licitations) governed by the Law of Procurement and Contracting of the State


With the programs Government Online, Strengthening of the IT Industry (FITI) and Vive Digital,
through the Ministry of Information Technologies, the Colombian government works for a
greater coverage in the use of networks and the use of them. These programs open up a broad
spectrum of opportunities for the IT industries and services industries in the country by the
massification and access of technology, a growth in the demand of the industry and the
inhabitants of these goods and services.

According to IDC, Between 2003 and 2015 the software and IT market in Colombia has
grown 5 times by size.
Hardware continues to dominate the technology market with 54.7% of the total market
share, followed by software with 33.1% and services with 12.1% (IDC, 2016)
Colombia (1.15% of the GDP) is the third largest IT service provider in the region
behind Brazil (1.74%) and Mexico (0.73%) reaching sales of US $ 2.4 billion. The main
IT services offered in Colombia are related to the management of business operations
and support services. (IDC, 2015)
14.1% of students in Colombia have graduated from careers related to the Software and
IT sector. This workforce is largely composed of technology and professionals.
(MinEducation, 2016)
Colombia has an infrastructure capable of supporting world-class operations, with 10
submarine cables that allow the use of 4G technology (MinTIC, 2015)

The Vive Digital program aims to generate economic growth based on the use and
appropriation of ICT in the Colombian population and the development of a national digital
ecosystem. Through this program, it was possible to connect 1,048 municipalities by increasing
internet connections from 2.2 to 10.1 million nationwide.

Source: Colciencias(Graphic 1.7)

From the 89 companies that were recognized, 24% are medium and 13% small,
demonstrating that innovation is not only done by large companies. The pilot shows that in
addition to Bogota, Medelln and Cali where there is a high concentration of innovative
companies, there are cities that are advancing in the area like Barranquilla, Pereira,
Bucaramanga, Manizales and Cartagena.

The consultancy sector in Colombia is far away from the level of development of its economy,
reason why the proposal of services that Clint offers is attractive and unique since when
analyzing several proposals of services of different consultants in Colombia we have not found
a proposal equal or partially similar, this is a strength as there is an interesting market share for
Clint to offer its differentiated services.

The economy in Colombia is developing, in recent years has been increasing the use of
consulting services by companies, these require the use of these services to penetrate safely in
the market.
The Colombian government is promoting the entry of new companies with a stable legal
framework for good business development, which opens up many business opportunities for

Among Clint's weaknesses when entering the Colombian market we can find the lack of
knowledge about the existence of the company by customers, low credibility and recognition,
for this reason it must prove the value of its product, the language barrier is present, the high
turnover could make processes slow.

The consulting firms are tied to the economic cycles, if the economy of the country is affected
negatively, the companies will reduce the use of the services of the consultancies as a way of
saving which would diminish the demand of these.
The resistance by micro and small entrepreneurs to use business consulting services for lack of
money is present.
The consulting sector in Colombia is striking, barriers to entry are very low which creates a
significant increase of consulting companies with attractive packages and willing to cover all the
needs of the market.


Novos operadores

In the market there are no direct competitors with differentiated products like those offered by
Clint. Clint is a consultant of change management (inbound marketing - innovation) focused on
marketing and sales.
High ease of entry, few restrictive government policies, low investment requirements for fixed

Rivalidade entre concorrentes

In the Colombian consultancy offer, micro and small enterprises predominate; It is a scenario
led by The Big 4 in the context of a market share that does not exceed 30%; The remaining
70% is distributed in a number of firms, research centers and independents whose number is
estimated between 10,000 and 15,000. In essence, this is a highly atomized market, dominated
by legal consulting, in which, with few exceptions, internationalization and business growth
are uncommon practices.
The rivalry between competitors is medium since not all the consultants offer the same services
that Clint has, some only focus on the digital marketing side, website design or coaching
specifically, without having the wide range of Clint, other consultants only focus on the legal or
financial part and implementation of IFRS.
As the market is attractive is increasing its share, this is leading to the proliferation of small
garage consultants that offer very low prices and often poor quality services which affects the
reputation of consulting in Colombia.
Low costs of change for customers between one consultant or another is a problem and growth
in demand slightly lower than supply.

Poder de Negociao dos Clientes

The bargaining power of customers is medium-high because they are demanding, well informed
and first investigated in different sources before making a purchase or service request. Market
segmentation is well defined by company sizes and when doing a search Consultants request a
specialized service, there is a great variety of suppliers in the market

Poder de Negociao dos fornecedores

The power of suppliers is low because the consultants work with information that is generally
provided by the company requesting the service and many other is easily accessible through
government pages, database and public access statistics. The specific information is obtained
with studies or companies that offer this type of information.
The trained labor force in Colombia is high, so there is a lot of labor supply at a low price.

Produtos substitutos

Informal groups of college students who offer lower prices but do not have the same level of
experience.Direct search of information by companies. High facilitate of the buyer to replace
between consulting firms.


Current Political Leaders:
President: Pedro Pablo Kuczynski
Prime Minister: Fernando Zavala Lombardi

Source: Heritage (Graphic 2.1)

Tax Rates

(Graphic 2.2)

Main Allowable Deductions and Tax Credits

Deductions are possible for: interest on loans, insurance premiums, leases of aircraft and ships,
maritime freight, and fees for passing through the Panama channel; depreciation; loss; payment
of royalties to no non-domiciled affiliates; some taxes; start-up costs; employee's retributions
and health insurance premiums; vehicle expenses.

Other Corporate Taxes

Municipal authorities tax real estate, social security, transfer of real estate, temporary Tax on
net Assets, Financial transactions tax.

Legal Framework

In the political sphere, the population perceives the government as inefficient and rather
bureaucratic within the judicial system (Santander 2017). However, according to figure 2.1, in
terms of freedom of investment and trade (70 and 67.8 respectively), Peru is in a favorable
economic and political situation to do business. In addition, it has policies of equal treatment of
local and foreign investors in legal and political aspects.

Law for Private and Foreign investment

Legal Stability Regime for Foreign Investment (Legislative decree 662)

Law on the promotion of private investment in state enterprises (Legislative decree 674)
Framework law for the promotion of decentralized investment (Law number 28059)
Framework law for the growth of private investment (Legislative decree 757)

Government Measures to Motivate or Restrict FDI

The Peruvian government is trying to attract foreign investors in all sectors of the economy.In
the 1993 Constitution, there are laws in Peru concerning foreign investment, which will
encourage the foreign investment, help any foreign business activities and protect the foreign
legal framework.

Currently, the main Pedro Pablo Kuczynski's (PPK) economic cutback proposals are tax
reductions, and one of them is IGV from 18% to 15% progressively by one percentage point for
a year. The PPK thought is encourage people that dont pay taxes to do it (Gestion 2016).

Cost of Labour

(Graphic 2.3)

Social Contributions
Social Security Contributions Paid By Employers: 27%.
Social Security Contributions Paid By Employees: 0 %.


Why You Should Choose to Invest in Peru

Source: Cocafe (Grfico 2.4)

Strong Points

For five years Peru has experienced sustained growth, which is based on an external growth
environment, on exports and domestic demand, which has benefitted from the combined rise in
household consumption and public investment. Dynamic activity, sound economic policy, and
the successful management of debt, have allowed Peru to show very good results in terms of a
strong macro-economic balance, and to regain investor and market confidence.

After having attained a record level in 2012, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows into Peru fell
in 2013, following the Latin American slowdown. Thanks to its attractive legislative and fiscal
framework and a dynamic mining sector, Peru continued to attract FDI in recent years. It is
now a leader amongst the South American receptors of FDI, behind Chile but ahead of
Argentina with FDI influx reaching USD 7.7 billion in 2015 (+1% compared to 2014).
Peru's FDI comes primarily from Spain (the largest investor). Chile, Brazil and the
Netherlands were also important investors in 2015. Peru's most appealing points in terms of
FDI are the low cost of wages compared to the developed countries and the non-restrictive
policy concerning dividends. However, the Peruvian authorities must look into reducing customs
barriers, making their tax legislation more flexible, improving the efficiency of public
institutions and strengthening the rule of law in order to keep the country attractive to investors.
Peru is very much open to its neighbours and the world and has a favourable environment for
foreign investors: it ranks 54 out of 190 in the 2017 Doing Business Report. (Santander 2016)

Peru is a member of the WTO and it is very open to international trade, which represents
more than 48% of the GDP (WTO, 2012-2014 average). Peru has aimed to maximise its
number of free trade agreements, covering 95% of its exports. It is likewise seeking to position
itself as a regional hub for trade between Latin America and the APEC countries.

Weak Points
If the Peruvian economy's prospects are favorable in the short term, the sustainability of the
present growth is conditioned by Peru's capacity to define a medium term development
strategy. With growth highly concentrated on the primary sector and in the agricultural
exporting regions, it has only marginally contributed to redressing a difficult social situation. The
main source of vulnerability is a permanently high level of poverty and under-employment,
caused by a growth that is too dependent on a strongly capitalist mining sector.
Growth is dependent on an external environment which up to now has been favorable, as
domestic demand is not yet able to take over from a possible reduction of external demand or
from the prices of raw materials. Peru also suffers from a great lack of infrastructures, and the
institutional capacity of the country has not improved significantly over the last few years.
Moreover, the progress of employment is too concentrated in the most dynamic areas and in
the informal sector. The lack of efficiency and means of public policies is manifest in the
permanently high poverty rate.

Economic Indicators

Gross Domestic Product Growth

Source: International Monetary Fund (Graphic 2.5)

Peru is enjoying the 17th consecutive year of positive growth, which peaked at 6% on
average between 2004 and 2012. However, Peru has experienced a less favourable
economic outlook since 2015, when growth forecasts were revised down to 2.4% and
inflation (3.5%) exceeded the Central Bank target.

Inflation, Consumer prices

Source: International Monetary Fund (Graphic 2.6)

The country suffers from its high dependence on exports, which makes it vulnerable to external
shocks. In the context of lower prices and demand for Peru's main exports, growth is expected
to be lower in 2016-20 (4.3% average) than in the last decade.
Main Sectors of Industry

(Graphic 2.7)

The industry sector generates one-third of the GDP, employing one-fifth of the active
population. The main manufacturing activities (17%) are textiles, consumer goods, food
processing and fish products. Peru is the world's top exporter of fish meal and asparagus.
Furthermore, in the business services sector (4%) we can find the following: Advertising and
Market Research; Professional, scientific and technical activities; Administrative and Support
Services Activities; And travel agency, tour operators, reservation services. Precisely, the core
business of Clint.Solutions is developed between the Advertising and Market Research area
and professional, scientific and technical activities; Offering specialized services in innovation in
terms of marketing and strategic sales.


A recent Nielsen study confirms that while the essential values of life (relative to family,
education or religion), the similarities between global consumers are often more than
differences; The attitudes and criteria of purchase are different according to the place where
they live. In developed countries, for example, consumers tend to be more skeptical and
price-driven, while in growing markets there is a greater affinity for aspirational brands as well
as a greater inclination for early adoption of new products.

Values and lifestyles

Based on the latest Nielsen global Consumer Behavior Survey, In an increasingly demanding,
fast and demanding environment, Peruvians value being able to invest quality time with the
family, in fact more than 90 percent consider this to be one of the most important aspects of
life. Along with this, family planning is also considered a relevant issue for 9 out of 10
Education is another aspect highly valued by Peruvians. Being able to reach a higher
degree of studies is very important for them, so 66% consider that secondary education is not
enough. The high estimate that education has today is directly associated with labor aspiration:
8 out of 10 people in Peru think that they will get better employment opportunities with a higher
level of education.

A demanding and rational consumer

The Peruvian consumer is characterized by being demanding and rational when making
purchasing decisions. In this sense, quality appears as the main concern for 87 per cent of
Peruvians when purchasing a product.
On the other hand, the results of the study reveal that their buying behavior is judicious and
conscientious: only a small minority (25%) affirms impulsively buying things that they do not
really need, probably influencing this aspect that a high percentage (84%) uses A shopping list
on most of his trips to the store. In addition, only 41 percent say they are inclined to adopt new
products early and less than half the respondents (47%) are likely to buy products from famous
or aspirational brands. However, with regard to this last point, it is necessary to clarify that the
brand appears as one of the most important buying factors when it comes to the acquisition of
durable goods such as appliances and cars, unlike what happens with massive categories such
as food and beverages, where the premium is the functionality and quality of the product.

The attractiveness of a good promotion

The requirement in terms of quality does not mean neglecting the pocket. In this sense, the
Peruvian, is an informed consumer, attentive and attracted by the promotions and
discounts. That is so, that seven out of ten says that he is usually aware of the various
promotional activities.


Peru has an Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector that has grown 8.5%
annual rate since 2010, according to data provided by the Peruvian Government and the Lima
Chamber of Commerce (Gestin 2016)

Innovation and company

One of the most serious shortcomings in the field of ITC is the lack of knowledge about the
innovative behavior of companies. Part of this situation stems from lack of information.
Fortunately, the Survey of Innovation in the Manufacturing Industry 2012 has already been
carried out and it is possible to have the necessary information to identify what kind of
innovations companies make, what innovation activities are the most frequent, what are the
motivations for innovation, what are the Major obstacles they face, among others.

Successful experiences such as Bembos and Kola Reals companies are examples of imitation,
but behind them there is a lot of effort to identify processes followed by the original companies
and then adapt them to the idiosyncrasy and the national market and, finally, to generate new
products and services or at least differentiated.(El Comercio 2016)

Software industry

In the last six years, the national software industry grew at an average annual rate of around
15% and although the projections vary according to the source, the evolution is expected to
remain in double digits, projected Peruvian company VBG Sistemas, leader in Provision of
accounting systems. (Gestion 2016)

News about Technology

The ever-changing world demands that companies constantly innovate to adapt new demands
of their consumers and endure in time. However, many local companies have adopted a very
"superficial" idea of innovation, which could jeopardize the sustainability of the business,
consultancy PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) said.

"A lot of people are taking innovation very superficially, as if it were something very creative.
And there's definitely a lot of creativity, but it's just a tiny part of the entire innovation process,
"said Francisco Pinedo, director of Business Consulting at PwC. He explained that when the
local economy is growing at such positive rates as the Peruvian case, the need to innovate is
usually low, while an "ideal environment" for innovation is given when growth is not so
easy. "That's when products and services come out much more innovative because you are
willing to take a much greater risk."

The Clint Solutions core business focuses on providing strategic consulting in Marketing and
Sales with a perspective of innovation or change management. In that sense, in the Peruvian
market, Clint would offer a different proposal to the local consulting of the country; Which
represents a great strength in terms of product differentiation. The innovation consulting and
change management service specializes in organizations that want to renew their company's
perspective to continue to perceive steady growth and remain at the forefront of the market.
On the other hand, Clint is characterized as an organization with great potential for growth. This
is perceived with the increase of its turnover of 240% from 2015 to 2016 in specialized
consulting services. Thus, much of Clint's work is due to the ability and expertise of employees
in each area of the company. Likewise, the values, vision and mission of the company are very
well defined and allow to generate a culture of innovation and growth quite strong. This is
evidenced by the recognition that Clint has in the Brazilian market and the different awards he
has received, such as Great Place to Work (5th edition) in 2016 and agency of the year, ninja
sword in Vitrine (1st), collaboration for The product (1 ), Larger MRR for ResultadosDigitais. In
this way, the strength of the internal climate would allow a great development in the Peruvian

Regarding the weaknesses, it is important to mention that Clint is a consultant with few years in
the Brazilian market, with core business changes during its growth. The short organizational
time would represent a disadvantage to settle in a different market like Peru. Also, being an
organization with little time in the market represents a disadvantage the verification of the
service provided, which would make it more difficult to attract customers in terms of
demonstrating the results of their services.
On the other hand, a rotation of average employees is perceived. The first findings allow us to
recognize that the problem arises from a need for greater communication of culture. Other
weaknesses that would be in the Peruvian market is that it is a fairly flat organization, the lack
of a physical infrastructure, which would mean long distance communication with customers
and basically the difference of language.

In recent years, Peru has maintained a fairly stable macroeconomic environment with
projections of steady growth (+ 3.25% GDP, 2015) and higher than the Latin American average
(-0.29% GDP). This increase has generated the dynamization of the economy allowing greater
growth of companies and potential Clint customers. According to Confiep, consulting services
report, the consulting industry is growing in the Peruvian market representing the fastest growth
in the industry.
On the other hand, Peru has a legal framework that encourages the investment of foreign
companies. This facilitates the entry and formation of companies and alliances. Likewise, there
is no tax discrimination between local and international companies. In addition, the recent
government has adopted proposals to boost the economy to encourage companies and
generate benefits for citizens.
Finally, the differentiated product of Clint allows to create a strategic positioning of blue
markets. Reducing the range of competitors in the sector that develops Clint.
About consulting ground, the positioning of the 4 largest global consultancies "Big Four"
represents a threat that captures the wide field of the different types of consultancy that it offers;
This would represent a disadvantage in organizational size and time of experience; However,
alliances with large companies could be managed as a positioning strategy.
The idea of entering a new market represents a number of risks in the environment that
basically focuses on the difference of the negotiation culture, negotiation procedures and legal
framework. In this respect, according to the Ansoff matrix, undertaking in the Peruvian market
(new market) with the same product would represent a type of growth of "market development";
Which represents an average risk.


Novos operadores

In the last years, the Peruvian economy has been characterized by a remarkable and constant
growth, which has generated a greater competitiveness in the companies within each sector. It
is thus that the companies are in a constant search for ways and tools that help them to
improve their services and products in order to stay successful in the market. In this way,
business consulting is one of the tools that companies have begun to demand more frequently
with the need to know more in detail their competitors and customers.
As for the entry of new competitors, the entry barriers are medium-low in the consulting market,
which basically depend on the type and service offered by Clint Solutions. First, in general, the
capital investment required to start a consultancy focuses mainly on the knowledge and skills of
professionals and collaborators. In that sense, in terms of high fixed investment costs, it does
not represent a significant investment for the core business.

Then, as regards the political environment, the new Peruvian government promotes public and
private investment, facilitating the entry of new companies to the different industries. It is
important to emphasize that the State defends the non-discrimination of local and foreign
investors. In addition, the legal operations for setting up a consultant do not have a greater
complexity compared to setting up a regular company.

Finally, Clint's management consulting for change and innovation in the field of marketing and
sales is considered a unique and differentiated type of consultancy. The product design and the
knowledge of the collaborators represents an added value advantage that could hardly be
copied and competed in the field. Therefore, in general terms, it is established that the entry
barriers of new competitors are of the medium-low type.

Rivalidade entre concorrentes

Professional, scientific and technical activities grew by 1.96%, driven by business management
consulting activities due to the requirement of consulting in commercial productivity, business
communication, marketing strategies, evaluation and operational assistance, work climate
solutions and motivation, Financial, administrative and risk management (INEI 2016: 7). The
gradual growth in demand for consulting services and the influx of large companies has
significantly boosted the Peruvian market.
However, the consultancy sector offer in Peru is still low. There are a minimum number of local
consulting companies, since most of the consultancies in Peru have been created by
international companies, installed in the country through subsidiaries and franchises (Chamber
of Commerce Aragon 2013). Today the main international consultancies (KPMG, Ernst &
Young, PWC, Deloitte, McKinsey, Accenture) are present in Peru. These international
companies, together with the local ones, are centered on the market of medium-sized and,
above all, large companies.

In conclusion, the Peruvian consulting market presents in all areas of specialization high rates
of attraction for consulting companies, in view of the growing demand and the low levels of offer
in specialized consultancy. The opportunity to partner with a market expert would allow a "win
to win" negotiation considering that Clint.Solutions offers an innovative service is of utmost
importance for the growth of potential clients. Finally, it is considered low rate of rivality of

Poder de Negociao dos Clientes

From the point of view of the differentiated product of Clint.Solutions, the negotiation power of
the customers is considered low, due to the scarce supply of this service. Furthermore, it
means that the service has an add value that would be appreciated in the peruvian market.
On the other hand, in the consulting market there is an average amount of marketing and sales
services, however, there is no saturated market. Therefore, the customer does not have the
advantage of choosing a service of a differentiated type. Finally, this being a specialized
consulting service, the customer's knowledge is low; Therefore, their level of negotiation would
be low.

Poder de Negociao dos fornecedores

The level of negotiation with suppliers is medium. Basically, the main suppliers of the
consultancy are the labor market of professional consultants and institutions that provide
content, tools and services to contribute to the development of consulting projects. Among
these are the institutions that sell statistical data required for the consultancy. Also, the
pertinent information is obtained from the resources of the company that requests the
consultancy. In that sense, there are a variety of channels through which this information can
be obtained, and precisely, the company's database, is provided by the same to develop the
requested consultancy.

Produtos substitutos

For the type of consultancy provided by Clint.Solutions there are not many substitutes. However
some can be identified. The Peruvian government, through advisory campaigns to the MYPES
provides consulting and advice to companies to teach them to show and sell their product, but it
is not a comprehensive strategic consulting. On the other hand, there are companies that
provide information content and guides for a subscription. This helps companies to know and
understand how the different strategic and innovation tools work to implement them in the
structure of their organization. This represents a type of tooling advice.



Current Political Leaders:

President: Michelle Bachelet Jeria
General Secretariat of Government: Paula Narvez

Source: Heritage (Graphic 3.1)

Tax Rates

(Graphic 3.2)

*Income derived from commercial, industrial, agricultural or mining activities, and from fishing,
investment and real estate.
**Incomes arising from wages and salaries, bonuses, gratuities and any other form of

Foreign businesses are subject to the same fiscal regime as Chilean businesses.

Legal Framework

Foreign nationals in the country can enjoy treatment at par with the natives from the judiciary,
including commercial disputes.

Government Measures to Motivate or Restrict FDI

Chiles foreign investment policy is based on simplicity, transparency and non-discrimination

towards foreign investors.
The Government has worked to simplify investment procedures. On a fiscal level, foreign
investors benefit from a moderate income tax on companies, and they are guaranteed access
to the formal foreign exchange market, including free remittance of capital and profits. The
country also offers investors a large range of solutions and has established a programme called
'The Innovation Policy Platform' in order to encourage investment. These measures have
notably led to the development of a new type of company, the 'Simplified Limited Company'
(empresa individual de responsabilidad limitada' - EIRL) that allows a foreigner to create a
business in Chile without needing a local partner. Also, joint stock companies can be formed
without a local partner (but another legal entity is required).
InvestChile assists overseas companies in their prospection, installation and engagement in the
country. (Santander 2016)

Cost of Labour

(Graphic 3.3)

Why You Should Choose to Invest in Chile

Source: Cocafe (Graphic 3.4)

Strong Points

Macroeconomic stability, growth prospects and the low level of risk are among the most
promising factors in the Chilean economy. The country is the first importer of Latin America per
inhabitant, and enjoys an excellent solvency. Chilean economic players have the highest
purchasing power in South America.
The labor legislation is conducive to business, especially thanks to the flexibility of working time
and the facilities for dismissals.
The foreign companies that are settled in Chile can count on privileged access to the markets of
the region through different free trade agreements.

Weak Points

The country's three main weaknesses are:

Their lack of innovation: spending on research and development is still too low.
Weak investment in network industries.
The lack of qualification of the workforce. The labor force participation rate is quite low,
particularly among women and young people.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Figures

Chile is the second most attractive country in FDI in South America, after Brazil. Foreign
investments, however, are irregular because they are often related to mining projects. Chilean
economic policy, based on a desire for transparency of capital and a non-discrimination of
foreign investors, is one of its advantages. The latter are also attracted by the wealth of
natural resources, macroeconomic stability and growth potential, legal security, the low level of
country risk and high level infrastructures. The country ranks 48 (out of 189 countries) in the
World Bank's Doing Business 2016 ranking.
Chile is the fifth country in the world more open to imports and foreign investments. The United
States is the first investor in Chile.

Economic Indicators

Gross Domestic Product Growth

Source: International Monetary Fund (Graphic 3.5)

In comparison with the other economies of Latin America, Chile managed to remain
economically stable in the last ten years. However, after so many years of steady growth, Chile
experienced a strong economic slowdown in 2015. The main reason for the slowdown was the
drop in world copper prices and Chile's strong relationship with these as its main export
product. Prospects for 2017-2020 are expected to be around 3%. Still, this rate remains
relatively sluggish compared to the commodity boom years.

Chile still benefits from an A-level credit rating, thanks to its low public debt ratios, sound
macroeconomic policy and access to ample reserves and sovereign wealth funds, the latter of
which was valued at USD 22 billion in November 2015. Inflation is expected to fall within the 2-
4% range.

Inflation, Consumer prices

Source: International Monetary Fund (Graphic 3.6)

As a consequence of the economic downturn, Chile's unemployment rate has risen from 6.6%
in 2015 to 7% now. Poverty continues to affect almost 15% of its population and there is a high
level of inequality.

Main Sectors of Industry

Chile's economy is dominated by the industrial and service sectors, which together contribute
to more than 96% of the GDP. The importance of the service sector has increased in the past
two years. Chiles key activity sectors are mining (copper, coal and nitrate), manufactured
products (agri-food processing, chemicals, wood) and agriculture (fishing, viticulture and fruit).
(Graphic 3.7) Servicios empresariales: Patentes, Derechos de Licencias y Regalas, Servicios Comerciales y
Mercantiles, Servicios de Consultora, Servicios de Diseo y Artes Grficas, Servicios de Informacin, Servicios
de Marketing, Investigacin de Mercados y Encuestas de Opinin, Servicios de Publicidad y Relaciones Pblicas,
Servicios de Seguridad, Servicios Jurdicos y Auditora, Servicios Sociales y Personales.


Consumer Profile

The expanding and growing market in Chile has involved an explosion of consumer demand.
Although price remains an important factor in purchasing decisions, it also takes into account
the quality, durability, technology, customer service and the availability of the service.
Indeed, it is said that Chile entered a "consumption phase", where consumption is perceived as
a form of gratification and social status, beyond meeting the needs of consumers. Market
studies suggest in addition to environmental factors are increasingly important when choosing a
product. In fact, it is pointed out that society is the most respectful of the environment in Latin


According to the results of the Fourth Survey of Spending and Personnel in R&D, Chile spent a
total of $ 530,292 million on this item, equivalent to 0.39% of GDP , ranking in the last position
of a ranking composed of 29 countries and headed by South Korea, where 4.36% of the
domestic product is invested.

Chile needs to act on other fronts in order to release the full innovation potential of its economy.
This can be achieved by improving the tax benefits of R&D investment, making the entry and
exit of companies more flexible, improving collaboration between industry and the scientific
community, promoting programs that promote innovation and improve institutionality.


As in Colombia and Peru, in the Chilean market, Clint adopts the advantage of having a
different consulting proposal that is not repeated in the market. In this sense, Clint is benefited
by offering a very segmented service in the consulting sector; Change management and
innovation in marketing and sales. Also, Clint's strength does not change; Its qualified people,
its strong culture, its accelerated growth and prestige turn it into a consultant of great potential
of growth and expansion.

Clint's weaknesses remain in any type of market. In this sense, the immaturity of the company,
lack of product verification, medium-high staff turnover, very flat organization and language
represent a disadvantage in the possible negotiation scenarios with partners and clients in Latin
American countries.

In general, the Chilean market is characterized by being economically very stable and solvent.
Likewise, investment and legal framework policies are simple, transparent and non-
discriminatory for investors. In this environment, Clint has the ability to fully develop, create
alliances and generate value.
On the other hand, the low levels of innovation and the constant need for this make Chile an
attractive candidate for the positioning of Clint's consultancy. Also, its blue ocean strategy
allows it to better develop with a scenario without aggressive competitors.

In the area of threats, Clint shares the same threats considered in Peru and Colombia. Also, in
view of the fact that Chile specializes in the mining sector, being the leading exporter of copper
in the world. (Of the total export, 50% is export of copper); Any external shock in the minerals
would strongly affect the Chilean economy.


Novos operadores

High easy entry level, the government offers a easy way to make business with his simply legal
framework, transparency and policy of no discrimination for investors.
There are no direct competitors with the same proposal as Clint in the market. Low change cost
for customers.

Rivalidade entre concorrentes

Consultancy sector has low fixed cost, high growth segment - More companies, more need for
innovation. As for the IT consultants in Chile, there is a professional industry that has
experienced a high growth, composed of companies that have a strong knowledge of the
sector. In addition, in Chile there is a tough competition, which translates into the maximum
professionalization of the sector to meet the needs of customers.

Poder de Negociao dos Clientes

The bargaining power of customers is medium because there is a variety of suppliers in the
market, customers are exigents in terms of their needs in this sector.
Business organizations are looking for consultancies that guide the use of best practices for the
effective redesign of the business objective, change management, and the use and application
of new technologies, to achieve benefits that are limited to the client's reality. Knowledge,
experience, maturity and globalized relationships are differentiating factors for positioning
themselves in the Chilean market, given the wide and varied competition present in the country
today. (Promperu 2011)

Poder de Negociao dos fornecedores

As in the other markets, consultancy sector works with information and clients are the principals
suppliers of this, there are a lot of information in internet databases and public statistics, Chile
has a state body (INE - Instituto Nacional de Estadsticas) which generates all the official
statistics of Chile.
Produtos substitutos

Online consultancy or direct search of information by companies. High facilitate of the buyer to
replace between consulting firms.




Current Political Leaders:

President: Enrique Pea Nieto
General Secretariat of Government: Miguel ngel Osorio Chong

Source: Heritage (Graphic 4.1)

Tax Rates

(Graphic 4.1)
Distinction between resident company and foreign company

Non-residents who provide goods and services in Mexico must also register for VAT. They
receive similar treatment to other registered taxpayers for VAT. If the company does not have a
permanent establishment in Mexico, it must appoint a tax representative to complete its
registration for VAT. A tax withholding tax may be applied to non-residents.

Tax rate for foreign companies

Foreign companies established in Mexico are subject to the same tax regime as domestic
companies. On the other hand, they benefit from certain exemptions. Most taxes in Mexico are
administered at the federal level. Although states have limited possibilities to offer fiscal
stimulus, there is still competition among them to attract foreign investment.

Main Allowable Deductions and Tax Credits

Deductible costs include: costs of goods sold, labor costs, and overhead costs, etc. Non-
deductible expenses include penalties, unauthorized donations, contingencies, indemnities,
exempt salaries, etc.

Other corporate taxes

Companies may be subject to a tax on employee benefit sharing (10%), a residence tax (5%),
special taxes on production and services, as well as other state taxes, Tax on the acquisition of
real estate (2 to 5%) and a tax on salaries (2 to 3%).

Legal Framework

Measures established by the government

The Mexican government has promoted substantial economic reforms that seek to ensure
the safety of investment operations despite uncertainty in the global investment environment.
Moreover, the government presented a national infrastructure plan (focusing on transport,
water, electricity, health, energy and urban development) in 2014. The large scale of this project
will not only improve infrastructure for future investment operations, but will also provide
Investment opportunities to sell or be outsourced by the federal government.

Mexico is one of the emerging countries most receptive to foreign direct investment.
According to the 2015 World Investment Report published by UNCTAD, Mexico is the tenth
largest destination of incoming FDI inflows in the world. In 2015, FDI inflows grew considerably,
ultimately reaching USD 21.5 billion.

Mexican competitiveness has been affected by the growth of organized crime, although
corruption and bureaucratic inefficiency are also reported as major problems. A wave of
reforms initiated in 2014 could help improve the regulatory situation in Mexico: the
telecommunications, employment, finance and education sectors were reformed in depth to
improve the country's competitiveness. Substantial infrastructure projects, especially airports, is
planned to attract foreign investors. The business climate in Mexico has improved, as the
country appears as # 38 in the World Bank's Doing Business 2016 report.
Foreign investment is concentrated mainly in the cities bordering the United States (where there
are many maquilas) and in the capital. The sectors that receive important foreign investment
are the financial industry, the automotive industry, the energy sector and the electronics sector.
Thanks to its robust tourism industry, the Yucatan Peninsula also receives a lot of foreign
investment (mainly from the United States and the Spanish banking sector).

Cost of Labour

(Graphic 4.1)

Overtime pay

Overtime is paid twice the wage per hour worked. You can not exceed 9 extra hours per week.

Payment for rest days worked

The worker will be entitled to a bonus of 25% additional to the daily wage.


Why You Should Choose to Invest in Mexico

Strong Points

With labor costs comparable to Asian manufacturing, numerous trade agreements and a
strategic location between North and South America, Mexico is ideally positioned for those
seeking to penetrate or expand their supply chains in the Americas. Furthermore, the
government has a very favorable stance towards foreign investment (economic reform efforts,
new investment opportunities, etc.). Finally, Mexico has a wide natural resources, which allows
the development of all types of industry at competitive prices.

Weak Points

Mexico's economic stability is strongly linked to the welfare of the US economy.

Furthermore, despite the growth of the banking sector, interest rates remain comparatively high
for SMEs.
On the other hand, social stratification will be a challenge to the country's long-term growth
potential. Violence by criminal organizations is a risk in parts of Mexico (especially in some
areas along the US-Mexican border). Some sectors are reserved exclusively for the Mexican
state or citizens of the country. The large size of the country can be a challenge for distribution
and supply chains.

Main Sectors of Industry

Agriculture accounts for 3.5% of GDP and employs more than 13% of the working population,
but the low availability of credit continues to make an impact on this sector. Mexico is among
the largest producers of coffee, sugar, corn, oranges, avocado and lime worldwide. The country
is among the world's leading mineral producers, including silver, fluorite, zinc and mercury; And
its gas and oil reserves are one of its most precious assets:Thus, the oil company PEMEX is
the second most powerful company in Latin America according to the classification of the
specialized magazine Amrica Economa.

The industry employs almost 25% of the labor force and represents one-third of GDP. Mexico is
also one of the ten largest automobile production centers. The information technology and
software sectors also experience great dynamism driven by the quality of the workforce,
clusters and low operating costs. The tertiary sector (services) contributes at least 60% of GDP,
using an equivalent percentage of the active population. In this way, the tertiary has been the
one with the best performance, maintaining growth at sustained but low rates, close to 1

High potential sector

Automotive parts, machinery and equipment, chemical sector, insurance financial services and
sureties. After-sales service of the automotive sector (repair, maintenance, sale of spare parts
and accessories), electronic components, distribution chain, food products, beverages and
tobacco, specialized professional and personal technical services. The banking sector also
grows rapidly and represents an opportunity for investors.

Mexico is among the countries most dependent on foreign trade. The United States acquires
80% of Mexican exports. Its main export partners are NAFTA and the European Union. It has
signed 12 free trade agreements covering some 40 countries around the world. Mexico is a
member of NAFTA, a free trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada
signed in 1994.
Economic Indicators

Gross Domestic Product Growth

Source: International Monetary Fund (Graphic 4.5)

Mexico is among the 20 largest economies in the world and is the second largest economy
in Latin America. In 2016, its economy - which depends heavily on the health of the US
economy - grew by 2.1% (Graphic 4.5). The IMF forecasts a growth rate of 2.3% by 2017, with
poverty and large informal sector being the main obstacles to higher economic growth. The
economy has benefited from the boom of its automotive sector. Remittances from Mexicans
living in the United States, which is the second most important source of foreign capital.
Inflation, Consumer prices

Source: International Monetary Fund (Graphic 4.6)

In 2015, Mexico reduced its inflation significantly by 2.7%, showing a reduction of 1.3% respect
to the previous year. This demonstrates an improvement in the stability of the economy and
efficient political management. In the next 5 years, stable inflation ratios of around 3% per
annum are forecast (figure 4.6).

Consumer behavior

Consumer behavior has evolved over time as the country has become richer. While the
purchasing power of Mexican consumers has grown, they have less and less time. Because of
it, many are looking for good quality products that will save them time and money. The days of
the 'transactions' were behind; Most consumers are now looking for a relationship with the
brand or business. Therefore, customer service is a very powerful factor in the decision to
purchase an individual.

Mexican consumers are generally loyal to brands. Although the global financial crisis forced
many consumers to buy lower-cost brands, they have developed a new sense of loyalty to
them. Consumers have expressed overwhelmingly that these lower-cost brands exceeded their
expectations, with more than two out of five consumers saying they do not plan to return to the
earlier brand when they improve their finances. Also, almost two in five consumers claimed that
they no longer preferred the original brand (McKinsey 2012).

Consumer profile and purchasing power

The average Mexican consumer has seen tremendous gains in purchasing power over the last
decade; You will probably continue to see them in the future. Almost all consumers - more than
75% of the population - live in urban centers, with the United States strongly influencing
consumer habits. However, there is a considerable difference in purchasing power across
the country. About 20% of the population lives below the poverty line and more than 58% in
precarious conditions.

Handcuffs are usually in charge of shopping at home. Men get involved when hiring services or
making larger purchases, but daily household purchases are handled by wives. In this context,
family and friends exert a strong influence on buying habits. The Mexican consumer is usually
very aware of brands, focusing on the cost-benefit of a product or service. The consumer
usually seeks a personalized customer service experience.

Mexicans go through a buoyant period of shopping, so they apply for bank loans. The financial
services offered by department stores are a way to attract a large clientele.


Budget for technological programs

The Mexican federation's expenditure budget plan for the year 2017 shows the reduction of
investment in the area of projects focused on the development of TIC. The reduction would
hinder the optimal development of strategic programs to achieve the development of technology
and communication. In addition, access to TICs create opportunities, negatively affect the
generation of better paid jobs, quality education, social health, and ultimately the quality of life
and competitiveness of the country.
Unemployment dropped to 4.3% in 2015. However, the informal sector employed more than
59% of the labor force. Inequalities are reflected in income and exposure to natural disasters.
More than 46% of the population live in poverty (Forbes 2016).
New technologies - e-marketing
To satisfy the customers needs, marketing has adapted and includes online campaigns. The
tools that companies prefer are direct mail advertising and telemarketing. Online campaigns
have made it possible to strengthen the perception of the public and favor the preference for a
brand with respect to another that has not been announced online thanks to the intermittent
banners that move through the screens (Santander 2016).



The pillars that Clint has as an organization allow it to be competitive and stable in almost any
type of market. Thus, like the previous countries already analyzed, the strengths remain as an
advantage of potential growth in the economic environment in other countries. What
characterizes Clint.Solutions is the differentiated proposal offered in its consulting services.
Their vision, mission and values allow us to develop a strong culture, managing to generate
performance and quality through the high capacity of our collaborators.


It is appropriate to identify weaknesses as an organization, which in this case could be

disadvantages in the performance of its activities within a new market (Mexican market). The
short time in the Brazilian market, and the entry to a new market, would make it difficult to
demonstrate tangible results of its services, that allows to generate confidence in the potential
client. Likewise, the lack of a human resources area, in the long term, could affect the growth
and performance of the organization.


Since 2010, the contracting of this type of consulting services rose 29%, according to the
studies carried out by Kennedy Consulting Research & Advisory in its study "Geographical
Market Perspectives of Consulting 2014: Latin America". This allows us to recognize the high
growth potential of the consulting sector. The greater interest of the companies in requesting
services of consultancy generate a more dynamic market, which allows to create opportunities
in segments or nicho like the digital marketing that are little attended in comparison that the
consulting of engineering and industrial processes. Within the sector, the market is not
considered efficient in terms of levels of competitiveness, service depth and quality of results.
This represents an opportunity to give it a new focus with the differentiated product offered by


According to the previous economic evaluation, the Mexican market sustains its growth based
on its industrial activity as the oil, mining and automotive. In this sense, the demand for
consulting services are generated from these sectors and focus on consulting on engineering
and processes. The disadvantage of Clint.Solutions is that the market revolves around a sector
in which Clint does not develop. In this way, their potential clients do not register a notable
demand of the services of management of change management. Thus, many entrepreneurs do
not consider consulting spending as a priority to the extent that there is a point where they can
not, and fail. Or, they do not renew, nor innovate. If they do not, in this competitive and
globalized world, it is synonymous with financial suicide. On the other hand, there are
entrepreneurs who do not trust consulting services because they believe that there may be a
leak of information or that the consulting company does not share their vision and are not able
to achieve what they have in mind (which only he he knows).


Novos operadores

High easy entry level, the government has a very favorable stance towards foreign investment
(economic reform efforts, new investment opportunities)
There are no direct competitors with the same proposal as Clint in the market. Low change cost
for customers.

Rivalidade entre concorrentes

Consultancy in Mexico has a high demand of companies in energetic, telecommunication and

media, financial and consumer products sectors. This sector is led by the BIG 4. In Mexico
there are many companies that offer consulting services. Many specialized in different areas:
technology, strategy, operations or business. It depends on what the company needs is the
type of consultancy that should be hired. Consultancies need to offer a specialized service to
attract the right customers.

Poder de Negociao dos Clientes

Bargaining power of clients is medium because the companies that look for consultancy in
Mexico are exigents, they look for specialized services to develop in their specific industry.
Consultancies need to offer the highest value to the clients of the strategy until the execution,
with the best talent and the development of differentiating capacities.

Poder de Negociao dos fornecedores

The main suppliers of consulting firms are represented by the ability of professionals and
technicians in the Mexican market. In terms of capacity, Mexico has an offer of young and
qualified professionals for consulting services. Also, the labor costs, as mentioned in the
previous analysis, is one of the lowest in the study of the selected countries. On the other hand,
consultancy sector works with information and clients are the principals suppliers of it, there are
a lot of information in internet databases and public statistics. In this way, the negotiation power
of suppliers is rated low.

Produtos substitutos

Online consultancy or direct search of information by companies. ONGs like FONDO PYME,
ProMxico, Alianza por las Pymes, Mxico Emprende.
High facilitate of the buyer to replace between consulting firms.

III. Comparative Analysis

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