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Section 1

1. False

2. False

3. Structural

4. Disciplinary

5. Hegemonic

6. Interpersonal

7. Social inequality

8. Power

9. Relationality

10. Social Context

11. Complexity

12. Social justice

13. D

14. False

15. False

16. False

17. False

18. False

19. False

20. True

21. Bombingham

22. Churches

23. The police threatened the protesters with police dogs

24. Segregation in the city

25. False

26. All of these

Section II.

1. In using these statements, Crenshaw alludes to the racial profiling that African-

Americans have been subjected to by a biased police force that considers being Black

a crime. Biased policemen and women, under these circumstances, do not just see that

a citizen is shopping, walking or driving.

2. Disciplinary- peoples identities determine which rules impact their actions and how

these rules are enforced.

3. Structural- these are social structures like laws and religion that promotes the

oppressive elements in the society.

4. Hegemonic- the ruling class exploit the minority only to bask in their glory and


5. Interpersonal social relations among the dominant and minority groups that act as

strategies for oppression.

6. Structural power- hypersegregation and resegregation of people of colour

7. Disciplinary- there is racial profiling in the police against minority groups

8. Hegemonic- the ruling class exploits the talent of black athletes but do not share the

money fairly

9. Interpersonal- the idea of colour blindness.


10. Neoliberalism is new age liberalism that favours free-market capitalism. This form of

liberalism tends to privatize public institutions like prisons and manipulate them for

profit instead of rehabilitation purposes.

11. Social welfare systems aim to offer needy individuals and families in the country with

assistance. The support comes from the government. The dominant citizens view the

social welfare programs as handouts to the undeserving minority groups and advocate

for the funding to be directed towards infrastructure and other needs.

12. The quote means that the tools that interpersonality promotes are essential in

analyzing inequality from different perspectives of gender, race, class, et cetera, and

not view these identities, during the analysis, as individual factors. The first reason is

that people do not feel the impact of inequality in the same manner. Second, the tool

complicates explanations for global inequality which are only based on class. Lastly,

the tool exposes the need for social institutions in fighting inequality.

13. FIFA has standard rules that stipulate how every game is played and the football fans

tend to only riot during a loss if the game was not played on a level playing field.

However, the same organization that disqualifies games which do not follow the rules

have leaders who are rich businessmen who cut corners for their selfish interests;

advancing corruption and inequality in the society.

14. Social justice- in the society, rules that seem fair are exploited at the expense of the

minority who suffer and live in deplorable conditions while the rich blow their money

on jewellery and luxuries.

15. Context- both the black womens celebrations in the text and the world cup were held

in the same country, but they had different agenda. The former was a celebration of

sports while the latter was a call for action to end the injustices against the minority in


16. Power- The example about FIFA showcases a scenario in which a single entity is able

to interfere with the laws and business of a country, affecting citizens and promoting

brands that sponsor FIFAs activities.

17. Relationality- In the wake of a structure is conditioned to favour abuse of power by

the minority, the Afro-Latina womens movement showed the world that social

inequality is prevalent and relational across a plethora of cultures.

18. Complexity- the issue of racial profiling as a social injustice by biased policemen and

women against the minority groups is so complex that it has caused frustrations

across the dominant and oppressed groups.

19. Social equality- the social inequality in which Black and Latina's citizens have low

income is as a result of more than one factor. Intersectionality exposes other reasons

like resegregation, insecurity and discrimination experienced by these groups that

result in overall low-income levels

20. The wealth gap is wide when compared to income levels among members of different

races as well as income levels among members of different sexes with men generally

making more than women and Whites making more than people of colour.

21. She was looking for a job in an environment dominated by misogynists who believed

that men were more capable of getting the job done. The case fits intersectionality as

it goes beyond her race and addresses her identity as a woman.

22. Conceptual minoritization occurs in the abstract for example when somebody

believes that a white woman cannot be discriminated against because they are white.

23. Political minoritization occurs when members of a group that holds specific political

ideological are oppressed for their beliefs. For instance, when Martin Luther was

oppressed for speaking out in favour of Black liberation.

24. This occurs when an institution gangs up against members of a specific community

for example when the African-Americans are incarcerated in larger numbers when

they represent a smaller fraction of the population.

25. True

Section III

1. The movement exists to express criticism of BLM and the medias proneness to ignore

the plight of Black women suffering police brutality. The movement is needed to

emphasize the need for social equality not only among male genders of different

identities but among every member who suffers due to their identities regardless of


2. The first major point is that Latinidades have been oppressed as some of their inequalities

are not addressed since the system analyses these issues using a lens that is oblivious to

the prevalence of racism. Also, they are expected to be colour blind when other

characteristics are used in place of skin colour to discriminate against them as they seek

employment and other opportunities. Finally, the current parties purporting to be

advocating for their rights are not well equipped to comprehend and provide viable

solutions to their problems.

3. Intersectional analyses have driven the debate beyond the fight against oppression from

just a single form of oppression to the fight for liberation from every source of

oppression. The woman was being assisted to help her fight the burden of injustices

against women while ignoring the injustices against the Latina.

4. The needs of individuals vary during disaster situations depending on age, sex, among

others. concluding that these needs are identical posits that women who have children

will get the same measure of support as bachelors who are only fending for themselves.

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