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The construction of a Chinese

medical lunisolar calendar

for the Southern Hemisphere

By Rey Tiquia Whoever would study medicine alright must
learn of the following subjects. First he
Jie qi or subseasonal qi constitutes the solar component of the must consider the effect of the season
of the year and the differences between
ancient Chinese lunisolar calendar, which divides the year into 24 sub-
them. Secondly he must study the warm
seasonal phases, two in each month. From the perspective of and the cold winds, both those that are
pre-modern Chinese medicine, normal climate change qi hou bian common in every country and those
qian entails a harmonious flow of the qi that is beneficial to human peculiar to a particular locality. Lastly,
health. However, abnormal, abrupt, or out-of-season2 weather leads to the effect of water in health must not be
seasonal diseases3 or diseases brought about by external forgotten.
Hippocrates, Airs, Waters and Places5
influences or by the six excessive climactic qi etiological factors4.
Examples of seasonal diseases are influenza, the common cold,

sudden acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and heat stroke. However, HE Inner Classicb sees the life cycle
the flow of the subseasonal qi in Australia is the reverse of that of of humans as influenced and gov-
the Northern Hemispherical regions of China, the United States and erned by the laws of the four sea-
sons. The concept of the four seasons is
Europe. This leads to a desynchronisation of TCM practice and prac-
the foundation framework of the entire
titioners with the rhythm of the seasons in the Southern Hemisphere. book and refers to the changes and trans-
To address this, I have constructed a Chinese medical and agricultural formations of windc, coldd, summerheate
calendar that reverses the flow of the subseasonal phases. Having and dampnessf thereby constructing the
this tool, practitioners south of the Equator can better align their
clinical activities with the natural rhythm of the seasons. b. Neijing
c. feng
d. han
e. shu
a. Subseasonal qi, or subseasonal phases, is my translation of the Chinese word jie qi . f. shi

The Lantern 33

doctrine of the six meteorological qig. This of the year. The climate during this time is
phenomenon is placed under the category very humid . Hence the Chinese charac-
of the skyh. The four seasonsi encompass ter for the element earth ( tu) represents
the natural changes involved in the life pro- the season of extended-summer.
cesses of birthj, growthk, gathering inl and Yun Tie Qiao, 1945
storing and hibernationm. This establishes
the doctrine of the five elements/phases6 In the beginning, nothing had physical shape,
and comes under the category of the earth. and the first spontaneous formations were
Together the doctrines of the five circulat- the continuum of space and time (yu zhou
ing elements/phases and the six meteoro- ). Out of these were produced the
logical qin explicates the phenomenon of the original qi. This qi was heavy and stable,
four seasons. For the time being, I will leave but its lighter part rose and became the
the discussion on the six qi and focus on the sky. The heavy and turbid part gathered
five elements/phases. and became earth. The gathering of the
heavy substance took time, and hence the
Spring is the season of inception, with all liv- sky was formed earlier.
ing things displaying their splendour sig- Then the qi of sky and earth met and became
nifying a pattern whereby the myriad of yin and yang. The active qi of the yin and
living things begin to thrive. At this time yang became the four seasons, and as this
the vitality of the plant kingdom is marked. qi of the seasons scattered it formed the
Hence the Chinese script for the element various phenomenal things of the earth.
wood ( mu) is used to represent the The hot qi of yang gathered and became
spring season. fire. Next, the essence of the qi of fire
The summer season is characterised by hu- became the sun. The cold qi of yin gathered
mid heat . The blazing sun shines like fire. and became water. The essence of the qi of
Hence the Chinese script for the element water became the moon. The encounter of
fire ( huo) is used to represent summer. the qi of the sun and the moon gave rise to
In autumn, the leaves from the trees turn yel- the stars.
low and start to fall. The atmospheric qi is Huainanzi8
harsh and raw. It is similar to an atmo-
sphere of war and destruction . Hence, The universe (yu zhou )
the Chinese character for the element met- as a continuum of space-time
al ( jin) is used to represent the autumn
season. Weapons of war are metal. Yu zhou is an ancient Chinese word
During the winter it is very cold. Water is cold. commonly translated as universe or
Winter is the opposite number of summer. cosmos. In volume one of the History of
Water is the opposite number of fire. Hence Chinese Astronomyv, Chen Zun-Wei defined
the Chinese script for the element water yu zhou by quoting the Warring States (403-
shui) represents the winter season. 221 BC) scholar Shi Jiao:
When summer arrives, one yin is born. The
extended summer season is at the middle Above, below and the four directions9 are
collectively referred to as yu , while the
g. liu qi zhi shuo. past, present and future are collectively
h. tian referred to as zhou .
i. si shi
j. sheng
k. zhang So yu signifies space while zhou means
l. shou time or temporality. With the march of
m. zang history, the concepts of time and space also
n. wu yun liu qi.
o. chen fa developed. The boundaries of the universe
Dr Rey Tiquia PhD is p. hou expanded as the study of astronomy moved
Honorary Fellow, School of q. ru shu forward and space and time became the
Historical and Philosophical r. su sha zhi qi objects of astronomical attention. Some
s. bing ge
Studies, The University of t.
Melbourne. u. chang xia v. Zhongguo tianwenxue shi.

34 Vol 9-2

2300 years ago, our ancestors made a clear Or as the Japanese scholar Mitukuni
explanation of exactly what they are. On the Yosida cited above stated in his translation
other hand, in Europe, before the medieval of the Huainanzi, yu chou is a continuum
ages, there was only a philosophy on space. of space and time. As Professor Li-Chen Lin
It was not until the beginning of the 20th from National Taiwan University observed: The uni-verse or yuchou
century when Einstein put forward the
was seen by Chinese
principle of the four dimensions that The traditional Chinese rarely discussed space
philosophers to embrace
people began to consider temporality, and time in abstract terms. They utilised
or time. In 1974, writing for the journal practical temporal and spatial concepts within itself a physical as
Philosophy East and West, Shu Hsien-Liu close to everyday human life. Early classical well as a spiritual world so
made a similar definition of yu zhou. He texts contain occasional references to the interconnected as to form
said: great cosmos (yu chou ; lit. space- an inseparable whole.
time), for example in the Mohist Cannon
Although the doctrine of absolute space and (Mo Ching , the Book of Master
time is discredited, it was once a dominant Shih (Shih tzu ), and the Book of
theory in the West under the influence Chuang Tzu. Most often, however, time
of the great physicists like Newton. In and space were presented in the context
China, however, such a theory was never of how best to meet a certain moment
developed. in time; hence, subjective and objective
conditions played a vital role. Therefore,
As Thom H. Fang puts it: The universe besides basic expressions for calendar time
or cosmos, as expressed in Chinese, is yu- like the four seasons (si shi ), the
chou, designating space and time. What 24 divisions of the year (chieh chI ),
we call yu is the collocation of three- and the 12 divisions of the day (shi chen
dimensional spaces; what we call chou is ), temporal discourse included many
constituted by a one-dimensional series of expressions for time in the flux of human
changes in succession the past continuing affairs, such as opportune moment (shi
itself into the present and the present into chi ), the opportunity (shi hui ),
the future. Yu and chou taken together how to exploit an opportunity (shi
represent the primordial unity of the system yung ), and, the fitting response to
of space with the system of time. Yuchou, time (shi I ). The spatial expressions
without a hyphen, is an integral system by usually indicated the place/position, such
itself, to be differentiated, only later on, into as location (chu suo ), occasion
space and time ... The nearest equivalent to (chang ho ), place (wei chi )
it would be Einsteins unified field. Yuchou and status (wei fen ). The classical
as the Chinese philosophers have conceived texts never broached abstract space or
it is the unified field of all existence. 14 dimensionality. Thus traditional Chinese
Moreover, space and time are not to ideas about space and time differ radically
be separated from the actual content from the abstract concepts of time and
or happenings of the world, material space in Western thought dominated by
and spiritual. The uni-verse or yuchou mathematics and physics. And, the Book
was seen by Chinese philosophers to of Change shaped the development of
embrace within itself a physical as well as Chinese thought in this vital area.
a spiritual world so interconnected as to
form an inseparable whole. It is not to be Shared origins of Chinese medicine
bifurcated, as is done in Western thought, and the Book of Change
into two realms that are mutually exclusive
or diametrically opposed. Many concepts in traditional Chinese
It is customary for the Chinese people to medicine trace their origins from the
use the gan-zhi . There are 10 heavenly classical philosophy embedded in the
stems (gan) and 12 earthly branches (zhi). oldest extant book in the world, the Book of
A combination of the two makes a cycle Change (Yi Jing ). The Yellow Emperors
of 60 years. Time for the Chinese is forever Inner Classic (Huang Di Nei Jing
flowing without beginning or end.15 ), which was written by several authors

The Lantern 35

from the period of the Warring Nature and humanity are one is humanitys homeland from
States up till the two Han dynasties, which it derives subsistence. No living
absorbed essential elements from In the Book of Change, the trigram entity can depart the great earth and
the Book of Change that were then qian represents the sky while continue to sustain physical life. Hence,
creatively combined with the practice trigram kun represents the earth di the sky is the origin of life, while the
of medicine and health during that . Tian embodies the entire natural earth is the foundation upon which all
historical period. The doctrines of yin world. It includes the entire yu zhou life continues to exist. Humanity and
and yang , five elements , qi space from the surface of the earth nature the sky and earth are
transformation , acutracts to the whole of the sky including a unified indivisible whole (Zu Xing,
, zang-fu internal organ network; all phenomena that humanity can 2007, pp. 26-27).
the notion of acutract association of observe. This includes those entities
Chinese materia medica in the atmosphere above the earths The movement of the universe in
; the doctrine of the ascent, descent, surface including the sun , moon circular and square diagrams
floating and sinking tendencies of , stars , planets , the wind ,
materia medica ; the thunder and lightning , rain , dew Practising Chinese medicine in the
four qi and five flavours , and so on. From the point of view Northern Hemispherical region of
the doctrine of the five circulating of the Book of Change all living things China follows local temporality ,
x y
elements and six climactic qi , are under the influence of the sky spatiality and human culture.
the doctrine of the temporal flow of tian. On the other hand, the earth or Historically, the practice of bian
the qi and blood : all trace di , encompasses the human race as
w. shi.
their origins from the Book of Change well as all life that exists and subsists x. di.
(Zu Xing, 2007, p. 42). on the surface of the earth. The earth y. ren wen.

Diagram exploring the

origins of Chinese medicine
(orienting towards the south).

36 Vol 9-3

ak al
zheng lun zhi followed and fire is referred to as wood . The qi of
z am
continues to follow the circularity of time wood is warm. When ascending to its
(continuous cycle of the past, present and zenith the warmth increases in intensity
future cycle of the seasons) as well as the and becomes hot and subsequently
aa ao
quadratic nature of space (the sky above, the metamorphoses into fire. That one on The rotation of the axis
earth below and the directions east, south, the other side, which descends halfway
ap makes the pure qi spiral
west and north) with humanity occupying but has not formed into water yet is
aq up on the left. It then
the central spatio-temporal position. Chen referred to as metal. The qi of metal is
Ding-San 1880-1960), a classicist cool
. When descending to its utmost metamorphoses into fire
Chinese medicine practitioner from Chinas limit the cool one increases intensity and turns hot.
Sichuan province and author of the book and becomes cold and eventually
Exploring the Origins of Chinese Medicine , metamorphoses into water. Wood, fire,
drew a circular and quadratic diagram that metal and water are collectively referred
explores the temporal and spatial origins of to as the four images. The four
Chinese medicine. At left is a copy of this images subdivide and then embed the
diagram wherein my English translation is eight trigrams. They then occupy their
superimposed upon the Chinese scripts. I respective specific positions in heaven-
also append my translation of Chen Ding- earth (nature) such as the warm east, hot
Sans explanation of the diagram below. south, cool west and cold north. The four
images spin around and an entire year
Diagram exploring the fountainhead completes its cycle. The yang ascends
of Chinese medicine till before the end of the first half of the
year while the yin descends till after the
When yin and yang have not parted, the end of the second half of the year. When
one qi is still in a congealed state. This half of the yang ascends, it is the spring
qi harbours the yin and yang. Hence, it season. When it completes its ascension,
contains the pure and the impure. The it is the summer season. When half of
pure one floats and ascends while the the yin descends, it is the autumn season.
impure one sinks and descends. The one And when it completes its descent, it is
that ascends is yang while the impure the winter season. Spring is the season
one that descends is yin. Thus yin and of birth while summer is the season of
yang assume different positions i.e. growth. They are the qi of the element
they dichotomise into the two symbols. wood and fire respectively. Hence, it is
In between the pure and impure is the warm during spring and hot in summer.
ad ae bc
middle qi. The middle qi is the axis of Autumn is the season for gathering in ;
the ascending yang and the descending while winter is the season for storing
yin. This is the earth. The rotation
ag ak. wei cheng huo.
of the axis makes the pure qi spiral al. mu.
up on the left. It then metamorphoses am. wen .
into fire and turns hot. The impure qi an. sheng ji.
spirals downwards on the right and then ao. hua.
ap. wei cheng shui.
metamorphoses into water and turns aq. jin.
ai aj
cold. On the side that which ascends ar. liang.
halfway and has not yet formed into as. si xiang. The four images are the Great Yang
, Small Yang , Small Yin and Great
Yin (K, Chimin Wong History of Chinese
z. yuan. Medicine. 16).
aa. fang. at. fen.
ab. yixue tan yuan. au. ba gua.
ac. qing zhuo. av. wei.
ad. zhong qi. aw. lun xuan.
ae. shu zhou. ax. yi nian er zhou.
af. tu ye. ay. yang sheng yu sui ban zhi qian.
ag. qing qi. az. yin jiang yu sui ban zhi hou.
ah. re. ba. sheng.
ai. han. bb. zhang.
aj. fang. bc. shou.

The Lantern 37

and hibernation. They are the qi of the the And when the yin descends
elements metal and water. The element further it becomes the The
earth has no special position. This Liver is categorised bx under the element
element thrives during the 18 days at the of wood; the Heart under the element
Humanity and heaven- end of each of the other four seasons. fire; the Lungs under the element metal
And the temporal space that it occupies and the Kidneys under the element water.
earth (nature) mutually
is on the sixth month of the traditional They are the human five
resonate with each other; bh
calendar. The earth element combines The five elements all have their respective
both receive yin and yang with the other four images and is yin and yang categorisations. The yin
to continue their existence. thus collectively referred to as the five categories generatebz the five visceral
However, on account of elements.
organsca while the yang categories
excess or insufficiency, they Humanity and nature relate with each generate the six entrails.cb The Kidney
can fall ill. other interactively.bjYin and yang are the is the celestial stem gui watercc while the
original foundationbk that paved the way Urinary Bladdercd is the celestial stem ren
for the emergence of the primordial water.ce The Heart is the celestial stem
This primordial qi is the grand polaritybm ding firecf while the Small Intestinecg is
of the human The primordial the celestial stem bing The Liver is
qi contains and embraces the yin and the celestial stem yi woodci while the Gall
yang. In between the yin and yang is Bladdercj is the celestial stem jia
the middle qi. The one at the middle is The Lungs are the celestial stem xin
the element earth. And the earth divides metalcl while the Large Intestine is the
into the celestial stems wu and ji . celestial stem geng metalcm. There is one
When the middle qi rotates on the left element among each of the five. However,
it is the ji earth. And when it rotates on the fire element is subdivided into the
the right it is the wu earth. Wu earth emperor and ministerial Hence
is referred to as the Stomach,bo while among the organs, the Heart governsco
ji earth is the Spleen.bp The ji earth the yin of the emperor fire. While among When the yin moves upbr it the entrailscp there is the Triple Burner,cq
metamorphosesbs into yang. The yang, which governs the yang of the ministerial
which ascends on the left side, is the fire. Humanity and heaven-earth (nature) And when the yang ascends mutually resonate with each other;cr both
further above, it becomes the Heart.bu Wu receive yin and yang to continue their
earth descends. And when the yang moves existence.cs However, on account of excess
down it metamorphoses into yin. The or insufficiency, they can fall ill. This is
yin, which descends on the right side, is
bv. fei.
bw. shen.
bd. cang. bx. shu.
be. zhuan wei. by. shi ren zhi wu xing.
bf. si ji. bz. sheng.
bg. si ling zhi shi. ca. wu zang.
bh. xia li. cb. liu fu.
bi. wu xing. cc. gui shui.
bj. ren yu tiandi can ye. cd. pang guang.
bk. zhao ji. ce. ren shui.
bl. yuan you zu qi. cf. ding huo.
bm. tai ji. I am using Mitukini Yosidas English cg. xiao chang.
translation of the Chinese word . (Mitukuni ch. bing huo.
Yosida, The Chinese Concept of Nature, in Chinese ci. yi mu.
Science: Explorations of an Ancient Tradition, cj. dan.
Cambridge, MIT Press, l973, p. 82.) ck. jia mu
bn. ren shen. cl. xin jin.
bo. wei. cm. geng jin.
bp. pi. cn. er huo fen jun xiang zhe.
bq. shang xing. co. zhu.
br. sheng. cp. fu.
bs. hua. cq. san jiao.
bt. gan. cr. ren yu tiandi xiangying.
bu. xin. cs. bing hu yin yang er sheng.

38 Vol 9-3

the principle of qi transformationct and when denied this substance [in the airdd]
as such is the fountainhead of Chinese that nurtures ones original constitutionde The essentials of the above which is the principal and secondary
classical text have been assembledcw factor that accounts for the changes,
into the illustration chart on Page 36. transformations as well as harmony and Since China adopted
The previous diagram with the yin yang concordance in and among humans. In
the use of the Gregorian
and five elements and the Spleen and actuality, this point must be the subject
Stomach at the centre is the originating of deep deliberation. This is the reason calendar and Greenwich
point of the qi transformation of the sky, why this demonstration chart is referred mean time after 1911,
humanity and The next level to here as the fountainhead yuan 18 of the traditional Chinese
of circular diagrams represent before Chinese medicine. farmers calendars has
the sky (xian tian) and after the sky evolved into a lunisolar
(hou tian) eight trigrams ba gua16 which Spatio-temporality of the lunisolar calendar
establish the Universal Order .cy calendar for the Northern Hemisphere
The next diagram represents the 24
palaces to differentiate the After establishing the cyclical and temporal
earthly quadratic directions (time- flow of the seasons on the face of the
space)17. Hence, the subsequent circular quadratic earth, I mapped it onto a Chinese
diagram represents the four directional medical and agricultural lunisolar calendar
locales (south, north, east and west); the (Northern Hemisphere) for the Year of
four seasons and then the 24 subseasonal the Dragon ren chen nian , which
phases which gives testimony to the corresponds to the Gregorian calendar year
meeting between the sky and the earth. 2012. To perform this exercise, I referred to
The next circular diagram represents the the Chinese language website www.nongli.
six qi governing the respective temporal com, which features an online 10,000
order; the six divisions governing the years Chinese farmers calendar, nong li.
respective seasons; and the final circular This online calendar covers the years 1600
diagram represent the five zang and the to 2099.
six fu network systems. These should all Traditionally, the Chinese farmers
be linked with the Spleen and Stomach calendars, like Gregorian calendars, also
at the centre and come together with the have 12 months. However, because the
yin, yang and five elements to make clear Chinese farmers calendar follows the four
the philosophy of the one qi that flows phases of the moon in accounting for the
through heaven, earth and humanity. If months of the year, the days and months
this decree is brought togethercz then do not coincide exactly with the Gregorian
the utmost limits of the beauty of creation calendar. Since China adopted the use of
and generationda as well as the crucial link the Gregorian calendar and Greenwich
in the opening and closing of the yin and mean time after 1911, the traditional
yang qidb may all be reached. Especially Chinese farmers calendars has evolved
with regards Chinese medicine, how is into a lunisolar calendar (yin yang li
it that this is not expressed explicitly? which simultaneously features the
Westerners, too, know that humans Arabic numerals signifying the months of
cannot survive even for a short whiledc the Gregorian calendar (eg. 1. yi yue for
January), and the days of the month written
from 1 to 31, as well as the traditional
ct. ci qihua zhi li.
cu. suoyi wei yixue zhi Chinese numerical characters (eg. er
yuan ye. yue; second month); while the days are
cv. jingwen written as (chu yi, the first day of
cw. .
cx. tian di ren. the month; chu er, the second day of
cy. I am translating the Chinese concept of the month). However, the first day of the
tian ji into yu zhou or space-time.
cz. neng hui ci zhi. dd. kongqi.
da. zaohua shengchen zhi miao de. Mathews Chinese-English Dictionary (1962)
db. yin yang he pi zhi ji. translates the Chinese phrase as nurture ones
dc. yi xi (one breath). original consitution (p. 1085).

The Lantern 39

first month of a new year like the Year of with the emergence of iron agricultural
the Dragon (2012) is referred to as exactly implements, seasonal requirements in
the first day of the first month ( agricultural production became much
zheng yue chu yi). And this day is what is greater, resulting in the evolution of the
With the emergence of iron referred to as the spring festival chun jie concept of jie qi. During this time, the
. The first day of the first month of the ancient sundial was put into use to
agricultural implements,
Year of the Dragon fell on January 23, 2012 measure the suns shadow and thus fix the
seasonal requirements in of the Gregorian calendar. subseasonal phases. In the beginning, there
agricultural production For the 12 months of both the Gregorian were only the subseasonal phases of the
became much greater, and Chinese farmers calendars, two of the winter solstice and summer solstice. Next
resulting in the evolution 24 subseasonal phases jie qi are featured in the phases of the spring equinox, autumn
of the concept of jie qi. the year 2012 of the online 10,000 years equinox, spring begins, summer begins,dw
Chinese farmers calendar wan nian li. For autumn begins and winter begins were
example, for the month of February 2012, added.
the subseasonal phase of spring begins (li During the Western Han dynasty (202
chundf ) falls on February 4, while the BC to 23AD), the entire 24 subseasonal
subseasonal phase rainwater (yu shuidg) phases were recorded in the Chinese
falls on February 19. Traditionally, in each of philosophical text Huainanzi (ca. 180-122
the 12 lunar months of the Chinese farmers BCE). The direction where the handle of
calendar, there are two subseasonal phases the Big Dipper is pointing was used to fix
each of which spans exactly 15 days. the temporal beginning of each of the 24
phases. Spring begins li chun was fixed
The subseasonal phases on the first phase of the first lunar month
of the lunisolar calendar, while the start of
Jie qi generally refers to jie ling or seasonal the subseasonal phase of rainwater was
changes. From the subseasonal phase of fixed at the middle of the first lunar month.
spring begins (li chun) up to big cold In one year, the 24 subseasonal phases were
(da han) there are 24 phases. These phases divided into 12 nodal qi and 12 middle
represent the interrelationships between of the lunar month qi. Later in history, the
astronomy, the seasons, climate and two major groupings of the subseasonal
agricultural production. It is a cultural phases were collectively referred to as jie qi.
legacy from ancient China. As an integrated John Major translates jie qi as solar
agricultural climate/weather calendar, it nodes. I translate jie qi as subseasonal
has played a major role in agricultural phases to make clear the subdivision of
production in China and is still in use today. each of the four seasons into six phases.
During the early history of civilisation Astronomically speaking, the 24 jie qi
in China, the notion of spring sowing , represent the 24 (apparent) positions of
the growth of crops during summer , the the sun along the ecliptic as the earth
harvesting of crops during autumn and rotates and revolves around the sun. When
the storing of crops in winter evolved in the sun is on 0on the ecliptic, it is the
response to the needs of seasonal patterns beginning of the spring season li chun.
in agricultural production. From this position, the subseasonal phases
At the time of the Spring and Autumn
and Warring States periods (475-221 BC), dr. tugui.
ds. dongzhi.
df. li chun. dt. xiazhi.
dg. yu shui. du. chunfen.
dh. jie ling. dv. qiufen.
di. da han. dw. lixia.
dj. tian wen. dx liqiu.
dk. ji jie. dy. lidong.
dl. qihou. dz. zhengyue jie.
dm nongye shengchan ea. yushui.
dn. chunzhong eb. jieqi.
do. xiazhang. ec. zhongqi.
dp. qiu shou. ed. shi itaiyang zai huangdao
dq. dongcang. shang de weizhi.

40 Vol 9-3

follow in 15-degree intervals until the The cycle of 60
entire 360 degrees expanse of the ecliptic
is covered. Coincidentally, in each month We can see from the below table of the 60
of the Western Gregorian calendar, two of temporal gan zhi units that the Year of the
the 14 subseasonal phases of the Chinese Dragon ren chen nian is on the 29th slot of
lunisolar calendar are also accommodated. the 60 temporal gan zhi cyclical table. The
The 24 subseasonal phases jie qi evolved 60 gan zhi temporal cycle is very important
in the regions surrounding the lower in the practice of Chinese medicine. It is an
reaches of the Yellow River basin. Hence important practical temporal tool in the
the designated names and their meanings acupuncture practice of zi wu liu zhu
reflect specific local characteristics of the (chrono-acupuncture) which is a
climate and season there. method of choosing and using acupuncure
points in dealing with a specific clinical
Cyclical flow of the 60 gan zhi units pattern zheng hou in accordance with
the spatio-temporal flow of qi and blood of
Time for the Chinese is forever flowing a specific patient. In addition, the 60 gan zhi
without beginning or end, noted Thom temporal cyclical system is also an imporant
H. Fang. It is customary for the Chinese tool in forcasting adverse (out-of-season)
people to use the gan zhi to mark weather/climactic conditions (bu shi zhi
the passage of time. There are 10 heavenly qi) and the illnesses that come with them
stems (gan) and 12 earthly branches (zhi); on the basis of the ancient methodology
an alternating and sequential combination of the circulating five elements/phases
of the two makes a cycle of 60 years, and the six climactic influences
months, days and two-hour periods shi . Hence, I have included the system of the
chen in a day. sexagenary gan zhi cyclical flow of the
eg. Yang Yi-Ya, What is the doctrine of the five
circulatory phases and the six climactic influences?
What are the correlationships between this doctrine
ee. gongli. and the human body? in Zhong guo yi xue wen
ef. Shu-Hsien Liu, Time and Temporality: the da (TCM questions and answers, Vol. I, Beijing,
Chinese Perspective, in Philosophy East and West. Vol. Renmin weisheng chubanshe, 1985,) trans. Tiquia Rey,
24, No.2 April 1974. Melbourne, 2006.)


The Lantern 41

days, and years in the Chinese medical and on February 19 and the 28th day of the
agricultural lunisolar calendar for the Year second lunar month.
of the Dragon. represents the celestial 2) Wild geese head north which falls on
stem tian gan while chen symbolises the February 24 and the third day of the first
Hurricanes and tropical earthly branch di zhi for the year 2012. lunar month.
Learning from the American anthro- 3) Grasses and trees sprout which falls
storms spin clockwise in
pologist Liza Dalby, a specialist in Japanese on February 29 and the eighth day of the
the Southern Hemisphere culture, in adapting the 72 seasonal and second unary month.
(as opposed to counter- temporality related changes that various
clockwise in the Northern living things undergo of the ancient Order of circular sky and quadratic
Hemisphere) due to the Chinese calendar to the local conditions of earth in Southern Hemisphere
Coriolis effect. her garden in Berkeley in California, I am
also adding the 72 phenological changes
qi shi er hou to the Chinese
medical and agricultural lunisolar calendar
(Northern Hemisphere).
Chapter 6 (Treatise on the images of the
internal visceral organ networks) of the
Volumes on the Simple Questions of the
Yellow Emperors Inner Classic states:

The lapse of five days brings about one hou;

three hous makes one subseasonal phase
jie qi; six subseasonal phases make one
season; and four seasons make up a year.

Hou refers to temporality or seasonality Starting from the east23, the order of the
related changes that living things wan houtian (before the sky) eight trigrams
wu (including flowers, grass, trees, fishes, follows a clockwise sequence of zhen ,
birds and beasts) undergo when they are sun , li , kun , dui , qian , kan
stimulated by the yin and yang qi (Cheng and gen . This sequence is used to to ex-
Shao-En, 1982, pp. 5-6). plain the principle of the motion of the uni-
Hence, in February 2012, three hous or verse and was the basis for the development
phenological changes occur during each of of the Chinese calendar.
the subseasonal phases of spring begins And the dynamic flow of the human qi
and rainwater. During the subseasonal (qi hua ) follows this directional spin
phase of spring begins the following as the late Chinese medical scholar Yang
changes occur: Ru-Hou observed during the 1920s.

1) East wind melts the ice, which falls The flow of the human qi in a day/night
on February 4, and the 13th day of the first
lunar month.
2) Dormant creatures start to twitch, The Canon of the Red Pill states:
which falls on February 8, and the 17th day
of the first lunar month. As for the flow of the qi in the human body,
3) Fish swim upstream, break ice which from the zi two-hour period of 11pm
falls on February 13, and on the 13th day of till 1am, the cosmic yang energy yang
the first lunar month. begins its flow from the acupoint Bubbling
Spring on centre of the sole of the left
During the 15-day temporal flow of the
subseasonal phase of rainwater yu shui, eh. In his book, Jou Tsung-Hwa did not include the
the following three hous occur in succeeding Chinese scripts. I am providing them here.
ei. Jou Tsung-Hwa, The Dao of Taijiquan Way to
five days interval:
Rejuvenation, Sharon Rose & Loretta Wollering (eds),
1) River otters sacrifice fish which falls Scottdale AZ, Tai Chi Foundation, 2002, p. 119.

42 Vol 9-3

FEBRUARY 2012 Chinese Calendar [Northern Hemisphere] Beijing

foot. It then ascends along the left side of In the diagram on Page 36, let us see how
the abdomen, flanks and upper extremities. the motion of the universe yu zhou in the
Upon reaching the fontanel on top Southern Hemisphere unfolds.
of the head, the flow of the cosmic yang First of all, the motion of the universe
energy pauses. At the wu two-hour in the Southern Hemisphere is oriented
period (11am-1pm), the cosmic yang towards the north bei zheng .
energy resumes its flow from the top of the In the Southern Hemisphere the sun
head and then moves towards the right side passes from east to west through the north,
of the body, i.e. upper extremities, abdomen although north of the tropic of Capricorn
and flanks, then descends towards the right the Mean sun can be directly overhead
leg and foot. Upon reaching the centre of or due south at noon. The sun rotating
the sole of the right foot, the flow of the through the north causes an apparent
cosmic yang energy pauses. right-left trajectory through the sky unlike
the left-right motion of the sun when seen
The above is a dissertation on the flow from the Northern Hemisphere as it passes
of the primordial cosmic yang energy through the southern sky.
of the human body. In a days time, it Sun-cast shadows turn anticlockwise
ascends from the left side of the body and through the day (sundials have the hours
descends upon the right side. They are the in reverse). Hurricanes and tropical storms
trigrams kan and li which mark the spin clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere
fluctuations of the cosmic yin and yang (as opposed to counter-clockwise in the
energies.(Yang Ru Hou, 1941) Northern Hemisphere) due to the Coriolis
effect.24 The Coriolis effect or Coriolis force

The Lantern 43

Brolga Qi exercise is defined by the British Broadcasting Cor- tions, the movement of the upper segment
poration (BBC) weather website Weather- of the body must be in symmetry with
wise Glossary as an effect caused by the those of the lower section. At the same time,
earths rotation, which causes winds and the movements from the left side must be
currents to follow a curved path across the in symmetry with the right side. As I exe-
earths surface to the right (clockwise)2. cute these movements my mind is focused
Translated into Chinese, the Coriolis on the fingertips of both my hands and fur-
force becomes qi liu or flowing qi. ther out into the outer space-time (Zhao
The Chinese script is written with an Jin-Xiang, 1987).
image of clouds in motion and grain or Each morning in Melbourne, Australia, in
seed representing an image of a minute executing the above series of movements,
substance pregnant with life. It flows to the I am translating the two-dimensional
left side (anti-clockwise) in the Northern (having length and breadth) photos and
Hemisphere, while in the Southern Hemis- line illustrations of Zhao Jin-Xiang featured
phere it flows to the right (clockwise). in his qigong manual Chinese Soaring
The Chinese script liu means to flow Crane Qigong into a
or a current. The mainland Chinese search four dimensional (including three spatial
engine Bai du ke translates qi liu dimensions of length, breadth and depth and
into English as air current or air flow and a fourth dimension of time) performance of
gives wind as an example of this flowing qigong in the Southern Hemisphere.
qi or the Coriolis force. Qi therefore is an
agency dai li chu with tremendous Practising TCM in Australia
yang influence and capacity that can bring
about a windy, hot, dry climactic weather Living in the Southern Hemisphere for
conditions and a tremendous yin influence more than three decades, I have watched the
that can bring about cold, humid, snowy seasons closely using the Western Gregorian
or rainy weather conditions in the external calendar and the Eastern Standard Time. I
environment. Such yang influence can also found that our winter begins in June, spring
promote the flow of blood in the human in September, summer in December and
body thereby generating heat; perspiration autumn in March. We also have the four
as well as a yin influence can bring about subeasonal phases or jie qi of the autumn
dampish, sluggish metabolism characterised equinox qiufen (occurred on March 20,
by chills, muscle tremors etc. 2012); winter solstice (June 21); spring
Hence, when I perform my daily early equinox (September 23) and summer
morning Brolga Qi training exercise He solstice (December 22).
xiang zhuang in Melbourne, I orient The flow of the seasons is governed by the
myself towards the north. And in the final tilt of the earths axis in space as it rotates
segment of the qi exercise I become one and revolves around the sun in a year.
with the temporal (yang) and spatial (yin) When the South Pole of the earth is tilted
as well as with the southern (yang) and towards the sun, it is summer in Australia.
northern hemispheres (yin) of the universe However, in the Northern Hemisphere
by getting my qi to flow clockwise and regions including China, when the South
counter clockwise. Mimicking the Coriolis Pole is tilted towards the sun, the North
force I slowly raise my arms and move them Pole is tilted away from the sun. Hence it
towards the right side of the body. With the is winter there. Six months later, when the
waist as the fulcrum I execute a clockwise South Pole is tilted away from the sun, it
movement lowering both arms towards the is winter in Australia. On the other hand,
left side of the body and then proceeding to in the Northern Hemispherical regions
raise them completing one circular motion. like China, when the South Pole is tilted
After completing nine clockwise circular away from the sun, the North Pole is tilted
motions, I then place both straightened towards the sun there. Hence it is summer
arms to the left side of the body. From this there. In between these we have either
spot, I execute nine counter-clockwise cir- autumn or spring.
cular motions. In doing these circular mo- The Melbourne Planetarium website

44 Vol 9-3

features the dates and time when these four of the traditional Chinese farmers calendar
subseasonal phases or jie qi occur in the nong li or yin li blend with the
Southern Hemisphere, as shown below. days and months of the Western Gregorian
calendar. This is the Chinese lunisolar
Spring Equinox (AEST) calendar, which emerged after the China
2012 September 23, 00:49am adopted the Gregorian calendar and the
On the day (September 22, 2008) of the Greenwich time in 1911.
Spring Equinox, the earths poles are the In the month of January 2012, the first
same distance from the sun. In the Northern day (January 1) is New Years Day in
Hemispherical region of China, the Spring the Gregorian calendar. New years day
Equinox occurs on March 20, 2008. On this in the Gregorian calendar is referred to
day there are roughly 12 hours of day and in Chinese as yuan dan . However, in
12 hours of night. a traditional Chinese wall calendar that
I got in Melbourne, on the first page it is
Summer Solstice (AEST) also written in Chinese that it is also the
2012 December 21, 10:11pm eighth day of the 12th lunar month in
On the day of Summer Solstice, the earths the Year of the Rabbit xin mao nian
south pole is tilted towards the sun. The In addition, in
sun rises south of east, sets south of west January 2012 there are the subseasonal
and reaches 75 1/2 above the horizon at phases of Lesser Cold (which falls
noon. This is, usually, the longest day of the on January 6 of the Gregorian Calendar)
year. and Big Cold (which falls on January
21). These subseasonal phases reflect the
Autumn Equinox (AEST) end of the winter season in the Northern
2012 March 20, 4:14pm Hemispherical regions of China. However,
On the day of the Autumn Equinox, the here in the Southern Hemispherical regions
earths poles are the same distance from the of the Australian continent, January is the
sun. The sun rises due east, sets due west bush fire summer season. Clearly from this
and reaches 52 above the horizon at noon. calendar we can see that the temporal flow
There are roughly 12 hours of day and 12 of qi i.e. the flow of the season jie qi in the
hours of night. Southern Hemisphere is the reverse to
that in the Northern Hemisphere.
Winter Solstice (AEST) Undoubtedly, using the above Chinese
2012 June 21, 9:09am calendar does not help practitioners of
On the day of Winter Solstice, earths south Chinese medicine in Australia to practice
pole is tilted away from the sun. The sun differentiating clinical patterns and
rises north of east, sets north of west and associating yao in accordance
reaches 28 1/2 above the horizon at noon. with the local temporality, spatiality
This is, usually, the shortest day of the year. and the local culture in the Southern
Hemisphere . It is at the
Every year, before the traditional Chinese same time contaminated with a Northern
new year or chun jie , Chinese Hemispherical bias that desynchronises
calendars are distributed by Asian groceries the temporal flow/movement of our
or establishments run by Australian qi with the occurrence and flow of the
Chinese traders and merchants. I have a seasons in Australia i.e. it does not facilitate
Chinese calendar for the year 2007 (the Pig a synchronicity between ones spatial
Year or ding hai nian ) published by locale and the motion of the Southern
the Chinois for Living, a chain of furniture Hemispherical universe yu zhou
shops. As we can see, for one who cannot (space-time).
read the Chinese characters, it is just like To redress this bias and harmonise
any ordinary Gregorian calendar with each the flow of our qi with the flow of the
month featuring the Arabic numerals 1- seasons in the Southern Hemisphere, I
31 days. But for one who is literate in the have constructed a tool that will allow
Chinese language, one can see that aspects practitioners in Australia to reverse their

The Lantern 45

clinical activities of differentiating clinical 22. Spring Begins lLichun

patterns and associating yao in accordance 23. Rainwater Yushui
with the flow of the seasons here. 24. Waking Little Critters Jingzhe
This calendrical tool will help align
the performance of our qi with the Then we have to work out how these 24
occurrence and flow of the seasons in the subseasonal qi align with the phenophases
Southern Hemisphere. More specifically, i.e. the cycle of yin and yang seasonal and
it will facilitate the choice of acupuncture subseasonal qi transformation of various
points and acutracts in accordance with forms of life in the Southern Hemisphere.
the flow of our patients qi and blood zi In this regard, the local Aboriginal
wu liu zhu . In this way, we can calendars like the Victorian Bambruk
properly execute seasonally appropriate calendar, which relates seasonal variations
nurturing life exercises and adopt to certain natural and phenological events,
lifestyles that promote health, longevity can be helpful. For example, the Bambruk
and prevent disease. At the same time, The calendar marks the beginning of the spring
Australian Chinese calendar can facilitate season with the platypus laying eggs .
the translation of the ancient Chinese We can also learn from the American
Northern Hemispherical concept of wu anthropologist specialising in Japanese
yun liu qi into the Southern culture, Liza Dalby, in adapting the 72
Hemisphere. In doing so, the occurrence of seasonal phenological signs qi shi er hou
seasonal diseases can be properly diagnosed of the ancient Chinese almanac/calendar
and their future occurrence better forecast to the local condition of her garden in
and managed. Berkeley in California. But for the time
being, in symmetry with what I have done
Components of Australian Chinese calendar with the Northern Hemispherical half
of the Chinese medical and agricultural
In the construction of the Chinese medical lunisolar calendar, I propose to align the 24
and agricultural lunisolar calendar, I subseasonal phases with the 72 pentads or
propose that we add 20 subseasonal phases phenophases qi shi er hou34.
to the four Chinese subseasonal phases jie Secondly, I propose to reverse the flow of
qi present in the Gregorian calendar. Hence the subseasonal phases here in the Southern
we have the following picture. Hemisphere. Just a few words about my use
of the word reverse. When the Chinese
1. Vernal Equinox Chunfen gold prospectors came to Australia in
2. Clear & Bright Qingming the middle of the 19th century, they were
3. Grain Rain Guyu told that the seasons here would be the
4. Summer Begins Lixia reverse to that in China. To deal with this
5. Grain Full Xiaoman situation, the Chinese migrants reasoned
6. Grain in Ear Mangzhong that it would just be a case of reversing their
7.Summer Solstice Xiazhi activities according to the seasons (Gittins,
8. Lesser Heat Xiaoshu J., 1981) in Australia.
9. Great Heat Dashu
10. Autumn Begins Liqiu Finding the subseasonal phases in the
11. Limit of Heat Chushu Southern Hemisphere
12. White Dew Bailu To reverse the flow of the subseasonal
Ante Babics 13. Autumnal Equinox Qiufen phases jie qi in the Southern Hemisphere,
Tips for running 14. Cold Dew Hanlu I worked with scientists and astronomers
a successful clinic ... 15. Frosts Descent Shuangjiang of the Melbourne Planetarium to locate the
If you eat lunch in your 16. Winter Begins Lidong subseasonal phases in this hemisphere. To
office, dont discard that last 17. Slight Snow Xiaoxue find the exact date and time of the occurrence
bit of the fish sandwich mum 18. Heavy Snow Daxue of each subseasonal phase in this time zone
made you in the bin under 19. Winter Solstice Dongzhi (AEST), first I worked out the exact date
your desk. 20. Slightly Cold Xiaohan and time that each of the 24 subseasonal
21. Big Cold Dahan phases reaches its corresponding solar

46 Vol 9-3

longitudinal degree along the expanse of Spring Begins Rainwater Waking Little Critters
the ecliptic. Scientists and astronomers at S August 7, 2012 August 23, 2012 September 7, 2012
the Melbourne Planetarium referred me P
135 150 165
ej R
to a computer facility (http://wiseobs.tau. I to do N Vernal Equinox Clear & Bright Grain Rain
this calculation. Using this facility, I input G September 23, 2012 October 8, 2012 October 23, 2012
the year 2012 as well as the longitudinal 180 195 210
degrees for each of the 24 subseasonal Summer Begins Grain Full Grain in Ear
phases to get their equivalence in universal S November 7, 2012 November 22, 2012 December 7, 2012
time. And to convert the corresponding 225 240 255
universal time to Melbourne time (AEST), M
I added 10 hours to the results. Having E Summer Solstice Slight Heat Great Heat
done the calculations, I ended up with the R December 22, 2012 January 6, 2012 J January 21, 2012
tabulated results, top right (Bush, M., 2007). 270 285 300
Autumn Begins Limit of Heat White Dew
Subseasonal phases in Australia in 2012ek A February 4, 2012 February 19, 2012 March 5, 2012
315 330 345
First day of the first lunar months U
To locate the first days of the 12 lunar months M Autumnal Equinox Cold Dew Frosts Descent
of the 2012 Australian Chinese Calendar, I N March 20, 2012 April 4, 2012 April 20, 2012
consulted <> 360 15 30
to find the various phases of the moon in Winter Begins Slight Snow Heavy Snow
Melbourne Australia. According to the rules W May 5, 2012 May 21, 2012 June 5, 2012
followed by Purple Mountain Observatory 45 60 75
(1984) in Nanjing, China, in constructing T
the Chinese traditional calendar, the first E Winter Solstice Slightly Cold Big Cold
day of the month is the day on which the R June 21, 2012 July 7, 2012 July 22, 2012
New Moon occurs. I was able to establish 90 105 120
that in the month of January 2012 whereby
the new moon occurred on January 23, monthly wall activity Gregorian calendar
2012. This is the first day of the sixth lunar (for the years 2011-12). Then using a
month in the Australian Chinese calendar. number of Chinese languages Standard
On the other hand, in the Northern Western Gregorian-Traditional Chinese
Hemisphere traditional Chinese calendar Calendrical Perpetual Conversion Table
that I have translated into English, January Biaozhun zhongxi duizhao wannianli ,
23, 2012 was the first day of the first lunar which converts the sexagenary gan zhi
month of the Year of the Dragon ren chen units of years, months, days and two-hour
nian. This is the date of the Spring Festival periods into the Gregorian calendarical
chunjie in China. years, months, days and Greenwich Mean
Having calculated the location of the 24 Time, I tallied the days and months for the
solar qi as well as the first days of the 12 years 2011-12. Then I wrote the Chinese gan-
lunar months in the Southern Hemisphere, zhi (combination of the celestial stems and
I proceeded to set the first day chu yi earthly branches) on to the days, months
of the first lunar month zheng yue and year on the wall activity calendar.
of the Year of the Dragon ren chen nian. I was able to establish the first day of the
To do this, I marked the exact dates of the first month of the Chinese medical and
24 subseasonal phases onto an oversized agricultural lunisolar calendar (Southern
Hemisphere) for 2012 as falling on the New
ek. With the help of astronomers and scientists
Moon of August 18. This date is our spring
Tanya Hill and Martin Bush from the Melbourne
Planetarium, I was able to locate the temporal em. Subsequently, I was able to find a free Gregorian
locations of the 24 subseasonal qi in the Southern calendrical scheduler template in the web, which
Hemisphere (Australia). accommodated the information that I want to put
el. L.E. Doggett, Calendars, http://astro.nmsu. unto the Southern Hemispherical lunisolar calendar.
edu/~ihuber/leaphist.html < >

The Lantern 47

Australian Chinese calendar (AEST) Year of the Snake

Amherst: The University of Massachusetts.

festival or chun jie in Australia. On
Allen Calendars (2007), Locked Bag 326,Kingsgrove 2208
my calculation, our spring festival is six , Telephone (02)97409644. This calendar was given to me
months ahead of the Northern Hemisphere free by a newsagent in Anglesea in December 2006.
regions. Hence, we are six months ahead of Bush, M. (Science communicator, Melbourne
Planetarium). (2012 (2007, February 19)) Utility to
China in celebrating the Year of the Snake calculate dates of solar terms. Message to Rey Tiquia.
gui si nian . Chinese Medicine Practitioner. 2007 Feb. 19 (cited 2012
The first English language Chinese Jul 17). (2 lines with one leaf Word Attachment).
Dalby, L. (2007). East Wind Melts the Ice A Memoir
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(Northern and Southern hemispheres) was Press.
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Hemisphere) month of August 2012. wannianli (Standard Wester n Gregorian & Chinese
Calendar Conversion Table) Hongkong: Xuanxue
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The Lantern 49

Chen Zun Wei Zhong guo tian wen xue shi INTERNET RESOURCES arranging my lectures on the topic of the twenty
(A History of Traditional Chinese Astronomy vol English language four subseasonal phases at his college as well as
1). Shanghai: Shiji chuban jituan. at the International School of the Beijing TCM
Cheng Shao En (1982). Zhong yi yun Qi xue (The hemisphere> 6 December 2006 University, my alma mater. I would like to thank
Chinese medical discipline of The Temporal Professor Niu Xin and his postgraduate students Dong Shao Ying, Zhang Zhi Guo etc for arranging
Circulation of the Qi). Beijing: Beijing kexue jishu Hemisphere 6 December 2006
chubanshe. my lectures at the Internattional School of the
< Beijing TCM University as well as for arranging my
Feng Qian Jin (2007) Cong liu yin zhibing lun dao DiscoveryCentre/Infosheets/Planets/The-Sun- lodgings at student dormitory of the International
shengtai bing yin xue (The Development From the and-the-Seasons/ > School.
Ancient Chinese Doctrine of the Six Excessive
Climactic Qi Etiological Factors to Ecological <> 2. Bu shi zhi qi is the Chinese phrase for the
Pathogeny) in Shanxi ZhongYi xueyuan xue bao < English weather/climactic features occurring out
(Journal of Shanxi College of Traditional Chinese calendar.html>16 January 2007. of season.
Medicine), Vol.8; No.1. L.E. Doggett, Calendars, in P.Kenneth 3. Shi bing is the Chinese equivalent of seasonal
Jin Rui (1982) Zi wu liu zhu zhen fa (Temporal Seidelmann(ed) Explanator Supplement to the disease or diseases brought about by external
Flow of the Qi and Blood in Acupuncture Practice) Astronomical Almanac, Sausalito, University influences or wai gan bing.
Guangzhou: Guangzhou TCM College Teaching Science books. 4. Liu yin zhi bing is the Chinese phrase for
and Research Office. 29 the English phrase six excessive climactic qi
Juan-Ran Jiang (2004) Ming Qing yin qing December 2006 etiological factors.
shi jian de tong ji fenxi yu yun Qi xue shuo de ping < 5. National Research Council (US) Committee
nian lunshu zhi bijiao (A Comparison of Statistical hemisphere> (downloaded on Nov. 1,2007) on Climate, Ecosystems, Infectious Diseases,
Analysis Between the Epidemics in Ming and Qing and Human Health, Under the Weather, Climate
Dynasties and the Unharmed-year Hypothesis in <> Ecosystem, and Infectious Diseases, Washington,
Yun Qi Theory), Journal of Chinese Medicine, 15(4): < National Academy Press, 2001, p. 8.
231-239. chapter_txt-12.html> 6. I see the Western notion of the four elements as
Lu Zhan Zhen (1987) Yun Qi bian yu Lin zheng lu comparable to the wu xing (five elements) of TCM
(A Record of the Differentiation of the Temporal effect.html 18 January 2008 10:00am in Hang mu (wood), huo (fire), tu Earth), jin
Flow of the Qi and differentiating clinical patterns), Zhou, China (metal), and shui (water) in the sense that in
Shanghai, Shanghai zhongyi xue yuan chubanshe. both philosophical systems the elements constitute
Ou Yang Shan Ren (2007) 1800-2100 Lao Huang the ultimate roots of all natural things (Tiquia, R.,
Li (Old Huangs Calendar from 1800-2100), Jilin 2011).
Province, Yan Bian Da Xue Chubanshe. lunarcal.htm 16th October 2006 7. Yun Tie Qiao, The Five Elements are Synony-
Shen He Nian (1983) Neiyanggong he liuhegong ( mous to the Four Seasons, in Chai Lu Xian, Lun
Inner nurturing and six combination qi exercise), shou bu (Volume on Doctrines), Zhong guo yi Yao
factfiles/basics/atmo_whatis.shtml>16 August
Qinghai: Qinghai renmin chubanshe. hui hai (A sea of convergence on Chinese medicine,
vol. 16) Bejijing shi zhong guo shu dian, Beijing,
Yang Ru Hou (1941) Lun ren shen qi hua ying shi http://www. /show / 1985 edition of 1945 version, l985.
(On the Qi transformation of the Human Body conWebDoc.5458/viewPage/ 314 November 2007
resonating with Natures Temporal Order), in Chai 8. This is an English translation of the cosmogony of the Huai Nan Zi, rendered by Mitukuni Yosida,
Lu Xian (compiler), Lun shuo bu (Volume On
solarsystem/moon.html 1 December 2006 The Chinese Concept of Nature, in Chinese Science:
Explications), Zhong guo yi yao hui hai (A Sea of
convergence on Chinese Medicine, Vol 16, 1941) <<( Explorations of an Ancient Tradition, Cambridge,
Beijing: Beijing shi Zhong Guo shu dian. SolLon.html>> Accessed: July 15, 2012. MIT Press, l973, p. 77
Yang Yi Ya (1985) What is the doctrine of the Chinese language 9. This is similar to the first series of Zhao Jin
Five Circulatory phases and the Six climactic Xiangs Brolga Qi Training Exercise (
Complete Chinese Encyclopaedia
influences? What are the correlationships between entitled Gathering And Harmonising the qi from
<http://wordpedia,> the Six Locales . From a broader perspec-
this doctrine and the human body? Zhong guo yi
xue wen da (TCM questions and answers vol. I) < > 10 September 2007 tive, the notion of gathering and harmonising the
Beijing, Renmin weisheng chubanshe. <> 16 qi from the six locales liu fang he he refers to the
January 2008. locales of the north, south, east, west, the sky above
Yi Xuan (1995) Xin bian san shi nian nianli (1991- and the earth below, while humanity occupies
2020 nian (Newly compiled 30 years Chinese the central locale. This is harmony between the
calendar 1991-2020) Chengdu: Sichuan renmin history_c.html 16 November 2007 spiritual and material living beings within the
chubanshe. space created by these six locales with humanity
Yun Tie Qiao (1985) The Five Elements are Endnotes as the centre.
Synonymous to the Four Seasons. In Chai Lu Xian, 10. The Four Dimensions is constituted by the
Lun shuo bu (Volume on Doctrines), Zhong guo 1. After completing my PhD dissertation at the
Department of History and Philosophy of Science, three spatial dimensions of length, breadth and
yi Yao Hui hai (A sea of convergence on Chinese depth plus the dimension of time. (McKean, E.
medicine, vol. 16). Beijing: Bejijing shi zhong guo University of Melbourne in 2005, I embarked on
this research project of constructing a Chinese 2005).
shu dian . 1985 edition of 1945 version.
Medical & Agricultural Lunisolar Calendar for 11. In the Chinese language the English word
Zhao Jin Xiang (1987) Zhongguo hexiang zhuang the Southern hemisphere. Three years of research; absolute can mean (completely) or
Qigong (Chinese Soaring Crane Qigong), Beijing readings in Chinese and English language books; (purely). Hence absolute space time can
Chubanshe, Beijing. translating Chinese research materials into the mean completely or purely spatial or completely
Zhu Ke Zhen (2004) Zhu Ke Zhen Quan zi di 1juan English language; surfing the net for world or purely temporal. Take the case of the Gregorian
(The Complete Works of Coching Chu, Vol. 1), wide web materials; a series of seasonal radio calendar which is absolutely temporal
Shanghai, Sji ji chuban jituan. interviews on the subseasonal Qi in the Southern for it indicates the days and months of the year but
Zhu Zhi (1991) Zhong Guo Zi wu liu zhu Qi gong Hemisphere with the Special Broadcasting Service does not give any indication of the locale or spatial
zhen fa (Chinese Temporal Flow of the Qi and (SBS) Filipino Language Program presenter Ms. correspondence of that temporality.
Blood in Qi Training Exercise and Acupuncture Malou Logan; two sojourns into the Northern 12. The notion of absolute time and space was
Practice), Heilongjang, Heilongjiang kexue jishu Hemispherical region of China last year, all led to actually introduced into China with the adoption
chubanshe. a gestalt shift in the way I looked at the universe of the Gregorian calendar and Greenwich Mean
or yuzhou i.e. space and time. I would like to Time after 1911.
Zu Xing (2007) Tu jie yi jing (Explaining the Book
thank Professor Feng Qian Jin (my former class
of Change in Pictures), Shanxi: Shanxi shifan 13. The Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary defines
mate at the Beijing TCM College) who is now the
daxue chubanshe. collocate as placing (things) together, which
Deputy President of the Shanxi College of TCM for

50 Vol 9-3

it also translates into Chinese as Explanator Supplement to the Astronomical enacted in practices that are a natural part of the
(Oxford University Press, The New Oxford English- Almanac, Sausalito, University Science books whole body. The medical treatments and materials
Chinese Dictionary, 1993, 1997, 2000, in electronic; 29 include acupuncture, traditional Chinese massage
dictionary Learning is so easy , Taiwan. December 2006. (tuina , food therapy (shiliao ), the use of
14. Thom H. Fang, The Chinese View of Of Life 20. The following segment is a linguistic translation materia medica, emotional counter-therapy and qi
The Philosophy of Comprehensive Harmony, Taipei: of the theme on The Twenty Four Jie Qi from exercises such as qigong and taichi (taijiquan
Linking Publishing, 1981, p. 29. the on-line version of the Complete Chinese ). The varied qi motions of individual yaowu
Encyclopaedia <http://wordpedia, or a group of them collected in a standardised
15. Shu-Hsien Liu, Time and Temporality: the formula known as fang are chosen to fit the
Chinese Perspective in Philosophy East and West.>
clinical pattern of imbalance or disequilibrium in
Vol. 24, No.2 April 1974, pp. 145-153. 21 The ecliptic is referred to in the Chinese the uneasy body of the patient (Tiquia, 2011). As
16. Xian tian ba gua (before the sky hexagram) languages as huang dao (the yellow pathway). John Major expressed in his general introduction
refers to the state of creation and formation of The ecliptic is an imaginary line that is drawn in to early Han cosmology Qi is both process and
the universe yu zhou, The eight hexagrams are the sky. It is a projection of the Earths orbit onto substance, and comes into being as the concrete
collocated in such a way that the qian triagram the celestial sphere, just like the celestial equator manifestation of space time. (Major, J., 1993, p. 27).
is located on the northern aspect; the kun is the projection of the Earths equator onto the
sphere(Philips & Priwer, 2007, p. 62). 32. Chee Chee Leung, Indigenous weather know-
triagram in the south; the li hexagram in the how sits alongside science, The Age 30 April 2007,
east; kan in the west; zhen in the northeast; 22. p.3 . Please refer to the Brambuk Calendar which
xun in the southwest; dui in the southeast Cheng Shao is part of the Australian Government Bureau of
and gen in the northwest. While the hou tian En, Zhong yi yun Qi xue (The Chinese medical Meteorology website:
ba gua (after the sky triagrams) is an ontological discipline of The Temporal Circulation of the Qi), brambuk/index.shtml.
state, which shows how humanity harmonises Beijing, Beijing kexue jishu chubanshe, 1982, p. 5-11.)
and adapts with the changing state of all living 33. The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary Vol
23. In ancient Chinese geography study, the eastern 2 (1993) defines phenology as The field of study
beings as the universe goes through the process of direction is seen as synonymous to the left side
creation and formation. In this ontological state, the that deals with the cyclic and seasonal natural
. While the western direction phenomena, especially in relation to climate and
li hexagram is located in the southern aspect; kan is seen as synonymous to the right side i.e. when
in the north; zhen in the east; dui in the west; gen plant and animal life. (Brown, 1993, p. 2184).
the subject is facing the south. Vegetation dynamics like growth, reproduction,
in the northeast; kun in the southwest; qian in the . (Ancient Chinese Language Dictionary
north west. winter rest, competition for nutrients, water, and
Compiling Group, Gudai Hanyu cidian, Ancient light are strongly influenced and determined by
17. In pre-modern Chinese philosophy, spatial Chinese language dictionary), Shangwu yinshu climate variables. A change in climate will result in
positions or directions like the northern position guan, Nanjing, 2003, p. 1906). a change of these dynamics. A scientific discipline,
simultaneously indicate the temporality of the 24. which is able to link vegetation dynamics with
winter season, the solar Qi of the Winter Solstice, sphere; accessed, November 1, 2007. climate variable is phenology. Phenology is
the month of December and the Zi two-hour the study of the timing of recurrent biological
period (23:00 hour) in the Northern 25. In January 2008 I came across the following
information with a good diagram on the Coriolis processes such as flowering, budburst, insect
Hemispherical region in China. Hence, I have hatching, birdnesting, fruit ripening and leaf fall
designated the 24 palaces as the equivalent of the effect. The University of Oregon put this together: (so called phenophases). (International Society of
24-hour clock or the 24-hour astronomical time. Biometeorology, 2009).
The 24-hour clock is a convention of time keeping fect.html.
in which the day runs from midnight to midnight 26., 16 34. The content of the temporal system of the 72
and is divided into 24 hours numbered from 0 to January 2007. pentads qishier hou was recorded in the classical
23. This system is the most common time notation Chinese book The Complete Classical Text on
27. Rey Tiquia, The Twelve Commandments of Good Leisurely Living, Chapter on Instructions on
in the world today 24-hour notation is in the US Health (Christmas cards sent to patients during the
and Canada also referred to as military time or the Flow of the Seasons compiled in 2BC. Each
year 2005). pentad corresponds to a phenological phenomena
astronomical time.
28. Allen Calendars (2007), Locked Bag 326, which is referred to as a resonating pentad. The
can also be translated into English as the Kingsgrove 2208, Telephone (02) 9740 9644. This sequential changes in each of the 72 resonating
square earth While the sky is referred to as. calendar was given to me free by a newsagent in pentads reflect the changes in the qi hou (constantly
circular And I think that the square earth Anglesea in December 2006. changing state of the climate and other natural
is the yu or space or or yin ; phenomenon of a season/subseasonal phase) each
29. I am using them in this paper without their
while the circular sky is the zhou or time or year. In the case of botanical resonating pentads we
permission. I have translated the English names
temporality or tian or yang . My view have first the sprouting of the buds then the flower
of the four subseasonal phases into Chinese.
on this matter was confirmed by Zu Xing in his blooms and then the bearing of fruits While in
book Pictorial Explanation of the Book of Change the case of the zoological resonating pentads we
which was published in 2007. Zu Xing have firstly, the first vibration, the first cry and
in explaining the picture of the 64 hexagrams 30. Ding is the celestial stem; while hai is the
the mating mobility. As for examples of resonating
arrayed in a circular manner with another set earthly branch; while nian is one of the Chinese
pentads of inanimate things, we can point to
of 64 arrayed in eight columns horizontally and word for year. Referring to The Cyclical 60-Year,
phenomena of beginning to freeze, melts the ice;
vertically thereby forming a square figure inside the Months, Days, Two-Hour Periods Jia-Zi Table
thunder sings etc. (
circle of the other 64 hexagrams concluded that above, one can see that Ding hai nian or the Pig Year
the circular diagrams represents temporality or falls on the 24th slot of the 60-year-month-day-2- 35. I used the 1800-2100 Lao Huang Li (The
time while the square diagram formed represents hour temporal cycle. Calendar of Old Huang from 1800-2100) authored
space (Zu Xing, 2007, by Ou Yang Shang Ren and published by the Yan
31. In my PhD dissertation, I spent some time
pp. 72-74). Bian Da Xue Chubanshe, 2007. In subsequent
elaborating on qi (life force or material force)
editions of the Australian Chinese Calendar, I used
18. Wilder & Ingram translates the Chinese script because it is important to understand this
other Chinese calendars or almanac which provides
into English as the fountain, a spring and ontological (ultimate nature of reality) element of
10-30 years conversion tabulations of the Chinese
the source and explains the script as depicting TCM. To have a profound understanding of it, we
calendar and the Western Gregorian calndar like
the streams issuing from under the ledge of a need to recognise that qi is an ontological entity
Yi Xuans Xin bian san shi nian nianli (1991-2020
rock. (G.D. Wilder & J.H. Ingram, Analysis of that is done or performed in TCM practice. (Rey
nian (Newly compiled 30 years Chinese calendar
Chinese Characters, New York, Dover Publications, Tiquia, 2004, p. 101). Qi together with the yin and
1974, p. 289. ) yang , the five elements/agents/phases, and the
eight trigrams of the Book of Changes 36. I was able to find a free Gregorian calendrical
19. The traditional Chinese calendar is a lunisolar scheduler template that accommodated the
animates both our human bodies and the bodies of
calendar because the sequence of months are information I wanted to put into the Southern
the universe around us. In TCM clinical encounters,
based on the lunar phase cycle; but every few Hemispherical calendar at <>.
qi is performed to differentiate between clinical
years a whole month is intercalated to bring the
patterns and to associate the appropriate yaowu.
calendar back in phase with the tropical year (L.E.
The natural body (which is alive and full of qi) is
Doggett, Calendars, in P.Kenneth Seidelmann(ed)

The Lantern 51

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