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Indian Journ al of Chemistry

Vol. 41 A, April 2002, pp. 751-755

Partial molal volume and partial molal In the present note, we present the results of calcu-
compressibility of polyethylene lations of parti al molal volume (<Pvo) and parti al molal
glycol in water compressibility (<PK 0), interaction coefficient (Q),
molar volume of Vand's equation (V) and molar
A K Puri , N K Soni*, Amit Pandey & Ashish K Sharma refraction (Rm) of aqueous polyethylene glyco l
Department of Chem istry, Uni ve rsit y of Allahabad, solutions using the volumetric, ultrasonic, viscometric
Allahabad 2 11 002 , India and refractometric data of Gerecze l7 .
Received 14 Jllly 2000; re vised 3 1 Jllly 200 1
Equations used
Using the ex perimental data of Gerecze [ACIISlica, 38 ( 1977) Apparent molal vo lume, (<Pv), has been calculated
51 Ion ultrasonic ve locity, de nsity and refractive index or aqueous using the relation
polyet hylene glyco l, the va lues of partial molal vo lume (<1'),
experimental slope (S v) and partial molal compressibility (<I>KO) at 1000 (d o - d) M
differe nt temperatures, interac ti on coefficient (Q ), mo lal volume v = +- ... (I)
of Vand's eq uati on at 20C (V) and mol ar refracti on (Rill) have
m.d o do
been calculated. Validit y of Va nd's equati on and molar refracti on
where do and d are the density of solvent and soluti on
equati on for polyet hylene glyco l is disp layed. Temperature
dependence hydrati on nature of polyethylene glyco l has also been respectively, and other sy mbol s have their usual
di scussed. notation .
The apparent molal volume (<Pvo) at infinite diluti on
In recent years, th ere has been considerable interest in has been obtained using equ ation (2).
the solute-solvent interactions of dilute solutions of
non-electrolytes. Enhanced stabilisation of water ... (2)
structure around the solute molecule in the form of
clusters or cages in the ethylene-glyco l water system Isentropic compressibility , (Ks) has been obtained
has been disc ussed by Glew l . Abnormalities in many from sound velocity (u) and density (d) data using the
relation :
thermodynamic behaviour including partial molal
vo lume and partial molal compressibility were ... (3)
discussed by Frank and Ives 2. According to Hioland 3,
parti al molal vo lume (<Pvo) and partial molal com- Apparent molal compressibility, (<PK) tS computed
pressibility (<PKO) of polyfunctional alcohols havin g from the equation:
several hydroxy l groups, are capable of hydrogen
bonding to water molecul e. Adi abatic and isothermal .. . (4)
apparent molal compressibilities of secondary
alcohols and ethers in water were reported by Cabini4.
where Ks and Ks.o are the isentropi c compressibility
Viscosity of non-electrolyte solutes in water was
coefficients of solution and solvent respective ly.
anal yzed in the light of Vand 5 , Moulik 6 and Thomson7
. AI exander el a , .8- 10 propose d an equatIon
. to Apparent molal compress ibility at infinite dilution ,
(<PKO) has been obtained from ex pression,
describe the viscos ity B-coefficient for dilute so lu-
tions of non-electro lytes in water. Islam et al. 11 ... (5)
reported B-coefficient and apparent molal volume at
infinite dilution (<Pvo) for tetraalkyl halides in ethyl ene Refractive index data have been used for obtaining
gycol-water mixture. RecentlyI 2-16, ultrasoni c veloc- the mol ar refraction (Rill) using th e relation
ity, density and viscosity data have been used sati s-
RIll=(no 2- lIn D2+ I) + Mid ... (6)
factoril y to study vari ous types of interactions in
multicomponent systems contammg some very where no is the index of refracti on (sod ium D line)
important bio molecules and ions. and M is the molec ul ar weight of polyethylene glyco l.

Table I-Apparent molal volume, (<I>v), apparent molal compressibility, (<I>K), and isentropic compressibility, (f3s), of
polyethylene glycol in water at 20, 25 and 30C
Molec ular Conc. <l>v x 10
<l>K X IO
f3s X 10- 12
(mol kg- I) (011 mo)'l) 3
(cm mol-I bar- I) Cll1 2 dyne- I

At 20C
20,000 0.0032 16.45 -7 .720 43. 07
0.0020 16.63 - 12.170 43.88
0.0016 17.03 4.940 44.45
0.0007 19.79 98 .900 45 .64

6,000 0.022 4.85 1.800 41.55

0.013 4.94 -7 .350 42 .68
0.010 4.98 -1.140 43 .27
0.0053 5.14 -2 .000 44.27

2,000 0.100 1.61 -0.090 39.19

0.075 1.63 0.880 41.21
0.050 1.66 2.010 43 .02
0.025 1.68 -0.560 43 .61

1,000 0.340 0.81 0.033 35.83

0.250 0.80 -0.301 37.32
0.170 0.82 0.366 39.50
0.062 0.83 0.216 43.48

Al 25C
20,000 0.0032 16.31 -10.82 42.34
0.0020 17.02 -18.01 43.04
0.0016 17.07 -8.86 43.55
0.0007 19.57 63 . 10 44.69

6,000 0.0220 4.91 -3.02 39.90

0.130 4.97 -5.87 41.43
0.0100 5.05 -7.22 41.97
0.0053 5.15 -14.60 42.92

2,000 0. 1000 1.63 -0.55 38. 11

0.0750 1.01 -1.82 40.44
0.0500 1.66 -0.35 41.27
0.0250 1.68 1.47 43.4 !

1000 0.340 0.8! -0.27 34.43

0.250 0.84 -0.42 36. 19
0.170 0.82 -0.15 39.16
0.062 0.85 0.46 42.65

Al 30C
20,000 0.0032 16.34 -30.39 40.95
0.0020 16.75 -47.13 41.72
0.0016 17.10 -31.72 42 .39
0.0007 18.77 48.43 43 .78


Table I-Apparent molal volume, (<!>v), apparent molal compressibility, (<!>K), and isentropic compressibili ty, (~s), 01"
polyethylene glycol in water at 20,25 and 30C-Contd
~sX 10-
Molecular Conc. <!>vx 10) <!>K X 10.1
Weight (mol r l) (mlmorl) (cm) mol - I bar- I) cm 2 dyne- 1

At 30C

6,000 0.022 4.89 -7.32 38.34

0.013 5.00 -10.38 40.11
0.010 5.05 -15.64 40.39
0.0053 5.12 -23.75 41 .67

2,000 0.100 1.64 -0.75 37.22

0.075 1.66 0.76 39.70
0.050 1.66 -2 .22 39.65
0.Q25 1.69 -2.35 41.71

1,000 0.34 0.82 -0.28 33.71

0.25 0.81 0. 17 35.02
0. 17 0.82 -2. 17 35.45
0.62 8.84 0.20 42.00

Table 2:-Apparent molal volume at infinite dilution, (<!>vo) and Table 3-Apparent molal compressibility at infinite diluti on,
experimental slope, Sv of polyethylene glycol at different (<!>KO) of polyethylene glycol at differe nt temperatures and
temperatures and concentrations co ncentrati ons
Molecular T Conc. <!>VOx 102 Sv Molecular T Concentration <!>KOX 10)
weight (mol kg- I) (ml mor l) weight (0C) range (cm' mol bar- I)

20,000 20 0.0007 17.86 0.71 20,000 20 0.0007m III

25 to 17.96 0.90 25 to 78
30 0.0032 19.25 1.80 30 0.0032m -56

6000 20 0.OO53m -3 .5
6000 20 0.0053 5.28 0. 16
25 to -I I
25 to 5.27 0.33
30 0.022m -25
30 0.022 5.45 0.35

2000 20 0.Q25 1.68 0.10 2000 20 0.025m -3 .0

25 to 1.98 0.50 25 to 4.3
30 0.1 2.07 0.55 30 O.lm 4.8

1000 20 0.062 0.241 1.20 1000 20 0.062m 0.80

25 to 0.303 1.25 25 to 1.60
30 0.34 0.313 1.37 30 0.34m 2.15

Results and discussion slope, Sv. The values of partial molar compressibility
In Table 1, values of apparent molal volume (<Pv), (<PKO) are recorded in Table 3. The values estimated
apparent molal compressibility (<PK) along with the for interaction coefficient, Q, molar vo lume of Yand's
values of isentropic compressibility (~s) have been e
euqation (V), at 20 0 are recorded in Table 4.
recorded for polyethylene glycol in water at 20, 25 It is obvious from Table 2, that the values of appar-
and 30C. The values of partial molal volume (<Pvo) ent molal volume at infinite dilution (<Pvo) are gradu-
for the systems under present investigation are ally decreasing with increase in concentration . It is
presented in Table 2 along with the experimental concluded that, polyethylene glycol is more hydrated

at hi gher temperatures than at lower temperatures. Table 5-Molecular refraction of polyethylenc glyco l- Col/ld
Thus, both temperature and concentration are respon-
Molecular Conc.
sible for the solute-solvent interaction with respect to " Rill
weight (mol kg-I)
molecular weight of solute. On the other hand, Sv
values considerably increase with temperature but the
20,000 20 0.0007 41 42.84 64.36
trend is not the same in the entire range of concentra-
25 41 4 1.11 64.35
tion .
30 41 38.53 64.33
It IS evident from the recorded values, Sv are
hi gher at hi gh temperatures, suggesting strong solute- 6,000 20 0.022 1267.33 35.59
solute interaction . rt is evident from Table 3, that 25 1269.02 35.62
va lues of <PK 0 increase with temperature and decrease 30 1268 .61 35.6 1

Table 4- The coefficicnt Q and molar vo lume V of Vand's 6,000 20 0.0130 1257.16 35.45
viscosity equati on at 20C 25 1257.67 35.46
30 1286.31 35.86
Molecular Conc. Q V
we ight (mol kg l ) 6,000 20 0.0102 1251.54 35 .38
20,000 0.0032 0.559 125.38 25 1252. 58 35.39
0.0020 137.49 30 1251.65 35 .37
0.0016 141.72
152.0 1 6,000 20 0.0053 1245.29 35.28
25 1245.02 35.28
6,000 0.022 0.5996 31.76 30 124 1.91 35 .24
0.013 38.07 2,000 20 0.1000 427.40 20.67
0.010 40.58 25 427.70 20.68
0.0053 46.29 30 427.70 20.68

2,000 0.100 0.61 4.38 2,000 20 0.0750 42 3.80 20.58

0.075 4.59 25 424.20 20.59
0.050 5.06 30 424.30 20.59
0.025 5.48
2,000 20 0.0500 419.90 20.49
1000 0.34 1.23 1.20
25 419.90 20.49
0.25 1.40
30 419.70 20.48
0.17 1.67
0.062 2.19 2,000 20 0.0250 4 16. 10 20.39
25 4 15.90 20.39
Table 5-Molecular refraction of polyethylene glycol 30 4 15.90 20.39
Molecular T Conc.
1,000 20 0.340 220.25 14.84
weight (0C) (mol kg- I)
25 220.10 14.83
20,000 20 0.0032 4174.20 64.60 30 220.20 14.84
25 4169.26 64.56
30 4169.22 64.57 1,000 20 0.2500 2 16.00 14.69
25 2 16.00 14.69
20,000 20 0.0020 4142.29 64.36 30 2 15.70 14.68
25 4 155.95 64.46
30 3814.35 61.76 1,000 20 0.17 2 12.90 14.59
25 2 12.80 14.59
20,000 20 0.0016 4168.67 64.56 30 2 12.80 14.58
25 4148.94 64.40
30 4149.17 64.41 1,000 20 0.0620 208.46 14.43
25 208 .61 14.44
(Con/d) 30 208.55 14.44

sharply with increase in concentration. The values of Acknowledgement

<PKO are highly influenced by the molecular size of The authors are thankful to Prof. J. D. Pandey
solute. In the present investigation , negative values (Former Head) and Dr Ranjan Dey, Department of
for <PK 0 can be associated wi th structure promoti ng Chemistry, University of Allahabad, for valuabl e
ability of solvent, i.e., loss of structure compressibility suggestion s.
of water on account of increase in population of four
bonded water molecule. Critical evaluation of References
physico-chemical data leads to the conclusion that I Glew D N & Rath N S, Can J Chem, 45 ( 1970) 3058 .
2 Frnnk F & Ives, D J G , QU[/I'I Rev Chelll Soc, 20 ( 1966) I .
there must be reinforcement of water structure in the
3 Hioland & Halvik H J, J .wln Ch em, I ( 1878) 578 .
neighbourhood of alcohol molecule in dilute so lution .
4 Cabini S & Cant G , J .1'0/11 Ch elll , 8 ( 1979) II.
It is seen from Table 4 that viscosity interaction 5 Vand V, J {lhys Colloid Chem, 52 ( 1948) 277.
coefficient, Q, is constant for all ranges of concentra- 6 Moulik , J Indian chelll Soc, 79 (1984) 277.
tion with respect to molecular size of solute molecule. 7 Thompso n P T, Fisher B & Wood R N, J .1'0/11 Chelll, II
It is concluded, therefore, that hydrophobic interac- (1982) I.
tions are mainly dependent on size of polyethylene 8 Alexander D M & May DC, AIISI J Chelll, 35 ( 1982) 465.
9 Alexander D M & May DC, AuSI J Ch ell1 , 35 ( 198 1) 2283 .
glycol. The stability of solvent water increase with
10 Alexander D M & May DC, AUSI J Ch ell1 , 34 ( 1984) 15 73.
decrease in molecular size of polyethylene glycol. On
II Isla m N & Qudesia Rehan a, Indian J Chern, 2 1A ( 1982)
the other hand, molar volume, (V) decreases with 1053.
increase in polyethylene glycol concentration and can 12 Pandey J D, Puri A K, Tiwari A & Sharma A K, Proc Indiall
be ascribed to the decrease in hydrophobic interaction Acad Sci, III (1999) 747.
between water dipole and ion of polyethylene glycol 13 Pandey J D, Haroon S , Puri A K & Misra K, Indiall J Ch elll ,
36A (1997) 393 , 560.
with respect to molecular size.
14 Pandey J D, Mi sra K & Mushran V, ACLIslica , 80 ( 1994) 563 .
It is evident from Table 5 that the molar refraction,
15 Pandey 1 D, Misra K & Mushran V, ACLIslica, 8 1 ( 1994) 97.
Rnll values increase with increase in the molecular 16 Pandey J D, Haroo n S, Dey R, Upadhyay M & Mi sra K, Call
weight of polyethylene glycol but is almost constant J Chem , 78 (2000) 1561.
between the temperature range 10C and 30C. 17 Gerecze N G. AClIslica , 38 (1977) 51 .

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