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Research article ISSN 0976 4402

Assessment of the long-range transport phenomena of polluted air masses

in the Western Mediterranean Region
Saidi F.1,2, Hamoudi B.1,2, Azzi A.1,2.
1- University of Science and Technology of Oran, ''Mohamed Boudiaf '' Oran, Algeria
2- Laboratoire dAro-Hydrodynamique Navale (LAHN)
doi: 10.6088/ijes.2014040404548


The present study aims to investigate and analyse the origin of polluted air masses coming to
the North Africa during the period 28-29 of July 2013. In this order, an advanced
photochemical model was performed to simulate the transformation and the transport of the
main important pollutant i.e. O3 and NOx cover the entire Western Mediterranean Region.
The photochemical model results of the both day simulated are compared with observed data
and it show a good concordance about the O3 and NOx. In addition, the Long range transport
of pollutants from Europe resulted in O3. To better understand this last, a CAMx Tracer was
carried out during 48 hour, the tracer-mapped ozone values and dispersion show reasonable
agreement with wind direction.

Keywords: O3, NOx, CAMx Tracer, photochemical air pollution, Western Mediterranean

1. Introduction

Photochemical ozone (O3) formation continues to be an important air pollution problem in

many urban and downwind areas, also in remote locations. O3 is formed as a result of a cycle
of photochemical reactions involving nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Volatile Organic
Compounds (VOC). The main reaction that forms O3 is the photolysis of NO2 to give NO and
O, with the O atom reacting with O2 to form O3, which can then react with NO to regenerate
NO2. These chemical reactions, superimposed on emission, atmospheric transport, and
deposition in the urban and rural troposphere lead to local or regional air quality deterioration
( Carvalho et al., 2010).

Great consideration should be given to the problematic of long-range transboundary transport

of ozone and its precursors. Recent advances in air pollution monitoring and modeling
capability have made it possible to show that air pollution can be transported long distances
and that adverse impacts of emitted pollutants cannot be confined to one country or even one
continent (G. Liu et al., 2013). Pollutants from traffic and factories emitted half a world
away can make the air we inhale today more hazardous for our health. The relative
importance of this imported pollution is likely to increase, as emissions in developing
countries grow, and air quality standards in industrial countries are tightened.

European Environmental Agency, (2007), noted that ozone concentrations at remote locations
of Mediterranean Region have been rising, especially in summer. Ozone is considered to be
a secondary pollutant with a short lifetime, due to its reactivity; however, under favorable

Received on February 2014 Published on March 2014 1087

Assessment of the long-range transport phenomena of polluted air masses in the western Mediterranean region

conditions such as long range transport and sea-land breeze events it is possible to imply a
spatial variability around urban and coastal areas which are the major sources of its
precursors. In this context, the Western North Africa is the most affected strongly by
increases in Western Europe, the net O3 photochemical production in polluted air masses
travelling over Mediterranean areas under the influence of continental outflow in the upper
troposphere is well known process depending on photo-oxidation processes, the distribution
of precursor emissions and the atmospheric circulation. The term of transport of ozone and its
precursors should be of great interest, as well as the role of ozone on the
production/destruction of several other pollutants, such as mercury (Millan et al., 2002).

In this purpose, the present study Evaluate and analyse the O3 and NOx concentrations
variability in order to determine the role of large Scale atmospheric transport on the
behaviour of tropospheric ozone and its precursors over WMB with the aid of advanced
models simulation that already helped in many studies to the accuracy of the prediction of
atmospheric air quality processes with an emphasis on ozone (Marina et al., 2009). To better
understand the transport of polluted air masses from Western Europe to Western North Africa
more precisely Coast of Algeria a CAMx Tracer for ozone is used for the entire period
simulated. The CAMx tracer has already proved its validity (United States Environmental
Protection Agency, 2012).

The lack in the observational data in Northern Africa precisely in the Algerian Coast push
us to validate the obtained results during the episode with a measuring station located in the
South of France: AIR Languedoc-Roussillon, Pyrnes measure Station situated at
(latitude=43.6 longitude= 3.88), that will give credibility the results of North West Africa.

2. The paths and scales in the Mediterranean Region

The paths and scales of the air pollution was the subject of various studies during the last 20
years. Projects like MECAPIP, SECAP and T-TRAPEM grave the first information about the
re-circulation mechanisms, the layering, the paths and transformation processes, mainly the
photo-oxidants (Kallos et al., 1997; Gangoiti et al., 2001). In continuity, the International
team investigates atmospheric pollution over the Mediterranean/Pollution transport into the
region causes large scale decrease in air quality and precipitation (MINOS) (Max Planck
Society for the Advancement of Science, 2002). The role of Saharan dust as a synergetic
effect on air quality degradation was the subject of other projects like MEDUSE. This
cooperating effort continued at the framework of the BEMA, MAMCS, SUB-AERO and
ADIOS projects. As conclusion of these projects the polluted air masses can transported:

1. From South East Europe and Black Sea towards the Middle East and Africa, across the
Aegean Sea.
2. From Central Mediterranean towards Eastern with two branches: Towards NE
Mediterranean and towards SE Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa.
Regions of Mediterranean Basin are characterised: During the cold period of the year, the
washout mechanisms are important. Photochemical processes are not at their peak due to
limited insolation and cloud formations. During The warm period, the wet removal processes
are very limited and insolation helps photochemical processes, moreover, they affect the
weather at higher latitudes (Varinou et al., 2001). The meteorology and the air masses
coming towards North Africa are highly influenced by strong sea-land breeze (differencing in
temperature) and the intensity of the Azores high-pressure system, which is overlooked the
Western Mediterranean Basin (Milan et al., 2000).
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Assessment of the long-range transport phenomena of polluted air masses in the western Mediterranean region

The Algerian Coast is mainly located under the topography and climate of Mediterranean
basin, surrounded by high coastal mountains and characterised by dry hot summers and mild
winters. Precipitations are poor and irregular, sometimes drought. Annual average
temperature is 18oC, with annual average precipitation around 450mm. Nevertheless, there is
a diverse climate, with strong contrasts through the year (United Nations Environment
Program, Regional Office for West Asia, League of Arab states, 2006). The sun provides the
energy to drive the winds by heating the surface of the earth and in turn the air above it (land-
sea breeze during the day and sea-land breeze in the night). It is this heating that drives the in
Algerian Coast most of the time. There are three major factors that influence Algerian Coast
weather and air quality:
the differential heating of the land and Mediterranean masses;
the large scale seasonal weather regimes; and
the local topography.

3. Material and methods

3.1 The CAMx configuration

The chemical transport model used to compute the concentrations of photochemical

pollutants is CAMx (Environ, 2012). The domain selected is shown in figure. 1.

Figure 1: Computing domain for resolution of 12x12 km (longitude x latitude)

The horizontal resolution is 12x12 km2 and 14 vertical layers were used to cover the lower
troposphere with a depth starting from 50, 100, 200, 300, 450 m, etc., up to the model top at 4
km where the vertical spacing has increased to about 500 m. The time step used for the
simulation is 24, as given in table 1. The chemical mechanism selected for the simulation was
CMC (chemistry solver) that is based on an adaptive-hybrid approach. Alternatively users
may select the Implicit-Explicit Hybrid (IEH) chemical solver of Sun (1994, Chock and
Winkler). Both solvers may be used to integrate the CB-IV and SAPRC99 mechanisms
whereas, for the horizontal advection/diffusion we use Bott scheme, as given in table 2.

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Assessment of the long-range transport phenomena of polluted air masses in the western Mediterranean region

Table 1: CAMx Specification

Specs Description
Model CAMx v5.2
OS/compiler Linux, Ifort
CPU type USTO Cluster
Emissions source EMEP Inventory.
Initial conditions camx.v5.2.inst.5.2
Boundary conditions camx.v5.2.BC
Meteorological data WRF Meteorological Model

Table 2: CAMx run-time option

WRAP/PSAT specs Description
Advection solver PPM
Chemistry parameters CAMx.5.2.chemparam.5_CF
Chemistry solver CMC
Plume-in-grid Used
CAMx Tracer Used

3.2 Emission inventory

The raw emissions data used are from EMEP gridded area sources data base (Evaluation of the
long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe) with horizontal resolution 16x16 km2.
The main ideas used in the preparation of the refined emission inventories are discussed in
Hertel et al. (2002). The emissions contain data for NOx, NMVOC [Ethene (ETH), Higher
aldehyde (ALD2 based on acetaldehyde), Formaldehyde (FORM), Toluene and other
monoalklyl aromatics (TOL), Xylene and other polyalkyl aromatics (XYL), Paraffin Carbon
Bond C-C (PAR), Olefin Carbon bond C=C (OLE)], CO, Isoprene, NH3, PM10, and PM2.5,
in the EMEP domain.

As the most important precursors in the formation of ozone (O3) are the nitrogen oxides NO
and NO2, together called NOx, the carbon monoxide (CO), and also the non-methane volatile
organic compounds (NMVOCs), the emissions of these species will be presented here. The
maps show the presence of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitrogen oxide (NO) carbon oxide, and
non-methane volatile organic compound in the lowest 4 km of the atmosphere. The map is
produced from each day of the simulation (28, 29 July -2013) from space, using the EMEP.
NO2, NO are produced from power production, heavy industry, road transport and biomass
burning. Natural sources are lightening in the air and microbial activity in the soil. The maps
clearly show the source areas of NO2 and NO such as large industrial-urban complexes
(South Europe), biomass burning (Africa).

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Assessment of the long-range transport phenomena of polluted air masses in the western Mediterranean region

3.3 Meteorology during the period study

The general meteorological conditions simulated (Figure. 2) are characterised by maximum

surface air temperature (1200 UTC ) ranging between 34 and 42 C over the Algerian Coast on
the first day of the simulation, while the next days it varied between 34 and 40 C the
following days over the same area. The temperature distribution over the western
Mediterranean Basin (WMB) was associated with a weak Coast flow moving slowly
eastwards, this situation induced weak cyclonic circulation over the western and central
Algeria and an anticyclonic circulation over the Algerian troposphere over that region. Under
this weak synoptic forcing, strong insolation may promote the development of mesoscale
flows associated with the local topography (mountain and valley breezes), while the difference
in temperature between the sea and the land enhances the development of sea-land breezes.
However, the synoptic conditions are the main forcing associated with the long range transport
of pollutants from Europe to North Africa. The temperature reaches 32-38 C over the
Algerian coast at that time. Later in the day, the surface air temperature decreases also the
Algeria coastal land begins to cool, while the air over the Mediterranean Sea is higher to
generate an air flow between sea and land After the sunrise on July 28th as well as the
following day, a weak low pressure system exists over Algeria accompanied by a high
pressure system over Tunisia and Libya moving slowly to the east with a depression over the
Iberian Peninsula. The air temperature ranges between 38 and 42 C in the course of the day
and during the night it ranges between 14 and 24 C. The synoptic situation over Algeria was
coupled with the local airflow produced by the particular geography of the North Algeria
during the period of the case study. The Algerian coastal plain serves to direct the air flow to
and from the Mediterranean Sea. The nearby coastal hills of Algeria which contain the marine
layer contribute in the trapping of Pollutants like O3 also this coastal mountains prevent this
pollution layer from intruding too far inland. In addition, the local hills heat up in the daytime
reaching an average of 34 C, giving rise to differences in surface air temperature near the
earth and the higher layers, causes an inverse temperature layer.

Figure 2: Mean surface temperatures (top) and mean wind speed/Direction (bottom)
over the Western Mediterranean Sea (WMS) for 28-29 of July, 2013.

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Assessment of the long-range transport phenomena of polluted air masses in the western Mediterranean region

4. Results and discussions

4.1 Model Evaluation

CAMx produce good prediction results, as shown in figure. 3. It presents ozone and two
important precursor NO and NO2 exactly at South of France: AIR Languedoc-Roussillon,
Pyrnes measure Station situated at (latitude=43.6 longitude= 3.88). The predicted results
from a CAMx simulation of the Pyrnes metropolitan area are compared with hourly
monitoring data.
A good concordance between CAMx model and measure station is noticed. A slight
difference between the model results and observation data has been found due to the grid
refinement. Bright and clear skies combined with an early morning temperature in range of
30 to 42 C these factors produce a typical smog day at Algerian Coast. Figure 3, presents
typical levels of NOx and ozone as the smog process progresses at western North Africa. The
both simulated days show a similarity on the day cycle of the three species studied (O 3,

Figure 3: Hourly Average of Modelled and Measured Concentration for O3, NO2, NO at 28th
and 29th of July , 2013.

Scatter-plots in figure 4, shows all of the predictionobservation for O3 during the both day
simulated. The photochemical model does well at predicting concentrations of O3, a good
relationship between prediction-observation for 28 and 29 of July 2013 (r2=0.62427,
r2=0.51865) respectively.

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Assessment of the long-range transport phenomena of polluted air masses in the western Mediterranean region

Figure 4: Scatter plot of CAMx model vs observed Hourly Average Ground-level ozone for
Languedoc-Roussillon, Pyrnes at 29 (top) and 28 (bottom) of July, 2013.

4.2 Pollutants dispersion during the period of study

The smog day begin as traffic and industrial builds to reach a maximum at around 0800 UTC,
there is an attendant rapid increase in the concentration of NO occurs first, as these emitted
from sources directly. The increase in NO2 gaps by a short period because it is formed by
atmospheric reactions. Shortly after sunrise and the photochemical reaction sequence, the NO
concentration begins a rapid decrease and the oxidant predominantly ozone concentration
increase at a similar rate.

By 1000 UTC the photochemical process oscillate over the equilibria. There is the noticeable
ozone in the air, increases until about 1100 to 1400 UTC (Figure. 5). At 1800 UTC the
intensity of solar radiation has decreased to a low level and the photochemical process has
dropped. Oxidant levels turn down rapidly as their production rates go to zero. By 0100 UTC
(midnight) the concentration of oxides of nitrogen have again reached normal coastal levels
(stagnant air conditions), and are ready to participate in more smog formation reactions the
next day. 29th of July, Ozone still is available from the reservoir layers (Costal hills) that it has
not been depleted fully from the drainage flow, and the concentrations do not drop below 0.4
ppm during the night.

While, the O3 concentration at the Western North Africa more precisely at the Algerian Coast,
is low compared to the South Europe area. At the 0800 UTC, the O3 increases and reaches 0.6
ppm. This increase occurs with a weak wind speed. By 1000 UTC the wind speed at sea
surface near the North Africa areas increase to attaint 6 ms-1. These two factors (rise of O3
and wind field) create the transport of O3 within the marine boundary layer in the reservoir
layers above the sea. The O3 reach his maximum of 0.85 ppm at 1200 UTC, at this time the
situation is calm and stagnant. This timing the O3 keeps increasing and when the maximum
wind speed is attained the polluted air masses (O3, NOx) are dispersed and transported to
release a new photochemical production and accumulated above the sea. It reaches a
maximum around 1400 UTC with a well-developed sea breeze at the Algerian Coast.

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Assessment of the long-range transport phenomena of polluted air masses in the western Mediterranean region

Figure 5: Hourly Average O3, NO and NO2 concentrations at 1200 UTC, for 28-29 of July,

Figure 6, display the spatial distributions of the simulated tracer concentrations. CAMxTracer
advects the tracer too far southwest exactly to Gulf of Lyon and Northeast of Spain keeping a
circular Gaussian plume distribution and reproduce the northwest to south diagonal
orientation (Sea reservoir), afterward to North of Africa Exactly Algerian Coast. The CAMx
dispersion models do a better job in reproducing the wind field distribution/direction.

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Assessment of the long-range transport phenomena of polluted air masses in the western Mediterranean region

Figure 6: Spatial distribution of O3 tracer concentrations (left) / wind distribution at 10 m


Figure 7, show transect of O3 concentrations, as it shown in figure 1, from South Europe (SE:
latitude=43.6 longitude= 3.88) to North Africa (NA: latitude=36.7 longitude= 2.98) at 1200
UTC of the day.
These charts show the continuity in transporting of studied species O3 and NOx for long
distance. The most significant air pollution masses transported during this episode is O3 with
regards to the other species. Otherwise it can explain and quantified the air masses transported
to the Algerian Coast.

Figure 7: O3 Concentration transect between SE and NA, at 1200 UTC for 28-29 of
July, 2013.

4.3 Analysis over the Western North Africa

The evolution of the concentrations of photochemical pollutants for this period is shown in
figure 8, for, O3, NO and NO2 concentrations. The photochemical reactions are more
pronounced this day over the domain study. Those processes (mechanisms transformations)
lead to layering of the aged pollutants, that is being trapped in strata which are essentially
uncoupled from each other and from the surface, this layers are generated directly along the
coastal mountains ranges (all over WMB), and advected toward the sea. The photochemical
formation of ozone at the Algerian Coast is influenced by ambient temperature, solar
radiation, NO and NO2 concentration. Time series of O3 show that the ozone concentrations
rises after 0600 UTC, and reaches a peak of 0.062 ppm the maximum concentration occurred
during this episode at about 1200 UTC and then after it decreases slowly to reach 0.058 ppm.
Concentrations decrease steadily after sunset. While the areas downwind (north-east France,
east Germany) such as central Europe reduce or even reverse the daily effect, with O 3
reductions, result, rapid precursors (NO, NO2) dispersion du to weak air surface temperature
in this area which records 22 oC as a maximum value.
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Assessment of the long-range transport phenomena of polluted air masses in the western Mediterranean region

Figure 8: Hourly Average O3, NO and NO2 at Algerian Coast during 28 (top)-29 (bottom) of
July, 2013.

5. Conclusion

The period studied (28-29 of July, 2013) was characterised by a spell of calm and dry weather
allowing pollutants to build up near Coastal line. The model results show prominent chemical
transport from south Europe towards the western North Africa. The evolution of the
concentrations of photochemical pollutants for a daily cycle in the lowest model layer, i.e.
near the surface, over the Mediterranean Region Show clear diurnal variations, varying from
low concentrations at night and reaching maxima in the early afternoon over the entire
modeled domain.

The long-range transport towards the Algerian Coast during this study were identified; from
East Spain and South France. This transport of polluted air masse can be explained by: the
polluted air reaches the areas surrounding the Alps as well as the Western Coastal Spain
(these region act as temporal reservoir), (1) part of these pollutants mainly O3 and NOx could
be present above the trade winds dominating these two regions (Azores high), (2)The
pollutants ruminating in the lower layers could also travel by the marine boundary layer
towards and along the Algerian Coast with the trade winds, i.e., the air flow occurs in the
lowest layers, near the sea surface. This transport mechanisms could be explain some high O 3
levels at the Algerian Coast background occurred in this period.


This study was supported by Prof, Eleni Katragkou of the regional weather forecasting
service at AUTH and Dr, Marina Astitha of the University of Athens by the Atmospheric
Modeling and Weather Forecasting Group. The authors thank the Laboratoire dAro-
Hydrodynamique Navale.

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