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179 IPM Tutorial Manual

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up single tank rnuci~lsin

b r aq mi/ reservailr.

3.4.1 Objectives
The focus of t using material balance
techniques in MBAL, provide representative estimates of original volumes in place
and drive mechanisms acting by history matching the model to pressure and
production data.
Knowledge of the drive mechanisms acting will increase one's understanding of the
reservoir's potential production. Relative permeabilities for gas and water will be
estimated by matching historical fractional water production to simulated water
production (from the model) and this shall be tested by performing a prediction

IPM Tutorials October, 2009

Physics Examples 180 ~
lnput data required is production and pressure history data. This is contained in
GASRES2.xls located in C:\Program Files\Petroleum Experts\lPM 7.x\Samples
\Worked Examples\Physics E am~les\Oilhistory matching. Learning topics 1

This section focuses on how tc

Design a tank model for an oil reservoir.

Quality check production and pressure data.
Perform history match.
Analyse a graphical material balance plot
Tune the model parameters to a suitable starting point for the regression
Perform regression on parameters of most uncertainity
Quality check history match
Prepare model for predictions through fractional flow matching
Quality check fractional flow match.
Perform production prediction using the histoiy rn 'fched model Exec,, .ive Summary

The following steps shall be taken to achieve the objective.

Define MBAL reservoir modeling options/objectives

Define fluid PVT model A
lnput tank parameters for volumes and saturations, initial conditions of pressure
and temperature e.t.c
lnput production history
Conduct history match
Analyse graphical plots
Tune tank parameters and lnput aquifer model
Perform regression
Verify quality of histury rr~a~ch
- nurl alrrrulation
Conduct fractional flow matching
Verify fractional flow match - Run prediction
Perform production prediction
3.4.2 STEP I: Model Setup

Start MBAL and select the menu option File I New.

On the main menu, click on Tools I Material Balance.
On the menu bar click on Options and following interface appears. Select the

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181 IPM Tutorial Manual

following options as shown below:

System Options

User Information

Tank Model Single Tank 7

WT Model

Model Platform]

EOS Model Setuo .. I

Reference Time 101/01/1900date dlrnly

From this interfabe, a single tank model -has been chosen with oil defined as the
main fluid and production hictory will be provided as a cummulative for the entire

Next on th main menu, click on PVT I Fluid Properties and input the following PVT
properties of the reservoir fluid expressed at standard conditions and match s lack oil
correlations to the bubble point conditions of the fluid. A

\@ 250 deg F)
Bubble point (Pb) 2200 ps~g
Solution GOR
Oil FVF @ P,I
Oil Viscosity @ I 0.4 CP
Oil gravity 39 API
Gas gravity 0.798
Water Salinity 100,000 PPM
No Impurities

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Physics Examples 182

II Tank


Time I
Rock Rock PoreVolume Relative Product~on
Compress. Compaction vs Depth Permeability Hi$tor~

Reservoir I Cum Oil


Medium Edit..
Medium Edit..
Medium Edit..
Medium Edit..
Medium Edit..


<< Prior I Next1 .......................................

In the PVT section, any set ot black oil correlations can be used to define the PVT
properties of the fluid. With laboratory measurements available, the black oil
correlations will be matched to them and the best correlation which reproduces the
PVT hehaviour of the fluid will be selected.

PVT matching is conducted by selecting the Match button and the following screen
appears and we can enter measured data at bubble point as indicated in the
following screen:

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183 IPM Tutorial Manual

Temperature deg F

Bubble Point 12200psig

Oil Oil Gas Gas
FVF Viscosity FVF Viscosity

With the data entered, click on Match to proceed to the regression interface. Select
Match All on the bottom and then Calc. This matches all the correlations available
to measured data.

Match on Mat s

1 All I None
................................ I I SM Deviation Parameter 1 Parameter 2

d ;Bubble Point
d Gas Oil Ratio
d Oil FVF
Above Bubble Point
d oil Viscosity
1Gas N F
_] Gas V~scos~ty


Oil viscosity ~~~l


With the matching concluded, click on Match Param where the regression match
parameters 1 and 2; and standard deviation are reported for each correlation. For

IPM Tutorials October, 2009

Physics Examples 184

this example, Glaso correlation gives the best match for Pb, Rs and Bo while Beggs
correlation will be used for viscosity calculations.

Bub6k: Paint Glaso Standins Lasaker Vazqucrz.Beggs Petrosky Al-Marhoun

m y l p E l
Std Dev. 2.6887%-7 1.87899e-11 6.50289e.11 3.50155e-11 1.1@34e-11 1.81899e-11
Solution GOR Glaso Standins Laeater Vazquez-Beaas Petrosky Al-Mahoun
Parameter 1 11.01726 9574657 1 1.44029 1.09305
parameter 2
Std Dev. 2 35987e-7 1.80826e-11 6.05402e-11 7 17321e-7 286042e-9 0.00237294
Oil FVF Glaso Standim Lasater Vazquez.Beaas Pebosky Al-Marhoun
paramdm I
Parameter 2 I-0061499110.103912
Parameter 3
Parameter 4 1
Std Dpv 3 49104~9
0 1
2 85505~9 2 8550%-9
2 87976~9 2 4645%-9 2.59381e-9

This step completes teh reservoir fluid PVT description. The next step is to define
reservoir parameters for the tank model.
On the main menu bar click on Input I Tank Data, where the following information
about the reservoir is entered.
I ank type Oil
rank name TankOl

Temperature 250 degree
Initial pressure 4000 psig
Porosity 0.23
Connate water saturation 0.25
Water compressibility Ise Corr
Initial gas cap 0
Original oil in place 206 MMSTB
Start of production 01/01/1998

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185 IPM Tutorial Manual

ters I

W Moriib I l o n t d
n Gaa Coning
Water Coning
UmFrachal flm Tafde [mteadaf re1 perme]

On the tank parameters tnterface, the reeservoir fluid volumes and initial pressure
and ~tempemtureconditions are defined.
The reservoir is initially undersaturated as indicated by an initial gas cap of zero (i-e.
OGIPJOOIP ratio). In addition, from the fluid PVT model, bubble point pressure is
2200p~iwhich indicates that reservoir is initially undematurated and no free gas
exists at initial conditions. Based on fluid PVT model, the program determines the
initial state of the reservoir. In case the reservoir is saturated, an initial estimate of
the gas cap size is required. Also, an initial estimate of volumes of oil in place as
obtained from geological surveys is required and a production start date.
Next, information about aquifer support for the reservoir is required. As there is yet
no evidence to suggest the presena af an aquifer, this will be left as None.
The next information required is about the formation rock compressibility to
determine energy contribution due to Hydrocarbon pore volume reduction. This can
be user-specified, obtained from a porosity correlation or variable in terms of
pressure. For this example, it shall be determined from porosity correlations.

IPM Tutorials October, 2009

Physics Examples 186 ~
perties I

, , ]
. Compaction vs Depth

Tne next data required is the relative permeability data. Relative permeability data is
used in prediction calculations only. It is used to determine the fractional flow of
water and/or gas which depend on the water and gas saturation in the tank. This
defines the evolution of WC and/or GOR. If an initial gas cap exists and it is being
produced from, the total reservoir volume including the gas cap should be used to
obtain tank saturation (i-e. connate and irreducible saturations should be entered
relative to the entire reservoir system). Relative permeability can be entered in form
of tables or Corey functions. The following data based on Corey functions is input.

Phas Residual End Exponen

e Saturation Point
t r
(fraction) (fraction)

0 1990-2009Petroleum Experts Limited

187 IPM Tutorial Manual

I H ' i I

WPRNING .Enter aatudano r&tm talatal@em

Water and gas sweep efkiency sections available on the Rel perms interface can
be used to estimate speeds at which water and gas contacts move when monitor
contacts aption is selected on the Tank Parameters Interface.
The production and pressure history data available are entered on the production
history tab. This data is contained in the Microsoft Excel fik OILRESI .XLS located in
orked Examples\Physics

IPM Tutorials October, 2009

Physics Examples 188

II Tank


Time I

Reservoir I
Rock Pore Volume Relative Production
Compress. Compaction vs Depth Permeability History

Cum Oil I Cum Gas I CumWat. I CumGas I CumWat. 1 ~esressionlComrnentl

I Pressure I Produced I Produced I Produced I Injected I I
lniected ~ i i g h t i n 1g
I dated/m/y 1 ps~g I MMSTB I Bscf I MMSTB I MMscf I MMSTB I
4101/01/1998 14000 10 10 10 I~sdlum I Ed~t (A
0.586151 0.293075 0 Medium Edit..
0.927019 0.463509 0 Medium Edit..

1Work withI;OR

The data is copied from the we and pasted in this section using a right-click on the
parameters tab (Top) of the interface and selecting 'Paste'. Alternatively, any of the
row serial numbers can be right-clicked upon and the option to paste the data is

This concludes model setup. Save t h e file as nilResl.mbi in a directory of choice.

Next step is to perform history matd
3.4.3 STEP 2 : Matchmg ro Production I a ~nMBAL

As a quality control step, the production history data can be compared with the PVT
model for consistency. From PVT model, bubble point pressure = 2200psi and
solution GOR = 500scfIstb. Clicking on Work with GOR at the bottom of the
production history interface converts Cummulative gas rates into produced GOR

O 1990-2009Petroleum Experts Limited

189 IPM Tutorial Manual

II <<Prior I Next >, I

By scrolling down across the data, it can be seen that the reservoir is undersaturated
throughout the history i.e pressure is always above the bubble point of 2200 psig.
There is no free gas in the tank and hence the producing GOR equals solution GOR.
Indeed in this case the gas rates coverted into GOR values give approximately 500
SCFISTB. This shows that the data is consistent with the PVT.
In cases where the cumulative GOR is not consistent with PVT data, both should be
With consistent production history and PVT data, the history match can be
conducted. It is important to note that a model which closely reproduces historical
behaviour of the reservoir when different history match techniques are employed is
what is sought after. Select History Matching I All. This produces the following

IPM Tutorials October, 2009

Physics Examples 190

The first plot is the Energy Plot which shows the contribution of various drive
mechanisms towards producti n with time

The second plot is the ~ a m ~ b bPlot

l l which is a graphical (diagnostic) plot. Campbell
analysis re-arranges the material balance g g & ~ n such that a plot of the ratio of net
produced volumes (Prod - Aquifer Influx and/or injection) divided by expansion terms
yields a hmizontal line with an intercept equal to initial volumes in place.
The G ~ m p ~ eplot
l l is the default plot in MBAL. There are other graphical methods
that can be selected by clicking on Method on the menu crf the graphical plot
The third plot is the Analytical Plot. This is a pi& of tank pressure against
cummulative primary phase produced (in this case oil). The data points are the
historical pressure and cummulative rate data. The blue line indicates the response
of the MBAL model according to the data entered in the Tank Data screen.

The Campbell plot s h o w some f a n of energy acting (initial increase and then a
stabilisation). This is most llkely due to an aquifer acting and thus an aquifer model
will be input into the model. The following aquifer properties are input as shown
below and performing the history match again gives the following profiles.

O 1990-2009Petroleum Experts Limited

1 191 IPM Tutorial Manual

Model Hurst-van Everdmgen-Mod~hed
System Rad~alAqu~fer 11
Reservolr Th~ckness 1250 feet
Reservcur Radus 12500 feet
Outerhner Rad~usratlo 15 7
EncroachmentAngle 1180 degrees
Aqu~ferPermeabhty 1

IPM Tutorials October, 2009

A look at the analytical plot, indicates that with th t aquifer model, the tank
production rates higher than thos y observed. This means
is weaker in reality than the aquifer being used. The strength
ode1 can be decreased by reduci aquifer innerlouter radius
tank aquifer model interface. Wcj ecrease the strength of the
aquifer eithq by on the tool b w the pre(rious screen Input I Tank data
and decreasil t inner ,o outer radius raffo (rD).

This same objective Ean b& achieved in the Q(tD) versus tD - Radial Aquifer plot.
Double click on the plot to change the to change the profile to a smaller
, , r value of
4.0 such that on the analytical plot, the actual history points and the model response
fairly match as shown below.

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193 IPM Tutorial Manual

From the analytical plot, it can be seen that a fairly good match is obtained between
the model and historical data. However from the Campbell plot (graphical method) a
horizontal profile was not obtained. It is thus recommended to perform history match
while viewing all the different history match techniques at thesame time (i-e. History
match! All) SQ that a model which reproduces reality across all the techniques is
With a close match between model and measured data as seen on the analytical
plot, a regreqsion can be performed on other parameters in the model to produce a
match across all the techniques (graphical and analytical). Click on Regression on
the analytical plot menu bar. Select the following parameters to be regressed upon.

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195 IPM Tutorial Manual

A satisfactory match is a1 and analytical history

match methods.>

Save the f~leas 0ilres.mbi in

3.4.4 STEP 3 : Sensitivity Analysis

With the history match completed, a model is obtained with certain parameters for
volumes in place and drive mechanisms acting. It is imperative to verify the
regressed figures using both engineering judgement and knowledge of the system
as well as conducting some sensitivity analysis on the model parameters. In
sensitivity analysis the sensitivity of the model response to changes in parameters
obtained through history matchlregression are checked.

A sensitivity analysis can be performed by clicking on History matching I

Sensitivity on the main menu. The following interface appears and the effect of a
change in OOlP between a range of 180 and 250 MMstb shall be investigated.

IPM Tutorials October, 2009

Physics Examples 196 ~

Aquifer -P m B nd
Formatmn Compress~b~l~ty iltpi

obtain the sensitivity profile.


011 I n Pllsc (IMBTB)

*ahL a.mpra*urs WlulW &icI Hur.t-ue.n ~vordrngen-mdlfxod
m k arc~rura %ask m c p m R B ~ ~ Lq ~ q u ~ f c r
asink p o r p a ~ q y
oonnarc wmearr 8at~r.t.rbn 0 25 (taachrw
w a t e r o~rnpx~saru~lrqy uae corr llllaelq
a o r m h o n ~onprssaibil~%.ty 3.326778-6 (l?&&
mxtrdl csp 0 Zse 250 \ao?rJ
Or1 ~n Plsqa 193 548 f%pM n?aL ~ r d . h 2500 (*$)
Praauct=mn $ % e n ol/ol/l9ss ?bat* &aid

On the x-axis is the OIP and on the y-axis is the standard deviation in terms of
predicted production rates over the history. The presence of a minimum shows the
uniqueness of the solution.
Similarly, a sensitivity analyses on other parameters of drive mechanism acting like
the aquifer parameters for this case can be performed.

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197 IPM Tutorial Manual

3.4.5 STEP 4 : History Match Quality Check

With a sensitivity analysis done, the next step is to check the quality of the history
match. This is achieved using the Run Simulation step. The fundamental difference
in the calculation for the Analytical Method of History Matching and the Run
Simulation is explained in the following paragraphs.

The analytical method ta mmulative secondary and/

or tertiary fluid phases m the production history;
inserts these into the he cummulative volumes of main fluid
phase (oil for this case the reservoir pressure and compared
with the historical cummulati in the analytical method
seeks to match the c ith historical cummulative
oil volumes by varying some
The simulation step on produce the historical decline of
the reservoir. This step s from history data (oil, gas
and water for this cas del and obtains the pressure
decline. The calculated red with historical pressure
decline. S good match b will indicate a good history
match as model is able to re

Select History Matchi program does calculations.

At the end of the calculation select Plot. From the main plot menu select Variables
then highlight both the History and Simulation folders to compare the data.

A plot of tank pressure with time shows a good match between model and historical

3 Note: To prepare the model for predictions and study

IPM Tutorials October, 2009

Physics Examples 198

various development alternatives, fractional flow

matching should b Fractional flow matching
step generates pse rm curves that are matched
to historical water production, so that future
evolution of thes rs can be accurately
estimated. Please vious example on Gas-.
history matching fo ation.

MBAL Production Prediction Example

This example shows tion runs on a gas reservoir MBAL. model
which has been hi data was obtained for 3 wells and this
was entered on a - By Well option). The data was
cumulated for the

ked Examples\Physics

ction history obtained for 3 wells has

the cummulative production history
rmed on the model considering two
development scenarios.
cask? 1: Following the historical/current production pattern i.e. with a FWHP of 800
psig rn
Case 2: Reduce the well head pressure to 100 psig as from 01/01/2004

Input ata

Well Inflaw Data

by the C & n model.

iod. For more details

Well Name C- factor (Mscfldl n-Exponent

Generic Well Outflow tables:

0 1990-2009Petroleum Experts Limited

199 IPM Tutorial Manual

It will be assumed that all wells in this example have the same lift tables.
Lift tables can be generated in PROSPER and then imported in MBAL. These have
already been prepared and can be found in:
C:\Program Files\Petroleum Experts\lPM 7.0\Samples\Worked Example\Physics
Examples\Production and Prediction\GasTank Well Lift Tables.TPD Learning topics

This section focuses on how to:

Perform production prediction using well models

Define prediction well models - IPR and VLP models
Assign matched fractional flow re1 perms by well
Saving prediction runs
Executive Summary

The following steps shall be taken to achieve the objective.

Staang with a matched gas tank model in terms of product~onnlstory ana tractional

Define well modyls

lnput IPR model

Assign individual matched fractional flows to each well
Input VLP model - Import lift curves
Input production schedule
Rur wediction

3.5.2 STEP I : Production Prediction Setur,

The starting point for this example is gasTankl .mbi file located in the above
mentioned directory.
Step-by-step procedure for a prediction run in MBAL

Step 1: Prediction set-up

In order to perform a prediction, select Production Prediction I Prediction Setup
and make the following changes:

IPM Tutorials October, 2009

Physics Examples 200 ~
edicti ion Calculation Setup

h%liqlProduct~on Profile Uslng Well Models ia I

Watar lnlection Use Fractional Flow Model
Gas lniectmn 1Calculate Field Potential
r_] SWAG Use DCQ and Swng factor
Water Recycling
Anuifer Production

1 , PredictionStep Size
4 Automatic [recommended]
> User Defined 1

Vedictron Start Prediiron End

1 I > Automatic

> Start of Production I

> User Defined I
.dale dlm/y I4 Umr Defined late d/m/y 1

Select Done to complete this.

3.5.3 STEP 2 : Boundary conditions

Select Production Prediction I Production and Constraints and enter date and
Manifold Pressure as shown in the screenshot below:

0 1990-2009Petroleum Experts Limited

201 IPM Tutorial Manual

The manifold
.m $t
re corresponds to the fu hest downstream node pressure which
the well prod ainst. In this example, the manifold pressure is the well head
Select Done.
3.5.4 STEP 3 : We
This is where t fined. Each well is defined by a VLP (Vertical lift
performance) a rformance Relationship).

Select Productior hediction ( Well Type Definitinn, the following screen is


IPM Tutorials October, 2009

Physics Examples 202 ~

Clicking the " + button tu add a well. The well name can be changed to

"Producer#I P" as shown below.

The well type is also set as "Dry Gas Producer".


O 1990-2009Petroleum Experts Limited

203 IPM Tutorial Manual


Select the Next button to proceed to the Inflow s e c t i o n

3.5.5 STED Inflow ormance
The C & n IPR rriuuel is selected and the parameters input as shown.

IPM Tutorials October, 2009

Physics Examples 204

Since a well ~,,del is being U,ed io predict main fluid phase, the eveolution of other
fluid phases are obtained from the pseudo-re1 perms. The pseudo-re1 perms have
been matched individually for each well since production history was obtained on a
well basis. Details on how to match historical fractional flow by well is provided later.
To assign the pseudo relative permeabilities matchea for the wells during the
fractional flow matching, select Use b l perm 1 I Edit 1 Copy. A list of all the
permeability tables available in the MEAL model is displayed:

Cam frm

Material Balance -Well Producer#2

Material Balance -Well Producer#3

0 1990-2009Petroleum Experts Limited

205 IPM Tutorial Manual

Here select Material balance -'w$I Producer#, and then select Copy and then the
Corey parameters are assigned tatthe well.

Now click on Done. MBAL asks water breakthrough saturation is to be copied;

select Yes:

Do you wish to copy the water breakthrough from the copied relative permeability curve?

Click on Next and Next the outflow section.

A .
Note: Generation of pse
pbrms whkn history data is provided on a we//basis
is outlined below.
After running a MBAL simulation, select History Matching I Fw Matching from the
mair r e n u toolbar. The follow plot is displayed:

From the menu toolbar of the plot screen, select Well, and then the well whose
fractional flow is to be matched.

IPM Tutorials October, 2009

Physics Examples 206 ~

By default, the breakthrough saturation (green line) is at the value entered under the
Rel perm data section of Tank data. This value can be changed by double-clicking
on the plot area to the t corresponding to ired breakthrough water

Click on KegreSS, so mat the program can perform a regression to match the
fractional flow as computed from pseudo-re1 perms entered under tank data (blue
line) to the historical fractional flow (data points) by varying corey function

O 1990-2009Petroleum Experts Limited

207 IPM Tutorial Manual

3.5.6 STEP 5 : 1 )w Perfo

The Vertical lift curves for the wells are i del in the Outflow
performance section.

Outflow Performance Ed~t ]E m d ExtrapolateTPC's

Well Type Dry Gas Producer

Well Constramts [see Help for more ~nformat~on]

Mmunum Max~rnum
FWHP I" psig
FBHP psig
Gas Rate I"I

Well Abandonment Constraints

l ~ a t e ras Ratlo -1 STBtMMscf

A Allow Recovery After Abandonment

IPM Tutorials October, 2009

Physics Examples 208 ~
On this interface, click on the Edit button and then select Import. Browse for the lift
curve file (*.tpd file) provided in C:\Program Files\Petroleum Experts\lPM 7.0
\Samples\Worked Example\Physics Examples\Production and Prediction\GasTank
Well Lift Tables.TPD. 1
TPD files are lift tables in Ascii farmat for Petroleum Experts applications (GAP,
REVEAL, MBAL) and have h e n made from the respective PROSPER well models.

Click on Open and a statistics of imported variables is shown.

Select Done I Done and this completes the setup of this well.
Repeat the same process for two other wells using the data given in above sections.
Please note that the same .tpd file will be used for all the wells.

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With the data for all the prediction three wells entered, click on Done to go back to
the main interface.
1 L
The main screen now shows three history wells and three prediction wells. Please
note that there are only three wells in reality. These have only been split into history
and prediction wells. Note the difference between the wells. It is further advisable to
differentiate between history and prediction wells in terms of nomenclature e.g. An
additional "P" for prediction wells.

3.5.7 STEP Schedule

To schedule srart times of the wells, select Producti I Well Schedule

and input the following data:
Wells can be activatedldeactivated by clicking on the respective row serial number.

IPM Tutorials October, 2009

Physics Examples 210 ~

I I Start
Time --
of Wells 7Definitii

Predict~onfrom 15$06/2003 to 01r'01/2Ol5

3.5.8 STEP 7 Reporting frequency

Select Production Prediction I Reporting Schedule.

The reporting frequency is set to "Automatic" and the option to "Keep history" is
selected. I

0 1990-2009Petroleum Experts Limited

211 IPM Tutorial Manual

1 0uw Lid I

The "Keep History" button allows to have the full history stream along with the
prediction stream for comparison purposes. Click on Done to exit the screen.
STEP 8 : Production . iction

Click on Production Prediction I Run Prediction I Calculate, then Ok. The results

of th alcul tion are displayed:

IPM Tutorials October, 2009

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