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Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk menentukan efektivitas ekstrak etanol herba

kucing-kucingan (Acalypha indica Linn.) dalam menurunkan kadar glukosa darah
dibandingkan dengan metformin. Penelitian ini menggunakan mencit jantan (Mus
musculus) sebanyak 20 ekor, dibagi atas 4 kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok
pertama diberi Na-CMC 0,5% (kontrol negatif), kelompok kedua diberi
metformin (kontrol positif), kelompok ketiga diberi ekstrak etanol herba kucing-
kucingan dosis 3 g/kgBB dan kelompok keempat diberi ekstrak etanol dosis 6
g/kgBB selama 5 hari diberi per oral. Glukosa darah mencit diinduksi
menggunakan deksametason dosis 3 mg/kgBB/hari secara oral selama 8 hari.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase penurunan kadar glukosa darah
mencit yang diberi ekstrak etanol dosis 6 g/kgBB sebesar 72,93% dan kelompok
mencit yang diberi metformin sebesar 54,44%. Hasil uji LSD menunjukkan
bahwa persentase penurunan kadar glukosa darah tersebut berbeda secara
bermakna. Jadi ekstrak etanol herba kucing-kucingan dosis 6 g/kgBB memiliki
efektivitas penurunan kadar glukosa darah lebih baik dibandingkan metformin.

Kata kunci : Herba Kucing-kucingan, Ekstrak etanol, Deksametason, Kadar

glukosa darah.


It has been conducted a study to determine the effectiveness of the ethanol extract
of the cooperleaf herb (Acalypha indica L.) in decreasing blood glucose levels
which is compared with metformin. This study used male rat (Mus musculus) as
much as 20 head, divided into 4 groups. The first group was given a Na-CMC
(negative control), the second group was given metformin (positive control), the
third group was given ethanol extract of the cooperleaf herb dose of 3 g/kg body
weight and the fourth group was given a dose of ethanol extract of 6 g/kg body
weight for 5 days. All treatments were given orally. Blood glucose of mouse is
induced by using a dose dexamethasone 3 mg/kg body weight/day orally for 8
days. The result showed that the percentage decrease in blood glucose levels in
male rat were given a dose of ethanol extract of 6 g/kg body weight of 72.93%
and the group of male rat given metformin amounted to 54.44%. LSD test results
showed that the percentage decrease in blood glucose levels are significantly
different. So the ethanol extract of the cooperleaf herb and mouse dose of 6 g/kg
had a reduction in the effectiveness of blood glucose levels better than metformin.

Keywords : the cooperleaf herb, Ethanol extract, Dexamethasone, Blood sugar


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