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Gridding Report

Wed Jul 06 20:27:10 2016

Elasped time for gridding: 0.00 seconds

Data Source
Source Data File Name: D:\joder.dat
X Column: A
Y Column: B
Z Column: C

Data Counts
Active Data: 8

Original Data: 8
Excluded Data: 0
Deleted Duplicates: 0
Retained Duplicates: 0
Artificial Data: 0
Superseded Data: 0

Univariate Statistics


Minimum: 235 4002 1

25%-tile: 241 4012 2
Median: 253 4056 5
75%-tile: 263 4123 6
Maximum: 296 4205 8

Midrange: 265.5 4103.5 4.5

Range: 61 203 7
Interquartile Range: 22 111 4
Median Abs. Deviation: 12 50 3

Mean: 252.875 4059.125 4

Trim Mean (10%): 248.66666666667 4044.3333333333 3.8333333333333
Standard Deviation: 18.757914996076 66.907468753496 2.2360679774998
Variance: 351.859375 4476.609375 5
Coef. of Variation: 0.55901699437495
Coef. of Skewness: 0.33541019662497

Inter-Variable Correlation


X: 1.000 -0.041 0.599

Y: 1.000 -0.086
Z: 1.000

Inter-Variable Covariance


X: 351.859375 -50.859375 25.125

Y: 4476.609375 -12.875
Z: 5

Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters


Parameter Value: 0.071107420880717 -0.0020681994430539 -5.5862089909251

Standard Error: 0.042595585431852 0.011941930932741 50.086777855753

Inter-Parameter Correlations


A: 1.000 -0.041 -0.254

B: 1.000 0.977
C: 1.000


Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F

Regression: 2 14.505616139659 7.2528080698293 1.4224

Residual: 5 25.494383860341 5.0988767720683
Total: 7 40

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.36264040349147

Nearest Neighbor Statistics

Separation |Delta Z|

Minimum: 5.0990195135928 1
25%-tile: 7.2801098892805 1
Median: 43 3
75%-tile: 67.74215821776 5
Maximum: 86.648716089738 5

Midrange: 45.873867801665 3
Range: 81.549696576145 4
Interquartile Range: 60.462048328479 4
Median Abs. Deviation: 35.719890110719 2

Mean: 33.933811716587 2.875

Trim Mean (10%): 29.953793021561 2.8333333333333
Standard Deviation: 29.310773145436 1.7633419974582
Variance: 859.1214223832 3.109375

Coef. of Variation: 0.86376306293667 0.613336346942

Coef. of Skewness: 0.55264250777477 0.19022239370575

Root Mean Square: 44.839993309545 3.372684390808

Mean Square: 2010.625 11.375

Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 0.00064604699991924
Clark and Evans: 1.7250222395269
Skellam: 65.29276308874

Exclusion Filtering
Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering
Duplicate Points to Keep: First
X Duplicate Tolerance: 7.2E-006
Y Duplicate Tolerance: 2.4E-005

No duplicate data were found.

Breakline Filtering
Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Gridding Rules
Gridding Method: Kriging
Kriging Type: Point

Polynomial Drift Order: 0

Kriging std. deviation grid: no

Semi-Variogram Model
Component Type: Linear
Anisotropy Angle: 0
Anisotropy Ratio: 1
Variogram Slope: 1

Search Parameters
No Search (use all data): true

Output Grid
Grid File Name: D:\joder.grd
Grid Size: 100 rows x 31 columns
Total Nodes: 3100
Filled Nodes: 3100
Blanked Nodes: 0

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: 235
X Maximum: 296
X Spacing: 2.0333333333333

Y Minimum: 4002
Y Maximum: 4205
Y Spacing: 2.0505050505051

Grid Statistics

Z Minimum: 1.0448628674918
Z 25%-tile: 3.7292375129132
Z Median: 4.3797799601633
Z 75%-tile: 5.154125034561
Z Maximum: 7.941435460628
Z Midrange: 4.4931491640599
Z Range: 6.8965725931363
Z Interquartile Range: 1.4248875216478
Z Median Abs. Deviation: 0.70268635689926

Z Mean: 4.464841222682
Z Trim Mean (10%): 4.4459551045397
Z Standard Deviation: 1.0820015671695
Z Variance: 1.1707273913573

Z Coef. of Variation: 0.24233819596379

Z Coef. of Skewness: 0.28427833238071

Z Root Mean Square: 4.5940760262666

Z Mean Square: 21.105534535117

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