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How to Drive AAore People to You r

Website Two Quick Ti ps ByTed lanusz

Would you like Coogle to direct more people to your to Use Social Media, OnlineVideo, Mobile Applicattons,
website? Do these two si m ple th i ngs to hel p you r sea rch Blogs, News Releases, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers
engi ne opti m ization (SEO) efforts: Directly, Larry says:

Have a Frequently Asked Questions (fnq) nage My blogs are inspired by my customers'ques-
When I ask my workshop attendees why an FAO_ page tions. Severalweeks priorto the big game,
might be a good idea, lget answers like: wrote'Super Bowl, Super Party, Super Liabi ity.'I
talked about the legal issues around hosting a
"So we won't need to answeI the same questions party. Keep in mind that friends can sue friends.
over and over."
Posts like these generate high search engine
"Some customers don't like to call; they want tof nd rankings and brand me as an expert For many
the answers on their own."
people, tnsurance is an unfamiliar and intimidat
Which are both good reasons, of course. But remember ing topic.
that on the web, we need to cater to two a ud iences: (1) When the time comes to earn about auto,
customers and potentialcustomers, and (2) the search
home, or life insurance, they use the lnternet
engi n es.
to search for answers to their questions. lf I can
provide those answers, then people wil see me
When people do searches on the lnternet, they are not
as an expert, and it may ead to them contacting
looking for advertisements. They are instead ooking for
me for both advice a nd service.
authoritative content. n our case, they are looking for
information about insurance products and services.
Consider this other example. i had a question about
92%of people lookingfor a ocal business start with an replacement bu bs for my pro1ector After I typed in my
lnternet search, and Coogie has about an BO% market question, Coogle d rected me to an FAO_ page that had
share among the search engines. Coogle has a so gotten the exact question that I had typed AND had the answer.
smarter. Rather than entering just keywords, searchers
Cuess what happened next? After I became a better edu
rea ize that Coogie is now able to recognize the r ques-
cated consumer, I went to another tab on that same site
tions (through a process known as semantic search).
and bought a new proJector bulbl
Coogle wi reward your business with favorable search That's what you wantl f you provide credible content for
engine rankings if you provide content that is re evant,
prospects and customers, they will ultimately reward you
authoritative, and sha reable.
with their business.
With an FAO_ page,you are able to iegitimately enterthe
You could even tal<e this a step further. lf you are a mem-
same insurance questions on your website thatyour
ber of Linked n, you could provide a link on your website
insurance prospects and customers are likely entering
to a 500-word articlethatyou created usingthe Linkedln
into the search enginel
article template.
Just askyourseif what are typical questions about
Whe n yo u a re on th e Lin ked ln home page, s im ply c ick th e
insurance that my customers and prospects ask about, "Write an article" button at the top middle of the page
then answer them. f you do this in a blog post and attach
and get startedlThen you could reach muitiple audi-
that blog to you r website, you have.1 ust u pdated you r
en ce5.
websitel And Coogle rewards websites that are regularly
updated with more favorable search engine rankings. Provide a Glossary of Terms Page
Similarly, this will allowyou to legitimately (rn Coogle's
As an example of how to do this, check out Larry
eyes) "keyword stuff" on your website.
McClynn's Massachusetts Family lnsurance blog at
Make a list of the insurance terms that people normally

ln the book, The New Rules of Markettng and pR: How

Continued an page 44

How to Drive AAore People to You r Website
Two Qu ick Tips ByTed lanusz

type into the search engines that relate to your products ings,your prospects and customers will become rnore
and services, and then provide the deinitions on this knowledgeab e and could reward you with better salesl
page Don't writelargon but words your customers and
prospects can actualLy re ate to and understand. Ted lanusz has been honored to coniribute articles to all erght
annual P A Agency Marketing Cuides and has conducted

With either of these two steps you a re not attem pting to multiple webinarsfor PIA on marketing Becouse Baby Boont-
ers learn about and use soctal media differentlyfrom other
play tricks wrth eith e r th e sea rch e ngines or you r cu sto m -
g e n e rot o n s, Te d co n d u cts h i s wo r ks h o p s fo r i n s u ra n ce o g e nts
ers, but instead to simp y prov de va ue.
and insuronce companies who want to use socral media to
produce a bottom line impactfor their agencies and compo
ln both cases, Coogle wi reward you with better ran <-
n p..lD0ln .AO,p OL



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