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Dept of Civil Engg Surveying I CE 6304

Cycle Test 2 2017 18 September 2017

Question Bank

1. Write short notes on Datum.
2. Mention the uses of reciprocal levelling?
3. Under what condition, Reciprocal Levelling is used ?
4. Explain the term parallax and parallax error?
5. What is BM? List the types of BM
6. What do you mean by fly levelling?
7. List the corrections for Refraction and Curvature
8. What do you mean by Positive RL and Negative RL?
9. Explain the temporary adjustments of a dumpy level.
10.Name the different types of levelling staff.
11.Differentiate between Level Line, Horizontal Line and Plumb Line.
12.Explain the purposes of Datum and Benchmark.
13.What are the temporary adjustments a dumpy level?
14.What is meant by Inverted Leveling?
15.What is meant by CP?


1 Define Contouring.
2 State any four characteristics of Contour.
3 What do you mean by Lead and Lift and Haul?
4 Draw the contour lines for a typical Hill and Lake with sample RL values.
5 Differentiate contour interval and horizontal equivalent.
6 Define the process and purpose of Longitudinal and Cross-section-Plotting.
7 What is Collimation adjustment?
8 What are the different methods of locating contour?
9 Write down the methods of interpolating contours.
10 Distinguish overhanging cliff and vertical cliff
11 Define Mass Haul Diagram.
12 What are the uses of Mass Haul diagram?
13 Write down the Trapezoidal and Simpsons formulae for determination of areas
and volumes.

1 Explain the effects of curvature in levelling and their corrections.
2 Write Notes on profile levelling and cross sectional levelling
3 Describe the different methods of contouring in the field
4 What are the characteristics of a mass Haul diagram?
5 List the differences between collimation and rise and fall system
6 Explain the characteristics of contour line
7 Describe Contouring and the various features and applications related to it
8 Describe Mass Haul Diagram, its features and applications related to it

* The following consecutive readings were taken with a dumpy level and 4m
leveling staff ground at common interval of 30m as 0.725 on A, 0.955,2.875,3.785,
3.835,0.865,1.035,1.785,2.625,3.845,0.965,1.575 and 2.015 on B. The elevation of
point A is 120.50m . (i) Rule out a page of a level book and enter the above readings.
(ii) Determine the RL of various staff station. (iii) Estimate the average gradient of
ground measured

* The following consecutive readings were taken with a level and 4 m leveling
staff on the ground at common interval of 30 m as 0.725m on A , 0.955,
2.875, 3.785,
3.835, 0.865, 1.035, 1.785, 2.625, 3.845, 0.965, 1.575 and 2.015 on B. Elevation of
point A is 120.50 m. make up the level book page, apply usual check and calculate the
levels of points. Also calculate the gradient of line AB. use both the HoI and Rise and
Fall Methods. ---- CO 4

* Calculate the RL of each point and apply the usual checks , for the following
dumpy level consecutive readings, The instrument having been shifted after the fourth
and eighth readings . The first reading was taken on the BM 822.720m 0.885, 1.640,
2.890, 3.010, 0.955, 0.695, 0.585, 0.255, 1.535, 1.000, 2.140.

* Following consecutive readings were taken with a dumpy level. 6.210, 6.920,
7.120, 8.420, 9.810, 6.630, 7.90, 8.26, 9.710, 10.210. 7.535, 6.
985, 7,895 Level was shifted after 5th, 8th and 11th readings. RL at first point = 100 m.
Calculate RL of all points. apply all checks

* The following perpendicular offsets were taken at 10m intervals from a survey
line to an irregular boundary line 3.25,5.60, 4.20,6.65,8.75,6.20,3.25,4.20 and
5.65.Calculate the area enclosed between the survey line, the irregular boundary line
and the first and last offsets by the application of 1. Trapezoidal Rule.

* Areas enclosed by contours on the upstream face of dam in a hydro- electric

project as
Contours(m) 800 790 780 770 760 750 740 730
Areas(hec) 31.41 26.74 24.89 22.23 19.37 17.74 12.91 5.35

The lowest draw down level is 733m. compute the full reservoir capacity. (8) (CO4)

* Determine the missing data.

1 3.12 20.0
2 1.59 ? ?
3 0.28 ? 1.08 ? ?
4 ? 4.0 ? 18.33 ?
5 ? 2.19 ?
6 ? ? 15.72
7 2.95 ? ?

* Determine the area for the following observations by Simpsons rule.

Ordinate O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9
Distance 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Offsetv(m) 23 40 42 30 32 60 10 14 22

* The areas enclosed by contours on the upstream face of a dam in a hydro-

electric project are listed -- CO 5

Contour ( m ) 800 790 780 770 760 750 740 730 720
Area ( hectares 33.4 35.7 34.8 32.1 28.2 27.47 13.9 8.53 5.53
) 1 4 7 2 2 4
The lowest draw down level is 713 m. Compute the full reservoir volume

* Determine the area for the following observations by

( i ) Trapezoidal Rule ( ii ) Simpsons Rule
Ordinate O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9
Distance ( m ) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Offset ( m ) 33 35 32 25 42 50 20 24 22 CO 5

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