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Original article

Journal of Medical Marketing

13(2) 93101
Factor analysis on marketing mix ! The Author(s) 2013
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of online pharmacies Based on the
DOI: 10.1177/1745790413488778
online pharmacies in China

Ling Su1, Ting Li1, Yuanjia Hu2 and Jinyan Chen3

This article introduces the development of the online pharmacies in China and analyzes the marketing mix
strategies of product, price, place and promotion, which are widely implemented by online pharmacies
(n 44) in China. The perception and acceptance of consumers toward marketing mix of online pharmacies
in China by software SPSS 13.0 is also surveyed in this study. Lastly this article builds a marketing mix model
of online pharmacies and derives seven common factors from the 37 marketing mix factors, namely, personal
sales and service, payment method channel, price, sales promotion, OTC drugs and health foods, non-drugs
and advertising.

Online pharmacies, marketing mix, exploratory factor analysis

These qualified online pharmacies explore online mar-

Introduction keting mix actively, and expand online promotion con-
stantly to attract more and more online orders. About
Development of online pharmacies in China 44 of the 46 qualified online pharmacies were selected,
There are a large number of online consumers in and the other 2 were eliminated, which only sold in-
China. Over the past decade, Internet users in China house manufactured products. We visited the websites
have reached 513 million in total. In 2011, there were of the 44 qualified online pharmacies and tried to ana-
55.8 million new Internet users. The Internet penetra- lyze and summarize their online marketing mix strate-
tion rate increased by 4% and rose to 38.3%. Online gies of 4Ps (product, price, place and promotion).
shoppers increased by 20.8% and reached 194 million,
and accordingly, online payment increased by 21.6% Product strategies of the 44 qualified online
and reached 167 million in 2011.1 pharmacies. About 44 qualified online pharmacies
In 2005, China began to implement Provisional sell western medicine, Chinese traditional medicine
Regulations of Drug Transaction Service Approval and sexual products, 43 sell prepared slices of
over the Internet, which stipulates that only retail Chinese crude drugs, health foods, cosmetics and toi-
chain pharmacies are eligible to apply for setting up letries, and medical devices, 36 sell fertility products
an online pharmacy.2 The first online pharmacy was and 19 sell sundry items. Figure 1 shows the product
set up at the end of 2005, thereafter, 54 online pharma- strategies of the 44 qualified online pharmacies.
cies were approved by the Provincial Food and Drug
Administration by the end of 2011.3 More and more
retail chain pharmacies in China began to pay attention 1
Pharmacy College, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
to the business model of online pharmacies and actively 2
Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, University of Macau, Taipa,
apply for the qualifications of online pharmacies. Macao, China
The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Guangzhou,
Current situation of marketing mix of online
pharmacies in China Corresponding author:
Ling Su, Pharmacy College, Jinan University, 601 Huangpu Daodao
Up to the end of 2011, 46 of the 54 qualified online West, Guangzhou 510632, China.
pharmacies in China have started online transactions. Email:
94 Journal of Medical Marketing 13(2)

Sundry Items 19

Fertility Products 36

Sexual Products 44

Medical Devices 43

Cosmetics and Toiletries 43

Health Foods 43

Prepared slices of Chinese crude drugs 43

Chinese traditional medicine 44

Western Medicines 44

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Figure 1. Product strategies of the 44 qualified online pharmacies in China.

Coupon 13

Group purchase 10

Membership benefit 35

Discount 44

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Figure 2. Price strategies of the 44 qualified online pharmacies in China.

Price strategies of the 44 qualified online 44 qualified online pharmacies offer hotline, 33
pharmacies. In total, 44 qualified online pharmacies offer online service, 5 offer online pharmacists,
offer discount, 35 offer membership benefits, 10 offer 11 offer online message, 24 offer health information,
group purchases and 13 offer coupons. Figure 2 shows 25 offer free delivery, 44 offer free returns; 32 offer
the price strategies of 44 qualified online pharmacies. sales list, 44 offer hot-sale recommendation, 32 offer
new product recommendation, 34 offer brand monop-
Place strategies of the 44 qualified online oly; 44 offer animated advertising and 27 offer related
pharmacies. In all, 43 qualified online pharmacies websites recommendation. Figure 4 shows the promo-
allow online payment, 38 allow bank deposits, tion strategies of the 44 qualified online pharmacies.
12 allow postal remittances, 37 allow cash on delivery,
17 allow cash-and-carry and 6 allow deposit payment. Research methods and questionnaire
Figure 3 shows the place strategies of 44 qualified
online pharmacies.
The preceding discussion shows the statistics and ana-
Promotion strategies of the 44 qualified online lysis of marketing mix of the 44 qualified online phar-
pharmacies. Personal selling and service, sales pro- macies in China. A questionnaire was designed to
motion and advertising were concerned. About explore the consumers acceptance for the elements
Su et al. 95

Deposit payment 6

Cash-and-carry 17

Cash on Delivery 37

Postal Remittances 12

Bank Deposits 38

Online Payment 43

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Figure 3. Place strategies of the 44 qualified online pharmacies in China.

Related websites recommendation 27

Animated advertising 44

Brand monopoly 34

New commodities recommendation 32

Hot-sale recommendation 44

Sales list 32

Free returns 44

Free delivery 25

Health information 24

Online message 11

Online pharmacists 5

Online contact staff 33

Hotline 44
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Figure 4. Promotion strategies of the 44 qualified online pharmacies in China.

of the marketing mix of online pharmacies which are First, the acceptance of consumers for the elements
widely used by the 44 qualified online pharmacies of product (A1 to A11) includes western medicine
from the consumers perspective. Then an exploratory (prescription drugs), Chinese traditional medicine
factor analysis was done to build a marketing mix (prescription drugs), western medicine (OTC drugs),
model of online pharmacies. Chinese traditional medicine (OTC drugs), prepared
The questionnaire was based on 5-point Likert slices of Chinese crude drugs, medical devices, health
scale ranging from Agree to Disagree. The ques- foods, cosmetics and toiletries, sexual products, fertil-
tionnaire included two main sections. One was the ity products, and sundry items.
consumer survey, whose purpose was to find out the Second, the acceptance of consumers for the elem-
consumers Internet experiences, the situation of ents of price (B1 to B6) includes discount, member-
online shopping and online drug purchases. The ship benefit, group purchase, and coupon.
other was the elements survey, whose purpose was to Third, the acceptance of consumers for the elem-
find out the consumers acceptance for the marketing ents of place (C1 to C8), includes online payment,
mix of online pharmacies. bank deposits, postal remittances, cash on delivery,
96 Journal of Medical Marketing 13(2)

cash-and-carry, deposit payment, phone card pay- Table 1. Demographic characteristics of the respondents,
ments and insurance card payment. N 393
Fourth, the acceptance of consumers for the elem- 1. Internet experience
ents of the promotion (D1 to F3) includes personal Less than 1 year 5%
selling and service, sales promotion and advertising. 1 to 2 year 7%
Personal selling and service includes hotline, online 3 to 4 year 53%
service, online pharmacists, online physicians, More than 5 year 35%
online message, email consultation, health informa-
2. Online shopping experience
tion, free delivery, and free returns. Sales promotion Never 8%
includes sales list, hot-sale recommendation, new
Occasional 64%
products recommendation, brand monopoly, and
Often 28%
gifts presentation. Advertising includes animated
advertising, email marketing, and related websites 3. Whether have visited any qualified online pharmacies
in China
Yes 9%
No 91%
4. Whether have purchased drug online
Yes 2%
Data analysis and factor analysis
No 98%
Data collection
In China, there are more than 194 million online shop-
pers, and most of them are young consumers. More
and more consumers are keen on online shopping, but
Sample frame
few consumers know any online pharmacy and have About 88% of the respondents had Internet experi-
experience of buying drugs online. We selected some ences of over 3 years, and 92% of the respondents
medicine, pharmacy undergraduate and graduate stu- had experiences of online shopping. The respondents
dents who are appropriate to be selected as question- had certain knowledge about medicines and experi-
naire respondents, because most of them have ence of online shopping, so they could respond well
medicine background and online shopping experience, for the elements of marketing mix of online pharma-
and can understand the questionnaires very well. cies. In all, 92% of the respondents had never
A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed, and visited any website of qualified online pharmacies in
386 questionnaires were returned, the response rate China, and 98% of the respondents had never bought
was 77.2%. 58 questionnaires were eliminated due to drugs online, which showed that online pharmacies
data deficiency, the final sample was therefore made were unusual for most consumers, and the marketing
up of 328 respondents, and the effective rate was mix of them needed continuous exploration and val-
85.0%. Factor analysis was used to identify the under- idation. Table 1 shows the details of the sample
lying factors. frame.
First the missing value was dealt. Among the 328
effective questionnaires, 35 of them had a small
amount of missing data, and the lack rate was
Analytical techniques
10.7%. Of the 40 items, single item was missing for Analysis of reliability. Reliability analysis (Cronbachs
4 cases at the most, the maximum missing rate of alpha and Corrected Item Total Correlation, CITC)
single item was 1.0%. All of the 13,120 data points, was conducted to test the reliability of collected data.
76 of them was missing, and the missing rate The alpha coefficient was 0.932, which was considered
was 0.58%, much lower than 510%,4 the lack of acceptable as an indication of reliability for basic
proportion was somewhat acceptable. The missing research.
data was checked and no significant regularity was The CITC of most measured value were higher
found, the data was missing randomly and would than 0.4 and decreased after deleting the item which
not influence the research. Since the miss rate was implied the reliability decreases. The CITC values of
low, and the data were missing randomly, the effects A1, A2 and A11 were significantly less than 0.4, the
of different treatment methods of missing values were alpha coefficient of the dimension increased after
very similar; the maximum likelihood method would deleting A1 or A11, but it did not change after deleting
not influence the analysis result very much. So the A2. So A1, A2, and A11 were deleted; the CITC
missing data was dealt by the maximum likelihood values of all measured values were above 0.4, and the
method. alpha coefficient of the dimension increased from
Su et al. 97

0.778 to 0.819. The internal data consistency

Discussion and suggestion
significantly improved in the overall data of the
questionnaires. The internal consistency also Seven common factors were derived from exploratory
increased from 0.932 to 0.942, which implied that factor analysis. From the rotated factor matrix by
the reliability was better after removing A1, A2, and the exploratory factor analysis, each factor score equa-
A11. Table 2 shows the result of descriptive statistics tion was obtained. Product dimension in the question-
and reliability test. naire was split into two common factors: OTC
drugs and health foods and non-drugs. Promotion
KMO and Bartlett test. Since there were prerequisites dimension was divided into three factors: personal
to be obtained in exploratory factor analysis, before selling and service, sales promotion, and adver-
proceeding to the results, two tests justifying the tising. Therefore a conclusion was drawn that OTC
appropriateness of exploratory factor analysis drugs and health foods, non-drugs, payment
were considered: KaiserMeyerOlkin (KMO) test of method, price, personal selling and service, sales
sampling adequacy and Bartlett test of sphericity. The promotion, and advertising are the most important
KMO of the entire questionnaire was 0.901, and the influence factors of marketing mix for online
KMO of product, price, place, personal selling and pharmacies.
service, sales promotion and advertising were 0.738,
0.830, 0.850, 0.885, 0.870 and 0.644, respectively;
Strengthening personal selling and service
all were close to or above 0.7. The p-value of Bartlett
test sphericity of entire questionnaire was 0.000, less Personal selling and service is the first important
than 0.001. So the sampling was suitable for factor factor. In personnel sales and service dimension, hot-
analysis. line (0.154), online contact staff (0.208), online
pharmacists (0.224), online physicians (0.208),
Exploratory factor analysis. Principal component online message (0.194), health information (0.177),
analysis extraction method with orthogonal Varimax free delivery (0.110), free returns (0.181), and cash
rotation was used to determine the factor loading and on delivery (0.109) are high factor score coefficients,
communalities. The communalities ranged from and exerted a tremendous influence on this dimension.
0.455 to 0.850, which implied that the variances of Based on the score coefficients, the important influ-
the original values were fairly explained by the ence factors are hotline, online contact staff, online
common factors. After Varimax rotation, 7 factors pharmacists, online physicians, online message,
retained and explained more than 66% of the vari- health information, free delivery, free returns, and
ance with eight values greater than 1.0. The results of cash on delivery.
the factor analysis produced a clean factor structure Provisional Regulations of Drug Transaction
with relatively high loadings for the factors. Most Service Approval over the Internet stipulates that
variables had strong loadings on one factor, which online pharmacy in China should have licensed
reflected that there were minimal cross-loadings, pharmacists to manage online consultations, and also
and all factors were independently structured. The have the facilities, equipments and control system to
higher loadings signaled the correlations of the vari- keep the contents of consultation.2 At present, most
ables with the factors on which they were loaded. qualified online pharmacies offer online consultation,
The results showed that the alpha coefficients of the and the consultations are offered by phone or Internet.
six factors ranged from 0.704 to 0.914, well above It is difficult for consumers and supervisors to verify if
the minimum value of 0.50, which was considered the consultation services are actually offered by a
acceptable as an indication of reliability for basic licensed pharmacist. The consumers may suspect if
research. Table 3 shows the final results of the the consultations are offered by pharmacists and by
exploratory factor analysis. which pharmacist. Online pharmacies should improve
After the factor analysis, four dimensions were the professional level and credibility of personal ser-
split into seven factors. We renamed the seven factors vices, especially hotline, online contact staff, online
according to the variance percentage from high to pharmacists, online physicians, and online message
low: F1: Personal selling and service (13.696%), offered by the professional person and contact staff.
F2: Payment method (11.923%), F3: Price Professional services may give consumers professional
(11.010%), F4: Sales promotion (10.950%), F5: medication instruction and online shopping guide, and
OTC drugs and health foods (6.980%), F6: bring a satisfactory online shopping experience for
Non-drugs (6.472%), F7: Advertising (5.009%). consumers, which can attract consumers to purchase
Figure 5 shows the seven influence factors of market- drugs in online pharmacies instead of brick and mortar
ing mix of online pharmacies. pharmacies.
98 Journal of Medical Marketing 13(2)

Table 2. Result of descriptive statistics and reliability test

Consumers perception Corrected

The factors of marketing mix of online pharmacies Mean S.D. CITC correlation

Product 0.778
A1 Western medicine (Prescription) 2.28 1.107 0.263 0.780
A2 Chinese traditional medicine (Prescription) 2.44 1.145 0.309 0.775
A3 Western medicine (OTC drugs) 3.59 1.031 0.446 0.759
A4 Chinese traditional medicine (OTC drugs) 3.51 1.049 0.505 0.752
A5 Prepared slices of Chinese crude drugs 3.57 1.008 0.574 0.745
A6 Health foods 3.90 .943 0.546 0.749
A7 Cosmetics and toiletries 3.88 .992 0.414 0.762
A8 Medical devices 3.47 1.154 0.518 0.749
A9 Sexual products 3.76 .977 0.464 0.757
A10 Fertility products 3.44 1.200 0.540 0.746
A11 Sundry items 3.81 1.209 0.218 0.787
Price 0.906
B1 Discount 4.20 0.856 0.731 0.892
B2 Membership benefit 4.20 0.851 0.784 0.882
B3 Group purchase 4.12 0.993 0.774 0.883
B4 Discount up to certain amount 4.08 0.972 0.793 0.878
B5 Coupon 4.07 0.983 0.745 0.889
Place Payment 0.896
C1 Online payment 4.34 0.860 0.676 0.884
C2 Bank deposits 4.00 0.983 0.728 0.878
C3 Postal remittances 3.89 1.071 0.722 0.878
C4 Cash on delivery 4.35 0.848 0.576 0.892
C5 Cash-and-carry 3.90 1.060 0.702 0.880
C6 Deposit payment 3.64 1.100 0.691 0.881
C7 Phone card payments 3.71 1.106 0.706 0.880
C8 Insurance card payment 3.99 1.030 0.625 0.888
Promotion Personnel selling and service 0.892
D1 Hotline 4.34 0.840 0.646 0.881
D2 Online contact staff 4.43 0.783 0.777 0.869
D3 Online pharmacists 4.40 0.843 0.749 0.871
D4 Online physicians 4.33 0.896 0.698 0.876
D5 Online message 4.38 0.815 0.745 0.871
D6 Health information 4.34 0.868 0.557 0.889
D7 Free delivery 4.40 0.826 0.641 0.881
D8 Free returns 4.34 0.918 0.565 0.889
Promotion Sales promotion 0.914
E1 Sales list 3.80 1.134 0.715 0.908
E2 Hot-sale recommendation 3.65 1.164 0.842 0.882
E3 New commodities recommendation 3.61 1.170 0.852 0.879
E4 Brand monopoly 3.73 1.156 0.783 0.894
E5 Gifts presentation 3.75 1.127 0.711 0.908
Promotion Advertising 0.704
F1 Animated advertising 3.48 1.139 0.525 0.610
F2 Email marketing 3.47 1.144 0.599 0.509
F3 Related websites 3.92 0.982 0.450 0.696
Su et al. 99

Table 3. Final results of the exploratory factor analysis

The factors of the marketing mix Factor Eigen Variance

of online pharmacies loading value explained Communalities

Product OTC drugs and health foods

A3 Western medicine (OTC drugs) 0.855 2.583 6.980 0.778
A4 Chinese traditional medicine (OTC drugs) 0.874 0.830
A5 Prepared slices of Chinese crude drugs 0.749 0.659
A6 Health foods 0.502 0.593
Product Non-drugs
A7 Cosmetics and toiletries 0.531 2.395 6.472 0.475
A8 Medical devices 0.686 0.553
A9 Sexual products 0.741 0.633
A10 Fertility products 0.751 0.651
B1 Discount 0.712 4.074 11.010 0.674
B2 Membership benefit 0.745 0.745
B3 Group purchase 0.771 0.746
B4 Discount up to certain amount 0.772 0.741
B5 Coupon 0.722 0.692
Place Payment method
C1 Online payment 0.576 4.412 11.923 0.601
C2 Bank deposits 0.706 0.686
C3 Postal remittances 0.733 0.682
C5 Cash-and-carry 0.704 0.632
C6 Deposit payment 0.734 0.655
C7 Phone card payments 0.765 0.669
C8 Insurance card payment 0.641 0.586
Promotion Personnel selling and service
D1 Hotline 0.643 5.067 13.696 0.577
D2 Online contact staff 0.780 0.716
D3 Online pharmacists 0.789 0.687
D4 Online physicians 0.744 0.658
D5 Online message 0.744 0.670
D6 Health information 0.623 0.508
D7 Free delivery 0.582 0.646
D8 Free returns 0.635 0.505
C4 Cash on delivery 0.577 0.605
Promotion Sales promotion
E1 Sales list 0.800 4.051 10.950 0.690
E2 Hot-sale recommendation 0.842 0.795
E3 New commodities recommendation 0.844 0.824
E4 Brand monopoly 0.788 0.726
E5 Gifts presentation 0.704 0.679
Promotion Advertising
F1 Animated advertising 0.576 1.853 5.009 0.618
F2 Email marketing 0.738 0.675
F3 Related websites 0.679 0.572
100 Journal of Medical Marketing 13(2)

for consumers with medical insurance. The high-speed

OTC drugs and health foods F5 developing period for the online pharmacies in China
Product will come once insurance card online payment is
Non-drugs F6 realized.
Price Price F3
Reducing price
Place Payment method F2
Price is the third important factor. In price dimen-
Personal selling and service F1
sion, discount (0.233), membership benefit (0.242),
group purchase (0.275), discount up to certain
Sales Promotion F4 amount (0.275), and coupon (0.243) are high factor
score coefficients, and exerted a tremendous influence
Advertising F7
on this dimension. Based on the score coefficient, dis-
count, membership benefit, group purchase, discount
Figure 5. Seven influence factors of marketing mix of up to certain amount, and coupon are the important
online pharmacies. influence factors.
Price influences price-sensitive consumers online
Online pharmacies should strengthen the special- purchase decision very much. Online pharmacies have
ization by showing some useful health information the price advantage of low operating costs and high
on the websites to help consumers acquire general scale sales, so they can provide more favorable price
health knowledge. Health information can attract con- to attract consumer to purchase drugs in online phar-
sumers to visit the websites of online pharmacy and macies instead of brick and mortar pharmacies or hos-
increase probability of online purchase. pital pharmacies. Drugs are special commodities with
Online pharmacies should strengthen service sup- low price elasticity. Favorable price has little impact on
port of free delivery, free returns, and cash on delivery. consumers online drugs purchase decision compared
Delivery service and return service influence con- with non-drugs with high price elasticity, so online
sumers online purchase decision very much. Online pharmacies can lower the price of health foods, cos-
pharmacies should as much as possible relieve the metics, sexual products, and fertility products.
expense of delivery and returns, and facilitate the pro-
cess of delivery and returns, to increase the probability
of online drugs purchase.
Strengthening sales promotion
Sales promotion is the fourth important factor. In sales
promotion dimension, sales list (0.279), hot-sale rec-
Perfecting payment method
ommendation (0.260), new commodities recommen-
Payment method is the second important factor. dation (0.254), brand monopoly (0.245), and gifts
In payment method dimension, online payment presentation (0.195) are high factor score coefficients,
(0.142), bank deposits (0.216), postal remittances and exerted a marked influence on this dimension.
(0.233), cash-and-carry (0.216), deposit payment Based on the score coefficients, sales list, hot-sale rec-
(0.236), phone card payments (0.257), and insurance ommendation, new products recommendation, brand
card payment (0.204) are high factor score coeffi- monopoly, and gifts presentation are the most import-
cients, and exerted a tremendous influence on this ant influence factors.
dimension. Based on the score coefficient, online pay- Online pharmacies should enhance sales promotion
ment, bank deposits, postal remittances, cash-and- to attract more and more consumers purchase online.
carry, deposit payment, phone card payment, and Sales list, hot-sale recommendation, and new com-
insurance card payment are the important influence modities recommendation can guide and attract con-
factors. Payment method influences consumers sumers to purchase commodities online. Brand
online purchase decision very much. Online pharma- monopoly can facilitate consumers to purchase spe-
cies should offer various payment methods, which can cific brand of commodities, and play a significant
meet different payment habits of consumers to advertising effect on the specific brand. Gifts presen-
increase the probability of online drugs purchase. tation can stimulate commodities purchase. Measures
Phone card payment is a convenient payment for Supervision and Administration of Drug
method for consumers although is still not provided Distribution stipulates that prescription drugs and
by any online pharmacies. Insurance card payment is OTC drugs of class A should not be presented as gift
not allowed by Chinese government because of policy by any pharmacy.5 So OTC drugs of class B and other
and technology, but it is an important purchase factor non-drugs can be presented as gifts to consumers.
Su et al. 101

Strengthening the commodity management

marketing (0.465), and related websites recommenda-
OTC drugs and health foods is the fifth important tion (0.447) are high factor score coefficients, and
factor, In OTC and health food dimension, western exerted a tremendous influence on this dimension.
medicine (OTC drugs) (0.394), Chinese traditional Based on the score coefficient, animated advertising,
medicine (OTC drugs) (0.396), prepared slices of email marketing, and related websites recommenda-
Chinese crude drugs (0.319), and health foods tion are the important influence factors.
(0.166) are high factor score coefficients, and exerted The score coefficient of advertising is the lowest
a tremendous influence on this dimension. Non- factor, which shows that consumers are little influ-
drugs is the sixth important factor. In non-drugs enced by advertising during shopping. Online pharma-
dimension, cosmetics and toiletries (0.239), medical cies can increase the credibility of advertising, send
devices (0.351), sexual products (0.400), and fertility email advertising toward specific consumers, and rec-
products (0.392) are high factor score coefficients, and ommend useful health-related websites needed by
exerted a tremendous influence on this dimension. consumers.
Based on the score coefficient, western medicine
(OTC drugs), Chinese traditional medicine (OTC
drugs), prepared slices of Chinese crude drugs,
health foods, cosmetics and toiletries, medical devices, We suggest online pharmacies focus more on OTC
sexual products, and fertility products are the import- drugs and health foods, non-drugs, payment method,
ant influence factors. price, personal selling and service, sales promotion,
Provisional Regulations of Drug Transaction and advertising when they design marketing mix
Service Approval over the Internet requires online strategies.
pharmacies only can sell OTC drugs to consumers.2
Most qualified online pharmacies in China sell Funding
western medicine (OTC drugs), traditional Thanks for the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Chinese medicines (OTC drugs), prepared slices Universities of China. Thanks for financial support of the
of Chinese crude drugs, health food, cosmetics University of Macau by the project MYRG119(Y1-L3)-
and toiletries, medical devices, sexual products, ICMS12-HYJ.
and fertility products. Several online pharmacies in
China sell sundry items, but based on the results of References
factor analysis, sundry items are not accepted by 1. The 29th statistics report of internet development in China.
many consumers.
Online pharmacies have no specific limitations of (accessed 23 March 2012).
2. Provisional Regulations of Drug Transaction Service Approval
commodities sorts compared with brick and mortar over the Internet. No. 480 [2005] of Market supervision depart-
pharmacies except prescription drugs, and the com- ment of SFDA of China.
modities sorts can expand without limit. Online phar- 9432.html (accessed 23 March 2012).
macies can as much as increase the health-related 3. Drug Transaction Service over the Internet. http://www.sfda.
commodities to attract the consumers who like one- (accessed 23 March 2012).
4. Cohen J and Cohen P. Applied multiple regression/correlation for the
stop shopping. behavioral science. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1983.
5. Measures for Supervision and Administration of Drug
Distribution. No. 26 of SFDA of China. http://www.sfda.
Improving the advertising effect (accessed 23 March 2012).
Advertising is the seventh important factor. In adver-
tising dimension, animated advertising (0.319) email
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without

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