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which single character in a regular expression denotes zero or more occurances of the

a. $ b. ? c. * d. [..]

2. Your current working directory is /home/user1. Which two commands puts you into the

a. cd ../user2/test user2/test /home/user2/test ../../user2/test

3. For which task is the kernel responsible?

a.Managing CPU resources b.Translating user requests c.Interrupting user keyboard entries
d.Interpreting commands from scripts

4. ------- is the first program that is loaded into the memory of a computer, after the BIOS

a.Kernal b.Shell c.Boot loader

5. ------ is the top level in Unix filesystem structure

a./root b./ c.$ d.#

6. The configuration files are stored in

a./etc b./configs c./registry d./var

7. In the following output, identify the file type lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Jul 21
17:56 grub.conf -> ../boot/grub/grub.conf

a.Regular file b.Directory c.Symbolic link d.Character file

8. Your umask value is set to 022 and you create a file. Which set of permissions are
associated with this file?

rw-rr-- rwxrr-- ----ww- rw-rw-rw-

9. What does the userdel r command do?

removes files by force, even if not owned by user remove home directory and mail spool
display this help message and exit removes entry from the /etc/passwd file only

10. Expand PAM

Pluggable Administration Modules Pluggable Authentication Modules

Password Administration Modules Password Authentication Modules

11. When a user is logged in to the bash shell, which is the first file that is read?

/etc/profile $HOME/profile $HOME/.bashrc /etc/.profile

12. $# in positional parameter means

the number of command line arguments all command line arguments

1 command line arguments No arguments

13. What does the following command do? $ grep i 'john' /etc/passwd
Inserts the word john into the /etc/passwd file

Searches for the word john in the file /etc/passwd and ignores case

Deletes the word from the /etc/passwd file

Returns an error if the word is found in uppercase

14. Which file is used to redirect output of a command to the users current terminal?

/dev/null /dev/tty /dev/term /dev/screen

15. Each running process has an entry in the

/tmp directory /proc filesystem /etc directory /usr fileystsem

16. Which command in vi is used to copy three lines of text into memory and paste these
lines above the current line?

3cP 3yyP 3yyp :3c/p

17. Which daemon checks crontab during initialization?

cron.d crontab.d cron crond

18. What is the command used to force kill a process?

kill kill -9 kill -15 kill -24

19. What is the tar option to extract files?

-c -x -f -v

20. The file that contains the ssh key of known hosts for a user is

/home/ssh /etc/sshd ~/.ssh/khown_hosts ./ssh/hosts

21. What are the default filesystems created in Unix? (Choose 2)

temp root swap boot

22. All printer specifications are stored in

/etc/termcap /etc/printcap /usr/lib/printinfo/e /etc/print

23. Which utility is used to check the syntax of Samba configuration file?

Testsamba testparm test testcon

24. What is the script used for running httpd?

/etc/init.d/httpd /etc/init/etc/httpd /etc/init/https

25. What is the command used to see the network configuration of eth0

ifconfig eth0 ifconfig -a ipconfig eth0 ifcfg eth0

26. The command used to add my machine to a NIS domain is

nisadd authconfig nisclient config nis

27. ------- is the syntax install rpm packages obtained from FEDORA

fedora-install packagename rpm -ivh Package.rpm install packagename rpm -e packagename

28. The process id of init process is

0 1 -1 3 ( After Boot Loader and Kernel )

29. The first script that the init process runs is

rc.init rc.sysinit rc.local rc.firstboot

30. The version of kernel present in RHEL 4 onwards is

2.6 2.4 2.1 1.7

31. The X server is started with following command

startx service xserver start init xserver x start

32. The log files are located in the following folder

/var/messages /var/log /logs /events

33. The service scripts are located in the following folder

/etc/init.d /etc/services /etc/scripts /etc/daemons

34. A Linux machine can used as a firewall

True False

35. What is the port used for smtp?

20 22 25 27

36. What is the daemon for DNS?

names nameh named namei

37. What are the services for NIS?

ypbind and ypserv https and httpc names and namec rnds and rndc

38. What is the port number for DHCP server?

66 68 67 65

39. The configuration file for NFS is

/etc/exports /etc/import /etc/rpm/* /etc/services

40. What does the "ping" command do?

Checks if the device is enabled or not(IN THE NETWORK) Adds a device to the

Removes a device from the network Specifies a default gateway to the internet

41. Which of the following command will show all interfaces and their ip addresses?
entstat -d netstat -a ipconfig -l ifconfig -a

42. The Kernel in Unix is dynamically built during every boot.

True False

43. What is the operator #! Called?

Shabang operator Wildcard character Arithmetic operator Logical operator

44. What is the meaning of <command1> | <command 2>

The outputs of command1 and command2 are combined

The output of command1 is forwarded as input to command2

One of the commands is executed

The output of comand2 is forwarded as input to command1

45. Which command facilitates interactive/real time process monitoring

top down ps nice

46. ln -s file2 file4

file4 is created as a hard link to file1

file4 is created as a symbolic link to file2

file2 is copied into file4

file2 is renamed as file4

47. Which command displays the file and directory names starting with the characters a, b
or c and ends with l?

ls d abc*l ls [a-c*l] ls ld [abc]*l ls {a,b,c}/*

48. What is the purpose of the file command?

Used to transfer files between file systems

Used to identify the file type based on the file contents

used to report the file size, file ownership and access permissions

Used to search binary data streams for references to readable ASCII files

49. ------- is referred as the basic of any operating system

CPU BIOS Kernal Shell

50. You have logged in as root. Now you change to user1 by giving su user1. What will the
commands who am I and whoami display?

who am I shows root and whoami shows user1 who am I shows user1 and whoami shows root

who am I shows user1 and whoami shows user1 who am I shows root and whoami shows root
51. The default boot loader in RHEL releases

GRUB(GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader),) LILO IPL NTLDR

52. The device drivers are stored in

/lib /lib/modules/[kernel version]/ /dev/shm /auto

53. What is the default permission assigned when a file is created?

600 644 666 777

54. What does t mean in rwx-----t?

readable executable Sticky bit searchable

55. Which option in the useradd command tells that a home dir should be created for the

-h -d -m -b

56. What does the command alias dir='ls -laF' do?

Sets the value of variable dir to the command output Sets dir as an alias for the command ls laF

Exports an environment Variable Creates an email alias

57. What is the default delimiter used for the cut command?

tab space newline

58. Choose two types of device files available?

Block device Character device Raw device Socket device

59. /proc filesystem resides in the first partition of the first hard drive.


60. Which command can edit a file?

vi file vi p file vi a file vi

61. In vi, which of the following is used for searching a string?

% : ~ ?

62. Which of these executes a task at 7 P.M once?

at 7:pm task at 1900 at>task at 7:00 pm at> task at> ctrl d at 1900 at> ctrl-d task

63. The type of a /etc/pam.d may be ------ or ------- (Choose 2)

requisite account sufficient session

64. What is FALSE about nohup?

nohup is used to run jobs in the background

It does not permit the execution of processes after the user has logged off

It sends the output of a job to a file called nohup.out

The init process takes over the parentage of a process run with nohup.

65. Which command is used to extract the file install.log from backup.tar file which is in tar

tar cvf backup.tar install.log tar xvf install.log backup.tar

tar cvf install.log backup.tar tar xvf backup.tar install.log

66. Expand FTP

File Transport Process Filesystem Transfer Protocol File Transfer Protocol File Transfer Process

67. What is a partition of a disk?

A sector in a disk A slice in a disk A track in a disk A cylinder in a disk

68. #lpmove X Y means?

Move all print requests from X to Y Move all root printing requests from X to Y

Move printing request X to printer Y Move printing requests X & Y to the default printer

69. Identify a valid authentication method. (Choose 2)

user client network server

70. Where are the configuration files for Apache stored? (Choose 2)

/var/www/* /etc/htdig/* /etc/httpd/* /etc/http

71. What is the file used to enter the information about the DNS Servers in a client

/etc/dnsservers.conf /etc/resolv.conf /var /dns.conf /tmp/dnsinfo

72. The service used for adding linux machines to a windows domain is

add-to-ads winbind winlogon netlogon

73. The option used for removing a package is

-r --remove -e --delete-package

74. The grub configuration file is

/boot/grub/grub.conf /etc/grub/boot.conf /boot/grub/boot.conf /grub/grub.conf

75. The switch used in the kernel line of GRUB to go single user mode is

S one safe rescue

76. ------------- is the kernel tuning file in Redhat EL

/etc/sysctl.conf /etc/kernel.conf /etc/config/kernel /etc/sysconfig/kernel.conf

77. The X server is started with following command

startx service xserver start init xserver x start

78. The following file contains the realtime messages from the system

/var/log/realtime /var/log/online /var/log/messages /log/messages

79. The command used to start a service is

service servicename start service start servicename servicename start start


80. -------- is the firewall utility in RHEL

Ipnodes iptables inode table VTOC

81. Expand SMTP

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Simple Mail Transport Protocol

Service Mail Transfer Protocol Send Mail Type Protocol

82. The file /etc/resolv.conf contains

DNS server information for clients Zone information

named configuration for DNS sever port information for DNS

83. What is the port number for NIS

100 101 111 110

84. Expand DHCP

Dynamic Host Configuration Process Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Dynamic Host Control
Process Dynamic Host Control Protocol

85. Where are the port options for firewall specified in NFS?

/etc/syslog.conf /etc/services /etc/sysconfig/nfs /etc/nfs

86. What is the first step in Fault analysis method of troubleshooting?

Eliminate possible causes Reproduce the problem

Backup config files efore changing Define the problem

87. Which of the following commands will find all the rc files in /etc and display them?

ls -l /etc/r? ls -l /etc/rc.d/* ls -l /etc/rc? | grep -v ^d ls -l /etc/rc* | grep -v ^d

88. The /bin and /sbin folders can be mounted on a separate filesystem than / ( root )
fileystem .

True False
89. The command to switch users is

su - user switch user suser -user user <username>

90. Output of a command can be viewed page by page with the ------- command

less little page ls

91. How do you set the value for a variable?

variable value $variable variable=value value=variable

92. What is the result of the following command? #mkdir p /dir1/dir2/dir3

It creates three directories dir1, dir1/dir2 and dir1/dir2/dir3

It creates three directories dir1, dir2 and dir3 under the current working directory

It attempts to create dir1/dir2/dir3 but reports an error if the parent directory of dir2 or dir3 does not

Returns an error

93. Which command lists hidden files?

ls -l ls -a ls -h ls -t

94. ---------- forms the user interface between a user and the kernel

Shell Keyboard Mouse MS-Office

95. The full path to the GRUB config file is

/boot/grub/grub.conf /var/lib/boot.conf /etc/bootloader.conf /boot

96. What is the use of the /lost+found directory? chk

To hold deleted files To hold orphaned files To hold the inode table To contain the VTOC table

97. What is the default umask value for root?

222 022 002 200

98. What is the correct sequence of file permissions?

Owner, Other, Group Other, Group, Owner Owner, Group, Other Group, Other, Owner

99. Which option of the usermod command allows duplicate entries?

-o -d -m -l

100. PAM modules are installed by default in

usr/lib/security /etc/ pam_pkcs11/ /lib/modules /etc/pam.d

101. The list of terminals from which root can log in is listed in

/etc/login /etc/securetty /etc/tty / lib/security

102. What is standard output?

Tap Terminal Printer CDROM

103. What is the output of cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd command?

Displays the first character that matches :

Extracts the first column of the /etc/passwd file with : as delimiter

Searches for the : symbol in the first row of the file

Deletes the first row of the file

104. Which file causes the output of a command to become null?

/dev/tty /dev/null /dev/0 /dev/nil

105. /proc filesystem resides in the first partition of the first hard drive.

True False

106. Which three characters can be entered from command mode in vi to change the last
line mode?(choose 3)

^ $ / ? :

107. How to list crontab?

crontab r crontab l crontab e cron l

108. Which of these can be used to run jobs in the background? (Choose two)

$ & nohup ?

109. Which option allows the user to specify a nice value?

-o -n -v -p

110. What is the use of cpio?

To backup files To compress files To copy files between locations To print a file

111. What is the port for ssh?

23 20 21 22

112. Which command shows all mounted file systems? chk

mount mount -a mountall umount

113. #lpstat d means

Delete a printing request Show default printer

Print a file Show printing request on destination printer

114. What are the packages used in Samba? (Choose 3)

Samba Samba-client Samba-server(x) Samba-common

115. What are the ports for http and https?

70 and 405 80 and 443 65 and 700 10 and 440

116. The file in which contains the hostname information is

/etc/sysconfig/network /hostname /dev/hostname /usr/host

117. The statement A Linux machine can added as a client to windows ADS is

True False

118. rpm -qa is used to

List all the RPM packages installled in a linux system

List all the information about a given rpm package

Prints the debugg information during the installation of RPM packages

Queries a file for all dependencies

119. The init process reads the configuration from

/etc/init.conf /init/config /etc/inittab /boot/init.conf

120. One Example of the respawn action in the inittab file is

Login screen rc.sysinit rc.local CTRL-ALT-DELETE

121. The command mkinitrd is used to

build the initrd files build the RPM files update the inittab restart the init process

122. The X server is started with following command

startx service xserver start init xserver x start

123. The following service is used to create and manage the logs

logd syslog eventd messenger

124. The following command is used to enable nfs service in runlevel 2

chkconfig level 2 nfs on chkconfig service nfs on level 2

chkconfig level2 nfs 0n enable service nfs level 2

125. What is the script used to run the sendmail service?

/etc/init.d/mail /etc/init.d/sendmail /etc/mail.rc /etc/mail/

126. The device files are stored in

/devices /tmp /etc /dev

127. What is the port number for DNS?

50 49 52 53
128. What are the services for NIS?

ypbind and ypserv https and httpc names and namec rnds and rndc

129. What is the confguration file for DHCP?

/etc/devfsd.conf /etc/inetd.conf /etc/system.cnf /etc/dhcpd.conf

130. NFS is handled mainly by two daemons ----- and -----. (Choose 2)

nfs mount nfsd mountd

131. Identify two commands useful for troubleshooting (Choose 2)

grep date find cat

132. What is the command to get online help

help man which type

133. The /tmp is a world writable directory.

True False

134. What is the operator to direct standard errors to a file?

> 1> 2> &>

135. Which mode in vi allows cursor movement, cutting and pasting text and changes

insert mode ex mode command mode alter mode

136. Which shell restricts user login?

Bash csh nologin ksh

137. Which information is provided when executing the following command? #who r

The current run level is returned. A current list of users is returned

A list of logged in remote users is returned A reboot is performed after signaling logged in users

138. Which command can delete /export/app/report directory in /export/app directory?


rm r report rmdir report rm report rmdir /export/app/report

139. A Bootloader is the first program that loads into the memory of a computer

True False

140. Which command is used to search for files and their full paths?

Locate find type which

141. The default boot loader in RHEL releases


142. ----- folder contains the mail inboxes of all the users

/usr/mail /var/mail /var/spool/mail /etc

143. The /etc/passwd file has the following permissions.Provide write permission for the
group (Choose two)

chmod g+w /etc/passwd chmod 644 /etc/passwd

chmod 664 /etc/passwd chmod o+w /etc/passwd

144. Which function is not performed by the /etc/group file?

Assign secondary groups for users Assign a name to primary groups

Assign a group id Assign a password to groups

145. What is the command to create environmental variables?

set import export assign

146. Which option in sort removes duplicate lines from output?

r f n u

147. See the following output of an ls command in /dev directory. crw------- 1 vcsa tty
7, 133 Aug 23 22:22 vcsa5 . what does 7 denote here ? chk

file size file permission Device Major number Device Minor number

148. ----------- file gives information about the processors in a linux system.

/proc/cpuinfo /dev/processor /etc/CPU /usr/psrs

149. What is the difference between at & cron?

Crontab schedules to run once and at schedules to run many times

Crontab is the scheduler, at executes the commands

At is the scheduler and cron executes commands

Cron schedules to run many times and at schedules to run only once

150. Which command is used to display the jobs in queue?

atq jobq queued jobs

151. Files used by PAM are stored in

/etc/pam /etc/pam.d /etc/shadow /etc/passwd

152. What is true about "at"? (Choose 2)

Executes only once Put a file at a location Schedules jobs Executes at regular intervals
153. What is the output of the ps f command?

Displays a full listing of all processes Displays the process ancestry in the form of a tree

Displays processes of the current user Displays all users processes

154. What is the tar option to backup files?

-v -f -x -c

155. The port number for ftp can be obtained from

/etc/ environment /usr/bin/ftp /etc/services /var/ftp

156. What does the following command do?

#mount /dev/hda3 /oracle

mounts /dev/hda3 onto /oracle directory

creates a new extended file system

Converts the existing filesystem to ext2 Mounts /oracle in /dev/hda3

157. What does lp d X Y mean?

Show default printer Show the queue of printer X

Print file Y in printer X Remove print request X & Y

158. What is the script file for Samba?

/etc/init.d/ /etc/init.d/smb /etc/inittab /etc/init

159. What is the daemon used to run apache? chk

/usr/sbin/httpd /usr/sbin/httpd-worker /usr/bin/httpd /usr/bin/htstat

160. The network config file for eth0 is

/etc/net-eth0 /etc/net-config0

/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 /usr/config/eth0

161. The command that is used to restart winbind services is

service winbind restart service restart winbind

service winbind stopandstart winbind reload

162. To find out the package that a file is part of is

rpm -qf filename rpm query-file filename

rpm -qa | grep filename rpm info filename

163. The folder that contains the service startup and stop scripts for run level 1 is

/etc/rc.d/rc1.d /etc/rcS.d /etc/rc/1 /etc/rc.sysinit/1

164. The id field should be --------------- for each line in the inittab file

common unique

165. The line that contains information about the kernel in the grub.conf starts with

Kernelinfo kernel info-kernel hwinfo

166. The X server is started with following command

startx service xserver start init xserver x start

167. The log files are rotated regularly by using cron

Yes. The statement is true No. Only manual log maintenance is possible

168. The following command is handy to enable or disable a serviec for the current

enable ntsysv service-on service-adm

169. What is the daemon used for sendmail service?

/usr/bin/mail /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail /usr/bin/smail

170. The home directory for all users is created in

/root /tmp /opt /home

171. What is the configuration file for DNS?

/etc /etc/config /etc/inetd.conf /etc/named.conf

172. NIS Services didnt start because

named didnt start httpd didnt start Portmap didnt start Samba didnt start

173. What is the port number for DHCP client?

65 68 67 64

174. Which statement is NOT true about NFS?

It mounts a remote file system on a local directory

It allows the sharing of file between users working on several computers

It is restricted to mounting only file systems.

It doesnt set permissions at user level.

175. What is the first step in Fault analysis method of troubleshooting?

Eliminate possible causes Reproduce the problem

Backup config files efore changing Define the problem

176. A sys admin wants to give full read, write, execute access to the owner and group of
the /tough dir and all sub dirs and files, but only alow read/execute for others. Which
command should the admin use?

chmod -R 775 /tough chmod -h 002 /tough chmod -R 577 /tough chmod ug+rwx, o+rx /tough

177. The default runlevel is defined in

/etc/rc.d/ /etc/inittab /etc/fstab /etc/rpm

178. The directory /proc contains the which type of files

Permanent Non-Volatile Files Temporary Volatile files

179. The command that lists user information is

man info id who

180. What is the key to change modes in vi editor?

Esc F1 tab ctrl

181. Which script is executed when a user logs out?

.bashrc .bash_logout .bash_login .bash_profile

182. Which command creates an empty file called *?

touch * touch \* touch /* touch "*"

183. You want to create the subdirectory "projects" with the parent directories "docs"
and "work". The final tree will be /work/docs/projects.Choose the correct command
to do this.

mkdir /work/docs/projects mkdir ./work/docs/projects

mkdir -p work/docs/projects mkdir -r work/docs/projects

184. What is the shell responsible for?

It is the interpreter and translator It carries out user requests

Acts as a programmer language It is the interface between kernel and hardware

185. To change the runlevel at the booting time the key used to edit the grub config is

e g I h

186. FHS is expanded as

Filesystem Hierarchy Standard Filesystem Historical Standard

Filesystem Helping Structure Firstboot History Session

187. When a user is created, an entry is added in which of the following files?

/etc/shadow /etc/passwd /etc/profile /etc/hosts

188. In which two files can you find the GUID? (Choose two )

/etc/group /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/fstab

189. What is the output of the following command? #chown R user1


Only /export/home/user1 is owned by user1

All files and directories under /export/home/user1 are owned by user1

All files and directories under /export/home/user1 are owned by user1, including /export/home/user1

Only user1 is owned by user1

190. The README files contain

a particular module to use how the value returned by the module is used

options to assign to the module the type of module

191. Which variable is used to set the bash prompt?


192. Which is the startup script executed when a user logs in?

.bash_profile .bashrc .profile .bash_login

193. $ wc story.txt 39 237 1901 story.txt What does 237 indicate in the output?

Number of words Number of characters Number of linesSize of the file

194. How do you refer to the first IDE hard disk in Linux ?

/dev/hda1 /dev/disk0 /dev/hda /dev/hdisk1

195. Most of the changes in the kernel reflects in the

/proc directory /etc directory /tmp directory /media directory

196. What is the most commonly used editor in Linux?

ed vi emacs ex

197. What is the correct format of the crontab file?

Time,date,command Time,owner,command Command,time,owner Time,date,process

198. Which is the first process that starts?

init crond hald mail

199. Identify the range for nice values.

-10 to 10 -20 to 20 -20 to 19 -19 to 20

200. What is the tar option to append a file to an archive?

-u -r -m -z
201. What is the use of the get command under FTP client?

Read the contents of a file Receive a file from the remote host Open a file Close the file

202. Which command displays file size in Kilobyte?

df df-k du du -k

203. Which command cancels a printer job?

Reject disable cancel enable

204. Where are the samba configuration files stored?

/etc/samba/ /etc/services /etc/skel /etc/selinux

205. Which is an Apache package?

httpd https http httpd-common

206. The Command that is used stop and restart the network service is

service network restart service ipservices restart

network restart ifconfig restart network

207. The command for seeing the latest users' database is

getent users getent passwd update users update passwd

208. rpm is a command used for

Finding out the RPM of harddisks Finding the speed of CPU

Installing the RPM packages Installing MSI packages

209. The Default runlevel can be specified in the /etc/defaults/runlevel file

True False

210. The runlevel 2 is differentiated from runlevel 3 by

absence of NIS absence of NFS Logon screen number

211. The current kernel information is reflected in the

/proc filesystem /kernel folder /system folder /hwconfig folder

212. The X server is started with following command

startx service xserver start init xserver x start

213. The following command command is used to see the kernel messages

kernel-log dmesg messages log-kernel

214. The scripts starting with S in an rc folder

starts the kernel Kills the kernel Starts a service Stops a service

215. --------- is used to view the mail queue.

mailq mailqueue queue mbox

216. All log messages are stored in

/var /var/spool/log /var/log /etc/log

217. What is the directory in which DNS zone files are located?

/var/log /var/named /var/spool/named /var/names

218. NIS Services didnt start because

named didnt start httpd didnt start Portmap didnt start samba didnt start

219. What is the daemon for DHCP?

Dhcpn dhcpd dhcps dhcpc

220. The configuration file for NFS is

/etc/exports /etc/import /etc/rpm/* /etc/services

221. Identify two commands useful for troubleshooting (Choose 2)

grep date find cat

222. What does the following command do? $mv file1 file2

Renames file1 to file2 Copies file1 into file2

Moves file1 and file2 to the user's home folder Makes a copy of the files in the user's home

223. Which file contains users who have access to cron?

/etc/crontab /etc/cron.use /etc/cron.allow /etc/cron.deny

224. What does the command "grep -v user1 /etc/passwd" do?

Searches for the line with user1 in /etc/passwd

Displays the entries that do not match user1 in /etc/passwd file

Inserts the word user1 into the file

Deletes the wod user1 from the file

225. What is the command to save a file and quit in vi?

:wq :q! :q :w
226. What does the following command do? #find -ctime -10

Finds files that were changed more than 10 days ago

Finds files that were accessed more than 10 days ago

Finds files that were accessed less than 10 days ago

Finds the files that were modified less than 10 days ago

227. ln file1 file3 means

file3 is created as a symbolic link to file1 file3 is created as a hard link to file1

file1 is copied into file3 file1 is renamed as file3

228. Which single character in a regular expression denotes zero or more occurances of
the previous ?

$ ? * [..]

229. ------- is referred as the basic of any operating system

CPU BIOS Kernal Shell

230. Which command will display users who are currently logged into the system?
(Choose two)

id last who who -a

231. How many lines will the commands head or tail display by default?

20 12 10 25

232. ------- is the first program that is loaded into the memory of a computer, after the

Kernal Shell Boot loader

233. The Log Messages are stored in the

/var/messages/log /usr/log /var/log /root/logfiles

234. Which permission does the sticky bit s substitute?

r w x Groups execute permission

235. Which command is used to change the owner of a file?

Chmod chown chgrp chowner

236. Root user is

uid =0 gid=0 uid = 1, gid = 0 uid = 0, gid = 1 uid = 1, gid =1

237. Select two features of bash?

Command Line Completion Spell checking Command History Hash tables

238. What does the following command do? $ grep i 'john' /etc/passwd

Inserts the word john into the /etc/passwd file

Searches for the word john in the file /etc/passwd and ignores case

Deletes the word from the /etc/passwd file

Returns an error if the word is found in uppercase

239. How do you refer to the first IDE hard disk in Linux ?

/dev/hda1 /dev/disk0 /dev/hda /dev/hdisk1

240. Most of the changes in the kernel reflects in the

/proc directory /etc directory /tmp directory /media directory

241. How to quit vi without saving changes?

:q! :q :ZZ Ctrl-d

242. In the following crontab entry, when will the command echo Process started

10 3 * * 1,4 echo Process started

10:30 on the first Sunday and Wednesday of every month

3:10 am and pm each Sunday and Wednesday

3:10 am on each Monday and Thursday

10:15 on the first and fourth of each month

243. All PAM files have the prefix


244. What does the command ps do without options?

Lists all jobs Lists all process

Lists all jobs belonging to user Lists all process belonging to user.

245. What does the bg command do?

Brings a job to the foreground Executes a job

Relegates a job to the background Kills a job

246. Identify the uses of tar command? (Choose 2)

Used to zip files Used to compress files

Used as a backup utility Used to copy files to and from a backup device
247. The command that is used to start ssh service is

Sshstart serivce sshd start service start ssh ssh load

248. Which statements are true about partitions? (Choose two)

Each partition is a logically independent disk

Dual boot systems require only a single partition for different operating systems

Large number of partitions means that fragmentation will be limited.

One partition can have only one file system

249. Which environmental variable is used to set the default printer?


250. Which are the daemons used for Samba services? (Choose 2)

nmdb mmdb smdb cmdb

251. neat is a graphical utility used for

network configuration Cleaning up temp files

organising filesystem Clearing up old log files

252. A Linux machine can be configured to get user database from an LDAP server using

authconfig ldapadd ldapclient system-config-ldap

253. RPM is expanded as -------------in Linux

Redhat Package Mananger Revolutions Per Minute

RedHat Processor Manager Redundant Processor Manager

254. The K099acpid is used for

Stopping acpid daemon Enabling acpi for the kernel

Starting the acpid service Killing all the processes by the name acpid

255. The X Server is started in the following runlevels

3 and 5 5 only 3 only single user mode only

256. ------------- is the kernel tuning file in Redhat EL

/etc/sysctl.conf /etc/kernel.conf /etc/config/kernel /etc/sysconfig/kernel.conf

257. The following the file contains the boot time log information

os.log boot.log linux.log redhat.log

258. The options available for the service command are

start , stop , restart , delete start, stop, restart start, stop, restart, reload start , stop

259. How can you send mail in a command line?

mail s hi username@machinemane mail username

mail username filename mail username@machinename <filename

260. The /etc/fstab stores

Details about filesystems Information about devices

Information about users Details about passwords

261. The file /etc/resolv.conf contains

DNS server information for clients Zone information

named configuration for DNS sever port information for DNS

262. What is the port number for NIS

100 101 111 110

263. What is the confguration file for DHCP?

/etc/devfsd.conf /etc/inetd.conf /etc/system.cnf /etc/dhcpd.conf

264. Which statement is NOT true about NFS?

It mounts a remote file system on a local directory

It allows the sharing of file between users working on several computers

It is restricted to mounting only file systems.

It doesnt set permissions at user level.

265. Identify one way of troubleshooting

Develop hypotheses Fault analysis

Trial and error method Pareto analysis

266. Which cron entry will run /usr/myscript t 05 00 every Saturday?

0 5 * * 6 /usr/myscript 0 5 6 * * /usr/myscript

6 * * 5 0 /usr/myscript 5 0 sat * * /usr/myscript

267. All the configuration information is stored in a Unix Registry and updated regularly

True False

268. Which file contains users who dont have access to cron?

/etc/cron /etc/cron.deny /etc/cron.restrict /etc/cron.access

269. What does the command "touch file{1,3,5}" do?

creates three files fle1 file3 and file5 creates a single file file135

Returns an error creates 3 files file1, file3 and file 5 under the user's home dir
270. STDERR (Standard error) is not forwarded across pipes

True False

271. What option is used in scripting to check for directory?

-f -d -x -z

List of Config files

DNS config file /etc/named.conf
Apache /etc/httpd.conf
DHCp /etc/dhcpd.conf
Samba /etc/samba/smb.conf
Grub /boot/grub/grub.conf
Init /etc/inittab
Module configuration file /etc/modprobe.conf
System logging configuration /etc/syslog.conf
CUPS config file /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
Sendmail config file /etc/
NIS client config file /etc/yp.conf
FTP config file /etc/vsftpd.conf

List of Log files

NFS log /etc/nfs/nfslog.conf
Mail logs /var/log/mail.log
Boot log /var/log

List of Port Numbers

DHCP server:67 client :68
DNS 53
SSh 22
ftp 20 & 21
telnet 23

Have a clear idea about the following ls switches,

ls R ~ to list all the files contained in the users home directory.

ls -F
ls a
ls l
ls ld
ls i
ls dlisting of target directory contents
ls ~ lists all the filenames listed in the home directory.

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