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Systema tiene 4 pilares bsicos en su entrenamiento:

Movimiento Continuo.
Estos cuatro principios constituyen la base en el trabajo diario en Systema,
tomando en cuenta que no es un deporte sino que es parte de lo que pueda
salvar tu vida o la del equipo que nos acompaa.
Estos principios son ley de Vida que estn detrs o ms all que cualquier
ejercicio en concreto.
Systema nos ensea a ampliar nuestra conciencia (conciencia primitiva de
defensa) y hacer uso prctico de lo que ya tenemos.
Hay que tomar en cuenta que todos estos beneficios llegan cuando
empiezas a entender mejor la naturaleza de tu cuerpo (biomecnica,
memoria muscular y resistencia fsica), mente (visualizacin del entorno,
reaccin, etc) y las emociones en momentos difciles o de estrs que no han
sido controladas.
El propsito de Systema es ofrecerte desafos que se encuentran justo en el
nivel actual de tu condicin fsica y mental en cualquier entorno.
La respiracin de Systema (inhalacin y exhalacin) est conectada con los
otros seis sistemas fisiolgicos principales del cuerpo, circulatorio,
muscular-seo, nervioso, endocrino, digestivo y genital urinario.
La inhalacin continua en todos los tejidos, y la exhalacin expulsa los
desechos de todos los dems sistemas.
Tu respiracin nunca debe de detenerse, interrumpirse o suprimirse, inhala
y exhala continuamente.
Existen dos tipos de obstculos en la respiracin, psicolgica y fsica, que
solo sern superadas con las prcticas diarias.
Por todo lo anterior la respiracin no solo empieza y termina en los
pulmones, sino que tienes que empezar a entenderlo y sentirlo, solo as
habrs empezado tu real capacitacin.
Con la prctica tu sensibilidad aumentara hasta que puedas sentir tu pulso
en cualquier parte de tu cuerpo. La sensibilidad es el fundamento para
dominar tus propios procesos autonmicos.
Nuestra respiracin siempre debe estar conectada con el cuerpo, la mente y
el alma.
Los monjes Rusos y otras personas Santas han demostrado este tipo de
maestra personal atreves de la historia. Esta prctica incrementa tu poder
de observacin fsica y espiritual.
Esta mayor conciencia ser altamente beneficiosa para ti mismo y otros en
cualquier circunstancia.

Entrenamientos Varios.
Tcnica es un movimiento puntual.
Tctica es una combinacin de movimientos
Estrategia son varias tcticas.
Tener en cuenta que usted puede dominar estas, pero debe observar el
entorno que modifica su seguridad de vida.
Nunca deje de observar su entorno.
Cuando portas un arma de fuego en tu mano, asegurarse de tenerla en una
posicin plegada a tu cuerpo, la otra mano vaca puede servir como
soporte, gua, gancho o escudo.
Soporte en caso de que te caigas o sea que reacciona en cualquier
Gua, cuando la visibilidad es muy pobre, o para comunicaciones tcticas
entre su equipo de trabajo.
Gancho, en situaciones de escape que tengas que engancharte en plena
marcha de cualquier vehculo, o en situaciones de rescate.
Escudo, te protege de cualquier accin reactiva o primitiva de personas que
puedan estar a tu alrededor.

Which Is Better Systema Or Krav Maga?

I get a lot of questions about Krav Maga and the similarities with Russian
Martial Arts, especially Systema. Now those of you who have read my
articles will know that I place more importance on the man behind the art
rather than the art itself.Bet lets get back to the point both arts were
devised for street reality and not competition and were Military based and
this fact alone separates them from many other arts. Military Martial Arts
have one specific purpose and that is to very quickly dispatch your enemy
and that of course, could mean killing them.
Krav Maga was developed by the Israeli Military and funnily enough has
Slavic origins! Their techniques come from Martial Arts, Wrestling and
Boxing and there is an emphasis of direct defense to overcome the
opponent quickly and simultaneous defense and counter attacks. The
similarity between the two is in their application as a Military Art and the
emphasis on effectiveness and not competition. If you watch videos of both
you will see a lot more aggression and direct movements in Krav Maga and
that of course works to get the job over quickly, provided that you can
sustain that aggression, so you will need a good level of fitness and training
to keep the work going. Thats not to say you cannot get the same result
without a high level of fitness, it just depends on how quickly you can get
the job done and the techniques are very effective and explosive.
Now if you watch Systema, you will see almost a complete opposite of that
approach, as the students are taught to relax and remain calm during a
confrontation. This I know, sounds completely unbelievable because how
can you do so in an adrenaline fuelled confrontation, you may ask. There is
a lot of emphasis on the student learning strong basics, such as learning to
breathe correctly, how to move, strike and counter strike. There is also a lot
of grappling work and weapon defense is taught from day one. There is also
a lot of slow movement work, where the student will learn exactly how to
react to any attack and also learn his or her own responses.
The slowness allows the student to ingrain the movement into the brain,
so eventually the response becomes instinctive. As confidence increases,
the speed of the attack is worked up to bring it in line with reality and if the
student has learned and trained correctly, they will easily adapt.
Now to the classic question which is better? I am not going to be evasive
here, only stay in line with my beliefs. Any art that offers street combat
effectiveness is a worthy one and it is up to the student to work hard and
practice, so we are back to the person behind the art and not the art itself.
It really depends on which one suits you, or maybe you do both! The best
way to find out is to go and try a few classes of each and see what suits you
and that may also involve trying a few different instructors, as each
instructor will be different. That is really the best answer I can offer!

Why Study Russian Martial Arts

to fully understand the power of the ballistic strike!
There is a reason why Russian Martial Arts is called SYSTEMA. It is
a complete set of concepts and training components that enhance ones life.
In this case, acquiring the martial art skill is a way to improve the function
of all seven physiological systems of the body and all three levels of human
abilities the physical, the psychological and the spiritual.
The key principle of the Russian Systema is non-destruction. The goal is to
make sure that your training and your attitudes do no damage to the body
or the psyche of you or your partners. Systema is designed to create, build
and strengthen your body, your psyche, your family and your country.
Systema has another name poznai sebia or Know Yourself. What does it
really mean to Understand Yourself? It is not just to know what your
strengths and weaknesses are, that is good but fairly superficial. Training in
Russian Martial Art is one of the sure ways to see the full extent of our
limitations to see how proud and weak we really are. Systema allows us
to gain the true strength of spirit that comes from humility and clarity in
seeing the purpose of our life.
As the roots of the Russian Systema are in the Russian Orthodox Christian
faith, the belief is that everything that happens to us, good or bad, has only
one ultimate purpose. That is to create the best possible conditions for
each person to understand himself. Proper training in the Russian Systema
carries the same objective to put every participant into the best possible
setting for him to realize as much about himself as he is able to handle at
any given moment.

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