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SIGN UP LOG IN Dariver ofthe UVERTRONG Fcurdstion fweps FOOD FITNESS HEALTH = MYPLATE. = MORE Q a amazonglobal > Learn more amazoncojo OTAKU Store International ShippingMade Easy ‘Exercises With the Adonis Belt ag HENRY HALSE |Last Updated: Jan 05,2017 Sports Shoes ? Ue old a SHOP NOW > PEOPLE ARE READING Exercises to Strengthen Muscles Aer c-section Exercises forthe Lower Abdomen How to Work Out the Lower Abs & Love Handles How to Exercise the Torso uk wn eB [Abdominal Muscles and Back Pain ‘The attractive and athletic igure from Greek mythology known as Adonis sported the first ‘Adonis belt” the "V" that you might see atthe bottom of your abs if your body fatis low enough, w @ cronimay Instant Grammar Checker Y) Read More: How to Get aV-Cut Stomach CLT wa Even though the Adonis Beltis named after a male figure, females can achieve this look as well. t's seen as a symbol of absolute fitness, ust like the six-pack, Whats the Adonis Belt? The area where the ab, hip and thigh muscles meet makes up the Adonis belt. They're separated by the inguinal ligament and ilac crest, the top of the hip bone. The abs sit above this separation and the muscles of the hip and thigh sit below. ‘The Adonis Belts difficultto see in most people because you need to have avery low body fat percentage for tto be visible. Itcan also be difficult to see ifyou're wearing clothes because most of Adonis Beli actually below the belt line. When you can see the Adonis Bett it looks Fike a"v" at the bottom of the abdomen that points down towards the groin, ‘Can You Train the Adonis Belt? ¥ rie area of the Adonis Bett that creates separation between your hips and abdominalsis yrade of the inguinal igement and hip bone, neither of which you can train. You can, ° ina i ° C however, train the muscles above and below these lines of separation, ‘The ab muscles above the line of separation include the rectus abdominis ~ which lies in the Reenter of your abdomen. The muscles atthe sides of your waist, the external abliques and internal obliques as well asthe deep transversus abdominis also existabove the line. All of the ab muscles are connected to the hip bone via the same tendon, called the linea alba, Below the line of the Adonis Belt are your thigh and hip muscles. The most visible hip muscles are the glutes and tensor fascie latae, which move the hip away from the body. The gluteus medius i the closest ofthe glute muscles to the Adonis Belt and looks like a fan-shaped muscle. The most visible thigh muscles are the rectus femoris and sartorius which flexthe hip. To target the muscles atthe top of your thigh, known as the hip flexors, use standing banded knee raises. To target the muscles on the side of your hip, the hip abductors, use side-lying leg raises, Ab Exercises These exercises target the obliques and lower abs, the most visible parts of the Adonis Belt, to give the muscles more definition. allo this hard work will pay off once your body fatis low enough to see the muscles, which you can achieve through an excellent diet and lots of activity, Kettlebell Reverse Crunch While normal crunches target the upper abs, reverse crunches target the obliques and lower abs, Perform 10 to 12 repetitions, ‘Stepa Grab a kettlebell thatis moderately heavy fyou're not sure what weightto use, tryto find a kettlebell that weighs about 20 percent of your body weight. Hold the bell with both hands on the sides of the handle. Flip the bell upside down so thatthe bal portion s resting on top of your hands. Step? Lie on your backin the dead bug position with your legs inthe air and knees bent at 90, degrees; your lower legs are parallel tothe ground. Extend your arms straight up towards the ceiling until your elbows are locked out, Lay your head flaton the ground, ‘Step3 Slowly move your arms behind your head, keeping your elbows as straightas possible. Stop when the kettlebell is completely behind your head.

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