Sei sulla pagina 1di 6


by Frank Brunner . lnustrted y Cara Mltten

he Savage Coart, horne to the Rro Srl campagn

setting, is a land wlre the blood of an lmmond
dragon swlr'ls ln ttr wind, where a metd nrore pre-
ciom han goH shines crimsn in ttre brges of
dwarves, and where ancient eirses ffi.rc ordlnary citlzens wlth
6rcre Fower th ryrlsls lheir Hi, Adventuring is perllous In
this land of swashbuckling herm, but tte rewards are rich.
Even the hlghest{orn noble can be drivcn to deperate acts of
lprolm or trelrcry to gain cinnabryl-he onc substaca
tht cEn stave off the ncktl curse $st perrneat thig land.
Geographh$y, ttle Savqgc Coasl covo apptoximafely
r,6oo dlcs Ef coadine atong tlrc !{tern Se in rhe u/ot"H
of 4vstA lt les several thoussnd nhe west of
Kcrameftos, Glnml, ard olher, moru f*nillar lnds, Ihr
Savoge Coast runs 6t to west, hom the Gulf of Hule to
Yalu Bay, psing varnously through mqJhfains, rcmper
foresrs, erd desort$.
The technological level ol the Savage Coast equates
roughly to ihol of rhe early RonElssance period.
Prlmirlvc fTreanna uslng "smokcpovder'ae rare but
not unknown. (For a weapon of thls sorlr use fic 1a-
listtes for pistols and muskets orr pg r45 of thc
Dwnro* linsrcab ude, but muhiply lhe cosl by z.) ln
ierms of magic, one quality sets thc Savage Coost
apaff from all oher lands-thc Red Curse.

1l Rd Cursa orlglnatd from three separale evonls, The
flrst of these occurred te t,soo yers 4io, when ttro
Nithlons tpped vsel eldtitch po\/er sourcs to stack the
lnd wfifi vclns of n exoilc mlneral called cinrryl. tsy
mining and p,rifyng i subtance, they hoped to for6e
v/espons of terrible putssance. They abo used this infusfon
of raw power ro grnt spdl-like &tltfs lo evn fie beg1
crarures oF rhe lnd-a6ain, ln tle hopes that such alrer-
alons would provide tlrrn wlth som advantage in battlo.
The second conribufing evenl occuritd when the iml'rior*
tal lxion, rked by the falthfess manscorpions ln ttte rea,
cursed fie enfire Ssvage Coast, dreeing tfut
who{rever sough power there would be &ornql.
Flnafly, the lmmond dragon parron known as the
Greff One ca$ his blood over the rqgion to punsh
the aroneo of Herafh, who had ingulted his peoph This
divine tlood acted as a catalysl, lusing wilh the Red Crrse mc\ choose a
all thnee magical eflects inro lhc Red fecy at characfer crarn nstead of
Curse plnguing the lanri to*:ny. reilln1 randomly for ono,
A ercluns lhal h:rs lbe Rctl Cursc
tqrriring th, I{ Cr;r*c fsa sufters prrnanent drin of e
The red dvst left from the <l,ragon poirrfs from the ability strr:rc ssoci-
immorll's trlood is kncwn a* vcrmr:il, afed wilh her lcgacy {see thc
and its lainl is ubiquilous. Windov- Legacies table). "lhe legacy is a mni-
pones through<ul the Savage Cca:l fc$ttion ol the spell-lke alliiies
are tinled rose, .end eve.| ihe old granted t0 creures of lhe Savage
cons of the land have a pink casf. Cost by the Nithlans' aneieni power
Nalives exhilrit a cannine skin lone well. but thr: ebility drain is a drect
from binh, and humnsids ourney- manif'estation of lxion's wraf h.
ng along the Savage Coast know Because ef the dlvne aspects of fh
lhat fhey have begun lo acqure fhe Red Cunse, a morfal ennol reslore " Trt: {:'.n:r.-.:ln attuall','
of js ltrt rri l}t:tt::..* rnay,;t q
Red Curse when they see lraces ol abitiry poinrs losl to a legacy, tf!,," r(rvt frr rjs-ir. r|.11ir; r,,i ttc Rft ,i-ttiL
scarlet al the ends of their finger- lhe iirsl lull day lhl a crearure iii]rd .;.t
.qr iS p\ r:alirlrJ lrinrsc r.' ,Iry g
nails or in the enamel of their teelh. with the Red Curse does nol have ni, if B-.j ru1 ,' .J:rr*' ,rvl l :i|li out irtrhl
After one week in a land poisoned cnn.rbryl agsinsf is strin, i rnust make lnrrff rllrliri 1r li ilrrirrvrr WL:"r rnh.rl dotltl t'.'ritt\)
by vermell, each nsn-nalive creafure a DC r5 Fortitude save 0r'permo- .111'j l.1:*t?{ i"1 ! II I ri,t."
vrilh n lntelligence of 3 or more nently acquire lhe af:flicled templale g.frcillr rr:rorr cf rhel r:lt'rt,.1 hrJ trr:er
musl mke a succes-sfu DC r5 (se betow). Success mens ihe crea- r rr:rlr' ri:;i,r :llrri ;rr I ,orlulc,nlri:,i ilx:,,tit
Fortilude save or acquire the Red lure avoids the effecl that day trut t,:.t*, 't?,,tt rur r fh;lLlhi {! w/Ji 1,[1 l.r,'ft
Curse. Success mens fhe craature musf mke a new save ech day devr:r) jr{,itt,*1 th{t hilJ tli,ti ,rli rt,rnlly i.r
avoids the Red Crrse that dny but thereftor fl"r.?r i? Fpend wlthoul the reai v",i'rL; iri',1,!ry, .'Vr1 r1orr' .lrt\1ll,.lh;,,i rlel
musl mske a nfw sove each duy precious mineral while in r lainted {ttrcrr.'lht1 ,}rfrr.lf.'tj wri !l) pQtJlrf rh;rt. F

thereafler that it sponds n o tainted region. Tle save 0C increases by re rr1.. 'f.Si ,1,1. tL,d tr, fv,-, tir. ll:li1g ,t1 \..l
re6ion. The save DC increases by +r each rlay until the crealure eventually (',.Jrr;i.".;r't
each day untl lhe crelture evRru- succumbs or leaves the area, A cre- lhc i;({ ,irilt:rt:nqr l31vrieu the Krrr,u,n W.:tkj
ally succumbs or leaves fhe area. A lure thal leaves and theD relurns musl .'r R:, lt'; q.rr liul up lr 1,,'. ;lr)tI lii'
crstur lhat leaves and then resrm8 dolly savlng ttrrows t tlre vlrrr'l 1".1/:rjti\'dJi id for ";ic DiD fr.
returns must resume daily saving same DC as lhe day 1 leff unless it $'Li! wr',:-lr::r;';e<.j lt brirr-' 1f11, t,irtrprlr,lln l0 flrt
throws at the same DC as the day it has ryent al leasl one week out of [.)lt[] arn.iicn,-.1 "At first I w;i,{ L{}1t suppor;erT :q
lefl unless il has spent at leasl one cqnac,l with vermeil. ln lhe lailer h:f i);r*te;' e(1^' rLl1s, ''t,rrr thrngr p.ct reall"y
week oul of contacl with vermeil. ln cose, it resures daily saving ihrows b,iy i'r iir{r jo nl.: i;ri1}LJ rg prle i:l notes anJ
rhe latler cas, i1 resumes tlaly sav- imrnediately upon i retu'n, but e ,'3rifi: fl.tlf rl [rr tl']ilf p]{l o,l, il wJ-9 rlllr
ing throws imrnediotely upon ils DC rescts to r5 lor the frst seve. h r;rch ml b[:t"
return, but the DC resets to r5 for rnay slop making these daily sav,ing iU.. *t tt w:, ihr: i'ri r1 fr[y0 $lllir$ ,hrr{r
the lirst sve. Nalives acquire the rows z4 hsurs efter l beglns wear- ft*lrr.ts pl1*r1 ,1 !j?r roh ,rns ha.l heon rnr-
Red Curse at birth buf do nol Eni- ing cinnabryl again, rju,:erj ,r aher sefnd$, l.)ur wqre Orl..Jitir:r nd oijn
fest ils effects until puberty. v,f *li*blc "[1 wtt Ll th I'rsl re il;i: l*rrlt to lalt lnll
Likewise, prepubescent non-ntives .EACIE5 advc,tagtr of fiits tn' r^haral devebp*rn1,"' F"eql
who spend time in tainled rea Le6acies function as spell-like or say:r "Anycnr coulf i.rc .J,sh,cthrr, ft ddn't r:itl
must also make the l:artilude save supernatural abltitles, according to rhe ii:r'if ytxr ?r,r .r l'[4lqr ()t <t (17l,lt'. r '?r]ylhrrij ;1!
aher one week, bul they do not Legacies t#le, The caster hvel equls l+r1i1 us vorr net rhc prereqlirife.i, \tu coul,J ul rhe

rnanifest symplorns unlil pubny, the user's Hit Dlce (maximum zoth [,t. lhty workerl very murh tl:* {iry prrjfliol' Llggj'i
level)where The *ave DCs ,l<> in lhe cirr,rr:t DtO rukls"
fr+ of the Red Curse tbr these ilties, where opplicrle are 'lt. C.rl f.e, , f..1!rcretsV I l{t l{ ot.rl:., (.i}ft'1
A crcature fiat has acqured the Red Charisma-basod, QVill 11ni[]rVi
Cume can protecr itself from its lull $r*li , i:innl;r}, v1 ilr r,{rntl',, I lyrr. (il
'1n {,

eftects-acquiring lhe afflicted tem- Tr{ FtLtcl'Et) i!i it\al q roucl,d V lh* gorn." Bffch explarnr.
plate-by wearing cinnry| (see The flllcted are piriful wrelches "A,rycr', riirt'F t rjr,Jfj ftirrl rn,t'rfdrl,h pilrr,cr I, l'rrr ;t

below) qgainst its rkin constantly. Even whose borJies rc warptd by the p&r i(J{i ct lirne,' l i:r,vr, i$ rprn.,l,em4n lb!1uth1
whh ftis profeclan, however, it still pervasive Red Curse. Because their hr s,er+cC loo ;fiahgor:s ro rlin ,Jrugs someff,,n,
underyoos two changes, limbs and internal organ* are often il,:v,Jirl ^ol wrr,l 0{n0 l() Hrt(|t,,r,,:irl}'w;ry "We
Firsf, upon acquirig the Rd Curse, grossly rnalforned, lhey walk wlth a rever rntend<l that," Bee.:h sys-
fte crsalure gans a legacy-a spell-llke shuffling, fame gait and lrequently "$s v;r changcd il to lhf ycflu [i'"ed on llx
or suprnrrur"l abilily determlned by cough up red spiffe. ln some com- 3;rv.;;Jr,: Coart ( .rilr: {}n,'lPr J n,rli! ,rl ,-Ltrte orn;f t yl
rolling rdao and consulting the munities, such s Bellayne, Robrenn, hel:n: e :ubs/:lnc. lhl had rhe o+cr to lrilr the
Legacles table. At he DM's discre,tion, and Eusdria, the afflicted are toler- ,;r:r:rc tr tNrlrr1 pcrrind o[ lt:. $ trqu,, irlecl r;rl

the player of a native characr born ated and treated as obfects of char- he:r i:te l|:i,rf ,lrugs, 1 was l*e"'

?(i [y Frwer Abrtty Scorc

0n 0rarned
I To.!!r sr:/i (5p' l'"7 5{ i,"r J;y ) l):
lltnf l rlr' {} ()'ie (Sr) kqr7f'r!ri./. t t:tr rtl (1,/rli:y1

t Amher r.l7nlrs l3p) lipr.." .y|iie , rri :lnl wrp'on nlv, ,1rt.y j

4 Ltn)*1t lil 'ijpi ,:rr. !trrr:llr,lr; l{j fro fl r.}r1{i1 tcr r rr:unrJ;'icvr:j ll./,1;:yl Con
, ul .r lit : L':\l)
,'r ,1,r A1r: r.r' l Slr
I Cnn,lhryl kl.m?,rri':pl urt lri8 pr-.) )i ilamage + r'vri mn,: +ilhv rr.)rbrnt n,J lnr
r1u:r ilyrrr I rrtrr:d of ltntlil)tvl n /eur lA15ffi wr'h rJrh
("ir:i r,niy 1,'rilyi
7 lit)t l iJr: '!'P1 ivl La,'dy Stf
l ;ilrr't. li.rl
V(r fixr,rl a:rr Irrj,iln(:r': l{ f ;f(i j ,rlrl ,1 l)r.;lr,l:i {n li ',;)1,|!!f iJUlr'1r

lJ ,9i t"lPi on;r'r:; iJ!.} Lt'tagh i3i1llyj Ch:

11r ,Vrlr,:rr' il1.' tl)pi ll,Jir ilul ,.rk ,p11fJ rjl l' c'l I rl '1,'"',;l r''Jyl .rz
il.,rur;rbr yl ';ir't l$ir {lrrr il lr'.:l;.irl rerlitr !l0rr ;./r rJ ,,tr:I {

v Ghntntt rei-nt/ llipi (.hnerrlu:t t,p ),ia't

ri lllr.t ii.lutt (\lt) ,\:'.trrlrc a:,-irir:'6.'', i(irri \ llt jrlll r'.,\ctFi lrDftnd,rlg'/ei 1l/C.]v]
t4 Vi;lttt; .,tl lt (',ti 0r .rLrj C.irr' [,1. ,t']'; t {,r , ,rtr,1 l1 r1;"1,'1,-'",'lt'l.rr [){:
rS .4br rr';lvsrs 'lin) l'loid person lt i ittyi lnl
f\t1 ,.':,1 rr/c {5pl li..t v tt f t n i r. t!.. lt, itt,tl t.i,',) ;v't Ch

t/ .4:l:llr' nl' tlx' :ntr;sr:,v tir r')s {:iL I Porrc lrrtlayl r
t8 Sp;tt: of leraht!p) .loder i$ i.2I1,1 (hn
ri:l Nth,gts wlvLrtts1,3) [nrp,fn7 tlic l..lir l"'1.:r'L lltz,n.e li 11 iv , yclu pa:il!:rr ni f tril eJ1h Wr:

+rn he'nus t*r +r.., h(rnus I rj,..ti,e rs nldr i'f cd .,le*l or rtrfir,lbrvl
i:Jrl,rv)zl [',yr,r; br:tnd (Sp\ l]ei metl tz'deyl. d0tlh14 dama.1r. eae b
r".J{rij ,llir:tFrl uirllrl ts l]tx
irnnbrvl or rc sfel

ty. ln olher sress, such as Torren, shobow +6 ranged (rd6/x) ginng the afflicted remplate. Hs origi-
they lorm their own prah vll6es. ln Full Anack: Masterwork bastard sword nal ablfy scores wer Str 15, Dex 13.
slll other sefflenxents, such s Herarh, +lo rnelee (ldo+6/rg-zo) or mastenork Con r4, lnt ro, Wis ra, Cha 8.
they ore shunned or hunted. shorbow +6 ranged (rd6/x3)
Space/Roach: 5 ft,/5 fi. Creeting an ffln.tad
Se*,le ffli.tu.l Speciol Attacks: Web zlday "Afflicted" is an acqulred templste that
Ths exannple afllicted uses a Sf$level Spocial Quolitio: Damoge reduclion can be added lo any livin$. corporel
human fighter as the baee crearure. a/red steel, legacles, Red Curse creature with sn lnrclligence of 3 or
immuniry more thal already has to Red Curse
Although clearly a humn armed for Sovcs: Fort +6, Ref +t, Wil[ +a and hss been unprotecled by cinnabryl
battle, thc creaurc wafks wilh a pro- Abliti: Str 16, Dox r, Con 14, lrt 8, for t bast ?4 hours.
nounced linp because of a lwisted lefl Wis ra, Cha 4 An affllcted uses ll e base crea-
leg, and his face, which s vstble Skills: Climb +6, Jump +6, Ride +8 rure's satbllcs and special ablits
through fhe vsor of ts helmeL s I Feols: Cleave, Exolic Weapon except ss noted hr.
vile shade af reddish purple, mrked Proficiency bostard sword), Great Speed: Because of a clubfool, a
wrh crusly red scabs, Cleave, P,ver Attack, Weapon Focus hunchback, a stunfed wn6. or sorne
(brstard sword), Weopon Specialization other physical deformity, the
ffli.ted 5th-luol H,,matt Fight*. (bastard s\ord) afflicted's highest base speed (whether
Medium Hrrnanoid Environrnonlt Savage Coast land, fly, swim, clirnb, or burrow) s
Hit Dice: 5dro+ro (Z hp) 0rgonizetion: Solrrany redLced by ro feet.
]nlfietivo: +o Ctrallcnge Annor Cl ncrrsled verrneil
tspeed: r5 ft. n full plate {3 sclr,rrres), Tresure; depostts on the affllcted's s&in or hde
base speed eo fi. Algnment Lawful neutral improve s xsng notural rmor bonus
Armor Clas: rg (+o Dex, +r natural, +B Advancomeil: 8y characfen class by +r.
rnastervor* Fu*l plate), lotch ro, flat- Level Adiuefmenf: - SpecllQuafitio: An affllcled has all
foo?ed rg the special quslites of the bas cnesfure
Basc Anck/Grap/o: +5/+E This afflicted gained the cinnabryl sltin as well as thosc described bdov.
Atlack: Maslerworl bastard sword +to legacy upon acguiring fis Rcd Curse Legacy (Su): An efYlcted has all ttrc
melee (rdlo+6/rg-ao) or rnastervork and the tainl of Herath le6ocy upon legacies of the base crealure, plus one
sdditional legacy randomly generated frorn (Dex -4, lnt -4, Cha -4 lnslead of Dex -, lnf
the Legacy Table. lr does nol suffer the -a, Ch -z), CRIMSON ISENCE
associaled ahillty drain For gaining is Special: You cn gain lhe lnheritor leat Thi Ji r,,,jrri ,:, 3 t11 ylrlrr,,-rf vr:r
addirional legacy. multiple rimes. tach tinre you rake the feat, lilil, .rqlv' I r\l1lltvl,,rn,., tf:1
Red Curse lmmunily lExl; An afflicted ytu rnust hoose a diiferent legacy, Except 'lnc iht ,'Jll ,(iri')r,! : grJ;il
s immune to any f,urther effects of the lor that resriclon, i effects stack. i.rrl.rcv o 1lt:r i,li.rr" ilr, i1.lv11rt1

Red Curse. i'l I'1 it,)lrrr! lrilr.,i('l ,. .,|{htl,i

Abiliilcs: Decrease from the base creture SPFCIAL MATERIALS ilil rirtoui ;hilr irt!r,j/, J'y] l
as follows: Dex -a, lnt -a, Chs -2. ll the OF ]'HE SAVAGE COAST ljil,!,1rt ;,rrrtllr rl,1',. .t[.1
alflicted has the lnleritor feal, these reduc- The Savage Coast is known flor ihree sub- lrrrntr'n i 1()i('{:f /rirnor,
tions Regardless ol the sie of the snces: cinnabryl, red sleel, and vermell. .i! !4!1 i, ij r i)q,l rrtj ! :" ; rt i:f ul l-l.1
I r

reducrlons, these decreases do nof reduce lhe irst two of these are acfualfy two dif- t. l-:,,rii i 11,ir"n,1: , hpii" ,.rt,ii rrrr',,
any #ility score below r, ferenl lorrns of the same subslance. uff !lr, .;ip r/irl[ ')l lniil4-r,]1 i{n,-
Feal Same as the bse creafL,re, excepf frl)lrt,rrl'a. lr lu51 lii.'1r !rr Jlllttxt,J i-)

rhat rfre alflicte<J can no longer use any fe-ats Cinnabryl ll rr.t.-r i,il (,1)': rv\, 1s ri1a;l il1

lbr which it no lonpr qualifies, This lambent red metal flickers with blood- Ill lnhf-r lr iJl dti: :t rni''il'i i' ;l

red lighr equivalenl 10 that ol' o cndfe. lt is :i1' .rl r,; rti 9r r:,;\.'r I r.t
THEI}.IHIRITORS slick to the touch and slightly less dense qil;l i*lrl hpir)f thr l "rrrr.iJ e"{l) r''.

Some indivk{uals embrace rhe hgacies while rhan gold, alrhough considerably rarer, har no cffecr
seeking to mnimire the ravages of tfn Red Although lt is borh malleable nd duoife, lf r h',r rlf r'' r){}1 ,'li,;lrlt' fo,
Curse. Such beings are called the Jnheritors, cnnabryl does not holcl an edge well, so it th lrh:r,f lr f r rt yhtn h l;;rrl', ;r

Sorne lnheritors seek fo monopolize the trade s rarely used lor weapons" rrgp'rlv pr,..porxl ,l.rr4ri
in cnnabryl, some fnd meaning in rnlnlster- Those who are fomunate, skilled, or afitfl1n fr'rnr(, f/r:r)1, llit rf'1r
ing ro the aflilcted, ond srill others use lher wealthy enough to aequlre cinnabryl wer ii or"arily 1aht, r'r r.rndoin le1ac,.,
crimson dweomers to gain high positions al in medallions or bracelets to prolect them- lrlryr th,:' L1,l,tr:y Il1,: itrrj rk.:t r
court. To bccome an inheritor, a characler selves agalnst the full effects of the Red l.r)r:\ r': ,r',r't, ;lttr rt1,7i."
must lake the inheritor fet. l-le may do so at Curse. When used in this manner, cinnabryl lrsoi"ircr'f nbility" I1',r,:,lanaqtt
arry me that he ls elgible to select a new depTetes af ih rate of r ounce per veek" r;1r,r'p1!r hr::lt:,.1 iy rr:ljl i! l{1jt,
general feaf, Thus, an advenn,rer who purchases an 8- Ile n.r' L;<e lh,', 1frrry lr,rirrr,,'
ounce amuler o[ cinnabryl loses ils ptotc- !p fa thref. rime5 jrilg rr tol
lnha.iur [Gonc'l] tion affer I weeks. t that point, he must l<wnf, t'1 h,l(rr', 9trt,,e( | l th(,'

You purposely expose yourself fo concen- cquire a fresh cinnabryl lalisman or risk n(r|il,11 urP lr,1rrlj,)ni ,)i tff'
trated vermeil dust, seekng to erploit beeoming an efflicted. Completely depleted l,i,.l' ,'. 5o ,r ,t . l -r,jf _Jrrs
its power. cinnabryl is known a$ red siel, f,r{ ilri! lcr ,t tUr(v u'inb j,'iJ,r/
Prorcquisifes: Must have contracted the Cinnobryl has zo hit pints pr inch of he Cn Us* rhe ,thkr total al
Red Curse, musi \/er and consume a vial thickness and hardness 8. The cosl of ine lire: in t4 lntrt: At th': end
of crlmson essence (see the Crimson cinnabryl fluctuates wildly based upon avail- rrf lhrr ;er iod, th: ary vnishe
Esgence sidebar). abillty, but when iT is in reasonable supfy, il nd lhe chrcter firrJl tiempr ;
Bcnefir: You gain one leacy of your averoges a5 6p Pr ounce. [)0 r,? fortludc sv,, n ;l :'r-r,--

choice frorn lhe Legacy Table. tes:;, rhr hhry dr;ircr vn-
To take rhis feat, you rnusl wear a val of Rrd Stcl ishr:s; on a laiire, t beorfle5
crimsort essence (see sldebar) nexf to your Several wars hove been foughr over red em,lf4nl +hri ty dain. /r rhrc"
skin for one week to allune il lo your own ileel, and rnany lands beyond the Sava6e ter wh..l ,:lirrs "qa(s5 l, lft.
nanifestations of the Red Curse. Thereafter, Coast acfively seek agenls willing ro exporl ,rv l,:$ucy tht ht fre'dv has
if you drink il at a tlme when you are ellgi- this preclous metal, Red steel is the sub- 1ri19 r Jr:irlrani hrq.q .l,es c'i'

ble lo take a new gneral feal, you automal- Blsnce mallng after the protecllve gua rh*t legary ovor fhe ne:t :r4

icalty gein the lnherltor feat, At fht poinf, itles ol cinnobryl hve been depleted. This ho urs,
you mus succeed on a DC r8 Forlifude had, dull-red mil does not glow rhe way Drinhrn,, 9rld criflrron
save. Succe$ ndicales thil you perm;l- cinnabryl does, but when slr"uck, lt flickers eftnce porion ha no furlher
nenily Bain the legacy you desire and lake vivid crimson, as if red lightnng were r:[lrr:t r:n rlirtler ,rh nlredy
only r point of ability drain From the abiltty llshing deep wlthin it. has a temnor.rry llacy
score associated with rta legacy you hve Red steel hofds an edge and a shape Pricc: /So gp per dose.
chosen (sec the L"gcy Table). Failura much befer than cinnabryl does-so well,
means you t8k z pon of ability drain to in lact, that red steel weapons and arrnor
the indicated ability as normal. ln eilher are always moslerwork ilems. Red steel's
ce, is ability draln cnnot be prevented Srealest value, however, is lrs abillty to
or restored, as dscribd under tffecls of lake enchanffnenl. An arlificer who crafts
the Red Curse, lf you ever becone an a m8gc weapon r srrylor frorn red steel
affllcted after galning the lnherhor feal, you pays only % of rh norrnal XP cost. This
are subject to double the standard ility benefit does not stack with other effecfs,
score losses assoclated wth fie template such as the Megicl Arllsan feat (e lhe
fcorrw nns Campatgn Settin, allerpt a DC ro caster level check Spoce/Reochr 5 fr,15 ft.
Red Steel has 3o hit points per inch rvhen she begins casting. Success indi- Special Amacks: -
of thickness and hardness 15, More cales thal the spell funclions normallyl Special Qualitier Low-lght vision
expensive even fhan mithral. lts prcin{ failure means the spell is wasfed and Savesl Fort +5. Ref -r, Wll +r
depends on the itern macle hom it, ss no information is gained" Abilities: Sfr u, Dex I, Con r3, lnt ro,
indicated on the table brlow. Wis ra, Cha g
Skills: Handl Anirnal +3, Jump +e,
ype ol Rnd Srcol tlnr ler Cost RED.STEL RACES Swim +8
Molrfiar The a Srr- Campaign Sefnhf ntro - Feats: EnduranceB, Great Forlilude
I qh rtr,or duced several new playcr chracter Environmont: Temperate rnarshes
l'.1,:rl,rlt itr tk)r races, Mosr of these, including the Organizalion: Solitary, bale (4-g), war-
)-1e,vy.r":n;rr rkaslas, lupins, and torlles, re animal- bale (ro-a4), or tribe (3o-3oo plus
ilfriel I human hybrid creures. Rakastas re 5o,o/o noncombatants plus one 3rd-
cat peopfe, lupins are wolf people akin to level adept per eo aduhs, one or lwo
tir'" 'err werewolves, and lortles re tule peo- subchiefs of 4th-5th level, one leader
ple. Statistics for a rgt-level ttille war- of 6th-8th level, antj one or t\,v,o aduh
rior are presrnle.d brlow, jdrlds or two or I'hree sca cats)
\rmil Challenge Ratlng: r/a
Ths red powder contamlnates every- '[btle, I st-I"rel Vorrior Treasure: Standard
thing in the Savage Coasl-ilems, crea- Mcdiurn Hunanoid Alignment: Usually lawlul neuhal
rures, nd resources. Sonerlmes the Hh Dico: rd8+r (5 hp) Advancemenl: By charactor class
du$ is visible, gving light-colored lnilialivc: - Level Adiuetmnl; +o
oblecls a prnk hua Oflenlimes, however, Speed: ao ft. (4 squares), swirn ro ft.
rt is nof visible. As described under Annor Class: r0 {-r Dex, +3 natural, +3 This bipedal toftoise stands as ral as a
Acquiring the Red Curee, verneil is studded leather, +r lhf shield), touch g, human and appears quile ponderous.
responsible f'or rhe Red Curse. llat-looted 16 Its sheli is black and shny, whlle irs
Vermeil s a particular bane to Bse Attack/0rapfle: +r/+r plastron is pate yellow flushed sllh
mo$es trecause il obscures megical Attack: Tridenl *r melee ('rd8) or trident aquamarine. The rest of its ltody is of
auras. Anyone who casls a detecf +o ranged (1d8) green hue. lr has a mottled, z-foo-
mgic spell in vermeil-tainted region Full Attscft: Trident +r mel6e trd8) or long rall,
such as fie Savage Coasf mLlsl trident +o ranged {rd8)
Tortles ore hurnonoid lortases. M<st are which was bulll arotnd a fol*en onstery. FR YOUR
peaeeful beings, conlenl to ignore the Most ol Dunwick's citizens re pesant CAMFAIGN
world oufside their lribes, Others adapf o lorfles, but rcpresenlatves lrorn mny l,/ln il Tguf aJr,prrtr,F
The more advanced cuhures ol the Savage inteiligent races, includfng goblinoids, dwell ll, rrr)f sal n tht S,tv;:rfc C,'sef ,trr:rl,
Coasr and live as peasanfs. there fls well. Many of he lortles there rntri'Jucrn elemgnfs.t rh {n 5r
Each tortle s1nrJs approximalely 6 feet embrace rhe ancient Order of Dunwlck Can.tin '5f,/IillE ri1/r ipur qret
tall and ppears humanlile excepl for a and become rnonhs, ,'rr.lv11rur:i. PFth1 tirr l itU,'';
shetl and tail llke those of a tortoise. The Since torlles are adept at worhing ri'firq,nrfr!nrirh lrirr ret:avrrri the
natural shell color of a lorfle ranges frorn underwater clnnabryl deposits, trlbes wilt;'r{i)lt,'(i drrr y rrl il Slvage C0ult
shiny black to a deep, luslrou: purple, and are often seif-sufficient, acquiring their e0,. h,lnler l ,*rs a 6{r rtur cf
torrle chleftains often encrust their shells own cinnabryl as well as food, waler, 1aJ.'frr1r,f ur3 i ",ettrre Slmq S lha

with sparkling gems or channel them with and shelter. pt"rri.;rril\ rrrrt,rl lir:,,r"ibr:r.l il ii f*lfii,p8
gold intqglios, The creature's mouth is Tonles are spirifual creatures. hey wor- o,uch n :;sinrreil v/tL.rhJ reqvir". thr

beaklike and loothless, and its head, feet, ship Mother Oceen, ttrc proleclor; Fafier P(il to :i.lrl tD th( Sle,4r 0oo:t, nr:"qr:-
legs, and fail are green, yellow, or black- Eerth, the hfe-bringe Brother Shell, th lliirr l5if ul'fr,l :tilll lr:)r '!rrre.1
sornetimes one solid color and sornelirnes warrior; and Sister Orin, the palron of :lFrpnen: r,i i: hy iorcal. ilrrrl reitlrn,
pied. Most tortles forego clothing, larmers and ferti{lty, Ihe typlcaltortle hur ijll wlile 4..,1jirC lhq Red (,ur:: an,J
although warriors often don breastplates conlains a seashell shrine dedicated to at i1rli '1a Inalr-. wlrir lr)i, lO

and greaves. leasl one of these deities. slcrf, ll rixP,;rs l rt,J fti,'{1 A, P(:
Tortles speak Tortle and Comrnon. They frrilt,l dr\rri.' r:veri uritfs 1'r4d
cannol breelhe wter, bul the Endurance 'litrtle Charactr ,,',':ei'ir:
Altv 5he ,f, rrf|{ ltrer-
feat aids thern in swimrnng long distances. Toles lend to be clerics or flghters. A tor- hps [-re :.altse shq hc dic.overed rhol
tle cleric worships one of the four delfies Itttr,tt.,lrrr,o:y t't,utrrtirhlr: tr red
Combt described above. The domins 1o whlch slerll, so sh di;i.'le to und*r't;tlie
Tortles fend lo avoid combat whenever these deties can grant acss are given on pl]rllcu:: trriStrorr nl *tquisrrcn,
possible. When danger lhrealens, a lorlle's he lollowing table. Altenrarry':iy yt:u r oLl[j l)r;nd lh(
first instincr is to plunge fnlo any nearby n ilqrf Corse l0 tne thrr:rer One cf
warer and hold its brealh unlil lhe thret I ronn-E PI\NTHoN I ;lr:i:(js' 4rr:i{e.r rdtL. p,;ri;hurrl a r:a'il
has passed. Whn forced ro f6ht, tortles
I i)f tficFrllriilr ./rr fftl .1ilr1 sifl r rnlo
form reglrnentod warbales and approach
I rhe vr:ll ln rhe characters homelovn
their enenry in groups, Youn$ forfles ollen s/lrsrr lh frrt lown;folk Sarn tht
form noncombafanl bles that carry spare I flrr;feal lfnljU ih FCr^ r1u,:l tirc l0
triden?s for rhe warbales. I supply thr Lornm,]ner3'ith cinnabryl,
The tonle presented here hsd the Fol- I n(tni iJlwp ll'r ,rllrn .,nil r:i:gtre lhe

lowing statistics before racial adjust- I *,at*i suppiy, Or vrn.-.,t rtrli ;i neih-
rnents: Str r, Dex rr, Con r, ln ro, Wis I ori';j (lu(hy rnrht ha',,t: be,:r, coo'
ro, Chs n. a riur:tir'j pet'irenr, w,l\ vrrm,:il, ari
Skills: A ror$e has a +8 racial bonus on Mosr rortle spellcasters, however, are rov 'l ,: F-eva,jin!'indr:rF m':i-
any Swim check to perform some special adepls who favor spells that hal or aid the ,;r:ily lilowirr2, rhe suir5tt:ric inlo thq

oclion or avoid a haard. lt can always grsh ol crops. ,:h.t;ti,ler'l' hr.rr,eld ln $u[h rL.:
choose to take ro oR a Swim check, even Tortle characters posss tM fotlowlng rrro, rhe ['Cl; rnust hlt therr nih-
if disrrcled or endangered. lt can use th racal fraits. L-,r'l r'rFerinr:uts bellrLe the f{d
nn aclion whila swlmming, provided it - -z Dx, +8 Con, + Ws, - Ch. L' t,escrs thg lnd,
swims in a straight line. -A tole'g be lsnd sped is ao feet, f lre $6vgs f*oot ll-..o mkes
and it has swlm sed of ro feet. ilr{l hJrJin! rirr:r lor iugl v5 \r'ho
Tortte Sociaty -Low-light vlson (can see t#ice 6s lar fie|ev* tht n bor:nl',,hunrer wotl}ll
Mooi lorJle tribes along lhe Savago Coast as a human under lovu-ll6hr condfiioc). Lre lool llrcnrrJ,h l coninr.i{} the chsu
po$sess linle technology and subsist pri- - +3 nslufEl aPmor bnus. rrltr such \:ur5d lnd F'C.; wh rre
marily as hunrcr-Setherers. They maintaln - +E racial bonus on Swhn ckcks. horor L.:irqd
linl sJcl' a lutrive.
loose confect wift ofter nearby lribes, -Endurance as a raclal bonus leeat, le'wcve r, w:r.kJ h;rve lo ltack dolrn

ioining ttrern or hunis, hut building, and -Aufomafic Languages: Conrmon and the oLit v; hrle dcr{grng lnireritarl
ofhar communaf acfiviies, Tortle. Eonus Longvages: Aquan, Elven, no c ri:ili; t+;erherfjn cu1h
A typical tortle village consisls of a and Sylvan, rjirtnliryt, $t,ve oif ;llflrtion
clu$er of mud and thatch huts just off a -favored Class: Cleric. li your elmpsin rr. :ir| rn th Sdv.1,
beach. Sentry hus, each equipped with a -Level Adlusrrnent +o" I Coa:;t. yr-t t:r:u J lru:; lhe cnlire calr

ong or conch shell horn for soundlng f;grl r:1 .enrvrr{ l| Red Curle frcrn
alarms, forn a perimetr aoo-3oo yrds rhp reisn. $rmilarly, cn.trrattr rnrghl
lrom the cenlrl clusler. Notble tortle vil- treconre an tllrctsd ard *rek ro hel
lages along the Savage Coast re llech', hint:,elf The nrns lrtt .+t:hievrr14 srr"-lt

R'nach, and Prash. The mosl unusual lorlle rrti(les rr lei l lhf nj'r" ual DM tlf
settlemenl is the Free Clty of Dunwick, tirey ;rle poi\rllte t llj

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