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Kentico Training Manual

May 2016


1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Password Settings ................................................................................................................... 4
2. Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Dashboard ..................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Add a page .................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Page Properties ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Menus ........................................................................................................................................... 8
3. Adding & Editing Content ............................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Page zone ...................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Adding Widgets ........................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Editing Widgets ........................................................................................................................... 13
3.3 Adding Widget Layouts ............................................................................................................... 13
4. Layouts .......................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1 Contact layout ............................................................................................................................. 14
4.2 Room Layout ............................................................................................................................... 14
4.3 Text Image Link Layout ............................................................................................................... 14
5. Widgets ......................................................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Booking Form .............................................................................................................................. 15
5.2 Call to Action ............................................................................................................................... 16
5.3 Contact Information.................................................................................................................... 17
5.4 Corporate Members Information ............................................................................................... 18
5.5 Hotel Room ................................................................................................................................. 19
5.6 Image with Text and Button........................................................................................................ 20
5.7 TripAdvisor .................................................................................................................................. 21
5.8 Video and Testimonial ................................................................................................................ 21
5.9 Banner Image .............................................................................................................................. 22
5.10 Gallery ....................................................................................................................................... 23
5.10.1 Removing Gallery Images................................................................................................... 25
5.11 Events List Vertical .................................................................................................................... 26
5.12 Event List Homepage ................................................................................................................ 27
5.13 Event List Conference Centre.................................................................................................... 28
5.14 Packages List Homepage ........................................................................................................... 28
5.15 Packages List Hotel.................................................................................................................... 29

5.16 Map All Hotels ........................................................................................................................... 29
5.17 Map Individual .......................................................................................................................... 30
5.18 Third Level Navigation .............................................................................................................. 31
5.19 Text Module .............................................................................................................................. 32
5.20 Text Module Extended .............................................................................................................. 33
6. Homepage Slider Images .............................................................................................................. 34
6.1 Add a Slider Image ...................................................................................................................... 34
6.2 Change Slider Image order .......................................................................................................... 35
6.3 Deleting Slider Images ................................................................................................................ 35
7. Events ............................................................................................................................................ 37
7.1 Adding an Event .......................................................................................................................... 38
7.2 Editing the page of an Event ....................................................................................................... 39
7.3 Ordering Events .......................................................................................................................... 40
8. Packages ........................................................................................................................................ 41
8.1 Adding a Package ........................................................................................................................ 42
8.2 Editing the page of a Package ..................................................................................................... 43
8.3 Ordering Packages ...................................................................................................................... 43
9. Blogs & Press Releases .................................................................................................................. 45
9.1 Adding Blogs & Press Releases.................................................................................................... 46
9.2 Ordering Blogs & Press Releases................................................................................................. 47
10. Careers ...................................................................................................................................... 48
10.1 Adding a Career......................................................................................................................... 49
10.2 Ordering Careers ....................................................................................................................... 50
11. Media Resources ....................................................................................................................... 50
11.1 Add a Media Resource .............................................................................................................. 51
12. Localization ............................................................................................................................... 53
12.1 Updating Resource Strings ........................................................................................................ 53
12.2 Adding new language versions of Pages ................................................................................... 54
13. Page Templates ......................................................................................................................... 55
14. Contact Form ............................................................................................................................ 56
15. Newsletter................................................................................................................................. 57
16. Media Libraries ......................................................................................................................... 57
16.1 Adding a Media Library ............................................................................................................. 58
16.2 Adding files to a Media Library ................................................................................................. 59
17. Users ......................................................................................................................................... 60

1. Introduction

The new Postillion Hotels website is powered by version 9 of the Kentico Content Management
System (CMS)

The test version of the website is available at

The Kentico Admin panel is available at

1.1 Password Settings

Password settings for your account can be changing by clicking the profile on the top right and
selecting your username

Then click Change Password on the left tab

In here you can change your password

2. Overview

This section gives an overview of common functionalities in the Kentico CMS. The other sections in
the document discuss specific functionality used on some pages.

2.1 Dashboard

When you log in to the Kentico system, you are presented with a dashboard. The dashboard
contains a block of Applications used in Kentico. The primary applications you will use are

Pages This is where all content is managed
Settings This is used to manage your settings and other users settings, such as
Forms In here you will see entries for forms on the site
Localization Used to input different language versions of keys for content displayed
on the site
Custom Table Data Used to add additional Options to the site, such as new meeting times or
booking data for Hoteliers/Lets Share
Media Libraries Used to manage images and files used on the website
Users Add, remove and edit users access for the admin panel

2.2 Add a page

Go into the Pages application from the Dashboard

On the left tab. You will see the site tree. This is exactly how pages are laid out on the site. For
example, if you want to add a new page in the Company section, you would first ensure that
Company is highlighted by clicking on it

To add a new page, click the + icon from the options above the page tree

When presented with the option to select a Page Type, select the one appropriate to this section.

Generally you will select the Page (Menu item) template for standard content, and a specific Page
Type when adding a blog, article, event, career, or package.

Next, select a name for your Page, and also select a Page Template. The Page Template defines the
layout of Content on the page and provides default content that can be edited. For information on
what Page Templates are appropriate, see the Page Templates section.

Once created, the new page will appear in the Tree

2.2.1 Page Properties

To access the Properties of a page, click the Properties button on the top tab when the page is
selected in the tree

Doing so will bring down a list of available properties. The relevant properties are listed in the below
sections Template

To change the default template for the page, open this section and click the Select button

If a specific culture version of the Page requires a different Template to the others, ensure you are in
the Pages Application of that culture (more details in Cultures section) and then select Each culture
version has its own page template. Then press the Select button

7 Navigation

By default, new pages are set so that they will be displayed on site navigation. If you dont want a
page to display on the navigation, go into the Navigation section and untick Show in navigation Metadata

Each page can be assigned its own metadata if required, inside this section. By default, it inherits
from its parent section.

To add Metadata, untick Inherit so that the boxes are editable, and then place the required

2.3 Menus

In order for pages to display on the navigation menus, they need to be added to that specific menu.

To do so, open the Form tab for the page

In here, select the correct Menu Group to add the page to and then save. A list of options and the
menus they are applicable to is below

Top Menu If selected, page is added to the main navigation of the site in the header.
Generally this should only be used for new Hotels or Convention Centres.
It is not advised to add pages to this as they could disrupt the responsive
aspect of the header
Footer Menu Not used
Left Menu Used for pages located in sub sections
If selected, Page can be added to the following based on its location in the
site map tree:
If page is in Company section page is added to the Company menu in the
footer and the submenu of the Company section
If page is in Media section page is added to the Media menu in the
footer and the submenu of the Media section
If page is in other subsection page is added to the Sub Menu of that
section e.g. in a Hotel
Top Right If selected, page is added to the top right menu in the header. It is not
advised to add pages to this as they could disrupt the responsive aspect of
the header
Media Used for Galleries added to the Media Resources section. Ensure it is
selected when adding a new Gallery

3. Adding & Editing Content

Content needs to be added for existing pages on which it has not yet been modified, and also new
pages such as the one added in the previous section.

By default, pages will have content in them based on the page template selected.

Content in Kentico is added using Widgets. Widgets are added in zones on the page. Each Widget
will contain a unique design, its own content to fill in, and perform different functionality. For
example, a widget for displaying an image and information about a room in a hotel, or a widget
containing a map of the hotel.

For a list of available Widgets and exactly what each one does, see the Widget section of this

3.1 Page zone

To add and edit content, open the Page tab of your page

In here you will see an editable version of what the page will look like on the website to users. You
will also see the default content.

The icon below represents zones of the page.

Most page templates on the site will have three to four zones where widgets can be added:

Banner Image zone Used to add/remove banner image to/from the page (see Widgets Banner
Image section). The only widget that should be added here is Banner Image

Sub Navigation zone Used to add a sub navigation menu to the page. This section is only available
on certain templates (see Widgets Sub Navigation section). The only widget that should be added
here is Sub Navigation

Booking zone Used to add a booking form to the page. This section is only available on certain
templates (see Widgets Booking Form section). The only widget that should be added here is
Booking Form

Main zone Used to add all other content to the page. Any widgets can be added here however
some widgets do require a layout (see section 3.3), and it is not recommended to put the Banner
Image, Sub Navigation, or Booking Form widgets here

3.1 Adding Widgets

Please note this section only covers adding widgets to sections, for details on entering information
for particular widgets, see the Widgets section of the manual. For the purposes of the manual, we
will use the Main Section.

To add a widget, click the Main Section icon and then Add new widget. A list of available Widgets
will appear. For the purposes of this training manual, select the Text Module widget

A form will appear, in here you will fill in all information to display on the page. For detailed
information on the fields available to each widget, see the Widgets section of the manual.

Fill in the information and click Save & Close. Your new widget will be added to the bottom of the
section and look something like this

You can move your widget up or down on the page by hovering the mouse over it and holding down
on the icon that appears on the right side of it:

Once done, click Save

3.2 Editing Widgets

To edit already existing widgets, such as one youve previously added, hover over the widget with
the mouse and select the below icon:

Then click Configure

The form for the widget will appear and you can now edit the already existing content.

Remember that you can do this for every widget on the page, not just yours, and its always good
practise to edit existing widgets as opposed to adding new ones if possible.

3.3 Adding Widget Layouts

Certain widgets need to be placed inside a Layout before they can be added to the page. Generally
these are Widgets that will appear in multiples on the page. For example: a list of hotel rooms.

For a full list of Layouts and their corresponding widgets, see the Layouts section

Layouts are added in the exact same way as Widgets. Click the Section icon and add the Layout
Room Layout.

The layout will appear at the bottom and look like this:

Notice that the Layout has a section icon. This is where you add in a widget to the Layout.

You can add as many widgets as required to a Layout, simply click Add row and a new Section
becomes available to add another Widget, like so:

To remove an unused row, click Remove last row

4. Layouts

This section contains a List of Layouts, the Page Templates they can be added to, and the widgets
that can be used on them.

Any Page Templates with an Asterisk (*) beside them do not have the layout on them by default

4.1 Contact layout

Page template: T05. Contact

Widget: Contact information

The Contact layout is used exclusively on the Contact page. It houses up to three Contact forms per

4.2 Room Layout

Page templates

T02. Hotel
T03. Conference *

Widget: Hotel Room

The Room layout is primarily used for adding Hotel Rooms to Hotels, however it can also be added to
the Conference page if required

4.3 Text Image Link Layout

Page templates

T01. Homepage
T02. Hotel
T03. Conference
T04. Corporate


Corporate Members Information

Image with Text and Button

The Text Image Layout is used on a variety of templates to display Image and Text modules, such as
information about individual Hotels and Conference Centres.

5. Widgets

This section covers all widgets that can be added to the site, the content zones they can be added to,
the Page Templates they can be added to, and if applicable, the layouts they must be placed in.

There is also a table for the majority of widgets that represents the fields on the form when adding
the widget, and information about what to fill in.

5.1 Booking Form

Zone: Booking

Page Templates:

T02. Hotel
T03. Conference
T06c1. Events Specific Location
T06d1. Packages Specific Location
T07. Gallery
T08. Generic
T09. Article
T09a. Blog
T09b. Career
T09d. Event
T09e. Package

The Booking Form is used to allow site users to book hotels, meetings and workspaces via Hoteliers
and Lets Share. The form is highly customisable in order to cater for the page it is currently being
used on.

For example, you can set the default hotel/conference centre being booked, and if only one of Meet,
Work or Stay is available on the page, or all.

When filling out the form, follow the guide for each field in the table below to ensure it displays as
you want it to on the page youre adding content for.

Field Details
Default Tab Specifies which of the three tabs (Hotel, Work Space, Meeting Room)
will display by default to users when the page is initially loaded
Visible Tabs Specifies what tabs are visible to users on the page. By default, all
tabs are visible, but it can be modified so that only one of Hotel,
Work Space, or Meeting Room is visible.
Dropdown options:
All All three tabs are visible to the user and they can swap between
Hotel Only the Hotel tab is visible to the user and they have no
access to Work Space or Meeting Rooms
Work Space Only the Work Space tab is visible to the user and they
have no access to Hotel or Meeting Rooms
Meeting Room Only the Meeting Room tab is visible to the user and
they have no access to Hotel or Work Space
Selected Hotel The default Hotel selected in the Choose Hotel dropdown when the
page is initially loaded. Should generally be changed if on a Hotel
page to match that Hotel
Selected Workspace The default Work Space selected in the Choose Location dropdown
when the page is initially loaded. Should generally be changed if on a
Convention Centre page to match that Convention Centre
Selected Meeting Room The default Meeting Room selected in the Choose Location
dropdown when the page is initially loaded. Should generally be
changed if on a Convention Centre page to match that Convention
Hide Corporate Code If ticked the Corporate Code field will be hidden behind the +
If unticked the Corporate Code field is instantly visible to be filled
in. Generally used if on a Corporate page

5.2 Call to Action

Zone: Main

Page Templates:

T01. Homepage
T02. Hotel
T03. Conference
T04. Corporate

This widget is primarily used to encourage a user to visit another page on the website. For example,
if theyre currently browsing a Hotel, you could add this to link them to a Convention Centre.

Field Details
Title The title of the Call to Action in large text. Example would be a quick bullet
point about why the user might want to visit the page being linked to
Paragraph A short paragraph. Example would be a description of the page being
linked to
Button Text Text on the button that links to the page. Example would be the name of
the page
Button Link The link to the page. To set this, press the Select button beside the field,
go to the Content tab in the popup, select the page in the tree, and
press Select again

5.3 Contact Information

Zone: Main

Layout: Contact layout

Page Template: T05. Contact

This widget is used exclusively for adding new contact information to the contact page, and must
always be placed inside the Contact Layout.

Field Details
Title Title to display at the top, example is the name of a Hotel
Address Address of the contact
GPS GPS co-ordinates of the Contact. Can be found on Google Maps

Email Email address of the contact
Telephone Telephone Number of the Contact. Should generally include country code

5.4 Corporate Members Information

Zone: Main

Layout: Text Image Link Layout

Page Template: T04. Corporate

Although this widget is designed to be used on the corporate members page to display information
on applying, it can also be added to other pages the Text Image Link Layout is used on if required.

The widget must be placed inside the Text Image Link Layout

Field Details
Title Title to display at the top
Paragraph A short paragraph detailing how to apply
Slogan A short slogan to display under the paragraph
Email Email address to contact
Telephone Telephone Number. Should generally include country code
Image Image to display on the left side. To add, click Select , go to the Media
Libraries tab, and select an existing image from a media library or upload a
new one

5.5 Hotel Room

Zone: Main

Layout: Room Layout

Page Template: T02. Hotels

This widget is generally used to display information about rooms for specific Hotels as well as
allowing users to click and go to the Hoteliers booking engine with the room pre-selected for them.

The widget must be placed inside the Room layout.

Field Details
Hotel Dropdown list of hotels. Select the hotel this room is applicable too. It
should generally be the hotel page the widget is being added to.
Description A short paragraph with a description of the room
Type A dropdown list containing the types of rooms available
Image An image of the room to display on the left. To add, click Select , go to
the Media Libraries tab, and select an existing image from a media library
or upload a new one
Wake Up Call Tick this if the room has this feature
TV Tick this if the room has this feature
Telephone Tick this if the room has this feature
Shower Tick this if the room has this feature
Internet Access Tick this if the room has this feature
Desk Tick this if the room has this feature
Bathroom Supplies Tick this if the room has this feature
Toilet Tick this if the room has this feature
Hairdryer Tick this if the room has this feature

Note: At the time of writing this manual Hoteliers does not currently support pre-selecting rooms

5.6 Image with Text and Button

Zone: Main

Layout: Text Image Link Layout

Page Templates

T01. Homepage
T02. Hotel
T03. Conference
T04. Corporate

This widget is generally used to provide a description of pages on the site along with an image and a
link to the page. Ideally its used for linking to Hotels and Convention Centres but can be used to link
to any page on the site and also external pages

The widget can be styled to display in a variety of ways using the form. The widget must be placed
within the Text Image Link layout

Field Details
Title Title to display at the top
Paragraph A short paragraph detailing information on the page being linked to
Image Image to display beside the information. To add, click Select , go to the
Media Libraries tab, and select an existing image from a media library or
upload a new one
Button Text Text to display on the button. Example is the name of the page being linked
Button Link The link to the page. To set this, press the Select button beside the field,
go to the Content tab in the popup, select the page in the tree, and press

Select again
Colour The colour of the square background for the text and button on the widget.
Choose between white and orange
Shape The shape of the widget. Choose between whether to display the Image on
the left and Text on the right, or Text on the left and Image on the right

5.7 TripAdvisor

Zone: Main

Page Templates

T01. Homepage
T02. Hotel
T03. Conference

A widget containing HTML for displaying a TripAdvisor module on the page, for example, a rating for
a hotel.

There is only one field, TripAdvisor HTML, in here you need to place the HTML provided on the
TripAdvisor website.

To retrieve the HTML

Go to
Search for the applicable location and select Get Widgets
Select the Widget to use
Copy the HTML in the text box
Paste the HTML into the TripAdvisor HTML field and save

5.8 Video and Testimonial

Zone: Main

Page Templates

T01. Homepage
T02. Hotel
T03. Conference

Used to display a playable YouTube video and a quote.

Field Details
Video URL A link to the embedded Youtube video. Should be in the format
To get an embedded link from YouTube:
Find the video on Youtube
Copy the link inside the src tag

Testimonial Title Title at the top of the testimonial

Testimonial Quote Quote inside the inverted commas
Testimonial Name Name of the person/organization providing the quote
Testimonial Location Location of the person/organization providing the quote

5.9 Banner Image

Zone: Banner

Page Templates: All except T01. Homepage and T05. Contact

The banner image is available on most pages on the site. It must be added to the banner zone at the
very top of the page, and no others.

The dimensions of the banner image should be in or around a 2:1 width to height ratio for images
that will encompass the entire screen when the page is loaded or around a 3:1 ratio for images
that will not encompass the entire screen when the page is loaded.

Images should only be added in the formats .JPEG or .PNG for page performance reasons.

To add an image, press the Select button on the image field, open the media library tab in the
popup, and either select an existing image from a gallery folder, or upload a new image to a
gallery. Then press Select.

To no longer display an image on a page, open the widget form and press Clear, and save.

5.10 Gallery

Zone: Main

Page Templates

T07. Gallery
T10b. Media Resources Gallery

The Gallery widget does not have a form and is automatically added to pages when selected.

To add a new image to the Gallery, do the following:

1- Open the Pages Application

2- Find the Page that the Gallery widget has been added to in the Pages tree and click it to
highlight it

3- Click the Add Page icon

4- Selected the Gallery Image page type

5- When prompted, fill in:

Name: Name of the image to display on the Page tree

Image: The image displayed on the gallery. Should be in .JPG or .PNG format. Press the Select
button on the image field, open the media library tab in the popup, and either select an
existing image from a gallery folder, or upload a new image to a gallery. Then press Select.

Description: Optional description that will appear under the image when expanded by a user

6- Click Save and the Gallery Image will now be in the page tree and on the Gallery.

5.10.1 Removing Gallery Images

To remove an image from the Gallery, highlight the image

And click the Delete icon

A window will appear. If you want to delete this image across all culture versions of the site, ensure
Delete all culture versions of the specified page is ticked and then click Delete

5.11 Events List Vertical

Zone: Main

Page Template: T06c1. Events Specific Location

This widget is used to display a list of Events vertically. It is generally added to the Upcoming Events
section of a Convention Centre to list specific events for that Convention Centre.

There is only one field when filling in the form, the Location dropdown. From this, select the
Convention Centre you want to display Events for.

5.12 Event List Homepage

Zone: Main

Page Template: T01. Homepage

This is a horizontal list of events on the site. There is no form to fill in when adding this widget. It
should only be added to the Homepage or non-nested pages

For information on displaying Events in here, see the Events section of this document.

5.13 Event List Conference Centre

Zone: Main

Page Template: T03. Conference

This is a horizontal list of events for each specific Conference Centre.

When adding this widget, you will be prompted to enter a Location. Select the current Convention
Centre to ensure only events specific to this Convention Centre are displayed.

For information on displaying Events in here, see the Events section of this document.

5.14 Packages List Homepage

Zone: Main

Page Template: T01. Homepage

This is a horizontal list of packages on the site. There is no form to fill in when adding this widget. It
should only be added to the Homepage or non-nested pages

For information on displaying Packages in here, see the Packages section of this document.

5.15 Packages List Hotel

Zone: Main

Page Template: T02. Hotel

This is a horizontal list of packages for each specific Hotel.

When adding this widget, you will be prompted to enter a Location. Select the current Hotel to
ensure only events specific to this Hotel are displayed.

For information on displaying Packages in here, see the Packages section of this document.

5.16 Map All Hotels

Zone: Main

Page Template: T01. Homepage

This is a map with locations of all Postillion Hotels, generally used on the Homepage, but it can be
added to other templates if required.

Due to the fact that this widget requires custom code from Google maps, it is not possible for
content editors to add new hotels and it must be done by a Kentico developer.

5.17 Map Individual

Zone: Main

Page Templates:

T02. Hotel
T04. Corporate

This widget contains a map with only the location of a specific hotel. It also contains contact
information about the Hotel.

Please use the following guidelines when filling out the fields on the widget form

Field Details
Location Dropdown list of Hotels. Select Hotel that this
map will use
Address Address of Hotel to display
Coordinates Text Coordinates displayed to users
X Coordinate X Coordinate of Location for map. Find this
from Google maps. Must be decimal number
e.g 12.12345
Y Coordinate Y Coordinate of Location for map. Find this
from Google maps. Must be decimal number
e.g 12.12345
Email Email address of hotel
Telephone Telephone number of hotel
Button Text Text to use on button
Button Link Link to hotel directions page. Press Select,
open Content page and find and click the
Location and Directions page for the hotel

5.18 Third Level Navigation

Zone: Navigation

Page Template: T08. Generic

This widget is used to add third level navigation to the site, at the top. Examples of third level
navigation would be subpages of individual Hotels, individual Conference Centres, the Company
section, and the Media section.

This widget should only be added to the Navigation zone.

There is only one field in the form for the widget, the Path field. By default, this is set to


This will work for most sections, such as the subpage of a hotel, convention centre, company, or

If it is not displaying any information, or the incorrect navigation, for your page when added, do the

1- Press the Select button beside the Path

2- Open the Content tab
3- Navigate to the section you want to display the submenu for and highlight it. E.g. if you want
to display all child pages for the Company section, it would look like this:

4- Save and ensure the navigation displays correctly on the page

5.19 Text Module

Zone: Main

Page Templates:

T01. Homepage
T02. Hotel
T03. Conference
T04. Corporate

This widget is used to display a block of text. Generally information about the company, or a specific
Hotel or Convention Centre.

This is in rich text format, but generally styling should be kept to a minimum and it should be limited
to 1-2 paragraphs.

Field Details
Title Title to display at the top
Paragraph Block of text to display. This is a rich text editor and can include text that is bolded,
italic, underlined etc. As well as text hyperlinks to other pages. Headers can also be
added in the Styles dropdown

5.20 Text Module Extended

Zone: Main

Page Templates: T08. Generic

This is an extended version of the Text Module, generally used to add longer, more richly formatted
and descriptive text to subpages on the site.

Field Details
Paragraph Block of text to display. This is a rich text editor and can include text that is bolded,
italic, underlined etc. As well as text hyperlinks to other pages. Headers can also be
added in the Styles dropdown. Images can be added using the icon

6. Homepage Slider Images

The homepage is unique in that it has an image slider that will change the banner image displayed
to users every few seconds.

6.1 Add a Slider Image

Slider images are added and removed in the Page tree under the Home > Slider Images section

To add a new slider image, click the + icon when the Slider Images folder is highlighted

Select the Slider Image page type

On the form that displays, enter the following fields:

Image Name Required Name of the image to display in page tree

Image Required Image to display on the homepage. Press Select to open the
Media Library and select from available images or upload a new

Click save to add the image.

Doing this will only add the slider image to the currently selected Culture, for more information on
adding content to multiple cultures, see the Localization section of this document.

6.2 Change Slider Image order

The order to which images are displayed is based on the order they appeared in the list under the
folder. From top to bottom.

For example, in the below image, the slider images will display in the order 0, then 2, then 1 (repeat)

To change the order, click on individual images and select the up and down icons to move them

6.3 Deleting Slider Images

To delete a Slider Image so it no longer displays on the homepage, highlight the image

And click the Delete icon

A window will appear. If you want to delete this image across all culture versions of the site, ensure
Delete all culture versions of the specified page is ticked and then click Delete

7. Events

Events are all located in the primary Upcoming Events section of the page tree

When an Event is added, it can display in three places on the site, as well as its own page

Upcoming Events page automatically displays here

Convention Centre page displays on the Events List of specific Convention Centres based
on where the Event is located
Homepage displays on the Events List here if user has opted to display it on here

Please note this section does not cover adding multiple language versions of an event. For details on
adding multiple language versions of pages, refer to the Localization section.

7.1 Adding an Event

To add an Event, ensure the Upcoming Events section is selected

Click the Add page icon

Select the Event Page Type

When prompted with a form, use the following guidelines to fill in fields

Field Details
Title Title of the Event
Date Date the event takes place. This can be entered as free text, no specific
date format is necessary
Time Time of the event. This can be entered as free text, no specific time
format is necessary
Location Location of the event. Select from a dropdown of Convention Centres.
The Event will display on the Events List for the selected Convention
Image Image used for the Event. Should generally be in a 4:3 ratio and be in
.JPEG or .PNG format. To add, press Select, go to Media Libraries tab
in the popup, and select an image from a library or upload a new one
Description A description of the event. Generally will be detailed. Uses a Rich Text
Editor. Please note that the first 160 characters of the description will
appear on the Event List page
Display On Homepage Tick this to display the Event list on the site Homepage Event List.
Please note that the Event must be one of the top 4 Events in the page
tree in order to be included in the homepage list
Publish From If you do not want the event to display on the site immediately, enter
a future date for when the event will be published and display on the
site, otherwise click Now
Publish To If you want the event to expire and no longer display on the site after a
certain date, enter that date here, otherwise leave this field blank

Save the form, and the event will now appear in the page tree. Ensure the event displays in the
relevant lists.

7.2 Editing the page of an Event

Banner Images and Booking Forms can be added to the Page of an Event if required. To do so open
the Page tab of the Event and add the widgets

The red box is where the Banner Image should be added (see section 5.9) and the blue box Is where
the Booking Forms should be added (see section 5.1)

7.3 Ordering Events

Events are displayed in order in their lists based on their location in the page tree from top to

For example in the below image

The events will display on the Lists in the order

1. Event Title 3
2. Event Title 2
3. Event Title

To change the order, click on an event and use the Up and Down buttons to move it

This is especially important for displaying Events on the homepage list, as the homepage widget only
displays the first 4 events with Display on Homepage ticked. If your event is not in those 4, it wont
display and must be moved further up the tree.

8. Packages

Packages are all located in the Packages section of the page tree

When a Package is added, it can display in three places on the site, as well as its own page

Packages page automatically displays here

Hotel page displays on the Packages List of specific Hotels based on where the Package is
Homepage displays on the Packages List here if user has opted to display it on here

Please note this section does not cover adding multiple language versions of a package. For details
on adding multiple language versions of pages, refer to the Localization section.

8.1 Adding a Package

To add a Package, ensure the Packages section is selected

Click the Add page icon

Select the Package Page Type

When prompted with a form, use the following guidelines to fill in fields

Field Details
Title Title of the Event
Cost Cost of the Package. Free text, no specific format is required
Location Location of the Package. Select from a dropdown of Hotels. The Event
will display on the Packages List for the selected Hotel
Homepage Introduction If this Package is being displayed on the homepage, ensure a small
introduction is put in here for it
Description A description of the Package. Generally will be detailed. Uses a Rich
Text Editor. Please note that the first 160 characters of the description
will appear on the Packages List page
Image Image used for the Package. Should generally be in a 4:3 ratio and be in
.JPEG or .PNG format. To add, press Select, go to Media Libraries tab
in the popup, and select an image from a library or upload a new one
Homepage Image If displaying the Package on the Homepage, ensure an image is also
inserted here. The image can be the same as the standard image if
Display On Homepage Tick this to display the Package on the site Homepage Package List.
Please note that the Package must be one of the top 4 Packages in the
page tree in order to be included in the homepage list
Publish From If you do not want the Package to display on the site immediately,
enter a future date for when the Package will be published and display
on the site, otherwise click Now
Publish To If you want the Package to expire and no longer display on the site
after a certain date, enter that date here, otherwise leave this field

Save the form, and the package will now appear in the page tree. Ensure the package displays in the
relevant lists.

8.2 Editing the page of a Package

Banner Images can be added to the Page of Package if required. To do so open the Page tab of the
Package and add the widget

8.3 Ordering Packages

Packages are displayed in order in their lists based on their location in the page tree from top to

For example in the below image

The Package will display on the Lists in the order

1- Beauty & Wellness Haren

2- Airborne Package
3- Amersfoort Cycling City Special

To change the order, click on a Package and use the up and down buttons to move it

This is especially important for displaying Packages on the homepage list, as the homepage widget
only displays the first 3 Packages with Display on Homepage ticked. If your event is not in those 3,
it wont display and must be moved further up the tree.

9. Blogs & Press Releases

Blogs & Press Releases are different page types, however as they share all the same fields and the
same process for adding and editing, they will both be covered in this section.

Both are added in separate folders in the Media section of the page tree

9.1 Adding Blogs & Press Releases

Select either the Blog or Press Release folder with your cursor

Click the Add page icon

Select either the Blog or Article (represents Press Release) page type depending on choice

Use the following guide when filling out the form

Field Details
Title Title of Blog or Press Release
Date Date shown to users of Blog or Press Release. Should generally select
Today unless the Blog/Press Release is not being published until a
later date. Format must be mm/dd/yyyy
Image Image for Blog/Press Release. Should generally be in a 4:3 ratio and be
in .JPEG or .PNG format. To add, press Select, go to Media Libraries
tab in the popup, and select an image from a library or upload a new
Description A detailed description. Generally will be detailed. Uses a Rich Text
Editor. Please note that the first 160 characters of the description will
appear on the Listing page

Publish From If you do not want the Item to display on the site immediately, enter a
future date for when the item will be published and display on the site,
otherwise click Now
Publish To If you want the item to expire and no longer display on the site after a
certain date, enter that date here, otherwise leave this field blank

Once done, Save, and the Blog/Press Release will display in the tree, and also on the List.

9.2 Ordering Blogs & Press Releases

The Lists for Blogs & Press Releases display them based on their order in the tree listing. In order to
ensure yours displays as the newest select it with the cursor

And move it to the top using the Up button, like in the picture above

10. Careers

Careers are added to the site in the Careers folder in the Company section of the Page Tree

10.1 Adding a Career

To add a new Career, select the Careers folder

Click the Add Page icon

Choose the Career page type

Use the following Guideline to fill in the form

Field Details
Title Title of Career
Position The position within the company
Location Location of the career. Dropdown containing the hotels and
convention centres
Description A detailed description. Uses a Rich Text Editor.
Publish From If you do not want the Career to display on the site immediately, enter
a future date for when the Career will be published and display on the
site, otherwise click Now
Publish To If you want the Career to expire and no longer display on the site after
a certain date, enter that date here, otherwise leave this field blank

10.2 Ordering Careers

The Lists for Careers displays them based on their order in the tree listing. In order to ensure yours
displays as the newest select it with the cursor

And move it to the top using the Up button, like in the picture above

11. Media Resources

The Media Resources section of the site is used to display and house images for users with access to
the section.

Media Resources are under the Media folder of the page tree

The top page, Media Resources, is where users log in.

The next page, Browse Media Resources, contains a list of Media Resource galleries available to

Finally, underneath this, are the Media resource pages themselves. These pages are made up of
Galleries, and use the Gallery widget that the other parts of the site also use.

11.1 Add a Media Resource

To add a new Media Resource, first select the Browse Media Resources folder with the cursor

Next, click the add Page icon

Select the Menu (Page Item) page type when prompted

Choose the Page Template: T10b. Media Resources Gallery, and provide a name

This page template automatically contains a Gallery widget. For information on adding images to the
gallery, see the Gallery widget section (5.10)

Once saved, open the Form tab of the new page, and select Media as the Menu Group from the

Now the page will appear on the List in Browse Media Resources

12. Localization

This section covers Localization, which involves adding Content for multiple language versions of the

If you have followed this manual so far, you have been adding new pages, events, packages etc. for
one language of the site. This section covers implementing these for the other languages, as well as
Resource Strings, which will also be discussed.

12.1 Updating Resource Strings

Resource Strings represent static content on the website, as in, content that cannot be edited via
widgets by editors.

Examples of this content is titles in the header and footer, and certain buttons and labels.

As such, we need to use Resource Strings to ensure these display correctly for each language version
of the site.

To modify Resource Strings, go to the Localization application from the Dashboard

Open the Resource String tab on the left

In here is a list of all Resource Strings on the site. You can see they all follow a strict naming



post > Means its a Postillion specific resource string

section > The section this resource string applies to, e.g. blog, form, booking module

type > The type or label of the resource string, e.g. Email label, Meeting button

To update a resource string, click the edit icon beside it

In here, you will see a list of all language versions of the resource string. Update the language
version you wish to add/change and then click save

12.2 Adding new language versions of Pages

If youve followed the manual added a Page, youve added it in one language, which is your default
selected language on the pages application

This section covers adding other language versions of a Page.

First, select the page youve added and wish to implement another language version of in the Page

Next, on the bottom left, change to the Language you wish to implement this page for

When youve changed, you will notice the icon beside the page is grey instead of green, which
means it has not yet been added to this culture

You will automatically be prompted with a form for the page. Use the default of Copy content from
another language

Now the page will have all the same content as the other language version, and you can use the
same instructions as before to go into the page and edit its widgets and change their values to match
the new language.

13. Page Templates

This section contains a list of all page templates for the site and what pages they are applicable to be
used for. If N/A is listed beside a template, it means its for a specific page and should not be used
when adding new pages to the site.

Template Name Details
T01. Homepage N/A
T02. Hotel Used when adding a new Hotel
T03. Conference Used when adding a new Convention Centre
T04. Corporate N/A
T05. Contact N/A
T06. Articles N/A
T06a. Blogs N/A
T06b. Careers N/A
T06c. Events N/A
T06c1. Events Specific Location Used when adding a list of Events to a Hotel
T06d. Packages N/A
T06d1. Packages Specific Location Used when adding a list of Packages to a Hotel
T07. Gallery Used when adding a Gallery to a Hotel or Convention Centre
T08. Generic Used for any pages that require basic editable content, such
as rich text, images. Example is a Location & Directions page,
or Bar & Restaurant
T09. Article Used when adding a Press Release
T09a. Blog Used when adding a Blog
T09b. Career Used when adding a Career
T09c. Event Used when adding an Event
T09d. Package Used when adding a Package
T10. Media Resources Login N/A
T10a. Media Resources Menu N/A
T10b. Media Resources Gallery Used when adding a new Page (Menu Item) to Media
Resources (see section 11)
T12. Blank Used when adding a Folder page tye
T13. Search Results N/A

14. Contact Form

To view data filled in for the Contact form, open the Forms application from the Dashboard

Select the edit icon beside the Contact Us form

In the Recorded Data tab, you will see a list of filled in data for the form

15. Newsletter

To see a list of users who have subscribed for the Newsletter, open the Email marketing application

Go to the All Subscribers tab

16. Media Libraries

If you have followed the manual so far, youll have noticed when uploading images that you access a
media Library tab to do so. This section details management of the Media Libraries.

The Media Libraries application provides a way to upload and store images and other files used on
the site on Kentico. This way they can be organised into folders and reused on other areas of the

Open the Media Libraries application

In here you will see a list of Media Libraries currently on the site

16.1 Adding a Media Library

To add a Media library, click the New Media Library button

Fill in the form. You need to provide a Display name that is easy for users to know exactly what
should go into this Media Library, and also a Folder name. Generally the Folder Name should be the
same as the display name. You can also add an option description. Please ignore the Code Name.

Click Save and the Media Library will now be added

16.2 Adding files to a Media Library

To add files to a Media Library, click the Upload button when inside it

Select the desired file from your computer and click Ok. The file will be uploaded to the Media
Library and can now be used by all editors

17. Users

The Users section of Kentico is where people are added to the Kentico system:

Within here, you can see people who already have access

To add a person to Kentico, click the new user button:

You will need to complete the following information and press save:

Once saved, you will need to assign them to a site (Postillion):

And to a role:

CMS Editors: For users you want to be able to edit and add content

Media Resource: For users you want to be able to access the Media Resources


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