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Sulfide Minerals in

Hydrothermal Deposits
Llus Fontbot1, Kalin Kouzmanov1, Massimo Chiaradia1,
Gleb S. Pokrovski2
1811-5209/17/0013-0097$2.50DOI: 10.2113/gselements.13.2.97

ydrothermal ore deposits are large geochemical anomalies of sulfur oxidation of sulfide minerals is a
and metals in the Earths crust that have formed at <1 to ~8 km depth. major environmental concern in
many mines and after the closure
Sulfide minerals in hydrothermal deposits are the primary economic of mine sites.
source of metals used by society, which occur as major, minor and trace
Ta ble 1 and Ta ble 2 summa-
elements. Sulfides also play a key role during magmatic crystallization in rize the key features of selected
concentrating metals that subsequently may (or may not) be supplied to sulfide minerals and their hydro-
hydrothermal fluids. Precipitation of sulfides that themselves may have little thermal ore deposits, and Figure
1 illustrates the variety of sulfide
economic value, like pyrite, may trigger the deposition of more valuable metals textures in them. The amount
(e.g. Au) by destabilizing the metal-bearing sulfur complexes. We review why, (vol%) of sulfide minerals in ores
where and how sulfide minerals in hydrothermal systems precipitate. from the different deposit types
is highly variable from <1%
Keywords : hydrothermal ore deposits, sulfide minerals, fluids, metal solubility, in low-grade ores (e.g. porphyry
precipitation deposits, Fig.1A) to several 10s %
in high-grade ores [e.g. massive
INTRODUCTION sulfide and carbonate-replacement deposits (Figs. 1D, 1E)].
Hydrothermal ore deposits are the major source of metals Crosscutting and other textural relationships of sulfide
that are needed for our modern society. Magmatic crystalli- minerals, such as open-space infill (Fig. 1B) or replace-
zation generates hot aqueous fluids that migrate in the crust ment of other minerals (e.g. Figs. 1C, 1F), help researchers
and that have the potential to form hydrothermal deposits. to recognize the sequence of sulfide precipitation stages
Metals can also be transported via heated basinal brines, and to trace the evolution of ore-forming fluids.
modified meteoric water and seawater, and by metamor-
This article briefly reviews why, where and how sulfide
phic fluids. Precipitation of sulfides from hydrothermal
minerals (hereafter sulfides) precipitate in hydrothermal
fluids at temperatures typically ranging between 500C
systems. These precipitation processes are key to under-
and 100C is the major process of base-metal concentra-
standing the formation of hydrothermal ore deposits
tion that allows the metals to be mined economically.
those fascinating and critically important concentration
Sulfide minerals in hydrothermal deposits are the primary
anomalies of sulfur and metals in the Earths crust.
source of the base metals Cu, Zn, Pb and a large number
of other, lower-concentration metals that include Ag, As,
Au, Bi, Cd, Co, Ga, Ge, In, Hg, Mo, Ni, Re, Sb, Se, Sn, Te, METAL ABUNDANCE IN SULFIDES
and Tl. These metals may form their own sulfides or occur FROMHYDROTHERMAL ORE DEPOSITS
as minor or trace elements in other sulfides and sulfosalts. Sulfides in hydrothermal ore deposits are of economic
Subsequent weathering leading to oxidation of pyrite, the interest not only because of their major components, but
most abundant sulfide in hydrothermal deposits, is the also because they are the main carriers for some minor and
main process that generates acidic supergene (secondary) trace metals. Their trace-element components have gained
fluids that leach copper and other metals from the original importance in recent times because some elements Ge,
sulfide-bearing hypogene (primary) ore bodies. These Ga, In, Sn and Bi are critical for the development of new
supergene-remobilized metals may eventually precipitate technologies, everything from cell phones to renewable
in enrichment zones and increase the value of the deposit, energy. Now, in situ element analyses of sulfide minerals,
particularly copper ore deposits of initially low hypogene using LAICPMS (laser ablation inductively coupled
grade. On the other hand, some minor and trace elements plasma mass spectrometry), provide accurate, rapid and
in sulfides (e.g. As, Cd, Tl and Hg) may decrease the value low-cost multi-element data from common minerals, such
of the ore concentrate because of their deleterious environ- as pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena and bornite (e.g.
mental effects. Acid rock drainage caused by weathering Cook et al. 2016).
Trace elements in sulfides occur in different chemical
states, being either incorporated into the crystal structure
of the major minerals or occurring as nanoparticles of other
1 Department of Earth Sciences sulfides or sulfosalts that themselves are either homoge-
University of Geneva neously or selectively distributed in the host mineral. For
rue des Marachers 13, CH-1205 Geneva, Switzerland example, sphalerite from various hydrothermal deposits
Corresponding author e-mail:
may contain from a few ppm up to 1,000 ppm Ge, Ga, Co
2 Gosciences Environnement Toulouse, GET and Se; up to 10,000 ppm Sn, In, Cu, Ag and Sb; and even
Universit de Toulouse III, CNRS-IRD-OMP
higher values for Mn, Cd and Fe (e.g. Cook et al. 2009).
14 Av. Edouard Belin, F-31400 Toulouse, France

E lements , V ol . 13, pp. 97103 97 A pr il 2017



Characteristic ore textures in some of the main types deposit (Ireland). (E) Fine grained, layered sulfides commonly
Figure 1
of hydrothermal sulfide deposits. (A) Sulfides in stock- associated with barite and anhydrite. The base metal sulfides usually
work quartz veins or disseminated in the wallrock. From the postdate the Fe-sulfides. From the Rammelsberg sediment-hosted
Atlantida porphyry CuAu deposit (Chile). (B) Banded sulfides as massive sulfide deposit (Germany). (F) Pyrite and chalcopyrite
open-space filling with gangue minerals, indicating episodic precip- replacing the host rocks (preserving their original textures) or
itation. From the Laki epithermal polymetallic PbZn vein deposit locally occurring as open-space filling in late veins. From the Punta
(Bulgaria). (C) Sulfides associated with quartz, carbonates, and del Cobre iron oxidecoppergold (IOCG) deposit (Chile).
retrograde calc-silicate skarn minerals that replace prograde skarn Abbreviations: bar (barite); bn (bornite); carb (carbonates); cp
pyroxene. From the Madan distal PbZn skarn deposit (Bulgaria). (chalcopyrite); gn (galena); px (pyroxene); py (pyrite); sp (sphal-
(D) Sulfide minerals in the form of fine grained layers and showing erite); qtz (quartz).
syn-sedimentary features. From the Navan sedimenthosted ZnPb

Galena can incorporate up to 1,000 ppm Sn, Cu, Cd, Se the silicate melt (Fig.2): the richer in metals the magma
and Te and up to 10,000 ppm Bi, Sb and Ag (e.g. George et is, the richer in metals will be the fluid exsolved from it.
al. 2016). In contrast, chalcopyrite commonly has orders Chalcophile metals in magmatichydrothermal systems
of magnitude lower concentrations of most trace elements, (e.g. Cu, Au) have a very high affinity not only for fluids
typically less than several 10s ppm (Sn, Ga, Sb, Te, Bi) or (with aqueous fluid/silicate melt partition coefficients
100s ppm (Zn, Mn, Se, In) (George et al. 2016). Pyrite is of ~101 to 102 ) (see Pokrovski et al. 2013), but also for
the most common sulfide in hydrothermal ores and large sulfide melts (sulfide/silicate melt partition coefficients of
data sets exist for porphyry, epithermal, orogenic gold, 103 to 105). If sulfide melts form during the evolution of
volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VHMS) and sedimentary a magmatic system, then these tiny sulfide droplets can
rockhosted deposits (e.g. Large et al. 2014; Franchini et nearly control the entire budget of chalcophile metals in
al. 2015). The most abundant elements in pyrite are Co, an evolving magma reservoir. Consequently, the timing
Ni, Cu, As and Zn, reaching >10,000 ppm levels, followed of sulfide melt saturation with respect to aqueous fluid
by Se, Mo, Ag, Sb, Pb (up to 1,000 ppm) and most scarce in a magma exerts a critical control on the exsolution of
are Au, Bi, Sn (10s to 100s ppm). metal-rich versus metal-poor aqueous fluids (Candela and
Piccoli 2005):
THE ROLE OF MAGMATIC SULFIDES If aqueous fluid saturation occurs before magmatic
AS TRAPS OR SOURCE OF METALS IN sulfide saturation, the exsolved fluid will be metal-rich
MAGMATICHYDROTHERMAL SYSTEMS because it will strip metals from a metal-rich magma
The magmatic component of the mineralizing fluids in (Fig. 2A).
many high- to moderate-temperature (>500C to ~150C) If aqueous fluid saturation occurs after magmatic sulfide
hydrothermal deposits is sourced in volcanic arcs (e.g. saturation (Fig. 2B), the fluid will be generated from
porphyry, skarn, epithermal, and SnW vein deposits. a melt already depleted in chalcophile metals, which
These fluids have metal budgets derived (almost) entirely may be unfavourable for the generation of metal-rich
from their parental magma (Cline and Bodnar 1991). A magmatichydrothermal systems.
cooling and/or decompressing magma will saturate with
The magmatic sulfides themselves can melt and be incorpo-
respect to an aqueous phase once it reaches the limit of
rated into subsequent magmatic pulses, thereby enriching
water solubility in the silicate melt, resulting in exsolu-
the pulses in metals that can be later exsolved with aqueous
tion of a metal- and volatile (e.g. S, Cl, F, CO2 )-bearing
fluids. Magmatic recycling of sulfide-rich cumulates in the
aqueous fluid phase (F ig. 2). Other physico-chemical
lower crust (Chiaradia 2014) or upper mantle has been
conditions being equal (e.g. pressure, temperature, fluid
suggested for magmatic systems associated with porphyry
composition, fluidmelt partition coefficients), the poten-
deposits in collisional to post-collisional settings (e.g.
tial of a magma to exsolve a more-or-less metal-rich fluid
primarily depends on the initial metal concentration in

E lements 98 A pr il 2017
fluid inclusions is also possible (Guillong et al. 2008). An
A extensive literature now exists on the composition of
ore-forming fluids from magmatichydrothermal systems,
including porphyry, skarn and epithermal polymetallic
deposits worldwide (see Kouzmanov and Pokrovski 2012).
Metal contents of pristine magmatic fluids show patterns
that are controlled by the metal abundances in the source
magmas and by elevated fluidmelt partition coefficients.
As a result, metal concentrations in pristine magmatic fluids
typically range between 10s and 1,000sppm, one to three
orders of magnitude higher than the corresponding average
B metal crustal abundances. Second-order processes, such as
separation of aqueous liquid and vapour phases, result in
additional enrichment, with the brine phase containing up
to several wt% Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb and Mn; thus these metals
become major fluid constituents, along with Na and K.
Concentrations of other metals of economic interest, such
as Mo, As, Sb and Ag, vary between 10s and 100s ppm.
Some of these metals, especially those transported as
sulfide complexes (e.g. Au), may also be enriched in the
vapour phase (Heinrich et al. 2003; Pokrovski et al. 2013).
The sulfur content of magmatichydrothermal ore-forming
fluids varies substantially, reaching wt% concentrations,
and so indicating that the major ingredients for sulfide
precipitation are available from the hydrothermal fluid
itself and do not require an external source.
For VHMS, iron oxidecoppergold (IOCG), sediment-
hosted, and orogenic gold deposits, data pertaining to
the mineralizing fluid compositions are still fragmentary.
Nevertheless, existing datasets on some sediment-hosted
deposits indicate that, despite the two orders of magni-
tude lower metal contents (10s to 100s ppm Zn and Pb)
in basinal brines compared to magma-derived fluids, the
reported measured concentrations are much higher than
those predicted in the past (e.g. Wilkinson et al. 2009).
Effects of magmatic sulfide saturation on trapping or
Figure 2 These new findings sharply changed the understanding
providing metals in magmatichydrothermal systems.
(A) Aqueous fluid saturation occurs before sulfide saturation in the of transport mechanisms, of metal deposition efficiency,
magma. Metal content in residual melt increases because metals are and of the time span of hydrothermal sulfide ore-forming
not significantly sequestered by the crystallizing silicate oxide processes.
minerals (a1 a3) and metals are optimally transferred to the
magmatic fluid when saturation occurs. (B) Sulfide saturation
occurs before aqueous fluid saturation in the magma. Metal SULFUR SOURCES AND MAIN REACTIONS
concentrations initially increase until sulfide saturation occurs
(b1b2) then sharply decrease (b3). Transfer of metals to fluid is
Geological and isotope evidence indicates that sulfur in
not optimal because significant proportions of metals have been hydrothermal sulfides can have four sources: (i) segregated
sequestered by sulfides. (b4) Magmatic sulfides may be destabilized from a magma together with water; (ii) leached from sulfides
by aqueous fluids exsolved from the same magma in which sulfide disseminated in rocks (since most magmatic, sedimen-
saturation previously occurred. (b5) Magmatic sulfides may be
destabilized by aqueous fluids exsolved from an underplated mafic
tary, and metamorphic rocks contain small quantities of
magma. (b6) A sulfide-undersaturated mafic magma may recycle sulfides, mainly pyrite and pyrrhotite); (iii) derived from
the sulfides and release the metals contained therein once the mafic sulfate minerals in evaporites; (iv) derived from seawater
magma becomes saturated in an aqueous fluid. sulfate and basinal brines.

Richards 2009). Alternatively, subsequent oxidation of Sulfide precipitation can be described by the following
magmatic sulfides can also supply metals to aqueous fluids schematic reaction (where aq = aqueous, Me = metal, s=
(Fig. 2). solid)
Me2+ (aq) + H2 S (aq) = MeS (s) + 2H + (aq) (1)
SULFUR AND METAL CONTENT At least three of the four sulfur sources listed above contain
OFHYDROTHERMAL FLUIDS sulfur in oxidized form. But, as shown by reaction (1),
In contrast to bulk salinity (NaCl+KCl+CaCl2), which is sulfur must be in its reduced state (S2) to allow precipita-
reliably determined by microthermometry of fluid inclu- tion of sulfides. In addition to biogenic sulfate reduction
sions, the concentrations of metals and sulfur in hydro- (Rickard et al. 2017 this issue), there are two other sulfate
thermal fluids became measurable when in situ methods reduction mechanisms that are key for the precipitation
such as LAICPMS and PIXE were developed in the late of hydrothermal sulfides.
1990s. These methods can accurately analyse individual
fluid inclusions trapped in minerals during growth or during Magmatichydrothermal fluids, depending on their oxida-
post-growth deformation, providing quantitative determi- tion state, contain different proportions of sulfur species,
nations of the metal content to the ppm level (e.g. Heinrich including H2S, HS , SO2, SO42, HSO4, and S3. Hydrothermal
et al. 2003). In combination with near-infrared microscopy, fluids originating from calc-alkaline magmas are enriched
in situ methods have been extended to the analysis of fluid in oxidized sulfur species, to a large extent made up of SO2.
inclusions in opaque sulfide minerals (Kouzmanov et al. In the following disproportionation reaction, which occurs
2010). Quantification of sulfur concentrations in individual upon fluid cooling, S 4+ undergoes both oxidation and

E lements 99 A pr il 2017
reduction and provides the S2 necessary to form sulfides decreases with increasing pH (Fig. 3C) and increasing H2 S
and the S6+ necessary to form sulfates such as alunite and (Fig. 3D). By contrast, because gold is mainly transported
anhydrite; as sulfide complexes, the removal of H 2 S from the fluid
causes Au precipitation, typically through boiling in epith-
4SO2 + 4H2O = 3SO42 + 6H + + H2 S (2)
ermal deposits and via pyrite formation by a reaction with
In sedimentary environments in which dissolved sulfate Fe-bearing wallrock in orogenic-gold deposits.
(in basinal brines and other formation waters) encounters
Although the above four parameters explain most precipita-
hydrocarbons at about 100C to 160C, sulfate is reduced
tion phenomena, recent data may open new perspectives.
inorganically by hydrocarbons (a process called thermo-
The last five years of hydrothermal research were marked
chemical sulfate reduction, or TSR). In a simplified form,
by the recognition of a new form of aqueous sulfur in
TSR can be represented as follows:
hydrothermal fluids: the trisulfur radical ion, S3 (Pokrovski
2H + + SO42 + CH4 = CO2 + H2 S + 2H2O (3) and Dubessy 2015). The omission of S3 in current models
of hydrothermal fluids is due to its very rapid breakdown to
KEY PARAMETERS CONTROLLING SULFIDE sulfate and sulfide in aqueous solutions when the solutions
PRECIPITATION IN HYDROTHERMAL cool below 200150C, which means that S 3 in experi-
SYSTEMS mental and natural fluid (and melt) samples is not detected
at room temperature. Pokrovski and Dubessy (2015)
Sulfide precipitation from hydrothermal fluids is governed
demonstrated the stability of this ion over a wide tempera-
by four main physico-chemical parameters across various
ture (T = 200700C) and pressure (P from saturated vapor
ore deposit types: (1) temperature, (2) acidity (pH), (3)
pressure to ~30 kbar) ranges. Significant amounts of S3
salinity, and (4) fO2 f S2 . Of key importance is the nature
(>10100ppm S) may be contained in fluids typical of
of the metal-transporting agents: base metals and Ag
magmatichydrothermal and metamorphic environments,
are commonly transported as chloride complexes, Mo as
which are characterized by elevated total S concentrations
(alkali-)oxyhydroxide and possibly oxychloride complexes,
(>1,000 ppm), slightly acidic to neutral pH (3 to 7) and
and Au mainly as sulfide complexes. Figure 3 shows the
redox conditions enabling the coexistence of sulfate (or
influence of these four parameters on the solubility of
sulfur dioxide) and hydrogen sulfide (Fig. 4). Furthermore,
chalcopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, molybdenite, argentite,
Pokrovski et al. (2015) have shown that S3, together with
and native gold under conditions typical for a wide range
HS , can form stable complexes with Au, enabling transport
of hydrothermal ore deposits. The solubility of all sulfides
of this metal in aqueous solutions at 10100 times higher
decreases with decreasing temperature. For instance, with
concentration than by traditional sulfide complexes. By
other parameters constant, a temperature decrease from
analogy with Au, other sulfur-loving, economically critical
350C to 250C triggers a solubility decrease of two orders
metals, such as Mo, Re, and the platinum-group elements,
of magnitude for Cu and Ag, and one order of magni-
might also form stable complexes with S3. Such complexes
tude for Zn (Fig. 3A). Similar effects on the solubility of
would enhance metal mobility and focus the deposition
metals transported as chloride complexes are caused by
upon destabilization of the radical ion. This hypothesis
a salinity decrease (base metals and Ag), in contrast to
awaits further study.
that of Au (Fig. 3B). The solubility of base metals strongly

3001000 bar,10 wt. % NaCl eq., pH = 5 400 C, 500 bar, pH = 5 MINERALS TO
sulfur and O2 buffered by pymthm sulfur (0.017m H2S), redox = pymthm
metal in fluid (ppm)

metal in fluid (ppm)

10 102
1 10
Ag2S Mineral assemblages can
10-1 Au 1 be used to reconstruct the
physico-chemical parameters
10-3 MoS2

BB that prevailed during the
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 0.1 1 10 formation of an ore deposit.
Temperature (C) Salinity (wt. % NaCl eq.) The term mineral assemblage
signifies a group of minerals in
105 105
400 C, 500 bar, 10 wt. % NaCl eq. 400 C, 500 bar, pH = 5 chemical equilibrium (Einaudi
sulfur (0.017m H2S) 104 redox = mthm
redox = pymthm et al. 2003). The sulfidation
metal in fluid (ppm)

state (Fig. 5A) of hydrothermal

metal in fluid (ppm)

103 103
fluids as a function of log S2
102 102
and temperature determines
10 10 the stability domains of key
1 1 sulfide, sulfosalt and oxide
minerals (Einaudi et al. 2003).
10-1 10-1

CC 10-2
DD The typical environments of
3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 the main ore deposits types
pH H2S (mol/kg) can vary in terms of S2 and
temperature (Fig. 5B). Cross-
Solubility of metals in hydrothermal fluids in equilib- cutting relationships between
Figure 3
rium (i.e. saturated) with major sulfide minerals as a
function of the four parameters (A) temperature, (B) fluid salinity, successive mineral assemblages allow the sulfidation-
(C) pH, and (D) H2S concentration. In each case, a number of state evolution of the hydrothermal system to be traced.
physical and chemical parameters of the fluid are fixed (as indicated Mineralogical and metal zoning of sulfide- and sulfosalt-
in the figure). Galena solubility, not shown, is slightly lower than bearing assemblages can be used for exploration purposes
that of sphalerite. Abbreviations: hm (hematite); py (pyrite);
mt(magnetite). Modified from Kouzmanov and Pokrovski (2012). because they may act as prospection guides towards the
center of the mineralizing system.

E lements 100 A pr il 2017

Magmatic-hydrothermal uid Metamorphic uid so, in turn, metal-sulfide complexes to be destabi-
(0.22.0 kbar) 1 (210 kbar) lized (e.g. responsible for much gold precipitation).
2 wt% S, H2S:SO2 = 1 at 700 C, 2 kbar Pyrite-Pyrrhotite-Magnetite S3- Progressive cooling, due to boiling and/or mixing,
T-P gradient = 278 C/1 kbar 10 0 T-P gradient = 75 C/1 kbar
away from the heat source explains much of the
sulfur concentration, wt% S

1 H2S 10 -1 metal zoning observed in different deposit types.

(H)SO4 SO2 10
For example, at a similar temperature, chalcopy-
rite is much less soluble than sphalerite or galena
S3- HS- (Fig. 3A). This results in metal zoning (at the ore
10 -4 body to deposit scale) of Cu in proximal locations
0.1 10 -5 and the deposition of ZnPb and AgMn in distal

-6 locations, as commonly observed in many types

S2 -

-7 of deposits (porphyry copper, skarn, carbonate-

replacement, epithermal, and VHMS).
0.01 Mixing between two fluids with contrasting
200 300 400 500 600 700 200 300 400 500 600 700 temperature and composition can also cause
Temperature, C Temperature, C mineral precipitation, particularly in basinal
settings. For example, mixing between hot saline
Concentrations of the different forms of sulfur,
Figure 4 fluids and cold meteoric waters is an efficient mechanism
including the sulfur radical ions, in two typical types
of fluids as a function of temperature (T ). (A) Magmatic to decrease both the temperature and salinity of metal-
hydrothermal fluid. (B) Metamorphic fluid. The sulfur species bearing fluids, and so favour sulfide precipitation. Mixing
concentrations were predicted using the stability constants of sulfur of metal-bearing but H 2 S-poor fluids with fluids rich in
forms reported in Pokrovski and Dubessy (2015) and in Pokrovski et
al. (2015). The concentration of S2 is tentative. The S3, and, H 2 S can also trigger sulfide precipitation. The key factors
potentially, S2 ions may represent a significant part of dissolved in forming a hydrothermal sulfide deposit are not only
sulfur content over a wide TP range. Direct experimental data are the availability of metals but also the presence of reduced
currently limited to <500C (gray areas). sulfur.
Metal-bearing hydrothermal fluids are typically not in
The abundances of minor and trace elements in some equilibrium with their host rocks. The resulting water
sulfides and sulfosalts can also be used as indicators of rock interactions produce alteration in the wallrock
physical and chemical parameters of ore formation. For and influence the solubility of metal sulfides in the fluid.
example, the iron content of sphalerite strongly depends Neutralization of reactive fluids through interaction with
on temperature and f S2 (Fig. 5A) and has been extensively carbonates and feldspars increases the pH, which can lead
used in ore deposits research, together with other mineral to sulfide precipitation (e.g. Fig. 3C). Redox conditions are
thermometers and thermobarometers (e.g. Sack and Ebel also strongly influenced by fluidrock interaction (e.g. fluid
2006). Recently, using in situ LAICPMS analyses, Cook reduction by Fe 2+ -bearing silicate minerals or by rocks
et al. (2016) established the partition coefficients for trace rich in organic matter, or oxidation by Fe3+ -rich detrital
elements between different base-metal sulfides, thereby continental sediments). Interaction of metal-bearing fluids
opening new possibilities in the use of these sulfides as with rocks containing pyrite is a common sulfide precipita-
tracers of paleo-physicochemical conditions. tion mechanism for elements like copper that have a high
affinity for reduced sulfur (iron from pyrite may in this case
PROCESSES CONTROLLING SULFIDE re-precipitate as oxide). The opposite process scavenging
PRECIPITATION IN HYDROTHERMAL of H2 S by the host rock via Fe sulfidation reactions desta-
OREDEPOSITS bilizes metal-sulfide complexes, leading to gold precipita-
Processes such as cooling, phase separation (boiling), tion in orogenic gold deposits.
mixing, and fluidrock interaction are key for sulfide
precipitation in hydrothermal systems because they influ- SELECTED EXAMPLES OF PROCESSES
ence the four main parameters of the fluids (temperature, CAUSING SULFIDE PRECIPITATION
salinity, pH, and fO2 fS2). Because sulfide solubility strongly INHYDROTHERMAL DEPOSITS
depends on temperature, cooling of hydrothermal fluids The analysis of the occurrence of sulfides in porphyry
is the most efficient process leading to ore deposition. A copper, VHMS and sediment-hosted deposits and of the
main cause of cooling is boiling and the removal of the associated precipitation mechanisms helps to unravel the
high-heat vapour phase during depressurization events. formation of hydrothermal ore deposits.
This causes H 2 S to fractionate to the vapour phase and

(A) Log fS2 versus temperature

A B Figure 5
diagram, illustrating various sulfida-
tion states (in green) of the hydrothermal fluids,
based on stable sulfide mineral assemblages (from
Einaudi et al. 2003). FeS (mol%) content of sphal-
erite is also plotted (in red; from Barton and
Toulmin 1964); sphalerite is a common mineral in
many hydrothermal ore types and its FeS content
can indicate the temperature or sulfur fugacity.
(B) Log fS2 versus temperature estimated for
various hydrothermal ore deposits. Colours are
visualization aids only. Abbreviations: asp (arseno-
pyrite), bn (bornite), cp (chalcopyrite), cv (covel-
lite), dg (digenite), lo (loellingite), po (pyrrhotite),
py (pyrite). Ore deposit abbreviations as in Table 1.

E lements 101 A pr il 2017


Metal Major sulfides Minor sulfides/sulfosalts Deposit types

chalcopyrite* CuFeS2, covellite CuS, enargite Cu3AsS 4,
Porphyry Cu(MoAu) deposits, HS and
Copper Cu bornite* Cu5FeS 4, chalcocite* tennantitetetrahedrite Cu12 (As, Sb) 4S13 ;
IS epithermal, skarn, VHMS, SHMS, IOCG
Cu2S >180 sulfide and sulfosalt species
sphalerite ZnS wurtzite ZnS (rare); >20 Cu, Tl, and HS and IS epithermal, skarn, VHMS,
Zinc Zn
(common host ofFe, In, Cd) Ag-bearing sulfosalts SHMS,MVT
galena PbS HS and IS epithermal, skarn, VHMS,
Lead Pb >160 sulfosalt species
(common host of Ag) SHMS,MVT
acanthite Ag2S LS epithermal AuAg deposits, IS poly-
Silver Ag >120 sulfosalt and sulfide species
(also selenides, etc.) metallic epithermal deposits
Fe-bearing sulfides are not mined for
pyrite* FeS2, pyrrhotite FeS, marcasite* FeS2, arsenopyrite* FeAsS; iron. Pyrite, pyrrhotite, and marcasite,
Iron Fe
chalcopyrite* CuFeS2 >110 sulfide andsulfosalt species are ubiquitous in hydrothermal ore
deposits as gangue minerals.

Abbreviations: HS, IS, LS (high, intermediate, low sulfidation); IOCG (iron oxideCuAu); MVT (Mississippi Valley type);
SHMS (sedimentary-hosted massive sulfide); VHMS (volcanic-hosted massive sulfide); * these minerals may contain economically
recoverable gold.

Porphyry copper deposits are among the largest sulfur kilometers: one often observes a core of Cu ( Mo), an inter-
anomalies on Earth. These low-grade, high-tonnage mediate zone of ZnPbAg veins, and more distal AsSb
deposits are related to shallow intrusions in volcanic arcs, (AuHg)-dominated margins.
with both metals and sulfur released from the magmas via
Volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits consist of high-
hydrothermal fluids. Porphyry copper deposits consist of
grade, low-tonnage ore bodies, built up by 10s vol% of
quartzsulfide stockwork veins and disseminated sulfides
fine-grained base-metal sulfides (Fig. 1E). The sulfides
in large volumes of hydrothermally altered porphyritic
precipitate at the interface between the oceanic crust and
stocks and country rocks (Fig. 1A). In the early stages of
seawater and as replacement assemblages in the subsurface.
porphyry copper deposit formation at depths of 23 km,
Cooling and neutralization of hot, reactive and reduced
the minerals bornite, chalcopyrite and magnetite precipi-
H 2 S- and metal-bearing fluids with seawater is regarded
tate from the magmatic fluid. In subsequent lower tempera-
to be the main process that governs sulfide precipitation
ture stages, the proportion of reduced sulfur increases and
in VHMS deposits.
pyrite progressively becomes more abundant. At shallow
(<1 km), epithermal depths where there is sharp cooling , In the sedimentary rockhosted environments that occur
the sulfides are dominated by intermediate- to very high- in basins, several deposit styles are related to the flow of
sulfidation assemblages of enargite, digenite and covel- basinal brines. In general, stratiform Cu deposits, clastic
lite (Fig. 5A). In porphyry systems, temperature decrease, sediment-hosted massive PbZn Cu sulfide (SHMS), and
accompanied by vapor-liquid separation, as well as fluid carbonate-related Mississippi Valley type (MVT) PbZn
rock interaction and more distal mixing, causes a general deposits are all formed by fluids of intermediate sulfida-
mineral, and hence metal, zonation over a scale of a few tion state at temperatures of ~100C to 250C (Fig. 5B).
The SHMS deposits form in passive margins, back-arcs

Table 2 THEARTICLE. See Figure 5 for sulfidation state and fluid temperature; see text for precipitation mechanisms. Mt = million tons;
other abbreviations as inTable 1. Sources and additional data on the deposit types in Hedenquist et al. (2005).

Deposit type Typical metal grades Typical size (ore) Origin of main metal-bearing hydrothermal fluid
0.4% 1.5% Cu
Porphyry Cu(Mo Au)
0.04% 0.15% Mo 5005,000 Mt Magmatic
( Au, <0.11 g/t)
1% 2% Cu ( Au)
Cu /ZnPb skarns 10150 Mt Magmatic
2% 10% Zn + Pb
0.55 g/t (Au) ( Ag)
HS and IS epithermal 1% 2% Cu 10150 Mt Magmatic
4% 8% (Zn + Pb) ( Ag)
LS epithermal Au 0.55 g/t Au, ( Ag) 10100 Mt Meteoric waters mixed with magmatic fluids
1.0% 1.8% Cu
Evolved seawater (extensional setting) mixed with
VHMS 0.8% 4% Zn 1050 Mt
magmatic (magmatic arc)
0.1% 1% Pb
~3% 8% Zn 1040 Mt (MVT)
SHMS/MVT 1% 2% Pb Basinal brines
<0.3% Cu (Ag) 20200 Mt (SHMS)

2% 3% Cu
Stratiform Cu 2003,000 Mt Basinal brines
<0.4% Co (Ag) ( ZnPb)
CO2-rich, low salinity fluids. Metamorphic component
Orogenic Au 28 g/t 440 Mt
with magmatic? / evolved meteoric? / mantle degassing?
IOCG 0.5% 2% Cu ( Au) 20200 Mt Magmatic basinal brines

E lements 102 A pr il 2017

and continental rifts; sulfide precipitation is caused by CONCLUSIONS
mixing fluids that ascend along basin margin faults and
The key processes that govern sulfide precipitation in
so vent into basins with anaerobic conditions where they
hydrothermal systems are common, to varying degrees,
encounter H 2 S-rich waters. This process is the root of the
across many ore deposit types, and can be used to formu-
term sedex (sedimentary exhalative), which is frequently
late genetic models. These models, in turn, can be used to
applied to SHMS deposits, although researchers now avoid
refine methods of exploration for mineral resources (e.g.
this term because most sulfide precipitation takes place
Sillitoe 2010). Windows of understanding are being opened
by subsurface replacement of already deposited sediments,
on the true nature of ore-forming processes via analytical
where reduced biogenic sulfur is also available as diagenetic
and experimental developments for measuring the metal
pyrite. Fluid mixing is also important in epigenetic base-
and sulfur contents (and their speciation) in hydrothermal
metal deposits that have been formed by basinal brines on
fluids, via experiments on the stability of metal-bearing
carbonate platforms: the largest MVT deposits form when
sulfur complexes in high TP liquids and vapours, and via
metal-bearing basinal brines mix with fluids rich in H2 S
determining the trace-element contents and their struc-
(generated by TSR, Eq. 3) or with fluids containing biogenic
tural state in sulfide minerals. This improved knowledge
H2 S in organic matter and/or hydrocarbons. Precipitation
contributes to better exploration models and on how to
is also related to salinity decrease during fluid mixing.
optimize mineral processing. This will help ensure that
Interaction of oxidizing metal-bearing basinal brines with
our technology-hungry society will have a supply of metals
black shales and other sediments containing biogenic
long into the future (Arndt et al. 2017) and it will lessen
reduced sulfur, mostly in the form of framboidal pyrite, is
the environmental impact of mining and ore processing
the main process at the origin of stratiform Cu deposits and
operations. All these aspects rely on an understanding of
other sedimentary rockhosted deposits. As noted above,
sulfide minerals and their stabilities.
copper is less soluble than zinc and lead, and, it can only
be transported by oxidizing fluids (buffered by hematite),
devoid of H 2 S. The lithologic contact between red beds ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
(oxidized clastic sediments) and black shales controls the We thank J. Hedenquist, D. Smith and Guest Editors Marie
stratiform morphology of these copper deposits. Sulfides Edmonds and Kate Kiseeva for their reviews, which greatly
commonly are zoned with native copper, chalcocite and improved the manuscript, and to Jodi Rosso and the Elements
covellite, bornite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena in a staff for the careful editing. We acknowledge financial
sequence from the oxidized to the reduced H2 S-rich part support from grants SNF 160071, 162415, 165752, Soumet
of the redox profile. ANR-11-BS56-0009 and RadicalS ANR-16-CE31-0017.

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E lements 103 A pr il 2017

High Sensitivity, Low Oxides
& Enhanced Stability
for Precise Isotope Ratio Analysis

The apex is a software controlled desolvating sample introduction system for ICPMS
instruments. A multistage Peltier cooled desolvator removes >90% of the solvent load before
nal membrane desolvation. Minimal solvent load to the membrane ensures long term stability
at the lowest possible oxide level.

Nd/144Nd Repeatability
Benets: Nd/144Nd Repeatability From 16ng Nd Runs


Enhance sensitivity (>10x) 13ppm 2


Reduce oxides (>100x)

100L/min Self-Aspiration
Rapid and complete wash-out

0.51235 25ppb Merck Nd (13ppm 2RSD)

Enhance signal stability Merck Nd Reference Value

Full software control 0.51230

0 2 4 6 8 10
Repeat Number

Full Software Control

Save tune settings with:

Gases (MFC)
- N2 add gas
- Ar sweep gas
- Spray chamber
- Peltier cooler
- Desolvating membrane

Elemental Scientific
Presented at 2016 Goldschmidt Yokohama
Authors: Nicholas S. Lloyd, Paul Watson, and M. Paul Field

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