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Thea Render 1.3.

07 Studio y plugins:


1. Instale thearender como administrador

2. Inicie el programa.
3. Extraiga el keygen y ejecutelo, contrasea para extraer keygen= key.
4. Ir a menu ayuda (help) - formulario de licencia (license form...)
5. Llenar los campos con un nombre y un correo, copiar los numeros de
serie (licencias) que nos da el keygen (presionar generate), colocar
el numero de serie para el thea studio y para todos los plugins que usaremos.
6. dar clic en "ok".
7. Sin cerrar nada ir a c:/programdata/thearender/licenses y abrir el block de
notas licenses.txt, de alli copiar el ID que se encuentra en la linea "4".
8. Regresar al keygen y pegarlo en la casilla correspondiente.Presionar generate
9. Nuevamente en Thea ir de nuevo a license form y en la pestaa misc dar clic en
10. Copiar los nuevos datos generados y clic en ok.
11. Reiniciar Thea Render.
12. Listo.


Should work with all plugins.

1. Install and run TheaRender

2. Select menu "Help" -> "License Form..."
3. Fill fields "Full Name" and "E-mail Address" with any values and press "OK"
4. In folder "Licenses" located where TheaRender installed find file license-
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.txt and open it
5. Run keygen and copy to field "License ID" fourth row from license file and press
6. Complete the appropriate fields and click "OK" and restart programm.

If TheaRender started in client mode press "License" and in "License Form" in tab
"Misc" press "Clear License", try new serial number

On Windows XP run in compatibility mode, right-click on trk.exe, in "Properties"

select "Compatibility" tab, check "Disable visual themes" and click "OK"

Alternative Method

1. First of all. Select menu "Help" -> "License Form..."

2. "Misc" tab, select "Clear License"
3. Fill fields "Full Name" and "E-mail Address" with any values at "Main" Tab and
press "OK".
4. In folder "Licenses" located where TheaRender installed. In win7 it's at
"c:\ProgramData\Thea Render\Licenses". There is a file named "license-
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.txt" just open it.
5. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is your License ID
6. Run keygen and copy to field "License ID" fourth row from license file and press
"Generate" one more time.
7. Just Fill in Serial and Activation Code and click "OK" and restart programm.
8. If your are sucess. Fill in plugin's code
9. If TheaRender started in client mode press "License" and in "License Form" in
tab "Misc" press "Clear License", goto Step.6 try new serial number.

1. If you clear the license data in the Misc section, close Thea and restart it,
you'l get the proper keys.
2. the initial key is always the same since it depends on the machine Thea runs in.
3. if the keygen doesn't do anything, disable your antivirus. The keygen is encoded
and the antivirus might block it without telling you.
4. If it starts in client mode, just leave the client mode running, and start the
Thea.exe again, and it will work fine, you have to create another license while
running client mode!
5. you'll see that you have client license in 'Licenses' directory & if running
client you'll get working standalone

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