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review article

Mechanisms of Disease

Alzheimers Disease
Henry W. Querfurth, M.D., Ph.D., and Frank M. LaFerla, Ph.D.

ore than 35 million people worldwide 5.5 million in the From the Department of Neurology, Car-
itas St. Elizabeths Medical Center, Brigh-
United States have Alzheimers disease, a deterioration of memory and
ton, MA (H.W.Q.); the Department of
other cognitive domains that leads to death within 3 to 9 years after diag- Neurology, Tufts Medical Center, Boston
nosis. Alzheimers disease is the most common form of dementia, accounting for (H.W.Q.); the Department of Neurology,
Rhode Island Hospital and the Warren
50 to 56% of cases at autopsy and in clinical series. Alzheimers disease combined
Alpert Medical School at Brown Univer-
with intracerebral vascular disease accounts for another 13 to 17% of cases. sity, Providence (H.W.Q.); and the Depart-
The principal risk factor for Alzheimers disease is age. The incidence of the ment of Neurobiology and Behavior, Uni-
versity of California, Irvine, Irvine (F.M.L.).
disease doubles every 5 years after 65 years of age, with the diagnosis of 1275 new
Address reprint requests to Dr. Querfurth
cases per year per 100,000 persons older than 65 years of age.1 Data on centenarians at the Department of Neurology, Rhode
show that Alzheimers disease is not necessarily the outcome of aging2; neverthe- Island Hospital, 563 Eddy St., Providence,
RI 02903-4923, or at henry_querfurth@
less, the odds of receiving the diagnosis of Alzheimers disease after 85 years of
age exceed one in three. As the aging population increases, the prevalence will
approach 13.2 to 16.0 million cases in the United States by mid-century.3 N Engl J Med 2010;362:329-44.
Many molecular lesions have been detected in Alzheimers disease, but the over- Copyright 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society.

arching theme to emerge from the data is that an accumulation of misfolded

proteins in the aging brain results in oxidative and inflammatory damage, which
in turn leads to energy failure and synaptic dysfunction.

Pro tein A bnor m a l i t ie s in A l zheimers Dise a se

Cerebral plaques laden with -amyloid peptide (A) and dystrophic neurites in
neocortical terminal fields as well as prominent neurofibrillary tangles in medial
temporal-lobe structures are important pathological features of Alzheimers dis-
ease. Loss of neurons and white matter, congophilic (amyloid) angiopathy, in-
flammation, and oxidative damage are also present.
A peptides are natural products of metabolism consisting of 36 to 43 amino
acids. Monomers of A40 are much more prevalent than the aggregation-prone and
damaging A42 species. -amyloid peptides originate from proteolysis of the amy-
loid precursor protein by the sequential enzymatic actions of beta-site amyloid
precursor proteincleaving enzyme 1 (BACE-1), a -secretase, and -secretase, a pro-
tein complex with presenilin 1 at its catalytic core4 (Fig. 1). An imbalance between
production and clearance, and aggregation of peptides, causes A to accumulate,
and this excess may be the initiating factor in Alzheimers disease. This idea,
called the amyloid hypothesis, is based on studies of genetic forms of Alzheimers
disease, including Downs syndrome,5 and evidence that A42 is toxic to cells.6,7
A spontaneously self-aggregates into multiple coexisting physical forms. One
form consists of oligomers (2 to 6 peptides), which coalesce into intermediate as-
semblies8,9 (Fig. 1). -amyloid can also grow into fibrils, which arrange themselves
into -pleated sheets to form the insoluble fibers of advanced amyloid plaques.
Soluble oligomers and intermediate amyloids are the most neurotoxic forms of

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Nonamyloidogenic Amyloidogenic

-Secretase -Secretase BACE-1 -Secretase



C4950 Gene expression
A in nucleus
Non-Raft Raft

Figure 1. Processing of Amyloid Precursor Protein.

In Panel A, cleavage by -secretase interior to the -amyloid peptide (A) sequence initiates nonamyloidogenic processing. A large am-
yloid precursor protein (sAPP) ectodomain is released, leaving behind an 83-residue carboxy-terminal fragment. C83 is then digested by
-secretase, liberating extracellular p3 and the amyloid intracellular domain (AICD). Amyloidogenic processing is initiated by -secretase
beta-site amyloid precursor proteincleaving enzyme 1 (BACE-1), releasing a shortened sAPP. The retained C99 is also a -secretase
substrate, generating A and AICD. -Secretase cleavage occurs within the cell membrane in a unique process termed regulated intra-
membranous proteolysis. sAPP and sAPP are secreted APP fragments after -secretase and -secretase cleavages, respectively. AICD
is a short tail (approximately 50 amino acids) that is released into the cytoplasm after progressive -to- cleavages by -secretase. AICD
is targeted to the nucleus, signaling transcription activation. Lipid rafts are tightly packed membrane micro- environments enriched in
sphingomylelin, cholesterol, and glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI)anchored proteins. Soluble A is prone to aggregation. In Panel B, left
inset, protofibrils (upper) and annular or porelike profiles (lower) are intermediate aggregates. (Photomicrographs courtesy of Hilal
Lashuel, Ph.D.) In the right inset, self-association of 2 to 14 A monomers into oligomers is dependent on concentration (left immuno-
blot). In the right immunoblot, oligomerization is promoted by oxidizing conditions (lane 2) and divalent metal conditions (lane 3).
(Immuno blots courtesy of Hongwei Zhou, Ph.D.)
Draft 4 01/12/10
Author Querfurth
Fig # 1 A.10 In brain-slice preparations, dimers and brain, not the total A burden.13 Neuronal activa-
Title trimers of A are toxic to synapses.11,12 The se- tion rapidly increases A secretion at the syn-
verity of the cognitive defect in Alzheimers dis- apse, a process tied to the normal release of vesi-
Artist SBL ease correlates with levels of oligomers in the cles containing neurotransmitters. Physiologic
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Mechanisms of Disease

levels of synaptic A may dampen excitatory trans- may be inert, however, since decreases in axonal
mission and prevent neuronal hyperactivity.14 transport and neuron number are independent
The proteases neprilysin and insulin-degrad- of the burden of neurofibrillary tangles.30 These
ing enzyme regulate steady-state levels of A. helical filaments sequester toxic intermediate tau
Neprilysin, a membrane-anchored zinc endopep- species, a process that may be protective.31
tidase, degrades A monomers and oligomers.15 More than 30 mutations of Tau on chromo-
A reduction in neprilysin causes accumulation of some 17 have been detected in frontotemporal
cerebral A.16 Insulin-degrading enzyme, a thiol dementia with parkinsonism.32 By contrast, Tau
metalloendopeptidase, degrades small peptides mutations do not occur in Alzheimers disease,
such as insulin and monomeric A.17 In mice, and the extent of neuron loss is out of propor-
deletion of insulin-degrading enzyme reduces A tion to the number of neurofibrillary tangles.33
degradation by more than 50%.18 Conversely, Nevertheless, increased levels of phosphorylated
overexpression of neprilysin or insulin-degrading and total tau in the cerebrospinal fluid correlate
enzyme prevents plaque formation.19 with reductions in scores on cognitive examina-
Clinical trials of a -secretase inhibitor (LY450139) tions.34 Elevated levels of phosphotau amino acids
( number, NCT00765115),20 aggre- T181, T231, and total tau in the cerebrospinal
gation blockers, vaccination with A, and mono- fluid together constitute a biomarker test with
clonal antibodies against various A epitopes are good accuracy for predicting incipient Alzhei-
in progress. The antibodies bind A, thereby trig- mers disease in patients with mild cognitive im-
gering complement and Fc-receptormediated pairment.35 Experimental evidence indicates that
phagocytosis by microglia, or enhance clearance A accumulation precedes and drives tau aggre-
of A, or both.21 Vaccination in a phase 2a trial gation.36-38 Moreover, A-induced degeneration
(NCT00021723)22 resulted in encephalitis,23 and of cultured neurons and cognitive deficits in mice
follow-up of immunized patients showed no cog- with an Alzheimers diseaselike illness require
nitive or survival benefit despite diminution of the presence of endogenous tau.39,40
plaques.24 A phase 2 trial of passive immunization Increased oxidative stress, the impaired pro-
resulted in vasogenic cerebral edema in some pa- tein-folding function of the endoplasmic reticu-
tients (NCT00112073). Phase 3 trials of two mono- lum, and deficient proteasome-mediated and au-
clonal antibodies against A (NCT00574132 and tophagic-mediated clearance of damaged proteins
NCT00904683) and of 10% intravenous immune all of which are also associated with aging
globulin are under way (NCT00818662). accelerate the accumulation of amyloid and
tau proteins in Alzheimers disease.41,42 Agents
Tau capable of counteracting these changes are not
Neurofibrillary tangles, which are filamentous in- available, but trials of small-molecule inhibitors
clusions in pyramidal neurons, occur in Alzhei- of -amyloid (e.g., scylloinositol) (NCT00568776)
mers disease and other neurodegenerative dis- and tau oxidation and aggregation (e.g., methyl-
orders termed tauopathies.25 The number of ene blue) (NCT00568776) are under way.43 Poly-
neurofibrillary tangles is a pathologic marker of phenolic extracts from grape seeds (e.g., resvera-
the severity of Alzheimers disease. The major trol), which stimulate aging-suppressor genes,
component of the tangles is an abnormally hyper- also show promise as therapeutic agents.44
phosphorylated and aggregated form of tau.
Normally an abundant soluble protein in axons, The S y na pse in A l zheimers
tau promotes assembly and stability of microtu- Dise a se
bules and vesicle transport. Hyperphosphorylated
tau is insoluble, lacks affinity for microtubules, Synaptic Failure
and self-associates into paired helical filament Alzheimers disease may be primarily a disorder
structures (Fig. 2). Enzymes that add and those of synaptic failure.45 Hippocampal synapses be-
that remove phosphate residues regulate the ex- gin to decline in patients with mild cognitive im-
tent of tau phosphorylation.26 pairment (a limited cognitive deficit often pre-
Like A oligomers, intermediate aggregates of ceding dementia) in whom remaining synaptic
abnormal tau molecules are cytotoxic27 and im- profiles show compensatory increases in size.46
pair cognition.28,29 Insoluble helical filaments In mild Alzheimers disease, there is a reduction

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e


cdk5 MARK cdk5
Tau and Microtubule
microtubule-associated P P P P P P P
proteins KXGS
18 46 184-202 214 235 262-356 394,404
E2 E3 R1 R2 R3 R4
1 441
50,69 181, 205-231 403

Cdk5/p25 _ R2 +
Hyperphosphorylation R4
of tau


Paired helical

Destabilized microtubules
(impaired axonal transport)

tau proteins

Figure 2. Tau Structure and Function.

Four repeat sequences (R1-R4) make up the microtubule-binding domain (MBD) of tau. Normal phosphorylation of tau occurs on serine
(S; inset, above horizontal bar) and threonine (T; inset, below horizontal bar) residues, numbered according to their position in the full tau
sequence.COL When
O R Ffollowed
I G U R E by proline (P), these amino acids are phosphorylated by glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3), cyclin-depen-
dent kinase (cdk5) and its activator subunit p25, or mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). Nonproline-directed kinases Akt, Fyn,
Draft 3 01/11/10
protein kinase A (PKA), calciumcalmodulin protein kinase 2 (CaMKII), and microtubule affinity-regulating kinase (MARK) are also
shown. Querfurth
KXGS (denoting lysine, an unknown or other amino acid, glycine, and serine) is a target motif. Hyperphosphorylated sites specif-
Fig # 2
ic to paired helical filament tau in Alzheimers disease tend to flank the MBD. Tau binding promotes microtubule assembly and stability.
Excessive kinase, reduced phosphatase activities, or both cause hyperphosphorylated tau to detach and self-aggregate and microtubules
to stabilize.
Artist SBL
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Mechanisms of Disease

Paired helical APP

nAChr ACh TrkAr



Ca2+ leak
Ca2+ influx (influx)




Figure 3. Synaptic Dysfunction in Alzheimers Disease.

Synaptic loss correlates best with cognitive decline in Alzheimers disease. A control synapse is shown at the top of the
figure. At the bottom of the figure, an Alzheimers disease synapse depicting the pleiotropic effects of the -amyloid
peptide (A) is shown. Rings represent synaptic vesicles. Experimental application and expression of A, especially
oligomers, impair synaptic plasticity by altering the balance between long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term de-
pression (LTD) and reducing the numbers of dendritic spines. At high concentrations, oligomers may suppress basal
synaptic transmission. A facilitates endocytosis of receptors of N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDAr) and -amino-3-
hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPAr). A also binds to the receptors of p75 neurotrophin (p75NTr)
and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (the BDNF receptor, also known as the tyrosine kinase B receptor [trkBr]), ex-
acerbating a situation in which levels of BDNF and nerve growth factor (NGF) are already suppressed. A impairs
nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor (nAChr) signaling and ACh release from the presynaptic terminal. Numbers of
hippocampal synapses decrease in mild cognitive impairment in which remaining synaptic profiles show compensa-
Draft 3 01/11/10
tory increases in size. APP denotes amyloid precursor protein, pCaMKII phosphorylated calciumcalmodulindepen-
thor Querfurth dent protein kinase 2, pCREB phosphorylated cyclic AMP response-element-binding protein, trkAr tyrosine kinase A
# 3 receptor, and VGCC voltage-gated calcium channel.
of about 25% in the presynaptic vesicle protein Basal transmission of single impulses and
st SBL
synaptophysin.47 With advancing disease, synaps- long-term potentiation, an experimental indica-
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Please check carefully
reset lost relative to neurons, tor of memory formation at synapses, are im-
ue date and this loss is the best correlate with demen- paired in plaque-bearing mice with Alzheimers
tia.48-50 Aging itself causes synaptic loss,51 which disease and after A peptide has been applied to
particularly affects the dentate region of the hip- brain slices.11,53 Subsequent to this impairment,
pocampus.52 signaling molecules important to memory are in-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

hibited. Disruptions of the release of presynaptic of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors or M1 receptors

neurotransmitters and postsynaptic glutamate- limits tau phosphorylation.69,70 Although cholin-
receptor ion currents54,55 occur partially as a result esterase inhibitors improve neurotransmission and
of endocytosis of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) provide mild palliative relief in Alzheimers dis-
surface receptors56 and endocytosis of -amino- ease, they lose efficacy over time. The use of
3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid agonists and modulators of -7 nicotinic acetyl-
surface receptors57 (Fig. 3). The latter further choline receptors is under investigation. Clinical
weakens synaptic activity by inducing a lasting trials of selective M1 agonists have shown im-
reduction in currents after a high-frequency stim- provements in cognition71 and reduced A levels
ulus train. A similar shift in the balance be- in the cerebrospinal fluid,72 but these agents are
tween potentiation and depression in synapses toxic.
occurs with normal aging. Intraneuronal A can
trigger these synaptic deficits even earlier.58 Mi t o chondr i a l Dysf unc t ion

Depletion of Neurotrophin A is a potent mitochondrial poison, especially

and Neurotransmitters affecting the synaptic pool.73 In Alzheimers dis-
Neurotrophins promote proliferation, differentia- ease, exposure to A inhibits key mitochondrial
tion, and survival of neurons and glia, and they enzymes in the brain and in isolated mitochon-
mediate learning, memory, and behavior. The dria.74,75 Cytochrome c oxidase is specifically at-
normally high levels of neurotrophin receptors in tacked.76 Consequently, electron transport, ATP
cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain are se- production, oxygen consumption, and mitochon-
verely reduced in late-stage Alzheimers disease drial membrane potential all become impaired.
(Fig. 3). Injection of nerve growth factor can res- The increase in mitochondrial superoxide radical
cue basal neurons in animal models,59 and a formation and conversion into hydrogen peroxide
phase 1 trial of treatment with the NGF gene in cause oxidative stress, release of cytochrome c,
Alzheimers disease showed improvement in cog- and apoptosis (Fig. 4).
nition and brain metabolism.60 In Alzheimers The accumulation of A within structurally
disease and mild cognitive impairment, levels of damaged mitochondria isolated from the brains
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a mem- of patients with Alzheimers disease77 and trans-
ber of the neurotrophin family, are depressed,61 genic brains76 is consistent with other evidence
a finding reproduced experimentally with A42 of intraneuronal A in Alzheimers disease.78
oligomers.62 BDNF treatment in rodents and non- Alcohol dehydrogenase is one such mitochondrial-
human primates supports neuronal survival, syn- binding target of A.79 Similar changes occur
aptic function, and memory,63 suggesting that in normal cells that have been repopulated with
BDNF replacement is another option for the treat- mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from patients
ment of Alzheimers disease.64 with sporadic Alzheimers disease.80 Both in Alz-
The deficiency of cholinergic projections in heimers disease and in the normal aging pro-
Alzheimers disease has been linked to the build- cess, mtDNA sustains high levels of oxidative
up of A and tau. Presynaptic -7 nicotinic ace- damage.77 This instability and the irreparability
tylcholine receptors are essential for cognitive of the brains mitochondrial genome allow the
processing, and their levels increase in early Alz- gradual accumulation of mtDNA mutations.81
heimers disease,65 before decreasing later.66 Ex- Fragmentation (or fission) of mitochondria from
perimental studies show that A binds to -7 the oxidation of a dynamin-like transporter pro-
nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, impairing the tein may cause synapse loss in Alzheimers
release of acetylcholine and maintenance of long- disease.82 The antihistamine dimebolin hydro-
term potentiation.67 The level of muscarinic ace- chloride, a putative mitochondrial stimulant, has
tylcholine receptors, or receptor coupling, is re- been reported to improve cognition and behav-
duced in the brains of patients with Alzheimers ior in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzhei-
disease. Pharmacologic stimulation of the post- mers disease.83
synaptic muscarinic type 1 (M1) acetylcholine
receptors activates protein kinase C, favoring Oxidative Stress
processing of amyloid precursor protein that Dysfunctional mitochondria release oxidizing free
does not yield amyloid.68 Furthermore, activation radicals, and in Alzheimers disease and the nor-

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Mechanisms of Disease


A Na+/K+ GLUT1, 4


Na2+ Glucose O2s NO iNOS Ca2+
Ca2+ A Ca2+ Na2+
OH NOOs Ca2+
Tau phosphorylation Lipid peroxidation products:
and aggregation HNE, isoprostanes
Aging and

OH Complex I

Complex III
Complex IV

MPP -Ketoglutarate and

m pyruvate dehydrogenases

Cytochrome c
JNK Apoptosis-
O2 s Proteolysis and
NO p38 initiating factor
cell death

Caspase 3

Figure 4. Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Failure.

A -amyloid peptide (A)centric scheme depicts production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS). Their
peroxidative attack on cell and organelle membrane lipids yields the mitochondrial toxins hydroxynonenal (HNE) and malondialdehyde.
Oxidative damage to membrane-bound, ion-specific ATPases and stimulation of calcium (Ca2+) entry mechanisms for example, glu-
tamate (N-methyl-d-aspartate [NMDA]) receptors (NMDAr), membrane-attack complex (MAC) of complement, and ion-selective amy-
loid pore formation cause cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca2+ overload. Cellular A directly attacks electron transport complex IV (cyto-
chrome c oxidase) and key Krebs-cycle enzymes (-ketoglutarate and pyruvate dehydrogenase) and damages mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA),
leading to fragmentation. Lipid peroxidation products also promote tau phosphorylation and aggregation, which in turn inhibit complex I.
Exaggerated amounts of ROS and RNS are generated at complexes I and III. As the mitochondrial membrane potential (MPP) collapses
OLOR FIGURE pores (m) open, caspases are activated. A also induces the stress-activated protein kinases p38 and c-jun
N-terminal kinase (JNK), as well as p53, which are further linked with apoptosis. Substrate deficiencies, notably NADH and glucose,
Draft 4 01/12/10
combine with electron transport uncoupling to further diminish ATP production. Alcohol dehydrogenase was recently identified as the
Author Querfurth
mitochondrial-binding target for A. Endoplasmic reticulum contributions are shown. GLUT1, 4 denotes glucose transporter 1, 4.
Fig # 4
mal aging brain, they cause considerable oxida- is a prime initiator of this damage. The receptor
DE 84,85
Artist tive stress.
SBL Experimental models show that for advanced glycation end products mediates
markers AUTHORof oxidative
PLEASE NOTE: damage precede pathologi- As pro-oxidant effects on neural, microglial,
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset
cal changes. 86 A, a potent generator of reactive
Please check carefully and cerebrovascular cells.89 Mitochondrial hydro-
Issue oxygen
date species87 and reactive nitrogen species,88 gen peroxide readily diffuses into the cytosol to

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

participate in metal ioncatalyzed hydroxyl radi- protein kinaseextracellular signal-regulated ki-

cal formation. Stimulated microglia are a major nase pathway,103 but it is unclear whether signal-
source of the highly diffusible nitric oxide radi- ing is up-regulated (compensatory) or down-reg-
cal. These reactive oxygen species and reactive ulated (pathologic) in Alzheimers disease. Aging
nitrogen species damage several molecular tar- and life span are also influenced by insulin.104
gets. Peroxidation of membrane lipids yields toxic Resistance to insulin signaling renders neurons
aldehydes,90 which impair critical mitochondrial energy-deficient and vulnerable to oxidizing or oth-
enzymes.77,91 Other essential proteins are direct- er metabolic insults and impairs synaptic plastic-
ly oxidized, yielding carbonyl and nitrated deriv- ity. Moreover, the higher serum glucose levels that
atives.92 Subsequently, increases in membrane are common in normal aging directly damage hip-
permeability to calcium, other ionic imbalances, pocampal structures,105 up-regulate the tau kinase,
and impaired glucose transport93 aggravate the glycogen synthase kinase 3,106 and reduce levels
energy imbalance. of insulin-degrading enzyme in the brain in Alz-
Elevated levels of free divalent transition metal heimers disease.107 Treatment with thiazolidine
ions (iron, copper, and zinc) and aluminum are drugs (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor
linked with reactive oxygen speciesmediated [PPAR] agonists, which activate insulin-respon-
damage and neurodegeneration in several sive gene transcription) prevented Alzheimers dis-
ways.94-100 These metal ions also promote aggre- easeassociated changes and cognitive decline in
gation of tau and changes in its conformation or transgenic mice103,108 and had significant effects
phosphorylation.95 Zinc, typically thought to be in subpopulations of patients with Alzheimers
a toxin in Alzheimers disease, might at lower disease.109
concentrations actually protect cells by blocking
A channels96 or compete with copper for A Vascular Effects
binding.97 In Alzheimers disease, vascular injury and pa-
Although animal models and most cross-sec- renchymal inflammation perpetuate the cycle of
tional studies in aging populations show an as- protein aggregation and oxidation in the brain;
sociation between antioxidant intake and cognitive damage from strokes and white-matter lesions
performance, randomized trials of antioxidants contribute greatly to cognitive decline. Ischemic
have generally failed.98 Therapeutic chelation of disease affects 60 to 90% of patients with Alz-
divalent metals is potentially harmful because heimers disease, with major infarctions repre-
essential enzymes rely on coordination with them. senting one third of vascular lesions in autopsy
In a pilot phase 2 trial (NCT00471211), PBT2, a cases. Conversely, one third of putative cases of
safe compound derived from clioquinol that atten- vascular dementia have coincidental pathological
uates metal proteins,99 showed some efficacy. features of Alzheimers disease. Although clini-
cally and radiographically pure cases of vascu-
Insulin-Signaling Pathway lar dementia are recognized,110,111 most cases of
Another metabolic disturbance of emerging im- dementia are in fact mixed. Pervasive pathologi-
portance in Alzheimers disease and tied into cal changes include cerebral amyloid angiopathy,112
synaptic and energy homeostasis involves insulin affecting more than 90% of patients with Alz-
signaling in the brain. Subgroups of patients heimers disease, capillary abnormalities, disrup-
with advanced Alzheimers disease have high fast- tion of the bloodbrain barrier, and large-vessel
ing insulin levels and low rates of glucose dis- atheroma.113 None of these changes alone ex-
posal (peripheral resistance).100 Glucose intoler- plain the symmetric reductions of cerebral blood
ance and type 2 diabetes are considered to be flow in patients with Alzheimers disease, which
risk factors for dementia.101 Levels of insulin re- are more likely to reflect regional energy under-
ceptors, glucose-transport proteins, and other utilization.114,115
insulin-pathway components in the brain are re- Another hypothesis holds that clearance of A
duced in some studies of Alzheimers disease102 along diseased perivascular channels and through
(central resistance). Insulin (mostly bloodborne) the bloodbrain barrier is impeded in Alzhei-
and brain-derived insulin-like growth factor I ini- mers disease. The source of vascular A (mostly
tiate signals in the brain by activating the phos- 40 amino acid form) is heterogeneous, compris-
phatidylinositol-3-kinaseAkt (also known as pro- ing neurons, degenerating myocytes, and the
tein kinase B) pathway and the mitogen-activated circulation. Amyloid deposition in the arteriolar

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Mechanisms of Disease

wall enhances vasoconstriction in ex vivo stud- autolytic attack are under way.126 Stimulated as-
ies.116 A is also cytotoxic to endothelial117 and troglia also release acute-phase reactants, alpha1-
smooth-muscle118 cells, conferring a predisposi- antichymotrypsin, alpha2-macroglobulin, and
tion to lobar hemorrhage in advanced age. The C-reactive protein, which can both aggravate and
neurovascular uncoupling hypothesis proposes ameliorate Alzheimers disease. Although inflam-
that deregulation of A transport across the matory (and oxidative) events are implicated in a
capillary bloodbrain barrier is caused by the breakdown of the vascular bloodbrain barrier
imbalanced expression of low-density lipopro- in Alzheimers disease, it is not certain that this
tein receptorrelated proteins and receptors for leads to monocyte or amyloid influx from the
advanced glycation end products, which mediate circulation in humans.130,131
A efflux and influx, respectively119 (Fig. 5). The contradictory roles of microglia elim-
Short of prophylaxis against stroke, there are inating A and releasing proinflammatory mole-
few specific therapies for the vascular changes cules complicate treatment.132 Nonsteroidal
in Alzheimers disease. Centrally acting angio- antiinflammatory agents have been reported to
tensin-convertingenzyme inhibitors were asso- lower the risk of Alzheimers disease and slow
ciated with reductions in yearly cognitive decline progression of the disease, but only in prospec-
in one observational study.120 Patients with hyper- tive observational studies.133,134 Their mechanisms
tension who are receiving medication have fewer of action include selective reduction of A42,135,136
neuropathologic features of Alzheimers dis- inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 or the prostaglan-
ease.121 Folic acid reduces homocysteine levels din E2 receptor, stimulation of phagocytosis by
and may lower the risk of Alzheimers disease, microglia, and activation of PPAR-. Recent ran-
but it does not improve cognition in established domized trials of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory
Alzheimers disease.122,123 A phase 2 study of in- agents137 and a trial of a derivative, tarenflurbil
hibitors of receptors for advanced glycation end (Flurizan) (NCT00105547), did not show evidence
products in mild-to-moderate Alzheimers dis- of reducing the risk of Alzheimers disease or
ease (NCT00566397) is under way. Concern has slowing cognitive decline. In addition to the A-
been expressed about the safety of A immuno- immunization efforts, various TNF- and com-
therapy because of the possibilities of increased plement factor blockers and agents that promote
vascular amyloid, microhemorrhages, and vaso- phagocytosis are being investigated.138
genic edema as the efflux of A into vascular
compartments is stimulated.124 Calcium
Loss of calcium regulation is common to several
Inflammation neurodegenerative disorders. In Alzheimers dis-
Activated microglia and reactive astrocytes local- ease, elevated concentrations of cytosolic calcium
ize to fibrillar plaques, and their biochemical stimulate A aggregation and amyloidogene-
markers are elevated in the brains of patients sis.139,140 The presenilins modulate calcium bal-
with Alzheimers disease.125 Initially, the phago- ance. Presenilin mutations cause about one half
cytic microglia engulf and degrade A. However, of the few cases of Alzheimers disease (<1%)
chronically activated microglia release chemo- that are of the early-onset, familial type. These
kines and a cascade of damaging cytokines mutations might disrupt calcium homeostasis in
notably, interleukin-1, interleukin-6, and tumor endoplasmic reticulum.141,142 However, the main
necrosis factor (TNF-)126 (Fig. 5). In common effect of the mutations is to increase A42 levels,
with vascular cells, microglia express receptors which in turn increases calcium stores in the en-
for advanced glycation end products, which bind doplasmic reticulum and the release of calcium
A, thereby amplifying the generation of cyto- into the cytoplasm.143 The relevance of these
kines, glutamate, and nitric oxide.89,127 In exper- mechanisms to sporadic Alzheimers disease is
imental studies, chemokines promote the migra- unclear.
tion of monocytes from the peripheral blood into A chronic state of excitatory amino acid (glu-
plaque-bearing brain.128 taminergic) receptor activation is thought to ag-
Fibrillar A and glial activation also stimulate gravate neuronal damage in late-stage Alzhei-
the classic complement pathway.129 Tangles and mers disease.144 Glutamate increases cytosolic
plaques contain complement cleavage products, calcium, which in turn stimulates calcium-release
C1q and C5b-9, indicating that opsonization and channels in the endoplasmic reticulum. How-

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Apolipoprotein J LRP-1
Phagocytosis of Monocyte
Microglia 2M
A plaque A

Microglia RAGE


cytokines RAGE

LRP-1 A Aggresome

Tau Neuron
Astrocyte IDE
Neuritic MMP Degradation
plaque pathways
Apolipoprotein J Acute-phase Nep
MMP reactants

Figure 5. Inflammation and Mechanisms of A Clearance.

-amyloid peptide (A) is formed within intracellular compartments (the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and endosomes) or it
can enter multiple cell types through the low-density lipoprotein receptorrelated protein. The ubiquitous apolipoprotein E (APOE) and 2-
macroglobulins (2M) are chaperones in this process and in the genesis of extracellular plaques. Microglia directly engulf A through
phagocytosis. Astrocytes also participate in A clearance through receptor-mediated internalization and facilitation of its transfer out of the
central nervous system and into the circulation. Microglia and astrocytes are recruited and stimulated in Alzheimers disease to release
proinflammatory cytokines and acute-phase reactants. Receptors for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) molecules transduce extra-
cellular A toxic and inflammatory effects and mediate influx of vascular A. The inflammatory milieu provokes neuritic changes and break-
down of the vascular bloodbrain barrier. In addition to cell-mediated reactions, A clearance occurs through enzymatic proteolysis, mainly
through neprilysin (Nep) and insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE). A oligomers block proteasome function, facilitating the buildup of intracel-
lular tau and accumulation of A into aggresomes. APP denotes amyloid precursor protein, MMP matrix metalloproteinase, MOTC micro-
tubule-organizing center, and MVB multivesicular body.

Draft 3 01/11/10
uthor Querfurth ever, the evidence of excessive excitatory amino blocker, MEM 1003, is in a phase 3 trial, and
g# 5 acid mechanisms in Alzheimers disease is mod- memantine, an NMDA-receptor blocker, is ap-
est. A forms voltage-independent, cation chan- proved by the Food and Drug Administration.
E nels in lipid membranes,145 resulting in calcium
tist SBL uptake and degeneration of neuritis.146 Indirectly, Axonal-Transport Deficits
glutamate activates voltage-gated calcium chan-
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset Another internal derangement that is probably
Please check carefully
nels. The L-type voltage-gated calcium-channel an effect rather than a cause of Alzheimers dis-
sue date

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Mechanisms of Disease

ease is a reduction in the transport of critical naseinhibitor proteins, which maintain cell-cycle
protein cargoes to the synapse. Molecular mo- exit, are also deranged in Alzheimers disease.165
tors of the kinesin family drive vesicles and mito- Oxidative stress and DNA-damaging agents, in-
chondria destined for the synaptic terminal along cluding A and the carboxyl-terminal 99 amino
axonal microtubules. The kinesin superfamily acid BACE-1 product C99, all initiate DNA repli-
heavy-chain protein 5 and its associated kinesin cation and death in cultured neurons.166 The
light chain 1 facilitate fast anterograde trans- event inciting cell-cycle reentry in Alzheimers dis-
port. Tau forms the cross-bridges that maintain ease is unknown. Furthermore, whether it is patho-
the critical spacing between microtubules. genic or just reflects a survival response to repair
The riddle of Alzheimers disease is entwined damaged DNA167 is unclear.
with the elusive goal of finding the biologic func-
tion of amyloid precursor protein. It was exciting Cholesterol Metabolism
when amyloid precursor protein, BACE-1, and A defect in cholesterol metabolism is an appeal-
presenilin 1 were reported to undergo fast antero- ing hypothesis because it ties together the apo-
grade transport147 into terminal fields where A lipoprotein E (APOE) genetic risk, amyloid pro-
and other proteolytic derivatives are released.148 duction and aggregation, and vasculopathy of
Impairment of transport causes amyloid precur- Alzheimers disease. However, proof is also lack-
sor protein, vesicle, and kinesin accumulations ing for this hypothesis. Cholesterol is an essential
in axonal swelling, local A deposition, and neu- component of neuronal membranes and is con-
rodegeneration.149,150 However, whether amyloid centrated in sphingolipid islands termed lipid
precursor protein functions as the critical cargo rafts. Rafts are ordered platforms for the assem-
vesicle receptor for the motor protein complex bly of -secretases and -secretases and process-
remains unclear.151 Furthermore, an essential role ing of amyloid precursor protein into A168 (Fig.
is not evident from studies of amyloid precursor 1 and 2). A generation and aggregation are pro-
proteindeficient mice, which are viable, with moted and clearance from the brain is reduced
only subtle synaptic and learning defects.152,153 when an overabundance of esterified cholesterol
The anatomical distribution of pathological decreases membrane lipid turnover. Glial-derived
features in Alzheimers disease nonetheless sug- APOE is the primary cholesterol transporter in
gests that microtubules are dysfunctional, since the brain. A major determinant of the risk of
tau is primarily deranged in the source of corti- late-onset Alzheimers disease is the APOE iso-
cal projections.154 In addition, defects in the form inheritance pattern (APOE2, APOE3, or
white-matter tract are observed in patients at all APOE4)169; a single E4 allele increases the risk by
stages of Alzheimers disease155 and in animal a factor of 4, and two E4 alleles increase the risk
models.156 Pharmacologic disruption of micro- by a factor of 19.170 APOE4 is not only a patho-
tubules and inhibition of tau phosphatases cause logical chaperone, promoting A deposition171
similar axonal swelling and synaptic failure.157 and tau phosphorylation,172 but it is also the least
Since paclitaxel reverses these defects in mouse effective of the three in promoting healthy mem-
models,158 inhibitors of tau polymerization, brane lipid turnover and the uptake of lipopro-
phospho tau peptide vaccines,159 and other micro- tein particles.
tubule stabilizers160 are being investigated. High serum cholesterol levels in midlife in-
crease the risk of Alzheimers disease.173 In ob-
Aberrant Cell-Cycle Reentry servational studies, use of statins was shown to
In league with secondary deregulations of cal- be associated with a reduced risk. Statins appear
cium and transport, a failure in the normal sup- to reduce the membrane pool of free cholester-
pression of the cell cycle in Alzheimers disease ol.174 Other actions of statins that are not depen-
has been hypothesized.161 Markers of aberrant dent on cholesterol include reductions in inflam-
cell-cycle reentry are detected in all stages of Alz- mation175 and isoprenoids and up-regulation of
heimers disease and in mild cognitive impair- both -secretase176 and vascular function. One
ment,162 but they are most prominent at the G1 prospective trial of statins showed cognitive im-
S-phase boundary.163 This may progress to provements in patients with mild Alzheimers dis-
completion of DNA replication, resulting in tetra- ease,177 but a recent multicenter trial did not.178
ploid neurons and activation of mitotic cyclins, Thus, the benefit of statins remains controversial.
but mitoses are absent.164 Cyclin-dependent ki- An alternative pharmacologic approach is to

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

limit the esterification of cholesterol.179 Improve- position and tauopathy in humans is unknown.
ment of membrane biophysics and function Prospective studies also show that cognitive lei-
through ingestion of n3 fatty acid supplements sure activity and training can lower the risk of
has also been studied (NCT00440050).180 dementia190; findings from these studies provide
support for the concept of building a cognitive
C onclusions reserve. The figure in the Supplementary Ap-
pendix (available with the full text of this article
An effective treatment for sporadic Alzheimers at summarizes the heterogeneity of
disease rests on the translation of the disease pathways that could initiate and drive Alzhei-
pathways we have discussed, as well as additional mers disease. There is no single linear chain of
molecular mechanisms or new risk genes (e.g., events. Complicating matters, some changes are
apolipoprotein J) defined by gene-expression pro- not pathologic but reactionary or protective.
filing and whole-genome association studies,181,182 Thus, the development of a multitargeted ap-
into specific pharmacologic targets. Examples of proach to prevent or symptomatically treat Alz-
recently discovered proteins encoded by these heimers disease, as used in current practice for
risk genes and mechanisms include apolipopro- other multigenic disorders, is needed.191 Recent
tein J (clusterin), another A chaperone,183 studies point to brain atrophy and other patho-
TOMM40, a transporter of proteins across the mi- logic conditions, not severe amyloid or tangle
tochondrial membrane, and Sortillin-related re- load, in accounting for dementia in the oldest old
ceptor, which functions to partition amyloid pre- (persons 80 years of age or older).192 It remains
cursor protein away from -secretase and possible that many of these mechanisms, includ-
-secretase; this is consistent with observations ing the amyloid hypothesis, are minor or wrong
that levels are reduced in the brains of patients and that some critical aging-related process is
with Alzheimers disease and mild cognitive im- the disease trigger.
pairment.184,185 Another potential risk factor for Dr. Querfurth reports receiving consulting and lecture fees
sporadic Alzheimers disease, general anesthe- from Novartis and Forest Pharmaceuticals and holding a provi-
sia, promotes tau insolubility and A oligomer- sional patent on a drug-screening assay for Alzheimers disease;
and Dr. LaFerla, receiving consulting fees from Sonexa Therapeu-
ization,186,187 deficiency of estrogen in the brains tics, Forest Pharmaceuticals, and Abbott. No other potential
of postmenopausal women,188 and chronic acti- conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Financial
vation of the glucocorticoid axis.189 However, and other disclosures provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at
their underlying mechanisms are diverse, and We thank Donna-Marie Mironchuk and David Cheng for as-
whether any of these factors lead to amyloid de- sistance in preparation of earlier drafts of the figures.

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