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Crypptography :- It is an art to make the documents, information and data more secure while it
transmmited thrugh network between one to another system. itss have tow types -
1) Symmetric

In cryptography a sender is convet the data or infromation in a simple foermate to secur

formate called cipher text By the help of secrate key or the password(this process is known as
encryption) which is provide by the sender while converting the file into cipher.

after the encryption the sender send the data to reeciver over network.

the reciver is recive the data and convert the secure file into normal file or trying to decrypt the
Secure file with the help of secrate key or passsword which is provided by sender to reciver in a
Secure way like OTP , Call or email.
Secrate key(password) Secrate key(password)
provided by sender while Used by reciver
sender while decrypt the file reciver
encrypt the file

Hi Kl Kl decryption Hi
encryption network Orvwd Kosta
Kosta Orvwd

Cipher Cipher Simple

Simple text
text text text

Simple text :- simple text is normal text which is easily read by anyone without secrate key.
Cipher text :- A encrypted form of simple text which is cant read directly without secret key.
Encryption :- it is a process to convert simple text to cipher text with providing a secrate key.
Decryption:- It is a process to convert cipher text into simple text with using the scrate key which is provided by the
sende while enncrypt the data
Secrate key :- It is a key or password which is generated by help of alphnumeric expressions lkie -H g01 @.
This secrate key is transfer by the sender to reciver in a secure way.

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