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Form 5 S


Paper 1
September PHYSICS
20t2 Paper I
I 7+hours
8.00 a.m. - 9.15 am.
t hour and 15 minutes



Y. This questionpaper consists ofSA questions.

2. Answer all questions.

3. Answer each question by blackening the correct space on answer sheet.

4. Blocken only one space for each question.

5. Ifyou wish to change your answer, erase the blackened marh that you have made- then blacken the
space for the new answer.

6. The diagrams inthe questions providedare not drawnto scalg unlels stated

7. You may use a non-programmable scienti/ic calculator.

8. A tist offormutae is provided on page 2.

This question paper coitains of t? printed pages.

Set and Proof-read by: Approved by:

Lim Fong Seng
Low Kok Yang
Poh Seong Foi

453111 @ Copyright by Chong Hwa Independent High Scbol



Tte following informstion maybe nsctrt. tte sf4bolshave lhclrusual meming

t ?-l t6 sldt
' o=-:;- n=-smr
2 oz =rtz *Zas tl v=fl

3 1 t8 reoldcpth
s = ut *lata ry?ffientdqth

4 Mmdum =mv 'I9' Q a'It i


5 F=tta n E =YQ I

6 Kinctic cncrsr =f;*' 2l 111

f .u'o
-: -$-

7 Gnuvitltioosl pdential ffigf 22 I = lfttns-z

E Ela*icpdmfialffiry =lfx z3 Liner magnificotion, * =1
I PorverrP =W u ^It=;a:t !

t0 tn V=lR
P=i 25

l1 PtressrerP =; 26 Porer, P = N j {

12 Prrcsstrt ,p= Wg n IVs Us

-=- UP

13 Heat, Q = rncg 28 E =mc?

t4 Hcd, Q- ad, 29 *ffi*10096
Ef ftucrenl,y

t5 tY
T = constutt
This questionpdryr consists of 50 questiow. Each questlon is followed by eirter three
or four o?t:ns. Choose the best optionfor each question. Answer aill questions.

1 Which of tre following lists of physicat quantities consists only of vectors?

Atime, mass, velocity B mass, velocity, acceleration

C force, acceleration, volume D velocity, acceleration, force

2 The Saph below shows the relationship betrveen P andT.

The equation of the graph is

AP=lT+o a,

Which of the following measurements is the smallest?

A 3.6 x 101r pm B 3.6 x 107 mm C 3.6 x 105 cm D 3.6 x 103 km

The original length of a spring is l0 cm. A force of 0.5 N will extend the spring by
2 cm. What is the full length of the extended qpring when the force applied is increased
to 2.0 N? [Assuming that the spring has not exceeded the elasticity limit]

AScm B12cm ClScm D20cm

An electric motor is used to lift a load of 400 kg through a vertical height of 1200 m in
2 minutes. What will be the electrical polver required if the overall efficiency of the
motor is 80%?

A 3.2 kW B 5.0 kW c32kw D50kw


6 In the following collision, which of the following quantities is not conserved?


r-" 'ii,r
(i'* i . #t"j
frtx 'ti;;#d

A Mass B Total enerry C Momentum D Kinetic energy

Diagram 1 shows a simple barometer.

Diagram 1
If water is poured into the barometer as shown in diagram l, the height of the
mercury column, h, will
A increase B remain the same C decrease

Diagram 2 shows a beaker partially filled with sand floating vertically in

water. If more sand is added into the beaker, which ofthe following changes in x and y
can be observed?

Diagram 2

x v
A lncreases Increases
B Increases Decreases
C Decreases Decreases
D Decreases lncreases

9 Diagram 3 shows a balloon filled with helium gas tied to the grornrd. The
balloon rises wtre,n the thread is cut.

Diagram 3
The observation shows that

A the weight ofthe balloon filled with helium gas is smaller than the buoyant force.
B the weight of the balloon filled with helium gas is greater than the buoyant force
C the weight of the balloon filledwith helium gas is equal to the buoyant force
\--l 10 A bullet of mass 20 g fired from a rifle of mass 2.0 kg. The bullet moves forward with
a velocity of 250 ms-r and the rifle recoils baclovard at2.5 ms-l. What is the total
momentum ofthe system?

A0kgms-1 B4kgms-l CSkgms-l Dl0kgmst

' 11 Two objects of differe,nt masses are released from the same height. Which of the
following physical quantities is the same for the two objwts? [neglect air resistance]

A kinetic energy B gravitational potential energy

C Time taken to reach the floor D Momentum

12 Diagram4 shows a load hanging on a spring balance in a stationary lift. The reading
of the spring balance is 40 N. What is the reading of the spring balance when the lift
moves down with an acceleration of 3 ms'2?

Dlagram 4

A 12N B 28N C 4ON D 52N

13 In which phase of matter do the molecules that make up the substance have the least motion?
A Gas
B Liquid
C Cosmic Plasma
D Solid

14 Diagram 5 show the movement of a liquid in a car from the engine through the radiator and back to
the engine. The purpose of this is to

Hot mixture

Diagram 5

A cool the engine down

B heat the engine up
G provide the engine with fue1
D provide the engine with a spark
15 What is the theoretical temperature when all particle's motion stops?
A -273 Kelvins
B 0 degrees Celsius
C 0 degrees Fahrenheit
D 0 Kelvins

l6 When a piece of watermelon and a sandwich are taken out from a refrigerator, which one will stay
cool for a longer time?
A The watermelon
B The sandwich
C Both are the same
D Depend on the surrounding temperature
17 A metal kettle takes I 000 J to raise its temperature from 20 oC to 70 oC. What is the heat capacity of
the metal capacity?
A 20 J oc-r
B 40 J oc-r
c 50 J oc-r
D 60 J "C-r

l8 Assume no heat is lost to the surroundings. What is the final temperature when 2 kg of water at 10 "C
is mixed with 3 kg of water at 60'C?
A 20 OC B 3O'C C 35'C D 4O'C
t9 Ifthe ternperature remains constant while the volume of a given amount ofgas is fiipled, thepressure
will be
A 9 times the original pressure
B 3 times the original pressure
C 2/3 of the original pressure
D l/3 of the original pressure
20 Which of the following materials is not a semiconductor?
A Silicone
B Germanium
C Gallium arsenide
D Radium
21 Which of the following statements is not correct?
A The dominant charge carriers within a doped semiconductor are called majority charge ca:riers.
B At room temperatures, pure semiconductors make excellent conductors.
C Doping pure semiconductormaterial with pentavalen atoms produce an n-type serniconductor.
D Conductivity of extrinsic semiconductor is better than intrinsic semiconductor.
22 The curent ttrrough the 40 C) resistor in the circuit shown in Diagram 6 is
A 50mA tOfi Dr
B 80mA
C 40mA
D 92.3 mA Diagram 6

23 What kind of device does the syrnbol represent in Diagram 7?
A p-n-p transistor
B n-p-n transistor
C Rectifier
D Thermistor
24 Transistors can be used to
A convert A.C current to D.C current
B amplifu the small output current from a logic IC
C decrease the resistance of a circuit when light intensity is increased
D performs a logical operation on one or more logic inputs and produces a single logic output

25 What Boolean expression describes the output X of the arangement in Diagram 8?

A X=(A.B)+C
B X=A.(B+C)
C X=A+(B'C) B
26 An object is placed between the focal point and the centre of curvature of a convex mirror. Which of
the following statements about the image formed is correct?
A The image is virhral, upright and diminished.
B The image is real, inverted and diminished.
C The image is real, inverted and same size.
D The image is real, inverted and magnified.

27 Diagram 9 shows a glass disc filled with water floating on a container filled with liquid X.
Light rays

Water (refractive index: 1.33)

Liquid X (re&active index = 1.60)
Diagram 9
If the thickness of the glass disc can be neglected which of the following diagrams shows the correct
path of the parallel light rays in both liquids?

:\n object is placed in front of a concave lens with a focal length of 15 cm. If the image is formed at
10 cm from the lens which is at the same side with the object, what is the distance of the object from
the lens?
A -6cm
B -30cm
C 6cm
D 30cm
29 Diagram 10 shows a light ray travelling from air into a glass prism. What is the critical angle of the


Diagram 10

A 400 B 500 c 800 D 900

30 An object is placed at a distance of 1.6 m from the projector lens of a slide projector. The projector
lens is situated between the object and a screen. To form an enlarged and sharp image on the screen,
the projector lens is
A a concave lens with a focal length of 0.8 m
B a convex lens with a focal length of 0.8 m
C a convex lens with a focal length of 1.2 m
D a convex lens with a focal length of 1.6 m
31 Which of the following statement about an ashonomical telescope is not correct?
A Boththe objective lens and the eyepiece used are convex lenses.
B The power of the eyepiece is greater than the power of the objective lens.
C The distance between objective lens and the eyepiece is the sum ofthe focal tengths of two lenses.
D The focal length of the eyepiece is longer than the focal length of objective lens.
32 Diagram 11 shows an optical fibre.

Tnner core

Diagram 11
Which of the following statement about the optioal fibre in not tnre?
A It works on the principle of total intemal refleotion.
B Light ray undergoes refraction when it enters the fibre.
C The cladding has ahigher refractive index than the inner core. ,
D Light tavels slower in the core compared to in the air.
J Diagram 12 shows an interference pattern of coherent water waves Sr and Sz.


Sr Sz Trough

Diagram 12
Destructive interference occurs at
A W only
B Xonly
C W and Zonly
D W, Y aadZ only
.---4 Diagram 13 shows the disptacement-time graph of a damped oscillating system.
Displacement (cm)

Diagram 13

Which of the following statements is true aboutthe darnping effect onthe oscillating system?
A The amplitude remains constant.
B The energy ofthe system decreases.
C The frequency of oscillation decreases.
D The period of oscillation increases.
35 Diagrarn 14 shows plane water waves passing through anarrow gap.

Diagram 14

Which of the following is correct about the phenomenon and changes when the water waves pass
throughthe gap?
Phenomenon \ilavelength Amplitude
A Diffiaction of waves Decreases Decreases
B Diftaction of waves Unchanged Decreases
C Interference of waves Unchanged Decreases
D Interference of waves Decreases Unchanged
36 Diagram 15 shows microwaves fuansmitted from a mdar to an aeroplane to determine the distance of
the aeroplane fromthe airport. -

Diagram 15
The speed of the microwaves is 3x10E ms-I. The reflection of the waves is received 5.0 ps after the
transmission. What is the distance of the aeroplane fromthe radar?
A 0.75 km
B 1.5 km
c 750h
D 1500km
37 Diagrams below represent sound waves displayed on the screen of a cathode ray oscilloscope. -
Assuming the control knobs of the oscilloscope stay the same for each sound unave, which diagram A,
B, C or I) represents the loudest sound but with the lowest pitch?

38 Which of the following is not a characteristic of electromagnetic waves?

A They are transverse waves.
B They do not require a medium to travel.
C They have oscillating electric and magnetic components.
D They favel with the same speed in a material medium.

39 When we nrb a polythene rod with a piece of soft cloth" the polythene rod is said to be negatively
charged. This is because
A electrons flow from the cloth to the polythene rod.
B electron flow from the polythene rod to the cloth.
C protons flowthe clothto the polythene rod
D protons flow &omthe polythene rodto the cloth

40 Diagram 16 shows the flux caused by the magnets. Diqgr,q{.n t7 shqws two s@.ight. wire
conductors P and Q carrying elechic currents. They are putin between the magnetic field. Which
of the following shows the correct electric field produced?
P( curent rnrgssfromthe plane )
Q ( currententersthe plane)
Diagram 16 A Diagram I7

4l Diagram 18 shows a magnet on a tolley approaching a solenoid. Which of the following

s&atements is true?

rnotaorr Diagram 18

A The trolley moves faster ulhen approaching the solEnoid.

B When the magnet moves out from the other side, the needle of the galvanometer points to Q.
C The folley moves faster when it moves out on the other side.
D The solenoidmarked B \dII becomes souttrwhenthe magnetapproaches it.

Which of the following graphs below shows the relationship between poterrtial difference, V and
current I , for an ohmic conductor?


43 Diagram 19 shows a generator connected to a cathode ray oscilloscope ( C.RO.). Which of the
following wave traces is correct if the coil rotation speed is doubled?

A c

ffi ro c.Rbl
Diagram 19

M The resistance of a constantan wirc with the length of L and diameter x is R. What is the
resistance of the constantan wire with length of 2L and diameter 2x?
A2R BR- 6I
45 The Diagrann 20 shovs several resistors connected to a battery supply of 6 V, with intemal
resistance of 1$1. What is the reading of volmeter whm the switch is cormected?

A r.50 v B 1.64 V

C 1.80 V D 4.36V

Diagram 20

The Diagram 21 strows three identical bulbs cormected to a battery. P, Q and R are three idelrtical
ammeters and the reading of ammeter Q is 0.8 A. Whd is the reading of ammeter p and R?

Ammst$P AmmeterR
A 0.4 A 0.6A
B 0.8 A 0.44
C 1.2 A o-4 A
D 2.4 A t-2 A


47 The Diagram 22 shows 4 resistors, A, B,C and D with the resistance
of lOC| 5(), loe and l5a
respectively. Which resistor releases heat at the highest rate
when the switch is connected?

Diagram 22

48 The Diagram 23 shows a normal tansformer. If the bulb lights q) as usual, calculate the
efficiency of the transformer.

A 66.7 t/o B 53-9 %

6 \' 12 w C 49.6% D 33.3 o/"

Diagrarn 23

In the Diagram 24, the galvanometer pointer deflects temporarily when the switch S is
connected. The angle ofdeflection can be increased by

A reducing the number oftums in coin L

B increasing the resismrce of rheostat R

C increasing the distance, x between K and L.

D incleasing the nrunber of cells on the coil K

Diagram 24

50 An electrical heater Iabelled "240 v,3kw ' is connected to a 240 V supply. Which of the
following firses is the most suitable to be used in the socket?
A5Atuse Bl0Atuse' Cl3Afi$e DlsAfuse

Form 5 S


September PHYSICS
20t2 Paper2
10.10 a.m.-L2.40 p.m.
2 horns and 30 ririnutes



1, This question paper consists of three sections: Section Questions Marks Score
Section d Section B aradSection C. I 4
2. Answer allquestions ln Section A. Writeyow onswersfor Section 2 5
Ain the spaces provided in the quesiihnpdper.
3 6
3. Answer one questionfromSeclionB and one questionfrom
4 7
Section C. Write yott answersfor Section B and Section C on
. the paper sheets prwided by the iwigilators. Answers should be A 5 8
clear and logical. You may use equations, diagrams, tables,
gqlw md other suitable metlnds to explainyotr aiswer. 6 8

7 10
4. Show your working, it may lelp you to get mok.
' 8 12
5. . The diagrams in the questions provided are not dravwt to scale
tmless stated. 9 20
B 10 20
6, Ifyouwish to cancel otql ctnswer, neatly cross out the answer.
. Ihenwrite down the new answer. 11 20
7. A list offormulae is provided on page 2. 72 20

8. You may use a non-progrctmmable scientfic calculator. Hovtever,

steps in calculation must be shotwt,

9. The time suggested to complete Section A is 90 minutes, Section B is 30 minutes azd Section C rs
30 minutes.

10. Attach all your mtswer sheets together and hand them in at the md of the exarnination

This question paper contains of 16 printed pages.

Set and Proof-read by: Approved by:

v gr'
LimFong Seng in Chee Yan Goh Ie Zhan Low Kok Yang Poh Seong Foi

453112 @ Copyright by Chong Hwa Independent High School


The followittg infumdim rnay be ureful. The almbolshave theirusual rneaning

tt ?O-ll
q,:T 16a=-slni
2 yz =tt? *&as 17 v=fl
3 7 l8 real depth
s = ttt *Vd' ,t=

Wcrsnt depth
4 Mornemfum = mu 19 Q=It i

5 F:ma 20 E =VQ i

6 Kinetic cnrry =
2tL 11
7:i*; .--i

7 Crravitgtiorulpotentiale,nr5/ 22 A = lgms-z
= mgh
8 Ela*ic pdeutial enrgf =f,fx 23 Linesmagnification, * =1

9 Power. P
' =tugY 24 L=9
tlf,nf D

r0 m 25 V=IR
u Pressurc,p =; 26 Power, P = IV. +

t2 Pressurc ,p = hpg 27 irs Ys

-=- vp - \-/
l3 Heat, Q= mcg 28 E =ms2

14 Heat, Q-rnf, 29
Ef ficimcy =ffx 100%

# = constan,

Secfun A
[60 marks]
) .

Attswer al sefur,
questiortt brthis J
l There ireman, examples in ourffifflifewhicfi-invol{dimpulsif6 fonOe. Diagam- 1

shonrs one oftheee exmple.

(a) State the SI mit for impulsive fuce.

[1 mark] I

(b) Explain howpostle and mortar worls.


12 tnarlsl

(c) State one pmperty of the m*erial that'is ussd o make mortr md petle,
11 mad{
Diagram 2 shows a metal plate P connected to a Van de Graaff generator, a copper plate Q and a
microammeter. The other tenninal of the microammeter is connected to earth. A polystyrene ball whose
surface has a metallic layer swings to touch P and Q

Diagram 2

Vhn de Graall generator

( a) (i ) Each time the polystyrene ball touches the copper plate Q, a small deflection of the
microammeter needle is observed. Explain the above observation.

[ 2 marks ]

( ii ) Then, the plate P and Q are placed together and the polystyrene ball is swinging as
before. What changes take place in the deflection of the microammeter needle?

I l mark]
(b ) If the microammeter gives a reading of 15 1tA.
- ( i ) - What is the quantity of charge flowing through in 5 seconds ?

I l mark]
( ii ) How many eleofions moves through the microammeter in 5 seconds?
fcharge f or one elctron,e = t.6 xt0-1eC I

I l mark]

In an experiment of Young's double-slit, a red monochromatic light source is havelled through a

double-slit plate, in which the two slits are separated by a distance of 0.4 mm. Diagram 3 shows the
interference pattern that is obsenred at 4.0 m from the double-slit.

Diagram 3

(a) What is meant by monochromatic lighn

ll mwkl
O) The interference of light waves can occur when two coherent light sources emerging from a
double-slit. What is meant by coherent light sources?

fl morkl
(c) What is the wavelength ofred monochromatic light?

(d) What will happen to the distance between two consecutive bright fringes if red light is replaced
with green lieht?

ll markl
(e) What will happen to the distance between two consecutive bright fringes if separation distauce of
two slits is increased?

ll markl

4 Diagram 4 shows a circuit that acts as a switch to liglrt up the bulb when the surrounding is dark.

Positive 9V DC
Bulb -

Diagram 4

(a) What is the characteristic of LDR? [1 mark]

(b) (i) Name the component P. [1 mark]

(ii) What is the function of component P? [1 mark]



(c) What is the function of resistor R? [1 markl


(d) What is the change to the voltage Vr-when the surrounding is dark? I mark]

(e) Explain why the bulb must beconnected to a relay and not connected directly to the circuit switch.
[2 marks]
Diagraur 5 shows the propagation of a light ray through a rectangular ice block JKLM. The refractive
indJxoftheiceis 1.3i.

Iliagram 5

(a) Whatis meantby refractive index ofthe ice?

ll mmhl
O) What happens to the speed of light when the light ray travels from the air into the ice block?

ll mmkl
(c) Calculate the angle of refraction, r.

[' marksJ
(d) (1) complete Diagram 5 to showthe path ofthe tightray after it stikes the surface *.
ll mokl
(i1) Name the liglrt phenomenon occnrs when the light ray a^fter it stikes the surface JM.

fL mwkf,
(iii) Briefly explain u&y the light phenomenon stated in (d) (ii) can oocur.


6 Diagram 6 show a few apparatus used to determine the specific latent heat of fusion of ice in lab.

- : "' ,:::*:::.::a
F:T'" "'':"'-,'
tl r/

joule meter beaker

ij Immersion heater

Power supply Crushed ice Connecting wires

Diagram 6

(a) Draw a diagram to show the set-up of the experiment.

[1 mark]

(b) Why should crushed ice be used in the experiment? [1 mark]

(c) The following data are obtained in the experiment:

Mass of water in breaker: 0.13 kg

Initial joule meter reading: 11 300J

Final joule meter reading = 55 500 J

From the data grren, calculate the sprcific latent heat of fusion of ice. [2 marks]

(d) Would you expect the value of the specific latent heat of fusion of ice obtained in the experiment to
. be higlrer than, equal to, or lower than the actual value? Explain briefly. [2 marks]

(e) 0.5 kg of ice at OoC is put into 1 kg of water at 80oC. Assuming the heat lost to the surroundings is t--
negligible, what is the final te,lnperature ofthe mixture?

\, [specifiilate,nt heat of fusion for icg 4: 3 .36 x 1 05 I kgtl [2 marks]

Diagram 7,1 shows a car and a lorry. The vehicles have different inertia. They were
both being driven at l5 ms-r as they approached azebracrossing.

Diagram 7.1
When the drivers in the vehicles saw Siti walking across the zebra crossing, they
pressed on the brake pedals at the same time. The same force was being exerted on the
car iN well as the lony until the vehicles came to a complete stop.

(a) (i) Compare the mass of car and lorry.

I mark]
(ii) Compare the inertia of car and lorry.

I mark]

I mark]

(b) Between the car and lorry in Diagram 7.1, which first came to a complete stop?

[l mark]

(c) Diagram 7.2 below shows a motorbike moving along the same horizontal road.

Diagram 7.2

(i) Describe the movement of the motorbike when the driving force equals the
opposing force.

fl markl
( ii) What happened to the speed of the motorbike if the driving force becomes
smaller than the opposing force?

Il *.rLi
Velocity {ms4}


Time (s)

Dlagram 7.3

(ii| The grryh in Diagranr 7.3 shows honr the veloeity of a motorbike changes
as it is travetling along a stmight rcad
(I) Calculate tho apceleration of the mototbike druing the first 4
seconds. [2 marks]

(tr) The mass of the motorbike is 1@ kg. If the opposing force is 200 N,
calculate the ddving force required to aocelerate the motorbiks in
_U___ ____*thefirgascconds_ __ _-lZ_mretrs1__ 1

Diagram 8 shows a circuit connecting abattery an ammeter, a voltmeter and tbree resistors. The
battery is supplying an e.m.f. of 12V.

Diagram 8

(a) (i ) What is the reading of the voltreter uihenthe switch S is disconnected?

I l mark]
( ii ) Briefly explain yoru answer.

I l mark]
(b ) Calculate the effective resistance by the three resistor iu the circuit.

[ 2 marks ]
(c ) When switch S is connected, the reading of the voltneter drops to 10.8 V. Calculate:
(i )
the current flowing in the circuit.

( ii ) ttre internal resistance of the battery.

[ 2 marks ]
(d ) Calculate tlre energy loss by the intenral resistance of the battery if the circuit is operated for
5 minutes.

[ 3 marks ]
Section B
[20 marks]

Answer arry oae questionfrom this section

9 (a)A Venturi meter is shown in Diagram 9.1. When the water is not flowing the water
levels A, B and C at the vertical tubes are the same. However, when water is
allowed to flow at a steady rate, water level at.A,, B and C is shown in Diagram 9.2.

Diagram 9.1

(r) Based on Diagram 9.1 and 9.2, compare the qpeed of water, the water level
and the pressure at point B.
Hence, state the relationship between the speed of water, the water level and
the pressure. [5 marks]
(iD Name the physics principle involved. [1 mark]
(b) Intravenous therapy (or IV therapy) is the adminisfiation of liquid substances directly
into the vein of a patient, as shown in diagram 9.3.

Dlagram 9.3
A continuous administration is called an intravenous drip. Explain how it works.
(c) A lot of lost treasure of great value to humans are at the bottom of the ,*. gtl
research on the ocean is not safe to be conducted. As a researcher you are required to
makeproposals for the conshrction of suitable engines, clothes and equipment safe
for use by divers.
Using suitable physics concepts, propose and explain your suggestion. [10 marks]

l0 Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2 show the patterns of wavefronts produced from two different
loudspeakers placed in a hall. The loudspeaker in Diagram 10,1 produces a low-pitched sound while
the loudspeaker in Diagram 10.2 produces a high-pitched sound.


Diagram 10.1 Diagram 10.2

(a) (0 What is meant by awovefront? ll markl

(ii) Compare the frequency of the sound waves, the wavelength of the sound waves and the speed
of the sound waves produced by the loudspeakers in Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2.
Hence, deduoe a relationship between the frequency of sound waves, the wavelength of sound
waves and the speed of sormd waves.
15 maiWl

$) Both sound waves and light waves can be diffracted. Compare the effects of diffraction of sound
waves and diffraction of light waves. Explain the difference based on the wavelengths of sound
waves and light waves compared to the size of doors and windows.
14 marlal

(c) Diagram 10.3 shows a ship equipped with a radar dish and Diagram 10.4 shows the structure of
the radar dish.

Radar dish

Diagram 10.3 Diagram 10.4

The puqpose of the radar dish is to detect other ships and obstacles in the surrounding seas as the
ship travels in the oceans. The radar system helps in the detection even in foggy weather and at
night. The radar must be able to receive information and signals almost immediately from the
ships or other obstacles.

You are required to design a radar system for this purpose. In your design, you are to emphasise
on the following aspects with explanations:
(i) Type of waves used by the radar.
(i0 Shape of the dish
(iii) Size of the dish
(iv) Position of the receiver
(v) Height at which the dish is mounted
$0 marlcsl

Section C

120 marksl

Answer any one question from this section.

11 (a) What is meant by specific heat capacity of a material? [1 mark]

(b) When is the see breeze occur? 'Explain how the sea breeze happens? [4 marks]
(c) Diagram 11.1 shows a V-Twin Motorcycle Engine. You as a mechanical engineer is given a task
to study characteristics ofmetal shown in the Table 11.2 to be used as effective fins in the
cooling system of the motorcycle.


Diagram 11.0

Tlpe of metal Specific heat capacity, Melting point, Heat conductor Rate of expansion
J ks-r
oc-r uc
K 960 1600 Good Low
L 460 700 Moderate Low
M 350 1600 Good Low
N 960 724 Moderate Moderate

Table 11.2

(i) State suitable characteristics of metal that is used as fins in the motorcycle engine.

(ii) Determine the most suitable metal that can be used as fins. Give reasons for your choice.
[10 marks]
(d) (0 A piece of fin in the engine of a motorcycle with a mass of 0.5 kg made from metal L. If the
temperature increased by 10"C in one hour, how much of energy being absorbed by the fin?
[3 marks]
(ii) If 10 fins identical to the one in (dXi) are used in the motorcycle enging how much energy is
lost by the engine in one hour? [2 marks]

t2 (a ) Most of our electical energy that we use comes &om hydroelecfic power stations and
tfrcrmal stations. In the national grid networh these power stations are connected by
electric cables to tansmit electricity to consumers in the industies, offices, schools and
(i) Statetheenergychangeinahydroelechicpowf,station. [ 1 mark]
( ii ) Explain, in brief; the importance of disuibuting elesEic exlergy by the national
gridnetworksystem. [amarks]
(b) Diagram 12 shows a model of an electric tansmission system that can be set up by a
student in the school laboratory. It consists of a power stafiion generating 12 V of
altemating current ( a.c. ) that transmits the electric energJ to the users using
transmission wires andtraasformer K L and M.

Trammissicn wirc

dl Iiansfotnu:r /i at l{ V a.c.

Trnnslirrnrr'r /.
Porryrr Stutitu
rut I f a.c.
Transftrrnrer l/

Diagram 12 llousts
at 6 V a.c.

The informdion inthetable 1 belos, is used to setup the model as slroum h the Diagrarr
Numberoftumsof Type of transformer core Materials of transmissron
the soil Solid aluminiumcore wire
900 Laminafed aluminirmr core Tungsten
750 Solid soft iron core Copper
375 Laminated soft iron core Nichrrome
300 Chromium
120 Silver
Table 1
Using the information in the Diagram 12 andthe table I above, deternrine:
(i )
the number of turns in the primary coil and the secondary coil of transformers K,
L andM and show yourworking

( ii) the t5,pe of core you will use in all transformers and briefly explain your choice,

( iir) the material you will use for the tansmission wire and briefly explain yorn
I t0 marks ]
(c ) If theresistance of the hansmission wires between transformers K and L in the model in
the Diagram 12 is 40 Q, calculate:
(i )
the current that flows in tansmission wire,
( ii )
the power loss due to the heating effect of the ctrrrent in the transmission wire.
[ 5 marks ]
Form 5 S


Paper 3
September PEYSICS
20t2 Paper 3
1.20 p.m. - 2.50 p.m,
I hotr and 30 minutes l


Section Questions Mmks Score
. 1. This quesfionpaper cowists oftwo sections:
'<-\- Section A andSection B. I 16
A 2 t2
2. Answer rll questions fn Section lt Write your answers for
Section Lin the spaces provided in the question paper. 3 t2
B 4 t2
3 . Answer one question from Section B. Write your attswers for
, Section B on the paper sheets provided by the invigilators. Total
Answers should be clear and logical. You may use equations,
diagroms, tables, graphs and other suinble methods to explain your ansreer.

4. Show your working, it may lrclp you to get marks.

5. The diagroms in the questions provided are'not &au,n to scale'unless stated.

6. Ifyouwish to cancel any a.nswer, neatly cross out the answer. Thenwrite down the new ansrter.

7, You may use d non-programmable scientific calculator. However, steps in calculation must be shown.

8. The time suggested to complefe Section A ,b 60 minutes andSecllon B is 30 minulss.

9. Hand in yow awwei sheets at the end of the examination.

This questionpaper contains of 8 printed pages.

Set and Proof-read by: Approved by:

inCheeTan GohldZhan LowKok Yang Poh Seong Foi

453113 @ Copyright by Clong IIwa Independent High School


Section A
[28 marks]
Answer all questton in this section

I A student carries out an experiment to find out the relationship between the extension
in length, x, of a spring and the weigh! w, of the Ioad hanging from the spring.
The arrangement of the apparatus for the experiment is shownin Diagram l.1l
The length of the spring when the load is placed on it is /.
At the beginning of the experiment, there is no load and the length of the spring is /6.
The actual length of /o is shown in Diagram 1.2.


Diagram 1.1
F=0.0N F=1.0N F=2.0N F=3.0N F=4.0N F=5.0N
n_ I= (: (:
o6- _CIII cn _._ant t: cm l= cm

Diagram 1.2 Diagram 1.3

Diagram 1.4 Diagram 1.5 Diagram 1.6 Diagram 1.7
The experiment is repeated by using loads with weigfuts of 1.0 N, 2.0 N, J.0 N, 4.0 N,
5.0 N. The actual lengths of the spring when the different weights are used are shown in
Diagram 1,3,1.4,1.5, 1.6 and 1.7.

(a) Based on the description of the experiment, identiff the

(i) Manipulated variable

(ii) Responding variable

(iiD Constarit variable

[3 marks]
(b) Use a ruler to measure /s shown in Diagram 1.2.

I markJ
(c) Using a ruler, measune the lengths, / of the spring in Diagrams 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
and 1.7 when different loads are used. Write the values qf I on the spaces
, provided.
[2 marks]

In each case, calculate the change in length, x, of the spring where x= (t - to)
Tabulate your results for / and x for each value of F. [4 marks]

(d) On a gmph paper, plot the Saph of x against F. [5 marks]

(e) From the graph in I (c), state the relationship between the extension, x and the
weight, F. [l marksJ
A sfudent carries out an experime,nt to investigate the relationship between the image distance, u, and
the linear magnification, m) of a convex lens.

A light bulb is placed at an objoct distance, z, of 30.0 cm from a convex lens. A screen is moved
behind the lens urtil a sharp image of the bulb is formed on the screeh. The distance of the image, v,
from the lens to the screen is measured. The linear magnificatiot, m, is calculated by using the
fonnula *=!.The experiment is repeated witl different values of object distances.
A graph of m against v is plotted as shown in Diagram 2.

Graph of m against v

70 v (cm)

Based on the graph in Diagram 2:

(a) State the relationship between m andv.

ll marlcl
(b) Deterrriue of y when m: A.
vo, where up is the value
Show on the graph how you determine the value of ve.

marksl 12
(c) When the size of the image forrred by the lens is trrice of the size of the objecq dercrmine the
image distance, v, from the graph. Show on the graph on how you determine the image distance, v.

(d) The focal length , f, ofthe convex lens is given by the formula, f =+,
where ft is the gradient of

the graph.
(i) Calculate the gradient, /r, of the graph. Show on the graph how you determine t

13 marksl
(ii) Calculate the value of focal lengttr,l of the convex lens.

ll markl
(e) Therefractive z,oftheconvexlensisgivenbytheforrrula: ,

rri l-+l
- \2)f
Use the value of/obtained inpart (d) (ii), calculate the refractive index, n, of the convex lens.

[2 marl<s)
(f) State one precaution that should be taken during this experiment.

ll markl {

Section B

Answer any one question from this section.

Diagram 3.1 shows a ball pressure gauge which is used to rneasure air pressure in an association
football. Diagram 3.2 shows the reading of the gauge increases when the ball stays for a long time
under the sun.

Diagram 3.1 Diagram 3.2

Based on the information and observation:

(a) State one suitable inference [1 mark]

(b) State suitable hypothesis [1 mark]

(c) With the use of apparatus such as thermometer, beaker, water and other suitable apparatus, design
' \-/ an experiment to test the hlpothesis ,

In your description, state clearly the following:

(i) The aim of the experiment

(ii) The variables in the experiment

(iii) The list of apparatus and materials

(iv) The arrangement of the apparatus

(v) The procedure of the experiment, including one method of controlling the manipulated
variable and one method of measuring the responding variabie

(vi) The way you tabulate the data, and

(vi| The way you analyses the data [10 marks]

Diagram 4.1 shou,s an electric circuit With a eurreka wire of 10.0 cm connected across the points
X and Y, the bulb is lit dimly.
However, uften two eureka wires 0f l0 .0 cm each me comected acro$ the points X and Y, the
brighmess of the bulb increases, as shown in Diagram 4.2.

Diagram 42

Based on the observations;

( p) lvlake one suitable inference. [1mark]

(b ) State one appropriate hypothesis that could be investigated. I l mark]
(c ) With the use of apparatus zuch as m ammeter, a volfueter, eureka wires ,batteries, swirch
and others 4pparatus, descrik an experiment framework to investigate the h5pothesis
statedin4 (b )

In your description, clearly state the following;

(i ) aim of experimen!

( )
ii variables in the experiment

( iii) Iist of apparatus and materials,

( iv ) qrangement ofthe appatatus,

(v ) the procedure of the experimen! which includes the method sg contolling the
manipulated variable and the method of measruing the respondingvariable

( vi ) thewayyou would abul*ethe data,

( vii ) the way youwould analyse the data

[ 10 marks ]

Paper 1
1 D 6 D 11 C 16 A 21 B 26 A 31 D 36 A 41 B 46 C
2 D 7 A 12 B 17 A 22 B 27 A 32 C 37 B 42 C 47 A
3 C 8 A 13 D 18 D 23 A 28 D 33 A 38 D 43 A 48 D
4 C 9 A 14 A 19 D 24 B 29 A 34 B 39 A 44 C 49 D
5 D 10 A 15 D 20 D 25 B 30 C 35 B 40 C 45 A 50 C

Paper 2 Section A
1 (a) Newton, N
(b) The time of impact is short during pounding, thus the impulsive force is big.
(c) Hard / rigid

2 (a) (i) When positively-charged ball touches at plate Q, electrons from the earth will flow
through the microammeter towards plate Q to neutralise the positive charges. The flow
of electrons causes a current flow and hence the microammeter needle is deflected.

(ii) The angle of deflection of the microammeter needle increases.
(b) (i) Q It 15 10 6 5 7.5 10 5 C 75 C
(ii) Q Ne
Q 7.5 10 5

3 (a)
e 1.6 10 19
4.69 1014 electrons

Light of single wavelength only / single colour only

Sources of same frequency and in same phase.
0.65 cm
ax 0.4 10 3 0.65 10 2
6.5 10 7 m 650 nm

D 4.0
(d) The distance between two consecutive bright fringes decreases.
(e) The distance between two consecutive bright fringes decreases.

4 (a) Resistance of LDR decreases when the light intensity of surrounding increases. /
Resistance of LDR is low in bright surrounding but high in dark surrounding.
(b) (i) npn transistor
(ii) As an automatic switch
(c) To reduce base current flowing through the base of transistor

(d) VL increases
(e) Relay switch controls a large current flowing in the bulb circuit by using a small
current in the transistor circuit.
The bulb is connected to 230 V AC will light up at normal brightness.

5 (a) Refractive index is the ratio of sin i to sin r where i is angle of incidence and r is angle
of refraction. [Refractive index is the ratio of speed of light in vacuum to the speed of
light in medium.]
(b) The speed of light decreases.
(c) i 50
sin i
sin r
sin 50
sin r
r 35.8
(d) (i) 1
140 sin c
J K 1
c sin 1 ( )
r =35.8 1.31
c 49.8
54.2 i 90 35.8 54.2 c


(ii) Total internal reflection
(iii) The angle of incidence of the light ray at surface JM is greater than the critical angle of
ice and the light ray travels from denser medium (ice) into less dense medium (air),
therefore total internal reflection occurs.

6 (a) Immersion
Crushed Joule meter
ice heater


Lo Power

(b) Increase the surface area of ice in contact with the immersion heater.
(c) Q ml f
55500 11300
lf 3.4 105 Jkg 1

(d) The experimental value is higher than the actual value. This is because some of heat is
lost to surrounding.
(e) Let x Final temperature of mixture
Heat released by water Heat absorbed by ice
mwc w ml f mice c ice
1 4200 (80 x) 0.5 33600 0.5 4200 ( x 0)

6300 x 168000
x 26.7 C

7 (a) (i) The mass of car is smaller than that of lorry

(ii) The inertia of car is smaller than that of lorry
(iii) The smaller the mass of an object, the smaller is the inertia.
(b) Car
(c) (i) It moves at constant velocity.
(ii) It decelerates. / It slows down.
(iii) v 25 0
a 3.125 ms 2
t 80
(iv) F ma
F 200 100 3.125
F 512.5 N

8 (a) (i) 12 V
(ii) The voltmeter measures the e.m.f. of the battery when no current flows.
(b) Let R1 = 5 and R2 = R3 = 8
R2,3 4
R 5 4 9
(c) (i) V IR
V 10.8
I 1.2 A
R 9
(ii) V Ir
12 10.8 1.2r
r 1
(iii) Energy lost Pt I 2 rt

Energy lost 1.2 2 1 (5 60) 432 J

Paper 2 Section B
9 (a) (i) The speed of water at point B in Diagram 9.1 is zero but there has a speed of water at
point B in Diagram 9.2. (1%)
The water level at point B in Diagram 9.2 is lower than that in Diagram 9.1. (1%)
The pressure in water at point B in Diagram 9.2 is lower than that in Diagram 9.1. (1%)

(ii) Bernoullis principle (1%)
When the speed of water increases, the pressure in water decreases, the water level also
decreases. (2%)

The IV bag is placed at a higher position than the arm of the patient. (1%)
The greater the depth (height) of a liquid, the higher the pressure in the liquid. (1%)
The pressure of liquid substances in the IV bag is higher than the blood pressure of the
patient. (1%)
The liquid substances from the IV bag are able to flow into the vein of the patient. (1%)

(c) The engine is made of hard and strong metal so that it is able to withstand high
pressure in the sea without changing shape. (2%)

The engine is made of rust-proof material (stainless steel) so that it does not rust easily
in salty environment and can last longer. (2%)

The clothes are made of low density material so that they are lightweight and to allow
the diver dives easily without restricting his mobility. (2%)

The clothes are made of water-proof material (or equipped with proper insulation) so
that to minimise the heat loss from the body of the diver when he stays longer time in
the sea. (2%)

The scuba tank used by the diver is filled with high pressure oxygen gas mixed with
helium gas so that the air pressure in the lungs of the diver is equal to the pressure in
the sea. (2%)

Light torch or flashlights is used to allow the diver sees clearly in the dark environment
since the sun rays cant reach into deep sea. (2%)

Diving mask (goggles) is made of strong material and sealed with watertight material
to improve visibility in water. (2%)
[Max: 10 marks]
Paper 2 Section B

10 (a) (i) A wavefront is an imaginary line that joins all identical points that in same phase. (1%)

(ii) Frequency of sound waves produced by the loudspeaker in Diagram 10.2 is higher than
that in Diagram 10.1. (1%)
Wavelength of sound waves produced by the loudspeaker in Diagram 10.2 is shorter
than that in Diagram 10.1. (1%)
Speeds of sound waves produced by both loudspeakers in Diagram 10.1 and Diagram
10.2 are the same. (1%)
When the speed of sound waves is constant, the higher the frequency of sound waves,
the shorter of the wavelength of sound waves. (2%)

(b) The effect of diffraction of sound waves is greater than the diffraction of light waves.
In order to observe diffraction of waves, the size of gaps must be comparable (or

smaller than) to the wavelength of the waves. (1%)
Sound waves have wavelengths of about 1 m which is about the same size with the
width of the doors and windows; therefore it is easy to observe the diffraction of sound
waves. (1%)
Light waves have wavelengths from 400 nm to 700 nm which are very much smaller

(c) (i)
than the width of doors and windows; therefore it is difficult to observe the diffraction
of light waves (1%)

Microwaves are used by the radar because microwaves can penetrate haze, light rain
and snow, clouds, and smoke effectively so that the information can be transmitted
from one place to another place. (2%)

(ii) The shape of the radar dish is parabolic since it is able to reflect most of the incoming
signals effectively and focus them onto the receiver. (2%)

(iii) The radar dish must be reasonably large because the larger the dish, the bigger amount

of signals received by the dish and this will increase the intensity of the signals
received. (2%)

(iv) The receiver must be placed at the principal focus of the radar dish since the signals
from distant objects will be reflected by the parabolic dish and converge at that point.

(v) The dish must be mounted as high position so other obstacles on the ship will not block
the incoming signals. It must not be too high; otherwise it will affect the stability
during rough weather. (2%)

Paper 2 Section C

11 (a) Specific heat capacity of a material is the amount of heat required to increase the
temperature of 1 kg of the material by 1 C. (1%)

(b) The sea breeze occurs during daytime. (1%)

The specific heat capacity of the land is smaller than that of the seawater. (1%)
The temperature of air above the land increases faster as compared to the air above the
sea. (1%)
The hot air above the land rises and the cool air from the sea blows towards the land to
form sea breeze. (1%)

(c) (i) Characteristic Explanation

Small specific heat The fins get hot faster after absorbing the heat from
capacity (1%) the engine. (1%)

High melting point (1%) The fins able to withstand high temperature without
melting easily. (1%)

Good heat conductor (1%) To conduct the heat to the surroundings faster. (1%)

Low rate of expansion

(1%) Lo The fins cant expand easily at high temperature, thus
do not change shape easily. (1%)

(ii) Metal M (1%) is chosen to make the fins because it has small specific heat capacity,
high melting point, good heat conductor and low rate of expansion. (1%)

(c) (i) Q mc
Q 0.5 460 10 2300 J (3%)
(ii) Q 2300 10 23000 J (2%)

Paper 2 Section C

12 (a) (i) Gravitational potential energy kinetic energy electrical energy (1%)

(ii) The National Grid Network reduces power loss during transmission by using the step-
up transformer which reduces the current. (1%)
It is more stable and reliable supply to ensure a continuous supply of electrical energy
to the whole country. (1%)
It allows the distribution of electricity to different consumers according their voltage
requirement. (1%)
The maintenance and repairs on power stations or cables can be done at anytime
without affecting the consumers in other areas. (1%)

(b) (i) Vs 24 2
Transformer K: (1%)
V p 12 1

N s 750 2

N p 375 1
The primary coil has 375 turns whereas secondary coil has 750 turns. (1%)

Transformer L:

8 1
V p 24 3
N s 300 1

N p 900 3

The primary coil has 900 turns whereas secondary coil has 300 turns. (1%)

Vs 6 3
Transformer M: (1%)
Vp 8 4
Ns 90 3

N p 120 4

The primary coil has 120 turns whereas secondary coil has 90 turns. (1%)

(ii) Laminated soft iron core is used because laminated core can reduce eddy currents
flowing in the core and thus reduce power loss. (2%)
Soft iron core is used to reduce power loss due to magnetisation and demagnesation of

the core. (2%)

[Max: 2 marks]

(iii) Copper wire is used because it has a low resistance (resistivity) and thus reduces power
loss during transmission. (2%)
Although silver has lowest resistance, but it is not used because it is expensive.

(c) (i) V 24
I 0.6 A (2%)
R 40

(ii) P I 2R
P 0.62 40 14.4 W (3%)

Paper 3 Section A

1 (a) (i) Weight of the load, F

(ii) Extension in length of spring, x
(iii) Spring constant, k

(b) 0 7.7 cm

(c) F (N) (cm) x (cm)

1.0 8.6 0.9
2.0 9.2 1.5
3.0 9.9 2.2
4.0 10.6 2.9
5.0 11.4 3.7

(e) x is directly proportional to F.

2 (a) m increases linearly with increasing v.

(b) Extrapolate the straight line till m = 0 to obtain value of v0.


(d) (i)
v0 15 cm

v 45 cm

m 3.0 1.0
Draw line on graph at m = 2 to obtain value of v.

k 0.0667 cm 1
v (60 30) cm
(ii) 1 1
f 15 cm
k 0.0667 cm 1

(e) 15 1 15 1
n ( ) 1 ( ) 1 1.5
2 f 2 15

(f) Ensure that the light bulb, the convex lens and the screen are aligned in a straight line.
Avoid parallax error placing eyes perpendicular to the plane of the scale of metre rule.

Section A Question 1 (d)
Graph of x against F

x (cm)




Axes (1%)
Scale (1%)

Lo Size (1%)
Points (1%)
Line (1%)





1 2 3 4 5 F (N)

Paper 3 Section B
3 (a) The air pressure in the ball depends on the temperature of the air.

(b) The higher the temperature of the gas, the higher is the gas pressure.

(c) (i) Aim: To determine the relationship between temperature of gas and pressure of gas.

(ii) Manipulated variable: Temperature of gas,

Responding variable : Pressure of gas, P
Constant variable : Volume of gas , V / Mass of gas, m

(iii) Apparatus and materials:

Thermometer, beaker, water, round bottom flask, Bourdon gauge, rubber tubing,
stirrer, Bunsen burner, tripod stand, wire gauze, retort stand with clamp.

(iv) Arrangement of apparatus:

Round bottom flask
Rubber tubing
Bourdon gauge


(v) Procedure:
1) The apparatus is arranged as shown in above diagram.
2) The water in the beaker is heated up and stirred continuously until the thermometer

reading reaches at = 40 C.
3) The pressure of gas, P, in round bottom flask is measured by taking the reading of
the Bourdon gauge.
4) The experiment is repeated for different temperatures, = 50 C, 60 C, 70 C and
80 C.

(vi) Tabulation of data:

(C) P (kPa)

(vii) Plot a graph of P against .

P (kPa)

0 (C)

Paper 3 Section B
4 (a) The resistance of eureka wires depends on the cross-sectional area of the wire.

(b) The bigger the cross-sectional area of wire, the smaller is the resistance of the wire.

(c) (i) Aim: To investigate the relationship between the cross-sectional area of a wire and the
resistance of the wire.

(ii) Manipulated variable: Cross-sectional area of eureka wire, A

Responding variable : Resistance of eureka wire, R
Constant variable : Length of eureka wire, / Resistivity of eureka wire,
Temperature of eureka wire, T

(iii) Apparatus and materials:

Ammeter, voltmeter, eureka wires, batteries, switch, rheostat, connecting wires, metre
rule, battery holders.

(iv) Arrangement of apparatus:
Battery Switch

Eureka wire

Lo Rheostat

(v) Procedure:
1) The circuit is set up as shown in above diagram.
2) A 10.0 cm eureka wire is connected across terminals X and Y in the circuit.
3) The switch is closed and the rheostat is adjusted so that the ammeter reading is
fixed at 0.5 A. Then, the voltmeter reading is taken.

4) The resistance of the eureka wire is calculated by using formula, R V .

5) The experiment is repeated using 2 wires, 3 wires, 4 wires and 5 wires of the same
length which are connected in parallel between terminals X and Y.

(vi) Tabulation of data:


A (unit) V (V) R ()

(vii) 1
Plot a graph of R against A. / Plot a graph of R against . (any one of the graph)
R () R ()

0 A (unit) 0 1/A (unit1)


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